E 1010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 1995 adage that success has many fathers while brew Academy for Special Children [HASC] in such as last year when the St. Petersburg failure is an orphan is accurate, than the fa- Brooklyn and is a member of several profes- based Coast Guard Cutter Point Countess ther of this excellent proposal is my cosponsor sional organizations including the American intercepted the freighter Inge Frank near the and learned friend from Virginia, Mr. BOUCHER. Psychological Association, the National Asso- Sunshine Skyway bridge at the entrance to We have cosponsored several bills in the past ciation of School Psychologists, and the Coun- Tampa Bay, escorted it to its mooring, and and each of these bills has done well in the cil for Exceptional Children. joined the DEA and Customs Service in a raid legislative process. It is a pleasure to join him Upon their arrival in Passaic in 1984, Rabbi that seized more than 6,000 pounds of co- again in offering this legislation. and Rebbetzen Rybak found a diversified caine, preventing $272 million in illegal drugs We urge every member of this House to join community representing the full spectrum of from reaching our streets. us in cosponsoring H.R. 1616, the Superfund modern Jewish society. In a quiet and unas- Most recently, when our Nation was faced Liability Allocation Act of 1995, and ask that suming manner Rabbi and Rebbetzen Rybak with an exodus of tens of thousands of Cuban they call David Luken of my staff (ext. 53761) began actively participating in the ongoing re- and Haitian refugees, the Coast Guard re- or Andrew Wright of Mr. Boucher's staff (ext. vitalization of the Passaic-Clifton community. sponded. The 7th District rescued more than 53861) to do so. The contributions of Rabbi and Rebbetzen 23,000 Haitians at sea in unsafe vessels last f Rybak over the past 10 years have been in- Spring, and expanded its operations last Sum- strumental in continuing to make Passaic and mer, pulling more than 35,000 Cubans from RABBI AND REBBETZEN RYBAK Clifton attractive to young Jewish couples the waters of the Florida Straits. Aircraft from HONORED looking for a vibrant area in which to establish the Clearwater Air Station flew 3,200 flying their home. Their dedication to community hours in support of these missions, and deliv- HON. WILLIAM J. MARTINI service and education serves as a role model ered over 600 tons of cargo to the U.S. forces OF NEW JERSEY and inspiration to all. I salute these two fine in- implementing our immigration policies on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dividuals, and can only say that I am proud to shore. Thursday, May 11, 1995 call them members of the Eighth Congres- It is the Coast Guard which is responsible sional District of New Jersey. for enforcing all United States laws at sea, Mr. MARTINI. Mr. Speaker, on Sunday f whether they be immigration, narcotics, envi- night, May 14, 1995, Rabbi Dr. Solomon ronmental, fishery, or safety-related. Rybak and Rebbetzen Dr. Shoshana Rybak COAST GUARD AUTHORIZATION It is the Coast Guard which is responsible will observe the completion of 10 years affili- ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996 for its well known search and rescue missions ation with the congregation and service to the at sea. This mission not only saves lives just Passaic and Clifton communities at Congrega- SPEECH OF about every day of the year, but also saves tion Adas Israel in Passaic, New Jersey. I con- HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG significant amount of public and private prop- gratulate them and wish them all the best as erty. Recently the Florida pilot of a small plane OF FLORIDA they celebrate this truly special occasion. learned this lesson the hard way, when, far IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rabbi and Rebbetzen Rybak have been from land, he radioed a mayday, saying he recognized as exceptional personalities in the Tuesday, May 9, 1995 had only 15 minutes of fuel left. His plane hit Passaic-Clifton area as well as in the larger The House in Committee of the Whole the water 70 miles west of Tampa Bay, and metropolitan New York-New Jersey edu- House on the State of the Union had under sank within 60 seconds. A nearby Coast cational community. Both have attained signifi- consideration the bill (H.R. 1361) to authorize Guard Falcon Fanjet used direction-finding cant achievements in furthering Jewish edu- appropriations for fiscal year 1996 for the equipment to locate the plane, witnessed it hit cation and values. Upon completing his stud- Coast Guard, and for other purposes: the water, and dropped a life-raft and emer- ies at University and receiving rab- Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Chairman, I rise gency locating transmitter which enabled the binical ordination from the late, renowned in strong support of H.R. 1361, the Coast pilot to be rescued later. Similar air rescues torah giant Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soleveitchik, Guard Authorization Act. have saved 188 lives off the coasts of Florida Rabbi Rybak served as Rabbi Soleveitchik's The men and women of the Coast Guard alone since last April, and will continue to pro- research assistant in the Rogosin Institute of are life savers, they protect our national secu- vide Americans with a level of safety at sea. Ethics. Rabbi Rybak was appointed by Dr. rity, they fight crime, and they protect our envi- It is also the Coast Guard which is respon- Samuel Belkin, President of Yeshiva Univer- ronment. sible for the less glamorous, but vitally impor- sity, to the position of at the Ye- The people of Florida have a special appre- tant responsibility of maintaining vital aids to University High School and held that po- ciation for the work of the Coast Guard. As the navigation that keep ships and boats out of sition for 27 years. Rabbi Rybak earned his chairman of the Florida congressional delega- jeopardy. Though some take channel markers, Ph.D. in Semitic languages from the Bernard tion, I in particular pay tribute to the 7th Dis- ocean buoys, loran stations, and other nec- Revel Graduate School of trict which serves Florida, the busiest Coast essary navigational aids for granted, they are and has lectured and published on educational Guard district in our Nation. the critical signposts that allow for the safe and Halachic topics. In addition to his duties It is a privilege for me to represent Pinellas passage of boaters on our waterways. as spiritual leader of Congregation Adas Is- County, FL, which is home to three Coast The Coast Guard receives invaluable help in rael, Rabbi Rybak is a Professor of Jewish Guard stations including Group St. Petersburg, fulfilling many of these diverse responsibilities Studies at Touro college, serves as the editor which is responsible for protecting Florida's from the volunteers of the Coast Guard Auxil- of CHAVRUSA, the professional publication of west coast down through the Carribbean, the iary. The 572 active members of Auxiliary Divi- the Yeshiva University Rabbinical Alumni and Clearwater Air Station, the largest Coast sion 8, who provide support to Group St. Pe- is a member of the executive board of the Guard Air Station in the United States, and the tersburg, make up the largest auxiliary unit in Rabbinical Council of America. Sand Key Station, which responds regularly to the Nation. Auxiliary members are very active Equally accomplished, Rebbetzen Rybak emergencies at sea and in our inland waters. in educating the public about boating safety is- has balanced the dual role of a Rebbetzin and Because the Coast Guard has consistently sues, providing free boating safety classes a professional in her daily routine. Rebbetzen responded to untraditional challenges to our and dockside courtesy marine examinations. Rybak was educated in both Israel and in New Nation with determination, creativity, and ef- Last year alone, in addition to training 1,330 York and holds a Jewish Teacher's Diploma fectiveness, the Congress has seen fit year students and conducting 8,104 courtesy ma- from Beth Jacob Seminary and a Doctorate in after year to add to its long list of multifaceted rine examinations, Division 8 also conducted school and clinical psychology from Pace Uni- responsibilities. In the early 1980's, when the 1,364 support missions, logged over 14,607 versity. Rebbetzin Rybak has been involved in flow of illegal narcotics through the Carribbean underway hours, saved five lives, assisted 393 many of the congregation's programs, con- threatened the nationality security of the Unit- boaters, and saved more than $2.6 million in centrating on the youth Yom Tov celebrations ed States, the U.S. Coast Guard was charged property. and the congregation's Simchat Torah, Purim, with slamming the door on this drug trade. Mr. Speaker, perhaps the least known and and Yom Haatzmaut festivals. As a therapist The vigilance with which the Coast Guard un- understood of the Coast Guard's mission is and licensed psychologist, Dr. Rybak has dertook this mission forced drug smugglers to one for which I have funding and oversight re- been involved with several groups of excep- abandon Florida as a primary point of entry sponsibility: defense readiness. When acti- tional children including the handicapped, the into the United States. Those who persist in vated by the President, the Coast Guard as- developmentally disabled and the gifted. She trying to bring drugs into our Nation through sists the U.S. Navy in time of conflict, guard- is currently the clinical coordinator at the He- Florida have been met with the firm response, ing the foreign and domestic ports we use to