Jewish National Organizations in the United States
JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES [Note.—The information given below is as of April 1, 1925.—An asterisk (*) indicates that revised data were not furnished upon request.] ALEPH ZADIK ALEPH FOR YOUNG MEN Org. 1924. OFFICE: 300 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Annual Convention, July 4—6, 1924, Omaha, Nebr. Chapters, 12. Members, 500. PURPOSE: Mental, moral and physical development of Jewish youth. Inculcation of Jewish ideals. OFFICERS: Grand Pres., Sam Beber, Omaha, Nebr.; Grand Aleph Godol, Chas. D. Shane, Des Moines, la.; Grand Vice-Pres., Saul Arenson, Cincinnati, O.; Nathan Mnookin, Kansas City, Mo.; Grand Treas., Nathan Bernstein, Omaha, Nebr.; Grand Sec, I. F. Goodman, 300 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha Nebr.; Grand Warden, Abe Babior, Lincoln, Nebr. SUPREME ADVISORY COUNCIL: The Officers and Myer Freeman, Omaha, Nebr.; Harry Lapidus, Omaha, Nebr.; S. I. Silberman, Des Moines, la.; Harry Trustin, Omaha, Nebr. ALPHA EPSILON PI FRATERNITY Org. 1913. OFFICE: 131 W. 13th, New York City Eighth Annual Convention, Dec. 27-28, 1924, New York City. Chapters, 12. Members, 375. PURPOSE: A national collegiate Greek-letter organization for Jew- ish students. OFFICERS: Pres., Sidney Picker, N. Y. C; Vice-Pres., Herman Rol- nick, N. Y. C; Treas., Louis S. Amreich, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sec, David Schlesinger, N. Y. C. BOARD OF GOVERNORS: The Officers and Alfred D. Peltz, Brooklyn, N. Y.; I. L. Rubin, Philadelphia, Pa.; J. Safir, Brooklyn, N. Y.; S. H. Steinberg, Philadelphia, Pa.; I. N. Treblow., Philadelphia, Pa. ALPHA EPSILON PHI SORORITY Org. 1909. OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. Convention, June 30-July 6, 1924, Charlevoix, Mich.
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