15 February 2021 ESMA70-155-11637

SFD Designated Payment and Securities Settlement Systems

Member States have notified the designated payment and securities settlement systems listed below (Article 10(1) of Settlement Finality Directive 98/26/EC).

Updates to the information displayed below should be sent in Word format to [email protected] by using this template.

Member State ...... 2 Romania ...... 18 Austria ...... 2 Spain ...... 18 ...... 2 Slovakia ...... 19 Bulgaria ...... 3 Slovenia ...... 19 Croatia ...... 4 ...... 20 Cyprus ...... 5 EFTA countries ...... 21 Czech Republic...... 5 Iceland ...... 21 ...... 5 Liechtenstein ...... 22 ...... 6 Norway ...... 22 ...... 6 ...... 8 ...... 8 Greece ...... 10 Hungary ...... 12 Ireland ...... 12 ...... 13 Latvia ...... 14 Lithuania ...... 14 ...... 15 Malta ...... 15 The ...... 15 Poland ...... 16 Portugal ...... 17

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Member Payment Operator Securities Operator State system settlement system

Austria TARGET2-OeNB Austrian Österreichische Nationalbank CCP Austria Abwicklungsstelle für RTGS Otto-Wagner-Platz 3 Börsegeschäfte GmbH and Home Account 1090 Vienna, Austria Module Austria (RTGS Tel.: +43 1 40420 4626 Strauchgasse 1–3 Payment System; Fax: +43 1 40420 4698 1010 Vienna, Austria hoam.at) e-Mail: [email protected] Tel.: +43 1 533 22 44 Website: www.oenb.at Fax: +43 1 533 22 44 2880 e-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.ccpa.at

Clearing Service Austria PSA Clearing House The systems operated by OeKB CSD GmbH Handelskai 92 OeKB CSD GmbH Gate 2, 6. OG Strauchgasse 3 A-1200 Vienna 1010 Vienna, Austria Austria Website: www.oekb-csd.at Website: www.psa.at

TARGET2-OeNB Oesterreichische Nationalbank Austrian RTGS Payment Otto-Wagner-Platz 3 System and Austrian 1090 Vienna, Austria Settlement & Tel.: +43 1 40420-4626 Transaction Interface Fax: +43 1 40420-4698 (RTGS Payment System; E-mail: ASTI) [email protected] Website: www.oenb.at

Belgium TARGET2-BE Nationale Bank van Euroclear Euroclear Bank SA/NV Real Time Gross België/Banque Nationale de Koning Albert-laan II/Bd. du Roi Settlement System for Belgique Albert II interbank payments in Berlaimontlaan 14/Bd. de 1210 Brussel/Bruxelles, Berlaimont 14 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles

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Belgium Tel.: +32 2 221 38 97 Fax: + 32 2 221 50 00 e-mail: [email protected]

UCV – CEC UitwisselingsCentrum en The systems operated by CIK CIK (Euroclear Belgium) Verrekening Centre d’Echange et (Euroclear Belgium) Interprofessionele de Compensation effectendeposito- en girokas Aarlenstraat / Rue d’Arlon 82 Caisse Interprofessionelle de 1040 Brussel/Bruxelles dépôts et de virements de titres Belgium Koning Albert-laan II/Bd. du Roi Tel. +32 2 507 68 54 Albert II www.cecbelgium.be 1210 Brussel/Bruxelles, Belgium

Effektenafwikkelingssysteem Nationale Bank van van de Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de België (“NBB Clearing” of Belgique “NBB-SSS”) / Berlaimontlaan 14/Bd. de Système de liquidation de Berlaimont 14 titres de la Banque Nationale 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles, Belgium de Belgique (“Clearing BNB” Tel.: +32 2 221 29 45 ou “NBB-SSS”) Fax: +32 2 221 31 20 e-mail: [email protected]

Bulgaria RINGS Bulgarian National Bank Bulgarian National Bank’s Bulgarian National Bank Real Time Gross 1,Knyaz Alexander I Square Government Securities 1,Knyaz Alexander I Sq. Settlement System 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Settlement System (BNBGSSS) 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria www.bnb.bg www.bnb.bg

BISERA BORICA AD The systems operated by Central Depository AD System servicing 41 Tsar Boris III Blvd. Central Depository AD 6, Tri Ushi Street customer payments to be 1612 Sofia 1303 Sofia, Bulgaria settled at a designated Bulgaria Website: www.csd-bg.bg time www.borica.bg

BORICA BORICA AD 41 Tsar Boris III Blvd.

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System servicing 1612 Sofia payments initiated by bank Bulgaria cards www.borica.bg

BISERA7-EUR BORICA AD System servicing 41 Tsar Boris III Blvd. customer payments in 1612 Sofia Euro Bulgaria www.borica.bg

Croatia Croatian Large Value Hrvatska narodna banka The systems operated by Central Depository and Payment System (HSVP) (Croatian National Bank) Central Depository and Clearing Company Inc. Trg hrvatskih velikana 3 Clearing Company Inc. Heinzelova 62a 10000 Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Website: www.hnb.hr

TARGET2-HR Hrvatska narodna banka (Croatian National Bank) Trg hrvatskih velikana 3 10000 Zagreb Website: www.hnb.hr

National Clearing Financial Agency System (NKS) Ulica grada Vukovara 70 10000 Zagreb Website: www.fina.hr

EuroNKS Financial Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 70 10000 Zagreb Website: www.fina.hr

NKSInst Financial Agency Ulica grada Vukovara 70

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10000 Zagreb Website: www.fina.hr

Cyprus TARGET2-CY Financial Market Infrastructures & The systems operated by Central Depository and Central Payments Department Central Depository and Central Registry Central Bank of Cyprus Registry Cyprus Stock Exchange P.O. Box 25529 Cyprus Stock Exchange 71-73 Lordou Vironos Avenue 80, Kennedy Avenue 1096 Nicosia 1395 Nicosia, Cyprus P.O.BOX 25427, 1309 Nicosia, https://www.centralbank.cy/ Cyprus www.cse.com.cy

Czech CERTIS Czech Czech National Bank SKD – Czech National Bank Republic Express Na Příkopě 28, Short-term bonds Na Příkopě 28, Real Time Interbank 115 03 Praha 1, system 115 03 Praha 1, Czech Republic Czech Republic Gross

Settlement System Website: www.cnb.cz Website: www.cnb.cz

The systems operated by Centrální depozitář cenných Central Securities Depository papírů, a.s. Prague Central Securities Depository Prague

Rybná 14 110 05 Praha, Czech Republic Website: www.cdcp.cz

Denmark Kronos and TARGET2- Danmarks Nationalbank The systems operated by VP VP Securities A/S Danmark Banking and Markets Securities A/S Havnegade 5 Weidekampsgade 14 1093 Copenhagen K SK-2300 Copenhagen S Tel.: +45 33 63 69 39 Tel.: +45 43 58 88 88 Fax: +45 33 63 71 17 Fax: +45 43 71 20 03 Website: Website: https://www.vp.dk/ https://www.nationalbanken.dk E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

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Sum-, Intradag-, and Finansrådet Straksclearingen Finansrådets Hus Amaliegade 7 1256 Copenhagen K Tel.: +45 33 70 10 00 Fax: N/A Website: http://www.finansraadet.dk/ E-mail: [email protected]

Estonia TARGET2- Eesti, Eesti Pank VPAS Nasdaq CSD SE (Societa Real-time Gross Estonia pst. 13, Europea), Settlement System for Tallinn 15095, Vaļņu iela 1, interbank payments in Estonia Riga, LV-1050, euro website: http://www.eestipank.ee Latvia www.nasdaqcsd.com

Estonian branch: Tartu mnt 2 Tallinn 10145, Estonia

Finland Target2-Suomen Pankki Suomen Pankki (Bank of Finland) The systems operated by Euroclear Finland Ltd -järjestelmä (Target2- P.O. Box 160 P.O. Box 1110 Bank of Finland system) 00101 Helsinki 00101 Helsinki Finland Finland Tel.: +358.10.831.2843 Tel.: +358.20.770.6000 Fax: +358.10.831.2379 Fax: +358.20.770.6658 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: website: www.bof.fi [email protected] website: www.euroclear.eu

Pankkien väliset online Finanssialan Keskusliitto pikasiirrot ja shekit (Federation of Finish Financial järjestelmä Services) (POPS System Interbank Bulevardi 28 Online Express Giros and 00120 Helsinki Cheques System) Finland Tel.: +358 20 793 4200

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Fax: +358 20 793 4202 website: www.fkl.fi Osuuspankkien OP Bank Group ulkomaan maksuliikenne P.O. Box 308 (OP Bank Group 00101 Helsinki international settlements) Finland Tel.: +358.10.252.011 Fax: +358.10.252.2500 website: www.op.fi Osuuspankkien OP Bank Group aluevalvonta (OP Bank P.O. Box 308 Group regional oversight) 00101 Helsinki Finland Tel.:+358.10.252.011 Fax:+358.10.252.2002 website: www.op.fi

ACH Finland ACH Finland Oyj selvitysjärjestelmä (ACH Upseerinkatu 2 Finland settlement 02600 Espoo system) Finland Tel.: +358 0 10 423 3710 website: www.achfinland.fi

Säästöpankkien Central Bank of Savings Banks Keskuspankki Suomi Oy Finland selvitysjärjestelmä Hevosenkenkä 3 (Payment and Securities 02600 Espoo, Finland Settlement Systems of website: www.spkeskuspankki.fi Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland)

Automatia Real-time Automatia Pankkiautomaatit Oy / Payment Platform ARPP (ARPP) Teollisuuskatu 21 00510 Helsinki Finland Website: https://otto.fi/automatia/

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France TARGET2-Banque de Banque de France The systems operated by Banque Centrale de France 33-2320 DSPM-SERI Compensation (LCH.Clearnet 75049 CEDEX 01 SA) France 18, rue du Quatre Septembre www.banque-france.fr 75002 Paris France Tel.: + Fax: + e-mail: lchclearnetsa_notifications@lchcl earnet.com

CORE (FR) STET ESES France Euroclear France Cœur Défense, Tour B 66 rue de la Victoire 100, esplanade du Général de 75009 Paris Gaulle France 92932 La Défense CEDEX Tel.: + France e-mail: Tel.: + ESESInsolvencymanagement@e Fax: + uroclear.com

SEPA.eu STET Rooster Securities Settlement Operated by ID2S Cœur Défense, Tour B System (RSSS) 78, rue Olivier de Serres 100, esplanade du Général de 75015 - Paris Gaulle Website: csd.id2s.eu 92932, La Défense CEDEX France http://stet.eu/

Germany All Payment Systems Deutsche Bundesbank All Securities Settlement Clearstream Banking AG operated by Deutsche Wilhelm-Epstein-Straße 14 Systems operated by 60485 Frankfurt am Main Bundesbank, in particular 60431 Frankfurt am Main Clearstream Website: www.clearstream.com HBV Germany (e.g. Cascade by use of

(Hausbankverfahren), Tel.: +49.69.9566-2227 Target2-Securities; Creation) TARGET2-BBk Fax: +49.69.9566-2620 (TARGET2-Bundesbank), e-mail: EMZ [email protected] e

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(Elektronischer Massenzahlungsverkehr)

TARGET2-ECB (ECB) All Securities Clearing Systems Eurex Clearing AG Sonnemannstrasse 20 of Eurex Clearing AG as Mergenthalerallee 61 Frankfurt am Main 60311 Central Counterparty (CCP) 65760 Eschborn and Clearinghouse, in particular Germany Hesse Germany Securities Clearing for Cash Website: www.eurexclearing.com Markets (e.g. Frankfurt Stock https://www.ecb.europa.eu Exchange) and Derivatives Markets like Eurex-Exchanges, for Eurex Repo and OTC All Cash Clearing Clearstream Banking AG SIX Clearing System for SIX x-clear AG Systems operated by 60485 Frankfurt am Main EU/EEA-incorporated Members Hardturmstrasse 201 Clearstream (Creation) Website: www.clearstream.com (Securities Clearing for Cash 8005 Zürich Markets) Switzerland

All Cash Clearing Eurex Clearing AG Systems of Eurex Mergenthalerallee 61, Clearing AG as Central 65760 Eschborn Counterparty Germany (CCP) and Website: www.eurexclearing.com Clearinghouse, in particular Cash Clearing for Cash Markets (e.g. Frankfurt Stock Exchange) and Derivatives Markets like Eurex-Exchanges as well as for Eurex Repo

EURO1 System of the ABE Clearing S.A.S. à capital EBA CLEARING variable (EBA Clearing) Company 40, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France www.ebaclearing.eu

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Payment system of European Commodity Clearing European Commodity AG Clearing AG as Central Augustusplatz 9 Counterparty and 04109 Leipzig, Germany Clearinghouse for spot www.ecc.de and derivatives commodity markets

STEP2-T System of the ABE Clearing S.A.S. à capital EBA CLEARING variable (EBA Clearing) Company 40, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France www.ebaclearing.eu

STEP2- Card Clearing ABE Clearing S.A.S. à capital System of the EBA variable (EBA Clearing) CLEARING Company 40, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France www.ebaclearing.eu

RT1 System ABE Clearing S.A.S. à capital variable (EBA Clearing) 40, rue de Courcelles 75008 Paris, France www.ebaclearing.eu

SIX Clearing System for SIX x-clear AG EU/EEA-incorporated Hardturmstrasse 201 Members (Payments 8005 Zürich Clearing for Cash Switzerland Markets)

Greece RTGS Bank of Greece System for monitoring Bank of Greece TARGET2- GR Payment and Settlement Transactions in Securities in Government Operations Systems Department book-entry form Department 21, E. Venizelos Ave. 21, E. Venizelos Ave. 102 50 Athens 102 50 Athens Greece Greece

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Athens Clearing Office Bank of Greece Dematerialized Securities Hellenic Central Securities 21, E. Venizelos Ave. System Depository S.A. (ATHEXCSD) 102 50 Athens 110, Athinon Ave. Greece 10442 Athens Greece

ATHEXCSD is supervised by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.

DIAS Interbanking Systems S.A. Central Counterparty System Athens Exchange Clearing House Alamanas 2 & Premetis 6 for the clearing of securities S.A. (ATHEXClear) 110, Athinon 151 25 Marousi transactions Ave. Greece 10442 Athens Greece

ATHEXClear is supervised by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.

Central Counterparty System Athens Exchange Clearing House for the clearing of derivatives S.A. (ATHEXClear) transactions 110, Athinon Ave. 10442 Athens Greece

ATHEXClear is supervised by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission

ENEX Clearing House S.A. ENEXCLEAR ANCILLARY (EnExClear) is the Clearing SYSTEM House for spot Energy 110, Athinon Ave. Markets in Greece, namely 10442 Athens Greece Day – Ahead Market, Tel. +30 210 3366955 Intraday Market and Tel. +30 210 3366961 Balancing Market Fax. +30 210 3366951

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E-mail: [email protected]

EnExClear is supervised by the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) ENEX Clearing House S.A. . (EnExClear) is the Clearing EnEx Clearing House SA House for spot Energy (EnExClear) Markets in Greece, namely 110, Athinon Ave. Day – Ahead Market, 10442 Athens Intraday Market and Greece Tel. +30 210 3366955 Balancing Market Tel. +30 210 3366961 Fax. +30 210 3366951 E-mail: [email protected]

EnExClear is supervised by the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) Hungary VIBER The RTGS System of Magyar The systems operated by KELER Central Depository Ltd. Nemzeti Bank (the central bank KELER Central Depository Ltd. Budapest of Hungary) Rákóczi út 70-72. Budapest 1074 Hungary Szabadság tér 9. 1054 Hungary website: www.mnb.hu

Interbank Clearing GIRO Zrt. Systems clearing the spot and KELER CCP Central System Budapest derivative market of BÉT (the Counterparty Private Company Vadász u. 31. Budapest Stock Exchange), Ltd. 1054 Hungary the BÉTa market, Budapest

the MTS market Rákóczi út 70-72. and the BÉT SME MTF market 1074 Hungary operated by website: www.kelerkszf.hu Ireland TARGET2-Ireland Central Bank of Ireland Crest Settlement Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited New Wapping Street, Watling House North Wall Quay, 33 Cannon Street

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Dublin 1, London EC4 M5SB, UK D01 F7X3 www.euroclear.com Tel.: +353 1 4344000 Fax: +353 1 6770818 website: www.centralbank.ie

The system operated by Irish Paper Clearing Company ICE Clear Europe ICE Clear Europe Limited Irish Paper Clearing Limited (IPCC) Milton Gate Company (IPCC) Banking & Payments 60 Chiswell Street Federation Ireland, London EC1Y 4AG Floor 3, One Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, https://www.theice.com/clear- D02 RF29 europe Ireland +353 1 671 53 11 [email protected]

Faster Payments Service Pay.Uk Limited LCH LCH Ltd (FPS) 2 Thomas More Square Aldgate House, 33 Aldgate High London E1W 1YN Street, London EC3N 1EA +44 (0)20 3217 8200 www.lch.com https://www.wearepay.uk/contact/

Clearing House CHAPS Automated Payment Bank of England System (CHAPS) Threadneedle St

London EC2 https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/

Italy TARGET2 – Banca Banca d’Italia Settlement Service Monte Titoli S.p.A. and operated d’Italia (real time gross Via Nazionale 91 by means of T2S platform settlement system for 00184 Roma RM Italy large-value interbank Tel.: +39 06 47925700 Piazza Affari 6, Milan Italy payments) Fax: +39 06 47923757 e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.lseg.com/post-trade-

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services/settlement-and- custody/monte-titoli

BI-COMP (clearing and Banca d’Italia Compensazione e garanzia Cassa di compensazione e settlement for retail Via Nazionale 91 delle operazioni su strumenti garanzia interbank payments) 00184 Roma RM Italy finanziari Tel.: +39 06 32395202 Tel.: +39 06 47924884 Fax: + 39 06 32395238 Fax: +39 06 47925957 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: website: www.ccg.it [email protected]

The system operated by Nexi S.p.A. Nexi S.p.A. Corso Sempione 55, Milan Italy www.nexi.it

Latvia EKS – The Bank of Bank of Latvia The system operated by Nasdaq CSD SE (Societa Latvia’s electronic clearing Payment Systems Department Nasdaq CSD SE Europea) system 2A K. Valdemara Str. Vaļņu iela 1, Riga, 1050 Riga, LV-1050, Latvia Latvia Tel.: +371 67022295 http://www.nasdaqbaltic.com/en/c Fax: +371 67022179 sds/latvian-csd/ e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bank.lv

TARGET2-Latvija (real- Bank of Latvia time gross settlement Payment Systems Department system for settlements in 2A K. Valdemara Str. euro) Riga, 1050 Latvia Tel.: +371 67022295 Fax: +371 67022179 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bank.lv

Lithuania CENTROlink (retail Lietuvos bankas (Bank of VPAS Nasdaq CSD SE payment system for Lithuania) Vaļņu iela 1, Riga LV-1050,

settlements in euro) Totorių g. 4 Latvia LT-01121 Vilnius , Lithuania www.nasdaqcsd.com

15 February 2021 ESMA70-155-11637

TARGET2-LIETUVOS Lietuvos bankas (Bank of BANKAS (real-time gross Lithuania) settlement system for Totorių g. 4 settlements in euro) LT-01121 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: +370 5 2680857 Fax: +370 5 2680830 e-mail: [email protected]

Luxembourg TARGET2-LU Banque centrale du Luxembourg LuxCSD LuxCSD S.A. (Luxembourg Trans- 2, boulevard Royal 43 avenue Monterey European Automated 2983 Luxembourg 2163 Luxembourg Real-time Gross Luxembourg settlement Express Transfer system)

Clearstream Securities Clearstream Banking SA Settlement System 42 Avenue JF Kennedy 1855 Luxembourg

Malta TARGET2 Malta (T2MT) Central Bank of Malta MaltaClear Malta Stock Exchange Castille Place Garrison Chapel Valletta Castille Place VLT 1060 Valletta Malta CMR 01 Tel.: +356 2550 5006 Malta Fax: +356 2550 2500 Tel.: +356 2124 4051 Fax: +356 2569 6316

The TARGET2-NL and HAM- De Nederlandsche Bank NV ESES Netherlands Euroclear Nederland / NL Westeinde 1 Nederlands Centraal Instituut Netherlands 1017 ZN Amsterdam voor Giraal Effectenverkeer B.V. Netherlands (Necigef B.V.) Herengracht 459-469 Contact: 1017 BS Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 524 3564 Netherlands Fax: + 31 20 524 3900 Email: [email protected]

15 February 2021 ESMA70-155-11637

equensWorldline CSM equensWordline N.V. ICE Clear Netherlands ICE Clear Netherlands B.V. P.O. Box 30500 Hoogoorddreef 7 3503 AH Utrecht 1101 BA Amsterdam The Netherlands Netherlands Website: Equensworldline.com eW IP CSM equensWordline N.V. EuroCCP European Central Counterparty (equensWorldline P.O. Box 30500 N.V. Strawinskylaan 1847, Instant Payments 3503 AH Utrecht 1077 XX Amsterdam Clearing & Settlement The Netherlands Website: www.euroccp.com Mechanism) Website: Equensworldline.com Poland SORBNET2 Narodowy Bank Polski SKARBNET4 Narodowy Bank Polski (the Polish RTGS system ul. Świętokrzyska 11/21 NBP-bills and Treasury-bills ul. Świętokrzyska 11/21 00-919 operating in zloty) 00-919 Warszawa Register Warszawa Poland Poland Website: www.nbp.pl Website: www.nbp.pl

TARGET2-NBP Narodowy Bank Polski IRGiT SRF Izba Rozliczeniowa Giełd ul. Świętokrzyska 11/21 Towarowych S.A. 00-919 Warszawa, Poland ul. Książeca 4 (wejście D) Website: www.nbp.pl

Elixir Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A. The settlement system Krajowy Depozyt Papierów (electronic retail payment ul. rtm. W. Pileckiego 65 operated by Wartościowych S.A. (KDPW system operating in zloty) 02-781 Warszawa S.A.) Poland ul. Książęca 4 and Website: www.kir.pl 00-498 Warszawa Poland Website: www.kdpw.pl Euro Elixir (electronic retail payment system operating in euro)

The clearing system operated KDPW_CCP S.A. by KDPW_CCP S.A. on the ul. Książęca basis of the Rules of 00-498 Warszawa Poland Transaction Clearing Website: www.kdpwccp.pl (Organised Trading)


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The clearing system operated by KDPW_CCP S.A. on the basis of the Rules of Transaction Clearing (Non- organised trading)

Portugal Sistema de Banco de Portugal Interbolsa INTERBOLSA, Sociedade Transferências Departamento de Sistemas de Gestora de Sistemas de Automáticas Pagamentos (Payment Systems Liquidação e de Sistemas Transeuropeias de Department) Centralizados de Valores Liquidação por Bruto em Avenida Almirante Reis n.º 71º Mobiliários, S.A (Settlement Tempo Real (TARGET2- 1150-012 Lisboa system for securities) Avenida da PT) – Trans-European Portugal Boavista, 3433 Automated Real-time Website: http://www.bportugal.pt 4100-138 Porto Gross Settlement Express Portugal Transfer System Tel.: +351 22 615 84 00 Sistema de Compensação Fax: +351 22 610 30 29 Interbancária (SICOI) – CSD Fax: +351 22 618 98 26 Interbank Settlement Website: www.interbolsa.pt System

OMIClear Sociedade de Compensação de Mercados de Energia, SGCCCC, S.A. (The Clearing House and Settlement System of the MIBEL Derivatives Market- Iberian Power Market) Av. Casal Ribeiro, 14-8 1000-092 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: +351 21 000 6000 Fax: +351 21 000 6021 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.omiclear.eu

INTERBOLSA and OMIClear are registered within:

Portuguese Securities Market Commission, Comissão do

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Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) Rua Laura Alves, n 4, Apartado 14258 1064-003 Lisboa Portugal Website: www.cmvm.pt Tel.: (+351) 213 177 000 Fax: (+351) 213 537 077 e-mail: [email protected]

Romania ReGIS (real time gross Banca Naţională a României SaFIR Banca Nationala a României settlement system for (National Bank of Romania) (National Bank of Romania) large value interbank Lipscani 25, Sector 3 Lipscani 25, Sector 3, payments in domestic Bucharest, 030031 Bucharest, 030031 currency) Romania Romania e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bnr.ro Website: www.bnr.ro

SENT (clearing system) Societatea de Transfer de RoClear Depozitarul Central S.A. Fonduri şi Decontări – Fagaras 25, Sector 1 TRANSFOND S.A. Bucharest, 10897 Ficusului 1, Sector 1 Romania Bucharest, 013971 Tel.: +40 21 408 58 26 Romania Fax: +40 21 408 58 14 Tel.: +40 21 201 77 00 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +40 21 233 41 62 Website: www.roclear.eu e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.transfond.ro

TARGET2-Romania (real Banca Naţională a României time gross settlement (National Bank of Romania) system for large value Lipscani 25, Sector 3, interbank payments in Bucharest, 030031 euro) Romania e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bnr.ro

Spain TARGET2-Banco de Banco de España ARCO Securities Settlement Iberclear (Sociedad de Gestión España (TARGET2- Calle Alcalá, 48 Systems de los Sistemas de Registro,

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BE) 28014 Madrid Compensación y Liquidación de Spain Valores, S.A. Unipersonal) Website: Plaza de la Lealtad, 1 28014 Madrid https://www.bde.es/bde/es/ Spain



Sistema Nacional de Sociedad The systems operated by BME BME CLEARING S.A.U. Compensación Española de Sistemas de CLEARING S.A.U. Plaza de la Lealtad, 1 Electrónica, SNCE Pago S.A 28014, Madrid (National Electronic Calle Miguel Ángel, 23 Spain Clearing System, a 28010 Madrid Website: retail payment system) Spain http://www.bmeclearing.es/ Website: https://www.bde.es/bde/es/areas/ sispago/Sistemas_de_pago/El_S NCE/El_SNCE.html

Slovakia Platobný systém SIPS Národná banka Slovenska Centrálny depozitár cenných Centrálny depozitár cenných (National bank of Slovakia) papierov SR papierov SR, a. s. Imricha Karvaša 1 Ul. 29. augusta 1/A 813 25 Bratislava 1 814 80 Bratislava 1 Slovakia Slovakia Tel.: +421 2 52 96 55 55 Fax: + 421 2 52 96 87 55 e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.cdcp.sk

TARGET2-SK (Slovak Národná banka Slovenska Národný centrálny depozitár Národný centrálny depozitár RTGS Payment System) (National bank of Slovakia) cenných papierov cenných papierov a.s. Imricha Karvaša 1 Trnavská cesta 100, 82101 813 25 Bratislava 1 Bratislava, Slovensko Slovakia Website: www.ncdcp.sk

Slovenia TARGET2-Slovenija Banka Slovenije The systems operated by KDD KDD CENTRALNA KLIRINŠKO Slovenska 35 CENTRALNA KLIRINŠKO DEPOTNA DRUŽBA 1505 Ljubljana DEPOTNA DRUŽBA Tivolska cesta 48

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Slovenia SI-1000 Ljubljana http://www.bsi.si/ Slovenia

BIPS Bankart d.o.o. Celovška 150 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia http://www.bankart.si/

Sweden RIX Sveriges riksbank (Swedish VPC systemet Euroclear Sweden AB Central Bank) 103 87 Stockholm, Sweden Klarabergsviadukten 63 Tel.: +46 8 7870000 101 23 Stockholm - Sweden Fax: +46 8 210537 Website Website

BIR Avvecklingstjänst Bankgirocentralen BGC AB Nasdaq Clearing AB (central counterparty clearing 10519 Stockholm, Sweden house for listed and OTC derivatives and repo) Tel.: +46 8 7256000 Tullvaktsvägen 15 Fax: + 46 8 7256116 105 78 Stockholm, Sweden Website: http://www.nasdaqomx.com/ transactions/posttrade/clearing/eu ropeanclearing Tel.: + 46 8 4056000 Fax: + 46 8 4056001

Bankgirots Clearing och Bankgirocentralen BGC AB Avvecklingstjänst 10519 Stockholm

Tel.: +46 8 7256000 Fax: + 46 8 7256116

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EFTA Payment systems Operator Securities Settlement Operator Systems countries Iceland JK – Real Time Netting Greidsluveitan ehf. Depend Nasdaq CSD SE (Societa System Kalkofnsvegi 1 Europea), branch in Iceland 101 Reykjavík Laugavegur 182, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland Iceland Website: www.greidsluveitan.is https://www.nasdaqcsd.com/abou

t-us/contacts/nasdaq-csd-branch- in-iceland/

SG – RTGS System Seðlabanki Íslands Kalkofnsvegi 1 101 Reykjavík Iceland www.cb.is

MBK Seðlabanki Íslands (Millibankagreiðslukerfi Kalkofnsvegi 1 RTGS & 101 Reykjavik Retail Instant Website: cb.is Payments)

15 February 2021 ESMA70-155-11637

Liechtenstein No clearing and settlement systems exists in Liechtenstein at the moment.

Norway The payment systems DNB Bank ASA The security settlement system Verdipapirsentralen ASA (VPS) operated by DNB Bank Dronning Eufemias gate 30 VPO NOK (the Norwegian Central Securities ASA 0191 Oslo Depository) The security settlement system Postboks 1600 Sentrum VPO EURO Fred. Olsens gate 1 0021 Oslo P O Box 4 Norway 0051 Oslo Tel.: + Norway Fax: + Tel.: +47 22 63 53 00 e-mail: [email protected]

Norges Bank’s Norges Bank The systems operated by NASDAQ OMX Oslo NUF, Settlement System Bankplassen 2 NASDAQ OMX Oslo NUF Norwegian branch of NASDAQ P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum OMX Clearing AB 0107 Oslo Karenslyst allé 53 Tel.: + 0279 Oslo Fax: + e-mail: central-bank@norges- PO Box 443 bank.no 0213 Oslo http://www.nasdaqomx.com/com modities

Norwegian Interbank Bits AS Clearing System Postboks 2644 (NICS) 0203 Oslo Norway Tel.: +4723284510