The Island Remembers!

Towns and Villages around the marked Remembrance Sunday with services and parades, many organized by the local RBL Branch.

The Isle of Wight County Press, BRANCH published on 14th November, PROTOCOL FOR REQUESTING THE RBL provide good coverage with Following the church service the Standards of the Bembridge COUNTY STANDARD TO BE IN reports and pictures from around RBL and Bembridge Women’s Section, together with the ATTENDANCE AT EVENTS colours of the Scouts and Guides, paraded to the War the Island. Memorial followed by the choir and the congregation.

Enclosed with this newsletter is the After the Last Post and Reveille had been sounded wreaths agreed protocol to be followed when Thank you to everyone who have were laid by several dignitaries from Bembridge, the Royal you would like the County Standard to submitted reports and British Legion, Police, sea scouts and nursery groups The be present at an event. To some it may photographs for this newsletter. service was well attended by the public with approx. 100 people present. seem rather “over the top” but insurance is a serious matter these days and failure to adhere to the guidelines can render the insurance invalid in the event of a claim. If you have any SEAVIEW & BRANCH A Remembrance Service was held at St Peter’s Church, Seaview, officiated by The Royal British Legion queries regarding the document please Seaview & Nettlestone Branch Chaplain, Rev. David Marrow. do not hesitate to contact the County Parade Marshal. Names of the Fallen were read by Janet Foreman, Branch Chairman, and the Exhortation and Kohima spoken by Branch President Slim Whiteland. The Branch Standard, paraded by Keith Bradford, was dipped for the 2 minute silence.

The Last Post and Reveille was played by Tim Parkin.

Wreaths were laid by Reg Barry, Isle of Wight Council and Branch member; Peggy Jarman, Parish Council and Branch member; and Jeff Ball, Branch Treasurer on behalf of The Royal British Legion.

Readers during the service were Branch members, Carol Ball and Don Wintle and prayers by Sue Whitewick. Also present at the service were the Girl Guides and Brownies who paraded the Union and Brownies flag.


EAST The Service for Remembrance Sunday was held at St. James Church, , conducted by Rev Allie Kerr, Branch Chaplain East Cowes RBL. Prior to the service the Act of Remembrance was held at the war memorial where the Exhortation and Kohima were spoken by Mr. Ray Gibson, Branch Chairman. Last Post & Reveille was sounded by Mrs Karen Walker.

The East Cowes RBL Standard was carried by Mr. Alan Williams. Also in attendance were the Standard of the Vectis Branch of the Submariners Association and the unit colours of 1st East Cowes Sea Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, 1st East Cowes Guides and the East Cowes Brownies.

Prior to the laying of the wreaths the names from the War Memorial were read by five leaders from East Cowes Scout Group and two Guides from the 1st East Cowes Guide Unit.

Wreaths were laid by Cllr Louisa Hillard, County for East Cowes; Cllr Julia Baker-Smith, County Councillor for ; Mike Lloyd, Mayor of East Cowes and Mr. Ray Gibson, Chairman of East Cowes Branch Royal British Legion. Wreaths were also laid on behalf of East Cowes RBL Women’s Section, Vectis Branch Sumariners Association, Royal Gloucester Berkshire Wiltshire Regimental Association, Civil Defence, Police, Osborne Masonic Lodge, St. James Church and Choir, St. Mildred’s Church, East Cowes Methodist Church, Evangelical Church, St. David’s Church, Community Church, East Cowes Red Cross, East Cowes Scout Group and East Cowes Guides & Brownies and Osborne School. Members of the public also laid poppy crosses. Whilst the wreaths were being laid Karen and Laura Walker played “Supreme Sacrifice”.

During the church service, poems were read by Hannah Flowers and Peggy Stagg, which included “In Flanders Fields”. The readings were given by Mike Lloyd, Mayor of East Cowes and Marion O’nions, East Cowes Guides.

In her address, Rev Kerr told how the colours of the poppy remind us of the great sacrifice made and shared photographs taken of the “Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” installation at the Tower of which she had recently visited.

We wish you all a very

Merry Christmas and a

Healthy and Peaceful

New Year

From the IW County Chairman and Committee


County/District Secretary – change of title Following a review of the County/District Secretary role, the job title of all the staff County/District Secretaries and Membership Administrators has been changed to: Membership Support Officer (MSO). This change does not have any impact on the support they currently provide to the members. The volunteer County/District Secretaries will keep their current title.

Membership Handbook It is envisaged that the updated Handbook will be published electronically in December. The new version and the amendment control sheet will be available to download from the Member Downloads area on the Legion website from late December.

Go to and follow the links. It is in the members only section and you will need the following information to log in

USER NAME: memhandbook


Legion in the Community (LIC) Please note that applications for funding for events taking place up to 30 June 2015 will be accepted as they come in, i.e. there is no submission deadline as last year. LIC aims to support Legion activities at branch and County level. These events are designed to inform the wider public of the Legion and help them gain a greater understanding of the work that the charity carries out. Branches can apply for funding by filling in application forms which can be obtained from your local Membership Support Officer.

Outstanding Branch Accounts The deadline for submission of 2013/14 accounts has passed. The Membership Council has agreed to start closing procedures for those branches that haven’t submitted their accounts for two consecutive years (2012/13 and 2013/14). Branches that are late submitting their accounts and correctly signed MS1 forms will not be allowed to send a delegate to the National Conference. Please remember that the accounts don’t need to be approved at your AGM prior to being submitted to your local Membership Support Officer, but they do need to be examined/audited!

The Public Policy team put together the enclosed booklet (Campaigning Guidance), which gives members and volunteer supporters guidance on how to campaign within Charity and Electoral Commission rules in the run up to the next General Election. It also outlines key messages in relation to our manifesto publication, which is also enclosed with this newsletter for your reference.

Karolina Brzeska Membership Policy and Administration Manager


WW1 CEREMONY – 26th October 2014

The second ceremony to honour the fallen from WW1 recorded on Ventnor War Memorial took place on Sunday 26th October. Those remembered were Pte Charles Glaire of 1st Bn Hampshire Regiment, who died in Netley Hospital, Southampton in 10th October 1914 after being wounded at We will remember them …… La Bassee and Tpr Victor Dennes of 1st Life Guard killed in the first battle of Ypres on 31st October 1914. Mr P Smith – Seaview & Nettlestone

The Reverend Hugh Wright conducted the service and a poem "The Horse", written by Lionel Thompson was read by

Danny McMeechan. Ventnor Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr Leigh Our sincere condolences to the families Geddes read the Exhortation and crosses were placed by and friends of these members. Lydia Bryant and Leo Walters from Ventnor Scouts. Bugler Will Nixon played the Last Post and after the two minutes silence, the Reveille. In attendance was the Ventnor Royal British Legion Standard carried by Ernie Willis.

Six relatives of Charles Glaire attended the ceremony and paid their respects and laid flowers in remembrance of him. The ceremony is available to view on

Major (Retd) Danny McMeechan Chairman, Ventnor WW1 Commemoration Committee

PHOTO 2 From the left, Ernie Willis, Will Nixon, Leo Walters, Rev Hugh Wright and Lydia Bryant.

PHOTO 1 The next ceremony at Ventnor to Relatives of Charles Glaire - John Kirby, Jean Kirby (great niece remember the fallen from WW1 will of Charles Glaire and granddaughter of George Claire), Keith th Barber (great nephew and grandson), Marilyn Sibbick (great take place on Sunday, 28 niece and granddaughter), William (Bill) Glaire (great nephew December, 2014 commencing at and grandson), wife of Bill, Lorna Glaire. 1pm at the War Memorial.


Field Of Remembrance Service Castle 2014 – 6th November 2014

On Thursday 6th November the Field of Remembrance in the Princess Beatrice Garden at was opened following a short service lead by Rev Marcus Bagg.

The parade of standards into the garden was led by the Union Flag carried by Mr Alan Williams, the RBL County Standard bearer, who was supported by the branch standards from Newport & Carisbrooke, , , Seaview & Nettlestone, Bembridge and Ventnor, as well the standards of the Royal Naval Association, the RGBW Regimental Association, the Hampshire Old Comrades Association, the Maritime Volunteer Service and Cowes Sea Cadet unit all under the guidance of Mr Reg Hunt, parade marshal.

It was a cold and blustery day and all the standard bearers did a stirling job of controlling their standards in those conditions.

The ceremony was well attended with close to 300 dignitaries, veterans, school children and members of the public present led by HM Lord Lieutenant Maj Gen Martin White. The service was concluded by the planting of crosses of remembrance whilst a lament was played by Dr Kieron Cooney on his bagpipes on the battlements.

Terry Clarkson, County Parade Marshal


Commemoration of WW1 at Nodes Point Holiday Park, St Helens.

The Seaview and Nettlestone Branch of The Royal British Legion were contacted by management of Nodes Point Holiday Park, St Helens, requesting that we might like to consider attending a Commemoration of WW1 event they were holding for residents at the park on Saturday 8th November 2014.

Several members of the branch committee met with the management team at Nodes Point and following discussion agreed we would attend .

On the evening, Janet Foreman, Chairman of the Branch, firstly introduced the history of The Royal British Legion to the audience.

Keith Bradford, Standard Bearer of Seaview & Nettlestone, Jim Howkins, Standard Bearer of Bembridge and Don Bridges, Standard Bearer of Ryde then paraded with the Standards and music was played by Dr Kieron Cooney on the bagpipes.

Janet read poetry from WW1 and another member of the branch, Carol Ball, read a modern poem.

The Exhortation was spoken by Janet; there was a 2 minute silence when the Standards were dipped and Lament played by Kieron, the Standards were then raised.

Christine Bridges, member of Ryde Branch, led the Kohima Epitaph.

The Standards then marched off parade and Kieron continued to play the pipes, the audience took part in a sing-a-long to his medley of wartime songs.

Staff at the park later entertained the audience with music and singing taking on the WW1 and WW2 theme.

Poppy Appeal collection boxes were in place at the entrance to the venue manned by the Standard Bearers, the money raised to be donated to the Poppy Appeal. The Management of Nodes Point Holiday Park handed over a cheque for £240 to the Chairman Janet towards the poppy appeal.

Keith Bradford, Seaview & Nettlestone Branch

Armistice Day – Tuesday 11th November 2014

Bembridge Branch RBL On Tuesday 11th November, at the request of the padre, members from Bembridge Branch attended a short memorial service at the war Memorial. It was very wet and windy, which did cause some problems for the Standard Bearer! Approximately 40 people present.

Prayers were said and a poem from WW 1 was read prior to the Act of Remembrance.

Jim Howkins, Standard Bearer, Bembridge Branch.


Seaview & Nettlestone Branch RBL

The Seaview Yacht Club, Seaview, invited members of The Royal British Legion Seaview & Nettlestone Branch, to support Armistice Day and observe the eleventh hour on the eleventh day on the eleventh month Two Minute Silence at their club house.

Members of the branch attended and at the eleventh hour, the Ensign flying on the staging of the club was lowered and the legion Standard dipped.

John Chandler, Branch member, spoke the Exhortation and led the Kohima Epitaph at the end of the two minutes silence.

Keith Bradford, Vice-Chairman, Seaview & Nettlestone.

For more information on Seaview & Nettlestone Branch visit their website at:-

East Cowes Branch RBL

The two minutes silence was observed at St. James’ Church, East Cowes at 11am on 11th November. The Act of Remembrance was led by Veronica Brown, Curate at St. James’. The exhortation and Kohima Epitaph were spoken by the Branch President, Jacqui Berridge. Last Post and Reveille were played by Karen Walker.


Newport & Carisbrooke Branch report that £37,790 Branch have banked £18,500 with has been banked todate for the poppy appeal, which more still to come in. This is an increase of is an increase of £5000 on last year. £3500 over last year.

Ventnor Branch have banked £10,800 and still have A very big “Thank You” to everyone more tins to be counted. involved in the Poppy Appeal this year. Without all your hard work the Legion & Rookely District have banked £1476.42 so would not be able to support our far. This is a slight increase on last year. beneficiaries as we do.

7 The funeral of Mr Dugald Buchanan-Morton

On Friday 31st October a funeral service was held at the Isle of Wight Crematorium for the late Mr Dugald Buchanan- Morton known to his colleagues in the Ryde Branch as ‘wee Dougie’ who sadly passed away earlier in October at the age of 93. He served with 41 Royal Marine Commando and landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.

The cortege was met by a guard of honour of standards from the Royal Marine and Royal Naval Associations as well as the standards from Ryde, Seaview& Nettlestone, Bembridge, and Brighstone branches. Also the standards from the Royal Hampshire Old Comrades Assoc, Boys Brigade, Ryde Sea Cadets.

The cortege on its way to the crematorium was escorted by members of the RBL rider’s branch. The chapel was full with ‘wee Dougies family and friends from the Legion, the Royal Marine Assoc and elsewhere who had come to pay their last respects to the gentle unassuming man.

At the end of the service the Last Post was played by a Royal Marine Bugler who had travelled from Portsmouth for the ceremony The Exhortation was read by the Ryde Branch Chairman Mr Ivor Millard.

Terry Clarkson

Membership Matters …..

Information from Steph, our Membership Support Officer.

For the attention of Branch Treasurers:

LOMAS (Legion’s Online Membership Accounting System) training – New course available

Should you wish to use the LOMAS system and attend a training course please email the following details to [email protected]



Branch code

Email address


31st December 2014 - 0808 8028080 Final date for Branch MS1 forms to be received by the County Secretary. ______

County Secretary – Mrs Stephanie Harris 1st January 2015 – New membership application forms to be used 104 Above Bar Street, Southampton, from this date. The old membership Hampshire, SO14 7DT application forms will no longer be accepted. E-mail: [email protected] 17th January 2015 – Website: IW County Conference – Methodist Church, Garfield Road, Ryde. Commences 2pm Registered Charity number 219279

1st February 2015 – Newsletter Enclosures:- Deadline for return of unissued membership cards. Campaigning Guidance Booklet


2015 RBL Diaries

2015 RBL Isle of Wight Diaries are available to purchase from Ventnor RBL Club and Shanklin RBL Club


If anyone has any articles they would like to be considered for publication in the monthly newsletter that would benefit members please e -mail the newsletter editor at [email protected]

Or send to: 2 Hope Mead, Langbridge, Newchurch, IW, PO36 0NP by the 20th of each month.

We are looking for anything from jokes to poems, or hints and tips to remarkable personal achievements and Branch events. Or even adverts!

Everything will be considered.