Issued Tuesm< THURSDAY Saturday he ourier azette h T Entered u Second ClassC Mall Matter -G THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Oaaette. 445 Main St. Rockland, , Saturday, September 30, 1939 V olum e 94...... Number 117. The Courier-Gazette (EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK “THE BLACK CAT” ANOTHER KIND OF A WAR VICTIM OF AN ECCENTRIC WEATHER MAN Editor WM. O. FULLER According to the legend Rip Van Winkle slept 20 years. Associate Editor His awakening, however, was not comparable to th at of the FRANK A. WINSLOW Cincinnati Reds, who on Thursday won the championship of Eleventh Rare The North Knox Fair Pulled Off Part Of Its Cashier, Smith $3.80 $3 00 $2.30 Subscriptions 43 00 per year payable the National Baseball League, and thereby gained th e right In advance: single copies three cents. to compete with the New York Yankees for the W orld’s Henley Etawah, Lovell $4.80 $2.60 Advertising rates based upon circula­ Program, However Bonnie Express, Cameron $2.30 tion and Very reasonable Championship. The series opens in [New York next Wednes­ NEWSPAPER HD3TORY day and the first two games will be played ln that city. The Also started: Pedro, McKylo Di­ The Rockland Oaaette was estab­ rect, Alice Oakwood. Time: 2.14. lished In IMS. In 1874 the Courier was contenders then move on to Cincinnati, where three gam es will T his is the concluding day of the Peter Dale, Jordan Out established and consolidated with the be played, if three are necessary. Twenty years is a long Friday Staiters, Classified Races, Claaette In 1882 The Free Press was N orth Knox Fair, in full keeping Time: 2.08‘i. established In 1855 and ln 1891 changed while to wait for a fling at the gonfalon, and the reception 1 and 4 with the eccentric weather condi- Seventh Race Its name to the Tri bun e These papers which the Reds will receive on their own lot one week from Teetony (Hanna) 1 4 consolidated March 17, 1897 tions which have prevented it from Lady Pennock, today will mark another glorious chapter ln World Series his­ Ganonian (Jones) 2 5 being one of the most successful Jordan $11.10 $3 40 $2 60 tory. That the series will not be besmirched as it was 20 years fairs In Knox County. Far from Sinecure, Stuart $5 69 $4 70 Racing fans admired the track ago when Cincinnati's opponent sold out, goes without saying. — There's more fun ln doing * being a total failure however, it en­ Harvest High, Hall $3 60 marshal, partly because the job favors than In seeking favors ■» The New York Yankees will fight from the drop of th e hat, • War Cry • tertained large crowds Wednesday. I Also started: Pagan. Jerry Pick- was entrusted to a young girl and <•» and everything that Cincinnati gets this time will be earned, Thursday and Friday, and was more even as it had to earn the National League championship A th a n the public had a right to ex­ few of the experts have climbed out on a limb and chosen pect even with such a resourceful Cincinnati, but U»e predominance of sentiment is th a t the Kelly Is Commander management. flag will go to the outfit known in baseball parlance as "Murderer's Row." The main question seems to be: How- American Legion A$k» For Thursday's Proceedings many games can Cincinnati win? W ill Walters and Derringer W ith the track in tolerably good (By The Roving Reporter) Legislation To Outlaw be the answer to that? Communist Party condition in spite of the two days , downpour, racing was begun Thurs­ The query in this department as | Knott C. Rankin of the Rock- Raymond J. Kelly, corporation day afternoon and it saw close com- to who remembered the cog rail- land & Rockport Lime Co's staff WILL GERMANS COME HERE? counsel of Detroit, was elected na­ i petition in most of the classes. The way which used to take passengers has a valued souvenir of the Civil tional commander of the American The American Institute of Public Opinion has lost sight ’ big event of the day, however was up the side of what is now Cadillac War in the form of bound volumes j the pay-off in the daily double. Each Legion Thursday. of Presidential candidates for the time being and is devoting Mountain, brought prompt response (of a Boston newspaper published The new chief of the organization its inquisitiveness toward the war situation. The last question w inner pocketed the generous sum from Miss Josephine Thorndike, during that fateful period, of 1.026.084 ex-service men lias been which it asked was: “If Germany should defeat England. of $230 30. Lady Pennock, driven former Rockland school teacher. . by Jimmy Jordan in the first race head of Detroit's legal department Prance and Poland in the present war, do you think Oermany She recalls having made the trip since 1933 He worked his way would start a war against the United States sonoer or later?” and Jura, driven by Brisbin in the while attending the American In- “Rockland is boasting a night second were paired in the double through the universities of Notre The answer, whether inspired by fear, or whether express­ stltute of Instruction at Bar Harbor, blooming cereus." says the Lewiston payoff. Dame and Detroit and served 10 ing the voters' honest opinion, shows a percentage of 63 percent She was accompanied by Miss, Journal. Unfortunately the fame Total handle ln the mutuels was months overseas during the World believing that Oermany would begin a war of aggression here, Annie Frye, Miss Emily Barrett. derlv*d thus ls wry brief. and the $9,646 with Lady Pennock in the War as a lieutenant ln the artil­ while 37 percent replied ln the negative. Only 7 percent said and, she thinks by Alice Starrett. waits between acts are a trifle too first giving the biggest payoff, $33.60 lery. they had no opinion on the matter. I t is hard telling where long. T he summaries: Legislation to outlaw "the Com­ Hitler might be led by cumulation of successes, and th e elation We used to think that it was F irs t R ace munist party, the Oerman Bund which they create. We must speedily dispossess ourselves of I life In the open which created After floating 3700 miles, a Lady Pennock, and similar organizations." was ad­ the notion that we are safe simply because a n ocean separates keener appetites, but evidently it bottle containing data for the Unit- Jordan $33 60 $6 30 $3 20 vocated by the American Legion. us. The inventive German mind would soon invent a way to is the educational urge, instead, ed states Hydrographic Office was Peggy Noon. Lohmes 4 80 $3 70 Delegates attending the final ses­ bridge the watery space, and we m ight be treated to a sample The local High Schools are being picked up on the coast of Yucatan, H arvest High, Hall $2 70 sion of the 21st national convention of what Ethiopia, Spain and Poland have experienced We dismissed 10 minutes earlier at Mexico. Also started: Sinecure, Pagan, approved the report of the Ameri­ fought shoulder to shoulder with th e Allies in 1917-18—not . noon in order that the lads and > —o— Sunflrd. Jerry Pickerings, Honey canism committee urging such ac­ to save the world for democracy, as the stump speakers have lassies may have more time for Lewiston Journal: It is of especial Volo. Time: 212'4. tion. said, but because It seemed a move toward saving o u r own dinner. But doesn't that mean interest, now that defense data ls Second Race The pronouncement also asked skins. Unpleasant as the thought is, it may again become j that mother will have to cook more? being accumulated, that Maine has Ju ra. Brisbin $15.00 $6 70 $3 50 continuation of the Dies commit­ necessary. It must be confessed that the outlook Overseas is 22 civilian airports, and eight sea­ Carioca, Butler $4 20 $2 90 One of the most common of errors tee investigating un-American ac­ plane landings. The latter arc at not too bright. Flodale, Fitzgerald $4 90 Ls the formation of plural when re­ tivities, suggested reg&tratlon of High Head at Brooklin; Greenville, Also started: Nativa. Alice O., Ed ferring to Poland Spring. There aliens and requested the Legion­ on Moosehead Lake; Wiggins Air­ naires to aid in efforts directed Jr., Vitamin T. Time: 2.30'i. And here's Bob McKinley, one of the most popular race officials in the State. is but one bubbling site, so save thc WHERE (GODLESSNESS LIES ways at Naples: Norway, Portage against subversive activities T h ir d R ac e Wearing the inevitable smile and toting the inevitable cigar “a" for Stockton Springs. (Boston Herald) Lake, Rangeley, Rockland, the Nor- The Legionnaires also called P eter Dale. Jordan $7.50 Out Out Forbes Direct. Hall Out Out erin. Honey Volo. Peggy Noon. Time partly because she performed her Somewhere in the flics of The cross S ^ P ’-ane anchorage at Win­ upon Congress to enact legislation The Christian pulpit has been outspoken in Its views of throp. Dr. H„ Keyes Out duties so well. The girl in question ; Courier-Gazette there are numer- to “eliminate all profits from war" the fundamental moralities which are clashing in Europe 2.14 The Jews have been persecuted so cruelly that it w as to be Tim e: 2 09. ous articles concerning the old as a move to safeguard the nation's Eighth Race was Joan Hall. 10-year-old daugh- expected that rabbis would denounce Hitler and Hitlerism Fourth Race Flodale. Fitzgerald $3 30 $2.80 $2.30 ter of Royal Hall of Warren, who schooner Polly which lived to be One year ago: Union Fair was peaoe. bitterly. Catholic and Protestant clergymen have been just as Jerry Pickering. 105 years old—or older, but finding over. Rain had the salutatory and The demand foi universal service earnest, however. Denominational divergences have been Jura. Brisbin $3 40 $2 30 is one of the trustees of North them are like hunting for the pro- valedictory but it was a good show in war time was supported unani­ Ignored in discussion of the eternal problem Involved Camerno $6 40 $4 20 $3 40 Carioca. Butler $2.20 Knox Fair. The tragedy which has been unfolding in Europe for sev­ Lady Pennock Jordan $5 50 $3.20 , verbial needle In the haystack. in spite of i t —John Kavanaugh mously when presented by the Also started: Vitamin T.. Ed Jr., Results of Thursday's pulling con­ eral years has tended from the first to make men emphasize Sinecure. Stuart $690 and Alice O Time 2 16 tests: I "When, where and by whom was bought, and was to occupy, the committee on legislation. the truths they hold in common. The crisis Itself, th e war. Also started: Honey Volo. Harvest | N in th R a r e Two-year-old steers: First, Ralph she built?" This is what a good Walter Snow house on Mechanio Members endorsed another reso­ has so strengthened the tendency that today there is a High, Pagan, Peggy Noon Time Jewell of Appleton. 404 feet 7 inches; friend of The Black Cat would like street —Edwards & Co were oecu- lution expressing opposition to heartening cohesiveness of the various sects Admirable Bonnie Express, 2.15. $5 40 $3 10 $2.50 second. E R Cummings of Union, to know, and I hope somebody will pying their new quarters on Tillson "further efforts” to change the Catholic sermons of the last two or three weeks m ight have Cameron come from Protestant pulpits: and Protestant m inisters have F if t h R ace $390 335 feet 4 inches; third. Leslie Hallo- come forward with the desired in- avenue.—J. Albert Jameson was traditional date of Thanksgiving ] Henley Etawah, Lovell discoursed like Catholic priests. Flodale. Fitzgerald $11.70 $620 $3.20 Cashier, Smith $4 00 $2.70 well of Jefferson, 331 feet 7 inches; formation. | elected vice president of the Maine lest the feast be “too close" to Ar­ The sermon ln St. Clement's C hurch last Sunday by Rev Carioca. Butler $4.80 $2.60 Also started: Pedor Alice Oak- fourth, Elmer Jones of Washington, _o _ ( League of Loan A Building Asso- mistice Day. Dr. John E. Sexton of St. John’s Seminary is typical. H e said, Ju ra. Brisbin $2 20 wood. McKylo Direct. Time: 2.14. 321 feet 8 inches Philip H. Lord, who is better caitions.—Hannah L„ widow of Oc- A final plaa for national unity ln among other things: We American Catholics can have no moral neutrality ln Also started: Vitamin T„ Ed. Jr., Tenth R ace Oxen. 6 feet 2 inches and under: I known to you radio fans as “Seth tave P Howard, died at Owls Head the Interests of neutrality was made the face of the frightful violations of sacred rights th a t we see Alice O. Time 2.16 Forbes Direct. Hall $2 50 Out Out First, Ralph Jewell, 431 feet 1 inch; Parker." is going to try a new ver.- aged 93 years—Freeman J. Perry to the convention by Brig. Oen ln the world today; we can have no spiritual kinship with Sixth Race Dr H Keyes Out Out second, Stephen Simmons of Dam- ture. running a sheep ranch. And died, aged 69 years.—Intensive Frank T. Hines, administrator of Ideals of government which work out ln diabolical attacks Forbes Direct. Hall $350 Out Out Peter Dale. Jordan Out ariscotta. 148 feet 7 inches; third, here's hoping that it ends more ad- search for Naida Burpee, aged 2. veterans' affairs. upon all that we hold dear . . . The destruction of Poland is Dr. H., Keyes Out O u t! Time: 2.09 • (Continued on Page Twoi var.tagecusly than his ill-fated at- resulted in finding her on the edge "It behooves us," he said in a pre­ the deed of forces which are anti-G od and anti-Christ. We cannot keep that thought out of our mind and soul when we tempt to sail around the world. j of a swamp miles from home. pared address, “to do everything pray to Our Pather . . . Behind all the moves and words and we can, both by word and deed, in deeds that proceeded from Moscow and Berlin ln th e last Willard "To please the eye of the support of those Ideals for which years is a belief and a doctrine diametrically opposed to ours. passerby, to cheer thc sick and to A Safety Trophy PLANTED W T E PEONIES remind her followers that those FIRE PREVENTION our great democracy was founded It cannot be said of the European conflict, as Lincoln said of our civil war, that each side reads the same Bible a n d prays ideals of purity, temperance, pa­ and to render th at assistance in the President Roosevelt has set to the same God. Godlessness is of the essence of the German triotism. charity, which she exem­ Has Been Won This Season direction of a strict neutrality and and Russian schemes. aside the week beginning Oct. 9 On 100th Anniversary Of Frances Willard’s plified might continue to grow in for peace, in the sincere hope that By Socony Vacuum Oil as Fire Prevention Week. their own lives, sending forth a per­ the fires of war which are now Co., Inc. His proclamation reported that Birth— Appropriate Exercises fume of sweet fragrance." “Taps" burning abroad may rapidly be ex­ fires in this country did an esti­ MRS. ROOSEVELT INCENSED were blown by trumpeter Dudley tinguished. The Socony Vacuum Oil Co. mated damage of $254,000,000 in Harvey. “Let us do ail in our power t« An American, who shall be nameless, excited th e ire of Inc., was the winner of the State 1937 and more than $265,000,000 The 100th anniversary of the birth A brief address "Frances E. Willard Miss Spring's address follows: promote national unity among out Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt when he suggested that Europe Safety Contest trophy in the mis- last year. of Frances E. Willard Thursday was the Woman" was given by Rev. Dr "To make the whole world moie ! cellaneous class. people and endeavor to do all those should be allowed to "stew ln its own Juice.” And ln this Public authorities, civic groups observed locally by the planting of Guy Wilson of the M. E. Church, homelike" was Frances Willard’s things which will make for us now respect we fully share the sentiments of the first lady of the Thc company received the fol­ educators, and others were re­ six large specimens of the white i "Frances E. Willard's Contribution simple but sympathetic way of de­ living and those to come after w land. We have resented. Justifiably, the failure of the Allies lowing congratulatory letter from quested to "co-operate in bring­ peony Frances Willard (Vaughn s to the Public Welfare” was given by fining her many activities. a happy and prosperous nation." to pay their war debts as of the World War, and we have the State of Maine Department of ing to the attention of all the Seed House i in the Llmerock street , Miss Mabel Spring, representing the And to that end she devoted her deplored the failure of the European powers to give th e United Labor and Industry. people the importance of taking side of the Hospital Garden. A dele- D.A.R National Educational Assort- own gifts of idealism and intellect. The six press associations of New States a fair share of the credit which belonged to it for Its "The final report in the Sixth measures to eliminate fire haz­ England unite Monday afternoon part ln defeating the Central Powers. Everybody know s that annual Safety Contest indicated ards, to abolish dangerous prac­ and evening in a banquet and re­ Uncle Sam has enjoyed no special degree of p o p u larity in that your plant has won the Mis­ tices and procedures which may ception honoring Howard W. Palmer Europe since the World War, but even taking all these things cellaneous Group Trophy. lead to the occurrence of need­ of Oreenwich, Conn., president of under consideration, now is not th e tim e to sulk. T h e Euro­ "The Industrial Saftey Division less fires, and to maintain a spe­ the National Editorial Association. pean democracies need us, and the day may be com ing when of the Department of Labor and cial alertness in every situation The inevitable "shop talk" will come we need them. L et bygones be bygones. your employes on the excellent in which a destructive fire may ln the afternoon with the banquet Industry congratulates you and occur." following at Hotel Westminster. charge for two trips to collect some work in accident prevention and Gov. Leverett ^attonstall will be j reduction which has resulted in Good People Exist of th e goods. GORGEOUS BLOSSOMS among the speakers. John M. T he work being done ls not for I your leading the Miscellaneous Richardson of The Courier-Oaaette Just See How They Re­ those receiving help, but on th e . ! Group during the 1£VJ9 Contest. On the front piazza of the home | This Division hpoes that the award will be present in his capacity as sponded To the Call Of verge or necessity o f asking for it, j of Mrs. Eugene Rose, at the corner president of the Maine Press Asso­ and cases are thoroughly investigat- I of a trophy will spur you on to of Union and Grove street, can be ciation. the City Matron ed before help is given. still greater accomplishments along seen in twin pots large plants of Friends who are Interested should [ these lines in years to come.” Amaryllis, with the most gorgeous In 1831. 39,000 women were em­ Same time ago an appeal was help all they can by donating cloth­ W. E. Chase, Jr. blossoms of brilliant red to the ployed n cotton factories ln the made in this paper by Miss Corbett, ing. dishes or furniture, where such number of nearly a dozen. Seldom United States. city matron, for furniture, beds and articles will be placed where needed. The Congregational Church have we seen more beautiful bedding, set for homes that were School will resume its sessions for blossoms on this plant no: 111 of lacking these necessary things. As M r. and Mrs. E arle Barter and the fall and winter season tomorrow. Florida. DORMAN’S usual the response was gratifying, daughter, Miss Ruth Barter were Frederick Bird will be superinten­ ICE CREAM as beds and bedding of all kinds entertained for several days ln Bos­ dent of the school, with Mrs. Bird YOUR FAVORITE POEM came ln—furniture, crockery ware, ton by American League umpires in charge of the Primary depart­ ENDS THE SEASON pots, pans, dishes, baby cribs and Grieve, Quinn and McGowan. The U I had my life to live wain I ment. Teachers will be: Edwin Ed­ would have made a rule to read tome TONIGHT carriages. From all parts of Knox visit, which was requested by the wards. John Rossnagcl, Mrs. Ross- poetry and listen to eome music at Oounty, even Monhegan Island— “umps" was mainly o f a social na­ leant once a week The loea of these in * n nagel, Virginia Wood, Helen Whitte­ tastes la a loss of happiness.—Oharlaa from Massachusetts and Connecticut tive but the prospects for the com­ more. Perry Howard. Jessie Olds. Darwin. sent by (Rockland folk living ln ing season were discussed at some Phyllis Hanson, Lucille Connon, length, and Mr. B arter was request­ TO THE MUSES those States. Used clothing came ln Participants in the “White Peony" ceremonial Thursday. Left to right: Mrs. Donald H. Fuller, president of Inez Bowley. Barbara Lamb, Nancy Whether on Ida's shady brow. too, and helped to fit out a number ed to report at St. Petersburg, Fla. the Rockland Garden Club; Miss Mabelle Spring, who read a paper; Rev. Dr. Guy Wilson, who presented a I Or In the chambers of the East Howard. The unified service, com­ The chambers of the sun that now of children for school. Feb. 1st. He um pired in Virginia sketch of Frances E. Willard; Mrs. Clara Emery, president of the W.C.T.U. bining church school and public From ancient melody have ceased; (Besides all the above, friends In­ League last summer until an acci­ WEBBER’S INN worship in the same hour will be Whether ln Heaven ye wander fair. terested ln this worthy work have dent ended his activities for the gation from the Garden Club, Mrs. ation; National Federation of Wom­ She, who coined the expression Or the green corners of the earth, THOMASTON, ME. continued as in recent years, with Or the blue regions of thp air. supplied new clothing, dresses, coats, tim e being. He ls uncertain what Leah Fuller, -Mrs. Lou Emery, Mrs. ens’ Clubs. "Only the Oolden 'Rule of Christ can the children sharing in the worship Where the melodious winds have shoes and rubbers, 36 new quilts. 10 his assignment will be ln the spring, C lara Emery, assisted by Joseph Mrs. Clara Emery, representing bring the Golden Age of Man,” service at 10.30 a. m. and attending birth; tons of coal. but with good friends at court he Emery, planted the bulbs Thursday the WC.T.U. in well chosen phrases worked constantly for peace through their classes during the sermon, Whether on crystal rocks ye rove OPEN Beneath the bosom of the sea. forenoon. quoting (Frances Willard’s prophetic everything she did. Her creed was THE YEAR ROUND Paid a water bill for a (widow, who is n o t worrying. thus enabling parents and children Wandering In many a coral grove— At 2 p. m. the W.C.T.U. held dedi­ words of early childhood "Flowers ever a high standard of Christian Fair Nine, forsaking Poetry; W A R M ROOMS was at that time ill, and unable to to come and go at the same hour. work, supplying 40 quarts of milk Japan shipped 2,6838,114 pounds cation exercises ln the garden. The sweet would not have bloomed had living and relationships. How have you left the ancient love SPECIAL RATES That bards of old enjoy'd In you! TO BOARDERS weekly. of cellophane paper to other coun­ bugle call, "Attention," was blown I ne’er been born," dedicated thc On this day, approximately 3000 The languid strings do scarcely move. The cost of all this was nearly tries in 1938, a decrease of 41 per by Dudley Harvey; invocation of­ peony plants “for as long as they may delegates and visitors to the Na- Japan is urging its people to wear The sound Is forced, the notes are few $300. The cost to the city was the cent from 1937, fered by Miss Margaret (McK night endure” to the memory of Frances (Continued on Page Five) wooden shoes and thus save leather. __ —wuiiam Page T w o Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, September 30, 1939 Every-OtKer-Day

scenes of the New York World's The Courier-Gazette Fair included pictures of several THREE- TIMES-A-WEEK jVICTIM OF AW ECCENTRIC WEATHER WAN foreign buildings, industrial build- Warriors on Rockland High And Jesus came and touched such as the General Electric, and State buildings with an es­ them, and said. Arise, and be not (Continued from Page One) Elmer W. Fulton, manager of the Calumet Euclid, Jordan 2.40 2.20 afraid. Matt. 17: 7. pecially fine one of the Maine build­ ing. There were several views of Leslie Savage of Washington. 144 State Farm at Warren. Bonnie Express, Cameron 3.00 Tlie prizes offered by a popular j Also started: Jean the Great and the Trylon and Perisphere, the feet 1 inch; fourth, Stephen Sim­ theme center of the fair. The pic­ brand of cake flour were awarded Governor Alex. Time: 2.13. mons, 119 feet 8 inches. At The High School tures showing the fair at night and thus: Butter cake, first to Mrs. Fred ! Tenth Race the fireworks were especially beau­ Bulls under 6 feet 10 inches: First,! Lucas of Union, second to Mrs. Doris swingtime, Jordan $2.80 $2.40 $2.40 tiful. A. C. Thomas of Brooks, 225 feet 6; Mitchell of Union, third to Mrs. i sunrise Cleary 3.30 2 70 From the New York World’s Fair, inches; second. Henry Cunningham1 Merle Miller of Camden, fourth to calumet Coburn, Barnett 3 40 By The Pupils Mr. Senter went to the San Fran­ of Jefferson, 6 feet 11 inches; third, I Mrs. Bessie Stephenson of Union. Also started. Sully. Playwright Di- Ralph Cunningham, 2 feet 8 Inches. | Sponge cake, first to Mrs. Margaret rec, V()io Grattan. Time: 2.10. cisco World's Fair Here, too, he Charles T. Burgess was awarded i Lucas of Union, second to Mrs. .. „ A pair of child's cowhide shoes, took pictures of the various foreign Eleventh Race 150 years old, was brought into Ju- buildings. There were many views Governor Alex. nior business class by Richard Ham- of the beautiful gardens and towers Cameron $29 70 4 60 2.20 lin. They were hand sewn, and at "Treasure Island." Especially in- Laddie Brewer. Hall 2.80 2.20 wooden pegs were used in putting teresting were the pictures of many Calumet Euclid, Jordan 2.20 on the taps. Other heirlooms familiar screen stars, such as Also started, Jean the Oreat and brought in included a pearlstone Sonja Heine, Jeannette MacDonald, Bonnie Express. Time: 2.10*4. ware plate of "Washington Vase" j and Cesar Romero. Twelfth Race design, by Eleanor Tracey: Marjorie ' Besides the views of the two fairs Swingtime, Jordan $2.90 $2 90 $2.20 Wiggin, her great-grandmother's Mr. Senter showed scenes in Chica- Calumet Coburn, Barnett 10.90 3 80 weddlng ring; Beatrice Maloney, go. California, around the Par.ami Volo Grattan, Tweedie 2.50 old pendant and chain, button with Canal and in New York Barbara ' Also started: Playwright Direct A, letters EUSLH. belonging on uni- Bartlett led the devotions. Bill Bick- Sully. Sunrise. Time: 2 09. form of her great-grandfather when 1 nell was chairman.—June Chatto , Races 1—I he was at Monhegan Lighthouse, • • • • Ideal Brook 1—3. Peter Reamore and several other interesting but­ Prizes of $2 and $1 are being 2—3, Betsy Brewer 3—1, Hannali tons; hand carved thimble holder offered to those who sell the most Henley 4—7, >Amy Chan 5—2, Peter from France, Jeanette Underwood; season footall tickets. One must Simmons 6—6, McKlyo Direct 7—4, Civil War medal dated 1861. Betty sell at least eight to be eligible for Harry Dillon 8—8. Taft; one cent piece 1837. Walter these prizes. Dodge These were in connection • • • • Races 2—5 with the study of early practices What with "Whozit" and "School- Ruth P. 1—6, Nina Deroche 2—4, in economic living. ward Bound" pictures, the school Harry Alec 3—7. Pal O'Mine Jr. 4— • • • • bulletin boards are fairly groaning 1, Ed. Junior 5—2, Kay Barton 6—5. All of the alphabet keys have been with photographs. The crowd said “Oh!" and “Ah!” Vitamin T. 7—3, Lawful Lure 8—8, learned by the beginners typewrit­ • • • • ! Sally's Audabon 9—10, Arlo Stout ing class and now comes practice Members of the Senior Stenog­ first prize for Jersey herd today; | Herbert Merrifield of Union, third to ' 10—9, Gallant Lady 11—11. with Albert Tangoras alphabetic raphy class have all passed tlwir j ] Simon English of Monroe won first i Mrs. Charles Burgess of Union, and R aces 3—G—9 "Bud" Small. Fullback Mike MrConchie, Left Guard sentence, “A quick movement of the 60-word test, and are now preparing for Ayrshire* and Clinton Hewitt o f, fourth to Mrs. Eugene Calderwood of I Jean the Great 1—4—4, Calumet enemy would jeopardize six gun­ for their 80-word test. Members of Whitefield, second. J O. Blake of Unlon. Bassett 2—3—1, Ampere 3—2—2, boats.*' this class are: Helene Carnes. Kath- j Hydra-Matic Drive Union won first for Jerseys and W il­ • • • • ’ Sunnymede 4—1—3. O. C McGregor • • • • leen Dean. Kathryn Dean. Edna bert Mank of Waldoboro, first and Friday's Racing and Pulling 15—3—6, Dr Hanover 6—6—6. Office boys this week were Albert SHE SET WORLD RECORD Gamage. Oliver Hamlin. Heivi Lai- New Olds Has No Clutch second for Hereford. Big payoffs continued to rule yes- Rax es 7—10 Munro, Kendall Wooster, William Peart Leonard, Belva Robi- — It Can Think For Awards for town Uams were: terday with a daily double of $34 67 ' Sandy F. 1—2, Jerry Pickering Rokes, Donald Xalloch, Frederick shaw Jane g^-yer. Irma Tbomp- I Some Belated Details Concerning Red Jacket’s | Oxen. Union first; Whitefield, sec­ for the combination of Teetonty in 2—1, M. and H 3—4. Charlotte B. Ranqulst. Raymond Kennedy, p^y. Harriet Wooster Itself ■ ond, and Jefferson, third. Three- the first and Little Maggie in the 4—3. George Bodman and Benedict Dowl- Mildred p errin and Eleanor Carter A car that has no clutch or clutch year-olds. Union, first. Two-year- second. Races 8—12 ing. 1 • • • • Trial Off Rockland pedal! A car that is capable of joIds- Washington, first and Union, Colonel Win spilled while scoring Evelyn Scott 1—1. Krllarney 3—2, _ * * ,* * . . ' Junior High assembly was ccn- ' for the second race but neither horse Pedro 4—6. Henley Siewah 5—3. The Edna Gamage has been secretary H -i. Before me a Notary public in and Bertram Snow; VI, Herbert Elling- blessed according to the ancient They have two complete steel decks dom from wear inherent in the , fourth, Harold Butler, Jr., 127 feet, for the State and county aforesaid ritual. It was quite becoming that extending from the bow to the stem, liquid flywheel have been common 1 Oreen Mountain, first to Miller Third Rare personally appeared F. A Winslow, who ] w w u- i Horses under 2500 pounds: First, having been duly sworn according to Princess Glenville, • • • • all of this ceremony should be per- and a third steel deck is fitted be- knowledge among engineers for 50 Hobbs o! Hope, second to Everett tie between Lee Cross of Morrill and law. deposes and says that he Is the Lee 17 .40 10 .80 3 60 Associate Editor of The Courter-Ga- The Freshman social which was formed in connection with the low the second deck extending from years, but not until the perfection i ®torer °L Union, third to David Car- William Taylor of South Hope, 341 Signal Merriman. Eastman 4.50 3.40 be'st* ofn

Kenneth Legage has leased the Put your radio in condition for day their landing place is called TALK OF THE TOWN Shepherd house on Berkeley street. the Worid Series broadcast. In “Little Rhody” Point Judith. Anti-Chain Levies On the way to the Point we s The Maine State Employment Claremont Oommandery, K. Author Of “Happy Hope stopped at the Hannah Robinson Many State Legislatures Service at 401 Main street has avail­ has a meeting Monday night. Farm” Visits Scenes Of Memorial Park. It Is on McSpar- Have Rejected Punitive able openings for farm hands, house­ ren hill and a tower of rustic logs keepers, etc. A well-baby clinic will be held Her Girlhood has been built there. The four cor­ (H U R(H E g Measures Monday afternoon in the Red Cross Oct. 2—Thomaston- "Booster Night" ner posts are logs from trees which New England has joined the pa­ rooms, with Dr C. B. Popplestone Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— at Weymouth Orange. Members of Edwin Libby Relief must have towered over 50 feet high will be at 6 30 and will be in charge rade of States marching against Oct 2 -Ladv Knox Chapter D A B . in attendance. The little State of Rhode Island SERMONETTE meets with Oen. Knox Chapter at Corps will attend the funeral of In their native forest, and there are of the newly elected officers. The punitive taxes on chain stores. It "Montpelier”. Mrs. Nellie Bean in Thomaston is intimately connected with the several landings in the tower. My people’s evening service will open Oct. 4—South Warren—Annual fall Miriam Rebekah Lodge will a t­ War was shown today In a national sur­ fair at Goodwill Orange. Sunday at 2.30 o'clock. early history of our country and brother and I climbed to the top at 7.30 with the prelude and big Oct. 6—13 to 8 30) Educational Club tend in a body the funeral services Once again tlie world is at war. vey of chain store taxation trends. everywhere one finds places of his­ and the view is wonderful, showing sing assisted by the organ, piano picnic at Mrs. Leila Benner's, Camden Sunday a t 2.30 for Mrs. Nellie E. The forces of evil are loosed. Tlie survey disclosed that the six Back from his vacation. Nell B. a panorama of the country for miles and choir. "Three Vital Questions j Oct. 9~ Hope—"Booster Night" at torical interest. There is the Man destroys his fellow men. sister States were in the forefront Bean, at her residence on Dwight around. Answered," will be the subject of Hope Orange Packard finds that his Janitorial granite slab commemorating the The end none can foretell. This of States which refused In 1939 to Oct. 10- Waldoboro—Meeting of Saga­ street in Thomaston. Mr. MacDonald's sermon. dahoc-Lincoln County Teachers Con­ duties at the Post Office have been Oreat Swamp fight with the Indian The finished part of the new war commences true to the tem­ enact special discriminatory taxes vention. carefully looked after by his sub­ Jamestown bridge, now under con­ • • • • Oct. 12—Columbus Day Charlie Kaler, ev&ngelist, of Cali­ Chief, King Philip, Commodore po set by the great war a quar­ on chain stores. The Legislatures Oct. 19—Opening meeting of Baptist stitute, M. E. Scammon of Owl's Perry's homestead, the monument struction, can be seen, and villages At St Peter's Church (Episcopal) Men's league fornia has been in the city this week ter of a century ago. War falls of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Oct. 20—"George and Dixie" at Com­ Head. and called on Rev. and Mrs. J. to Gen. Joseph Stanton, on the and towns nestling among wooded heaviest upon those that hate Rev. E. O. Kenyon, rector, the serv­ Maine during the past sessions all munity Building. hill: and valleys. On clear days ices for tomorrow will be appropri­ Oct. 24—Camden—Garden Club meets Charles MacDonald. He was ac­ Post road, and many other re­ It most. It insults the highest killed proposed anti-chain legisla­ In spite of the apparent large the city of Providence can be plain­ with Mrs W. E Drowm hostess. companied by his wife and daugh­ minders of past history. Impulses of the human race; it ate for the 17th Sunday alter Trin­ tion, while .Vermont's chain store Oct 26-27 Lewiston -State Teachers summer business done by the Maine ly seen and a far reaching stretch Association convention. ter. • Today my brother took us for a kills the Innocent, destroys coun­ ity: Matins at 7.10; Church School tax had been repealed several years Dec. 6—Rockport Methodist Church Central Railroad, the corporation’s ride through the historic town of of ocean. Point Judith and Bon­ tries, peoples and homes, renders at 9 30; Holy Eucharist and sermon before. fair. net income for August was only Better make sure and get your Kingston and along the shore to net Point Light are two of a num­ life unendurable and accom­ at 10.30; Vespers will be omitted. The rejection of these measures $5060 as compared with $15,489 a Oeorge W. Hamlin is repairing ice cream tonight at Dorman's. To­ Narragansett Pier and Point Ju­ ber of lighthouses visible. plishes nothing but desolation • • • • was In line, the report stated, with year ago. the roofs of the Bicknell blocks. morrow will be too late for the dith light house. Point Judith has At Narragansett Pier a new and misery. I t is invoked by "Unreality” is the subject of the the action of Legislatures through­ popular New County road establish­ a legendary story, of whose truth Dunes club house has been built, An Owl’s Head woman has a long selfish and Godless men, and Lesson-Sermon that will be read In out the nation in what was termed ment will close for the season to­ I cannot vouch. new bath houses erected to replace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gregory had voyage in store. She Is to accompany destroys not only in the progress all Churches of Christ, Scientist, "one of the most complete shifts In as guests this week Mr. and Mrs. night. A father and his young daugh­ those wrecked a year ago, and the of a campaign but wantonly. on Oct. 1. The Golden Text is legislative trends In the natlon'3 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Russell when they water front boulevard is being re­ Abbott Ludden of Lincoln. ter were In a boat at sea. Their The sinking of the Athenia “There is that maketh himself rich, history." Paralleling this trend. It sail for India. The departure will A meeting of the Community compass had gone wrong and they paired. But everywhere in South be made Oct. 20 If the matter of was brutal, Inhuman and of no yet hath nothing: there is that was noted, was the development of Tug Eugenie Spofford was hauled bowling league wi'l be held Monday were despairing, starving, thirsty. County the marks of the hurricane passports and some other details can value to Germany in the pursuit maketh himself poor, yet hath great "a growing, widespread movement” out at the South Railway Thursday night at 7.30, at Community Build­ The father prayed God to have are still seen, in ruins, fallen trees be successfully arranged. of her war aims.' An unarmed riches" (Proverbs 13:7). Tlie cita- for repeal of chain store taxes long enough for government inspec­ ing. Representatives of all teams mercy on his child, to save her from and a peculiar blighted look to the liner, loaded with tourists seeking tions from the Bible contain the [ where they are already on the interested in the league are urged death by starvation and exposure, foliage. In Narragansett many tion. • Two of Rockland's best known shelter in their homelands sunk following passages: "Vanity of vani­ statute books. to attend. and as he prayed he was startled homes of the wealthy are for sale, sportsmen. Albert C. McLoon and and then shelled without warn­ ties, saith the Preacher, vanity of Although 60 chain store tax bills Rockland High School students by an excited cry from the girl. Including the famous Hazard es­ Charles O. Wotton, will see the ing. Only barbarians would do vanitiA;; all Is vanity. I have seen were considered by 34 State Legisla­ are adapting their minds to the new The annual meeting of Commun­ “Oh, father, look! the Lord has tate. The Hazard stone castle and World's Fair and several games of a thing like that. all the works that are done under tures in 1939, it was pointed out High School course. Phychologv. ity Building Inc., called for Thurs­ answered and I see land! There tower can be plainly seen from the the World’s Series next week. They No wonder the Nazi hate God. the sun; and. behold, all Is vanity "not one new S tate was added to the Classes are held Friday mornings day afternoon was adjourned for are trees and the sun shining on highway, for the first time In years, j plan to return by airplane, but if They want no religion that con­ and vexation of spirit" (Ecclesias­ anti-chain roster.” The report with Principal Blatsdell on the lack of quorum to Tuesday Oct. them," she cried. its sheltering evergreens having they happen to pick the wrong ball flicts with their wickedness. Love tes 1:2, 14). further noted that in the first six mound. 3. at 4 p. m. The meeting will be From his place at the helm her fallen victims of the big blow. team—well, there are methods of worketh long and is kind. Hate • • • • months of 1930 discriminatory taxes held in the tower room. father called, "Point. Judith, point Everywhere I noted a strange fact, locomotion. cannot contain itself and de­ At the Congregational Church the on multiple unit distributors were Within the space of a block a‘ It out to me. for my eyes are so that the native cedar trees were stroys; it corrodes its very own sessions of tlie church school will be killed by the highest courts of Ken­ The Brook Thursday morning were With two games hung up on the dim I cannot see." killed and injured, while that News has been received here ol and finally consumes them. resumed on this Bunday, with class­ tucky, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. seen cars from California. Florida. right side of the ledger. Don Mathe­ Judith pointed and following the alien tree, the catalpa, still flour­ the death of Adelaide (French) wife Moral values are eternal. Peace es and teachers for all grades. The Tlie survey showed that the move­ Illinois. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island, son’s football team rode across coun­ child's direction the father brought ished, sturdy and uninjured. of W W. Tibbetts in West Palm is the most precious gift of God. unified service, combining public ment for repeal of anti-chain levies Massachusetts, Connecticut and try this forenoon to tackle the strong the boat safely to land, and to this We drove home through Peace- Beach. Fla. Deceased was an adopt­ For it the Christian nations are worship and church school in the had the support of the State feder­ Maine. Pretty good lor this time of Madison High School team. Anxious dale and Tuckertown, the latter so ed daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs once again put to the test. God same hour, will be at 1030 with the ations of labor in Louisiana and year. friends hope for a favorable out­ named because It was founded by Harry G. Tibbetts of this city. The is not mocked by Hitler. children sharing the worship serv Iowa, which declared war on exist­ come. School And College brothers. John and Joshua Tucker, remains will arrive in this city Mon­ Whole peoples are now “tramp­ ice and attending their classes dur- ing chain store levies In their States, Freshman class at Colby College and even now there are more Tuck­ day morning, and there will be com­ "Photography At Work" will be ling out the vintage where the ing the sermon. Tlie theme of th e ! The influential Real Estate Associ- numbers 117 men and 67 women. It Rockland Students Who ers than any other name redding ’I mittal services at Achorn cemetery. the lecture topic at Tuesday night's grapes of wrath are stored." Let sermon by Rev. Corwin H Olds will I atlon of the State of New York has is expected tliat the total registra­ there. Joshua was my grandfather meeting of the Friendly Foto Fans HaveGone Elsewhere For us not be deceived . Even under be 'Rebuilding an Ancient ] called on the (National Association of tion of the college will reach 653. twice removed, and the old home­ Capt. Charles W. Kalloch com­ to be held at 7.30 in the Congrega­ Advanced Education this shadow of the valley of Church." Comrades of the Way Real Estate Boards to lead a fight And they are all pulling for the Mule stead where he lived and brought pletes his vacation in this city next tional vestry. The lecture will be death; “God's truth Is Marching will hold their first meeting of the for repeal of all chain store taxes. to capture the football champion­ The Courier-Gazette today pre­ up seven children Is still there. It Tuesday, and Oct. 14 he will sail on specially Illustrated. Members are on."—William A. Holman season Sunday evening at 6 30 In State and municipal, throughout the ship this fall. sents a partial list of Rockland looks out on a lovely, island stud-1 the steamship Excalibur for Genoa, urged to bring in prints to compete the vestry. Alter the devotional country, the report said. students who are attending instl- ded pond called Tucker's pond, Jews throughout the world arc Italy, to resume his duties with the for the monthly album prize. At the Universalist Church at period, plans will be made lor the Further evidence of this extensive tutions of higher education. This where baptisms for the local celebrating Succoth, the ancient American Export Steamship Line. 10 45 a. m. Dr. Lowe will preach on seasons programs, and there will repeal movement, cited by the study, paper will be indebted to any read- church have long been held, It week-long Festival of Tabernacles, Not many persons would relish re­ Charles K. Philbrick of Dark Har­ the subject: “Dependence or Inde­ be a discussion on "Vacations and was the fact that "although Inde­ er who may be able to add other ■ also is a fisherman's paradise. commemorating the wanderings of turning to Italy at this time, when bor is In the city this week on his pendence". The church school, un- the Christian Life." pendent merchants bad been en­ Rockland names. The list: The old homestead is now about the Israelites in the Wilderness of the war situation is so ticklish, but annual vacation, which is always _ . .... _ . , . .. _ . der the direction of Mrs. Winoia couraged by wholesalers to Join the University of Maine—Barbara 150 years old, but it stands strong _ „ . I, Sinai following their deliverance duty is duty with Captain Kalloch. timed so that he may attend Union , ,, Cooper will hold Its first session of tax attack on the chains, many In­ Orff,.Eleanor Look, Betty McAlary,1 and sturdy. It was originally oc- from bondage in Egypt. In many and lie goes unafraid. Fair. It has been many years since the year at 12 o'clock In the vestry. dependents recognized the danger­ Frederick Perry, O rant Davis, cupied by Oeorge Babcock, a man Jewish centers in the metropolitan the former Rockland athlete missed ous precedent established tyy this Charles Duff. Clarence Peterson, long famous in the legendary lore of area sukkahs, of temporary huts, Sergeant McCabe, director of one of these events and his welcome ren from 3 to 5 years of age. will i IF QUALITY type of legislation.” State Highway Safety, was guest Paul Horeyseck. Meredith Dondis, old Narragansett. are built and decorated as part of by the mainlanders is always a cor­ meet in the vestry during the morn­ Hector Lazo, executive vice presi­ speaker at yesterday's Rotary meet­ Richard Karl. Oordon Thompson. One of the stories told of him is the celebration. dial one. ing service hour. Is what you want in dent of the Co-operative Pood Dis­ Bowdoin—Harold Dondis, Elmer ■ that once he and his wife had a ing and gave a highly interesting • • • • Drug Store Merchandise tributors of America. Is quoted In review of the work which is be­ Comrades of the Way will resume S. Bird. ' falling out. Afterward he asked Hie feature offerings for Strand Rally Sunday will be observed at the report as warning the annual ing done by the Department. He their meetings for the fall and Bates—Doris Borgerson, Marion1 her to go to the back door. This Store Has It Theatre next week are: Sunday. Methodist Church tomorrow. convention of the National Assocl- stressed' the fine work which is be­ winter season tomorrow, meeting Ludwick. Dorothy Frost, James she went and found a rope dang- the Monday and Tuesday, "Filth Avenue Men's class will meet at 9.30. Dr. j Wo use only the Heat the I tlon of Retail Grocers that a "law ing done by Rockland High School in the Congregational vestry at 6.30 Pellicane, Wilbur Connon, Robert ung from the roof. He called to Girl,'' with Ginger Rogers and Wilson's topic at 10.30 will be niarkrt affords. Substitu­ . passed today to put your competitor on auto driving instruction and de­ p. m. After the devotional meeting P. Harmon. ' her to pull It down but all her ef- James Ellison; Wednesday and "Building a Stronger Church" with 1 out of business may whack you be­ there will be planning of the sea­ Colby—Ruth Thomas. Oordon forts to obey were in vain. Then, tion and "just as good" are Thursday, "Here I Am a Stranger." clared that drunken driving is on tween the eyes tomorrow." the increase. Reference was also Richardson, James East, Hester she was bidden to the front door' solos by Mrs Lydla Storer' and or' only business apologies. with Richard Greene and Brenda son's programs, and a discussion on Hatch. and there found her husband hold-' gan selectl°ns by Caro1 JiIbon' ThC made to “screw driving ". Visitors "Vacations and Christian Living". There is a big variation in Joyce; Friday and Saturday, "Four REFERRED TO CONGRESS yesterday were J. C. Thomas. Dam­ “The Comrades of the Way" in­ Gorham Normal School—Maizie ing the other end of the rope. To- I young PeoP1* s »riice is at 6 and at DRUGS AND PRICES Feathers," with John Clements and Joy. Feme Brown, Mary Dodge. gether they pulled the rope from I 7 °’clock the Pastor's *-heme will be June Duprez. After a week of Union ariscotta: John Brewer. Lewiston- cludes all high school ages. P L A Y S A F E ! | Who so well as an Irishman Auburn; Robert Ross, Lewiston; H. Shirley Stanley. Owendolyn Mac- the roof and thereafter pulled I "Spiritual Conscription ” TheTues- Fair most movie fans will be quite Donald, Edward Law. Richard nether in all their family life. H? 1 nlght prayer a*™10* k at 7.30. could describe America's oblique content to settle back In a theatre O. Harkness, Boston: John Smith The Pentecostal Convention is be- attitude toward the war: “Shure Marsh, Laroy Brown. had taken this way to show her • • • • WALMSLEY’S seat and enjoy the cinema. Lowe, Jr., A. W. Gregory and Ralph inK conducted at the Mission hall j an' we're neutral, but who are we Westbrook Junior College—Char- that twain cannot pull successfully ( Getting a Right S ta rt' will be ID-liable Drug Store Hanson. Ion ®°uth Main street with meeting- 373 MAIN ST. RtMKLAND neutral against?"—Exchange. The popularity of the Ocean View _____ at 10.30 a. m. and 2.30 and 7 » p leen Ramsdell, Madeline Philbrick. opposite directions. the sermon topic by Rev. Charles A. TEL. 564 A Navy plane was flying over m. There will be a Baptismal serv­ Alice Baum. On a previous ride we visited Marstaller a t the Littlefield Metno- Opp. Knox Trust Co. Roller Skating Rink was in evi­ Castor oil Is used In making soap, dence Thursday night, when Man­ Rockland yesterday evidently try­ ice at Sandy beach a t 12 o'clock m. Yale University—Gerald Bever- watch Hill, Misquamicut and rial ^ ^ h Sunday morning at ing to get a glimpse of the subma­ Sunday. Sunday school at 1 p. m age. Quonacontaug beaches with the T,’r choir will sing at both paint and varnish, llncolleum and ager Young announced that the oilcloth, printing ink and cosmetics. opening time would be 7.30 rather rine which was reported off Matini- The convention will close Monday Harvard University—Hervey Al- desolation caused by the hurricane services. Rally Day and Promotion than 8.00. The vast crowd ex­ cus, Glen Cove and half a dozen with a meeting of the South Eastern len. everywhere in evidence. At Quon-1Day exercises will be held at the pressed ite approval with a burst other places along the coast. There District Fellowship of Maine. Farmington Normal School — acontaug, a beach where I’ve spent church school hour at 11.45. The of applause. Thus the skaters wlU may have been a sub in local waters, Nancy Snow. Barbara Derry. many happy days, I found myself Christian Endeavor meets at 6 with Charles McCafferty of Leominster, enjoy an extra half hour as closing but for exactly wliat purpose was not Stoneleigh College — Priscilla unfamiliar ground, with all the praise service and sermon at 7.15, Mass., a concessionaire at the Union time will be 11 o'clock as usual. stated. And what would we have Lovejoy. old landmarks gone but two. and t0P'c being "A Question Man Fair, found himself in Municipal Cannot Answer”. The communion The Sail Loft Rink in Bath which done with it had it been located? Kents Hill School—Edward Peas- these two buildings looked lonely During the Spanish War there were j Court yesterday, charged with as will be observed at the close of the Mr. Young and Mr. McLean have le*- with all their neighbors gone. all sorts of alarms, and in 1917-18 ' -sault uP°n County Attorney Norman service. Prayer meeting Tuesday been preparing for the season will Norwich University—Richard El- The only residents of the beach during the World War they used to Shaw of Bar Harbor. The Han. night at 7.30. open next Tuesday. No doubt there lingwood. this winter will be a white haired extinguish the lights at the Rock cock County official was watching Castine Normal School — Mar- brother and sister both around 75. will be a change in schedule at the the fireworks when the affair hap- Rockland Rink soon after the Bath land Naval Station on the strength garet McMillan, Marlon Harvey, Their large bowling alley and store The subject of the sermon at the of rumored U-boats in Pbnobscot and emerged with a black- Margaret Rogers. rink is settled for the season. was destroyed and the Red Cress First Baptist Church Sunday morn- Bay. Rumors, also, there were as to ened eye and a somew’hat bewildered Johns Hopkins University -Rob- built them a cozy four roomed in$ will be "Rags or Robes '. The signals from Beach Hill summit, and id for even Coait Ouard sta. | 4.30 with Murial Adams as the T14-S-117 At the Thursday night meeting really something to get excited I R ic h . tion will be gone. It has been there j leader. The Senior C. E. meeting of Edwin Libby Relief Corps, the about. Tufts Dental College — BernardI for years but the building was! • ' ■ i report of members who are 111 in­ Thompson. badly damaged and is being razed from the Watch Hill and Narra- 1 cluded Mrs. Blaisdell, Mrs. Griffin N0W IS THE TIME! BORN Dartmouth College—William An­ and the Coast Ouard unit with- Bansett stations, Oreen Hill and and Mrs. Radcliffe. Mrs. Elizabeth Carroll—At North Waldoboro, Sept. derson. drawn. The coast will be guarded Quonacontaug stations being given WATER PIPES RENEWED 23. to Mr and Mrs Athur Carroll, a Vinal spoke of the kindness shown AND WIRED OUT Columbia Medical School—Free­ ------) up. The Oreen Hill building was son Howard Bussell. , j her at the recent reception, and NEW SEWERS LAID man F. Brown, Jr., Lawrence a complete wreck and the beach is [ i humorous remarks made by Mrs. ALSO CLEANED WHEN MARRIED Crane. now only a barren stretch of sand, PLUGGED ’ Rebecca Ingraham, Mrs. Adelmi Jones-Heard—At Rockland. Sept. 29, Lafayette College—John Huke. DANCING dotted with remnants of concrete SEPTIC TANKS A CESSPOOLS by Rev J Charles MacDonald. Leroy Mullen, Mrs. Mildred Condon and AND CEMENT WORK Eldln Jones of Rockland and Olive ___.. - ... . . University of Chicago—Edward —AT— walks and stones that were once j REPAIR CELLAR WALLS Elizabeth Heard of Owls Head I Mrs. Bertha Higgins. Weexly Storer. 'the sturdy foundations of hand-1 Get Them Out Ronalskl-Jotanson—At Rockland. Sept.1 SUnpers Will begin next Thursday LAKEHURST 29. by Rev. J Charles MacDonald. next inursoa.t, Columbia University—Gardner L. some beach cottages. Strangely,' Many of last year's garments that Frederick L. Rogalskl and Maude J oh n -1 with Mrs. Blanche Shadie chairman B ro w n . DAMARISCOTTA, ME. ROUTE 1 S. E. EATON son. both of Rockland. I __ j ■>» 1- . only one rather frail appearing' you've laid away, will serve marvel­ TEL. 1187-R, ROCKLAND, ME. Abbott-Clark—At Vinalhaven. Sept. 5. and Mrs In€z Packard. Mrs. Mabel Smith College—Janet Keene. Every Saturday Night wooden porch base was left stand- | ously as a second best to save your by u b Dyer. n. p.. Oliver Abbott of Richardson and Mrs. Mary Shadie Thomaston and Miss Ruth Clark of * ouaui- Nasson College—Barbara Griffin. ing and it bore the appearance of | new garments . . . if you have them Vinalhaven. as housekeepers. Members not so­ From 8 00 to 12.00—E. 8. T. Dance in the firelight from a being used as a shelter by picnick­ licited will take sweets. Effective Saturday Sept. 30. Mail, DRY CLEANED DIED large enjoyable fireplace, to the ers this summer. DR. EMERY B. HOWARD for the Islands will close at 12.30 popular LLOYD RAFNELL'S Stone—At North Haven. Sept. 29. F. Beano al Legion hall Tuesday Nancy S. Stedman. Lester Stone, aged 57 years. Private p. m. at the Post Office. 116*117 TEN GEORGIANS. Wood River Junction, D entist funeral Sunday at 2 o'clock from resi­ night; door prize and special 117-lt dence. Rhode Island, Sept. 24. X-Ray Gas-Oxygen Bean—At Thomaston. Sept. 28, Nellie prizes. Adm. 15c—adv. 99-S-tf An able, willing, healthy young E., widow of Willard Bean, aged 87 Office Hours: 9.00 to 5.00 years. 1 month. 2 days. Funeral Sunday man wants employment. Will do 407 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. ME. at 2 30 o'clock from residence, Dwight street. any kind of work. Ernest Johnson, 101- t f . Wiggin—At Rockland. Sept 28. Alez- Tel. 1054-W, Rockland. 116*117 MEMORIALS TO SUIT ' ander A Wiggin of Somerville, Mass , aged 66 years. 4 months. 5 days. Serv­ EVERY DESIGN ices 8unday at 2 o'clock from the Davis PREFERENCE Funeral Chapel, Thomaston. Interment In Oakdale cemetery, Middleton. Mass Whatever your requirements may Roller Skating be for an appropriate monument, Winter schedule of the Vinal­ you can be confident in our haven & Rockland Steamboat Co. Every Thurs., Fri., Sat. ability to meet them. You may 7.30 to 11.00 prefer a modest stone distin­ BURPEE'S will go into effect Saturday after­ guished by its simplicity, or your noon, Sept. 30. Steamer will leave Sat. Afternoon 2-5 AMERICAN Ambulance Service choice may be for one more elab­ MORTICIANS Swans Island daily except Sunday, OCEAN V IE W orate In size or design. In either LEGION weather permitting, at 5.30 a. m. • case, we will recommend one that BUILDING BALLROOM will be suitable upon request. Ambulance Service for Rockland and way landings, ar­ 615 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND 14 LIMEROCK RUSSELL STREET riving at Tillson's Wharf at 9.30. Good Music Good Discipline Wm. E. Doman & Son, TELS. 390 AND 781-1 The return trip will leave Tillson's FUNERAL HOME Free Instructors INC. ROCKLAND 117*It Wharf at 130 due to arrive at 9 CLAREMONT ST. TEL. 662 DUSTLESS FLOOR CEMETERY MEMORIALS 361-365 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND ROCKLAND, ME. 39StI Swans Island a t 6 p. m.—adv. 117&119-120 EAST UNION & THOMASTON 119-tf 98-tf 116-117 Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, September 30. 1939 F very-Other-Day ' -’age F o u r Both Sides Ready Visited Midwest WALDOBORO WARREN War Versus Peace Courier-Gazette Cross-Word Puzzle States and Provinces Ready £ £ £ £ f t f t f t f t Mr. and Mrs. Percy McPhee MBS. LOUISE MILLER ALENA L STARRETT Saw Many Interesting h To “Talk Turkey” On in Dollars and Cents 1 2 3 4 b 7 . Correspondent Correspondent Sights There Lobster Situation f t « « ~ A A A & w 9 IO T el. 27 Tel 46 Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— England has upped its income tax rates to help pay for the war. Here’s S r A recent proposal by Oov. Bar- i r Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. McPhee a comparison of what Britons will pay in the year beginning next March 31 II 11 14 rows for a lobster marketing con­ NU The Legion's play “Mr. Deeds Mrs. Lewis H. Burgess of North have returned from a delightful compared with the federal rate in America, according to figures supplied i 6 ference between officials of the lb 17 16 NS 19 Goes To Town,” with Jean Arthur Weymouth. Mass., who his been the vacation motor trip which took by the Associated Press: Canadian provinces and the seven and Gary Cooper, will be run at guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W them as far West as Chicago and United States British i S I M American producing States is meet­ 11 21 Waldo Theatre next Tuesday after­ Vinal the past week, was joined Kansas City. Mo., going by the way income of $3000 per year: ing with ready acceptance, he said S r noon and evening. This picture will last night by Mr. Burges-,. They of the Mohawk Trail and stopping Family with two children None $ 70.08 l b 17 1 6 1 5 6 today. The province of Nova Scotia be operated by the theatre for the will return home Sunday. at Niagara Falls. They arrived in Married couple, no children ...... — .... None 246.26 and several of the States have ex­ f t benefit of the Legion fund, which is the Western States as the intense Bachelor ...... —...... — ...... - 40 353.40 32 pressed official interest in such a Steel for the new bridge arrived being raised for the purpose of Tuesday night on seven railroad heat wave was on. in Indiana and Income of $4000 per year: conference, which Barrows said he 35 financing the mobilization of emerg­ Missouri the thermometer rose to Family with two children ...... - ...... 28 721.26 hoped would result in a series ol cars. Work has proceeded without ency facilities, in co-ordination with 110 or better. Couple, no children ______------60 871.26 4i M l friendly agreements to control the a hitch, in the moving of the heavy 3b 37 36 39 4 0 the recently organized State-wide In Chicago they were enter­ Bachelor ...... -...... ------120 97626 supply at certain seasons and to pre­ girders, the longest of which is W program. tained by Mrs McPhee's sister, Income of $30,000 per year: M3 MM Mb UN MT vent market gluts and "price killing eighty feet. thirty inches deep, M5 Waldoboro will be host this year Mrs. A Gothard Friback. They Family with two children...... -...... -...... 1,164 8.047.26 UN competition.” the moving accomplished by truck to the Lincoln-Sagadahoc teachers' visited Field's Museum. Edgewater Couple, no children — ...... 1.360 8.202.06 Mfe M9 UN 50 51 51 Although the international situa­ and trailer. All but one car will convent ionfl. It will be held at the Beach Hotel and Stevens with 6000 Bachelor ...... 1,453 8.336.26 tion may make it inadvisable to hold be entirely unloaded by tonight. Sm s r UN 57 new High School building on Oct. outside rooms. Chicago Civic Opera (British money figures are expressed rs at the rough equivalent 53 5b t{ie discussions immediately Bar- The new bridge will be the continu­ NU 10. The Waldo Theatre will co-op­ house and all the larger shopping of one pound to four dollars. rows believes that they will take ous beam type, which does not re­ b b 59 bo i b 1 erate with the entertainment. The stores; also the Brookfield zoo (Only the credits for families and dependent children are used in I place before the spring catch starts. quire as heavy girders as does a s s a Parent-Teacher Association will fur­ 1 Q 1 bridge of the single span type. which hcuses the rare and valuable applying rates for comparative purposes, although numerous other deduc- b t b i UN He has informed Canadian officials nish the dinner at the Baptist Panda. mei, mei—little sister. She I tions and credits probably would have to be considered in practice, that Maine and at least several I Alfred Wyllie lost six tons of Hub­ Church. The program will be put was found in the trunk of a tree in 1 (The table shows only the "income taxes” of the central governments ! fa5 other States are ready to discuss on, for the most part, by the teach­ bard squash by the frost Tuesday China by Mrs. Hauckness, the ex- I of the two countries, and does not show other taxes levied by central and 1 the situation “at any time you i night The temperature was un- ers of the two counties. plorer, Dec. 18, 1937 and was local governments. For example, 31 States in this country have their own gentlemen feel it advisable." 1 officially recorded at 25 degrees. VERTICAL (Cent.) Pour new all-steel safety buses thought to have been born in Au- ; income taxes in addition to the federal tax). HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (ConL) The Governor would not predict 1-Barriera 50- Very small 15- A baker's shovel have been put on the school con­ 1 James Chambers accompanied by gust of that year Mounted police — the results of the conference but 8- lnterjection. Be off 51- Qult 16- Small game-bird veyance routes this year, replacing Oscar Starrett attended the 75th patrol the heavy double gate en- ' 52- Portuguete coin 17- Military aesletant , said that he hoped that some plan EAST FRIENDSHIP 9 - A grain (pi.) many of the smaller conveyances anniversary observance of the Dun- closure and a nurse in white uni­ 11- Aehe 53- lreland 18- Aggrievtd could be worked out whereby the 20-Passenger vessel prevlously in use. These buses have lap Commandery Tuesday in Bath, form and guards are in daily at­ With The Grangers 12- Deed 55- Affray States and provinces could make Mrs. Edith D. Lewis 14—Harvest 57- Fresh-water fish 22-W eak en made it possible to bring the seventh | Mr and Mrs Benjamin Starrett tendance. She also has a private the most of their virtual monopoly Edith D , wife of Charles N. Lewis 16- A gam e 58- To hide away 24-A m etal and eighth grade pupils from the returned Monday from a two day swimming pool. Preston Delano, Comptroller of 17- Reeidue from fire oO-Tear 27-Abradlng of the lobster supply. "It seems un­ died early 6unday morning at the more congested rural schools to the , trip to Houlton. At Cubs Park the tourist saw an the Currency, recently announced 19-A pastry (pi.) 61-Prefix. Near instruments fortunate and unnecessary that des­ age of 68 She was born in Friend­ 21- E xlst 52-Engliah school 29-Serve scantily new High School building at the vil­ The Dorcas Circle of Kings exciting ball game between the that the total assets and deposits pite this monopoly of such a popu­ ship Nov. 20, 1870. daughter of the 22- T a tte 64-A thoroughfare 31-Cardlnal lage, thus greatly increasing the Daughters, resumes meetings Mon­ Cubs and the Phillies with Dizzy of our national banks on March 29. 56- One who studies 33-Sainte (abbr.) a lar delicacy the fishermen of late Hollis and Harriet (Slmmor.M 23- Uaed in negation efficiency of both groups of pupil'. day at 2 o'clock meeting with Mrs. Dean pitching. It was estimated the date of the last call for con­ 25- To hire out w in es 37- Reeent 1 countries find it so difficult to make Burns. Mrs. Lewis had suffered 38- Abound Many young people between the E. B. Clark. that 30.000 people were in the Park dition reports were greater than 26- Mutical note a living," he said. through five years' illness but was 27- W ither VERTICAL 3J-8cofl ages of 18 and 25 are availing them­ that day at any previous time in our history. I In his original proposal to mem­ The program for the guest night 28- Greek goddess of 40-Wool-bearlng animal selves of the new N.Y.A. priject In the Wrigle.v building the Maine The total assets of the 5.218 national1 ______, 1- N. E. central State il-P r o n g bers of the North Atlantic lobster of the Woman's Club Thursday at end. She was a kind neighbor, al- discord which will start the week of Oct. 2. people were graciously received by banks were $31.844286.000 an in-, 30- The (Fr.) of United States 42- Aged Conference at Boothbay Harbor. Town Hall, include a dramatic read­ ___ . „ „ - ways willing to lend a helping hand 44-Propellers These youth will be available for the General Sales Manager. Mr crease of $178219.000 over the figure ;when A 31- Mature 2- Good (Fr.) Barrows suggested that the two ing by Mrs. Edward Warner of 32- Canvat shelters 3- Provided that 47-Combining form. Air clerical work, manual training Jobs, Brooks, who personally escorted reported on Dec. 31. 1938. countries might get together and Rumford, graduate of the Leland j mother and grandmother, she will 34- Stagger 4- Bow-tike curve 49-Local position and assistance with playground and them through the broadcasting stu- j • • • • 5 - Be Hold 52-Extraordinary map out a mutually agreeable pro­ Powers School of the Theatre:, a ; be greatly mourned in her home as 35- Entry in an account recreational activities in the village dlos, pointing out all interestingj The total appropriations made by 36- Scara 6- Cereal head 54-Brief letter gram, based on Import, export and talk on “The Golden Jubilee of the 1 well as in this community where 5$-ltatian seaport ’ and rural schools. and minor details and presented the first session of the 76th Con- 40-Piece of rock 7 - Walk marketing agreements. The pact and g H Weston nn„ Maine Federation of Women's she had resided nearly all her days 43 -A ct • 8 - Bargain 57- A coin them with souvenirs. Saturday gress were in excess of $13 000.000.000 he said would be a friendly and vol- ! _. ... , , , _. Clubs.,------by ------Mrs. ------Grace------Carlisle of She is survived by her husband; 45- Observed 10- Navigate 58- Gam ed . son Philip and Clinton Mank s art Harbor and MVerai musi night the party attended the Na- or about one-fifth of the national 11- Openmg in the ekin 61-A dance / untary one designed wholly to In sons. Arthur and Chesley P Delano 46- Part of a sword Sunday for Tenafly. N. J., to visit tional Barn dance at the NBC.'s income. 47- lnterjeotion 12- A tree 63- Negative crease the income of the fishermen cal numbers, including a duet by of Miami: a brother. Llewellyn 64- Flfty-ene their daughter, Mrs. Otto Kimmich studio at the 8th Street Theatre.' • • • • 48- Auto fuel 13- Dogm a and dealers. “At present there is Roger Teague and Chester Wyllie. Burns of this place; and three They will alsfl visit the World's Fair. The control men could easily be The Eastern States Farmers' Ex- no duty on Canadian lobsters and who will also be heard in solos grandchildren. Boncllla. Nadine and (Answer To Previous Pussle) Mr and Mrs. Frank W. Campbell seen in the glass enclosure. Joe change, serving the Northeastern American fishermen maintain that Following the entertainment, danc­ Sandra Lewis. SOUTH THOMASTON r r r o of Melrose, Mass., are weekend Kelly and Uncle Ezra were at,section of the country- bid more asstsma large imports of this stock during ing will be enjoyed in Glover hall, Services were held Wednesday at guests of K L. Deymore. their best and received hearty ap­ than $30,000,000 of business the Children's Rally Day our best fishing seasons are respon­ and the playing of games in Town the home, Rev. Van Deman of the Mr. and Mrs. Alden C. Barnard plause. past 12 months. The l.ttle church in the "Keag as! aoslsBa Jg sible for the present plight of the Hall. Refreshments will be served Methodist Church officiating Bear­ bob of Pearl Harbor. T. H.. have been Next came the stock yards of held Rally Day Sunday because in­ nnacara gng fishery. Proceeds will be given the new ers were Carl Fales. A'.mon Burns. recent visitors of Rev. and Mrs. Swift & Co . the long row of con- The national income for the first terest in the services has run high anan rosa It would require fishermen and junior High school building fund, Albert Jameson and Roscoe Mar­ lDEESP Oscar Barnard. nected buildings cover a large acre- slJt months of this year was about all summer, with a large attendance atflHIIQBS dealers of both countries to unsel­ to which the Club pledged $200 Mrs. shall. Interment was in the Dee V'siting officers' night will be ob­ age In the lower entrance Is a three percent higher than for the school picnic and class parties every ■mbsb aaBMH fishly give some ground at times but Willis Vinal. Mrs. Frank Rowe, and cemetery Flowers were abundant served in Union. Oct. 2, by Bethel large picture on the wall which corresponding months of last year. month. The attendance Sunday 3HB3E HSHa0S30 in the long run should be of great Mrs. Sidney Wyllie are in charge and beautiful and bespoke the es­ anaa emict ranas Lodge of Rebekahs. Supper will be Other hostesses are Mrs Roland the P™'a* *“ The ,otal thL >W . UCTP^ t*d morning was 77. benefit to all concerned. Barrows teem in which Mrs. Lewis was held ■ g i served at 6.30. the world. In the upper entrance 1° reach about 66 and two-thirds The church was beautifully deco­ □ns ( said He declared that it might be Berry. Mrs. William Overlook. Mrs in the community. "A large pillow Progressive Grange will observe is a huge oil painting of the pioneer billion dollars, against 66 billions in rated with cut flowers and autumn an a impossible to reach an agreement Benjamin Starrett, Mrs. Donald of roses was sent by the deceased j Booster night. Oct. 4. at Winslow's and founder. Mr. Swift. A guard 1938 That ** ,bout M bullon leaves. Miss Louise Butler and Mrs. a an but that it certainly seems worthy Mathews, Mrs. Leroy Smith, and son in Miami who was unable to at­ saca 1 1 Mills. After the meeting a public came out and met our party and dollars less than for the year 1929. Clifford Dennison having served of a try. Mrs Robert Andrews. Members tend services; also a spray from a 1 card party will be held. Refresh­ was ever courteous He told us that when the national income reached on the decorating committee This R. J. M acs ween of the Nova will pass to Mrs. Vinal as soon friend in Miami and another from ments will be served. it takes one hour and 20 minutes an all-time high of 81 billions, program was effectively presented: PO RT CLYDE Scotia department of Agriculture as possible the money and stubs her niece in California. to go through continuous walking I • • • • Welcome. Joseph Baum; salute to has advised Barrows that that ! Judges At Monmouth Fair from the sale of tickets to guest Out of town relatives who attend­ and said it wasn't necessary to see Among the hundreds of bills American and Christian flags. K en-| C«P* William DeBathe and Capt (Province felt that the present s.vs- ! Theodore Hall and Thomas Bragg, night. ed the services were Mr and Mrs Condon, who were guests of Capt. the actual killings as they have de- Passed by Congress during the clos- Amos curtls of Etna, Mrs. Weldon neth Conway. Eugene Ailer. and tern of marketing lobsters was very I cattle judging team for Medomal; Officers elected at Mystic Re- Fred B Balano at "The Home­ tours and one could proceed and ine days of the recent session was Orant George Lewis, Mrs. Lavina Joseph Baum as standard bearers; unsatisfactory and that "we shall! Chapter of Future Farmers, placed bekah Lodge are: Noble grand, Mrs stead” have returned to Staten see the fascinating operations a measure introduced by Mr. Coffee guu(van of Rockland. Mrs. Lena recitat on. Norma Oraves; exercise, be glad to cooperate with you in any first and second respectively Wed- Doris Overlock; vice grand. Mrs Island, N. Y. along the way of Nebraska, regulating interstate Delano. Mrs. Arthur Wyllie of "A Visitor Comes" inr’.uding hand effort calculated to remedy the situ­ nesday at the Cochnewgan Agricui- Mildred White; recording secrc- clasps with all. beginning with the George Hupper and Mr. and Mrs. ation." tural Fair at Monmouth. I tary, Mrs. Carrie Smith; financial Inspectors in immaculate white and foreign commerce in seeds; to Thomaston. Mrs Carrie Davis of uniforms are busily engaged in require that seeds be properly b arren . Mrs. Abbie Fernald. Mrs. Sunday School teachers. Mbs M ar­ Harry Hupper of Portland, were re­ The Governor's proposals have The boys judged two classes

Reduce Feed Costs A MAID CALLED MILLS Amazing Figures VINALHAVEN ft ft ft ft AT UNION FAIR THURSDAY NIGHT An Emphatic Warning To New York’s Population Is Whom You W ill Take To Your Heart When She Talks MRS OSCAR C. LANE Poultrymen — Disaster Nearly 7% Millions— Heating Hints Correspondent About Household Matters Overtakes “Starving” Protestants Lead Denomi­

Mrs. Theron Smith returned The following suggestions on BROADCAST BY MARJORIE MILLS nations possible methods of reducing feed N ORDER to regulate the fire Wednesday from Portland, where (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 1.30 p. m. over Stations The population of New York city for daily temperature changes, she was a patient at the Eye and costs are presented with the em­ WNAC, Boston; WTAO, Worcester; WCSH, Portland; WTIC, Hartford; I rely entirely on the Check and Ash­ WICC, Bridgeport; WEAN, Providence; and WLBZ, Bangor). is 7,575,339 an increase of 83,549 Ear Infirmary. phatic warning to the poultryman over last year, according to the pit Dampers. The Check Damper is a flap-like damper which should Mrs. Byron Thomas and daughter that any sudden or radical change 1939-40 edition of the Church Di­ We echoed with all our hearts a to half its original volume. Add be located in the chimney pipe Alice have returned from a visit in the feeding program will result rectory of New York, published paragraph ln a letter from a apples, a quart or two at a time, between the Turn Damper and tne With relatives in Woburn, Mass. j in disaster; particularly ln the case Tuesday. Brooklyn is still by far chimney. W h e n this dam per is Gloucester friends last week. She cook over low fire four or five hours. of the laying or hatching egg flock. the largest botvugh, with a popula­ open it retards the burning speed Winfield Leadbetter is guest of wrote . . . “It seems so very Impor­ Add sugar and spices, stirring fre­ of the fire. The Ashpit Damper is Also, any economy which involves tion of 2,827.1660, as against 1,662,- his daughter Mrs Georgia Mona­ tant to me that women are deeply quently lest apple butter "catch on " located below the use of inferior ingredients, too 195 for Manhattan, the next largest. the grates and han ln New York. Interested in international affairs Makes about six quarts. heavy scratch feeding or "starving" There are 1271 Protestant controls the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Webster 4* birds will be a boomerang. and discussing them but we can Oysters Casino amount of air churches in New York City, of which and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hopkins ' endure just so much of it ln a day One pint oysters, 1-2 cup finely supplied to the Cull potatoes as a poultry feed. 191 are Negro churches; 375 in are attending the Union Pair. and it's comforting to consider the minced green pepper, % cup finely fire. Potatoes may be used as part of the Westchester, of which 29 are Negro For best op­ Communion Sunday will be ob­ more endurable things in between. minced bacon. 1 tablespoon lemon feed for both hens and growing churches and 184 in Nassau, of eration these served tomorrow at Union Church, i Nature . . . not only the landscape juice, pepper. two dampers stock provided they are obtainable which 18 are Negro churches. The pastor will preach on the sub- I and the weather ... but hunger and J Drain oysters and arrange on a should work to­ A feature of the fireworks— the burning cabin cheaply enough. Since potatoes The Protestant Church Ject ‘The Unfailing Presence." The | family problems and family affec- ' greased oven-proof platter. Sprinkle gether— that is, are largely starch and water it Is leads all other denominations in when one is open the other should choir will sing "Bread of The j tlon as well go on and on in spite of with green pepper, minced bacon, essential that they are not fed to the seven counties, with 295 be closed. In m ild weather, when World." Mrs. Blanche Kittredge: upheavals. They are the simple ' lemon Juice and pepper. Bake m you want a slow, lasting fire, the excess. Peed at the expense of the churches. The Lutheran Church, and H. L. Coombs will sing the duet PLANTED WHITE PEONIES a hot oven 450 deg, F. about 10 min­ Check Dam per should be wide scratch grains and not of the mash. things that sustain us in time of embracing all synods, is second with “Seek Ye the Lord.” Evening serv- utes. open and tne Ashpit Damper Keep up mash consumption! They trouble.” 267 churches, and the Methodist closed. T h is saves coal. W hen Ice at 7. The choir will sing the an- Normandy Dressing (Continued from Page One) great rotunda of the nation's capital, should be boiled and may be fed at So on with the simple things anti Church is third with 215 churches. you want more heat, the Check them "Walk by my Side," and also One three-ounce package cream Damper should be partly doted tional Woman's Christian Temper- each State has been given the privi- the rate of 6 to 10 lbs. dally to each may you have Joy in them. For in­ There are 205 Baptist churches, 178 any requested hymn. The Junior 1 stance try a short-cut frosting cheese, one tablespoon lemon juice, and the Ashpit Damper opened ance Union convention held at this Placln« statues rePre- 100 hens. Presbyterian churches, 89 reformed part way. In extremely cold Epworth League will meet at 4 two tablespoons currant Jelly. Mix ,, . _ . . , senting its most illustrious citizens, Liquid Skimmed Milk or Butter­ recipe someone told us about. One ln America Churches, 69 Congre­ weather, of course, the Cheek o'clock Sunday, Mrs. Ivan Cal- ! time in Rochester, N. Y., are making B thoroughly. Add three-quarters Illinois chose to honor a woman, milk On many farms a supply of or two of the nutless chocolate bars gational and Christian and 61 D am per should he closed tig h t and derwood will be counsellor. a pilgrimage from there to Miss cup whipped cream. Mix thoroughly, the Ashnit Damner wide onen. (3) and was the only State to do so. That skimmed milk is available or in that are marked ln little squares Christian 8cience Churches. Lehigh Valley, Coal Co. Barge Willard's birthplace at Churchville, woman was its adopted daughter, some localities the poultryman may can be broken up, sprinkled over the put on ice and chill for half an hour. Membership of all Protestant but the rolls were complete and local 2, sailed Thursday with a load of N. Y. Simultaneously over 10,000 Prances E. Willard. be able to obtain it cheaply. Liquid hot cake as it comes from the oven Serve on fruit salad. churches ln the five boroughs is men who wished to serve in the paving from Leopold Co. quarry for Few women have continued to live skimmed milk or buttermilk has a and they’ll melt and frost your cake MENU local W.C.T.U. groups will sponsor 521,685 with 228,357 enrolled in Spanish War were forced to seek New York city. so vitally in the hearts of other peo­ feeding value approximately l-10th for you. Breakfast memorial activities In their locali­ Sunday Schools. The average companies ln other cities. ple. She was a teacher with the that of an equal weight of dried Someone else who ran short ol Orange Juice Mrs. Edna Swears, who has been ties on this her Centenary (Day. church membership is 441, and the That la why the plaque on the me- world for a classroom; a spiritual Griddle Cakes Deerfoot Sausage visiting relatives ln town two Miss Willard for 25 years was an milk. Llquir milk may merely be ‘ mayonnaise at a crucial moment average Sunday School membership ' mortal ln Westbrook will bear the months, returned Friday to Dover- organizing genius for the W.C.TU. leader who touched human need at put before the birds and the regu- used a beaten egg white as an “ex- •Cider Apple Butter lar mash and scratch feed, or, If a ! tender" and now adds the egg white Coffee 1®3 names of Daniel Saunders of Rock- Poxcroft. At the age of 35 she became en­ many points and blessed whatever Public school enrollment ln the und. gamuel Wade, Jr., of Thom- 1 frequently for the flufllness it gives. Lunch The Rainbow Club enjoyed a pic­ gaged in temperance work and cause her hand fell upon. sufficient supply of milk is avail­ five boroughs Is 1,087.002, including aston. and Charles iP. Freeman aijo •Normandy Dressing nic Wednesday at George Geary's served as first secretary' of the Na­ So we feel that the pure white able to furnish the birds all they You know that trick of adding an 450 912 Protestants, 353,000 Jews, Herbert IE. Payson of Camden. Toasted English Muffins Camp tional W.C.T.U., organized ln 1874 flowers which we expect to blossom can drink, the mash formula may egg white if the cream won't whip, 263 .000 Reman Catholics, and 20,000 in ceremonies Sunday the at Cleveland, Ohio. Five years later here will be fitting symbols of be modified to exclude all dried don't you? Add a beaten egg white, Paradise Jelly Officers of the High School Senior Eastern Orthodox, or 1.84. The pa- united Spanish War Veterans will she accepted the presidency, having Frances Willard's planting of her in milk and reduce the amount of chill the mixture and beat again to Cookies class are: President. Ruth Lyford; rochlal schools of the Roman Cath- j be assisted by the American Legion, fluence in the hearts of people, other protein concentrates. An­ a fine thick flufllness. Tetley Budget Tea vice president, Rebecca Duncan; declined the honor when the or­ loic Church have 203,141 pupils, and VF.W.. Canadian Veterans and tly lr which, year after year, has blos­ other possibility, in the case of the Claire Purington in Brunswick, Dinner secretary and treasurer, Miriam ganization was formed. In 1883 she Jewish parochial schools have 4799 auxiliaries and other organizations. somed into white flowers of clean, hatching egg producer, would be to Maine, suggests you try adding a Cream of Lima Bean Soup Greenleaf. Officers of the Junior founded the World's W.C.T.U. and pupils. Gov. Lewis O. Barrows and <7ol. pure living, not only ln our country use a cheaper "laying mash" for­ few drops of peppermint extract to •Oysters Casino Class: President, Mary Maker; became its first president. Eut tem­ Malcolm L. Stoddard of the Soldier.' but ln the faraway lands which also mula instead of a “breeder 1 chocolate custards for a delectable Baked Acom Squash vice president. Pernald Young; sec­ perance work was only one of Miss Home in Togus head the list of pay fitting tribute to her memory, mash" formula and supplement it variation. We know how good they French Fried Potatoes retary. Stephen Hamilton; treas­ Willard's many activities in behalf On Westbrook Shaft speakers Past Department Com­ of womanhxid She became an in- by celebrating her lCCth anniversarv. with liquid milk. taste either with peppermint added Cranberry Ginger Relish urer, Mont Roberts. mander Stephen H. Libby will pre­ ternationally known figure in the* or with ground after-dinner mints Brer Rabbit Gingerbread and Oreen Feeds and Clover Hay. side. Mrs. James Oregory returned scattered over the top. whipped cream Appear Names Of Four fields of education, lecture, writing,' “The c*ntenarY of Frances E. ' short green grass or good quality The committee which arrangr-i Monday from a visit with her woman's suffrage, and general soctal Wlllard 1838-1939 was the subject clover hay is a good source of vita Have you tried fresh rosy peaches Recipes given. Knox County Men Who the memorial includes C. p. Porter, brother. Car! Brown in Dover-Pax- of Rev. Dr. Guy Wilson's review of Coffee croft. reform. Through her work she mins A. G. and E, and they are the j baked with canned unsweeetenel Served In Spanish War chain nan, Stephen H. Libby, Wil­ came to be acknowledged the great­ the sainted leaders life. He said: only green feeds with any appre- • Pineapple juice and sugar and per- The Tournament Bridge right lard C. Lord, C. H. Hollowell. Walter 'This week throughout the United ciable feeding value. Excessive ■ haps a sprinkling of spice as a meat Non Eaters and Neighborhood Clubs est woman philanthropist of the 19th STONINGTON Four men of this vicinity were W. Smith. Ernest L. Conant > d century. States and in many other countries feeding of green stuffs will cause accompaniment? They are espec- i consolidated Wednesday and en­ among the 107 enlisted personnel of Fred B. Spear. celebrations are being held of the extremely dark yolks, particularly ‘ sood with roast chicken or. joyed an all day picnic at Ledge Most of Prances Willard's educa­ Winter______schedule of the Vinal- Co. M, 1st Maine Volunteers ot tion was received at a Jonesville. one hundredth anniversary of the if the laying mash formula already the spice and sened witn haven & Rockland Steamboat Co. Westbrook who served ln the Span- Lodge. A New England boiled-din­ birth of a great woman, a great Most modem sculptors do not pro­ Wis., "select school;" at Milwaukee contains considerable alfalfa meal crea,n or cold custard they're a fine ish War. It is ln their honor that a ner was served. temperance worker. Frances E. Wil­ will go into effect Saturday after­ duce their own marble statues. They Female College (now Milwaukee- and corn. However, a small amount dessert Lorraine MacDonald is a pa­ noon, Sept. 30. Steamer will leave memorial shaft will be dedicated ln lard. 'the most widely known and of green feed may be used to good This is the last time 111 be able io ' Swans rtcep t Sundfty merely' make small models in Waix, tient at the Eye and Ear Infirmary Downer >; and at Northwestern Fe­ Riverbank Park. Westbrook. Sunday. male College in Evanston. the best beloved woman in America, advantage. If larger amounts are °®er the set of five pencils I know A bronze plaque of the shaft will clay or plaster and then turn them ln Portland. She was accompanied Mlss Willard was called, at the weather permitting, at 5.30 a. m. She graduated from college at the fed lf cjover bay jg kept before you wil1 en-J°>' getting as a present for Rockland and way landings, ar­ bear the names of the three officers over to a stone-cutter or carver for by her mother, Mrs Herbert Mac­ height of her career. age of 19 and for the next 14 years the birds in racks it should be pos- 1 the people who make Hamp- and 107 enlisted men or the cotn- reproduction. Sometimes Donald. “Frances E. Willard was born riving at Tillson's W harf at 920. worked in the teaching profession. sible to eliminate alfalfa leaf meal to.n Fresh-Baked soda and graham pany. sculptor adds a few flnishlhg Ruth Clark, daughter of Mrs 'Lola Sept. 28. 1839. at Churchville. New The return trip w.ll leave Tillson's She changed faculty affiliations entirely from the mash formula. crackers. If you will cut out the Company H of Rockland, under touches, but these are not Knowlton, and the late Carleton York, the daughter of Josiah Flint Wharf at 130 due to arrive at neqes- often to get new viewpoints and took Shifts in 8cratch Orain Formulas. name 'Hampton Fresh-Baked from Swans Island at 6 p. m —adv command of Capt. John Bird, was sary when the marble worker is an Clark, was united in marriage Mon­ and Mary Thompson (Hill) Willard. the wrapper around either Hampton an extended trip to Europe. A year According to Price. The relative 1 1 6 -1 1 7 a unit of the 1st Maine Volunteer* expert. y day to Oliver Abbott of Thomaston Her childhood was spent in Janes­ after her return she became the price of corn, oats, barley and wheat FVesh-Baked soda or graham crack­ Notary Public L. B Dyer, p e r-) ville, Wisconsin. She was graduated first woman to be president of a col­ fluctuate considerably and this ers. and send it with a dime to Mar­ formed the ceremony. The bride | as valedictorian of her class from lege. the Evanston College for fluctuation is not necessarlily in ac­ jorie Mills. Yankee Network. Boston is a graduate of Vinalhaven High Northwestern Female College in i Ladies, later a part of Northwestern cord with their relative feeding Mass . you will get a set of five pen­ School, class of 1935 The newly­ Evanston, 111., in 1859 University. value. When one of the grains be- cils in different colors, with erasers, weds are at present at the home of “After further study abroad and WHAT’S THE GOOD WORD FOR’40? the bride. Best wishes are e x -| Prc:n schocl teacher 10 college comes cheaper than the others the and any tw°-word name you desig- a period of teaching school, ln 1871 feeder may revise his scratch grain nate stamped on the set of pencils. tended. > president had progressed the amaz- she became president of the Evans­ formula to take advantage of this A great present for a boy or a girl, Marguerite Chapter O E S , w ill1 Frances Willard, and when, in ton College for Ladies, during a dif­ be inspected Monday by DD.GM 1813' her colleSe merged with North- situation. Such adjustments should wonderful to put away for Christ- ficult transition which led to the not be made too suddenly, of i mas glfts A11 A & p- stores stock Gertrude Boody of Rockland. A Western UnlversUy’ she »«ame its incorporation of the college into course. Com has a protein content the big two-pound boxes of Hamp­ banquet will be served at 6 o clock first Dean of Women. With the Northwestern University. She be­ of 9.8 percent and is a good source ton Fresh-Baked soda or graham Mr. and Mrs Parker Wadsworth progress of the years, she added to came dean of the women and pro­ of Vitamin A. Wheat runs 12 per­ crackers. have returned from a visit with rel­ the four degrees she held at that fessor of aesthetics in the university cent protein and has considerable And If you’ll send a Baker's ex­ atives in Rockland. i time, anLL.D. from Ohio Wesleyan. resigning in 1874. Vitamin E but is lacking ln Vita­ tract coupon from a 25-cent bottle Mrs. Fred Coomhs left teday for S!lr •'’Crveti a member oi the Board "From that year on. her life was min A. Barley runs about the same of Baker's Vanilla plus a three- Wolllaston, M ass,, where njJViV •>UCshe willWill , of . Trustees of Northwetem Univer- given to the temperance movement _ . . . . , as wheat butUUG to is uigiicihigher uiin nuic.fibre. isaus Oats cent ------stamp,~ we’ll send ,.vuyou a spun visit her grandson Kendall Hatch S ty' and *'atched the ldea of stu- In 1874 she Joined a group of wo- Mntaln 12 percent prot€ln arc aluminum biscuit and cookie cutter, Mrs. Annie Caldlerwood Is spend- dent « “ * " " • » * which she had men who knelt on the floor of a h,gh ,n fjbre IVs a dandJ. right slM and h#n , lng two weeks with her grandson °nsmated in the early seventies, saloon in Pittsburgh, offertag there , A Qn Qf j have. Arthur Calderwood in Quincy. spread and take root nationally. her first public prayer. The same I try Weve , grand Q( One of Miss Willard's ventures was Mass. y ear s e ame secre’ar> 0 1 e j may obtained from the Exten- [ cookbooks to offer you free. The in the field of Journalism. When Christian Endeavor will meet at Womans Christian Temperance service. University of Maine or Brer Rabbit cookbook, brand new. abroad for several years, she wrote 6 o'clock Sunday night with Mrs Union of Illinois and corresponding any County A^riculfcural : with old and new recipes in it; the travel-letters and art criticism for Vaughn Johnson as Counsellor. All secretary o__t e na ona organ za material was prepared by , Pres^° Self-Rising Flour recipe boon boys and girls of high school age Chicago newspapers and. on the tlon. In 1879 she became president i Frank Reed, Poultry Specialist. For Little Olrls and their and over are requested to be death of her brother Oliver, she of the National Woman's Christian served for a brief time as editor- Mothers." Then there's the two present. Temperance Union and ln 1879. in new Knox books, "Be Fit—Not Fat” publisher of the Chicago Evening Boston, was elected head of the The Women's Missionary Society Report Submarine —with a collection of low-calory will meet at Union Church parson­ Post. Miss Willard co-founded the World Union. Illinois Press Woman’s Association, dessert recipes, streamlined to suit age Tuesday afternoon. "Miss Willard was organizer, jan- Crew i Of Richard S. Think reducing diets; and Bulletin E, all and became widely known through tor. writer, and one of the most Virginia White and Marion Toi- T h e y S a y O n e O ff M a- about increasin8 en"gy and reduc­ her lectures and writings. skillful propagandist for a Christian man are at the Resident Training ing fatigue. And a Good Luck In the 59 years of her life, Frances cause the world has ever known. Center of National Youth Admin­ tinicus— Wasn’t Ours recipe book I want you all to have. istration in Springvale. Willard lived to see the battle for In 1877 she was associated with j ------woman’s suffrage almost won by the Dwight L Moody, the great evan- ] A Vinalhaven Associated Press And if you have a dog. do send for the free identification tag with end of the 19th century; the defense gelist, conducting a series of meet- despatch, sent out Thursday after- Winter schedule of the Vinal­ a wrapper from Rival Dog Food. of the home and society against ings for women in Boston. Despile J noon- said: haven Sc Rockland Steamboit Co. Give the name and address you'd The mojel iHuitrateJ it the Buich Si-per mojel 51 liquor, rapidly coming to the fore- her success, she decided to keep, "Sighting of an unidentified sub- will go Into effect Saturday a fte r-, ■ I like and get a brass tag with a clip Joor tounnn jeJan $1109 delivered at Flint, Mich * . r.oon. Sept. 30 Steamer will leave i ground; the acceptance of co-edu on with her major interest, the marine nine miles southwest of Ma- to snap on your dog’s collar and the Fwans Island daily except Sunday, catlonal Institutions; and all manner temperance movement. ; tinicus Island was reported Thurs- name and address permanently weather permitting, at 5.30 ,a. m. of progress and reform in the social “Perhaps the great aims and day by Capt. Thomas Polk and his O U see pictured here the magnifi­ stamped into the metal. It’s free, for Rockland and way landings, a r­ order, particularly as affecting wom­ achievements of her life can best 1crew of tbe fishing schooner, Rich cent automobile that value-wise is en and children, come to pass. ard S. send no money but do enclose a Y riving at Tillson's Wharf at 920. be characterized in her own words, next year's N o. 1 car. Rival Dog Food wrapper for every -Not only National W.C.T.U. local selected for the pedestal of the “Coast Guards of the White Head The return trip will leave Tillson's tag you want. Wharf at 130 due to arrive at chapters, but units of the Youth's statue given in 1905 by Illinois to station began a patrol of the area That's absolute net. W c who dreamed Temperance Council and Loyal Tem­ the Statuary Hall in the national J after receiving Polk's report, Paradise Jelly Swans Island at 6 p. m — adv. it, built it, tested it, tell you cold-turkey 116-117 perance Legion; W.C.T.U. young capital ln Washington, D. C. | "Tile undersea craft was seen by Four quarts of red apples or crab it is Buick at its unbeatable best. people's groups; Daughters of the “ 'Ah! it is woman who have given Polk and his crew about 4 p. m. apples, 12 quinces, 2 quarts cran­ berries, granulated sugar. You'll marvel, too, when you feel this BROAD COVE ’ American Revolution (of which she the costliest hostages to fortune! ES.T. Wednesday they said. was a charter member); Alpha Phi Out into the battle of life they “ 'We saw the conning tower and Wash the apples and quinces and Every one of its 12,000 parts is in finish active, staunch, exciting mechanism Mrs. W. S. Ooodwlllle and daugh­ International Fraternity (of which have sent their best beloved with itbe periscope,' Capt. Polk said. remove the stems and blossom ends. and function a better part than we've come alive under your hands. ter Florence of Arlington, Mass, she was president at one time), In­ fearful odds against them. Oh. by 'There was no question in our minds Cut ln quarters, cover with cold been able to make before. have been guests of Mrs. Carrie ternational 'Business and Profession­ the dangers they have dared; by that it was a submarine. It was water and cook until tender. Wash From the velvet velocity of its straight- al Women’s Clubs. Woman's Clubs, half a mile from us.’ the cranberries and cook in quart of Wallace for several days. I the hours of patient watching over Every one of its 44 different types of eight Dynaflash engine to the superb Miss Cynthia Tibbetts visited in many schools, dormitories, settle­ beds where helpless children lay; •Members of the schooner's crew water until tender. Pour the apples, way it handles and answers controls, Rockland last weekend. ment houses and homes for girls besides Captain Polk were his son quinces, and cranberries into a jelly steel is the finest for its job that money by the incense of ten thousand it’s as full of new-day features as an Mr. anud Mrs. Theodore Sylvester bearing her name, have Joined this prayers wafted- from their gentle Charles, Fred Gray, Fred Estes and bag and let drain over night. To can buy—five of its special alloys were and children of Rockland were din­ year ln tribute to her memory. lips to heaven, I charge you give John Nelson. every two cups of Juice, add one not even in existence 10 years ago. egg is full of meat. ner guests last Saturday of Mr. and At least 54 nations have observed them power to protect along life's “Coast Guard sources said four pound of granulated sugar and boll o Go see this beauty, drive this dream- Mrs. Carl Hilton. Mr. and -Mrs. J. the Willard Centenary with unusual treacherous highway those whom or five boats of the 'neutrality pa­ for about 10 minutes. Remove the W hen this uncatcbable smoothie went trol’ operating from Eastport, to the scum which forms while boiling. come-truc! It’s yours for very little W. Emery and Miss Dorothy Sylves­ tributes. they have so loved.' foxfooting through its paces on the ter of Rockland spent Sunday with Miss Willard is one of only three “Miss Willard died in New York Gulf of Mexico were cruising off the Pour into sterilized Jelly glasses more per pound than you pay for a General Motors proving ground, a Mr. and Mrs. Hilton. women who will be honored by issu­ City, Feb. 18. 1898. Naturally, the Maine coast." when the mixture shows signs oi good cookstove. Linwood Timberlake of Portland ance of commemorative postage Womans Christian Temperance Portsmouth navy yard officials the jelly test and seal. ripple of wonder ran like quicksilver joined his family last weekend at stamps later this year. Because of Union is taking the lead in the said no United jStates undersea Cider Apple Butter through the inen who watched its going. It’s a honey, a bearcat, a lamb! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis her numerous ‘activities, Miss Wil­ observance of the centennial of her craft were operating in that area. (from "Yankee Cook Book") Hilton. lard will be listed as an "educator,” birth. Methodists everywhere glad­ All submarines attached to the Two gallons cider, 8 quarts apples, C. W. HOPKINS, INC. as postal authorities found it impos­ ly assist, for Methodists are proud Portsmouth base, they said, were pared and quartered. 6 cups sugar, 712 MAIN STREET ROCKLAND, ME. TEL. 1000-4V If we lived on the moon, we would sible to cover the scope of her en­ of Miss Willard, all her active life in port. 2 tablespoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon be able to see thei snn and the deavors under any one heading. one of the most distinguished mem­ cloves, 1 teaspoon allspice. stars at the same time. In Bintuary Hall, beneath the bers of our communion ’ Subscribe to The Courier-Gazette. Let cider boil until it cooks down I

Evcry-Otber-Day Page Six Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, September 30, 1939

the evening Rev. J. Charles Mac­ tutions of higher learning—a total destroy life or property. It is cer­ Camden Garden Club EDUCATIONAL QUIZ Urge To Destroy Donald of Rockland will entertain cf 3,280,614. These figures Include tainly pitiable to see a teen-age body, or an adult, with a mind controlled THOMASTON with stereopticon lecture of his trip CAMDEN parochial schools. Illustrated Lecture By Mrs. This Information service is This was slightly over 12 percent Vast Difference Between by the childish urge to wreck prop­ to the Holy Land. « « « « brought to you by special ar­ ** A? of the enrollment in public schools erty, because of parental neglect. SHIRLEY T W ILLIAMS Mrs. Fred C. Green of Watertown, GILBERT HARMON Hayward Of Portland— rangement with Teachers Col­ Raging Fit Of Anger and and universities. Walter L. Sykes. Correspondent Mass., and Mrs. Carl Copeland of Correspondent The Season’s Plans lege, Columbia University, New / ------Desire To Destroy « £ ft « Boston, are guests of Fred Redman, York City. Questions on edu­ The Camden Garden Club met A score of scientists have arrived You'll lhave yourself lots of steps Tel. 190 having arrived yesterday for the Tel. 713 cation may be submitted through Appleton, Sept. 27. Tuesday at “Undercliffe," the home at Ivrea, Italy to try to solve the and fatigue from lugging cleaning funeral of Mrs. Effie Seavey. this newspaper. Editor of The COurler-Oazctte:— of its president, Mrs. E. A. Robbins. mystery of a lake which changed in Children are bom with an Inex­ equipment up and down stairs if Recently in this column mention The Friendly Club will meet Dr. and Mrs. C. ,H Jameson of Mrs. Arthur Hayward of Port­ color from blue to red overnight. plicable propensity to destroy things. you have a set of cleaning tools, was made of a picnic held at the Wednesday night at the home of J Camden entertained at dinner at Question: What are activity pro­ land entertained the members with Lake Sirio, one of a group of seven This primeval trait of character is with the exception of the vacuum Mrs. Margaret Stewart. the Wild Brier Sunday in honor of grams in Jchot’s? Creighton Farm. This farm has an illustrated lecture on "The Cul­ lakes in the Ivrea region, not only unconsciously gratified by breaking • cleaner- on each n°°r for the past five years been the the golden wedding anniversary of Reply: "Activity programs" are a Mrs. Eugene Closson and daugh- ture of Rock Gardens and Alpine turned redder and redder hour by toys. There is a vast diflerence be- their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. development In modern education property of Amos S. Mills, and as j ter Adeline of Upton, Mass., are Plants. She possesses a garden to hour, but It also became much tween breaking things in a raging | ~ - - - ♦ * * •- ■- - * such is called Attlcus Hill. This here for a ten days’ visit with Mr W. D. Parsons, Damariscotta. The in which the child learns by doing which she has devoted a good deal "stickler," • fit of anger and the urge to damage * t correction is made at the request and Mrs. H. H. Newbert. Mr. Clos- tabl« decorations were of golden things that conform to his own in­ FAR C AI F of her time for the past 15 years. property. Anger is resenting the en- 4 * V I \ u/ALJL 4 son, who came with them last night, j chrysanthemums. Other guests in- attractive idealistic garden Iterests and natural capacities under of Mrs. Mills. vironment asserting its influence * •►-— - ♦ * ♦ * - * * * K will return to Union tomorrow eluded Mr and Mrs. S. H. May- “ U an attraxrtfve. tdeaustic garden | th? direction and guidance of the Subscribe to The Courier-Gazette. At the meeting cf Grace Chapter. will return to Upton tomorrow ...... _ . ----- i with rare specimens from many of over the individual: whereas, the BARRED Rock pullets for sale, four O.ES. Wednesday night, Mrs. Ma­ nard and Mr. and Mrs. F. J May- ...... teacher. In such programs the child m onths old. $1. OTTO KARI, Union. nard,„ j -u all of Milton,Wilton Mass.—Belfast the highest mountains in America: sets out to solve , a problem, ", tc , make , spirit of destructiveness is an in­ 115*117 rion Grafton, Mrs. Emma Green- j In the Churches - , and elsewhere. Mrs. Hayward s 1 Probate Notices Journal. ,, stinctive urge. i CLEAN, corn-fed roasting chickens leaf and Mrs Olive Strout were ap­ St. Bernard's Catholic Church at something, to carry out a research Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. T. Sea- lecture was extremely entertaining to help his fellows erganize some­ To all persons interested in either A tactful parent can over the Maverick st.. Tel 446 tio-tf pointed the committee in charge of Rockland: Mass at 7.30 and 10 45 verns have returned to Hartford. “ described each specimen as of the estates hereinafter named: tragedy of a broken toy explain the V0lumM of ot Knowl. thing—in short, to do something At a Probate Court held at Rockland. the second in the series of public a. m . consequences ot carelessly breaking ! edge for sale; large mirror, chairs, sipall O , „ . , after spending the summer in town Uley »ere Shown on the screen glv- with a purpose of his own, usually In and tor the County of Knox, on the card parties sponsored by the Chap­ St. Johns Church: At 8.45 a. m. , wrvlccs wU, resumed ing the botanical name of each i«th "dav of Seotember In the year ofI .. , .... , ' , , mahogany table and draperies 294 werking together with a group of our Lord one thousand nine hundred I things. The childish mind can | BROADWAY 115117 ter. This party will be held in Holy Eucharist. Sundav at the Baptist Church. The little Plant- Her interest and de­ and thirty-nine and by adjournment grasp the elementary evil of this in- | araL g blcycle for 8ale balloon tlr„ his fellows. from dav to day from the 19th daiy October, the date to be announced. Baptist Church: Bible School at votion to the subject added much dulgence when the toy ceases to be 26' frame. 122 thomaston s t ^ rea r large young people's vested choir.1 "By these various activities," says of said September. The following mat­ Dr. Allyne Peabody was a visitor 9.45, morning worship at 11. The to the charm of the lecture. The ters having been presented for the ac­ directed by Mrs. W F Brown, will Dr. Lester Dix. Principal of Lincoln tion thereupon hereinafter Indicated It useful. As the child grows older the I for M M subject of the children's story for Thursday in Monhegan. lead the music. study of horticulture taken up with School. Teachers College. Columbia ‘’ ^ n o u ^ m e ^ f be given to all cost Of destroying things must be I CLARK. Tenants Harbor, Tel. 13-3. this service is "Silent Forces." and the enthusiasm that Mrs. Hayward 1 1M 11 7 Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacParland The business meeting of the W. C University. "he learns the tradition­ persons Interested, by causing a copy taught by discipline. The child -7■■ ------7----- :— -- of the sermon, “What Is the Cross?" ...... , . 34-FT Sloop for sale, price $100. In- are spending the weekend in Bos­ T. U. will be held with Mrs. Jen­ has shown will add a new interest al things that are useful to him and of this order to bp published three should pay for the things he breaks, | quire 384 old county rd lic*ii8 A communion service and reception weeks successively In The Courier Ga­ ton. nie Cleveland Tuesday at 2 o'clock i and incentive to the rock garden at the same time learns many other zette a newspaper published at Rock­ either by money or personal priva- ) studebaker special 5-passenger of new members will follow the enthusiast. The pictures shown on land in said County, that they may ______. i ___! touring car for sale fine condition, Louis Hanley starts today a two- Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley and necessary tilings which the old type appear at a Probate Court to be held tions. An economic sentiment in | mileage 16,000. also small cider press, worship service. Music for the weeks' vacation from his duties at Mrs. Pearl Thompson opened a , *'r<*n were man>' and varled of school neglected. Educational re­ at said Rockland on the 17th day of the community should enforce the i single tub, elmer st. clair. Ames- morning includes the anthems "Seek October A D 1939 at nine o'clock In , / bury Hill, Rockport. 116 118 the Perry Market in Rockland. branch store of the G W Achorn and * was an afternoon of cultural search lias found that children learn the forenoon, and be heard thereon If payment of all damage done on pri- , - pTO8 f0; .al7-.7ciir r ^ - . r e ready Ye the Lord." by Roberts, with In­ they see cause. Mrs. Letitia S tarrett entertained & Co. Fridav In Belfast. The new enjoyment and develop best by doing, that they vate or public property. to go now______U7-tf cidental solo by Alfred M Strout, MYRON J HAHN, late of Rockland, the Busy Eight Club Friday at din­ store is located at 77 High street. Man>' °f th« summer club mem- need first-hand experience with all deceased Will and Petition for Pro­ The public school training in over- _O E T ?ov . »qua»h for winter at City and "Oh. Come To My Heart. Lord bate thereof, asking that the same may Farm: we have some very nice tnea. ner and for the afternoon, and was Miss Lois Inman, daughter of bers were *n attendance. Tea was phasts of their environment, that be proved and allowed and that Letters coming the desire to destroy prop­ Any kind and any quantity from 5 lb. Jesus," by Ambrose, with incidental to 5 tons 117 tf herself surprised by a shower of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Inman, en- served. the learning of children has a logic Testamentary Issue to Flora E Hahn erty must be developing traits ot solo by Raymond K. Oreene. Chris­ of Rockland, she being the Executrix ITHACA 12 ga shot gun for sale, gifts and an attractive decorated tertained a group of her young ( Following is the schedule of of its own which does not fall Into named In said Will, without bond character which will resist all desire low price TEL 1199-WK. 13 Fulton St. tian Endeavor meets at 6 o clock 116*118 cake in observance of her birthday. friends at a birthday party Thurs- meetings of the Garden Club for the traditional school, subject pat- JOHN C MACKIE, late of Vlnalhaven to show off the smart skill in de­ for an installation service of new deceased. Will and Petition for Pro- ARMY tent for sale, good condition; Members attending were Mrs. Lucy day afternoon at her home on coming season: terns that a school activity which j bate thereof, asking that the same may molishing property. A boy is a hero bird dog. English Setter, male, 14 members and committees. The Oct. 24—Lilacs in the Dooryard. , . , „ . be proved and allowed and that Letters If he can daily pass a vacant build­ month, old: also Newfoundland watch Sillery, Mrs Minnie Wilson, Mrs. Mechanic street. Those present does not conform reasonably well to j Testamentary Issue to Leslie B Dyer dog. KENNETH KNIGHT, Rockport subject of the evening service at 7 Speaker, Roger Clapp. Assistant ing and overcome the temptations Dora Kalloch. Mrs. Gertrude Hahn, were Carol Rollins. Janet and Pa­ tnecnnostlie child's natural wavway oiof growgrowth ut uiin— 1 llarae(1eiupmeni. Pprrv New York deceased ExemDli- Portland visitors Wednesday vine Stella MacRae. superintendent. _ ( ______meetings ___ next week.___ Troop . 200! x~cordtnz to the 1939 Yearbook lrarowa of bed___ copy______of win and______Probate thereof._ covered archway On either side HappyI Hour service with brief mes- meeting Wednesday night night and and , 1 the An,crl;an Ed.jeational . , Research,, I , «together £ , » ’ with W.IL a aX Petition Tui.TthT’Sp* for Probate FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms near Thursday Club met at the home were palms and baskets of garden sage by the pastor, subject “Who Troop 206 Monday night. HaytkfJ acec„p^Y^;J‘t ir.hJ^h,fdnrpn ,^ 4 t*» of JSd * vrtil’ may ^be'afiowMi1 fli«i st * city017' T 43 N°rthii“ in ♦ __ _ ♦ of Mrs. Vernon Achorn this week ______♦ »•"> «“*»- «w wwc- w«a» «n«.«i« x.».».« ssw ajssarar aares j s ™ T 0 LET with the usual three tables. In the MIDDLE-aged woman wanted as com- 4 The bride wore a duck blue crepe Miss Ruth Owen. Church Night of Troop 200 during the absence of C ‘ , . . Fitch MeQulston------of* "Chappaqua. " ------”N Y" panlon and housekeeper Interested ln t- ♦ . « . ,•• ••• ♦ ••• ••• Ig party were Mrs. Enoch Clark. Mrs.. weight, and development of the bone I and Marjory M Sutherland of said home; not lonesome; to be alone nights. gown with a shoulder corsage of service will be held ln the vestry at Robert Drown, who is employed | Etructure cf the They reach d°m» Pw ry. N Y C. O LARRABEE. 91 Chestnut St . Cun- SIX room apartment to let at 40 Charles Smith, Mrs. Oscar Crie. structure of the body.______den 115*117 Grace S t, all modern. TEL 229 W tea roses. Mrs. Joseph Scott, sister 7.30. An official board meeting will in Monticello I ' . ’ , . ESTATE FRANK L PEABODY late 115-tf Mrs.. Edwin Lynch. Mrs. Stanley I puberty at an earlier age and mature of Warren. deceased Petition for Ad- BOARDERS wanted: heated rconu. - ■ . —— ______of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. be held in the vestry Monday at STEPHENS COltffiY RFD 1. Thom- FURNISHED room to let desirable Macgowan , Mrs. Weston Young, Arnold Orauer. son of Mrs. Nina earlier. ministration asking that Leland C. She wore a frock of royal blue and 7 o'clock. r t r a i i s r entertains a armm nf his I ------.. a Peabody of Warren, or some other ault- aaton, Tel. 191-5.______IVL1.?? locaMon xtRS A c JONES. 5 Talbot Mrs. Frank G rant, Mrs. Forest orauer, entertains a group 01 n„ 1 There-are numerous exceptions to able person, be appointed Admr. with PATIENTS taken at Thompson's con- —f 576 ______a corsage of tea roses. Edwin Wise­ Stone. Mrs. Elmer R. Biggers, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Gardner of young friends this afternoon at a h, . general the brightest bond veleslng home. 534 Old County Rd TEL UNFURNISHED, three-room apart- man was best man. ESTATE MILDRED F ROSS, late of 364-W. lll*113-tf m ent to let. Oath, lights, gas; also un- Orvel Williams, and substituting, Whiting are guests for a few days blrthday and going-away pary. Is likely to be Rockland, deceased Petition for Ad t im it L T lu ll iTLild lii ho urn i ur» u hed 5-room apartment. upat%tr», The guests came from Detroit, of thdir son and daughter-in-law Those invited are William Foxweil. the most acc€lerated in physicai de- mlntstratlom asking that Kar 1 B Rom imall famJ,yX pll^anl SL n7 n» Mrs. Juliet Lunden of Rockland. of 8outh Thom aston or some other room Oood cook Wrlu ..R .. Cou. THURSTON. Tel. 115®.______UT-ll® Plymouth, Alpena . Wixom and Mr and Mrs. Rollo Gardner. | Helen and Robert Stevenson, Lois v 435_ month; also 3 garages in rear of gan Seamless Tube Co. The bride ; The Methodist Ladies Aid will Officers of Camden Commander.' Distribution, presented by Marguerite data store 42 month each: also one on Main lation service for new officers and has been a resident of South Lyon , have no meeting next Wednesday' K. T. were installed Wednesday in speech continues is advisable un- • O. Condon, Admx. THOMAS NEWBOLD. lala of Vlnal­ St 43 month. V. F STUDLEY 283 committees will be held. ESTATE OUST CARLSON late of haven deceased Theresa Clement Main St . Tel 1154______112-tf for the past two years. | because of the Harvest Supper. night by Benjamin C. Kent of Ban- less he can obtain expert training. | Newbold of Vlnalhaven was appointed The Baptist Mission Circle meets Vlnalhaven. deceased Petition for Per- FIVE-room modern unfurnished apt. Mrs. Ray B. Stoodley, mother of A training course will be held gor, right eminent grand command- Oreat harm to the voice can resuit petuai care of Burial Lot. presented by Executrix, Sept 19. 1939. without bond. —one on Camden S t, one on summer Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the parson­ Frank H Ingraham of Rockland, Public ERNEST A MUNRO, late of Rock­ St Four-room furnished apartment, the bride is the daughter of William Friday at 7.30 o'clock at the Y. M. er of the grand commandery of from Incorrect singing during trie Admr land. deceased. Alan L. Bird of Rock­ automatic heat and hot water. Sum­ age. The time will be devoted to Trenholm of Thomaston. With her • C. A for scout masters, assistant Maine, assisted by Eminent Sir period of change. ESTATE TIMOTHY E MrNAMARA. land was appointed Executor. Sept 19. mer St. MRS FROST. TEL 318 W or white cross work. late of Rockland, deceased First and >«»• »"d Qualified by filing bond on 1094-R______107 tf family she has resided in Michigan 1 scout masters, committee men and Charles E. Tuttle of Bangor. Gland Carl Outekunst, head of the voice final account presented for allowance i aate The Baptist Ladies' Circle meets FURNISHED room, ln quiet neighbor­ for the past 15 years. Mrs. Stood- ' commissioners. Scout executive, Warder, as marshal, and Eminent department at Teachers College, Co­ by Timothy E. McInnis Admr. ADELBERT BENNER late of Thom- hood, five minutes from Post Office. Ro^k™™ d” easedR “ VSt^aiid’* final Sf^omZstorTwas wolntad^reiitrix' TEL 34, R ockland 97*tf Wednesday at the vestry for work ley was born and reared in Thom- : Willis J. Furtwengler of the Abenaki Sir Adin L. Hopins of Camden as lumbia University, says on this at 2 o'clock, business meeting at 5. accoi!?irt presented for "lowan^e by 18' 1M9' wlthout bond FIVE-room apartment to let. adults aston. I District, Pine Tree Council, will be I grand prelate. pcint: "If a boy has sung naturally S-n,y',^ Ai'rCE FULLER. 25 Linden St., and supper at 6. Mrs. Nellie Orff, Charlotte Dillingham. Exx DUDLEY F. WOLFE, late of Rock Tel. 106-J,______105.^ I in charge. All persons 18 years of A Burien Stevenson, Jr., was ir. with ease ind vitality, then he ESTATE MARGARET 8 BOWDITCH. g e n ^ lV Mrs. Gladys Condon, Mrs. Edith I age or older, who are interested in stalled eminent commander; Lon- should continue singing. The adoles*- late of Milton. Mass., deceased First K?..o HoSh in ROOMS to let at 15 Orove St. TEL. Midget parents usually bear nor­ and final Trust account presented for and qualified |by filing bond on 579-W. MRS FLORA COLLINS. 105-tf Chapman and Mrs. Eunice Tillson scouting are invited. aid H. Rollins, generalissimo: Elmer cent boy does not discontinue speak- allowance by The New England T rust,sam e aaw comprise the supper committee. In mal children. Company. Trustee. OLIVE A ORNE. late of Friendship, H Mrs. Doris Lankton is having a E. Joyce, captain genera'.; George E ing while his voice is changing. deceased Rena O Pales of Friendship T ESTATE DAVID W WELSH, late of was appointed Executrix. Sept. 19, j vacation from her duties at Croc- Boynton senior warden; Zel-na M. Singing is fundamentally the same Vlnalhaven deceased First and final ,"<£1 iu h o u r b o n d Dwinal, junior warden; Eminent I as speaking, being a prolongation Trust account presented for allowance' 1939 wltnout ° ° nd kett's store. by Security Trust Company of Rock­ ARTHUR W McCURDY lata of Rock ; MISCELLANEOUS ; ♦ | The Methodist Ladies Aid will Sir William F Rankin, prelate; j and intensification of speech, and land. Trustee. land, deceased. Lillian M McCurdy of I ge ...... Charles C. Wood, treasurer; Emin-! should no more be discontinued ESTATE IZZTE M ST CLAIR, late of ’ im®’ wifhoS^bond ExeCUtrix’ ‘ P.UNTINO. papering of all kinds; ] serve a harvest supper Wednesday Union,nlnn deceased. PlrO.First and flnfinal .l aac­ r . 1939 w‘tnOUt bond. MARY S LOCKIE. late of Warren, plastering, brick, cem ent and rock J : between 5.30 and 7 at the vestry. ent Sir John L. Tewksbury, record­ than speech unless bad vocal habits count presented for allowance by Earl work A. W. GRAY, 3 Adama ot.. R Et Clair, Admr. deceased Joseph A Lockle of Wash­ Rockland. 105-tf EARL F. WOODCOCK •j* i These officers of the Maiden Cliff er; Guy Cucinotta. standard bearer; have been formed previoulsy. ington. D. C. was appointed Adm r. ESTATE JOSEPH A AMES late Of Sept 19, 1939. and qualified by filing TURN that used rifle or shot gun i. | Rebekah Lodge were elected Wed- Alphonso S. Prince, sword bearer; "It should be borne in mind that Appleton, deceased. First and final ac­ bond on same date. Stuart C. Burgess count presented for allowance by Clar­ into cash, or trade In I have a good Is Conducting a First Class J nesday night: Miss Hortense Bohn- Fred W. Elwell, warder; F. H. Cal­ although there is a development of of Rockland was appointed Agent In assortment on hand for sale R. E. ence J. Ames. Admr. Maine NUTT. Shoe Store, 436 Main St.. City. ♦ dell of Rockport, noble grand; Mrs. der, sentinel; and A. V. Elmore, physical structure from childhood to ESTATE WILLARD WALL, late of FRED W BROWN, late of Camden, ______115-tf Tenants Harbor, deceased. First and maturity, there is no change in deceased Alice C. Brown of Camden RADIO service. Large parts stock, FOOD MARKET ♦ Mabel Stinson, vice grand; Miss color bearer. final account pre: ented for allowance was appointed Admx., Sept. 19. 1939, by Grace G. Wall. Exx finest test instruments permit rapid, X 1 Bessie Bowers, secretary; Miss The ceremonies were interspersed muscular function. This is as trie without bond guaranteed repair of all radios. RCA ESTATE WILLIAM H CONDON, late with musical selections: vocal selec­ of the vcioe as of anything else. The RICHARD H BRITT late of Rock­ gadjotron tubes at 25r; discount. JOHN At The Old Stand Eleanor Hansen, treasurer; and El- of Friendship, deceased Second and land, deceased Grace H Britt of Rock FOGG Warren, ’2-mlle north of eol- + j bert M. Crosby, trustee for three tion "I Heard a Forest Praying", impulse to use the voice in singing final account presented for allowance land was appointed Admx . Sept 19. dlers’ monument In Warren. 116*121 by Marguerite O Condon, Admx. 1939. and qualified by filing bond on + | years. The installation will be “Short'nin Bread", and "Over the is inherent and natural. To stifle Old at 40! Get Pep. New The store has been repainted, has modern meat THERESE H MILLETT late of Rock­ same date. Ostrex Tonic Tablets cowtaln raw oys­ t 'held Oct. 11, with Miss Doris Hyler Rainbow" by Donald R. Welt of this Impulse for any extended period land, deceased. Will and Petition for GRANVILLE A. POOLE, late of Cam- ter lnvlgorators and other stimulants of time may destroy the desire ar.d Probate thereof, asking that the same den. d e c e a s e d .______Edward__ C. Payson of One dose starts new pep. Costa little equipment, and is stocked with a full line of ♦! district deputy president as the in- Rockport, with piano accompani­ may be proved and a lowed and that I Rockland was appointed Admr . Sept Call or write C H MOOR & CO 106G17 ability to sing. Because ^ T J eSt,R7'eS ? s7 j58U«e- ^ .J.°hnw?: >9n. ;«9. and. qualified by filing boVid ♦ I stalling officer. ment by Miss June Cote; selection Cushman of Haddon Heights. New WATCHMAKER — Repairing watches, Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables and Meats Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holman of by the orchesta; violin solo by Yale provides a period of transition be­ Jersey, he being the executor named clocks, antiques all kinds. Call and In said will, without bond. JOHN E ROSS, late of Rockland, de­ deliver. 8 ARTHUR MACOMBER. 23 Goldberg accompanied by Harold tween the infantile and the mature ceased. Laura A. Ranlett of Rockville Amesbury St., Rockland, Tel. 953-J. Bangor were recent guests of Rev. ESTATE OUST CARLSON, late of was appointed Admx., Sept 19, 1939. Co-operating with the I.G.A. (Independent Grocers’ Alliance and Mrs Weston P. Holman. Bates of Rockland. vocal impulse, singing shculd be con­ Vlnalhaven. deceased Petition for Au­ and qualified by filing bond on same lOfi-tf thority to expend money for work on date of Am erica), the store can share with its customers the savings tinued when not definitely harmful." WATCHMAKET? All varieties of David Nichols, son of George E. A past commander's jewel was cemetery lot. presented by Frank H .1 DANIEL O. WBTTWORTO J a t e of ^ ™ n ? eedndN O ^ A N effected by purchasing in large quantities. Ingraham of Rockland, Public Admr. i Appleton. deceased Iva M Trask of J ' Nichols has begun his second year presented by Mr. Kent to Frederick Question: How many students are 6 Green St., Thomaston. 117-119 J ! at Bates College. ESTATE IRA T VINAL. late of Thom- Camden was appointed Admx , C. T A B Jagels, the retiring eminent com­ enrolled In private schools and col­ aston deceased, first and final account Sept. 19. 1939 and qualified by filing SEXATOL Tablets, for males only, LET US SERVE YOU ❖ Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Pettapiece mander who is the youngest past leges? presented for allowance by Harold W ., bond on same date gland product. Reconstructive tonic, Vlnal, executor. GEORGIA A MATHEWS, of Warren Increases metabolism and stlmuates a ❖ , are attending the meeting of the commander of the Camden Com­ Reply: The latest complete figures healthy condition. 50c and t l per bot- MAIN STREET, THOMASTON, ME. Witness. HARRY E WILBUR. Esquire.1 Fred E Mathews of Warren was ap- tie WALMSLEY. 373 Mam S ^ R ^ k - * New England Osteopathic Associa mandery. Refreshments were served shew that there were 2,271,387 pupils Judge of^ Probate Court for Knox pointed Conservator. Sept. 19. 1939. and County, Rockland. Maine. qualified by filing bond on same date land 105-tf + tion at Poland Spring. in the banquet hall and music for in private elementary schools in FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONE 177 Attest: A ttest: , Ladles—Reliable hair goods at Roc£> 116-117 Eighteen members of the Lions dancing was furnished by Otis 1936; 415,131 in private secondary CHARLES L. VEAZIE. CHARLES L. VEAZIE Register. Register. solicited. H. C. RHODES, Tel. 519-J, Club cruised to Vinalhaven Thur.s- Dean's orchestra. schools, and 594,096 in private instl- ( 117-8-123 I 117-8-123 109-tt

♦ 4 W » * ♦ - ♦ M rtment. 3 rooms near I Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, September 30, 1939 P age Seven

Pythians Convene An Invitation ^ S o c i e t y ROCKPORT This And That The 39th Annual Session « a To Visit the Art Needle­ R e a l m of Held In Warren, Mrs. LIDA G. CHAMPNEY work Shop Of Gladys E. Oliver Presiding Correspondent / \ A A z \ z s z \ Staples The 39th annual convention of Tel. 2229 When you visit this shop, you will M usic Mrs. L. B. Cook won high score, District 9 of the Pythian Sisters, ar­ Mrs. W. C. Ladd was second and see something unique, different In ranged by District Deputy Grand Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingraham many respects than you ever saw by Gladyi St. Clair Heistad was awarded the travel prize and Chief, Gertrude Belle Oliver, of who have been visiting relatives and Mrs. D. L. McCarty won third hon­ Friendship, convened at Crescent friends here and in Camden for in Rockland before, the cheerful ors, when Wednesday Eve Club met The Victor Record Review for "Thais ', Handel s "Largo". Kamen- Temple, Warren, Friday. several weeks returned Wednesday atmosphere of beauty and harmoni­ Thursday night with Mrs. J. F September is in my hands—filled noi-Ostrow. The afternoon session was called to Port Townsend, Wash. ous color will take your eye, in fact, Burgess. Refreshments were served to order by the District Deputy who to the brim with interesting articles. Longing: Home on the Range, Miss W innifred Andrews returned you will be simply amazed when after play. A survey at Cornell University in­ comments, and other information. I Hills of Home, D anny Boy, Wagon Wednesday to Boston after spend­ you enter the door. dicates that students from farms For Instance a paragraph tells of Wheels. * ing the sum m er with her sister Mrs. • • • • Mrs. W. C. D art and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wall are en­ are just twice as likely to become “Music Appreciation" by Dr. F ra n ­ • • • • Bverett Fales. Beautiful hand embroidery Is off­ farmers as city boys are to follow ces Elliot Clark, for 40 years an Many fine records ln new releases. rs. Richard Lincoln and the lat­ joying short motor trips through ered for sale and displayed for your The B aptist Ladies' Circle will their fathers’ careers. outstanding authority on organized Why not step Into the Maine Music h’s young daughter Sally Ann, the State, during Mr. Walls vaca­ inspection. Two cabinets contain hold an afternoon session Wednes­ • • • • music education. Realizing th a t Company and talk with Mt. Pickett ave been making a short visit with tion from fhe John Bird Co. the most complete line of stamped day at the home of Mrs. Minetta British women have been in the child guidance studies have proved about them. Irs. Dart's sister, Mrs. E. D. Spear, goods ever to be shown here, all of • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christofferson A. Paul. habit of spending $93,000,020 an­ that just as children must learh laple street. They left for their the finest quality Including many The September issue of Musical are spending the week in Union, Stated meeting of Harbor Light I nually for their silk stockings. They how to play and learn how to con­ home in Walpole, Mass., Friday. Chapter. O.E.S. will be held T u es-jltenk lhat you not find els€- America carries a picture taken at guests of Mrs. Christofferson's are to cut this to one-third the centrate, so they must learn to listen the Captain Eells Boat Barn, Rock­ mother, Mrs. Carrie Mank. day night, beginning promptly at where als® 1111 threads for finl£hin8 amount. American women have a in this book Dr. Clark outlines a Mr and Mrs. R. E. Philbrlck and ■j 3q j are attractively arranged from port, showing Mrs. Mary Louise silk stocking bill th at reaahes to course of ear training for children daughter Norma, are in Portland Rev. H. I. Holt will supply S unday1 which t0 make your sel« :tion Curtis Bok and Mrs. Edith Evans G reat interest is being shown in $350,000,000 each year. from six to 12 years of age. A today to visit Miss Madeline Phil- Braun congratulating Jascha Brod­ the first meeting of the season of morning at the Baptist Church a n d . Crochet c®ttons' ‘“ ‘ruction books « • • • new edition of this book, Its fourth, brick at Westbrook Junior Col­ also at the union service in West hooks and needles are also included sky, first violinist of The Curtis the Hospital Auxiliary, which meets English teacher; “Charlie, will yoi has recently been published, com ­ lege, and to attend the eighth an­ String Quartet after one of the Tuesday for work. Rockport Sunday night. His ser- Whenever desired, free instruction correct this sentence—'Girls is na­ pletely revised, and enlarged to in­ nual session of the Portland Horse of embroidery stitches will gladly summer concerts. mon subject in the morning will turally better looking than boys?'." clude the results of the progress of Show. Mrs. G. H. Bletlien observed her be given any customer, and to all • • • • be “The G re a t Salvation" and in Charlie stops for a minute, then the past few years. The work is 75th birthday anniversary at a who purchase skeins of cotton, etc.. Another great Negro voice has the evening "The Man Who Said answers, “Girls is artificially better easy to understand and use, Mrs. Seth Lowe returned to New ' family dinner party Tuesday eve­ ! free use of a winder is extended. been discovered. Before the open­ York Thursday after a summer Good-bye to God.” looking than boys.” thorough and comprehensive. W hy ning. House guests at the Blethen 1 and a necdlebook is given free with ing of Series B of the Berkshire spent at Dynamite Beach. Donald Joyce has been spending a • • • • don't you examine a eopy-you can Synjphonlc at stockbridge home for the occasion were Mrs. L each purchase of 50 cent* or over. few days with his family on Lime- The body does not store up Vita­ do so a t the Maine Music Com ­ I E. Cole of Quincy, Mrs. W alter An­ An attractive and modern desk Mass, held this past summer. Serge Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foley leave rock street min C, found mainly in citrus fruits, pany. drews of Hyannis and Mrs. P. E. Capt. and Mrs. Ernest M. Torrey wlU ** notked where the busin£ss * Koussevitzky entertained the en ­ Sunday for a motor trip to New Gertrude Belle Oliver, D istrict Depu­ tomatoes and green vegetables, as it Truesdale of Fall River, Mass. conducted, of public stenography tire orchestra an d invited guests a t fork. ty Grand Chief end Mrs. Cacilda Cain are at their stores other vitamins. Walter Damrosch has been an and typwriting, which will be done an informal picnic at "Tanglewood" home after spending the summer incalculable influence in the growth Mrs. Madlene Jackson will be according to your choice and sat­ and at this time Dorothy Maynor, Pentagon Club was entertained extended a welcome and spoke of the at their cottage in Northport. of musical culture throughout the hostess to Junior Women’s Club at isfaction. AU legal papers drawn as Eratosthenes, a native of Cyrcne, a young Negro soprano made Berk­ it sewing Thursday afternoon by silver collection for Grand Temple Mrs Lina Joyce will be hostess nation for more than a half cen­ the first meeting of the season deeds etc. or will officiate as Notary- is known as the father of scientific shire Festival history, giving an tirs. Thomas Maker, at Rockledge Fund. Monday night to the Trytohelp tury. He conducted at the Metro- Monday night, at the home of her Public whenever needed. All office geography. He made a remarkable informal concert, accompanied by nn, Spruce Head, the members re­ ,The convention officers then as­ Club. mothe, 31 Amesbury street. Tne supplies are at hand to meet your calculation of the earth's circum­ politan Opera House as early as j 3ernanj zighera. Miss Maynor's naming to be Mrs. Maker's guests sumed their respective stations and Miss Hortense Bohndell was elec­ 1885. F or 40 years he directed the I sucwss w(us topic for discussion will be ‘Fa­ needs and service that pleases Is ference at a time when only a small dinner. the meeting was opened in ritualistic ted noble grand of Maiden Cliff portion of tlie globe was known to I destinies of the New York ®>'ln-1 wbo listened were amazed at the mous Men of the Modern Medical the only intention. Rebekah Lodge of Camden at the civilization. 1 phony Orchestra. With the advent World.” form. • • • • poise and technical proficiency of Aubrey Moore and Dawson Mc­ The visitors introduced were Dep­ annual m eeting Wednesday. • • • • j of radio he founded the NBC Music Donald of Sidney, Cape Breton, are The walls have been painted a the young woman. Dr. Koussevitzky uties. G rand and Past Officers of Miss Mildred Graffam and Harold "Why, I doubt if you really know j Appreciation Hour which he’ has guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Virginia A. Wyllie, daughter of very pretty shade of green and in his enthusiasm for the young Mr. and Mrs. Chester O. Wyllie, The Sisters and Knights of Pythias. Oraflam who had been at the home matching curtains and signs are the difference between a camel and . been conducting for 10 years. His singer lias term ed her a “native Holden, Old County road. Tile address of welcome was given their brother-in-law and sister Warren, has enrolled in the Fresh­ your outside attraction, and when a dromedary" said the zoology | Victor Records are well-known to Flagstad.” M iss Maynor is from Mr and Mrs Kenneth Daucett for man class at Colby College. by Mabel Mills of Crescent Temple, you come in. many other beautiful teacher. 1 educators. This month so we learn Norfolk, Va., an d received training Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Davis of the summer are again occupying Warren; the response being given by- decorations will, no doubt attract •'Humph!" replied the youth. from th e Review, Walter Damrosch, at the Hampton Institute, later go­ Seattle, Wash., have been visiting tlie Spear apartment on Camden Ruth Mayhew Tent will meet Eva Russell oi Friendship Temple. your attention, and it will appear • • • • at the age of 77, is to make his ing to New York to study with John relatives in this city the past few road. In the course of his lecture he | motion picture debut in P a ra ­ Monday night for business. At 6 The School of Instruction, to to you like a comfortable home.' Alan Haughton. She is slightly be­ days. Among those who attended the o'clock Mrs. Lina Carroll will serve which th e major part of th e after- where you can relax and rest, come I sa‘d lllul “nyone who had crossed mount's “The Star Maker ", con- low medium height, rather stocky beans and brown bread, w ith sweets, noon session was devoted, was fol- Prance* E- Willard anniversary ob- for yourself and you will lbe Atlantic from this country must ducting the Los Angeles Phtlhar- Mrs. Harold Rackliffe Is the guest Lnrt'on/'a linHor f Vraa oii\.r\izvgac ~ ln build, possesses a quick smile and of friends and relatives ln Boston. furnished by the members, unsolici­ lowed by a supper served in the ban- senance under the auspices of the not be disappointed, but will agree Have come back with vivid memories | monic Orchestra in music by Bee- a sparkling eye which usually con­ ted. A rehearsal of officers is re­ quet hall by chairman Mabel Mills, ; WC.T.U. in Camden Thursday night that it is the best.—adv. notes a sense of humor. We'll w atch Miss Dorothy McLennan of this quested by the president in prepara­ assisted by Sisters of Crescent »'ere Mr. a n d Mrs. Arthur K. Walk­ their majesties certainly have. Thus, once again and in yet another now to see w h at we hear of Miss er. Mr. an d Mrs. Charles Marston. • • • • city, and sister, Mrs. Mortimer N tion for an official visit of the Dept. Temple. medium. Dr. Damraseh brings great Maynor. Peck, of Braintree, Mass.,, are President, Mrs. Ella Henderson of The District Deputy called th' Miss Helen Small. Mrs. Emma EAST LIBERTY If grapefruit is unusually sour, music to the millions. • • • • evening session to order, afte r which Sma11' Mrs Hazel Cain' Mrs K®1*- 1 POPLAR TREES ARE HAPPIEST spending the week at the World's MUo. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Hartford of add a pinch of salt before serving. the district deputy requested the Mrs Chrlstie Whitney, Mtss From an artcile by Doron K. A n­ Poplar trees are lau(hlnf trees. Fair in New York. Camden were guests Sunday of Mr. I A very little will cut the pucker or With lilting silver call. Miss Kathaleen Mack of Dedham, following convention officers to as- f * ne W hitney' Mrs Mildred trim, "Music for What Ails You"— Willow trees droop weeplngly and Mrs. W. L. Grant. , sour taste. A few grains pf salt Mrs H. O. Ourdy, who has been Mass., and Miss Hazel N. Day of sume their respective stations: Rhodes' and W F ' Atwood' “Next time you come home after And never laugh at all. Albert Nason has returned to : added to coffee, cocoa and chocolate Maple trees are gorgeous trees seriously ill, is showing gradual Waldoboro were guests of Mrs. Past Chief, Edith Wylie of May- Mr Mr£ Gecrge CrockeU' Mlss a hard day, dog tired, tense, m urder In crimson silk s and (old; Bradford, Mass., after a few days' ' improve the flavor. Pine trees are hut sober trees, Improvement. Russell Bartlett the past week. flower Temple. Thomaston. Marion Weidman, Miss Mattie Rus- • • • • ln your eye, try this. Stretch out Aloof and very old. visit at J. F. iHooper’s. full length, close your eyes and have Most. Excellent Chief. Elizabeth !*U' Mrs H attie Kenney' Mrs' G er‘ It was Sydney Smith who gave us Black-oak treea Walk aturdlly. Robert MoCarty left Friday for Frank Wiberg has returned to Mr and Mrs. Percy White attend­ Greenlaw of Gloria Temple, North lruds H avener' Mrs. Ethel York and this excellent advice so long ago. someone put on that record of the And live oaks eager run; • Jamaica Plain. Mass., after a three Haven Mrs Susie Auspland. ed the funeral Thursday of his The sycamores stand lsally New York, accompanying Miss Win­ "It is the greatest ol ail mistakes to Bach-Gounod ‘Ave Maria'. Let it Beneath the sum m er sun. nifred Burkett of Camden and weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Excellent Senior, Esther Simmons Church mwts at 10 at father. Fred White, in Searsmont. soak in. After the fourth repetition, But poplar treea are laughlnc trees Herbert Skinner is in Warren for do nothing because you can only do Wherever they m ay grow- party of friends. Henry Sukeforth, Granite street. of Knox Temple. Camden Methodist Church Sunday. Th- little." if your body is not relaxed, your The poplar treea are happiest Excellent Junior. K atherine Mae- cross and crown pIan t® >* in­ a few weeks' stay. mind given less to thoughts of m ay­ Of til the trees I know. • • • • —J o h n Russell McCarthy Mrs. Verna Thomas entertained augurated a t this session; every Irlene and Earland Esancy have Donald of Floria Temple. North j And here comes help lor mothers hem, I'm no doctor of music therapy. at bridge and Chinese Checkers at one present receiving the first pin., returned to Danvers, Mass They Haven. Music therapy, in case you haven't her home on Brewster street, were visitors at the home of their who have night vigils to keep with ALBERT L. BRIGGS COMIQUE Manager. Nellie York of Gloria The sacram ent of the lord's Sup- their babies. A nursing bottle that heard, is that new science of pre­ Albert L. Briggs of 17 Lindsey Thursday evening. Late luncheon Temple. North Haven. H wiU * ®b* rved at U sister, Hattie Davis. CAMDEN, MAINE fits Into a vacuum bottle to keep scribing music for what ails you. street died Thursday morning, was served ln the candle lighted Mistress of Records and Corre- Epworth U ‘ague wlU mwt at 6 and The idea is not exactly new. We dining room which was decorated the milk warm for traveling or night after a week's Illness, aged 76 years. SUNDAY AND MONDAY spondence. Doris Hyler of Crescent evwllng worship servioe at 7' SPRUCE HEAD feeding has been developed. know th a t David and his harp drove in gold and deep blue. Honors ln A heart alim ent caused a gradual Temple. Warren. ipastOr s eVenlng theme wiU ** “Our • • • • the evil spirit from Saul, and th at OCTOBER 1-2 falling over quite a long period, but bridge went to Mrs. Lawrence Leach ... _ Hindering God". George McClellan Mrs. IL. C. Elwell has return'd Hippocrates, th2 father of medicine, Mistress of Finance, M ary Rcy- , _ , , Nevada alone of the 'States has within a fortnight he was able to and Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert and in „« ot Rockland will accompany the from a brief visit with her sister. treated his patients with music as nolds of Crescent Temple, Warren. , . . , , , less than 109,000 population. attend social gatherings. Checkers to Mrs. Clara Curtis and “Union Pacific” u .u ,, , , hymns with his violin and give two Mrs. Laura Rey nolds, who Is very Hi far back as 400 B. C. In fact. Mu­ Protector, Elizabeth M orton of , , , „ , The deceased was a former resi­ Mrs. Lois Fernald. with -r- _ i special solos. The work a t the at the home of her son Ih East Mil­ sic. M. D., has been practicing for Knox Temple, Camden. For a period of 12 years, St. Croix dent of Taunton. Mass., and for BARBARA STANWYCK linocket. ages. And today recorded music Guard. Jennie Kendall of Golden chure,h an d P * ™ * near» ! ia the Virgin Islands was part of the 25 years was a salesman for th e Mabelle Beauty Shop will be JOEL McCREA Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Simmons is p art of the technique used in Crass Temple. Belfast. completed. At the parsonage the realm of the Knights of, Malta. National Biscuit Company, cover­ closed next week, Oct. 2-7, Inclusive, furnace h as been taken down and i wbo were recently married, are max hospitals and mental institutions. Tlie above officers were assisted in j Hence Malta once governed terri­ ing the Knox County territory. adv. 116-117 re-set and new cold air drafts add-1 in8 their home for the present with Scientists and psychologists have working the degrees by the Friend- j tory now owned by the United After his retirem ent on a pension ed. At the church the vestibule and Simmons’ parents, been probing the subject and em erg­ ship Temple Degree Staff, presented i States. he conducted a small store for a kitchen have been panted, the kit- ^ r- and Mrs. Arthur Thomas, who • • • • ing w ith some Interesting findings by the following Friendship Sisters 1 while and more recently had been chen repapered and repairs made. have been on ten days' motor trip A Los Angeles newspaper tells us on why music affects us and how. and Degree Mistress Genie Simmons I a typewriter salesman. to New York, have returned and that 4f termites damage your house "They say that basically music of Friendship: He was numbered among th e are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elbert it's perfectly legal to deduct from consists of vibrations. So does sun­ Eda Lawry, Edna Packard, Lois N E W HARBOR valued workers for the Umversalist iStutsr o f Burton for a few days before going your Income tax the value of your light, X-ray, radium. These vibra­ Brown, Sadie Brown, Mabelle Beale, Church and was Identified w ith Miss M arilyn Gifford has recov­ to their home ln Millinocket. loss on the sale price of the prop­ tions make contact with the entire j Carrie MacFarland, Ar.nie Doc, J the local Masonic bodies, as well as ered from her recent fall and re­ Mrs. .Darrell L. Mann has returned erty. This action was passed by body, not just the ear drums. And j Phoebe Burns, Florence Burns, I a member of the Independent O r­ turned to school. from Great Duck Island where she Federal Judge Leon R. Yankwich. so, when we're exposed to music, we I Daisy Simmons, Mattie Simmons, der of Odd Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Brackett spent the summer with Mr. Mann. He so ruled in ordering refunds of are treated to a sort of body mes­ j Eva Russell, Millie M erton, Olivia He was possessed of an abund­ spent last weekend in Brunswick. Miss Ella Huntting returned 68871 to Mrs. Betty iRogers, widow sage. T hat is Why Helen K eller i m j Hoffses, Ruth Prior, Adelia Jameson. antly genial nature, and his friend­ Mrs. A rthur McFarland suffered Wednesday to Montclair, N. J. She of the late Will 'Rogers. thoroughly enjoys music. They add | Tlie convention was honored by ship knew no faltering. He Is su r­ a severe scald on her hand while was accompanied by her friend. • • • • th at music has rhythms and so has C a m b I the presence of Grand Chief Edna vived by a son and a laughter. canning fru it recently. Miss Anita Snyder, who has been This really is a jumbled world at your heart. In fact, if your heart j M. Hall of Bridgton, G rand Master her guest. th a t: Should you desire to go places The funeral services will be held | of Arms George Gray of Warren, Harvey Waterhouse of Poland did not have almost perfect rhythm , Spring visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Singer and three chil­ and fear the submarines, go to the you wouldn't be feeling so well. It ln the Unlversalist Church this a f t­ I and other Grand and P ast Grand Mrs. E. H. Gifford. dren of Manana Fog Signal Station, State of Indiana. There you can all adds up to this: fast rhythm s ernoon at 2 o'clock. officers, several of whom delivered i Mrs. G. C. Gardner went last S at­ are visiting Mrs. Fred Batty. visit Peru. Siberia and Mexico. Then raise your pulse, respiration and EXPERT CLEANSING ' interesting speeches. WHAT IS TIME? urday to her home in Cambridge, Paul F. York has enlisted in the go over into Ohio for a week or so, blood pressure; slow rhythms lower [For The Courter Ouettel A rising vote of thanks was given Mass afUr spending (he summ€r Coast Guard and reported for duty visiting Persia, Tripoli and Panama. these factors. Ergo, you can have ,_AND— Crescent Temple Sisters for the de- | at her cottage h w Time Is that w hich cometh to all. aboard the U. S. Travis. You could do a few days ln Switz­ a stim ulant when you want it. or Valued as depth of thought is reached. Uicious supper screed by them . ' D r and Carl Hutchlnson To some Ito w orth la small, to others Forrest Cheney has returned to erland with no snow topped moun­ a sedative, and get this—w ith no Its fleeting sp ells eternity. the White Head Coast Guard Sta­ FINE TAILORING Augusta passed last weekend at tain,s .in Florida, and Sweden you bad after effects from the use of Times enchantm ents All our days their cottage. » tion after ten days’ leave passed could find right in Missouri. Vir­ ether. Suns and m oons speed to quickening SUN.-MON.-TUES. Endeavor w ithin our “heart eg heart'' Miss Sally Tu&ing of Washington, with his family. ginia can give you a taste of Syria, “As with the body, so with the Tu plan for final reckonings and when Thanksgiving comes, D. C. is visiting at W. D. Loud’s for mind. In an experiment conducted Flowers tell us of spring's transfusion. SUITS AND OVERCOATS TAILORED ten days. COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS choose your own date and try Tur­ on 20,COO people scattered over the And nesting birds In sweet profusion; Ripening fru its betray the pasalng Mr. an d Mrs. Eastman Sm ith of WORK WONDERS key in North Carolina. Arkansas j country, Dr. Max Schoen, of the Of time's annual hours for renewing. Rutherford, N. J. who are to spend will give you a stop in England, Carnegie Institute of Technology, TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL Divine plans were made ln eras the w inter at “Friendlyfields" Bris­ while Massachusetts may not speak found th at certain pieces are cap­ Of Eternal progress for creation, And Ume Is n o t our own to spend tol were oallers Sunday a t M. F. the language but you can see Wales able of changing undesirable moods In useless th o u g h t and restless p lea ­ Farland's. Sunday and Monday any day there. But very few realize to more desirable ones, of relieving sures. MEASUREMENTS But In building for eternity and Mrs. Frances Gott served as organ­ that California is really In Ken­ people of their feelings of restless­ Immortal treasures. K. 8 F. -BY- ist at the Church Sunday night, tucky, Idaho in jOhio and even Colo­ ness, worry. In short, music has Rockland. Mrs. E dith Little being ill. rado in Texas. been found to be one of the best ROYAL TAILORS Miss Sally Tusing and Mertland • • • • safety valves for pent-up feelings Making subs safer for crews— Loud were supper guests Sunday of We welcome the season of music and shock absorbers for the bumps The newest devices which allow Mr. and Mrs. Maynard McFarland. and other clubs of our city. They of life that we have. That is one men to escape from sunken sub­ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gifford and give to the members so many and reason why its application has been marines explained in a full-page TIME TO HAVE YOUR Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McFarland were varied interests and go far to make so successful in mental institutions. Illustrated article In the American visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. life broad and colorful. Almost • • • • Weekly Magazine with October 1st WINTER COATS CLEANSED and Mrs. William Prescott ln Wash­ every club has some music in its Mr. Antrim also gives a partial Boston Sunday Advertiser. 117* It ington. m 2 * program and that brings to our list of recommended records. Here Fisherm en are sadly lamenting mind the beautiful words whose are a few. and if you'd like to re­ fcOW FI.AYING ( the price of lobsters which is down author has never been known, “God ceive a complete list, just send your —BY— “STANLEY AND sent singers upon earth with songs request to the Managing Editor, C .E . MORSE LIVINGSTONE” to ten cents a pound. of gladness and of mirth, that they Victor Record Review, RCA Manu­ JEWELER with 1869 1939 SPENCER TRACY Miss Gwendolyn MacDonald, stu­ Tuesday and Wednesday might touch the hearts of men and facturing Company, Camden, N. J.: ______RICHARD GREENE M orning Pick-me-Ups: Smiles, Opp. Strand Theatre, Rockland dent at Gorham Normal School, is ARMADA DUFF bring them back to heaven again." • • • • Shepherd's Hey, Toreador Song For 70 years this store has been passing the weekend with her par­ KANE RICHMOND In Zanzibar the housewives do not from "Carmen", Dance of the Hours Headquarters for ents Rev. and Mrs. J. Charles Mac­ In • QUALITY DIAMONDS • go to market for their fruit. They from "Gioconda". LAMB Donald. “THE ESCAPE” • DEPENDABLE pay a vendor by the month and he W orry and Trouble Chasers: TIMEPIECES • ROCKLAND, ME. Miss Alice McNamara and Miss keeps the household well supplied Moonlight Sonata, On Wings of • DISTINCTIVE Strand.1?1. GIFTS • Shows Mat. 2.0ft, Evg. 6.30, 8.30 Antonia McInnis of Boston are with the different fruits of differ­ Song, Wake Up andi Live. Continuous Saturday 2.00 to 10.30 Terms to S u it Your Convenience spending the weekend at the Mc­ ent seasons, and we are told this is Tense and Nervous: Ave M arla 117-lt Sunday, Matinee 3 o'clock 1116117 Namara home on Masonic street. most satisfactory. (Bach-Gounod), Meditation from P ag e Eight Rockland Courier-Gazette, Saturday, September 30, 1939 Every-Other-Day

In 1819 the steamboat Savannah | trlbuted the picture of the City of, > A Friend’s Tribute sailed from America to Liverpool. Rockland on Grindstone Ledge, has THE LYRIC MUSE Almost immediately steamboats be- appeared with a contribution which F. L. S. Morse Has Word Of STEAMBOAT DAYS gan being used on the Mississippi will appear later. and other western rivers and con- | • • • • Appreciation For A n Old NO. 14 , The Chisholm took the disabled fog and out at sea before dawn, trlbuted greatly to the development a pleasant experience was that of Classmate S S. City of Rockland steps back steamer In tow and started for Bos-This may have added to their fears, ot population and agriculture in the the Steamboat Editor when W. 8. GUARDIANS Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— into Steamboat Days this Issue in ton, pulling the Rockland stern One of the features of the acci- (treat central valley. In 1818 the | Roberts of Reading, Mass., made response to many requests. Here first. As soon as the Belfast dent, and the scenes which followed first steamer appeared on the Great port in this office for a brief but ’ Please print this letter of appre thoroughly enjoyable steamboat I OF OUR COAST ciation as a slight tribute to,.■« one y*of with is Presented one of the most could get into wireless communica- was the sympathy shown for the Lakes—the Walk-in-the-Water. By Publication Limited to Brief What our lightkeepers anil Thomaston's best and matt"beloved ' graphic marine accident pictures tion with the shore the news was unfortunate victims by the men on ’830 there was a daily line from fanning bee. Mr. Roberts who has Poems coastguards™ cn are doing to citizens who this summer ’eft us.'lt has bw>n the lot of the writer to sent to the Charlestown Navy Yard the collier and the officers and Buffalo to Detroit. Steam naviga- already presented several pictures. of Original Composition protect coastwise shipping by the Belfast. The tion across the Atlantic was estab- to the S. E.’s collection brought' By Subscribers day and by Right. The day's I refer to the late William W Gil- More clearly than words the The revenue cutter Gresham and passengers on news from many lonely out­ chrest or “Billy," as he was called demolished bow of the great steam- three tugs went out to aid the Chis- Chisholm's men were unable to do llshed ln 1838 [This column con- more and promised a future visit of ; posts along Maine's waterfront. er tells the story of the terrific im- holm. much because their supplies of fines «> steam- greater length. Mrs. Roberts was ; by his many friends. TIIE FROST QUEEN pact with which she struck the Several passengers were injured clothing were limited and because ers ’ I the former Luella Crockett of Rock- j As one who was intimately ac­ | For The Courler-Oazette I heavily laden Boston collier Wil- while being transferred to the col- they had none at all for the women. • • • • land and her father Capt. Augus- I At m|dnlght when the moon is bright Portland Head quainted with him for over 45 years, Of tine Crockett, was a coaster captain The frost queen spreads her mantle Mr and Mrs Fred Sterling of I feel that I owe him this word. I liam Chisholm on July 30, 1912 at her. One man suffered a frac- The Belfast's passengers, however From W. J. MacDougall „ — ------, - ( Rumford were guests last Saturday knew hjm fir#t M # classmat< ln midnight 14 miles off Thatcher s. tured ankle and another male pas- supplied all that was necessary and Middleboro. Mass . comes a group of for 47 years. Crockett, a grand old And g(ves the stream a shining face Whlle wheels of fortune like fine lace of R. T. Sterling and family school. then {or years a From Charles W. Cole of Winter- senger was badly cut and bruised, many of them tried to give more to extremely interesting pictures, some “salt water" name. ! Lie sparkling on the silent lands: Mrs. F O. Hilt. Mrs. R T. Ster- barbe,. wiwm j patronized and with 1 In beauty turned by elfln hands ling and Miss Jane Walker called whom x had many conversaticns; The frost queen In her simple quest Just bids the nodding flowers rest Sunday on Mrs. Clyde Grant at g meirbf, ff the chulch I And sweep across the star lit night. Cape Elizabeth choir, where his rich bass voice was A white trail gleaming up the height. Mrs. W. C. Dow visited here Wed- s0 glacliy heard and appreciated and She vanishes Into the day As sunlight streams across her way nesd*y' lastly m the councils of the Jhurch And gently draws her robe of white F. O Hilt reports a grand Ume at of wWch we were officlals Around her In her silent flight. Maurice P. Hill the New York Worlds Fair If ln tijese many years of friend- Rockland romeone reading this Is making shJp where met ln a(jvefwtv of F ■ F F plans for the trip he really should relatlOns 1 cannot renlfnlber ;war. A CHEERFUL HEART invest in an extra pair of feet ing hlm utter an or an un. | For The Courler-Oazette | Mrs. R T Sterling a as guest clean wnrc He niade no pretension Re»l happiness is In my creed. With nothing to regret; Wednesday of Miss Jane Walker ln of unusua] goodness or refinement. When trouble comes. Just smile ^*t*tl4nd' He was a real manly person, And read The Courier-Gazette A. W. Hathorn and John Kinney thoroughly masculine but never With rheumatism In my wrist. I still can smile—Oee whiz! have returned to St. George after a rough and nev„ forgot gln{,ues5 I don't know how I could exist few days' visit with the Hilt family and g00d brecdlng Without my rheumatlz Arthur Harlow of South Portland I In ht, familv re!atlPns !le was Sometimes old pendlx hurts like sin. It's ten times worse than gout; was overnight guest Tuesday of W. happy and „ emplarj. Aftcr And what that blamed thing doe.t R Hilt. death of his first wife. ie made a within I’d gladly do without The bus made its last trip to the pleasant home for her aging father station Thursday, ending visitors at and th u h< was lat„ ,0 , And I am sure, of minor ills ' I've had my honest share this place for the season have the hearty co-operation of the I've taken pecks of liver pills F. O Hilt, Mrs W C Dow. Mrs good wife who hlm And tonic for my hair R. T. Sterling and Mrs Hilt mo- When ..BlKy~ grfW ,u wlfe But every time I'm feeling ill. * Whv then I smile Indeed; tored to Lynn, Mass Tuesday and cared ,or him tfnde,f, and ,aifh. I sit right down and take a pill were guests of Mr. and Mrs J A fully and as an lntlmate friend j I And read and read and read! Thomas and Mr and Mrs Charlie know how he appreciated her He What do I read? Whv you J'wt ibet. I read the good old Courler-Oazette' W ard was a kind and proud father ruling Janitor R. T. Sterling and Arthur Harlow by kind suggeatlon, of a pa; rath?r Ttnanta Harbor. •re on a trip East. They will visit than one whQ glMS ordm F F F F A. W. Hathorn ln St. George. His prjde jn Billy j unjor and in THE MARKET IFor The Courler-Oazette | his little grandson Jimmy Brag- Saddleback Ledge "The Market' now forsaken stands don gladdened his last days. Duty has me again in tow aftcr 17 P > de the Hsrhor street The memory of this man so kind, Within, without deserted bare days' leave spent ln Lubec. Mrs Where townsfolk used to meet honorable and unassuming ar.d last­ Wells, Mrs Albert Scovllle, Virgil ing so long will always be treasured . Th» windows gnd th« dosr. are closed 8coville and Jackie Doran met me Firm locked against the hand as a rich possession. Cf any who would enter now ln Rockland. Virgil being the | And at the counter stand F. L. 8 Morse chauffeur. The boat was half an How vou'd they feel could they ccme back hour late arriving in Rockland I Those sailor men of old After dinner we set sail for Lu- NORTH WALDOBORO Who u t liDon the nail kegs there bee and reached there at 9 o'clock i ------' While winter winds blew cod, And told their tslea of squall and fog that night ln a heavy fog Homer Carroll and Warren Car- In busy ■um nw days. I visited Captain Larrabee at roil of Walpole. Mass., are passing a While coasting ln the'r vessels small Quoddy Head twice while heme and vacation with their parents. Mr. and I Along our sounds and bays. •Iso Additional Keeper Ashby who Mrs. Perl Carroll. Those quarry men of former times Who smoked and whittled there is now subtltuting. Mr. Billings of Bangor was a Upon the coal box Just outside Herby Huntley, bos'n mate of In summer evening air’ business caller Monday in this com­ Allison M Watts Fort Popham spent a short leave munity. Jamaica. Vt. > with his family in Lubec while I was F F F F Rev. Mary Oibson is in Wlnter- there. _ „ port and while there, will be guest ALL THINGS PASS AWAY I dug my powtoes while home .n d Qf Mabel [For The Courier-Gazette| have enough nice ones in the cellar Are you In pain or tore distressed’ Marion Levensaller who passed a Are you by heavy care oppressed? for winter and until new ones come. Be of good cheer, to faith hold fast. few weeks with her grandparents, I did not get to church at all this ( These dire afflictions cannot last. Mr and Mrs. Lexton Mank, re­ This is a view of the great steamer named for this city after she had collided with an iron collier off Thatcher's Island, July 30, 1912. trip. The pious feeling which I Has Death robbed you of loved ones turned Sunday to Barre, Mass. —Photograph contributed by Charles W Cole of Winterport dear. have felt on former trips seems to ______Miking the world seem forlorn and have deserted me Perhaps I have Everett Shuman and son Roger 1 drear? port, then chief engineer of the Practically every available offl- help the rescued. Some of the of which will eventually be pre- Mr Roberts, who contributed the Some day this surging sorrow will cease been torpedoed and Spirit leaked spent last weekend with relatives Viking picture, located her as In,** wnderly munnu” out. ln Massachusetts. City of Rockland comes the orig- cer and employee of the company people from the Rockland were sented ln this column. , ! who was at the wharf in Boston given money by passengers on the • • • . Belfast Bay. Just passing the old „ , Inal of todav s picture and from I , . J A trip was made to Machias Fred Vannah was in Fairfield last . .. this morning, was on hand when the other steamer to get them home. Ethf, Higgins Choate who con- uand sasaparllla building at the Increased the pressure of vour^load? where I called on oldtime friends 6unday to visit Mrs. Vannah, who Mr Coles diary is quoted the fol- „ . . . Belfast arrived, and they devoted . . . . 1 foot of Main street when the pic- S e r T V ^ r o . d '^ ^ ^ u t V X " : lowing, eloquent in its dramatic and intended to visit Cutler but is making good progress toward all of their efforts to taking care It ’s interesting to note that the j ture was taken. He also recalled failed to make it this time. health at the Sanitarium. directness, characteristic of the Arc you of Triumph drinking deep? i of the unfortunate ones among the above accident to the City of Roek- the personality of the Viking's in- Have you , climbed Suoccm s hill so On the return trip to Rockland. Leslie Oiff and Lyndon Lawson men of his calling: i victims from the City of Rockland, laud resulted In all ships of the VINALHAVEN AND dividualistic master, Capt. Smallidge for Fame', sword will rust Mrs. Wells and I were accompan- are employed in potato digging ln Tuesday July 30. 1912 i Some of the victims who had lost Eastern's outside runs being ROCKLAND | who refused poinb blank to ever An<1 Triumph crumble Into dust. ied by Mr and Mrs. Herbert Easton. Monday night at 12 o'clock equipped with wireless. thick fog. had a collision with all of their money were given cash, wear a uniform cap. insisting on All things are but bits of lov and O'Brien. We had intended coming —------■ ■ . ■ and all who were unable to STEAMBOAT CO. his ancient black derby hat. I strife. steamer William Chisholm. Doris Small Pearsons donates to 1 Flung from Fate's hand into our 'lie; on the 18th and visiting Mr and The Tender Ilex landed oil at the ; take care of themselves were 6up- ROCKLAND. ME. J M And though they last for year or day. Mrs. James Cates, but owing to ill- station today. Stove our how off from top to ’ lied with carriages and laxicabs the Steamboat Editor through the All thmg, shall surely pass awsv keel. The Chisholm look us in kindly offl-es of Alton Hall Black- Service To: Nellie M Irvine ness at home, we could not stop Keeper Foss was pleasantly sur- to take them to trains or to their SWAN'S ISLAND Tenants Harbor. tow stem first and towed us to ington, an Interesting group of Vinalharen. North Haven, Ston­ over this trip. I made the Light prised when Mr. Griffith gave him destinations. Boston. We hauled out on the ships at Tillson's Wharf in times ington. Isle Au Haul. Swan’s the same day, getting here at 5 a new pa|r o{ hunting boots, which The scenes about the whart were Winter schedule of the Vinal- for Rockland and way landings, ar- railway at 12 o'clock at East long past The Silver Star and Island and Frenrhboro o ’clock. i wdj he very handy on his hunting exciting, interesting and unusual. haven & Rockland Steamboat Co. riving at Tillsona Wharf at 9 30. The Coast Guard boat 155 visited trip this fall, Boston. Many of the passengers were dressed Sylvl*' Mt Desert W1!son and W INTER SERVICE will go into effect Saturday after- The return trip will leave Tillson's here Sept. 21 with Captain Ingalls Mr and John wllder and In the diary Chief Cole modestly I Smith are tied up and the Penobscot in all sorts of misfit garments. Subject to change without notice I noon. Sept. 30. Steamer trill leave Wharf at 130 due to arrive at aboard. He Inspected the station (amlly of ^ t Braintree Mass., refrains from mentioning his part I making a landing. The pic- Swans Island daily except Sunday. Swans Island at 6 p. m.—adv. in keeping the ship afloat after the mostl> ' " ^ i , , h h h h ture is dated by the fact that the Tender Ilex landed our year's vlsited this station. Mr. Wilder DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY weather permitting, at 5.30 a. m. 118-117 crash but the Bangor News accords were on the Belfast and who did supply of oil. Sept. 7. is one 0; tbe machinists ln the old Simmons & White plant and Read Down Read Up him full credit for his work in sav­ all that they could to help the Not many birds are flying this second district. It was very lnter- the trolley line are shown. A. M. P M. ing the disabled vessel. stricken ones. There were several way yet but we expect to can some esting visit as he knew as many 5.30 Lv. Swan’s Island, Ar. 800 AT THE PARK SUNDAY-MONDAY who were dressed in underclothes From B N. G rant comes the later. people as we did. and who had wrapped themselves in 6.30 Lv. Stonington. Ar. 4.40 Fred Green's Story plaint—"About steamboats, why not 7.50 Lv. North Haven. Ar. 3.39 Alamander Alley, first assistant Assistant Keeper and Mrs. Philip From the pen of Fred Green. ] heavy blankets taken from the keeper, is on leave at Beals. He ex­ go back to the beginning? The 8.15 Lv. Vinalhaven. Ar. 2.45 Davis and son Alden of The Cuck staff writer for the Boston Trans- staterooms. 9.3l) Ar. Rockland, Lv. 1.39 pects to harvest his potatoes, catch ■ olds vifilted Keeper and Clermor.t was a pacldu wheel boat script came the following story. Mr. Pew among the passengers who . f 20-liorse power and made a sue 117-tf his winter's supply of fish and, recently. Mrs. Eugene Thompson Green making the trip down the had been taken from the Rockland cessfUi trjp up tbe Hudson In 1807. make a trip to Aroostook County. ! of Portland came with them. A fog bound bay by special steamer had any baggage with them, al­ B. E. Stewart, second assistant, most enjoyable day was spent. to get the dope. though now and then there was a will go on leave next and expects Keeper and Mrs. Foss and Doro­ While making her way through a man or woman ’ f10 carried a grip to sow a few wild oats around Port­ STRAND SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY thy Dunton were in Portland on a thick fog. a few miles to the north or a suit casc much th€ worse for land. I am still planning on a visit recent visit. to Mark Island and a hair cut. and east of Thatcher Island at mid- uear Mrs. Foss and Miss Dunton called night, the steamship City of Rock­ For a long time after the Belfast SHE’S HIS “FIFTH AVENUE GIRL’ It is quiet around here at this on Mrs. Arnold Stimpson a t Cape land of the Eastern Steamship berthed several people, scantily Rlotters in a gay household time and no subs are in sight. Porpoise recently. • • • • Corporation's fleet, bound from dressed' sat in th€ sal00n waitin« I "mystery" are Ginger Rogers, Best regards to all along the Bath to Boston, was in collision for heIP to reach them or for U e I Goat Island a clever shop girl hired by coast. with the steam collier William arrival of a carriage Scattered’ Leo Foss has resumed his studies • • • • Walter Connolly, a millionaire, Chisholm. The Rockland launched about the 581000 were wet at Brooklin High School. He was Deer Island Thoroughfare to enter his home and set accompanied by his mother, who her two life boats, two of them giv aright his jaded family. It's After a very enjoyable vacation we which had been removed from those ! spent a week's vacation there with ing such trouble that fully fifty the sparkling theme of "Fifth arrived home Sept. 13. Douglas Bar who had been thrown into the water her daughter, Mrs. Albert Ander­ passengers had narrow escapes from Avenue Girl," an RKO Radio ter of Stonington substituted during by the upsetting of the two life­ son. Mrs. Hubert Hubbard was drowning, one boatload being comedy romance directed by my absence. Tender Hex landed oil boats. also guest of her sister. On re­ spilled into the ocean by the failure Gregory La Cava, of “Stage a few hours after I got home. As might have been expected dur- Door” fame —adv. turning home, Mrs. Foss visited Rachel Robinson spent two weeks' of the tackle to work properly, and Boothbay Harbor. the other boatload suffering from ' in« 50 cxcltlng an experience, there vacation with friends in iBrooklln. was considerable difference of Miss Dorothy Dunton is visiting the swamping of the boat, which Coast Guard boat 155 called Sept. opinion among passengers as to ex- Keeper and Mrs. Foss for an indefi­ 22,' bringing the superintendent filled with water soon after it had left the ship. So far as is known, actly what occurred and how the nite stay. Capt. Ingalls, to inspect the station The Fosses recently entertained • • • • however, no lives were lost. S crew acted' The caImer ones' how- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Church, Mr. Bear Island Thc Rockland was badly dam- ev€r- said they thou«h t that on the whole the situation was well and Mrs. Carlton E. Morse, and Dr. and Mrs. Hagoplan of North aged, a large section of her bow handled. They also declared that Nellie McKay of Rockland. A most Adams, Mass., are spending a vaca being torn off. The passengers were ship enjoyable day was spent. Justin tion with the Kennedys. The doc­ safely transferred to the collier, j every P ^ e n g er - carrying Foss Jr., also spent Sunday at tor was formerly attached to the This was a slow task, and was n o t' should have 8 wlrcless outm finished for two hours. Not 8 few of the Pa^ngers must home. CCC Camp in Bar Harbor and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winchester Southwest Harbor. Four hours after the accident j have thought of the Titanic disa8t