Excerpt from the book PACHAD DAVID PART TWO Bereshit • Shemot Rabbi David Hanania Pinto ’’ Grandson of venerable and holy Rabbi Chaim Pinto Zatsal Translated by Mr Jeff Soussana New York 13th of Sivan 5778 Chevrat Pinto Institutions The Kollel of Lyon The Kollel of Dayanut The Kollel of Guemara Hevrat Pinto Ohr Haim Ve Moshe Pachad David Beith Ha-Midrash Beith Ha-Midrash The Kollel Yeshivat Chevrat Pinto Chevrat Pinto Orot Chaim U-Moshe Torat David Kollel for Kollel Kollel Baalei Batim Pninei David Kol Chaim Rehov Ha’ahouza 98 Ra’anana • Israël Tel: +972 98 828 078 +972 58 792 9003
[email protected] Translation Mr. Jeff Soussana Editions Chevrat Pinto 207 West 78th Street - New York NY 10024 Tel.: 1 212 721 0230 - e-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.hevratpinto.org Offered Graciously - Not for Sale 3 BERESHIT Contents Bereshith.....................................................................................................................10 “Distance Yourself From Evil and Do Good” – And Only Good!..........................................................................10 The Infinite Wisdom of the Torah ...........................................................................................................................12 There Is no End to the Holy Torah ..........................................................................................................................14 .Humility Is an Absolute Prerequisite for Observing Torah ...................................................................................16