Question for written answer E-8192/2010 to the Council Rule 117 Fiorello Provera (EFD)

Subject: EU sanctions against Iranian officials

On 29 September, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced that the United States would launch severe economic sanctions against eight Iranian officials who were involved in ’s post-election crackdown on demonstrators in 2009. The assets of the individuals will be frozen and they will be barred from entering or doing business with the United States. Hillary Clinton said the sanctions represent ‘a statement of our values’ and express ‘solidarity with victims of these kinds of actions around the world.’ The individuals below are accused by United States authorities of the torture, rape, arbitrary detention and killing of Iranian citizens. They include:

1. , Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC);

2. Sadeq Mahsouli, current Minister of Welfare and Security and former Minister of the Interior;

3. Qolam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei, current Prosecutor-General of Iran and former Minister of Intelligence;

4. Saeed Mortazavi, former Prosecutor-General of ;

5. Heydar Moslehi, Minister of Intelligence;

6. Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, current Minister of the Interior and former deputy commander of the armed forces for law enforcement;

7. Ahmad-Reza Radan, deputy chief of Iran's National Police;

8. Hossein Taeb, current deputy IRGC commander for intelligence and former commander of the IRGC’s Forces.

In light of the United States Government’s decision, is the Council prepared to invoke sanctions against these eight Iranian officials?

833065.EN PE 450.226