Parish Newsletter Issue 106 January 2020 Photography Darren by Harbar

Inside this issue £500,000 National Lottery grant for Parish Council news …. Pg 5

community archaeology project Vicar’s Voice ..…...... Pg 6-7 Raising funds for The A National Lottery Beehive ………...…….…...Pg 9 Heritage Fund grant has been Consumer Corner …….Pg 13 awarded to 1st Rendlesham Scouts Suffolk County ………………….. …….…... Pg 17 Council Preschool makeover Archaeological …………………….………… Pg 30 Service (SCCAS) Christmas treat for the to fund a large, goats …………………….. Pg 36 community archaeological Noces & Events …….Pg 37 project to uncover Diary dates …….….….. Pg 39 the hidden archaeology in February the Deben valley in south-east Deadline Suffolk. 10 January

Suffolk County [email protected] Council

Read the full story on Page 3

© Rendlesham © Council Parish Santa stops off to switch on the lights

Taking time out of his very busy schedule, Santa took time out to pop into Rendlesham to switch on the Christmas lights in the village square and wish everyone a very merry Christmas.

With mince pies and hot punch it was great to see so many people turn out to celebrate the start of the Christmas fesitivities.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped before, during and after the event .

Rendlesham Parish Council Photo: Santa’s Grotto Grotto Photo: Santa’s

Rendlesham Parish Council @ RendleshamPC Page 2 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Rendlesham Rendlesham Parish Newsletter Parish Newsletter Advertising Rates for adverts placed from 1 April 2012 CONTACTunch Advertisement For One For 3 For 6 For one EDITOR - Parish Clerk Size Month months months full Year Heather Heelis 01394 420207 E: [email protected] Business Card £8.00 £21.00 £32.00 £48.00

Views expressed in the Rendlesham Parish Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Parish Council or of other contributing 1/8(eighth) Page £13.00 £32.50 £52.00 £78.00 groups. The publication of content in the Rendlesham Parish Newsletter is at the sole ¼ (quarter) Page £23.00 £57.50 £92.00 £138.00 discretion of the Parish Council. The Rendlesham Parish Newsletter does not endorse the accuracy or reliability of any ½ (half) Page £42.50 £106.25 £170.00 £255.00 article or advertising within the newsletter.

Whole Page £78.50 £196.25 £314.00 £470.00

Swann’s Nursery, Road, , Woodbridge 01394 460127

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Facebook pages/Rendlesham- Parish- Council/1505049463097 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 3 Suffolk’s Anglo-Saxon past to be revealed with £500,000 National Lottery grant for community archaeology project

A National Lottery Heritage Fund grant has been awarded to Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service (SCCAS) to fund a large, community archaeological project to uncover the hidden archaeology in the Deben valley in south-east Suffolk.

Rendlesham Revealed: Anglo-Saxon Life in South- East Suffolk will connect the unique stories of the princely burials of Sutton Hoo and the site of the royal palace at Rendlesham. This will put them into © Suffolk County Council the context of the wider Anglo-Saxon communities Beads: Necklace beads, one gold, one gold with and landscapes of which they were part. garnets, both would have been worn by very wealthy women in the 7th century Made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, the £517,300 grant will unlock at least a further £200,000 in match funding from local and said: national partners, universities and volunteers. This “The support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund match funding includes smaller cash grants will allow the people of Suffolk to investigate, generously given by Institute of Archaeology at understand and protect fragile archaeology of University College London, the Suffolk Institute of international importance. Setting Rendlesham and Archaeology and History, The Sutton Hoo Society Sutton Hoo in their wider landscape promises new and Council of British Archaeology East. This understandings of the early East Anglian kingdom, project has also been made possible by the kind its people and its rulers, and the wider English and support of local landowners. North Sea worlds of which they were a part.”

Local people will be a vital part of this four-year Anne Jenkins, Director of , Midlands & East community archaeology project. SCCAS and their at The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “We’re partners will directly engage local residents, very pleased to be supporting Rendlesham schools, young people and volunteers from south- Revealed: Anglo-Saxon Life in South-East Suffolk east Suffolk and . and that the local community will get the chance to get really hands-on with the hidden heritage of the Supported through The National Lottery Heritage Deben Valley. Community projects are at the heart Fund, there will be a range of opportunities for local of our funding and we hope that many volunteers people to volunteer and be trained in on-site will turn up some fascinating finds on their archaeological survey and excavation, as well as archaeological endeavours.” taking part in hands-on experimental archaeology events, specialist and family workshops, guided Rendlesham Revealed will follow on from a pilot walks and exhibitions. These activities will take project, conducted in 2008-2017, of systematic place in south-east Suffolk and Ipswich from survey and small-scale excavation co-ordinated by summer 2020-2023. SCCAS at Rendlesham. This uncovered evidence of the Anglo-Saxon royal settlement, first recorded Commenting on the award, Councillor Richard Rout, by Bede in the 8th Century, where the East Anglian Suffolk County Council Cabinet Member for kings would have stayed, feasted their followers, Environment and Public Protection, said: administered justice, and collected dues and tribute. “This is excellent news and I am thrilled that the The National Lottery Heritage Fund grant enables National Lottery Heritage Fund has chosen to these investigations to be continued. support Rendlesham Revealed. It is an exciting opportunity to work with new partners and to bring Events, workshops and volunteer opportunities will professionals and communities together. This be widely advertised, follow @SCCArchaeology on project will leave a lasting legacy for heritage and Twitter, Instagram and the people of Suffolk and will boost the profile of our @SCCArchaeologicalService on Facebook to keep county.” up-to-date.

Professor Christopher Scull (Honorary Visiting Professor at University College London and University of Cardiff), the project’s academic lead, Page 4 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

Parish Responsibilities on the Council COMMUNITY COPY SHOP Councillor To be confirmed at the first at the Parish Office meeting of the new Council

Mike Chairman Service Charges Stevenson Personnel Committee, Finance & Asset Committee A4 B/W 10p Ex-officio on all other Committees A3 B/W 20p Martyn Vice Chairman A4 Colour 20p Redfern Planning Committee, Finance & Asset Committee A3 Colour 35p A4 Card B/W 10p James Planning Committee, Personnel A4 Card Colour 20p Carter Committee, Jubilee Park Committee, Finance & Asset Committee Binding A4 plastic/wire spiral £2.50 Wendy Planning Committee, Youth Group with cover & back McKee Chairty, Finance & Asset Committee No cover & back £1.50 A3 plastic/wire spiral £1.50p Casey Personnel Committee, Youth Group (no cover & back) Rose Charity, SNT Rep, Finance & Asset Committee Laminating Peter Jubilee Park Committee A4 35p Wyartt A3 70p

Douglas Jubilee Park Committee, Next Parish Council Meetings

Burness Speedwatch 2 March 2020, 7.15pm Rendlesham Community Centre Victoria Jubilee Park Committee, Youth Proctor Group Charity 15 minute public session 2020 Parish Council Meetings Mike Parry Jubilee Park Committee, Planning Full Council — 2 March 2020 Committee, SNT Rep, Finance & Asset Youth Group Charity Committee— 1 April 2020* Jubilee Park Committee— 16 January*

VACANCY Planning Committee—13 January* Finance & Asset Committee—13 February*

* NB these meetings will be held at the Pavilion, VACANCY Jubilee Park

Parish office

Rendlesham Community Centre, Walnut Tree Avenue, Rendlesham, IP12 2GG. 01394 420207 E: [email protected]

By contacting Rendlesham Parish Office opening hours: Council you agree your contact details Mondays 10am–2pm may be held and processed for the Tuesdays 10am–2pm purpose of correspondence and Thursdays 10am-2pm services we provide. We only keep information for as long as necessary. Minutes of meetings:

We do not share your information with Approved minutes of meeting are available on the third parties. Parish Council website Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 5 Parish Council News…

Climate Emergency Working Group Anti-Social Behaviour

The new recycling initiative at the Community Centre A reminder to anyone experiencing or has been a great success. The number of crisp witnessing anti-social behaviour, please packets and bread bags we’ve received has now report it to the police by phoning 101. filled 2 bin bags! Shoebox Appeal  Just a reminder of what we can recycle (that can’t be put in your blue bin)…. We recently asked for donations to help fill shoe boxes for the Samaritans Purse and  Any type of crisp packet we haven’t been disappointed with the  Bags that bread comes in response! We had 71 boxes collected. A HUGE thank you for all the contributions  Any type of toothpaste tube and donations received.  Toothbrushes  Electric toothbrush heads  Any oral product packaging  Plastic rings that come with beer etc  Any sort of pen (including felt tip pens, marker and whiteboard pens) Just pop them in the boxes when you’re passing. Thank you for doing your bit to help the environment.

Dog fouling… help keep Rendlesham clean Latest dog fouling incidents reported:

Jubilee Park Please report fouling to: District Council 01394 383789 and/or Rendlesham Parish Council

The Parish Council is receiving an increasing Always make sure you take something with you to number of complaints regarding dog fouling in the pick up your dog's faeces and pay attention to what village. Responsible dog owners clear up after their your dog is doing at all times - not having a doggy dogs and dispose of the waste either at home, or in bag, or not noticing that the dog has fouled, is no one of the many waste bins provided throughout the excuse for not clearing up. village. Failure to clear up after a dog in your control is a criminal offence for which a fixed penalty fine of Any bin will do! £80 can be issued. The maximum fine that a court If there is not a dedicated dog waste bin available, can impose for this offence on conviction is £1,000. dog waste can be placed in any litter bin. Page 6 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

Rendlesham Church

Date Time Place Service Officiant Weds 1st Jan 10.00am St Felix Holy Communion Rev Nigella New Years’ Day Sun 5th Jan 9.00am All Saint’s Eyke Holy Communion Rev Mandy Epiphany 11.00am St Felix All Age Worship Malcolm Knapp 11.00am St Edmund’s Holy Communion Rev Mandy

Weds 8th Jan 2.15pm Rendlesham Hymns of Praise Rev Mandy / Care Home Stephen Nicholls Sunday 12th Jan 9.00am St Edmunds Morning Prayer Stephen N Baptism of Christ 9.00am St Gregory’s Holy Communion Rev Mandy 11.00am St Felix Holy Communion Rev Nigella

Weds 15th Jan 10.00am Rendlesham Mothers Union with Revd Michael Care Home Holy Communion Hatchett Sun 19th Jan 9.00am All Saints Morning Praise Malcolm Knapp Epiphany 2 9.00am St Edmunds Holy Communion Rev Mandy 11.00am St Felix Holy Communion Rev Mandy Sun 26th Jan 9.00am St Gregory’s Morning Prayer Stephen N Epiphany 3 11.00am St Edmunds Morning Prayer Robin Jordan 11.00am St Felix Holy Communion Rev Mandy

6.30pm St Gregory’s Taize Mrs J Bishop

For Funerals: Rev Judith Andrews, 01394 411642

Baptisms, Marriages and pastoral needs:

Rev Mandy Reynolds 01394 420129 [email protected]

General inquiries - [email protected]

St Felix of Walnut Tree Ave, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, IP12 2GG Church Wardens: Nigel Harding, 01394 420419 Sue Poer, 01394 461443

St Gregory the Great Ashe Road, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, IP12 2QY Church Wardens: Liz Morrison, 01394 460582 Caroline Bunbury, 01394 460235 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 7

Rendlesham Church

The Vicar’s Voice which means “God is among us”. The God who exists in eternity enters human time to make all I well remember as a little girl, on New Years Eve, as things new. the chimes of Big Ben faded and with Andy Stewart’s Hogmanay celebrations on the TV, there would be a The coming of the new year does not mean that knocking at the front door and my Uncle Jack would things should change. As we continue to live in the be standing there with a loaf of bread, a lump of coal present with each new day, we should reflect on the and a candle, which he would give to my mum and past, but not live in it !! dad, and then proceed to walk through the house, out the back door and round to the front. My dad would The coming of the Babe of Bethlehem proclaims a then put on his coat and walk down the road with my gospel of newness, the kingdom beginning to come Uncle to do exactly the same for them. The art of to fruition, and the possibilities which can change “first footing” I believe is now long gone, sadly too, how people live and experience their world. my dad and my uncle. But I have such happy memories of those times, and midnight always brings Living in newness is a challenge we face constantly, a smile to my brother, sister and I as we remember, not least as we attempt to live in a constantly and raise a glass “for Auld Lang Syne” changing world. But by embracing newness means we have found a way of dealing with the past, that we The significance of the gifts of bread, coal and candle have been offered the possibility of a future that is were in the hope and prayer that you would never go transformed and transforming. hungry, you would always have warmth, that you would always have light in the times of darkness. In 1939, King George VI quoted the poem below in Nowadays it seems, New Year comes in with broken his Christmas Message when the country was resolutions by lunchtime and of course….the experiencing the beginning of World War II. I Christmas Credit Card statement!! January can commend it to you at the start of this year, 2020, and seem a long and dull month till payday comes around wish you all a wonderful year ahead, with love and again. happiness throughout.

In the churches year, as December moves into “ God Knows” by Minnie Louise Haskins January, the celebrations continue, because it’s the time of year when we grasp the reality of “Emmanuel” And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: invite the whole benefice to the following FREE events. “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” Fun@St Felix – is a time for children after school on Tuesdays, in term time, 3.30 – 5 p.m. And he replied: Mums and babes and toddlers stay if they want, have a cuppa and chat while the children play, do craft, “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the learn about being Christian and our Bible. Hand of God. This is followed by EvnUth from 6 to 7.30 p.m. Each Tuesday in term. Christianity is the theme and it is That shall be to you better than light and safer than a open to all who are aged 11 to 18 plus. known way.” Children’s Church Club. Thursdays after school 3.30 – 5 p.m. All Saints Church. Evnuth So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod follows from 6 – 7.30 please check before attending it gladly into the night. is not always on.

St Felix Fizzers is Church for children aged 6-11. It is And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of all new, great fun, run by the youth and full of energy, day in the lone East. as well as ‘thinky’ bits! 3rd Sunday 3 – 4 p.m. and 4th Sundays 11- 12 as part With love, Rev Mandy of Communion Service.

Evnuth: God ‘n’ Chips: Youth Church for 11- 18 somethings. 3rd Sundays 6 – 8 p.m. St Felix Music and videos from main stream Christian Festivals and charts. Chill out time, get some prayer, make new friends. Page 8 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

If you use an advert please mention that you saw it in the Rendlesham Parish Newsletter Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 9 Raising funds for The Beehive, Nakuru

‘Miracle of the Voice’ with Christina Johnston College Chapel 25th January 7.30pm All proceeds go to The Beehive Nakuru

After her sell out concert at St Michael’s church last September, internationally acclaimed coloratura Soprano Christina Johnston returns to Framlingham to perform Miracle of the Voice in the chapel at Framlingham College. A former pupil, Christina has since risen to fame with performances for several Heads of State, including Miloš Zeman, President of the Czech Republic, and Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China. Christina has also performed leading roles in various productions, notably, at the Prague State Opera, where she took the role of the Queen of the Night in Mozart's The Magic Flute and Adele in Strauss’s Die Fledermaus. She was also chosen by José Carreras, one of the Three Tenors, to perform alongside him at Kenwood House on his farewell tour earlier this year.

Performing some of her favourite pieces, Christina will create a beautiful evening filled with the magic and the Miracle of the Voice.

The concert starts at 7.30pm, with bar open during the interval and for pre-concert drinks from 6.30pm. Finishes c. 9.30pm. Disabled access and plenty of parking. Ticket Prices Adult £15 relies 100% on donations. Under 19 £10 Family - 2 adults/2 under 19 £45 All the money raised from the event will be used for (no pre allocated seats) the running of the two Beehive homes: rent, utility bills, food, wages for staff, medical & health care, To purchase tickets, visit - education fees and living costs for the girls and Christina Johnston or scan QR code babies. email [email protected] or buy in person from Sarah at The Neathouse Cafe, Village Green, Dennington, IP13 8DD FB: thebeehivenakuru

All proceeds from the concert go to The Beehive Charity, Nakuru, Kenya, a home dedicated to the rehabilitation, education and loving support of vulnerable child-mothers and their babies. The ADVERTISE HERE Beehive isn’t an orphanage or an institution, it’s a family home. Some girls stay with its founders, Jane & Alan Hutt, who left their family home in Reach 1,500 households Rendlesham to set up the charity in 2014, until they are adults as they either have no family to return and businesses every home to or it’s dangerous or inappropriate for them to do so. Others are only short-term while their court month case is heard or while they need protection. Every girl who is taken in is supported through their pregnancy, birth and recovery and when the time is £21 for 3 months right, they resume their education or go on to vocational training, often sponsored by the charity. The Beehive receives no government funding and Page 10 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, Janaury 2020 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 11 Rendlesham Independent Women

For our November meeting, due to a cancellation, I would like to say a huge “Thank you” to Jonny for By the time you read this, we will have had our stepping into the breach at very short notice. Jonny December meeting when we had our Christmas gave a fascinating and amusing talk on the military meal. history of Orford Ness, and the twin bases of RIW meets on the third Tuesday of the month in Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge before going into Rendlesham Community Hall, so the first meeting in further detail about the encounter in Rendlesham st Forest – commonly known as the Rendlesham UFO the New Year will be on 21 January, when we will incident! meet Andy who will talking about being a National Trust shepherd.

If you would like to hear the history for yourself, Please come along and join us! Meet your Jonny will be leading a walk (with special effects!) in neighbours! We ask for a £1 donation which makes Rendlesham Forest over Christmas. The walk is you the proud owner of a raffle ticket for a prize of, free, but donations to a homeless charity will be usually, a basket of fruit. gratefully accepted. I will post the details nearer the st time on the ‘Rendlesham Independent Women’ and Future meetings are on Tuedays, the 21 January; 18th February and 17th March. ‘Rendlesham Community Group’ Facebook pages. (I thoroughly recommend it!) Rendlesham’s first ever Hustings The organisers had hoped for a larger turnout but it events. would appear that the Hustings clashed with lots of  The UN Report on Climate Crisis states that a other local events, that some people decided not to 7.6% reduction/year in emissions is required. attend because neither of the candidates from the Does the party you represent have plans to two main parties were able to attend and some reduce emissions by 38% within a 5 year term of people hadn’t seen the advertising! However, on the office? positive side, those who attended were very pleased  The low hanging fruit has been picked, you now that the first ever Rendlesham Hustings had been have to do the hard stuff, how would you do that? held and the organisers now have a model for going (Question related to reduction of carbon footprint) forward.  What are your opinions of ?

 The following is a brief summary of the questions What ‘green’ options would you like to see from the floor, we look forward to the successful introduced?  candidate returning to Rendlesham to continue the Why are caring, compassionate nurses having to conversation in due course… use food banks?  How will you retain nurses/get new nursing staff?

In attendance: approximately 35 people.  Waiting times and lack of joined up services can From a show of hands: 1 new voter and at least 11 cause real hardship, is a review of healthcare undecided voters. needed?  A handful of opinion polls are being given much The biggest election issue for those present: The attention, why aren’t economist’s reports being Environment including Climate Emergency, Sizewell given greater attention? and Transport.  What is your view of Brexit/further referendum?  In this period of great uncertainty and challenge, Other significant election issues: The NHS, good leadership is required, why should we be Economy, Education and Brexit behind you/your leader?  With regard to local issues that affect From questions/points to the candidates: Rendlesham specifically, are you aware of the  Lack of availability of rural transport does not Neighbourhood Plan and current planning provide for the needs of young people to get out issues, the Ransom Strips that exist and the very reliably for educational or at all for social needs; large number of under 25 year olds who live here the elderly too are disadvantaged especially in for whom no provision to socialise is made?

being unable to get to the doctors or hospital. Many thanks to Rev Mandy who offered St Felix as a  The climate emergency surely means we need to venue and to Pastor Dave Rushbrook who chaired develop ‘clean’ transport? the hustings.  The train service in Suffolk has suffered many cancellations and does not operate at hours to C Wilson permit attendance at evening meetings or social Page 12 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

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Rendlesham Parish Council

Chris Mann Painter and Paperhanger 25+ years experience, 15 in London’s west end

For a free quote phone: 01728 687438 or 07941 262663 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 13 Consumer Corner: Advice from Trading Standards

Each post denotes a sense of urgency giving a very short time limit to take part.

The posts also feature an image that supposedly depicts one of the vouchers you will receive. These posts are fraudulent and have no connection to the named retailers.

Nobody who participates will receive a coupon or any vouchers.

If you see one of these giveaway posts, don’t be tempted to participate.

You have no chance of winning the promised prize and may risk your privacy and security by There are so many posts currently circulating on sharing your personal information with online Facebook claiming that everyone who shares them scammers. will receive a shopping coupon or will be entered into a prize draw to win shopping vouchers. The Rendlesham Show 2020

Save the date! Musicals. All the team have to do, hopefully with your help, is turn the vision into the best show ever. The Rendlesham Show 2020 th th If you’d like to be involved, please get in touch with Friday 12 & Saturday 13 June show coordinator, Carole,

Thanks to the Parish Councillors who responded to [email protected] or contact Rendlesham Parish Council. the request for help planning the show and to others who responded to say they could help on the day, Rendlesham Show Success! the show will go ahead in 2020 but, we really do Despite the concern that we may have made a loss need more help and hope that, as well as noting the at the weather-challenged 2019 show, we are date of the show, you will also consider offering delighted to confirm that the final balance is your help. £2243.04.

The show planning team only have 5 monthly This magnificent sum will be added to the skate meetings January – May. The first of these is park fund. So, thank you once again to all those of Monday 20th January at 7:30 at the Pavilion, Jubilee you who helped in any way to make the show the Park; we look forward to seeing you there. success it was, despite the odds! The theme has already been decided: Movies & FREE DOG BAGS

From the Parish Council Office

Please report fouling to:

Suffolk Coastal District Council 01394 383789 and/or

Rendlesham Parish Council 01394 420207 E: [email protected] Page 14 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

P J Johnson Qualified Painter & Decorator Over 25 years experience

Interior & Exterior Painting Wallpaper Hanging Coving ~ Tiling ~ Carpentry

References supplied Highly recommended

Tel: 01394 420972 Mobile: 07977 732344 E-mail: [email protected] Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 15 SLEEPING BEAUTY - VIENNA FESTIVAL BALLET AT SPA PAVILION THEATRE


Join us on 11th April 2020 for Sleeping Beauty - Vienna Festival Ballet at Spa Pavilion Theatre Felixstowe. With the classic fairytale set to Tchaikovsky’s magnificent score, stunning choreography, beautiful costumes all combine to portray the struggle between good and evil. The wicked Carabosse casts a spell on Princess Aurora proclaiming that she will one day prick her finger - and die. The Lilac Fairy changes the spell, and instead on the fateful day the Princess and the entire Palace fall into a deep sleep. A century later Prince Désiré revives the Princess with a kiss, the Palace awakes and a parade of fairytale characters attend the wedding. “This production looks and feels absolutely right” - Faithfully following the traditional tale of Sleeping WORTHING HERALD

Beauty, this ballet is sure to enchant audiences of ‘’The whole evening was a delight’’ - LICHFIELD all ages. LIVE

“The entire show was captivating from start to Email: [email protected], finish” - WELWYN HATFIELD TIMES phone: 01394284962

‘’A truly spelling performance’’ - BURNLEY EXPRESS view/65844 Page 16 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Did you know….

It’s FREE to advertise your job vacancies in the newsletter

Contact [email protected] Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 17 1st Rendlesham Scout Group

Scouts District Cooking Competition This years District Cooking Competition required the Scouts to cook outdoors over open fires for the first time. Points were scored for both lighting and maintaining their fire and then cooking & serving four dishes, Fish with herbs/vegetables wrapped in foil and roasted in the embers of the fire, sausage casserole, damper bread cooked in a dutch oven and finally a steamed pudding. Out of almost 20 teams taking part the three 1RSG teams placed 4th, 3rd and for the first time ever also took 1st place! Thanks to the organisers and congratulations to all that took part and in particular to our team “The Amicable Society of Lazy Ballerinas” who brought home the Trophy!

Contact Glenn Knights – Group Scout Leader [email protected] Remembrance Service 1RSG would like to say a huge thank you to Rev Mandy Reynolds and all at Bromeswell Church for a wonderful & thought-provoking Remembrance Service and for accommodating our largest ever group. Over 60 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders attended and to see so many of our young people turning out in their uniforms & parading the Group flags was a fitting end to what has proved to be a very special Remembrance year for the group.

Membership Despite starting two new sections in the last 18 months the demand for places within the group is so high that we currently have a waiting list for all of our sections. We are always looking at ways to offer more places to more young people in the local area but can only do this with more adult volunteers, you do not need to be Bear Grylls to help 1RSG you just need enthusiasm, whatever time or skills you have we have a role where you can help over 120 local young people learn #skillsforlife #resilience & get involved in your local community, interested? Photos:Donated Page 18 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Rendlesham Day Nursery

 Open 8am-6pm all year round  Baby, Toddler and Pre-school Room  Qualified, friendly and professional staff  ‘Rated Outstanding by Ofsted – 2015’  Secure Web Cams – watch your children play!  Nursery grant funding for 2-5 year olds and flexible sessions

Call 01394 420581 or go to

Breakfast and After School Clubs and pick-ups at Rendlesham School Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 19

Kyson eco crackers go with a bang!

Kyson Primary School and their PTFA have been working really hard this year to cut down on plastic used in school and at school fundraising events. We have learned that it is entirely possible to find eco-alternatives to festive favourites like crackers, and it is important as plastic can be so harmful to wildlife and is very wasteful of natural resources.

This Christmas our Headteacher, the Year 4's and a PTFA army, have made over 400 paper Christmas crackers for the school Christmas lunch. They were all plastic free and fully recyclable and worked just as well as normal crackers. The children had lots of fun opening them and really hope the 'plastic -free' message travels far and wide this Christmas!

Kyson Primary School

Photos: Donated Page 20 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Glass recycling in Suffolk

Most Suffolk residents recycle all their glass bole and jars glass bole and jar is recycled! Don’t forget you can even by taking them along to their local bole banks. We have leave the tops and lids on! You can easily find your nearest over 1000 bring banks across the County at places like bring bank by searching your postcode on hps:// supermarkets, community centres, pubs etc. So why not, it's probably closer get involved and let’s work together to make sure every than you think. Have a smashing weekend! ˙ Informaon glass bole and jar is recycled! Don’t forget you can even on Recycling and Waste in Suffolk, including an A-Z of leave the tops and lids on! You can easily find your nearest recycling can be found here: hps:// bring bank by searching your postcode on hps:// Find us on Facebook, Twier, it's probably closer and Instagram: Facebook: hps:// than you think. Have a smashing weekend! ˙ Informaon suffolkrecycle Twier: hps:// on Recycling and Waste in Suffolk, including an A-Z of Instagram: hps:// recycling can be found here: hps:// Find us on Facebook, Twier and Instagram: Facebook: hps:// suffolkrecycle Twier: hps:// Nearest Glass Recycling facilities Instagram: hps:// for Rendlesham

Most Suffolk residents recycle all their glass bole and jars Rendlesham Mews by taking them along to their local bole banks. We have over 1000 bring banks across the County at places like Village Hall supermarkets, community centres, pubs etc. So why not get involved and let’s work together to make sure every Woodbridge Spring Clean - March 20th to 13th 13th to 20th - March Woodbridge Clean April, 2020 Spring SundayFebruary9 and Sunday7 June interests. somethingphotographers for ofall abilities and Photographyandusing ManualMode thereis workshopson Landscape Photography, Close-up Fromthe Introduction to Photographytospecific workshops. photographer,running a seriesofphotographic HooSutton has teamed withup PhilMorley, locala photographyskills. photographeron developing your close-up your cameraof and discover top tips anfrom expert Seecloseaup view Sutton of Hoo throughthe lens CLOSE-UP PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Alexander(each month everyon 4 Apriland Transition planWoodbridge tobe dateA yourfor new 2020 diary!will It Greatbe dailyandwalks the Rubbish led by Walks Jason manyindividuals who regularly pickup litter on their Sadly,continues litter to problem.abe Thereare openspaces inseveral areas around the town. ourfrom streets, roadsideverges, carparks and turnedout toremove an appallingamount oflitter Clean to thefor Queen. Enthusiasticvolunteers weekendpartas ofthe Keep Britain Tidycampaign Woodbridge organisedlitteraWI pick over a March 2016 In a groupledby Transition andWoodbridge year. periodin andWoodbridge Melton area thefor fifth organisingseveral litter picking events during that BritishSpring Clean time Marchfrom 20th to13th yourinterest in takingpart now by ansending email eventsin andWoodbridge Melton. Youcan register about the BritishGreat Spring Clean litter picking Untilthathappy day please look out thefor posters belongs – wantdo to the right thing andput litter where it drop. allhope We thatone day sooneveryone will containersanddog poo bagsthatothers carelessly andcrisp packets, take away anddrinkfood cigarettebutts, carpark tickets, bottles, cans, sweet lovethey haveour townfor andremove the more thefolk chance to get togethershow to the TheGreat British Spring Cleanpicks litter giveeven andthe river side. encourage morepeople tohelp clean up the town inthe bin . th Sunday) Email: [email protected], £20 agreementduring the workshop confirming this. onlyuse andattendees willaskedbeto sign an Photographstaken on thecourse are personalfor phone:01394 389703 to to allowrubbishour to it.into get weour River treat Deben with respectand notdo healthofour rivers and seas andall lifemarine that summer afor River Clean. issoIt important thefor WoodbridgeSea Scouts thefor third time this alsoWe hope tobe joining with forces the find informationfurther on Jason’s Rubbish Walks. out the Transition websiteWoodbridge [email protected] Rendlesham ParishNewsletter, January2020 Page21 where you can and check

Photo: Photo: Donated Page 22 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

If you use an advert in the newsletter please mention that you saw it in the Rendlesham Newsletter…. Thank you Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 23 Woodbridge Camera Club

With enough entries to start a bookshop our ‘Book Titles’ competition was very popular with 73 entries. Local Judge Mike Cowling ARPS worked quickly & confidently through the images selecting 6 with a top score of 20/20.

He was torn between two images, both by Rendlesham Resident Sue Garrod, finally deciding on ‘Arachnophobia’ as 1st place and ‘Alice through the Looking Glass’ as a runner up, her husband Robin left once again as another runner up with ‘Great Expectations’.

Our Next Meeting at the Quay Church, Woodbridge at 7:30 on 21st January 2020 is an Illustrated Talk ‘Give a Child a Camera’ by Norfolk Photographer Julian Claxton. Members will be donating cameras to help with the Charities work in Africa.

Photos: Left: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Robin Garrod

Below left: Alice through the looking glass by Lewis Carroll Sue Garrod

Above: Aracnophobia by Nicholas Edwards Sue Garrod

Page 24 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Health Walks

Details of all these walks can be found on the Health walks website;

http:// www.walkingforheal east-england/suffolk -stepping-out- suffolk#walks


Join us on 18th January 2020 for a fun quiz with two course supper at The Suffolk Punch Trust.

Bring a team of friends and family along to The Suffolk Punch Trust's Quiz Night. There will be a mix of rounds and topics suitable for all ages.  The bar will be open from 6.30pm, the quiz begins at 7pm  Maximum team size 6 people. £10 per person

Booking is essential - please telephone 01394 411327 or email [email protected] to book a table. Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 25

Sports Centre Site So that you are aware here is a copy of our response regarding this development.

To Council re Planning Application DC/19/3881/FUL | New convenience store, two shop units and associated car parking, service yard and pedestrian way, eleven affordable houses and associated car parking and ancillary works | Former Rendlesham Sports Centre Site Walnut Tree Avenue Rendlesham Suffolk IP12 2GF

Response on behalf of Greener Rendlesham objecting to the plan.

The submitted plans do not conform to the Rendlesham Neighbourhood Plan.

 Climate Emergency – Since Rendlesham Parish Council, East Suffolk District Council, Suffolk County Council and the national government have all declared Climate Emergencies it is essential that all new developments should take this very much into account. In particular the proposed plan needs to:  Not reduce the number of trees currently on the site from 14 to 2, rather there is a need to look to see how the number can be increased.  Not honour the car – approximately 50% of the proposed development is for roads, turning areas and car parking! Most people in Rendlesham live within 10 minutes walking distance of the centre. Having housing with car parking would likely increase car travel whereas creating local leisure facilities would likely reduce the need for car travel.  Serve the leisure needs of the community. An all-purpose pioneer eco-hub, for such as sports; theatre/cinema/concerts/dance; small outdoor covered swimming pool (similar to Eyke and could be used by Rendlesham school); reading/quiet games room and kitchen. Building it could utilise ideas and skills from the UEA sustainable building department, would be energy self-sufficient, could use the much cheaper eco-friendly methods which are now available and could be a local show-case centre.  Have shared Green Space e.g. orchard, community allotment, seating, outdoor table tennis and chess, and wildlife friendly.  Be pro-active in catering for the needs of the high proportion of young people in Rendlesham.  Funding. Additional funding for this development could be requested from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) (as non-centrally located house building takes place in Rendlesham), from East Suffolk District Council and Suffolk County Council, National Lottery and other possible grants. Woodbridge & District Lions – Latest News Woodbridge Lions Club would like to thank Tesco Heath 10th December £270 everyone who contributed so generously to our Woodbridge, Turban Centre, 21st December £305 street and store collections in the run up to Christmas and special thanks to Tesco Martlesham As with all funds raised from the public, these Heath and Suffolk Coastal District Council for their proceeds will be returned to the community in a kind permission to hold collections. In total we number of ways, chiefly through the Christmas raised £887 which will help us to continue to be able Parcels project and the “Quay Time” joint venture to support local good causes. with Woodbridge Quay Church.

Proceeds were as follows: For more details or to contact us, please call 0345 Tesco Martlesham Heath, 6th December £312 8332820 or visit Page 26 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

Local farmers’ markets Severe

Snape Maltings Farmers’ Market weather (1st Saturday, monthly) information 9.30am - 1pm.

Jimmy's Farm - Wherstead, near Ipswich (1st Saturday, monthly) 10am - 2pm. Is my school or

Manning's Amusement Park, Sea Road, Felixstowe (2nd Saturday, nursery closed? monthly) Open from 10am, page_12.html https://

Halesworth Producers' Market (2nd Saturday, monthly) From 9am to 1pm, The Old Print Works, uk/about/severe- IP19 8AP. winter-weather- Woodbridge Farmers’ Market (2nd Saturday, monthly) From 9am to 1pm at Woodbridge Community Centre. information-and- services/

Aldeburgh Farmers’ Market (3rd Saturday, monthly) 9am- 2.30pm, Parish Church Hall School Transport - Monthly afternoon (3rd Wednesday, monthly) Public Transport The Hill, Wickham Market (the Square) Contact: Teapot Tearoom (Margaret) tel. 748079 or see www.wickham Care Homes Recycling Orford Country Market, Orford Town Hall, Every Saturday 9.30 until Centres 1.00 For more details [email protected] Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 27 FRIENDS OF WOODBRIDGE LIBRARY PLEASE NOTE THAT WOODBRIDGE LIBRARY seeking behind our New Year’s resolutions. Who is WILL CLOSE AT 5PM ON TUESDAY 31ST the You that you are trying to fix or change? And DECEMBER 2019 AND IS CLOSED ALL DAY ON how is that working out!?! Come along and explore WEDNESDAY 1ST JANUARY 2020. the possibility that there is an entirely different way of knowing Yourself and this ‘new You’ needs Thursday 2nd January – Friday 31st January – nothing, nothing at all. No fixing, goal setting, ArtLib – Photo Canvasses by Richard Mitchell achieving or striving - nothing required to know the Richard is a 62 year old amateur photographer Peace, Love, Freedom and Happiness that is the whose influences are anything relating to beaches, essence of who you truly are. If you are curious to boats and the sea. discover something like “nothing you’ve heard before” come along to this talk. Suggested donation Book Group (Meets the first Thursday of the of £7 or pay what you can afford. Please month at 2pm) visit for more On 2nd January we will be discussing “The Doll information. Factory” written by Elizabeth Macneal. Please come along if you have read this book and would Tuesday 14th January, 10am-12 noon – Realise like to join in the discussion. Futures Walk-In Advice & Guidance Session for People with a Learning Disability and/or Autism Wednesday 8th January, 10am-12 noon – Come along to a Realise Futures walk-in advice and Veterans’ Coffee Morning guidance session. They can provide support, advice Open to veterans, serving personnel and families. or information on housing, employment, benefits, Come along and meet like-minded people for tea, training, money, travel, safety, health, bills/letters, coffee and a chat. Organised by The Matthew social. There is no need to book an appointment. Project – Outside the Wire. Contact Realise Futures to find out more about this For more details contact: 01603 626123, service and what’s happening in your local area. [email protected], 07753 447607 [email protected] Thursdays 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th January, 6th & 13th February, 9.30-1.30pm – Suffolk Babies - Story Saturday 18th January, 7.30pm – 9pm – Michelle Adventurers, Moving Upwards, Moving Thomas, author of ‘My S*hit Therapist: & Other Onwards, Explores Sensory Baby Yoga, Mental Health Stories” Munchkins Baby Massage My Shit Therapist is an honest account of living with Suffolk Babies is a not-for-profit Community Interest mental illness, which mimics the frank, honest and - Company, providing high quality, affordable dare we say? - funny interactions Michelle has had education, continuity and support from pregnancy to with her friends and followers about madness, preschool. medication, and making the most of a misbehaving A 6 week term for each session costs £39.00. Book brain. online at phone 01473 Join us for an entertaining evening with Michelle as 612 972 or email [email protected]. she talks openly about her book and experiences. Q & A and ticket price includes admission and Friday 10th January, Friday 17th January & Friday refreshments. 31st January, 10.30am-12.30pm – Active Lives 35 early bird tickets will be available online from Dec Singing Group 1st at £5 on Eventbrite at https:// Feel your spirits lift and find a new confidence in singing. Learn some new songs and learn therapist-author-event-for-suffolk-libraries-jumpstart- harmonies to songs you know. Improve your january-tickets-84004432519 (offer ends Monday breathing, your circulation and have some fun! Take 6th January). Thereafter tickets will be £7 in some time out to relax and make music with others. advance at the library or online. £5 per session. Doors open at 7pm for refreshments and arrivals. For more information call Gina Silburn or Julie Stokes on 01473 345350 or visit the Active Lives Monday 27th January, 7.30pm - Drama for a website Midwinter Evening Robert Lloyd Parry brings a seasonal shiver to Saturday 11th January, 10.15am-11.45am – Talk Woodbridge with Oh Whistle... - his retelling of two by Mia Philips (Well-being Coach & Three of the greatest tales by M R James, the master of Principles Practitioner) the English ghost story. Join our ‘Community Conversations for Emotional hypnotic’. Health and Well-being’ at the library on the second Tickets are £10 (students £5) including an interval Saturday of every month throughout the coming drink and are available from the Library or by year. We kick off the New Year with a look at the phoning 01394 330855. Page 28 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 BIRDS OF THE RIVER DEBEN GUIDED WALK

Saturday 29 February 2020

Wrap up warm, strap on your walking boots and join us on 29th February to enjoy a guided walk down to the River Deben to discover more about the birds who call this place their home.

Join Steve, our resident ornithologist, for a walk down to the River Deben - the river which skirts the Sutton Hoo site. Find out more about the birds who wade through the water and silt; hopefully you will spot a few too.

This will be an interesting and inspiring walk for all whether you are an avid bird watcher or a beginner.


Email: [email protected], phone: 01394 389703 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 29 SUFFOLK FARMERS' MARKET AT TRINITY PARK, Tennis IPSWICH Jubilee Park

£5 per hour

To book: 01394 420207 Email: [email protected]

Table Tennis

Rendlesham Community Centre The Suffolk Agricultural Association in collaboration with Suffolk Market Events presents a top quality Food and Artisan Market at Trinity Park. £7 per hour

The Suffolk Agricultural Association in collaboration with Suffolk Market Events is delighted to present a top quality Food and Artisan Market at Trinity Park, Ipswich, home of the Suffolk Show. To book: 01394 460005 A fantastic range of the very best producers from our region will be together under one roof. Email: rendlesham.commcentre@ FREE parking and entry. 10am - 2pm. Email: [email protected], phone: 01473 707110 FRAMLINGHAM COUNTRY SHOW


4-5 April 2020

Join us on 4th and 5th April for our Country and Dog Show with something for everyone - including food, drink, shopping and attractions for all the family!

The Show that has something for everybody. From Family Days out with amazing attractions such as the fabulous Jonathan Marshall horse stuntsman (from Poldark and Game of Thrones), Heavy Horse why not listen to our fantastic up and coming Displays, Motorbike Stunt Teams, fabulous Falconry musicians with the East Anglian Music Awards at displays and Britain's Got Talent Dima and his the show. dogs. We also have something for the foodies with Don't forget the Festivals of Kids with the wonderful fabulous cookery demonstrations on both days and Gemma's Petting Farm or Amazing Reptiles and a amazing professional Chefs such as Italian Chef little bit of old fashioned fun our Punch and Judy Claudio Bincoletto and a Food & Drink Festival with Show, Circus Aerial displays. over 40 small producers. Email: [email protected], Bring along your dog for our Festivals of Dogs with phone: 01728 685302 Charity Fun Dog Shows with over 22 classes a day, Framlingham College, College Road, Framlingham, agility, Dogs Have Got Talent and so much more. Suffolk, IP13 9EY Enjoy our Living History area, model aeroplanes, or Page 30 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

Pitstop Pre-School … The makeover!

Some of our amazing team have been busy bees over the Christmas holidays giving the Preschool and After School Club a bit of a makeover to create a wonderful environment for the children to explore and be curious learners whilst learning through play.

We’ve changed our environment to meet our children’s interests whilst making it homely and using natural materials, embracing loose parts play which creates endless opportunities to create and discover.

Our children (and parents) have loved it! Just some of the feedback we’ve had so far…

‘Well done, looks amazing!’ ‘It looks flippin awesome! Well done guys!’ ‘Looks wonderful, what a lovely environment for children to in. Well done everyone’ ‘Love it!’

If you’re are looking for childcare why not come and have a look around. Call Becky on 01394 388033.

Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, Januar 2020 Page 31

Rendlesham Youth Group

Tuesdays 6:00 - 8:00 pm Y4—Y6 Wednesday 7:00 - 9:30 pm Y7 + Thursday 7:00 - 9:30 pm Y7+

Community Centre, Walnut Tree Avenue

X Box, Minecraft, Lego, Board Games, Table Tennis, art & Craft, Books, Pool, snack and lots more every Tuesday from 6-8pm. Subs £1.

Every Wednesday and Watch this space as our next project will be our new Thursday, Pool, Tablets, sensory room …. Xbox, Table Tennis, Tuck Pitstop Preschool and After School Club Shop and more. [email protected]

Sudoko Challenge

In a Sudoku you fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. There is no math involved. The grid has numbers, but you don't have to perform any calculations. You just solve the Sudoku with reasoning and logic. Solution is on page 30 30 page is on Solution The Sudoku starts with a partially filled grid that you must solve following the rules above. If you complete the grid, you've solved the Sudoku. Depending on your skill and experience your solving time for a Sudoku will typically vary between 10 to 30 minutes. Page 32 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

You can now access the newsletter on our website

Rendlesham Children’s Centre Sycamore Drive, Rendlesham IP12 2GF

Opening Hours: Monday- 8.30am – 4.00pm Tuesday- 8:30am - 4:00pm Wednesday- 8:30am - 4:00pm Thursday- 8:30am - 4:00pm Friday - CLOSED

Rendlesham Children’s Centre is part of the Suffolk Health and Children’s Centre Service.

We are a place where families with young children under 5 can go to access a range of activities and support services.

Pop in to pick up a copy of our latest timetable and see what we have to offer.

Please call (01394) 462191 for more information Email:[email protected]

Facebook – please like our page and search as: , Caterpillar and Rendlesham Children’s Centres M: 07599 998974

Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 33 2020 A Beautiful Year

How optimistic are you when considering the prospects for the New Year? How do you plan to make 2020 an even better year than 2019? What attitude do you need to motivate you each day in the coming New Year?

I read of a college girl who, as she tacked the New Year calendar to the wall, said: “It is going to be a beautiful year!” “How do you know?” asked her roommate. “Well,” she replied, “a day isn’t a long time, and I know it is going to be beautiful because I am going to take a day at a time and make it so. I will see that every one of those 365 days gets at least one beautiful thing into it through my efforts.” If you use an advert Her New Year motto might be, in the words of King David, “So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). please mention that The word number in this Bible verse means you saw it in the “prepare.” King David realised his need for wisdom in order to carry out the daily responsibilities required of Rendlesham him, so he asks God to teach him to prepare for each day. Newsletter Will you “prepare your days” to make 2020 A Beautiful Year?

Rev. Frank Thompson – Faith Baptist Church - Bromeswell

Foxhall Re-use Shop

Ipswich Re-use Shop sells items which have been donated for re-use across Suffolk's Recycling Centres. This includes furniture, toys, bicycles, books, electrical items and more! We check and test all items will be in order to re-sell.

Why not pop in, and grab yourself a bargain? ipswich-re-use-shop/ Page 34 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

01728 688462 [email protected]

Member of the Federation of Small Businesses Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 35


Come and join Families in Need (FIND) and Suffolk Musical Director, Claire Weston and accompanied Singers on Saturday 18 January 2020 for a on the keyboard by Harrison Cole. Also performing spectacular charity concert raising funds for FIND, a will be Claire’s Young Singers, a talented group of truly inspirational charity offering a lifeline to people singers from Woodbridge School. in Suffolk who are experiencing poverty and despair. Tickets priced at £15 including a light finger buffet are available from Suffolk Singers’ ticket line on The concert by the award winning Suffolk Singers 01394 279907 or at [email protected], through will be held at Woodbridge Community Hall, Station FIND or at Road, Woodbridge, IP12 4AU and led by their

Exercise and wellbeing classes in Rendlesham (RCC) Community Centre (RPS) Primary School (JP) Jubilee Park (YWC) Yoga & Wellness Centre 10-11am YOGA with Ian Suitable for beginners, eqiupment provided. Tuesday Contact Ian to book on 07877 358163 or E: [email protected]

7.30pm – 9.30pm SELF DEFENCE with Paul Yates (RCC)

9am—10am PILATES with Louise (YWC)

1.30pm – 3pm YOGA (RCC) RIW members only

Thursday 6.30pm – 8pm GLOW, Diet & Fitness classes with Dawn Quantrill (RPS) T: 07836 539508 E: [email protected] W: First taster session free

Friday 10.30am— Stroller Fit. Every Friday (RCC) 11.30am Contact: [email protected] Page 36 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020

Deben Community Farm

A lovely post Christmas treat for the goats down at the farm... A huge thank you to Pooleys Removal Company for collecting and delivering a whole bundle of Christmas trees.

Our new arrival of ducks are settling in nicely, one gentleman and 8 ladies enjoying their new home.

Join us down at the farm Open every Sunday 12pm—4pm Free entry

Piglets, lambs, horses, Highland cows, goats, ducks, fresh eggs & veg

Placements for DofE welcome

07732 681125

Whether you want to feed the animals, sit in the orchard, collect eggs from the hens, get involved with our new growing project or be a farmer for a day… come along and find out more! T: 07732 681125 or Like us on Facebook Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 37

EVENTS Notices EVENTS Page 38 Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Rendlesham & District Over 60s Club Post Office (Costcutters) opening hours 2019 Meeting Dates: Moday—Friday 9am—5.30pm New members always welcome Saturday 9am—12.30pm Sunday Closed Dates coming soon Rendlesham Surgery opening hours

Monday 15:30 - 18:30 Wickham Rendlesham Community Centre, Tuesday 08:40 - 12:00 Market 10.30-12.30pm Wednesday 15:30 - 18:30 Medical Centre Thursday 08:40 - 12:00 Friday 14:45 - 17:30 01728 747101 Rendlesham Independent Women Acer Road Pharmacy opening hours 01394 460548

We are a friendly group who meet at 7.30 pm on Monday: 08.30 – 13.00 and 14.00 – 18.30 the third Tuesday of every month (except Tuesday: 08.30 – 13.00 and 14.00 – 17.30 Wednesday: 08.30 – 13.00 and 14.00 – 18.30 August) in the Community Centre. Thursday: 08.30 – 13.00 and 14.00 – 17.30 Please come and join us and enjoy a variety of Friday: 08.30 – 13.00 and 14.00 – 17.30 speakers and activities. You can be sure of a warm welcome. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH Bromeswell, Woodbridge Mobile Library ( Pastor Thompson (01394) 420181

Contact Suffolk County Council on SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01473 584563 Sunday Morning Worship and Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Praise and Fellowship 6:00 P.M. 2020: 5 February, 4 March, 1 April, 28 April, 26 May, 24 June, 22 July, 19 August, 16 September, Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 P.M 14 October, 11 November, 9 December Thursday Night – “Extreme Teens” 7:00 P.M. Friday AcapinGs Youth Club 7:00 P.M.

Community Centre 9.35am - 10.35am If you need transport or have a query about our services, Friday Street 10.40am - 10.55am please ring: Pastor Thompson (01394) 420181 The Roman Catholic Parish of Woodbridge and Framlingham 2019/2020 Suffolk School Term Dates

Autumn Term 4 September 19 Parish Priest: Fr Edmund Eggleston Churches: 2019 December St Thomas of Canterbury, Woodbridge 2019 St Clare's, Framlingham

Mass times and contact details: Half Term 21 October 25 October Holidays 2019 2019 Spring Term 7 January 3 April 2020 2020

Solution Half Term 17 February 21 February Holidays 2020 2020 to the Summer Term 20 April 2020 17 July 2020 Sudoko

challenge Summer Half 25 May 2020 29 May 2020 Term Holidays Rendlesham Parish Newsletter, January 2020 Page 39 Diary Dates - January 2020 Rendlesham Directory

Tues 7 Bumps & Babies, Community Centre, 10- Wickham Market 01728 747101

11.30am Doctors Surgery Stay & Play at the Boardwalk. 2-4pm Acer Road Pharmacy 01394 460548 Fun@St Felix (Kids in Church) 3.30-5pm 6 Acer Road, IP12 2GA Evnuth. St Felix. 6-7.30pm Junior Youth Club Community Centre, 6-8pm District Councillor 01728 746337 Wed 8 Toddler Group, (term time only), Community Ray Herring 07885 249218 Centre 10-11.30am Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- County Councillor 07922 586303 9.30pm. Alexander Nicoll Thurs 9 Bingo. Rendlesham Social Club, at 7.30pm.

Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- Gas Emergency (0800)111 999 9.30pm. Woodbridge Safer 01473 613500 Over 60s Club. 10.30-12.30pm. Community Neighbourhood Team Centre Rendlesham Primary School 01394 462190

Tues 14 Bumps & Babies, Community Centre, 10- Head: Mr Kevin Speirs 11.30am Stay & Play at the Boardwalk. 2-4pm Eyke CEVC Primary School 01394 Fun@St Felix (Kids in Church) 3.30-5pm Head: Lucy Fairweather 460328 Evnuth. St Felix. 6-7.30pm Rendlesham Parish Church 01394 Junior Youth Club Community Centre, 6-8pm Revd: David Murdock 450336 Wed 15 Toddler Group, (term time only), Community Centre 10-11.30am Farlingaye High School 01394 385720 Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- Head: Dr Sievewright 9.30pm. Thurs 16 Bingo. Rendlesham Social Club, at 7.30pm. Woodbridge Library 01394 446510 Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- 9.30pm. Parish Council 01394 420207 Mrs Heelis, Parish Clerk Tues 21 Bumps & Babies, Community Centre, 10- 11.30am Police (non-emergency) 101 Stay & Play at the Boardwalk. 2-4pm Rendlesham Dental Practice 01394 421500 Fun@St Felix (Kids in Church) 3.30-5pm Evnuth. St Felix. 6-7.30pm Rendlesham 01394 420581 Junior Youth Club Community Centre, 6-8pm Day Nursery 07917 854086 Wed 22 Toddler Group, (term time only), Community Centre 10-11.30am Ryder-Davies & Partners Vets 01394 420964 Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- 9.30pm. Post Office (Cost Cutters) 01394 461221 Thurs 23 Over 60s Club. 10.30-12.30pm. Community Centre Keep in Touch: 01394 420129 Bingo. Rendlesham Social Club, at 7.30pm. Rev Mandy Reynolds Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- 9.30pm. & Tunstall Baptist 01394 809691 Church: Revd Dave Rushbrook Tues 28 Bumps & Babies, Community Centre, 10- 11.30am Rendlesham Children’s Centre 01394 462191 Stay & Play at the Boardwalk. 2-4pm Leader: Carolyn LeMay Fun@St Felix (Kids in Church) 3.30-5pm Evnuth. St Felix. 6-7.30pm Rendlesham Community Centre 01394 460005

Wed 29 Toddler Group, (term time only), Community Rendlesham Care Home 01394 461 630 Centre 10-11.30am Senior Youth Group. Community Centre, 7- Maharishi Peace Palace 01394 9.30pm. 421136 Over 60s Club: 01394 Linda 461094

07956 890132 © All material copyright Rendlesham Parish Council Printed by Gipping Press