Justin Trudeau is undermining our economy here in British Columbia, killing more jobs with his inaction every week. People in B.C. understand better than anyone the opportunity that has to take its place as a Pacific nation and the need to do so without abandoning our traditional industries like mining and forestry



• Implement a federal LNG export strategy. Canada is blessed with abundant supplies of clean and affordable natural gas. With much of the world still reliant on coal-generated electricity, we should be boosting exports to grow our economy and contribute to a cleaner world. Projects like LNG Canada build our economy while benefiting the world and show how Canadians can work together.

• Scrap Trudeau’s . A carbon tax is not an Environmental Plan, it is a Tax Plan. I will work with the energy sector to develop a plan that shows Canadians that Conservatives care about the environment while eliminating the carbon tax.

• Repeal Bill C-69. Canada already has some of the toughest environmental protections in the world and yet it is already next to impossible to build major projects. The last thing we need to do is make it even harder to grow our economy.

• Finish the Trans Mountain Pipeline and Pass a National Strategic Pipelines Act. This would allow the government to declare a pipeline to be nationally strategic and subject it to an expedited review process. The review would focus on consultation and ensuring that the project meets high environmental standards, but it would no longer determine whether or not the project would proceed, as that decision would be made by the elected government.

• Scrap Trudeau’s tanker ban. It is unconscionable that American tankers sail through our waters and bring American oil and gas to the market while Canadians sit at home unemployed because we are blocking Canadian energy exports from those same waters.

• Support our farmers and tourism businesses, including by opening up new markets in our free trade negotiations and eliminating trade barriers inside Canada that hurt industries like BC wine.

• Take Canada’s place as an Indo-Pacific nation seriously, by building a powerful Canada- relationship and building ties with like-minded countries across the Indo-Pacific region. • Support our mining industry, including by making the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit permanent, to provide long-term stability to the mining industry.

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• Support small businesses and keep business taxes low, reversing Trudeau and Morneau’s Small Business Tax Hike and reviewing the tax code to lower and simplify taxes.

• Help our BC forest industry, a vital part of our economy, by negotiating a new Softwood Lumber deal with the U.S. and more favourable trade agreements with our partners, and investing in trade offices to open new markets.

• Scrap Trudeau’s gun-grabbing policies and target criminals instead.

• Make housing more affordable. Call a public inquiry into money laundering in British Columbia. A key issue that it will examine is the impact of laundered money on housing affordability and how to crack down on money laundering to not only deter crime but help make housing more affordable.

• Invest in transit and port infrastructure. An O’Toole government will fund transit in the lower mainland and help modernize the Ports of and Prince Rupert.

• Support our fishing industry,with concrete action including basing decisions on sound science and giving harvesters a voice at the table.

• Modernize the Coast Guard fleet and build more ships in British Columbia.

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Authorized by the Official Agent for Erin O’Toole