Ingham County News
The l'ngham ·county Christian r·lnrn·h~H cverywhcr·o rcnuh tho pcnl< of their rlovot lonH Ihis WPCI(, Ninety-Fifth Year; No. 15 Mason, Michigan~ Thursday, April15, 1954 ' Jn MaHon thn '' l'rotnstant d111rchcs hnvo ar·r·nng'cd com· . munlty Muundy 'l'lim:;duy, Good J•'nrluy unrl l~nster sunrise HCrYiPUS, Polio Vaccine News Index On 'fllursday night at the l'r·esby tcrlan clntrc·h n t 7:,15 Want ads, Pages 6, 7 und 8, cnmmunlrm will be hC!'VPrl to nil WIJO wish to pirrtnlw. The Pnrt 1, l'rcshytcrlun t'ludr· Will provlrh! ttw muslr·. !lev, rtoy Mumnu Social news, Pnges 4 nnd 5, Will Be Given Part. l ; Page 7, Part 2, , Council Purchases or tho Church o[ the Nawn•ne will Hpt>al< on "'J'IH! Ht'CfHI" and Church news, Pages 1 and !lev, Haymond L, Norton of tho ,Mcthodl!il church on "'J'hc 5, Part 2, Cup." As Scheduled Legal notices, Page 2, Part Union Good l•'t•irlay SCJ'Yif'!·H will hP. lwld in till' Mr!lhmllsl 1; Page 3, Part 2; Page 2, r:hur·ch J•'riday alternunn from l :00 to 2:•1!3. Choirs of all '' Ingham will J::O ahead with l'nr1 .3; Pages 4 and 6, Part 4. pt·evious piuns fm· coopm·at ion Old Waggoner l'mtestant r:hurdws will ,ioln In tlw music. Paolors will shnrc Lcttcrli to editor, Page 1, Pit Jn jJI'l'HP.Iltat irJJI tJf tJH' llH'HHIIg'P. in the national polio vaccine Part 3, '!'he Mason J(iwauls !'lllh IH h)Jnnsm·Jng the Enster sunrl1;e fli'Ogram, 'l'lle tests will begin I~dllorlals, Pag'c 1, Part 4, sr!rvkes, wlih:h wi:l be held in IIH• grandstand 111 the fair· Tuesday, Arwll 27, the slart Pnrm news, Pag'es !'!, 3 and gr·ouJHiii al 7 Sunday mor·nlng.
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