Toronto, Ontario Feb. 7 - Mar. 6, 2012 Vol. 8 No. 7 Miss Gay Philippines Canada 2012 contest is now Open! ...... page 24 ‘‘MEGAMEGA NNA,A, PPACQUIAOACQUIAO PPA’A’ Mammoth INC rally paralyzes roads in Manila Sharon Concert & Pacquiao Fight in a back-to-back Show in Toronto! FForor GGod,od, NotNot PPoliticsolitics GIGANTIC SHOW: The Manny Pacquiao-Tim Bradley title fi ght MONSTER TRAFFIC: Parked buses clog a long stretch of June 9 in Las Vegas would be beamed LIVE! via satellite at the Roxas Boulevard after ferrying people attending a prayer rally Massey Hall huge screen after the Sharon Cuneta concert! A of the Iglesia ni Cristo yesterday. Right photo shows the mam- one-of-a-kind entertainment presentation only Royal Mark Can- moth crowd at the Quirino Grandstand estimated at not less ada Productions of couple Lito and Ruth Roquillo could show- than 800,000. (AP/Jonjon Vicencio) case this part of North America. Pls. turn to page 11 Story on page 16 PPIDCIDC ppresidentresident vvowsows ttransparencyransparency aandnd mmediaedia ffriendlyriendly Ms. Norma Carpio Story on page 9 Please see page 16 SERVICES: * Mortgage Insurance * Educational Plan & 20% Gov't Grant * Critical Illness Insurance * Life Isurance Arnel Jimenez Lopez 759 Warden Avenue, Scarborough Cell: (416) 568-2110 Ontario, M1L 4B5 Philippine Courier GrandMarch Opening 9! Bring your family or friends and enjoy a unique dining experience! Meet YOU @ barkada RESTAURANT & CATERING, INC. Your favourite Filipino dishes prepared and served with a modern, contemporary twist. All day Filipino breakfast! gene mina 5651 Steeles Avenue East, Unit 6
[email protected] (at Middlefield Road) Toronto, Ontario leo torres Tel.