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MARCAAA H -19*Iw^^Fr6^ a ^^ ^> a Ty ANGLERJ MARCAAA H -19*iW^^fr6^ A ^^ ^> A ty/ OFFICIAL STATE MARCH. 1936 PUBLICATION ^ANGLER* Vol. 5 No. 3 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA PUBLISHED MONTHLY BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS by the PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS OLIVER M. DEIBLER Five cents a copy — 50 cents a year Commissioner of Fisheries C. R. BULLER Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries £3H E3 Pleasant Mount £2 E3 £2 ALEX P. SWEIGART, Editor South Office BIdg., Harrisburg, Pa. MEMBERS OF BOARD OLIVER M. DEIBLER, Chairman Greensburg >3 S S3 MILTON L. PEEK Devon CHARLES A. FRENCH NOTE Ellwood City Subscriptions to the PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER HARRY E. WEBER should be addressed to the Editor. Submit fee either Philipsburg by check or money order payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Stamps not acceptable. Individuals REV. SAMUEL J. TRUSCOTT sending cash do so at their own risk. Dalton DAN R. SCHNABEL Johnstown EDGAR W. NICHOLSON PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER welcomes contributions Philadelphia and photos of catches from its readers. Proper credit will be given to contributors. KENNETH A. REID Connellsville All contributions returned if accompanied by first class postage. H. R. STACKHOUSE Secretary to Board IMPORTANT—The Editor should be notified immediately of change in subscriber's address. Please give both old and new addresses Permission to reprint will be granted provided proper credit notice is given PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER Governor Earle Casting the Dry Ply. Commissioner Deibler at the right. A Message to Pennsylvania Anglers From Governor GEORGE H. EARLE On the eve of the 1936 trout season, This year, let us resolve to return I share with you many happy all trout under legal size gently to thoughts. Some are memories of the water. Let us resolve not to fish days astream on our mountain the small feeder brooks, nature's in­ and meadow trout waters; others con­ cubators in which small trout develop cern plans for that "up at daybreak" trip on opening day of the season. to larger size before dropping into There is real joy for the angler, even heavier water. Let us resolve to ex­ before the season opens. Checking terminate watersnakes so destructive tackle, replacing favorite flies of pat­ to trout and other fish life at every terns that proved so effective last opportunity; to do our part in im­ year, and, perhaps best of all, pictur­ proving stream conditions under ing in the mind's eye the glint of a which these beautiful game fish must trout rising to your pet feathered live; to be good sportsmen while lure. astream, setting an example for As we plan for the coming trout others to follow. Finally, and most season, why not look ahead to the im­ important, let us take no more trout provement in trout fishing conditions, than we need for our family, take a improvement in which each of us can sportsman's creel. play an important part? With over one quarter of a million licensed May you enjoy, to the greatest pos­ fishermen, Pennsylvania must base sible extent, every soul-satisfying any lasting betterment in fishing con­ moment on our splendid trout streams ditions on the cooperation of her this year. The future of our sport sportsmen. rests in large part with each of us. u. PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER If You Don't Have a Boy of Your Own, Borrow One! By OLIVER M. DEIBLER Commissioner ot Fisheries : HiiiiiiiS-wL "S " sip^iii^ "»^ §S^8" BS :; WHS 4.^ sjflSS i *• JMKS^MUC" '«' *P ,,v>w»-i» ^•JaP mu --"-m M - '^^^3^ ?j$s ~' * -**"WS? ^ ' ri"--'\ ^W%!LL' W^^ J sJCaETSjISS*af^>ii§8, *§r j Wm^y yA %:.,^3i«:"'i Charles Wagner, of Bellefonte, never finds it too much trouble to take Cliarles, Jr., fishing. You can bet Junior will never he an outlaw. S a boy I was very fortunate in hav­ A ing some wonderful experiences that have stood out quite boldly throughout all my life. As I have seen thousands of fisher­ men on streams during my life time and few of them accompanied by their own boys, by some other boy who might enjoy the great outdoors, but who unfortunately had no father of his own, or one who was not in­ terested in the greatest of all outdoor recre­ ations—fishing, this thought occurred to me. It has always been a most perplexing prob­ lem as to how men. who enjoy going astream in pursuit of their favorite sport, usually Dads, wouldn't you much sooner have your sons out on a stream like this, than in take some other man, or group of friends, some back alley? with them and leave behind the boy who should, and no doubt would, rather be in demonstration rests all the more heavily we prefer that they learn the rules of life the company of his father than with anyone upon us. The problem resolves itself then and good sportsmanship from others? In else. into a very personal one. Do we want our some cases the boy might be very fortunate Many a boy who has asked his father to boys to be the kind of men we are, or would if he chose to follow someone else than his take him on a fishing trip has been told that own father, but in the great majority of he could not be bothered with him this time, cases the chances are that he would be or was given some other excuse, which had thrown into the wrong kind of companion­ no reason in it as far as the boy was con­ ship, which would have a damaging influence cerned. This, to my way of thinking, is a on him for the balance of his life. very sad mistake, as I have on many occa­ If I may be pardoned for doing so, I sions noticed where parents refused to be shall refer to my personal experiences, out bothered with their children (it should of which I am largely writing, to relate never be a bother, but a pleasure) have in some of the greatest joys I have ever had. later years had cause to do much worrying, These occurred in my very early boyhood simply because they did not wish to be since I was fortunate in having a father bothered witli the boy, when they should who loved the outdoors and in his limited have been making him their everlasting pal. way was a keen student of nature, and who Through many years of close association would also rather have one of his children with thousands of boys, both as a teacher with him, than anyone else. While yet too in school, and later in other lines of boy young to be taken on hunting and fishing work, I have repeatedly asked groups of boys trips, I can well remember how he took an the question—who in their minds was the older sister, who was then possibly not over greatest man they ever knew? Sad to relate seven or eight years old and who now, more that only a few promptly replied, "My than fifty years later, still loves the great father," whereas had there been the proper out-doors and is keenly interested in the understanding and relationship between par­ things she learned about on these trips with ent and son in each case, such as can only her father. While I was yet too small to come through close personal companionship, own a gun or fishing outfit, father would everyone would have immediately claimed take me with him, and on more than one his father as the greatest of all men. occasion was it necessary for him to bring Therefore, if we fathers and sportsmen are me home on his back, when the tired little conducting ourselves when on our streams feet could not longer stand the going. Never in such a manner as we would wish, not was it necessary for a second call to get up only for our own boys, but others who may long before daylight when such a trip had be looking up to us for a standard to follow, been arranged the evening before. HoW then the obligation of teaching them the Richard Hall, of Northampton, is a vividly are those pictures still before me happy boy, just back from a fishing after almost fifty years, and with little rules of good sportsmanship by practical trip with his Dad PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER Dr. Fred Seidcl of Hazleton enjoys fishing with son, Danny self to be, can erect for himself a more This little Miss is "all interest' in Effort could I write volumes on these ex­ trout fishing periences. honorable or enduring monument than to When it was possible for me to enjoy one have a man in after-life be able to say he °* these trips with my father, either hunting is a better sportsman, and likewise a better one that will yield greater returns, than for 0r fishing, no companion, group of playmates, citizen, because as a boy he was shown the us to avail ourselves of every opportunity 0r anything else, would have been as desir­ better way by some one of us. whereby our future manhood and citizen­ able, or would have been permitted to inter­ No sounder investment can be made, nor ship can be improved and lifted to a higher fere in any way with the keen pleasure I standard. Our sincere wish is to see many always derived from the companionship of more boys accompanied by their fathers, and a father who was interested in not only my many more men who may not have a boy Measures, but was also interested that I of their own, but are willing to borrow one should learn from the proper sources the for the occasion, on our streams and lakes things that I, as well as any other boy, this coming season.
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