Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Living A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life by Georg Feuerstein Living Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life. Yoga has been a living tradition of spiritual teaching for five thousand years. Here, readers will discover the wisdom of the millennia-and learn to live yoga. This book contains the best of : the most outstanding interviews, essays, illustrations, and photographs. It offers the promise of exercise for health, and the yoga approach to diet and nutrition. It teaches meditation as an antidote to stress and a path to mindfulness. It explores the yoga of love and devotion in relationships; karma yoga, the path of work; and tantra yoga, the path of ritual, creativity, and sexuality. The authoritative contributors and wide-ranging topics here include: • Ram Dass on life as service • Joan Borysenko on the healing power of love • Larry Dossey on illusions about the body • Judith Lasater on , or hatha yoga postures • Thich Nhat Hanh on the nature of suffering • Ken Wilber on the role of meditation • Frances Vaughan on the common ground between psychotherapy and spirituality • Daniel Coleman on early- warning signs for detecting spiritual abuse • John Welwood on spiritual relationships • Georg Feuerstein on sacred sexuality • Jacob Needleman on money and the path • Joanna Macy on caring for the earth. Also richly illustrated, Living Yoga celebrates a fresh vision of life for spiritual seekers. Beginners will find an accessible, far-reaching overview of the topic; advanced practitioners will be reminded once again of the value and promise of yoga. Living Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life. Explore the many paths of yoga. Yoga has been a living tradition of spiritual teaching for five thousand years. Here, readers will discover the wisdom of the millennia-and learn to live yoga. This book contains the best of Yoga Journal: the most outstanding interviews, essays, illustrations, and photographs. It offers the promise of hatha yoga exercise for health, and the yoga approach to diet and nutrition. It teaches meditation as an antidote to stress and a path to mindfulness. It explores the yoga of love and devotion in relationships; karma yoga, the path of work; and tantra yoga, the …mehr. The History, Literature, and Philosophy of Yoga (800-Hour Course) SUBJECT: T his 800-hour distance-learning course on the history, philosophy, and literature of Yoga was written and designed by Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D., over a period of two years (3,000 hours!). The course is based on his widely read book The Yoga Tradition (2d revised edition, copyright 2001 or 3d revised edition 2009), which is used as a textbook in many programs. Since the late 1960s, he has produced a steady flow of writings, which have been acknowledged by leading thinkers for their high quality and dedication to making authentic Yoga accessible to Westerners. If you have enjoyed Georg Feuerstein’s various writings, you are bound to also enjoy this course and find it helpful. To view sample pages of our Study Guide, please click here. PURPOSE: The course was designed (a) to deepen and broaden your knowledge of Yoga and (b) to assist your personal spiritual practice and inner growth at the same time. It will stimulate your thinking about Yoga and the Big Questions and also help you clarify your spiritual goals and/or motivate your daily spiritual practice. To this end, the homework also includes a number of simple practical assignments. DESIGN: First of all, this being a distance-learning course, you can sit in the comfort of your own home to work through this 800-hour adventure. You will receive from us a typeset and illustrated 988-page manual (the size of 4 or 5 books; printed on recycled paper)—more than any other distance-learning program on Yoga known to us has to offer. If you choose to do the homework assignments, you are required to submit a total of eight questionnaires and two essays. All submissions are to be made by email, and your tutor will respond in the same way. CURRICULUM : The curriculum for the distance learning course closely follows the contents of Georg Feuerstein’s The Yoga Tradition (2d revised edition, copyright 2001 or 3d revised edition 2009, 510 pages) but is both more extensive and in depth. The 988-page Study Guide provided by TYS includes many additional essays and translations of Sanskrit texts in full or in part in order to round out the discussion of particular topics. COURSE MATERIALS: In addition to the 988-page Study Guide that TYS will provide, you need to separately acquire only the following three additional items, which are all authored by Georg Feuerstein: 1. The Yoga Tradition, 2d edition (Hohm Press). Please make sure it is the second edition or a later edition! 2. Lost Teachings of Yoga tape or CD set (Sounds True) 3. Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy (Shambhala) TIME FRAME: We have allowed up to three full years to complete this 800-hour course, but you are entitled to apply for an extension of up to one year. Judging from the feedback we received from our students, the course is challenging, but can be completed within a two-year period. To avoid pressure, some students opt not to do the homework assignments at all! Our suggestion is: Make the course a real Yoga experience and enjoy it, without worrying about the deadline. HOMEWORK: Each of the 22 segments has homework assignments, but only 10 of them (8 questionnaires and 2 essays) need to be submitted to Traditional Yoga Studies. There also are many practical assignments (e.g., meditation, reflection, self-observation, service). Thus our distance- learning course involves body, emotions, and intellect, and also facilitates the important process of integration on the spiritual path. FOREIGN STUDENTS: The course contains technical material and involves homework, including writing two essays, which means that students need to have competence in English. Our tutoring does not in clude help with the English language. We ask overseas students to please carefully appraise their level of linguistic competence before signing up, as no refunds will be possible. CERTIFICATE: From our perspective, the spiritual insights gained from studying the course are more important, but most students rightly also would like to have a certificate for their efforts. So, yes, successful graduates (who have completed all homework assignments satisfactorily) will receive a TYS certificate of completion. ACADEMIC CREDIT: We do not offer this option at the moment. Several of our early students, however, took the course for credit with Sonoma State University, California, and earned a whopping 18 academic credits for their course work, which indicates the high standard of TYS’s distance-learning course. We are currently exploring alternatives within Canada where we are now located. COST: The basic fee for the distance learning course is $1,250 plus shipping for a binder containing the course information or $950.00 for the digital download version of the course (pdf), and the full amount is due when signing up for the program. Please note that dollar amounts are in Canadian currency. SCHOLARSHIPS: We occasionally offer scholarships. Please contact us if you wish to be placed on a notification list. PAYMENT METHOD: The course must be paid up front by either credit card, or by Personal Check (please contact us for details) TAX AND CUSTOMS DUTY: Canadian residents are subject to GST/HST and/or PST on our educational materials. For foreign shipments, we will appropriately mark the customs declaration as “educational materials” and insure the package for the material value of the contents. Non- Canadian students may nevertheless have to pay a customs fee at their end. REFUND POLICY: NO refunds will be made. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Who signs up for the course? To date, well over 100 students have taken the course, and the first cadre of students graduated at the end of 2005. They come from all walks of life—from stay-at-home parents with a passionate interest in Yoga spirituality to Yoga teachers to university professors. Many people acquire the course simply as a useful resource, without wishing to submit homework. But those who choose to do the homework assignments are likely to benefit from the course not merely intellectually but also spiritually. You can read some of their positive comments by clicking here. For an academician’s appraisal, click here. I am primarily interested in the practical side of Yoga. Will the course be beneficial for me? We are often asked this question. The course does seek to transmit the depth of yogic wisdom and therefore calls for a fair amount of mental labor. HOWEVER, it includes practical assignments, mainly by way of numerous “For Reflection” questions, and many of our students have told us that these have made the course come alive for them and boosted their spiritual practice. If you are looking for an easy course, this one is not for you! You definitely are expected to work. BUT if you really want to know more about Yoga and also be challenged in your practice, you will not be disappointed. Does this course qualify for continuing education credits with the ? You need to contact the Yoga Alliance directly. However, several of our students have been granted this option by them. Do you offer workshops or retreats? Our students are located all over the world, and for many it would be entirely impractical to travel long distances to attend a seminar or retreat. We believe that our well-designed course materials and tutoring are completely adequate to help you complete the course successfully. What if I cannot complete the course in three years? We discourage extensions but a one-year extension beyond the initial three years is possible, providing a continuation fee of $125 is paid. Students who do not file for an extension with TYS will be considered withdrawals, and TYS will assume no further educational or financial obligation in this case. We will not necessarily remind students that they need to file for an extension. When can I start the course? We enroll new students all year round. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The terms stated herein do not constitute a binding agreement until we have accepted your application and received your payment for the distance-learning course. Google eBook Download. If you think that you have to retreat to a cave in the Himalayas to find the enlightenment that yoga promises, think again. In this second edition of Living Your Yoga, stretches the meaning of yoga beyond its familiar poses and breathing techniques to include the events of daily life—all of them—as ways to practice. This edition includes three new chapters (Relaxation, Empathy, and Worship), a full index, and new interior and cover designs. Using the time-honored wisdom of the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita to steer the course, she serves up off-the-mat practices to guide you in deepening your relationships with yourself, your family and friends, and the world around you. Inspiring and practical, she blends her heartfelt knowledge of an ancient tradition with her life experiences as a daughter, sister, partner, mother, friend, and yoga practitioner and teacher. The result: a new yoga that beckons you to find the spiritual in everyday life. "In this easy-to-read, inspiring book, Judith Lasater generously shares delightfully funny and poignant stories from her very American life, to show how we all can use the simple problems of daily living as a springboard for spiritual practice. Reading Living Your Yoga is like moving in with Judith and her family for a while. I enjoyed my visit immensely. She reminds us that yoga practice is primarily about mindfulness and is a twenty- four-hour-a-day activity. Take this book to bed every night for a couple of months. Open it anywhere. Read a few pages. Reflect. Relax. Breathe. Smile. And have a good night’s sleep." —, author of . "Judith Lasater’s new book is a down-to-earth discussion of how we can use the age-old wisdom of yoga in order to reconnect with the sacred in everyday life." —Georg Feuerstein, PhD, Founder-Director of the Yoga Research and Education Center and author of The Yoga Tradition. "Yes! Living Your Yoga is what it’s all about. Here is a clear and friendly book that will help anyone embody the wisdom of yoga by consciously bringing it into daily life. The exercises are fun. They can help you learn how to do yoga all the time—now and now and now—when you are in the yoga room and when you are not. Take this book to heart." —, author of Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness. "In her heartfelt and gently humorous manner, Judith Lasater shares her profound understanding of ancient yoga teachings, and translates the Yoga Sutra and Bhagavad Gita into a simple prescription for daily living. Whether you're a yoga student, yoga teacher, or yoga scholar, you'll be informed and inspired by Living Your Yoga ." —Kathryn Arnold, former editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal. "In this delightful and practical book on yoga philosophy, Judith Lasater presents timeless wisdom with clarity and insight. She is a well-seasoned , who writes from personal experience on how to use the events of daily life as yoga poses for the mind and the heart." —Patricia Walden, coauthor of The Woman’s Book of Yoga and Health. "Judith Lasater explains how her practice has helped her to sort through life’s tangles, clarify her values, and renew her commitment to her ideals. She bares her soul so that we can see our own." —Suza Francina, author of The New Yoga for People over 50. Notes, Indexing and Compilation by Michael P. Garofalo. The Art and Science of . By Swami (J. Donald Walters). Includes information on philosphy, meditation, postures, diet, breathing, routines, and health. Nevada City, CA, Crystal Clarity Publishers, c 2002. Includes audio CD disk. Index, glossary, 471 pages. This book is in a spiral binding so it can be used as a workbook/textbook. ISBN: 156589166X. MGC. Awakening to the Sacred: Creating a Spiritual Life from Scratch. By Lama Surya Das. New York, Broadway Books, 1999. 382 pages. MGC. ISBN: 0767902750. Beyond Power Yoga: 8 Levels of Practice for Body and Soul. By Beryl Bender Birch. New Yor, Simon and Schuster, A Fireside Book, 2000. Index, charts, bibliography, notes, 256 pages. ISBN: 0684855267. An introduction to Astanga Yoga (Eight Limbed Yoga Path) or Raja Yoga. Personal experiences and practices. MGC. The Book of Charkra Healing. By Liz Simpson. Foreward by Teresa Hale. New York, Sterling Publishing Co., 1999. A Gaia Original. Index, glossary, bibliography, 143 pages. MGC. ISBN: 0806920971. Bringing Yoga to Life:The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living. By . Harper San Francisco, 2003. 250 pages. MGC. Notes. ISBN: 0060091142. The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga. The Authoritative Presentation - Based on 30 Years of Direct Study under the Legendary Yoga Teacher Krishnamacharya. By . New York, Marlowe and Co., 2005. Index, glossary, 265 pages. ISBN: 1569244022. MGC. Includes a 60 minute audio CD with chants of yogasutras and important Sanskrit mantras. Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul. Essentials of Eating for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being. By Deborah Kesten. Foreward by Herbert Benson. Berkeley, California, Conari Press, 1997. Index, 259 pages. ISBN: 1573240680. Five Ethical Precepts of Buddhism Quotes, commentaries, links, and bibliography. Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language; Symbols, Secrets and Metaphor. By Swami Sivananda Radha. Foreward by B.K.S. Iyengar. Spokane, Washington, Timeless Books, 1987, 1995. Index, 308 pages. ISBN: 0931454743. MGC. A wonderful book filled with lore, myths, symbols, stories, and metaphors about various yoga postures. The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice. T. K. V. Desikachar. Revised Edition. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions International, 1995, 1999. Index, 244 pages. Includes the Yoga Sutra by Pantanjali. MGC. ISBN: 089281764X. : Practices for Liberating Body and Soul. By and David Life. New York, Ballantine Books, 2002. Glossary, index, notes, 300 pages. MGC. ISBN: 0345442083. Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power. A Simple Guide to the Yoga of Awareness. By Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa. As taught bey Yog Bhanjan, Ph.D. New York, Perigee Books, 1996. Index, appendix, 321 pages. ISBN: 0399524207. MGC. Light on Life : The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom. By B.K.S. Iyengar, with John J. Evans and Douglas Abrams. Rodale Press, c 2005. Index, 282 pages. ISBN: 1594862486. MGC. A very well written book on the yoga lifestyle, written by the great master, B.K.S. Iyengar, 1918-. Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Patanjala Yoga Pradipika. Hammersmith, London, Thorsons, Harper-Collins, 1966, 1996. 337 pages. ISBN: 1855382253. MGC. Living Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life. Edited by Georg Feuerstein and Stephan Bodian with the Staff of Yoga Journal. New York, Jeremy Tarcher /Perigree, 1993. Index, 290 pages. ISBN: 0874777291. MGC. The Natural Science of Kriya Yoga. By Goswami Kriyananda. Chicago, The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 1976, 2002. Index, 367 pages. ISBN: 0961309911. MGC. Niyamas and Ethical guidelines for virtuous and mindful living from Pantanjali. Raja-Yoga. By . New York, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1956. Revised edition, 1982. ISBN: 091120623X. Glossary, index, 297 pages. MGC. Self-Awakening Yoga: The Expansion of Consciousness Through the Body's Own Wisdom. By Don Stapleton, Ph.D. Director of the Nosara Yoga Institute, and former Yoga Director of the Kirpalu Center. Includes CD-V of guided explorations. Rochester, Vermont, Healing Arts Press, 2004. 304 pages. ISBN: 0892811838. MGC. The Shambhala Guide to Yoga. By Georg Feuerstein. Boston, Shambhala, 1996. Index, bibliography, notes, 180 pages. ISBN: 157062142X. An excellent brief introduction to all aspects of Yoga: action, love, meditation, mantras, postures, wisdom, and the spirtual aims of Yoga. A readable introduction based on a deep scholarly understanding and and sincere personal practice of Yoga. MGC. A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. Edited by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Charles A. Moore. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1957. Index, bibliography, appendices, 684 pages. ISBN:0691019584. MGC. The Tree of Yoga (Yoga Vrksa). By B.K.S. Iyengar. Edited by Daniel Rivers-Moore. Boston, Shambhala, 1989. Index, bibliography, glossary, 194 pages. MGC. ISBN: 087773464X. Yamas and Niyamas Ethical guidelines for virtuous and mindful living from Pantanjali. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. By . New York, Bantam Books, 1999. Appendix, notes, index, 358 pages. ISBN: 055337835X. Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit: A Return to Wholeness. By Donna Farhi. Owl Books, 2000. 271 pages. ISBN: 0805059709. MGC. The Yoga of Breath: A Step-by-Step Guide to . By Richard Rosen. Foreword by . Illustrations by Kim Fraley. Boston, Shambhala, 2002. Index, notes, 304 pages. ISBN: 1570628890. MGC. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Yogaville, Virginia, Integral Yoga Publications, 1978, 2004. Index, appendices, glossary, 263 pages. ISBN: 0932040381. MGC. . Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health. By B.K.S. Iyengar. London, Dorling Kindersley, 2001. Glossary, index, 416 pages. ISBN: 0789471655. Lavishly illustrated compendium of essential poses, routines, prop use, and yoga routines to help specific health problems. The renowned Yogacharya B. K. S. Iyengar was born in India in 1918. MGC. Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness. By Erich Schiffmann. New York, Pocket Books, Simon and Schuster, 1996. 357 pages. ISBN: 0671534807. MGC. Yoga: The Ultimate Spiritual Path. By Swami Rajarshi Muni. Saint Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 2nd Edition, 2001. Index, 184 pages. ISBN: 1567184413. MGC. Yoga: The Technology of Ecstasy. By Georg Feuerstein, Pd. D.. Los Angeles, Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1989. Index, notes, 344 pages. ISBN: 0874775205. MGC.