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RADIO- ELECTRONICS in ALL ITS PHASES CANADA 7St I MAJOR EDWIN H. ARMSTRONG JUHE F A T H E R OF F M 1948 30c RADIO- ELECTRONICS IN ALL ITS PHASES CANADA 7St i These "sound jurors" record their preferences as they listen over test circuits. Tal by "Sounc Jury" Ttie engineer in the foreground talks over the test circuits which the other engineer sets up on a "circuit simulator." AFTER Bell Laboratories operation, a "sound jury" listens in. behalf of you and millions of other engineers have designed a new talk- An actual performance test is set up telephone users. ing circuit, they measure its charac- with the trained ears of the jurors to Targets of the transmission engi- teristics by oscilloscopes and meters. supplement the meters. neer are: your easy understanding of But a talker and a listener are part As syllables, words, and sentences the talker, the naturalness of his of every telephone call, and to satisfy come in over the telephones, pencils voice, and your all- around satisfac- them is the primary Bell System aim. are busy over score sheets, recording tion. To score high is one of the So, before the circuit is put into the judgment of the listeners on feats of Bell System engineering. B E L L T E L E P H O N E L A B O R A T O R I E S Exploring and inventing, devising and perfecting for continued improvements and economies in telephone service 1 THIS Vacuum YOU BUILD THIS Radio Cir- YOU PRACTICE Radi,. s,rvie YOU PRACTICE "FM" Servi YOU BUILD Tube Power Pack, make changes cuit early in Course with Solder- , . ith this Tester built troni Mg on this Frequency Moduli. which give experience. learn . you ing Equipment and Radio Parts ... I. 1 send. Also use it to help tion (FM I Signal Genernter how to locate and correct power I send: practice mounting, con- ,:.rii EXTRA MONEY fixing built with parta I supply: learn necting. soldering Radio parts. , iehbrs' Radios. by repairing circuit defects. pack troubles. ' YOU BUILD THIS A. M. Sig- YOU PRACTICE signal trac- nal Generator which provides this complete Super - You Get PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE amplitude- modulated signals for neterudyne Circuit you build with ninny tests and experiments. enrts I send you, use it to con - With This Superheterodyne Receiver gives you practical experience. luctmany tests and experiments. YOU BUILD THIS complete, powerful Radio Receiver that brings in local and dis- N. R. I. gives you ALL the r tant stations. Radio parts . speaker, tubes, chassis, transformer, sockets, loop antenna, etc. BY PRACTICING IN SPARE TIME WITH BIG KITS OF PARTS I SEND YOU I WILL Do you want a good -pay Job in the fast- Business is booming. Trained Radio Tech- TRAIN YOU growing Radio Induat ry-or your own Ra- nicians also find profitable opportunities dio Shop? Mall the Coupon for a Sample In Police, Aviation, Marine Radio, Broad- 64 -page book, "How to Be casting, Radio Manufacturing, Public Ad- AT HOME Lesson and my dress work. Think of even greater oppor- a Success in Radio-Television -Electronics," tunities as public demand for Television. both FREE. See how I will train you at FM and Electronic devices continues to MY COURSE home --how you practical Radio expe- get grow ! Send for FREE books now! rience building, testing Radio circuits with /NCL UPES Bit; KITS OF PARTS I send! Find Out What NRI Can Do For You Mail Coupon for Sample Lesson and my FREQUENCY Many Beginners Soon Make EXTRA FREE 64 -pnge book. Rend the details Money in Spare Time While Learning about my Course, letters from men I /NODULAT/ON, The day you enroll I start sending trained ; see how quickly. easily you can EXTRA MONEY manuals that show bow get started. No obligation ! Just MAIL TEL EV/S /ON, to make EXTRA money fixing neighbors COUPON NOW in envelope or paste on a Radios in spare time while still learning! penny postal. J. E. SMITH, President. Dept. FX, ELECTRON/CS ICs probably easier to get started now National Radio Institute. Pioneer Honte Study than ever before he, the Radio Repair Rodio School. Washington 9. D. C. I TRAINED THESE MEN Has Own Radio Service Good Span Time Business GL/ f/Om SAMP EELESON FREE "I have my own Radio and "I have been getting receivers Television sales and servicing to repair right along, and with MR. J. E. SMITH, Pres.. Dept. SFX, business. I get enough repair N. R. I. methods I don't have National Radio Institute, Washington 9. D. C. jobs to keep me going right to spend much time on them." along. " -ALEXANDER KISH, -S. N. STRICKLAND, Mail me FREE Sample Lesson and 61 -page book about 34 Pershing Avenue. Carteret, 191 Dale Homes. Portsmouth, how to win success in Radio and Television -Electronics. New Jersey. Virginia, No salesman will call. Please write plainly.) Age Name Address VETERANS City Zone State Cheek if Veteran You get this training in your own home L -J under G. I. Bill- Mail Coupon. APPROVED FOR TRAINING UNDER GI BILL IL\DIO- CItAIT, June, 1148. Voiotia. XIX, No. 9. Published monthly by Itaderaft Publications, Inc., 29 \Cortldnetw. Street, Soringflrl.l a. Mass. I:atercd as sn,erd class matter at Post Orrice, Springsold, Mass., under the Act of March J. 1879. JUNE, 1948 Capitol Radio Engineering Institute- Pioneer in Radio Engineering Instruction Since 1927 Here's how you can figure on a BETTER dos in RADIO- ELECTRONICS, Broadcasting, Television, Servicing, Manufacturing Add CREI Technical Training to Your Present ence, you must fortify yourself with up -to -date technical knowl- Radio Experience. Then (:et That Better Radio Job edge to qualify for the better jobs and to stave off the new com- petition war -time brought -.Make More .M >y -Enjoy Increased Security. that activity has into the field. CREI has a course of training for you. You will find our proved 'tou can't plan your future on a slide rule. But you can take type of training practical and thorough. Whether your future a measurement of your own capabilities. lies in broadcasting, television, servicing, manufacturing or any Look at the successful radioman. You'll find that he's the branch of communications, you will find that you can "go all the fellow who looked and planned ahead. Today, you have the same way with CREI" from introductory, basic principles to advanced opportunity -at a time when radio's technical progress has gone training, and on to specialized fields of radio -electronics. beyond the supply of technical Alanpower. Never before have so Send for, and read. our interesting 24-page booklet. It men you had the to step ahead - many like opportunity into better explains our self-improvement program, courses and what CREI paying jobs jobs that offer real interest and security in any ... can do for you. It will give you a good idea how practical and one of the many fields that urgently need competently expanding easy -to- understand our training is, and why many thousands have trained men. enrolled for CREI courses since 1927. You can't say, "I don't need more training." Every ambitious radio technician needs more training. No matter what your experi- VETERANS! CREI TRAINING AVAILABLE UNDER G. I. BILL If you have had professional or amateur radio experience and want to make more money, let us prove to you we have the training you need to MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET qualify for n better radio job. To help us answer intellig ^ntly your inquiry -please stale briefly your CAPITOL RADIO ENGINEERING INSTITUTE background of experience, education and present position. 16th & Park Road, N. W.. Dept. Nag. Washington 10, D. C. Gentlemen: Please send your free booklet, "CREI training for your better job in Radio -Electronics," together with full details of your home -study training. I am attaching a brief resume of Capitol Radio my experience, education and present position. Cheek field of grew teat interest: PRACTICAL RADIO- ELECTRONICS PRACTICAL TELEVISION BROADCASTING '1 AERONAUTICAL RADIO ENGINEERING Institute RECEIVER SERVICING ELECTRONICS Engineering INDUSTRIAL An Accredited Technical Institute NAME STREET Dept. RC -6, 16th and Park Road, N. W., Washington 10, D. C. CITY ZONE STATE I AM ENTITLED TO TRAINING UNDER 6. I. BILL. York 170 Broadway San Francisco (2) 760 Market St. Branch Offices: New (7) R. J RADIO -CRAFT for 3 You build this fine modern Superheter- odyne Receiver and other units, with the complete standard parts we send you. This valuable eeulp- ent becomes yours use and keep Get these 2 8/G GOOKS If you are already employed in the great Radio industry, you know how great the demand is for trained. ex- perienced servicemen, operators and technicians. You Inn v how fast the fRFF! field le growing and haw important It AD IU Is to keep up with new developments to S F.M.. Television and Electronics. The Radio PMANUAI industry is alive with opportunity for the qualified technician whose knowledge is up.te- the- minute. You can be an FM and Television specialist . get into the lucrative Radio NOW! New Professional Service Field . own a business of your If you prefer. National Schools of Los Multitester Included! Angrles,for almost 10 years a practical resident This versatile le,' Is portable and and home study trade school, has put Into ef- complete with teat i :. I !, rrlen. Simple to fect its New 1948 Training Program. This operate, accurato and tependablo. You will be program, adapted to National's Master Shop able to quickly locate trouble and adjust the most Method Home Study ('ourse.
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