College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository

Faculty Exams: 1944-1973 Faculty and Deans

1970 Constitutional Law: Final Exam (January 16, 1970) William & Mary Law School

Repository Citation William & Mary Law School, "Constitutional Law: Final Exam (January 16, 1970)" (1970). Faculty Exams: 1944-1973. 215.

Copyright c 1970 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. 11ARSHfLt.L l~1TIIF, SCI{OO:!", OF !,AW CONSTITUTIONAL LAW College of VIi:::' J.iaIll a:cd Nal'Y Final Exam 1/1 6/70

As previo112'_Y a..... m.o l:nced9 23 sigrrr;le'":','~ s for t Le final exam havl~ been take!', from t,l-rG Casebook ( 8~d ,Supplement), chs e 4.!' 6, 7, 1 1 , 12, 1 J and 1 L " 1;.lsofar as j~e asi bl. i.::l, cases have been selected for each student from each of these chapters s o that G721:y­ one ·,.:ill rtD,-;e seme reference to ·the s-u.hj ~ ' e t w::j-·t er ~.n ever~7 CQP;otSI' i n ·j·hi s list. Thel'o arG r;';:l!r.':' 1' () r E- · ; ;~: · +,:; .o n. 3 ·L., t.J:: n a ~ ; sj. ::;n'.."d esses , b".l'c, each StUd~;lt ::.r:: tc do his own asd:madu c aS8~ inCiivid'lalTy r\, i. e .~, !).'J f_:1., '! '~) un' ·w·C' .·.•A . ~-. as :::..~- - !:-r~.,..,..,.,-··" J .!I..!.. L· t".dJ<" O.n 'J~ OT.)<..:- 0 ccaCl·O~ _. i.l, s) • l't.ere are 067en cases assigned to eacil S i; l~d ::.r t" and for each cr'.:Je t.L'3:'e E.. r e t.h!'eo steps to t.he assign.llent, as outlined below. lli the first t HO brien:: 8,na t.he tht :;.-d in !:nre detail but still succinctly; cf. tha example which i s given.

1 . a. Identify the specific clause or clauses in the tex"c. of the Constitution t o which this cas"3 applios -- tl1.8.i:, is.. not merely First Amend.rnent (if that is invol ved) but (i) freedom of :.:eli-­ gion, (ii) es ta'hlishrr.snt of r Gligion, (iii) freedom oJ..' c~ ~pt'e'3 - sion, (iv) freedcm of ascembly, (v) right of petition., ( J:!..) "freedom of association, II or (vii) right of privacy laG arGued by Douglaq}.

b. If there are written concurrences or dissents, do the same for the arglJInent in these. (i. e., occasionally the Justice will contend that the "necessary and properll clause, for eX3Ir.ple, is the more appropriate constitutional clause than, say, t h3 commerce clause.)

2. Since constitutional questions seldom are raised by counsel merely upon the constitutional clause, but in connection with a specif:i.c s-:'atutory pro7ision, identify the provision or pro­ vis:i.ons in t.he U. S. Code involved in this case. Indicate how it is relat8d to the constitutional argument. N. B.: Distin­ guish betHeen procedural law cited from the Code , the statutory prov-lsion 1Vhich is challenged, and any other statutory considera­ tions involv8d in the case.

(Of course, if the case is on appeal from a state court, you will need to refer to the state statute as well as to any per­ tinent federal sta.tut.ory matter l"lhich may be involved. In this case, also, indi~ate how the state statute is related to the con8titution~~ argument.)

3. Make your own evaluation of how the opinio:1 i:1 t.he CC'.se a::fected the general body of interpretative case l a,,. on the cC' 1 1 01~i. tut ional clause 01' clauses, comparing the principal case v::l_th a..l1Y \,lh::'ch antedated i:t and any 't"lhich fol101.ed (and perhaps even modif:3.ed or overrulGd) the prinoipal case.


New Yorl£.!. States, 326 U. S. 572 (1946) (Casebook, p. 634)

1. a. Majority opinion turns on Article I, ~ 8, clause 1. b. Dissent argues the issue turns on Article I, ~ 9, clause 5. 2. Statutes: Sec. 615(a)(5), Act of .June 6, 1932, 47 Stat. 169, 26h; 26 U~ s. C. (Int, . Rev. Acts, 1940 ed.), p. 614; a federal tax laid upon s ales of rd.neraJ.. water s s old by state.

3. Frnnkful''i:er, for Court: nprcp :cieta:c-y acti vitier, rr of state gove!'In11ents held s u.bjc-l~ t, t.o federal taxat.iol'1, even though state is ,dthin constitu.t:ional powers in dj spos::ing of its natural reS01.1}~ C es. Case illUfltr3.tes t::end of m.oder n con­ stitl'.tional law away from theory that any federal ta::res lald. on st~te. gov~rn­ ment aCl'e~J.c ies or activities are burdens , No dern rule emphaslz8s dl stJ.nctJ.ons betwee; 3tate activit;y- ' may prope~~' ly be exempted! 2..{!.d acti­ vit.y ('1' agents (e. g., state employees liable for f ederal incOIEe tax) Shfj'lld be equalIy 1io.o}e 't-rith similar 2.ctivity or agents i n nO!l-govsl'nroGnt[;l fie '.ds . - 2·-

Concurring Onlilic1.1 by St.ene, C. J.: Hol ding shoul d place less stress on bU:i.'den upon st3.te A.11d mor e llpOr. i n jury to national i nter est if such a. subject. for t axc1.tion Fe:re ldtlY~r avm from f e deTal t ax p O ~'J er under Articl e I , § 8, clause 1 .

ni..ssent "by Dougl'ls: U. S. r ':"1u i red 'l:..ider l\..rticle I, ~ 9., clause 5 t o meet :. ta'i·e argument t l'.at i !1 d:-;", spesi ng of ::..ts Y•. a tural c o;:;ources st e. ~·0 is engaged ill revenue-raising (gover nmental) rather t han profit-making (proprietary) activity and hence federal "t ax ::i,s in fact an unco:1Stitu­ t io:c·:,l b ~ .. ·'deE en Drope:::' st·at,e go' functi on.

- ~ -. ~ ~... ------_.._ -- ._ -_. . _------_ ..... _--- - ,~ - - . - ----_ .. _.. . _. .. _---_ ...... ------_ ...... _- --_ .. _-_ .... -

T 18 aosign ts which follow consist of the page in the casebook 0:..' -t~ he Supplemert (8) follo~-ved by the name of the case. As n early as feasible, the assigr. "nts f o:,' f< pers'-n a!'e c.istrib1.1ted over the seven selected chapters, but i n a fe'tv :l.m:t8.nce s it l ~a. s beon necessary to add a case from another pa.rt of the book to illa.k'>, thirlU'! coree out even, and in some cases t 'VoJO caS3S have been aS 8::'gl1ed from one CflE"I?ter .

Ret. Bd. v. Alton R. Co. S. C. Hwy. D8pt. v. Barnwell Scripto, Inc. v. Carson Home B. & 1,. Assn. v. Blaisdell Peters v. Hobby Braunfeld v. Brown

Alcantara: p. 253 Schechter Poult. Corp. v. u. s. 570 So. Pac. R. Co. v. Arizona 3118 Nat. Bellas Hess v. Iept./Rev. 842 't,ol'then Co. v. Thomas 3180 Bond v. Floyd 1071 Service v. Dille~ 1156 Scherbert v. Ve~ner

Ancarrow: p. 258 Carter v. Carter Coal Co. 578 Bibb v. Frt. Lines 657 Norton Co. v A fup't • / Rev • 842 T'brthen Co. v . Ka7auc.' u gh 3181 1-Jatts v. U. S . 1071 Vitarelli v. Seaton 1162 BrOi.m v. Bd. of E']. •

Basnight: p. 269 NLRB v. Jones & L8.ughlin Steel Corp. 582 Huron Portland Cement Co. v. Detroit 660 Gen. Motors Corp. v. pashington 842 11\jood v. Lovet t 3182 U. S. v. O'Brien 1071 Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Comm. v. McGr ath 1166 Bolling v. Sharpe

Bassu.ener: p. 276 u. s. v. Darby 311 .~ Firemen v. Chi., R. I. & P. R. Co. 668 N. W. States Port land Cement Co. v. Minnesota 842 El Paso v. Simmons 3183 Street v. New York 1071 Greeno·il'. McElroy 1167 Ma.Y 0r • • • of B'-,:l.timore v . Davn:~ on

Bland: p-:-268 Ky. 'Whip & Collar Co. v . TIl. Cent;. R. Co. 583 BaJ.dwin v. G. A. F. Seeli g , Inc. 673 Gen. Motors Corp. v. Dist. . of Columbi a 848 Lichter v. U. S. S185 Tinker v. Des Moines School Di st. 1071 Caf eteria Tn h54 Pen:.1sylva.rri.a -.;. Ed. ClL 'j2-'usts 848 l<'.t1P. Y. Darlington 962 Cra1~ v. Ha:;->L.ey 1071 XA_AD' v. Alabama 1167 Ne'tv O:deans City Park ••• Assn. v. Detiege

BrilJtf. t': P:-2ti7 U. S. v. SuJ . ~. iwm [;i~9 ~l vl:lE ' C'o '~ t;rc=; :S :.1.~ v. I:isence:t'[S I"~rm Pr00ur: t..,,: h ~:4 £lurton v. vJ~ .lmington Phg. At, : ',ho~C'i ty 5h9 Miller v. Schoene )'05 Hood v. Georgia 8221 F.l~)Ta~dt v. Russell 'i 1( 7 Turner v. l'1emphis iJ: "2 R9 El. Bond & Share v. SEC 590 H. P. Hood & Sons v. Dumond 458 Garner v. Louisiana 851 Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Hahon 972 Roth v. U. S. S224 Keyishian v. Bd./Regents 1167 Johnson v. Virginia

Corbett: p. 289 North American Co. v. SEC 597 Cities Service Co. v. Peerless Co. 458 Peterson v. South Carolj~a 8SS U. S. v. Causby 981 Jacobellis v. S228 Spevak v. Klein S234 Lee v. "'Bshington

Corbitt: p. 289 American P. & L. Co. v. SEC 601 Rice v. Santa Fe El. Lines 458 Gober v. Birmingha.n 857 U. S. v. Caltsx 982 Kingsley Pictures Cor? v. Regents 8229 Garrity v. New Jersey S235 U. S. v. Montgome : ~'y Co. Bd./Ed.

Crowgey: p. 290 U. S. v. 5 Gambling Devices 601 Hines v. Dc~vidowitz 458 Avent v. Nerth Carolina 857 U. S. v. Cent. Eureka Mining Co. s186 Memoirs v. Massachusetts 8229 Gojack v. U. S. 1168 Anderson v. Martin

Deboer: p:295 Wickard v. Filburn 602 Kelly v. v.Jashington 458 Lombard v. Louisiana 857 Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. 8190 Ginzburg V O U. S. 1075 Bates 7. Little Rock 1168 Vi:::'ginia Bd-/:.q'J.ect. v. Hamm

DeRoma: p. 300 u. S. v. Butler 60) Maurer v. Hamilten 458 Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham 8159 YMCA v. U. S. 8197 Mishkin v. New York 1076 By. Employees De~y. v. Hanson 1169 Brovm v. Bd./Ed., -};",

E>n:liS: p.-:.~0 1 Cl.'.rr:i,n v . S",li'"h fiol.f Castl (~ v. HaycR Fl' . :t ', '- !(,, :;, hj9 :troll v , l'Ia~rlan (j 0~O S'(;1~.;:\,i. c, , ':~1> 7. Hempst~ac: 81 98 Rf';

;;'l1rJ.: lj:-·?Cl1 '!T, S. v. Roc~c Reya:i.. CO ()P ' , 81': 6 ~rj . r.. :>,: .~ ~':,,:; '! _ · V:: . (; G '1 . (1 ).i:.:;ai: o 1/,) hamm v. Ro ck :,1ill 860 'U. S. ex reI. TVA v. 1..elch :s1 '7 9 Gins~8rg v. New York 1078 T.?thl'op 'U". Don ,-,hue i '! '!J Goss v. Bd./Ed. r;: -JOT Sunshine Coal Co . v. Adkins 605 Campbell v. Hussey 847 Evans v. Newton 861 Berman v. Parl~er 8203 Stanley v. Georgia 1079 Shelton v. Tucker 1171 ~~tson v. Me~phts

Girton: p. 301 FPC v. Natural Gas Pipeline 605 Florida Lime & Avocado Growers v. Paul 852 Reitman v. Hu2.key 862 U. ,S., v. Twin City Po't>Ter Co. 983 Bea11.narnais v. Ill::.nois 1003 Bro. R 0 Tr a~ .n,nen v. Vir ginia 1171 Griffin v. Cour..· ;~~~ Sch. Bd.

Gold: p.-301 U. s. v. WrightvJOod Dairy fiJ6 Pennsylvania v~ Nelson 858 Hunter v. EriclL:';0n 862 U. S. v. Gen. Eoters C;Ol'p. 986 New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 1084 Konigsberg v. Stat~ B~r ,l 8235 Bradley v. SchcJI :3oc4'1

Graves: p. 301 Mandeville Is. Farms v. Am. Crystal Sugar fiJ6 Uphaus v. T·;yman s60 Jones v. Alf. Mayer Co. 862 U. S. v. 1rJestinghOll:=>e 8206 Rosenblatt v. Baer 1084 BarskJr v. Bd./Regents 8235 Rogers v. Paul

Harl-JOod: p:)OT Kirschbaum v. Walling 609 Prudential Ins. Co. v. Benjamin 484 Breedlove v. Suttles 862 U. S. v. Commodities Trading Corp. 993 Garrison v. Louisiana 1085 Konigsberg v. State Bar 8236 Gre-:m v. Cmm+y School Bd.

Hatchl : p. 300 Mulford v. Smith 8116 Seagram & Sons v. Hostetter 874 South Carolina v. Katzenbach 870 Muller v. Oregon 995 NAACP v. Button 1093 1~Jatkins v. U. S. 8236 Raney v. Bd./Ed. Hicks: i-;:= 302 !"Jitchell -:; . 2:1[ r. £:,' f !(l.

)77 lL~ S t; .-". .d.9pala ~2 ·~ . U.« *.1. f . ~;. "",~ :•• ~ :. " .J.~ . 6 1~ Eoo"

darf'.. "21d v. Hirtz ,-. S , y , C::t.l:l f or ni i-l. ;·'i: em:pdis S'l;,e -:'.l 11 Lc,l}.nc'·.i.'Y_ - st.):;,e 874 Ne~.J state Ice Co. v. :Liebmarui S?07 UurtiR Pub. Co. v. Butts \;)97 Upha'uS "IT. Hyman 1176 I~vrf'.Jll2.:(,su v. u. s.

,johnson: ~:; ,- ' - · ~;·\8 Heart of Atlanta 110tel v. U. s. . 377 U. S. v. Louisim1a 622 HcGoldrick v. Ber,.dnd-1·lhite Co. 874 Nebbia v. NelJ York 8207 Associated Press v. Walker 1098 Barenblatt v. U. S. 8237 Loving v. Virg:i.nia

Jones: p:-j"23 Katzenbach v. HcClung 377 U. S. v. Texas 8116 Dunbar-Stanley Studios v. Alabama 878 !.,est Coa3t Hotel Co. v. Parrish s208 Red Lion Broadcast Co. v. FCC 1103 VtlJ.kins on v. U. S. 1184 Takahasa v. Fish & Game Corom.

Kris: p.-S37 Daniel v. Paul 377 Alabama v. Texas 624 Nippert v. Ric~mond 878 Lincoln Fed. Labor Union v. N. 1"'. I. & M. Co. 1003 Bro. R. Trainmen v. Virginia 1103 Braden v. U. S. 1187 Oyama v. California

LaRoche: p. 331 Mitchell v. U. S. 377 TVA v. 1Jv~elch 624 kest Point Grocery Co. v. Opeli.l{a 883 Day-Brite Lt g ., Inc. v. I'1is souri 1004 Thornhill v. Alabama 1103 Deutsch v. U. S. 1188 Galvan v. Press

Lee: P:- 331 Boynton v. Virginia 377 Berman v. Parker 625 Indep. Harehse. v. Scheele 885 Ry. Exp. Agency v. New York 5209 11ine Workers v. Bar Assn. 1104 Russellv. U. S. 1188 W:>ng YR...l'J.g SUlJ.g v. McGrath

Lewis: p:J"31 Steele v. L. & N. R. Co. 378 Barenblatt v. U. S. 625 Hagnano Co. v. Hamil ton 888 Go esaert v. Cleary 1008 Giboney v. Empire S. & I. Co. S229 DeGregory v. N. H. Atty. Gen. 1188 Baker v. Ca.!'r LYIlch: p.331 Syres v. O::'l T·.?V .rk.8l ' ~ 3'(8 Coleman v. M:.lT':"0r 626 N~ , Co. & St, r .. R. Co.', B::"()~ ; .'Ju.g 889 D:miGl v. F'arn:uy 3 .,,·.; . l,j .:'t, Ins. Co. '1 009 Teallsters Ul-;.:;'on "'T. Vogt." Inc. 1105 Cl:Lbs)"J. v. Florida, T,e g ., Inv. COi,J>n . 1188 Gray v . Sanders

MC>Y tJr : p. 333 B3.l~dY v. Dl'(~xeJ_ Fu.rn. Co. S~ 1 i) I C ;~. .UH ;' . ~n "iT. P2.l·k6~(: 6;"' 6 ~·1inL'1esota v. Blasius 890 Kotch v. Bd. of River Port Pilots 1013 Burst yn v. TNllson 1111 Nea<:' v . Minnesota 1189 Wesberry v. Sanders

Hc'Pb ;: son: p:-3'T U. S. v. Constantine 383 i'iissouri v. Holland S117 i'lHY! v. Glassboro 890 Williamson v. Lee Optical Co. 1019 Lovell v. Griffin S229 Gordon v. Broderick S238 Fortson v. Morris

Meyerer: p. 339 Sonzinsky v. U. S. 389 Reid v. Covert 628 Ott v. :f\1ississippi Barge Line 893 Mor ey v. Doud 1021 Cantwell v. Connecticut 1117 Grosjean v. Am. Press Co. S239 Kirkpatrick v. Preisler

Morrison: p. 339 u. S. v. SanGhez 400 Kinsella v. U. S. 628 Standard Oil COo v. Peck s160 Levy v. Louis:lana 1025 Kunz v. New York 1117 Associated Press v. NLRB S239 l

Nichols: p. 339 u. S. v. Kahriger 404 U. S. v. Oregon 628 N. vi. Air LIDes v. Minnesota S163 Shapiro v. Thompson 1027 Feiner v. New York 8231 Mills v. Alaba.--na 1190 Reynolds v. Sims

Norman: p. S40 Marchetti v. U. S. 406 Ex Parte Quirin 629 Braniff Airways v. Nebraska Bd. 901 U. S. v. Carolene Products 1031 Marsh v. Alabama 1118 Kingsley Books v. BrolV-n S239 Bu!'ns v. Ric~"A.I'dson

Norment: p. 357 Stewart 1'1achine Co. v.. Davis 406 Duncan v. Kahanamoku 630 Central R. Co. v. Pennsyhrania 903 Schenck v. U. S. 1031 Thomas v. Collins 1120 Hinters v. New York S239 S't-lann v. Adams O'trens: -"361 Ca...... michae}. v. s,). \..' ",'";:. Co. p. 407 Grisham Y. Hagc>..rl 630 Elll'!ois Central R. 00 . v. 11·: , ',~_~a:,, :::t a 905 , .~')r ~;· u.s v. U. .s. 1032 Jones v. Ope:l.ika 1120 G~lling v. Texas S2L.O Hoore ''1'. ogil v.i..e

.~~e2.E.: ? 363 HE:J:vc.; ... 'it'1g v. Davis U7 ;:lcE::; _c' 0Y '1. U, s. 6;.0 ~1y. Exp. Agt~ncy v. Vj ~~ g; 'lia 907 Schaefer v. U. s. 10J2 I"iurdo.::k v. PennsylvBJ.Ua 1120 Superior Films v. Dept./Ed. S2),0 Avery v. Midland County

Poir.&stt: p':3b7 Oklahoilla v. Civ • Serv. Corom. 407 Toth v. Quarles 8117 N. & 1r.T. R. Co. v. Tax Comma 907 Debs v. U. S. 1032 Prince v. Massachusetts 1120 Times Film Corp. v. Chicago 488 Harman v. Fortenssius

Reavely: p. 307 United Pub. Workers v. Mitchell 408 1alson v. Gu"a:rd 631 Capitol v. Brice 907 Froht'lerk v. U. S. 1032 Hague v. CIO 1121 Freedman v. Uaryland 489 Lassiter v. Northampton Co. Bd./Ed.

Robeson: p.-3b9 Ashwander v. TVA 841 Mora v. McNamara 636 Aero Mayflower Tr. Co. v. Georgia PSC 908 Goldman v. U. S. 1032 Cox v. New Hampshire 8231 Mills v. .U abama S92 Katzenbach v. l-Iorgan

Roylance: p. 369 Tennessee Elec. Power v. TVA 409 Flemming v . Nestor 637 v. 11ealey 908 Pierce v. U. S. 1032 Breard v. Alexandria 1125 Smith v. California 890 \,villiams v. Rhoades

Salle: p:)69 Alabama Power Co. v. TVA 840 Zschernig v. Miller 638 Canton R. Co. v. Rogan 908 Gitlow v. New York 1034 Saia v. New York 1128 Marcus v. Search Warrants 497 Sm5 th v. All~J:r.ight Scheumcmn: P7'"'1i92" U. S. v. Classic 418 Perez v. BroW!lGll 638 1rJestern R. Co. v. Rogan 914 l'hitney v. California 1035 Kovacs v. Cooper 1129 Quantity of Books v. Kans as 501 Screws v. U. S. -8- Shetler:

-~70p. J u. s. v. Ap:;:Jal&.,;hid..-- fa > P : ~'ii 8Y' (0 - - 428 Trop v. mIles 638 Jnseph v. Carter & ~';(:; ek.::;=)te ' · <~ ,} ~, : . g ;0, 919·::; orr. Ks.ns ~, 3 1038 Ed:vrards v'. 8(; ~th Caro::"5rc>, 1129 B8nt:'.m Books, Inc. v. SU-i:Li van 510 1'TilliaJIlS V. U. S.

Shl'evas: ). 370 Okl::.:.uma v. L.\;kiY' 429 \ enneCy ., . l'it'ncioza-Mal"tinez 639 CpecteJ.· Motel' S6!"' . v .. 0 ~ Sonnor 920 DeJonge v. Oregon 1039 Cox v , Louisiana (I) 1130 Ever.eon v. Bd./Ed. 511 ,[J. S. v. lililliams

Sider8 : p:370 ~bods v-. Miller Co. 843 Afroyirn v. Rusk 640 Memphis Nat. Gas Co. v. Stone 922 Dermis v. U. S. 1045 Cox v. Louisiar.a (II) 3231 ~valz v. Tax Comm. 3100 U. S. v. Price

&lith: p:-J73 Bowles v. ~Villingham 431 U. S. v. Macintosh 640 Ry. Exp. Agenc y v. Virginia (I) 937 Yates v. U. S. 3210 Brown v. Louisiana 3233 Presby. Church v. Hull Mem.. Church 3102 U. S. v. Guest

Stoner: p. 373 Yakus v. U. S. 431 Girouard v. D. S. ,640 ~. Exp. Agency' v. Virginia (II) 939 Scales v. U. S ~ 3215 Adderley v. Florida 1136 Zorach v. Clauson 512 Collins v. H8.l'0.ymcm

Tarrant: Po 373 Lichter v. U. S. 431 Baumgartner v. u. S. 641 ~estern Live tack v. Bur./Rev. 939 Noto . v. U. S. S218 ~~er v. Birmingham 1141 Engel v. Vitale 514 Monroe . v.

T&lor: p. 373 Silesian-Am. Corp. v. Clark 431 Schneiderman v. U. S. 645 Adams lffg. Co. v. Storen 940 U. , S. v. Brown 3219 Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham 1145 Sch. Dist.Abingdon Tnsp. v. Schempp 8114 Pierson :v-. Roy Titus: -p. 374 Norman v. B. & O. R. Co. 431 Schneider v. Rusk 645 Gwin, ~\hite & Prince v. Henneford 940 COIlIDlunist Party v. SACB 3219 Gregory v. Chicago 1148 11cGowan v. Maryland 'I'raylor: ;;-m Hannegan v. BSq·t.<:i..:i:"3 , 845 Georgia v. Rachel 646 NcG01drick v. Ber'tdn ( ~ a · : : , __Vie r", .,~. ~~' :'l:Llff Cc. s175 r ::- an ;' ~enbu.'t'g v. Ohio 1054 'TrJieman v. Upa.' 1148 Tuo C·uys... etx. y , JVJ.c Gi L· ~ , ey

Walker: P:-3"l·~ rJamo~ /; v. Postmaster-General 845 n:;.o gt:: ~ ..• iuod v. l)eaco\ ~~;: 6:;'0 ~ ... ·.JLf'~ 0. -'1' ,.- Di.~ "(:-cr:t·r.1 CC'~ J

5179 .t.lbertso:l v 0 SAC.S 'IO~8 U. S. v. Lovet.t S2)3 B.?per80n v. Alokansa.s

r~bb: n.-j'/6 !1ercoid Corp. ·'T . I-tIid-Continent Invest. Co. - 41.~7 Schneider v. Rusk 650 Michigan-,\;Visc')nsin Pipeline Co. v. ca.: ,'Tert S179 Dennis v. U. S. 1059 Cramp v. Bd./Pub. Instr. 1149 Braunfeld v. Browr., White: p.-j76 Spec. Equip. C08 v. Coe 448 Shelley v. Kr aelil81' 650 Henneford v. Silas Mason Co. 949 Aptheker v. Secy. of State 1059 Baggett v. Bullitt 1149 Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Mkt.

¥lUkins: p. 376· Co. v. U. S. 846 Amalg. Food Employees v. Logan Valley Plaza 652 Halliburton Oil l':ell Cementing Co. v. Reilly 949 Kent v. Dulles 1059 Slochower v. Bd./Higher Ed. 1149 C~~twell v. Connecticut

W:lod: p.-316 tr.1atson v. Buck 453 Hurd v. Hodge 653 Nelson v. Sears, R~ebuck 950 Communist Pcu'ty v. Catherwood 1064 Lerner v. Casey 1150 Minersville Sch. Distr. v. Gobitis

li'ight: p. 316 Sears, Roebuck v. Stiffel 453 Hurd v. Rodge 653 Gen. Trading Co . v. Tax Comm. 3119 DuBois Clubs v. Clark 1066 Beilan v. Bd. /Pub • Ed. 1150 West Va. Bd./Ed. v. Barnette

YOWlg: p:-j16 Compeo. Corp. 'Tl. Day-Brite Ltg. Co. 453 Barrows v. Jackson 653 Miller Bros. v Maryland 951 U. S. v. Brown 1010 Nel~on v. COtl.,ty· of Los Angeles 1151 U. S. v. Seeger