C of E Primary School Our aim is as simple as ABC

Achieving, Belonging, Caring

7th June 2019

Newsletter No.17

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a very sporty week at Cubbington! The Keystage 2 children had their sports afternoon on Wednesday and we were very lucky that the weather was kind to us. The children all put in so much effort and made us all extremely proud. Based on the results of this event some children will be selected to represent our school at the local areas sports competition. I am really looking forward to watching them compete again and I feel very proud to see all of our children exhibiting such great sportsmanship.

The teachers have outlined some of the other sporting successes that have taken part recently:

Inclusive Tennis Event – KS2 Jordan, Emma, Riley, Callum, Fern, Jack and Arthur attended a School Games event at School on 1st May. All children performed brilliantly during the afternoon and practised their tennis skills. The games tested their co-ordination, serve, balance and aiming at a target, all the skills needed to play tennis. The children performed to such a high standard that they have reached the Summer CSW county finals as representatives of Central on Friday 5th July at Warwick University!

Tri golf Competition – Year 3 On Wednesday 22nd May Year 3 attended a School Games event at Brookhurst school. The children were split into three teams and worked their way round a variety of stations that tested their golf skills. The games were developed from the Golf Roots Golf Foundation Skills for Life Foundation, the children had to demonstrate short putting skills and chipping to reach a target. We were runners up this time but thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon trying out a new sport.

Year 4 and 5 Cricket Festivals at Cricket Ground Year 4 attended the cricket festival on Wednesday 22nd May, they were put into two teams, India A and India B. All of the children showed great team skills and respect for the sides they were playing. Batting and fielding were very strong in both teams. At the end of the day, India B won all 3 of their matches. India A had a couple of very close matches and were unlucky not to win one of their 3 matches. We had fantastic support from parents getting children to the ground in the morning and staying to help with the scoring and supporting the children, thank you.

Year 5 took part in the cricket tournament on Thursday 23rd May. Our three teams played well and won several games. One of our teams came second only to the winning team from a different school. Our children enjoyed the chance to improve their skills in a match situation with some very exciting moments, and enjoyed playing against the other schools. The weather was amazing too! Thanks to all the parent helpers, Mrs Perry, Ms Sidwell and especially Mrs Tattam who stepped in to help out another school who needed an extra adult.

Rounders Tournament Some of our Year 5 children took part in a rounders tournament at Playing Fields on Monday 3rd June. The children played well, although we did not get any winning positions, and they made us proud with their skills and sportsmanship.

Our Christian Value this half term is COURAGE

Summer fair Please come to our Summer fair on Saturday 15th June from 12-2pm at school. The PTA are working very hard in the background to make it a fantastic event so I hope that you can support us.

Online safety training Our local Computing Cluster Network has arranged for Jane Key, Warwickshire ICT advisor, to deliver an Online Safety Awareness Session for Parents, at 7 pm on Monday 24th June at Telford Junior School. I urge you to attend this to keep yourself informed of the ever changing landscape of the online world that our children have access to. Please put the date in your diaries and email [email protected] to book a place

ParentApp Thank you to those of you who have already downloaded our Parent App. We hope that you have found it easy to use. We have today sent a new invite to those of you who have not yet downloaded the App. It is a really useful way to check and update the information we have for you and we would be really grateful if you could spend a few minutes downloading the App and making sure that we have all the information we need. Going forward it would be great for the whole school to be using the App. If you have any questions please contact Alex in the office.

Music news Samba Band - There are a few spaces left for Samba Band for children in Key Stage 2. This will run for the last few weeks of term, and will be held on Wednesdays from 3.30 - 4.30. Please use the reply slip on the green letters, available from class teachers and Miss Watts. Music Lessons - Please request a letter if your child would like to start an instrument in September, and return the form asap.

Warwick Rural East Community Forum Policing Priority Vote - June 2019 The Warwick Rural East Community Forum policing priorities vote is now live. Visit https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/article/60943 to cast your vote online. Voting closes 18-JUN-2019. The options that are of interest to us are: · Crime reduction/reassurance patrols in Cubbington to prevent/deal with offences and to provide reassurance to members of the local community. · School safety patrols in Cubbington & to prevent/deal with inconsiderate parking and other road related issues. Schools included are Cubbington Primary School, Our Lady & St. Teresa's RC Primary School and Radford Semele Primary School. Please vote!

Accidents & Safety

Accidental injuries are a major health problem throughout the United Kingdom. They are one of the most common cause of death in children over one year of age, however, most of these accidents are preventable through increased awareness, improvements in the home environment and greater product safety. For further advice and information on accidents and safety please visit www.rospa.com or www.capt.org.uk. Information regarding personal safety, bullying and online safety can be found on ww.safetynetkids.org.uk.

Our Christian Value this half term is COURAGE

The opportunity to discuss any health issues relating to your child is always available and The School Health and Wellbeing Service can be contacted on 03300 245 204 or confidentially text ChatHealth Parentline on 07520 619 376.

Next academic year All INSET days now added to the diary dates below The dates for the next two academic years are now published on the Warwickshire website so you can start holiday planning early! 2019 – 2020 2020 - 2021

Summer term dates for your diaries Monday 10th June – Year 3 visit to Cadbury World Monday 10th June – PTA meeting 7pm at The King’s Head Tuesday 11th June – Year 5 Camping meeting 5.30pm in the Year 4 classroom Friday 14th June – Summer holiday hat day in return for bottles for the tombola (normal school uniform please) Friday 14th June – Year 3 to visit Cubbington Mill Open afternoon Friday 14th June – Year 1 sharing assembly 9.10am Friday 14th June – Year 1 cake sale after school Saturday 15th June – PTA Summer Fair Tuesday 18th June – Class photographs in school Tuesday 18th June – Possible date for Local Area Athletics competition after school at Telford Junior School Friday 21st June – Year 2 sharing assembly 9.10am Monday 24th June – Online safety session at Telford Junior School 7.00pm Wednesday 26th June – Year 3 sharing assembly 9.10am (note different day) Thursday 27th June – Year 6 Induction Day Thursday 27th June – Year 4 Camping on the field Friday 28th June – Reception sharing assembly 9.10am Monday 1st July – Year 5 and 6 production 6pm Tuesday 2nd July – KS1 Sports afternoon 1.45pm. Parents are welcome to attend. Wednesday 3rd July to Friday 5th July – Year 6 to The Grove Friday 5th July – Year 4 sharing assembly 9.10am Wednesday 10th July – Reports to parents Thursday 11th July – Class swap – spend time with new teacher Thursday 11th July – KS1 Production 2.30pm Thursday 1th July – Open evening 4.00-5.30pm Friday 12th July – KS1 Production 9.30am Friday 12th July – Reception class cake sale after school Thursday 18th July – Year 6 leavers assembly 2.45pm Thursday 18th July – Year 6 party after school Friday 19th July – Break up for the summer holiday

Term dates and Inset days 2019-2020 Please follow this links for term dates for the 2019-2020 academic year The 5 inset days will be: Monday 2nd September 2019 Monday 4th November 2019 Friday 29th November 2019 Monday 6th January 2010 Monday 20th July 2020

Have a great weekend

Juliet Jones Head teacher

Our Christian Value this half term is COURAGE

Our Christian Value this half term is COURAGE