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67 Seanad E´ Ireann 1083 67 SEANAD E´ IREANN 1083 De´ardaoin, 10 Samhain, 2005 Thursday, 10th November, 2005 10.30 a.m. RIAR NA hOIBRE Order Paper GNO´ POIBLI´ Public Business Tairiscint: Motion: 1. ‘‘D’ainneoin aon nı´ sna Buan- That, notwithstanding anything in Orduithe, i gca´s an Bhille Comhdhlu´ ite Standing Orders, in the case of the Social Leasa Sho´ isialaigh 2005, go nde´anfar— Welfare Consolidation Bill 2005— (a)Ce´im na Tuarasca´la a tho´ ga´il De´ (a) Report Stage shall be taken on Ma´irt, an 15 Samhain, 2005; agus Tuesday, 15 November, 2005; and (b)AnCu´ igiu´ Ce´im a tho´ ga´il dı´reach tar (b) Fifth Stage shall be taken e´is na himeachtaı´ ar Che´im na immediately after the conclusion of Tuarasca´la a chrı´ochnu´ . the proceedings on Report Stage.’’. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 2. ‘‘Go n-iarrann Seanad E´ ireann ar That Seanad E´ ireann calls on the British Rialtas na Breataine freagairt go dearfach Government to respond positively to the don fheachtas ‘Shot at Dawn’ ata´ ag ‘Shot at Dawn Campaign’ which seeks a iarraidh go dtabharfar maithiu´ nas do na pardon for those British Army soldiers who saighdiu´ irı´ sin de chuid Arm na Breataine were executed for military offences during a cuireadh chun ba´is mar gheall ar chionta World War I; and calls on the Government mı´leata i rith an Che´ad Chogaidh to continue its efforts to raise the matter Dhomhanda; agus go n-iarrann se´ ar an with the British Government.’’ Rialtas leanu´ int da´ iarrachtaı´ chun an nı´ a ardu´ le Rialtas na Breataine. —Senators Mary O’Rourke, John Dardis, Brian Hayes, Joe O’Toole, Brendan Ryan. 3. Ra´itis ar Thuarasca´il Fearna. Statements on the Ferns Report. 4. (l) An Bille Aerloingseoireachta (Eurocontrol) 2005 — An Coiste. (a) Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Bill 2005 — Committee. 5. An Bille Leasa Sho´ isialaigh Comhdhlu´ thu´ 2005 [Da´il] — An Tuarasca´il. Social Welfare Consolidation Bill 2005 [Da´il] — Report Stage. P.T.O. 1084 10 Samhain, 2005 6. Bille na bPrı´osu´ n 2005 — An Coiste. Prisons Bill 2005 — Committee. 7. An Bille um Sha´bha´ilteacht Iarnro´ id 2001 [Da´il] — An Coiste. Railway Safety Bill 2001 [Da´il] — Committee. 8. Bille na dTeangacha Oifigiu´ la (Leasu´ ) 2005 — An Dara Ce´im. Official Languages (Amendment) Bill 2005 — Second Stage. —Senators Joe O’Toole, Paul Coghlan, David Norris. Tı´olactha: Presented: 9. An Bille um Bord Leigheasra na hE´ ireann (Fora´lacha Ilghne´itheacha) 2005 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Irish Medicines Board (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2005 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ an Achta Bill entitled an Act to amend the Misuse um Mı´-U´ sa´id Drugaı´ 1977 (arna leasu´ leis of Drugs Act 1977 (as amended by the an Acht um Mı´-U´ sa´id Drugaı´ 1984); do Misuse of Drugs Act 1984); to amend the leasu´ an Achta um Bord Leigheasra na Irish Medicines Board Act 1995; to amend hE´ ireann 1995; do leasu´ an Achta um Rialu´ the Control of Clinical Trials Act 1987; and Trialacha Cliniciu´ la 1987; agus do to consequentially amend regulations that dhe´anamh leasu´ iarmhartach ar rialacha´in a are either made under the Irish Medicines rinneadh faoin Acht um Bord Leigheasra Board Act 1995 or referred to in section na hE´ ireann 1995 no´ da´ dtagraı´tear in alt 34(4) of that Act. 34(4) den Acht sin. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 10. An Bille um Shaora´il Faisne´ise (Leasu´ ) (Uimh. 2) 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ an Achta Bill entitled an Act to amend the um Shaora´il Faisne´ise 1997 agus do Freedom of Information Act 1997 and to dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. provide for related matters. —Senator Brendan Ryan. 11. An Bille um Fhorfheidhmiu´ Orduithe Cu´ irte (Uimh. 2) 2004 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Enforcement of Court Orders (No. 2) Bill 2004 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do dhe´anamh Bill entitled an Act to provide for the socru´ maidir leis na cu´ irteanna do making of attachment of earnings orders, dhe´anamh orduithe astaithe tuillimh, attachment of welfare orders, and orduithe astaithe leasa agus orduithe instalment orders by the courts to facilitate tra´thchoda chun forfheidhmiu´ orduithe the enforcement of undischarged court cu´ irte, fı´nea´lacha agus fiacha eile orders, fines and other debts and to provide neamhurscaoilte a e´ascu´ agus do dhe´anamh for related matters. socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —Senator Brian Hayes. 10 Samhain, 2005 1085 Ra´itis: Statements: 12. Ra´itis maidir leis an gcor reatha sa Mhea´n-Oirthear (ato´ga´il). Statements on the current situation in the Middle East (resumed). 13. Ra´itis maidir le Pleana´il agus saincheisteanna gaolmhara (ato´ga´il). Statements on Planning and related issues (resumed). 14. Ra´itis maidir leis an gCe´ad Tuarasca´il faoi Dhul Chun Cinn o´ n gCoiste Comhairleach Na´isiu´ nta um Dhrugaı´ (ato´ga´il). Statements on the First Progress Report of the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (resumed). 15. Ra´itis maidir le Saora´idı´ Spo´ irt Na´isiu´ nta a Shola´thar (ato´ga´il). Statements on the Provision of National Sporting Facilities (resumed). 16. Ra´itis maidir le Beartas Iompair Re´igiu´ nach (ato´ga´il). Statements on Regional Transport Policy (resumed). Tairiscint (ato´ga´il): Motion (resumed): 17. ‘‘Go nde´anann Seanad E´ ireann, de That Seanad E´ ireann, pursuant to bhun Bhuan-Ordu´ Uimh. 60A, Standing Order No. 60A, 1. A´ thabhairt da´ aire an fhaisne´is seo a 1. Noting the following information from leanas o´ n Aire Dlı´ agus Cirt, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Comhionannais agus Athcho´ irithe Dlı´: Law Reform: (a) go ndearna an Garda Sı´ocha´na,imı´ (a) that the Garda Sı´ocha´na in August Lu´ nasa 2001, ar fhaisne´is a fha´il o´ 2001, on receipt of information from Interpol ar faisne´is ı´ a fuair The Interpol obtained by the United United States Postal Inspection States Postal Inspection Service Service le linn cuardaigh ar a´itreabh during a search of premises in Fort in Fort Worth, Texas, a bhain le Worth, Texas, concerning details of mionsonraı´ custaime´irı´ lı´omhnaithe alleged customers of a company cuideachta a raibh rochtain a´ offering access to child pornography tairiscint aici ar shuı´mh idirlı´n websites, commenced an operation pornagrafaı´ochta leanaı´,tu´ s a chur le in relation to persons allegedly so hoibrı´ocht i nda´il le daoine o´ n dlı´nse identified from this jurisdiction, seo a lı´omhnaı´odh a bheith aitheanta amhlaidh, (b) go raibh san a´ireamh sna mionsonraı´ (b) that these details included the sin ainmneacha, pasfhocail agus names, passwords and credit card mionsonraı´ ca´rta creidmheasa agus and charge card details of certain ca´rta muirir daoine a´irithe, persons, (c) go raibh duine darb ainm Brian (c) that one of the persons from this Curtin, 35 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co. jurisdiction so named was a Brian Kerry, ar dhuine de na daoine o´ n Curtin, 35 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co. dlı´nse seo a ainmnı´odh amhlaidh Kerry, and that subsequent enquiries agus gur le´irigh fiosru´ cha´in da´ e´is sin indicated that this person was Brian P.T.O. 1086 10 Samhain, 2005 gurbh e´ Brian Curtin, Breitheamh Curtin, Judge of the Circuit Court, den Chu´ irt Chuarda, agus seoladh tı´ with a home address of 24 Ard na Lı´, co´ naithe 24 Ard na Lı´, Tra´ Lı´, Co. Tralee, Co Kerry, Chiarraı´ aige, an duine sin, (d) go ndearna an Chu´ irt Du´ iche (d) that a warrant to search Judge bara´ntas chun teach co´ naithe an Curtin’s home under section 7 of the Bhreithimh Curtin a chuardach faoi Child Trafficking and Pornography alt 7 den Acht um Gha´innea´il ar Act 1998 issued from the District Leanaı´ agus Pornagrafaı´ocht Leanaı´ Court on foot of an application by a 1998 a eisiu´ int de bhun iarratais o´ member of the Garda Sı´ocha´na on chomhalta den Gharda Sı´ocha´na an 20 May 2002, 20 Bealtaine 2002, (e) go ndearnadh cuardach ar theach (e) that Judge Curtin’s home was co´ naithe an Bhreithimh Curtin da´ e´is subsequently searched on foot of the sin de bhun an bhara´ntais sin agus said warrant and that Gardaı´ took gur ghlac Gardaı´ seilbh ar rı´omhaire possession of a personal computer pearsanta agus ar a´bhar eile le linn and other material during the search, an chuardaigh, (f) gur chuir u´dara´is an Gharda comhad (f) that an investigation file was imscru´daithe faoi bhra´id an Stiu´rtho´ra submitted to the Director of Public Ionchu´iseamh Poiblı´ imı´ Dheireadh Prosecutions by the Garda Fo´mhair 2002, agus gur threoraigh an authorities in October 2002 and that Stiu´rtho´ir Ionchu´iseamh Poiblı´ go the Director of Public Prosecutions nde´anfaı´ an Breitheamh Curtin a instructed that Judge Curtin be ionchu´iseamh as pornagrafaı´ocht prosecuted for knowingly having in leanaı´ a bheith ina sheilbh go feasach his possession child pornography contra´rtha d’alt 6 den Acht um contrary to section 6 of the Child Gha´innea´il ar Leanaı´ agus Trafficking and Pornography Act, Pornagrafaı´ocht Leanaı´ 1998, 1998, (g) gur thosaigh triail an chu´ isimh sin an (g) that the trial of the said charge 20 Aibrea´n 2004 i gCu´ irt Chuarda commenced on 20 April 2004 at Thra´ Lı´ agus go bhfuarthas an Tralee Circuit Court and that on 23 Breitheamh Curtin neamhchiontach April 2004 Judge Curtin was found sa chu´ iseamh sin an 23 Aibrea´n 2004 not guilty of that charge without gan fianaise a bheith tugtha i nda´il le evidence being given in relation to ha´bhar an chu´ isimh, tar e´is don the subject matter of the charge, the Chu´ irt Chuarda Choiriu´ il a Circuit Criminal Court having chinneadh go raibh an bara´ntas sin a determined that the aforesaid du´ radh imithe in e´ag nuair a warrant was spent when executed at forghnı´omhaı´odh e´ i dteach co´ naithe the home of Judge Curtin; an Bhreithimh Curtin.
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    SEANAD E´ IREANN OLLTOGHCHA´ N DON SEANAD, IU´ IL 2002 agus Corrthoghcha´in do Sheanad 1997-2002 SEANAD GENERAL ELECTION, JULY 2002 and Bye-Elections to 1997-2002 Seanad Government of Ireland 2003 CLA´ R CONTENTS Page Seanad General Election — Explanatory Notes ………………… 4 Seanad General Election, 2002 Statistical Summary— Panel Elections …………………………… 8 University Constituencies ………………………… 8 Panel Elections Cultural and Educational Panel ……………………… 9 Agricultural Panel …………………………… 13 Labour Panel ……………………………… 19 Industrial and Commercial Panel ……………………… 24 Administrative Panel …………………………… 31 University Constituencies National University of Ireland………………………… 35 University of Dublin …………………………… 37 Statistical Data — Distribution of Seats between the Sub-Panels 1973-02 … … … 38 Members nominated by the Taoiseach …………………… 39 Alphabetical list of Members ………………………… 40 Photographs Photographs of candidates elected ……………………… 42 Register of Nominating Bodies, 2002 ……………………… 46 Panels of Candidates …………………………… 50 Rules for the Counting of Votes Panel Elections ……………………………… 64 University Constituencies ………………………… 68 Bye-Elections ……………………………… 71 23 June, 1998 ……………………………… 72 2 June, 2000 ……………………………… 72 2 June, 2002 ……………………………… 73 18 December, 2001 …………………………… 73 3 SEANAD GENERAL ELECTION—EXPLANATORY NOTES A. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 18 ‘‘4. The elected members of Seanad E´ ireann shall be elected as follows:— i. Three shall be elected by the National University of Ireland. ii. Three shall be elected by the University of Dublin. iii. Forty-three shall be elected from panels of candidates constituted as hereinafter provided. 5. Every election of the elected members of Seanad E´ ireann shall be held on the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote, and by secret postal ballot. 6. The members of Seanad E´ ireann to be elected by the Universities shall be elected on a franchise and in the manner to be provided by law.
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