September 2016 Issue 99

desthe magazine for defence equipment and support

Making history: inside the carriers

cover image

FOREWORD By Tony Douglas, CEO HMS Prince of Wales carrier at Rosyth Picture: Andrew Linnett his month I would like to start off by paying tribute to all of you who helped make our Families Days such a tremendous success. desider TThis wonderful initiative has only been going four years, but we have already had more than 10,000 people take advantage and visit MOD Abbey Wood. I attended my first ever Families Day on August 5 in glorious sunshine, and particularly enjoyed the bottle rockets and vehicle Editor: displays. It was wonderful to see so many children and adults Tom Morris - 9352 37888 or 0117 9137888 enjoying themselves, looking around what there was on offer and [email protected] devouring a burger or an ice cream. Talking of successes, as all of you will know by now, one of the Reporters: Laura Martin Plaza, Hazel Stanley, Tom Knight, mantras I put forward when arriving at MOD Abbey Wood was that Hannah Carolin, Hannah Wood and Elliot Bradley DE&S needed to “get better at being better.” Recently I was delighted to hear of a perfect example. Photography and Design: The determination of Lieutenant Colonel Richard Garbutt and his Andrew Linnett, Ed Low, Paul Griffin and Mark DE&S Puma2 Gazelle Project Team to fix a problem has saved the Hawke taxpayer around £15 million. Distribution Manager: They refused to accept changes could not be made to the Gazelle Dick Naughton - 9352 34342 or 0117 9134342 helicopters operating at the Training Unit (BATUS) in DES [email protected] Canada after it was declared they did not offer suitable medical care. Working alongside their colleagues, the team transformed six Gazelle helicopters so they met the stringent medical requirements and avoided the need for a lengthy and costly civilian contract. DE&S apprentices have also continued to impress. Congratulations to all those of you who took part in the Tom Nevard Awards at Shrivenham last month. It is great that apprentices from Abbey Wood, Devonport, Beith and Gosport were given the opportunity to work, alongside each other and industry apprentices, in such a creative environment. I was also delighted that DE&S apprentices from Devonport took Printing: time out to help transform a local primary school’s neglected wildlife garden. It’s another excellent example of how DE&S wants to play its part in enhancing the community. Back on the business front, you can read in this month’s magazine desider is distributed free to DE&S employees and the about the £184 million contract we awarded to ensure the UK’s new equipment capability organisations. Copies may be F-35B Lightning II jets are equipped with the latest air-to-air missile, sent to readers outside MOD, including in the defence and how we have now ordered a third record breaking cutting-edge industries and is published on the world wide web via Zephyr -S Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as part of a £13 million GOV.UK. While the editor takes care to ensure all material contract. produced is accurate, no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Views expressed in desider, and Finally, it’s an exciting time for industry, and especially Small and products and services advertised, are not necessarily Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs, with both endorsed by DE&S or the MOD. All editorial submissions Unmanned Warrior and the Army Warfighting Experiment on the must be cleared by the relevant MOD authorities with horizon. Both events, run by DE&S in conjunction with our Armed content for advertorials to be cleared by the relevant MOD Forces, will take a close look at the innovative ideas industry has project team before publication. to offer and demonstrate our commitment to providing the best possible equipment to our Armed Forces. © Crown Copyright

This magazine is produced on Cocoon Silk 90gsm which contains 50 per cent recycled and de-inked pulp from post consumer waste and Forest Stewardship Council certified material from well-managed forests.

desider September 2016 3 SENIOR LEADER COMMENT

06 Alan Peter, Director Commercial Operations, talks about his pride in supporting the Armed Forces, his love of mentoring and how transformation will help drive his team forward NEWS

08 Gazelle conversion: Team’s determination results in millions of pounds being saved

12 ASRAAM: £184 million contract to manufacture updated air-to-air missile for F-35B Lightning II

14 Ajax: Chief of Materiel (Land) pays his first visit to the engineering hub in Merthyr Tydfil

16 Tom Nevard Award: Rising stars of engineering 12 battle it out at apprentice competition held at Shrivenham

18 Unmanned Warrior: Dozens of companies sign up to showcase their innovative ideas to the

24 Doing their bit: Devonport DE&S apprentices volunteer to transform a wildlife garden at a local primary school

26 Army Warfighting Experiment: Venture launched for industry to demonstrate their cutting-edge technology to the British Army

28 Welcome: Around 3,000 adults and children descend on Abbey Wood for Families Days

29 Zephyr: Third cutting-edge Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ordered by the MOD

30 Gute arbeit (Good work): Exceptional teamwork sees DE&S close Dülmen depot in Germany months ahead of schedule 16 32 Wind farms: First Air Defence radar tolerant of wind turbines achieves Full Operating Capability FEATURES

19 - 23 Rosyth: Desider visits the naval dockyard housing the Queen Elizabeth Class carriers and meets the team working to deliver them to the Royal Navy

4 desider September 2016 REGULARS

34 First Person - Submarine Operating Centre Chief Engineer Richard McMeekin on nuclear skills and the importance of continuous learning and safety

36 Jobs - Desider’s latest recruitment pages

40 60 Second spotlight: Jimmy Dowling on his

love for his children, hatred of bad manners 2016 and holding the title for having the most frozen Rolos in your mouth

42 DE&S People - Steve Pointon returns from his epic 11 week yacht trip, DE&S Pride march through Bristol and Jemma Garland highlights Business in the Community SEPTEMBER


18 Inside

desider September 2016 5 SENIOR LEADER COMMENT

Alan Peter, Director Commercial Operations, talks to Desider about his 40 years in the MOD, his satisfaction in supporting staff and the difference transformation is making in his area

Throughout“ the years I have been very fortunate and had some great opportunities to work with exceptional people. It has been a fantastic career Alan Peter, Director Commercial Operations ” Picture: Ed Low Ed Picture:

have been in defence procurement since but I make sure that it is coherent and that we potential and I really enjoy it. I’d like to think I left school when I was 17-years-old, learn lessons across the business, sharing good people aren’t afraid to come to me and explain joining as an E2 clerical assistant and and avoiding bad practice to make sure that why they are going to give something a go. I’m Iworking my way up to my appointment as a we continue to get better at getting better. In a always open to innovative thinking and happy 2 star Director last year. I have worked in the nutshell, I provide the “business glue” from a to be persuaded to give something a try even if Defence Procurement Agency (DPA) and the commercial perspective. I also help the heads it might seem a bit off-the-wall, as I certainly Ministry of Defence Procurement Executive of commercial in the operating centres to get don’t have a monopoly on good ideas! (MOD(PE)), serving the MOD for about 40 the best possible commercial outcomes and My key priorities for the next year are years. Other than a brief sojourn in finance, I deliver real taxpayer value. making transformation work and making have always had roles doing commercial work. As much as I get a buzz out of doing a good commercial leadership more transparent - so Throughout the years I have been very commercial deal, my favourite part of the job people in the business understand what we fortunate and had some great opportunities is the people. I have about 900 commercial are doing and how the commercial function to work with exceptional people. It has been a staff in my area and their professionalism fits into the balanced matrix of the wider fantastic career: the opportunities at the MOD surprises me every single day. It always gives organisation. are, I believe, second to none. Serving the me great satisfaction to help someone through I am happy to say that my area is already Armed Forces is something I really enjoy and support, mentoring or guidance – being there benefitting from some of the outcomes of I am fiercely proud of the fact that I am able to for them if they need a figurative arm around transformation. Under spirals 1 and 2 we play a role in helping procure the equipment their shoulders. I love to achieve quality are applying a standard set of processes and and support that helps keep the country safe. commercial outcomes and to see commercial practices, which will make a huge difference In my current post I am responsible for all people growing in stature when they deliver and will allow us to be more efficient. I look things related to commercial delivery. I don’t them. I am not here to mark their homework, forward to the exciting journey ahead. deliver the individual components of the deal but to encourage them to achieve their full

6 desider September 2016 Not all fast computers reach Mach 2

printf("\nEnter the Values of a : "); scanf("%f",// Merging &a); starts printf("\nEnter while the(i Values< n1 of && barea : j"); <= n2)PI *{ rad * rad; desc if =(arr1[i] sqrt(b <= *arr2[j]) b - 4{ * a * c); taskarr[location type Aeroplane (ID: Aeroplane_ID); - 1] New_aeroplane: type Aeroplane_Access;Aeroplane_Access is access Aeroplane; printf("\nEnter beginthe element to be inserted :"); for I in Aeroplane_ID'Range loop scanf("%d", &element); New_aeroplane := new Aeroplane (I); root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); delay 4.0;//Merging starts return (0); root2 = (-b - desc) / (2.0 * a); task type Aeroplane (ID: Aeroplane_ID); end loop;

type Aeroplane_Access is access Aeroplane; printf("\nEnter endthe Traffic; location"); printf("\nFirst Root : %f", root1); &arr[i]); printf("\nSecond scanf("%d", Root : &location);%f", root2); int main() printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted :"); if (arr1[i] scanf("%d", &element); <= arr2[j]) { desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); //Create space at the specified location printf("\nEnter for the(i location");= num; i >= location; i--) { root1 = (-b + desc) /scanf("%d", (2.0 * a); &location); root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); #include arr[i] = arr[i - 1]; //Create space} at root2the specified = (-b location - desc) / (2.0 * a); for (i = num; i >= location; i--) { printf("\nEnter arr[i] the Values =int arr[i - 1]; i,of aj, : ");k, n1, n2; float scanf("%f", a, b, &a);c; } printf("\nFirst Root : %f", root1); task type Controller (My_Runway: Runway_Access) printf("\nSecond is Root : %f", root2); entry Request_Takeoffprintf("\nEnter (ID: in theAeroplane_ID; Values Takeoff:of b :out "); Runway_Access); else entry { Request_Approach(ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); return end (0); Controller; v2 = 0; // Merging starts if (arr1[i] <= arr2[j]) { desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); scanf("%d", &n1); desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a *root1 c); = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); #include int rad; //Displaying #include { #include float PI = 3.14, area, } ci; #include area = PI * rad * rad; int rad; res[k] = arr2[j]; printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted :"); printf("\nEnter the Values return of v5; a : "); return (0); scanf("%d", &element); printf("\nEnter radius of circle: "); num++; //Print out intthe resultmain() { scanf("%d", &rad); v2i = 0;< n2; printf("\nEnter theroot1 location"); = (-b + desc) / (2.0 }* a); printf(”:Enter else the{ scanf("%d", &location); float a, b, c; desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); #includeint task rad; type Controller (My_Runway: Runway_Access) areais = PI * rad * rad; scanf("%d", &n1); #include //Create space at thefloat specified locationdesc, root1, root2; power root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); for entry (i = num; i >=Request_Takeoff location; i--) { (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Takeoff:printf("\nArea out of circleRunway_Access); : %f ", area); desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); for I in Aeroplane_ID'Range arr[i] = arr[i - loop1]; //Print } out the result New_aeroplane } := new Aeroplane (I); root1 { = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); int rad; entry Request_Approach(ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Approach:ci = 2 * PI * rad;out Runway_Access); root2 = (-b - desc) / (2.0 * a); delay 4.0; printf("\nEnter the Values of a : "); printf("\nCircumference : %f ", ci); scanf("%d", &n1); float PI = 3.14, area, ci; return v5; end loop; end Controller; printf("\nFirst Root : %f", root1); else { scanf("%f", &a); printf("\nEnter the element to be insertedint :"); printf("\nSecond main() Root : %f",desc root2); = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); end Traffic; while (i < n1return (0);&& j < n2) { task type Controller scanf("%d", (My_Runway: &element); Runway_Access) is #include printf("\nEnter radius of circle: "); float desc, root1, root2;#include } printf("\nEnter the Values of b : "); float desc, root1, root2; root1 = (-b + desc) entry / (2.0 * Request_Takeoffa); (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; return Takeoff: (0); out Runway_Access);for (i = num; i >= location; i--) { scanf("%d",for &rad); (i = num; i >= location; i--)} int rad; { printf("\nEnter the location"); } protected typeroot1 Runway = (-b is+ desc) / (2.0 * a); taskreturnarr[i (0);type entry- Aeroplane Request_Approach(ID: scanf("%d", &location); (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Aeroplane_ID); Approach: out Runway_Access); printf("\Provide the pressure distribution scanf("%f", on&b); the if fuselage(arr1[i] :"); <= float PIarr2[j]) = 3.14, area, ci; { int main() { #include protected type Runway is //Print outend theController; result int arr[30], element, num, i, location; entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID); task type Controller (My_Runway: Runway_Access) is //Create space at the specified location v2 = 0; area = PI * rad * rad; printf("\nEnter the Values of c : "); entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID); for (i = num; i >= location; int i--) arr1[30],{ arr2[30],area entry res[60];= Cleared_RunwayPI * rad (ID: * Aeroplane_ID); rad; typeroot2 Aeroplane_Access= (-b - desc) / (2.0 * taska); typedesc Controller = sqrt(bis (My_Runway: access * b Runway_Access)- 4 *Aeroplane; a * c); is scanf("%d", entryint Request_Takeoff arr1[30],&element); printf("\nArea arr2[30],(ID: of circlein Aeroplane_ID; : %f ",res[60]; area); Takeoff: out Runway_Access); printf("\nEnter radius of circle: "); arr[i] = arr[i - 1]; int i, j, k, n1, n2; entry entry Wait_For_Clear; Wait_For_Clear} else { scanf("%f", &c); res[k] = entryarr1[i]; Cleared_Runway (ID: Aeroplane_ID); } printf("\nEnter(arr1[i] the <= Values arr2[j]) of a : "); { scanf("%d", &rad); entry desc Request_Takeoff = sqrt(b * scanf("%d",b - 4(ID: * a in ZwClose(Handle);* c);Aeroplane_ID;private &rad); Takeoff: out Runway_Access); root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); entry Wait_For_Clear; int#include arr1[30], arr2[30], when Clearres[60]; is entry intRequest_Approach(ID: i, cij, = 2 *k, PI * n1,rad; in n2;Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); entry Request_Approach(ID: printf("\nEnter num++; noin ofAeroplane_ID; elementsClear: Boolean in taskApproach:#include1st :=arraytype True; Aeroplaneout:"); Runway_Access); (ID: Aeroplane_ID); private desc else= sqrt(b { * b - 4 * a * beginc); (-b + desc) end / Controller; (2.0 task type root2Controller* printf("\nCircumference a);= (-b(My_Runway: - desc) Runway_Access) /: %f(2.0 ", ci); *is a); i++;desc = sqrt(b area * = PIb * -rad 4* rad;* a * c); end Controller; scanf("%d", &n1); int } end main() Runway; type Aeroplane_Access is access Aeroplane; desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); Clear: Boolean := True; float desc, root1, if iroot2; (arr1[i]< n2; <= null;scanf("%d", arr2[j]) { printf("\nEnter {printf("\nEnter &rad); entry theRequest_Takeoff Valuesthe location"); of(ID: a in : Aeroplane_ID; "); Takeoff: out Runway_Access); printf("\nArea of circle : %f ", area); for (i = 0; i < n1; typei++) Runway_Access { end; num++; is access all Runway; entry Request_Approach(ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); end Runway; return v5; return (0); printf("\nFirst scanf("%d", &arr1[i]); end Root Runway; : %f", root1); printf("\nFirst Root : %f", root1); k++; type Runway_Access is access all Runway; root1 with= (-bAda.Text_IO; + desc) usereturn Ada.Text_IO;return / (2.0 (0);(0); * a);scanf("%d", end printf("\nEnter Controller; &location);} no of root1elements = (-b +in desc) 1st / (2.0array * a); :"); ci = 2 * PI * rad; }int arr[30], element, num, i, location;descif = (arr1[i]sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); task type Controller (My_Runway: Runway_Access) is protected} type Runway is area = PI * rad * rad; #include printf("\nSecond Root : %f", root2); printf("\nCircumference : %f ", ci); entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID); arr2[j]) { entry Request_Takeoff (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Takeoff: out Runway_Access); taskprocedure type Trafficprintf("\nEnterAeroplane is (ID: Aeroplane_ID); /* Some elementsthe in array element scanf("%d", 'arr1' are still to remaining &n1);be where inserted as the array root2 //Displaying'arr2' = is:");(-b exhausted - desc) */ / (2.0 * a); entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Aeroplane_ID);desc printf("\nEnter = sqrt(b * theb -Values 4 * ofa a* : c);"); #include } entryelse Request_Approach(ID: { in Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); type entry Aeroplane_Access Wait_For_Clear; is access Aeroplane; return (0); private areatask type= PI Controller * rad *(My_Runway: rad; Runway_Access) is delay 4.0;entryi Wait_For_Clear< n2; while (i < n1) { end Controller; Clear: arr2[j];Boolean := True; scanf("%f", //Create &a); space for (i at = the0; ispecified < n1; i++) location { } root1 = res[k](-b = arr1[i];+ desc) / (2.0task *type a); Aeroplane (ID: printf("\nFirst Aeroplane_ID); Root : %f", root1); end Runway; end loop;when Clear is arr2[j]) res[k] = arr2[j];desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); //Merging starts type Runway_Access is access all Runway; printf("\nEnter entry Request_Takeoffthe Values of b : "); (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Takeoff: out Runway_Access); end Traffic; i++; typedesc Aeroplane_Access = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); is access Aeroplane; power#include begin #includetask type Aeroplane for (ID:(i Aeroplane_ID); = num; scanf("%d", i >= location; &arr1[i]); i--) printf("\nSecond { Root : %f", root2); #include int main() { printf("\nEnter the Values of a : "); arr[i] = arr[i - k++; root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); ci = 2 * PI * rad; printf("\nEnter the element to be insertedbegin :"); desc = sqrt(b * b - 4null; * a * c); for scanf("%f", (i = num; &b); i >=num++; location; i--) { protected type Runway is type Aeroplane_Access entryroot1 isRequest_Approach(ID: access Aeroplane; = (-b + desc) in /Aeroplane_ID; (2.0 * a); Approach: k++; printf("\nCircumference out Runway_Access); : %f ", ci); return (0); for I in Aeroplane_ID'Range loop end; // } res[k] = arr2[j]; protected body Runway is //Merging starts printf("\nEnter scanf("%d", entry &element); Assign_Aircraft the scanf("%f", Values (ID: ofAeroplane_ID);arr[location a&a); : "); - 1] introot1 =main() (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); printf("\nEnter arr[i] taskthe }Values=type arr[i Controller of c -: ");1]; (My_Runway: Runway_Access) is New_aeroplane := new Aeroplane (I); with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; scanf("%d", &n1); delay 4.0; end Runway; end Controller;return for(0); (i = num; printf("\nEnteri >= location; return (0); i--) {the magnitude of the pressurefloat a,coefficient b, scanf("%f",c; &a); :"printf("\nEnter); the Values of b : "); scanf("%f", /* Some elements &c); in array entry 'arr2' Request_Takeoff are#include still remaining where(ID: as inthe Aeroplane_ID;array entry 'arr1' Assign_Aircraft is exhausted Takeoff: for*/ Itask in out (ID:Aeroplane_ID'Range Runway_Access);type Aeroplane_ID) Aeroplane loop (ID: Aeroplane_ID); printf("\nEnter v2 =the 0; location"); end loop; Clear := False; } arr[location - 1] j++; protected body Runwaydesc is = sqrt(b * b -#include 4 * a * c); end Traffic; root2 = (-b - desc) / (2.0 * a); procedure Traffic is } /* Some elements in array 'arr1' are still remaining where as the array 'arr2' is exhausted #include */ printf("\nEnter scanf("%d",printf("\nEnter the element &location); to be insertedthe Values :"); of b : "); //Merging startsintprintf("\nEnter main() when Clear radius is of New_aeroplanecircle: := new"); Aeroplane (I); entry Request_Approach(ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID) scanf("%d", &element); while (i < n1) { scanf("%d", &element);#include ZwClose(Handle); int i, printf("\nEnterj, k, the element n1, to be inserted n2; :"); float PI delay = 4.0;type3.14, Aeroplane_Access is access Aeroplane; int main() { int v2 = 0;arr1[ root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); root1 begin = (-b + desc) res[k]/ = (2.0arr1[i]; * a); printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted :"); type Aeroplane_ID isend range Controller; 1..10; scanf("%d", &element); task type Controller } (My_Runway: Runway_Access) is int main() { //Create space at the specified location desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); printf("\nEnter the Values end ofloop; a : "); i++; when Clear is #include entry Wait_For_Clear #include arr[location - 1] k++; #include printf("\nEnterint arr[30], for element, (i the = num;location"); }num, i >=i, location;location; i--) { printf("\nEnter the location"); Clear := False;end Traffic;res[k]int = i,arr2[j]; j, k, n1,scanf("%d", n2; &element); arr2[j]; scanf("%d", &n1); printf("\nEnter no of elements in 2nd array } :"); begin scanf("%d", &location); entry Request_Takeoff (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Takeoff: out scanf("%d", Runway_Access); arr[i] &location);//Merging = arr[i - 1];starts Put_Line (Aeroplane_ID'Image } (ID) & " on runway ");with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; return (0); printf("\nEnter radius of /*circle: Some elements in array 'arr2' ");are stillClear remaining :=where asFalse; the array 'arr1' is exhausted */ printf("\nEnter } no of returnelements v5; :"); //Displaying scanf("%d", //Create space at the specified&n2); location printf("\nCircumference : %f ", ci); for (i = num;protected i >= location; i--) body { entry Runway end; isRequest_Approach(ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out//Createscanf("%d", Runway_Access); space &num); at the specified (-b + desc) / printf("\nEnter printf("\nEnter the Values the oflocation"); a : "); printf("\nEnter the location"); root2 = arr[i] = arr[i - 1]; Clear := False; Put_Lineprocedure (Aeroplane_ID'Image Traffic#include is (ID) & " on} runway "); arr[i - } entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID)#include scanf("%d", &location); for (i = num; i >= location; i--) { int main() end Controller;int //Createi, j, k,res[k] spacetaskn1, type = Aeroplane n2; arr2[j];at (ID: theend; Aeroplane_ID); specified i < n2; arr[i] location for (i = 0;= scanf("%d",arr[ii < num; - 1]; i++) { &n1); if (arr1[i] <= arr2[j]) arr[location type{ Aeroplane_ID iis range< - 1..10;n2;1] when task type Clear Controller scanf("%d", isprintf("\nEnter (My_Runway: Runway_Access) the &location);element is to be inserted#include type :"); Aeroplane_Access } is elseaccess Aeroplane; { scanf("%d", } &arr[i]); int main() { task scanf("%d", type &n1);Aeroplane printf("\nEnter protected(ID: type Runway Aeroplane_ID);} isthe Values of b : "); int entry main()Request_Takeoff (ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Takeoff: outtask Runway_Access); type Aeroplane (ID: Aeroplane_ID); begin scanf("%d", &element); int i, j, k, n1, //Create n2; space entry at Assign_Aircraft the specified (ID: Aeroplane_ID); location type Aeroplane_Access is access int Aeroplane; float main() desc, root1, scanf("%f", root2; res[k] &b); = arr2[j]; entry Request_Approach(ID: in Aeroplane_ID; Approach: out Runway_Access); entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Aeroplane_ID); Clear := False; float a, b, c; printf("\nEnter type Aeroplane_Access for the (i Values= num; entryofi Wait_For_Clear;>=b :location; is printf("\nEnter"); access i--) the Aeroplane;element{ to be while (i < n1) { printf("\nEnter private the Values of c : "); printf("\nEnter the element toif be (arr1[i]inserted {:"); <= arr2[j]) scanf("%d",{ &element); Put_Line printf("\nEnter (Aeroplane_ID'Image the location"); (ID) & " on runway ") scanf("%f", arr[i] &b); = arr[i Clear: Boolean - :=1]; True; i < n2; //Create space at float the desc, specified root1, root2;location end Runway; arr[location - 1] Clear := False; type Runway_Accessfloat isdesc, access all Runway;root1, root2; protected scanf("%d", type Runway is &location); } res[k] = arr1[i]; /* Someprintf("\nEnter elements in array 'arr1' are still the remaining Values where as the ofarray c'arr2' : isprintf("\nEnter"); exhausted */ the location"); entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID); float a, b, c; Runway1 entry Cleared_Runway : (ID: aliasedAeroplane_ID); Runway; for (i = num; i >= location; i--) { for entry Wait_For_Clear; (i = num; i >= location; float desc, i--) root1, { root2;//Merging starts private //Create space at the specified i++;printf("\nEnter location desc the #include= sqrt(b Values * b -of 4 * aa :* c);"); Controller1: Clear: Boolean := True; Controller (Runway1'Access); end forRunway; (i = num; i >= location; i--) { #include arr[i] type Runway_Access is access all Runway; = arr[i - 1]; for (i = num; i >= location; i--) { k++;scanf("%f", printf("\nEnter &a); the Values of a : "); arr[i] = arr[i - 1]; printf("\nEnterroot1int = themain()(-b element +{to bedesc) inserted :");/ (2.0 * a); arr[location scanf("%f", scanf("%d", - &element); 1]&a); //Merging} starts printf("\nEnter the float Values a, b, c; of b : "); } printf("\nEnter printf("\nEnter floatthe location"); desc,the root1,Values root2; of b : "); //Print out the result of insertion scanf("%d", &location); desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); scanf("%f", scanf("%f", &b); &b); task type Aeroplane (ID: Aeroplane_ID); protected type Runway is //Create space atprintf("\nEnter the specified locationroot1 =the (-b +Values desc) / (2.0of *a a); : "); type Aeroplane_Access is access Aeroplane; printf("\nEnter for (i = num; i >= location; the i--) {Values of c : "); entry Assign_Aircraft arr[i] (ID: = arr[i scanf("%f",Aeroplane_ID); - 1]; &a); forfloat (i = num; desc, i >= location; root1, i--) scanf("%f", {root2; } printf("\nEnter&c); the Values of b : "); entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Aeroplane_ID);scanf("%f",location; &b); i--) { entry Wait_For_Clear; printf("\nEnter the Values of c : "); Eurofighter Typhoon #include #include scanf("%f", &c); Clear := False;private desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted :"); if (arr1[i] Clear: <=Boolean scanf("%d", arr2[j]) := &element); True; { desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); desc = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c); end printf("\nEnterRunway; root1 = the(-b + Valuesdesc) / (2.0of *a a);: "); root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); printf("\nEnter the location"); root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); type Runway_Access scanf("%d", root2 is&location); access = (-b all - desc)Runway; / (2.0 * a); root2 = (-b - desc)delay / (2.0 *4.0; a);

taskdesc type Aeroplane = //Create sqrt(b (ID: Aeroplane_ID);space v5 at =the *v4specified b== -location0; 4 * a * c); type Aeroplane_Access is printf("\nFirstaccess Aeroplane; printf("\nFirst Root end : Root%f",loop; : %f",root1); root1); for (i = num; i >= location; printf("\nSecond i--) { Root : %f", root2); arr[i] =printf("\nSecond arr[i - 1]; Root : %f", root2); scanf("%d", &n1); end Traffic; int } main() return (0); printf("\nEnter } else the element} { to be inserted :"); return printf("\nEnter (0); the element to v2 be = inserted0; :"); scanf("%d", i &element); = location; i--) { root1 = (-b + desc) / (2.0 * a); Clear: Boolean := True; res[k]#include arr[i]= arr2[j]; = arr[i - 1]; } end Traffic; printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted :"); } end Controller; protected type Runway is scanf("%d", &element); entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Aeroplane_ID); entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Aeroplane_ID); entry Wait_For_Clear; private arr[i]); #include Clear: Boolean := True; for endI inRunway; Aeroplane_ID'Range loop type Runway_Access is access all Runway; New_aeroplane := new Aeroplane (I); delay 4.0; #include end //Print loop; out the result of insertion descend Traffic; = intsqrt(b arr[30], element, * bnum, - i, location;4 * a * c); float a, scanf("%d",b, c; &location);

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Gazelle helicopters conversion saves £15m DE&S project team has saved It now means up to four medical in the region of £15 million by evacuation (MEDEVAC) Gazelle converting Gazelle helicopters helicopters can be launched at any one Aso they can offer life-saving treatment time at BATUS. This means soldiers to soldiers injured during high intensity injured during training can be treated training. and transported to hospital far quicker Gazelle helicopters started offering than if they were reliant on outside help. casualty evacuation shortly after the Lt Col Garbutt said: “I went to BATUS aircraft were first introduced into service and met with the Officer Commanding back in 1972. However, no medical 29 Flight Army Air Corps and the treatment was able to be administered doctors to discuss what could be done to on board. make the Gazelle an effective MEDEVAC Last summer, an audit by the Defence platform. We came up with a concept of Medical Services deemed that the six turning the stretcher around, putting in Gazelle helicopters which operate at a false floor into the front of the aircraft the British Army Training Unit Suffield and a guard to protect the flying controls

(BATUS) in Canada did not offer suitable from the patient. Griffin Paul Picture: medical care because of the nature and “Then we added a computerised Above: Lt Col Richard Garbutt frequency of injuries sustained on the patient monitoring system, an airway training ground. suction machine, a defibrillator, blood Gazelle capability that otherwise could As such, the Executive Committee of and fluid warmer, and bags for medical not have been moved by air. the Army Board (ECAB) were asked to waste. This all meant we could generate “They were seriously injured but due endorse a civilian-operated helicopter a Gazelle MEDEVAC capability at a to this capability were transported to service at a cost of between £1.5 and £2 significantly lower cost. hospital a lot faster and a lot more safely million each year. “I convinced Commander BATUS and than they otherwise would have been,” Lt But Lieutenant Colonel Richard ultimately Joint Helicopters Command Col Garbutt told Desider. Garbutt, of the DE&S Puma2 Gazelle (JHC) that I could develop the capability “That, of course, makes me very Project Team, was determined to address by the start of the next Exercise Season.” proud. But it was a huge team effort the problem and was sure a more cost The plans were enough to stop the where there was a real desire to make effective solution could be found. ECAB looking into other options and this happen. Leading an ad-hoc team he formed on April 25 this year the capability was “We were able to get everybody from the Medical Project Team, 1710 delivered into service on time and at a together and do a lot of the hazard Naval Air Squadron, Defence Medical total cost of just £50,000. analysis at every stage of the design, Services, the 677 (Development and “With the Gazelle in service until allowing us to identify the risks early and Trials) Squadron and the Release to 2025 we estimate this will save at least eliminate them. Service Authorities (RTSA), six modified £15 million,” he added. “Working in collaboratively like this Gazelle Helicopters meeting the Since coming into service there have allowed us to deliver effectively in a very stringent requirements were entered into been four severely injured casualties short space of time.” service just seven months later. evacuated from BATUS using the new Below: An Army Air Corps Gazelle helicopter at the British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) in Canada

8 desider September 2016 Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd ARC are a FATS/ STS approved supplier for all Safety and System Safety Technical Services in the Land, Sea and Air environments, including: • System Safety Risk Assessment • System Safety Management • Independent Safety Audit • Safety Hazard Analysis • Safety Cases • WOME Assessment ADVERT ABBOTT RISK

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ARC is committed to equal opportunities to all NEWS NEWS IN BRIEF FINAL MERLIN MK2 UPGRADED The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has taken delivery of the 30th and final upgraded Merlin Mk2 helicopter from industry. Lockheed Martin UK joined representatives from the Royal Navy and the MOD for a ceremony to mark the handover of the airframe at Leonardo’s facility in Yeovil, Somerset. The Merlin Mk2s have new radars, sonar systems, and infra-red cameras as well as large flat panel displays, giving pilot’s greater situational awareness. Since being in operation with the Royal Navy, the Merlin Mk2s have been pivotal in the rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean and on operations in Sierra Leone helping fight the Ebola epidemic. For the last 10 years, employees from both Lockheed Martin and Leonardo have been involved in the Merlin Capability Sustainment sustained throughout MCSP in design, development and manufacture Programme (MCSP). Havant, Yeovil and Culdrose, where of the Merlin Mk2 as part of the More than 1,000 jobs have been the helicopters are based.

NEW DIRECTOR HELICOPTERS Air Vice Marshal Graham Russell D Hels on August 1, said: “I have has taken over as Director Helicopters. always been impressed by the AVM Russell’s previous role was as Air dedication and commitment of Officer A4 in Air Command, where all DE&S personnel who, I know, he was responsible for operational work extremely hard to deliver engineering and logistics, and, as the and support front line operational A4 Force Commander, commanded capability. I particularly wanted to the RAF’s high-readiness deployable return to DE&S because I am excited Air Combat Service Support Units. by the strategic opportunities that In that role, a key element of his transformation provides, not only in responsibilities was as Air Command’s terms of enhancing our performance senior point of contact for Logistics and output to our customers, but also and Engineering for a number of developing more rewarding, longer the DE&S Operating Centres. He term career opportunities for all our has spent the past 20 years either personnel.” working in DE&S or in the Customer Organisation in a DE&S-facing role. AVM Russell, who took over as

CVRT TO LATVIA Staff from the DE&S Disposal celebrations at Ādaži Military Base, Services Authority and Armoured Riga, on July 27. Vehicle Programme attended the DE&S have so far delivered 26 of the opening ceremony of the Latvian required 123 CVRT vehicles, which Armoured Mechanisation Capability. will be used by Latvia to upscale their They traveIled to Eastern Europe in Armed Forces. support of the sale of Combat Vehicle Apart from delivering receipts from Reconnaissance (Tracked) (CVRT) to the disposal of surplus assets, it has the Republic of Latvia. also provided business opportunities Mr Raimonds Bergmanis, for UK industry whilst supporting Latvia Minister of Defence, led the UK/Latvia Defence engagement.

10 desider September 2016 NEWS

HMS FORTH REVEALED The first of a fleet of new offshore patrol vessels (OPVs), HMS Forth, has been revealed by BAE Systems and is ready to be launched in Glasgow. DE&S awarded a £348 million contract with BAE Systems in 2014 to build three new OPVs for the Royal Navy. The ships will be used to support counter-terrorism, counter-piracy and anti-smuggling operations in the waters around the UK and will protect other UK interests abroad. With a length of 90 meters, the OPVs, which feature a redesigned flight deck to operate the latest Merlin helicopters, will be able to reach a maximum speed of 24 knots. They will be able to accommodate 60 people for 35 days, and will have a range of over 5,000 nautical miles. The other two ships in the class are HMS Medway and HMS Trent. HMS Forth is due to enter service in 2017.

BEN ACHIEVES HIGHEST LEVEL DE&S employee Ben Fitzgerald has at Abbey Wood, including the Queen become the first person in the country Elizabeth Carrier. to have achieved the highest level of a DE&S Director Resources Certified Professional Cost Engineer. Michael Bradley (left in picture) was in Ben, of the Cost Assurance and attendance to present the certificate at Analysis Service (CAAS), achieved the CAAS Headquarters in Manchester. prestigious position ahead of a number He said: “Ben’s expertise was crucial of other candidates interviewed by in providing us ammunition for the the Association of Cost Engineers carrier negotiations, so he is definitely (ACostE), who award the certificate. the right man for this award.” Part of the MOD since 1996, Ben, The achievement of Certified who is currently leading the cost Professional sets the benchmark of discipline of the newly-forming project where it is hoped all project controls controls function, has played key roles staff will aspire. in multiple projects during his time

H ROWBOTHAM MEMORIAL AWARD Jez Lenman, who works with the design that preserves the safety of DE&S Ajax team, has been awarded the operators while maintaining the the H Rowbotham Memorial Award vehicles usability and ‘fightability’. for outstanding contribution to DE&S Director Technical, Air Vice Human Factors Integration (HFI). Marshal Mike Quigley (far right in The annual “H” award, now in its picture), said: “I was delighted to fifth year, celebrates individuals who present this award, which recognised have demonstrated an outstanding not only Jez’s considerable expertise contribution to the field of HFI. in Human Factors Integration, but his Jez, who works with Atkins, exemplary commitment to the Ajax received the accolade for his work programme and his close, cooperative on the Ministry of Defence’s Ajax working with the stakeholders to Armoured Fighting Vehicles achieve a better outcome for the Programme. British Army.” Addressing HFI in relation to Ajax is essential to achieve a human-centric

desider September 2016 11 NEWS ASRAAM for F35B contract worth around £184 the supply chain. aircraft. million has been awarded by ASRAAM is currently being used in DE&S Chief Executive Officer Tony the MOD to ensure the future operations over Iraq and Syria in the Douglas said: “ASRAAM will provide Aof the F-35B Lightning II’s air-to-air fight against Daesh as part of the RAF vital offensive and defensive options for missile capability, securing around Typhoon and Tornado jet fleet, with the UK F-35 pilots against a wide range of 400 UK jobs in the process. updated version of the missile expected air-to-air threats. The deal will see MBDA manufacture to enter service on Typhoon aircraft “The project to update the weapon an updated version of the ASRAAM from 2018. and integrate it with the F-35, the heat-seeking air-to air weapon, which Minister for Defence Procurement world’s most advanced combat aircraft, will be integrated into the F-35 for use Harriett Baldwin said: “Wholly provides a clear example of the MOD beyond 2022, when the current variant designed and built in the UK, this air- and UK industry working effectively goes out of service. to-air missile on our F-35 aircraft will together to provide our UK Armed This additional stockpile of the secure cutting-edge air power for the Forces with the best equipment missile will be developed at MBDA’s UK for years to come. possible.” new £40 million facility in Bolton, “This contract will sustain around This is the second contract awarded further maintaining 200 jobs at 400 jobs across the country and is part to MBDA by the MOD in recent the company’s sites in Bristol and of the MOD’s £178 billion Equipment months, following the announcement Stevenage, as well as 200 more across Plan which is backed by a Defence that SPEAR 3, a brand new missile for budget that will increase every year the F-35 Lightning II, will be developed from now until the end of the decade.” over the coming years and is expected ASRAAM, which uses a to enter service in the mid-2020s. Below: sophisticated infra-red seeker, is CGI image of the designed to enable UK pilots to engage F-35B armed with and defend themselves against other two ASRAAM missiles

12 desider September 2016 T&E begins here

All images©MOD Crown Copyright

QinetiQ and the MOD working together to provide Test, Evaluation and Training Support Services

LTPA advert 15062015.indd 1 15/06/2015 16:43 NEWS Ajax facility visit

hief of Materiel (Land), “I had in my mind that the site Lieutenant General Paul wouldn’t be in as such good condition Jaques, paid his first visit to the as it appears and General Dynamics Cnew Ajax facility in Merthyr Tydfil have got some good plans for it.” last month. The Ajax programme, which is Having visited Pendine ranges earlier currently in demonstration phase, will in the day to see Ajax test firing, Lt Gen deliver 589 Armoured Vehicles to the Jaques was then given a guided tour British Army. of the Assembly, Integration and Test Commenting on the project, Lt Gen (AIT) facility. Jaques added: “Ajax is going to deliver Following a £390 million contract a world class fighting vehicle, not only with General Dynamics (GD), secured well armed and protected, but it will by DE&S on behalf of the Ministry of also have the ability to assimilate and Defence (MOD), the former forklift pass information on the battlefield to truck factory will soon be home to the a standard that we have never seen Army’s first fully digitised Ajax vehicle. before.” GD are in the process of Accompanying Lt Gen Jaques during transforming the factory into a state- the tour was Dion Cousins who of-the-art armoured vehicle hub for the will be the officer commanding the Above: Lt Gen Paul Jaques talks to Maj Dion Cousins assembling and testing of Ajax to begin Ajax Acceptance and Testing Team in 2017. based at Merthyr Tydfil. Set in the South Wales Valleys, the In total 26 additional Army posts will new site will create 250 highly skilled be created at the factory and they will jobs. Workers will have access to a new test the vehicles before releasing Ajax production area, offices, conference to the military, to ensure they are fit for Ajax is going to deliver a rooms, shower and changing facilities, purpose. “ along with a fully refurbished canteen Speaking about his new role Maj and reception area. Cousins said that it is an exciting and world class fighting vehicle During the visit, Lt Gen Jaques challenging prospect for the team and Lt Gen Paul Jaques toured the factory and was given a wider Army. continued progress update on the Ajax “Ajax is a multi-billion pound Programme. project and this type of equipment He said: “I am very impressed by doesn’t come along very often, so it is what General Dynamics have done to definitely a great opportunity for all the office and technical areas, including involved,” he said. Below: Lt Gen Paul the sheer quality of the production ” Jaques tours the new capability. Assembly, Integration and Test (AIT) facility Picture: Andrew Linnett Andrew Picture:

14 desider September 2016 …we make it happen NEWS

Tom Nevard Memorial Competition

ore than 50 engineering apprentices from DE&S descended Tom Nevard Phase 1 Individual on Shrivenham to take part in Mthe prestigious Tom Nevard Memorial Winner – Luke Lawrence (DE&S Abbey Competition. Wood) They joined apprentices from Babcock and Runner Up – Gavin Hamilton (DM Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Beith) (DSTL) to take part in the five-day event which has been staged since 1952. This competition features three awards: Tom Nevard Phase 2 Individual one for individual first year apprentices, Winner – William Palmer (DM one for individual second year apprentices Gosport) and a final award where teams comprising first, second and third year apprentices work Runner Up – Daryl Reis-Day (DE&S together to meet their goal. Above: Air Vice Marshal Mike Quigley, DE&S Abbey Wood) Philip Rotherham, DE&S senior Director Technical, talks to a group of apprentices engineering apprentice development Tom Nevard Team Event manager, told Desider: “I think this Royce Award run alongside the competition competition gives apprentices new with apprentices being asked to craft, using Winners– Team 3 (Blimpy opportunities and gets them excited about classic techniques such as welding and McBlimpface) engineering again. Sometimes I am amazed milling, a foldable shovel that could save a by their ideas and by the quality of their soldier’s life by allowing them to dig a trench Keith Wells (Colchester) work.” and shelter from artillery fire. Grant Johnstone (Abbey Wood) For the 2016 competition the first year Matthew Sullivan, a DE&S apprentice in Chris Swanborough (Abbey Wood) apprentices were asked to design a cross Gosport, said: “It’s an experience that will Nathan Monk (DE&S Devonport) bow and firing mechanism and second year help me develop and one that I will remember Alex Amos (Abbey Wood) students were given components to build an fondly.” electronic skateboard. Kelly Davis, of the DE&S Engineering Third-year teams were asked to design Skills Development Team, said: “It’s a terrific Runners Up – Team 1 (Big D.I.C) an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that competition that allows apprentices to Thomas Willson (DM Gosport) could drop paint balls on targets, and, in network with their peers and develop their Dan Trotter (DE&S Abbey Wood) addition, had to produce accompanying skills.” documentation of their workings. On the final day, awards were presented by Jacob Badcock (DE&S Abbey Wood) Phoebe Loveridge, 18, a first year DE&S Director Technical Air Vice Marshal Aaron Critchell ( Babcock DSG apprentice at Devonport, said: “It’s really Mike Quigley. Bovington) enjoyable and you get to meet lots of other He said: “The ingenuity of the apprentices Ryan Gaiger (DE&S Abbey Wood) apprentices. You get thrown in at the deep at the Tom Nevard Memorial Competition is end but it definitely helps you develop new truly impressive and underlines why Defence Sir Henry Royce skills. I have definitely not built a crossbow and DE&S are right to invest in our future before.” workforce.” Winner – Jake Jefferies (DE&S 11 SUBMARINE ARRAY HANDLING SYSTEMS Graeme Sim, 20, a second year apprentice Devonport) at Beith, said: “I came last year and it’s a Runner Up – Callum Partridge (DE&S terrific chance to meet other apprentices from Abbey Wood) places like Gosport and Abbey Wood and The ingenuity of the TO 3 NAVIES develop your skill set.” “ Team D2L2B featured Luke Sullivan apprentices at the Tom Nevard A proven track record in underwater defence technology. and Luke Bessell from Abbey Wood, Dan Memorial Competition Renshaw and Dan Shilson from Devonport, See page 24: DE&S apprentices In the last 6 years: and Beth Warner from DSTL. is truly impressive and from Devonport transform wildlife Beth said: “It was a daunting challenge but garden at local primary school → we soon realised that we all had something underlines why Defence and 11 Submarine Array Handling Systems to 3 navies different we could offer to solve problems DE&S are right to invest in we came across. Having to document what and… we are doing has certainly helped us work our future workforce 27 Towed Arrays to 5 navies Pictures: Andrew Linnett Andrew Pictures: together – much like a project team would.” Air Vice Marshal Mike Quigley In conjunction, this year saw the Sir Henry 7 Unmanned Surface Vehicle Systems to 4 navies 26 Harbour Protection Systems to 5 nations ” ‘We don‘t just talk about exports…we make it happen.’

INNOVATIVE MARITIME SYSTEMS TELEPHONE: +44 (0) 1305 212 400 Innovation / Production / Support / Export WEBSITE: 16 desider September 2016 11 SUBMARINE ARRAY HANDLING SYSTEMS TO 3 NAVIES

A proven track record in underwater defence technology. In the last 6 years:

11 Submarine Array Handling Systems to 3 navies and… 27 Towed Arrays to 5 navies 7 Unmanned Surface Vehicle Systems to 4 navies 26 Harbour Protection Systems to 5 nations ‘We don‘t just talk about exports…we make it happen.’

INNOVATIVE MARITIME SYSTEMS TELEPHONE: +44 (0) 1305 212 400 Innovation / Production / Support / Export WEBSITE: NEWS Unmanned Warrior ore than 40 companies have Fleet Robotics Officer, Commander sort out the logistics for Unmanned signed up to take part in Peter Pipkin, said: “One of the key Warrior. Unmanned Warrior so they objectives of Unmanned Warrior is He said: “Unmanned Warrior has Mcan showcase their innovative ideas to being able to understand and explore been months in the planning and now the Royal Navy. how the Royal Navy and indeed that it is on the horizon the excitement Unmanned Warrior will allow defence can better and more quickly around the concept is really starting companies to demonstrate how their leverage technological advances to build. unmanned systems could integrate that are developing in the industry, “We have been delighted with into current and future operations. commercial and academic worlds. how industry, including SMEs, and The event, held on islands off “Unmanned systems are going to academia, has engaged with the the west coast of Scotland, will see be a big part of everybody’s future and initiative and we look forward to companies demonstrate technology Defence, in particular the Royal Navy, seeing their unmanned systems in addressing five themes: hydrographic needs to understand how we can best action.” and oceanographic data gathering, exploit that to our advantage.” anti-submarine warfare, mine Cdr Pipkin added: “Unmanned countermeasures, surveillance, and Warrior is a large exercise and it’s control of autonomous systems. really challenging, but that’s why it’s Unmanned Warrior is the so exciting. To deliver Unmanned Unmanned Warrior is brainchild of former First Sea Lord Warrior requires a lot of work and “ Sir George Zambellas. It will pulling together a large number of a large exercise and it’s run in October alongside Exercise participants from academia, small Joint Warrior - a bi-annual UK tri- and medium enterprises and multi- really challenging, but Service multinational exercise that national defence primes is one of our that’s why it’s involves numerous warships, aircraft, biggest challenges. marines and troops. “Maritime autonomous systems so exciting Organisations taking part range have the potential to revolutionise the from big hitters like BAE Systems, conduct of maritime and amphibious Fleet Robotics Officer, Cdr Peter Pipkin Below: Boeing, Babcock and Leonardo, to a warfare. This transformation could be Naval personnel number of small and medium-sized as dramatic as the move from sail to deploying an enterprises (SMEs). In addition, steam, the invention of the submarine IVER3 Unmanned Underwater Vehicle the exciting venture has attracted or the advent of naval aviation.” See page 26: Industry given (UUV) from the institutions including Marine Scotland Philip Betson, from the DE&S opportunity to showcase their ” optionally manned and the Met Office. Tech Office, has been working hard to → products to British Army RNMB Hazard Vessel

18 desider September 2016 FEATURE Rosyth - Carrier update

Picture: Andrew Linnett

desider September 2016 19 FEATURE

Carrier completion gets closer With the completion of the Queen Elizabeth Carriers coming ever closer, Desider paid a visit to Rosyth to meet some of those driving the project forward.

ver since civil engineers Easton, Gibb dedicates a lot of time and effort to ensure they for the project,” Drew, who grew up in & Son started work in Rosyth in 1909, meet requirements. neighbouring Clackmannanshire, said. the large naval dockyard on the Firth “The carriers will be the flagships of the “There is a proud history in Rosyth but Eof Forth has been synonymous with the word Royal Navy, so we all know how important it is this is the first time a ship has actually been pride. to get them absolutely right. We are literally a constructed here – collaborative working with Although now smaller than it once was, and part of history.” the Alliance, combined with the sheer size of now run by Babcock International, that pride He added: “Being here in the heart of it is this project also contributes to the experience.” in the history of the site is still acutely evident. a huge benefit, because we can have weekly “The carrier project has been a shot in the While the dockyard’s bread and butter has or daily conversations with the end user – the arm not only for employment but hopefully for always been the refitting and maintenance Royal Navy – who are located just across the Rosyth’s reputation as well. of the Royal Navy’s fleet, a far bigger task is road from us.” “Having a deadline to meet is the driving currently occupying the workforce. Steve’s colleague Douglas Pollock is the force for me. Each day I see the carrier grow Rosyth, just 30 minutes north of Edinburgh DAT Lead with responsibility for HMS Queen and it reminds me of the importance of what city centre, was chosen as the base to assemble Elizabeth’s hull and outfit. we are doing here. It’s very special to be part of the Queen Elizabeth Class carriers – the largest “When I started, the carrier was literally just this project.” and most advanced warships ever built for the bits and I have watched it all come together, Royal Navy. which has been very special,” he said. Each 65,000 tonne carrier now sits in the “For me, this is the pinnacle, but even dockyard dwarfing other vessels and the the young guys working on this project are thousands of dock workers busy ensuring they unlikely to ever work on anything of this scale meet the rigorous standards of the Royal Navy. again. Inside HMS Queen Elizabeth - the first “When she goes out to sea trials next year, carrier - a huge sign tells the workforce: ‘Take it is going to be a very moving day for all of us.” pride in your work, deliver quality and be part In a building just a 100 metre walk away of history.’ from Steve is Drew Hunter, the DE&S lead for It underlines that the huge project, worth the Prince of Wales DAT. £6.2 billion, has injected a healthy dose of While Steve and Douglas are in the process excitement into Rosyth, with those involved of handing over parts of HMS Queen Elizabeth Above: Crew bunks keen to laud what it means for the area. to the Royal Navy, Drew is just starting the task Steve Perry is part of the Aviation Team on HMS Prince of Wales, although he will be on HMS Queen Elizabeth. He started as an joined by others once HMS Queen Elizabeth is apprentice in the dockyard back in 2006 and is formally handed over in its entirety. finds himself back in Scotland after a stint at Drew’s job is to ensure all 3,013 Abbey Wood. compartments of which the carrier is In 2006 he worked in the HMS Queen constructed are built to specification and are fit Elizabeth modelling office, where he developed for purpose. These compartments range from a keen interest in the carriers programme. a ship cabin to fresh water tanks, machinery Now back, he is responsible for signing space or the enormous hangar space which is off elements including aviation electrics, the split into four sections. Above: Inside the Carrier’s aircraft hangar hangar, ski jump from which F-35B Lightning “There is a real sense of pride in Rosyth II will launch, the weapons handling system and the enormous lifts which can transport two fully loaded aircraft from hangar to flight deck in a matter of minutes. “As soon as I heard there were jobs available here, I applied,” Steve, from the Delivery Acceptance Team (DAT), said. “It’s been a good move and I consider myself very lucky. It’s a massive project and everybody

20 desider September 2016 FEATURE

Royal Navy, and Navy Command HQ - even the RAF and Army - and the three industrial participants BAE Systems Naval Ships, Babcock International and Thales. This is a national endeavour and it is only by working collectively that we will succeed. “My team very much has a sense of pride in what they do. In fact, pride is a good word to describe most people in the Alliance. This truly is an iconic programme and one that definitely passes the ‘so granddad, what did you do?’ test.” Capt Thompson added: “Having spoken with members of the Royal Navy, they are very impressed with the way the carriers have been designed to make aviation the very centre of everything. “They also like how the good bits of the Invincible class have been adopted, such as the two and five deck layouts and the way the galleys and accommodation are positioned within the ship. “The two crews simply can’t wait to make Captain Stephen Thompson (RN) is deputy requirements, and are ready to go. them ‘their ship’. For the 600 plus members of head in DE&S Ships Acquisition at Rosyth, “DE&S’s relationship with industry and the HMS Queen Elizabeth, this will be a reality next a member of the Alliance Programme Royal Navy are fundamental in making the year. The 50 plus members of HMS Prince of Leadership Team, and is responsible for carrier project a success,” he said. Wales will have to wait a little longer, but even deciding when the two carriers are safe “The Aircraft Carrier Alliance (ACA) is, her delivery date in late 2018/early 2019 will to operate, have met the Royal Navy’s technically, everyone in the MOD, DE&S, soon be here.”

Above: Douglas Pollock, HMS Queen Elizabeth Above: Drew Hunter, HMS Prince of Wales Delivery Above: Steve Perry, HMS Queen Elizabeth Delivery Delivery Acceptance Team (DAT) lead Acceptance Team (DAT) lead Acceptance Team (DAT) Pictures: Andrew Linnett Andrew Pictures:

See over for the views of graduates and members of the Royal Navy at Rosyth

desider September 2016 21 FEATURE Why Graduates come to Rosyth

Meirion Jones, 23 – Michael Brasted, 24 – Delivery Acceptance Team Delivery Acceptance Team on HMS Queen Elizabeth on HMS Prince of Wales

“I came here because the HMS Queen “I chose to do my placement with the Elizabeth carrier was a big project and I aircraft carriers because it sounded exciting thought it would be interesting,” he said. and there is so much happening with them. “I also spoke to others who had done “When I came here I was astounded by it before and they told me it was a great the scale of the carriers. The more I learn opportunity. about the project, the more I realise how “In my time here, I am being shown the huge it is. different phases of acceptance right from “When you are dockside, you realise you the first inspection until it is signed off and Below: are part of something huge. When you are handed over to the Royal Navy. Munitions loading area on board in the hangar, you realise actually “There is definitely a feeling that you are you are part of something enormous. part of something important and you are “My role is to make sure equipment is aware that signing off on a compartment is a where it needs to be in the production huge responsibility. chain. We get a three month look ahead at “I got up in a cherry picker way above the what is needed and we make sure it appears flight deck to get above the long range radar on time. and was the last person to say what I was “There are thousands of things like seeing was fine. That was pretty amazing. security cabinets, mattresses, gym “I speak to my friends who are working in equipment or dental equipment: I need to London in a finance role and I can say I am make sure they come through the chain helping to build the biggest Aircraft Carrier when needed so they can be installed. the Royal Navy has ever owned – that’s “It’s a very interesting and unique project pretty cool.” and is rightly getting a lot of attention. A lot of companies are working together to get it right.” Linnett Andrew Pictures:

22 desider September 2016 FEATURE Carriers - what the Navy think

Petty Officer Anthony Lt Cdr Anthony Cocks – Colling – IT administrator – Senior Air Engineer Officer HMS Prince of Wales - HMS Queen Elizabeth “I was in Rosyth when HMS Queen “What impresses you most about the Elizabeth was in sections. The next time I carriers is the scale, because they are so came back it had been built and it took my vast,” he said. breath away. “They have been designed so cleverly, “Previously I was on a Sandown-class with the correct departments in the correct mine hunter, which you could probably fit place and the layout and systems are very into the hangar of HMS Prince of Wales, so it efficient. It is certainly a step change from was just incredible to see.” our previous aircraft carriers. PO Colling added: “We have been “I have come from serving on board HMS on HMS Queen Elizabeth. The scale of Ark Royal, HMS Illustrious and HMS Ocean, the carriers is breath taking and you can so it’s a massive change, most noticeably definitely get lost on board. the incredible amounts of space on deck “I have also seen some of the finished and in the hangar.” compartments and the junior ratings He added: “There is no doubt that the sleeping quarters in particular were general vibe is that we are very excited to be extremely impressive. part of history. “It is so exciting watching HMS Prince of “The capabilities it gives us are Wales come together, as is the prospect of unbelievable. We all cannot wait to get on going on board.” board.” Andrew Linnett Pictures:

desider September 2016 23 NEWS Apprentices answer call from the community

E&S apprentices from HM years ahead.’’ Naval Base Devonport rolled Joe Roberts, Headteacher of Drake up their sleeves to help Primary School, praised the work of the Dtransform an overgrown wildlife apprentices, adding: “They worked very garden at a local primary school. hard and were a pleasure to have on the The 12 apprentices volunteered to premises. We don’t have the funds for work on the garden at Drake Primary the labour, so they have done that for School in Plymouth as part of the free for which we are very grateful to community project aspect of their the MOD. training, before they take up their “The children can’t wait to make the placements on the dockyard. most of the environmental area which The garden has now been rebuilt and they have transformed.” has an environment which stimulates the school children’s science education, with a ‘bug hotel’ and rotting wood habitat installed by the apprentices. A path and steps have also been built, allowing safer access to the area that It is important that can now be used for outdoor teaching. “ Lorna Stubbs, DE&S Apprentice the local community Development Manager at Devonport, said: “It is important that the local can see how MOD community can see how MOD personnel can contribute to their personnel can community, and in wider terms, it is essential that we engage young contribute children within the science, technology, Lorna Stubbs, DE&S Apprentice engineering and maths initiative. Development Manager at Devonport “If we can capture their imagination early, they may be our future apprentices.” DE&S apprentice James Cooke, a team leader in the project, said: “This ” was very rewarding. You only had to see the faces of the children when they saw what we had done - it gave us all a lot of job satisfaction. “The teachers were also very appreciative. This tested our leadership skills and how we work together. It was very hands-on and we literally got our hands dirty, which was great.’’ Second Sea Lord Vice Admiral Jonathan Woodcock visited the apprentices working on the garden, and said the project both helped apprentices broaden their skills and assist the community. He added: “I am sure they will be a great asset to the MOD and Navy in the



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Army warfighting experiment

new initiative giving product to a Military Judgement Panel on Dismounted Close Combat. industry and innovators the (MJP). It will be significantly bigger than opportunity to showcase their Those successful will then have URBEX, with armoured vehicles Aproducts to the British Army has their equipment or system tested used alongside troops, and members been launched. by experts from the Army’s Trials of the British Army will be joined Army Warfighting Experiment 2017 and Development Units (TDUs), by US troops who will also test the (AWE17) is open to major companies, the Royal Air Force Regiment, the equipment and its ability to work Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Royal Marines and also a squad from alongside their own. (SMEs) and even ‘innovators who the US Army. This operationally URBEX had notable successes, work from their garden shed’. representative exercise will take place including the discovery of the Black The venture, managed by the DE&S on Salisbury Plain over a six week Hornet Nano UAV – a tiny military Technology Office on behalf of Army’s period early next year. Finally, at the Unmanned Air Vehicle that was used Head of Capability Combat, will end of March, a VIP day will be held extensively in Afghanistan - and AWE give the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to give industry and their products/ aims to build on these. a wider insight into what type of systems visibility to senior members of Major Adrian Havelock, from the systems, technology and equipment the British Army. Infantry Trials and Development Unit, are available and will help inform James Morris, Land Head of the said: “AWE is a huge opportunity and Army HQ when it comes to future DE&S Tech Office, said: “As an the perfect vehicle to ensuring the best procurement decisions. organisation, DE&S must continue equipment on the market is placed into The AWE advert in the Defence to seek innovative ways to ensure the hand of the user. There are already Contracts Bulletin (which closes an operational and technological some really exciting companies that September 23) has highlighted advantage is maintained. The aim have registered to be part of the to industry a number of military of AWE is to create the conditions experiment. AWE will give the Army requirements to see if suitable where innovation can thrive within the evidence to enable it to potentially solutions to meeting them could be the widest possible supplier base. By procure some of the most up to date provided. looking at not only new technologies equipment for its soldiers and keep These range from measures to but novel ways of exploiting existing them at the forefront of technological Counter Unmanned Air Systems Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) advancement.” (CUAS) to looking at systems to technologies into a military context, For more information please see accurately monitor the health of we hope to be able to improve the the AWE advert at Defence Contracts dismounted soldiers whilst on the delivery of affordable yet effective Online (DCO) move. battle winning equipment to the front or contact the AWE commercial team Below: Royal Industry first have to progress line.” at DESTECH-COMRCL-TEAM@ Marines wearing through a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style phase, AWE 17 replaces the successful for a submitters pack. VIRTUS combat where they have 10 minutes to pitch URBEX (URBan EXperimentation) equipment the benefits and capabilities of their programme which mainly focussed

Above: A volunteer gets stuck in

26 desider September 2016 Images courtesy of


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Supported by Award winning event Organised by 42 INTERNATIONAL PAVILIONS

J307969_DSEI_Desider Advert_210x297_2017_v1.indd 1 10/08/2016 16:45 NEWS Families Days OD Abbey Wood welcomed field gun team, aircraft snow plough and the piazza and, most importantly, plenty of 3,000 visitors last month who de-icer, PAC 24 and a glider simulator. money was raised for charities supported enjoyed exciting, interesting and Neighbourhood displays, amongst by DE&S. Minformative equipment displays as part of many others, included a parachute trainer, Lynn Green, DE&S infrastructure its hugely successful Families Days. Jet ejection seat, dragon runner, Type 45 Business Manager, said: “The atmosphere Families of employees were invited to Lego model, life raft and various uniforms. and the weather were great and it was attend the site on August 5 and 19. Reserves were also on site hoping to recruit lovely to see the enjoyment of both staff The numbers of visitors this year mean volunteers and explain their role in support and families and showcase both our site more than 10,000 people have now come to to the services. and organisation in the best light. I felt Abbey Wood for Families Days since their A climbing wall was a new stand this incredibly proud!” inception in 2013. year, the birds of prey and racing car Sally Wilkins, head of DE&S This year outdoor displays included a proved very popular, as did the band music Infrastructure, said: “This was a Forward Operating Base and kitchen; paint provided to accompany the barbecue. tremendous effort from both my team and balling, mock-up minefield and a range of The crowds also enjoyed a fly past by a the operating centres who put in so much vehicles. Also on display was the tri-service Royal Navy Merlin which swooped over hard work.” Andrew Linnett and Paul Griffin Pictures:

28 desider September 2016 NEWS

Third cutting-edge Zephyr ordered by MOD

third Zephyr-S Unmanned our Armed Forces.” Aerial Vehicle (UAV), capable Zephyr, the only UAV of its type of flying for a record-breaking to have flown above the stratosphere, A45 days at a time, has been ordered can provide imagery over 400km by DE&S, on behalf of the Ministry to the horizon. Flying at a lower “ of Defence (MOD), as part of a £13 altitude enables Zephyr to produce million deal. high-resolution real-time images and Purchasing a third The additional cutting-edge, ultra video 24/7, with the help of infra-red lightweight UAV joins two others technology. previously bought by the MOD in Defence Secretary Michael Fallon airframe demonstrates February. said: “Zephyr is a cutting-edge, Airbus Defence and Space (ADS) record-breaking piece of kit that will be how the MOD, will be developing Zephyr-S, which is capable of gathering constant, reliable referred to as a High Altitude Pseudo- information over vast geographical through DE&S, can Satellite (HAPS), because it performs areas at a much greater level of detail more like a satellite than a conventional than ever before. create a positive UAV. “They are part of our plan for Running exclusively on solar power, stronger and better defence, backed it is hoped that Zephyr will save by a budget that will rise each year of and collaborative thousands of tonnes of fuel each year, this decade. That means more ships, as UAVs currently in operation rely on more aircraft, more troops available at partnership with conventional power. readiness, better equipment for special Despite this, it still has the forces, more being spent on cyber – to industry, vital for both capability to reach twice the altitude of deal with the increased threats to our commercial aircraft at 70,000 feet and country.” the UK economy and for above weather systems that can inhibit The three Zephyr-S will now form airborne devices. part of next year’s Operational Concept DE&S Chief Executive Officer, Tony Demonstrator (OCD), a four-month our Armed Forces Douglas, said: “Zephyr utilizes a wide long programme run by the DE&S range of innovative technologies with Technology Office to determine DE&S Chief Executive Officer, Tony Douglas the aim of delivering a world leading whether the platform’s capability disruptive capability. can, among over things, be sustained “Purchasing a third airframe indefinitely. demonstrates how the MOD, through DE&S, can create a positive and collaborative partnership with industry, vital for both the UK economy and for ”

desider September 2016 29 B:236 mm T:210 mm S:185 mm

NEWS Dülmen closure he operation to return stock to the UK from DE&S Dülmen in Germany has been achieved Tfive months ahead of schedule. A decision was taken to close the “ As a boy, I picked up Dülmen Depot, known as Tower Barracks, as part of the drawdown of British Forces Germany (BFG) an extra paper round following the 2010 Strategic Defence & Security Review (SDSR). Work commenced in August 2014 in Petersfield to save and a target date of December 2016 was set to return all stock to the UK and hand over the depot to the German for flying lessons.” federal authorities. But in just under two years 722 loads have been returned to the UK from the —Richard Pillans, Boeing UK Chief Test Pilot 105 acre site, with a further estimated 500 disposed of locally. The hard work of the Logistics Delivery Operating Centre (LDOC) and the project teams at Abbey Wood, from DE&S Customer Support Team (Air), Project Hercules and Land Equipment, have been crucial in supporting the operation and ensuring B:306 mm S:260 mm that it was achieved in full, ahead of T:289 mm schedule and on budget. The depot had been operated by the LDOC, part of DE&S, and employed Germany based staff. All loads were Above: Local community leaders join LDOC in bidding a fond 202 DE&S staff – most being locally returned safely to UK storage without farewell to the last load to leave Dülmen employed German civilians. Since issue and with a £300 million reduction opening in 1974, the site had received, via inventory disposals to boot.” stored, maintained and distributed non As the last lorry was loaded and explosive materiel on behalf of the UK’s driven out of the site on July 27, a Armed Forces. celebratory event was held at the Mark Snell, Head of Programme barracks to recognise the achievements Management for LDOC, was a leading of the project team to deliver before figure in the delivery of the drawdown the target date, with the Mayoress and hailed the quick transfer of stock as of Dülmen acknowledging the role “a fantastic achievement.” that the site has played in the local He added: “This major project community. was completed five months ahead of All buildings and warehouses on This major“ project was schedule and significantly under budget the site are now empty, with the depot due to the fantastic ‘one team’ working now in the hands of the Defence completed five months mentality by the project team and the Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). ahead of schedule and significantly under budget Mark Snell, Head of Programme Management for LDOC

“As a boy, I picked up an extra paper round in Petersfi eld to save for fl ying lessons. I managed to get my pilot’s licence before I could even drive a car. It’s freeing to get up in the air and see the world from that perspective. ” Even though I left the British military I still feel like I’m part of it as a civilian test pilot. The data we gather proves the Chinooks are safe before the frontline fl y them. We feel good about supporting the team overseas.” SEE HOW RICHARD IS BUILDING A STRONGER UK AT BOEING.CO.UK

Left: General Sir Harry Tuzo GCB OBE MC MA, Commander in Chief British Army of the Rhine, opening Tower Barracks on 2 April 1974 PARTNERS YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW.

30 desider September 2016

Job Number: 10490946 Version: A RICHARD Client/Brand: Boeing/Corporate Date: 7-5-2016 2:26 PM APPROVALS File Name: 10490946vA_CORP_UK2_Richard_210x289_r1.indd QC: Justin O’Brien Bleed: 236 mm x 306 mm Gutter: None Publications: Civil Service World, Desider, BA PA: Steve Hutchings PR: Pat Owens Trim: 210 mm x 289 mm Folds: NoneNone Business Life, The Week, Aerospace RET: Greg Olsen PP: Kim Nosalik Safety: 185 mm x 260 mm Media/Color Sp: PRINT/4 COLOR Notes: None AB: Kathleen Candelaria TM: Deanna Loperena/Alyssa Gabriele Scale: 1=1 Country: None Vendor: None Actual Size: 210x289 Language: English Output%: None GCD: Eugene Varnado Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black AD: Lauren Loehr Fonts: Helvetica Neue (75 Bold, 55 Roman, 35 Thin, 76 Bold Italic; Type 1) CW: Jeff Hampton AE: Danielle Wilburn/Alex Furth ALL CONTENT WITHIN THIS FILE IS FOR OUTPUT ONLY BY END PRINTER/VENDOR. CHANGES, SHARING AND/OR DISTRIBUTING CONTENT IN WHOLE OR IN PART ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. LICENSING RIGHTS AND APPROVALS MUST BE REQUESTED AND APPROVED TO/BY FCB CHICAGO. Images: 10490946c05_r8_Richard.tif (486 ppi; CMYK), Boeing_white_50mm.eps B:236 mm T:210 mm S:185 mm

“ As a boy, I picked up an extra paper round in Petersfield to save for flying lessons.”

—Richard Pillans, Boeing UK Chief Test Pilot B:306 mm S:260 mm T:289 mm

“As a boy, I picked up an extra paper round in Petersfi eld to save for fl ying lessons. I managed to get my pilot’s licence before I could even drive a car. It’s freeing to get up in the air and see the world from that perspective. Even though I left the British military I still feel like I’m part of it as a civilian test pilot. The data we gather proves the Chinooks are safe before the frontline fl y them. We feel good about supporting the team overseas.” SEE HOW RICHARD IS BUILDING A STRONGER UK AT BOEING.CO.UK


Job Number: 10490946 Version: A RICHARD Client/Brand: Boeing/Corporate Date: 7-5-2016 2:26 PM APPROVALS File Name: 10490946vA_CORP_UK2_Richard_210x289_r1.indd QC: Justin O’Brien Bleed: 236 mm x 306 mm Gutter: None Publications: Civil Service World, Desider, BA PA: Steve Hutchings PR: Pat Owens Trim: 210 mm x 289 mm Folds: NoneNone Business Life, The Week, Aerospace RET: Greg Olsen PP: Kim Nosalik Safety: 185 mm x 260 mm Media/Color Sp: PRINT/4 COLOR Notes: None AB: Kathleen Candelaria TM: Deanna Loperena/Alyssa Gabriele Scale: 1=1 Country: None Vendor: None Actual Size: 210x289 Language: English Output%: None GCD: Eugene Varnado Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black AD: Lauren Loehr Fonts: Helvetica Neue (75 Bold, 55 Roman, 35 Thin, 76 Bold Italic; Type 1) CW: Jeff Hampton AE: Danielle Wilburn/Alex Furth ALL CONTENT WITHIN THIS FILE IS FOR OUTPUT ONLY BY END PRINTER/VENDOR. CHANGES, SHARING AND/OR DISTRIBUTING CONTENT IN WHOLE OR IN PART ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. LICENSING RIGHTS AND APPROVALS MUST BE REQUESTED AND APPROVED TO/BY FCB CHICAGO. Images: 10490946c05_r8_Richard.tif (486 ppi; CMYK), Boeing_white_50mm.eps NEWS Air Defence radar achieves FOC he first of three Air Defence and the RAF Safeguarding team as as meeting Full Operating Capability radars that are tolerant of having wind turbine development following a series of performance wind turbines has achieved proposals which could impact on evaluations against the Sheringham TFull Operating Capability at RRH operations. Shoal off-shore wind farm. Further Trimingham in Norfolk. Under these arrangements, wind trials are scheduled to assess the Without effective mitigation, wind farm developers have funded, free of performance of the other TPS-77 turbines situated in radar line of sight charge to the MOD, the introduction radars as impacting wind farms are are proven to cause interference, of wind farm tolerant Lockheed constructed. obscuring aircraft movements. Martin TPS-77 Air Defence radars The delivery of these wind farm This could reduce the ability of at Remote Radar Heads (RRH) tolerant Air Defence radars has Air Defence (AD) radars to detect Trimingham, Staxton Wold and enabled the MOD to lift planning potential threats entering UK Brizlee Wood. objections to developments that will airspace; and it could make air traffic Developers have also funded an collectively allow a potential of 4GW movements more difficult to manage, upgrade to the existing radar at of renewable electricity to be generated increasing safety risks. Buchan to TPS-77 processor standard, by on- and off-shore wind farms. The DE&S ISTAR Windfarm which has allowed the MOD to fund This equates to 11 per cent of the Delivery Team is one of the more a similar upgrade to the radar at UK’s annual electricity need and unusual within the ISTAR Operating Benbecula at reduced cost. Project will be a large contributor to the UK Centre. The team works closely with management of the delivery of these Government’s 20 per cent renewables the wind industry to mitigate the new and upgraded radars has been target by 2020. adverse effects that proposed wind undertaken by the Air Defence and Chris Parker, DE&S Windfarm turbine developments would otherwise Electronic Warfare Delivery (ADEWS) Team Leader, said: “This is a cause to Ministry of Defence (MOD) Team based at RAF Henlow. significant milestone for the project, radars used to provide AD and Air As a result of this investment, five of enabling the Government to meet Traffic Management (ATM) Services. the six UK-based static AD radars are its renewable energy targets while The team work with wind farm now wind farm tolerant. preserving a key defence capability.” developers highlighted by the Defence The first of these radars, installed Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) at RRH Trimingham, was accepted

32 desider September 2016 VBCI

No compromise for UK soldiers


VBCI_185x130_Juillet2016_VA.indd 1 25/07/16 16:20 FIRSTNEWS PERSON

“ There is a more diverse range of people coming into the nuclear skilled family, which is very welcome ”

Picture: Andy Wilkins

34 desider September 2016 FIRSTFEATURE PERSON

On why nuclear skills are entering a ‘Golden Age’ Richard McMeekin is the Submarine Operating Centre Chief Engineer and joined the MOD in May 2015. He arrived from Sellafield Ltd and one of his responsibilities is as the deputy Head of Profession for Nuclear HOP(N), looking to address the risk to the sustainable provision of nuclear skilled resources, which underpins safety and reliability in both the defence and civil nuclear sectors.

What developed your interest in the progressing in the civil nuclear sector. It at the recent National Skills Academy for nuclear engineering world? gives fantastic opportunities for Nuclear Nuclear (NSAN) ceremony. Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person I always wanted to be an engineer and began (NSQEP), engineering, safety, support and What have you learnt so far about an apprenticeship at Sellafield when I was 16. infrastructure jobs, not only in terms of what isn’t working in this area? Aside from this, there was a clear alternative numbers, but in terms of new projects and There are different ways of working between for me in my father’s successful scrap metal tasks that haven’t been done before, or for a industry and the civil service, and that’s business, which provided me with a good very long time. something I’ve been thinking a lot about. work ethic, but I was good at maths, sciences It’s an exciting time, so the demand for Elimination of non-value adding activities, and geometric engineering drawing, so felt a clarifying an agreed problem statement before nuclear apprenticeship was for me. nuclear skills is high and will only get higher in the short to medium term, giving the team fixing a perceived problem, ensuring that During your career, who inspired you working across defence on nuclear skills a processes flow to support people delivering the most? great opportunity to see the purpose and work and putting strategy into action are all elements that the civil nuclear sector There have been several people who have importance of their work. It also presents a has started to embrace recently. Within the inspired me during my career, in different real challenge to MOD to attract and retain MOD, this transformational approach would ways. One of those was John Clarke, who people with these skills, which is where I’m radically change our working environment worked in a senior role at Sellafield when really focused. We can all support this by and industry relationships for the better, I was very junior and is now the Chief engaging with STEM (Science, Technology, especially when applied to nuclear skills. Executive of the Nuclear Decommissioning Engineering & Maths) at secondary schools, Agency (NDA). There were times when he mentoring our own young talent and setting If money was no object, what nuclear provided his time despite being in a senior, the right standard for our staff as nuclear (or skills project would you implement for high pressure position and he even provided non-nuclear) professionals. But the Defence UK Defence? nuclear programme remains exciting and we his office for me to do work in when he In my career, I’ve recognised the importance can and should continue to use that to get the realised that I needed a computer - that of senior people helping me as a newcomer very best people working in the programme. informal support and mentoring made a big in the nuclear family, with apprenticeships So with all that in mind, I’d say, grab the impact on me and that genuine respect for and mentoring featuring strongly in my work opportunities before you, continue to learn, people is a virtue that is vital. life. So if money was no object, I’d start an look to drive the changes required, support apprentice, graduate and early career scheme What inspires you in and out of work? colleagues through change and challenge the where there were no barriers whatsoever, For me, it’s all about learning and gaining status-quo where clear benefit can be realised. between defence and civil sectors, or between new knowledge. At Sellafield I was doing well companies and functions with the support and had clear career progression plans, but Feelings on how the nuclear skills of seniors. I suppose it would be a system I wanted to come to the MOD to challenge work is going? where entrants onto the scheme would have myself in a new environment. I’ve studied We’re in a period when the demand for complete mobility and have a career plan that throughout my career and I’ve applied this nuclear skills is growing fast and we need to spanned all areas of the nuclear family. learning to deliver tangible business benefits, keep up with that demand. Inevitably, central both through my successes and learning Government and international partners in Any other thoughts? this area are keen for that to be done soon and from failure, however the important skill is Looking to the future of nuclear skills, I think it’s a true joint effort with the MOD, other putting it all into practice to drive continuous it’s how we work with industry that is going Government departments and our industry improvements plus supporting the next to be key. I’m glad to see that the network is partners to get this done. generation to be the best that they can be, and building and there’s senior buy-in from many I’m inspired to do that every day. Having said that, I think we’re in a very relevant companies. We are working our way strong position in terms of the quality of Your rallying cry to your team about towards providing a stable flow of NSQEP people that are coming through; the calibre nuclear skills? people. It’s going to be challenging, but I is phenomenal. There’s also a more diverse hope that everyone involved can undergo We’re just entering into a Golden Age for range of people coming into the nuclear a paradigm shift from it being a problem nuclear skills with the Successor Programme skilled family, which is very welcome. For to treating the situation more as a fantastic gathering pace in the defence sector example female apprentices and graduates opportunity at an unprecedented and and the New Nuclear Civil Build work swept the board with the top five awards incredibly exciting time.

desider September 2016 35 FEATURE

CASE STUDY Joely Williams from Explosives and Countermeasures gives her insight into working for DE&S

Picture: Ed Low Name: Joely Williams

Job title: Explosives and Countermeasures Inventory Manager

How long have you worked for DE&S? Two years

Why did you choose to pursue a career in DE&S? Studying an MCIPS (The Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply) accredited Logistics and Supply Chain Management Degree. The MOD came to my university (The University of South Wales) to look for sandwich placement students. I applied as the defence industry is something that is very fast moving and interesting! I did two years of university, then took a year out to work at DE&S and then went back to university for my final year and worked three days a week part time in Commercial. As soon as I finished university with my First class honours degree, I knew I wanted to work within the Logistics function, as that is more relevant to what I studied and more What’s your ambition? where my interests lie. I post rotated and got a Temporary Managed As I’ve started my career in DE&S quite young, I think I’d love to Progression (TMP) and then was officially promoted to the function work my way up the ranks to maybe a B1, as I enjoy being challenged in July 2016. What this shows is the flexibility of DE&S, between being and taking on responsibility, but I find a work/life balance extremely able to work part time while in university and having the freedom to important, so I’ll have to see. switch functions is amazing. What’s the greatest achievement (in your role) to date? What does your role entail? To be completely honest, my biggest achievement so far has been I have recently moved from Defence General Munitions Commercial being able to successfully work three days a week in DE&S whilst at team to the Explosives and Countermeasures team as an Inventory university and achieve a First class degree. I also did my dissertation Manager, so everything is still quite new to me, but my responsibilities on the MOD which also achieved a First, and I was able to achieve this include managing and authorising orders, monitoring deliveries and due to having so many knowledgeable professionals who work within dues in, monitoring and optimising stock levels, highlighting issues MOD for my primary research. and risks, forecasting demands and optimising buys, reviewing and monitoring item data records and financial data. Why would you recommend DE&S to others as a great place to work? What are the opportunities to develop and progress within your function? I don’t think any other business offers flexibility like DE&S. And DE&S encourages you to constantly better yourself by offering so DE&S encourages all employees to pursue as much training as many training and educational courses, along with the facilities and possible to develop themselves. I have had support from my team flexi time. I am looking forward to a long career here. to apply for a Master’s Degree in Defence Acquisition Management, which I am hoping to start in January 2017. DE&S covers all the What are the social benefits of working for DE&S? costs and I am able to do it part time alongside my job and within a The Civil Service Sports Council (CSSC) and the Defence Sports and timeframe that suits me. Recreational Association (DSRA) offer amazing discounted social What do you most enjoy about your job? events. You get the opportunity to get out and meet other people from the organisation on trips such as bowling and pool competitions- I work in Explosives and Countermeasures, and working with this everyone looks forward to the bowling event especially! There’s also a equipment makes the day to day tasks that little bit more exciting and free gym on site with a selection of fitness classes (which I definitely interesting. I also have the opportunity to go out and visit our depots- need to take advantage of more often). However, my absolute favourite I’m visiting some explosives demonstrations in September and am benefit is flexi time. I’m an early bird and am able to come into work very excited about that! I’m also part of an amazing team with some great people, which is always a huge advantage! very early in the morning and then get home by 3pm.

36 desider September 2016 RECRUITMENTDE&S PEOPLE WORK FOR DE&S

Welcome to this edition of DE&S jobs in Desider. There are great opportunities available at DE&S and each month we list current and future posts. For even more opportunities visit the Civil Service Jobs Portal at Graduate and apprentice schemes

E&S offers a number of top class graduate and vacancies, DE&S offers a number of top class graduate apprenticeship opportunities, providing successful and apprenticeship opportunities, providing successful Dapplicants with “hands-on” experience in roles across a applicants with “hands-on” experience in roles across a range of projects. range of projects. If you have recently left school or university and are More information on the range of graduate and interested in embarking on a career in defence but do apprentice opportunities DE&S has to offer is available not yet have the experience/skills required for our listed

Rewards and benefits

n addition to the fantastic variety of cutting edge jobs and which offer numerous discounts to members. an excellent opportunity to develop skills through training, Our headquarters are based in Abbey Wood, Bristol s jobs Iincluding working towards professional qualifications, we and, like many other sites, boasts an impressive range also provide first rate benefits for all of our employees. These of facilities including a fully equipped gym, an on site include flexible working, excellent annual leave, maternity nursery, a range of restaurants and coffee bistros and a and paternity allowances as well as a very competitive hairdressers. pension scheme, eligibility for performance related pay, We understand the commitments our staff have, both free car parking (caveats apply), a proactive employee inside and outside of the office. Our aim is to provide you & engagement, access to Benenden Medical care and the with a place of work which allows you the flexibility you opportunity to join many civil-service clubs such as the require to maintain a great work/life balance. Sports and Social Association and Motoring Club (CSMA)

Equality and diversity

E&S is committed to embracing diversity: it is one of • promoting a workplace that values dignity, respect our core values. Irrespective of gender, marital status, and fairness de Drace, religion, age, disability and without reference to social • promoting high standards of behaviour and background or sexual orientation, DE&S operates an complying with the law by creating equality of inclusive environment to allow you to develop your career. opportunity Whether uniformed or civilian, we expect the attitudes of To demonstrate our commitment, we are members of Stonewall, our people to reflect our approach to diversity by: Race for Opportunity, Opportunity Now, The Employers Forum • fostering a working environment where all staff on Disability, The Employers Forum on Age, and we are also feel comfortable, welcomed and valued for their affiliated to a:gender. contributions Read more about equality and diversity in MOD. How to apply

e are looking for innovative, talented, focused If you would like to view all current vacancies across individuals to join us in being instrumental in defending DE&S and the wider civil service, please visit the Civil WBritain’s interest both at home and overseas. Service Job Portal. DE&S provides the opportunity for a truly rewarding In addition, for an easy, hassle free way of keeping up to career, working on complex, interesting and often date with all the latest vacancies, you can now follow us on sensitive projects of great significance and consequence, Twitter or like our page on Facebook. with excellent training opportunities for your continued professional development.

desider September 2016 37 DE&SRECRUITMENT PEOPLE


Project Planners and Schedulers DE&S Bristol £37,071 Senior Executive Officer C1 Closing date: 16 Sept 2016 Reference number 1506046 Post type Permanent Hours 37 Hours Job Description: As a Senior Scheduler, you will be directly responsible for the leadership and oversight of project schedulers within the Team, and managing complex schedules. As a Project Scheduler, you will be responsible for scheduling activities within the team. You will integrate project data with other data and provide the appropriate formal reports/dashboards. The post offers applicants an excellent opportunity to develop project management and analytical skills, and to contribute to important MOD decisions.

Project Planners and Schedulers DE&S Bristol £30,424 Higher Executive Officer C2 Closing date: 16 Sept 2016 Reference number 1506046 Post type Permanent Hours 37 Hours Job Description: As above

T45 PIP Senior Engineer DE&S Bristol £37,071 Senior Executive Officer C1 Closing date: 11 Sept 2016 Reference number 1487091 Post type Permanent Hours 37 Hours Job Description: You will work within the Type 45 Strategic Class Authority (SCA), and play a pivotal role in delivering our safe, available, and sustainable Complex Warship Support Programme within Ships Operating Centre. As the Lead Engineer for the Power Improvement Project (PIP) you will be responsible for delivering Engineering aspects of the project during a period of unprecedented change, in a dynamic and rewarding environment.

Air Launched Weapon Integration Engineer DE&S Bristol £37,071 Senior Executive Officer C1 Closing date: 16 Sep 2016 Reference number 1500321 Post type Permanent Type of role Project Delivery Hours 37 Hours Job Description: The role is to lead the aircraft integration engineering activities for the air-to-air weapons portfolio on both the Typhoon and F-35 aircraft. Engagement with Platform Project Teams and stakeholder management is an important aspect of this job.

DESG Graduate DE&S Bristol £25,077 Graduate Engineer Closing date: 14 Oct 2016 Reference number 1495277 Post type Permanent Type of role Engineering, Science Hours 37 Hours Job Description: The DESG scheme is a prestigious and fully accredited graduate scheme; probably the best development scheme in the UK scheme for Engineers and Scientists. This scheme leads to careers in engineering management of new and existing equipment and in-service support solutions within the Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) organisation.

38 desider September 2016 RECRUITMENTNEWS


Project Controls DE&S Bristol £30,424 & £37,071 Estimated launch: End August 2016 Grade Higher Executive Officer / C2 & Senior Executive Officer / C1 Post type Permanent Type of role Project Management Hours 37 Hours Work with a variety of partners to ensure the flow of equipment and support services go to where the Armed Forces need them, when they need them.

Air Engineers DE&S Bristol £30,424 & £37,071 Estimated launch: Mid Sept 2016 Grade Higher Executive Officer / C2 & Senior Executive Officer /C1 Post type Permanent Type of role Engineering Hours 37 Hours DE&S’ engineers work with industry partners to deliver programmes, provide specialist input to projects, and solve a range of engineering challenges. s jobs Commercial Managers DE&S Bristol £30,424 & £37,071 Estimated launch: Mid Sept 2016 & Grade Higher Executive Officer / C2 & Senior Executive Officer / C1 Post type Permanent Type of role Commercial Hours 37 Hours The Commercial function provides independent professional judgement on commercial and procurement matters to meet the business need, ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and guidance, and driving value for the customer.

Ships Engineers DE&S

Bristol £30,424 & £37,071 Estimated launch: Mid Sept 2016 de Grade Higher Executive Officer / C2 & Senior Executive Officer / C1 Post type Permanent Type of role Engineering Hours 37 Hours DE&S’ engineers work with industry partners to deliver programmes, provide specialist input to projects, and solve a range of engineering challenges.

Supply Chain Management DE&S Bristol £37,071 Estimated launch: Early October 2016 Grade Senior Executive Officer / C1 Post type Permanent Type of role Logistics Hours 37 Hours Work with a variety of partners to ensure the flow of equipment and support services go to where the Armed Forces need them, when they need them.

Please note – This is the currently planned recruitment activity for the coming months and may be subject to change according to business needs and priorities.

desider September 2016 39 DE&SNEWS PEOPLE


Name? Jimmy Dowling

Job? Support Solutions Officer (SSO) in the Support Enablers Operating Centre (SEOC) for Land Equipment.

Your route into DE&S? After 38 years in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, I worked for a short stint as a contractor with DE&S as an Intergrated Logistic Support manager. I then worked at the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) as a Senior Project Engineer before joining DE&S under the engineer recruiting scheme.

Your role now at DE&S? Our team now falls within the iLog function, which is one of the 11 functional domains that has been set up as part of the DE&S transformation programme. My work involves ensuring that any risks and areas of best practice are highlighted at each stage of any given project and assisting in terms of saving costs, time and resources while improving availability and sustainability when the equipment is delivered as a complete capability into service.

Your claim to fame? I once held the title for winning a competition where I held the most frozen Rolos in my mouth during a Norway deployment. That year I also wrote the 3 Commando Brigade policy for maintaining the 105mm Light Gun between firing cycles of more than seven days at temperatures below 20°C.

Your advice to anyone? Always plan, then act. All plans need revising. If you haven’t got a plan, take some time out

and get one. EdPicture: Low

What do you do when you’re away from work? the Brecon Beacons and the Jurassic I enjoy visiting National Trust establishments, What irritates you the most? coastline. I guess I’m spoilt for choice! taking walks on the coast and tackling the Bad manners. Thankfully that is something I rarely experience within DE&S. challenges of gardening. For some reason, Your secret? plants do not always turn out as I expect I am really quite an introvert. Ask anyone who them to, but I am working on it. What is your favourite place in the world? knows me! What are you most proud of? I have travelled widely thanks to my service My children, thankfully they take after their in the Armed Forces. I have experienced mother. jungle environments along with spiders and ticks, deserts which are hot during If you were sent to a desert island, what the day and freezing at night and also three things would you take with you? the Arctic with temperatures often below Do you or someone you Knife, fishing kit and sweet corn seeds. This -30°C. I have met people from all walks would enable me to get on with attaining of life and with differing political and know deserve their 60 the physiological and safety needs set out environmental views and I have always in Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. enjoyed returning to the UK. I would seconds in the spotlight? Obviously the remaining needs of belonging, say that the Lake District is amongst my esteem and self-actualisation would occur favourite areas to take time out, although I Email [email protected] with some company. have also loved the West coast of Scotland,

40 desider September 2016 Multi-Protocol Military Messaging from Isode


Steve completes epic journey

teve Pointon has successfully became the oldest woman to sail solo completed a 2,500 mile adventure around the world non-stop. Son his yacht and so far raised “Some weeks were pretty tough but I £18,000 for charity Action for Children have to give a lot of credit to Kaz as her – almost double his target. planning was exceptional,” Steve told Steve, 50, an engineer in the DE&S Desider. Unmanned Air Systems team at Abbey “I was unlucky with the wind Wood, set off on his 11 week journey direction and spent a lot of time sailing from Gosport on June 4 in his 28ft into it and my crews changed often, yacht ‘Tikka’ and arrived back at the which could be problematic, but they town’s Hornet Services Sailing Club on all worked tirelessly for me. August 20. “Finally finishing has brought mixed The journey comprised 11 arduous emotions. I am delighted to have legs, but thankfully Steve was joined finished on schedule and have raised so on some of them by friends and family much for charity but also sad to have including wife, Kaz, and adopted son, finished such a fantastic journey. Harry, 13. “Having Jeanne Socrates on board In tandem, his friend, teacher Martin has been inspirational, she never sees Torbett, 66, cycled 4,600 miles around problems, only challenges that have the coast on his 25-year-old Dawes solutions. We’re especially honoured bicycle, and met up with Tikka in she joined us for the last leg as she is Scotland and Wales. preparing to sail solo non-stop around For his last leg, Steve, who was in the world again in October.” the Navy for more than 24 years, was Brigitte Gater, Action for Children’s joined by Jeanne Socrates, who in 2013 director of children’s services said:

Above: Steve “Tikka’s Travels has been a truly celebrates arriving magnificent effort by Steve and all back at the Hornet Services Sailing involved. They have shown immense Club in Gosport dedication, determination and passion after 11 weeks on to complete this journey in 11 weeks. board Tikka It’s just brilliant they’ve raised over £18,000 for our charity as well as Left: Steve (left) raising our profile as they’ve sailed celebrates with son around the UK. We’re very grateful for Harry and friend this mammoth fundraising effort and I Martin Torbett, who congratulate them all.” cycled around the You can still donate by visiting coast at the same and time and met with searching ‘Tikka’s Travels’. Steve as often as possible Scott Murray Leadership Statement

E&S employee Scott Murray described him as an “engaging leader has been nominated as a who inspires his team” and who “is Drole model as part of the visible and approachable to everyone”. Celebrating our Leaders: Living the He said: “I am very honoured that Leadership Statement campaign somebody has taken time out of their launched by the MOD, which day to put this nomination forward and recognises leadership skills across their feedback is greatly appreciated. the organisation regardless of rank or To me leadership is about motivating background. others to want to deliver their best Scott, who currently works as for you, this enables delivery of great Deputy Head of Material Strategy, was results. If you can achieve this the rest nominated by a former employee who is easy.”

42 desider September 2016 DE&S PEOPLE

Bristol Pride event MOTTO the MOD Lottery June 2016 winners

£10,000 Anne Ward (RNAD Coulport) £ 5,000 Romaine Trigg (Abbey Wood) £ 2,000 Samuel Hughes (Abbey Wood) £500 Karen Johnson (Catterick) Paul Middleton (Aldergrove) £100 Catherine Brown (Showburyness) Matthew Blankley (Abbey Wood) E&S Pride, which supports DE&S Pride Vice-Chair Mark Amanda Walmsley (Bovington) the interests of Lesbian, Gay, Cartwright added: “There was a much DBisexual, and Transgender larger contingent than last year- a Helen Lloyd (HMNB Portsmouth) employees and Straight Allies across clear demonstration of the growth Emma Doel (RAF Mildenhall) the organisation, had a significant of DE&S Pride. Building on this, we Ann Willis (Chicksands) representation at this year’s Bristol are planning to organise an event for Pride event, one of the largest LGBT National Coming Out Day on October Natalie Davey (Abbey Wood) Pride festivals in the country. 11, providing a great opportunity to David Stone (RAF Lossiemouth) Supporters of DE&S Pride, one of celebrate coming out as LGBT or as a Kevin Fowler (Glenrothes) four Diversity and Inclusion networks Straight Ally.” that DE&S supports, operated a stall DE&S LGBT Champion Ian Iraina Hughes (Abbey Wood) and took part in the march through the Craddock added: “I continue to be Dennis Collin (HMNB Devonport) city centre. impressed by those that I meet from the Ceri Rees (Abbey Wood) Diversity and Inclusion Lead Lee DE&S Pride Network, in their tireless Silver said: “DE&S looks to ensure all effort to promote issues that affect Philip Wheatley (RNAS Culdrose) our staff are included to feel they can be LGBT members of the DE&S family.” Kenneth McIntyre (Glasgow) themselves regardless of who they are, For further information, contact DES Sharon Woodcock (DMS Whittington) and what my family and I experienced HR-Pride (MULTIUSER), or search David Howard (Whale Island) as marched with the DE&S Pride “Pride” on the DE&S Intranet. Network was a wall of Bristol’s positive Matthew Treasure (Abbey Wood) solidarity to remove discrimination.” Duncan Webber (HMNB Devonport) Adrian Nash (London) Clair Parker (RAF Odiham) A secondment with a difference emma Garland has been have been working with and bringing seconded from her Customer together stakeholders from a range JRelationship Manager role in of sectors; including education and Cost Assurance and Analysis Service businesses, to help tackle some (CAAS), DE&S, to be placed full-time key local issues. I will be bringing as a Business Connector for Wiltshire, back to DE&S the experiences of a working on behalf of the charity completely different environment and Business in the Community (BITC). a much better understanding of how The Business Connector Programme to maximise development through takes talented individuals and places other employment volunteering them in communities of greatest need opportunities.” – allowing them to use their time, If you are interested in hearing networks and expertise to connect the more about the Business Connector needs of their local community. role, please contact Jemma at jemma. Jemma said: “Having worked in [email protected] the MOD for 18 years I was thrilled to be given this opportunity. In the few months I have been in the role I Above: Jemma meets BITC President HRH Prince of Wales.

desider September 2016 43 MLSP IOC Achieved - Ahead of Schedule

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