- . CENSUS OF 1991 SERIES-12 .

PAPER-2 OF -1991





21 Census/91 - 1 PREFACE

Some important demographic, economic and social data of all persons in a defined geographical area are collected and made available through censuses by almost every country in the world. The common characteristics qf census are individual enumeration, universal coverage, a specified reference time and periodicity. The statistics so obtained are essential for national development, planning and demographic research on population' growth and distribution, education, housing, manpower utilisation, migration, fertility, religion, rural­ urban population, work force etc.

Immediately after the single biggest administrative exercise of census taking from 9th to 28th February and its revisional round from 1st to 5th March 1991, the Provisional Population figures were compiled and published as 'Paper l' of Kerala on 26th of March 1991. 'Paper 2' is a sequence to the first publication, containing provisional figures of rural-urban population, workers and their distribution. The detailed scrutiny of the data gathered is in progress in the Regional Tabulation Offices temporarily established for the purpose and the figures may have to be revised again, in view of the arithmetical mistakes in preparing abstracts by a large number of enumeration personnel. However, for all practical purposes, these figures will depict an overall picture and will be extremely useful to planners and research workers.

The census organisation and the field machinery strived very hard to make the operations a grand success. The State Government gave total support by allowing to mobilise its staff to complete the work with exactitude. The co­ operation of the public, press, AIR, Doordarshan and other publicity agencies was overwhelming. This opportunity is, therefore, taken to thank all, once again.

N. M. SAMUEL Director of Census Operations 12th December 1991 Kerala


Introductory Note 1


Figures' at a Glance 5 Rural-Urban- CO,mposition 7 Ce'nsus Concepts on Urban Areas - A Brief Review 7 Growth of Towns, 1901-91, 11 Town/Urban Outgrowth of 1991 by Civic Status 12 Urban Agglomeration 23 Position of Kerala in india 26 Rural-Urban Population of Kerala since 1901 28 Urban PopulatLon in Districts of Kerala 28 , Urban Population by size classes of Towns 35

Table 1.1 Population and Literates by Residence and Sex 1991 for , Districts and Taluks 45 Table 1.2 Per


/ Figures at a Glance, 1991 ' 71 Workers and their Distribution 73. Economic Concepts in earlier Censuse,s 73 Total Workers and Total Work Participation Rates 77 , Work Participation Rates in Districts 81 Main Workers and Margi,nal Workers 85 Main Workers by Industrial Categories 89 PAGE Table 2.1 Total Workers, Main workers, Marginal workers and their Percentage toTotal Population by Districts 94 Table 2.2 Total Workers, Main workers, Marginal workers and Non-workers by Taluks 96 Table 2.,3 Distribution of Main workers as Cultivators, Agricultural- Labourers, Workers in Household Industries and Other workers by Districts and Taluks 119

ANNEXURES: COMPARATIVE FIGURES WITH INDIA,STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES 143-158 1 Population and Literates in States and Union Territories by Residence and Sex, 1991 144 2 Number of Towns, 1981 and 1991 147 3 Number of Urban Agglomerations and Towns, 1981-91 148 4 Rural-Urban Composition of Population, 1991 149 5 Number of Urban Agg,lomerationslTowns and their Population by size-class, 1991 150 6 Percentage of Total Workers in 1981 and 1991 in all Areas 152 7 Perc,entage of Total Workers in 1981 and 1991 in Rural Areas 153 8 Percentage of Total Workers in 1981 and 1991 in Urban ArAas 154

9 Proportion of Total Workers j Main workers and Marginal Workers to Total Population in States and U[lion Territories by Residence and Sex, 1981-91 155 10 Percentage Distribution of Main Workers as Cultivators, Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry Workers and Other workers in States and Union Territories by Residence and Sex, 1981-91 .,.. MAP I KERALA ADMINISTRA T1VE DIVISIONS 1991


10 Ip ;


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75· EAST OF GREENWICH 76" 77· 7.· tlascd upon Sur"), 0( India mop With the pcrmlUlOf'I of the­ The territorial water. of tndlC extend Into the MO to a distance of @ GoYwnmcntot lndioCopynght,tMK) Surveyor Genual of Indio twelve nauUcaI mila mcos\Jrcd from the- opproprJatc bose Itne INTRODUCTORY NOTE

In March 1991 the provisional population data of Kerala were released as Paper 1 of 1991. This publication was based on the abstracts prepared by _about half a million enumerators of the State during their field work from 9th February to 5th March 1991 and obviously these schedules could not be subjected to any detailed scrutiny. Subsequently these abstracts were further checked for arithmetical accuracy. As a result, some apparent errors were noticed and the revised figures are given in this publication. The entries in all the schedules are now being thoroughly scrutinised -at the Regional Tabulation Offices set up at various centres of the State which may result in further revision of figures. The final pop-ulation totals (expected to be ready by October 1992) will be in the form of Primary Census Abstract containing data on area occupied residential houses, households, population by sex, population in the age group 0-6, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, literates workers by nine industrial categories, marginal workers and non-workers down to town/village/panchayat and ward of statutory town/pan9hayat ward levels. Till'then no other data, other than the figures published in this volume would be available to the data users.

2. Two characteristics of population are dealt with in this booklet, viz., rural­ urban composition of population, workers and their distribution. The following tables on these topics are presented in this volume.


Table 1.1 : Population and literates by residence and sex, 1991 for district:; and taluks

Table 1.2 Percentage of urban ,",opulation, decennial growth rate and sex ratio by residence and density for districts

Table 1.3 Population of urban agglomerations, cities and towns, 1991

Table 1.4 Growth of urban population by size class of towns, 1971-91


Table 2.1: Total workers, main workers, marginal workers and their percentage to total population by districts

Table 2.2: Total workers, main workers, marginal workers and non-workers by taluks

Table 2.3: Distribution of Main workers as cultivators, agricultural labourers, workers in household industry and other workers by districts and taluks

In the succeeding two sections, a brief analysis of the above characteristics of population is given. POPULATION, 1836-1991 , KERALA +



1836 1875 1881 1891 1901 1911 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 * c E N 5 E A R • 5 "* ProvISIonal

PREPARED BY CENSUS DIRECTORATE, KERALA tER Io4Iu.E 36 "\ BIRTH RATES Y1 31 'J , I KERALA AND INDIA, 1971-1990 ' ... (BASED ON THREE-YEAR MOVING' AVERAGES) 36 -- , I ""''! 1-- ~ "'-, / ~- .. ~- 35 ~ l- 3S "<~ .... " /1' ...... , v r-- ...... ~ ',,< 34 34 ----...... " ~ ._____, / 1' ...... 33 v-' ~ ~ '_.... 33 ~ "- ' ...... 32 ~ 32

31 ~ 31 '" "

~ ~ 30

29 ~~, 29 ...... " ...... jIo." "''I '. '. 28 ~ ... _- 28 ' ...... ~ ... _.. ~ .~ ...... ~ ~, LLI 27 .... 27 l- e( . " a: ' .. . :r '. ~ ._- I- ~--' __. a: 26 \ ~ ...~ t, 26 iii '. ,. . -...... : ~ ~ ~ ''', 25 ~ 25 '-. -_ .. - r-,~ .... -...... ~--::-. . . ~ ... i\.~~ 24 ' ... 24 I , " r-...... 23 23 I " '", .. ~ ~ , .. 22 " .. 22 ~ " 21 ~, 21 - " "'~ 20 - KERALA TOTAL ~ 20 -- .. ,RURAL '" ----- " URBAN 19 -- INDIA TOTAL 19 --- » RURAL ...... _ " URBAN 18 18

. 11 17

16 16 --- 1971-73 72-14 73-15 14-76 75-77 76-78 77-79 18-8079-8\ 80-82 81-63 82-64 63-6564-86 65-87 86-88 87-89 88-90*


PREPARED BY. CENSUS DIIIECTORATE, KERALA. 18 18 ... __ DEATH RATES 17 ", 17 KERALA AND INDIA, 1971-1990 '" ~, , I ~- .... i'-, (BASED ON THREE-YEAR MOVING AVERAGES) ----, .[NOlA TOTAL 16 \. 16 --- .. RURAL ~ \ ----1 .. URBAN \ -\ KERALA TOTAL \ , ---. .. RURAL -~~. --- URBAN 15 ~ / \. " 15 \ , \ , '" \ \ \ ! 14 ~ "- 14 I I , " "- -...... ~- -- i',. 13 1\ "' 13 "- "- "- ~ ~. "" "- ~ 12 ------< "- I 2 ..... IIJ l­ e( '-" 0:: " i', :t: ~ I- ~ 11 ~ 11 c ~

10 10 ~..... ~ ... ------; ------, '" , . . 9 ~. 9 , . ~ . .'. ~: -~ ... ~ ~, 8 . ' -- - '" .. 8 - , " ...... _ ..-' ~~ ... -- --- '~ ..-- ...... - ...... ~ ...... - - .. . ",,"--'" ---- - ...... ,-. t\_ . 7 7 , - ...__~ 0-----, , , , ---- ..::._- , ~"""'" , ~--- ~ ~, ... " , , -""-. ---- .... ,~ . _- .. - '.., ---- ~ ...... "" ~ -_ --",., 6 -- 6

5 5* 19'11-73 72-74 73-75 74-76 75-77 7&-78 77-79 78-SO 79-81 80-82 81-83 82-84 83-85 84-86 85-87 86-88 87- 89 88-90


26 \ 26 ~ ----- ", \ ! v", / 25 I 24 / \ 24 ./ ~ ,.. \ z 23 ~ 23 o 'f"'" \ 22 I 22 / \ I v I- 21 l\ I \ 21 I \ \ <{ 20 I / 20 I \ / \ 19 I I 19 a: \ I I \ <{ 18 I / \ 18 I \ I \ I \ 17 / I KERALA r \ l_ \ It -' 16 / 18 \ <{ 15 I 15 o \ I \ 1 <{ 14 ~ / 4 I ---'_'IJ u 13 I 13 ILl , ti / 12 o ,r-. , I 11 , / 1 I , I IJ... to I II ' J 1o o I 9 I "\ 9 \ ILl I 8 8 I I ,I I I- 6 fllNDIA I 6 I I ~ 5 -- I . 4 4 u '/~ I a: 3 3

ILl 2 /j \ I I 2 a. I

o W \ II o

1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 '*

C E N 5 U 5 y EAR

* Provisicnol


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* ProvIsional















c E N s u s y E A R * PrOVISional



• RU!lAL




-21 Census/91 ,2




1981 1991 1981 1991

Population 683,329,097' 844,324,222' 25,453,680 29,032,828 523,866,550' 627,146,597' 20,682,405 21,356,457 159,462,547' 217,177,625' 4,771,275 7,676,371

2 Total No of Towns 4,029 4,689 106 197

(a) Statutory 2,758 2,996 48 66

(b) Census Towns 1,271 1,693 58 131

3 No. of Urban Agglomerations and towns-Total 3,378 3,768 85 109

(a) No of towns Included In UA 927 1,302 30 104

(b) No of towns not Included In 3,102 3,387 76 93 anyUA

4 Percentage of Urban PopulatIon 2334 25 72 18 74 2644

1971-81 1981-91 1971-81 1981-91

5 Increase In Populalion (In OOs)

(I) All UAs/Towns 494,531 564,477 13,049 29,051

(II) Common UAs & Towns 420,818 511,017 10,078 18,209

(IIi) Increase In Population of 85 09 9053 7723 6268 Common UAsiTowns as Percentage

6 Decennial Growth of Urban 46 14 36 19 3764 6089 Population (Percentage)

Note Popul



It is the tradition in- census to present data by rural and urban areas. In all previous censuses, except during the censuses of the nineteenth century, the urban area has been defined. The rural area, however, is taken as the residuary portion exc{uding urban area and for that no strict definition was followed. It is worthwhile to know the evolution of definition of urban area over the decades for proper evaluation ..)f figures on urbanization.

Census concepts on urban areas - a brief review - 2. Though ~ttempts were made to define urban area during the close of the last century, somewhat uniform methodology and concept were followed only in the 1961 census. Prior to the 1961 census, concept of urban area differed from census to census and from state to state. In Kerala, separate censuses were conducted in the three distinct areas viz., and Cochin States and Malabar which was part of the erstwhile . As the agencies were different, there were" differences in the rural-urban classification in these three areas. In the native states of Travancore and Cochin, no place was treated as urban till the 189J census. In contrast, in the , which formed part of the Madras Presidency, the Town Improvement Act of 1865 enacted by the Madras Government, paved way for the establishment of four municipalities, viz., Calicut, Palghat, Tellicherry and Fort Cochin in 1866 and Cannanore in 1867. These' municipal towns were censused separately though data were not presented in the census of 1871. In the 1881 Census Report of India, the concept of a.town was expressed as follows:

"Where the population is not less than 5,000 and resides in one assemblage of houses, the .houses being in juxtaposition or only separated by streets or spaces surrounded on all sides by houses' or gardens or spaces whether cultivated or not <;iistinctly appertaining to the houses in .question, such assemblage of houses, if bearing one common name shall be considered a town".

This is one of the earliest definitions given for a town in. census. The definitions used in earlier censuses upto 1951 in the regions now covered by the present Kerala State are as follows:


Towns comprised of all municipalities of whatever pOpl:Jlation and every other continuous collection of houses, permanently inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, which the Provincial Superintendent of Census having regard to the character and relative density of its population, its importance as a centre of trade and its historic a,ssoci-ations might decide to treat as a town.


Certain well accepted tests such as constitution in regard to sanitary and police a_rrangements, relative density of the dwellings, the numerical strength and character of the populatism, the importance of the place in regard to trade, arcbitl3ctur8 and historical associations were laid down as the distinguishing features of urban tracts.


Towns consisted of :

(i) Every municipality of whatever size (ii) All civil lines not included in municipal limits (iii) Every cantonment and (iv) Every other continuous collection of houses, permanently inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons and possessed of an urban character.

In dealing with places falling under the last head, the character of population, the relative density of the dwellings, the importance of the places as a centre of trade and its historic associations were taken note of. .


All municipalities and cantonments and every other continuous collection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, as decided by Provincial Superintendent of Census were treated as towns.


All municipalities of whatever population, and every other continuous collection of houses permanently inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, which the Census Superintendent, having regard to the character and relative density of its population, the importance of the place as a centre of trade and Its historic associations, considered for treating as a town were treated as urban.


Towns consisted of :

(i) Every municipality or local area declared to be a town by or under the Town ConseNancy and Improvement Regulation and (ii) Every other continuous collection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, or any other local area, declared by the Government to be a town for census purposes.

In selecting the places to be classified as towns under the second type, the circumstances suggested for consideration were the character of the population, the nature and strength of the social bond, the relative density of the dwellings, the importance of the place as a centre of trade and its historic associations. Overgrown villages with no urban characteristics were not treated as towns.


Every municipality, all civil lines not included within municipal limits, every cantonment and every other continuous collection ·of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons which the Provincial Superintendent of Census decided were treated as towns for census purposes.

8 1921 COCHIN

Towns comprised of all municipalities of whatever population and every other continuous collection of houses permanently Inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons The importance of the place as a centre of trade and its historic associations were other factors to decide a place as a town.


Towns comprised of municipalities of whatever population size and places under the Police Regulations which were provided with sanitary staff.


Towns were:

(i) Municipalities, cantonments and ciVil lines and (Ii) every other continuous collection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons which a Provincial Superintendent of Census decided to treat as a town for census purposes.

The criteria applied In reaching thiS decision were the character of the population, the relative denSity of the residential dwellings, the Importance of the place as a centre of trade and historic associations.


Every municipality, all civil lines not included within municipal limits, every cantonment and every other continuous collection of houses, inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, which the Provincial Superintendent of Census decided on the basis of character of population, the relative density of the dwellings, the Importance of the place as a centre of trade, and ItS hlstonc associations were treated as towns. It may be noted that the non-municipal towns of the state had fewer urban characteristics than the municipal towns, but they too had their own importance in that they primarily existed as the necessary market centres for the service of adjacent rural areas.


Towns consisted 01 :

(I) Every municipality (Ii) all Civil lines not included within municipal limits (ill) every cantonment and (IV) every other continuous collection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons which the Provincial Superintendent of Census decided to treat as a town for census purposes.

In dealing with questions under item (IV), the Provincial Superintendent of Census was required to consider the character of the population, the relative denSity of the dwellings, the Importance of the place as a centre of trade and its historic associations. 9 1941 MADRAS - . All places having municipal corporation, municipal area, all the civil lines net included in municjpal limits and cantonments were treated as urban ir:respective of their population size. In other ca~es, a town was defin.ed as the continuous collection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons possessing. definite urban characteristics which the Provincial Superintendent of Census decided.

1941 COCHIf.J

(i) Every municipality and (ii) every other continuous coirection of houses with urban characteristics such as character of the population, the relative density, importance as a centre of trade and other amenities were treated as towns.


(i) Every municipality . (ii) all civil lines not included within municipal limits (iii) every cantonment and (iv) every other continuous cQllection of houses inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons which the Provincial Superintendent of Census decided to consider as a town for census pUfposes were treated as towns.

In .dealing with questions under item (iv), the' ProvinGial Superintendent of Census . was required to ,consider the character of the population, t~e relative density of the dwellings, the importance of the place as' a centre of trade and its historic associations. .


All places having municipal corporation, muniCipal area, all the civil lines not included in municipal limits and cantonments were treated as urban irrespective of t.heir population size. In other cases, a town was defined as a continuous collection of houses inhabited by usually not less than 5,000 persons which have, urban characteristics such as character of the population, the relative density.of dwellings, the importance of the place as a centre of trade and historic associations and other distinct characteristics like facilities for higher education, public utility services, local body administration, urban diversions and recreations.


All municipalities and' places where Gonservancy arrangements existed were elevated to the status of towns.

. 3. Kerala State was formed as per the States Re-organisation Act, 1 S56. In ' . the first census which came thereafter in 1961, a uniform definition for urban area, as given below was evolved for application in all statesiunion territories in the country.

(i) All 'places with a city corporation, municipality, cantonment board or notified town area committee.

10 (Ii) All other place~ which satisfied the fo.llowing criteria:

(a) a minimum population of 5,000_ (bf a' density .of population of not less than 400 persons per sq.km. (1,000 persons per sq. mile) and - . (c) at least three-fourth of the male .population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.

- The popuigtion, density and extent of male population engaged in' n~m­ agricultural pursuits were determined with' reference to the census figures of 1951. Twenty-three places in the state which did not satisfy the criteria were also recognized as towns on the recommendation of the State Government. TheSe exceptions were either towns in the 1951 census or places of growing impor:tance for one reason or other hC!ving urban amenities.

_ 4. In the 1971 census, toe same definition was followed except in regard to , the third criterion. Instead of 'at least thr-ee-fourths·of the male population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits', 'at least 75 per cent of the male working population' engaged in non-agricultural pursuits' was, substituted. The male working population consisted of categories of workers excluding cultivators (category I) and agriculturaJ labourers (category II). The Primary Census data of the 1961 census were used for treating places as towns. There was also a discretionary provision for the Director of Census Operations to treat a place as town for special reasons in consultation with the State Government, even if it did not satisfy the criteria. ACGordil1gly, some places -with distinct urban amenities though not -satisfying the criteria were ~reated as town based on the reports of local authorities. '

5. In the 1981 census, the same definition adopted in 1971 was foliowetJ with some minor variation. For applying the third criteria, as indicated ,earlier the industrial category III, comprising of activities like fishing, plantation, orchards etc., . was considered as an allied agricultural activity. The Primary Census Abstract of 1971 was used for worki'ng out the eligibility of treating places as towns in 1981.

6. In the 1991 census the definition adopted in 1981 was followed in toto, with the only exception of applying the third criterion for wh_ich the Primary Censws , Abstract of 1981 census was used for' treating places as towns. Entire village or portion at village lying wholly outside the limits of statuto,ry towns which satisfy the criteria was treated as census (non-municipal) town.

Growth of Towns, 1901-91

7. As per the above concepts adopted, there were only 21 towns at the turn 9f the present century. In the next census in 1911, six 'towns were newly formed. The 1921 census. showed a sudden increase in the n,umber of towns by adding 17 towns. In 1931, nine towns were added, while in 1941, nine new places became ,towns. In the 1951 census 32 neW praces became towns. Empirical tests tor treating a place as town were applied in the 1961 census and as a consequence, many areas of pronounced rural character and tAose which were towns in earlier

censuses had to be declassified. Thus In 1961 Census j 37 towns of 1951 were declassified as rural as against 35 towns newly add-ed. In the 1971 census 15 {owns of 1961 were declassified as rural and 11 ,towns were merged wholly with other towns and .22 new places were recognised ~s towns. In 1981 census, as the

11 definition was stnctly applied by treating a village as the basic unit for treating as census town (non-municipal town), 32 towns of 1971 had to be declassified as rural . as against 50 towns newly added. Thus In 1981, there were 106 towns. In the 1991 Census only one town was declassified while 92 towns were newly added raising the total number of towns to 197. The following statement gives the growth of towns since 1901.

Statement 1.1


Census Year

State/District 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991

. KERALA 21(9) 27(14) 44(23) 53(23) 62(23) 94(25) 92(30) 88(32) 106(48) 197(66)

1 1( ) 1( ) 1 (,,) 1( ) 2( ) 5( ) 5(1) 1(1) 6(2)

2 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 13(3) 8(3) 25(3) 45(7)

3 Wayanad 1(1)

4 Kozhlkode 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) 4(1) 4(1) 13(2) 10(2) 6(2) 18(2)

5 1( ) 2( ) 2( ) 2( ) 4( ) 4( ) 5( ) 5(1) 4(4) 5(5)

6 PabKKad 3(1) 4(1) 3(2) 3(2) 6(3) 9(2) 6(2) 8(2) 4(3) 9(5)

7 Thnssur 3( ) 3(1) 4(1) 6(1) 8(2) 10(3) 7(3) 9(5) 25(7) 40(7)

8 4(1) 6(4) 7(5) 9(5} 9(5) 13(5) 12(7) 11(5) 16(8) 28(12)

9 Idukkl 1( ) 1( ) 4( ) 2( ) 2(2) 2(2)

10 2(1) 2(1) 5(3) 6(3) 6(3) 10(4) 7(4) 8(4) 4(4) 8(6)

11 2(1) 2(2) 6(4) 7(4) 7(2) 7(3) 6(4) 6(4) 6(5) 14(5)

12 Pathanamthltta 1( ) 1(1) 2(1) 2(1) 5(1) 2(1) 2(1) 2(2) 4(4)

13 1(1) 1(1) 4(1) 4(1) 4(1) 6(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(2) 7(3)

14 Thlruvananthapuram 1(1) 1(1) 7(3) 8(3) 8(3) 18(3) 13(3) 10(3) 6(5) 10(5)

The Statement excludes urban outgrowth Figures In brackets Indicate statutory towns

Town/Urban Outgrowth of 1991 by civic status

8. As stated above, there are 197 towns in the State in the 1991 census of which 66 fall under statutory towns and the rest census (non-municipal) towns. Besides, there are 22 urban outgrowths. Their details are given below indicating their civic status and population.



170 • Statutory town 160

• Census town 150




110 III C o3: 100 t- <0- o 90 ... GI .J:l 60 E z;:J 70







1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1971 1981 1991 CENSUS YEAR



Statement 1.2


District TownlOG CIVIC Status Population

1981 1991 1981 1991

( i ) Town/OG with same jurisdiction in 1981 and 1991

Kasaragod 1 Kasaragod M M 43,137 50,123

Kannur 1. CT CT 20,497 25,004 2 PapPlnlsseri CT CT 27,062 30,751 3 Valapattanam CT CT 8,080 8,920 4 Chlrakkal CT CT 36,124 39,832 5 Kanhlrode CT CT 10,327 12,543 6. Chelcra CT CT ~ 4,549 17,308 7. Elayavoor CT CT 25,481 29,238 8 Puzhathi CT CT 26,099 30,617 9 Pallikkunnu CT GT 22,101 25,051 10. Kannur M M 60,904 65,233 11 Kannur (Cantt) Gantt Gantt 4,489 4,819 12 Thottada CT CT 29,474 33,249 13 Chala CT CT 12,645 14,839 14. Peralassen . CT CT 13,395 15,120 15 Kadachlra CT CT 14,782 16,441 16 MuzhapPllangad CT CT 14,345 18,825 17. PinaraYI CT CT 13,107 14,695 18. Kottayam Malabar CT CT 14,519 16,524 19 Koothuparamba CT M 24,690 28,908 20 Eranholi CT CT 21,521 23,582 21 CT CT 23,143 26,709 Wayanad

Kozhlkode 1 Vadakara M M 64,174 72,441 2 Kozhlkode G C 394,447 419,531 3. Cheruvannur CT CT 38,941 50,553 4. Beypore CT CT 40,946 56,496

Malappuram 1 Manjen M M 53,959 69,335 2 Malappuram M M 39,786 49,690 3 Tlrur M M 40,803 49,450 4 Ponnam M M 43,226 51,754

Palakkad 1 M M 35,120 39,543 2 M M 111,245 122,964 3 Chlttur- M M 30,407 32,069 Thathamangalam

Thrissur 1 M M 19,440 19,627 2 Inngaprom CT CT 7,265 9,119 3 M M 34,344 37,801 4 TS TS 17,858 20,209 5 VllvGlttom CT CT 13,704 16,895 6 Viyyur CT CT 11,489 11,302 7. Pullazhi CT CT 10,759 13,359 8 Ayyanthole CT CT 11,767 13,492 9 M M 77,923 73,849 10 Mannuthy CT CT 25,474 32,563 11 Nadathara . CT CT 14,321 17,962 17 Statement 1.2-contd


District. . Town/OG CIVIC Status PopulatloT:!

1981 1991 1981 1991

'( i ) Town/OG with same jurisdiction in 1981 and 1991-cQntd.

Thnssur-conc/d. 12 OHur CT CT 27,802 33,138 13. Chiyyaram CT CT 20,315 21,584 14 Koorkancherry CT CT 8,624 , 9,508 15. Kanimangalam CT CT 15,084 16,850 16. Aranattukara CT CT '14,397 16,618 17. AVlnlssery CT CT 9,303 10-,558 18. Edakunny CT CT 1 i,835 13,257 13 ChevvQOi CT CT 12,318 13,756 20 Marathakara CT CT 10,938 12,327 21. M M 28,334 3,1,159 22. Pudukad CT CT 11,112 11,749 23 Innjalakuda M M 26,096 27,489 24 M M 41,894 45,059

Ernakulam l' M M 23,064 24,645 2 ' M M 28,307 . 30,388 3 M M 25,278 24,769 4 Chendamangalam CT CT 25,893 26,828 5' Paravur' M M 26,288 27,904 6 Kottuvally CT CT ' 30,665 34,446 7 Kochl C 'C 513,249 564,038 8 Chenyakadavu CT CT 6,713 7,399 9 MulavuKad CT 'CT 21,397 22,339 10 Tnppunlthura M !vi 43,646 51,032 11. Maradu CT CT 2.8.749 34.956 12. Muvattl1puzha M. M 25.313 27,588 13 Kothamangal~m M M 33.122 35.513

Idukkl 1.ldukki . . TS TS ' 8.886 10,228 .. 2. M .M 35,743 40,652 Kottayam 1.'Palai M M . 21,624 21,880 2 . . M M 21,097 21,751 3. Kottayarri M M 64,43'1 62,829 A M M 51,955 52,448

Alappuzha 1. Chert hal a M M 40,492 43,319 2 Alappuzha M M 169,940 174,606 3. M M 61,327 67,170 4 M M 24,862 25,852 5. Mavellkkara M M 26,598 28,295

Path(1namt~)ltta 1 Pathanamthltta M' M 32,967 35,868

Kollam 1 M M 43,039 46,268 2 Kallam M M 137,943 139,717 3. Kllikollur 'OG CT 29,655 ' 28,447 4. Vadakkevlla CT CT 43,680 50,157 5 Paravoor M M 35,562 37,182

18 Statement 1.2-contd.


Dlstnct Town/OG CIVIC Status Popu~ation

1981 1991 1981 1991

(i) TownfOG with same jurisdiction in 1981 and 1991-concld

Thlruvananlhapuram 1 M M 34,009 38,981 2 Attlngal M M 29,645 32,615 3 M M 43,989 49,864 4 Anayara CT CT 20,594 24,619 5 Thlruvananthapuram C C 483,086 523,733 6 Neyyatllnkara M M 27.993 30,390

(ii) Town/OG with addition in area since 1981

KClnnur 1 T alrparamba CT M 29,901 60,242 2 ' M M 75,561 103,577

Palakkad Ottappalam CT M 23,156 44,183

Thnssur Methala CT CT 30,426 33,887

Ernakulam CT M 43,767 54,313

Pathanamthltta Thlruvalla M M 29,225 54,745

Thlruvananthapuram Thumba OG OG 16,445 33,9.11

(iii) Town/OG with reduction in area since 1981

Kannur New Mahe' CT CT 32,590 11,939

(iv) Town/OG with change in area (addition & deletion) since 1981

Palakkad Hemamblkanagar OG OG 6,741 15,841

Thrrssur Penngavu OG OG 1,963 3,705

(v) Bifurcated towns/OG after 1981 census

Kannur Azhlkode CT 37,273 1 Azhlkode North CT NA 19,276 2 Azhlkode South CT NA 23,084

Kozhrkode CT 34,004 1 Olavanna CT NA 28,381 2 Pantheeramkavu CT NA 16,018

2 CT 37,720 1. Feroke CT NA 25,503 2 Karuvamthuruthy CT NA 18,984

21 Census/91- 3 19 Statement 1.2-contd.


Dlstnct Town/OG CIVIC Status Population

1981 1991 1981 1991

(v) Bifurcated towns/OG after 1981 census-cone/d.

ErnQkulam Vadakkekara CT 42,267 1 Vadakkekara CT NA 18,975 2 Moothakunnam CT NA 26,549

2. CT 46,856 1 Eloor M NA 34,443 2 Varapuzha CT NA 22,511

3 Thnkkakara 38,318 1 Vazhakkala CT NA 33,048 2 Kakkanad OG NA 17,992

Kollam Eravlpuram -CT 47,?74 1 Eravlpuram CT NA 34,625 2 Mundakkal OG NA 21,281

(vi) New Towns in 1991

Kasaragod 1 Manjeshwar CT 7,882 2 Kanhangad M 57,133 3 Perole CT 13,888 4 Nlleshwar CT 22.659 5. Cheruvathur CT 2-4,500

Kannur 1 Payyannur M 64,011 2 Cheruthazham CT 23,089 3. CT 16,246 4 CT 18,158 5 Kannadlparamba CT 11,598 6 Varam CT 13,778 7 Munderi CT 17,356 8 Inven CT 14,162 9 Ancharakandy CT 20,681 10 Mavilayi CT 11,457 11 Mattannur M 40,470 12. PaduvllaYI CT 17,517 13. Pathinyad CT 14,737 14. Eruvattl CT 14,062 - 15 'Patliom CT 19,073 16 Kadlrur CT 26,582 17. Pannlyannur CT 19,313 18 Peringathur CT 35,021 19 Chockll CT 31,641

Wayanad M 22,915

20 Statement ; .2-contd.


Dlstnct Town/OG CIVIC Status Population

1981 1991 1981 1991

(vi) New Towns in 1991-contd.

Kozhikode 1 CT 35,248 2 Villiappally CT 29,988 3 -CT 23,523 4. Kakkodl CT 30,064 5 CT 34,245 6 Mavoor CT 26,057 7 Kuttlkkattoor CT 17,101 8. Perumanna CT 22,356 9 CT 25,668 10 Kadalundl CT 35,163

Malappuram Pelintalmanna M 39,018

Palakkad 1 M 45,407 2 Puduppanyaram CT 24,807 3 Marutharode CT 16,983 4 Koduvayur CT 17,636 5 Pudunagaram CT 15,691

Thnssur 1. Chelakkara CT 7,971 2 CT 8,162 3 Perakam CT, 9,539 4 Thalkkad CT 7,320 5 Paluvai CT 6,748 6 CT 10,438 7' Venmenad CT 9,290 8 Kolazhy CT 7,159 9 Pottore CT 5,721 10 Kut100r CT 9.631 11 Palissery CT 6,169 ' 12 Nettissery CT 7,535 13. Mathilakam CT 1'3,731 14 Eriyad CT 23,505 15. Koratty CT 16,603

Ernakulam 1 Choormkkara CT 34,824 2 Edathala ' CT 56,277 3. Alengad CT 35,606 4 Kedamangalam CT 18,491 5 Kadungalloor CT 25,422 6 Cheranalloor CT 21,320 7. Plravam M 25,205 8 Koothattukulam M 16,828 9 Thlruvankulam ,CT 18,413

Kot1ayam 1 Erattupetta M 21,232 2. Perumbaikkad CT 39.35~ 3 Nattakam CT 37,552 4. Kanjirappally M 37,013

21 Statement 1.2-concld.


District Town/OG CivIC Status Population

1981 1991 1981 1991

(vi) New Towns in 1991-concld.

Alappuzha 1 Aroor CT 31,640 2 Arookutty CT 15,692 3. Kodamthuruth CT 18,129 4. Vayalar . CT 22,383 5 Kokkothamangalarn CT 15,902 6 Thanneermukkam CT 28,727 7 Muhamma CT 22,539 8 Komalapuram CT 37,246 9 Mannanchery CT 24,980

Pathanamthltta 1. Pandalam M 37,733 2 M .26,625

Kollam Mangad CT 28,326

Thlruvananlhapuram 1. Vakkom CT 20,092 2. Ulloor CT 25,640 3. Kudappanakunnu CT 33,500 4. Nemom CT 42,546

(vii) New Urban Outgrowths in 1991

Kozhlkode 1. Puthlyangadl OG 377 2 Elathur OG 36,407 i'v1alappuram Anakkayam OG 23,178

Thnssur Poonkunnam OG 308 2 Thrissur OG 2,642 3 Chembukkavu OG 540

Kottayam Vljayapuram OG 26,445

Alappuzha 1. Kalarcode OG 23,257 2 Punnapra OG 29,778

Kellam 1. Neendakara OG 15,414 2. Sakthlkulangara OG 44,435

Thlruvananthapuram 1. Kazhakuttam OG 12,512 2. Sreekanyam OG 17,238 3. Cheruvlkkal OG 21,223 4 Vattiyoorkavu OG 33,595 5 Thlruvallam OG 31,890 6. Kovalam OG 25,275 -_._-,_-- T'1e spellings given In the list are those adopted In the 1991 census C - Corporation, M - Municipal Town, Cantt - Cantonment, CT - Census (Non-Municipal) Town TS . Township, OG . Out Growth • Kodlyen town was bifurcated, one parbon added to Thalasserry MuniCipal Town and the remaining portion IS known as ~Jew Mahe town 22 Urban agglomeration

9. It was mentioned earlier that a stncter application of definition of town was first applied in 1961 census. A new concept of town-group was also introduced In 1961. Towns With a population of over 1 lakh were considered as core towns and all neighbouring statutory/census towns having- interaction With the core towns were considered as part of the town-group. There was a major set back In this concept as the Intervening areas and contiguity were not considered Therefore in the 1971 census, a more refined definition of urban agglomeration was adopted. As per the definition, urban agglomeration is a continuous urban spread consisting of a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths or two or more physically contiguous towns together with contiguous well recognised urban outgrowths, If any. of such towns For example: around a core city or statutory town. there might have come up sizable and well established urban appendages like railway colonies, university campuses, ports, military camps etc., which are part of continuous urban spread though outside the statutory limits of the core city/town. While such outgrowths will fall in adjoining revenue Village, it Will not be realistiC to treat such outgrowth as rural units. At the same time, each indiVidual area by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limit to qualify to be treated as an independent urban unit. Such areas deserve to be reckoned along With the core town and the continuous urban spread including the core town and such urban outgrowths are treated as urban agglomeratIOn. The constituents of an urban agglomeration should satisfy the conditions of urbanisation, contiguity and Viability. These are the general principles on which urban agglomerations are formed.

10. Though the above concept was evolved and put into practice at ali-India level in the 1971 census, in Kerala no urban agglomeration was formed In that year. Only in 1981 census, 9 urban agglomerations were formed. In the 199'1 census, its number has increased to 16. The jurisdiction of all the 9 urban agglomerations was extended in 1991 by including contiguous census towns and urban outgrowths. The Cannanore and Tellicherry UA of 1981 were combined to form the Kannur UA of 1991. A comparative statement showing the constituent units of UAs for 1981 and 1991 IS given below: Statement 1.3


1981 Census 1991 Census

Urban agglomeration Population Urban agglom-;:. ~.I\)n PopulatIOn

(i) UAs of 1981 census which continue in 1991 census

1. Cannanore UA 157,797 1. Kannur UA 463,951

(I) Cannanore (M) 60,904 (I) Kannur (M) 65.233 (II) Cannanore Cantonment 4,489 (II) Kannur Cantonment 4,819 (III) Valapattanam(CT) 8,080 (III) Valapattanam (CT) 8,920 (IV) Chlrakkal (CT) 36,124 (IV) Omakkal (CT) 39,832 (v) Pallikunnu (CT) 22,101 (V) Pallikunnu (CT) 25,051 (VI) Puzhathl (CT) 26,099 (VI) Puzhathl (CT) 30,617 (VII) Azhlkode North (CT) 19,276 (VIII) Azhlkode South (CT) 23,084 (IX) Elayavoor (CT) 29,238 (x) Thottada (CT) 33,249 (XI) Muzhappllangad (CT) 18.825 23 Statement 1.3-contd


1981 Census 1991 Census

Urban agglomeration Population Urban agglomeration Populatipn -

(i) UAs of 1981 census which continue in 1991 census

2. Tellicherry UA 98,704 (XII) Thalassery (M) 103,577 (I) TellJcherry (M) 75,561 (XIII) Dharmadom (GT) 26,709 (Ii) Dharrnadom (GT) 23,143 (xiv) Eranholi (GT) 23,582 (xv) New Mahe 11,939

3. Calicut UA 546,058 2. UA 800,913 (I) Galicut (C) 394,447 (i) Kozhlkode (G) 419,531 (a) Puthiyangadi (OG) 377 (b) Elathur (OG) 36,407 (il) Olavanna (GT) 34,004 (i1) Olavanna (GT) 28,381 (iii) Pantheeramkavu (GT) 16,018 (III) Gheruvannur (GT) 38,941 (iv) Cheruvannur (GT) 50,553 (iv} Beypore (CT) 40,946 (v) Beypore (GT)_ 56,496 (v) Feroke (GT) 37,720 (vi) Feroke (GT) 25,503 (vii) Karuvamthuruthy(GT) 18,984 (viII) Koduvally -(GT) 23,523 (ix) Kakkodi (GI) 30,064 (x) Kunnamangalam (Gl) 34,245 (XI) Ramanattukara (GT) 25,668 (xii) Kadalundl (GT) 35,163 4. Palghat UA _117,986 3. Palakkad UA 179,695 (I) Palghat (M) 111,245 (i) Palakkad (M) 122,964 Palghat Railway Colony (OG) 6,741 Hemamblk~nagar (OG) 15,841 (Ii) Puduppanyaram (CT) - 24,807 (III) Marutharode (CT)- 16,083 5: Guruvayur UA 59,467 4. -Guru'!ayur )JA 118,626 (i) Guruvayur Township 17,858 (i) Guruvayur Township 20,209 (II) Gliavakkad (M) 34,344 (II) Ghavakkad (M) 37,801 (Ill) Iringaprom (CT) 7,265 (III) Iringaprom (GT) 9,119 (IV) Pookode (GT) 8,162 (v) Perakom {GT) 9,539 (VI) Thaikkad (GT) 7,320 (vii) Paluval (Gl) 6,748 (Viii) Pavaratty (GT) 10,438 (IX) Venmenad (GT) 9,290 6. Trichur UA 17{),122 5. Thrissur UA 274,898 (I) Trichur (M) 77,923 (I) Thnssur (M) 73,849 Penngavu (OG) 1,963 (a) Peringavu (OG) 3,705 (b) Poonkunnam (OG) 308 (e) Ghembukavu (OG) 540 (d) Thrfssur (OG) 2,642 (II) Vllvattom (CT) 13,704 (II) Vllvattom (GT) 16,895 (11/) Vlyyur (GT) 11,489 (1//) Vlyyur (GT) 11,302 (IV) Mannuthy (Gi) 25,4 74 (IV) Mannuthy (GT) 32,563 (v) Ayyanthole (GT) 11,76} (v) Ayyanthole (GT) _ 13,492 (VI) Ollur (GT) 27,802 (VI) Ollur (GT) 33,138 (VII) -Nettlssery (GT) 7,535 (viii) Nadathara (Gl) 17,962 (IX) Ghlyyaram (GT) 21,584 (x) Koorkaneherry (CT) 9,508 (XI) Aranattukara (GT) 16,618- (XII) Edakkunny (GT) 13,257

24 Statement 1.3-contd.


1981 Census 1991 Census

Urban agglomeration Population Urban agglomeration Population

(i) UAs of 1981 census which continue in 1991 census-conc/d.

7. Cochin UA 685,836 6. UA 1,139,543 (I) Cochln (C) 513,249 (I) Kochl (C) 564,038 Thnkkakara (OG) 38.,318- Kakkanad (OG) 17,992 (II) Thnppunithura (M) 43,646 (II) Tnppumthura (M) 51,032 (III) Eloor (CT) 46,856 (III) Eloor (M) 34,443 (IV) Kalamassery (CT) 43,767 (IV) Kalamassery (M) 54,313 (v) Paravur (M) 27,904 (VI) Aluva (M) 24,769- (VII) Kedamangalam (CT) 18,491 (VIII) Kottuvally (eT) 34,446 (IX) Alengad (CT) 35,606 (x) Varapuzha (CT) 22,511 (XI) Kadungallur (CT) 25,422 (XII) Choornlkara (CT) 34,824 (XIII) Edathala (CT) 56,277 (XIV) Chenyakadavu (CT) 7,399 (xv) Cheranallur (CT) 21,320 (XVI) Mulavukad (CT) 22,339 (xvu) Vazhakkala (CT) 33,048 (XVIII) Thlruvankulam (CT) 18,413 (XIX) Maradu (CT) 34,956 8. Ouilon UA 167,598 7. Kollam UA 362,402 (I) OUIlon 137,943 (I) Kollam(M) 139,717 Klilkoliur (OG) 29,655 (a) Sakthlkulangara (OG) 44.435 (b) Neendakara (OG) 15,414 (c) Mundakkal (OG) 21,281 (II) Klilkoliur (CT) 28,447 (III) Mangad (CT) 28,326 (IV) Vadakkevlla (CT) . 50,157 (v) Eravipuram (CT) 34,625 9. Trivandrum UA 520,125 8. Thiruvananthapuram UA 825,682 (I) Tnvandrum (C) 483,086 (I) Thlruvananlhapuram (C) 523, 733 , Thumba (OG) 16,445 (a) Thumba (OG) .33,911 (II) Kadakampally (CT) 20,594 (b) Kazhakuttam (OG) 12,512 (c) Sree!<~qy .'.rn (OG) 17,238 (d) Cheruvlkkaf (OG) 21,223 (e) VattJYoorkavu (OG) 33,595 (f) Thlruvallam (OG) 31,890 (g) Kovalam (OG) 25,275 (II) Anayara (GT) 24,619 (III) Ulloor (GT) 25,640 (IV) Kudappanakunnu (CT) 33,500 (v) Nemom (GT) 42,546

(ii) N~ly forni~ UAs in 1991

~. !,(anhangad UA 118,180 (I)'Kanhangad (M) 57,133 (II) Perole (Cl) 13,888 (III) Nlleshawar (CT) 22,659 (IV) Cheruvathur (CT) 24,500 25 Statement 1.3-concld.


1981 Census 1991 Census

Urban agglomeration POp,Jlatlon Urban agglomeration Population

(i i) Newly formed UAs in 1991-concld.

10. Vadakara UA 102,429 (I) Vadakara (M) 72,441 (Ii) Vllhappally (CT) 29,988

11. Malappuram UA 142,203 (I) Malappuram (M) 49,690 Anakkayam (OG) '23,178 (II) (M) 69,335

12. Chittur- Thathamangalam UA 65,396 (I) Chlttur-Thathamangalam (M) 32,069 (Ii) Koduvayur (CT) 17,636 (III) Pudunagaram (eT) 15,691

13. Kodungallur UA 88,551 (I) Kodungallur (M) 31,159 (Ii) Enyad (eT) 23,505 (Iii) Melhala (CT) 33,887

14. Kottayam UA 166,178 (I) Kottayam (M) 62,829 VIJayapuram (OG) 26,445 (II) Perumbalkkad (CT) 39,352 (III) Nattakom (CT) 37,552

15. UA 132,870 (I) Cherthala (M) 43,319 (II) Vayalar (CT) 22,383 (III) Kokkothamangalam (CT) 15,902 (IV) Thanneermukkom (eT) 28,727 (v) Muhamma (CT) 22,539

16. Alappuzha UA 264,887 (I) Alappuzha (M) 174,606 (a) Kalarcode (OG) 23,257 (b) Punnapra (OG) 29,778 (II) Komalapuram (CT) 37,246

Position of Kerala in India

11. The 1991 urban population of India accounts for 25.72 per cent of the total population as against 23.34 per cent in 1981. Thus a little over one-forth of the population is urbanised. Kerala along with 10 other States and 6 Union Territories exceeds the all-India average. Among them Delhi Union Territory registers the highest urban content with 89.93 per cent. The first five ranks are held by Union Territories i.e., Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, and Daman & Diu, Though Maharashtra holds 8th rank it has a unique position among the major States with 38.73 per cent urbanites.

26 Statement 1.4


Percentage of Rank Percentage to Urban PopU~bon 111 Total Populabon 1981 Rank In Stale/Union Urban 1991 Terntones Popula1lon 1991 1981 1991 1981

INDIA 217,177,625 25.72 23.34 100.00 1.00.00

1 Maharashtra 30,496,352 3873 35.03 1 1404 13.79 2 Uttar Pradesh 27,653,410 1989 17.95 2 12 73 12 413 3 19,027,033 3420 3295 3 876 10.00 4 West Bengal 18,622,014 2739 26.47 4 8 57 9.06 5 Andhra Pradesh 17,812,693 26.84 2332 5 8 20 7.83 6 Madhya Pradesh 15,348,047 23 21 20.29 8 707 664 7 Gujarat 14,164,301 34.40 31.10 1 652 665 8 13,850,702 3091 2889 6 638 6.73 9 Billar 11,368,889 13 17 1247 9 5 24 5.47 10 Rajasthan 10,040,118 22.88 21 05 10 462 4.52 11 Deihl 8,427,083 8993 92.73 11 3.88 3.62 12 KERALA 7,676,371 2644 18.74 12 354 299 13 Punjab 6,000,882 29.72 2768 13 2 76 291 14 Orissa 4,232,455 13.43 11.79 14 1 95 1.95 15 Haryana 4,045,170 2479 21.88 15 1 86 177 16 Assam 2,470,888 11 08 988 16 1.14 1 12 17 Jammu & Kashmir 1,839,400 2383 21 05 17 085 079 18 Chandlgarh 574,646 8969 9363 18 0.26 027 19 Pondlcherry 516,934 6405 5228 22 024 020 20 Mampur 505,848 27.69 26.42 19 023 024 21 Goa 479,421 41 02 3203 21 0.22 020 22 Himachal pradesh 444,824 8.70 7 61 20 o 21 020 23 Tnpura 418,983 15.26 10.99 24 0.19 0.14 24 Meghalaya 329,079 18 69 18.07 23 0.15 0.15 25 Mlzoram 317,040 4620 24.67 25 0.15 0.08 26 Nagaland 210,095 1728 15 52 26 0.10 008 27 Arunachal Pradesh 104,806 12.21 6.56 29 0.05 0.03 28 Andaman & Nlcobar Islands 74,810 2680 2630 28 003 003 29 Daman & Diu 4?,,538 4686 36.75 30 002 0.02 30 Slkklm 36,984 9 12 16 15 27 002 0.03 31 Lakshadweep 29,089 5629 46.28 31 0.01 o 01 32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11,720 8.47 6.67 32 001 Nil

The decennial growth rate of urban population during 1981-91. is highest in Kerala among major States with 60.89 per cent as against the all-India average of 36.19 per cent.

12. It has been noticed that at the all-India level the averag~ annual exponential growth rate of population for rural areas has increased from 1.78 during 1971-81 to 1.80 In 1981-91, whereas in urban areas it has shown a declining trend from 3.83 in 1971-81 to 3.09 in 1981-91. On the other hand the rural growth rate for Kerala has shown a sudden drop from 1.46 in 1971-81 to 0.32 in 1981-91 as against the, increase in urban areas from 3.19 in 1971-81 to 4.76 in 1981-91. The steady growth of urban population in Kerala is due to the inclusion of large number of census towns and declaration of several panchayats as statutory towns.

27 Rural-urban Population of Kerala ·since 1901

13. At the turn of the twentieth century, Kerala had a populatipn of 63.96 lakhs of which as much as 59.42 lakhs were in rural areas. This constituted 92.89 per cent of the total population. The content of rural-folk in the population of Kerala underwent remarkable decline over the succeeding decades. The provisional popl:Jlation indrcates the percentage of people living in rural are.as as only 73.56. This drop in percentage IS in other words due to the urbanisation. Kerala, as a matter of fact, is a continuous ribbon of settlement and it is difficult to distinguish a village spread from an urban pattern. However the application of definitions adopted fn censuses gives a distinction of urban from rural. The adoption of concepts and· its application in . different censuses have influenced the content and gro~th of urban popu'lation. Since 1961, as already stated the definition of town was almost uniform. This indicates that during the decades 1961-71 and 1971-81 the increase was almost steady, i.e., 35.72 per cent and 37.64 per cent respectively. But in the 'decade the growth of population is phenomenal i.e., 60.89 per cent. Thjs is largely due to the declaration of new municipal towns and censusJown in the State and the inclusion of peripheral areas with pronounced urban characteristics as urban outgrowths. The break-up' of population of Kerala for the period 1901-91 is giv,en below:

Statement 1.5


Proportion to Decennial Population Totalp:>pulation growth rate Census of urban year Total Rural Urban Urban Rural population

1901 6,396,262 5,941-,763 454,499, 7.11 92.89 1911 7,147,673 6,623,012 524,661 7.34 9266 15 .. 44 1921 7,802,127 7,121',227 680,900 8 73 91.27 29.78 1931 9507,050 8,590,720 916,330 9.64 90.36 34.58 1941 11,031,541 9,835,991 1,195,550 10.84 89 16 30.47 1951 13,549,118 11,723,286 1,825,832. 13.48 86.52 52.72 1961 16,903,715 14,349,574 2,554,141 15.11 84.89 39.89 1971 21,347,375 17,880,926 3,466,449 1624 8376 35.72 1981 ' 25,453,680 20,682,405 4,771,275 18.74 81.26 3764 1991" 29,032,828 21,356,457 7,676,371 26.44 73.56 ~O 89

• ProvISional

Urban Population in' Districts of Kerala

14. Even though Kannur has the largest number of towns, ranks first in re,spect of urban population with 17.87 per cent. takes the second position with 14.92 per cent, while the lowest rank is held by Wayan ad with only 0.3 per cent. The growth of urban population is conspicuous in Kasaragod" .Kottayam and Pathanamthitta districts. Other districts which exceed the State growth rate are Kannur, Kozhikode, Palakkad and Alappuzha. 28 KERALA 80 GROWTH OF URBAN POPULATION· 1901-1991



III 50 .t: ..xo .

c: 40 c: .2 -o :::7 g- 30 Cl..



...... o .... M ' ..., en en en.... en.... en.... en.... CENSUS YEAR


~ 30 30 .t; ;;, 0. o e--....-.... ______~ 20 20 o L. ;;, L. c:: 10 10 .2 ~o L. "- g '.... I o ,_--~'~-I----,_----_T----~r_----~--~~----_.----~ 0 o ""0 o U o




...13 ;;, Q. o a. 1,0 /' 40 / , c: / \ \ _g / " \ I L. ;;, \ / .!:' 30 \ /1 30 / \ / c \/ . o I / ~ / L. / / 20 ~ 20 / o / "U / INDIA o / u /

o o 1901- \9\\ " -21 2\ -3\ 31- 4\ 51-1)\ 7\ - 81 81 91 DECADAL VARIATION IN TOTAL POPULATION 1901-1991 0/. 30 30 c:: ...o ...... -.,..;------..Q /~_.. ::l 20 20 a. " o / " a. / c _...... ------/ ,- c ,... o 10 / 10 ... I INDIA o / / I KERALA / - I o O+---~~----~------~----~----~------~----4 o "0 o v o -10 -10 1901- 1911 11- 21 21- 31 31- 41 41- 51 51- 61 61-71 71-81 81-91




Statement 1.6

DISTRICT-WISE RURAL AND URBAN COMPOSITION OF POPULATION-, 1991 Percentage Dece- No of Population, 1991 of urban popu· Percentage nlal lallon to total of urban urban Town OG Total Rural Urban populalion populatllon growlh State/District for the rate 1981 1991 state 1981·91

Kerala 197 22 29,032,828 21,356,457 7,676,371 18.74 26.44 100.00 60.89

1 Kasaragod 6 1,070,628 894,443 176,185 494 1646 230 30843 2 Kannur 45 2,244,685 1,099,407 1,145,279 3173 5102 14 92 8694 3 Wayanad 1 671,191 649,276 22,915- 341 030 4 150zhlkode 18 2 2,613,683 1,609,579 1,004,104 2718 842 1308 6454 5 Malappuram 5 1 3,093,190 2,810,765 282,425 740 913 368 58 ~7 6 Palakkad 9 1 2,376,561 2,002,337 374,224 1011 1575 487 -8107 7 Thnssur 40 4 2,735,059 2,015,225 719,834 21 10 632 938 3983 8 Ernakulam 28 2,812,306 1,440,244 1,372,062 3956 4879 .1787 3681 9 Idukkl 2 1,076,555 1,025-,675 50,880 460 473 066 14 01 10 Kottayam 8 1 1,824,744 1,504,242 320,502 937 1756 417 10144 11 Alappuzha 14 2 1,990,589 1 ,~81 ,074 609,515 1846 3062 794 77 04 12 Pathanamthltta 4 1,186,628 1,031,657 154,971 553 1306 202 14918 13 KoJlam 7 3 - 2,398,303 1,952,451 445,852 1550 1859 581 3224 14 Thlruvanantha- puram 10 7 2,938,706 1,941,082 997,624 2526 3395 1300 5213

Urban Population by Size Classes of Towns

15. In every census, the towns are classified by population size comprising of six classes as noted below:


- Class 100,000 and above

Class ' II 50,000-99,999

Class III 20,000-49,999

Class IV 10,000-19,999

Class V 5,000-9,999

Class VI Less than 5,000

For the purpose of analysis of data, the constituent units of each urban agglomeration are not reckoned separately but are clubbed together and the urban agglomeration is treated as a single unit and classified under the appropriate population size class, on the basis of the total population of the entire' urban agglomeration. Based' on this approach, there are 16 urban agglomeration and 93 towns in the State. The urban outgrowth,as by its very definition, forms part of the concerned urban agglomeration, as they are appendages to the core towns. The UAs/Towns cl~sslfied by population size of town are as tollows :

35 21 Census!9! - 4-


, . , 1901 II,




, o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ,40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Lakh~


KERALA URBAN POPULATION BY SIZE CLASS OF URBAN AGGLOMER ATIONS !TOWNS 1971_91 55 +------~~======,_t55 50 C I 5o 1991 50 50 1981 ------1971 40 i\ 45 45 IIIz ~ \ \ 0 \ .... \ e/) -30 l 40 III \ 40 l \ :I: < , x: URBAN POPULATION ::> \ ~ _, ~ ' 0 /i \ \ 35 cr 1\ 35 Z UJ 20 2 - II) Z :l: 0 ::> 1971 z .\\\ , t- 30 (~ , 30 ~_, 1# 10 1 :> ~ Q. c Ii ~ ,, 0 c ----- , , Q. 25 ,, 25 , , Z \1> .:( t , 0 !n m I . II III IV a: 20 v 20 :> SIZE CLASS OF UAStTOWNS ....J .:( I- ______-+'5 0 15 t-

10 ------______-+'0



Statement 1.7


Size Class

State/ District (a) All Classes Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V (b) (e)

KERALA (a) 109(16) 14(14} 9{2) 46(-) 34(-) 6(-) (b) 7,676,371 5,092,457 554,440 1,464,501 52Q,440 44,533 (c) 1,00.00 66.34 7 .2~ 19.08 6'.78 0.58

1 Kasaragod (a) 3(1 ) 1 (1) 1(-) 1(-) (b) 176,185 118,180 50,123 7,882 (c) 100.00 67.08 28.45 447

2. Kannur (a) 31 (1) 1 (1 ) 2(-) 9(-) 19(-) (b) 11,45,278 -463,951 124,253 262,147 294,927 (c) 100 pO 40.51 10.85 22.89 25.75

3 Wayanad (a) ~ r(-) 1(-) (b) 22,915 22,915 (c) 100.00 100.00

4 Kozhlkode (a) 6(2) 2(2} 3(-} 1(-} (b) 1,004,104 903,342 83,661 17,101 (c) 10000 89.97 8.33 1.70.

5. Malappuram (a) 4P) 1 (1 ) 1(-) 2(-} (b) 282,425 142,203 51,754 88,468 (c) 100.00 50.35 18.33 31 -32

,6. Palakkad (a) 5(2) 1 (1 ) 1 (1 ) 3(-) (b) 374,224 179,695 65,396 129,133 (c) 100.00 48.02 17.47 34.51

7. Thnssur (a) 19(3) 2(2) 1 (1 ) 2(-) 9(-) 5(-) (b) 719,834 393,524 88,551 72,548 128,560 36,651 - (c) 100.00 54.67 1230 10.08 17.86 509

8~ Ernakulam (a) 10(1 ) 1 (1 ) 7(-} 2(-} (b~ 1,372,062 1,1.39,543 196,716 35,803 (c) 10000 83.Cl5 14.34 261

9.ldukkl (a) 2(-) 1(-) 1(-) (b) 50,880 40,652 10,228 '--- (c) 100.00 79.90 20.10

10. Kottayam (a) 6(1 ) 1 (1 ) 1(-) 4(-) (b) 320,502 166,178 52,448 101,876 (c) fOO.OO 51 85 16.36 31 79

11. Alappuzha ~a) 9(2) 2(2) 1(-} 4(-) 2(-) (b) 609,515 397,757 67,170 110,767 33,821 (c) 100.00 65.26 11.02 18.17 5.55

12. Pathanamthitta (a) 4(-) 1(-) 3(-) (b) 154,971 54,745 100,226 (c) 1'00.00 35.33 64.67

13. Kallam (a) 3(1 ) 1 (1 ) 2(-) (b) . 445,852 362,402 83,450 (c) .100.00 81.28 , 18.72

41 Statement 1.7-concld.


Size Class

State/District (a) All Classes Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V (b) (c)

14. Thiruvanantha- puram (a) 6{1 ) 1 (1 ) 5{-) (b) 997,624 825,682 171,942 (c) 100.00 82.76 17.24

------Note: The only town under Class VI forms part of Kannur Urban agglomeration. _ , (a) The figures' Indicate the total number of Urban agglomeration and towns. The figures given Within brackets denote the number of urban agglomeration which are included in the total number of towns/UAs. (b) Population In the Size Class. (c) Percentage of population in each size class t9 total urban population of the State/respective district.

At the State level, one-third of the urban population tS accounted by dass I UAsfTowns. Glass III towns together taking 19 per cent of the' total urban population while Class II and Class IV register around 7 per cent.

16. In India there are 23 Urban agglo'meration/cities with a population of over ooe million. Of these Greater Bombay UA tops in the 1991 census with a population of 12.57, million followed by Calcutta UA with 10.92 million, Delhi with 8.38 and Madras with 5.36. Kochi ranks 14th with 1.14 million and it is the only UA of its kind in Kerafa State.

17. Among the UAs and towns in the State the first 10 are as follow~ in the descending order of population.

Nameof UA Population, 1991 Name of Town Population, 1991

1. Kochi 1,139,543 1. Kochi (C) 564,038 2. Thiruvananthapuram 825,682 2.Thiruvananthapuram (C) 523,733 3. Kozhikode 800, 913 3. Kozhikode (C) 419, 531 4. Kannur 463,951 4. AlappuZha (M) 174,606, 5. Kollam 362,402 5. Kollam (M) 139,717 6. Thrissur 274,898 6. Palakkad (M) 122,964 7. Alappuzha 264,887 7. Thalassery (M) 103,577 8. Palakkad 179,695 8. Thrissur (M) 73,849 . 9. Kottayam 166,178 , 9. Vadakara (M) 72,441 10. Malappuram 142,203 10. Manjeri (M) 69,335




3. VADAKARA (::,8 ~ .dD 100000 P"rsons \{jJ) \S) " ~

, 4. KANHANGAD ®~" 10'\ II 5 GURUVAYUR ' v\!

I, • ',': :. G"" • 6 CHER'THALA' .'(D.:':.:", .,'.:::-::' ::

, ' 7, MALAPPURAM '" G"

,.. , ,

~ , " .. , 8 KOT TAYAM , , ", (j" ,

,,"'" ' , ..." , " ',' .. ,', 9 PALAK KAD @@, ,, , ...... ,,, . (J "',,',':::,,, ,',,' ,..... " 10 ALAPPUZ HA """. .'"EJD .

' ' :,':,'. ," ,11. THRISSUR CJ ED ... 0'::' ,': -: .,'

. :. ::.. '" 12 KOLLAM '::-:::,':,,>,.,. (8'<':':::':)'"'t!_..." CJ','.:',. Q, 0':.'::'::1@'::::)(]':':::: ':::::\':"':::: ',' "". ' ,", ,.,' . : .... 13 KANNUR @ GD...... (92) 0::", (?'\ A ~ (7;:\ (?l ~ ( 14 KOZHIKODE, '.:6) ""'" V \i) '(J ® \S \2).

'~ c=".,.",''::'J ("')'': :,"'" C),:::',,"," C":'': ,) @,::~::,:: ::1 9,'::,": ,:,,', CD::"::"::,::,:, a" 15 THIRUVM4AtHHAPURM.' O '::':",' '(;:" ' :": '~:y/ «::,:,:/: ': .. ': .. : :':;.:;-'::' : '0, .... ' 0'" u':''''' , , " 0':':'", : t,;.(.'?:\@:';"'.:"CBJ':''::':'''(jj)'':':::':'i)':';':-:';' :';':::.1 ' ", .. ,,'''''''' ...... : ...... , CIo':':';';'o"::'"'' \ EillD'::':-:':':"""",, G'::, 16 KOCHI : ';. , ' , " ", "." ':,: Z;j) ':",::::::> (:.;J) ',';;'::}' ';:::::;:::';::. ''::::::}::) ',:::::::::::.;, .;'::

Table 1.1


Populan~ literates SI State! Total No Dlstnct/ Rural/ Persons Males Females - Persons Males Females Taluk Urban 2 _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - KERALA T 29,032,828 14,230,391 14,8-02,437 22,671,821 11,516,040 '11,155,781 R 21,356,457 10,455,208 10,901,249 16,443,641 8,359,228 8,084,413 U 7,676,371 3,775,183 3,901,188 6,228,180 3,156,812 5,071,368

1. KASARAGOD T 1,070,628 528,081 542,547 751,026 396,367 354,659 DISTRICT R 894,443 441,951 452,492 618,836 327,780 291,056 U 176,185 86,130 90,055 132,190 68,587 63,603

Kasaragod T 539,691 269,097 270,594 365,135 196,8'42 168,293 R 481,686 240,314 241,372 '322,078 174,317 147,761 U 58,005 28,7~3 2'9,222 43,057 22,525 20,532

2 Hosdurg T 530,937 258,984 271,953 385,891 199,525 186,366 R 412,757 201,637 211,120 296, 758 153,463 143,295 U 118,180 57,347 60,833 89,133 46,062 43,071

2, KANNUR T 2,244,685 1,092,3'75 1,152',310 1,782,331 900,614 881,717 DISTRICT R 1,099,407 539,034 560,373 850,318 435,473 414.,845 U 1,145,278 553,341 591,937 932,013 465,141 466,872

1 Tahparamba T 664,586 327,717 336,869 515,329 266,218 ~49,111 R 540,333 266,796 273,537 417,092 215,654 201,438 U 124,253 60,921 63,332 98,237 50,564 47,673

2 Kannur T 700,214 339,430 ' 360,784 702,896 351,654 351,242 R 123,539 ' 59,133 64,406 93,237 47,048 46,189 U 576,675 280,297 296,378 609,659 304,606 305,053

3 Thalassery T 879,885 425,228 454,657 564,106 282,742 281,364 R 435,535 213,105 222,430 339,989 172,771 167,218 U 444,350 212,123 232,227 224,117 10~,971 114,146

3. WAYANAD T 671,191 341,185 330,006 473,120 254,691 218,429 DISTRICT 'R 648,276 329,413 318,863 456,454 245,637 210.817 U 22,915 11,772 11,143 16,666 9,054 7,.61 2

I 1 T 203,482 102,740 100,742 138,251, 74,526 63,725 R 203,482 102,74Q 100,742 138,251 74,526 63,725 U 2 Sulthan Bnthery T 255,084 131,280 123,804 183,340 98,939 84,401, R 255,084, 131,280 123,804 183,340 98,939 84,40~ U

3 yythln T 212,625 107,165 105,460 151,529 81,226 70,303 R 189,710 95,393 94,317 134,863 72,172 62,691 U 22,915 11,772 11,143- 16,666 9,054 7,612

4, KOZHIKODE T 2,613,683 1,287,085 1,326,598 2,068,072 1,063,029 ,1,005,043 DISTRICT R 1,609,579 790,697 818,882 1,261,964 649,515 612,449 ' U 1,004,104 496,388, 507,716 806,108 413,514 392,594

1 Vadakara T 604,071 293,530 310,541 458,950 235,619 223,331 R 466,394 2?6,332 240,062 353,469 181,440 172,029 U 137,677 67,198 70,479 105,481 54,179 51,302

2 QUllandy T 638,605 313,976 324,629 508,947 262,147 246,800 R 638,605 313,976 324,629 508,947 262,147 246,800 U

I 3 Kozhlkode T 1,371,007 679,579 691,428 1,100,175 565,263 534,912 R 504,580 250,389 254,191 399,548 205,928 193,620 U 866,427 429,190 437,237 700,627 359,335 341,292

45 Table 1.1-contd.


Populanon Li1erates SI State! Total No D!stnct' RuraV Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Taluk Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5. MAlAPPURAM T 3,093,190 1,505,860 1,587,330 2,2 22~ 721 1,121,607 1,101,114 DISTRICT R 2,810,765 1,367,004 1,443,761 2,012,687 1,015,162 997,525 U 282,425 138,856 143,569 210,034 106,445 103,589

Ernad T 1,219,523 600,665 618,858 894,764 455,735 439,029 R 1,077,320 530,170 547,150 785,285 400,193 385,092 U 142,203 70,495 ' 71,708 109,479 55,542 53,937

2 Penntalmanna T 452,439 219,665 232,774 330,785 165;345 165,440 ,R 413,421 200,759 212,662 300,715 150,386 150,329 U 39,018 18,906 20,112 30,070 14,959 15,111

3 T 1,100,773 531,566' 569,207 767,904 385,615 382,289 R 1,051,323 507,155 544,168 730,200 366,538 363,662 U, 49,450 24,411 25,039 37,704 19,077 18,627

4 Ponnanl T 320,455 153,964 166,491 229,268 114,912 114,356 R 268,701 128,9.20 139,781 196,487 98,045 98,442 U 51,754 25,044 26,710 32,781 16,867 1~,914

6. PALAKKAD T 2,376,561' 1,15.2,253 1,224,308 1,658,630 856,590 802,040 DISTRICT R 2,002,337 969,363 1,032,974 1,375,057 710,610 664,447 U 374,224 182,890 191,334 283,573- 145,980 137,593

1 Ottappalam T 747,967 354,989 392,978 558,092 272,381 ,285,711 R 664,241 315,152 349,089 491,497 239,822 251,675 U 83,726 39,837 43,889 66,595 32,559 34,036

2 Mannarkad T 308,064 150,945 157,119 203,236 105,136 98,100 R 262,657 128,667 133,990 171,359 88,565 82,7g4 U 45,407 22,278 23,129 3.1,877 16,5~1 ,15,306

3 Palakkad 1 515,724 .253,028 262,696 365,127 193,917 171,210 R 336,029 164,292 171,737 227,546' 122,200 105,346 U 179,(\95 88,736 90,9,59 137,581 71,717 65,864

4 Chlttur T 407,362 199,476 207,886 261,711 142,535 119,176 R 341,966 167,437 174,529 214;191 117,402 96,789 U 65,396 \ 32,039 33,357 47,520 25,133 22,387

\ 5 T 397,444. 193,815 203',629 270,464 142,621 127,843, R 397,444 193,815 203,629 270,464 ' 142,621 127,843 U

7. THRISSUR T 2,735,059 1,310,120 1,424,939 2,168,926 1,070,400 1,098,526 DISTRICT R 2,015,225 962,117 \ 1,053,108 1,578,273 778,079 800,194 U 719,834 348,003 371,831 590,653 292,321 298,332

1 Talappilly T 536,294' 25'5,078 281,216 407,541 200,695 206,846 R 508,696 241,927 ' 266,769 385,230 189,845 195,385' U 27,598 13,151 14,447 22,311 10,850 11,461 , 2 Chavakkad T 426,663 199,9P 226,716 331,733 159,912 171,821 R 308,037 144,431 163,606 236,977 114,532 122,445 U 118,626 55,516 63,110 94,756 ,45,380 49,376

3 Thnssur T 751,124 364,263 386,861 613,920 305,070 308,850 R 380,696 183,451 197,245 305,686 151,472 154,214 U 370,428 180,812 189,616 308,234 153,598 154,636

4 Kodungall~r T 283,324 134,320 149,004 224,892 110,070 11(822 R 181,042 85,417 95,625 143,348 69,701 73,647 U 102,282 . ,48,903 53,379 81,544 40,369 41,175

46 Table 1.1-contd.


populanon lmrates SI -State! Total No DIStrict! RuraV Persons Males Females Persons Mres Foo1aIes TaJuk Urban 2 3 -4 5 6 ] 8 9

5 Mukundapuram T 737,654 356,512 381,142 590,840 294,653 296,187 R 636,754 ~06,891 329,863 507,032 252,529 254,503 U 100,000 49,621 51,279 83,808 42,124 41,684

8. ERNAKULAM T 2,812,306 1,404,716 1,407,590 2,309,879 1,188,747 1,121,132 DISTIRICT R 1,440,244 -'719,181 721,063 1,165,358 601,935 563,423 .u 1,372,062 685,53-5 6,86,527 1,144,521 586,812 557,709.

Kunnathunad T 38a,281 195,617 192,664 312,606 163,809 148',797 R 363,636 183,322 180,314 291,963 153,243 . 1,38,720 U 24,645 12,295 12,350 20,643 10,566 10,077 , 2 Aluva T 406,488. 203,475 203,013 325,904 168,810 157,094 R 260,230 130,233 129,997 208,288 107,838 100,450 U 146,a58 73,242 73,016 117,616 60,912 56,644

3 Paravur T 350,105 172,249 177,856 287,055 145,432 141,623 R 78,930 38,606 40,322 63,782 32,~94 31,588 U 271,175 133,641 137,534 223,273 113,238 110,035

4 Koehl T 483,203' 240,635 242,568 400,750 204,663 196,087 R 215,473 105,305 110,168 177,508 88,897 88,611 U 267,730 135,330 132,400 223,242 115,766 107,476

5 Kanayannur T 698,884 348,997 349,887 590,784 302,608 288,176 R 141,764 70,468 71,296 118,375 61,034 57,341 , U 557,120 278,529 278,591 472,409 241,574 230,835

6. T 300,975 151,237 149,738 245,803 127,149 118,654 R 231,354 116,408 11,4,946 188,221 97,593 90,628 U 69,621 34,829 34,792 57,582 29,556 28,026

7 T 184,370 92,506 91,864 146,977 76,276 70,701 R 148,857 74,837 74,0110 117,221 61,136 -56,085 U 35,§13 17,669 17,844 29,756 15,140 14,616

9. IDUKKI , T 1,076,555 544,639 531,916 818;123 432,159 385,964 . DISTRICT R 1,025,675 519,077 506,'598 777,114 410,974 366,1

DevlkOlam T 197,569 100,761 96,808 133,521 73,410 60,111 R 197,569 100,761 96,808 133,521 73,410 60,111 U -

2 Udumbanchola T 395,225 200,470 194,755 305,781 160,633 145,148 R 393,129 199,395 193,734 304,089 159,747 144,342 U 2,096 1.075 1,021 1,692 886 806

3 Thodupu+ha T 299.199 150,605 148,594 245.841 126,430 . 119,411 R 250,415 126,118 124,297 206,524 106,131 100,393 U 48.784 24,487 24,297 39,317 20.299 19,018

4 Peermade T 184,562 92.803 .91,759 132,980 '71.686 61,294 R 184,562 92,803 91,759 132,980 71,686 61,294 U

10. KOTTAYAM T 1,824,744 909,777 914,967 1,555,493 786,750 768,743 DISTRICT R 1,504,242 1 749,507 754,735 1,281,252 64'07,533 ' 633,719 U 320,502 160,270 160,232 274,241 139,217 135,024

1 Meenachll T 383,615 1 192,291 191,324 326,075 165,497 160,57a . R 340,503 170,437 170,066 290,952 147,187 143,765 U 43,112 21,854 21,258 35,123 18.310 16.813

47 Tabl~ 1.1-contd.


Populabon l.J1elates 51 StateJ Total No DlstncV RuraV Persons Males Females Persons Males . Fernaes Taluk Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 Valkom T 294,~93 146,276 148,117 248,564 127,331 121,233 R 272,642 135,564 137,078 230,164 . 117,968 112,196 U 21,75J 10,712 11,039 18,400 9,363 9,037

3 Kottayam T 585,595 292,070 293,525 499,903 252,144 247,759 R 419,417 209,126 210,291 355,838 179,494 176,344 U 166,178 82,944 83,234 144,065 72,650 71415 . 4 Changanassery T 322,288 159,668- 162,6-20 278,855 139,059 139,796 R 269,840 133,659 136,181 233,387 116,325 1-17,062 U 52,448 26,009 26,439 45,468 22,734 ' 22,734

5 Kanllrappally T 238,803 119,472- 1'19,381 202,096, 102,719 99,377 R 201,840 100,721 101,119 170,911 86,559 84,352 U 37,013 18,751 18,262 31,185 16,160 15,025

11, ALAPPUZHA T 1,990,589 965,688 1,024,9'01 1,664,379 826,828 837,551 DISTRICT R 1,381;074 667,174 713,900 1,158,484 571,486 586,998 U 609,515 298,514 311,001 505,895 255,342 250.553

Cherthala T 475,702 233,382 ,242,320 393,763 20Q,250 193,513 R 277,371 136,109 141,262 , 228,355 116,113 112,242 U 198,331 97,273 ' 101,058 ~65,408 84,'37 81,271 , 2 Ambalapuzha T 406, 830 199,239 207,591 336,671 169,343 167,328 R 116,963 57,245 59,718 _ 97,069 48,587 48,482 U 289,867 141,994 147,873 239,602 120,756 118,846

.' 3 K~ttanad T ,208,451' 102,088 106,363 181,156 89,435 91,721 R 208,451 ' 102,088 106,363 181,156 89,435 91,721, U

4 Karthlgappally T 390,077 187,365 202,712 320,944 158,269 162,67!:\ R 322,907 154,246 168,661 267,161 130, 723 136,438' U 67,170 33,119 34,051 53,783 27,546 26,237

15 Chengannur T 195,296 93,537 101,759 166,780 80,873 85,907 F\ 169,444 80,994' 88,450 144,464 '69,935 74,529 U 25,852 12,543 13,309 22,316 10,938 11,378

6 Mavehkkara T 314,233 150,077 164,156 265,065 128,658 136,407 R 285.938 136,492 149,446 240,279 116,693 123,586 ,U 28,295 13,585 14,710 24,786 11,965 12,821

12. PATHANAM- T 1,186,628 574,343 612,285 999,793 189 ,186 510,6'1)7 THITTA DISTRICT R 1,031,657 499,115 532, 542 867,980 424,304 443,676 U 154,971 75,228 , 79,743 131,813 64,882 66,931

1 Thlruvalla T 226,395 109,134 117,261 194,410 94,455 99,955 R 171,650 82,820 88,830 146,962 71,421 75,541 U 54,7~5 26,314 28,431 47,448 23,034 24,414

2 Mallappally T 131,850 63,770 68,080 1.12,537 54,664 57,873 R 131,850 03,770 68,080 112,537 54,664 57,873 U

3 Ranm T 208,990 103,103 ,105,887 175,015 87,022 87,9~3 R 208,990 103,103 105,8~7 175,015 87,022 87,993 U

4 Kozhencherry T 335,~11 161,486 174,325 283,109 137,666 145,443 R 299,943 143,722 156,221 253,085 122,525 130,560 U 35,866 17,764 18,104 30,024 15,141 14,883

48 Table 1.1-concld.


Populabon iJterates SI State! Total No DISp-lcti Rural! Persons ' Males Females Pe!SOIlS lIMes Females TaJuk 'Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '9

S. Adoor T 283,582 136,850 146,732 234,722 115,,379 119,343 R 219,224 105,700 113,524 180,381 88,672 91,709 U 64,358 31,150 33,208 54,341 26,707 27,634

13. KOLLAM T 2,398,303 1,174,113 1,224,190 1,903,865 964,488 939,377 DISTRICT R 1,952,451 953,541 998,910 1,550,103 784,332 765,771 U 445,852 '220,572 225,280 353,762 180,156 173,4)06

1 Karunagappally T 383,326 189,459 193,867 299,985 154,524 145,461 R 367,912 181,735 186,177 287,975 148,375 139,600 U 15,414 7,724 7,690 12,010 6,14\} 5,861

2 Kunnathur T 177,830 87,454 90,376 141,269 71,851 69,418 R 177,839 87,454 90,376 141,269 71,851 69,418 U

3 Pathanapuram T 413,530 202,579 210,951 326,693 165,352 161,341 R 367 :262 179,706 187,556 289,266 146,443 142,823 U 46,268 22,873 23,395 37,427 18,909 18,51,8

4 Kottarakkara T 530,950 256,470 274.480 425,655 212,237 213,418 R 530,950 256,470 274,480 425,655 212,237 213,418 U

5 Kollam T 892,667 438,151 454,516 710,263 360,524 349,739 R 5,08,497 248,176 260,321- 405,938 20q,426 206,512 t,J 384,170 189,975 194,195 304,325 155,098 149,227

14. THIRUVANANTHA· PURAM DISTRICT T 2,938,706 1,440,156 1 ;498,550 2,295,463 ,1,164,584 1,130,879 R 1,941,082 948,034 993,048 1,489,761 '756,408 733,353 U 997,624 492,122, 505,502 805, 70~ 408,176 397,526

1 ChlraYInKeezhu T 573,075 270,823 302,252 433,438 213,550 219,888 R 481,387 227,585 253,802 361,949 178,722 183,227 U 91,688 43,238 48,450 71,489 34,828 36,661

2 Nedumangad T 572,388 279,148 293,240 447,797 226,962 220,835 R 522,524 254,920 267,604 407,865 206,907 . 200,958 U 49,864 24,228 25,636 39,932 20,055 19,877 3 Thlruvanantha- puram T 1,038,058 514,368 523,690 - 839, 196 428,205 410,991 R 237,651 117,848 119,803 184,084 95,359 88,725 U 800,407 396,520 403,887 655,112 332,846 322,266

4 T 755,185 375,817 379,368 575,032 295,867 279,165 R 699,520 347,681 351,839 535,863 275,420 260,443 U '55,665 28,136 27,529 39,169 20,447 18,722

49 Table 1.2


Urban population Decennial Growth Rate of Sex ralJo,1991 as percentage of populatlOl'l (per cent) (Females per DenSIty' btal populanon 1981-91 1,000 males) (PopuIalJon SI State IOlstnct per sq No 1981 1991 Tola! Rural Urbal ToIaJ Rural Urban km) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

KERALA 18.74 26'.44 14.06 3.26 '- 60.89 1,040 1,043 1,033 747

1 Kasaragod 494 16.46 2267 782 30843 1,027 1,024 1,046 537

2 Kannur 31 73 5102 1626 -1659 8694 1,055 1,04Q 1,070 757

3 Wayanad 341 21 15 17.01 967 968 947 315

4 Kozhlkode 2718 3842 1641 -156 6454 1,031 1,036 1,023 1,115

5 Malapp~ram 740 913 2874 2633 5887 1,054 1,056 1,034 871

6 PalakRad 10 11 1575 1625 896 8107 1,063 1,066 1,046 530

7 Thnssur 21 10 2632 12 1.1 470 3983 1,088 1,095 1,068 902

8 Emakulam 3956 4879 1093 -601 3681 1,002 ,003 1,001 1,168 .

9 Idukki 460 473 11 07 1092 1401 977 976 990 214

10 Kattay.am 937 1756 750 -222 101 44 1,006 1,007 1,000 828

11 Ala'ppuzha 1846 3062 671 -921 n04 1,061 1,070 1,042 1,408

12 Pathanamthltta 553 1306 545 -296 149 18 1,066 1,067 1,060 449

13 Kallam 1550 1859 1025 622 32.24 1,043 1,048 1,021 963 , 14 Thlruvananthapuram 2526 3395 1320 004 5213 1,041 1,047 1,027 1,341

50 Table 1.3


.Sex Rabo 1001 Population, 1991 Growth mre (Females SI per 1,000 No. Size class of Towns/Clty/UAITown District Persons Males Females 197Hl1 1981-91 males) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ALL CLASSES 7,616,371 3,175,183 3,901,188 37.64 60 89 1,'1)33 (No. of UAs : 16 Towns: 93)

CLASS I (1,00,000 & above) (No. of UAs : 14)

Class 1 Total 5,092,457 2,516,148 2,576,309 47.18 100.85 1,024

Kochl UA Ernakulam 1,139,543 570,794 568,749 4882 3814 996 (a) Koehl -582,030 292,249 289,781 1690 1340 992 (I) Koehl C 564,038 283,253 280,785 1690 990' 991 (II) Kakkanad OG 17,992 6,996 B.996 1,000 (b) Edathala CT 56,277 26,066 28,191 1,004 (c) Kalamass51ry M 54,313 27,777 26,536 14373 2410 955 (d) Tnppul)lthura M 51,032 ' 25,270 25,762 5538 1692 1,019 (e) Afangad CT 35,606 17,710 17.896 1,011 (f) • N\aradu CT 34,~56 17,473 17,483 21 59 1,001 (9) Choornikkara CT 34,824 17,690 ,17,134 969 (h) *Kottuvally CT 34,446 16,789 17,657 1233 1,052 (I) tEloor M 34,443 17,954 16,489 918 u) Vazhakkala CT 33,04"8 16,679 16,369 981 (k) Paravur M 27,904 13,596 14,308 777 615 1,052 (I) Kadungalloor CT 25,422 , 2,812 12.610 984 (m}Aluva M 24,769 12,311 12,458 503 -201 1,012 (n) tvarapuzha CT 22,511 10,995 11,516 1,047 (o) 'Mulavukad CT 22,339 11,022 11,317 4.40 1,027 (p) Cheranalloor CT 21,320 10,561 10,759 1,019 (q) Kedamangalam CT 18,491 8,992 9,499 1,056 (r) Thlruvankulam . CT 18,413 9,192 9,221 1,003 (5) 'Cherakadavu CT 7,399 3,636 3,763 1022 1,035

2 Thlruvananthapuram UA Thlruvanantha- 825,682 409,515 416,167 2698 5875 1,016 purarn (a) Thlruva(lanthapuram 699,377 346,947 352,430 21.25 4001 1,016 (I) Thiruvanantha- puram C 523,733 259,586 264,147 17.93 841 1,018 (II) Thumba OG 33,911 16,801 1~, 110 10621 10,18 (ill) Valtly06rkavu OG 33,595 16,612 16,983 1,022 (IV) Thlruva]lam OG 31,890 15,867 16,023 1,010 (v) Kovalam OG 25,275 12,995 12,280 , - 945 (VI) Cheruvlkkal OG 21,223' 10,442 10,781 1,032 (VII) Sreekanyam OG 17,238 8,504 8,734 1.027 (Viii) Kazhakuttam OG 12,512 6,140 6,372 1,038 . t Eloor town of 198,1 has been split Into two towns VIZ Eloor (M) and Varapuzha (eT)

51 Table 1.3-contd.


Sex RallO 1931 , PopuJabon,1931 Growth rale (Females SI per 1,000 No SIze class of Towns/Clty/UAITown District Persons Males F-emales 1971-81 1981-91 males) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(b) Nemom CT Thl ruvanantha- puram 42,546 21,027 21,519 1,023 (c) Kudappanakunnu CT 33,500 16,494 17,006 1,031 (d) Ulloor CT 25,640 12,977 12,663 976 (e) *Anayara CT 24,619- 12,070 12,549 1954 1,040

3, Kozhlkode UA Kozhlkode 8~0,913 396,242 404,67:1 2980 4667 1,021 (a) Kozhlkode 456,315 224,968 231,347 18 11 1568 1,028 (I) Kozhlkode C 419,531 206,914 212,617 18 11 636 1,028 (u) Elalhur OG 36,407 17,859 18,548 1,039 , (11)1 Puthiyangadl OG 377 195 182 933 (b) Beypore CT 56,496 27,828 28,668 4788 3798 1..030 (c) Cheruvaillnur CT 50,553 25,034 25,519 3653 2982 1,019 (d) Kadalundl CT 35,163 17,148 18,015 1,051 (e) Kunnamangalam CT 34,245 17,819 16,426, 922 - (f) Kakkodi CT 30,064 14,847 15,217 1,025 (g) :j:Olavanna CT 28,381 13,976 14,405 1,031 (h) Ramanattukara CT 25,668 12,862 12,786 993 (I) t;Feroke CT 25,503 12,724 12,779 1,004 (J) Koduvally CT 23,523 11,638 11,885 1,021 (k) ttKaruvamthuruthy CT 18,984 9,381 9,603 ' 1,024 (I) :j:Pantheeramkavu ' CT 16,018 7,997 8,021 1,003

4 Kannur UA Kannur 463,951 225,560 238,391 20683 11 21 1,057 (a) Thafassery M 103;577 49,891 53,686 989 3708 l,OiG (b) Kannur M 65,,233 32,048 33,185 1041 711 1,035 (c) *Chirakkal CT 39,832 19,364 20,468 1026 1,057 (d) *Thottada CT 33,249 15,871 17,378 '1281 1,095 (e) *Puzhathl CT 30,617 15,~59 15,058 1731 968 (f) 'Elayavoor CT 29,238 13,944 15,294 1474 1,097 (g) * Dharmadom . CT 26,709 12,809 13,900 1541 1,085 (h) *Pallikkunnu GT 25,051 12,094 12,957 1335 1,071 (I) *Eranlloh CT 23,582 11 ,,112 12,470 958 1,122 (J) tAzhlkode South CT 23,084 11,178 11,906 1,065 (k) tAzhikode North CT 19,276 9,407 9,869 1,049 (I) *Muzhappllangad CT 18,825 9,084 9,741 31 23 1,072 (m) *New Mahe CT 11,939 5,595 6,344 -6337 1,134 (n) Valapattanam CT 8,920 4,581 4,339 1075 1040 947 (0) Kannur Cantonment Cantt 4,819 3,023 1,796 -549 735 594

5 Kollam UA Kollam 362,402 179,792 182,610 108 16 4017 1,016 (a) Kollam 220,847 109,783 111,004 1,106 6010 1,012 (I) Kollam 'M 139.717 69,276 70,441 11 06 129 1,017 (II) Sakthlkulangara OG 44.435 22.251 22.184 997

:tOlavanna town of 1981 has been split Into two towns VIZ Olavanna CT and Pantheeramkavu CT ttFeroke town of 1981 has been spilt Into two town VIZ Feroke CT and Karuvamthuruthy CT tAzhlkode town of 1981 has been spilt Into two towns VIZ Azh.kode South CT and Azhikode North CT 52 Table 1.3-contd.


Sex RatIo 1991 PopulaTIon, 1991 Growth rate (Females 81 per 1,000 No 8m! clLl~S of Towns/Or; UAiTown Dlstnc_t Persons Males Females 1971-81 1981·91 males) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(III) Mundakl--al OG Kallam 21,281 10,532 10,749 1,021 (IV) Nc'Cndakara OG 15,414 7,724 7,690 996 (b) ·Vadil)._kevlla CT 50,157 24,908 25,249 1483 1,014 (c) ttEravlpuram CT 34,625 17,260 17,365 1,006 (d) ttKlllkollur CT 28,447 13,975 14,472 -2918 -407 1,036 (e) Mangad CT 28,326 13,866 14,460 1,043

6 Thnssur UA Thnssur 274,898 134,439 140,459 13446 1473 1,045 (a) Thnssur 81,044 38,922 42,122 221 401 1,082 (I) Tht1ssur M 73,849 35,425 38,424 .221 -523 1,085 (II) Penng:lVu OG 3,705 1,783 1,922 8874 1,078 (III) Thnssur OG 2,642 1,287 1,355 1,053 (IV) Chembukavu OG 540 277 263 949 (v) )Poonkunnnm OG 308 150 158 1,053 (b) Ollur CT 33,138 16,2/'1 16,867 711 1919 1,037 (e) 'Mannuthy CT 32,563 16,019 16,544 2783 1,033 (d) 'ChlYYilram CT 21,584 10,664 10,920 625 1,024 (e) • NadLlthilra CT 17,962 8,730 9,232 2542 1,058 (f) • Vtlvattom CT 16,895 8,444 8,451 2329 1,001 (g) • Amnattukara CT 16,618 8,188 8,430 1543 1,030 (h) • Ayyanthole CT 13.492 6,525 6,967 1466 1,068 (I) • Edahkunny CT 13,257 6,442 _ 6,815 1202 1,058 (J) • Vlyyur CT 11,302 5,916 5,386 -163 910 (h) • Koorkancherry CT 9,508 4,637 4,871 1025 1,050 (I) Nettlssery CT 7,535 3,681 3,854 1,047

7 Alappuzha UA Alappuzha 264,887 129.,734 135,153 610 5587 1,042 (il) Alappllzha 227,641 111 ,484 116,157 610 3395 1,042 (I) Alappllzha M 174,606 85,669 88,937 610 275 1,038 (II) Punnilpra OG 29,778 14,598 15,180 1,040 (III) Kalaroode OG 23,257 11,217 12,040 1,073 (b) Komalapuram CT 37,246 18,250 18,996 1,041

8 Pillakkad UA Palal-.kad 179,695 88,736 90,959 1475 5230 1,025 (il) Palakkild 138,805 68,6<;3 70,152 2317 1765 1,022 (I) Palakkad M 122,964 60,879 62,085 . 16 14 1053 1,020 (II) Hemamblka Nagar OG 15,841 7,774 8,067 -414 13499 1,038 (b) Puduppanyaram CT 24,807 12,139 12,668 1,044 (e) Marutharode CT 16,083 7,944 8,139 1,025

t Eravlpllmm towr] has been spilt mto Eravlpuram CT and Mundakkal OG tt In 1971 Killkollur was an Independent town With a popUlation of 41,871. In 1981, part of thiS town (which compnsos of Karas-- Kannlmel and KIII"ollur) With a popUlation of 29,655 was treated as outgrowth of OUIlon Urban Agglomemtlon and the rest was' treated as rural

53 21 Census/91-[; Table 1.3 -contd.

POPULATION OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS, CITIES AND TOWNS, 1991 Sex Rabo 1991 Populanon, 1991 Growth rate (Females SI per 1,000 No SIze class 01 Towns/Clty/lJA/Town Dlstnct Persons Males Females 1971-81 1981·91 males) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9 Kottayam UA Kottayam 166,178 82,944 83,234 .790 15792 1,003 (a) Kottayam 89,274 44,428 44,846 790 3856 1,009 (I) Kottayam M 62,829 31,226 31,603 790 -249 1,012 (Ii) ViJayapuram OG 26,445 13,202 13,243 1 003 (b) Perumbalkad CT Kottayam 39,352 19,771 19,581 990 (c) Nattakam CT 37,552- 18,745 18,807 1,003

10 Malappuram UA Malappuram 142,203 70,495 71,708 9638 51 69 1,017 (a) Malappuram 72,868 36,026 36,842 2432 8315 1,023 (I) Malappuram M 49,690 24,616 25,074 2432 2489 1,019 (II) Anakkayam OG 23,178 11,410 11,768 1,031 (b) ManJen M 69,335 34,469 34,866 24295 2850 1,012

11 Cherthala UA Alappuzha 132,870 64,834 68,036 10 18 228 14- 1,049 (a) Cherthala M 43,319 21,156 22,163 10 18 698 1,048 (b) Thanneermukkam CT 28,727 13,965 14,762 1,057 (c) Muhamma CT 22,539 10,951 11,588 1,058 (d} Vayalar CT 22,383 10,934 11,449 1,047 (e) Kokkothamangalam CT 15,902 7,828 8,074 1 031

12 Guruvayur UA Thnssur 118,626 55,516 63,110 31 26 9948 1,137 (a) Chavakkad M 37,801 17,770 20,031 1665 1007 1,121 (b) GuruvaylJf TS 20,209 9,363 10,846 1258 1316 1,158 (c) Pavarntly CT 10,438 4,813 5,625 1,169 (d) Perakam CT 9,539 4,471 5,068 1,134 (e) Venmenad CT 9,290 4,349 4,941 1,136 (I) 'Inngaprom CT 9,119 4,340 4,779 2552 1,101 (g) Pookode CT 8,162 3,829 4,333 1,132 (h) Thaikkad CT 7,320 3,451 3,869 1,121 (I) PaJUV8/ CT 6,748 3,130 3,618 1 156

13 Kanhangad UA Kasaragod 118,180 57,347 60,833 1,061 (a) Kanhangad M 57,133 27,921 29212 1,046 (b) Cheruvathur CT 24,500 11,736 12,764 1,088 (c) Nlleshwar CT 22,659 10,974 11,685 1,065 (d) Per ole CT 13,888 6,716 7,172 1,068

14 Vadakara UA Kozhlkode 102,429 50,200 52,229 1898 5961 1,040 (a) Vadakara M 72,441 35,586 36,855 1898 1288 1,036 (b) Villiappally CT 29,988 14,614 15,374 1,052

CLASS II (50,000-99,999) (No. of UAs : 2; Towns : 7)

Class II Total 554,440 270,815 283,625 1 31~ 6 4 22.12 1,047 Kodungallur UA Thnssur 88,551 42,496 46,055 5070 1,084 (d) • KodungaJlur M 31,159 14,986 16,173 997 1,079 (b) • Methala CT 33,887 16,329 17,558 11 38 1,075 (c) Enyad CT 23,505 11,181 12,324 1,102 54 Table 1.3 -contd.

POPULATION OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS, CITIES AND TOWNS, 1991 Sex Ratto 1991 Population. 1991 Growth rate Females SI per 1,000 No Size class of Towns(Clty/UAITown DistrICt Persons Males Females 1971--81 1981-91 males) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 Kayamkulam M Alappuzha 67,170 33,119 34,051 1335 953 1,028

3 Chlttur-Thathamangalam UA- Palakkad 65,396 32.039 33,357 665 11507 1,041 (a) Chlttur- ThathamangaJam M 32,069 15,613 16,456 665 547 1,054 (b) Koduvayur CT 17,636 8,643 8,993 1,040 (c) Pudunagaram CT 15,691 7,783 7,908 1,016 4 Payyannur M Kannur 64,011 30,969 33,042 1,067 5 Tallparamba M Kannur 60,242 29,952 30,290 8427 101 47 1,011 6 Thlruvalla M Pathanamthltta 54,745 26,314 -28,431 953 8732 1,080 7 Changanassery M Kottayam 52,448 26,009 26,439 702 095 1,017 8 Ponnanl M Malappuram 51,754 25,044 26,710 2100 1973 1,067 9 Kasaragod M Kasaragod 50,123 24,873 25,250 2330 1619 1,015

CLASS III (20,000-49,999) (No. of Towns: 46)

Class III Total 1,464,501715,102749,399 59.07 -3.68 1,048 1 Nedumangad M Thlruvananthapuram 49.864 24,228 25.636 20041 1336 1,058 2 Tlrur M Malappuram 49,450 24,411 25,039 2643 21 19 1,026 3 Punalur M Kollam 46,268 22,873 23,395 21735 750 1,023 4 Mannarkkad M Palakkad 45,407 22,278 23,129 1,038 5 Chalakudy M Thnssur 45,059 22,308 22,751 11 53 755 1,020 6 Ottappalam M Palakkad 44,183 20,813 23,370 -672 9081 1,123 7 Thodupuzha M Idukkt 40.652 20,299 20,353 71 18 1373 1,003 8 Mattannur M Kannur 40,470 20,149 20,321 1,009 9 Shoranur M Palal<.kad 39,543 19,024 20,519 5936 1259 1,079 10 Pennthalmanna M Malappuram 39.018 18,906 20,112 1,064 11 Yarkala M Thlruvananthapuram 38,981 18,507 20,474 6700 1462 1,106 12 Pandalam M Pathanamthltta 37,733 18,148 19,585 1,079 13 • Paravoor M Kollam 37.182 17,907 19,275 456 1,076 14' Kanjlrappally M Kottayam 37,013 18,751 , 18,262 974 15 • Pathanamthltta M Pathanamthltta 35,868 17,764 18,104 880 1,019 16 Kothamangalam M Emakulam 35,513 17,669 17,844 40692 722 1,010 17 Nadapuram CT Kozhlkode 35,248 16,998 18,250 1,074 18 Permgathur CT Kannur 35,021 16, i88 18,833 1,163 1.9 AttlOgal M Thlruvananthapuram 32,615 15,578 17,037 959 1002 1,094 20 Chock" CT Kannur 31,641 14,546 17,095 1,175 ?1 Aroor CT Alappuzha 31,640 15,652 15,988 1,021 22 Papplnlssery CT Kannur 30,751 15,187 15,564 2328 1363 1,025 23 Neyyattlnkara M Thlruvananthapuram 30,390 15,141 15,249 1672 856 1,007 24 Angamaly M Emakulam 30.388 15.155 15,233 11889 735 1,005 25 Koothuparamba M Kannur 28,908 13,805 15,103 13959 1708 1,094 26 Maveltkkara M Alappuzha 28.295 13,585 14,710 370 638 1,083 27 Muvattupuzha M Emakulam 27,588 13,893 13,695 1435 899 986 28 Innjalakuda M Thnssur 27,489 13,420 14.069 272 534 1,048 29 • Chendamangalam CT Emakulam 26,828 12,901 13,927 361 1,080

55 Table 1.3 -.contd.

POPULATION OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS, CITIES AND TOWNS, 1991 Sex Rabo ' 1991 Populanon.1991 Growth ralE Females 51 per 1.000 No Size class of Towns/Clly/UAITown Dlstnct Persons Males Females 1971-81 1981-91 males) 1 2 3 456 7 8 ' 9

30 Adoor M Pathanamti1ltta 26,i25 13,002 13,623 1,043 31 K;u:iJrur CT Kannur 26.582 12,557 14,025 1,117 32 tMoothakunnam CT Emakulam 26,549 12,761 13.783 1,0&0 33 Mavoor CT KozhlMde 26,057 13.120 12,937 916 34 Che~gannur M- Alappuzha 25,852 12,543 13,309 8671 398 1,061 35 P-lravom M Emakulam 25,.205 12,574 12,631 1,005 36 'Kalhasseri CT ~rnu 25,eo. 12,015 12,gS9 21 99 1,081 37 Mannancherry CT Nappuzha 24,990 12,260 12,720 1,038 38 Perumbavoor M Emakulam 24,645 12,295 '12,350 1042 6,885 1,004 39 Cheruthazham cr Kannur 23,089 11,090 11,999 1,082 40 Ka/petta M Wayan ad 22,915 11,772 11,143 947 41 Perum;mna CT Kozhlkode 22356 11,224 11,132 992 42 Palal M Kottayam 21,880 10,86B '11,012 666 1 18 1.013 43 Vau,om M Kottayam 21,751 10,712 11,039. 541 310 1,031 44 Er~LJpetta M~. ~ 10,986 10,246 933 45 Ancharakandy CT Kannur 20,681 10,086 10,595 1,050 46 Vakkom CT Thlruvanantha­ 20,092 9,153 10,939 1 195 puram

CLASS IV (10,000-19,999) (No. of Towns : 34)

Class IV Total 520,440 251,507 268,!33 -28.07 128.39 '1,969 1 Kunnamf-ulam M Thnssur 19,627 9,398 10,229 584 0'96 1,&88 2 Panmyannur CT Kannur 19.313 8,795 10,518 1,196 3 Pattlyam CT Kanl1ur 19,073 8.989 10,Q84 1.122 .j ·Vadakkekarat CT Emakulam 18,975 9,131 9,844 1,078 5 Kannapuram CT Kannur 18,158 8,415 9,743 1,158 6 Kodamthuruth Cl Alappuzha 18,129 8,946 9,183, 1,026 7 Paduvdcll CT Kannur 17,517 8,636 8,881 1,028 8 Munden CT Kannur 17,356 8,313 9,043 1,088- 9 'Chelora CT Kannur 17,308 8,495 8813 1896 1,037 10 Kutukkattur CT Kozhlkode ·17,101 8,604 8,497 988 11 'Kanlmangalam CT Thnssur 16,850 8,126 8,724 11 71 1.074 12 Koothattukulam M Emakulam 16,~28 8,362 8,466 1,012 13 Koratty CT Thnssur 16,603 8,246 8,357 1,013 14 'Kotli:lyam-Malabar CT Kannur 16,524 8,045 8,479 1381 1,054 15 'Kadachlra CT Kannur 16,441 7,866 8,575 11 22 1,090 1G Cherukunnu CT Kannur 16,246 7,473 8,773 1,174 17 Arookutty CT Alappuzha 15,692 7,841 7,851 1,001 18 ' Peralassery CT Kannur 15,120 7,281 1,839 1288 1.077 19 'Cilala CT 14,839 7,174 7,665 1735 1.068 20 Pathmyad CT 14,737 7,139 7,598 1.064 21 'P!ndraYI CT 14,695 7,061 7,634 1212 1,081 22ITlvt.:-:(/ CT 14,162 6,857 7.305 1,065 23 Eruvattl CT Kannur 14,062 6,806 7,256 1,066 t Vad<:lkkokara town of 1981 hJS been split Into two towns VIZ Vadakkekara CT and Moothakunnam CT

56 Table 1.3-concld.

POPULATION OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS, CITIES AND TOWNS, 1991 SexRabo 1991 Populaboo, 1991 Growth rate Females SI' ?<}I" 1,000 No Size class of Towns/Clty/UNTown District Persons Males Females 1971-81 1981-91 males) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

24 Vamm CT Kannur 13,778 6,632 - 7~I- 146__-;: 1,078 25 ~ Chevvoor CT Thnssur 13,756 6:56"9"- 7,187 11 67 1,094 26 Mathllakam CT 13,731 6,407 7,324 1,143 27 * Pullazhl CT 13,359 6,294 7,065 24 17 1,122 28 • Kanhlrode CT Kannur 12,543 6,084 6,459 21 46 1,062 29' Marathakkara CT Thnssur 12,327 6,113 6,214 1272 1,017 30 Puducad CT 11,749 5,647 6,102 573 1,081 31 Kannadlparamba CT- Kannur 11,598 5,642 5,956 1,056 32 MavlfaYI CT 11,457 5,534 5,923 1,070 33 * AVlnlssery CT Thnssur 10,558 5,323 5,235 1349- 983

34 *Idukkl T8 Idl,J kki 10,228 5,263 4,965 ~ 5 10 943

CLASS V (5,000-9,999) (No. of Towns: 6)

Class V Total 44.533 21,611 22,922 ·50.13 32.83 1,061 Kuttoor CT Thrlssur 9,631 4,760 4,871 1,023 2 Chelakkara CT 7,971 3,753 4,218 1,124 3 ManJ"lshwar CT Kasaragod - 7,882 3,910 3,972 1,016' 4 Ko/azhl CT Thrlssur 7,159 3,432 ~,727 1,086 5 Pailssery CT 6,169 3,010 3,159 1050 6 Pottore CT 5,721 2,746 2,975 1,083

CLASS VI (Less than 5.000)


Note The follOWing abbcevlatlons have been used to denote the CIVIC status of Urban Units C- Corporation Cantt - Cantonment M - Municipal Town CT - Census Town T8 - Township OG - Out growth UA - Urban AgglomeratIOn 2 The names of towns treated as such for the first time In 1981 and contlnumg as such In 1991 have been prefixed With an 'as terlsk'(*) . 3 The names of the new towns of the 1991 Census have been printed In Italics 4 FollOWing are the pOints the reader should keep n mind while interpreting tbe growth- rates of population for the 1971-81 and 1981-91 decades In thiS table (1) In the case of those towns marked With an asterlsk(,) the growth rate for the decade 1971-81 has not been given as In the 1971 Census these towns were rural and treated as towns for the first time In the 1981 Census (2) - In certain c~ses the growth rate has not been given lor 1971-81 and 19"81-91 ThiS may be due to (I) The town has been added to the list of towns for the first time In the 1991 Census which means that thiS town was rural In the 1981 Census and In the. earlier Censuses since 1901, or (II) The town has been agded to the list 01 towns In the 1971 Census and was rural In tho 1981 Census It IS pOSSible that thiS town might have been treated as a town In one or more than one of the earlier census(es) and declaSSified In the slJbsequent census(es), or (III) The town was as outgrowth of an Urban Agglomeration In 1981 and It has been treated as

While presenting the data In the towns failing In both the categories 2(1) and 2(11) have been treated at par The practice has ,been that the names of only those towns whrch are treated as towns tor the fllslllme In that census are prrnted In ItaliCS T", maKe available to the data users provIsional census results glvln'g rural-urban break-up at the earliest, no attempt has been made to differentiate between these two ca,tegones as thiS process would have been taken qUite some time

When the Imal tabulations are completed, due care will be taken to present the data In such cases, after thorough scrutiny

57 Appendix to' Table 1.3


Merged towns

Population Population Name of the toWn NamealIPWn D,slnct In 1981 Name allOWn In 1981 With whiCh merged DISIncl

1 Pa&lIrappJlly (P) Alappuzha 21,068

51 Table 1.4


Proportion of populanon In each Decadal grtlYllh Size class 10 total rate of populatoo No ofUAsfTC1Nns Populanon lJIba1 POPWDOn peroenQ Size class of UAsffCMIns 1971 1981 1991 1971 1961 1001 1971 1981 1991 1971 -81 1981·91

ALL .CLASSES 78 85 109 3,466,449 4,771,275 7,676,371 100.00 100.00 100.00 37.b4 60.89

6 8 14 1,722,742 2,535,462 5,092,457 4970 5314 6634 4718 10085

II 6 7 9 399,509 454,017 554,440 1152 951 7.22 1364 22.12

III 34 49 46 955,782 1,520,399 1,464,501 2757 3187 19.08 59.07 ·368

N 23 . 17 34 316,810 227,871 520,440 914 4 78 678 -28.07 128'39

V 8 4 6 67,224 33.526 44,533 194 Q70 058 -5013 3283

VI 4,382 013



"'\\.,,~ ~ ,-" 'I , ~ URBAN POPULATION-1991 'r. .~~ j -~ (District-wise) f2' - 12" /KANNUR ~ iIr •• It: KILOMETRES - ,,~~ 20 10 0 20 40 60 , , ""i"""""'j~l;;;;J__~!!!""'~: __iiiiiii;;;jooo~~1 ~'"'' MAHE I ,... X' "'- (p OND/CHERRY) ~;;-- \ BOUNDARIE!S (" - STATE/UT DISTRIC-T KO_ZHIKO - - " .,.. ~ 11\ \ , - 11· 11'


10° 1°·



AND ~ABOVE " m c gO ~ 8 01 _13 00 E_~I 301 _ 800

300 AND Be LOW

75° EAST OF GREENWICt-l 77° 78°

Based upon Survey of India map with the perml5SIon of the ThlZ terrltorlol wQter~ of Indio extend Into the sea to a distance of © Government of JndIQCOp\fflght~1990 Surveyor Gcznctra! of IndlQ twelve nautrc(Jj rr1'!les rnrzosur

76· 77· 7" '-i '-t.f"""1"'., ., .t' 'J' "'. asarago';r l:= KERALA l. \. l \ .,..-;.-, ~)- , TOWNS WITH POPULATION Kanhangad'W ,- \ 50,000 AND ABOVE Payyannur\~ . '-·,,\. -". -'f 1991 12' KANNUR \(._ """1 +- KILOMETRES Kannur - ~ _ .5 \. _. -'f 20 10 0 20 40 . W- '_.J \" 60 T'HALASSERV ',,-"~ ..J'~') '\ . MAHE'W"" , _, 1 (POND/CHERRY) \...... }~ '\"(' WAVANAD Y Vodakara \ ,_. BOUNDARIES' ~ ,S~~ STAT!::/UT DISTRICT K KODE "rl \/.1 ...,,....., "''''7. ..._., KOZHIKOOE f l' / /". Beypore . ,_...... j eManJer~ I ) PURAM r,:." ,.....7" 11' u· 7' / -i. .-.j .._ _.,..;.... '" PAlAKK~,O -- \ I PALAKKAD& , \ ... - - ~ ..., 'IIJI&;,'e'1- .""\j r-.J, ( , ( r) < .") .Thnssu~" '\ > ISSUR -. '- <. (' ,-,'"7.. .J /~ .,..-.-""-...... ,.",..~ J' \ ./ I '\.,...... ,' .._,.' / ",...I '.\. 10· io' IDUKKI ./ ( ? f" i...·_·",l SIZE OF POPULATION ') (,' o CLASS I 100,000 AND ABOVE i )

'j':PATHANAMTHITTA CLASS II 50,000-99,99,9 L1 ".; ,..... ). '_ ./ L. ."'" ../ .....":0 ..._ '-...... _/. c: - r 9· KallAM \ '-. -. '_vr...... ) ...... ; '\ THIRUVA ANTHAPURAM \ .) THIRUVANANTHAPURAM ~ :~' ~ .~

75· EAST OF GREENWICH 76· 77· 78·

Bas«d upon Survey of IndIa map wIth the permissIon of the The: terrltortal waters of India czxtcznd Into th~ 'Se:a to a dlstanclZ of © Govunme:nt Of lnchaCopyrI9ht,(990 Surveyor General of India twelve: nautical mll

76' 77' 78'


TOWNS WITH POPULATION 20,000 -49,999 1991 12~ KILOMETRES ' 20 10 9 20 4e 60



;1' 11'


CLASS III ~ 25,000-49,999

10" fOe




75' EAST OF GREENWICH 76° 77' 7S'

8ased upon Survey of India map with the permission of the The t~rntonal waters of India 'l2xtend Into the sea to a distance of © Government of Ind,o Copynght, 1990 Surv,zyor Gentral of In..:!:a twelve noutical mila'S meo5ured from thil appropriate base hne'


12· 1991

KILOMETRES 20, 40, 60 I




CLASS IV 010,000 -19,999

CLASS V o 5,000 - 9,999


J .".. "\. o· ~~T~lTUKULAM ./ / ... ~ IDUKKI ( / 'v -...... e " "~loUKKI TOWNSHIP"

"'"\ ) .l j 1."...... , 1,"( L /'''0 ..... } ...... \.'" ) o \,_f f"I..._.,- ---.J...... j " ( \ / ) cC,- __. ( ( (PATHANAMTHITTA ")1 1 ,...... / ~ _,_ ../' __...... '\...... _./ c: ..... r 9· KOllAM \\...... r...... ) 1 \.. "\....,0 ...... ,J \. ) ~". }


Bosrd upon Survey of IndiO map with th~ permission of the The tUnt')nal watc?rs of India e~tcznd Into the: SetQ to a distance of Surveyor GenllEroj of InCla © Governm"nto( India Copynght, 1990 tWlZlv/Z nautlC:~1 mll~~ n'olr.q,uri"d from thtl'! appropnote bQse line





INDIA KERALA (Excluding Assam and Jammu & Kashmir)

Total Rural Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

POPULATION T 814,310,960 422,212,012 392,098,948 29,032,828 14,230,391 14,802,437

R 601,443,623 309,826,978 291,616,645 21,356,457 10,455,208 10,901,249 U 212,667,337 112,385,034 100,482,303 7,676,371 3,775,183 3,901,188

T~tal Workers T 306,794,857 217,679,066 89,115,791 9,305,143 6,803,607 2,501,536 R 241 ,995,658 162,670,904 79,324,754 6,976,513 5,021,033 1,955,480 U 64,799,199 55,008,162 9,791,037 2,328,630 1,782,574 546,056

(I) Main Workers T 278,354,550 213,726,687 64,627,863 8,196,798 6,294,874 1,901,924 R 215,274,300 159,319,409 55,954,891 6,084,816 4,621,760 1,463,056 U 63,080,250 54,407,278 8,672,972 2,111,982 1,673,114 438,868

(II) Marginal Workers T 28,440,307 3,952,379 24,487,928 1,108,345 508,733 599,612 R 26,721,358 3,351,495 23,369,863 891,697 399,273 492,424 U 1,718,949 600,884 1,118,065 216,648 109,460 107,188

Work Participation Rate

(I) Total Workers T 3768 51.56 2273 3205 4781 16.90 R 4024 5250 2720 3267 4802 1794 U 3044 4895 974 3034 4722 1400

(II) Main Workers T 3419 5062 1648 2823 44.24 1285 R 3580 5142 1919 28.49 4420 1342 U 2963 4841 863 2752 4432 1125

(I") Marginal Workel S T 349 094 625 382 357 4.05 R 444 108 801 4.18 382 4.52 U 081 054 111 282 290 275

PercoIntage to Tot~1 Worke~s

(I) Culltvators T 3843 3~ 72 3415 1238 1438 574 R 4822 5161 3858 1529 1801 670 U 500 492 554 400 438 256

(II) Agrtr.L'!tural Lai:>ourers T 2649 2111 4429 2566 2261 3576 R 3229 2648 4883 3077 2730 4174 U 671 540 1500 1095 967 1580

(III) Housenold Industry Workers T 366 337 462 392 277 776 R 310 287 375 376 261 739 U 559 483 1030 439 318 900

(IV) Other Workers T 3142 3580 1694 58 04 6024 5074 R 1639 19.04 884 50 18 52.08 4417 U 8270 8485 6916 8066 82.77 7264



The data on economic activities of the people of Kerala as revealed by the 1991 Census are dealt with in this section. The economically active population, as defined by the United Nations, include those persons who supply the labour for the production of economic goods and services including employers, workers on own account, employees and unpaid family workers. But no uniform definition is followed throughout the world and even within this country. The concept of economic activity adopted in censuses has undergone remarkable changes during the last few decades. -

Economic Concepts in Earlier Censuses

2. The information on the economic activity of individuals was collected right from the first Census in 1872. In the all-India Census of 1872 the economic question was based on 'occupation'. In the next census in 1.881, the question was slightly modified as 'occupation of men) also of boys and females who may -do work'. Boys at schools, girls, small children and women, who performed no regular work were however omitted. In the 1891 Census, the nomenclature of the question was changed as 'occupation or means of subsistence' Women and children doing no work were classified as dependent in that Census. In the first Census of the present century, Le. the 1901 Census, the question was modified as 'occupatio~ or means of subsistence of actual workers' and information was collected on (i) principal occupation, (ii) subsidiary or secondary occupation of actual workers and (iii) means of subsistence of the dependent. The categories adopted were land owners, agricultural sub-tenants, agricultural labourers, weavers, money lenders and middle men and others. In the next Census in 1911, the same economic questions of 1901 were followed. Besides, a special schedule on industrial Census was also filled up by owners or managers of factories, mills, mines etc., where 20 persons or more were employed on the Census date. Further, in this Survey particular stress was given to traditional occupation. This was to distinguish the functional groups from the. traditional occupation as their means of livelihood. There was no change in the economic question in the 1921 Census as compared to 1911 Census. The population was divided as 'actual workers' and 'dependents'. As per the definition, 'workers' comprised of not only persons who earned wages but also those who regularly assisted the earners and thereby supplemented the family income without actually earning wages. From the above brief descriptions of questionnaires in the censuses upto 1921, it can be seen tl:lat the basis of economic activity was 'work'. In the 1931 Census, the concept was remarkably changed by th'? ;ntroduction of the criteria of 'income', the classification adopted being 'earner', 'working dependent' and 'non-working dependent'. The economic questions were elaborate in nature in the 1941 Census. The new nomenclature. adopted was 'means of livelihood'. For every 'dependent' 'of each worker, means of livelihood in the order of importance viz., 'wholly dependent' or 'partly dependent' were collected. It was also -ascertained whether the means of livelihood were available, 'throughout the year' or 'part of the year' besides details on whether they were employed as paid aSSistant, or as members of household regularly aSSisting in the persons occupation. The question "are you in employment now?" was also canvassed in case of "partly dependents". For all those persons who were employed by others (other than domestic servants and those engaged in agriculture), the nature of employer's business was also noted. In the 1951 Census, the concept of means of livelihood adopted in 1941 was further modified by. sPGcifically asking of every individual about

73 his/her economic status and means of livelihood. The questions on economic status were classified into two viz. 'dependency' and 'employment'. Data on means of livelihood were collected separately for principal means of livelihood and secondary means of livelihood. Under economic status, every person was classified as a self supporting person, earning dependent or non-earning dependent. As. regards means of livelihood, 'income' fetched from occupation was the main criterion. The means of -livelihood were further sub-divided into agricultural classes and non­ agricultural classes. These two classes were again sub-divided into four categories.

3. In many respects, 1961 Census was a landmark, particularly in streamlining the question on economic characterist~cs. It was decided to adopt the concept of work in 1961 Census and dispense with the concept of income followed in 1951, as it was found that persons who worked in family enterprises without wages in cash or kind but who shared the profits (like in household cultivation) were likely to be omitted. Further, the concept of dependency adopted in the 1951 Census had a tendency to suppress the number of economically active persons engaged in sectors like cultivation, traditional cottage industries and services. Therefore, in the 1961 Census, a person was treated as worker, based on his/her participation in any economically productive work, In the case of regular employment in any trade, profession, business, commerce or service, a person was taken as a worker if he was employed during any of the 15 days preceding the day on which he was enumerated. In the case of seasonal work, like cultivation, livestock, dairying, household industry etc., if a person had put in regular work of more than one hour a day throughout the greater part of the working season, he was treated as a worker. Work included not only actual work but also effective supervision of work. Accordingly, a person might be a cultivator or agricultural labourer or working in a -household industry or doing any other work. He might be engaged in one, or more than one, of the above categories. A full time student who spent sometime or even a day in a fortnight in his father's shop was considered as a worker. Similarly, if a woman was engaged in work such as pounding of rice for sale, wages etc., apart from her household duties, she was treated as a worker. Thus in the 1961 Census, a person was categorised as a worker even if such a person's contribution to work was marginal. The primary economic classification of the population was divided into workers and non-workers. The workers were sub-divided into nine categories viz.workers engaged.

(i) as Cultivators (ii) as Agricultural Labourers (iii) in Mining and quarrying, Live Stock, forestry, fishing, hunting, and plantations, orchards and allied activities. (iv) in Household industry (v) in Manufacturing other than household industry (vi) in Construction (vii) in Trade and Commerce (viii) in Transport, storage and communications and (ix) in Other services

Non-workers were categorised into 8 groups viz. Household duties; students; dependents and infants; retired persons/rentiers; beggars, vagrants etc.; inmates of penal, mental and charitable institutions; persons seeking employment for the first time; and persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work.The tabulation of economic data underwent radical change in the 1961 Census. 74 4. Two questions - One on main activity and another on secondary work were asked in the 1971 Census. Main activity of a person was determined according to the time he/she spent. A 'worker' was defined as a person whose 'main activity' was participation in any economically productive work by his/her physical or mental activity. The reference period was one week prior to the date of enumeration in case of regular work in trade, profession, industry, service or business. If a person had participated in any such regu-Iar work on anyone of the days during the week preceding the day of enumeration, such work was recorded as his main activity. A person who normally worked but was absent during the reference period due to illness, travel, .holiday, temporary lock out, strike etc., was treated as engaged in work. Apprentices and persons working without wages or stipends were also treated as workers. A pers(~>n who had been offered a job but did not actually join it was treated as non-worker. In respect of seasonal work like cultivation, plantation, some types of household industry etc., a person's main activity was ascertained with reference to such work in the last one year, even he was not economically active in the week prior to enumeration. 11 a person did not come under the categories of worker mentioned above, he was classified as a non-worker. Thus a person engaged primarily- in household duties such as cooking for one's own household or a student attending an institution or a rent receiver was classified as such for his main activity and was treated as a non-worker. If such a non-worker was also engaged in some economic activity, obviously not to the same extent as a full-time worker, that activity was mentioned under the head of secondary work. The secondary work, if any, Qf those who were basically classified as workers was also ascertained. The detailed classification of workers and non-workers adopted in the 1961 Census was followed in the 1971 also. The last two types of non-workers classified in 1961 which basically related to unemployment data, were combined into a single category under the heading 'Other non-workers'. Further, in the 1971 Census, 'mining and quarrying' (Category IV) was treated as a separate category though it was clubbed with livestock, forestry, fishing etc., (Category III) in the 1961 Census. Those were ttrtl nine different categories in the 1971 Census besides non-workers.

5. In the 1981 Census, it was decided to redesign the economic questions to enable to have comparable data with the 1961 and 1971 Censuses. As a result, in the 1981 Census, based on the economic activity, the population was divided into two broad streams vrz., workers and non-workers. workers comprised of main workers and marginal workers. Main workers were those who had worked for major part of the year (183 days or above) preceding the date of enumeration. From the· experience gained in the 1971 Census; it was felt that a Sh0"! r.eference period of one week would not be appropriate in a large scale operation like Census, specially in a country like India, where a wide variety of economic activities and seasonality are important factors. Therefore, instead of the r-eference period of one week for 'regular work' and last season for 'seasonal work' adopted in the 1971 Census, a uniform reference period of the last one year was adopted in the 1981 Census irrespective of 'regular' or 'seasonal' work. Workers were further sub-divided jnto cultivators, agricultural iabourers, household industry workers and other workers. Marginal workers were those who had worked anytime at all in the year precedrng the enumeration but had not worked for the major part of the year. Non­ workers were person who had not worked any time at all in the year preceding the day of enumeration. Conceptually, the 'workers' of 1961 Census were almost comparable with 'workers' plus 'non-workers with secondary work' of 1971 Census . and 'main workers' plus 'marginal workers' of 1981 Census.

75 Based on these concepts the work partici+>ation rates for total workers' called 'total work participation rate' and the 'work participation rate for main workers' and work participation rate for marginal workers were calculated separately.

6. There is no change in the concept of worker in the 1991- Census as compared to 1981 Census. However, as .it was felt that women. and children engaged in unpaid work in farm or family enterprise were not fully netted in the earlier censuses, it was decided to incorporate the words 'including unpaid work in farm or in family enterprise' in the questionnaire (Individual Slip) itself. Another change in the questionnaire was restricting the question on seeking/available for work to full-time non-workers in the 1991 Census. A SUb-question (i.e. Have you ever worked before?) was additionally asked to all persons se_eking or available for work to ascertain the number of new entrants to the labour market. The questions which were included in the Individual Slip of the 1991 Census were as follows: Yes 14A Did you work any time at all last year? (including uhpaid work on farm or in family enterprise) No (H/ST/D/RiB/I/O)

14B If 'Yes' in 14A, did you work for major part of last year? Yes (1 )/No (2) 'Yes' in 14B (C/AI,JHHI/OW) 15A Main activity last year? 'No' in 14B (H/ST/D/R/B/I/O) If HHI/OW in 15 A . (i) Name of establishment (ii) Nature of industry, trade or service (iii) Description of work (iv) Class of worker -

'Yes' in 14B-Any other work any time last year? Yes (C/AUHHI/OW)/No 15 B 'No' in 14 B-Work done any time last year? (C/ALlHHI/OW)

If HHI/OW in 15 B (i) Name of establishment (ii) Nature of industry, trade or service (iii) Description of work (iv) Class of worker

16 A If 'No' in 1'4 A, seeking/available for work? Yes (1 )/No (2)

16 B If 'Yes in 16 A, have you ever worked before? Yes (1 )/No (2)

7. The above questions 14A to 16B of the Individual Slip give the details of the economic questions canvassed in the 1991 Census. The ordering of economrc questions was based in a systematic sequence. Firstly the attempt was to divide the population into two broad -divisions viz., workers and non-workers based on a person's economically productive activity, irrespective of the time spent by him/her during the last one year preceding the date of enumeration. 'Secondly it was attempted to classify all such workers into two groups, viz., those who have worked for major part of the year (i. e. 6 months or more) or less than 6 months.

76 Certain types of work like agriculture or bouse hold industry are seasonal in nature and in such cases the reference period was taken as the broad, time span of the agricultural seasons. Persons who engaged themselves in work for more than 6 m'onths wer-e termed as 'main workers' and those worked for less than 6 months as 'marginal workers'. In respect of main workers and marginal workers it was ascertained in which sector of economy they were engaged i.e. whether they were cultivators, agricultural lab9urers, engaged in household industry or other workers. Further, in regarded to those who belonged to household industry or other workers th'e name of establishment, nature of inaustry/trade, service, description of work and class of Worker were also ascertarned. For main workers it was also ascertained' whether the person had any secondary work during the reference period al'Jd the details noted. Similarly for marginal work the type of work done was also canvassed. The non-workers were _classified according to, seven types of activities, viz., (i) household industry, (ii) students, (iii) dependents, (iv) r.etired persons/rentiers, (v) beggars, vagrants etc., (vi) inmates of penal, mental or charitable institutions and (vii) other non-workers. Thirdly, .for all full-time non-workers it was ascertained whether they are seeking work/available for work. .

Total Workers and Total Work Participation Rates

8. As stated earlier total workers include both main workers and marginal workers. It has to be noted whenever all-India comparison is made the figures for all­ India exclude the figures for Assam and Jammu & Kashmir as census for Assam and Jammu & Kashmir-could not be held in 1981 Census and 1991 Census respectively. The data on total workers, main workers and marginal workers for all-lndia and

States/Union Territories are given as Appendix ,,# The total work pqrticipation rates for all-India and Kerala ,are given hereunder:

Statement 2.1


INDIA' KERAlA Cehsus Year Persons Males Females Persons Males Females


1971 34.17 52.75 14.22 29.79 45.22 14.60 1981 36.70 . 52.62 I 19.67 30,53 44.89 16.61 1991 37.68 51.56 22.73 32.05 47.81 '16.90


1971 35.33 53.78 15.92 30,24 45.53 15.25 1981 38.79 53.77 23.06 31.25 45.23 17.72 1991 40.24 52.50 27.20 32.67 48.02 17.94


1971 29.61 48.88 7.18 27.44 43.64 11.20 1981 29.99 49.06 8.31 27.42 43.42 11.76 1991 30.44 48.95. 9.74 30.34 47.22 1-4.00

• Excludes Assam 5lnd Jammu & Kashmir






------~ ------, ------­ 1991





At the all-India level and for Kerala State the total work participation rate has shown a steady increase since 1971. However, it is noticed that male work participation rate for India has' shown a. declining tre-nd since 1971, though for Kerala it sHowed a fluctuating trend by a decHne in the rate for 1981 and a rise in 1991. In the ,case of Jemales, there is increase in rates over the decades for India and Kerala. It is. worthwhile to point out that the total work participation rate for:, Kerala are lower as cqmpared to all-India except for female rate fq-r 1971. At the all-India level and for Kerala total and sex-wise rates for rural; are8:s are higher than urban areas. The phenomena of lower rates for Kerala as compared to India hold good in all the last , three Censuses. Contrary to this pattern, the female participation rat~s in the urban areas of the States are much higher than the corresponding figures for all-India for the last three Census~s. Genarally, the growth or deviation in the work participation rates in Kerala is moderate during the decade 1981-91. .

~or~ Participation Rates in Districts

9. The picture of work participation rates give a'different pattern as is revealed from Statement 2.2 wherein distriCts are arranged in the descending order of ,rates for 1,99,1. ' Statement 2.2


Work participation rate Rank (percentage) , Rank Variation from 1981 in in . (Percentage 1991 District 1991 1981 . 1981 points) , 1 Idukki 41.57 37.78 2 + 3.79 2 Wayanad 38.62 :38'.04 1 + 0.58 3 Palakkad 36.94 '35.36 3 + 1.58 4 AlapptJzha 34.85 32.92 5 + 1.93 5 Ernakulam 34.51 31.68 6 + 2.83 6 ' Thrissur 33.6:1 29.63 10 + 3.98 7 Kasaragod 33.25 33.38 4 -0 .. 13 8 Kottayam 32.68 29.82 8 + 2.86 9 Thlruvananthapuram 32,63 30.21 9 . + 2.42 KERALA 32.05 30.53' + 1.52 10 Kollam 31.89 30.38 7 + 1.51 11 Pathanamthitta 30.05 29.15 11 + 0.90 12 Kannur 28.62 28.37 12 + 0.25 .13, Kozhikode 26.47 27.10 13 -0.63 14 Malappuram 24.89 25.17 14 -0.28 tops in total work participation rate with 4 {,S7% relegating the which held the first rank in the 1981 Census to the second position. -r~ districts continu~ to have the same rank both in 1981 and 1991. Nine districts exceed$ the State average in 1991 as against six districts in 1981 . The districts which have moved up in their ranks are Thris$ur, Alappuzha and Ernakulam. records the lowest work participation rate both in 1981 and 1991 Censuses. As compared to 1981 ,·the actual work participation rates of three districts, viz., Ka~aragod, Kozhikode and Malappuram have declined in 1991. The highest increase in work particiJ:)ation rate during t~e decade 1981-91 is recorded in

81 with 3.98 percentage points closely followed by Idukki. Three districts, viz., Kottayam,Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram record variation ranging between 2 and 3 per cent.

10. The sex-wise participation rates give a different picture as is revealed in Statement 2.3 of the 8 districts which exceed the male work participation rate of the State (47.81 per cent), four districts (viz., Idukki. Wayanad. Kottayam and Ernakulam) have more than half of their male population returned as workers. In the earlier census only Idukki and Wayanad had that privilege. It is also noticed that these two districts record higher male work participation rates than the all-India average. Among the districts of Kerala Thrissur has recorded the maximum variation since 1981 with 6.60 percentage points and the least by Kasaragod with only 0.29. Idukki, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kallam and Alappuzha are the other districts which have their variation of male work participation rate above~per cent.



Vanatlon Vanallon Work Partl,Clpalion Since Work PartiCipation Since Rank rate~ 1981 Rank rates 1981 In (Percentage In ( Percentage 1991 Dlstnct 1991 1981 poInts) 1991 District 1991 1981 polnts)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Idukkl 5656 51 51 + 505 1 Idukkl 26,23 2351 + 272 2 Wayanad 5309 5108 + 201 2 Palakkad 2493 2426 + 067 3 I(ottayam 51.29 4689 + 440 3 Wayanad , 2366 2430 -064 4 Ernakuiam 5128 4695 + 433 4 Alappuzha 2325 2245 + 080 5 Thlruvananthapuram 4993 4639 + 354 5 Kasaragod 2091 2136 -045 6 Palakkad 49.69 47.09 + 260 6 Thrissur 2001 1855 + 146 7 Thnssur 4841 4181 + 660 7 Ernakulam 1776 1637 + 139 8 Pathanamthltta "4807 46.~ +'79 8 )(olram 17.14 '17.15 -001 KERALA 4781 44.89 + 292 KERALA 1690 1661 +029 9 Kollam 4727 43.89 + 338 9 Thlruvananthapuram 1600 1449 + 151 10 Alappuzha 4717 4384 + 3 33 10 Kottayam 1418 1275 + 143 11 Kasaragod 4593 45.64 + 0 29 11 Kannur 1381 14.16 -035 12 Kozhikocle 44.30 4315 + 1 15 ,2 Palhanamthltta 1313 1292 + 021 13 Kannur 4425 43.14 + 1.15 13 Malappuram 9.52 1073 - 1 21 14 Malappuram 41 10 4037 + 0 73 14 Kozhlkode q 18 11 38 -220

In the case of females, there are four districts (Jdukki, Palakkad, Wayanad and Alappuzha) above the all-India average of 22.73 per cent. Generally the female participation rate is much lower in all districts varying between 9.18 per cent in and 26.23 per cent in Idukki district. Eight out of 14 districts have rates higher than the State average of 16.90 per cent. As compared to 1981, the rates have declined in 6 districts, viz., Kozhikode, Malappuram, Wayanad, Kasaragod, Kannur and Kallam. Three districts record marginal increase of less than 1 percentage point during 1981-91. They are Palakkad, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta. All the remaining districts show a moderate increase between 1 and 3 percentage points.

82 11. It is noticed that the work participation rates in the rural areas are higher than those in the urban areas of all districts in the States. The rural-urban disparity is highest in 1991 in Idukki district. Nine districts in the State have higher work participation rates in 1991 as compared to the State average of 32.67 per cent for rural areas and 30.34 for urban areas. The districts are same but only the ranks are different. Idukki district tops in rural areas (41.96%) and Wayan ad (38.67%) takes the lead in urban areas. Malappuram has the lowest rank in wor~ participation rate among the districts of Kerala both in rural and urban ar~as. The largest variation in work: participation rate since 1981 is noticed in respect qf Idukki district in rural areas and in urban areas with 3.85 and 6.52 percentage points respectively.



Varlalton Variation Work Pa11Clpalton since Work Participation since RanK rates 1981 Rank rates 1981 In (Percentage on ( Percentage 1991 District 1991 1981 pOints) 1991 District 1991 1981 poonts)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Idukkt 4196 3811 + 385 1 Wayanad 3867 2 Wayanad 3862 38 04 +058 2 Alappuzha 3455 2803 + 652 3 Palakkad 3758 3595 + 163 3 Idukkl 3382 3078 +304 4 Ernakulam 3613 33.43 + 270 4 Thnssur ,3352 28.45 + 507 5 Alappuzha 3499 3402 + 097 £> Palakkad 3350 3014 + 336 6 Thnssur 3364 2994 + 370 6 Ernakulam 3280 2899 + 381 7 Kasaragod 3363 3369 -006 7 Kottayam 3199 2857 + 3.42 8 Thlruvananthapuram 3360 3101 + 259 8 Kasaragod 31 31 2742 + B 89, 9 Kottayam 3283 2995 +288 9 Thlruvananthapuram 3074 27.83 + 2.91 KERALA 3267 31 25 + 142 KERALA 3034 2742 + 2.92 10 Kotlam 3241 3087 + 154 10 Kollam 2960 27.68 + 192 11 :

12. In the rural areas seven districts have higher male work participation rate than the State average of 48.02 per cent. Of these, five districts have more than half of their populatio'n returned as workers. They are Idukki, Wayanad, Kottayam, Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram. In the urban areas also t~e same four districts except Thiruvananthapuram exceed 50 per cent, the difference being that their order of ranks are different, i. e. Wayanad tops with 53.77 followed by Idukki, Ernakulam and Kottayam. Malappuram has the lowest rank among the male work participation rate among the districts both in rural and urban areas with 41.19 per cent and 40.20% respectively. Generally there is not much disparity in the rates for rural and urban areas. However, if the variation since 1981 is taken into account in rural areas, Thrissur has the maximum variation with 6.35 percentage pOints closely followed by Idukki with 5.10 per cent. Four districts fall in the variation group of 3 and less than 5 points and five districts between 1 and 3 points, and three districts (Kasaragod, Kozhikode and Malappuram) with less than a percentage point variation. As in the case of rural areas, Thrissur has recorded very high variation in

. 83 urban 'areas also with 7.33 percentage points. Ernakulam, Kottayam and Alappuzha also exceed 5 percentage poi,nts. Barring two districts (Kannur and Malappuram)' the remaining 7 districts in the state have variation ranging bet~een 1 and 5 per cent.



Vanallon Vanatlon Work Participation since Work ParllcipatiOn since 1981 Rank •rates 1981 Rank rates (Percentage In (Percentage In 1991 1981 1991 DistriCt, 1991 1981 POints) 11191 District ~nts) 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7'

1 Idukkl 5674 5164 + 510 1 Wayanad 5377 5108 + 198 2 Idukkl -5281 4875 +406 2 Wayan ad 5306 L/ - 4581 3 Kottayam 5153 4716 + 437 3 Ernakulam . 51 19 +538 4 Ernakulam 51 37 4769 +368 4 Kottayam 5017 4428 + 589 5 Thlrl!vanamr.apuram 51 14 4739 + 375 5 , Thnssur ,<:9813 4255 +733 6 Palakkad 4979 4723 +256 6 Palakkad 4918 4584 +334 '7 Pathana.lTlth,tta 484? 4647 + 1.99 7 Thiruvanamthapuram 4759 4344 + 415 KERALA 4802 4523 +279 KERALA 4722 4342 + 380 8 Thnssur 4788' 4153 + 635 8 Alappuzha 4700 4187 + 513 9 Kol:am 4762 4439 + 323 9 Kollam 4575 41 16 + 459 10 Alappuzha 4725 4429 , + 296 10 Pathanamthltta ~5 53 4065 + 488 + 280 11 ' Kasa~agod 4636 4583 +053 11 Kozhlkode 4531 4251 12 Kannur 4518 4330 + 188 12 Kasaragod 4371 4203 ,+ 168 13 Kozhll<.ode 4366 4339 + 027 ,13 Kannur 4335 4281 +054 14 Malappuram 41 19 4039 .,. 080 . 14 Malappuram 4020 4004 + 016

, 13. As stated earlier, the female work participation rate in Kerala is very low as compared to all-India rate. The rural .. urban differential in the female work participation rates ranges between 0.46 in Kottayam to 12.14 in Idukki district. The rural areas of Idukki district and Urban areas of Wayan ad district top in the .percentage of female work participation, while Malappuram takes the lowest position in botn rur.al and urban areas. The variation 01 the rates from 1991 in .the rural areas shows that the work participation rates in six districts have declined in 1991, three districts increased within a range of less than 1 per cent point and four districts in the range of 1 and 2 percentaga point. The highest variation is noticed in Idukki with 2.76 percentage pOints. In the c~se of urban areas. the variation is high as compared to rural. Only three districts viz., Kollam, Kozt:likode and Malappuram have registered a decline in rate. falls in the range of less than 1 percentage point, five districts between 1 and 3 and four districts above.3 percentage points of which Alappuzha tops With 7.98. Wayanad district had no urban area in 1981. 84 Statement 2.6 FEMALE WORK PARTICIPATION RATES BY RURAL-URBAN AREAS, 1981-1991


Variation Vanatlon Work Parl,c,patlon since Work Participation since Flank rates 1981 Rank rates 1981 In (Percentage (Percentage 1991 D,stna 1991 1981 POints) 199t Dlstn<.1 1991 1981 pOInts)

2 3 4 5 9 10

1 Idukkl 2681 2405 + 276 Wayan ad 2271 2 PalaKkad 2612 2530 + 082 2 Alappuzha 2261 1463 + 798 3 Wayanad 2370 2430 -060 3 Kasaragod 1945 1297 + 648 4 Alappuzha 2352 2420 -068 4 Palakkad 1852 1495 + 357 5 Kasaragod 21 20 2179 -059 5 Thnssur 1822 1499 + 323 6 Ernakulam 2092 1917 + 1 75 6 Idukkl 1467 1237 + 230 7 Thnssur 2064 1949 + 1 15 7 Ernakulam 1445 1207 +238 KERALA 1794 1765 + 025 8 Thlruvananthapuram 1434 1249 + 185 8 Kollam 1790 1765 + 025 KERALA 1400 11 76 + 224 9 Thlruvananthapuram 1685 1517 + 168 9 Kottayam 1380 1307 + 073 10 Kannur 1609 1656 -047 10 Kollam 1380 1443 -063 11 Kottayam 1426 1272 + 154 11 Pathanamthltta 11 91 1021 + 170 12 Pathamimthttta 1332 1309 + 023 12 Kannur 1165 900 + 265 13 Kozhlkode 1046 1285 - 239 13 Kozhlkode 712 739 -027 14 Malappuram 982 1103 -121 14 Malappuram 648 692 -044

Main Workers and Marginal Workers

14. Out of 9.31 millions workers in the State in 1991 census, 8.20 millions are 'main workers and the rest marginal workers. The proportion of main workers in the State is 28.23 per cent as against 34.19 for all-India (Excluding Assam and Jammu & Kashmir). In both the State and all-India, these proportions had shown an increase over 1981, the corresponding figures for that census being 26.68 for Kerala and 33.48 for India. As in the case of total, the rural and urban work participation rates of main workers are higher at the .lll-india level in both censuses as compared to State figtJres. However, over the last decade this proportion of male main workers has slightly declined from 51.62 in 1981 to 50.62 as against a rise from 41.04 to 44.24 for Kerala. There is no appreciable change in the percentage points of female main workers in Kerala during 1981-91, though the increase is substantial at the all­ India level with 2.41 percentage points. The disparity between rural and urban rates is significant by 6.17 percentage points for all-India in 1991 as against an increase I)f only 0.97 point for Kerala. Statement 2.7 Percentage of main Percentage decadal Country/Slale Persons workers growth rate Males of main workers Females 1981 1991 1981-91

India P 3348 3419 26.12 (excluding Assam and Jammu M 51 62 50.62 21.51 & Kashmir) F 1407 1648 44.24

Kerala P 2& 68 28.23 20.70 M 41 04 44.24 22.44 F 12. 16 , 285 15.27 -21 Census/91 -7


F42·35% F38·81%

M27·12% M24·49%




F 37 20% F42·37%

M175% • F2JJ1%






WORKERS ...... · ...... Main ·· ...... ·· ·...... ·· ...... ·...... ·· ·...... Marglndl ·· ...... ··...... ·...... ·...... a." ...... ,._ •••••• - . - 1981 ·· - ...... - ...... - .. -.. -.... -...... - . . ·• . •• . .• . ••••••••• ...... 87 38 o~ •••...... - •••• . • •- ...... -•••• _ - •• _ -...... 0 ••••••••••••••• -.. . -·...... · ...... ·· ·...... -...... • .-.• ...... • . .• . .• . .• . .• . .• . .• . . • . .• -. . • . .• .-. • .- .• ....- .• ...... • .• .• - .• .... .If .•• .. . .· ...... - ...... - ......

15. At the all-India level, marginal workers have increased from 21.26 million in 1981 to 28.44 million in 1991 registering an increase of 33.79%. Generally the growth of marginal workers over the last decade is far lower in Kerala as compared to all-India. Further the growth of female marginal workers is 2.4 times that of males at the all-India level as against 3.8 times for Kerala. In absolute numbers the marginal workers in Kerala have increased by 1.28 lakhs i. e. from 9.80 lakhs in 1981 to 11.08 lakhs in 1991. However, the proportion of marginal workers to total population shows a marginal decline of 3.85 per cent in 1981 to 3.82 per cent in 1991. The decline is noticed only in respect of males by 0.28 perGentage points as against an increase of 0.20 per cent for females.

Statement 2.8 DECENNIAL VARIATION OF MARGINAL WORKERS, 1981-91 Percentage cif margInal Percentage of decadal India/State Persons workers to total population growth rate Males of marginal workers Females 1981 1991 ~981-91

India P 3.22 3.49 3379 (excluding Assam and M 1.00 0.94 15.48 Jammu & Kashmir) F 5.60 6.25 37.31

Kerala p 3.85 3.82 13.09 M 385 3.57 5.38 F 385 4.05 20.58

Main w~rkers by Industrial categories

16. Though nine-way classification of data on main workers will be presented when the final figures are published, the presentation of provisional figures confines to only four major categories i.e. cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and other workers. Of these, the first two categories relate to agric~ltural sector and the last two non-agricultural s.ector. India still have a . predominantly agricultural base with 64.92 per cent of the main workers engaged in it. Kerala has a little over half of the all-India average with only 38.04 per cent. Both at the all-India and Stat!3 levels, the proportions have declined from 1981 by. 1.65 percentage points for all-India and 3.26 for Kerala. Obviously Kerala has a predominantly non-agricultural economy, the major components having plantations, fishing, household industry and other services.

17. The proportion of cultivators in Kerala is far lower than all-India with 26.05 percentage points. Similarly, the proportion of agricultural labourers is slightly lower in Kerala with 0.83 percentage points. But the proportions of both the ~ousehold industry workers and other workers in Kerala indicate higher figures with 0.26 and 26.62 percentage points higher than all-India level. The same trend is noticed in the 'rural areas but in urban areas.it is different as revealed in Statement 2.9.


IN DIA KERALA Persons (Excluding Assam and Jammu & Kashmir) Category of Worker Males Females 1981 1991 1981 1991 2 3 4 5 6


Total main workers P 33.48 34.19 26.68 28.23 M 51.62 50.62 41.04 44.24 F 14.07 16.48 12.76 12.85

1 Cultivators P 41.45 3843 1307 12.38 M 4358 39.72 1567 14.38 F 3309 34.15 4.95 574

2 Agricultural Labourers P 2512 2649 2823 2566 ~ 1971 21 11 2332 2261 ,.: 4634 4429 4355 3576

3 Householrt Induf1rl Workers P 3.45 366 369 392 M 3.17 337 2.42 277 F 457 462 7.64 7.76

4 Clh(.r W')rkers P 2998 31.42 5501 58.04 M 33:54 3580 5859 6024 F 16.00 1694 43.86 5074


Total main worl

1. Cultivators P 5095 48.22 15.31 1529 M 55.03 51.61 1862 18.01 F 3694 38.58 553 670

2. Agricultural Labourers P 3009 32.29 3246 3077 M 24.19 26.48 2708 2730 F 5036 4883 4838 4174

3 Household Industry Workers P 307 310 386 3.76 M 286 287 245 261 F 377 3.75 802 7.39

4 Other Workers P 1589 1639 4837 50.18 M 17.92 19.04 5185 5208 F 893 884 38.07 44.17


Tota! n:aln workers P 29.23 29.63 24,86 27.52 M 48.53 48.41 40.38 44.32 F 7.30 8.63 9.67 11.25

1 Cultivators P 511 500 244 4.00 M 5.17 4.92 2.70 438 F 463 5.54 1.41 256

2. Agricultural Labourers P 608 671 825 1095 M 468 540 679 967 F 1665 15.00 14.21 15.80

3 Household Industry Workers P 4.91 5.59 289 439 M 418 483 229 3.18 F 1044 1030 536 900

4 Other Workers P 8390 8270 8642 8066 M 8597 8485 8822 8277 F 6828 6916 7902 72.64 90 Another striking feature that is noticed is that among cultivators at the all-India and Kerala levels, the proportions of male cultivators have declined over the last decade and increased in the case of female cultivators. The same phenomenon is noticed in the rural areas too. However, as against all-India pattern in urban areas as the proportions of male cultivators have shown an increase in Kerala by 1.68 percentage points. On the other hand the proportion of male agricultural labourers, has shown an increase at the all-India level, though the figures for the State indicate a marginal decline. The proportion of female agricultural labourers shows significant decline over the decade, both at the all-India and Kerala levels. The male and female proportions of household industry workers and other workers show a steady increase since 1981 for all-India and Kerala which indicate shifting of population from agricultural to non-agricultural sectors.

18. Among the districts of Kerala the proportion of male cultivators is higher in 8 districts as compared to the State average (14.38). They are Kasaragod, Wayanad, Malappuram, Palakkad, Idukki, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta and Kollam of which Pathanamthitta records a very high proportion of 29.94 per cent. Kozhikode ranks lowest with 6.77 per cent. In the rural and urban areas Pathanamthitta holds a unique position with 31.35 and 20.17 per cent respectively of its male main workers returned as cultivators.

19. In case of female cultivators Wayanad holds the first rank with 8.19 per cent and lowest in Alappuzha with 2.49. Only 8 districts, viz., Kasaragod, Kannur, Wayanad, Malappuram, Palakkad, Idukki, Pathanamthitta and Thiruvananthapuram, exceed the State average of 5.74 per cent. In the rural areas Thiruvananthapuram leads other districts in the proportion of female cultivators with 10.35 closely followed by Kannur with 10.05. In the urban areas Kannur district tops with 4.73 with Idukki taking the second position with 4.29 per cent.

,20. has the largest proportion of male agricultural labourers with 32.63 per cent closely- followed by Thiruvananthapuram (31.47) and . Malappuram (30.53). However, in the rural areas, Thiruvananthapuram district tops with 40.04 per cent of its main workers returned as agricultural labourers as against the State rural average of 27.30 per cent. In the urban areas Pathanamthitta has the largest proportion (21.06 per cent) among the districts of Kerala.

21. In case of agricultural labourers Palakkad holds a unique position with 70.17 per cent of its female workers returned as agricultural labourers. The second position is held by Malappuram with 52.50 per cent and the last by Kollam with only 18.90 per .cent. In the rural areas the proportion of agricultural labourers in Palakkad district is still higher with 73.31' per cent and Kollam holding the same rank as for total with 21.75. In the urban areas the proportion of Palakkad district is almost three times as compared to the State urban figures of 15.80.



District Cultivators Agncultural Household Other Cultivators Agncultural Household Other labourers Industry workers labourers IndusUy workers workers workers


Kersls 14.38 22.61 2.77 60.24 5.74 35.76 7.76 50.74

Kasaragod 1541 2439 155 5865 633 2519 656 61.92 2 Kannur 972 1571 1 81 72.76 7.63 38.92 333 5012 3 Wayanad 2142 2842 108 4908 819 4561 1.15 4505 4 Kozhlkode 677 1265 1.79 7879 332 1949 630 7089 5 Malappuram 1463 3053 2.21, 52.63 592 5250 475 3683 6 Palakkad 1481 3263 396 4860 767 7017 356 1860 7, Thnssur 1084 1772 388 6756 509 3638 11 38 4715 8 Ernakulam 1093 1271 243 7393 419 2583 422 6576 9 Idukkl 2376 21 41 1.14 5369 772 24.58 118 6652 10 Kottayam 1858 2168 2.72 57.07 336 3288 7.67 5609 11. Alappuzha 10.60 21.56 5.12 6272 2.49 30.93 - 27.71 3887 12 Pathanamthitta 2994 2567 2.38 4201 775 3509 264 5452 13 Kollam 1978 2446 2.78 5298 447 1890 7.13 6950 14 Thlruvananthapuram 1271 3147 330 5252 778 2417 755 60 50


Kerala 18.01 27.30 2.61 52.08 6.70 41.74 7.39 44.17

Kasaragod 17 11 2630 1.46 5513 678 2617 6.51 6054 2 Kannur 1638 2284 1 31 5947 1005 50.85 278 3632 3 Wayanad 2202 2913 1.08 47.77 843 4673 1.13 4371 4 Kozhlkode 955 1663 170 72 12 444 26.43 729 6184 5 Malappuram 1528 3166 224 5082 6.18 5439 4.86 34.57 6 Palakkad 1661 3614 375 43.50 815 7331 3.26 1528 7 Thnssur 13.48 2171 3-~4 61.17 593 42.82 11 36 3989 8 Ernakulam 18.22 2024 226 5928 580 36 00 4.00 53.60 9 Idukkl 2419 2148 1 10 53.23 781 2456 1 14 6648 10 Kottayam 2130 2355 260 52.55 339 3694 8.35 51.32 11 Alappuzha 10 60 2156 512 6272 249 3093 2771 38.87 12 Pathanamthltta 3135 2633 235 3997 8.56 3625 267 5252 13 Kollam 2321 2771 269 46.39 501 2175 736 6588 14 Thlruvananthapuram 1672 40.04 324 4000 1035 31 73 8.91 4901


Kerals 4.38 9.67 3.18 82.67 2.56 15.80 9.00 72.64

1 Kasaragod 625 1405 207 7763 395 2002 682 6921 2 Kannur 308 859 231 8602 4.73 2466 398 6663 3 Wayanad 4.75 903 1.08 8514 164 1502 183 81 51 4 Kozhlkode 271 687 1 91 8851 1 17 612 440 8831 5 Malappuram 827 1945 190 7038 246 2773 325 6656 6 Palakkad 545 1429 506 7520 383 4548 593 4476 7 Thnssur 372 6,92 451 8485 218 14 18 11 46 7218 8 Ernakulam 336 489 260 8915 182 992 455 8371 9 Idukkl 1480 1992 190 6338 429 2532 267 6772 10 Kottayam 553 1245 327 7875 320 1341 439 7900 11 Alappuzha 345 945 615 8095 1 15 14.46 3318 51 21 12 Pathanamthltla 2017 2106 265 56.12 273 2779 241 6707 13 Kollam 478 1024 319 8179 176 465 594 8765 14 Thlruvananthapuram 464 1426 341 7769 280 953 491 82.76

92 22. In the case of females those engaged in Household Industry, Alappuzha accounts for the largest proportion with 27.71 per cent, while the lowest position is held by Wayanad with 1.15 per cent. In the rural and urban areas also the same rankings for highest and lowest hold good.

23. In the case of other workers Kozhikode tops the rankings of districts with 70.89% which is over 20 percentage points of the State (50.74). Except Wayanad, Malapi:>uram, Palakkad, Thrissur and Alappuzha all the other districts exceed the percentage point of 50 per cent. In the rural areas Idukki tops with 66.48 per cent closely followed by Kallam district (65.88), while the lowest rank is held by Palakkad with 15.26. In th~ urban areas Kozhikode has a unique position with 88.31 per cent. The other districts which have more than three-10urth of main workers in the urban areas returned as other workers are Wayanad, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram.

24. As all these figures are provisional as already made clear, no detailed conclusions are drawn and comments made. However, to obtain an over-all idea, taluk-wise provisional figures are also given in this volum~.

93 Table 2.1

TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND THEIR PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION BY DISTRICTS (Work participation rate is given as percentage to total population within brackets)

Total Workers TotaV (Mam workers & Marginal workers) Main Workers Marginal workers State/DlslnCl Rural! Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

KERALA T 9,305,143 6,803,607 2,501,536 8,196,798 6,294,874 1,901,924 1,108,345 508,733 599,612 (3205) (47.81) (16.90) (28.23) (44.24) (1285) (382) (3.57) (4.05) R 6,976,513 5,021,033 1,955,480 6,084,816 4,621,760 1,463,056 891,697 399,273 492,424 (3267) (48.02) (17.94) (28.49) (4420) (13.42) (418) (3.82) (452) U 2,328,6:0 1,782,574 546,056 2,111,982 1,673,114 438,868 216,648 109,460 107,188 (30.33) (47.22) (1400) (2751) (44.32) (1125} (2.82) (2.90) (275)

1 Kasaragod T 355,974 242,540 113,434 324,890 228,743 96,14? 31,084 13,797 17,287 (3325) (4593) (20.91) (30.35) (4332) (1772) (2.90) (261) (3.19) R 300,813 204,894 95,919 273,892 193,058 80,834 26q21 11,836 15,085 (33.63) (4636) (21.20) (30.62) (43.68) (17.87) (301) (2.68) (3.33) U 55,161 37,646 17,515 SO ,998 35,685 15,313 4,163 1,961 2,202 (3131) (4371) (19.45) (28.95) (41.43) (17.00) (236) (2.28) (245)

2 Kannur T 642,539 483,406 159,133 581,718 453,278 128,440 60,821 30,128 30,693 (2863) (44.25) (1381) (25.92) (41 49) (11.15) (271) (2.76) (266) R 333,660 243,516 90,144 296,389 226,439 69,950 37,271 17,077, 20,194 (30.35) (4518) (1609) (2696) (4201) (1248) (339) (317) (361) U 308,879 239,890 68,989 285,329 226,839 58,490 23,550 13,051 10,499 (26.97) (4335) (11.65) (24.91) (40.99) (988) (206) (236) (177)

3 Wayan ad T 259,219 181,124 78,095 225,754 167,188 58,566 33,465 13,936 19,529 (38.62) (53.09) (23.67) (33.63) (49.00) (17.75) (4.99) (4.09) (5.92) R 250,358 174,794 75,564 217,835 161,340 56,495 32,523 13,454 19,069 (38.62) (5306) (23 70) (33.60) (48.98) (17.72) (502) (4.08) (598) U 8,861 6,330 2,531 7,919 5,848 2,071 942 482 460 (38 67) (5377) (22.71) (34 56) (4968) (18.58) (411) (4.09) (413)

4 Kozhlkode T 691,930 570.138 121,792 601,060 513,581 87,479 90,870 56,557 34,313 (2647) (4430) (9.18) (2299) (39.90) (659) (3.48) (4.40) (259) R 430,841 345,216 85,625 361,898 304,311 57,587 68,943 40,905 28,038 (2677) (4366) (1045) (22.49) (3849) (7.03) (4.28) (5.17) (3.42) U 261,089 224,922 36,167 239,162 209,270 29,892 21,927 15,652 6,275 (2600) (4531) (7'12) (2382) (4216) (589) (2.18) (3.15) (123)

5 Malappuram T 770,033 618,895 151,138 665,399 562,601 102,798 104,634 56,294 48,340 (24.89) (41.10) (9.52) (21.51) (37.36) (6.48) (338) (374) (304) , R 704,911 563,079 141,832 606,045 510,517 95,528 98,866 52,562 46,304 (2508) (41.19) (9,83) (21.56) (37.35) (662) (352) (3.84) (3.21) U 65,122 55,816 9,306 59,354 52,084 7,270 5,768 3,732 2,036 (2306) (4020) (648) (2102) (3751) (5.06) (2.04) (2.69) (142)

6 Palakkad T 877,809 572,539 305,270 779,682 531,171 248,511 98,127 41,368 56,759 (36.94) (4969) (24.93) (3281) (4610) (2030) (4.13) (3.59) (463) R 752,431 482,602 269,829 666,333 445,880 220,453 86,098 36,722 49,376 (3758) (4979) (2612) (3328) (4600) (2134) (430) (3.79) (4.78) U 125,378 89,937 35,441 113,349 85,291 28,058 12,029 4,646 7,383 (33.SO) (4918) (1852) (30.29) (4664) (14.66) (3.21) (2.54) (386)

7 Tnchur T 919,342 634,276 285,Q66 799,597 582,032 217,565 119,745 52,244 67,SOl (33 61) (4841) (20.01) (2923) (44.42) (1527) (438) (399) (474) R 678,023 460,69'1 217,332 593,555 424,925 168,630 84,468 35,766 48,702 (3364) (47.88) (2063) (2945) (4416) (16.01) (419) (3.72) (4.62) u 241,319 173,585 67,734 206,042 157,107 48,935 35,277 16,478 18,799 (33.521 (49.88) (1822) (2862) (4515) (13.16) (4.90) (4.73) (5.06)

94 Table 2.1-concld. TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND THEIR PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION BY DISTRICTS (Work participation rate is given as percentage to total population within brackets)

Total Workers Tolall (Main workers & Marginal workers) Main Workers Marginal workers 5 tate/District RuraV Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Personlj Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

8 Ernakulam T 970,412 720,381 250,031 862,843 670,917 -'9' ,926 107.569 49,464 58,105 (34.51) (5128) (17.76) (30.68) (4776) (1363) (3.83) (352) (413) R 520,326 369476 150.850 456,283 341,834 114,449 64,043 27,642 36,401 (36.13) (5137) (20.92) (31.68) (4753) (1587) (445) (384) (5.05) U 450,086 350,905 99,181 406,560 329,083 77,477 43,526 21,822 21,704 (3280) (5118) (1445) (29 63) (4800) (1129) (317) (318) (316)

9 Idukkl T 447,555 308,034 139,521 386,642 283,894 102,748 60,913 24,140 36,773 (41.57) (56,56) (26,23) (35,91) (52.13) (1932) (566) (443) (691) R 430,340 294,534 135,806 370,738 270,905 99,833 59,602 23,629 35,973 (4196) (56 74) (2681) (36 15) (52.19) (1971) (581) (455) (7.10) U 17,215 13,500 3,715 15,904 12,989 2,915 1,311 511 SOO (3383) (5281) (1467) (3126) (5081) (1151) (257) (200) (316)

10 Kottayam T 596,371 466.607 129,764 529,135 436,669 92,466 67,236 29,938 37,298 (3268} (5129) (1418) (29OO) (48.00) (1010) (368) (329) (408) R 493,847 386,201 107,646 437,890 361,358 76,532 55,957 24,843 31,114 (3283) (5153) (1426) (2911) (48.21) (1014) (372) (332) (412) U 102,524 80,406 22,118 91,245 75,311 15,934 11,279 5,095 6,184 (31.99) (SO 17) (1380) (28.47) (46.99) (994) (3.52) (3.18) (385)

11 Alappuzha T 693,799 455,550 238,249 589,140 411,139 178,001 104,659 44,411 60,248 (3485) (47.17) (2325) (29 59) (4257) (1737) (526) (460) (588) R 483,186 315,256 167,930 405,516 282,077 123,439 77,670 33,179 44,491 (3498) (4725) (2352) (2936) (4228) (17 29) (562) (497) (623) U 210,613 140,294 70,319 183,624 129,062 54,562 26,989 11,232 15,757 (3455) (47.00) (2261) (30.1~) (4324) (17 54) (4.43) (376) (507) 12 Pathanamthltta T 356,534 276.112 80,422 317,198 261,348 SS,850 39,336 14,764 24,572 (3005) (4807) (1313) (2673) (4550) (9.12) (332) (257) (401) R 312,791 241,863 70,928 276,487 228,345 48,142 36,304 13,518 22,786 (3032) (4846) (1332) (2680) (45.75) (904) (352) (271) (4.28) U 43,743 34,249 9,494 40,711 33,003 7,708 3,032 1,246 1,786 (2823) (4553) (1191) (26 27) (4387) (967) (196) (166) (224)

13 Kollam T 764,808 554,964 209844 65q 650 510,493 149,157 105,158 44,471 60,687 (3189) (4727) (17.14) (2751) (43.48) (12.18) (438) (379) (496) R 632,827 454,062 178,765 539,855 415,501 124,354 92,972 38,561 54,411 (32.41) (4762) (17.90) (2765) (4358) (12.45) (4.76) (404) (545) U 131,981 100,902 31,079 119,795 94,992 24,803 12,186 5,910 6,276, (2960) (4575) (1380) (2687) (4307) (1101) (2.73) (268) (2.79)

1 4 Thlfuvananthapuram T 958,818 719,041 239,777 874,090 681,820 192,270 84,728 37,221 47,507 (3263) (4993) (1600) (29 75) (4734) (1283) (2.88) (2.59) (3.17) R 652,159 484,849 167,310 582,100 455,270 126,830 70,059 29,579 40,480 (3360) (51 14) (1685) (2999) (48 02) (1277) (361) (3.12) (408) U 306,659 234,192 72,467 291,990 226,550 65,440 14,669 7,642 7,027 (30.74) (47.59) (1434) (29 27) (4604) (1295) (1.47) (155) (1.39) Table 2.2 TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS BY TALUKS

State/District/ Total/ Persons/ Taluk/ RuraV Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers - Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -

KERALA T P 29,032,828 9,305,143 8,196,798 1,108,345 19,727,685 M 14,230,391 6,803,607 6,294,874 508,733 7,426,784 'F 14,802,437 2,501,536 1,901,924 599,612 12,300,901 R P 21,356,457 6,976,513 6,084,816 891,697 14,379,944 M 10,455,208 5,021,033 4,621,760 399,273 5,434,175 F 10,901,249 1,955,480 1,463,056 492,424 8,945,769 U P 7,676,371 2,328,630 2,111,982 216,648 5,347,741 M 3,775,183 ' 1,782,574 1,673,114 109,460 1,992,609 F 3,901,188 546,056 438,868 107,188 3,355,132

1 Kasaragod T P 1 ,0~0,62B 355,974 324,890 31,084 714,654 District M 528,081 242,540 228,743 13,797 285,541 F 542,547 113,434 96,147 17,287 42f1,113 R P 894,443 300,813 273,892 26,921 593,630 M 441,951 204,894 193,058 11,836 237,057 F 452,492 95,919 80,834 15,085 356,573 U P 176,185 55,161 50,998 4,163 121,024 M 86,130 37,646 35,685 1,961 48,484 F 90,055 17,515 15,313 2,202 72,540

Kasaragod T aluk T P 539,691 182,548 169,508 13,040 357,143 M 269,097 124,430 118,696 5,734 144,667 F 27v ,594 58,118 50,812 7,306 212,476 R P 481,686 165,392 153,162 12,230 316,294 M 240,314 111,873 106,498 5,375 128,441 F 241,372 53,519 46,664 6,855 187,853 U P 58,005 17,156 16,346 810 40,849 M 28,783 12,557 12,198 359 16,226 F 29,222 4,599 4,148 451 24,623

Kasaragod(M) U P 50,123 14,158 13,730 428 35,965 M 24,873 10,715 10,462 253 14,158 F 25,250 3,443 3,268 175 21,807

2 T P 530,937 173,426 155,382 18,044 357,511 M 258,984 118,110 110,047 8,063 140,874 F 271,953 55,316 45,335 9,981 216,637 R P 41'2,757 135,421 120,730 14,691 277,336 M 201,637 93,021 86,560 6,461 108,616 F 211,120 42,400 34,170 8,230 168,720 U P 118,180 38,005 34,652 3,353 80,175 M 57,347 25,089 23,487 1,602 32,258 F 60,833 12,916 11,165 1,751 47,917 Kanhangad (M) U P 57,133 19,121 17,497 1,624 38,012 M 27,921 12,708 11,915 793 15,213 F 29,212 6,413 5,582 831 22,799 96 Table 2.2-contd. TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS BY TALUKS

State/O Istrict/ Total! Persons/ Talukl Rural! Malesl Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females PopulatIOn Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 Kannur District T P 2,244,685 642,539 581,718 60,821 1;602,146 M 1,092,375 483,406 453,278 30,128 608,969 F 1,152,310 159,133 128,440 30,693 993,177 R P 1,099,407 333,660 296,389 37,271 765,747 M 539,034 243,516 226,439 17,077 295,518 F 560,373 90,144 69,950 20,194 470,229 U P 1,145,278 308,879 285,329 23,550 836,399 M 553,341 239,890 226,839 13,051 313,451 F 591,937 68,989 58,490, 10,499 522,948

1 Taliparamba Taluk T P 664,586 208,745 185,618 23,127 455,841 M 327,717 151,737 141,270 10,467 175,980 F 336,869 57,008 44,348 12,660 279,861 R P 540,333 172,321 152,643 19,678 368,012 M 266,796 125,008 116,175 8,833 141,788 F 273,537 47,313 36,468 10,845 226,224 U P 124,253 36,424 32,975 3,449 87,829 M 60,921 26,729 25,095 1,634 34,192 F 63,332 9,695 7,880 1,815 53,637

Payyannur (M) U P 64,011 19,209 17,481 1,728 44,802 M 30,969 13,618 12,795 823 17,351 F 33,042 5,591 4,686 905 27,451

Taliparamba (M) U P 60,242 17,215 15,494 1,721 43,027 M 29,952 13,111 12,300 811 16,841 F 30,290 4,104 3,194 910 26,186

2 Kannur Taluk T P 700,214 187,346 170,723 16,623 512,868 M 339,430 144,980 135,766 9,214 194,450 F 360,784 42,366 34,957 7,409 318,418 R P 123,539 31,681 27,569 4,112 91,858 M 59,133 22,575 20,392 2,183 36,558 F 64,406 9,106 7,177 1,929 55,300 U P 576,675 155,665 143,154 12,511 421,010 M 280,297 122,405 115,374 7,031 157,892 F 296,378 33,260 27,780 5,480 263,118

Kannur (M) U P 65,'233 16,832 15,737 1,095 48,401 M 32,048 14,453 13,802 651 17,595 F 33,185 2,379 1,935 444 30,806 Kannur Cantonment U P 4,819 2,399 2,354 45 2,420 M 3,023 2,139 2,112 27 884 F 1,796 260 242 18 1,536


State!D istrict! Total! Persons! Taluk! Rural! Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Thalassery T aluk T P 879,885 246,448 225,377 21,071 633,437 M 425,228 186,689 176,242 10,447 238,539 F 454,657 59,759 49,135 10,624 394,898 R P 435,535 129,658 116,177 13,481 305,877 M 213,105 95,933 89,872 6,061 117,172 F 222,430 33,725 26,305 7,420 188,705 U P 444,350 116,790 109,200 7,590 327,560 M' 212,123 90,756 86,370 4,386 121,367 F 232,227 26,034 22,830 3,204 206,193

ThalaS$~ry ( M) U P 103,577 26,202 25,235 967 77,375 • M 49,891 22,089 21,458 631 27,802 F 53,686 4,113 ~.777 336 49,573 . ~ ~ Mattannur ( M) U P 40,470 12,055 10,949 1,106 28,415 M 20,149 8,569 8,001 568 11,580 F 20,321 3,486 2,948 538 16,835

Kuthuparamba (M) U P 28,998 7,615 7,319 296 21,293 M 13,805 6,084 5,904 180 7,721 F 15,103 1,531 1,415 116 13,572

3 Wayanad T P 671,191 259,219 225,754 33,465 411,9'72 District M 341,185 181,124 167,188 13,936 16.0,061 F 330,006 78,095 58,566 19,529 251,911 R P 648,276 250,358 217,835 32,523 397,918 M 329,413 174,794 161,340 13,454 154,619 F 318,863 75,564 56,495 19,069 243,299 U P 22,915 8,861 7,919 942 14,054 M 11,772 6,330 5,848 482 5,442 F 11,143 2,531 2,071 460 8,612

1 Mananthavady T 'p, 203,482 78573 68,155 10,418 124,909 Taluk M 102,740 54458 50,734 3,724 48,282 F 100,742 24,115 17,421 6,694 76,627 R P 203,482 78,573 68,155 10,418 124,909 M 102,740 54,458 50,734 3,724 48,282 F 100,742 24,11'5 17,421 6,694 76,627 U P M F 2 Sulthan Bathery Tal uk:, T P 255,084 98,890 84,453 14,437 156,194 M 131,280 71,802 65,617 6,185 59,478 F 123,804 27,088 18,836 8,252 96,716


State/Distrlct! Totall Personsl Talukl Rural! Males! -Total Total Main MargInal Non· Statutory Urban Females PopulatIOn Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R P 255,084 98,890 84,453 14,437 156,194 M 131,280 71,802 65,617 6,185 59,478 F 123,804 27,088 18,836 8,252 96,716 U P M F

3 Vyth lri Taluk T P 212,625 81,756 73,146 8,610 130,869 M 107,165 54,864 50,837 4,027 52,301 F 105,460 26,892 22,309 4,583 78,568 R P 189,710 72,895 65,227 7,668 116,815 M 95,393 48,534 44,989 3,545 46,859 c 94,317 24,361 20,238 4,123 69,956 U P 22,915 8,861 7,919 942 14,054 M 11,772 6,330 5,848 482 5,442 F 11,143 2,531 2,071 460 8,612

Kalpetta (M) U P 22,915 8,861 7,919 942 14,054 M 11,772 6,330 5,848 482 5,442 F 11,143 2,531 2,071 460 8,612 4 Kozhikode District T P 2,613,683 691,930 601,060 90,870 1,921,753 M 1,287,085 570,138 513,581 56,557 716,947 F 1,326,598 121,792 87,479 34,313 1,204,806 A P 1,609,579 430,841 361,898 68,943 1,178,738 M 790,697 345,216 304,311 40,905 445,481 F 818,882 85,625 57,587 28,038 733,257 U P 1,004,104 261,089 239,162 21,927 743,015 M 496,388 224,922 209,270 15,652 271,466 F 507,716 36,167 29,892 6,275 471,549

1 Vadakara Taluk T P 604,071 151,025 124,902 26,123 453,046 M 293,530 120,664 105,225 15,439 172,866 F 310,541 30,361 19,677 10,684 280,180 R P 466,394 116,198 94,659 21,539 350,196 M 226,332 92,083 79,342 12,741 134,249 F 240,062 24,115 15,317 8,798 215,947 U p 137,677 34,827 30,243 4,584 102,850 M 67,198 28,581 25,883 2,698 38,617 F 70,479 6,246 4,360 1,886 64,233

Vadakara (M) U P 72,441 19,362 17,919 1,443 53,079 M 35,586 16,397 15,492 905 19,189 F 36,855 2,965 2,427 538 33,890


State!Dlstrict! ' Total! Persons! Taluk! Rural! Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 Quilandy Taluk T P 638,605 177,458 147,098 30,360 461,147 M 313,976 139,032 121,422 17,610 174,944 F 324,629 38,426 25,676 12,750 286,203 R P 638,605 177,458 147,098 30,360 461,147 M 313,976 139,032 121,422 17,610 174,944 F 324,629 38,426 25,676 12,750 286,203 U P M F 3 Kozhikode Taluk T P 1,371,007 363,447 329,060 34,387 1,007,560 M 679,579 310,442 286,934 23,508 369,137 F 691,428 53,005 42,126 10,879 638,423 R P 504,580 137,185 120,141 17,044 367,395 M 250,389 114,101 103,547 10,554 136,288 F 254,191 23,084 16,594 6,490 231,107 U P 866,427 226,262 208,919 17,343 640,165 M 429,190 196,341 183,387 12,954 232,849 F 437,237 29,921 25,532 4,389 407,316

Kozhikode U P 419,531 112,020 106,480 5,540 307,511 Corpn. M 206,914 96,401 92,044 4,357 110,513 F 212,617 15,619 14,436 1,183 196,998 5 Ma,lappuram District T P 3,093,190 770,033 665,399 104,634 2,323,157 M 1,505,860 618,895 562,601 56,294 886,965 F 1,587,330 151,138 102,798 48,340 1,436,192 R P 2,810,'165 704,911 606,045 98,866 2,105,854 M 1,367,004 5&3,07~ 510,517 52,562 803,925 F 1,443,761 141,832 95,528 46,304 1,301,929 U P 282,425 65,122 59,354 5,768 217,303 M 138,856 55,816 52,084 3,732 83,040 F 143,569 9,306 7,270 2,036 134,263

1 Ernad Taluk T P 1,219,52,3 324,806 277,971 46,835 894,717 M 600,665 257,090 231,688 25,402 343,575 F 618,858 67,716 46,283 21,433 551,142 R P 1,077,320 291,293 247,553 43,740 786,027 M 530,170 228,574 205,050 23,524 301,596 F 547,150 62,719 42,503 20,216 484,431 U P 142,203 33,513 30,418 3,095 108,690 M 70,495 28,516 26,638 1,878 41,979 F 71,708 4,997 3,780 1,217 66,711

Malappuram (M) U P 49,690 11,149 10,480 669 38,541 M 24,616 9,544 9,042 502 15,072 F 25,074 1,605 1,438 167 23,469 100 Table 2.2,-contd. TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS BY TALUKS

State/District! Total! Personsl Talukl Rural! Males.' Total Total MaIn Marginal N0n- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Manjeri (M) U P 69,335 17,062 15,379 1,683 52,273 M 34,469 14,364 13,418 946 20,105 F 34,866 2,698 1,961 737 32,168 2 Penntalmanna Taluk T P 452,439 118,613 100,272 18,341 333,826 M 219,665 91,981 82,925 9,056 127,684 F 232,774 26,632 17,347 9,285 206,142 R P 413,421 108,696 91,086 17,610 304,725 M 200,759 84,020 75,414 8,606 116,739 F 212,662 24,676 15,672 9,004 187,986 U P 39,018 9,917 9,186 731 29,101 M 18,906 7,961 7,511 450 10,945 F 20,112 1,956 1,675 281 18,156

Penntal- U P 39,018 9,917 9,186 731 29,101 manna (M) M 18,906 7,961 7,511 450 10,945 F 20,112 1,956 1,675 281 18,156

3 T,rur Taluk T P 1,100,773 246,486 215,145 31,341 854,287 M 531,566 207,386 189,889 17,497 324,180 F 569,207 39,100 25,256 13,844 530,107 R P 1,051,323 236,575 205,559 31,016 814,748 M 507,155 198,505 181,286 17,219 308,650 F 544,168 38,070 24,273 13,797 506,098 U P 49,450 9,911 9,586 325 39,539 M 24,411 8,881 8,603 278 15,530 F 25,039 1,030 983 47 24,009

Tlrur (M) U P 49,450 9,911 9,586 325 39,539 M 24,411 8,881 8,603 278 15,530 F 25,039 1,030 983 47 24-,009

4 Taluk T P 320,455 80, i28 72,011 8,117 240,327 M 153,964 62,438 58,099 4,339 91,526 F 166,491 17,690 13,912 3,778 148,801 R P 268,701 68,347 61,847 6,500 200,354 M 128,920 51,980 48,767 3,213 76,940 F 139,781 16,367 13,080 3,287 123,414 U P 51,754 11,781 10,164 1,617 39,973 M 25,044 10,458 9,332 1,126 14,586 F 26,710 1,323 832 491 25,387

Ponnani (M) U P 51,754 11,7£ 1 10,164 1,617 39,973 ~ 25,044 10,458 9,332 1,126 14,586 F 26,710 1,323 832 491 25,387


3tate/Dlstrlct! Total! Persons! ralukl RuraV Males! Total Total Mam -Marginal Non- 3tatutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers· Workers own

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Palakkad District T P 2,376,561 877,809 779,682 98,127 1,498,752 M 1,152,253 - 572,539 531,111 41,368 579,714 F 1,224,308 305,270 248,511 56,759 919,038 R P 2,002,337 752,431 ~66,-333 86,098 ~ ,-2 49 ,9 0-6 M 969,363 482,602 445,880 36,722 486,761 F 1,032,974 269,829 220,453 49,376 763,145 U P 374,224 125,378 113,349 12,029 248,84G M 182,890 8.9,937 85,291 4,646 92,953 F 191,334 35,441 28,058 7,383 1-5S,893

1 Ottappalam Taluk T P 747,967 227,845 197,540 - 30,305 520,122 M _354,989 162,675 146,366 16,309 192,314 F 392,978 65,170 51,174 13,996 327,808 R P 664,-241 200,579 173,589 26,990 463,662 M 315,152 143,691 128,892 14,799 171,461 F 349,089 56,888 44,697 - 12,191 292,201 (J P 83,726 _ 27,266 23,_951 3,315 56,460 M 39,837 18,984 17,474 1,510 20,853 F 43,889 8,282 6,477 1,805 35,607

Shoranur (M) U P 39,543 13,364 _ 11,483 1,881 26,179 M 19,024 9,354 8,515 839 9,670 F 20,519 4,010 2,968 1,042 16,509

Ottappalam (M) U P 44,183 13,902 12,468 1,434 30,281 M 20,813 9,630 8,959 671 11,183 F 23,370 4,272 3,509 763 19,098

2 Mannalkad Taluk T P 308,064 114,851 100,568 14,283 193,213 M 150,945 76,659 71,724 4,935 74,286 F 157,J19 38) 192 28,844 9,348 118,927 R P 262,657 - 98,859 86,830 12,029 163,798 M 128,667 65,538 61,367 4,171 63,129 F 133,990 33,321 25,463 7,858 100,669 U P 45,407 15,992 13,738 2,254 29,415 M 22,278 11,121 10,357 764 11,157 F 23,129 4,871 3,381 1,490 18,258

Mannarkad (M) U P 45,407 15,992 - 13,738 2,254 29,415 - M 22,278 11,121 10,357 764 11,157 F 23,129 4,871 3;381 1,490 18,258

3 Palakkad 1 aluk T P 515,724 195,410 174,647 20,763 320,314 M 253,028 129,845 121,807 8,038 123,183 F 262,696 65,565 52,840 12,725 197,131


- State/Dlstnct/ Total! PerSons/ Taluk! RuraL' Males.' Total Total Main MaJg'n~1 Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2- 3 4 5 6 7 8

R P 336,029 136,585 120,409 16,-176 199,444 M 164,292 85,925 79,689 6,236 78,367 F 171,737 50;660 40,720 9,940 121,077 U P 179,695 58,825 54,238 4,587 120,870 M 88,736 43,920 42,118 1,802 44,816 F 90,959 14,905 12,120 2,785 76,054

Palakkad (M) U P 122,964 39,320 35,971- 3,349 83,644 M _60,879 30,286 29,016 1,270 30,593 F 62,085 9,034. 6,955 2,079 53,051

4 Chlttur Taluk T P 407,362 181,546 163,185 18,361 225,816 M 199,476 108,454 101,699 6,755 91,022 F 207,886 73,092 61,486 11,606 134',794 R P 341,966 158,251 141,763 16,488 183,715 M 167,437 92,542 86,357 6,185 74,895 F 174,529 65,709 55,4D6 10,303 108,820 U P 65,396 - 23,295 21,422 1,873 42,101 M 32,{)39 15,912 15,342 570 16,127 F 33,357 7,383 6,080 1,303 25,974 Chittur-Thatha- mangalam(M) (J P -32,069 10,985 10,496 489 21,084 M 15,613 7,542 7,363 179 8,071 F 16,456 3,443 3,133 310 13,013

5 Alathur Taluk T P 397,444 158,157 143,742 14,415 239,287 M 193,815 94,906 89,575 5,331 98,909 F 203,6.29 63,251 54,167 9,084 140,378 R P 397,444 158,157 143,7 42 14,415 239,287 M 193,815 94,906 89,575 5331 98,909 F 203,629 63,251 54,167 9,084 140,378 .U P M F

7 Thriss4r District T P 2,735,059 919,342 799,597 119,745 1.815,717 M 1,310,120 634,276 582,032 52,244 675,844 F 1,424,939 285,066 217,565 67,501 1,139,873 R P i,015,225 678,023 593,555 84,468 1,337,202 M 962,117 460,691 424,925 35,766 501,426 F 1,053,108 217,332 168,630 48,702 835,776 U P 719,834 241,319 206,042 35,277 478,515 M 348,003 173,5~5 157,107 1,6,478 174,418 F 371,831 67,734 48,935 18,799 304,097


StatelDistrictl Total! Persons/ Talukl Rural! Males! Total Tolal Main Matginal !Ibn- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers WorKers town

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Talappilly Taluk T P 536.294 187,119 169.692 17,427 349,175 M 255.078 123,967 116,787 7,180 131,111 F 281,216 63,152 52,905 10,247 218,064 R P 508,696 178,487 161,347 17,140 330,209 M 241,927 117,725 110,670 7,055 124,202 F 266,769 60,762 50,677 10,085 206,007 U P 27,598 '8,632 8,345 287 18,966 M 13,151 6,242 6,117 125 6,909 F 14,447 2,390 2,228 162 12,057

Kunnam- U P 19,627 6,201 6,027 174 13,426 kulam (M) M 9,398 4,556 4,481 75 4,842 F 10,229 1,645 1,546 99 8,584

2 Chavakkad Taluk T P 426,663 116,033 102,044 13,989 310,630 M 199,947 81,922 75,683 6,239 118,025 F 226,716 34,111 26,361 7,750 192,605. R P 308,037 84,876 73,794 11,082 223,161 M 144,431 59,5t5 54,737 4,778 84,916 F 163,606 25,361 19,057 6,304 138,245 U P 118,626 31,157 28,250 2,907 87,469 M 55,516 22,407 20,946 1,461 33,109 F 63.110 8,750 7,304 1,446 54,360

Chavakkad (M) U P 37,801 9,946 8,723 1,223 27,855 M 17,770 7,033 6,474 559 10,737 F 20,031 2,913 2,249 664 17,118 Guruvayur Township U P 20,209 5,344 5,260 84 14,865 M 9,363 3,974 3,933 41 5,389 F 10,846 1,370 1,327 43 9,476

3 Thrissur Taluk T P 751,124 274,459 234,238 40,221 476,665 M 364,263 191,067 173,736 17,331 173,196 F 386,861 83,392 60,502 22,890 303,469 R P 380,696 139,140 120,848 18,292 241,556 M 183,451 93,495 86,321 7,174 89,956 F 197,245 45,645 34,527 11,118 151,600 U P 370,428 135,319 113,390 21,929 235,109 M 180,812 97,572 87,415 10,157 83,240 F 189,616 37,747 25,975 11,772 151,869

Thrissur (M) U P 73,849 23,069 21-,875 1,194 50,780 M 35,425 17,131 16,659 472 18,294 F 38,424 5,938 5,216 722 32,486


State/DlstricV TotaV Persons! Talukl RuraV Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females - PopulatIOn Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 Kodungallur Taluk T P 283,324 93,151 78,493 14,658 190,173 M 134,320 61,908 55,325 6,583 72,412 F 149,004 31,243 23,168 8,075 117,761 R P 181,042 59,782 49,672 10,110 121,260 M 85,417 38,607 34,221 4,386 46,810 F 95,625 21,175 15,451 5,724 74,450 U P 102,282 33,369 28,821 4,548 68,913 M 48,903 23,301 21,104 2,197 25,602 F 53,379 10,068 7,717 2,351 43,311

,p Kodu,ngallur (M) U 31,159 9,766 8,950 816 ~1 ,393 M 14,986 7,144 6,686 458 7,842 F 16,173 2,622 2,264 358 13,551 5 T P 737,654 248,580 215,130 33,450 489,074 M 356,512 175,412 160,.501 14,911 181,100 F 381,142 73,168 54,629 18,539 307,974 R P 636,754 215,738 187,894 27,844 421,016 M 306,891 151,349 138,976 12,373 155,542 F 329,863 64,389 48,918 15,471 265,474 U P 100,900 32,842 27,236 5,606 68,058 M 49,621 24,063 21,525 2,538 25,558 F 51,279 8,779 5,711 3,068 42,500

Irinjalakuda (M) U P 27,489 7,801 7,583 218 19,688 M 13,420 5,990 5,824 166 7,439 F 14,069 1,811 1,759 52 12,258

Chalakudy (M) U P 45,059 16,709 12,212 4,497 ~8,350 M 22,308 11,811 9,913 1,898 10,497 F 22,751 4,898 2,299 2,599 17,853

8 Ernakulam T _p 2,812,306 970,412 862,843 107,569 1,841,894 District M 1,404,716 720,381 670,917 49,464 684,335 F 1,407,590 250,031 191,926 58,105 1,157,559 R P 1,440,244 520,326 456,283 64,043 919,918 M 719,181 369,476 341,834 27,642 349,705 F 721,063 150,850 114,449 36,401 570,213 U P 1,372,062 450,086 406,560 43,526 921,976 M 685,535 350,905 329,083 21,822 334,630 F 686,527 99,181 77,477 21,704 587,346

1 Kunnathunad T P 388,281 143,166 129,284 13,882 245,115 Taluk M 195,617 99,685 93,976 5,709 95,932 F 192,664 43,481 35,308 8,173 149,183

105 Table 2.2-contd.


State/District! T.otaV Persons/ Talukl RuraV Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory - Urban Females population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 d

R P 363,636 133,841 1-21,914 11,927 229,795 M 183,322 93,162 88,008 5,154 90,160 F 180,314 40,679 33,906 6,773 139,635 U P 24,645 9,325 7,370 1,955 15,320 M 12,295 6,523 5,968 555 5,772 F 12,350 2,802 1,402 1,400 9,548

Perumba- lJ P 24,645 9,325 7,370 1,955 15,320 voor (M) M 12,295 6,523 5,968 555 5,772 F 12,350 2,802 1,402 1,400 9,548

2 Aluva Taluk T 'P 406,488 151,421 132,719 18,702 255,067 M 203,475 107,195 . 98,938 8,257 96,280 F 203,013 44,226 33,781 10.445 158,787 R P 260,230 102,659 88,561 14,098 157,571 ·M 130,233 70,182 63,992 6,190 60,051 F 129,997 32,477 . 24,!?69 7,908 97,520 U P 146,.258 A8,762 44,158 4,604 97,496 M 73,242 37,013 34,946 2,067 36,229 F _ 73,016 11,749 9,212 2,537 61,267

Aluva(M) U P 24,769 8,607 7,568 1,039 16,162 M 12,311 6,256 5,874 382 6,055 F 12,458 2,351 1,694 657 10,107

Angamaly (M) U P 30,388 10,274 9,574 700 20,114 M 15,155 7,711 7,344 367 7,444 F 15,233 2,563 2,230 333 12,670

3 Paravur Taluk T P 350,105 116,151 100,749 15,-402 233,95

Paravur(M) U P 27,904 9,763 8,144 1,619 18,141 M 13,596 7,083 6,475 608 / 6,513 F 14,308 2,680 1,669 1,011 11,628 '

Eloor (M) U P 34,443 10,775- 9,506 1,269 23,668 M 17,954 9,042 8,097 945 8,912 F 16,489 1,733 1,409 324 14,756 106 Table 2.2-contd. TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS BY TALUKS

State/District! TotaV Personsl Talukl RuraV Males.' Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females -Pppulation Workers Workers Workers Workers - town

1 . 2 3 4 5- 6 7 8

4 Kochi Taluk T P 483,203 151,916 139,067 12~849 331,287 M _240,635 121,953 114,464 7,489 118,682 F 242,568 29,963 24,6Q3 5,360 212,605 R P 215,473 -69,228 62,074 7,154 146,245 M 105,305 52,939 49,316 3,623 52,366 F 110,168 16,289 12,758 3,531 93,879 U P 267,730 82,688 76,993 5,695 185,042 M - 135,33q 69,014 65,148 3,866 66,316 F 132,400 13,674 11,845 1,829 118,726

Kochi Corpn. U P 260,331 79,798 74,515 5,283 180,533 (Part) M 131,694 67,102 63,429 3,673 64,592 F J 28,637 12,696 11,086 1,610 115,941

5 Kanayannur Taluk T P 698,884 234,780 210,968 _ 23,812 464,104 M 348,997 179,653 168,312 11,341 169,344 F - 349,887 55,127 42,656 -12,471- 294,760 R P 14',764 50,146 42,880 7,266 91,618 M 70,468 36,542 33.!_469 3,073 33,926 F 71,296 13,604 9,411 4,193 57,692 U P 557,120 184,634 168,088 16,546 372,486 M 278,529 143,111 134,843 8,268 135,418 F 278,591 41,523 33,245 8,278 237,068

Kochi Corpn. U P 303,707 99,851 92,985 6,866 203,856 (Part) M 151,559 77,801 74,216 3,585 73,758 F 152,148 22,050 ' 18,769 3,281 130,098

K~lamassery -(M) U P 54,313 17,222 16,467 755 37,091 M 27,777 13,852 13,408 444 13,925 F 26,536 3,370 3,OS? 311 23,166

Tnppunlt- U P 51,032 17,357 15,608 1,749 33,675 hura (M) M 25,270 13,059 12,310 749 12,211 F 25,762 4,298 3,298 1,000 21,464 6 Muvattupuzha Taluk T P 300,975 109,453 95,661 13,792 191,522 M '151,237 83,783 78,310 5,473 67,454 F 149,738 25,670 17,351 8,319 124,068 R P 231,354 85,111 74,077 11,034 146,243 M 116,408 65,018 60,647 4,371 51,390 F '114,946 20,093 13,430 6,663 94,853 U P 69,621 24,342 21,584 2,758 45,279 M 34,829 18,765 17,663 1,102 16,064 F 34,792 5,577 3,921 1,656 29.215


StatelDist(icV TotaV Personsl Talukl - RuraV Males' Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory tJrban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 a

Muvattu- U P 27,588 8,444 8,239 205 19,144 puzha (M) M 13,893 6,897 6,744 153 6,996 F 13,695 1,547 1,495 ·52 . 12,148

Piravam (M) U P 25,205 9,544 7,812 1,732 15,661 M 12,574 7,211 6,490 721 5,363 F 12,63f 2,.333 1,322 1,011 10,298

Koothattu- U P 16,828 6,354 5,533 821 10,474 kulam (M) M 8,362 4,657 4,42S 228 3,705 F 8,466 1,697 1,104 593 6,769 7 Kothamangalam Taluk T P 184,370 63,525 54,395 9,130 120,"845 M 92,506 47,574 43,660 3,914 44,932 F 91,864 15,951 10,735 5,216 75,913 R P 148,857 51,269 43,547 7,722 97,588 M 74,837 38,210 34,927 3,283 36,627 F 74,020 13,059 8,620 4,439 60,961 U P 35,513 12,256 10,848 1,408 23,257 M 17,669 9,364 8,733 631 8,305 F 17,844 2,892 2,115 .777 14,952

Kothaman- U· P 35,513 12,256 10,848 1,408 23,257 galam (M) M 17,669 9,364 8,733 631 8,305 F 17,844 2,892 2,115 777 14,952

9 Idukki District T P 1,076,555 447,555 386,642 60,913 629,000 M 544,639 308,034 283,894 24,140 236,605 F 531,916 139,521 102,748 36,773 392,395 R P 1,025,675 430,340 370,738 59,602 . 595,335 M 519,077 294,534 270,905 23,629 224,543 F 506,598 135,806 99,833 35,973 370,792 U P 50',880 17,215 15,904 1,311 33,665 M 25,562 13,500 12,989 511 12,062 F 25,318 3,715 2,915 800 21,603-

1 Devlkulam Taluk T P 197,569 91,019 83,509 7,51,0 106,550 M 100,761 57,638 54,516 3,122 43,123 F 96,808 33,381 28,993 4,388 63,427 R P 19.7,569 91,019 83,509 7,510 106,550 M 100,761 57,638 54,516 3,122 43,123 F 96,808 33,381 28,993 4,388 63,427 U P M F


State/DistricU Total! Persons/ Talukl RuraV Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Populaton Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 Udumbanchola Taluk T P 395,225 165,288 139,131 26,157 229,~37 M 200,470 116,106 105,996 10,110 84,364 F 194,755 49,182 '33,135 16,047 145,573 R P 393,129 163,848 138,516 25,332 229,281 M 199,395 115,293 105,474 9,819 84,102 F 193,734 48,555 33,042 15,513 145,179 U P 2,096 1,440 615 825 056 M 1,075 813 522 291 262 F 1,021 627 93 534 394

Idukki Township U P 2,096 1,440 615 825 656 (Part) M 1,075 813 522 291 ·262 F 1,021 627 93 534 394

3 Thodupuzha T P 299,199 113,615 95,580 18,035 185,584 , Taluk M 150,605 85,219 78,802 6,417 65,386 F 148,594 ' 28,396 16,778 11,618 120,198 R P 250,415 97,840 80,291 17,549 152,575 M 126,118 72,532 66,335 6,197 53,586 F 124,297 25,308 13,956 11,352 98,989 U P' 48,784 15,775 15,289 486 33,009 M 24,487 12,687 12,467 220 11,800, F 24,297 3,088 ·2,822 266 21,209

Thodupuzha (M) U P 40,652 12,570 12,244 326 28,082 M 20,299 10,288 10,121 167 10,011 F 20,353 2,282 2,123 159 18,071

Idukki TJwnship U P 8,132 3,205 3,045 160 4,927 M 4,188 2,399 2,346 . 53 1,789. F 3,944 806 699 107 3,138

4 Peernade Taluk r P 184,562 77,633 68,422 9,211 106,929 M 92,803 49,071 44,580 ~491 43,732 F 91,759 28,562 23,842 4,720 63,197 R P 184,562 77,633 68,422 9,211 106,929 M 92,803 49,071 44,580 4,491, 43,732 F 91,759 48,562 23,842 ,4,720 63,197 10 Kot~ayam istrict T P 1,824,744 596,371 529,135 67,236 1,228,373 I M 9~9,777 466,607 436,669 29,938 443,170 F 914,967 129,764 92,466' 37,298 785,203 R P 1,504,242 ,493,847 437,890 ~5,957 1,010,395 M 749,507 386,201 361,358 24,843 363,306 F 754,735 107,646 76,532 31,114 647,089 109 Table 2.2--conto'. TOTAL WORKERS, MAIN WORKERS, M~RGINAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS BY TALUKS

State/D istrictl Total! Persons/ Talukl ,RlJral! Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Populaton Workers "Vorkers' Workers 'W9rkers town

2 ~ 4 5 6 7 8

U p_ 320,502 102,524 91,245 11,279 217,978 M ' 160,270 80,406 75,311 5,09'5 79,864 F 160,232 22,118 '15,934 6,184 138,114

1 MeenachQ Taluk T P 383,615 128,153 114,318 13,835 _ 255,462 M 192,291 103,968 918,175 5,793 88,323 F 191,324 24,185 .16,143 8,042 167,139 R p 340,503 115,636 102,294 13,342 224,867 M 170,437 93,209 87,741 5,'468 77,228 F 170,066 22,427 14,~;53 7,874 147,639 U p 43,1'12 12;517 12,O~~4 493 30,599 M 21,854 10,759 10,434 325 11,095 F 21,258 1,758 1,590 168 .19,500

~alai (M) U P 21,880 6,918 6,551 ,367 14,962 M Hi,868 5,479 5,268 211 5,389 F 11,012 1,439 1,283 156 9,573

Erattupettah (M) U' P 21,232 5,599 5,473 126 15,633 M 10,986 5,280 5,166 114- 5,706 F 10,246 319 307 12 9,927

2 Vaikom'Taluk T P 294,393 112,683 93,333 19,350 181,710 M 146,276 77,77,6 69,713 8,063 68,500 F 148,117 34,907 23,620 11,,287 113,210 R p 272,642 105,844 8.7,060 18,784 166,798 M 135,564 72,854 64,936 7.::i18 . 62,ltO F 137,078 32,99fl 22,124 10,866 104,088" U p 21,751 6,839 6,273 566 14,912 M 10,712 4,922 4:777 145 5,79'0 F 11,039 1,917 1,496 421 9,122

Vaikom (M) U p, 21,751 6,839 6,273 566 14,912, M 10,712 4,922 4,777 145 5,790 F 11,039 ,1,917 1,496 421 9,122

~ Konayam Taluk T P 585,595 188,393 168,383 20,010 397,202 M, 292,070 147,782 138,582 9,200 " 44,28? F 293,525 40,611 29,M1 10,810 252,914 R' p 419,417 132,965, 120,344 12,~21 286,452

1 M 209,126 105,368 99,433' 5,935 1 103,758

F 210,291 , 27,597 20,911 6,686 ! 182,694 I U P 166,178 55,428 48,039 7,389 110,750 M 82,944 42,414- 39,149 3,265 40,530 F 83,234 13,014 8,8'90 4,124 70,220


StCile/D Istrictl Totall Personsl Talukl RuraV Males' Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population WorkerS Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 oS,

Kotlayam (M) U P 62,8~9 20,339 18,824 1,515 42,490

M 31,226 ° 15,678 14,851 827 15,548 F .31,603 4,661 3,973, 688 26,942 4 Changanassery Taluk T P . 322,288 9:!,584 86,477 6,107 229,7.04 M J 59,668 75,626 72,392 3,234 84,042 F 162,620 16,958 14,085 ,2,.873' '~ 45,662 R P 269,840 76,080 72,237 3,843 193,760 M 133,659 63,068 60,812 2,256 70,591 F 136,181 13,012 11,425 1,587 123,169 U ,P .52,448 16,504 14,240 2,264 ~5,944

° M. .26,009 12,558 11,580 978 13,451 F 26,439 3,9~6 2,660 1,286 22,493

Changan~- U P 52,448 16,504 14,240 2,264 35,944 ssery (M) M 26,009 12,558 11,580 978 13,451 F, 26,439 3,946 2,660 1,286 22,493

5 KanwapPCllly . .T 'r;> 238,853 74,558 e6,624 7,934 164,295 , Taluk M 119,472 61,455 57,807, 3648 58,017 F 119,381 13,103 8,817 4,286 106,278 R P 201,840 63,322 55,955 ' 7,3-67 138,518 M 100,721 51,702 48,436 3,266 49,019 F 101,119 11,620 7,519 4,,101 89,499 U P 37,013 ,11,236 10,669 567 25,777 M 18,751 9,75~ 9,371 382 8,998 F 18,262 1,483 1,298 185, 16,779

Kanjlrappally (M) U, P 37,013 11,236 10,669 567 25,777 M 18,751 9,753 9,371 382 8,998 F 18,262 1,48;3 1,298 185 16,779 , 11 Alappuzha T P 1,990,589 693,799 589,140 , 104,6?9 1,296,790 District M 965,68~ 455,550 411,139 44,411 510,138 F 1,024,9.01 238,249 178,001 60,248 786,652 R P 1,381,074 483,186 405,516 77,670 897,888 M 667,174 315,256 282,0'77 33,179 351,918 F 71'3,900, 167,930 123,439 44,491 545,970 U P 609,515 210,613 183,624, 26,989, 398,902 M 298,514 140,294 129,062 11,232 158,220 F 311,001' 70,319 ' , 54,562 ,15,157' 240,682

1 Cherthala Taluk T P 475,702 202,739 170,172 32,567 212,963 M 233,382 117,566 105,233 12,333 115,816 F 242,320 85,173 64,939 20,234 157,147


StatelDistrictl TotaV Persons! Talukl RuraV Males' Total Total Man !Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3· 4 5 6 i g

R P 277,371 122,194 103,234 18.960 155,177 M 136,109 69,142 62,457 6.685 66,967 F 141,262 53,052 40,777 12,275 88,210 U P 198,331 80,545 66,938 13,607 117,786 M 97,273 48,424 42,776 5.648 48,849 F 101,058 32,121 24,162 7,959 68,937

Cherthala (M) II P 43,319 16,820 14,716 2,104 26,499 M 21,156 10,724 9,746 978 10,432 F 22,163 6,096 4,970 1,126 16,067

2 Ambalapuzha T P 406,830 138,751 121,059 17,692 268,079 Taluk M 199,239 93,195 86,294 6,901 106,044 F 207,591 45,556 34,765 10,791 162,035 R P 116,963 41,265 34,223 7.042 75,698 M 57,245 26,691 23,982 2.709 30,554 F 59,718 14,574 10,241 4,3:33 45,144 U P 289,867 97.486 86,836 10,650 192,381 M 141,994 66,504 62,312 4,192 75,490 F 147,873. 30,982 24,524 6,458 116,891

Alappuzha (M) U P 174,606 53,566 48,657 4,909 12.1,040 M 85,669 39,929 37,727 2.202 45,740 F 88,937 13,637 10,930 . 2,707 75,300

3 Kuttanad Taluk T P 208,451 75,014 67,200 7.814 133,437 M 102,088 47,760 44,246 3.514 54,328 F 106,363 27,254 22,954 4.300 79,109 R P 208,451 . 75,014 67.200 7.814 133,437 M 102,088 47,760 44,246 3.514 54,3~8 F 106,363 27.254 22,954 4.300 79,109 U P. M F

4 Karthigappally T P 390,077 127,492 101,550 25,942 262,585 Taluk M 187,365 .86,366 74,287 12,079 100,999 F 202,712 41,126 27,263 13,863. 161,586 R P 322,907 109,336 84,840 24,496 213,571 M 154,246 71,963 60,123 11,240 82,283 F 168,661 37,373 24,117 13,256 131,288 U P 67,170 1~, 156 16,710 1,446 49,014 M 33,119 14,403 13,564 839 18,716 F 34,051 3,753 3,146 607 30,298


State!District! TotaV Persons! Talukl RuraV Males' Total Total Man Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers WorKers town

2 3 4, 5 6 7 8

Kayamkulam (M) U P 67,170 18,156 16,710 1,446 49,014 M 33,119 14,403 13,564 839 18,716 F 34,051 3,753 3,146 607 30,298

5 Chengannur T P 195,296 54,221 49,998 4,223 141,075 Taluk M 93,537 41,421 39,479 1,942 52,116 F 101,759 12,800 10,519 2,281 88,959 R P 169,444 47,433 43,573 3,860 122,011 M 80,994 36,137 34,330 1,807 44,857 F 88,450 11,296 9,243 2,053 77,154 U P 25,852 6,788 6,425 363 19,064 M 12,543 5,284 5,149 135 7,259 F 13,309 1,504 1,276 228 11,805

Chengannur (M) U, P 25,852 6,788 6,425 ,363 19,064 M 12,543 5,284 5,149 135 7,259 F 13,309 1,504 1,276 228 11,805

6 Mavehkkara T p 314,233 95,582 79,161 16,421 218,651 Taluk M 150,077 69,242 61,600 7,642 80,835 F 164,156 26,340 17,561 8,779 137,816 R P 285,938 87,944 72,446 15,498 19?,994 M 136,492 63,563 56,339 7,224 72,929 F 149,446 24,381 16,107 8,274 125,065 U P 28,295 7,638 6,715 923 20,657 M 13,585 5,679 5,261 418 7,906 F 14,710 1,959 1,454 505 12,751

Mavehkkara (M) U P 28,295 7,638 6,715 923 20,657 M 13,585 5,679 5,261 418 7,906 F 14,710 1,959 ,1,454 505 12,751 ,12 T P 1,186,628 356,534 317,198 39,336 830,094 M 574,343 276,112 261,348 14,764 298,231 F 612,285 80,422 55,850 24,572 531,863 R P 1,031,657 312,791 276,487 36,304 718,866 M 499,115 241,863 228,345 13,518 257,252 F 532,542 70,928 48,142 22,786 461,614 U P 154,971 43,743 40,711 3,032 111,228 M 75,228 34,249 33,003 1,246 40,979 ' F 79,743 9,494 7,708 1,786 70,249

1 Taluk T P 226,395 62,406 57,229 5,177 163,989 M 109,134 47,301 44,761 2,540 61,833 F 117,261 15,105 12,468 2,637 102,156


State/Dlstrict/ , Total/ Persons/ Talukl RuraL' Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban ' Females ~opulation Workers Workers Workers Worke,~ town

'2 3 4 5 6 ,7 3

R P 17t ,650 47,768 43,512 4,256 123,882 ,M 82,820 36,197 34,109 2,088 46,623 F 88,830 11,571 9,403 2,168 77,259 U P 54,745 14,638 13,717 921 40,107 M 26,314 11,104 10,652 452 15,210 ' F 28,431 3,534 3,065 469 24,897

Thiruvalla (M) , U P '54,745 14,638 13,717 921 40,107 M 26,314 11,104 10,652 452 15,210 F 28,431 3,534 3,065 469 24,897

2 Mallappally T aluk T P 131,850 35,286 32,758 2,528 96,564 M 63,770 29,503 28,101 1,402 34,267 F 68,080 5,783 4,657, 1,126 62,297 R P 131,850 35,286 32,758 2,528 96,564 M 63,770 29,503 28,101 1,402 34,267 F 68,080 5,783 ' 4,657 1,126 62,297 U P ..' M F

,3 Rannt Tafuk T P 208,990 67,858 55,904 11,954 ' 141,132 M '103,103 53,168 48,409 4,759 49,935 F 105,887 14,690 7,495 7~195 .91,197 R P 2~8,990 67,858 55,994 11,954 141,132 M 103,103 53,168 48,409 4,759 49,935 F , 105,887 14,690 7,495 7,195 91,197 U P M F

4 Kozh,encherry T P 335,811 98,,622 90,315 8,307 2'37,189 . Taluk M 161,486 77,537 7'5,252 2,285 83,949 F 174,325 21,085 15,063 6,022 153,240 R P 299,943 88,577 80,739 7,838 211,366 M 143,722 69,HO 67,P60 2,110 74,552 F 1 ~6,221 19,407 13,679 5,728 136,814 'U P 35,868 10,045 9,'576 469 25,822 M 17,764 8,367 8,192 175 9,397 F 18,104 1,678 1,384 294 16,426

Pathanam- U P 35,868 10,045 9,576 469 25,823 thitta (M) M 17,764 8,367 8,192 175 9,397 F 18,104 1,678 1,384 294 16,426


State/District! Total! Persons/ Talukl Rural! Males! Total Total Main ' Marginal Non- Statutory , Urban Females Population Worker~ - Workers Workers Workers town

1 2 3 '4 ~ 6 7 8

5 Adoor Ta1uk T P '283,582 92,362 80,992 11,370 191,220 M 136,850 68,603 64,825 3,778 68,247 ' F 146,732 23,759 16,1,67 7,592 122,973 R P, 219,224 73,302 63,574 9,728 145,922 M 105,700 53,825 50,666 3,159 51,875 F 113,524 19,477 12,908 6,569 94,047 U P 64,358 19,060 17,418 1,642 45,298 M 31,150 14,778 14,159 , 619 16',372 F 33,208 4,282 3,259 1,023 28,926

,Pandalam (M) U P 37,733 11,085 10,209 876 26,648 M 18,148 8,540 8,298 242 9,608 F 19,585 2,545 1,911 634 17,040

Adoor (M) U P 26,625 7,975 7,209 766 18,650 M 13,002 6,238 5,861 377 '6,764 F 1,3,623 1,737 1,348 389 ,11,886

13 T P 2,398,303 764,808 659,650 1,05,158 1,633',495 M 1',174,113 554,964 510,493 44,471 619,149 F 1,224,190 209,844 149,15'7 60,687 1,014,346 R P 1,952,451 632,827 539,855 92,972 1,31~,624, M 953,541 454,062 415,501 38,561 199,479 F 998,9'10 '178,765 124,354 54,411 .820,145 U P 445,852 131,981 119,795 12,186 313,871 M 220,572 100,902 94,992 ' 5,910 119,670 F 225,280 31,079 ' 24,803 6,276 194,201 1 Karu nagappally Tal uk T P 383,326 118,196 105,421 12,775 265,130 M 189,459 86,002 79,992 6,010 103,457 F 193,867 32,194 25,429 6,765 161,67:? R P 367,912 113,121 100,588 12,533 254,791 M 181,735 82,247 76,294 5,953 99,488 F 186,177 30,874 24,294 6,580 155,303 U P 15,414 5,075 4,833 242, 10,339 M ' 7,724 3,755 3,698 57 3,96,9 F 7,690 1,320 1,135 185 6,370

2,Ku'nnathur Taluk T P 177,830 55,714 46,930 8,784 122,1,16 M 87,454 41,196 37,599 ,3,597 46,258 F 90,376 14,518 9,331 5,187 75,858 R P 177,830 55,714 46,930 8,784 122,116 M 87,454 41,196 37,599 3,597 46,258 F 90,376 14,518 9,331 5,187 75,858


State/District! TotaV Persons! Talukl RuraV Males' Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7 B


3 Pathanapuram T P 413,530 134,416 119,420 14,996 279,114 Taluk M 202,579 1 Q1,725 95,907 5,818 100,854 F 210,951 32,691 23,513 9,178 178,260 R P 367,262 120,228 106,433 13,795 247,034 M 179,706 90,490 85,050 5,440 89,216 F 187,556 29,738 21,383 8,355 157,818 U P 46,268 14,188 12,987 1,201 32,080 M 22,873 11,235 10,857 378 11,638 F 23,395 2,953 2,130 823 20,442

Punalur {M} U P 46,268 14,188 12,987 1,201 32,080 M 22,873 11,235 10,857 378 11,638 F 23,395 2,953 2,130 823 20,442

4 Kottarakkara Taluk T P 530,950 179,136 147,913 ~1',223 351,8J4 M 256,470 127,904 115,666 12,238 128,566 F 274,480 51,232 32,247 18,985 223,248 R P 530,950 179,136 147,913 31,223 35l,814 M 256,470 127,904 115,666 12,238 128,566 F 274,480 51,232 32,247 18,985 223,248 U P M F

5 Kollam Taluk T P 892,667 277,346 239,966 .37,380 615,321 M 438,151 198,137 181,329 16,808 240,014 F 454,516 79,209 58,637 20,572 375,307 R P 508,497 164,6~8 137,991 26,637 343,869 M 248,176 112,225 100,892 11,333 135,951 F 260,321 52,403 37,099 15,304 207,918 U P 384,170 112,718 101,975 10,743 271,452 M 189,975 85,912 80,437 5,475 104,063 F 194,195 26,806 21,538 5,268 167,389

Kollam (M) U P 139,717 40,101 37,676 2,425 99,616 M 69,276 31,693 30,262 1,431 37,583 F 70,441 8,408 7,414 994 62,033

Paravoor (M) U P 37,182 9,780 9,134 646 27,402 M 17,907 7,370 7,000 370 10,537 F 19,275 2,410 2,134 276 16,865


StatelDistrict! Total! Persons! Talukl RuraV Males! Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers Workers Workers to~n

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 Thiruvanantha- T P 2, 938,706 958,818 874,090 -84,728 1,979,888 puram District M 1,440,156 719,041 681,820 37;221 721,115 F 1,498,550 239,777 192,270 47,507 1,258,773 R P 1,941,082 652,159 582,100 70,059 1,288,923 M 948,034 484,849 455,270 29,579 463,185 F 993,048 167,310 126,830 40,480 825,738 U p 997,624- 306,659 291,990 14,669 690,965 M 492,122 234,192 226,550 7,642 257,930 F 505,502 72,467 65,440 7,027 433,035

1 Chlrayinkezhu T P 573,075 196,387 168,167 28,220 376,688 Taluk M 270;823 127,952 117,459 10,493 ,142,871 F 302,252 68,435 50,708 17,727 233,817 R P 481,387 169,556 ' 143,651 25,905 311,831 M 227,585 109,036 99,571 9,465 118,549 F 253,802 60,520 44,080 16,440 193,282 U P 91,688 26,831 24,516 2,315 64,857 M 43,238 18,916 17,888 1,028 24,322 F 48,450 7,915 '6,628 1,287 40,535

Varkala(M) U, P 38,981 11,385 10,054 1,331 27,596 M 18,507 a,260 7,756 504 10,247 F 20,474 3.125 2,298 827 17,349

Atllngal (M) U P 32,615 8,672 ' 8.4...41 231 23,943 M 15,578 . 6,895 6,744 151 8,683 F 17,037 1,777 1,697 80 15,260

2 ~edum_angad T P 572,388 194,803 172,583 22,220 377,585 Tal~k M 279,148 149,107 139,945 9,161 130,041 F 293,240 45,696 32,637 13,059 247,544 R P 522,524 178,842 157,290 21,552 343,682 M 254,920 136.165 127,363 8,802 118,755 F 267,604 42,677 29,927 12,750 224,927 U . p, 49,864 15,961 15,293 668 33,903 M 24,228 .12,942 12,583 359 11,286 f 25,636 3,019 " 2,710 309 2-2,617

Heduman- U P ~,864 15,961 15,293 ' 668 33,903 gad(M) M 24,228 12,942 12,583 359 11,286 'F 25,636 3,019 2,710 309 22,617 :3 ThlruvananthaJ.:Vr~ Tcli;k T P 1,038,058 322,57'6 aoa,480 14,096 715,482 lA 514,368 246,412 238,477 7,935 267,956 F 523,690 76,164 70,003 6,161 447,526


State/District! Total! Persons/ Talukl Rural! Males' Total Total Main Marginal Non- Statutory Urban Females Population Workers Workers WorkerS Workers town

2 3 4 5 6 7· 8

R P 237,651 76,185 72,285 3,900 161,466 M 117,848 58,212 56,030 2,182 59,636 F 119,803 17,973 16,255 1,718 101,830 U P 800,407 246,391 236,195 10,196 554,016 M 396,520 188,200 182,447 5,753 208,320 F 403,887 58,191 53,748 4,443 345,696 Thiruvanantha- puram Corpn. U P 523,733 159,829 154,026 5,803 363,904 M 259,586 121,778 118,410 3,368 137,808 F 264,147 38,051 35,616 2,435 226,096

4 Neyyattinkara T P 755,185 245,052 224,860 20,192 510,133 Taluk M 375,817 195,570 185,938 9,632 180,247 F 379,368 49,482 38,922 10,560 329,886 R P 699,520 227,576 208,874 18,702 471,944 M 347,681 181,436 172,306 9,130 166,245 F 351,839 46,140 36,568 9,572 305,699 U P 55,665 17,476 15,986 1,490 38,189 M 28,136 14,134 13,632 502 14,002 F 27,529 3,342 2,354 988 24,187

Neyyattln- U P 30,390 10,084 9,014 1,070 20,306 kara(M) M 15,141 7,625 7,317 308 7,516 F 15,249 2,459 1,697 762 12,790

Note. 1. Kochi Corporation lies in ~ochi & Kanayannur Taluks. 2. Idukki Township lies in Thodupuzha & Udumbanchola Taluks. C - Corporation M - MUnicipality


State/Di&tnctlTalukl Total Persons Mam workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Culnvators I\gncultural Househ,,~d Other labourers Industry workers

2 ;, 4 5 6 7 Il

KERALA T P 8,196,798 1,014,678 2,103,395 321,713 4,757,012 M 6,294,874 905,442 1,423,358 174,096 3,791,978 F 1,901,924 109,236 680,037 147,617 965,034 R P 6,084,816 930,165 1,872,258 228,928 3,058,465 M 4,621,760 832,156 1.261,547 120,823 2,407,234 F 1,463,056 98,009 610,711 108,105 646,231 U P 2,111,982 84,513 231,137 92,785- 1,703,54-1 M 1,673,114 73,286 161,811 - 53,273 1,384,744 -F 438,868 11,227 69,326 39,512 318,803

1 T P 324,890 41,347 80,000 9,861 193,682 M 228,743 35,260 55,783 3,553 134,147 F 96,147 6,087 24,217 6,308 59,53S R P 273,892 38,510 71,923 8,079 155,380 M 193,058 33,028 50,771 2,816 106,443 F 80,834 5,482 21,152 5,263 48,937 U p 50,998 2,837 8,On 1,782 38,302 M 35,685 2,232 5,012 737 27,704 F 15,313 60S 3,06S 1,045 10,598

Kasaragod Taiuk T P 169,508 20.301 35,566 6,532 107,109 M 118,696 17,549 28,506 2,030 70,611 F 50,812 2,752 7,060 4,502 36,498 R P 153,162 19,826 34,452 5,680 93,204 M 106,498 17,116 27,523 1,712 60,147 F 46,664 2,710 , 6,929 3,968 33,057, U P 16,346 475 1,114 852 13,905 M 12,198 433 983 318 10,464 F 4,148 42 131 534 3,441

Klisaragod (M) U P 13,730 363 819 332 12,216 M 10,462 337 737 211 9,177 F' 3,268 26 82 121 3,039

2 Hosdurg Taluk T P 155,382 21,046 44,434 3,329 -86,573 M 110,047 17,711 27,277 1,523 63,536 F 45,335 3,335 17,157 1,806 23,037 R P 120,730 18,E?84 37,471 -2,399 62,176 M 86,560 15,912 23,248 1,104 46,296 F 34,170 2,772 14,223 1,295 15,880 U P 34,652 2,362 6',963 930 24,3~7 M 23,487 1,799 4,029 419 17,240 F 11,165 563 2,934 511 7,157

Kanr.angad (MI U P 17,497 1,185 3,565 430 ~2,2S7 M 11,915 952 2,081 241 8,641 F 5,582 ' 233 1,484 239 3,626


State/Dlstnct/T alukl Total Perso'1s Main workers Sratlj!ory Tnwns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agricultural Household Other - Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 B

2 KANNUR DISTRICT T P 581,718 53,877 121,193 12,482 394,166 M 45-3,278 44,083 71r2oo 8,207 329,788 F 128,440 9,794 49,993 4,275 64,378 R P 296,389 44,114 87,284 4,919 160,072 M 226,439 37,088 51,714 2,972 134,665 F 69,95-0 7,026 35,570 1,947 25,407 U P 285,329 9,763 33,909 7,563 234,094 M 226,839 _ 6,995 ~9,486 5,235 195,123 F 58,490 2,768 14,423 2,328 38,971

1 Taltparamba Taluk T P 185,618 22,437 47,335 3,308- 112,538 M 141,270 18,135 26,459 2,011 94,665 F 44,348 4,302 20,876 1,297 17,873 R P 152,643 20.175 41,056 1,957 89,455 M 116,175 16,629 2M19 1,163 74,964 F 36,468 3,546 17,637 794 14,491 U P 32,975 2,262 6,279 1,351 23,083 M 25,095 1,506 3,040 848 19,/01 F 7,880 756 3,239 503 3,3C2

Payyannur (M) U P 17,481 1,512 4J24 877 10,968 M 12,795 1,014 1,987 534 ~,260 F 4,686 498 2,137 343 1,708

Tallparamba (M) U p- 15,494 750 2,155 474 12,115 M 12,300 492 1,053 314 10,441 F 3,194 258 _ 1,102 160 1,674

2 Kannur Taluk T P 170,723 6,262 20,7&9 4,823 138,849 M 135,766 4,163 11,286 3,262 117,055 F 34,957 2,099 9,503 1,561- 21,794 R p 27,569 2,480 6,566 900 17,623 M 20,392 1,620 3,268 457 15,047 F 7,177 860 3,298 443 i,57&' U p 143,154 3,782 14,223 3,923 121,226 M 115,374 2,543 8,018 2,805 102,008 F 27,780 1,239 6,205 1,118 19,218

Kannur (M) U P 15,737 59 255 202 15,221 M 13,802 52 224 166 13,360 F 1,935 7 31 36 1,861

K,mnur C~IOllf'n'mt U P 2,354 6 2,347 M 2,112 5 2,106 F 242 241

3 Thalassery Taluk T P 225,377 25,178 _ 53,069 4,351 142,779 M 176,242 21,7~5 33,455 2,934 118,068 F 49,135 3,393 19,614 1,417 24,711


State/DlstncUTa!uk! Total Persons Main workers Slatutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Labourers Industry worker'

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R P 116,177 21,459 39,662 2,062 52,994 M 89,872 18,839 25,027 1,352 44,6b4 F 26,305 2,620 14,635 710 8,340 U P 109,200 3,719 13,407 2,289 89,785 M 86,370 2,946 8,428 1582 7j)~14 F 22,830 773 4,979 707 16,371

(M) U P 10,949 1,092 3,745 241 5,871 M 8,001 772 2,026 150 5,053 F 2,948 320 1,719 91 818

Kuthuparamba (M) U P 7,319 153 974 164 6,028 M 5,904 139 679 112 4,974 F 1,415 14 295 52 1,054 _

Thalassery (M) U P 25,235 183 746 389 23,917 M 21,458 166 564 311 20,417 F 3,777 17 182 78 3,500

3 WAYANAD DISTRICT T P 225,754 40,611 74,237 2,473 108,433 M 167,188 35,814 47,524 1,800 82,050 F 58,566 4,797 26,713 673 26,383 R P 217,835 40,299 73,398 2,372 101,766 M 161,340 35,536 46,996 1,737 77,071 F 56,495 4,763 26,402 635 24,695 U P 7,919 312 839 101 6,667 M 5,848 278 528 63 4,979 F 2,071 34 311 38 1,688

1 Mananthavady Taluk T P 68,155 18,019 29,010 665 20,461 M 50,734 15,856 18,378 479 16,021 F 17,421 2,163 10,632 186 4,440 R P 68,155 18,019 29,010 665 20,461 M 50,734 15,856 18,378 479 16,021 F 17,421 2,163 10,632 186 4,440 U P M F

2 Taluk T P 84,453 11,293 21,901 1;081 50,178 M 65,617 9,901 14,277 795 40,644 F 18,836 1,392 7,624 286 9,534 R P 84,453 11,293 21,901 1,081 50,178 M 65,617 9,901 14,277 795 40,644 F 18,836 1,392 7,624 286 9,534 U P M F 1.21 Table 2.3-contd. DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS AS CULTIVATORS, AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, WORKERS IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES AND OTHER WORKERS' BY DISTRICTS AND TAlUKS

StaterDlst!'lct!T al uk! Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Vythin T aluk T P 73,146 11,299_ 23,326 727 37,794 M 50,837 10,057 14,869 526 25,385 F 22,309 1.242 8.457 201 12,409 A P 65,227 10,987 22,487 626 31,127 M 44,989 9,779 14,341 463 20,406 F 20,238 1,208 8,146 163 10,721 U P 7,919 312 839 101 6,667 M 5,848 278 528 62 4,979 F 2,071 34 311 38 1,688

Kalpatta (M) U P 7,919 .. 312 839 101 6,667 M 5.848 278 528 63 4,979 F 2,071 34 311 38 1,688

4 KOZHIKODE DISTRICT T P 601,060 37,662 82,022 14,685 .466,691 M 513,581 34,756 64,970 9,174 404,681 F 87,479 2,906 17,052 5,511 62,010 - _R P 361,898 31,631 65,819 9,381 255,067 M 304,311 29.075 50,597 5,184 219,455 F 57,587 2,556 15,222 4,197 35,612 U P 239,162 6,031 16,203 5,304 211,624 M 209,270 5,681 14,373 3,990 185,226 F 29,892 350 1,830 1,314 26,398

1 Vadakara Taiuk T P 124,902 5,534 12,268 2,702 104,398 M 105.225 4,866 8,511 1,849 89,999 F 19.6n 668 3.757 853 14,399 R P 94,659 5,126 10,660 1,996 76,8n M 79,342 4,483 7,357 1,321 66,181 F 15,317 643 3,303 675 10,696 U P 30,243 408 1,608 706 27,521 M 25,883 383 1,154 528 23,818 F 4,360 25 454 178 3,703

Vadakara (M) U P 17,919 101 427 498 16,893 M 15.492 87 352 366 14,687 F 2,427 14 75 132 2,206

2 QUilandy Taluk T P 147,098 11,106 26,503 5,233 104,256 M 121,422 9,892 20,195 2.318 89.017 F 25.676 1,214 6,308 2,915 15,239 R P 147,098 11,106 26,503 5,233- 104,256 M 121,422 9,892 20,195 2,318 89.017 F 25,676 1,214 6,308 2,915 15,239 U P M F


State'OI~trlctiTaIlJkI Total Persons Mamworkers Statutury Towns Rural Males Urban Femal,}s Total CulllVators Agncultural Household Other Labourers lnou!.try wnrkers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Kozhlkodo Taluk T P 329,060 21,022 43,251 6,750 258,037 M 286,934 19,998 36,264 5,007 225,665 F 42,126 1,024 6,987 1,743 32,372 R P 120,141 15,399 28,656 2,152 73,934 M 103,547 14,700 23,045 1,545 64,257 F 16,594 699 5,611 607 9,677 U P 208,919 5,623 14,595 4,598 184,103 M 183,387 5,298 13,219 3,462 161,408 F 25,532 325 1,376 1,136 22,695

Kozhlkode (C) U P 106,480 1,017 3,189 2,000 100,274 M 92,044 945 2,971 1,708 86,420 F 14,436 72 218 - 292 13,854 MALAPPURAM DIST;:H~T T P 665,399 88,408 225,737 17,296 333,958 M 562,601 82,326 171,763 12,418 296,094 F 102,798 6,082 53,974 4,878 37,864 R P 606,045 83,921 213,591 16,072 292,461 M 510,517 78,018 161,633 ~1,430 259,436 F 95,528 5,903 51,958 4,642 3_3,O25 U P 59,354 4,487 12,146 1,224 41,497 M 52,084 4,308 10,130 988 36,658 F 7,270 179 2,016 236 4,839

1 Ernad Taluk T P 277,971 40,047 l09,214 6,317 122,393 M 231,688 37,2[';2 82,855 4,699 106,872 r:: 46,283 2 7t15 26,359 1,618 15,521 R P 247,553 37,'::31 101,863 5,882 102,577 M 205,050 34,517 76,583 4,343 89,607 F 42,503 2,714 25,280 1,539 12,970 U P 30,418 2,816 7,351 435 19,816 M 26,638 2,745 6,272 356 17,265 F 3,780 71 1,079 79 2551

Malappuram \M) U p 10,480 855 2,194 114 7,317 M 9,042 840 1,935 96 6,171 F 1,438 15 259 18 1,145

ManJen (M) U P 15,379 1,307 3,665 259 10,148 M 13,418 1,258 3,007 210 8,943 F 1,961 49 658 49 1,205

;: Penmalmanna Taluk T P 100,272 15,751 41,876 2,705 39,940 M 82,925 14,851 31,340 2,072 34,66; F 17,347 900 10,536 633 5,27t? R P 91,086 14,717 39,010 2,365 34,994- M 75,414 13,899 29,237 1,780 30,498 F 15,672 818 9,773 585 4,491]


State/Dlstrict/Talukl Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Culnvators Agncultural Householcl Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

U P 9,186 1,034 2,866 340 4,946 M 7,511 952 2,103 292 4,164 .F 1,675 82 763 48 782

Psnn!alnlanna (iIA) U P 9,186 1,034 2,866 340 4,946 M 7,511 952 2,103 292 4,164 F 1,675 82 763 48 782

3 Tirur Tal:.Jk T P 215,145 24,920 53,518 5,854 130,853 M 189,889 23,431 44,162 3,950 118,346 F 25,256 1,489 9,356 1,904 12,507 R P 205,559 24,371 51,845 5,683 123,660 M 181,286 22,902 42,609 3,796 111,979 F 24,273 1,469 9,236 1,887 11,68.1 U p 9,586 549 1,673 171 7,193 M 8.603 529 1,553 154 6,367 F 983 20 120 17 826

Tlrur (M) U P 9,586 549 1,673 171 7,193 M 8,603 529 1,553 154 6,367 F 983 20 120 17 826

4 Ponna011 Taluk T P 72,011 7,690 21,129 2,420 40,772 M 58,099 6,782 13,406 1,697 36,214 F 13,912 908 7,723 723 4,558 R P 61,847 7,602 20,873 2142 31,230 M 48,767 6,100 13,204 1,511 27,352 F 13,080 902 7,669 631 3,878 U P 10,164 88 256 278 9,542 M 9,332 82 202 186 8,862 F 832 6 54 92 680

Ponnanl (M) U P 10,164 88 256 278 9,542 M 9,332 82 202 186 8,862 F 832 6 54 92 680

6 PALAKKAD DISTRICT T P 779,682 97,737 347,702 29,888 304,355 M 531,171 78,688 173,319 21,Q40 258,124 F 248,511 19,049 174,383 8,848 46,231 R P 666,333 92,017 322,753 23,908 227,655 M 445,880 74,042 161,132 16,723 193,983 F 220,453 17,975 151,621 7,185 33,672 U P 113,349 5,720 24,949 5,980 76,700 M 85,291 4,646 12,187 4,317 64,141 F 28,058 1,074 12,762 1,663 12,559

1 Ottappalam·Taluk T p 197,540 24,897 78,718 6,583 87,342 M 146,366 21,327 46,557 4,608 73,874 F 51,174 3,570 32,161 1,975 13,468


State/DlstflcI/Taluk/ Total t'ers"ns Main ~orkers Statutory Towns Rural -Males Urban Females Total Culuvators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 , 4 5 P 7 8

R· P 173,589 23,502 72,595 5,492, 72,000 M 128,892 20,251 43,312 3,850 61,479 F 44,697 3,251 29,283 1;642 10,521 U P' 23,951 1,395 6,123 1,091 15,342 M 17,474 1,076 3,245 758 12,395 F ,6,477 '319 2,878 333 2,947

Shoranur (M) U P 11,483 653 2,582 560 7,688 M 8,515 445 1,379, 376 6,315 F 2,968 208 1,203 184 1,373

Ottappal:lm (M) U. P 12,468 742 3,541 531 7,654 M 8,959 631 1,866 382 6,~80 F 3,509 111 1,675 149 1,574.

2 Mannarkad Taluk T' P 100,568 19,339 50,055 2,741 28,433 M 71,724 15,687 30,680 1,800 23,557 F 28,844 3,652 19,375 941 4,876 A P . 86,830 17,780 45,041 2,228 21,781 M 61,367 14,344 21,608 1,475 17,940 F 25,463 3,436 17,43;3 753 3,841 U P 13,738 1,559 . 5,014 513 6,652 M 10,357 1,343 '3,072, 325 5,617 F 3,381 216 1,942 188 1,035

Mannarkad (M) U P 13,738 1,559 5,014 513 6,652 M 10,357 1,343 3,072 325 5,617 F 3,381 216 1,942 188 1,035,

3 F&.lakkac Taluk T P 174,647 15,777 63,884 7,654 87,332 M 1'21,807 12,048 29,382 5,739 74,638 F 52,840 3.729 34,502 1,915 12,694 A P 120,409 14,130 55,805 5,589 44,885 M 79,689 10,739 25,795 4,023 39.132 F 40,720 3,391 30,010 1,566 5,753 U P 54,238 1,647 8,079 2,065 42,447 M 42.118 1,309 3,587 1,716 35,506 F 12,120 338 4,492 349 6,941

Palakkad (M) U P 35,971 630 3,155 1,112 31,074 M 29,016 512 1,362 955 26,187 F 5,955 118 1,793 157 4,887

4 Chittur Taluk T P 163,185 20,011 83,655 6,372 ,53,147 M 101,699 15,649 37,122 4,383 44,545 F 61,486 4,362 46,533 1,989 8,602 A P 141,763 18,892 77,922 4,061 40,888 M 86,357 14,731 34,839 2,865 33,922 F 55,406 4,161 43,083 1,196 6,966


StatP'DlstncVTalul Rural Males Urban Fem.ales Total Culltvators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry worl

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

U P 21,422 1,119 5,733 2,311 12,259 M 15,342 918 2,283 1,518 10,623 F 6,080 201 3,450 793 1,636 Chittur-Thatha- mangalam(M) U P 10,496 611 2,403 1,332 6,150 M 7,363 486 944 844 5,089 F 3,133 125 1459 488 1,061

5 Alathur Taluk T P 143,742 17,713 71,390 6,538 48,101 M 89,575 13,977 29,578 4,510 41,510. F 54,167 3,736 41,812 2,028 6,591 R P 143,742 17,713 71,390 6,538 48,101 M 89,575 13,977 29,578 4,510 41,510 F 54,167 3,736 41,812 2,028 6,591 U P M F

7 THRISSUR DISTRICT T P 799,597 74,168 182,266 47,344 495,819 M 582,032 63,104 103,123 22,578 393,227 F 217,565 11,064 79,143 24,766 102,592 R P 593,555 67,259 164,458 34,642 327,196 M 424,925 57,261 92,253 15,484 259,927 F 168,630 9,998 72,205 19,158 67,269 U P 206,042 6,909 17,808 12,702 168,623 M 157,107 5,843 10,870 7,094 133,300 F 48,935 1,066 6,938 5,608 35,323

1 Talappilly Taluk T P 169,692 19,656 60,272 8,889 80,875. M 116,787 16,740 32,099 5,415 62,533 F 52,905 2,916 28,173 3,474 18,342 R P 161,347 19,262 58,985 8,447 74,653 M 110,670 16,382 31,473 5,067 57,748 F 50,677 2,880 27,512 3,380 16,905 U P 8,345 394 1,287 442 6,222 M 6,117 358 626 348 4,785 F 2,228 36 661 94 1,437

Kunnamk'Jlam (M) U P 6,027 253 680 325 4,769 M 4,481 234 373 250 3,624 F 1,546 19 307 75 1,145

2 Chavakkad T aluk T P 102,044 6,458 14,503 4,895 76,188 M 75,683 5,285 8,586 2,250 59,562 F 26,361 1,173 5,917 2,645 16,626 R P 73,794 5,612 12,617 3,973 51,592 M 54,737 4,542 7,313 1,689 41,193 F 19,057 1,070 5,304 2,284 10,399


State/DlstnctfTaluk/ Total Persons Ma!n workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers ---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U P 28,250 846 1,886 922 24,596 M 20,946 743 1,273 561 18,369 F 7,304 103 613 361 6,227

Guruvayur Township U P 5,260 58 89 216 4,897 M 3,933 49 67 116 3,701 F 1.327 9 22 100 1,196

Chavakkad (M) U P 8,723 280 769 157 7,517 M 6,474 256 566 114 5,538 F 2,"249 24 203 43 1,979

3 Thnssur Taluk T P 234,238 16,933 47,521 10,476 159,308 M 173,736 13,687 25,631 7,921 126,497 F 60,502 3,246 21,890 2,555 32,811 R P 120,848 13,785 37,454 4,685 64,924 M 86,321 11,221 19,907 3,290 51,903 F 34,527 2,564 17,547 1,395 13,021 U P 113,390 3,148 10.067 . 5,791 94,384 M 87,415 2,466 5.724 4,631 74,594 F 2~,975 682 4.343 1.160 19.790

Thnssu~ (M) U P 21,875 149 396 '552 20,778 M 16,659 119 279 425 15,836 F 5,216 30 117 127 4,942

4 Kodungallur Taluk T P 78,493 2,779 4,810 16,018 54,886 M 55,325 2,364 3.644 2,481 46,836 F 23,168 415 1.166 13,537 8,050 R P 49,672 2,121 3.941 11,267 32,343 M 34,221 1,759 2.910 1,526 28,026 F 15,451 362 1.031 9,741 4,317 U P 28,821 658 869 4,751 22,543 M 21,104 605 734 955 18,810 F 7,717 53 135 3,796 3,733

Kodungallur {M) U P 8,950 184 ,405 1,163 7,198 M 6,686 174 341 370 5,801 F 2,264 10 64 793 1,397

5 Mukundapuram Taluk T P 215,130 28,342 55,160 7,066 124,~2 M 160,501 25,028 33,163 4,511 97,799 F . 54,629 3,314 21,997 2,555 26,763 R P 187,894 26,479 51,461 6,270 103,684 M 138,976 23,357 30,650 3,.912 81,057 F 48,918 3,122 20,811 2,358 22,627 U P 27,236 1,863 3,699 796 20,878 M 21,525 1,671 ' 2,513 599 16,742 F 5,711 192 1,186 197 4,136


State/Dlst(lct/Taluki Totat Persons MaIO workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agncultural Household Other Lat?ourers Indu$lly workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

InnJalakuda, (M) U P 7,583 380 891 291 6,021 M 5,824 315 556 245 4,708 F 1,759 65 335 46 1,313

Chalakudy (M) U P 12,212 1,077 1,691 360 '9,084 M 9,913, 981 1,184 233 7,515 F 2,299 96 507 127 1,569 e ERNAKULAM DISTRICT T P 862,843 81,404 134,84_5 24,377 622,217 M 670,917 73,355 85,272 16,280 496,010 F 191,926 8,049 '49,573 8,097 126,207 R P 456,283 68,931 111,076 12,287 263,989 M 341,834 62,292 69,189 7,713 ,202,640 F 114.449 6,639 41,887 4,574 61,349 U P 406,560 12,473 23,769 12,090 358,,228 M 329,083 11,063 16,083 8,567 293,370 F 77,477 1,410 7,686 3,523 64,858

, Kunnathunad Taluk T P 129,284 21,947 37,100 4,684 65,553 M 93,976 19,313 22,306 2,878 49,479 F 35,308 2,634 14,794 1,806 16,074 R P 121,914 21,546 36,226 4,536 59,606 M 88,008 18,932 21,715 2,784 44,577 F 33,906 2,614 14,511 1,752 15,029 U P 7,370 401 874 148 5,947 M 5,968 381 591 94 4,902 F 1,402 20 263 54 1,045

Perumuavoor (M) U P 7,370 401 874 148 5,947 M 5,968 381 591 94 4,902 F 1,402 20 283 54 1,045

2 Aluva Talilk T P 132.719 15,050' 26,700 4,019 86,950 M 98,938 12,942 15,487 2,130 68,379 F 33,781 2,108 11,213 1,889 18,571 R ,P 88,561 12,506 21,240 2,691 52,124 M 63,992 10,799 11,983 1,357 39,853 F 24,569 _ 1.707 9,257 1,334 12,271 U P 44,158 2,544 5,460 1,328 34,826 M 34,946 2,143 3,504 173 28,526 F 9,212 401 1,956 555 6,300

Angamaly (M) U P 9,574 1,151 1,865 404 6.154 M 7,344 951 1,232 159 5,002 F 2,230 200 633 245 1,152

Aluva (M) U P 7,568 42 13 179 7,334 M 5,874 37 10 139 5,688 F 1,694 5 3 40 1,646


State/DlstficlITalukl Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns _ Rural Males Urban Females lotal CulUVators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 -7 - 8

3 Paravur Taluk T p 100,749 4,260 9,921 4,075 82,493 M 73,257 3,576 6,066 2,357 61,258 F 27,492 684 3,855 1,718 21,235 R P- 23,230 1,963 4,985 645 15,637 M 11,475 1,731 2,813 406 6,'525 F -11,755 232 2,172 239 9,112 U P 77,519 2,297 4,936 3,430 66,856 M 61,782 1,845 3,253 1,951 54,733 F 15,737 452 1,683 1,479 12,123

Paravur (M) U- P 8,144 123 121 349 7,551 M 6,475 99 97 196 6,083 F 1,669 24 24 153 1,468

Eloor (M) U P 9,506 130 232 129 9,015 M 8,097 110 173 108 7,706 F 1,409 20. 59 21 1,309

4 Kochl Taluk T P 139,067 861 2,782 2,240 . 133,184 M 114,464 755 2,007 1,647 110,055 F 24,603 106 775 593 23,129 R P 62,074 617 2,198 795 58,464 M 49,316 532 1,724 458 46,602 F 12,758 85 474 337 11,862 U P 76,993 244 584 1,445 74,720 M 65,148 223 283 1,189 63,453 F 11,845 2f 301 - 256 11,267

Kochl (C) U P 74,515 232 320 1,433 72,530 (Pdrt~ M 63,429 211 271 1,181 61,766 F 11,086 21 49 252 10,764

5 Kanayal"nur Taluk _T P 210,968 5,474 14,615 6,176 184,703 M 168,312 4,784 9,910 4,782 148,836 F 42,656 690 4,705 1,394 35,867 R P 42,880 3,523 8,923 1,348 29,086 M 33,469 3,127 5,770 941 23,631 F 9,411 396 3,153 407 5,455 U P 168,088 1,951 5,692 4,828 155,617 M 134,843 1,657 4,140 3,841 125,205 F 33,245 294 1,552 987 30,412

Kochi (C) U P 92,985 455 961 3,067 88,502 M 74,216 362 836 2,537 70,481 F 18,769 93 125 530 18,021

Kalamassery (M) U P 16,467 396 660 309 15,102 M 13,408 336 417 221 12,434 F 3,059 60 243 88 2,668


State/Dlstnct!f alukl Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agncultural Household Other' Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tnppumthura (M) U P 15,S08 163 .1,211 422 13,812 M 12,310 146 920 337 10,907 F 3,298 17 291 85 2,905

6 Muv~ttupuzha Taluk T P 95,661 22,673 26,522. 1,9'49 44,517 'M 78,310 21,443 18,399 1,494 36,974 F 17,351 1,230 8,123 455 7,543 R P 74,077 19,405 22,763 1,348 30,561 M 60,647 18,;303 15,726 1,048 25,570 F 13,430 1,102 7,037 300 4,991 U P 21,584 3,268 3,759 601 13,956 M 17,663 3,140 2,E?73 446 11,404 F 3,921 128 1,086 155 2,552

Muvattupuzha (M) U P 8,239 350 673 218 6,998 M 6,744 339 513 158 5,734 F 1,495 11 160 60 1,264

Plravam '(M) U P 7,812 1,715 1,897 171 4,029 M' 6,490 1,672 1,379 114 3,325 F 1,322 43 518 57 704

Koothattukulam (M) U P 5,533 1,203 1,189 212 2,929 M 4,429 1,129 781 '174 2,345 F 1,104 74 408 38 584

7 Kothamangalam Taluk T P 54,395 11,139 17,205 1,234 24,817 M 43,660 10,542 11,097 992 21,029 F 10,735 597 6,108 242 3,788 R P 43,547 9,371 14,741 924, 18,511 M 34,927 8,868 9,458 719 15,882 F 8,620 503 5,283 205 2,629 U· P 10,848 1,768 2,464 310 6,306 M 8,733 1,674 1,639 273 5,147 F 2,115 94 . 825 37 1,159

I<.othamangalam (M) U' P 10,848 1,768 2,464 310 6,306 M 8,733 1,674 1,639 273 5,147 F 2,115 94 825 37 1,159

9 IDUKKI DISTRICT T P 386,642 75,392 86,030 4,437 220,78S M 283,894 67,463 60,773 3,223 152,435 F 102,748 7,929 25,257 1,214 68,348 R P 370,738 73,345 82,705 4,112 210,576 M 270,905 65,541 58,186 2,976 144,202 F 99,833 7,804 24,519 1,136 66,374 U P 15,904 2,047 3,325 325 10,207 M 12,989 1,922 2,587 247 8,233 F 2,915 125 738 78 1,974


51ate/[)I~LrI(;tIT aluk/ Total Persons Main 'vorkers StatLolory Tow:1s Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agncuttural Household Otl;1er Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Devlkulam Taluk T p 83,509 12,864 19,381 1,295 49,969 M 54,516 10,188 12,052 816 31,460 F 28,993 2,676 7,329 479 18,509 R P 83,509 12,864 19,381 1,295 49,969 M 54,516 10,188 12,052 816 31,460 F 28,993 2,676 7,329 479 18,509 U p, M F

2 Udumbanchola Ta!uk T P 139,131 26,248 30,319 1,369 81,195 M 105,996 23,736 21,733 1,041 59,486 ·F 33,135 2,512 8,586 328 21,709 R P 138,516 26,092 30,117 1,358 80,949 M 105,474 23,582 21,576 1,033 59,283 F 33,042 2,510 8,541 325 21,666 U P 615 156 202 11 246 M 522 154 157 8 203 F 93 2 45 3 43

luukkl Tm"nshlp U P 615 156 202 11 246 (Part) M 522 154 157 8 203 F 93 2 45 3 43

3 Thodup:J;:ha Taluk T P 95,580 30,402 26,515 1,221 37,442 M 78,802 28,040 19,773 938 30,051 F 16,778 2,362 6,742 283 7,391 R P 80,291 28,511 23,392 907 27,481 M 66,335 26,272 17,343 699 22,021 F 13,956 2,239 6,049 208 5,460 U P 15,289 1,891 3,123 314 9,961 M 12,467 1,768 2,430 239 8,030 F 2,822 123 693 75 1,931

Thodupuzha (M) U P 12,244 1,386 2,060 262 8,536 M 10,121 1,339 1,656 203 6,923 F 2,123 47 404 59 1,613

Idukkl Township U P 3,045 505 1,063 52 1,425 (Partj M 2,346 429 774 36 1,107 F 699 76 289 16 318

4 PC')rmade Taluk T P 68,422 5,878 9,815 552 52,177 M 44,580 5,499 7,215 428 31,438 F 23,842 379 2,600 124 20,739 R P 68,422 5,878 9,815 552 52,177 M 44,580 5,499 7,215 428 31,438 F 23,842 379 2,600 124 20,739


Stille/Dlstrlct/Taluki Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Culnvators Agncultural Household - Other Labourers Industry workers , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

U P ,M F

10 KOTTAVAM DISTRICT T P 529,135 84,252 124,876 18,959 301,048 M 436,669 81,148 94,472 11,865 249,184 F 92,466 3,lQ4 30,404 7,094 51,864 R P 437~890 79,57_6 113,361 15,800 229,153 M 361,358 76,982, 85,094 9,406 189,876 F 76,532 2,594 2~,267 6,394 39,277 U P 91,,245 4,676 11,515 3,159 71,895 M 75,311 4,166 9,378 2,459 59,308 F 15,934 510 2,137 700 12,587 , 1 Meenachll Taluk T P 114,318 27,728 22,726 2,046 61,818 M 98,175 26,884 17,490 1,732 52,069 F 16,143 844 5,236 314 9,749' R P 102,294 26,965 21,854 1,889 51,586 M 87,741 26,154 16,724 1,602 43,261 F 14,553 811 5,130 287 8,325 U P 12,024 763 872 157 10,232 M 10,434 730 766 130 8,808 F 1,590 "33 106 27 1,424

P-aIClI (M) U P 6,551 61,7 653 113 5,168 M 5,268 584 560 93 4,031 F 1,283 38 93 20 1,137

Eranu,.>e'1a (M) U P 5,4"73 146 219 44 . ?,064 .M 5,166 146 206 37 4,777 F 307 13 7 287

2 Valkom T aluk T P 93,333 14,353 27,209 7,485 44,286 M 69,713 13,734 18,476 2,354 35,149 F 23,620 619 8,733 5,131 9,137 R. P 87,060 14,200 26,389 6,987 39,484 M 64,936 13,590 17,901 2,152 31,29.3 F 22,124 610 8,488 4,835 8,191 U P 6,273 153 820 498 4,802 M .4,777 144 575 202 3,856 F 1,496 9 245 296 946

Vmkom (M) U P 6,273 153 820 498 4,802 M 4,777 144 575 202 3,856 F 1,496 9 245 296 946

3 Kottayam Taluk T P 168,383 20,563 39,667' 5,077 103,076 M 138,582 19556 29,774 4,252 84,900 -F 29,801 907 9,893 825 18,176


State/!:)lsincvTaluk; Total Persons Main workers Stat'Jto,y Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cul~vators Ag ncultural tjousehold Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R P 120,344 18,115 32,483 3,252 66,494 M 99,433 17,599 23,855 2,707 55,272 F 20,911 516 8,628 545 11,222 U P 48,039 2,448 7,184 1,825 36,582 M 39,149 2,057 5,919 1,545 29,628 F 8,890 391 1,265 280 6,954

Kottayam (M) U P 18,824 548 1,799 793 15,684 M 14,851 314 1,539 662 12,336' F 3,973 234 260 131 3,348

4 Changana.;sery Taluk T P 86,477 12,508 24,207 2,898 46,864 M 72,392 12,097 19,175 2,429 38,691 F 14,085 411 5,032 469 8,173 R P 72,237 12,012 22,852 2,349 35,024 M 60,812 11,665 18,174 1,954 29,019 F 11,425 347 4,678 395 6,005 U P 14,240 496 1,355 549 11,840 M 11,580 432 1,001 475 9,672 F 2,660 64 354 74 2,168

Changanassery (M) U P 14,240 496 1,355 549 11,840 M 11,580 432 1,001 475 9,672 F 2,660 64 354 74 2,168

5 KanJlrappaliy Taluk T P 66,624 9,100 11,067 1,453 45,004 M 57,807 8,777 9,557 1,098 38,375 F 8,,17 323 1,510 355 6,629 R P 55,&55 8,284 9,783 1,323 36,565 M 48,436 7,974 8,440 991 31,031 F 7,519 310 1,343 332 5,534 U P 10,669 816 1,284 130 8,439 M 9,371 803 1,117 107 7,344 F 1,298 13 167 - 23 1,095

l'..anJlrappaily (1\.1) U P 10,669 816 1,284 130 8,,,\]9 M 9,371 803 1,117 107 7,344 F 1,298 13 167 23 1,095

11 ALAPPUlHA DISTRICT T P 589,140 48,001 143,707 70,364 327,068 M 411,139 43,5n 88,646 21,031 257,885 F 178,001 4,424 55,061 4.9,333 69,183 R P 405,516 42,927 123,616 44,322 194,651 M 282,077 39,131 76,444 13,092 153,410 F 123,439 3.796 47,172 31,230 41,241 U P 183,624 5,074 20,091 26,042 1;J2,417 M 129,062 4,44& 12,202 7,939 104,475 F 54,562 628 7,889 18,103 27,942 21 Census191 _ 10 133 Table 2.3-contd. DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS AS CULTIVATORS, AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, WORKERS IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES AND OTHER WORKERS BY DISTRICTS AND TALUKS

State/()lslf,::t'Tal,.UII Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cul~vators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 '7 8

1 Cherthala Taluk T p 170,172 6,256 16,639 40,110 107,16'7 M 105,233 5,331 11,557 8,004 .80,341 F 64,939 925 5,082 32,106 26,826 A p 103,234 4,530 12,077 25,808 00,819 M 62,457 3,819 8,104 4,288 46,246- F 40,7n 711 3,973 21,520 14,573 U P 66,938 1,726 4,562 14,302 46,348 M 42,776 1,512 3,453 3,716 34,095 F 24,162 214 1,109 10,586 12,2?J

Cherthala (M) U P 14,716 462 955 2,707 10,592 M 9,746 348 760 685 7,953 F 4,970 114 195 2,022 2,639

2 Ambalappuzha Taluk T P 121,059 2,860 17,785 14,930 85,484 M' 86,294 2,426 8,291 4,435 71,142 F 34,765 434 9,494 ,0,495 14,342 A P 34,223 1,340 7,021 4,799 21,063 M 23,-982 1,158 3,442 1,175 18,207 F 10,241 182 3,579 3,624 2,856 U P 86,836 1,520 10,764 10,131 . 64,421 M 62,312 1,268 4,849 3,260 52,935 F 24,524 252 5,915 6,871 11,486

Alappuzha (M) U P 48,657 461 4,129 2,215 41,852 M 37,727 420 1,902 1,331 34,074 F 10,,930 41 2,227 884 7,778

3 Kuttanad Taluk T P 67,200 7,695 39,262 1,438 18,805 M 44,246 7,264 20,074 1,202 15,706 F 22,954 431 1~,188 236 3,099 A P 67,200 7,695 39,262 1,438 18,805 M 44,246 7,264 20,074 1,202 15,706 F 22,954 431 19,188 236 3,099 U P M F

4 Karthlgilppally Taluk T P 101,550 6,822 29,222 8,546 56,960 M 74,287 5,991 20,063 3,461 44,772 F 27,263 831 9,159 5,085 12,188 A P 84,840 5,994 26,235 7,353 . 45,258 M 60,723 5,286 17,501 2,836 35,100 F 24,117 708 8.734 4,517 10,158 U P 16,710 828 2,987 1,193 11,702 M 13,564 705 2,562 625 9 .. 672 F • 3,146 1?3 425 568 2,030


State/DlstncUT alukl Total Persons Main workers Statu~ory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Culnvators Agncultural Household Other labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5- 6 7 8

Kayaml(ulam \M) U P 16,710 828 2,987 1,193 11,702 M 13,564 705 2,562 625 9 .. 672 F 3,146 123 425 568 2,030

5 ChengannJr Taluk T P 49,998 9,097 15,717 2,072 23,112 M 39,479 8,468 10,782 1,727 18,502 F 10,519 629 4,935 345 4,610 R P 43,573 8,461 14,771 1,855 18,486 M 34,330 7,845 10.037 1,543 14,905 .F 9,243 616 4,734 312 3,581 U P -6,425 636 946 217 4,626 M 5,149 623 745 184 3,597 F 1,276 13 201 33 1,029

Chengannur (M) U P 6,425 636 946 217 4,626 M 5,149 623 745 184 3,597 F 1,276 13 201 33 1,029

6 Taluk T P 79,161 15,271 25,082 3,~68 35,540 M 61,600 14,097 17,879 2,202 27,422 F 17,561 1,174 7,203 1,066 8,118 R P 72,446 14,907 24,250 3,069 30,220 M 56,339 13,759 17,,286 2,048 23,246 F 16,107 1,148 6,964 1,021 6,974 U P 6,715 364 832 199 5,320 M 5,261 338 593 154 4,176 F 1,454 26 239 45 1,144

MavehkKara (M) U P 6,715 364 832 199 _ 5,320 M 5,261 338 593 154 4,176 F 1,454 26 239 45 1,144 12 PATHANAMTHITTA DISTRICT T P 317,198 82,582 86,669 7,704 140,243 M 261,348 78,253 67,073 6,231 109,791 F 55,850 '::,329 19,596 1,473 30,452 R P 276,487 75,715 77,578 6,642 116,552 M 228,345 71,596 60,124 5,355 91,270 F 48,142 4,119 17,454 1,287 25,282 U P 40,711 6,867 9,091 1,062 23,691 M 33,003 6,657 6,949 876 18,521 F 7,708 210 2,142 186 5,170

1 Thlruvalla Taluk T P 57,229 7,036 17,686 1,548 30,959 M 44,761 6,679 12,998 1,292 23,792 F 12,468 357 4,688 256 7,167 R P 43,512 6,187 14,9.76 1,129 21,220 M 34,109 5,860 10,810 930 16,509 F 9,403 327 4,166 199 4,711


State/DlstncVTalukl Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agncultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

U P 13,717 849 2,710 419 9,739 M 10,652 819 2,188 362 7,283 F 3,065 30 -522 57 2,456

Thlruvalla (M) U P 13,717 849 2,710 419 9,739 M 1Q,652 819 2,188 362 7,283 F 3,065 30 522 57 2,456

2 M'illappa!ly Taluk T P 32,758 7,810 7,610 833 16,505 M 28,101 7,589 6,566 673 13,273 F 4,657 221 1,044 160 3,232 R P 32,758 7,810 7,610 833 16,505 M 28,101 7,589 6,566 673 13,273 F 4,657 221 1,044 160 3,232 U P M F

3 Rannl Taluk T P 55,904 14,776 14,325 1,247 25,556 M 48,409 14,203 12,226 1,012 20,968 F 7,495 573 2,099 235 4,588 R P 55,904 14,776 14,325 1,247 25,556 M 48,409 14,203 12,226 1,012 20,968 F 7,495 573 2,099 235 4,588 U P M F

4 Kozhencherry Taluk T P 90,315 28,000 24,347 2,281 35,687 M 75,252 26,705 19,104 1,887 27,556 F 15,063 1295 5,243 394 8,131 R P 80,739 25,908 22,507 2,111 30,213 M 67,060 24,644 17.614 1,743 23,059 F 13,679 1,264 4,893 368 7,154 U P 9576 2,092 1,840 170 5,474 M 8,192 2,061 1,490 144 4,497 F 1,384 31 350 26 977

Pathanamthltta (M) U P 9576 2,092 1,840 170 5,474 M 8,192 2,061 1,490 144 4,497 F 1,384 31 350 26 977

5 Adaor T aluk T P 80,992 24,960 22,701 1,795 31,536 M 64,825 23,077 16.179 1,367 24,202 F 16,167 1,883 6,522 428 7,334 R P 63,574 21,034 18,160 1,322 23,058 M 50,666 19,300 12,~ 997 17,461 F 12,908 1,734 5,252 325 5,597


State/D,st(lCL'Tai.Jki Total Pel-sons Matn workers StatUlOry Towns Rural Ma1es Urban Females Total Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

U P 17,418 3,926 4,541 473 8,478 M 14,159 3,777 3,271 370 6,741 F 3,259 149 1,270 103 1,737

Pandalam (M) U P 10,209 2,412 2,948 246 4,603 M 8,298 2,336 2,133 175 3,654 F 1,9f 1 76 815 71 949

Adoor (M) U P 7,209 1,514 1,593 227 3,875 M 5,861 1,441 1,138 195 3,087 F 1,348 73 455 32 788

13 KOlLAM DISTRICT T P 659,650 107,638 153,047 24,853 374,112 U 510,493 100,972 124,852 14,225 270,444 F 149,157 6,666 28,195 10,628 103,668 R P 539,855 102,657 142,168 20,348 274,682 M 415,501 96,427 115,127 11,194 192,753 F 124,354 6,230 27,041 9,154 81,929 U P 119,795 4,981 10,879 4,505 99,430 M 94,992 4,545 9,725 3,031 77,691 F 24,803 436 1,154 1,474 21,739

1 Karunagappally Taluk T P 105,421 8,168- 18,560 7,632 71,061 M 79,992 7,535 15,980 2,563 53,914 F 25,429 633 2,580 5,069 17,147 R P 100,588 8,126 18,518 7,139 66,805 M 76,294 7502 15;944 2,410 50,438 F 24,294 624 2,574 4,729 16,367 U P 4,833 42 42 493 4,256 M 3,698 33 36 153 3,476 F 1,135 9 6 340 780

2 Kunnathur Taluk T P 16,930 11,779 12,565 1,963 20,623 M 37,599 11,325 1-0,492 1,387 14,395 F 9,331 454 2,073 576 6,228 R P 46,930 '11,779 12,565 1,963 20,623 M 37,599 11,325 10,492 1,387 14,395 F 9,331 454 2,Q73 576 6,228 U P M F

3 Pathanapuram Taluk T P 119,420 29,021 40,155 2,443 47,801 M 95,907 27,204 30:826 1,870 36,007 F 23,513 1,817 9,329 573 11,794 ·R P 106,433 26,701 36,937 2,063 40,732 M 85,050 25,078 28,209 1,561 30,202 F 21,383 1,623 6,728 502 10,530


SlatelDistncVT a1ukl Total Persons Mamworkers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Culnvators Ag:1cultUrai Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5- 6 7 8 U P 12,987 2,320 3,218 380 7,069 M 10,857 2,126 2,617 309 5,805 F 2,130 194 601 71 ~,264

Punalur (M) U P 12,987 2,320 3,218 380 7,069 M 10,857 2,126 2,617 309 5.805 F 2,130 194 601 71 1,264

4 Kottarakkara Taluk T P 147,913 39,362 43,356 2,858 62,337 M 115,666 36,958 33,513 2,145 43,050 F 32,247 2,404 9,843 713 19,287 R P 147,913 39,362 43,356 2,858 62,337 M 115,666 36,958 33,513 2,145 43,050 F 32,247 2,404 Q,843 713 19,287 U P M F

5 Kallam Taluk T P 239,966 19,308 38,411 9,957 172,290 M 181,329 17,950 34,041 6,260 123,078 F 58,637 1,358 :<,,370 3,697 49,212 R P 137,991 16,689 30,792 6,325 84,185 M 100,892 15,564 26,969 3,691 54,668 F 37,099 1,125 3.823 2,634 29,517 U P 1'01,975 2,&19 7,619 3,632 88,105 M 80,437 2,386 7,072 2,569 68,410 F 21,538 233 547 1,06~ 19,695

Kallam (M) U P 37,676 190 631 1,13fJ 35,716 M 30,262 177 595 826 28,664 F 7,414 13 36 313 7,052

Paravoor (M) U P 9,134 922 1,489 4,18 6,305 M 7,000 834 1,26-1 271 4,634 F 2,134 88 228 147 1,671 14 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DISTRICT T P 874,090 101,599 261,064 36,990 474,437 M 681,820 86,643 214,588 22,471 358,118 F 192,270 14,956 46,476 14,519 116,319 R P 582,100 89,263 222,528 26,044 244,265 M 455,270 76,139 182,287 14,741 182,103 F 126,830 13,124 40,241 11,303 62,162 U P 291,990 12,336 38,536 10,946 230,172 M 226,550 10,504 32,301 7,730 176,015 F 65,440 1,832 6,235 3,216 54,157

1 Chlraymkeezhu Taluk T P 168,167 25,673 47,233 6,295 88,966 M 117,459 20,654 33,007 3,278 60,520 F 50,708 5,019 14,226 3,017 28,446


StatelOi8IrictIT a1uk/ Total PertlOns MaIO workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females To. Cultivators Agna.lltural Household Olher latlourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R P 143,651 23,263 42,396 5,069 72,923 M 99,571 18,613 29,588 2,611 48,759 F 44,080 4,650 12,808 2,458 24,164 U P 24,516 2,410 4,837 1,226 16,043 M 17,888 2:041 3,419 667 11,761 F 6,628 369 1,418 559 4,282

'larkal& (M) U P 10,054 1,336 2,457 222 6,039 M 7,756 1,094 1,643 169 4,850 F 2,298 242 814 53 1,189

Attingal (M) U P 8,441 794 1,717 324 5,606 M 6,744 738 1,342 212 4,452 F 1,697 56 375 112 1,154

2 Nadumangad Taluk T P 172,583 29,445 73,504 5,448 64,186 M 139,946 25,292 59,372 3,333 51,949 F 32,637 4,153 14,132 2,115 -12,237 R P 157,290 27.729 67,433 4,873 57,255 M 127,363 23.812 54,285 2,950 46,316 F 29,927 3.917 13,148 • 1,923 10,939 U P 15,293 1.716 6,071 575 6,931 M 12,583 1,480 5,087 383 5,633 F 2,710 236 984 192 1,298

Nedumangad (M) U P 15;293 1,716 6,071 575 6,931 M 12,583 1,480 5,087 383 5,633 F - 2,710 236 984 192 1,298

3 Tt.iruvarlanthapuram Taluk T P 308,480 14.759 46,165 12,399 235,157 M 238,477 12.631 39,721 8,208 1n,9l7 F 70,003 2,128 6,444 4,191 57.240 R P 72,285 7.657 21,433 4,229 38,966 M 56,030 6,538 18,508 2,256 28,728 F 16,255 1.119 2,925 1,973 10,238 U P 236.195 7,102 24,732 8,170 196,191 M 182,447 6,093 21,213 5,952 149,189 F 53,748 1,009 3,519 2,218 47,002

Thiruvananthapuram (C) U P 154,026 2,512 7,135 4,266 140,113 M 118,410 2,269 6,296 3,346 106,499 F 35,616 243 839 920 33,614

4 Neyyattinkara Taluk T P ~24,860 31.722 94,162 12,848 86,128 M 185,938 28.066 82,488 7,652 67,732 F 38,922 3,656 11,674 5,196 18,396


State/Olstnctffaluk! Total Persons Main workers Statutory Towns Rural Males Urban Females Total Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R P 208,874 30,614 91,266 11,873 75,121 M 172,306 27,176 79,906 6,924 58,300 F 36,568 3,438 11,360 4,949 16,821 U P 15,986 1,108 2,896 975 11,007 M 13,632 890 2,582 728 9,432 F 2,354 218 314 247 1,575

Neyyatlinkam (M) U P 9,014 1,013 2,393 348 5,260 M 7,317 798 2,109 237 4,173 F 1,697 215 284 111 1,087

Note 1 Kochl Corporation lies In Kochl and Kanayannur Taluks

2 Idu~kl Township lies in Thodupuzha and Udumbanchola Taluks C - Corporation M - MUniCipality

140 7S' 76' 77· 7S·


I MAIN WORKERS I BY CATEGORIES 1991 12· ,+ KILOMETRES 20 10 0 20 40 60 I Lt-J ; ; I



--~ -_

----- 10· ----- 10·




OTHER WORKERS ~~:~ '\__ .... ~~j


~ 31 01 AND ABOVE /,-, 29 01 _ 31 00

STATE AVERAGE 28 21 26 O~l---=- -i900--

26 00 _AND BELOW

._------~ ------~~ 7S· EA ST OF GREENWICH 76° 77° 7S·

Based upon 3urv£y of "Indio 'map with the permission of the The tlZrntono! water~ of Ind!o extend lIltCl the SilO to a distance of © Govllrnment of IndiO Copyright, 1990 Surv~yor Genflfal of India twe-jvll nautl(.ol rflllflS mlZ<..lsunzd from thol appropriate: base' lint




rotal PopuldtlOn Llterdtcs SI. Rurdl Area No Ind,13/Sldle or lJ,rlloD Terntory Urb.111 (III Km~), Persons Males Females ' Persons Males females

2 3 4 5 6 7 Il 9 10

INIUA· Total 3,2i7,263t S-U,324;222 437,805,805 406,518,417 362,174,360 230,406,841 131,767 ,5t 9 Rurul 627,146,597 323,105,149 304,041,448 228,009,191 151,594,125 16,415,066 (lIh"n 217,177,625 114,700,656 102,476,969 134,165,169 78,812,716 ~5,]52,4SJ

INDIA Total 3,065,02'7 836,605,522 433,791,705 402,S~3,817 362,174,360 230,406,841 131,76'7,519 (Excluding Jammu & Rural 611,267,297 320,062,940 301,204,357 228,009,191 151,594,125 76,415,066 Kashnm) Uroon 215,338,225 113,728,765 101,609,460 134,165,169 78,812,716 5S,35t453

INDIA Total 2,986,589 SI4,310,960 422,212,012 392,09S,94S' 352,542,831 224,544,~26 127,998,105 (Excluding Assam and Ruml 601,443,623 309,826,978 291,616,645 220,087,361 146,728,6(,2 73,358,699 Jammu & Kashm r) tJ roo 11 212,867,337 ' 112,385,034 100,482,303 132,455,470 77,816,064 5(639,406


AND liRA I'I~ADI'SII Total 275,045 M,354,559 33,637,'106 32,716,653' 24,940,887 1S,743,S59 9,197,328 ({urdl 4H,S41,ll66 24,535,717 2.1,IX)o,14Y 14,H2I,472 9,H34,396 4,987,076 Urban 17,812,693 , 9,102 1119 H,7IO,SU4 10,11'1;415 5,1J09,163 4,210,252

2 ARUNACIIAL PRADI:.SlI Total !l3,743 858,392 461,242 3'17,150 282,147 190,691 91,456 Hurdl ,753,586 40!,467 .l5c,ll¢ 221,640 152,338 69,302 Urbdn 10.1,806 59,775 45,031 60,507 38,353 22,154

3 ASS~M Total 78,438 22,294,562 11,579,693 '10,714,869 9,631,529 5,862,11~ 3,769,414 , Rural 19,823,674 10,~3S,962 9,587,712 7,921,830 4,865,463 3,056,367 Urban 2,470,888 1,343,731 1,1:,7,157 1,709,699 996,652 713,047

4 lllllAR Total 173,877 86,338,853 45,147,280 41,191,573 26,854,389 19,176,364 7,678,025 Rural 74,969,964 38,988,737 35,9al,227 20,368,563 15,105,968 5,262,595 Ur!'Jn 11,368,889 6,151\,543 5,210,346 6,485,826 4,070,396 2,415,430

5 GOA Total 3,702 1,168,622 593,563 575059 782,002 440,396 341,606 Rural 689,201 345,601 343,600 ,4.41,270 249,841 191,429 Urban 479,421 247,962 231,459 340,732 190,555 150,177

6 (iUJARAf Total 196,024, 41,174,343 21,271,102 19,~03,241 21,276,549 13,080,998 8,195,551 Rural 27,OlO,O,u 13,84\),774 13,160,268 12,096,895 7,782,567 4,1314,328 Urban 14.164,301 7,421328 6,742,973 9,179,654 5,298,431 3,8f1'I,223

7 IIAItYANA Total 4.1,212 16,317,715 8,705,379 7,612,336 7,4~I,70!l 4,872,757 2,558,951 Rural 12,272,545 6,539,958 5,732,587 4,939,138 3,386,087 1,553,051 Urban 4,045,170 2,165,42~ I 879,7~9 2,492,570 1,486,670 1,005,900

8 IIIMACIIAL PRADESII ,lotal 55,673 5,111,079 2,560,1;94 2,550 185 2,724,609 1,602,266 1,122,343 i{uTdI 4,666,255 2,3'17,601 2,348,654 2,396,730 1,411,630 985,100 Urban 444,824 243,293 201,531 327,879 190,636 137,243

* I he 1991 Ccn~U!> hd~ nOI been heillm JdOlmu & Ka~hmlr TOlal, rurdl and urbdll populallon IIlcludc prujccllons for Jammll & Kashmir as on 131991, made by thc Standing CommlllLL of I:: pcrts on,Pop~ldtlOn ProJcctlOn; (Octobu, 1(89) fhe proJccted POpuldllon figures exclude population of arc~ unJcr unlJwflii occupatIOn of 1',1~I;tJn and Chilla whuc cemus could not be tJ~cn .

Literates do not ,"c1u~c figure, for Jammu & K.l;hml( \\ here the 1991 Ccnsw. hJ; not been held t Includes 78,i 1-1 ~q kill under "legal occupdtllln ul l'.. k.,tJIl dnd 5,11ld ~'I ~m "kg.. lI), h.lllJed OVLr by I'dkl;tan to Chilla and 37,555,sq km ullder JJlcgJI OCcupdllon of CllIllJ III I .adJkh dl,tm t

144 ANNEXURE l-contd.


IIIIAI rnplllRlinll I.\tcratl·~ SI. Rural Ar~a 2 No India/Slate or Union Territory Ufban (in Km ) l'crsol\$ Males Females l'ersons Malcs hmalcs

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 JAMMU &oKASIIMIR· Total 222,236t 7,718,700 4,014,100 3,704,600 NA NA NA Rural 5,879,300 3,042,209 2,837,091 NA NA NA Urban 1,839,400 971,im 867,509 NA NA NA

10 KARNA.TAKA Total 191,791 44,806,46"8 22,846,613 21,959,855 21,080,9io 12,886,799 8,194,121 Rural 30,955,766 15,669,860 15,285,906 12,267,993 7,828,158 4,439,835 Urban 13,850,702 7,176,753 6,673,949 8,812,927 5,058,641 3,754,286 11 KERALA Total 38,863 29,032,828 14,230,391 14,802,437 22,671,821 11,516,040 11,155,7!U Rural 21,356,457 10,45S,2O& 10,901,249 16,443,641 8,359,228 8,084,413 Urban 7,676,311 3,775,183 3,901,188 6,228,180 3,156,812 3,071,368

12 MAD~YA PRADESH Total 443,446 66,135,862 34,232,048 31,903,814 ],3,491,956 16,101,046 7,390,910 Rural 50,787,815 26,123,971 24,663,844 '14,464,428 10,601,527 3,862,901 Urban 15,348,047 8,108,077 7,239,970 9,027,528 5,499,519 3,528,009 13 MAHARASHTRA Total 307,713 78,748,215 40,686,254 38,061,961 42,~39,491 26,279,235 16,660,256 Rural 48,251,863 24,427,060 23,824,803 22,164,921 14,105,391 -8,Q59,53O Urban 30,496,352 16,259,194 14,237,158 20,774,570 12,173,844 8,600,726 14 MANll'UR Tota~ 22,327 1,826,714 931,511 895,20.3 8Q5,223 542,513 352,710 Rural 1,320,866 674,782 646,084 591,162 362,540 228,622 Urban 505,848 256,729 249,119 304,061 179,973 124,088

15 MEGHALWA TotJIl 22,429 1,760,626 904,308 856,318 689,419 377,281 312,138 Rural 1,431,547 731,491 700,056 466,694 255,715 210,979 Urban 329,(J79 172,817 156,262 222,725 121,566 101,159

16· MIZORAM Total 21,081 686,217 356,672 329,54S 462,246 250,962 211,284 Rural ' 369,177 192,723 176,454 215,570 120,265 95,3Q5 Urban 317,040 163,949 153,~1 246,676 130,697 115,979

17 NAGALAND Tolal 16,579 1,215,573 643.173 572,300 621,048 360,526 260,522 Rural 1,005,478 525,827 479,6~1 478,572 277,737 200,835 Urban 210,095 117,446 92,649 142,476 82,789 59,687

18 ORISSA Total 155,707 31,512,070 15,979,904 15,532,166 12,911,905 8,392,320 4,519,585 Rural 27,279,615 13,712,156 13,567,459 10,303,681 6,806,202 3,497,479 Urban 4,232,455 2,267,748 1,964,707 2,608,224 1,586,118 1,022,106 19 PUNJAB Total 50,362 20,190,795 10,695,136 9,495,659 9,952,965 5,897,599 4,O~5,366 Rural 14,189,913 7,486.546 6,703,367 6,253,432 3,782,696 2,470,736 Urban 6,000,882 3,208,59{J 2,792,292 3,699,533 2,114,~('j3 1,584,630

20 RAlAS"llIAN Total 342,239 43,880,640 22,935.895 20,944,745 13,618,272 10,143,215 3,474,Q91 Rural 33,840,522 17,S99.o.'l0 16,241,442 8,189,562 6,689,540 1,500,022 Urban 10,040,118 5,336,8J5 4,703.303 5,428,710 3,453,735 1,974,975

* See note on prepageo t See note on prepage

145 ANNEXURE I-conck:f.


Tolal Po_pulalion Lilerales Sl. Rural Area 2 No. IndialSlale or Union Terrilory Urban (in Ksn ) Persons Malta Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21 SIKKlM Total 7,096 405,505 - 215,900 189,605 190,606 117,771 12,835 Rural 368,521 194,737 173,784 164,660 101,870 62,790 Urbaa 36,984 21,,63 15,821 25,946 15,901 .JO,045

22 TAMILNADU Total 130.058 55.638,318 28.217.947 27,420.311 - 30,383.416 18.066.226 12.317.190 Rural 36,611,285 18,466,al8 18,145,197 17.424,520 10,756,292 6,668,228 Urban 19,027,033 9.151,859 9,275,114 12,958,896 7,309,934 5,618,962

23 TRIPURA Total 10,486 2,144,827 1,410,545 1,334,282 1,368,567 821,40~ 547,164 Rural -2,325,844 1,196,530 1,129,314 1,065,893 651,311 408,582 , Urban 418,983 214.015 204,968 302,674 164,092 138,582

24 UnAR PRADESH Tolal 294.411 139,031.130 73,898.286 65.132,844 47.047.626 33,325,158 13,122,468 Rural 111,377,720 .59,044.156 52,333,564 33,079,{II2 24,707,721 8,371.361 Urban 27,653.410 14,854.130 12,799,280 13,968.544 8,617,437 5,351,107

2.5 WESTUENGAL TOlal 88,752 61,982,732 )5,461,898 32,520,834 32,719,340 20,053,418 12~5,922 Rural 49,360,718 25,427,347 23,933,371 20,337.330 12,824,903 7,512,~27 , Urban 18,622.014 10,034,551 8,587,463 12,382,010 7,228.SlS 5,153,495


1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Total 8,249' 279,111 153,323 125,788 171,095 103,278 67,817 ISLANDS Rural 204,301 , U!,051 gIa,lSO 117,')56 70,923 47,033 Urbarl 74,810 42.272 32,538 53,139 32,355 20,784

2 CllANDIGARII Tolli 114 640,725 357.411 ' 283,314 426.009 252,922 173.087 Rur.1 66,079 40,465 25,614 31,962 22,474 9,488 Urban 574,646 316,946 257.700 394,047 230.448 163,599

3 DADRA " NAGAR HAVEU Total 491 138,401 70,879 67,522 45,086 30,591 14,495 Rural 126.681 64.436 62,245 37,293 25,812 11,481 Urban 11,720 6.443 ~.2n 7,793 4,779 3.014

4 DAMAN & Dill Total 112 101.439 . 51,452 49.987 61.497 35,96& 25,529 Rural 53,901 27,970 25,931 ,27,498 17,338 10,160 Urban 47.538 23,482 24,056 33.999 18.630 15,369

5 DEI.III TOlal 1,483 9,370,475 5.120,733 4,249,742 5,949,528 3,570,973 2,378,555 Rural 943,392 517,923 425,469 503,968 330,240 173,728 Urban 8,427,083 4,602,810 3,824,2'13 5,445,560 3,240,733 2,204,827

6 LAKSIIADWEEI' TOlal 32 51.681 26,582 25,099 33,562 19.046 14,516 Rural 22,592 iI.519 11,073 14,036 8,060 5,976 Urban 29,089 15:063 14,026 19,526, 10,986 8,540

7 l'ONI>1CIIElUlY TOlal 492 8?7,045 407,685 399,360 518,942 293,345 225;597 I~ural 290,111 147,197 142,914 )57,799 93,1192 63,907 Urban 516,934 260,488 256,446 361,143 199,453 161,690


Number of Iowns

-1981 1991

Siliulory CCDlUS Siliulory Censul Indi./Statc/Union Tcrrilory IoWDI toWDI Total Iowns towns Total

1 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 lNDlA 2,751 ~.Z71 4,029 2,996 1.693 ... '., Stalel 1. Andhra Pradesh 85 167 252 116 148 264 2. Arunachal Pradesh 6 6 10 10 3. AsSam 65 IS 80 74 19 93 4:_ Dih.r lSI 69 220 172 99 m- 5. 001 9 6 15 13 18 31 6. Gujarll 70 ISS 255 79 185 1M 7. Ilaryan. 77 4 81 84 10 94

-8. Himachal Pradesh 4~ Z 47 57 1 58 9. Jammu &. Kashmir 57 58 72 2 74 10 Karnataka 244 37 281 179 127 106 11. Ker.li 48 58 106 66 131 197

12. Madhya Pradesh 275- 52 327 ~7 78 165 13. Maharashtra 232 75 307 246 90 136 14. Manipur 31 1 32 28 3 31 15. Mcghabya 5 7 12 7 , 12 J6. Mizoram 6 6 22 22 17. Na,liand 4 3 7 8 1 9 18. Orissa 95 13 108 102 22 124 19. Punjab, 132 2 134 112 8 120

20. Rajasth.n 192 9 201 199 23 ~22 11. Sikkim 8 8 8 8 22. TamirNadu 120 314 434 111 358 0169 23. Tripur. 10 10 12 6 18

24. Uttar Pr~dt5h 678 26- 704 710 43 753 2S. West Bengal lOS 186 291 116 266 382

Union Territories 1. Andaman &. Nlcobar Islands

2. Cha~dlg~rh 2 2 4 2 3 5 3. Dadra &. Nagar lIaveti ... 1 4. DamallA Diu 1 1 Z 2 S Delhi 3 27 30 3 29 32 6 Lakshadweep 3 3 4 4 7_ l'ollJil:hcrry 6 6 8 3 11



Toral number ot No oC Urban No. of lowns No. or toWDS Dot UAs lod tDWD.! Agglomera lions included in UAs included in any UA 1981 1991 lndialStattlUnion Territory 1981 1991 1981 ' 1991 1981 1991 (2+6) (3+7;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

INDIA 276 3Si 927 1,30Z 3,102 3,387 3,378 3,768 Stales 1. Andhra Pradesh 4 15 22 66 230 198 234 213 2. Arunachal Pradesh 6 10 6 10 3. Assam 4 6 7 12 73 81 77 81 4. Bihar 15 21 56 81 164 190 179 211 S. Goa 2 3 2 8 13 23 15 26 6. Gujarat 30 46 65 8S 190 179 '220 I.2S 7. Haryana 4 7 8 11 7J 83 77 90 8. Himachal Pradesh 1 2 2. 5 .45 53 46 55 9. Jammu &. Kashmir 2 1 4 9 54 65 56 72 10. Karoataka 7 22 38 74 243 2.a2 250 254 11. Kerala 9 16 30 104 76 93 85 109 12. Madhya Pradesh 49 60 73 92 254 373 303 433 13. Maharashlra 14 18 45 64 262 272 276 290 14. Manipur 1 2 32 29 32 30 IS. Meghalaya 1 1 6 6 6 6 1 7 16. Mizoram 6 22 6 22 17. Nagaland 7 9 1 9 18. Orissa 8 9 13 14 95 110 103 119 19. Punjab 19 22 19 22 115 98 134 120

20. Raj~th8D 12 19 18 26 183 196 195 21S 21. Slkkim 8 8 8 8 22. Tamil Nadu 34 34 223 243 211 226 245 260 23. Tripura 10 18 10 18 24. Uttar Pradesh 26 31 71 82 633 671 659 702

2~. West Beng,al 32 3S 193 260 98 122 130 160

UnioD Territories 1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1 1

2. Chandigar~ 4 s 1 3. Dadra &. Nagar Haveli 1 ' 4. Daman & Diu 2 2 2 2 5. Delhi 1 25 26 5 6 6 7 6. lakshadweep 3 4 3 4 7. Pondicherry 1 3 s 3 6 4 7


Decennial powth rale of PopulatioD,l991 UrbaIJ populatioD I. populalioD (per cent), 1981-1991 perc:eolage of total India/State/Unioa Territory Total Rural UrbaD population, 1991 • Total Rural Urban

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

INDIA 144,314,221 617,1.u,597 117,177,615 15.71 13.56 19.'l1 36.19 SIa_ l. Andhra Pradab 66,354,559 48,541,866 17,812,693 26.84 23.91 18.21 ·42.64 1. AruDachal Pradcab 858,392 753,586 104,806 12.21 35.86 27.64 152.98 1 Allam 22,294,562 19,823,674 2,470,888 11.08 23.58t 2l.93t 3U3t 4. Bi"'_r 86,338,853 74,969,964 11,368,889 13.17 23.49 22.51 30.39

50 Goa 1,168,622 689,201 479,421 41.02 15.96 0.~2 41.53 6. Guj.rat 41,174,343 27,010,042 14,164,301 34.40 20.80 15.01 33.60 7. Haryan. 16,317,715 il,272,S45 4,045,170 2.4.79 26.27 21.57 43.07 8. Himachal P.radah 5,111,079 4,666,255 444,824 8.70 19.39 17.99 36.46 ~. J.IDIDU '" kuhmir 7,718,100· 5,879,300· 1,839,400· 23.83 28.92 24.38 45.94 10. Karlllllu 44,806,468 30,955,766 13,850,70-2 30.91 20.66 17.23 29!09 11. Ker.11 29,032,828 21,356,457 7,676,371 26.44 14.06 3.26 60.89 12- Madhya Pradesh 66,135,862 50,787,815 15,348,047 23.21 26.15 22.11 44.98

13. Maharashlra 78,748,2~S 48,251;863 30.496,352 38.73 25.43 18.30 38.66 14. Manipur 1,826,714' 1,320,866 505,848 27.69 28.56 26.34 34.73 U. Mcp.l.ya 1,760,626 1,431,547 329,079 18.69 31.80 E·1fO 36.36 16. Mizoram 686,217 369,111 317,040 46.20 38.98 ~.74 160.27 17. Ma,aland 1,215,573 1,005,478 210,095 17.28 56.86 53.58 74.74 II. Ori .. 31,512,070 27,279,615 4,232,455 13.43 19.5O 17.28 36.1» 19. Punjab 20,190,795 14,189,913 6,000,882 29.72 20.26 16.87 29.11 20. Rajasthan 43,880,640 33,840,522 10,040,118 22.88 2&.07 25.10 39.24 21. Siklcim 405,505 368,521 36,984 9.11 28.17 38.91 -27.60 22- Tamil Nadu 55,638,318 36,611,285 19,027,033 34.20 14.94 12.80 19.28 23. Tripur. 2,744,827 2,325,844 418,983 15.26 33.69 27.27 85.7S 24. Utllr Pradesh 139,031,130 111,377,720 27,653,4JO 19.89 25.41 22.44 ·38.91 25. West BcDIII 67,982,732 49,360,718 18,622,014 27.39 24.55 22.99 28.90

UnioD Tenitorles 1. Andaman ok Nicobar Isllnds 279,111 204,301 74,810 26.80 47.88 46.87 SO.72 2- Chaadiaarh 640,725 66,079 574,646 89.69 41.88 129.69 35.90 3. Dadra &. Nalar Haveli 138,40'1 126,681 11,720 8.47 33.49 30.92 69.51 4. Daman &. Diu 101,439 53,901 41,S38 4686 28.43 7.89 63.79 5. Delhi 9,310,475 943,392 8,427,083 89.93 5064 IM.62 46.10 6. Lakshadwcc:p 51,681 22,592 29,089 56.29 28.40 4.50 56.15 7. Pondichcrry 807,045 290,111 516,934 6405 33.51 0.58 63.56

• The 1991 Census has nol ~eD held ia Jammu &. Kashmir. The lOlli, rural and urban populatioas Cor 1991 are •• projectcd by the SlIadin& COlDIDillee or Experts on Population Projections (October, 1989). t The 1981 (eMua could not be held iD Alaam. The dcc:cnaillpowth rltea of populalion for 1981·91 have beea worked, out on the ball. oflbe lOIal, rural and urban population for 1981 oblaiaed by inlerpolatioD.


class I (100,000 &: ,bovt) mss II (SO,

AlIOUIQ Urbao Url,ao (lCIflUlatioo vopu1dion No. of Total No. of .. 'l> 'If tr"."f p~ ~of lodll/Slatd UAs/ urban Ut'oI! total urbJn UAsI Ictal urban UDioo Territory TOWIll populatioD Towns PopulatiQIl pop"ht1on Towill for'll:irioD f'Opulation

1 2 :J 4 5 6 7 8 ~

INDIA- 3,'" 215,331,125 300 1JP,7JO,050 ~SP 14J 1J,5'7,11I 10." Stala 1. Aodbra Pradesh 213 17,812,693 32 11,912,868 6688 34 2,245,198 12.60 2. Arunachal Pradesh 10 104,806 3. Assam 87 2,470,888 4 928,105 37.56 4 287,944 11.65

4. Dihlr 211 11,~9 17 5,9112,384 52.62 28 1,998,733 17.58 5. Goa 26 479,421 3 248,554 51.84 6. Gujarat 22S 14,164,301 21 9~«)8,790 f .~ 27 1,803,584 12.73 7. HaryaN. 90 4,045,170 12 2,367,990 9 611,146 15.11 a. Himachal Pradesh S5 444,8l4 1 l:o?,860 1.70 9. iC.rDllaka 254 13,8so,101 21 8,947,057 64.60 17 1,017,913 7.35 ,10. Kerala J09 1,676,371 14 5,092.457 6{j 34 9 554,440 7.22 11. Madhya Pradesh 433 15,348,047 23 7,733,253 50.38 19 2,138,969 13.94 12. Maharalhtra 290 30,496,352 27 23,741,541 77.85 28 1.977,8()2 6.49 13. M'Dipur 30 505,848 1 200,615 39.66 , I 14. Mepl.y. 7 329JJ79 1 222,1.11- 67.54 15. ,Mizoram 22 317J)40 1 154,343 4868 16. Nalaland 9 210,095 2 110,040 52.38 17. Or •• 119 4.232,455 7 1,880,348 4

UDIoaT~ 1. A. a N. IsIaodst 1 74,810 74,810 100.00 2. CbaDdiprh 1 574,646 1 514 "" 100.00 3. Dldra .t Nlpr Haveti 1 11;720 4- DamiDADIu 2 47,538 S. Delhi 7 8,427,083 I 8,375,188 911..58 6. Llbhaclweep 4 29,089 ... 7. Poodicherry 7 516,934 401,337 77.64 61,875 11.97

·Brdudel JlIIJIIlu .t Kashmir where the 1991 Census II.1s not Wen held. t Andll8ln A NIcobI, IIlandi.


Class m (20,000-49,999) Class IV (10,~19,999) Clm V (S,CX»-9,999) elm VI (Ieaa Iban 5,(XX))

U'baD UrbaD UrbaD Urban poplllllioD popull,ioD populalioo populatiOD No. of I. 91> of No. of al CJI, of No_of II 91> of No. of II 91> of UAfJ 10111 urbaD UAsJ 10111 UlbiD UAsJ I0Il1 urban UAsJ 10111 urban ToW'DS Population populatioD ToWIll PoplllalioD populatiOD Towu PopuiltiOO population ToWDI POpuiltiOD populatiOD

10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

947 2',711,'" 13.13 1,167 16,997,176 7.19 7.. 5,643,107 1.61 0.11

~1 2,945,128 1653 39 587,226 3'» 14 113,743 0.64 3 8,530 0.05 1 5 69,3 IS 66.14 5 35,491 33.86 2 20 632,684 25.61 32 466,812 18.89 15 1ll,TI4 4.53 12 43,569 1.76 3 79 2,364,503 20.80 53 799,532 7.03 29 203,735 1.79 5 20,002 0.18 4 1 31,596 6.59 8 106,513 22 22 10 73,920 15.42 4 18,838 3.93 5 SO 1,489,602 1052 74 1,IlI9,624 7.69 44 343,380 2.42 9 29,321 0.21 6 17 483,254 11.9.5 30 421,964 1043 10 151,soo 3.74 2 9,316 0.23 7 4 87,201 19.60 7 91,269 2181 9 63,044 14.11 34 87,450 1966 8 82 2,449,085 1768 70 1,070,540 7.73 40 289,552 209 24 76,555 0.55 9 46 1,464,501 1908 34 520,440 6.78 6 44,533 058 10 69 1,967,591 1282 177 2,478,120 1615 130 1,010,032 658 5 20,082 0.13 11 103 3,169,555 10.39 83 1,2&>,542 4.13 40 313,553 1_03 9 33,359 0.11 12 3 90,838 1796 5 78,124 15.44 17 122,339 24 19 4 13,932 2.7S 13 2 66,390 20.18 2 26,363 801 2 14,OS3 421 14 1 56,392 17 79 3 40,808 12.81 5 31,966 1008 11 33,531 1058 IS 2 45,607 21.71 3 37,282 17.74 2 17,166 8.11 16 26 835,OH 1973 51 718,157 16.97 22 166,699 3 94 3 12,006 028 17 25 773,389 1289 44 627,422 1046 16 122,046 203 7 28,196 047 18 71 2,139,159 2131 87 1,313,669 1308 22 182,619 182 2,468 003 19 \ 24,971 6752 1 12,013 3248 20 71 2,129,615 11 J9 80 1,163,198 6.11 35 262,133 138 1 Z9,101 015 21

4 115,604 2759 1 103,313 2A 66 4 33,367 797 2 9,~3 216 22 129 3,855,525 13 94 236 3,387,410 1225 210 1,620,620 586 40 139,461 0.51 23 46 1,426,921 7.66 33 482,968 2 59 34 251,316 135 6 20,955 011 24

2 11,120 I(()OO 3 2 10000 4

111,637 022 j 23.62(1 0211 2 9,638 012 ~

4 29,(~'1'1 HKl tl 20,297 3.93 2 20,908 404 2 J2,S17 242 7



Persons Males Ftmales

Percentage Perc:entage Pacattage Pen:entage of incJe~in Pcrccnll&,.of increase in Pen:enl&Be of in(.1'C&Se in workers the number worken the nwnber workers the Dumber lncfia/State or oCworbn ofworbll of workers UniOn Tenitory 1981 1991 1981·91 1981 1991 1981-91 1981 1991 1981-91

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

INDIA· 36.70 37.68 26.80 52.62 51.56 21.40 19.67 22.73 42.26 Statn J Andbra Pradesh 45.76 45.27 22j7 57.68 SSM 19.25 33.54 34.81 28.42 2 Arunachal Pradesh 52.63 47.!l6 22,49 58.63 54.21 25.69 45.67 39.61 17.74 3 Bihar 32.35 32.56 24.29 50.18 47.95 20.08 13..50 15.69 40.85 4 Goa 35.35 35.22 15.56 48.48 49.51 tS.81 21.88 20.48 8.17 5 Gujarat 37:/.7 41.17 33.44 52.91 S4.35 24.49 20.66 21.08 51.78 6 Huyana 31.63 30.83 23.09 49.93 47.92 2.0.92 10.60 11.29 34.83 7 Himadlal Pradesh 42.38 42.27 19.09 52.6J 49.12 11.53 31.86 34.79 31.94 8 Kamatab 40.24 41.83 25.43 5459 53.91 1922 25.33 'J!):1.7 39.35 9 Kerala 30.53 32.05 19.74 44.89 47.81 2.0.98 16.61. 16.90 16.50 10 Madhya Pradesh 42.92 42.70 26.08 SUS 52.17 21.93 30.64 3253 33.92 II Maharuhtta 42j6 42.84 26.27 53.73 52.03 21.55 30.63 33.02 35.11 12 Manipur 43.20 4151 23.52 46.80 45.36 25.10 39.48 31.50 21.47 13 MeghaJaya 45.92 43.06 23.58 53.96 49.09 20.31 37.49 36.69 28.51 14 Mizoram 45.44 4936 50.91 52.54 54.37 43.49 37.72 43.94 62.30 15 Nll8alllld 48.23 4420 43.76 52.53 48.61 42.99 43.20 39.2.5 44.85 16 Orissa 38.01 3753 18.01 55.86 53.74 15.51 lUI 20.,5 15.18 17 PuJijIb 31jO 31.44 20.05 53.76 53.34 18.74 6.16 6.78 33.08 18 Rajuthan 36.61 38.54 34.83 SO.90 49.01 23.84 21.06 21.01 63.72 19 Sikkirn 48.30 5320 41.18 5121 53.60 17.29 37.61 52.74 84.71 20 Tamil Nadu 41.73 44.13 21.57 56.58 51.01 16.10 26.52 30.B8 33.51 21 Tripura 32.27 3t.36 29.93 50.11 41.48 25.21 12.18 14.31 49.76

22 Uttar Prldeab 30.72 32.21 31.74 SO.76 49.37 22.20 ~.q7 12.87 99.64 23 West Bengal 30.17 32.37 33.68 50.30 51.36 26.78 8.07 11.67 80.84 Union Territories

I Andaman & Nicobar 36.88 34.88 39.86 56.11 ~2.9.s 33,45 10.78 12.86 84.19 Islands 2 Chandigarh 34.92 34.18 4132 .54.71 S4:tH 38.06 9.f0 10.52 66.77 3 Dadra & NI8&r 48.92 53.38 4.5,66 56.32 51.66 38.20 41.33 48.88 56.08 Haveli

4 Daman "Diu 33.22 37.09 4~ 38 44.-'\9 50.72 53.16 22.62 23.06 25.26 5 Deihl 32.19 31.&4 411.08 52.67 51.53 45.63 6.84 1.61 11.43 6 Lakshadwcep 24.39 2fi.i9 39.:4 43.86 45.80 9.16 7.48 3.19

7 Pondicherry 30 41 'j'l'<; 47.0R ~O.41 4350 13.48 15.48 52.92 ~~.. ...- - -_._----_. ------_--_-- ANNEXURE VII



PerCeIllIge Fcrc«llIse PCfCa1tale Pcrtentage or inmasein Prrctnllse of Increase In increlUe in worken the number wanen the number the number Indie/State or of worken ofwOtbrs of women Union Territory 1981 1991 1981·91 1981 1991 1981·9J 1981 1991 1981·91

1. 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 INDIA· 38.79 40.24 24.01 53.77 S2.50 17.46 2l.06 27.20 40.25 States

I AndJlra Prldeah 50.19 5055 19.05 60.19 S8.01 14.25 40.03 42.92 26.39 2 Arun.chal Pradesh ~3.42 48.61 1616 5830 53.64 11.27 47.64 42.88 14.61 3 Bihar 33.20 33.62 24.04 SI.08 48.86 19.66 14.65 11.10 39.92 4 Ooa 36.07 36.34 1.37 41.37 48.77 4.41 24.S9 23.84 -4.35 S Gujarat 40.110 46.36 30.69 S·U8 55.71 18.94 26.85 36.46 55.41 6 HlII')'ana 3230 31.61 18.96 49.83 47.74 16.42 11.29 13.21 30.69 1 HimlChsl Pradesh 42.96 42.96 17.98 52A5 49.44 9.87 33.37 3657 3088 8 Kamataka 44.07 46.24 23.00 51.18 55.91 14.75 30.66 3633 38.73 9 Keral. 31.25 32.67 7.95 45.23 4lL02 9.17 17.72 17.94 4.92 10 Mldhy.Predesh 4631 46.69 23.11 56.38 S3.89 17.42 35.78 39.07 32.49 11 Mahanshlrl 48.16 49.47 21..51 55.38 53.02 t3.~1 40.85 4Hl 3l,2 12 MU1ipur 45.96 44.47 22.21 48.45 47A2 24..53 43.39 41.40 ".' 13 Meghalaya 48.85 45.95 23.03 55.42 50.63 19.97 42.0S 41.01 27.21 14 Mizorarn 48.68 51.80 H2 54.13 5556 2.57 42.81 41.68 9.76 15 Nag.land 50.67 4s.s8 38.11 5280 48.28 39.49 48.30 <12.63 36.56 16 Orissa 38.90 38.74 16.80 56.68 54.63 13..57 21.09 22.61 2Bl 17 Punjab 32.14 31.82 15.72 54.4S 54.03 15.28 6.90 7.02 19.156 18 Rajasthan 39.07 41.67 3l4J 52.18 49.88 20.06 24.99 32.77 63.39 19 S1kkim 49~5 54.58 53.00 56.61 53.48 29.23 41j7 \ 5581 90.64 20 Tamil Nadu 46.48 49.06 19.05 59.24 58.71 12.04 33.55 39.23 31.60 21 Tripura 32.84 31.80 23.21 51.33 41.45 17.72 13.28 15.71 45.69 22 Uttar Pradesh 31.46 33.50 30.36 51.49 50.15 19.69 9.04 14.72 98.39 23 Weal Ben,aI 30.30 3:1.40 35..58 50..56 52.09 27.05 1.89 13~ 86.80 Ullion Territories

AndlltWt.t N'acobu 37.03 35.05 39.02 56.40 52.71 32.38 12.01 14.01 79.31 lalands

2 Chll'ldilarh 36.16 41.37 162.76 511..58 64.30 J60.S7 3..57 5.14 215.07

3 DIdr. cl Ntpi' 49.42 54.3J 41.94 56.39 51.60 34.14 42.31 50.96 ~1i.4' H.,ell

4 Dtman cl Diu 35.30 41.21 25.91 44.71 SU4 34.34 26.39 29.42 1251 5 Delhi 30.U 29.00 100.64 47.49 47.60 101.79 8." 6.35 S272 6 Labhtdweep 25.2' 25.14 4.03 39.01 42.63 15.63 11.29 6.94 -36.6) 7 Pondiclterry 34.09 38.45 13.44 49.71 53.31 8.22 18.10 23.11 28.10



Persona Males Pemales

Percauaae Pacentaae ~ Percentage of increase in Perc:atta,e of increuein PemftflBe of increuein workers lhenumber worUn the number workers the number InJia/Slate or ofworkrn ofworltera ofworbn Union Territory 1981 ]991 ]981-91 198] ]991 ]98]-91 1981 1991 1981-91

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 INDIA· 29.99 30.44 38.16 49.06 48.95 34.76 8.31 9.74 60.99 States I Andhro Pradesh 31.20 3089 41.19 49,S8 48.49 38.85 11.81 12.49 51.54 2 ArunachalPJade\h 41.47 39.16 138.86 60.24 58.08 126.60 11.62 14.03 239.91 3 Bihar 26.36 25.57 26.50 44.31 42.21 23.27 4.78 5.91 62.53 4 Goa 33.81 33.62 47.69 50.73 50.54 45.88 15J3 15A9 54.35 5 Gujarat 29.44 31.26 41.89 50.17 51.70 37.40 6.52 8.71 80.01

6 Haryana 29.23 28.48 39.38 50.21 48.49 36.60 4A~ SA2 76.28 7 Himachal Pradesh 3S.25 35.01 35.52 S432 52.34 29.08 11.26 14.08 74.59 8 Kamataka 30.81 31.98 33.99 48.40 49.53 31.87 11.83 13.11 43.38 9 Kerala 27.42 30.34 17.98 43.42 47.22 13.95 11.76 14.00 92.55 10 Madhya Pradesh 29.62 29.49 44.32 41.29 46.64 42.28 9.63 10.28 S5.64 11_ Maharashtra 32.15 32.35 39,50 50.81 50.53 35.88 10.14 11.58 60.86 12 Manipur 35.52 33.16 28.06 42.2] 39.93 21.37 28.61 21AO 29.11 13 Meghalaya 32.63 30.47 21.33 41.55 42.59 22.11 16.12 17.06 44.37 14 Mil.Oram 35.55 46.52 240.58 41.16 52.96 ]82.47 21.88 39.63 382.70 15 NagaI and 34.97 37.60 87.89 51,S] 50.08 60.34 10.93 21.18 276.41 16 Orissa 31.36 29.77 29.16 50.14 48.38 30.78 9A9 8.28 19.23 17 Punjab 29.82 30.55 32.26 5].97 'S1.13 28.13 4.20 6.20 91.37 18 Rajasthan 2737 .27.99 42.43 46.22 46.38 39.44 5.88 1.13 69.22 19 Sikkimt 41.81 39.51 -31.58 60.09 54.77 -35.91 15.58 19.09 -7.62

20 Tamil Nadu 3205 34.66 28.99 5t.25 53.79 25.52 11.97 14.5~ 44.56

21 Tripura 2760 28.93 94.73 45.64 47.66 93.86 8.13 9.38 99.~3 22 Uttar Pradesh 27.29 27.31 39.03 47.46 46.27 34.34 3.46 5.30 115.10 23 West Bengal 2980 29.66 2830 49.62 49.52 26.07 5.59 6A6 52.44 Union Territories Andaman & Nicobar 3648 34.43 42.24 57.56 53.57 36.32 7.20 9.56 107.95 Islands 2 Chandlgam 3483 3402 32.74 S4,S0 52.70 28.64 9.46 ]1.06 63.22 3 Dadn & Nagar 41.94 4304 73 93 SBO 58.33 85.21 26.84 24.31 -47.65 Havell

" Daman & DIU 29.65 32.41 7904 44.10 49.02 86.22 16.15 16.20 60.73 5 Delhi 3235 31.94 44.24 53.08 51.97 41.27 6.69 1.82 7335 6 Lakshadweep 2339 27.01 80.33 39.50 44.79 19.97 6.65 7.91 82.51 7 Pondkherry 27.05 30.19 82.52 44.67 4886 19.61 9.30 11.23' 96.63 °E,c!udes Assam and Jammu &. Kuhmir I 11", ".'.llIle III Ih.' ,,,",,1. r IIf y,IIri


Pcrccnulle or totll populauon

1 ••• 1 l'crso,u 100u Wodtc:n MI",Wori«:ra Mlrg",-I Worke,. SI Indla/SLlle or Rura! ~h1c.. No Union Temlory \l,bJn FemoL, 1981 1991 1981 1991 198\ 1991

2 6 7 9 10

INDIA" T1U 3677 3764 334S 3412 332 312 !>Me! 52.65 51.52 5162 5054 103 0.98 r"",ales 1977 22Ci9 1400 1643 577 626

Ru,.! I""ons 3887 4013 3476 3567 41\ 446 )\(,].:4 ~HO 5243 5261 5129 119 114 1·lo:malcs 23 18 2706 1600 1907 718 199

U,b"" l)~ts.(}"s. l(l(\\) 3(HS 1911 2'HA \\11 IHI t.hk. 4907 48~6 4~ 54 4843 053 053 IUIlIIe. 832 973 128 862 1()'1 III

INDIA Toul Persnru 3670 3768 3348 3419 322 349 (E~cludwll A,,"m IDd Mal .. 5262 5156 5162 5062 . 100 0Q4 lan.mu .\ Kuhr",,) relllilea 1961 2213 1401 1648 560 625

Runl l'crs(l,u 3879 4024 3480 3580 399 444 Mal.,. 5371 5250 5261 5142 116 108 Females 2306 2720 1609 1919 691 801

U,ban PersOllS 2999 3044 2923 2963 016 o~I Miles 4906 4895 4853 4841 053 054 Fern.l .. i 31 1174 730 863 101 III


ANDIlRA I'RADESII Taul Persons 4S "6 4527 4226 4279 3 SO 248 ~hlcs 5768 5544 5112 5480 (156 OM I'emoles 3354 l-lll 2701 3044 651 431

Runl I'coooI 5019 5055 4586 4141 433 314 Ma"," 60 19 5801 5956 5731 () I.J 010 F.... II .. 4003 4292 319S 3130 808 S62

Urban ~ 3120 3089 3040 3019 080 070 Mal .. 495& 4849 4927 4802 031 047 Femalel 1181 1249 1049 11.57 IlZ 092

2 AR{JNAQIAL PRADESII Ioul ~ 52.63 4746 4961 4S39 302 207 M.lc:I 586) 5421 5742 S33S 121 086 Fan.1eI 4S67 3961 4055 3614 512 347

Rural J>c1'lOlll SJ42 4861 SO 20 46.36 322 225 Mil. 5850 S364 5721 5180 129 0&4 Fan.la 4764 4188 4124 39.03 540 385

Urban PenoN 4147 39.16 41.14 3838 033 on Mil.. 60,2,4 5808 5996 57.12 o 2S 096 Fanala 1162 14.03 1120 1349 0,12 054

ASSl\~t ToOl .Pat_ NA 36.31 NA 3170 NA 467 Mal. NA 50.12 NA 4755 NA In .,_.. NA 21.29 NA 1457 NA 672

Run! Pen_ NA l7.00 NA 3186 NA 514 t.faIca NA SO.33 NA 4728 N.' 1 ()S r-an.la NA 2276 NA 1540 N.\ 136

U,. PenoN NA 31.34 NA 3043 I'A {J('l

Mllco NA S023 NA ·4964 ~'1 .. 0'1 f-an.lea liA "2 1'1 .... 154 ~'l -\ I ' "The JII'OI'' be held InJ the propol1,m. rClt .he 11l!)1 C""I'" .. c1l1dcJlmmu & K,o},' r ,,, . . 1991 CeltsWi h.. not 1>Ct:I1 hdd. 155 °NA 0 slln4s for nUl .\'.tl~ble. ANNEXURE IX-contd.


I'c:rtclIl.gc: of tou11'''[,ul3lion

Toc.al Persons Tolal Workers MalllWo,ken Mlf8lllal WorII .. SL India/Slato Of Runl Mllu No. Union Tenitary Vrbart Fem.les 1981 IIJ'JI 1981 1991 1981 1991

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 BIlIAR Toc.al ""nona 3215 32~6 296& 29.71 267 2.8~ MIles 5018 4791 4920 4127 OQI 068 females 1350 IS li9 906 1047 4.44 S.D

Rural Persons 3320 3362 3023 3014 297 31S • Mal .. 51.08 48116 SO 02 4813 106 073 Fem.leI 146S r7 In 970 1126 4.95 5.84

Urban PelSona 2636 2557 2582 24 94 054 063 Males 4431 42.21 4384 4114 041 037 Femalel 4.78 .5.91 4.11 496 061 0.95

S OOA Tolil PetSons 35.35 3522 3089 3172 4.46 2.50 Males 484& 4951 46.06 4321 2.42 130 Females 21.88 2043 1S.33 1673 655 3.75

Runl P- 3607 3634 3034 32.82 573 3S2 Males 4137 4871 44.35 4105 3.02 I.n Femalea 2489 238~ 1647 U.SI 1.42 533

Urban Pen ..... 3381 3362 32~ 3157 1.77 105 Miles . S073 5054 49 SO ~q R2 123 072 I emllea 15.13 I ~ .1~ 1176 14.09 2.Jl 1.4()

6 OUJARAT Tolil Persons 3727 4117 32.23 3427 5,04 690 Mal .. 52.91 5435 5Z1Q 5306 012 129 Fem.1eI 2066 210K II OJ 1419 9.63 12.89

Rural Persons d080 4636 3378 3677 702 959 )'.f.1eI 5418 5577 5328 5436 090 1.41 femlles 268S 36.46 IH6 1825 I3_]9 11.21

Urban 2944 31.21\ 287S 29 SO 066 1.76 M.lea""nMI 50.17 5170 <4985 511.62 0.32 1.08 Fem.1cs 652 K.77 5.49 625 1.03 252

7 IIARYANA Tolil Penon. 3163 30n 2835 2812 3.28 2.71 Miles 49.93 4792 48,94 4707 099 08' Femolca 1060 1129 ".69 645 5.91 4.14

Rural "USOflll 32.30 31 (,1 21.20 2813 4JO 3.48 Malea 4983 4774 41.63 4668 120 106 Females 12.29 1321 ....8 697 1.41 6.24

UrbtiI Pcnona 2923 2R.48 2888 2809 035 039 Mal .. S027 4U9 5001 "'825 026 024" Fernal" 4.45 5.42 3.99 <1.16 046 0.56

l mMAOIAL PRADESH Toul Persans 42.38 42.27 34 37 3383 801 844 • Miles 52,61 49.72 4959 4789 302 183 "CIlIales 31.86 34.79 18.72 i971 13.14 IS 08

Rural hnotw 42.96 4296 34.39 3389 857 91J1 Maleo S2,4S 49.44 49.22 4753 323 191 Fernll.. 3337 )(,57 19.38 20.43 1399 16.14

Urban PcI'SOl1l 3525 3501 3408 3320 117 lSI Males S432 52~ 53.56 5133 016 101 F~ales 1126 1408 9.59 11.31 1.61 2.77

156 ANNEXURE IX-contd.


P~rc<:nI'He of 100all'''PUlilion

Tolil Pen.on! 10u1 WOller> Main Workers MargJ?a1 WorktJI SL In

2 3 4 (, 7 8 9 10

9 KARNATAKA Total Persons 4024 4183 36.76 3848 3.48 3.35 MJlcs )459 5391 5390 5334 069 0.51 Fan.l.. 2533 2927 1895 2303 6.38 6.24

Ru,.1 ))c:r.)uns 4407 4624 3953 4163 454 461 Males 5718 5591 5641 5520 071 071 rem,l.. 3066 36.33 2227 21.71 8.39 862

Urh.ln 1'",,"n5 31)81 3198 2992 31.46 .' M9 0.52 M.I,. 48 ~O 4953 4788 4927 o j2 026 I c::1' '\CS 1183 1311 1054 1232 1.29 0.19

10 "I.RA!.A To<.l P.... "()n'5 31153 3205 266& 2823 3.85 3.12 ~I.b 4H9 4181 41 ()4 4424 385 3.57 fCI1\,les 16~\ 1690 1176 1285 385 4.05

Ku,,1 Pcnons 312S 3267 2710 2849 4.15 4.18 Males 4523 4802 4119 44 20 4!M 3.82 r 011.1es 1772 1794 1347 1342 425 4.52

Urbdn Pcr,ons 2742 3034 2H6 2752 2 S6 2&2 Malos 4342 4722 40n 4432 3M 2.90 Fan.los 1176 14 (10 967 11 25 209 2.75

II MADIlYA I'RADI,Sll Toul Persons 4HZ 4270 3841 37.74 4.51 496 Males 544S 5217 5352 5140 096 0.71 F.:ntJlC5 3064 3253 2234 2308 830 9.45

Rural P\!fSUnS 4631 4669 4081 40.47 544 622 Miles 5638 5389 55.30 5298 lOS 0.91 h:mdes 3578 3907 25.18 2721 1000 !JA6

Urh.lll rcr::.ol'ls 2962 2949 2874 28.72 088 0.77 Males 4129 4604 4680 4632 049 0.32 I croak. 961 1028 831 9 ()I) 1.32 1.28

12 MAllARASlrrRA TOIlI Persons 4256 42.84 3871 3922 385 362 "hies 5373 5203 5251 5098 122 I.OS ranal", 3063 33:02 2398 2666 665 6.36

Rural Penorll 4816 4947 4170 4407 5.46 SAO fl,hles S53S 5302 5385 5165 1.53 1.37 FcmalO$ 4085 4S 83 3139 3630 946 9.S3

Urban p.,rsons 3215 3135 31.30 3154 085 081 Miles 5087 SO 53 ~018 4995 069 0.5. Fcmalcs 1014 1l.58 ') II 1051 103 1.07

13 MANlPUR Tot.l PCr"tlZ1S 432tl ~l 51 41J 35 37 36 2.gS 4.1.5 I !,Ios 46 ~(l 4536 4594 42.93 086 2.43 Ft!nlJles 39 4~ 3750 3459 3) S7 489 S 93

Rural PCr1n,~ 459(, 4H7 4335 3990 261 457 M.lcs 45 4~ 47.12 4712 4458 073 284 I"cUIJIQ 43 3~ 41,:) 3M 85 3S 02 454 638

l1ro..n Pcr~(}ns 3552 3376 3200 3072 3.52 '304 ~'Jh..s 4221 3993 4099 3S 57 122 1.36 b,III .. 1C1 2861 2740 22 71 2263 5.90 4.71


Percentl8c o( 10111 pq>u1ltion

TOLal I'crsont TOlliWorlten Mlin Workers Mlrain" WorItcn SL IndiIIS ..IC ... Rural Mllc£ No. Unian Tcni10ry Urban Fernalea 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991

2 3 4 S 6 1 a 9 10

14 MEGIIAUYA TOLa! PCIIOIII 45.92 4306 4343 4085 249 121 Ma1c£ SJ96 4909 5311 47.91 015 1.11 Fern." 37.49 3669 3329 )).31 4.20 3.31

Rural Persons 48.85 4S9S 4590 4JJ5 295 260 Malta S542 50.6) 5443 49.37 0.99 1.26 Femal. 42.0S 4107 3706 37.06 4.99 4.01

Urbul PorsonI )163 3047 ]227 2998 0.36 0.49 M.lea 47SS 41S9 47.33 4113 0.22 0.46 Fern.les 1612 17.06 1S.61 1654 OSI 0.s2

IS MIZORAN Total PctSOIII 4544 49.36 41.73 42.29 311 UI1 Malca 5254 54 J7 SO 39 49.56 215 411 Femll. 3172 43.94 32.32 3443 5.40 9.51

Rural I'aIOIII 4861 51 SO 44.5) 4584 4lS S,96 M.I. 54.1] SSS6 5173 5123 2.40 433 Femalea 4181 47.6S 36.71 39.94 6.03 1.74

Urbul I'aIOIII 3SS5 4652 3319 3116 236 1.l6 Nalea 4776 52.96 46 )5 4759 1.41 S.J7 Fcma~ 21 SI 39.63 11.45 2807 34] 11..56

16 NMW.AND TQIIl Ptnons 41U ~20 47..53 4156 0.10 164 Mala 5258 4161 5191 4587 067 174 Femllu 43.20 3HS 42.45 36.71 0.75 2.S4

Rural p- 5061 45sa 49.90 42.61 o.n 191 Mal ... 5lS0 4UI 5206 45.17 0.74 3.11 Fern .. 4130 42.63 47.s0 39.93 0.10 170

Urbul Ptnons 34.91 31.60 34 6) 3626 0.34 1.34 Mila 5151 50.01 51.23 4903 021 lOS Fanala 10.91 21.71 10.12 20.06 0.41 1:12

17 aRUM Talal 3801 31.Sl 32.7S 32.70 526 4.1l ~-Mala 5S S6 53.14 54." 52.51 t.... l.ll Fan.. 19.11 lO.U 10.70 1131 9.11 a~

Ibral ~ 3890 31.14 3310 llJO SIO S.... Mila 5661 54&3 55.10 53.32 LSI 1.31 Fanals 21.09 2167 1l.07 1306 10.02 9.61

Utbu Pasons 3116 29.n 30.10 2890 11.6 0.11 Mala SO 14 41.31 49.39 41.n ou 0.61 Fanllea 9.49 '.21 1.65 7.11 1.14 It6

II PUNJAB TOilaI Pasona 31 SO 31.44 29 35 29.89 21S 1 SS ,.fll. 5316 53.34 53 IS 5114 061 oro fem.l. 616 6.n 227 4.11 )&9 261

Rural PCI'IOIII 3214 31.82 29 29 2975 lRS 207 MalCi SH5 S4.0) SJM S32S 0:., 071 Femata 690 7.02 172 351 5.18 3.51

Ur,,"n Pen ..... 29t2 30 SS 29 SI )(1 :4 0)1 031 Males ~197 5171 SISO 5156 017 017 Feml1C1 4:10 6.20 371 S14 049 0.46


Percenllse or Ictal popublion

TClI.Il Perscna Tct&! Workers Main Worten Marpa! Wcd_ S!. JadW$IaIe ar IbInl Mal .. No. Uaiaa T.au., UJbuI Fand.. 1981 1991 1981 1991 1~81 1991 2 3 4 6 7 • 9 I. l' IlAJAmiAN TaW PenonI 36.61 3854 3048 3159 6.13 6.9s Malca 5090 4907 4992 4826 098 081 mala 21.06 27.01 932 1334 11.74 1367

Rural PeraonI 3907 04167 31.53 32.92 7.504 Mal .. 52.11 498& 5101 4891 1.17 I"0.97 mala 24.99 12.77 1059 1S.~9 14.40 17.1.

UJbuI I'a1cInt 27 37 2H9 2654 27.12 0.13 087 M.lea 4622 4638 4593 4611 029 0.77 mateo Sit 7.13 445 5.57 143 1.56

20 SIJClJM TOI&I PenanI 4130 5320 4660 4089 ).70 12.31 Malea 5722 5360 56 S5 5036 067 324 Fernalel 3161 52.74 3468 30.10 2.93 22.64

Runl Ptnolll 4955 54 S8 4761 41.26 194 1332 Mal .. 5661 5348 5590 S021 0.71 327 fll'T1ala 41 37 5SRI 3801 3124 336 1457

UJbon Perscna 4181 3951 4136 31.17 0.45 2.34 Males 6009 5477 S9 S9 51.78 050 2.99 Fern.leo 1558 19.09 1521 17.62 037 1.47

21 TAMILNADU TOI&I PersON 4) 73 4413 3931 4129 2.42 2114 Males 56 S8 5101 5585 5S 84 0.13 l.t7 Fernal .. 2652 3088 2236 2631 416 4.57

Rural Persona 4648 49t'6 4320 4513 328 393 M.Jea S914 H71 .5835 57.16 0.89 l.SS Fcmaltll 33.55 39.23 27 as 32.88 5.70 US

Urban PenoN 3205 3466 3137 33.89 0.6& 0.77 Mil .. SI2S 5379 SO 84 5333 0.41 0.46 Fernal", 1191 14.55 11.01 1345 0.96 1.10

22 11lII"UlA TOI&I Perscna 32.27 3136 2964 2891 2.63 2.4S Malea 5071 47.48 4923 4650 1.4. 0.98 Faaalea 12.78 1431 195 10.31 313 0400

Parsana 32.14 3110 2999 2901 2.8S 2.79 Mal .. 51 33 4145 4980 4631 1.5:J 101 f'Clllalea Illa IS 21 Hl 1061 4.2S 460

Persona 2760 2893 2'U 2836 077 OS7 Mal .. 4564 47.66 44 61 4122 103 0.44 Fanal", 8 73 9 38 US 866 048 0.72

23 UlTAIt PlAnESH TOI&I Persona 3072 3227 29 23 2974 1.49 2.S3 M.I .. SO 16 4931 5031 4868 045 069 Fernal .. 801 1287 HO 824 2.67 4.63

Runl PeRona 3146 3350 29.71 3047 175 303 Mil .. 5149 50 15 SO 98 4938 OSI 077 Fern.lea 9M 1472 590 9.14 314 S SS

Un- Persona 2729 2731 2699 2679 030 052 Mil .. 4746 4627 47 )0 4592 016 035 I-"",.Iea 346 S )0 299 457 047 073

159 ANNEXURE IX-contd.


I'erccnla&c of t01l1 population

TOIa[ P'''I'IIS I olal Workers ~Ia," Workc~ Musinll Workm SI. Inch.ISLaIc or Rural Mil... No. Union Temlory Urban Ferrule., I~K1 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10"

24 WESTDENGAL Total Person, 3017 32.37 28.26 3020 191 2.17 Mal,. 5030 51.36 4811 .5050 t.SQ 0.16 {".mlles KU7 11.67 581 807 226 3.«

kura! PCl"Sons 3030 3340 2804 30.58 226 2.82 Males 5056 52.09 4872 SI04 1.84 1.05 I'cmales 889 13.54 G 19 8 &3 2.70 4.71

l'ro.n Persom 2980 2966 28}7 29.20 0.93 0.46 Males 49(>2 49 ..52 48.70 49.12 092 0.40 Females 559 6.46 4.65 5.93 0.94 0.53


ANDAMAN & NICODAR ToIIl .Persotll 3688 34.S8 3321 31.97 367 2.91 ISLANDS Miles 56.71 52.95 5459 5i.4S 2.12 1.50 Females 10.78 12.86 507 8.22 S.11 4.64

RUAI Pcnolll 3703 3S05 32.27 3124 476 3.11 M.les .5640 .52.71 5380 SOU 260 1.13 Females J20J 1401 4.45 7.86 7.56' 6.15

Urban Pmons 36~8 34.43 35.86 3395 0.62 048 Male.. S756 53.S7 5671 52.94 085 063 Femalea 720 9,5(, 6M9 9.27 031 0.29

2 aIANbIGARU Toc-I Pc ...... 3492 ]4," 34611 3464 0.23 0,14 M.l(.$ .54.71 54.01 54 ~O S3M 0.27 0.11 Fcmalea 9,10 1052 8.92 10041 o IS 0.10

.Kuru I'cmmI 3616 41.37 35.85 4128 03\ 0.09 Malec 5858 64.30 58.31 64.23 g 21 0,01 Femalea 3.S7 5.14 3.10 5.02 047 ~.lZ

Urban Persons 34ft) 34.02 34.61 33.88 022 0.t4 Malec 5450 52.70 S4,~n 52-51 0.27 0.19 Females 9.46 11.06 9.:l(} 1096 0.16 0.10

'3 DAVRA & NAGAR TGid I'Cllona 48.92 53.38 4O.8! 43.S9 8.11 9,49 llAVEU Mal" 5632 .57.66 SS.1l 55.94 121 1.72 I'em.les 41.33 48.11 2614 31.25 IS.19 17.63

Rural l'ersnns 49.42 54.33 41.11 44.16 IlA 9.97 M.la 56,39 57.60 55,39 sS.n 1.(.\1 1.13 Females 42.31 '50.96 26.~ 32.56 15.63 18.40

Urban I'I:rsons 41.94 43.04 3S.77 lUI 6.17 4.23 t.hlea 55311 S&.33 51.3n S7.M 3.92 0.64 r'Cl'llllei 2684 24.37 1812 1575 Sn 3.1""-

4 DAMANADltJ T~l l'e~ 33.22 37.09 2686 31 ~3 6,)6 5.S6 Mil", ·4449 son ~3 ()

RU1!! PeNOfl$ 35.10 4121 21(2 32.if) , 718 8.32 !

(fri>,1) ~' .. (m$ Z9h'S 3lo11 ), 1.1 Z9 J4 H! "t tl! " ~ l:l 49;<}. ·:2 ", 4~ lR 1.58 I) ~~ ~ ,~~l 1,0; 15 161;1 t)(.: 10 '!4 (i,1)8 S.Z6


PW:ClllIaO or 10111 popul.tion

Total Persona T01&1 WORCII M.in WORm Marginll Wodr.m SL IndiaJSIIIC or Runl Mdea No. UaiaI TCI'IitoIJ Ur:ben Fan.lea 19&1 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991

2 3 4- S 6 1 9 10

S DEUII TOIII PenOnl 32.19 3164 31.93 3139 0.26 0.25 M.1la 52.61 51.53 5241 51.32 0.20 0.21 Fern.lea 684 167 6.52 1.31 0.32 0.30

Pcnona 3015 2900 :;8.49 28.19 1.66 . 0.81 M.lea 47.49 4760 4664 47.14 0.8S 0.46 Femll" 8.75 635 6.10 511 2.65 1.24

UrIou! Pcraona 32.35 3194 32.20 31.75 0.15 0.19 Mal" 5308 51.97 52.93 - Sl7t- OJ5 0.11 Fem.lca 669 782 655 7.63 0.14 0.19

6 UJCSllADWEBP TOIIl PenON 24.39 26.19 1975 23.76 464 2.43 Malea 39.24 4386 3356 40.62- 5.61 3.24 Femalea 9.16 1.48 5.58 HI 3.58 1.57

Penons 25.25 25.14 18.89 21.70 6.36 3.44 Malea 3901 42.63 3123 37.35 7.7. 5.28 Fc:maler 11.29 694 6.36 5.41 4.93 1.53

Persona 23.39 27.01 2074 25.36 165 1.65 Ma1ea 39.50 44.19 3624 43.10 3.26 1.69 Fem.lea 6.65 191 465 6.JI 100 1.60

7 l'ONDICHERRY TalIl Persona 30.41 33.16 28.66 32.35 1.75 0.11 M.lea 41.0' S047 46.02 49.8. 1.06 0J9 nm.lea 13.41 IS.48 11.03 14.44 2.45 1.04

Runl Pcnona 34.09 3• .4S :51.63 37.12 2.46 1.33 Mila 49.71 S3J3 ....50 5262 1.21 0.71 Fcrna1ea 11.10 2111 14.36 21.14 3.74 1.97

Utban Pmana 21.05 30.19 25.95 29.67 1.10 0.52 Malea 44.67 4186 43.74 48.34 0.93 0.52 Fcrna1ea 9.30 11.23 1.02 10.71 1.28 0.52


PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS AS CULTIVATORS; AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY WORKERS AND OTHER WORKERS IN STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES I!Y RESIDENCE AND SEX, 1981·1991 I'8n:aup of taW maiD woO:lII HouodIaId ,__ lodllllrJ Other TCIIl Cullivatam tcu Wadan Wc:d:_ SL ~ar ltDnl M&leI No. UaiaIa TtaiIarJ thIIIII ~ 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 19It 1991 ; 2 4 5 6 1 .' 9 10 II 12 INDIA· TCIIaI ,__ U.51 31.75 24.94 26.1.5 3.47 3.63 30.01 31.41 Mal. 13.70 40.01 19.56 20.90 :'-18 3.33 33.56 35,76 FcaWeI 33.20 34.55 4411 43.56 4.59 4.63 16.03 17.26

,__ 51.10 4B.4' lUI 3t.TI 3.1lI 3.1lI 15.94 16.6S Mala '5.16 51,79 24.00 26.11 2.17 2.14 t1!n 19.26 .._.. n.en 31.9' 5C1.2O 41.94 3.19 3.16 8.94 9,32

thIIIII Pe.- S.13 4.99 6.115 U6 4.94 5.57 83.88 127. .... S.20 4.90 .u6 '.35 4.21 482 85.93 84.93 ~ 4.66 5.54 16.57 14.89 10.41 10,30 63.29 69I1

INDIA TCIIl ,__ 41.45 38.43 lS.ll 26.49 3,45 3.66 29.98 31.42 (Eadudiq Aa.a IJIII Mala 43.58 39.72 19.71 21.11 3.17 337 33.54 3580 JIUIIIIII .t Xuhaur) Fcmalts 33.09 34.15 46.34 44.l9 4,S; 4.62 16.00 16.94

lbual PenanI 50.95 41.22 30.09 3229 3,07 3.10 15.89 16.39 Mala! S5.03 51.61 24.19 26.48 2.86 2.87 1192 1904 FauJa 36.94 38.51 50,36 41.13 3.n 3.75 8.93' 814

Urble ,._ 5.11 5.00 6.01 6.71 4,91 S.59 83.90 8270 MaIeI 5.17 492 4.61 HO 4.18 4.83 85.97 84,15 PaIIIIa 4.63 5.54 16.65 1!I.OO 10.44 10.30 6S.2I 69.16 STATES

1 ANDHllA .PRADESH TIlCIl PerIcu 32.74 27.76 36.19 40.76 4.70 S.04 2S.n :6.44 Mala 36.86 30,(6 26.51 3O.SS 4.s0 442 32.13 3438 FaD.. 23.79 22.39 "07 '9.66 5.14 620 IZ.OO 11 75

Pa.... 31.39 33.41 41.01 47.3. 4.49 4.66 !S.1I 14j4 MaID 4501 39.07 31.46 37.29 4.52 4.29 1894 19,35 Fcmaloa 25.11 24.5S 62.02 63.%3 4.44 5.24 7.83 6.98

Urble PoaonI 4.'70 3.41 IM7 11.44 S.1S 6.69 7&68 71,9 Mala 4.'79 3.55 7.22 1.89 4.44 483 13.55 82.73 PcauleI 4.14 3.11 21.97 77." 12.25 14.74 ~4S4 54.20

2 AllUNACiAL PRADESH TIlCIl hnca 71.16 61.06 2.49 490 0,32 064 25 93 3340 Mala 51.22 47.69 2.'79 4.12 0,43 0.67 38.56 46.12 Fcmak& 9169 .399 1.99 5.03 OJ3 O.sa 5.19 lo.oCO

PI:nonI 75.04 67.46 2.S7 S 31 024 0.61 22.15 26.62 MIJeI 6190 5417 2.!13 541 032 065 33.8~ 390'7 FcmaIa 93.71 16.19 2.02 S.14 nu 0.54 4.16 743

Urble PI:nonI S.4S ,.46 1.10 1.33 1.61 0.19 91.n 9132 Mala 3.04 3.19 1.13 I.lS 1." 0.7S 94.10 9491 FcmaIa 25.91 11.22 0.71 2.34 1.34 1.61 71.97 n76

3 ASSAM TIlCIl PI:nonI NA 51.24 NA 11.U NA 2.51 NA :!~J6 Mala NA 51.20 NA 11.72 NA 1.90 NA )01118 Fan.. NA 51.41 NA 1349 NA 466 NA 3044

hnon. NA 5686 NA 14.11 NA 2.29 SA 26.67 Mala NA 51.71 NAo 14.22 NA 1.66 SA 26.40 PemalCl NA 5402 NA 14.07 NA 4.36 NA Z7.!1~

Urbu hnon. NA 409 NA 101 NA 4,30 NA 89.53 Mala NA 3.SS NA 1.90 NA 359 NA 9'l66 I'emaIeI NA 5.91 NA 3.51 NA 99\.1 NA 3061

·ThepropcxuCIIII forlh.19&1 C..... culI>rle Alum ~1ho 1981 CCIlIUI c:oW.clllO'o be b


Pettenlage of lOW mam ...OIken

Household A[tDculwnl lnousuy Other ToW Pawons CulIlVllOtI LabourerS W= WOIXCS Sl lndialState or Runl Mala No. UlUon Tcmtory Uxbon F_llaI 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 2 4 S 6 7 9 10 11 12

4 BIlIAR ToW PawaIII 43.57 4341 35.50 37.21 2.38 2.69 18.55 16.69 MaIeI 46.71 45.81 30.65 33.02 2.32 2.66 20.32 18.51 Fanal.es 25.54 31.54 63.33 57.92 2.76 2.86 8.37 761

~ 41.95 47.66 3&.71 40.39 1..28 2Zl 1l.06 9.61 MaIeI 51.92 5082 33.69 36.13 2.21 2.21 12.18 10.84 Fcmalea 26.13 33.05 65.61 60.12 262 2.56 5.04 -IZ1

UJbon Pcnons 1.54 9.23 9.10 11.57 3.29 609 80.0'7 73.11 Ma1ea 7.78 9.37 7.98 10.39 3.14 5.94 81.10 74.30 ~ 4.54 7.83 23.17 23.31 5.15 7.62 67.14 61.2.4

5 GOA ToW Paona IUS 14.77 9.12 9.20 3.36 3.38 68.07 72.65 M.aA 15.88 12.28 7.00 666 343 338 73.69 17.61 Females 27.61 22.18 1849 16.75 3.1S 3.3& 50.75 57.69

Rural PawaIII 2621 22.38 13.56 13.22 381 365 56.42 60.75 ~Wea 23.20 19.39 10.02 US 3.98 3.71 6280 67.05 Females 34.24 30.04 23.Cl 21.8-1 3.33 348 3942 44.6+

UIb.:t hrscmt 3.17 3.74 2.29 3.36 2.46 3.01 9145 89.89 !oWes 2.69 2.92 1.57 245 241 2.96 93.33 9l.67 Fanales 8.40 6.16 540 6.82 2.64 3.1S 83.56 83.14

6 QUJARAT ToW Paions 37.46 33.46 22.66 2298 2.43 2.18 37.45 41.38 !oWes 3894 ~.12 J7.59 17.6:! 243 2.09 41.04 46.11 Females 3002 3084 48.0B 44.3~ 2.48 2.55 19.42 22.23

Run! .Pasons 50.34 46.10 lU2 30.68 2.31 1.99 17.73 21.23 ~Wes 54.1S 49.49 23.72 24.57 2.43 2.05 19.70 23.S9 Fem&la 34.61 354. .539B 49.84 1.&2 1.79 9.59 12.9

Urban Pezsoos 398 3.43 -4.53 4.66 2.75 2.63 1&.74 19.28 loWes 3.9S 3.n 3.48 3.69 2.41 2.16 90.16 90.83 Females 4.33 4.39 15.09 13.31 6.16 6.86 74.42 75.44

7 HARYANA ToW Pc:noa.s 44.67 39.38 16.11 19.53 2.81 2.99 36.41 3UO Mal .. 44.29 38.44 15.62 18.89 2.&4 3.08 37.25 39.59 Fem&lcs 49.26 47.2J 22.00 24.S! 2.42 2.23 26.32 2S.6S

Rural P.::sans .55.10 50.63 19.68 24.16 2.57 2.3~ 2t.9S 22.&1 Males 55.41 49.71 19.15 23.52 2.61 2.41 %2.76 )1;.29 Fana1es .59.39 57.17 25.72 29.04 2.09 1.71 12.80 12.08

Urban ,__ 5." ,.22 3.68 5.43 3.62 4.99 16.82 14.36 Malea 5.99 ~.32 3.56 S~ 3.60 5.03 B6.SS 84.29 f:m&lcs 4.23 4.06 5.49 6.3: 3.89 4.51 86.39 15.10

S 11IMACIW. PRADESH ToW Pen_ 68.OS 65.19 2.72 3.52 1.84 2.14 27.36 29.JS )1&1", 60.19 S6.4') 3.10 406 2.~4 2.62 3447 36.&3 Fc:rculea 89.57 $6.43 1.71 2.21 O.7'!- 0.97 7.99 10.39

Pasoas 73.14 70.76 2.86 3.72 l.1l 2tn 22.18 23.45 lW.. 65.66 6134 330 436 2.216 2.S7 28.78 3073 FcmaIea 92.35 90." 1.14 2.25 069 ~"1 5.22 6.73

Utbul Pcnons ,.is 5.50 HIS )\ll 2W 2.% 90.17 %17 Males 5.19 486 10'7 1.33 UZ 3.11 91.n 9065 Females 13'0 Q.OO 0.. ' IJZ 1.84 2.14 8410 S754

163 ANNEXURE X-contd.


Pacau.ege of total mollll workers Household Agnculnual Industry Olhcr 'Jocal .PasonI CulIIvatcn Labowers Workers Wnaers Sl. IndiaJSlaltcr Rural Males No. Umm Taritary Urban Females 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 !991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 KARNATAXA Tc:Ml Persons 38.25 34.36 26.78 28 75 410 281 30.87 3408 Males 4283 37.82 19.01 20.32 328 273 3488 3913 Females 24.7S 26.01 49.72 4906 6.51 301 19.1)2 :192

PInona 47.81 43.99 32.37 3571 353 235 1629 1795 Males 55.32 50.83 2362 26.22 283 248 18.23 2047 Females 28.36 30.04 5504 55.09 532 209 11 28 1:'78

Urban Pcrson.s 7.18 5.36 8,(;0 8.16 5.96 417 78.26 81.81 Matea 7.54 6.02 6.02 5.87 455 3.33 8! 89 ~78 Females 5.43 521 2125 17.99 1291 7,77 60.41 6903

10 KERALA Tc:Ml Penoas 13.07 12.38 28.23 25.66 369 3.92 55.01 5804 Malea 15.67 1438 23.32 2261 2.42 2.77 58.59 SG.Z4 Females 4.95 5.74 43.55 35.76 764 7,76 43,86 ~074

Pasons 1531 IS29 32.46 30.77 386 3,76 48.37 5018 Ma1ea 18.62 18.01 2708 2730 2.4S 2.61 Sl8S 52.08 Femalcs 5.53 6,70 408 4i.74 802 7.39 3807 .u 17

Urban Pemms 2.44 400 825 109S 289 439 8642 8066 Malea 270 438 6.79 967 221 318 8822 82.77 Fc:males 1.41 2.56 14.21 1580 5,36 9.00 7902 72.64

11 MADHYA PRADESH TOIal Persona 51.96 51.87 24.24 23.50 3,52 3,08 20.28 21.55 Males 53.81 S2.2S 1781 17.70 336 2.95 25.02 2710 Fc:malc:a 47,21 5098 40.61 37.33 3.93 340 818 l.29

Penoas 59,95 61.20 2745 27.00 3.04 2.54 9.56 9.26 Ma1cs 64,23 64,2,4 20.82 21.13 293 2.52 1197 12.11 Fanalc:a 50.34 54.92 42.34 39.11 3.19 2.51 4.13 3.39

Urban Persona 736 8.39 630 7.12 6,18 5.62 80.16 7887 Males 720 1.05 436 5.06 5.07 454 8337 82.35 Femalc:a 8.41 10,37 18.63 19.01 1329 11.84 5967 587S

12 MAHARASHfRA Tcu1 Persons 35.12 3281 26.63 26.91 2.55 307 35.70 37.21 Males 33.68 29,85 18.51 18.75 2.62 3.27 45.19 4U3 Females 38.48 38.87 4561 43.59 2.40 2.65 13.51 1489

Runl 'Pe:sons 47.86 46.33 35.14 3610 2.22 2.40 1478 1447 Ma1es 50.36 47.35 26.72 28.68 244 283 2048 21.14 Females 43.53 44.85 4977 4863 1.82 178 488 474

Urban Pcsons 2.89 291 5.10 5.05 3,41 4.54 8860 [17.50 Males 2.79 2.65 328 3.33 294 3,95 9099 9007 Fcmiles 3.59 4.30 16.86 14.41 6,45 7.69 7310 73.150

13 MANIPUR Tcu1 PcraoN 63.60 57.10 4,99 928 9.68 709 21.73 26.53 Malea 63.96 S6.19 3.31 6.73 2.01 2.92 30.72 3416 Femalea 6310 58.40 7.29 12.89 20.17 12.98 944 15.73

Rural Persons 72.02 64.78 4,90 9.19 8.41 6.10 1467 1993 Mal.,. 73.44 63.97 3.08 6,18 1,37 2,15 2211 27.00 Fc:molea 7023 65.IS 7.21 12.27 1730 "i 1.35 S~ IO.S3

Urban Persons 31.80 31.07 S.32 9.sa 1449 10.42 4839 4' 93 Mala 3325 3255 4,05 6.IT 4.10 S26 58.60 55.92 Fan.1"" 29.09 28.47 7.69 lS.4O 3383 1949 2939 36.64

164 ANNEXURE X-contd.


PacoaIIaIC of lOW I11&III warli:cn HOIIIChoId AlDcullunl IDcWIIry OIher TIUl ~ CWuv_ Las...- W"'_' Waricn SL hldialSLI\t at Run1' MaleI No. UnicmTanlDr)' Urban Faa.- 1911 1991 1981 1991 1911 1991 1981 1991 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12

I" MEGHALAYA TIUl ,._ 62.56 5633 9.9. 13.33 0.14 1.00 26.62 2942 MaIeI 57.13 50.76 9.42 115. 074 1.01 32.01 3565 Fauaa 7OA9 64.61 1091 14.47 1.01 0.97 17..59 1995

Run] PaIGIII 71.10 64.64 11.12 14.99 0.72 0.17 16.36 19..50 MaI8I 61.12 60.44 10.13 14..5. 0..51 0." 19.77 )1.10 Fcm.IM 7634 'JO.41 11.55 15..56 0.93 0.16 11.1& 13.11

Urilul ~ 3.00 1'1 2.63 2.9'l 1.60 1.76 92.77 91JI MU.. 2.29 171 2.31 167 1.51 1.67 9119 92.95 "-alIa .5 .• s:n 3.73 3~' 1.19 1.91 19.02 11.62

IS MIZORAM TIUl ,__ 70.63 60.19 2.49 3.73 G.I.5 1.25 26.03 :M.ll MIla 61.31 '139 2.(jJ' 3.96 0.74 U4 3.5.21 42.21 Fernalcl 86.31 73.13 2.16 3.31 1.0.5 1.15 lGAI 11.54

Pcnans 12.16 10." 1.32 2.%7 044 0.57 15.31 lUI MalcI 7.5.04 72.99 1.42 2.54 0.46 0.66 23.Oi 23.11 F.naICo 94.70 92.11 1.17 1.90 0.<40 0.43 3.73 5.56

UrbuI PaIGIII 2G.S3 32.13 7.26 S.7I 2..56 2.19 419." 59.20 Mal .. 15.69 26.71 6.17 .5.76 1.61 1.96 7~.76 6.530 FGftalcI 34.16 4112 I .• 5.11 5.0.5 2.61 .52.43 47.7.5

16 NAGALM'D Tala! Pasans 71.21 61.13 0.11 4.73 0., 1.51 26..51 1s.s3 MUea .57.01 .57.14 1.15 4.49 0.4.5 1.42 41.39 36.1S FmWcI 93.92 12.11 0.32 5.en 0.33 1.65 5.43 1047

PaIana 1074 77.11 0.71 .5.22 0.22 1.40 1126 16.20 M.Ja 61.95 69.16 tl9 5.16 0.22 1.36 3Q.64 2.4.32 Fauaa 96.32 l7.n O.ll 5.2t 0.23 1.46 3.17 6.14

tJIbuI ,._ 5.97 17.12 1.01 1.97 2.13 91.27 71.08 MaIeI 3.23 11.16 0.97 1.69 1."1.54 1.61 94.26 1.547 FenUea 25.34- 3lA3 1.34 2.14 3.11 3..56 70.14 55.17

17 OlUSSA Tala! ,._ 46.94 44.11 27.76 2US 3.30 3.47 22.00 2:).47 M.- 51.27 41.35 22." 22.96 2.14 3.112 23.24 2567 JWnalea lAJO 26.03 S4.2A .54.73 5.69 5.42 15.57 1382

Pa.oaa S1.71 49.30 30.14 31.64 3.26 3.47 1~12 1s.59 Mala 56.91 S4J2 24.70 25.37 2.79 3.01 15.60 17.10 fcma1Cl 26.26 27.77 57.21 57.50 5.60 5.S1 10.93 9.36

UIbIn ,__ 7.01 6.44 1.20 1.19 3.64 3.41 11.01 '1.96 MIla 7.49 6.75 6.70 6.70 3.23 3.en 12..51 114. fanI1ca 4.02 4.03 19.4S 19.72 6.72 6.01 69.11 7Q.2.4

11 PUNJAB Taul PtnonI 35.16 32.83 22.17 23.31 2..58 2.93 39.39 40.93 Mala 36.99 3389 22.05 23.41 2..., 2.73 38.47 39.97 Fernala S.9O 17.71 2S.29 21.90 4.16 5.75 63.95 S4.64

,__ 47.73 45.10 2IJ1 30.53 2.2'J 2.Of 21.48 12.U Mala 48.11 46.11 21.12 30.,,:- 2.17 1.93 20.90 21.64 Fcmala 9.72 ·.... -rn 42..59 34,Of S.72 4.10 41.97 3108

UJbIn Pasona 5.09 4.29 5.69 6.50 3.39 4.19 85.83 s.:.32 Mila 5.l3 445 ,.~ 6.74 3.36 4.61 85.52 14.13 Fanala 1.21 2..59 4.09 3.99 3.10 7.14 90.90 86.28

165 ANNEXURE X-confd.


Percentage ot tat.tl main .....rers HousdIold Agncultutal Industry OIher TOIal PaRas CulIiVlICIS Labourers WOlken WOlken $1. l.nc!WSUIe or RIlnl Mab No. Unian TemlQly un- Fan.. 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 .

19 RAJASTHAN Total PaRas 61.59 59.1S· 7.32 10.13 3.26 2.84 27.&3 MalcII 60.70 56.73 5.89 8.06 3.33 2.98 30.08 FcaItlcI 66.75 68.9% 15.67 18.33 2.82 US 14.76 i- l'moaI 73.13 71.47 8.36 11.67 2.74 2.11 IS.77 14.75 Md. 73.31 70.67 6.77 9.41 2.88 2.30 17.03 17.52 FaPtlca 72.13 74.17 16.60 19.37 2.02 1.48 9.25 4.98

UIbon Pasooa 10.15 8.95 2.71 :l.SI S.S7 5.80 81.57 81.44 Males 9.5S 7.96 2.34 334 S.17 5.39 82.94 83.31 FanaIa 17.19 18.22 7.04 8.24 10.23 9.71 65.54 6183

20 SIKXIM Total. Pasooa 6Q.I0 S8.22 3.31 8.01 1.08 1.7S 35.51 31m Males 50.16 51.94 3.44 8.13 1.25 1.94 45.15 37.99 Fcmala 79.52 70.18 3.06 7.78 0.74 1.37 16.68 10.67

res- 69.96 63.45 3.77 867 0.81 1.52 15.46 26.36 MalcI 61.12 '7.72 4.11 1.98 0.9S 1.64 33.69 31.66 faIWe& 84.13 73.76 3.2t 8.t3 0.51 1.31 11.45 16.80

Ulban ra- 1.16 0.36 0.57 0.65 2.68 4.26 95.59 94.73 MaIm 1.07 0.34 0.52 0.59 2.42 4.68 95.99 94.39 FouIaI 1.69 0.43 0.85 090 4.14 2.62 93.32 96.05

21 TAMlLNADU TOIal ~ 29.12 24.94 31.73 34.16 4.72 4.66 34.33 36.2A ~ JU5 26.59 23.24 25.98 4.10 3.... 40.91 43.59 FIaIat. 12.75 21.33 53.43 52.02 6.30 6.44 17.51 20.21

Run! ~ 31.28 33.06 40.27 44.52 3.81 4.G4 17.64 1138 Mal. 4182 37.82 30.95 35.89 3.54 3.41 21.69 22.88 ~ 26.SO 24.63 60.07 5980 4.40 5.14 9.03 10.43

Uxbm ra- 3.83 4.IS 7.80 7.59 7.11 U4 BUO r102 Mala 3.97 3.81 5.53 5.!5 SAO +.71 BS.JO 85.63 ,__ 3.16 5.57 18.73 14.84 16.23 '12.63 61.13 66.96

22 TRIPURA TOIal ,._ 43.29 38.04 24.00 23..53 1.44 1.9' 31.27 36.41 !oW. 44.15 38.12 22.62 22.02 1.26 1.75 31.97 31.11 ~ 3U7 37.66 32.07 30.70 145 2.91 11.21 28.13

RUAl ,._ 47.71 44.09 26.29 26.65 1.45 1.90 24.55 27.36 .... 41.59 44.29 24.71 24.90 1.26 1.6& 25.44 29.13 ,.... 42.56 43.12 35.53 34.78 2.S5 2.97 19.36 l!H!

UdIIa ,.._ 3.21 3.73 3.31 s:n 1.30 2.21 92.18 88.28 ,... 3.70 4.24 3.62 623 1.~4 2.17 91.44 S7J6 ,__ 0.47 0.82 1.54 3.19 1.62 2.49 96.37 93-1l

23 LTli\R PItAD£SH r .. ,__ .51.S2 52.84 15.98 1923 3.10 4.38 21.80 23.5S t,~. S9.53 53.31 14.16 1~86 3j6 4.21) 22.75 25.13 ...... 47.13 46.38 35.23 35.13 S.21 5.59 11.73 12.90 ,._ 68.41 62.63 17.91 21.85 la3 3.17 10.85 11" ~ 70.06 64.48 15.83 191~ 2.73 303 11.38 1333 fe.uIea 52.42 St.31 38.03 38.27 3.75 4.00 5.80 6.42 Uzbut "- 1.75 8.02 6.26 7.23 8.11 9.92 iU8 7.;83 !oW. 8.94 8.13 6.10 7.04 7.54 9.lS 77.42 1S.~ fGmla 5.10 6.11 9.22 9S2 lUI 18.54 66.87 6SJl

166 ANNEXURE X-contd.


~Llgc oi toLil m.m work ....

Household A~ncultu,.l Incustry (lo.her Tcl.a1 P=ons CulUVllo:S Lioou:en Wr:JU.crs Worli:crs 51. lnd .. /SLitc or Rural Malea No t.:mon TcmlOl"j t.:roan remalea 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 1991 1981 199:

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

24 WESTBEI'\GAL TcI.al Penons 2976 2842 25.23 24.53 3.52 498 4149 42.07 ~lcs 3140 1O 16 2369 22.64 309 391 4182 4~ 29 Femal~ 1467 16.53 3943 37.50 7.50 12.24 3840 33n

Rural Persons 40.20 37.95 33.58 3217 355 488 22.67 2500 Mal.,. 42.87 40 S4 317Q 3000 302 365 2232 25 51 FClnaies 18.09 20.22 4844 4547 790 12.45 25.57 21.&6

umon Peno~.s l.(iO 1.98 271 3.:14 345 5.25 92.24 8H3 Malea t.6S 2.06 2.65 3.24 3.25 4.62 92.45 9O.C~ Females 1.01 119 345 4.39 592 11.35 8962 83 Oi

l'lOS TtRRrrORl£S

A~l)AMA),; &. ~lCOBAR Total Persons 1639 16.18 373 5~ 291 689 7697 71~7 ISLANDS loWes 1667 1630 383 568 245 5.73 7705 72.29 FemaleS 1240 IS 32 2.25 3.74 956 15.70 7579 6S 24

Rural P=cms 22.S0 ::.2.52 5.\3 7.50 3.&0 9.19 6&.21 6O.H Mal .. 2305 22.65 S.1.' 1.80 3.1S 7.56 68.56 61.99 Females 18.93 21.54 3.37 S.23 1400 2169 63.70 SI54

lJrban Penons 0.24 026 019 0.32 066 1.11 9891 9S.31 M.les 0.25 027 0.19 0.:14 062 1.11 9594 9SU Females 007 020 014 0.13 1.19 113 98.60 98.54

2 a IA!\l)IGARl I Total Penons 1.38 103 0.55 071 0.59 094 9748 97.32 Mal .. LSS 117 0.56 0.:6 057 0.88 91.32 9719 Femal~ OOS 0.11 041 o.r; 082 1.32 9&.69 98.20

Rural l'enons 1393 S6& 418 290 1Z7 0.58 S0.02 90s.: Males 1443 519 4.37 2.83 129 054 19.91 9074 Females 027 1.56 IS 98 42S 083 11.4 82.92 92.n

Urban P=cms 0.49 038 025 0.:0 OS5 0.99 98.11 98.23 MIJCI O.sS 043 O.!7 O~3 0.51 0.94 98.61 98 ZO Females 0.07 004 {lOS 019 082 1.32 99.03 9S~5

3- DADRA &. MGAR TcI.al P<:tsons 61.18 5943 IOS5 10.57 080 0.36 26.57 296-: lL-WElJ Males 56.40 5143 US 823 090 0.44 33.82 3990 FemalCI 73.43 7446 15.12 1499 OS9 0.21 10.86 10.3-:

Run! P=sons 64.01 6309 11 Z6 11.21 073 0.31 24.00 2S ~o Mil. 58.91 55.69 9.32 S8~ 082 0.38 3089 3505 Females 74.67 76.22 IS 35 1S.33 0.56 0.19 9.42 8.26

t;rban Pasons 25.96 !412 4~ 2.77 182 097 67.93 82.!4 MIlC5 19.58 1020 249 1.0..: 1.96 1.02 7S.97 S6~ Fom.tIes 46.43 )j 6S 100) lise 1.36 0.72 4218 6113

4 DA~l'-1\; & Dn: TcI.al Pe:sons 19.78 1040 866 3.71 4.17 166 67.39 s.:.23 Mil. 20.04 9 S8 ~ 0: 2,:<) H1 1.59 70.51 861, Fanalu 18.18 l:JQ 15:6 0:..3 660 1.95 56.16 76Z3

Pcnons 29.17 1763 1!67 5.Q) 5.17 1.40 52.99 7~ lL: Mil. 3012 1672 8.83 4.05 4.17 US 56.8S 77.~S Females 26.01 21A2 2' 32 13:5 843 1.64 4018 63 :Q

UrbIn Pasons 2.49 1.11 1 ZS O~> ~.33 1.98 9}ClO 9~ 03 ~Wes 2.20 1.24 (177 031 2'!3 L89 114 SO ?656 Females 3.64 1.10 1 ~I HI 271 136 0(l34 Q3~t)


Percentage of toul main w~r:kc:o-s Household Agricultuxal InClUUY OIher Taul Persons CuI1ivatots uboure~ Wcaen Worlcen Sl. lndia/Sule or Runl Males 1'\0. Croon Tc::rntory Uroan Females 1981 1991 1931 1991 19S1 1991 1981 1991 2 3 4 5 6 '] 8 9 10 ;1 12

5 DEUU Taul Persons 1.75 1.28 0.81 0.1n 169 4.25 95.75 93.60 Males 1.78 1.29 on 0.85 169 4.34 95.76 93.5. Females 1.44 1.18 1.25 1.02 1.6& 351- 95.63 94.21

Run! Persons 21.43 9.69 881 639 1.67 442 68.08 7950 Males 21.75 9.50 8.32 6.!O L6S 4,31 68.28 80.03

Females 18.43 11.84 I'j~. ~~ 966 1.82 49S 6623 7355

Urban Persons 0.39 044 0.26 031 169 4,23 9766 95.01 Males 0.41 0.45 025 0.31 169 433 9765 9491 Femll~ 0.2! 0.39 035 038 167 3.41 97.77 95.82

6 LAKSHADWEEP Twl Persons 1369 5.09 86.31 94.91 Males 8,09 372 91.91 96.23 Fc:nale:s 48.29 15.03 5171 84.97

Rural Pcr

Urban Penoru 549 619 94.51 9381 Males 256 400 97.44 9600 Females 2918 2226 70.&2 7714 I • PO~'DICllf.R.R y ToLl! Persons 914 684 31.47 29.44 2.32 2.30 57.07 61.42 ~Illcs 1058 7.75 25.64 23.72 2.02 1.99 6176 ~.54 Females 3.07 3.6S 56.16 4960 3.56 3.40 37.21 43.35

Rural PCI'IOlIS 14.79 11.81 51.47 56.20 1.57 167 32.17 3032 Malc:3 17.86 14.18 43.58 47.60 1.43 1.56 3713 3666 Females 4.18 5.73 78.76 78.27 2.06 1.94 1500. 1406

Urban Penons 2.36 335 9.22 10.64 315 275 8477 &326 Males 3.1S 3.79 _ 7.34 9.03 263 2.25 86.88 &4 93 Females 1.28 1.36 19.56 18.04 599 501 73.17 7559
