1314-01-TP01 June 2012 RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME
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1314-01-TP01 June 2012 RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME LONDON ROAD, BUXTON TRAVEL PLAN ON BEHALF OF AXIS Camellia House 76 Water Lane Wilmslow SK9 5BB Tel: 0844 8700 007 www.axisped.co.uk CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 1.2 General Travel Plan Objectives 2.0 DEVLOPMENT PROPOSALS AND AVAILABLE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS 2.1 Site Development Proposals 2.2 Proposed Site Operation 2.3 Site Access, Car Parking and Sustainable Site Design Features 2.4 Sustainable Transport Connections 3.0 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TRAVEL PLAN – KEY ACTION FRAMEWORK 3.1 Background 4.0 PLAN ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Duties and Responsibilities of the Travel Plan Coordinator 4.3 Key Travel Plan Administration Tasks 5.0 ASSESSMENT OF TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Opportunities to Undertake Travel Surveys 5.3 Schedule of Post-Occupation Travel Surveys 6.0 FORMULATION AND AGREEMENT OF THE TRAVEL PLAN 6.1 Introduction 6.2 ‘Physical’ Travel Plan Measures 6.3 ‘Operational’ Travel Plan Measures 6.4 Implementation 7.0 INDENTIFYING TARGETS AND MONITORING PROGESS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Travel Plan Targets 7.3 Monitoring 7.4 Review Procedure FIGURES Figure TP1: Site Location Figure TP2: Site Masterplan Figure TP3: 2km Walk Catchment Figure TP4: 5km Cycle Catchment Figure TP5: Local Public Transport Provision Figure TP6: Implementation Framework APPENDICES Appendix TP1: DCC Cycle Map Appendix TP2: Bus Timetables Appendix TP3: Implementation Action Plan Appendix TP4: Initial Contacts List Appendix TP5: Example Travel Plan Questionnaire Appendix TP6: Letter of Support from Porthaven Care Homes 75 Bed Residential Care Home London Road, Buxton Travel Plan 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 This Framework Travel Plan (FTP) has been prepared by AXIS on behalf of Castlemead Care in support of a planning application to develop the site of the former Haddon Hall Hotel at London Road, Buxton as a 75 bed bedroom residential care home. This document therefore represents a framework for the development, implementation, operation and monitoring of a Travel Plan to build on the sustainable principles of the proposed Care Home and to encourage staff and visitor travel to the site by alternative travel modes to the private car. Should the Residential Care Home obtain planning consent, it would be operated by Porthaven Care Homes, who would assume responsibility for the operation and implementation of the Travel Plan. 1.1.2 This FTP is produced in conjunction with the Axis Transport Assessment (Ref: 1314- 01-TA01a), which provides appropriate analysis of the proposed development with regard to its traffic generation potential and network impact. The TA also identifies the proposed approach to access and parking at the proposed residential care home. The TA concludes that there no highway capacity or safety reasons for objection to the provision of a Residential Care Home at this location. 1.1.3 This document is written to appraise Derbyshire Council Council (DCC) as Highway Authority and High Peak Borough Council (HPBC) as the local planning authority of the sustainable travel credentials of the site, and the developer’s commitment to limiting demand for private car trips amongst staff and visitors. 1.2 General Travel Plan Objectives 1.2.1 A Travel Plan is a general term for a package of measures and initiatives aimed at promoting more sustainable travel choices and reducing reliance on the private car. Travel Plans are tailored to the requirements of individual sites and involve the development of a set of mechanisms that enable organisations to reduce the impact of June 2012 1 1314-01-TP01 their travel and transport on the local environment. Travel Plans are about helping to achieve equity, they are not anti car, but rather seek to ensure access opportunities for all - whether a person is disabled, has no access to the private car, or would prefer to travel on foot or by cycle. National Guidance 1.2.2 Department for Transport (DfT) best practice guidance document “Good Practice Guide: Delivering Travel Plans through the Planning Process” updates previous Central Government guidance into a single main approach to Travel Plans. This guidance identifies that a Travel Plan should address four key issues: • Travel Plan Objectives; • Outcomes of the Travel Plan • Targets to guide the Travel Plan • Indicators to monitor the Travel Plan. 1.2.3 For best results, the guidance suggests that the initial focus should be on establishing the outcomes required from a Travel Plan and working from this develop a range of measures at the site that can then be identified and agreed as the best way of achieving objectives. Measures are likely to include both incentives and controls in order to encourage changes in travel behaviour. Local Guidance 1.2.4 At a local level, saved Policy TR1 (“ Transport implications of new development ”) of the High Peak Local Plan states that planning permission will be granted for new development, provided that it seeks to: • Reduce the need to travel; • Widen transport choice for goods and people; and, • Integrate transport and land use. 1.2.5 Policy TR5 “Access, Parking and Design” highlights the need for a Travel Plan to support development that may exacerbate local capacity issue on the highway June 2012 2 1314-01-TP01 network, or generate demand in excess of maximum parking standards. Based on the findings of the associated Transport Assessment (Ref: 1314-01-TA01a), this is considered to be highly unlikely in this instance. Notwithstanding this, the provision of a Travel Plan is considered to be an important facet of delivering sustainable development at this location and requested by DCC Highways officers. 1.2.6 This Travel Plan concentrates on those measures that can be developed specifically at the London Road Residential Care Home; however, the plan is designed to integrate with general aspirations for encouraging more sustainable travel, with the principal objective of the Travel Plan being to minimise the need to travel to the development site by the private car, particularly single occupancy use and to provide opportunities for travel by more sustainable travel modes. 1.2.7 It is anticipated that through the reduction of over-dependence on travel by car and encouraging the use of alternative travel modes, the Travel Plan could deliver the following benefits: • Manage parking demand associated with the Residential Care Home scheme by providing a practical and realistic alternative to the private car, especially for staff journeys; • Ensure that the Residential Care Home is sustainable over time, therefore helping to continue to best serve the local community; and, • Contribute to the health of all those who work or use the site. 1.2.8 Castlemead Care and Porthaven Care Homes are committed to promoting sustainable transport solutions where appropriate and practical. It is within this context that the Travel Plan is produced. Any reduction in car trips achievable at the London Road Residential Care Home as a result of the implementation of the Travel Plan should be viewed against the potential trip generation associated with the operation of the site without the support of Travel Plan measures, as identified within the Axis Transport Assessment. June 2012 3 1314-01-TP01 1.2.9 To achieve the main objectives of the Travel Plan, three distinct target areas for action have been identified: • Suitable location of the facility and sustainable site design; • Measures to encourage sustainable travel patterns for staff; and, • Measures to ensure that appropriate travel arrangements are in place for visitors to the site. June 2012 4 1314-01-TP01 2.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS AND AVAILABLE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS 2.1 Site Development Proposals 2.1.1 The development comprises the construction of a new Residential Care Home on the site of the former Haddon Hall Hotel, located on London Road, Buxton. The Care Home will provide 75 bedrooms within an internal footprint of 3688m². The accommodation will consist of 25 bedrooms on three floors, with associated communal lounge and dining space. Figure TP1 provides a site location plan. 2.1.2 A Masterplan of the London Road Residential Care Home layout is included as Figure TP2 to this report. This plan illustrates the general arrangement of the proposal scheme and the main site access and car parking principles. 2.2 Proposed Site Operation 2.2.1 The Residential Care Home facility at London Road will serve to provide a new Care Home setting in Buxton; it will cater for elderly residents with a range of nursing requirements; it will therefore be staffed on a rolling 24 hour, 365 day shift pattern. It is anticipated that there would be a staffing requirement of approximately 15 staff on a typical day, encompassing nursing professionals, as well as general assistants, domestics, administrators, caterers and cleaners. 2.3 Site Access, Car Parking and Sustainable Site Design Features Access Arrangement 2.3.1 The access arrangements for the Residential Care Home are addressed comprehensively within the Transport Assessment that has been produced in conjunction with this Travel Plan. The main principles of the access strategy have been agreed with DCC and are provided below. • Provision of a 750mm ‘build out’ from the existing kerb line on London Road either side of the proposed site access June 2012 5 1314-01-TP01 • Provision of 2.4 x 60 metre visibility splays in both the northerly and southerly directions • Provision of a 6.3 metre left turn entry / 5.4 metre exit radii to / from London Road • Provision of a 5.6 metre access road corridor 2.3.2 Walking access to the site would be supported via the provision of a segregated parallel footway connection. This connection would be provided on the southern side of the site access for approximately 27 metres, then would alternate to the northern side for the remaining 23 metres to the main entrance to the building.