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   JAMMU, SUNDAY, APRIL 4 , 2021

VOL. 37 | NO.92 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Tulip Garden in J-K reverberates with Lt Governor e-inaugurates 17 Power music as six-day festival begins  F9C9D?BCE=25BC 9>37 89C .'+ % . -. D?EB9CDC6?>D8569BCD41I?6D85 @1BDI C8EBE 8E9 819 *1>4G93854 25DG55> 65CD9F1<1=941>1<=?CD 4B1G9>718E751@@<1EC5 ?DD<5>53;C3B51D9>7@?G5B3B9C9C9>G9>D5BC51C?>1B5259>7945>D969541>4CE2C5AE5>D1D54# 0121BG1> 9<4D85 6E<< 24G89CD<5C6B?=D85= @93DEB5CAE5 1< <1;5 2E<2CD?251@1BD?6D85 ?B=1>IF9C9D?BC9DG1C1       31EC9>745<1IC9>D85D9=59C54 2I 4?E2<5 DB51D D? 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GOF PHOTO B53?F5B54 1>4 49C 54 1C >571D9F5 D9<< $$$-,.0,+- %$  =1> G1C 1BB5CD54 6?B 1< <57547D?C>1D38D85B96<5 ?617E1B41D121>;C2B1>389> Eyeing Guinness record, !1==E1>4"1C8=9BC*8?@91> Health Minister Vardhan approves National 49CDB93D?>*1DEB41I1@?<935?6 69391< C194 +85 9>3945>D D??; soldier begins 4,300-km run to @<135 1D D85 !1==E 1>4 "1C8=9B 1>;C =1=C1812 Policy for Rare Diseases, 2021 be completed within 50 days 2B1>389>D8516D5B>??>85C194   <9=9D54D?'#61=9<95C2EDD85 ?C6?BDB51D=5>D?61<<D8B55 D81D145AE1D541D19C1F19<12<5 "1C8=9B D? "1>I1;E=1B9 %149C88=14DB954D?C>1D381  **1 -. 3?F5B9>7 1 49CD1>35 ?6 $$* +,+- %$ $3$)&' -. 25>569DG9<<255HD5>454D?12?ED 31D57?B95C ?6 B1B5 49C51C5C 1C 6?B4569>9D9?>?6CE3849C51C5C 12?ED ;=E>45B  @5B 35>D ?6 D85 @?@E<1D9?> 69BCD381B751>4D85>D8521<1>35 1>46?BB5C51B381>445F59?> 519CD5B 1BC8 41IC ,481=@EB 21C54 G8? 1B5 5<9792<5 E>45B D85 69>1>391<B5C?EB35C3?E<41D B5<1D54 D? 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We deeply beloved Smt. Kamla Devi Chhibber Pawan Kumar Verma S/o Late the sad demise of our beloved miss your presence, your warmth and mother Mrs. Shyam Rani Rawal affection in every moment. You were W/o Sh. D.N Chhibber (Ex. Krishan Lal Verma & Late Bimla Treasurer, Mohyal Sabha, Jammu) (Chuni) wife of Late Shri Radha the best son, best brother, loving hus - R/o H.No - 225, Royal Enclave, Devi R/o 147 Arjun Nagar, Krishen Rawal, at her residence band, best father and the most caring Nitco Lane Extension, Talab Tillo, Janipur Colony Road Jammu Flat No. 406, Sabzar Apartments, person in our lives. Days will pass and Smt. Kamla Devi Mrs. Shyam Rani turn into months and month into erma Jammu on 26/03/2021. TENTH has expired on 25-03-2021. Sh. Pawan Sector-45, Faridabad. TENTH DAY Sh Sunil V Chhibber Rawal years, but we will always remember Kriya shall be on 06-04-2021 Kumar Verma KRIYA shall be performed at Ghat DAY will be performed at our resi - you with all our hearts. We all pray to Ganga, Muradnagar on 09-04-2021 dence on 04/04/2021 from 10 am to the Tuesday at 12 Noon & God eternal peace to your noble soul. 11 am. Kriya will be performed at Uthala on Wednesday from 1 to at 09:00 AM. Adh Barkhi of our beloved brother our residence on 05/04/2021 at 12 2 pm. All Karms shall be held at GRIEF STRICKEN Late Sh Sunil Verma S/o Lt. Sh Om o'clock noon. Uthala will be per - our residence. Rawals, Peshins, Kauls (Arazbegi) Prakash Verma R/o H.No. 104 formed at Hari Mandir, Rehari GRIEF STRICKEN V.K. Kaul and Sarojini Kaul -Son-in-law & Daughter Mohalla Narania Kachi Chawni, Dr. S.K. Rawal and Usha Kiran - Son & Daughter-in-law Colony, Jammu on 05/04/2021 Late Anju Verma -Wife Jammu will be performed on 4th April from 4 pm to 5 pm. R.K. Rawal and Promila Rawal -Son & Daughter-in-law 2021 at our residence at 12 Noon. GRIEF STICKEN Anshul Verma - Son Phone No's: 09810069217, 09821774511 DEEply REmEmbERED by : Daughters and Son-in-laws Brother & Bhabhi Grand Children : Ritu and Sunil, Tina and Ashish, Sudhir Smt Seema Verma -Wife Smt. Shashi & Lt. Sh. Rajinder Bakshi Swarn Abrol & Kuldeep Kumar Verma & Asha, Neha & Mridul, Arti & Mukul, Arunima & Chettan. Brothers & Bhabis Smt. Indu & Sh. Kulbushan Bali Sister & Brother-in-law Sh Vinod Kumar Verma & Smt Neelam Verma Daughter-in-laws & Sons Neelam & Parveen Anand Sh Anil Verma & Smt Sunita Verma Smt. Neelam (Nini) & Sh. S K Chhibber Sh Rakesh Verma & Smt Nisha Verma Daughter-in-law & Nephew Sister & Brother-in-law Smt. Aruna & Sh. M K Chhibber Surbhi Verma & Amit Verma ADH-BARKHI Smt Jyoti Verma & Sh Vimal Kant Verma Devranian and Devars Contact No: 9419190598, 7051108583 Six months passed since you Son & Daughter-in-law Smt. Janak & Sh. Bhola Nath Chhibber Rahul, Swayam, Rishab, Raghav, Madhav, Hrithik, Ishan, Smt. Sudesh & Sh. Satya Parkash Chhibber left us for heavenly abode, Shruti, Shreya, Divyanshi, Aadhaya, Ridhi Smt. Ratna & Sh. Badri Nath Chhibber we feel your presence on Daughter & Son-in-law Grand Daughters & Grand Sons ADH-BARKHI every moment. Adh-Barkhi of Mrs Simran Kohli & Mr Anshuman Kohli Sumita & Vishal Dutta Six months have passed since our beloved Sh. Madan Lal Saransh & Reyansh -Grand Sons Manju & Gaurav Chhibber Contact : 9419286872, 9469212110, 9419859700 Divya & Aaditya Dutta you left us for heavenly abode. Heera S/o Sh. Beli Ram Sh. Madan Lal Meenakshi & Ajay Vaid We deeply miss your presence. Heera R/o Cintamani, Katra Heera Poonam & Nischal Sharma Your warmth and affection in will be performed on Sunday Shobit, Ashutosh, Pragya every moment,you were the 4th April, 2021 at our resi - TENTH DAY Great Grand Children best father, loving husband and dence. With profound grief and sor - Aaradhaya , Delisha most caring person in our lives. Sh. DEEply REmEmbERED by row, we regret to inform the Mob : 9419142629, 9419228282,9872810989, 9796011777 Days will pass and turn into Rameshwar PLEASE FOLLOW COVID SOP Smt. Raj Kumari Heera- Wife sad demise of our beloved months and months into years Dutt Sharma but we will always remember Daughter-in-Law & Son Mrs Santosh Lidhoo W/o you with all our hearts. We all Smt. Seema & Sh. Vikram Heera (Vicky) Martyr Sh. Late Ashok Raina Master Shourya- Grandson pray to God for eternal peace to orginally R/o Sopora, Kmr at Santosh 10TH DAY your noble soul. ADH-BARKHI And Heera Family & Nears With profound grief & sorrow, we inform present H.No 8, Lane 2, Lidhoo of our beloved father Late Sh. Mob.: 6005314558, 9419214404 the sad demise of Smt. Veena Kumari Sector 2, Govind W/o Sh Ramesh Kumar R/o H.No. Rameshwar Dutt Sharma S/o Nagar,Talab Tilloo, Jammu. 107/4, Model Town Gangyal Jammu. Late Sh. Sham Lal Sharma R/o : The 10th Day Kriya will be 49, Mast Garh , Jammu will be Tenth Day will be performed on 4th of performed at Akhnoor Ghat April, 2021 (Sunday) at Model Town performed on 4th April 2021 at BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS Lakshmi Naray an Temple , Dhaki on 8th April & Assembly Gurudawara at 11:00 a.m. Sukhmani Smt. Veena With profound grief and deep Sahib Path & Kirtan. Bhog Ceremony Sarajjan , Ja mmu at 11:30 am. sorrow, we inform you of the sad prayers at Muthi Ghat at and Langer 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Kumari DEEply REmEmbERED by:- demise of our beloved father 11:30 am. GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. Pushpa Devi (Mother) Sant Davinder Singh Ji S/o Sant GRIEF STRICKEN Son & Daughter-in-laws Smt. Sneh Sharma (Wife) Ajit Singh Ji has completed his Vikas & Jagriti Raina (Son & Daughter -in-Law) Sh. Pankaj Rana & Smt.Tulika Thappa Tarun Sharma, Mohit Sharma (Sons) journey of life and left for his Vitasta & Anil Bhat (Daughter & Son-in law) Grand Daughter - Anaya Brother and Bhabi: heavenly abode, on 28th March Sant Davinder Brothers & Sister-in-laws : Hemraj & Smt.Anu Radha - Smt. Veena & Sh. Chander Mohan Sharma Daughter & Son-in-law 2021. Bhog and Antim Ardaas Singh Ji Mr.Bushanlal Bhat & Sharika Bhat Jatinder Kumar & Smt. Priya - Smt. Swarn Lata & Sh. Vinay Kumar Sharma will held on 04-04-2021 (11.30 Late Mr.Vijay Kumar Bhat & Sarla Bhat Daughter & Son-in-law Smt. Saloni & Ashwani Sharma am - 1.30 pm) Namdhari Shama Malla & Late. Girdharilal Malla - Sister and Brother-in-law Brothers & Sisters Dharmshala, Sant Market, Sister & Brother-in-Law Smt. Indu & Narender Kumar Sharma Jewel, Jammu. Rakesh Kundal Teja Khashu & Sh. Khashu - Ravi Kundal Smt. Sneh & Kamal Raj Sharma - GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. Anita Devi & Sunita Devi & Smt. Anju Bala Brother and Sister-in-law Ajit Singh and Surjeet Kaur -Parents Sister & Brother-in-Law Grand Children : Anaya, Reehan, Aaditiya, Vansu, Rishu. Gourav & Eitika, Chetan & Bhavna - Waryam Singh -Brother Vanshika, Asvina & Shivansh - Grand Children Ph. No : 9419258244 ,7006602714 Sons and Daughters-in-law Paramjit Singh -Brother (Mob :8082817476 /9371007278 Children: Kapil, Sheetal, Aadhya, Rohan, Sahil, Manmohan Singh -Brother Karan, Arjun. Lt Jaspal Kaur & Sukhwinder Kaur –Sisters CHOUBARSI Mahalakshmi Jewellers, Jain Bazar, Jammu. Balwinder Kaur -Wife (M): 9419132688, 7006777710, 9419226101, 7889394887 Prof. Poonam Rainu -Daughter 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA 4th Death Anniversary of our Jaipaul Singh -Son With profound grief and sor - beloved Late Sh Ashutosh CONTACT: Jaipaul Singh (9717757232) row, we inform the sad de - Bakshi (TATA) S/o Late Sh mise of Smt Pushpa Devi Balbir Raj Bakshi, shall be 10TH DAY W/o Late Sh. Amir Singh R/o held on 4th April 2021 at our With profound grief and sor - Jagti, Nagrota. 10TH DAY residence H No. 125-A, row,we inform the sad de - BARKHI Sh Ashutosh will be performed on Sunday, Smt Pushpa Naraniya Mohalla Kachi mise of our beloved Ch.Prem One year has been passed Bakshi (TATA) 04- 04-2021 at Shiv Mandir Devi Chawni, Jammu. Chand (Sarpanch) S/o Late since you left us for your eter - near Govt Quarters, Main Deeply Remembered by Prithvi Raj R/o Puro Bhana nal journey your memories Stop, Janipur at 11:30 AM. Bakshi Family R.S.Pura Jammu, who ex - Ch.Prem are still fresh time. Barkhi of KRIYA will be performed on Contact No. 8717041501, pired on 26- 03-2021. Tenth Chand our beloved Raj Kumari W/o 07-04-2021, Wednesday at 7051261908, 9797916906 Day will be performed on 4- Late Shri Gopal Krishna (Sarpanch) Raj Kumari our residence 4/90, Indra 4-2021 (Sunday) at our resi - Magotra will be performed at Colony Lakad Mandi, dence. Satsang will com - our residence H.No 120 Link Janipur Jammu near Spring mence from 11:00 A.M. on - Road on 04-04-2021 Blossoms School at 10 AM - CHOUBARSI wards. Sunday at 12 Noon. 12 PM. UTHALA will be per - With profound grief and sorrow, GRIEF STRICKEN:- GRIEF STRICKEN formed on 07-04-2021, it is informed that 4th Death Smt.Ambo Devi - Mother Daughters & Son-in-laws Wednesday at our residence Anniversary (Choubarsi) of Smt.Pushpa Devi - Wife Saroj Sharma & Sanjay Sharma Paboo Ji (Late Smt Ishari Devi at 2 PM. Renu Gupta & Rakesh Gupta W/o Late Sh Munshi Ram Brother's GRIEF STRICKEN Deligate of Rangoor Camp is Tarsem Lal Choudhary Anjana Sharma & Lakshmi Narayan Sharma Daughter -in-laws and Sons being performed as per pro - Smt Ishari Devi Ashok Choudhary Bela Sawhni & Pawan Sawhni Smt. Brij Bala & Tarlok Singh Jamwal gramme below Sunday 4th April Jagdish Lal Choudhary 9796627220, 9622739997 Smt. Vidya Devi & Narinder Singh Jamwal 2021 at Gurudwara Sahib Sant Kuldeep Choudhary Smt. Naresh Kumari & Daljit Singh Jamwal Baba Prem Singh Ji Choudhary Family Puro Bhana R.S.Pura Grand Sons : Pushpinder Singh Jamwal, Abhi Muralawale, Santokh Vihar 7051115681 Jamwal, Ashish Jamwal, Shobit Jamwal near SBI Bank Kalu Chak. Khat BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS Grand Daughters : Deepika Jamwal, Sheena at Kunjwani Residence 10 am. With profound grief and sor - Jamwal, Mona Jamwal Kirtan at Gurudwara Sahib 11 row, we regret to inform the Mob No: 9419549273, 9419102753, am. Guru Ka Langar 12 Noon ADH-BARKHI sad demise of beloved S. DEEply mISSED by: 7051149780, 7889360491 Bodh Raj Choudhary -9419152853 Adh-Barkhi of our beloved Arjan Singh S/o Late S. Jodh Singh Late Sh. Kuldeep Kumar Harnam Singh R/o H.No. Sub. Janak Raj Gupta S/o Late Sh. Ram 101, Rehari Chungi, Jammu S. Arjan Singh Ashok Kumar Chand Gupta will be per - who expired on 31-03-2021. KRIYA/UTHALA formed at our residence Arambh Shri Akhand Path With profound grief and sor - 271/6, Channi Himmat, Sh. Kuldeep Sahib ji on 03-04- 2021 at row, we inform the sad de - Jammu at 12 Noon on 4-4- Kumar Gupta 9.00 am at our residence. mise of our beloved Smt 10TH DAY KRIYA 2021 (Sunday). Bhog Shri Akhand Path Lajwanti Nag W/o Late Amar We express our deeply and DEEply REmEmbERED by:- Sahib Ji on 05-04-2021 at Nath Nag R/o Ward No. 4 heartfelt condolences on the Smt. Lalita Gupta - Wife 9.30 am at our residence. Ram Gali Reasi on 25-03- Smt Lajwanti sad demise of our beloved Son & Daughter-in-law Antim Ardas at Gurudwara 2021. Kriya shall be per - Nag mother Smt Dulari Zadoo Vikas Gupta & Renu Gupta Sahib Shri Kalgidhar Jammu formed on 06-04-2021 Datta (Kaw) who left us on Vishal Gupta - Son on 05-04-2021 from 10.30 (Tuesday) at 12.00 Noon at 27/3/2021. Tenth Day Kriya Daughters & Sons-in-law our residence. Uthala and Smt Dulari am to 12.00 Noon. will be performed at 'CHOTA Pooja Gupta & Ashish Gupta GRIEF STRICKEN Rasam Pagri shall be per - Zadoo Datta HARIDWAR'. Muradnagar, Brother & Sister-in-law Sdn. Ravinder Kour- Wife formed on 07-04- 2021 Ghaziabad on 4th April 2021 Yashpal & Sharda Gupta Daughters & Son-in-Laws (Wednesday) at 2.00 PM at Time- 8.a.m Sham Lal & Sudesh Gupta Sdn. Simmi Kour W/o S. Jaswant Singh our residence. GRIEF STRICKEN Sister Sdn. Anu Kour W/o S. Manjeet Singh GRIEF STRICKEN : Son & Daughter-in-law Rani Gupta W/o Late Sh. Charan Dass Gupta Sdn. Survneet Kour Daughters-in-law & Sons Daughters and Son-in-laws Sisters & Brothers-in-law Bhabhis & Brothers Neelam Wazir & Late Parshotam Wazir (Kallas and Ganjoos) Darshna & Bishan Dass Gupta Sdn. Joginder Kour W/o Lt. S. Inderjeet Singh Rachna & Pardeep Nag Contact No:- 9971011895 Saroj & Subash Gupta Sdn. Harjinder Kour W/o Lt. S. Jagjeet Singh Daughters & Sons-in-law Sunil Datta Sunita & Dr. Narinder Vaid Sister & Brother-in-Law Usha Rajput & Late Chamail Singh Jasrotia Shalom Apartment Ayushi, Krishma, Arjun, Ayush - Grand Children Sdn. Gurmeet Kour W/o S. Manjeet Singh Suresh Rajput & Dr Rai Singh Jasrotia 16/1-2 and 4 Kuldeep Kumar & Co. Kanak Mandi, Jammu (New India Insurance) Late Ashoka Rani & Khajoor Singh Flat No.D2; 3rd, floor Puja Garments, Super Bazar, City Chowk, Jammu Rissam & Dutt Families Mob No. 7006897130, 9906047213, W.No-1 Mehrauli New Delhi-30 (Near PNB) Mobile :- 9419124900/9419110717 9419108515, 7051102838 9596972219, 9797035369 LOCAL     3 !$$,*,%0') # 

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AC:@C:EJ 6 :?8:?E@E966?DF:?8DF> 56A2CE>6?ED2EE6?565E96 H2DDE2E653J$C 2CD9 AC@;64E!F>3@1@@AC@; @FE7@C36EE6C4:G:42>6?: >@?E9D92G6?@ED66?2?J 7@C86E 2?5 7@C8:G6 2?J E@@<FAE96>2EE6C@7F? >6C D62D@? E96C6 :D 5:C6 2C32C 6G *:?89 !"%'' 64E56G6=@A>6?E@73@C E:6DH:E9E968@GE92G:?8 492?86:?E9646?EC6PDA@= E9:?83FE?@EE96 Glimpses of Future 4 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, SUNdAy, April 4, 2021 Principal Secretary to LG visits Pahalgam, takes Sanjeev Verma visits Purmandal, stock of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra preparations inspects works on Biodiversity Park, Directs officers to ensure smooth Yatra; inspects Nunwan Base Camp other water conservation activities ANANTNAG, APRIL 03: He impressed upon the officers for assistance of yatris so they are sides the augmentation being made SAMBA, APRIL 03: to take all the requisite steps to en - easily identifiable, and setting up of in wake of anticipated increase in principal Secretary to sure proper arrangements and fa - special kiosks for Sim cards and number of pilgrims. Commissioner lieutenant Governor, Shri cilities at all transit and base other essentials. The meeting was also attended Secretary Forests, Ecology Nitishwar Kumar, accompanied by camps, besides halting stations and At the outset, the yatra Officer, by SSp Anantnag, Additional AdC and Environment, Sanjeev divisional Commissioner Kashmir, along the routes to make the jour - deputy Commissioner Anantnag, (S), Additional CEO Shrine Board, Verma today visited pandurang K pole today visited ney of yatris smooth and easy. dr. piyush Singla briefed the SEs Jal Shakti, pdd, SdM purmandal area of district pahalgam and took stock of the To ensure proper healthcare for principal Secretary about the yatra pahalgam, and other concerned of - in connection with devel - arrangements being put in place for the pilgrims, he asked the con - plan vis a vis security, accommoda - ficers of Civil, Security and engi - opment of a Biodiversity smooth conduct of Shri Amarnath cerned officers to establish quaran - tion, healthcare, food, drinking wa - neering departments. park and promotion of wa - Ji yatra -2021 in a meeting here. tine and isolation centres, besides ter and other facilities to be made later, the principal Secretary ter conservation activities The principal Secretary en - augmenting the ventilator facilities available to the pilgrims. made an on spot inspection of around the forests of fa - quired about the measures being at critical locations. Assistant yatra Officer, CEO Nunwan Base Camp where mous temple area for im - taken for effective execution of the The principal Secretary passed pdA, Mushtaq Ahmad Simnani ap - Additional CEO, Shrine Board ap - proving the overall aesthet - plants with the motion of citizens visiting yatra plan for the smooth pilgrim - directions for proper dress code of prised the meeting about the facili - prised him about the functioning of ics and water environs of different planets in the purmandal, one Bal Van is age to the Holy Cave. Civil defence volunteers deputed ties available on pahalgam axis, be - the camp. the area. park. The 27 Nakshatra also proposed in The Commissioner trees will be planted to purmandal area. Secretary was accompa - bring an aesthetic, healthy The Commissioner Awareness/ interaction nied by principal Chief and spiritual experience. Secretary Forests advised DC Ganderbal reviews progress, action Conservator of Forests, dr. One herbal garden is also the forest department to programme on DILRMP held at Gbl Mohit Gera, Chief proposed for planting of develop a network of sites plan for Covid-19 vaccination Conservator of Forests, rare and threatened trees with focus on the cultural Jammu, K. ramesh which also have medicinal and natural wealth of the Kumar, dFO, Samba Som GANDERBAL, APRIL 03: Ganderbal informed that to pling and vaccination in the and religious importance. region and follow an inte - dutt Khajuria, ACr cope up with the present sit - district to ensure that the The measures to be taken grated approach for the Samba, Jatinder Mishra, The deputy uation and to ensure proper targets are achieved within for Soil and Water catchment area treatment BdC Chairman purmandal Commissioner (dC) vaccination of the inhabi - the stipulated time frame. Conservation of catchment for water recharge, control and officers from dEErS, Ganderbal, Krittika Jyotsna tants of the town, roaster She also stressed for area were also discussed in of soil erosion and other in - irrigation and Flood today chaired a meeting of has been already framed generating mass awareness detail. terventions to improve the Control, local Sarpanch Officers involved in Covid and vaccination process al - among people involving The Commissioner vegetation of the area with and staff of Forest management to review the so stands initiated in all pris about the importance Secretary Forests directed involvement of Forest, department during the vis - progress and action plan for wards of the town. of Covid-19 vaccination and the dFO Samba for identi - Social Forestry, it. Covid-19 vaccination in the At the outset, the dC motivate them for vaccina - fication of suitable site in Environment, Tourism and The Commissioner district. At the outset, the took a brief from the con - tion and to adhere to Covid- purmandal for develop - irrigation and Flood con - Secretary visited the site dC took a brief from the cerned about the initiatives 19 protocols that are pivotal ment of the area with na - trol departments. He also proposed for development concerned about the initia - and measures taken for to prevent the spread of ture trail, Water inspected Forest Nursery of Biodiversity park in for - tives and measures taken achieving Covid-19 vacci - Coronavirus infection. Harvesting Structures and at purmandal and im - est compartment 35/d for achieving Covid-19 vac - nation targets and to con - Meanwhile, the dC ap - other recreational areas pressed upon to promote GANDERBAL, APRIL 03: purmandal adjacent to an - cination targets and to con - tain and prevent the spread pealed people over the age along with amenities for raising of local tree species. cient Shiv Temple being es - senior citizens and chil - during the visit, pCCF As part of ongoing celebration of 75 years of india’s tain and prevent the spread of virus in the district. of 45 years of the district to tablished with a view to dren. Verma advised on de - & HoFF proposed promo - independence under ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’, the of virus in the district. The meeting also dis - visit their nearest Covid conserve the biodiversity of veloping a conservation tion of distribution of Seed revenue department Ganderbal today organised aware - The meeting also dis - cussed an action plan for Vaccination Center to get the area, creation of aware - programme for purmandal balls among the Village ness cum interaction programme for farmers regarding cussed an action plan for Covid-19 sampling, vacci - themselves vaccinated. ness among the visitors range and its adjoining ar - panchayats of the area for the benefits of digital india land record Modernization Covid-19 sampling, vacci - nation and targets. The meeting was at - and the nature lovers with eas for providing ecological greening the catchment. programme (dilrMp) at Conference hall, Mini nation and targets. The CMO informed the tended by Chief planning promotion of biodiversity security to urban Jammu. He apprised the Secretariat here. The programme was presided over by On the occasion, the meeting that about 60 sites Officer Ganderbal, irfan conservation. The deputy Commissioner Secretary Assistant Commissioner revenue Ganderbal, Abdul CMO and EO Muncipal for vaccination with ade - Giri, Assistant The Commissioner Commissioner informed Forests on overall greening Baseer Ahmad. At the outset, Assistant Commissioner Council Ganderbal briefed quate facilities are notified Commissioner Secretary was informed him that in order to dis - programme of the depart - revenue gave a detailed introduction of the dilrMp and the chair about the progress in the district covering all development, Bilal that One Nakshatra Van is seminate the natural and ment for the year 2021-22 acquainted farmers about the benefits of the said pro - of Covid-19 sampling and blocks of the district. Mukhtar, CMO, EO proposed to be created ac - cultural heritage of the area with the involvement of gramme. He informed farmers that the digitization pro - vaccination progress in the The dC directed the Municipal Council cording to the indian sys - and generate awareness, people and use of local vari - gramme is being implemented and done in the UT of J&K district. concerned to gear up the Ganderbal, BdOs and other tem of Astrology that links among children and senior eties of trees. by J&K land record Management Agency in two phases. EO, Municipal Council process of Covid-19 sam - concerned. Under phase-1, scanning of revenue documents, Establishment of Ground Control points of all districts, development of Web based Enterprise, Geo information Azadi Ka Amrut Mahatsav: DC Kishtwar inaugurates Digital System will be done. Whereas, in the 2nd phase the digiti - zation of updated Jamabandies, Vectorization of serving Orientation programme held for X-Ray at District Hospital cadastral maps from scanned data, installation of Sehada Stones/ Tertiary points, establishment of continuously KISHTWAR, APRIL 03: ment of infrastructure so that it operating reference stations using GNSS technology with Chowkidars, Lambardars at Kishtwar could be highlighted in the next dGp equipment shall be carried out. during the training KISHTWAR, APRIL 03: tiatives taken by the govt for dig - formed that digitization of land deputy Commissioner Ashok budget. program question answer session was also held and the itization of land and revenue records will facilitate the farm - Sharma today inaugurated the The dC Kishtwar further di - Assistant Commissioner revenue answered queries of As a part of 75 week long record in the district. ers, land owners and different Computerised radiography sys - rected MS district Kishtwar to farmers in a magnificent way and farmers were satisfied Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav cele - Tehsildar Mughal Maidan stakeholders to access the land tem and 300 MA, digital X -ray complete the partition work in the with the kind of initiative that Govt. of india is aiming at brations, an orientation pro - Nayeem iqbal Shiekh gave a de - record through a single window Machine here at the district hospi - various sections and also to main - through dilrMp. The awareness cum interactive pro - gram on digital india land tailed presentation on the digital system at just a single tal. tain the proper sanitation of all the gramme was attended by all Tehsildars, Naib- Tehsildars records Modernization india land records click.Speaking on the occasion, He was accompanied by Chief sections.He was accompanied by and patwaries besides, farmers from different parts of the programme was organised for Modernisation programme the dC Kishtwar highlighted the Medical Officer, dr r S Manhas, Chief Medical Officer, dr r S district also participated. the chowkidars and lambardars (dilrMp) besides its various benefits of the digitization of Medical superintendent district Manhas, Medical superintendent Horticulture department organises high of district Kishtwar, here at components, like computeriza - land records. Hospital, dr parveez iqbal Wani, district Hospital, dr parveez iqbal Conference Hall dC office tion of land record, scanning of He said that the digitization Senior Surgeon dr ravinder Singh, Wani, Senior Surgeon dr ravinder density plantation drive at Anantnag Complex. revenue document, digitization will minimize the scope of land radiologist dH Sham lal besides Singh, radiologist dH Sham lal The programme was held ANANTNAG, APRIL 03: of the Jamabandis and Masavi, disputes by bringing greater de - other officials. besides other officials. under the overall supervision of survey and resurvey of land, ob - gree of transparency in revenue The dC Kishtwar was informed deputy Commissioner, Ashok The department of Horticulture today initiated a mas - servation of dGpS, installation records. by the Medical superintendent that Meanwhile he also went round Sharma. sive high density plantation drive at High ground of COrS and cadastral informa - On the occasion sensitiza - the system has been sanctioned un - the district hospital and inspected AdC Kishtwar pawan Fatehgarh Anantnag here. The event witnessed participa - tion system among others. tion regarding the COVid-19 ap - der the World Bank project with the pace of work at Additional 100 parihar; ACd Kishtwar Kishore tion of a large number of progressive and aspiring local or - Speaking on the occasion, propriate behaviour and vacci - aims to augment the radiology sec - bedded ipd block and opthalo - Singh Katoch; CMO Kishtwar dr chardists. The event coincided with the launching ceremo - the dC Kishtwar highlighted the nations was also conducted. tion of the hospital besides systems mogical block. He directed the rS Manhass; Chief Agriculture ny of Massive High density plantation drive by lt. benefits of the digitization of during the programme CMO offering in-house, high-quality dig - dGM JKpCC to expedite the pace Officer, S K Bhagat, Tehsildar Governor at Fruit Mandi Kanispora Baramulla. On the oc - land records. was directed to arrange on the ital imaging to fit workflow. of construction work for timely Mughal Maidan Nayeem iqbal casion, Chief Horticulture Officer Anantnag advised the He said that the digitization spot vaccination of all the Meanwhile, the dC Kishtwar completion of these projects. Sheikh,Tehsildar Kishtwar orchardists to switch over to high density plantation for will minimize the scope of land chowkidars and lambardars also inspected the various sections The CMO Kishtwar was asked pramood Kumar besides lam - better economic results. He said the High density planta - disputes by bringing greater de - those above 45 year mage who of the hospital and took first hand to conduct the random sampling of bardars and chowkidars partici - gree of transparency in revenue attended the programme today. tion is the future of the apple industry in the valley as the appraisal of the functioning of the school children at various pated in the programme. records. An interactive session with produce is higher in both quality and quantity wise. The these sections. schools within the town so as to during the programme He said it will also preserve the lambardars and Chowkidars officials informed that the programme is aimed at bring - He asked the MS district keep a track on the spreading infec - chowkidar and lambardars were the old land records for genera - was also held at the end of the ing more area under this type of plantation for better re - Hospital to project the require - tion for the safety of the students. sults. educated about the various ini - tions to come. He further in - programme. Government Polytechnic Jammu DC Kathua chairs Public Director AH Jammu reviews performance hearing for minor mineral of department in districts Projects of Sahar Khad JAMMU, APRIL 03: inks MOU with MIET Jammu downstream director, Animal KATHUA, APRIL 03: Husbandry Jammu, Vivek Sharma today reviewed A panel headed by deputy performance of department Commissioner, Kathua rahul yadav to - in districts here at a meet - day organized public hearing for elicit - ing held at conference hall ing opinions, viewpoints and sugges - of Animal Husbandry tions of the locals and other stakehold - Complex Talab Tillo. ers for environmental clearance of mi - The meeting among nor mineral mining project for Sahar others was attended by all Khad downstream here at Kathua to - the Chief Animal day. The other members of panel in - Husbandry Officers’ of cluded divisional Officer, pCB Samba- Jammu division, deputy North Sanjay rathod and representa - director planning and tive of regional director, J & K Technical officers of the di - JAMMU, APRIL 03: polytechnic Jammu and prof. bation & Training to impart train - pollution Control Board, Jammu; rectorate. The director re - Jammu & Kashmir poultry departmental pro - Ankur Gupta, director MiET ing in latest trends of district Mineral Officer, Kathua dr. viewed physical and finan - policy 2020/ integrated grammes/ Schemes and ba - Government polytechnic Jammu. The director, MiET Manufacturing Technology, devinder Singh, and divisional Officer, cial achievements under dairy development Scheme sic aim of government’s vi - College Jammu today inked Jammu said that the purpose of Automobile Engineering con - pCB Kathua Anil Sharma. The public Capex and CSS budget and & Cattle feed processing sion of doubling of farmers’ Memorandum of Understanding MoU between two institutes is to forming to industry 4.0 with the hearing was for a minor mineral mining discussed several other is - and fodder development income is accomplished. (MoU) with Model institute of enhance the competency of the help of Tata Technologies ltd project spread over an area of 6.16 sues in detail. The chair ex - Scheme. The Chair also im - Engineering & Technology, (Mi - Engineering students of MiET, pune at an estimated cost of rs hectare in block no. 2 (31) at Sahar Khad pressed confidence over the The director issued on pressed upon the partici - ET) Kot Bhalwal, Jammu for up Jammu at CiiiT Jammu by im - 180 crore. MiET Jammu also downstream, NH-1A Bridge, in terms of progress made so far and at the spot directions for the pants to submit dpr’s im - skilling and enhancing employa - parting skill training on latest agreed to offer facilities for up - Environment impact Assessment (EiA) the same time advised the review of all the cases at dis - mediately on account of re - bility of Engineering technologies with the help of fac - skilling of polytechnic students to notification, 2006 of Ministry of officers to excel in fields trict level. pair/renovation of depart - M.Tech/B.Tech students to latest ulty from Tata Technologies to new technologies at their campus Environment, Forest and Climate wherever some gross defi - it was impressed upon mental buildings and also technologies at Center for bridge the gap between industry and both institute agreed to col - Change, Govt. of india. The ciencies have been ob - all the officers to develop a in respect of other construc - invention, innovation, and Academia and to enhance the laborate with each other to organ - Environmental consultant represent - served. close rapport with the bene - tions as well. incubation and Training (CiiiT) employability of our students. ize placement drives, seminars, ing the project proponent gave a de - The director also took a ficiaries by involving all the it was also conveyed to Jammu established at The principal Government conference etc for the benefit of tailed presentation on the project and detailed review of the future field staff and generate the officers to undertake Government polytechnic College polytechnic Jammu informed engineering and polytechnic stu - made the audience aware about the implementation of various awareness at grassroots lev - field tours regularly and en - Jammu. The MoU was signed be - that Government polytechnic dents to enhance their skills and benefits of scientific mining and envi - farmer welfare schemes, es - el so that the farmers’ get sure punctuality of staff is tween Er Arun Bangotra Jammu has established a Center knowledge for better employabil - ronmental safeguards to be adopted in pecially implementation of principal, Government for invention, innovation, incu - ity. implementation of the project. fully acquainted with the maintained at all levels. Glimpses of Future 5 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, SUNdAy, April 4, 2021 Tourism Infrastructure Development Projects GDC Nowshera organises awareness programme on social issues in Bhaderwah to be expedited: Div Com RAJOURI, APRIL 03: ty. He threw light on the very necessary in the pre - menace of over-speeding vailing pandemic. He en - Stresses on development of roads to major tourist spots, early in connection with se - that takes away precious couraged the students to ries of events to be organized lives. He also motivated the achieve their goals and des - completion of tourism sector projects regarding “AZAdi KA AM - students to see dreams and tination.The main intention rUT MAHOTSAVA india make efforts to convert of the event was to aware BHADARWAH, APRIL 03: pM-JAy SEHAT scheme, the div @75”, Government degree them into reality by hard students of the varied social Com directed the concerned to take College, Nowshera organ - divisional Commissioner, work, perseverance, strong evils that are still prevalent support from all the line depart - ized “General Awareness Jammu, dr raghav langer re - will power and dedication. in our society. The pro - ments, Arogya mitras and Asha programme regarding viewed the developmental scenario SHO Nowshera, pankaj gramme commenced with workers to expedite the registra - Social issues”. in Bhaderwah Tehsil, here at a Sharma, also addressed the the formal welcome address tion where it was low. The programme was or - meeting held on the second day of students and asked them to by dr Surinder Sharma, Moreover, the div Com also re - ganized under the patron - his tour to doda district. follow the SOps which are principal of the college. viewed the progress under age of the principal of the The meeting was attended by pMEGp, My Town My pride, Back College, dr Surinder Kumar. AdC Bhadarwah, rakesh Kumar, to Village, pM Kissan, KCC etc and The main intention of the NoTICE Chief Executive Officer, asked the concerned to make con - event was to aware students Bhadarwah development I have lost my 10th Class Diploma certed efforts to ensure full imple - of the varied social evils that Authority, Tehsildars Bhadarwah Certificate having Roll No. 121216, mentation of these flagship are still prevalent in our so - and Bhalla, dFO Bhadarwah, BdO Session: Bi-Annual 1999 and schemes which aim at the individ - ciety. The programme com - Bhadarwah and BdO Bhalla, BMO Registration No. 97MJRN-103404. ual as well as community benefits. menced with the formal wel - Bhadarwah, Xen irrigation, Now, I am applying for duplicate The div Com further directed come address by dr Assistant Executive Engineer Diploma of the same objection, if the officers of the line departments Surinder Sharma, principal pMGSy, Assistant Executive somebody is having objection in this to make coordinated efforts to of the college. He threw light Engineer JpdCl, Assistant regard he/she shall approach office of achieve the targets, and ensure a on various aspects of the Executive Engineer, pHE, TSWO, the Joint Secretary. Certificate J&K BOSE, Rehari public delivery system in a more event and enlightened the ZEO Bhadarwah, besides officers Colony Jammu within 10 days from the date of publica - accurate and transparent manner. students on ‘how we can of other departments and execut - tion of this notice. After the expiry of the defined period, Meanwhile, divisional tackle social evils like drug ing agencies. At the outset, the AdC no objection will be entertained. Commissioner also met with sever - addiction, unemployment, gave a brief account of the al deputations and listened to their gender issues etc.’ Administrative profile of Name : rakesh Gupta demands. ASp Nowshera, G.l. Bhaderwah, besides performance Father’s Name : lt. Sh. Babu ram A deputation put forth their de - Sharma, the Chief Guest of the various departments; the Mahesh etc. and easy access for the these habitations within the cur - Mother’s Name : Smt. Makhni devi mand seeking better road connec - captured very well the progress of ongoing works sanc - tourists to the different high alti - rent financial year. dOB : 13-05-1984 tivity, playground, public library, theme of the event by touch - tioned and approved under differ - tude tourist spots like seoj dhar. The div Com, while assessing r/o : H.No. 352, lane No. 28, restart of mini secretariat work, ing in detail, the various is - ent schemes which includes The div Com directed the AdC the power curtailment and power Jawahar Nagar, New plot, Jammu water/ power supply and other is - sues prevailing in the socie - languishing Schemes, Back to to conduct regular meetings to requirement in the area, the div sues of public concern. Village, MGNrEGA, 14th FC. He monitor registration of beneficiar - Com directed the concerned to no - The div Com gave patience also informed about the progress ies for Ayushmann Bharat pMJAy tify the curtailment schedule to get hearing to all the deputations and on All india institute of High and hold weekly block diwas meet - exact feedback about the require - ensured them that all their genuine Jammu muNICIpal CoRpoRaTIoN DIvISIoN-II Altitude Medicinal plant, under ings at different panchayats to re - ment, besides he asked the project demands would be addressed on For and on behalf of The Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Jammu,the Executive Engineer, Division No. II, AyUSH. solve the local public issues. engineer to commission all the tar - priority. The AdC Badarwah in - Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) invites online tenders from registered class of Contractors / Firms as per The div Com directed the CEO The div Com further directed geted sub stations by the end of formed that most of the demands the prescribed format for the works shown here under:- BdA to ensure the completion of all the executing agencies to devise June this year. are under consideration and would S. Name of work Advertised Tender Class of Time of Position T.S. pending tourism projects well the pert chart of all the ongoing regarding un-electrified vil - get resolved under languishing No Amount Fee contrac- comple- of AA sanction within time including roads to po - works, while the AdC was asked to lages the div Com directed the projects, pMGSy, Jal Jeevan tor tion tential sites to attract maximum closely monitor the progress of AdC to pull up the concerned exe - Mission and other such govern - 164t UPGRADATION OF 306.62 5000 Qualification 9 months approved sanctioned tourist footfall to boost the local each work on a daily basis for their cuting agencies and ask them to ment funded schemes. DRAINAGAE IN JMC as per e-NIT economy. timeline completion. mobilise the men and machinery to WARDS BY WAY OF conditions/ The div Com directed the AdC COVERING OF OPEN bid documents The CEO BdA informed about While reviewing the habita - electrify all the left out villages to follow all the proposals which DRAINS IN MUNICI- the public demand for helicopter tions lacking road connectivity, he which is one of the top priority of are already sent to the concerned PAL WARD NO 13, service to pilgrimage spots includ - asked pMGSy Engineers to formu - lG Administration. departments and resolve these is - 18,30,31, 32,33,39 AND 40 INCLUDING ing Kailash kund and Mani late a comprehensive plan to cover regarding Ayushman Bharat sues on priority. PILOT PROJECT FOR LINEAR DRAIN- AGE IN WARD NO 12 DDC Shopian reviews 1. The NIT/bid document download start date shall be 25.03.2021 10.00 hrs onwards. DC Ramban chairs DDMA meeting on Covid management 2. The bid submission end date shall be 15.04.2021 upto 1400 Hrs. Physical and 3. The Complete bidding process will be online. 4. The bids shall be uploaded in electronic format on the website http://jktenders.gov.inupto15.04.2021 upto 1400 Mobile teams to be deputed for expeditious testing, Hrs. Financial 5. The bids received will be opened on 16.04.2021at 1500 Hrs or any other day convenient to the tender opening vaccination and public awareness Committee. achievements of A. Documents required to be uploaded online for Technical Bid: 1. As per bid document uploaded RAMBAN, APRIL 03: the houses of Covid + patients are been taken to enforce orders on B. TERMS & CONDITIONS: various departments pasted to create awareness mandatory wearing of face 1. As per bid document uploaded. deputy Commissioner, among general public also,” he masks, washing of hands and SD/- ramban, Mussarat islam, today ExECuTIvE ENGINEER, Takes Sector-wise review of told the meeting. strict adherence to maintaining muNICIpal CoRpoRaTIoN DIvISIoN-II chaired a meeting of the district The meeting was informed physical distance. The coopera - DIp/J- 32-p/21 TowN hall Jammu progress of projects, CSSs disaster Management Authority that on an average over the last tion of all elected public represen - SHOPIAN, APRIL 3: (ddMA) to discuss and finalize three days, against a target of tatives is being sought in motivat - oFFICE oF ThE ExECuTIvE ENGINEER, ElECT. DIvISIoN DoDa strategy regarding Covid-19 con - 200, district ramban is testing ing people for Covid vaccination The district development tainment in the district. 257 persons for rT-pCr. in now reduced age-appropriate Jammu powER DISTRIbuTIoN CoRpoRaTIoN lImITED (JpDCl), Jammu Commissioner, (ddC) Shopian, Additional deputy Similarly, for Covid vaccination, category. Sachin Kumar Vaishya today con - powER DEvElopmENT DEpaRTmENT Commissioner, ramban, the number of people vaccinated district and Sub-divisional vened a meeting of Officers to review Email:[email protected] Harbans lal; Additional in the last two days has gone up administrations have undertaken TelNo.01996-233238 Fax No.01996-233238 the physical and Financial achieve - Superintendent of police, rajni from an average of 434 to around several face- mask wearing drives e-NIT No : 71 of 2020-21 Dated 29/03/2021 ments of various departments at dC Sharma; Assistant Commissioner 1300 per day. in all major towns and public Office Complex, here. At the outset, 1. INvITaTIoN:- revenue, dhirendra Sharma; The meeting decided to sup - places to impress upon the people For and on behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, the Executive Engineer the ddC took Sector-Wise review of Chief Medical Officer, dr. plement the Health department’s the importance of following Electric Division JPDCL Doda (Distribution), hereinafter referred as’ Employer’, invites onlinee-bids the progress of projects undertaken by Mohammad Farid Bhat; Medical reach by deputing mobile teams Covid protocols. Fines have also from Class ‘A registered contractors for “Fixing of Rate Contract for Reclamation/Repairs of Damaged different departments/agencies and Distribution Transformers of various Ratings Copper wound falling under the jurisdiction of Electric Superintendent, d. H. ramban, which shall help in expeditious been realized from people who other Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Division Doda for the financial year 2021-22. Bidders are advised to study the Bidding Document care - dr. Hamid Zargar and several testing, vaccination and public have violated Covid protocols. He reviewed the Schemes of rural fully. Submission of e-Bid against this SBD shall be deemed to have been done after careful/conscious other members of the ddMA at - awareness for keeping Covid in - The deputy Commissioner, study and examination of the procedures, terms and conditions of the Standard Bidding Document with development department, irrigation tended the meeting. fection under control. in view of who is also the Chairman of the full understanding of its implications. and Flood Control, r&B, pMGSy, Briefing the meeting on steps South portal of Jawahar Tunnel ddMA, directed the CMO to issue 1. The tender document is available at website http://jktenders.gov.in. Interested Bidders may view, down - Health, pdd, Animal and Sheep load the e-Bid document,seek clarification and submit their e-Bid Online upto the date and time men - taken to keep Covid-19 infection having been declared as red daily Covid bulletins detailing Husbandry, Education, youth tioned in the table below :- under control, the CMO said that Zone, the meeting decided to un - therein figuratively the status of Services and Sports and others. A Tender Document Sale/Download Start Date 30.03.2021;4.00 PM onwards rT-pCr testing and covid vacci - dertake random testing of trav - rT-pCr and rAT sampling, detailed discussions were also held on B Tender Document Sale/Download End Date 15.04.2021;3:00 PM nation has been ramped up in the ellers and drivers to detect any Covid vaccination of age-appro - various issues related to effective im - district. He said there are 24 ac - possible Covid+ case. For this, priate category, sampling of rTi C e-Bid submission (start) date & time 30.03.2021;05:00 PM plementation of vital schemes and tive cases at present in the district CMO ramban was directed to de - Opd and public awareness about D e-Bid submission (end) date & time 15.04.2021;04:00 PM projects in the district. The ddC di - and steps have been taken to trace ploy a team. ongoing vaccination drives as al - E Submission of Hard Copy of Tender Fee & EMD 16.04.2021 upto 04:00 PM rected the concerned officers to mobi - contacts to prevent the infection The meeting was informed so registrations under pMJAy/ Instrument (End) date & time lize all the sources for effective and from spreading. “posters outside that adequate measures have SEHAT. F Commercial and Technical Bid opening date & time 17.04.2021; 02:00 PM timely completion of developmental G Online financial e-Bid opening date & time Will be communicated to the Technically projects. The ddC urged upon the of - (Only of the technically qualified Bidders) Qualifying Bidders. ficers to gear up the pace of ongoing M Raju reviews Darbar Move arrangements at Sgr I Tender Value Rate Contract works and projects and directed the J Cost of e-Bid document Rs.2000 (Non-Refundable) concerned to personally monitor the Secretariat as well as the residen - progress of ongoing developmental tial areas should be cleaned scien - K Amount of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 50000/- or Bid security Declaration As per circular issued by Financial commissioner works on a regular basis to ensure tifically. He stressed on them to sensi - Finance Deptt. Govt. of J&K vide No. A/Misc (2018) completion of these projects within -III-895/J dated : 22-12-2020. the fixed timelines. reiterating the tize the management of the pri - importance of public outreach pro - vate hotels and ask them to put all 3. The Bidders need to submit the proof/cost of e-Bid document as stated in the above table through gramme, the ddC appreciated the ef - measures in place for the cleanli - Demand Draft from any Nationalized/Scheduled bank pledged to Executive Engineer Electric Division forts of the officers for redressing ness of rooms and surroundings (JPDCL) Doda, payable at Doda. The original demand draft shall be submitted in a separate envelope to the office of the Executive Engineer Electric Division JPDCL Doda and should reach at least one day grievances of the people at their especially in view of the COVid- 19 pandemic. before opening of commercial and technical Bid.The scanned copy of the Demand Draft must be up - doorsteps. He directed the officers to loaded along with the e-Bids. ensure punctuality and accountability The Commissioner/Secretary 4. Bidders must quote for all the particulars of the item in the Technical Bid and in the price schedule/BOQ of the employees in various inspected the ongoing works in of financial bid. The bids of Bidders who will not quote for all the particulars for any item in technical and Government offices for better public Civil Secretariat and directed the financial bids shall be liable to be rejected at the discretion of the Employer keeping in view the interest of the JPDCL. delivery, grievance redressal mecha - concerned executing agency to expedite the pace of works. 5. All the e-Bids must be accompanied by the scanned copy of EMD in the form of CDR/FDR/Bank nism through effective implementa - Guarantee only from any Nationalized/Scheduled bank only pledged to Executive Engineer Electric tion and called for empathetic and it was informed in the meet - Division JPDCL Doda or Bid declaration. No Interest shall be payable on Earnest Money deposited with sympathetic attitude while dealing to ing that the works with regard to the Department. the people. The ddC also directed the the face-lifting and other a) Hard Copy of original instrument of EMD shall be demanded from the successful bidders after the opening of the Financial e-Bids. CMO to achieve the required target of repair/renovation works of Civil Secretariat have already been b) The date and time of opening of Financial-Bids shall be notified on WebSite http://jktenders.gov.in. This vaccination and stressed to gear up is conveyed to the technically qualified Bidders automatically throughan e-mail message on their e-mail the men and machinery in view of the started. Besides, the important address. The Financial bids shall be opened accordingly online on the same website. second wave of the Covid-19 virus to civil and allied works of other 6. The e-Bids will be electronically opened in the presence of Bidder’s representatives, who choose to at - save the precious lives. Estates Colonies housing darbar tend at the venue, date and time mentioned in the above table. An authority letter of Bidder’s/OEM rep - resentative will be required to be produced. The meeting held threadbare dis - Move employees are also being taken up. 7. The JPDCL reserves the right to cancel any or all the e-Bids/the e-Bid process without assigning any cussion on the issues hindering the reason there of if any major lapse/deviation is found. The decision of the JPDCL, will be final and bind - pace of developmental projects in - Similarly, it was also in - ing. cluding land acquisition, land com - formed that the private hotels/ 8. In the event of date specified for e-Bids opening being declared a holiday for JPDCL office then the due pensation and forest clearance and di - SRINAGAR, APRIL 03: in a time bound manner. He em - guest houses offered for hiring for date for opening of e Bids shall be the following working day at the appointed time and place. 9. All the required documents excluding Price Schedule/BOQ should be uploaded by the e- Bidders rected the concerned officers to re - phasised upon the officers that all the darbar Move employees have Commissioner Secretary also been inspected by the desig - electronically in the PDF format, whereas Price Schedule/BOQ should be uploaded electronically in the move bottlenecks by taking appropri - employee colonies should be same BOQ sheet provided with the SBD. ate action and asked them that he will Estates and Jal Shakti, M. raju properly cleaned and compre - nated committee for further allot - 10. To participate in e-bidding process, Bidders have to get ’Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) as per review the progress in this connection today chaired a meeting to review hensive face-lifting should be car - ment. Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. shortly. The ddC further directed the the arrangements put in place for ried on in a planned manner well Among others, deputy Hard Copyof costof TenderDocument must be delivered to the Office of the Executive Engineer Electric Division JPDCL Doda in sealed cover atleast one day before the scheduled date of opening of the com - concerned Executing Agencies to darbar Move 2021 at Civil before the opening of offices in director Estates, Kashmir, Secretariat here. Executive Engineer Estates mercial and technical e -Bids. The sealed cover shall be superscribed as ”COST OF TENDER DOCU - speed up the construction work on Srinagar. MENTS against e-NIT No.71 of 2020-21 Dated 29-03-2021. various projects in a time bound man - The Commissioner Secretary M raju asked the concerned division, Srinagar, representa - ner and leave no stone unturned in enjoined upon all the concerned officers that special focus should tive of r&B project Circle Executive Engineer fulfilling the aspirations of the people officers to ensure that all civil and be been given to ensure that the division-i, Estates Officer Civil JpDCl Elect.Division DIp/J- 50-p/21 Doda who have great expectations . other allied works are completed drinking water tanks at Civil Secretariat were also present. Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU SUNdAy April 4 2, 021 Glimpses of Future App innovations & user expectations ESTABliSHEd iN 1986 By : ABHAy PAI Virtual or Augmented reality: The concept of integrating digital Given the heavy competition in content with the real world may Hope for peace the sector, the only means for busi - have seemed like science fiction a nesses to stand out is through app decade ago, but it is far more com - innovation. As smartphones have mon than one may imagine. What he india and china relations remained become the largest means of access - was once almost exclusively a gamer ing the internet, mobile apps are industry prop, is today one of the unstable in past due to standoffs be- perhaps the most powerful means of most innovative ideas in fitness tween two countries. The tension be- connecting with users. in sheer apps. Machine learning (Ml): it is a T numbers, it is a marketplace that no branch of artificial intelligence tween india and China flared up manifold in business can afford to ignore. With where the machine uses data analy - an expanding base of smartphone sis to ‘learn’. As a consequence, we when troops of both countries engaged in a vio- users and over a billion mobile sub - have ‘smart’ machines that improve lent face-off in Galwan Valley in eastern scribers, india is one of the fastest their functioning as they learn. Apps growing mobile markets in the use the smartphone’s own Ml capa - ladakh, in which 20 indian soldiers were mar- world. Given the heavy competition bilities to improve their functionali - in the sector and high user expecta - ty. Camera apps are using this tech - tyred and many injured. peace with neighbors tions, the only means to stand out is nology to detect the user’s emotions, means development and prosperity and to through app innovation. One of the making adjustments in their envi - industries that seized this opportu - ronments. progressive web applica - move further in this direction, india has hoped nity was the fitness industry. With tions: These are the marriage be - innovations in the internet of that China will work with it to ensure disen- tween web technology and apps Things (ioT) and wearable tech be - customer service by collecting de - introducing these bots for helping stores that was just waiting to hap - gagement of troops in remaining areas of east- coming more and more accessible, tailed feedback, providing precise their users make hassle-free book - pen. Originally proposed in 2015, apps have become more dynamic information and offering an imme - ings, payments and reservations. these apps have gained steady trac - ern ladakh at the earliest, and asserted that de- with each vying for the top spot. As a diate resolution. By cutting human Wearables: Fitness-oriented plat - tion with both brands and users. For result, the average user now has easy escalation of tension alone will lead to restora- intervention, they also provide a forms today track the user’s activity, users, the attraction lies in instant access to high-quality apps that can more cost-effective and efficient so - heart rate and calorie intake along access to the app without always tion of peace and tranquility in border areas. provide almost any virtual aid one lution for routine customer interac - with oxygen monitoring. Some apps having to install it. Flipkart and can think of. Chatbots: These are not tions. But from a basic customer now offer a smart weight scale that BookMyShow are the two big names Spokesperson in the Ministry of External new, but their utilisation in mobile feedback service, chatbots are now will help users manage their body with progressive web apps. Fitness apps is certainly changing the way Affairs Arindam Bagchi says that the two sides increasingly being adopted as the weight. But it isn’t just physical apps come backed with sensors such brands connect and communicate primary tool for customer interface. health that apps can help chart. as accelerometer and gyroscope. should continue to remain in touch through with users. For businesses, chatbots For instance, popular booking apps They can also track one’s sleep cycle, Others like Bluetooth and equiva - are extremely useful as they improve across the country are planning on emotional and mental health. military and diplomatic channels on the issue. app innovations on page 7 A violent and confusing situation is in no body’s interest and we hope that Chinese side will work with india to ensure that disengage- Pressing need for World Government and Global Parliament ment in the remaining areas is completed at the By : JALALI JI KOUL rence of wars and to maintain earliest. This would allow both sides to consid- peace all over the world, it was A World Government can be also mandated in broader terms er de-escalation of forces in eastern ladakh as established and its parliament to look after some aspects like that alone will lead to the restoration of peace could be elected directly by pro - economic, social and cultural de - portional representation based velopment. The organisation has and tranquility and provide conditions for on population of each member been beneficial to mankind in nation Amid ever-increasing many ways but looking back at progress of the bilateral relationship. There threats facing humanity, it’s its record during the over 75 was a consensus that the two sides should high time to initiate steps at the years of its existence, there is not governance level to make the much to feel proud about. Soon quickly resolve the remaining issues in the re- world a safer place for mankind. after its formation in 1945, it had The COVid-19 pandemic has to face the Cold War between the gion. The disengagement in pangong lake area provided impetus to the idea of a Western Bloc and the Soviet Bloc was a significant step forward and it has pro- global democratic government headed by former Union of and underlined the necessity of a Soviet Socialist republics vided a good basis for resolution of other re- world organisation to tackle the (USSr) which lasted till the col - dangers facing mankind in a lapse of the Soviet Block in 1991. maining issues along the line of Actual Control more effective manner. These in - it could not prevent local and re - in western sector. india has shown great matu- clude pandemics, stockpiles of gional wars in the Korean penin - nuclear weapons, deadly biologi - sula, Asia, Africa and even in rity in the past while dealing with China and it cal weapons, natural disasters, Europe and latin America. it climate change, loss of control could not stop Chinese aggres - is hoped that china will chose a path of peace over Artificial intelligence, ter - sion against india in 1962 and failure of the UN to meet expec - repeated calls by many coun - and will make more friends than foes. rorism and so on. it is obvious the Cuban missile crisis between tations have been lack of its full tries, it has more or less contin - that these threats cannot be the then Soviet Union and the representative character and its ued with its inequitable repre - tackled by any country alone US. Mostly because of the Cold failure to reform itself. Also, the sentative character. A glaring ex - and a united action at the local, War politics and its attitude, it organisation has not restruc - ample of this has been that regional and international levels failed to take bold united action. tured itself to keep up with the india, with over 1.38 billion pop - is required to rid the world of its response to natural disasters needs of the changing world. ulation which constitutes about these dangers. Currently, a and epidemics at national or in - Under these circumstances, its 18 per cent of the world popula - Shrewd move attitude towards enormous tion, has no permanent repre - world body already exists —the ternational level also fell far United Nations (UN). Formed short of expectations. Apart problems and threats and de - sentation on its most important after World War ii in 1945 to from the Cold War politics, other viant forces facing mankind has decision-making organ the UN prevent and eliminate recur - main causes responsible for the been almost inflexible. despite pressing need o n page 7 Preservation of the lotic ecosystem in India By : B. K. P.SINHA origin Himalayan rivers and penin - sular ones. The former are glacier- Almost all indian rivers are un - fed and perennial, while the latter der severe despoliation caused by are altogether monsoon-fed. The anthropogenic activities; the mag - perennial Himalayan rivers consti - nitude varies at various segments tute three major river systems the all along the rivers’ course. One of Ganga, Brahmaputra and indus the crucial challenges of the 21st which cover various types of catch - century is the restoration of degrad - ments and provide a variety of mi - ed running-water ecosystems crohabitats. The Ganga river sys - streams, rivers, springs besides pre - tem (major tributaries yamuna, serving those that are still in good Ghaghara, Gandak, Gomati, Sone condition. The historical scientific and Tons), the Brahmaputra river Tikait plans to renew the agitation after May 10 so that the protesting databases on lotic ecosystems are system (Siang river as a main chan - farmers can use the breather. By no measure can one compare the ongoing generally poor with largely anecdot - nel and major tributaries dibang, farmers’ crusade with popular movements like the Satyagraha or Quit al or incomplete information. The lohit, Subansiri, ranganadi, india that eventually led to india winning its independence from the ecosystem paradigms can serve as Manas, Kulsi, dhansiri, British. However, there is an uncanny similarity and it is inherent to any tools for evaluating the existing Champamati, Sankhosh and digaru movement in general if it aims to survive for long. it seems that the farmer condition of running waters, sur - rivers) and the indus river system agitation’s most prominent face and voice, rakesh Tikait, has taken a leaf mising their likely antecedent con - (consisting of the Beas and Sutlej as out of india’s independence movement and is adroitly following the strat- dition and developing targets and major tributaries in india) are the egy that Mahatma Gandhi believed in Struggle-Truce-Struggle (STS) as he strategies for their restoration. principal Himalayan rivers; howev - has announced that the struggle against the Centre over the three con - Because the majority of degraded er, a major stretch of the indus tentious farm laws will pick up intensity after May 10. He has also pro - streams and rivers has changed be - flows in pakistan, leaving back a claimed that the movement will continue for at least another eight months. yond our ability to return them to function of running-water ecosys - A river is more than a channel small segment of its drainage basin Shrewd move on page 7 their original state, the call for their tems. The regulations governing the carrying water; it transports sedi - in the indian territory. The rehabilitation acquires signifi - protection and width of riparian ments, harbours various organ - Himalayan rivers are antecedent cance. it often takes the form of re - buffer zone plays a vital role. isms, plants, animal and microbes. rivers having deep gorges exhibit - turning certain organisms or riparian zones depict areas that are Hence it should be conceived as a ing practically vertical to convex H I S T O R Y T H I S D A Y processes to a condition that ad - transitional between terrestrial and natural resource comprising biotic valley walls; and slope failures have dresses societal objectives. aquatic ecosystems. They are dis - and abiotic ingredients essential for become very common particularly 1817 : Texas Ranger “Big Foot” Wallace born restoration will dominate in tinguished by gradients in biophysi - management of hydrological and in the belts cut by active faults in more developed regions where cal conditions, ecological processes ecological system. Until recently, their hilly stretch. They provide dif - ranger and frontiersman “Big Foot” Wallace is The legendary Texas modifications of running water sys - and biota. They connect surface and planning and management of rivers ferent gradient of habitat hetero - born in lexington, Virginia. in 1836, 19-year-old William Alexander tems and their watersheds have subsurface hydrology namely, wa - were largely oriented on the chan - geneity from its headwater to Anderson Wallace received news that one of his brothers had been killed been more extensive. in lesser de - ter bodies with their adjacent up - nels themselves and it is integrated mouth for colonisation of aquatic in the Battle of Goliad, an early confrontation in the Texan war of inde- veloped regions, preservation of lands. riparian areas are adjacent with catchment management. fauna. Further, the fragility of geo - pendence with Mexico. pledging to “take pay of the Mexicans” for his many of these lotic systems may still to perennial, intermittent and However, there are many aspects of logic formations in the Himalayas brother’s death, Wallace left lexington and headed for Texas. By the time be possible, but the distinction be - ephemeral streams, lakes and estu - channel catchment linkages with and deforestation of riparian catch - he arrived, the war was over, but Wallace found he liked the spirited inde- tween pristine and degraded sys - arine-marine shorelines. They usu - ecological perspective of riparian ments, soil erosion in the upper pendence of the new republic of Texas and decided to stay. Over six feet tems is disappearing rapidly. in the ally extend from the edges of water zones and these are essential for stretch of rivers causes severe sedi - tall and weighing around 240 pounds, Wallace’s physique made him an context of preserving and rehabili - bodies to the edges of upland com - maintaining the health of the lotic mentation to downstream and intimidating man, and his unusually large feet won him the nickname tating streams and rivers, it is im - munities and represent a zone of in - system. in india, rivers are classi - habitat destruction. The ecological “Big Foot.” in 1842, he finally had a chance to fight Mexicans and joined portant to enlist the best scientific teractions between the aquatic and fied mainly into two types based on conditions of peninsular rivers de - 1817 on page 7 understanding of the structure and terrestrial component. their geographical locations and preservation on page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU SUNdAy April 4, 2021 Modi urges Assam militants to join mainstream PRESS TRUST Of INDIA their own future, too, as they are path of development through five years, the "double engine" NdA heavily on those claimimg what peo - Tamulpur, Apr 3 needed to create an 'Atmanirbhar "peace and goodwill" and it is this governments at the Centre and in the ple who will form the next govern - Assam'," he said. referring to the that has led to the signing of the his - state have resulted in "double benefit" ment will look like and wear. he was Buoyed by a raft of peace agree - huge crowd of women present at the toric Bodo Accord, he said. The for Assam, the prime minister said. apparently referring to the comments ments with underground outfits in rally, the prime minister said during NdA government, he asserted, for - "Whenever we think of any scheme, by Abdur rahim, the son of AiUdF the Northeast, prime Minister his last visit to Kokrajhar in BTr on mulates policies that are non-dis - we think of everyone without any dis - founder and Mp Badruddin Ajmal, a Narendra Modi on Saturday made a Thursday, he was surprised to see criminatory and for all sections of crimination. We want that the bene - Congress ally, who Friday asserted fervent appeal to militants in Assam women in large numbers and asked a society. "it's unfortunate that those fits of the schemes reach every section "dadhi, topi and lungi wallahs" will who have not surrendered yet to re - political analyst about the reason, and who divided society and threw of the society, irrespective of whether form the next government in the state. turn to the mainstream as they are was told "mothers are now sure their crumbs of development at particu - they are form a vote bank or not, liter - "There cannot be a bigger insult to needed to create an 'Atmanirbhar children will not pick up weapons and lar sections for their vote bank poli - ate or illiterate. We are here to work Assam. The people of Assam will not Assam'. Addressing an election rally go away to the jungle again". tics are said to be practising secu - for the nation and to change the lives tolerate those who insult Assam's here in Bodoland Territorial region's "i assure every mother and sister larism while we, who ensure that of people," he said, The prime minis - pride and id entity and will give (BTr) Baksa district, the prime min - of the BTr that the dreams of your development reaches all, are ter said it is for the first time that spe - them a befitting reply through th e ister said people of the state have re - children will be fulfilled and they do termed communal," Modi said, at - cial attention has been given to holis - ballot," he said. The people of the state jected violence for development, not have to pick up weapons and go to tacking the Congress over long tic development of 100 districts and have decided to vote the NdA to pow - peace, unity and stability. Accusing the jungles or fall victim to bullets," he years of violence in the state. "The out of these, seven are in Assam. er again, he asserted. "i say this on the the Congress of encouraging violence, said. Every child is special to their NdA government has strived to The people of Assam have realised strength of my po litical experience, Modi said, "it is our responsibility to mother but their tears do not stop holistically empower every section this and the "Mahajhot ka the love, affection and enthusi am ensure the rehabilitation of those who once the child picks up a gun and goes of society with our mantra 'Sabka Mahajhooth (the Grand lies of the they have shown for the NdA in the have returned to the mainstream after to the jungle, he said, adding the NdA Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Grand Alliance has been exposed with two phases of polling already held. years of struggle. "i also appeal to is committed to ensuring that this Vishwas'. This game of secularism people reposing faith in development, They are with develop ment, stabili - those who are yet to surrender to re - does not happen again. The NdA is and communalism has hurt the na - stability, peace, goodwill, harmony ty, peace, harmony and unity," he turn for the future of the state and for committed to moving ahead on the tion a lot," he said. during the last and unity", he said. Modi came down added. 191 new cases of COVid-19 in pondy, Arms dealer, brother BJp engineering communal strife cumulative tally touches 42,132 held for forgery in PRESS TRUST Of INDIA in Bengal to win polls: Mamata Puducherry, Apr 3 UP's Ballia PRESS TRUST Of INDIA puducherry post - PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Ballia (UP), Apr 3 Raidighi (WB), Apr 3 ed 191 fresh coron - avirus cases on An arms dealer and his brother have West Bengal Chief Saturday taking the to - been arrested here for allegedly forging docu - Minister Mamata Banerjee tal caseload to 42,132. ments of sale of bullets, police said on on Saturday accused the However, no fresh fa - Saturday. Seraj Alam and Meraj Alam, who BJp of engineering com - tality was reported in own a shop in the loha patti locality, were ar - munal strife in the state to any of the four regions rested on Friday on the basis of a complaint win the assembly elec - of puducherry, lodged by Kotwali police station SHO Bal tions. The TMC chief, Karaikal, Mahe and Mukund Mishra, Additional Superintendent while addressing an elec - yanam during the last of police Sanjay yadav said. The case was reg - tion rally in raidighi in 24 hours and the toll istered under various sections of the ipC and South 24 parganas district, remained 684. the Arms Act, the police added. also called upon Muslims director of the Health As per the case, arms licence holder not to "fall in the trap of a and Family Welfare samples an d they were 27,603 health care Manager Singh, a retired CrpF trooper and BJp-aided party from department S Mohan spread over puducherry workers and 13,796 resident of dumri village under dubhar po - Hyderabad and its Bengal Kumar said in a release 140, Karaikal 44, front line workers have lice station, had bought only 10 cartridges ally that are out to polarise believe in our tradition of deleted the names of 14 outsiders to rig the elec - that 137 patients were yanam (one) and been vaccinated from the accused but the dealer forged docu - votes." Her jibe was appar - giving respect to every reli - lakh Bengalis and 2 lakh tions in Nandigram by vis - discharged after recov - Mahe 6. The director against the virus so far. ments to show he had bought 50 cartridges ently aimed at Asaduddin gion." Taking a dig at BJp Biharis in the updated iting every house before ery from hospitals dur - said there were 1474 He further said each on three dates August 27, August 28 and Owaisi-led AiMiM and leaders having lunch at NrC in Assam," she said. polling. Still, i will win ing last twenty- four active cases (363 in 33,760 people coming September 1. This way the accused supplied Abbas Siddiqui's iSF. Both houses of dalits, she said, Banerjee alleged that handsomely from the seat. hours. As many as 6.78 hospitals and 1,111 in under the categories of 140 cartridges, which were recorded as sold Owaisi and Siddiqui had "i am a B rahmin woman. But central forces are terroris - One local goon was accom - lakh samples have home quarantine). He senior citizens (above to Singh, to unauthorised persons, the police earlier denied the TMC's my all-time associate is a ing people at every home panied by outsider goons been examined so far said 39,974 patients sixty years) and those said. The matter came to light after the Ballia insinuations. The iSF is Schedule d Caste woman 48 hours before polling, in Nandigram. This is their and of them 6.26 lakh were discharged so far above 45 years with co district administration last week launched a fighting the elections in al - who takes care of all my asking them to vote for the pattern," she said. Taking a turned out to be nega - after recovery. The fa - morbidities have been campaign to probe the instances in which an liance with the Cpi(M) and needs. She also cooks food BJp. "don't be intimidat - dig at TMC turncoats, she tive. The 191 new cases tality and recovery covered under second arms licence holder bought more than 100 the Congress. The TMC for me." "i need not adver - ed. Mothers and sisters said sitting raidighi MlA of infection were iden - rates were 1.67 percent phase of vaccination cartridges. investigation revealed that the ac - supremo also urged tise this as those bringing challenge them. We have and actor debasree roy tified at the end of ex - and 94.88 percent re - which began on March cused forged Manager Singh's signature and Hindus to be on the guard five-star hotel lunch to eat no problems if the forces joined the BJp after not aminations of 1,302 spectively. Kumar said 1. his licence, the police said. against the BJp's attempts at the courtyard of a dalit act impartially to ensure getting a party ticket from to "instigate communal home are anti- dalit, anti- free and fair elections but if the seat. "We don't involve clashes" and called upon backward caste and anti- they act on behalf of a par - such opportunists in our them to chase away out - minority in nature," she ticular political party, we party," she said. Noting Contn. from Page 6 ...... siders sent to foment trou - said. The TMC chief will protest," she said, The that the TMC is fighting ble in their respective lo - claimed that if elected to chief minister, who is con - the elections on the devel - calities. Affirming her power in West Bengal, the testing her former lieu - opment plank, she said, App innovations ...... Hindu identity, in an ap - BJp will implement the tenant and BJp candidate "There has been infra - parent attempt to counter Citizenship (Amendment) Suvendu Adhikari in structural development in lent proximity options will very soon make their own appear - line payment platforms are now exploring transactions via the minority appeasement Act and the National Nandigram, alleged that Sunderbans. The state ance. payments: remembering your piN for every transaction biometrics, face id, or voice-based systems. App innova - charge against her, register of Citizens (NrC), there were attempts by government has taken an can become rather tiresome, especially given the multiple tions will be the key in leading the industry and expanding Banerjee said, "i am a de - forcing "many citizens to "outsiders" to rig the elec - initiative to provide egg platforms where we need passwords. To make the process its reach as more and more people take advantage of dis - vout Hindu who recites leave". "They will divide tions in the constituency in meal at rs 5 and women easy, especially for those juggling multiple passwords, on - ruptive tec hnologies that are fun and customise d for their use. Chandi mantra every day West Bengal and its peo - purba Medinipur district. involved in SHGs in the re - ple. remember how they "There were attempts by gion are involved in it." 1817 ...... before leaving home. But i with other Texans to repulse an invasion by the Mexican had hundreds of adventures. Once, Native Americans at - General Adrian Woll. during another skirmish with tacked Wallace while he was working as a stage driver on Contn. from Page 6 ...... Mexicans, Wallace was captured and endured two years the hazardous San Antonio-El paso route. He escaped of hard time in the notoriously brutal perote prison in with his life but the Natives stole his mules, leaving him Vera Cruz before finally being released in 1844. After re - stranded in the Texas desert. Forced to walk to El paso, ...... turning to Texas, Wallace decided to abandon the formal Wallace later claimed he ate 27 eggs at the first house he Shrewd move Texan military force for the less rigid organization of the encountered after his long journey, then he went into The agitation, which has been going on for four months farmer, knows the importance of timing in harvesting and Texas rangers. part law-enforcement officers and part town to have a “real meal.” in his later years, Wallace de - and reached its peak when a few anti-nationals among the sowing a crop. despite several rounds of negotiations with soldiers, the Texas rangers fought both bandits and cided he had enough of life as a fighter and adventurer. in protesters hoisted certain flags on the ramparts of the red the Government, no results have been achieved. The farm - Native Americans in the vast, sparsely populated reaches exchange for his service, the state of Texas granted him Fort on republic day, has now apparently lost steam. ers are adamant on their demand for repealing the three of the Texan frontier. Williams served under ranger land along the Medina river and in Frio County in the Obviously, Tikait, who is striving to make a political career laws and a legal guarantee on the MSp while the John Coffee Hays until the start of the Civil War in 1861. southern part of the state. Always happy to regale listen - for himself riding on the popular movement, doesn’t want Government is not ready to concede. On the other hand, Opposed to secession but unwilling to fight against his ers with highly embellished tales of his frontier days, the growers’ struggle to be lost into oblivion. He is doing Tikait is using the opportunity of becoming a mass leader own people, Williams spent most of the war defending Wallace became a contemporary folk hero to the people whatever he can to inject fresh lifeblood into it but he also to the fullest. His visit to the poll-bound West Bengal last Texas against Native American attacks along the fron - of Texas. Wallace died in 1899 and is buried in the Texas seems to be aware that mass movements have an inherent month turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt in that di - tier. during his many years in the wilds of Texas, Wallace State Cemetery. tendency to ebb after reaching a certain point. According to rection as he failed to garner much support against the Mahatma Gandhi, the capacity of the masses to withstand BJp. Whether this movement will survive or succumb to repression, endure sufferings and make sacrifices is not the politics of those spearheading it, only time will tell. Preservation ...... unlimited and there comes a time when breathing space is However, it is advisable for Tikait to drop all his plans of pend on hydrological characteristics like water level, cur - tainability of rivers and their associated floodplains. needed to consolidate, recuperate and gather strength for scoring brownie points in politics by milking the farmers’ rent velocity and discharge, which vary from very lean to There is a growing awareness about the pivotal role of the the next round of the struggle. The truce period would en - protest. He’d better seek parleys with the Government and very high depending on relative rainfall in the respective flow regime in maintaining the ecological integrity of ri - able the masses to recoup strength to renew the fight. So, reach an amicable solution. it would be in the interest of watershed and catchment areas. Among the peninsular parian zones. There is still much to learn about the eco - Tikait has said the farmers amassed at delhi’s borders can both the farmers and the Government. This is not a rivers, majority of them are East Coast rivers viz, logical significance of individual flow events and se - harvest their wheat crops till May 10 and the movement Satyagraha but just a movement led by the strong lobby of Mahanadi, Krishna, Godavari and Cauvery. These east- quences of events. There is a small set of overarching eco - will now gather speed only after that. He is well aware of middlemen and greedy politicians who have otherwise flowing rivers drain into the Bay of Bengal. The West logical principles that, if employed for river management, the compulsions a grower faces and, himself being a failed to make a mark in politics. Coast rivers comprising Narmada, Tapi, Sabarmati and may alleviate many of the difficult flow regulation issues luni flow towards west and drain into the Arabian sea. facing resource managers and policy makers. The follow - Pressing ...... All peninsular rivers are monsoonal and display very ing principles, derived on several spatially broad poor water flow to heavy flood, displaying fluctuating eco - overviews of river and riparian characteristics, are simple Security Council. last year in June, out of the 192 parliament. logical and biological conditions. However, almost all the to maintain The flow regime determines the successional votes cast in the UN General Assembly, 184 countries Such an institution will strengthen democracy, indian rivers are under severe despoliation caused by an - evolution of riparian plant communities and ecological voted in favour of india for two-year non-permanent justice and equity throughout the world and help in thropogenic activities; though the magnitude varies at processes; the river serves as a pathway for redistribution membership of the UNSC, which started from curbing fundamentalist and the radical ideologies. various segments of the rivers all along their course. Some of organic and inorganic material that influences plant January this year. The world body has also to change proper attention to all threats facing mankind could serious issues arise — river pollution throughout the communities along rivers; every river has a characteristic its responses so that the threats facing mankind are ensure safety and survival of intelligent life on earth. country caused by untreated urban sewage, industrial ef - flow regime and an associated riparian community; ri - attended to promptly. The idea regarding the deep But for realising it, the member countries will have fluents, agricultural runoff, mining wastes, religious cere - parian zones are topographically unique in occupying structural changes to turn the UN into a democratic to shed a few shades of their sovereignty which could monies and navigational operations; indiscriminate de - nearly the lowest position in the landscape, thereby could World Government, will take more time to come democratically authorise and enable such a World struction of drainage basin because of clearing of riparian be integrated with catchment-scale management. The somewhat into shape. Moreover, in a world full of di - Government to prevent deadly nuclear and biologi - zone vegetation; huge load of suspended solid, causing in - major challenge for riparian management is to place wa - versities and ideological differences, such an institu - cal wars at the local, regional or at international lev - creased magnitude and frequency of flood that changes ter resource development within the context of these fun - tion will have to be free from biases and prejudices els. At present, there are already scores of organisa - the level of interaction between land and water and hence damental ecological principles in order to maintain eco - and will have to transcend the diversities and differ - tions in Africa, America, Europe and elsewhere, and affects despoiling input of energy source; river regulation, logical vitality with long-term planning. despite growing ences to acquire a truly representative and inde - some of these are popularly elected. despite Brexit, lift irrigation and water allocation without considering recognition of the relationships between riparian charac - pendent character. recently, with advancements in the European Union continues to be a best example the ecological consequences that have adversely influ - teristics and flow regimes, ecologists still struggle to pre - human civilisation and thought, the necessity for of such institutions even though at the regional level enced the density, diversity and productivity of aquatic dict and quantify biotic responses to altered regimes. An such a global institution has been felt immensely at only. initially established as an advisory body, it has bio-resources. The population of migratory fishes is also obvious difficulty is the inability to distinguish the direct various stages. After deeper restructuring of the ex - evolved through decades as an elected representa - adversely affected. The water accounting study suggests effects of modified flow regimes from the effects associat - isting world body, contours for a democratic World tive institution. Just some time before his death, that there is less physical risk of meeting the existing or ed with other changes that often accompany water re - Government can be established and parliament of renowned physicist Stephen Hawking pleaded for es - future water demands and quantity of the supplied water source development. One often encounters river systems the world body could be elected directly by propor - tablishment of some form of World Government as as well. However, water quality is an issue that poses a affected by multiple stressors, making it nearly impossi - tional representation based on population of each he apprehended that aggressive instincts of humans major threat to the riv er ecology, risking the livelihoods of peo - ble to definitively separate the effects of altered flow member nation. The challenges facing mankind as could lead to destruction of mankind and hoped that ple dependent on rivers. The alteration of flow regimes is the regimes from those of myriad other factors and interac - also the matters of economic and financial gover - such a Government could prevent the impending most serious contemporary threat to the ecological sus - tions associated with climate and land use changes. nance can be dealt with in a far better way by a Global doom. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU, SUNdAy, April 4, 2021 In Brief India Inc in China concerned over No trade with India under Explosions at 2 Somali current circumstances: army bases kill at least 9 China's COVID-19 travel restrictions Pak PM Khan Mogadishu (Somalia), Apr 3 By K J M VARMA enter the country. By SAJJAD HUSSAIN Islamabad, Apr 3 (PTI) Simultaneous large explo - Beijing, Apr 3 (PTI) This created more confusion as Chinese vaccines are not avail - sions were heard in and around prime Minister The CEOs of a host of indian able in india. While China has two Somali army bases on imran Khan decided businesses and industries in not included the students in the Saturday, with the military con - that pakistan cannot go China have expressed concern mandatory vaccine list, the firming at least nine of its people ahead with any trade over the continuing COVid-19 Chinese Foreign Ministry said killed but asserting heavy losses with india under the related visa and travel restric - Chinese authorities would study among the attackers. The al- current circumstances tions being pursued by Beijing the issues related to students but Shabab extremist group claimed after holding consulta - which they say are hampering no decision has been announced responsibility. residents said the tions with key members of his Cabinet on importing their activities. yet. attacks occurred in Bariirre and cotton and sugar from the neighbouring country, a me - They expressed their concern Several top indian industries Awdhegleh villages of lower dia report said on Saturday. The prime minister after during their interaction with the and businesses operate from dif - Shabelle region, 75 kilometres consultations on Friday instructed the Ministry of indian Ambassador to China, ferent parts of China. (46 miles) south of the capital, Commerce and his economic team to immediately take Vikram Misri. With the growth in bilateral Mogadishu. Speaking to local steps to facilitate the relevant sectors, value added, ap - Misri, who is on a visit to trade between india and China in media, General Odawa yusuf parel and sugar, by finding alternative cheap sources of Shanghai, inaugurated on Friday Shanghai. Business leaders rep - suspended the visas and resident the last few years, many indian ragheh, the commander of the import of the needed commodities, the dawn newspa - the Amrut Mahotsav festival, resenting various sectors includ - permits held by indian citizens. companies have set up opera - Somali National Army, con - per quoted sources as saying. marking the 75 years of india's ing #iT, #pharma, #textiles, These restrictions left over tions in this country to service firmed the twin attacks but said Various proposals have been presented to the independence. #engineering, Manufacturing, 23,000 indian students and hun - both their indian and MNC clien - al-Shabab had been repulsed Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) which con - inaugurated india@75 #foodprocessing, #banking etc dreds of indian businessmen, tele in China. with heavy losses among the ex - siders these suggestions from an economic and com - #AmrutMahotsav in #Shanghai. participated in discussions , employees and their families indian enterprises are into tremists. They even left some of mercial point of view. After consideration by the ECC, A soulful rendition of Misri said in another tweet. stranded in india. manufacturing including phar - the bodies of their slain com - its decisions are presented to the Cabinet for ratifica - #Upanishad & #Gita, melodious in their interaction with Currently, there are no flights maceuticals, refractories, lami - manders, he added, saying his tion and final approval, the report said. Sitar/Tabla performance, Misri, the CEOs stated they were in operation between the two nated tubes, auto-components, forces were still chasing the flee - in the present case, a proposal was presented to the #deshbhakti songs, films on mu - experiencing difficulties in oper - countries. wind energy, iT and iT-enabled ing fighters. Gen. Mohamed ECC to allow the import of cotton, cotton yarn and sug - sical traditions of #Varanasi & ations, mostly on account of trav - China has not yet indicated services, trading, banking and al - Tahlil Bihi, the commander of the ar from india keeping in view domestic requirements, #VaccineMaitri marked the oc - el and visa restrictions being when it plans to permit travel de - lied activities. infantry forces of the govern - it said. With regards to the ECC decision to allow im - casion," Misri tweeted. maintained by China as part of its spite numerous representations Some of the prominent ment, told The Associated press, port of sugar, cotton and cotton yarn from india, Khan He also interacted with a COVid-19 measures, official from the indian Embassy here indian companies in China in - We lost nine of our soldiers and 11 held consultations with key members of his Cabinet on group of CEOs and representa - sources here told pTi. and the students, who mostly clude dr reddy's laboratories, Friday and decided that pakistan could not go ahead others got wounded from our tives of the indian businesses Misri assured them the study medicine in Chinese uni - Aurobindo pharma, Matrix with any trade with india under the current circum - side. From the Shabab, we killed based in and around Shanghai, indian Embassy will continue to versities. pharma, NiiT, Bharat Forge, stances, it said. The ECC had decided on commercial 60 of their militias on one spot the business hub of China. engage with the Chinese govern - These universities maintain infosys, TCS, ApTECH, Wipro, grounds to recommend these imports for the Cabinet's and 17 others near the other base. Over 30 officials represent - ment on the issues related to the that they are holding online Mahindra Satyam, Essel consideration. While the decision was not on the for - An al-Shabab spokesman, Sheikh ing eight sectors such as textiles, travel restrictions, the sources classes for the stranded students. packaging, Suzlon Energy, mal agenda of the Cabinet meeting, the issue was Abdulaziz al-Musab, asserted pharma, electronics, manufac - said. last month, China made it reliance industries, Sundaram brought up by Cabinet members and the prime minis - that the group had killed 47 gov - turing, chemicals and iT etc at - Travel between india and mandatory for travellers coming Fasteners, Mahindra & ter instructed that the ECC's decision be deferred and ernment fighters. in a statement tended the meeting with Misri. China has been halted since from india and 19 other coun - Mahindra, TATA Sons, Binani immediately reviewed, the report said. read out on the extremists' radio interacted with the indian Beijing imposed travel restric - tries to have been inoculated with Cements, etc. Andalus, he said the simultane - industry representatives based in tions in November last year and Chinese COVid-19 vaccines to ous attacks began with suicide car bombs. There have been fears that the al-Qaida-linked group 7 blood clot deaths after 18.1mn jabs, would be emboldened by Somalia's current political crisis as president Mohamed Abdullahi AstraZeneca vaccine safe: UK regulator Mohamed is under pressure to By ADITI KHANNA its official advice contin - ue to get your vaccine when step aside. Elections meant for London, Apr 3 (PTI) ues to be that the benefits of invited to do so, it said. The February have been delayed. the vaccine, which is also be - regulator said that investi - Mogadishu on Saturday wit - The UK's medicines reg - ing produced as Covishield gations are underway to de - nessed the opening of a meeting ulator has confirmed seven by the Serum institute of termine if there is a link or if between the federal government cases of blood clot-related india, far outweigh any the cases are a coincidence leaders, including the president, deaths in people who re - risks. Our rigorous review and reiterated that in - and the leaders of the five federal ceived the into the UK reports of rare creased adverse reaction or member states. They were ex - Oxford/AstraZeneca vac - and specific types of blood Adr reports reflect the in - pected to discuss the way for - cine against COVid-19, but clots is ongoing. Up to and crease in vaccine deploy - ward. stressed on the safety of the including 24 March, we have ment. The number and na - jabs as there is no evidence received 22 reports of cere - ture of suspected adverse re - Bangladesh to impose 7- of a causal link. bral venous sinus thrombo - actions reported so far are The Medicines and sis (CVST) and 8 reports of not unusual in comparison day nationwide lockdown Healthcare products other thrombosis events to other types of routinely regulatory Agency (MHrA) with low platelets, out of a used vaccines. The overall amidst spike in COVID-19 said in its latest yellow Card total of 18.1 million doses of safety experience with both cases monitoring of the coron - COVid-19 vaccine vaccines is so far as expected avirus vaccine programme AstraZeneca given by that from the clinical trials, it Dhaka, Apr 3 this week that of the 18.1 date, the MHrA report said. adds. The MHrA added million people who had the On the basis of this ongoing that there were no blood clot The Bangladesh government Oxford vaccine in the UK, 30 review, the benefits of the reports for the on Saturday decided to impose a people developed blood vaccines against COVid-19 pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, week-long nationwide lockdown The families of the victims in a train crash cry as mourn near Taroko Gorge in Hualien, Taiwan. The train partially derailed in clots and seven had died as continue to outweigh any the other jabs being rolled from Monday as COVid-19 cases eastern Taiwan on Friday after colliding with an unmanned vehicle that had rolled down a hill, killing and injuring dozens. of March 24. risks and you should contin - out in the UK. and deaths surged across the country. road Transport Minister Obaidul Quader made the announcement at a media Man rams car into US Capitol; 1 briefing in dhaka on Saturday, US Labour Dept seeks public input on the dhaka Tribune newspaper re - officer killed, another injured ported. Bangladesh on Friday logged 6,830 new cases of the By LALIT K JHA officers engaged that suspect, she determining H-1B wage levels coronavirus, the highest count in Washington, Apr 3 said. a day, taking the tally of infec - By LALIT K JHA employees each year from ploy foreign workers on a posed revisions mandatory He did not respond to verbal Washington, Apr 3 (PTI) countries like india and permanent or temporary salaries after losing a court tions to 624,594. The death toll A Capitol police officer was killed commands. The suspect did start China. basis through certain immi - battle to organisations in - climbed by 50 in 24 hours to and another injured after a man lunging toward US Capitol police of - The US department of in a federal notification grant visas or through H- cluding the Bay Area 9,155, according to data released rammed his car into a security barri - ficers, at which US Capitol police of - labor has sought feedback published on Friday, the US 1B, H-1B1 and E-3 non-im - Council over an initial ver - by the government. in a bid to ar - er outside the US Capitol and then ficers fired upon the suspect. At this from the public in the next department of labor urged migrant visas. sion. rest the spread of the coron - got out of the vehicle and lunged to - time, the suspect has been pro - 60 days on determining the the public to respond to its While the E-3 visa is According to the avirus, the government has de - wards the officers with a knife, set - nounced deceased, pittman said. wage levels for the employ - request in the next 60 days. one for which only citizens department of labor, the cided to enforce a seven-day lock - ting off a major security scare nearly Two US Capitol police officers ment of various immigrants The request by the de - of Australia are eligible, the proposed rule's delay in ef - down from Monday as the coron - three months after the January 6 in - were transported to two different and non-immigrants, in - partment's Employment H-1B1 visa is for people fective date will result in the avirus cases and deaths are surg - surrection by pro-Trump supporters. hospitals. One of them succumbed to cluding those on the H-1B and Training from Singapore and Chile. reduction of transfer pay - ing across the country, Quader, The 25-year-old suspect, identi - his injuries, she said. visas, the most sought-after Administration follows a The proposed delay will ments in the form of higher also the general secretary of the fied as Noah Green, was shot dead by it was the second line-of-duty work visa among indian prior announcement by the give agency officials suffi - wages from employers to ruling Awami league, said. the Capitol police. death in three months at the US professionals. department proposing an cient time to compute and H-1B employees. However, the order does not ap - The incident happened around Capitol police department which The H-1B visa is a non- 18-month delay in the effec - validate prevailing wage Additionally, the pro - ply to utility and emergency serv - 1:02 pM on Friday (local time), when bore the brunt of the unprecedented immigrant visa that allows tive date of a final rule data covering specific occu - posed rule would delay the ices. Factories will remain open the suspect rammed his car into two January 6 insurrection. the US companies to em - changing on calculating the pations and geographic ar - potential for deadweight and workers can work shifts by of our officers and then hit the north president Joe Biden said that he ploy foreign workers in spe - prevailing wage levels for eas, complete necessary losses to occur in the event following hygiene rules, the re - barricade barrier. The suspect exited and the First lady were heartbroken ciality occupations that re - certain immigrants and system modifications and that requiring employers to port said. Every office and court the vehicle with a knife in hand, to learn of the violent attack at a secu - quire theoretical or techni - non-immigrant workers. conduct public outreach. pay a wage above what H- Acting Capitol police Chief will be closed during this lock - rity checkpoint on the US Capitol cal expertise. The technolo - published in January The rule is a carry-over 1B workers are willing to ac - yogananda pittman told reporters at down but industries and mills grounds, which killed William Evans gy companies depend on it 2021, the final rule affects from the Trump adminis - cept results in H-1B caps a news conference. will continue their operation on of the US Capitol police, and left a fel - to hire tens of thousands of employers seeking to em - tration, which had pro - not to be met, it said. rotation, State Minister for At that time, the Capitol police low officer fighting for his life. public Administration Farhad Hossain was quoted as saying by the dhaka Tribune. Asked why US consults with Japan, South Korea on Biden lifts Trump sanctions on industries will not be closed, the minister said: if we close the mills then the workers may have to North Korea approach international court officials leave their workstations and head Washington, Apr 3 imposition of sanctions," Blinken wrote. for home. Bangladesh on Washington, Apr 3 the first of their kind in a year, as clear and ballistic missile pro - The removal of the sanctions was the lat - Wednesday registered a massive meant to apply pressure on the grams and reaffirmed their com - president Joe Biden on Friday lifted est signal that the Biden administration is jump in new COVid-19 cases National security adviser Biden administration. mitment to address and resolve sanctions that donald Trump had imposed intent on returning to the multilateral fold. with 5,358 infections, the highest Jake Sullivan consulted with his North Korea has a history of these issues through the three on two top officials of the international The Trump administration had unapologeti - single-day increase since the pan - counterparts from Japan and weapons tests early in new ad - countries working together to Criminal Court, undoing one of the past ad - cally removed the United States from nu - demic broke out in the country in South Korea on Friday as the ministrations in the United States press for elimination of its nu - ministration's more aggressive moves tar - merous international institutions and agree - March last year, it said. Biden administration settles on and South Korea. That includes a clear-weapons programme. geting international institutions and offi - ments and harshly criticized others, includ - On Monday, the prime its approach for dealing with nuclear test and long-range mis - The White House readout cials. ing the iCC, deeming them flawed and work - Minister's Office issued an 18- North Korea, including its nu - sile test in 2009, in the first gave no indication of how the Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a ing against American interests. point directive, including a ban clear programme. months of the Obama administra - Japanese and South Korean secu - The Biden administration has statement stressed that the United States Since Biden took office, his administra - on all public gatherings in areas tion. Friday's talks with Shigeru rity officials responded to the U.S. yet to disclose how it plans to han - still strongly disagreed with some actions by tion has rejoined the World Health with high rates of infections. in a Kitamura of Japan and Suh Hoon plans. dle North Korea, although it said the court, which is a standing body based at Organization, re-engaged with the U.N. gazette notification, it asked to of South Korea at the U.S. Naval The three also discussed re - this week its policy review was in The Hague in the Netherlands charged with Human rights Council, returned to the paris limit gatherings in all types of Academy in Annapolis, unifying Korean families separat - the final stages. handling genocide, crimes against humanity climate accord and on Friday started talks events, including social, political Maryland, included discussions ed by the division of the Korean North Korea last month fired and war crimes. The United States is not one aimed at returning to the iran nuclear deal. and religious. it also said that of the U.S. policy review and other peninsula, working together on two short-range ballistic missiles of the about 120 member countries of the Trump had pulled out of all five. buses will not be allowed to carry security issues in the indo-pacific COVid-19 and climate change, into the sea in defiance of U.N. court. The court was created to hold account - passengers more than half of region, the White House said in a and promoting an immediate re - resolutions that prohibit it from We believe, however, that our concerns able perpetrators of war crimes and crimes their seating capacity and have to statement. turn to democracy in Myanmar, conducting such launches. Some about these cases would be better addressed against humanity in cases where adequate maintain the safety COVid-19 The officials shared their con - where the military seized power experts saw the missile launches, through diplomacy rather than through the judicial systems were not available. safety guidelines. cerns about North Korea's nu - on February 1. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU, SUNdAy, April 4, 2021 6 Expert-Approved Ways to Lose Belly Fat them the right way by alternating cardio and 3. Nurture your inner rain forest rector of the Arizona Center for integrative weight training on different days. Men who One of the most important parts of your Medicine, recommends trying the “4-7-8” do that may burn more visceral fat than they metabolism is your microbiome—the ecosys - breathing exercise. Here's how to do it: Close would by stacking workouts on top of each tem of gut bacteria that break down food and your mouth and breathe through your nose other in the same session. produce chemicals that may prevent obesity, while counting to four. Hold your breath for 2. Outsmart your brain likely by reducing inflammation. A healthy seven full counts, then exhale while counting Belly flab may be due as much to what microbiome should be like a rain forest. A to eight. repeat this process for a total of four happens in your head as in your gut. losing big-belly microbiome is kind of barren. The times. visceral fat is difficult because your body de - key difference is biodiversity. “Obese people 5. Change the nature of your fat fends fat like a castle on a very round hill, have fewer species of microbes in their gut,” Not all body fat is harmful. Visceral fat is through the processing of hormones in brain says dan Knights, ph.d., an associate profes - white fat—a type associated with an un - circuits that control appetite. That’s because sor at the University of Minnesota’s healthy metabolism. But another kind— in evolutionary/survival terms, fat is good. it Biotechnology institute. “These microbes brown fat—burns calories and helps the body seems to be your body’s inherent system for are like a factory producing thousands of generate heat. We don’t have a lot of brown stockpiling food, and it served mankind well compounds, good and bad. you want to pro - fat and lose it as we get older, says dr. Cohen. when actual, edible stores were meager. your vide food for the microbes making good com - preliminary research also suggests that as ancestors who could sock away the most fat pounds.” you gain girth, you may actively switch from the least food and release its energy in How to eat wilder healthy brown fat to unhealthy white fat. elly fat is such an important (and had a normal BMi but excess body fat lost 5 the most frugal, thrifty way possible had a ge - To restore your inner Amazon, eat food Turn the fat color wheel dangerous) factor for your overall percent of body weight, they saw major bene - netic advantage. your prepare-for-the-worst closer to nature. “Most Americans are living if brown fat can turn white, can white fat health that it’s now discussed as an fits: visceral fat down 11 percent, total fat B body isn’t in sync with the indulge-every- in a fiber desert,” Knights says. “Every plant turn brown? it’s a hot area of research. organ. The visceral fat that makes up a spare down 9 percent, liver fat down 50 percent, whim bounty of food markets and restau - has its own set of fibers, with different chem - investigators have found a third type of fat tire or, worse, a beer belly—and that sur - and insulin sensitivity up 26 percent. if you rants—or the lack of exertion that comes ical structures and different microbes that called beige fat that can be activated so it has rounds your liver, stomach, and intestines— weigh 200 pounds, losing 5 percent means from neither hunting nor gathering. break them down.” Aim for about 30 grams fat-burning power. “Beige fat tends to be em - isn’t flabbily inert. it appears to be biologi - shedding just 10 pounds. These tips make it a Over the years, your body matches ener - per day. Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegeta - bedded in subcutaneous fat, which may be cally active, pumping out hormones and oth - little easier. Get after it! gy intake and output with about 99 percent bles, legumes, and whole grains are linked to why subcutaneous fat is relatively benign er substances, and it may even increase your 1. Build muscle to fight fat accuracy, says Michael Schwartz, M.d., codi - a rise in short-chain fatty acids, which may and may even be protective,” dr. Cohen says. risk of metabolic problems like cardiovascu - “Muscle is the opposite of fat,” says Mayo rector of the diabetes institute at the reduce your risk of inflammation and meta - “Our dream is to find a pharmacological tar - lar disease and type 2 diabetes, and maybe Clinic cardiologist Francisco lopez- University of Washington. But even a finely bolic problems. in one study, each ten-gram get—five to ten years away—that would turn even cancer. That’s most scary for the 35 per - Jimenez, M.d. All over your body, muscle is tuned system can’t compensate for gradual increase in daily fiber intake was associated unhealthy white fat to healthy brown fat.” cent of American men categorized as obese— metabolically active in ways that counteract gains from endless calorie bombardment. As with a 3.7 percent drop in visceral fat. you may already have a natural way to make guys who have a body-mass index (BMi) of visceral fat—extracting glucose from your a rough estimate, “most obese people don’t Supplementing can help: Add two table - beige fat brown. New research suggests you 30-plus. it’s also a concern for the 38 percent blood, helping your liver process fatty acids, gain more than five pounds of fat a year, but spoons of psyllium husks to your cereal or can turn on the beige-fat furnace by notching of guys classified as overweight, whose BMi and reducing inflammation. dr. lopez- that adds up over ten years,” says dr. salad. Knights snacks on Nu’Go dlish bars, your home’s thermostat down to 66 or below is in the 25 to 29.9 range. Jimenez and his colleagues have found that Schwartz. which deliver 12 grams of fiber from diverse for ten hours a day. Cold temps activate beige But even men sporting modest paunches people with big guts often lack lower-body Hack your metabolism sources. fat to keep you warm. are at risk. yup, dad Bods, Skinny Fat dudes, muscle mass, and the correlation is stronger Evidence suggests that keeping calorie 4. Minimize stress 6. Reduce Cravings Beer Belly light guys—maybe even you. as people age. it stands to reason: Strong consumption confined to an earlier window you probably already know that manag - Managing cravings and hunger can be recent Mayo Clinic research shows that men muscles add bulk to your legs and butt—your means less weight gain than eating more lat - ing stress is important for lowering blood difficult for some people trying to lose who are in the normal range (with a BMi of biggest muscle groups—providing a better er in the day. One new study tested the 16:8 pressure and maintaining a healthy immune weight. Filling, nutrient-dense foods can 18.5 to 24.9) but have fat in their midsection balance of muscle to fat in your body and diet—16 hours of fasting and 8 of eating. system. However, worrying too much can al - keep you full for longer compared to highly are up to four times as likely as leaner men to powering a healthier metabolism. researchers instructed 23 obese participants so cause weight gain, Men's Health previous - processed snacks like chips, crackers and have metabolic disorders. “Why some people How to burn more fat to eat any food in any amount between 10:00 ly reported. That's because long-term stress cookies. if you're trying to lose weight, you'll predominantly carry fat in visceral deposits if you have to choose one type of exercise, a.m. and 6:00 p.m., but stick to water and increases the number of glucocorticoids, want to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and isn’t fully understood,” says paul Cohen, strength training may be best for specifically calorie-free drinks at other times. After 12 hormones that elevate hunger, according to a protein, while enjoying sweets and salty M.d., ph.d., an assistant professor and head trimming your gut. in a Harvard study, men weeks, volunteers ate about 300 fewer calo - 2014 study published in Frontiers in snacks in moderation. of the laboratory of Molecular Metabolism who did 20 minutes of daily weight training ries a day than a control group and lost about psychology. This also leads to increased belly Fill up on fiber and protein at rockefeller University in New york. had less of an increase in age-related abdom - 3 percent of their body weight—enough to fat, study authors say. Brain scans indicate that protein de - “There clearly are genetic and hormonal in - inal fat than men who spent the same cause a discernible drop in visceral fat com - How to relax creases activity in regions of the brain that fluences.” amount of time doing aerobic activities. pared with the control. No participants leav - practice deep breathing the next time stimulate cravings. protein also increases While researchers learn more about how Emphasize exercises that challenge your ing the study complained about the diet, so you start spiraling, Men's Health previously hormones that make you feel full, so you are fat harms you, they’re also finding new ways whole body: squats, deadlifts, pullups. it’s likely that volunteers found it fairly easy reported. This makes you pay attention to satisfied for longer periods of time. Similarly, to fight it. And it may not take much to reduce However, the same study found cardio had a to stick with. researchers say that’s critical your body and not whatever's making you fiber in fruits and vegetables are a great way your health risks, according to a new, albeit greater impact on overall weight. dr. lopez- for improving metabolic health in a sustain - anxious. to eat plenty of satiating foods, which can small, study in Obesity. When people who Jimenez suggests a mix of both, but combine able way. dr. Andrew Weil, M.d., founder and di - help you lose weight and belly fat. Low-calorie diet, exercise may improve Summing up your summer survival for leukemia adolescents: Study

ccording to a American Society of tients and families," said minimum of 10 per cent in new study, over - Hematology's journal senior author dr Steven order to reduce both fat fitness regime weight children Blood Advances. Mittelman, chief of pedi - gain and lean muscle loss. A want to also supplement with an intra and adolescents receiving The researchers found atric endocrinology at The physical activity com - workout electrolyte or carb source to chemotherapy for treat - that patients who reduced UClA Mattel Children's ponent included a target make sure your ph level and glucose ment of leukemia are less their calorie intake by 10 Hospital and a member of level of 200 minutes per levels don’t reach extreme levels. successful battling the dis - per cent or more and the UClA Jonsson week of moderate exercise. Have a gatorade if you are doing a high ease compared to their lean adopted a moderate exer - Comprehensive Cancer The results showed a intensity workout, Glucon, EAA, are peers. cise program immediately Center. decrease in fat gain among few supplements that can be taken to in some cancers, in - after their diagnosis had, Mittelman added, "But those who were overweight balance the body electrolyte levels. cluding leukemia in chil - on average, 70 per cent less even with these mild and obese, as well as an im - They should be consumed during the dren and adolescents, obe - chance of having lingering changes in diet and exer - proved insulin sensitivity workout because they are fast digest - sity can negatively affect leukemia cells after a cise, the intervention was and an increase in the ben - ing, so you won’t get into a fatigue survival outcomes. Obese month of chemotherapy extremely effective in re - eficial hormone state,” recommends fitness expert young people with than those who did not go ducing the chance of hav - adiponectin, which is in - Avinash Mansukhani. leukemia are 50 per cent on the diet-and-exercise ing detectable leukemia in volved in regulating glu - Consider changing your routine, more likely to relapse after regimen. the bone marrow." cose and breaking down rather than outdoor exercises opt for treatment than their lean lingering cancer cells As part of the clinical fatty acids. indoor ones if its too hot outside. you counterparts. in the bone marrow, which trial, which took place at Most importantly, the can go for a swim in the morning or Now, a study led by re - are more likely to be found Children's Hospital los researchers found a 70 per evening. “Switch to weight training searchers at UClA and in overweight individuals, Angeles, researchers cent decrease in the chance activities such as pilates, body weight Children's Hospital los are associated with worse worked with registered di - of having lingering yoga, TrX suspension training or cat - Angeles has shown that a survival and a higher risk of eticians and physical thera - leukemia cells in the bone tle bell, all these will help tone your combination of modest di - relapse, often leading to pists to create personalized marrow -- known medical - body. Try splitting your workout - go etary changes and exercise more intense treatments 28-day interventions for ly as a minimal residual for cardio in the morning and weight can dramatically improve like bone marrow trans - 40 young people between disease -- when compared training in the evening or vice versa - survival outcomes for plants and immunothera - the ages of 10 and 21 who with a historical control this will not dehydrate you can suck those with acute lym - py. were newly diagnosed with group. the moisture from the muscles,” ex - phoblastic leukemia, the "We tested a very mild acute lymphoblastic "We hoped the inter - plains fitness expert Kitty Kalra. most common childhood diet because this was our leukemia. vention would improve Staying hydrated cancer. first time trying it, and the The intervention was outcomes, but we had no Having Nimbu paani, aam panna, The findings of the first month of treatment is designed to cut partici - idea it would be so effec - Coconut water, fresh iced tea, fruits study were published in the already so difficult for pa - pants' calorie intake by a tive," Mittelman said. ne of the biggest mistakes sarda should be treated as one such infused water is a great way to stay hy - that fitness greenhorns meal. Never have fruits after a meal drated. you can make detox water by Omake is to have a cookie because the body will not use the nu - adding cucumber, lemon and mint to cutter approach to their fitness plan, trients from the food but will use the a bottle. you can also make one with Here's how a sugary diet early in life overlooking seasonal changes. As the fruit nutrients and store the rest,” ex - oranges and kafir lime leaves. detox temperature shoots up in summer, plains nutritionist Tripti Tandon. water with berries is also a good op - our body reacts very differently to the Another important part of sum - tion. could cause memory trouble later changing weather. We need to tweak mer diet is reducing Caffeine. One Seasonal fruits our fitness plan to ensure that it is in should avoid coffee or any caffeinated raw fruits are said to have more new research sor of biological sciences at One method tested memo - The scientists then sync with the season. Experts tell us drinks in the night time as it retains nutrients and less calories hence hav - has shown how the USC dornsife College ry associated with a region checked the rats' gut mi - how to tweak our diet and workout water in the body. “you should defi - ing them as a whole meal can be a Adrinking sugary of letters, Arts and of the brain called the hip - crobiomes and found dif - changes to achieve our fitness goals. nitely reduce the amount of caffeine healthy habit to adapt. Go for beverages early in life may Sciences, has studied the pocampus. The other ferences between those While staying hydrated throughout during summers because it is dehy - muskmelon, watermelon, mangoes lead to impaired memory link between diet and brain method tested memory that drank the sweet bever - the day is the key, following a proper drating in nature and your body is al - and other seasonal fruits - try having in adulthood. The findings function for years. His re - function controlled by a re - age and those that drank routine and opting for lighter meal op - ready dealing with excess sweating them raw rather than in form on of the study were published search has shown that con - gion called the perirhinal water. The sugar drinkers tions will help you go a long way. during summer-time. However, hav - juices. in the journal sumption of sugary bever - cortex. had larger populations of Start your day with two glasses of ing caffeine in moderation, say a cup, Morning workouts 'Translational psychiatry'. ages impairs memory func - The researchers found two particular species of water this would help to flush out the won’t do any harm,” says nutritionist in the morning, your muscles are The study is the first to tion in rats and that those that, compared to rats that gut bacteria: toxins and water retention from the Nmami Agarwal. instead of heavy fresh and hydrated hence it is a good show how a specific change same drinks change the gut drank just water, the rats parabacteroides distasonis body. it will also keep you hydrated meals, try filling half of your plate with time to start working out. Many-a- to the gut microbiome -- microbiome. that consumed high levels and parabacteroides john - through the day. Having Nimbu vegetables, “1/4th of it with complex times, as the day unfolds muscles be - the bacteria and other mi - in the current study, of sugary drink had more sonii. paani, aam panna, Coconut water, carbohydrates like jowar, ragi, unpol - come lethargic and the body is not hy - croorganisms growing in Kanoski and researchers at difficulty with memory The researchers then fresh iced tea, fruits infused water is a ished rice, or whole wheat, and the re - drated well so experts recommend the stomach and intestines UClA and the University that uses the hippocam - asked if the great way to stay hydrated. you can maining 1/4th should be some high- summer morning workouts. interval -- can alter the function of a of Georgia, Athens, sought pus. Sugar consumption parabacteroides bacteria soak mint leaves in water overnight quality protein, say in form of dal. training brings your heart rate up and particular region of the to find out if a direct link did not affect memories could, without the help of and have it in the morning. “in sum - Make buttermilk an accompaniment then let it cool down, this is a great brain. According to the exists between changes to made by the perirhinal cor - sugar, affect the rats' mem - mers, the body is heated up, so we of your lunch-time meals to avoid full - workout method for the summer sea - Centers for disease the microbiome and mem - tex. ory function. They trans - need fruits to cool the body. Fruits are ness and bloating,” adds Agarwal. son. Control and prevention, ory function. "Early life sugar con - planted parabacteroides usually low in calories than the food during working out in Summer, Foods to avoid sugar-sweetened bever - The scientists gave sumption seems to selec - bacteria that were grown in we eat and high on vitamins and min - one must balance the electrolyte in the Avoid salt and caffeine drinks af - ages are a leading source of adolescent rats free access tively impair their hip - the lab into the guts of ado - erals. Swap one meal a day - twice a body as well. “if you’re exercising out - ter dinner as they retain water in the added sugars in to a sugar-sweetened bev - pocampal learning and lescent rats that drank just week- with fruits, preferably swap doors, make sure you are well hydrat - body. instead have herbal tea or milk Americans' diets. Nearly erage similar to those that memory," said study lead water. The rats receiving with dinner as this will give deficit to ed since you will be losing a lot of wa - before bedtime. two-thirds of young people humans drink. author Emily Noble, assis - the bacteria showed mem - the body in terms of calories while re - ter via sweat. drink through the work - Cold shower in the United States con - When the rats grew to tant professor in the UGA ory impairment in the hip - moving water retention. When you out to make sure you don’t cramp. if Expert recommends a cold shower sume at least one sugary be adults after about a College of Family and pocampus when they grew have fruits and avoid salts. raw fruits your level of intensity is a bit on the post workout. They say it rejuvenates drink each day. month, the researchers Consumer Sciences and a to adulthood much the have maximum nutrients. higher side and your workouts gener - the muscles and is a part of cooling Neuroscientist Scott tested their memories us - former postdoctoral fellow same as the sugar-drinking Muskmelon, watermelon, mango and ally go over the hour mark, you may down. Kanoski, associate profes - ing two different methods. at USC dornsife. rats. Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU SUNdAy April 4, 2021

Brahmastra: Alia Bhatt confirms Shanaya Kapoor's sensuous testing positive for COVID-19; Indian Idol 12: Jay Bhanushali replaces belly dance video is the must-watch gets home quarantined Aditya Narayan as the host for an episode thing on internet today

Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor is a gorgeous young belle who would soon be launched into the Hindi films by Karan Johar's dharma Cornerstone Agency. The actress-in-making has been ruling the roost on instagram as of indian idol 12 has been show for this week and will be judge Neha Kakkar have also awe of ma'am and i am now with her amazing dance videos and HOT one of the most-watched replaced by Jay Bhanushali. gone viral. rekha bought a one of them after meeting her. pictures. Shanaya Kapoor recently shared a shows currently. The reality Jay Bhanushali took to beautiful Kanjivaram saree And receiving a gift from her is belly-dancing video that is going viral as you show has a massive fan follow - instagram to share his look for Neha Kakkar as 'shaadi ka so special. i can’t describe in read this. Shanaya's belly dancing is already the ing and is also doing well on from indian idol 12 and wrote, shagun'. The actress said that words how happy i am." talk of the town these days. And her recent belly the Trp charts. Neha Kakkar, "Hosted #indianidol12 had so she was very happy to hear rekha replied, "it's always dancing video is getting showered with love Vishal dadlani and Himesh much fun with all the contest - about Neha's wedding and said whenever you meet too. Shanaya Kapoor is seen grooving to the reshammiya judge the show ants, judges. The legendary hence bought a gift for her. someone newlywed you track called Beautiful lair by Beyonce and while Aditya Narayan is the actress rekha will grace the After receiving this beautiful should pour them with your Shakira alongside her instructor Sanjana The covid-19 pandemic is not contained and host. Aditya Narayan has been upcoming episode of indian gift, Neha said, “This saree is a blessings. i believe saree is Muthreja. We bet you cannot stop watching her looks far away from getting contained any time loved for his hosting but it idol 12. The promos of the blessing which i have received one of the most beautiful out - scintillating belly dance movies. Meanwhile, soon. recently, a lot of celebrities had tested pos - seems this week he won't be show are already out and fans from rekha ma'am and this fits someone can don. So, i de - recently Shanaya Kapoor was brutally trolled itive for the novel coronavirus. right from Kartik hosting the show. yes, Aditya cannot wait to see the beauti - would always be very special cided to give Neha a saree on - when Karan Johar announced that he will be Aaryan, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Bappi lahiri, to Narayan will not host the ful lady. A few of her with to me. Everyone has been in ly. launching her in the Hindi film industry. paresh rawal, r Madhavan, Aamir Khan and more, the COVid-19 wave looks stronger than ever. recently, Brahmastra actor ranbir Kapoor had been tested positive for the virus. The actor had quarantined himself at home. And now, COVid-19 got its next victim from the sci-fi fanta - Dia Mirza announces sy movie, Alia Bhatt. There were speculative re - Jonas reveals she got ports that Alia had been tested positive. She put pregnancy with an amazing the rumours to rest by confirming the same in her instagram story. The actress took to her pet pooch Diana to deal with loneliness picture and a beautiful poem instagram stories and wrote, "Hello all, i have tested positive for COVid-19. i have immediately isolated myself and will be under home quaran - tress had been shooting for Quantico tine. i am following all safety protocols under the and had been living all by herself in advice of my doctors. Grateful for all your love such a big city. While talking to and support. please stay safe and take care." For Financial Times, priyanka Chopra the unversed, Alia had been shooting for her films said, "diana was the first pup that i such as Brahmastra and Gangubai Kathiawadi fully took care of. She’s from North and had been looking forward to the shoot other Shore rescue in New york, and she films. The actress has been juggling various chose me. it was four years ago, at a brand shoots too. A couple of days ago, her co- time in my life where i was really low: star and rumoured boyfriend ranbir Kapoor had i had just moved to the States, i was been tested positive. The actor’s mother, Neetu mourning my father’s death, i didn’t Kapoor had taken to his instagram handle to know anybody. i was working on share the news of the same. Talking about Alia Quantico for ABC and going back Bhatt’s work front, she has Ayan Mukerji’s home on my own. priyanka Chopra Brahmastra that also stars , said that she would have someone Akkineni Nagarjuna, Mouni roy and a cameo of take care of diana and the latter Shah rukh Khan. She has Sanjay leela Bhansali’s would take care of her in return. Gangubai Kathiawadi, a biographical drama film "diana had been rescued from the on the life of a madame in the red-light area of streets of Atlanta. She's a chihuahua- Kamathipura. Birthday boy Ajay devgn has a terrier mix, i think, but we're not com - cameo in the film. She will be making her Telugu pletely sure. i had no idea what to do film debut with SS rajamouli’s rrr co-starring with a pup, but it was she and i, alone ram Charan, Nr Jr NTr, Samuthirakani, Olivia in New york City. it was diana i snug - Morris, ray Stevenson, Alison doody to name a gled into and diana who barked few. She also has Karan Johar’s ensemble cast pe - whenever the door opened. With riod drama Takht which has been put on hold for priyanka Chopra Jonas has been had been wanting to focus on the op - diana, i had somebody to take care of now. Apart from that, she’ll turn producer with shooting for her upcoming Hollywood portunities in Hollywood and hence, and, in return, she took care of me. darlings which also stars Shefali Shah and Vijay projects as of now, which include, to manage the same, the actress shift - priyanka Chopra also has two more Varma. Apart from these films, it is being said Matrix 4 and Citadel. The actress was ed to NyC. Now, in an interview, the furry babies, an Australian shepherd that she will also be seen in Sanjay leela fairly new and did not know anybody actress recalled getting herself a cross-bred with a Husky named Bhansali’s remake of Baiju Bawra alongside back when she moved to New york af - pooch, diana as she wanted someone panda and a German shepherd deepika padukone and ranbir Kapoor. ter her father's demise in 2013. She to get home to. The White Tiger ac - named Gino. Kartik Aaryan watches this Ekta Kapoor show during his quarantine period

Kartik Aaryan had recently test - viewers very excited, as they dropped ed positive for Coronavirus. He had comments after comments on this reply. taken to social media to inform his Kumkum Bhagya has been one of the fans that he has tested positive for longest running shows and is loved by the Covid-19 in his own inimitable way. audience. Shabir Ahluwalia and Sriti Jha "positive ho gaya, dua karo," Kartik aka Abhi and pragya's sizzling chemistry shared on instagram and Twitter, has been appreciated by the fans. The re - Bollywood actress and model dia Mirza shared a good informing netizens about his health. cent episodes of pragya’s heartwarming news with fans as she announced her pregnancy by flaunt - He has been in quarantine since a struggle in protecting Abhi , who has lost ing baby bump on the social media. Sharing the image, the couple of days and he made a rather all his memory and become child-like, has actress wrote, "Blessed to be. One with Mother Earth One interesting post recently. While kept the viewers on the edge of their seats. with the life Force that is the beginning of everything.Of all sharing a picture where he is doing a While pragya donning a househelp’s stories. lullabies. Songs.Of new saplings. Soon after her handstand, he wrote, “Covid ke baad avatar to get into the Mehra house and post, we saw fans and celebs like Jacqueline Fernandez, se sab ulta dikh raha hai.” Czarina of help treat her husband may have won the divya Khosla Kumar, Sophie Choudry, Konkona television Ekta Kapoor who is also audience’s hearts. Talking about Kartik Sensharma, pragya Kapoor, riddhima Kapoor Sahani, Kartik’s friend, wished him a speedy Aaryan, is currently shooting for his up - rohan Shreshtha, Vishal dadlani, Angad Bedi, Shibani recovery on the post. But the conver - coming horror comedy film Bhool dandekar, Shreya Ghoshal and others pouring congratula - tory messages to the actress. dia Mirza and Vaibhav rekhi sation didn’t stop there! Kartik made Bhulaiyaa 2 where he features alongside tied the knot at the actress' residence and was attended by a surprising revelation as a reply to and Kiara Advani. Shoot for the limited guests including celebs like Jackky Bhagnani and Ekta’s comment. He mentioned how Anees Bazmee directorial has already Aditi rao Hydari. Sharing the picture of her marriage, dia Kumkum Bhagya has come to his been delayed several times due to Covid. it Mirza jad wrote, "love is a full-circle that we call home. rescue during the quarantine, as is now being speculated that shoot will And what a miracle it is to hear its knock, open the door and Kartik replied, "Ghar baithe again be halted with the lead actor falling be found by it. Sharing this moment of completion and joy Kumkum Bhagya dekh raha hu and sick. The film is a sequel to 2007 film with you..my extended family. May all puzzles find their getting better." This reply has got Bhool Bhulaiyaa and is slated to hit the - missing pieces, may all hearts heal and may the miracle of fans of Kartik as well as the show’s atres in November. love continue to unfold all around us. LOCAL     11 !$$,*,%0') # 

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