Epidermal Differentiation in Barrier Maintenance and Wound Healing

Tongyu Cao Wikramanayake,1,2,* Olivera Stojadinovic,1 and Marjana Tomic-Canic1,3,* 1Wound Healing and Regenerative Medicine Research Program, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery; 2Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology Program; 3Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences; University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida.

Significance: The epidermal barrier prevents water loss and serves as the body’s first line of defense against toxins, chemicals, and infectious microbes. Disruption of the barrier, either through congenital disorders of barrier for- mation or through wounds, puts the individual at risk for dehydration, hy- persensitivity, infection, and prolonged inflammation. Epidermal barrier disorders affect millions of patients in the United States, causing loss of pro- ductivity and diminished quality of life for patients and their families, and Tongyu Cao Wikramanayake, PhD represent a burden to the health-care system and society. Submitted for publication August 8, 2013. Recent Advances: The genetic basis of many congenital barrier disorders has Accepted in revised form November 6, 2013. been identified in recent years, and great advances have been made in the *Correspondence: Wound Healing and Re- molecular mechanisms of the formation and homeostasis of epidermal barrier, generative Medicine Research Program, Depart- ment of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, as well as acute and chronic wound healing. Progress in stem cell (SC) biology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, particularly in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and allogeneic mesen- 1600 NW 10th Avenue, RMSB 2023A, Miami, FL chymal stem cells (MSCs), has opened new doors for cell-based therapy of 33136 (email: [email protected]; mtcanic@ med.miami.edu). chronic wounds. Critical Issues: Understanding of the molecular mechanisms of barrier ho- meostasis in health and disease, as well as contributions of iPSCs and allo- geneic MSCs to wound healing, will lead to the identification of novel targets for developing therapeutics for congenital barrier and wound healing disor- ders. Future Directions: Future studies should focus on better understanding of molecular mechanisms leading to disrupted homeostasis of epidermal barrier to identify potential therapeutic targets to combat its associated diseases.

SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE dermal differentiation both through At the interface between the or- intrinsic mechanisms and through ganism and the external environ- interactions with the environment, ment, skin serves as a protective in barrier maintenance and wound barrier that prevents both the loss of healing. moisture and entry of toxic or infec- tious agents. Much of this barrier function is provided by the exterior TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE layers of the stratified epidermis, Various forms of ichthyosis and whose disruption can have dire con- atopic dermatitis (AD) are caused sequences, resulting in defects of by defective epidermal barrier func- epidermal homeostasis and wound tion. In addition, in chronic wounds, repair. This review will provide a failure to restore barrier function framework for understanding epi- fuels the vicious cycle of impaired

272 ADVANCES IN WOUND CARE, VOLUME 3, NUMBER 3 j Copyright ª 2014 by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/wound.2013.0503 EPIDERMAL BARRIER MAINTENANCE AND WOUND HEALING 273

keratinocyte migration, abnormal differentiation, markers. Basal keratinocytes are structurally and prolonged inflammation, hypoxia, and infection. A functionally associated with components of the better understanding of epidermal barrier function underling basement membrane zone via special- in homeostasis and wound healing may lead to the ized cell–extracellular matrix junction called identification of biomarkers and novel targets for hemidesmosomes (Fig. 1). developing more efficacious therapeutics for heal- Terminal differentiation begins when the tran- ing disorders and offering alternative therapies to sient amplifying cells withdraw from the cell cycle certain forms of ichthyosis. and lose their ability to adhere to the basement membrane zone. In the intermediate spinous lay- CLINICAL RELEVANCE ers, cells contain large bundles of filaments anchored to the desmosomes between adjacent In the United States alone, chronic wounds af- keratinocytes to provide the mechanical strength fect millions of patients causing loss of productivity essential for resistance to physical trauma. The and diminishing quality of life. With an aging spinous cells are polyhedral, larger, and more population, a sharp rise in the incidence of obesity flattened. Different keratin are transcribed and diabetes, and increasing health-care costs, the in the basal ( 5 and 14, K5 and K14) versus burden of treating chronic wounds is increasing spinous cells (keratins 1 and 10, K1 and K10). The rapidly. In addition, the costs of postsurgical granular layer cells are recognized by characteristic wound care are also a great burden to the health- basophilic keratohyalin granules in the cytoplasm care system. Novel therapeutics to promote resto- composed primarily of keratin filaments, profilag- ration of barrier function, either in wound healing grin and loricrin. Through their association with or in congenital barrier defects, will improve pa- mature filaggrin, keratin filaments aggregate and tient quality of life and lower health-care costs. form disulfide bonds, and a cornified cell envelope is assembled directly underneath the plasma DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS membrane. In addition, lipids accumulate inside AND RELEVANT LITERATURE lamellar bodies. During keratinocyte terminal dif- Barrier formation and homeostasis ferentiation, the plasma membrane and cellular The epidermis is a stratified epithelium that organelles, including the nucleus, disintegrate. The undergoes continuous self-renewal in a basal to subsequent calcium influx activates transglutami- superficial direction. Approximately 90–95% of nase to catalyze crosslinking of , such as epidermal cells are keratinocytes organized into involucrin and loricrin, resulting in a tough insolu- basal, spinous, granular, and cornified layers that ble sac, called the cell envelope, surrounding the correspond to progressive stages of differentia- keratin fibers in the resulting corneocytes. In the tion.1,2 Basal keratinocytes, columnar in shape, meantime, lipids exuded into the intercellular space consist primarily of mitotically active keratino- form a continuous lipid matrix, sealing the corneo- cytes, including epidermal stem cells (SCs) and cytes together. This ‘‘bricks and mortar’’ structure transient amplifying cells and a small population of provides most of the barrier function of the epider- postmitotic cells that express early differentiation mis.3,4 Cell adhesions between adjacent keratino-

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of epidermal differentiation. Differentiation specific keratins K1, K10, K2e, and K9 are expressed in differentiating cells of suprabasal epidermal layers. To see this illustration in color, the reader is referred to the web version of this article at www.liebertpub.com/wound 274 WIKRAMANAYAKE, STOJADINOVIC, AND TOMIC-CANIC

cytes through tight junctions (TJs), adherens junc- ulation, and be more susceptible to infection. Once tions, and desmosomes are also integral to the a functional epidermal barrier is formed, the stra- barrier function. Eventually, through the desqua- tum corneum is continuously sloughed off into the mation process, dissociated corneocytes are environment and replenished through keratino- sloughed off into the environment. cyte terminal differentiation. This process occurs Multiple signaling pathways essential for proper throughout life and is part of epidermal homeo- epidermal differentiation and barrier formation stasis carried out by the SCs. have been identified, mostly utilizing mouse mod- els. These pathways involve Notch, C/EBP, MAPK, Congenital barrier disorders the AP2 family, NF-jB, p63, IRF6, GRHL3, and mutations of key components of the barrier KLF4, and crosstalk between these pathways or barrier formation process result in a variety of continues to be investigated.5 Furthermore, recent congenital disorders of abnormal epidermal dif- studies on chromatin modifications and microRNAs ferentiation and desquamation (Table 1), collec- have shown that these epigenetic regulators play an tively termed ichthyoses.7–9 All types of ichthyosis essential role in epidermal terminal differentia- have dry, thickened, scaly, or flaky skin. tion.6 Although there are many differences between In some types of ichthyosis, crosslinking mouse and human skin (e.g., thickness, hair follicle or aggregation is affected. For example, in lamellar density, hair cycle, the role of contraction during ichthyosis (LI), the loss of transglutaminase 1 wound healing), conservation between the genomes activity leads to defective crosslinking of the cell and gene pathways and similarities in skin compo- envelopes,10,11 whereas in ichthyosis vulgaris, loss- nents and structures make mice, especially genetic of-function mutations in the filaggrin gene causes models carrying spontaneous or induced mutations impaired keratinization.12 Missense mutations in (e.g., knockout mice or transgenic mice), powerful keratins 1, 10, and 2 have been found to cause bul- tools for functional investigation (Fig. 2). lous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma13–15 In humans, the epidermal barrier is not formed and ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens.16–18 In Nether- until *34 weeks of gestation to allow rapid fetal ton syndrome, mutations in SPINK5 lead to in- growth. Consequently, premature babies with creased proteolytic activity within the stratum incomplete barrier formation may suffer from de- corneum and its accelerated disintegration, resulting hydration, electrolyte imbalance, poor thermoreg- in impaired epidermal barrier.19,20 Additionally, a

Figure 2. Conserved expression of epidermal differentiation marker genes between the murine and human skin despite the differences in morphology. Basal keratinocytes express and , and differentiation-specific markers, filaggrin and , are expressed in suprabasal layers of murine as well as in human skin. Scale bar, 100 lm. To see this illustration in color, the reader is referred to the web version of this article at www.liebertpub.com/wound EPIDERMAL BARRIER MAINTENANCE AND WOUND HEALING 275

Table 1. Molecular genetics of epidermal barrier defects

Phenotype Gene/Locus Disorder Inheritance MIM No. Gene Protein MIM No. Mechanism References

LI Autosomal recessive 242300 TGM1 Transglutaminase-1 190195 Impaired protein cross-linking and 10,11 esterification of epidermis-specific ceramides during formation of the cell envelope Ichthyosis vulgaris Autosomal recessive 146700 FLG 135940 Defective keratohyalin granules 12 Bullous congenital Autosomal dominant 113800 K1, K10 ; keratin 10 139350; Defective keratin filaments 13–15 ichthyosiform 148080 erythroderma Ichthyosis bullosa Autosomal dominant 146800 K2e Keratin 2e 600194 Impaired keratinization 16–18 of Siemens Loricrin keratoderma Autosomal dominant 604117 LOR Loricrin 152445 Thinner cell envelope and 22 (Vohwinkel’s syndrome) barrier defects Vohwinkel’s syndrome Autosomal dominant 124500 GJB2 Connexin 26 121011 Premature keratinocyte programmed 21 cell death LI Autosomal recessive 601277 ABCA12 ATP-binding cassette 607800 Impaired epidermal lipid trafficking 23 transporter Harlequin ichthyosis Autosomal recessive 242500 ABCA12 ATP-binding cassette 607800 Defective lipid transport 27,28 transporter NCIE Autosomal recessive 606545; ALOXE3, Lipoxygenase-3, 607206; Impaired epidermal lipid barrier 25 242100 ALOX12B 12(R)-lipoxygenase 603741 formation LI Autosomal recessive 604777 CYP4F22 Cytochrome P450 gene 611495 Impaired epidermal lipid barrier formation 24 Netherton syndrome Autosomal recessive 256500 SPINK5 Serine protease a inhibitor 605010 Increased proteolytic activity in the 19,20 stratum corneum leading to accelerated disintegration NCIE Autosomal recessive 612281 ICHYN Ichthyin 609383 Abnormal lamellar bodies and elongated 26 membranes in the granular layer Recessive X-linked Recessive X-linked 308100 STS Steroid sulphatase 300747 Malformation of barrier lipid layers 29–31 ichthyosis and corneocyte retention Atopic dermatitis Autosomal recessive 605803 FLG Filaggrin 135940 Defective keratohyalin granules, 33,35 accelerated desquamation, Staphylococcus aureus colonization

FLG, filaggrin; LI, lamellar ichthyosis; NCIE, nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma. dominant mutation in the gap junction protein con- Skin inflammatory disorders nexin 26 led to premature keratinocyte programmed with barrier defects cell death and marked thickening of the cornified In addition to congenital barrier defects, im- layers in Vohwinkel’s syndrome.21 Adominantmu- paired barrier function is the hallmark of two of the tation in the loricrin gene was found to cause a var- most common chronic skin inflammatory disor- iant of Vohwinkel’s syndrome (Table 1).22 ders, AD, and psoriasis. Both AD and psoriasis Other mutations involved in congenital barrier have genetic and environmental components un- defects affect lipid modification, transport, or deg- derlying their pathogenesis and exhibit abnormal radation. Mutations in lipid transporter ABCA12 keratinocyte differentiation, disrupted barrier or cytochrome P450 gene CYP4F22 result in aber- function, and/or abnormalities of immunocytes. rant lipid extrusion and barrier defects in LI,23,24 Linkage of both AD and psoriasis susceptibility to whereas mutations in other proteins involved in the epidermal differentiation complex on chromo- this metabolic pathway underlie nonbullous con- some 1q21, which encodes at least 30 proteins in- genital ichthyosiform erythroderma.25,26 Complete volved in barrier formation, strongly suggests a loss of ABCA12 function results in the devastating role for barrier function in these inflammatory Harlequin ichthyosis.27,28 In recessive X-linked disorders. Two of the most striking results of bar- ichthyosis, loss of steroid sulphatase activity re- rier perturbation are stimulated DNA synthesis/ sults in abnormal accumulation of cholesterol sul- epidermal hyperplasia, and cytokine production, phate in the stratum corneum and corneocyte including TNF-a, IFN-c, interleukin (IL)-1, and retention (Table 1).29–31 Furthermore, recent GM-CSF.32 This cytokine release not only acts in studies in mutant mouse models have shown other an autocrine fashion to induce differentiation and genes playing critical roles in establishing the growth of keratinocytes but also functions in a epidermal barrier.32 paracrine and endocrine fashion to stimulate both 276 WIKRAMANAYAKE, STOJADINOVIC, AND TOMIC-CANIC

local and systemic inflammatory and immune Cell adhesion in epidermal barrier responses. In addition to the ‘‘bricks and mortar’’ consisting AD is a complex disorder clinically character- of corneocytes and lipids, cell adhesion between ized by dry skin, defective epidermal barrier, keratinocytes through TJ, adherens junctions, and susceptibility to cutaneous bacterial colonization desmosomes is an integral part of the epidermal and infection, and cutaneous inflammation driven barrier. Adhesion of keratinocytes to each other by type 2 helper T cells.33,34 AD is strongly asso- and the underlying basement membrane as well as ciated with food allergies, asthma, and allergic interactions between keratinocytes and other cells rhinitis in later life. Recent studies established found in the epidermis (melanocytes, Langerhans, strong associations of AD with filaggrin (FLG) and Merkel cells) are all involved in the structural mutation.33,35 Filaggrin deficiency may contribute integrity and function of the epidermis. Since the to defective epidermal differentiation and AD epidermis is a self-renewing tissue with a contin- pathogenesis in several ways by impairing fila- uous upward movement of differentiating cells, to ment aggregation, and subsequently, maturation maintain the barrier properties, the intercellular and release of lamellar bodies.33,34 It is also asso- junctions must be dynamically rearranged without ciated with increased pH in the stratum corneum, losing their adhesive strength. Functional dele- resulting in increased activity of serine prote- tions of various adherens junction components in ases, such as kallikreins. This leads to acceler- mice have resulted in impaired intercellular ad- ated degradation of the corneodesmosomes (the hesion, blistering, hair loss, and inflammatory re- cell–cell junction that holds neighboring corneo- sponse.38 Furthermore, viruses and bacteria may cytes together), and consequently, accelerated gain entry into cells by binding to or modulating desquamation, and may also downregulate la- junctional structures, causing infection.38 Con- mellar body secretion, resulting in reduced ex- versely, dissolution of the corneodesmosomes is an tracellular lipids in AD.34 Additionally, increased integral step of the desquamation process. serine protease activity may increase the genera- Whereas TJs had been extensively studied in tion of IL-1a and IL-1b, which are considered simple epithelium and had been observed in the the first step in the cytokine cascade leading to granular layer of the epidermis,39 its role in strat- inflammation in AD.34 Furthermore, elevated ified epithelium such as the epidermis did not be- pH may lead to enhanced Staphylococcus aureus come clear until the observation that TJ component adhesion and multiplication. This situation may claudin-1 knockout mice died after birth from de- be exacerbated by the observation that lesional hydration of the wrinkled skin.40 In claudin-1- skin in AD patients has reduced antimicrobial deficient mice, although the stratum corneum peptides. appeared to function normally, the epidermal bar- Psoriasis afflicts 2–3% of the world population. It rier was severely impaired.40 Other TJ components persists for life with spontaneous remissions and have also been implicated in epidermal barrier exacerbations. Lesional plaque-stage skin is sig- function.38 The distribution of functional TJs in the nificantly thickened, with parakeratotic scale. The epidermis suggested that they are not static but epidermis is hyperplastic, whereas the granular form and degrade dynamically with turnover of layer is absent. T cells are present in the dermis, keratinocytes.41 Furthermore, expression of TJ- and epidermis accompanied by increased numbers associated molecules was found to be altered in of dermal dendritic cells, macrophages, mast cells, psoriasis.42 These observations suggest that de- and neutrophils is detected. In addition to skin fective TJ structures impair the epidermal barrier manifestation, some patients present nail dystro- function and, vice versa, a rapid turnover and im- phy and psoriatic arthritis. Patients may also de- paired differentiation of keratinocytes in skin dis- velop inflammatory bowel disorder.36 Although orders such as psoriasis influence the dynamics of several psoriasis susceptibility loci have been the formation of TJs in the epidermis.38 identified, no specific gene has been validated as a definite cause for psoriasis. A characteristic ab- Barrier restoration in acute normality of lesional skin in psoriasis is the ex- and chronic wounds cessive production of antimicrobial peptides. They Acute wounds. Damage to the barrier upon had been thought to worsen psoriatic lesions, but wounding activates a cascade of molecular and recent evidence has suggested that the induction cellular events aimed at restoration of the barrier of antimicrobial peptides may improve aspects structure and function. After the initial hemosta- of the disease by modifying host inflammatory sis, acute wound healing proceeds through inde- responses.37 pendent, yet overlapping phases: inflammatory, EPIDERMAL BARRIER MAINTENANCE AND WOUND HEALING 277

proliferative, and remodeling.43 During the inflam- epithelization is one of the major reasons for the matory phase, bacteria and debris are phagocytosed lack of barrier formation in chronic wounds. Ker- and removed, and leukocytes infiltrate the wound, atinocytes at the wound edge fail to migrate over a releasing antimicrobials and cytokines, which cause wound bed, increasing potential for bacterial colo- the migration and proliferation of cells involved in nization. This in turn triggers continuous immune the proliferative response. The proliferative phase is response to bioburden, leading to prolonged in- characterized by keratinocyte migration over the flammation, delayed healing, and tissue damage. wound bed (re-epithelialization), angiogenesis, col- Keratinocytes at the edges of a nonhealing wounds lagen deposition, granulation tissue formation, and sustain a proliferative phenotype.49,50 In addition wound contraction. Keratinocytes at the wound to impairment in migration, keratinocytes do not edge switch their phenotype from differentiating to fully differentiate, as represented by the presence activated, start expressing keratins 6, 16 and 17. of nuclei in a thick cornified layer.49 Some of early They migrate to cover the wound by forming a cell as well as late differentiation markers, keratins monolayer over denuded dermis. To restore func- K1/K10 and filaggrin, subset of small proline-rich tional epidermal barrier, proliferation is followed by proteins, are found suppressed, whereas late dif- differentiation, which is represented by a switch of ferentiation markers, involucrin, transglutaminase keratin expression back to K5/K14 in basal and K1/ 1, and another subset of small proline-rich proteins, K10 in suprabasal layers.44 Activated and differen- are found induced in nonhealing edges of chronic tiating phenotypes are controlled by many cytokines venous ulcers, reflecting loss of control in differen- and growth factors secreted by multiple cell types in tiation and barrier formation.49 Diabetic foot ulcer awound.45 These include epidermal growth factor, keratinocytes are also highly proliferative, show a fibroblast growth factor, ILs (IL-1 and IL-6), and reduced expression of K10 and K2, uncleaved pre- cortisol among others.44,46 Once closure is achieved, cursor of the alpha3 chain of laminin (a molecule collagen is remodeled and realigned in the scar tis- present on migrating epithelium), indicating kera- sue, whereas excess of cells is removed by apoptosis, tinocyte inability to migrate and differentiate and barrier epidermal keratinocytes resume their properly.51 All these findings indicate the inability role to properly restore barrier. of keratinocytes to revert to a normal differentiation An elegant study by Segre and colleagues showed pathway in the setting of chronic wounds, leading to that re-epithelialization and the subsequent barrier defect in wound closure and barrier restoration. formation are controlled by different mechanisms. Interestingly, in hypertrophic scars, another patho- Mice overexpressing the gap junction protein con- logical process where normal cutaneous wound nexin 26 in the epidermis underwent normal re- healing fails, although the epithelium regenerates, epithelialization after excisional wounds but failed the barrier function of the stratum corneum is to restore normal epidermal structure and barrier altered, displaying high rates of water loss.52 function.47 Interestingly, the re-epithelialized areas of these mice shared many similarities with human Stem cells in barrier formation psoriatic plaques, such as hyperproliferation of the and restoration keratinocytes and a significant infiltration of in- Keratinocyte SCs within the skin. Keratinocyte flammatory cells including neutrophils and lym- SCs residing in the basal layer are responsible for phocytes. Yet contrary to the impaired wound the homeostasis of the epidermis throughout life, healing in these mice, significantly more rapid acute as they give rise to daughter cells that are destined wound healing was observed in both involved and for terminal differentiation and barrier formation. uninvolved skin in psoriatic patients than con- However, it has long been observed that hair folli- trols.48 Thus, disruption of the epidermal barrier cle cells contribute to healing of the epidermis af- may be sensed by the epidermal cells, leading to ter wounding, both in the clinic and in animal increased DNA synthesis and epidermal hyperpla- models.53 AsignificantkeratinocyteSCreservoir sia. These observations suggest that the impaired resides in the bulge of the hair follicles and main- barrier in psoriatic lesions may contribute to kera- tains the hair follicle homeostasis through activa- tinocyte hyperproliferation and also cytokine acti- tion during each hair cycle.53 The bulge cell progeny vation, and that restoration of the barrier after migrate into excisional and incisional wounds, as re-epithelialization is important for the balance well as into the epidermis after tape strip- between proliferation and differentiation.32 ping. Interestingly, experiments using neonatal versus adult skin have suggested that the wound Chronic wounds. Deficiency in successful bar- healing potential of bulge SCs may decline with rier restoration leads to chronic wound. Failed re- age,5 although the bulge SCs have been shown to 278 WIKRAMANAYAKE, STOJADINOVIC, AND TOMIC-CANIC

be retained throughout skin aging.54 TAKE-HOME MESSAGES Additionally, despite the presence of bulge- The barrier function of the skin, which prevents both the loss of moisture derived cells in the basal layer of the re- and the entry of toxic or infectious agents, is provided by the stratified epithelialized epidermis, the majority of epidermis. the bulge-derived cells did not persist in the regenerated stratified epidermis. This The epidermis undergoes continuous self-renewal in a basal to super- ficial direction. SCs are only found in the basal layer. The outermost observation suggests that bulge-derived layer, the stratum corneum, forms the ‘‘bricks and mortar’’ barrier. cells and epidermal SCs are intrinsically different and that the epidermis-derived Gene mutations of key components of the barrier or barrier formation cells seem better suited for the long-term process result in a variety of congenital disorders collectively termed maintenance of the epidermis.55 ichthyosis. Besides the bulge cell progeny, several Impaired barrier function is also the hallmark of two of the most common other cell populations within the hair fol- chronic skin inflammatory disorders, AD and psoriasis. licle/sebaceous gland expressing different Chronic wounds show deregulation of keratinocyte proliferation and lineage markers (such as K15, Blimp1, differentiation markers indicating inability of wound edge keratinocytes Lgr5, Lgr6, Lrig1, MTS24, and Nestin) to form proper barrier and close the wound. have also been shown to integrate into the Whereas keratinocyte SCs residing in the basal layer are responsible for regenerating epidermis in the wound.56 the homeostasis of the epidermis throughout life, SCs in the hair follicles Such observations are suggestive of the and sebaceous glands have also been shown to contribute to proper activation and significant plasticity of epidermal wound healing. In addition, iPSCs have been shown capable of these cells in response to wounding, which reconstituting a normal stratified epidermis, hair follicles, and sebaceous may be explored for the purpose of pro- glands. moting wound healing and regeneration. The recent advances may provide a promising option for treating chronic wounds using allogeneic MSCs. Induced pluripotent stem cells. The discovery that both mouse and human somatic cells pose-derived MSCs injected directly into excisional can be reprogrammed has had a great impact on the wounds were shown to differentiate directly into fields of SC biology and regenerative medicine.57–59 endothelial and epithelial cell types as well as se- This was initially achieved by transduction with a crete growth factors to enhance neovasculogenesis, viral vector encoding reprogramming factors, such thus accelerating the time for wound closure.66 as Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc, or alternatively, MSCs are also rapidly mobilized in response to Oct3/4, Sox2, Nanog, and Lin28. However, recent hypoxia, which is commonly found in chronic progress in generating transgene-free human in- wounds with poor vascularization.67 Although their duced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has advanced progeny can contribute to the regenerated tissue, their potential application closer to the clinic.60–62 perhaps more important is that MSCs can orches- The therapeutic potential of iPSCs for tissue repair trate tissue repair (sometimes with reduced scar and regeneration is enormous. iPSC technology can formation), even at distant sites. Yet the most un- be used for the development of customized, autolo- ique and prospectively useful aspect of MSCs for gous cell-based therapies to treat human diseases treating chronic wounds is their low immunogenic- and tissue/organ repair and regeneration. In fact, ity and immunosuppressive features. These prop- procedures have been developed to effectively dif- erties, combined with the availability of MSCs and ferentiate iPSCs into various cell types, including the ease of propagation and storage, allow alloge- functional keratinocytes capable of reconstituting a neic grafting from healthy donors. This is particu- normal stratified epidermis, hair follicles, and se- larly important for treating nonhealing wounds in baceous glands.63 older individuals, patients with diabetes and auto- immune diseases with compromised MSCs.67,68 Mesenchymal stem cells. In addition to resi- dent SCs in the skin, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from either the bone marrow or ACKNOWLEDGMENTS adipose tissue have been shown to accelerate cu- AND FUNDING SOURCES taneous wound regeneration.64,65 MSCs likely The authors give special thanks to Shailee Patel participate in wound healing through several for technical support and the members of their mechanisms, including their multipotential dif- laboratories for their continuous support. This ferentiation and secretion of cytokines to promote work was supported in part by AR059907 (NIH/ tissue growth and angiogenesis. For example, adi- NIAMS) (T.C.W.), 3BN07 (Florida Department EPIDERMAL BARRIER MAINTENANCE AND WOUND HEALING 279

of Health/Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery at the Uni- Program) (T.C.W.), 5R21AR060562 (M.T.-C.), versity of Miami. She uses preclinical models to 5R01NR013881 (M.T.-C.), 9R01DK098055 (M.T. investigate the cellular and molecular basis of -C.). The authors apologize to colleagues whose epidermal stem cell maintenance and differentia- significant contributions to the field were not cited tion. Her translational research aims at developing due to the word and reference limit. novel therapeutics that promotes tissue regenera- tion in the skin. Olivera Stojadinovic, MD, is AUTHOR DISCLOSURE a Research Assistant Professor at the Depart- AND GHOSTWRITING ment of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. No competing financial interests exist. The con- Marjana Tomic-Canic, PhD, RN, is Professor of tent of this article was expressly written by the Dermatology and Director of the Wound Healing authors listed. No ghostwriters were used to write and Regenerative Medicine Research Program, this article. Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Sur- gery at the University of Miami Miller School of ABOUT THE AUTHORS Medicine. Dr. Tomic’s research focuses on molecu- Tongyu Cao Wikramanayake, PhD, is a Re- lar and cellular mechanisms of tissue repair and search Assistant Professor at the Department of regeneration in skin and its pathogenesis.

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