The Month of The Passion – Parallel Reading

The Month of The Passion, 31 days of reflection, renewal, and worship: Parallel Readings

1. —The Triumphal Entry and 2. —Anointing at , Triumphal Entry 3. —Zaccheus, Triumphal Entry, Cleansing of Temple 4. —Triumphal Entry, Cleansing Temple, Teaching 5. —Teaching in the temple and answers Jewish leaders 6. —Teaching in the Temple and answering Jewish leaders 7. —Teaching on Marriage Feasts, Tribute, the Resurrection 8. —Pharisaism exposed, lament over 9. 10. —The Widow’s mite, Olivet Discourse 11. —Olivet Discourse 12. —Teaching on the 10 Virgins, Talents, Judgment (Sheep and Goats) 13. —Anointing, , Garden of Gethsemane, arrest 14. —Last Supper, washing feet 15. —Passover and Last Supper, Garden, Arrest, Before 16. —Anointing, Last Supper, Garden, Betrayal, Arrest, before 17. —The coming of the Comforter, is the Way 18. —Jesus is the 19. —The Promise of the Holy Spirit 20. —The High Priestly Prayer 21. —Trial before Pilate, Scourging, Crucifixion, Burial 22. —Before Pilate, then Herod, then Pilate, Crucifixion and Burial 23. —Judas’suicide, before Pilate, scourging, Crucifixion, Burial 24. —Betrayal and Arrest, Denial, Before Pilate 25. —Before Pilate, The Crucifixion, and Burial 26. --Resurrection 27. —Empty Tomb, Appearance to Mary, Upper Room 28. —Appearance at Sea of , Restoration of Peter 29. —Resurrection, Road, Upper Room Appearance 30. —Resurrection, Guard’s Dilemma, The 31. : 1-11—Commissioning and Ascension