
•I i

I? Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-336-2473 President Vice-Presidenf Sanford Whitehurst James Corbett SENIOR CLASS Characters Dignified Seniors Setting E. C. H. S. Time: The day we beat our first^ prints in the sod of E. C. H. S.

Sanford: Walking up to the school that morning made me unusu- ally happy! It seemed as though all the world was free of anything that could mar this happiness. That day I had to pinch myself in order to make sure I was not dreaming!

Freda: As I walked along my memory became like a moving picture machine. When the film was reflected on the screen, we saw pictures similar to these: First, there was the first day of freshman year when most of us looked like Indians or, as though we were going to a masquerade and lacked only the costumes.

Gretchen: Then came our sophomore days which were filled with days of work and yet many an hour of happiness! When we became juniors the most important things to us were the Junior Carnival and the Junior-Senior Banquet, in which we played an important part! We also had the Junior Play, filled with laughter! Secretary Treasurer Betty Jane Leary Gretchen Voeth NINETEEN FIFTY

Jimmy: Then there was the day we first walked the aisles of the auditorium as seniors! At first most of us were frightened, and then we saw our younger classmates looking up at us with a new look of hope on their faces, this thought came to our minds: "We are leaders and we must try with all that is within us to make the best examples for those who have faith and confidence in us!"

Sanford: This is not the end, for we have many more things to look forward to, such as our Commencement Exercises and our lifes' work. Most of us will be happy, but within all of us sorrow will take its place.

Truly our high school days have been happy ones! To those we leave behind we wish even happier days than those we have had! "W'^y^-. AMMEEN ASKEW BASNIGHT ANDERSON AUSTIN BELL ARMSTRONG AYDLETT BERRY ARNOLD BALLANCE BJORK 14 /

Mary Louise Ammeen Robert Lee Basnight

this Three cheers and a rah for cheerleader of j^ore , With his brush and his paint he will work all day.

She's a grand little girl, of her type we need more. And after seeing the results, you will know he is O. K.

Cheerleader 2, 3; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Commercial Club 5. Betty Jean Bell

There's none more full of pep.

Geneva Anderson She's laughing always and really hep.

Calm and silent is she, Patriotic Club 2; G.A.A. 3, 4, 5, President 3, Vice-President

Who, so true and dependable, seems to be. 4; Commercial Club 4; Music Appreciation Club 5; Basket-

Commercial Club 4, 5; F.H.A. 5. ball 3, 4.

Charles Armstrong George Dewey Berry, Jr.

Full of pep and vigor is he who leads the band; In nineteen hundred and sixty a farmer he'll be

Music guides his life and in this he's a master hand. About ten miles from town with a family.

Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Student Director 2, 3, 4, 5; Drum Shiloh High School 1.

Major 3, 4, 5; Glee Club 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Dancing Club 2; Jr. Dramatics Club 3, President 3; H. R. Vice-President Carl Evor Bjork, Jr.

2; Key Club 5; Music Appreciation Club 5; Senior Person- Carl Bjork, the preacher's son.

; ality. ; Aren't we glad there's only one? Bunn High School Club Julian Ray Arnold 2, 3; 4-H 2, 3; Glee Club J

A little guy without much to say,

But you'll hear a lot from_ him after graduation day.

Robert Donald Askew

Hats off! The seniors' pride and joy;

We'll never find a truer gentleman, never a sweeter boy. Class President 2; J. V. Football 2, 3, Varsity 4, 5; J. V.

Basketball 2, 3, Varsity 4; J. V. 2, Varsity 3, 4;

Monogram Club 3, 4, 5; H. R. President 2, 3, 4, 5; Hi-Y

4, 5; Safety Patrol 3, 4, 5; Student Council 5, Sgt.-at-Arms

J; Senior Personality.

Don Lucian Austin

Wavy brown hair and a grin that's wide,

In classroom or football he's on our side.

Monogram Club 3, 4, 5, Treasurer 4; Football Team 3, 4, 5;

Glee Club 4, President 4; Baseball Manager 4.

Trim White Aydlett, Jr. Our dashing young Casanova by the name of "Blue," With tall silk hat and cane, bowing to you.

H. R. Vice-President 4; Monogram 3, 4, S; Audio-Visual

Club 3, Treasurer 3; Hi-Y 4, 5; Manager Football 3, 4,

Football 5; S. C. Committee 3; Junior Play Staff 4; Jr.

Dramatics Club 3.

Olive Ballance

Olive carries the'Teading flag;

She's lots of fun, so time will never drag.

J. V. 1, 2; Jr. Red Cross Club I, 2, 3, 4, Treas- urer 4; Band 4, 5. Sanford Whitehurst

Outstanding Senior Personality


Alice Worth Bray Charles Donald Butler They say he's the quiet type maybe so. A busy bustling maiden fair, a twinkle in her eye, — But get on the football field and watch him gol And when she lets loose cn a clarinet, the melody drifts high. National Honor Society 4, 5, Treasurer 5; Hi-Y 4; Key Club 5, Treasurer 5; Monogram Club 4, 5; Football 1, 4, Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 3, 4, 5; J. V. Basketball 3, 4, 5; 5; Glee Club 4, 5; Safety Patrol 4, 5. H. R. Representative 1 ; S. C. Committee Member 2, Committee Chairman 4; National Honor Society 4, 5; Monogram Club 4, 5, President 4; Dancing Club 2, Presi- Barbara Katherine Byrd A'tusic dent 2; Jr. Dramatics 3; Teen Tavern President 5; Nice, lots of personality, lovely as a star; Appreciation President 5, 5; Jr. Play Staff 4; Marshal 4; To hear her sing '11 make you forget where you are. Class Vice-President Spotlight Senior Personality; 3; 5; Jacksonville High School 2, 3; Secretary of Class 2; H. R. ' Tri-Hi-Y 5. Secretary 4, 5, H. R. Treasurer 4, H. R. Vice-President 3; Glee Club 2, 3; Dramatics 2, 3, 5; Senior Personality 5;

Basketball 3; Band Commercial Club ; S. Yvonne Janet Brice 2, 4, 5; 5 C. Com- mittee 5. A gentle, gracious and pleasing one "Pic" is sincere toward all. Joan Marie Carter And when you need a job well done, A blonde Pcnnsylvanian into our lives came hers is the name you'll call. A Yankee (heaven help her) and Joan is her name.

H. R. Secretary 1, H. R. Representative 2, 3; S. C. Com- Glen Nor High School 2, 3; Dramatics Club 3; J. V. mittee Chairman 4; Spotlight 4, 5; Editor-in-Chief 5; Jr. Cheerleader 4, Varsity 5; Basketball 4; F.H.A. 5; H. R. Red Cross 2; Jr. Dramatics Club 3; Band 2, 3; Jr. Play Treasurer 4, H. R. Vice-President 5; Monogram Club 5;

Staff 4; National Honor Society 4, 5; Tri-Hi-Y 4, 5, G.A.A. 4, 5. Secretary 5; Senior Scribbler 5; Music Appreciation 5. Bruce Norman Cartwright

James Kinch Brock, Jr. Over Camden Way this boy is from;

Laughing and joking and teasing a little, too. Say you need a helping hand, he's sure to come. When asked who's our favorite we'll say, "Cocky that's who."

Class Vice-President 1, 2; H. R. Vice-President 2; H. R. Treasurer 3, 5; Junior Play Cast 4; Monogram Club 4, ^, Secretary 4; Safety Patrol 5; Dramatics Club 3, 5, Treas- urer 5; Baseball Manager. 3.

Mary Laura Brockwell

Busy lil' woman, lots of pluck Bids you farewell, wishes you luck.

Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Loudspeaker 1, 2, 3, 4, J, Advertis- ing Manager 3, 4; Red Cross 3; Commercial Club 4; Quill and Scroll 4, 5, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Library Staff 5; National Honor Society 5; F.H.A. 5; Officer Worker 5.

Thelma Louise Brzycki Full of brains and personality Bet a certain cadet would agree!

Jr. Dramatics Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Arts and Culture Club 4; 4-H Club 4, 5; F.H.A. S; Travel Club 5.

Geneva Evelyn Bunch

A hasty and efficient little gal is Bunch. She'll be a success—we have a hunch.

Jr. Dramatics Club 3; Commercial Club 4, 5, Treasurer 5; F.H.A. 5; Spotlight 5.

Margaret Carolyn Burgess

To talk is the joy of this cute little gal She makes a good helper or a good pal.

Shiloh High School 1 ; Speech Club 5 ; Commercial Club 4, 5; 4-H Club 3, 4, 5; Glee Club 4, 5; Spotlight Staff 5.

Willis Burgess Yep, he knows many twirls; many whirls; He's the dancing fellow with many girls Betty Jane Leary

Outstanding Senior Personality


Joseph Eugene Chory, Jr. Nancy Bragg Dawson Short hair, big blue eyes. A voice that's strong in many a way, He leaves the impression of being wise. Friendly, helpful, cheerful on every day. Glee Club 5; Key Club S. J. V. Basketball 2, Varsity 3, 4, 5; Monogram Club 4, 5; G.A.A. 3, 5; Band 1, 2; Audio- Visual 3; Quill and Scroll Anne Carolyn Cobb 4; International Relations 5; Class Treasurer 4; H. R. Vice-President Representative A cheerful little maiden she does seem, Secretary 5; H. R. S; H. R. With pleasant and happy thoughts her face does beam. 4; S. C. Committee 4; Miss 1949-50; Jr. Dramatics 3; Loudspeaker Staff 3. Commercial Club 4, 5; Tri-Hi-Y 5. Cheerleader 3, 4, 5, Head 4, 5;

Helen Elizabeth Coley Irvin Elliott Dean To every activity does this gal yield, A friendly smile goes a mighty long way She's the very tops in every field. With this little guy who has little to say.

Band 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, Officer 2, 3, 4, 5; National Honor Shiloh High School 1; Baseball 4, 5; Football 4, 5. Society 4, S, Secretary 5; Jr. Red Cross 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice- President Junior Play Staff 4; Music Appreciation 5; 3; Gladys Margaret Dozier H. R. Representative 5; Marshal 4; Tri-Hi-Y J. A lovely little lass with a complexion like peaches and cream. And her eyes with happiness do always gleam. James Ernest Corbett, Jr. Glee 5, Vice-President Loudspeaker A solid guy with a friendly smile, Club 1, 2, 3, 4, 4; 4; and much, much fun. F.H.A. 5; Basketball 4. He's through his studies like a breeze when the others have only begun.

H. R. President 1; Dancing Club 2; Junior Dramatics Club 3; Glee Club 3, 5; National Honor Society 4, 5; Hi-Y 4, 5, Vice-President 5; S. C. Committee 4; Key Club 5;

Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 3, 4, 5; Junior Play Cast 4; Senior Scribblers 5; Class Vice-President 5; Chief Marshal 4.

Nellie Pearl Creath

Nellie is often very solemn and prim.

But Nellie is popular and follows every whim.

Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Band 4, S; Staff Sergeant 5; Hobby

Club 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4, 5, Chaplain 5; Beta Club 4; National Honor Society 5; Loudspeaker Staff 4; Jr. Red Cross 2; Spotlight Staff 5; Dramatics 5; Junior Play Cast 4.

Charles Alexander Creekmore

"Mole" is a fellow truly sincere, He'll always be happy, year after year.

Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 4, 5; Patriotic Club 3; S. C. Committee 5; Travel Club 5, President 5; Commercial Club

5, Sgt.-at-arms S; Key Club 5.

Virginia Louise Curles

Yes, Virginia is quite a girl But, Virginia, where's your curl?

F.H.A. 5, Historian.

Alton Ray Cupples He was really a worker in our school store Personality plus and brains galore!

S. C. Committee 3, 4, 5; Football 4; Jr. Play Staff 4.

Freda Lee Daniel Cute and friendly, she's really quite a gal She's got that certain something, cause she's everybody's pal.

Jr. Red Cross 2, 3; Jr. Dramatics Club 3 ; S. C. Committee 3, 5; National Honor Society 4, 5; Band 4; H. R. Secretary 5; Library Staff 5; Music Appreciation Club 5; Interna- tional Relations Club 5. Connie Hunt

Outstoinding Senior PiTSOihility


He's one of our

J. V. Football 4; Monogram C.

WiLF A fair-haired boy w Who, for himself, man Shiloh

William E

The Mighty Gard at bat, oh w

Beats us, teases us, but we love 5

Boosters 1; Glee Club 3, 4, 5, 6;

3, 4, 5, 6; Basketball Manager 6;

6, Treasurer 5; Safety Patrol 5, 6;

Betty Godfrey "Oh Godfrey Gordon Gustava Gore," Your ball playing and smiling are good to the

Hickory High School 2; Basketball 3, 4, 5; Mono

3, 4, 5; Travel Club 5, Secretary 5; Arts and Cult 4; Tri-Hi-Y 5. HOBBS HOOPER HOOVER HORTON Alfred William Houtz, Jr. Robert William Jordan A thinking, witty, young man, giving us only the best. He's a little small, but really kind, And on the home stretch its Houtz leading all the rest. A nicer boy is hard to find.

Band 1, 2, 5; S. C. Committee Chairman S, H. R. Repre- Class Secretary National Honor Society sentative 1, 2; 3; Theodore Roosevelt Kemp, Jr. 4, 5; Junior Play Cast 4; Quill and Scroll 4, J; Interna- He is manager of our team. tional Relations Club 5, President S; Loudspeaker Staff 3, So we know he is on the beam. 4, Business Manager 4, Assistant Advertising Manager 3; Senior Personality; Key Club 5. Monogram Club 4; Football Manager 5; Baseball Manager

4; Football 2, 3, 4; Jr. Pasquocam Basketball; ). V. Base- ball Key Club 5. Constance Hunt 1;

That tall lithsome lass, whom we all admire, Charles Richard Koch Is headed for fame, like a house afire. Cookie's a boy we like to know, friendly in every way. Band 1, 2; Class Treasurer 1; S. C. Committee Chairman We like the guy quite a lot, Yep—he's sure O. K. 4, 5; H. R. Representative 1; Debator 2, 3; Audio-Visual Club 3, Secretary 3; Jr. Dramatics Club 3; Jr. Varsity Key Club 4, 5. Basketball 3, Varsity 4, 5; Spotlight Staff 2; National Honor Society 4, 5, President 5; Jr. Play Cast 4; Cheer- Robert Daniel Kramer, Jr. leader Monogram 5 ; Senior Personality. 3 ; Club Full of mischief, full of fun, Kramer's known by everyone. Rita Fay Hussey Glee Club 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 4, 5; Spotlight is gal heart. Rita the with a great big Staff 4; H. R. Vice-President 5; Music Appreciation Club is really Anyone who's her friend smart. 5; Key Club 5.

Beaufort High School 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 4, 5; Commercial Club 5; Travel Club 5.

Frances Lee James

A great gal and funny as can be,

Fran is forever cheerful and full of glee.

Hobby Club 1; Speech Club 5; International Relations Club

5; Tri-Hi-Y 5; Commercial Club 5.

Ann Louise Jennings Ah, what attractive charms doth she employ? And just to be with her—what joy!

H. R. Treasurer 1, 2; Jr. Red Cross 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; 5. C. Committee 4, 5; National Honor Society 4, 5; F.H.A. 5, President 5; Marshal 4; Music Appreciation S; Spotlight Staff 5.

Florence Virginia Jennings

"Flossie" always rolls her eyes That's why the boys arc emitting sighs!

Jr. Red Cross 1; H. R. Secretary 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 2;

J. V. Basketball 2; Cheerleader 3; Future Teachers of America 5; Speech Club 5; Junior Play Cast 4.

Lee Taylor Jones

A little short, a little shy. But he's still a mighty guy. Stonewall High School I; Band 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 4; T- V. Basketball 2; J. V. Footbdl 2; Jr. Dramatics 3; Hobby Club 3; Music Appreciation Club 5; Patriotic Club 3; Sousaphonc Club 5; Key Club 5.

Jean Rae Jordan

Matrimonial-minded just as sure as you're born. Third finger, left hand, Jean's gem does adorn.

Commercial Club 4, J; 4-H Club 3, 4, 5. Alice Bray

Outstandmg Senior Personality


Margaret Patterson Lawrence Marlene Joan Needham You'd think tliat Peggy was, well, shy Joanie, oh Joanie, what makes you so nice, she's really not you sec, You seem to be made of sugar and spice. 'Cause she's our hearts with her lovely ways won Jr. Red Cross Club 2, 3; Jr. Dramatics Club 1, 2; Glee bee. tho' busy as a Club 2, 3; Dramatics Club 5; Music Appreciation 5; Tri- E. K. Powe Junior High School 1,2; Durham High School Hi-Y 5. 3; Music Appreciation Club 4, Secretary 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Honor Society 4. National Barbara Anne O'Neal Sweet, pretty and oh, so intelligent Betty Jane Leary Is Barbara whom everyone describes as very helpful and "Swish," says ball; "Crash," booms cymbols; go jeep go! diligent! Great big heart, smiling brown eyes, Leary we love you so. Central High School 1 ; H. R. Secretary 1, 4; Jr. Red Cross

Band 1, 2, 3, 4, S, Officer 4, 5; J. V. B.asketball 2, Varsity Club 2; 4-H Club 2; Glee Club 3, 4; National Honor 3, 4, 5; Student Council Committees 3, 4, 5; National Society 4, 5; Music Appreciation J; Tri-Hi-Y 5; Marshal Honor Society 4, 5; Tri-Hi-Y 4, 5, Vice-President 5; Mono- 4; Spotlight Staff 5.

gram Club 4, 5, Secretary 4; Dancing Club 2; Jr. Dramatics Club 3, Vice-President 3; Music Appreciation Club 5; Jr. Vernon Hughes Onley Play Staff 4;Marshal 4; H. R. President 3, 5; Class Secre- Willing, helpful, trustworthy tary 5; Senior Personality. and as can be, A senior personality, full of fun and glee. Safety Patrol Library Staff Debat- James Ludford Liverman 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 2, 3, 4, 5; ing Team 4; Hi-Y 4, 5; Key Club 5, President 5; Speech ""Liverdog" Editor just grins and bears; Club 5. Then mumbles and writes away his cares.

Loudspeaker 3, 4, 5, Editor 5; Quill and Scroll 4, 5, Vice- President 4, President 5.

Walter Ray Mann A grin, a wink, a way with a gal He makes their hearts flutter, to be his pal.

Varsity Football 2, 3, 4, 5; Monogram Club 2, 3, 4, 5; Jr. Dramatics Club 2; Pasquocam Senior Basketball Team 3.

Porta Lee McPherson

She is as cute as a sweetpea. Cute is a synonym for Porta Lee.

Shiloh High School 1; Library Staff 5; F.H.A. 5.

Kathryn Francetta Miller Short, sweet and talkative, Always willing to help and very cooperative.

F.H.A. 5; Parliamentarian 5.

Margaret Ethia Miller Ever ready to do a kind deed. Her determination will help her to succeed.

Commercial Club 5.

Vivian Gray Miller

She's the girl who makes classes fun, ever ready with a pun. Always talking, always gay, we hope she stays that way.

Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; H. R. Secretary 1, Vice-President 2, 3; G.A.A. 3, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4; Loudspeaker Staff 4, 5; Monogram Club 4; Jr. Play Staff 4; Jr. Dra- matics Club 3; Dramatics Club 5; Hobby Club 2, 3, Secretary 2.

June Inez Needham Shy and piquant, a gentle little lass She's added so much to our senior class.

Dramatics Club 3; Shiloh High School 1. Charles Armstrong

Outstanding Senior PcrsondUty

27 28 Betty Ray Outlaw Cecelia Carolyn Sawyer

"Kate's" the gal with the personality Go get 'em—With "C" we never stop Loved by the fellows she'll always be. She runs and sings and yells, Up-up she goes on top! Vice-President V. H. R. Secretary 1, 2; Class Secretary 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; H. R. Representative 1; H. R. 2; J. Club J; Jr. Play Cast 4; Jr. Dramatics Club 3, Secretary 3; Mono- Basketball 2, Varsity 3, 4, 5; Monogram 4, Jr. gram Club 4, 5; S. C. Committee 2; H. R. Representative Play Staff 4; Jr. Dramatics Club 3; G.A.A. 5; Dramatics 3; F.H.A. 5, President 5; Basketball Team 3; Jr. Varsity Club 5, Vice-President 5; Cheerleader 5. Basketball Team 2. Frances Maxine Sawyer

Donald Victor Owens Frances is the chatterbox with the super personality. He's E.C.H.S.'s "funny man," to that title he has a right. She's always happy, cheerful, smiling, and full of vitality. He keeps us all in hysterics, with his shenannigans, Arts and Culture Club 4; Debator 4; Jr. Dramatics Club morn and night. 3; 4-H Club 3, 4, 5, President 5; H. R. Treasurer 5; Spotlight Glee Club 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 4, 5; H. R. Future Teachers of America 5; Speech Club 5; 5; Audio- Visual Club 5, Assistant Advisor 5; Tri- President 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 2, 3, 4; S. C. Committee 5; 3, 4, Audio-Visual Club 5; Key Club 5; Assistant Manager Base- Hi-Y J. ball 1. Jane Ordway Sawyer Thomas Sanderlin Owens, Jr. There's no way to express the way we feel about Jane, Football and sailing, these are his passion Except to say she's sweet as sugar cane.

Come on girls, let's change his fashion. Jr. Dramatics Club 2; S. C. Committee 4; Jr. Red Cross Club 3; F.H.A. 5; Commercial Club 5. Band 2, 3; J. V. Football 4; Varsity Football 5.

Della Marie Pipkin Marie always seems very quiet

But she's really fine, and no one can deny it.

J. V. Basketball 3, 4; F.H.A. 5; Commercial Club 4, 5; Glee Club 5.

Martin Bell Rhodes

A little short, but not tall, In physical education he's on the ball.

H. R. President 1, 2, 3; S. C. Committee 5; Hi-Y 4, S; International Relations Club 5; Key Club 5.

Ella Mae Riggs

Nice and friendly is this pal of all; How she flashes a smile when met in the hall.

Commercial Club 4; F.H.A. 5; Band 4.

Carolyn Jean Roughton

She prepares her work and speaks with great care. An ever ready friend like her is rare.

Arts and Culture Club 3, Vice-President 3; J. V. Basketball 3, 4; National Honor Society 4, 5; Loudspeaker Staff 5; Senior Commercial Club 5; Tri-Hi-Y 5.

Salvatore Scarito

Dribbles, passes, he lives his game! Our "Jersey" boy doesn't like a dame.

Garfield High 1, 2; Monogram Club 3, 4; Safety Patrol 3, 4; Basketball 4, 5.

Clarence Thorpe Sanders .

An easy going manner, a wave of his hand. He's friendly, popular, and ever in demand.

Hobby Club 2, 3; Hi-Y Club 4, 5. Jimmy Corbett

Outstanding Senior Personality


H. L. Sears, Jr. LoRENE Stone

H. L.'s on the football squad, he's plenty on the ball. A gal who's always smiling, who never lets you down. For guys we like to be with, "Horsey" beats them all! We'll cast our vote for Lorene, for the nicest girl in town.

J. V. Baseball I, 2, 3, 4; J. V. Football 1, Varsity 4, 5; Dcbator 2, 4; Speech Club 5; Marshal 4; National Honor Dancing Club 1; Jr. Dramatics 3; Glee Club 4; Safety Society 3, 4, 5; Tri-Hi-Y 4, 5. Patrol 5; Monogram Club 5. William Edward Tarkington

Mattie Lee Simpson Ed's made us proud of his sports, He likes people and things of all sorts. A dillar a dollar, a topnotch scholar, a carrot-top girl is she,

A perfect president of Tri-Hi-Y and nice as nice can be. Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3; J. V. Basketball 1, Captain 1, Varsity 2, 3; H. R. Vice-President Monogram Arts and Culture 3; S. C. Committee 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4, 5, 3; Club 1, 2, 3, 4. President 5; H. R. Secretary 4; Jr. Play Staff 4; National Honor Society S; Travel Club 5. William Roberts Temple Albert Mason Smith A mighty nice guy with winning ways, on Bobby we are sold; Willingness, friendliness, as his name implies, Bobby's our boy with heart of gold, Are a few things that will make him to the top rise. when all's said and told. Dancing Club 2; J. V. Basketball 2, 3, Varsity 5; Band Band 2, 3, 4, 5; Patriotic Club 3; Dancing Club 2; Hi-Y 1, 2, 3, 4, S, Capt. J; Glee Club 1, 2; S. C. Committee 4, 5; Audio- Visual 5; Spotlight Staff 5; Photography Chairman 5; H. R. Representative 4; Key Club 5; H. R. Club 2. Vice-President 2.

Chloe Dean Terrell Doris Ann Smith Chloe is the gal with the fancy hair-do. So attractive is Doris Ann, She's always right in style too. That she always gets her man. J. V. Cheerleader 2, 3, Head 3; Travel Club 4; Audio- Dancing Club 1; Class Treasurer 2; H. R. Treasurer 3; Visual Club 4; S. C. Committee 2. Commercial Club 5; G.A.A. Club 2; Safety Patrol 3; Tri-Hi-Y 5.

Thadas Wilson Smith

She looks like she should have wings; Bet she'll always wear those dangling earrings.

Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4, 5; Speech Club 5; Glee Club 5; Jr. Play Cast 4.

Lester Spruill, Jr.

With a cheerful laugh and a big smile. His personality will do for quite a while.

Dancing Club 2; Patriotic Club 3; H. R. Secretary 3; Music Appreciation Club 5; International Relations Club 5; Key Club 5.

Julie Maxine Stanley

"Mac's" the girl who likes to chat. But she's got plenty of friends, so that's that.

Dancing Club 2; Jr. Red Cross Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4; Jr. Dramatics 3; Jr. Play Staff 4; Dramatics Club 5, President 5; H. R. Secretary- Treasurer 2, 3, Representative 4, 5.

Betty Dell Stone.

Here's to the gal with all our money, who works with great might. While she's had charge of our finances everything's been all right.

J. V. Basketball 1, Varsity 2, 3; Audio-Visual 2; Jr. Red Cross 2; G.A.A. 2; Monogram Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Band 3, 4, Officer; National Honor Society

3, 4; Jr. Play Staff 3; Marshal 3 ; S. C. Committee Chair- man 4. Barbara Byrd

Outstanding Senior Personality


WARD, I. WHITE WINSLOW WARD, b. WHITEHURST, S. D. WOOD Geraldine Upton Theodore Wilson

A lively little gal is "Gerry." Students hustled and rushed; he crept; She's forever laughing and merry. The class discussed the lesson; he slept.

Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Manager 5; G.A.A. 3; Commercial Shiloh High School 1. Club 3, 4, 5, President 5.

Gretchen Ann Voeth Douglas Lee Winslow cheer! Cheer! This songbird with poise and good graces, Tall and light but a little thin, friends he's sure to win. An all round class pal who fits in all places. Many Dancing 2; Library Staff 2; Audio-Visual Club 3; Glee Aptos Junior High 1; Arts and Culture 2; J. V. Basketball Club 3; Band 4, 5, Officer S; Key Club Saxophone 2; Band 3, 4, J, Officer 5; H. R. Secretary 3, Vice-Presi- 5; Club 5. dent 5; Jr. Play Cast 4; Loudspeaker Staff 3; Music Ap- preciation Club 5; International Relations Club ?, Secretary 5; Senior Scribbler. Elsie Jacqueline Wood Alma Joyce Ward There was a young girl named Wood, With eyes of dark, dark brown and hair of golden hue. "For dramatics I did all I could." lively is This lass with tlie faraway look always a friend She's our favorite young star, so true. and we know she'll go far.

Band 1, 2, 3, Officer 1 ; H. R. Secretary 5, Treasurer 5; 3, Dramatics Club 3, 5, President 5; Jr. Play Cast 4; Speech Speech Club 5, President 5; G.A.A. 4, 5. Club 5; Loudspeaker Staff 4, 5; Scribbler 5; J. V. Basket- ball 2; Varsity 3, 4, 5; Monogram Club 4. Frank Douglas Ward

A short little boy with light brown curls; He sure does get around, especially with the girls.

J. V. Football 4, Varsity 5; Safety Patrol 5; Library 3;

J. V. Baseball 3; Music Appreciation Club 5.

Sara Louise Whaley A friend to each and everyone, Goad personality and lots of fun.

H. R. Treasurer 1, Secretary 2; J. V. Basketball^ 2, Varsity 3, S; S. C. Committee 2, hi. R. Representative 3; Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4, 5, Treasurer 2, Secretary 5; Jr. Play Cast 4; Spotlight Staff 4, Business Manager 5; Monogram C!ub 4, S; Cheerleader 5.

William Grandy Whaley, Jr.

Cracking a corny is his characteristic. But he's serious sometimes and musically artistic.

Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 3, 5; H. R. Representative 3; Glee Club 3; Music Appreciation 5, Vice-President 5; Key Club 5.

Elgin Walter White

Blond hair and ties that are bright

Everybody knows he's all right.

Hi-Y 4, 5; Key Club 5.

Sanford Davis Whitehurst

Tall, handsome and a leader true,

Sanford is all of that and more too.

S. C. Vice-President 4, H. R. Representative 1, 5; Football 2, 3, 4, J; H. R. President 3, 4; Class President 3, 5; Danc- ing Club 1; Hi-Y 4, 5; Monogram Club 3, 4, 5; Jr.

Dramatics Club 3 ; Senior Personality.

Shirley Jean Whitehurst

Friendly, quiet, and oh so neat, Shirley is really hard to beat.

Commercial Club 5; Tri-Hi-Y J. Patricia Costing

Outstanding Senior Personality

33 ;


Katherine Camilla Woodley

Sweet and beautiful as anyone can see And domestic as a housemaid or a bride-to-be.

Photography Club 2; H. R. Vice-President 2; President 5;

S. C. Secretary 3 Red Cross Loudspeaker ; Jr. 3 ; Staff 3 Band 3, 4, 5; Class Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 4, 5; Tri-Hi-Y 5.

HowLAND Fearing Wright

"Scum" is quite a character of E. C. H. S. With fun and good humor he meets every test.

H. R. President 1; Dancing Ciub 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Officer 4, 5; Music Appreciation Club 5; Key Club 5.

Marvelane Wright

Slow to move, fast to make friends, Easy to like, and full of giins.

Commercial Club 5.

Each year the Senior Class has the privilege of selecting its mascots. This year we have chosen little Tommy Brock and Millie Moore. Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.

Brock and Millie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moore.

At graduation these two people lead the graduates in the processional and recessional marches.

34 Proudly we present

Mr and Miss Elizabeth City Hi

Nancy Dawson Neil Henderson

Proudly we present Mr. and Miss Elizabeth City Hi! Folks, meet Miss Nancy Dawson and Mr. Neil Henderson.

It is an honor of utmost distinction to be selected by your classmates as Mr. and Miss. Each year two students,

a boy and a girl, from the Senior Class take these. Scholar-

ship, character, sportsmanship and leadership are traits students seek in persons to whom they bestow this honor.

35 President Vice-Presiciciit Secrciciry Treasurer ,LY JeNNETTE Phyllis Moger Marvourleen Winslow Patricia Austin JUNIORS

Characters Overjoyed Juniors

Setting E. C. H. S. Time The present, during seventh period

in Geometry class

Billy: Whew! After all those long tedious years of study (?), we've finally crawled up the ladder of success to be upperclassmcn.

"Mojo": Boy, we have come a long way since we were first splashed with per- fume and smeared with shoe polish when we first entered high school.

"Marve": I'm so glad we are through struggling with worms, frogs, hypotenuses, and the Battle of Bunker Hill; but now we'll have to wrestle with chemistry, physics, and advanced algebra.

"Pat": Isn't it wonderful to think that our faces, personalities and characters

adorn the honor clubs, i.e.. National Honor Society, Hi-Y, Tri-tl-Y, and the Quill and Scroll. We have worked hard to make them.

Billy: We surely had a whiz-bang of a junior play!

"Mojo": Remember the hard work and fun of the carnival?

"Marve": And, um-m we danced 'til dawn in swishing-swirling skirts and tuxedos on the night of our Junior-Senior.

"Pat": We've worked hard and had a lot of fun; I wouldn't trade my junior year for anything in the world! Lois Jean Armstrong

Patricia Austin

Bill Beacham

Daisy Benton

Kathleen Berry

Marie Berry

Lemuel S. Blades, III

Eleanor Bowes

Norman Brickhouse

Victor Bright

Charlotte Brockwell

Charles Brown

Anne Burgess

Robert Byrum

Charles Cuthrell

Janet Daniels

Austin Davis

Marlene Deering

Axie Davis

Robert Drake

Alton Dunbar

Charles Evans

Madge Evans

Carolyn Finck


37 Robert Forbes

Clay Foreman

Elizabeth Fulcher

Doris Garrett

Delores Gaskins

Joe Gregory

Carolyn Gilden

Audrey Godfrey

Rita Gray

Clara Mae Harris

Doris Harris

Preston Harris

Franklin Harrison

Taylor Hines Nora Hughes

Margaret Ann Jackson

Marian Jackson

Essie Mae James

Lessie Fae James

Billy Jennette

Warren Jennette

Harriett Jennings

George Jewell

Carolyn Johnson


Clarence Lassiter

Arthur Leary

Roy Ann Leary

Carwile Leroy

Billy Liverman ^^^^ Venona Long 1 ^^^^ Meade Marshall

Florence Meredith

Gordon Miller ^^^^^^^^^^ Patricia Miller

Phyllis Moger

Doris Morgan William Morgan i » Wirgman Morrisette Helen McCullen

Joseph McPherson Maxie Owens Henry Owney

Billy Pappendick

Patsy Pappendick 'n! Angela Poulos Curtis Perry

« Jimmy Prescott


3.9 Elbert Rhodes

Robert E. Rhodes

Edith Riggs

Agnes Rohanna

Barbara Roughton

Carolyn Russell

Betty Carol Ryman

Allan Sawyer

Erma Sawyer

William Sawyer

George Scott

Sally Sedgwick

Julian W. Selig, Jr.

Edith Smith

Wilma Speight

Lois Spence

Billy Spencer

Frank Spitzer

Gilbert Spitzer

Shirley Spruill

Tim Squires

Lorna Lee Staples

Dolores Stone

Nannette Sylvester

JUNIORS Mary Tarkingtoii

Billy Thompson

Leslie Thompson

Signe Tobiason

Sonja Tobiason

Charles Tucker

Harry Umphlctt Van Umphlctt

Clyde Voliva

Jimmy Wallace Cynthia Ward

Johnny Ward

Charles Williams

Melick WiUiams

Ann Winfree

Marvourleen Winslow

Selma Winslow Thomas White

Jack Whitehurst

Juniors tvhose pictures James Bell Ray Burgess Raburn Cahoon Donald Etheridge do not appear: Dewey Burgess Vernon Burgess Thomas Cox Dennett Ranson


41 Pi'csidcnf V/cc-Prcsii!c!7f Secretary Treasurer Redwell Forbes John Hall Amelia DePace Kenneth Miller SOPHOMORES

Characters . . . Hard Working Sophomorex (?)

Setting E. C. H. S. Time ..... When ive are no longer the baby class

of E. C. H. S.

Redwell Fofbes: At last we are on our second year in High School! We have been struggling along for the past ten years. If we continue our struggles, we will soon reach our goals. John Hall: Our class has had the privilege of Joining many clubs. Several of our students have joined the Future Teachers of America Club. Good luck to those students as future teachers. Amelia DePace: Students from our class have taken part in plays, sponsored by the Dramatics Club. We know that these great actors have had fun practicing for those enjoyable plays. Others have had fun while fixing characters' faces, so that the plays were more effective.

Kenneth Miller Many of us have learned how to operate various machines in the Audio- Visual Club. This club has helped the school, as well as its members. Redwell Forbes: Other clubs in which we could have membership were American Junior Red Cross, Music Club, Travel Club, Athletic Association, Future Homemakers of America, Glee Club, and SPOTLIGHT Club. John Hall: Some of our subjects were biology, algebra, Latin, world history, science, and English. However, only English and biology were our required subjects. Wc shall never forget how we performed the opera- tions on the various animals in the lab. Some of us will long remember Julius Caesar, whom we studied about in English and Latin. Amelia DePace: Our activity classes were physical ed, SPOTLIGHT, band, shop, home economics, and glee club. Kenneth Miller: Students, we have just two more years before we shall march down the isle of graduation!


Charles Adams, Curtis Albertson, Lillian Armstrong, Roy Askew Verna Austin, Phoebe Ann Aydlett, Wallace Bagley, Jr.

Shirley Baines, Brad Bartlett, Betty H. Bell, Kay Black, Robert Bray, Willis Brice, Leon Brickhouse.

Betty Bright, Donald Bright, Bobby Brothers, Winona Brothers, Wallace Brumsey, Jr., Florine Bunch, Aileen Burgess.

Carl Burgess, Donna Burgess, William Burgess, Barbara Burnham, Delores Cahoon, George Cohoon, Eddie Cowell.

Amelia DcPace, Robert Dowdy, Miles Evans, Annie Rowe Edwards, Janet Ferrell, Doris Forbes.


Redwell Forbes, Roy Forbes, Goldie Forehand, Phyllis Gregory, Frank Gibson, Charles Hall, John Hall

Katherine Harrison, Shirley Flarris, Helen Harward, Earlene Hastings Billy Hollomon, Carolyn Jennings, Shirley Jennings

Garland Jones, Joe Lamb, Dorothy Lawrence, Frank Leary, Lois Lerman, Gladys Lutkiewiez, Ann Mann

George Manos, Doris L. Markham, Anita Meads, Don Meckins,

Ivan Meekins, Emogene Miller, Kenneth Miller

Eileen Moore, Lois Ann Mortashed, Louis Newbern, Mattic Lucy Olds. 44 SOPHOM

Quinton Onley, Pete Overman, Morton Palmer, Berta Claire Parker,

Johnny Parker, Fred Parsons, A. J. Peele, Dallas Perry, Phyllis Price, Jeanne Pritchard, Jvidy Pronier, Joyce Raper, Henryetta Reed, Joanna Rose, Deloris Sawyer, Jean Sawyer, Rita Sawyer, Robert Sawyer, Harry Seeley, Forrest Simons, Bert Smith, Myra Smith, Betty Jean Staples, Beverly Theus, Jeannette Tucker, Frances Twiddy, Joyce Welsted, Betty Whaley, Duke White, Jerry Willis, Annette Wright, Jo Ann Wright.

Sophomores whose pictures do not appear: Curtis Brickhouse, J. A. Brickhouse, Harry Collier, Richard Collier, Jack Crank, Joe Forbes, Alice Gray, George Harris, Hurley Harward, Lindsey Hewitt, David Hughes, James Lane, Wiley Page, Bill Pipkin, Ray Pipkin, Charles Runk, Julian Sanderlin, Robert Sandwich, Allen Saunders, Earlene Sawyer, Edward Smoak, Ceceha Williams. 45 Sftting E. C. H. S. Time In the midst of final exams

William: So at last we are through with our first, eagerly waited for year of high school. Remember when we used to sigh as we watched from our side of the street? Those lively people looked so happy roaming around the school grounds. Now that we, too, have been here a year, we know that we were not deceived with our dreams of high school. It's every bit wonderful, though sometimes tough.

Charlotte: Our required subjects for this year were English, civics, physical edu- cation and mathematics. We were privileged with choice for general science, home economics, shop, glee club, band and Latin.

Grace: Many members of our class have participated in many extra-curricular activities. Junior Red Cross, Future Homemakers of America, SPOT- LIGHT Club, Speech Club, and numerous others.

Margaret: The band is well represented with members of the class and there are quite a number of freshmen in the glee club. Our class should keep tip its wonderful musical spirit.

William: Many of us are exhibiting school spirit and sportsmanship by playing baseball, basketball, and football. Good luck to our junior varsity boys and more power to them next year.

Charlotte: We now dream of prospects for a brighter and merrier time in our sophomore year. We shall never part with the memories of our dear old freshman days.

46 Student Cooperative Government

of Elizabeth City High School OFFICERS

Taylor Hincs, Vice President; Neil Henderson, Vresidenf; Sclig, Trciniirvr; Bobby Askew, Seygciiiii- af-Ariiis; Miss Bertha Cooper, Atli 'nor.

Absent from Victiirc: Eileen Moore, Secretary.

The Student Council of the Elizabeth City High School has sponsored several outstanding activities during this year. First of all was the wonderful dance given for the Freshmen on September 3 0. The next was an assembly program entitled "Beachhead for Freedom" which was presented during National Education Week. Everyone felt that the members of the Council, who took part in this program and helped in other ways, did an excellent job in making National Education Week a great success in our school. One of the biggest events of this year was the homecoming game played Thanks- giving afternoon with Flertford at which our council presented a gold cup to the council of Fiertford. Another activity introduced by the council this year which the students seemed to enjoy most of all was the dances which have been held twice a week in the gymnasium during lunch hour. The Christmas Flolidays just wouldn't be complete with- out the semi-formal dance given by the council. It was held December 20th in the gym and portrayed an outside Christmas scene.

Three members of the council, Margaret Ann Jackson, Billy Jennette and Neil

Fienderson, along with Miss Cooper, attended the North Carolina State Student Council

Convention in Goldsboro. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN

StcitcJ, Icjl III n;^/i/: Ik'tty Stone, finance; Patricia Goiimg, citizcnshil>; iMargaret Ann Jackson, publicity;

Betty Holland Bell, sfuiiiliirtls ; Connie Hunt, social.

Sfantling: Phoebe Ann Aydlett, calendar; Fred Houtz, house and grounds; Mason Smith, elections; Carroll Gray, outside safety patrol; Carwile LeRoy, inside safety patrol.



Donita Keim, Pat Costing, cbairnian, Rebecca Gray. Undine Perry, Betty Holland Bell, chairniiin, Barbara Burnham.



Left to right: Donald Owens, H. L. Sears, Freda Daniel, Sitting, left to right: Betty Stone, chairman, Margaret Billy Whaley, Sanford Whitehurst, Janet Daniels, Mason Lawrence, Phyllis Gregory, Berta Claire Parker. Smith, chairman; Wirgman Morisette, Eileen Moore, Standing, left to right: Gordon Miller, Johnny Parker, Howland Wright, Charles Creekmore. Alton Cupples, Martin Rhodes, Julian Selig. INSIDE SAFETY PATROL SfaiiJiiig, left to right: Charles Cuthrell, Charles Butler, OUTSIDE SAFETY PATROL Theo Kemp, Sanford Whitehurst. Standing, left to right: Douglas Ward, Norman Brick- Sitting, left to right: John Hall, H. L. Sears, Vernon house, Carroll Gray, chairman , William Gard, Sal Sacrito. Onley, Carwile LeRoy, chairman, Marvin Gray, Clay Fore- Kneeling: K. Brock, Don Horton. man, Billy Pappendick, Jimmy Prescott. J. Absent from picture: Wildon Forbes, Chloe Terrell. Absent from picture: Jimmy Wallace, Frank Gibson, Bobby Askew. SOCIAL COMMITTEE CALENDAR COMMITTEE Sitting, left to right: Carolyn Fletcher, Eileen Moore, Left to right: Lois Jean Armstrong, Phoebe Ann Aydlett, Nannette Sylvester, Signe Tobiason, Jeanne Pritchard. chairman , Winona Brothers. Standing, left to right: Shirley Leary, Betty Jane Leary, Absent from picture: Faye Rogers. Connie Hunt, chairman, Ann Jennings. Absent from picture: Sally Wood McMullan, Cynthia Ward.



Patsy Pool Pappcndick, Margaret Ann Jackson, chainnan; Fred Houtz, chuiniian; Lem Blades, III. Barbara Byrd.



Left to iiy,l>l: S.iiitord Wlutcluirsi, 1 Henderson, Helen Colcy, John L. Sawyer, Marvin Gray, Margaret Lawrence, Joyce Welstcad, Billy Jennettc, Florence Meredith, William P. Bartlett, Redwell Forbes, Barbara Burnham, Joe Lamb, Lois Spence, Doris Moore.

Absent fi'viii picture: Janet Daniels.


A memorable event is this shot taken from our annual home- coming game. This game was played on Thanksgiving Day. Here we see President Henderson presenting the trophy of friendship.

Always an impressive ceremony is the installation of our new

student council officers which occurs in the late spring of each year.

Secretary Margaret Ann Jackson reads the minutes of the last

Student Council Meeting as fellow members listen.

This is a scene taken from the Student Council's play given during the observance of National Education Week. The players look very natural, don't they?

55 First roiv: Anne Jennings, associate editor, Second row: Florence Meredith, junior editor, Marietta Hooper, activities editor, Frances Sawyer, Julian Selig, photographic editor, Bert Smith, senior editor, Geneva Bunch, typist, Barbara sports editor, Florine Bunch, sophomore editor,

O'Neal, senior editor, Bobby Temple, assistant Phyllis Moger, music editor, Billy Spencer, assist- photog raphic cdito r. ant photographic editor.

56 The 1950 staff of the SPOTLIGHT has tried to bring you a book you will cherish long after your high school days are far behind you. They have worked hard and long to edit an annual more beautiful than its predecessors and one that you can be proud of.

For some years now your annual has been a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and has grown in beauty, wisdom and content until its ratings are very high.

It is the duty of the editorial staff to gather all material and pictures necessary to compose a good book. The business staff collects all advertisements and tends to the financial end of the book and only through the co-operation of both staffs can the work be done and the book made a success.



F/rsf row: Alice Bray, Nellie Creath, Margiret Burgess, typist, Angela Poulos, Mary Evelyn Tarkington, Maxie Owens.

Second row. Charlotte Brockwell, adtertishig i/ianiigcr, Doris Garret, Betty Holland Bell, Shirley Baines, Phyllis Gregory,

Miss Mary Owens, acliisor.

57 The Loudspeaker

Jimmy Liverman Editor-in-Chief

RqgERT Rhodes Business Manager

The LOUDSPEAKER is particularly proud this

year to serve again as this is its twenty-sixth year

of continuous publication. This year, as before, it provided the school with news, features, and hap- penings around E.C.H.S.

, A member of several honorary journalistic

societies, such as CSPA, it has won honors in national competition.

First row: Jimmy Liverman, editor-in-chief , Carl Second row: Ann Gray, freshman editor. Garland Bjork, news editor, Lem Blades, netvs editor, Jones, sophomore editor, Robert Rhodes, business Billy Liverman, sports editor, Vivian Miller, ex- manager, Mary Bell Hare, advertising manager, change editor, Jackie Wood, feature editor, Jane Sawyer, typist, Nancy Ferebee, advisor. Eugene Chory, photographer.


President Jimmy Liverman

Vice-President Charlotte Brockwell

Secretary-Treasiwer Mary Laura Brockwell

Advisor Mrs. Clay Ferebee

l-iii/ row, left to rif^ht: S.ira Louise Whaley, Lota Leigh Harrison.

Scconil row: Jimmy Liverman, Vivian Miller, Ann Jennings, Charlotte Brockwell, Mrs. Ferebee, Robert Rhodes.

Absent from picture: Gladys Meggs, Mary Laura Brockwell. '

The members of the Honorary Journalistic Society are selected according to their scholarship and journalistic achievements. The plans of the club this year included raising money toward sending delegates to New York in March to attend the meeting of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. HI-Y

First row, left to riglot: Mr. Turner, advisor; Vernon Second row: Jimmy Wallace, Martin Bell Rhodes, Charles

Onley, Wilton Forbes, Bobby Askew, sergeant-jf-iirjns; Cuthrell, Julian Selig, Charles Armstrong, Billy Jennette,

Jimmy Corbett, vice-pres/Jent ; Marvin Gray, president; Billy Pappendick, Taylor Hines, Jimmy Prescott, Neil Sanford Whitehurst, sccretirry; Carwile LeRoy, treasurer; Henderson, Carroll Gray, Gordon Miller, Melick Williams, Trim Aydlett, chaplain; Clay Foreman. Clarence Sanders, Mason Smith, Bobby Temple. Absent from picture: Elgin White.

The promotion of Christian character and leadership at school is a standard maintained by Hi-Y. Throughout the past year contributions have been made to the Underprivileged Child Meal Fund, the Pasquotank T. B. Association, the Salvation Army, and many others. Once a month the club attended local churches in a group.



Connie Hunt President

Patricia Costing Vice-PresiJeiit Helen Coley Secretary Charles Butler Treasurer Miss Hortense Boomer Advisor

A valuable asset to the school is this" club which this year replaced the Beta Club.

Through encouraging scholarship, citizenship and co-operation in school affairs this

year, the society has proved its necessity to the school. Throughout the year the club

has sponsored various programs, not only for the good of the school, but for the vv'ell

being of people all over the world. Included among these is a scholarship program in

each class and an overseas relief program.

F/rsf row, left to rij!,IU: Jimmy Corbctt, Lorenc Stoni.', Third row, left to r/t^ht: Betty Stone, Helen McCuUan, Billy Jcnnctte, Julian Sclig, Katherinc Woodley, Helen Betty Jane Leary, Alice Bray, Freda Daniel, Miss Boomer, Coley, Pat Costing, Connie Hunt, Yvonne Brice. Marvourleen Winslow, Charlotte Brockwell, Axie Davis, Patricia Austin. Second row, left to right: Margaret Lawrence, Delores

Stone, Mattie Lee Simpson, Carolyn Roughton, Lorna Fourth row, left to rif^hf: Robert Rhodes, Taylor Hines, Staples, Lois Spencc, Margaret Ann Jackson, Nannette Billy Pappendick, Gordon Miller, Arthur Leary, Dewey Sylvester, Phyllis Mogcr, Clara Mae Harris, Patsy Burgess, Neil Henderson, Carwile LeRoy, Florence Meredith, Pappendick. Marietta Hooper, Anne Jennings, Nellie Creath.

Absent from picture: Charles Butler, Everett Forbes, Fred Houtz, Barbara O'Neal, Mary Laura Brockwell.

60 Nellie Maxine Stanley, Joan Needliam, Carolyn Roughton, Frances Seafi'J , left to right: Alice Bray, Lorene Stone, Creatli, Betty Jane Leary, Mattie Lee Simpson, Yvonne Brice, Betty James, Shirley Whitehurst, Anne Cobb, Barbara Forbes, Stone, Betty Godfrey, Doris Ann Smith, Mrs. Turner. Lota Leigh Harrison.

Sttiiul/ng, left to right: Kitherine ^X'oodley, Marietta Absent from picture: Barbara O'Neal. Hooper, Helen Coley, Patricia Costing, Margaret Lawrence,


OFFICERS Mattie Lee Simpson President Betty Jane Leary Vice-President

Yvonne Brice . . Secretary Betty Stone Treasurer Nellie Creath Chaplain Mrs. Erma Turner Advisor

"To create, maintain and extend fhrotigbont the home, school, and commnnify, -" high standards of Christian character—

Emphasis on character was stressed throughout the school year in Tri-Hi-Y. In the meeting, every Monday, a program from the book Social Principles of Jesus was read

and discussed by the members. In the process of carrying out its standards of good char-

acter the club has contributed to the lunch room fund, helped a needy family at Thanks-

giving, given food and clothes to the Salvation Army at Christmas and sponsored a Southeastern Assembly Program.


OFFICERS Vernon Onley President Melick Williams Vice-President Kenneth Miller Secretary Charles Butler Treasurer Mason Smith Sergeant-at-Arins Mr. John Turner Advisor

Service to the school is the main purpose of this honor club. It concentrates on character building and encourages scholarship improvement among members. During football, basketball, and baseball seasons you will see Key Club members assisting and taking charge in the selling and taking up of tickets. The audio-visual department has also profited by the aid of these members.

Everyone remembers the exciting Sadie Hawkins Day Dance sponsored by the club and their inspiring South-East chapel program in January. Especially do the club members remember with pride their Mother-Father Banquet.

Finf rotv, left to right: Mr. Turner, Kenneth Miller, Fifth row, left to right: Clarence Sanders, Joseph McPher- Melick ^X'illiams, Charles Butler, Mason Smith, Vernon son, Ted Kemp, Eugene Chory, Elgin White. Onley. Sixth rote, left to right: Wallace Brumscy, Henry Clay

Second row, left to r'lf^ht: Brad Bartlett, Roy Askew, Owney, Redwell Forbes, Martin Bell Rhodes, Charles Wallace Bagley, Julian Selig. Williams, Allan Sawyer.

ThirJ row, left to right: Curtis Perry, Robert Dowdy, Joe Seventh row, left to right: Bobby Kramer, Lester Spruill, Gregory, Robert Rhodes. Arthur Leary, Wirgman Morrisette, Billy Whaley, Charles Koch, Douglas Winslow. Fourth roiv, left to right: Gordon Miller, Lee T. Jones, Charles Creekmore, Sam Elliot, Bert Smith. Absent from picture: Robert Drake, Fred Houtz, Donald Owens, Thomas White.


First row, left to right: Donn.a Meek, Janet Glenn, Betty Wallace Bagley, Bobby Kramer, Wirgman Morrisette, Anne Meekins, Betty Jane Leary, Sam Elliot, treasurer. Douglas Ward, Lester Spruill, Mrs. Solomon, advisor, Charles Mason Smith, Billy Whaley, vice-president, Alice Bray, Armstrong, Jeanne Pritchard, Alice Hobbs, Clara Mae president, Margaret Lawrence, secretary , Charles Tucker, Harris, Barbara Forbes, Yvonne Brice, June Hayman, Betty sergeant-at-arms, Helen Coley, Gretchen Voeth, Freda Jean Bell, Anne Gray, Dorothy Lawrence, Jeannette Tucker, Daniel, Axie Davis. Alma Williams, Phoebe Anne Aydlett, Grace Coley. Second roiv, left to right: Howland Wright, Lee Jones, Absent from picture: Laura Harris, Ann Jennings, Donita Keim, Doris Anne Smith.

In order to develop a better appreciation of music, this club was organized. Mem- bers are familiarized with the instruments of an orchestra and types of music. One project for the year was the raising of enough money to present a record album to the audio-visual department. TRAVEL CLUB

First row, left to right: John L. Sawyer, Charles Creekmore, Fifth row: Axie Davis, Anne Winfree, Helen Holthouser, president, Harry Seeley, vice-president, Betty Godfrey, Becky Gray, Carolyn Forbes, Mattie Lee Simpson, Betty secretary. Stone. Second row, left to right: Annette Davenport, Nora Hughes, Sixth row: Mrs. Aydlett, advisor, Dyson Thurecht, Wallace Marlene Deering. Brumsey, Joseph McPherson. Third row: Rosalyn Forbes, Paula Davenport, Roland Seventh row: Bert Cosgrove, James Armstrong, Wayne Cooper, William Janson, Lois Armstrong. Trueblood, Wilson Roughton, Charles Adams, Thomas Fourth row: Patricia Austin, Rebecca Tarkington, Keith Sfetsos, Jimmy Wise, Virgil Williams, Bill Jones. Brace, Clifton Chappell, Rita Hussey.. Absent from picture: Chloe Terrell, Mary Bell Hare, treasurer, Thelma Bryzcki.


Composed of those girls

who have won a letter

through participation in the athletic field, this club has

worked to achieve an air of

good sportsmanship in all

girls' sports and, generally, throughout the school.

This is a small club, how-

ever, it has been a credit to

our school through its valu- able athletic programs and projects.

First row, left to right: Miss Moon, ailiiior, Essie Hoover, Carolyn Sawyer, Sara Louise Whaley, Betty Ray Outlaw. Second row: Betty Jane Leary, Alice Bray, Betty Godfrey, Joan Carter. Third row: Connie Hunt, Nancy Dawson, Vivian Miller, Betty Stone, Jackie Wood.


The chief purpose of this club is to instill in the students the value of good sportsmanship and to en- courage better educational

achievements among its members. Its members have worked this year well to swell the high school athletic fund in order that new gymnasium equipment might be purchased.

First row, left to right: Carwile LeRoy, secretary, Marvin Gray, William Gard, treasurer, Charles Cuthrell, scrgeaitt-at-anns, Curtis Albertson. Second row: Clay Foreman, Jimmy Wallace, Wildon Forbes, L. A. Kemp, Norman Brickhouse.

Third row: J. K. Brock, Ray Mann, John Hall, lice-jiresiileiit, Frank Gibson, Ben Gray, Everett Forbes. Fourth roiv: Ted Kemp, Van Umphlett, Trim Aydlett, Robert Askew. Fifth row: H. L. Sears, Jimmy Prescott, Allan Sawyer, Lindsey Hewitt, Charles Butler. Sixth row: Don Austin, Clarence Lasslter, Sanford Whitehurst, Franklin Wall, Billy Pappendick. Absent from picture: Carroll Gray, president, Sal Sacrito, Johnny Ward, Irvin Dean, Ed Tarkington, Robert Brooks, advisor.


Briefly the Athletic Association concentrates on providing entertainment and recreation, buying additional equipment, and providing an opportunity for instruction

in such sports as basketball, , dancing, and for girls not taking physical education.

/'/)(/ raw, left to right: Shirley Leary, Sudie Sawyer, Doris Fourth row: Barbara Burnham, Shirley Palmer, Sally

Moore, liessie Hopkins, Verna Austin, Toni Gill, trcusiircr, Sedgwick, Essie Hoover, secretary, Rosemary Heath,

Betty Bright, Miss Moon, ailv'nor. Carolyn Johnson.

Sc'coiitl row: Dillion Dawson, Sally McMullan, Elizabeth Fifth row: Winona Brothers, Carolyn Sawyer, vicc-presi-

Swindell, Frances Markham, Joyce Bradshaw, Ann Tarking- ilcnt, Delores Gaskins, Barbara Roughton, Doris Harris, ton. Carolyn Gilden, Rita Gray.

Th'inl row: Vinona Long, Betty Holland Bell, Joan Carter, Si^th row: Nancy Dawson, Annette Wright, Delores l)rcsiJfiit, Ella Batton, Shirley Baines. Abernathy, Lois Lerman, June Anderson.

Absent from picture: Mildred Lacy, Eleanor Jonsj.

First roil', left to right: Miss Moon, advisor, Alma Williams, Carolyn Russell, Lois Copeland, Joyce Toler. Margaret Baker, Sylvia Barkley, Undine Perry, Billy Gay Fourth row: Becky Gray, Eileen Moore, June Hayman, McDowell. Joyce Ward.

Second roiv: Carolyn Forbes, Annette Davenport, secretary, Fifth row: Faye Ellen Coppersmith, Anne Renee Smith, Paula Davenport, Shirley Thompson, Marinia Weeks, Sonja vice-president, Ann Gray, treasurer, Patsy Miller, Betty Tobiason. Jean Bell, president.

Third row: Evelyn Smith, Phyllis Price, Vivian Miller, Absent from- picture: Shirley Spruill, Anita Meads.

The club sponsored this year a student faculty basketball game and a square dance. Part of the club meets on Thursday and part on Friday.


First row, left to right: Virginia Edwards, Henrietta Reed, Miller, Carolyn Jennings, Lois Copeland, Lillian Armstrong, Shirley Jennings, Jane Sawyer, Mattie Olds, vice-president, Marie Pipkin, Edith Riggs, Carolyn Russell, Betty Jean Betty Ray Outlaw, president, Kay Black, secretary, Carolyn Staples, Madge Evans, Doris Hodges, Lessie Fae James, Helen Fletcher, treasurer, Jo Ann Hill, Kathleen Berry, Janet McCullen, Frances Gray, Deloris Sawyer. Ferreli. Absent from picture: Anita Meads, Eva Anderson, Nona Second row. Miss Chappell advisor, Geneva Bunch, Patsy Cartwright, Donna Jean Burgess.

First row, left to right: Miss Chappell, advisor, Mary Bell Earlene Sawyer, Joanna Rose, Marian Jackson, Edith Smith, Hare, Gladys Meggs, Virginia Curies, Joan Carter, vice- Goldie Forehand, Porta Lee McPherson, Shirley Baines, president, Anne Jennings, president, Florence Meredith, Verna Austin, Imogene Miller, Mary E. Tarkington, Ann secretary, Shirley Harris, treasurer, Francetta Godfrey, Mann, Eleanor Bowes, Joyce Raper, Ruby Mae Riggs. Annie Rowe Edwards, Betty Whaley. Absent from picture: Wilma Speight, Mary Laura Second row: Essie Mae James, Betty Bright, Lois Lerman, Brockwell.

The Future Homemakers of America have five main purposes:

1. To promote appreciation of homemaking.

2. To promote good will and family life.

3. To promote wholesome recreation.

4. To encourage democracy in the home.

5. To further interest in home economics. This club sponsored the Valentine Dance given in the school gymnasium.


Strangers to the school are these clubs, for this is their first year. However, they are indeed welcomed especially by the SPOTLIGHT staff because the purpose of these clubs is to train students for work on our school annual, thereby insuring the next year's staff of experienced workers. Part of the members meet on Thursdays and part on Fridays.

From bottom left and around: Margaret Baker, Doris Miss Owens, advisor; Fay Sawyer, Suzanne Seeley, Mable Garrett, Cynthia Ward, Faye Ellen Coppersmith, Ann Rence Jean Bray. Smith, Ruth Ferrell, Sylvia Barkley, Nick Poulos, Charles Going up from the bottom: Anne Burgess, president; Fay Hall, Robert Dowdy, Billy Spencer, Linwood Gregory, Rogers, secretary; Carolyn Finck, rice-president. treasurer; Bobby Temple, Joyce Welsted, Evelyn Smith, Jean Sawyer, Jean Carolyn Sawyer, Mary Evelyn Tarkington, Absent from picture: Shirley Spruill.

Around left side of sign: Marian Kay Spencer, Dorothy Around right sides of sign: Doris Moore, secretary; Betty Moore, Donna Meek, Faye Pritchard, Miss Owens, advisor; Jordan, Myrtle Miller, Charlotte Martin, Ciara Mae Harris, Sudie Sawyer, treasurer; Elizabeth Swindell, Grace Coley, president; Rebecca Ann Tarkington, Nora Cartwright, Ann Lois Spence, Dillon Dawson, Pat Bailey, Eleanor Jones, Sally Winfree, Elizabeth Fulcher, Paul Miller, Dorothy Lawrence, McMullan, Shirley Leary, Gordon Fearing, vice-president. Ann Hardison, Ann Tarkington, Judy Pronier.

Absent from picture: Erma Sawyer, Fred Castellow, Peggy Castello.


The members of the Audio-Visual Club arc actively engaged in learning the use of the moving picture

projectors, the film strip, and slide projectors, the opaque projector, the wire recorder, and related equipment.

The audio-visual work is under the direction of Mr. John Turner, who is in charge of the program

for the entire Elizabeth City public schools.

Staiul'ing, left to rii^ht: Frtd Castellow, Paul Glenn Miller, Bunch, secretary; Mr. Turner, advisor. Patsy Byrd, Harvey Baker, Doris Forbes, Pat Bailey, Faye Sitting: Bert Smith, Curtis Perry. Pritchard, Alvin Johnson, president; Norwood Rector, William Bartlett, Frank Henderson, Leslie Davis, Willis Absent from picture: Peggy Castello, Billy HoUoman, Erma

Brice, treasurer; Myrtle Miller, lice-prcs'iJ eiit ; Florine Sawyer.

Sifting, left to right: Henry Owney, Billy Spencer. Third row, left to right: Edward Brothers, Bert Cosgrovc, Nick Poulos, Joseph McPherson, treasurer; Florine Norfleet, Standing, first roiv, left to right: Brad Bartlett, Robert Angela Poulos, Bobby Temple. Dowdy, Eddie Cowell, Donald Owens, lice president; Mr. Turner, adiisor. Absent from picture: Johnny Parker, Bill Beacham, Warren

Second row, left to right: Dorothy Marsh, Faye Rogers, Jennette, secretary; Carwile Leroy, president; Kenneth Linwood Gregory. Miller, James Armstrong.


Composed of students especially interested in drama and other aspects of stage life this club was organized especially for the purpose of providing information and guidance along this line.

Projects for the year have included the study of the one act play, one of the chief divisions of the literature of the world, and the publicizing of theatrical movements and personalities.

The club sponsored some one act plays in which every member of the club participated.

i First row, left to r/}^/jf: Miss Johnston, ml 'nor; Barbara Third roiv: Marva Engbaum, Joyce Tolar, Nellie Creath, Byrd, secretary; Joan Needham, Judy Pronier, Rita Sawyer, Elizabeth Fulton, Edith Smith, Jo Anne Wright, Agnes Maxine Stanley, president. Rohanna.

Second row: Phyllis Price, Dorothy Moore, Frances Twiddy, Fourth row: Taylor Hines, treasurer; Bobby Sandwich. Patsy Pool Pappendick, vice-president; Amelia DePace, Absent from picture: Betty Jordan, Maxie Owens, Myra Willa Faye Sawyer, Betty Carol Ryman, Vivian Miller. Smith, Shirley Thompson, Gerald Willis.

Seated, left to right: Miss Johnston, advisor; J. K. Brock, Finck, Lois Mortashed, Cynthia Ward, Bessie Hopkins, Billy treasurer; Carolyn Sawyer, vice-president; Jackie Wood, Jennette. president; Sara Louise Whaley, secretary; Toni Gill, Third row: Joyce Welsted, Ann Burgess, Winona Brothers, Rosemary Heath. Nannette Sylvester, Harry Seeley, Neil Henderson, Barbara Second row: Shirley Palmer, Frances Markham, Jean Carolyn Burnham. Sawyer, Faye Sawyer, Thadas Smith, Janet Daniels, Carolyn


Training in the duties of an office worker is especially stressed in tlie Senior Commercial Club, The

members are presented all phases of office life, its requirements and expectations. This year the club added to a fund started by last year's club with which they will be able to buy equipment for the Com- mercial Department.

First row, left to right: Geraldine Upton, president; Doris Morgan, Rita Gray, Jane Sawyer. Carolyn Johnson, secretary; Lois Jean Armstrong, Geneva Fifth row: Carolyn Jean Roughton, Maxie Owens, Harriet Bunch, treasurer; Essie Hoover. Jennings, vice-president; Carolyn Gildcn, Barbara Roughton, Second row: Charlotte Brockwell, Daisy Benton, Doris Delores Gaskins. Harris, Marie Pipkin, Marvulane Wright, Anne Cobb. Standing: Doris Ann Smith, Rita Hussey, Charles Creek- Third row: Carolyn Fletcher, Maxine Stanley, Venona Long, more, sergeant-at-arms; Miss Winslow, cidi/sor. Mary Ammeen, Madge Evans, Shirley Whitehurst. Absent from picture: Betty Harrison, Barbara Byrd, l-ourth row: Margaret Miller, Roy Ann Leary, Jean Jordan, Margaret Burgess, Eva Anderson.

First row, left to right: Selma Winslow, Lois Spence, secre- Standing: Gladys Lutkiewiez, Signe Tobiason, Miss Dickens, tary-treasurer; Janet Daniels, vice-president. advisor.

Second row: Marvourleen Winslow, Margaret Ann Jackson, Absent from picture: Robert Byruni. Nannette Sylvester, president.

The main purpose of the Junior Commercial Club is to provide an opportunity for those students, who can not include typing in their schedule, to learn how to type.



The library staff is made up of students who take library one period each day. The assistant librarians

are very helpful to the students as well as the librarian. This group has many duties, such as checking out books, keeping the library clean and quiet, helping students find books, putting returned books on the shelves, and numerous other things.

F/rsf row, left to ri^ht: Vernon Ownlcy, Freda Daniel, Second row: Elbert Rhodes, Marvin Gray, Miss Boomer, Porta Lee McPherson, Lorene Stone, Jo Ann Wright, Sally Frank Spitzer, Trim Aydlctt, Martin Bell Rhodes. Sedgwick.

First row, left to right: Billy Gay McDowell, Undine Sawyer, Florence Jennings, Miss Boomer, adiisor.

Perry, Thadas Smith, Marinia Weeks, Jackie Wood, Lois Second row: Vernon Ownley, Phyllis Moger, Garland Jones. Mortashed, secretary, Joyce Ward, president; Marietta Absent from picture: Sheila Daugherty, Bobby Jordan,

Hooper, vice-president ; Lorene Stone, Frances James, Frances Margaret Burgess.

Because it fosters the improvement of speech habits and encourages public speaking the speech club

is of great importance to our school.

During the school term this club sponsors various speaking contests including the High School World Peace Study and Speaking Programs of 1949-5 and Triangular Debates.


71 4-H CLUB

The purpose of the 4-H Club is to give rural young people training in better practices of agriculture and homemaking in the broader phases of community organization, and in the finer and more significant things of life.

The 4-H Club members really have something to look forward to, for there arc vvfildlifc camps, fat stock shows, county achievement day, dress revues, and the National 4-H Congress.

Health, homemaking, agriculture, and wildlife are some of the interesting projects which arc dis- cussed during the year.

t'irsf row, left to right: Betty Holland Bell, president. Gladys Lutkiewicz, Van Cuthrell, Lorna Staples, Frances Secoiiil row: Helen Houlthouser, Roy Askew, treasurer; Sawyer, Florence Jennings, Miss Cooper, adiisor, Patricii Costing. Donald Bright, Annette Wright, i ice-jtresident ; Phoeb: Ann Aydlctt, secretary; Phyllis Moger. Absent from picture: Marva Engbaum, Donita Kcim, Lota Third row: Florine Bunch, Daisy Mae Wood, Ruth FerrcU, Leigh Harrison.

If a student is interested in following the teaching profession it is most likely he is enrolled in this club, as it provides an opportunity for extensive study in this particular field. Also this club furnishes an opportunity for the development or leadership.

This year the club has helped with the pre-school clinic and has been in charge of the Tuberculosis Seal Drive.



Coach "Honey" Johnson


J. H. Bonner

first row, left to right: Donald Bright, Walter Mann, Charles Cuthrell, H. L. Sears, Jimmy Wallace, Victor Bright, Don Austin, Clay Foreman, T. S. Owens.

Second row. Wildon Forbes, Norman Brickhouse, Bobby Sawyer, Ray Forbes, Leon Brickhouse, Bobby Askew, Trim Aydlett, Ben Gray, Bill Pappendick, Johnnie Ward.

Third row: Charles Butler, Franklin Wall, Sanford Whitehurst, Bill Card, Carwile LeRoy, Jimmy Prescott, Lindsey Hewitt, Van Umphiett, Carroll Gray, Marvin Gray.

Absent from picture: Clarence Lassiter, Douglas Ward, Everett Forbes, Irving Dean, Frank Gibson.

74 Elizabeth City High School's Yellow Jacket Later in the season the Jackets were trounced

football team fought its way into a second place twenty to nothing by the powerful Kinston Red

tie with the New Bern Bears in the Northeastern Devils. All hopes of a conferenc title were shat-

Conference for the 1949 season. Despite injuries tered by this loss. to several key players, the Jackets suffered only Marvin Gray, right guard and co-captain of two defeats. The Edenton Aces captured a close the Yellow Jackets, was selected to play in the contest, winning fifteen to thirteen. This was the annual Optomist Bowl game at High Point. The Aces' first victory over the locals in oven ten teams were composed of all-star players chosen years. from high schools in the eastern and western sec- tions of North Carolina. FOOTBALL


Jackets .». 26 Littleton Jackets 27 Hertford Jackets .... 20 Chowan College Jackets 13 , Edenton 15 Jackets 48 Roanoke Rapids Jackets 9 Greenville 6 Jackets 7 Washington 6 Jackets Kinston 20

Jackets 20 Kempsville Jackets . 7 New Bern Jackets 19 Ahoskie

Managers Co-Capfains Theo Kemp Marvin Gray and and L. A. Kemp Carroll Gray

75 First row, left to right: Arthur Simpson, Carwile LeRoy, Third row: Jim Wallace, Ivan Meekins, Richard Poulos, John Hall, Van Cuthrell, Charles Brown, Norman Brick- Paul Miller, Forest Simons, Henry Owney, Lindsey Hewitt, house, Donald Bright, Joe Lamb, John L. Sawyer. Bill Beacham, Dempsey Burgess, Nick Poulos, James Lane, Dyson Thurecht, Trim Aydlett. Second row: Mr. Brooks, coach; Fred Castellow, Curtis

Brickhouse, Bobby Brothers, Charles Adams, Warren Absent from picture: Everett Forbes, Bill Combs, Cledis Jennette, Wallace Brumsey, Dickie Darling, George Scott, Duncan, Wilson Roughton, George Byrum, Leon Brick-

Elbert Rhodes, Tliomas Sfetsos, Ray Burgess, Bill Jones. house, Douglas Ward.



Washington Elizabeth City 20

Murfereesboro 6 Elizabeth City 13

Manteo 33 Elizabeth City

Manteo 13 Elizabeth City 13

Central 6 Elizabeth City 6

Aulander Elizabeth City

Coach Brooks Manager George Cohoon Co-Captains George Scott Richard Poulos

76 Kneeling, left to right: Everett Forbes, Bobby Askew, Standing: Sigma Barnett, Ben Gray, Johnny Ward, Lindsey

Sterling Smith, Frank Gibson, J. K. Brock, Jimmy Wallace, Hewitt, Charles Hodges, Billy Gard, Edward Tarkington, Charles Cuthrell, Wildon Forbes, Norman Brickhouse. Allan Sawyer.

Absent from picture: Irvin Dean, Carroll Gray.



Yellow Jackets . . 4 Tarboro . 5 Yellow Jackets 4 Hertford

. Yellow Jackets 5 Roanoke Rapids 10 Yellow Jackets . 1 Kinston

. . . . Yellow Jackets 6 Popular Branch . . . 4 Yellow Jackets . ^ 2 Edenton

. . Yellow Jackets . . 5 Weeksville 2 Yellow Jackets . 5 Hertfoi-d

. . Yellow Jackets 5 Washington 10 Yellow Jackets . . 7 Greenville

Yellow Jackets . . 8 Greenville 6 Yellow Jackets 20 Kinston

. . .11' Yellow Jackets Tarboro 2 Yellow Jackets . . . 1 Edenton


Left to yinbt, center: Jack Crank, Dal Williams. Second row. Van Cuthrell, Bill Wallace, Harry Umplilett, Gordon Miller, Duke White, Joe Lamb, Wallace Brumsey, Joe Gregory. Absent from- picture: Leon Brickhouse, Roy Forbes.


Sfuin/iiig, left to right: Billy Gard, manager, Mason Smith, Carroll Gray, Charles

Brown, Carwile LeRoy, John Hall, William Beecham, Allan Sawyer, Sal Scarito.

George Scott, Charles Cuthrell, Clay Foreman, J. K. Brock, Bob Brooks, coach.

Kneeling: Lindsey Hewitt and Jimmy Prescott.


This vear our girls' basketball team really made a good showing everywhere they played. As always they demonstrated good sports-

manship which is essential for playing any game. The rules of health

were practiced and the girls turned out to make a fine team known

for its clean, hard playing. These girls practiced each afternoon and

when they played they put their whole selves in the game. They made a fine record of which we should really be proud.

The boys' basketball team has made a splendid record this year. The boys showed hard, fair play in every game. Teamwork must be

their by-word because it seems that they always work together—none for glory, but all for the sport. We are proud of the team and their fine

display of teamwork and skill.


First roiu, left to right: Geraldine Upton, Sally Sedgwick, Lois Lerman, Shirley Spruill, Signe Tobiason, Sonja Tobiason, Carolyn Sawyer, Nancy Dawson, Betty Jane Leary, Connie Hunt, Betty Stone, Betty Godfrey, Phyllis Price, Alice Bray, Joan Carter, Lois Armstrong, Miss Moon, coach.

Kneeling: Vivian Miller, Jackla Wood.

Absent from picture: Sara Louise Whaley.


S-cjt to rii^ht: Signc Tobiasoii, Carolyn Sawyer, Nancy Dawson, bciul, bara Louise Wlialcy, Neil Hendersjn, Joan Carter, Pat Costing, Sonja Tobiason.

We present the life of E. C. H. S.' football games—our cheerleaders. To see the cheerleaders run onto the field at game time is always a big thrill. Their vim, vigor, and vitality keeps the crowds at the games in high spirits and we most assuredly enjoy follow- ing them in their yells. Rah! Rah! Cheerleaders! CHEERLEADERS


Here are the girls who have put their interest in cheering the JiSpior Varsity teams

Lrft to right: Sally Wood McMullen, Dillon Dawson, Toni Gill, Faye Sawyer, head, Jean Carolyn Sawyer, Margaret Baker, Shirley Leary, Eleanor Jones.

80 MUSIC Mrs. E. F. Avdi ett AxiE Davis Billy Jennette Director Accompanist Student Director


First row, left to right: Sudie Sawyer, Donita Kiem, Faye Jennings, Charlotte Brockwell, Thadas Smith, Florine Bunch. Pritchard, Tlielma Bryzcki, Nona Cartwrighc, Janet Glenn, Fourth roiv: Fannie Davis, Marie Pipkin, Donna Burgess, Alice Gray, Beverly Theus, Eva Anderson, Gladys Meggs, Janet Ferrell, Roy Ann Leary, Myra Smith, Delores Lois Mortashed. Gaskins, Betty Ann Meekins, Annette Davenport, Marietta Second row: Loca Leigh Harrison, Ann Mac Hardison, Hooper, Mary Tarkington. Eleanor Bowes, Henrietta Reed, Annie Davis, Helen Fifth row: Ro:elyn Forbes, Rita Gray, Sally Sedgewick, Houlthouser, Daisy Wood, Mary Belle Hare, Rebecca Carolyn Burgess, Selma Winslow, Elizabeth Fulcher, Tarkington, Barbara O'Neal, Jackie Munden. Marvourleen Winslow, Axie Davis. Third row: Helen McCullen, Laura Harris, Anne Winfree, Absent from picture: Pat Bailey, Daisy Benton, Rita Hussey. Carolyn Finck, Florence Meredith, Earlene Hastings, Carolyn

82 Firsf row, left to right: Delores Gaskins, I'icc-presiih'iit, Charles Cuthrc-U, licc-prcs/clciif, Marvourleen Winslow, vice-president.

Second row: Axie Davis, treasurer, Bill Pipkin, president, Carolyn Finck, secretary.

First row, left to right: Austin Davis, Theodore Kemp, Third row: Charles Butler, Charles Williams, Bill Card, Curtis Perry, Miles Evans, Bobby Bell, Walter Weston, Bill Pipkin, Clarence Lassiter, Ray Pipkin, Duke White. A. Brickhouse. J. Absent from picture: Eugene Chory, Mravin Gray, William Second row: Charles Cuthrell, Charles Evans, Jimmy Morgan, Harry Collier, Richard Collier, Curtis Pipkin. Corbett, Raburn Cahoon, Lem Blades, Billy Jennette, Morton Palmer.

83 The Elizabeth City High School

Glee Club is made up of a group of

boys and girls willing to' give their time and talent to make an organiza-

tion full of school spirit. The mem- bers put forth many hours of hard work for the good of their organiza- tion, their school, and their town. We find that throughout the year ensembles from the club are perform-

ing for civic clubs, school affairs, and out-of-town events whenever they are called upon.

The first concert, "The Christmas

Story in Music," was a great success. A part of this program was also pre- sented for the student body in as- sembly.

Another assembly program, held early in the spring, gained the favor of the entire student body as they presented a burlesque of grand opera.

Probably their most outstanding performance of the year was the spring concert, "Musical Memories of 1950."

Despite the fact that there were many new members who had to be trained the Glee Club has made re- markable progress throughout the year and is steadily climbing toward the top.

84 Sfiidcnf Director Chief Majorette Captain Charles Armstrong Nannette Sylvester Mason Smith

The Elizabeth City High School Band

has made us all proud of it during thz past year.

The organization started its activities even before the opening of school in September. Among the big events in which the band participated were the Hampton Seafood Festival, The Oyster Bowl Football game at Norfolk, the Wake Forest- Director Georgetown football game at Wake Forest and Sponsor Scott Callaway the Wright Memorial Celebration at Kitty Hawk. Miles Clark

The many local parades show the fine spirit this group has for its school and town. The band has work and got together to have a wonderful time. always done its part in football season—marching in the pep parades, drilling at half-time, spurring The smooth operation of the band is due to the Jackets on to victory. Each of the concerts, the fact that it is composed of a group of boys one at Christmas and two in the early spring and girls always willing to co-operate with their proved to be a great success. efficient officers and excellent director. To boost

their morale and back them up is their wonderful No group can be successful without recrea- godfather. Miles Clark. Under their new director, tion along with the hard work, and so it is with Scott Callaway, the band has made steady prog- the band. This year the two outstanding occasions ress throughout the year and is continuing its were the banquet honoring the seniors and the climb to rate among the best bands of the land

Christmas party at which the group forgot their not only in spirit and character but in proficiency.

85 First row, left to right: Gordon Fearing, Jeanette Tucker, Macon Nixon, Pete Overman, Carolyn Fletcher, Betty Ray Outlaw, Marlene Deering, Barbara Byrd, Nannette Sylvester, chief majorette, Carolyn Johnson, Phyllis Price, Eileen Moore, Margaret Ann Jackson, Betty Stone, Gretchen Voeth, Grace Coley, Betty Jordan.

Second row: Charles Armstrong, drum major, Betty Jane Leary, Elizabeth Swindell, Bessie Hopkins, Undine Perry, Alice Bray, Katherine Woodley, Betty H. Bell, Phoebe Ann Aydlett, Sally McMuUan, Willa Fay Sawyer, Clara Mae Harris, Annette Wright, Rita Sawyer, Winona Brothers, Joyce Bradshaw, Phyllis Gregory, Cynthia Ward, Lois Spence, Nellie Creath, Maxine Stanley, Barbara Burnham, Scott Callaway, director.

Third row: Billy Gay McDowell, Jeanne Pritchard, Maxie Owens, Ruth Ferrell, Doris Moore, Marian Kay Spencer, Eleanor Jones, Mason Smith, captain, Wirgman Morrisette, Charles Creekmore, Faye Ellen Coppersmith, June Hayman, Dillon

86 Dawson, Marjorle Wilder, Joyce Alston, Anne Rochelle, Doris Garret. Harriet Jennings, Fourth row: Sylvia Barkley, Margaret Baker, Frances Newbevn, Anne Gray, Patsy Helen Coley, Joe Gregory, Allen Sawyer, Betty Carol Ryman, Pappendick, Vivian Jordan, Toni Gill, Shirley Leary, Billy Whaley. Charles Tucker, Kenneth Fifth row: Donald Owens, Bobby Temple, Bobby Bell, Webb Williams, Clifton Miller, Bobby Sandwich, Bobby Kramer, Wallace Brumsey, Chappel, Philip Spruill. Jones, Sam Elliott, &ixth row: Freddie Haney, Lois Armstrong, Harry Seeley, Bill Phyllis Moger, Douglas Winslow, Wallace Bagley, Lee Jones, Jimmy Corbett, Howland Wright.

Flag Bearers: Olive Ballance, Emogene Miller, Betty Bright. Absent from picture: Janet Daniels, Marietta Hooper. Thanksgiving Day was exciting for th: band, for this was Homecoming Day. The band performed during the half time displaying skill and precision in their maneuvers.


First roll', left to right: Carolyn Fl flagbearer Betty Ray Outlaw, majorette Olive Ballance, flagbearer

Second roiv: Nellie Creath, flute Kathrine Woodley, clarinet Maxinc Stanley, fhite Helen Coley, French horn Betty Jane Leary, cymbah Alice Bray, clarinet Betty Stone, drum Gretchen Voeth, drum.

Third row: Sam Elliott, bass, horn Howland Wright, trombone Jimmy Corbett, trombone Charles Armstrong, baritone Bill Whaley, bassoon Mason Smith, saxophone Fourth row: Bobby Temple, cornet Charles Tucker, cornet Bobby Kramer, cornet

Douglas Winslow, bass horn Charles Creekmore, saxophone Donald Owens, cornet Lee Jones, bass horn

88 Posed in front of the Carolinian Hotel or marching down Main Street the band

shows up as a fine looking organization. To take them to out-of-town events are their two buses and the instrument truck. We are indeed proud to say this fine group repre-

sents our school in all its activities. OFFICERS

First roil', left to right: Jeanette Tucker, S/Sgt. Harriett S/Sgt. Gretchen Voeth, June Hayman. Jennings, Lt. 2nd Katherine Woodley, 2nd Lt. Helen Coley, Third row: 2nd Lt. Howland Wright, 2nd Lt. Allan Sawyer, Nannette Sylvester, 2nd Lt. Betty Stone, S/Sgt. Betty Jane 1st Lt. Jimmy Corbett, Drum Major Charles Armstrong, 1st Leary, 1st Lt. Alice Bray, Lt. Patsy 2nd Pappendick. Lt. Wirgman Morrisette, Sgt. Douglas Winslow, 2nd Lt.

Second row: S/Sgt. Phyllis Moger, S/Sgt. Nellie Creath, Bobby Kramer, 1st Lt. Charles Creekmore, 1st Lt. Donald

1st Lt. Maxine Stanley, Betty Ryman, S/Sgt. Betty H. Bell, Owens.

89 Left to right: Nannette Sylvester, Carolyn Johnson, Barbara Byrd, Janet Daniels, Betty Ray Outlaw, Marlene Deering, Margaret Ann Jackson, Phyllis Price, Eileen Moore. MAJORETTES

Fliigbcarers: Aiiwrican Fliig, Olive Ballance; State Flag, Carolyn Fletcher; BaiiJ Fhi,^. Botly Bri.nlit. These are the girls who add snap and color

to the band as they lead it down the street. These girls can always be seen strutting and twirling

and doing their best at every performance. This

year they have stood out as one of the finest

groups ever to be a part of the band.

Left to right: Carolyn Johnson, pony; Nannette Sylvester, chief; Barbara Byrd, potty.

Left to right: Betty Ray Outlaw, Margaret Ann Jackson, Phyllis Price, Marlene Deering, Eileen Moore, Janet Daniels.



I r r illA

Left to right: Taylor Hines, Wirgman Morrisette, Patsy Pappendick, Billy Jeannette, Carolyn Finck, Janet Daniels, Florence Meredith, Carolyn Johnson, Julian Selig, Austin Davis.

One of the highlights of every year is the as always, there was much work involved, but

presentation of the junior class play. The cast and the boys and girls of the junior class co-operated staff work hand in hand for something which in presenting "Here Comes Charlie," one of the

means much to them for a long time. This year, most successful plays ever given by a junior class.

First row, left to right: Miss Johnston, director, Phyllis Third row: Clara Mae Harris, Ann Burgess, Agnes Rohanna, Moger, Angela Poulos, Margaret Ann Jackson, Lois Spencc, Joseph McPherson, Henry Owney, L. A. Kemp, Joe Gregory, Marlene Deering, Maxie Owens, Cynthia Ward. Dennett Ranson.

Second row: Betty Carol Ryman, Marvourleen Winslow, Fourth row: Robert Drake, Lem Blades, Curtis Perry, Billy Selma Winslow, Sonja Tobiason, Harriett Jennings, Signe Liverman, Carwile LeRoy, Billy Pappendick, Jimmy Prescott,

Tobiason, Nannette Sylvester, Lorna Staples. Mead Marshall, Gordon Miller, Warren Jennette.

92 MARSHALS 1949

/.('// to r!)iht: Margaret Lawrence, Helen Coley, Anne Jennings, Connie Hunt, Betty Stone, chief, Jimmy Corbett, chief, Charles Butler, Alice Bray, Betty Jane Leary, Lorene Stone.

These are the boys and girls who throughout dents were chosen from the junior class of last high school have made the highest scholastic year. This group deserves much praise for the cx- averages. Each year a group of students from the cellent achievements during their high school junior class are chosen to usher at the baccalaure- years, ate services and graduating exercises. These stu-


Left to right: Nancy Dawson, Carroll Gray, Gretchen Voeth, Jackie Wood, Marietta Hooper, Yvonne Brice, Jimmy Corbett, Neil Henderson.

Those clever little quips beneath the pictures with the advisor chose seven more to assist her. of the seniors are the work of the Scribblers. The This year the scribblers have used verses in trying chief scribbler is the editor of the annual, and she to depict the personalities of the seniors.

93 94 R.'s p. little helpers . . . Jam session . . . Jus' slummin' . . . Before an' after . . .

Fugitives from the "Mule Train" . . . "Stompin' at the Savoy" . . . The Regatta Queen

. . . Yakete-Yak . . . After a good lunch at the lunch room . . . Cheerleader tryouts . . .

Look at the fraps . . . Presentation of the Spothght.

95 . Rah! Rah! I hope? . . Rome fell while the Romans feasted . . . Going my way,

waiting for leftovers ...... wives We're gonna win! . . . Husky fellow, um? Roman Due to circumstances beyond our They say girls gossip . . . Our Camden transpo ...

control, this vehicle is no longer in use. 97 Just practicing what? . . . — Thanks to swell director and fine advisor . .

That is the E. S. . . . C. H. team! Out at the old ball game . . . Not bashful, are we?

. . . Sing pretty, boys!

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Elizabeth City, N. C.






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Elizabeth City, N. C.

Compliments of Compliments of


113 Phone 1562 N. Road St. & Colonial Ave.

J. H. WHALEY Joe's Serv-U Dealer in Service Station COUNTRY PRODUCE Batteries, Battery Charge & Accessories Tires, Tubes & Tire Repairs Cars Washed & Greased Phone 1251 TEXACO PRODUCTS

Joseph J. Alfano Elizabeth City, N. C.

Culpepper Motor Co. Barclift s Soda Fountain Buick & Pontiac Bus Station Dealers

Office Phone 306 Service Phone 1690 Elizabeth City, N, C. EHzabeth City, N. C.

Compliments of Twiford's Funeral Home

Ambulance Service JONES & TEMPLE 24 Hours Phone 650 Elizabeth City Phone 24

Elizabeth City, N. C. Mantco Phone 54

Carolina Printing Co. Miles Jennings, Inc.

Designers and Makers Generial Machine of and Distinctive Printing Welding Shop Phone 986 Mill & Logging Supplies Elizabeth City, N. C.

114 -1

Compliments of The Apothecary Shop

M. G. Morrisette & Son A R^xall Drng^Store " • * Furniture Phone 400 T , V

iA * Compliments of I HOOPER BROS. Wholesale Paper and Office Supplies

Virginia Dare Arcade Eli2abetl;i^City, N. C. r

Compliments of '^^EOKGE A. COX 6^^ The Aydlett Products Co. 0^ Tailoring ^ Repairing & Alterations Manufacturers of

Potato Chips and Salted Peanuts Virginia Dare Arcade High-Grade Candies Elizabeth City, N. C.

Compliments of Rucker & Sheely Co.

JENNETTE'S ''Elizabeth City's, Best Store"

Specializing in Men's and Students Wear LADIES READY-TO-WEAR

115 urner Compliments of Sodas Sandwiches Farmers' Supply Co. Sundries

Virginia Dare Arcade Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 8 58

Compliments of CONGRATULATIONS WG AI to the Class of '50 Albemarle's Most Poii'erf7il\ \ Voice" j) R. C. Abbott Company

5 60 on your Dial

BEAUTIFUL HOME Perry Paint and Supply Co.

Upholstering-Refinishing Artist Supplies 113 N. Water Street Paint- Wallpaper-Glass Elizabeth City, N. C.

Phone 1641 Phone 33 2

Elizabeth City Freezer Locker Plant, Inc. HORCE LYNCH

We process and sell foods for your locker at home or with us. MONUMENTS

204-206 West Grice Street Phone 1643

116 fcquotank Fertilizer Co. R. T. OR]f

Ball's Quality Fertilizers Chrysler^Plyrpoifm ''As Vital as Sunshine" ^^^^ Trucks / P. O. Box 274 Ay/ /y-y^ Elizabeth City, N. C.

H. Wilkins J. Furniture Co.

Automatic Washers Refrigerators Ranges Vacuum Cleaners

Best Wishes from Best Wishes

to the Class of '50 WARD & SON

310-312 S. Pool St. Elizabeth City Welding Machine Forge Supplies Chamber of Commerce — —

Phone 162 5

McPherson Bottling Co. EUNICE HAYMAN Pepsi-Cola Orange Crush 7-Up Hand Fainting

Telephone 201 613 Morgan Phone 3 3 6-W Ehringhaus Street Extended

117 FOREMAN DAIRIES Say If With Floivers From

Grade "A" Mildred's Florist Shoppe Pasteurized Milk Products

South rR^aW Street \\ Visit our Milk Bar in the Phone 842 Center of City

Compliments of

The Road Street Grocery

Haskett Farm Sup^^^(^ Compliments of ^^''^J^ ~'* Massey Harri'^""^^^ ^ Sales and s.rV.ce'^^'^^ice ^r SCOTT and HALSTEAD West Ehringhaus Street Extended

EHzabeth City, N. C Weeksville, N. C. Phone 2014

Congratulations si to the Best of Luck and Happiness

Class of '50 to the

Senior Class Cader Harris & Son The Gol-Dar 'The Friendly Store" 1

OWENS' GROCERY w. E. PAP:^NmpK Retail Dealer Tn Beef'' Groceries & Sandwiches Poultry, Pork, Etc. Phone H82-W South Poindexter Street

Best Wishes, JACOCK'S PHARMACY JOE 7^^^ "You're always welcome at WaU^reen'

WILSON'S WHOLESALE FORBES RADIO & SUPPLY CO. BAKERY Radio is our Business Ehzabeth City, N. C. Phone 497 EHzabeth City Phone 408


106 North Martin St. Phone 580 110 McMorrine Street Madge Th acker Elizabeth City

Best Wishes to the Class of '5 Compliments of CARTER BROS. GARAGE ALBEMARLE AWNING CO.

Automobile Service "Always a Shade Better"

L. B. TWIFORD Compliments of Real Estate NEW SOUTHERN HOTEL Virginia Dare Arcade BARBER SHOP

Best Wishes to the Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of '50 Senior Class of 19 50 FRISBY'S STUDIO Bonnie Ray Florist Eastern North Carolina's Newland Road Leading Photographers

Phone Holly 46-J2 213 North Martin Street

119 r

G. C. Culpepper Motor Company THE R. S. JORDAN CO. CADILLAC AND OLDSMOBILE Elizabeth City, N. C. Corner Road and Colonial j

THANK YOU j/"*^ Compliments of ^ for :hi privilege of being your FLORIST.— Please- Gordon sheet and metal co. c;ail on us when any occasion calls for FLOWERS. CLARA-ANN FLORISTS

For Air Travel Anywhere In The World Success to the Class of 'SO Call THE SUNDRY SHOP CAPITAL AIRLINES Phone / / 7ff/^ ^


' ' ' Plumbing and Heating zabeth City, N. C. 104 East Fearing Street Phono 1760


MANN'S GARAGE ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY Complete Auto Service 24-hour Wrecker Service Phone 27 and 2071 W. Broad Street 613 East Main Street 1/^/ ^ Body and Fe nder Repairing

WHALEY T G. R. LITTLE, AGENT Ij/ 1 33 S Carolina Building, Telephones 5 5 aM ^^j^ FURNITURE COMPANY City, North Carolina \l \


JONES DISTRIBUTING COMPANY A. B. Alderman, District Manager \ j \ ri \ 236 Carolina Building Quality Beers \\jA V^hzabeth City, N. C. Compliments of Compliments of HOUSE OF HURDLE'S THE ALBEMARLE SPORTS CENTER

J. M. WEEKS MOTOR COMPANY DR. J. W. SELIG Hudson—Packard Sales and Service Optometrist 212 N. Water St. Phone 44

DR. H. A. THORSON LORIMER W. MIDGETT Chiropractor Mutual Insurance Kramer Building Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 70^ Kramer Buildinc

Compliments of WHITEHURST INSURANCE AGENCY SOUTHERN LOAN & INSURANCE CO. Phones: Office 9 5 3 — Home 5 9 7-\V Kramer Building Elizabeth City, N. C. Elizabeth City, N. C.

OVERMAN & STEVENSON E. S. CHESSON & SON "Prescription Dniggisfs" Department Store

Phone 321 We Deliver Elizabeth City, N. C.


Jeweler "W/jcrc Shopping is a Pleasure"

104 N. Poindexter Street Nationally Advertised Shoes for the Family Elizabeth City, N. C. Elizabeth City, N. C.


WeeksviUe, N. C. Wholesale Distributors

Congratulations Seniors MELODIE SHOP Records, Sheet Music, Accessories

THE CIRCLE Phone 23 02

121 JUL ^ 8 2002















- Pasquotank Camdon L i brary— East Albemarle Regional Library 122 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-335-2473 For Reference

Not to be taken from this room