Board of Directors Meeting Responsibilities Thursday, April 20, 2017, 3:30pm of the Board UWDC, 1314 Teasley Lane, Denton (from BoardSource)


Determine 1. Call to order ...... Lyle Dresher Mission & Purpose 2. Presentation to Outstanding VITA Volunteers ...... John Montoya

3. Consent Agenda Action ...... Lyle Dresher 3.1 Approval of March 23, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes (pages 2-5) Hire, Support & Evaluate 3.2 Treasurer’s Report & Approval of January 2017 & February 2017 Financials (pages 6-19) the CEO 3.3 Marketing Committee Report for March 2017 (pages 20-24)

3.4 Strategic Planning Committee Report for April 2017 (page 25) 3.5 Community Impact Report for March 2017 (pages 26-30) Ensure Effective 3.6 Finance & Administration Committee Report for April 2017 (page 31) Planning

4. Resource Development Report (pages 32-33) Ray Croff, Jo Ann Ballantine & Micah Pazoureck

4.1 2016 Campaign Monitor & 4.2 2017 Campaign Cabinet Strengthen Programs 4.3 Leaders On Loan 4.4 Pacesetter Campaigns 4.5 Special Events – Golf Tournament, Campaign Kick-off Breakfast, Lil’D NYE

4.6 Partnership Development Ensure Adequate Financial 5. Long Term Facilities Update ...... Ellen Painter & Lyle Dresher Resources 5.1 Improving Lives Campaign Report 5.2 Construction Report

Protect Assets & 6. Board Chair Report ...... Lyle Dresher Provide Financial 7. CEO Report for March 2017 (pages 34-77) ...... Gary Henderson Oversight 7.1 Welcome Emily Reagan to United Way of Denton County 7.2 Director of Education & Workforce Initiatives search

Build a Competent 8. New Business ...... Lyle Dresher Board 9. Adjourn ...... Lyle Dresher

Ensure Legal & Upcoming Meetings & Events: Ethical Integrity Board of Directors Meeting: Thurs, May 18, 2017 at 4:00pm, at UWDC, 1314 Teasley Lane, Denton

Enhance Public Standing

Quorum is 20 board members

Board Packet Page 1 United Way of Denton County Minutes from Board of Directors Meeting – Thursday, March 23, 2017

Call to Order Mr. Greg Sawko calls the meeting to order at 3:31PM.

Presentation to Underwriters of the Denton County Veterans Center Ms. Alex Reed describes the genesis and construction of the Denton County Veterans Center to the board. Mr. Teddy Yan shows the board a video tour of the facility.

Ms. Reed presents a plaque and several individual awards to recognize the companies and donors who underwrote the cost of creating the Denton County Veterans Center as well as six months’ worth of rent for the space it occupies. Present to accept their awards were Terry & Bob Widmer, Marcus Doyle and VRC Investigations. Donors will be recognized again at the April 19 Veterans Center ribbon cutting and via a plaque mounted in the Veterans Center.

Recognition of 20 Years of Service for Vicki Smith Mr. Greg Sawko presents Ms. Vicki Smith with an award recognizing her 20 years of service as an employee of United Way of Denton County.

Recognition of Lifetime Members Mr. Greg Sawko leads the board in recognizing new Lifetime Members, including Raedean Bolton and Jim Lehman.

Consent Agenda Action 4.1 Approval of January 19, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes (pages 2-3) 4.2 Treasurer’s Report & Approval of November 2016 & December 2016 Financials (pages 4-16) 4.3 Marketing Committee Report for February 2017 (pages 17-21) 4.4 Strategic Planning Committee Report for March 2017 (pages 22) 4.5 Community Impact Report for March 2017 (pages 23-26) No items were pulled for further discussion. Ms. Ellen Painter moves to approve the consent agenda; Janie McLeod seconds the motion. Motion passes.

2016 Campaign/Resource Development Report Ms. Jo Ann Ballantine reports that the 2016 United Way of Denton County campaign has raised $2,017,703 from 543 campaigns to date. As third-party processors out of United Way of Denton County’s control report further 2016 campaign results, the Resource Development team will continue to update to the board.

In 2017 Campaign news, Ms. Ballantine reports that Northwest ISD has conducted their 2017 campaign via the United Way of Denton County e-Pledge system, and that they exceeded last year’s results by $4,000. Two new resource development staff, Ms. Kristin Jones and Ms. Wendy McGee, are onboarding smoothly, and a third position is in the midst of interviews. The 2017 Campaign Video is in production through Mr. Ernie McCraw’s Marketing & Communications Committee. Ms. Ballantine reports that Ms. Micah Pazoureck has headed the development of a new partnership catalog to better facilitate a more relationship-based once-a-year ask of potential sponsors.

Ms. Ballantine also introduces the board to the finalized 2017 Resource Development plan, including diversification of funding streams and expansion of campaigns outside of Denton. The plan includes updated

Board Packet Page 2 internal goals, a schedule of co-chair and cabinet meetings, organization of resource development volunteers, and a pared down Special Events calendar that will economize on staff and volunteer time.

Mr. Ray Croff reports on further changes for resource development in 2017, including a revamp of the Leaders On Loan program to focus on furthering campaign relationships and creating future United Way of Denton County volunteers and board members. The Leaders On Loan committee will be led by Leader On Loan graduates Sarah Barber and Ashlie Bagley. In order to better support resource development in 2017, Mr. Croff describes a closer, proactive relationship with our major campaigns to anticipate and accommodate workplace campaign needs before they happen rather than find out after the fact.

Ms. Janie McLeod notes that the Campaign Kick-Off Luncheon is now the Campaign Kick-Off Breakfast and asks for volunteers to help the event committee.

Mr. Croff describes the Leadership Reception scheduled for April 25th at the house of Debbie and Neal Smatresk.

Ms. Pazoureck encourages board members to schedule an appointment with Ms. Jones to discuss 2017 sponsorships. Mr. Brandon McCleskey asks whether staff would have information about prior year sponsorships to help sponsors understand their history and options during meetings. Ms. Jones answers yes and that staff analysis of prior year sponsors suggests that there is an easy 10% growth opportunity in sponsorships if staff and board members bring back all prior year sponsors at an equivalent or slightly higher sponsorship level.

Finance & Administration Committee Report Mr. Lyle Dresher presents a proposed $2.4 million 2017-2018 budget as recommended by the Finance & Administration Committee. Mr. Dresher emphasizes the committee’s attempts to maintain a balanced budget, support of collective impact grants, board and staff development, and continued impact grants to south-of- the-lake organizations. The budget is balanced by $25,000 released from the reserve fund balance. The bylaw- mandated 90-day reserve status should be adequate to avoid disruption by this spend.

Ms. Ellen Painter moves for approval of the budget as recommended, Dr. Sheri Dragoo seconds. Mr. Greg Sawko mentions a high potential that this reserve expenditure may be washed out by late-arriving 2016 campaign results, possibly to the point that it may trigger a budget amendment. The question is called, and the motion passes.

Community Investments Report Ms. Laura Behrens presents partner agency grant recommendations from the Community Investments Committee, noting that this year is a recertification year as has been recommended previously by Dr. Bettye Myers. The three-year recertification process is intended to ensure alignment of United Way of Denton County’s partner agency grants with community needs. As a result of recertification, the committee has recommended three agencies to begin the sunset process: Arc of Denton County, Denton Christian Preschool, and RSVP Serves. The committee suggests placing these agencies on a three-year sunset process with provisions for very specific improvement plans within the first 12 months.

Ms. Behrens thanks committee members for dedicating days of their time to visiting, interviewing, and evaluating partner agencies. The board is presented with paper ballots to vote confidentially on each funding recommendation as well as each sunset recommendation. Dr. Myers asks for an update on Boy Scouts of America, Longhorn Council, and Ms. Behrens reports that Boy Scouts continues to maintain partner agency status and submit impact grant applications as opposed to partner agency grant applications.

Board Packet Page 3

The board votes unanimously (with appropriate abstentions) to accept the committee’s recommendation for 2017-2018 Partner Agency Grants.

Board Development Nominating Committee Recommendations Mr. Greg Sawko presents the Board Development Committee’s recommended nominating slate, including new board member nominations for Mr. Mike Ball, Ms. Ashlie Bagley, Ms. Phoebe Hampton, and Mr. Malcolm McGuire; nominations for second and third three-year terms; nominations for new lifetime members; and nominations for executive committee. Since the publication of the board packet, Ms. Micah Pazoureck has been nominated to executive committee as Campaign Chair-Elect.

Dr. Sheri Dragoo moves to accept the committee’s recommendations, Mr. Lyle Dresher seconds. Motion passes, with Josh Ashford abstaining.

Special Events Report Most details have been addressed during the sponsorships update. Ms. Micah Pazoureck reminds the board that the 27th Annual People Helping People Golf Tournament and Campaign Kick-Off Breakfast are coming soon, and that anyone seeking to attend or sponsor either event should schedule a meeting with Ms. Kristin Jones.

Long Term Facilities Update Ms. Ellen Painter notes that a request for board members to donate to the capital campaign is focused on participation, as grant applications expect 100% participation from the board. Currently the board is at about 68% participation. Ms. Painter also reports that the capital campaign committee is approaching more key potential donors. Mr. Ernie McCraw notes that there are four grants ready to go, merely awaiting 100% board participation in the capital campaign. To encourage 100% board participation, Dr. Bettye Myers describes the evolution of United Way of Denton County from a passthrough agency to today’s collective impact organization, bringing with it a greater need for infrastructure and workspace.

Mr. Ray Croff presents a resolution for United Way of Denton County to authorize the sale of GEICO land in a UNT trust that will contribute a portion of proceeds to the Improving Lives Capital Campaign. Kit King moves for approval, Frenchy seconds. Motion passes, and the board thanks Ms. Debbie Smatresk for UNT’s assistance with this donation.

Mr. Lyle Dresher presents a construction committee update. Meetings continue with architects and civil engineers. Site development, planning and application are in progress. Permitting will proceed in May, and is likely to be in place in the early Fall, at which point the organization will hold a groundbreaking and construction can begin. Mr. Dresher notes that the overall cost of construction is rising across the Metroplex; the sooner we begin construction, the better.

Board Chair Report Mr. Greg Sawko reports on Denton County Days in Austin. Several board and staff members joined over 150 representatives in teams paying visits to representatives at the state capital. Mr. Lyle Dresher commends United Way of Denton County staff for being well-prepared and advocating effectively for United Way of Denton County’s work.

Mr. Sawko notes that Mr. Dresher has presented his 2017-2018 Board of Directors calendar, and Mr. Dresher highlights several longer meetings that will collectively take the place of a board retreat. These longer meetings will feature dinner and more in-depth board preparation for resource development and program advocacy.

Board Packet Page 4

Mr. Dresher presents Dr. Sheri Dragoo with an award recognizing her five years of service as an officer of the board of directors.

Mr. Dresher presents Mr. Greg Sawko with an award recognizing his tenure as 2015-2017 Board Chair.

CEO Report for February 2017 Mr. Gary Henderson reports that United Way of Denton County was awarded with Phase IIb of Health & Human Services Veterans initiative grants. This funding will create preventative re-integration programs implemented in partnership with the Veterans Center, Low Income Tax Clinic, and Texas Woman’s University.

Mr. Henderson also reports the publication of an RFP from Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention inviting proposals for a community mentoring initiative. In a ten-day response, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Communities In Schools of North Texas, and United Way of Denton County have submitted a $1.2 million three-year proposal to OJJDP.

Mr. Henderson emphasizes the need for non-profit boards across Denton County to plan for well-telegraphed changes in public funding philosophy at the local, state and federal levels. The staff would like to expand on an idea from Mr. Ernie McCraw to create a breakfast or lunch forum with executive directors and board chairs from local non-profits and United Way of Denton County partner agencies, opening a dialogue to ensure that every non-profit in our community is prepared for the next three years.

New Business Frenchy advises other board members to visit the Denton County Veterans Center at 400 S. Carroll Blvd., Denton, TX 76205.

Adjourn Dr. Sheri Dragoo motioned to adjourn the meeting. Frenchy seconds. Meeting adjourns at 4:53PM

Signed by:

______Dr. Bettye Myers, Secretary Gregory J. Sawko, Board Chair

Board Packet Page 5 Treasurer’s Report February 2017 Financials

• For the month ended February 28, 2017 total assets are $2,697,157

• Cash balances $998,479

• Short-term investments (CD’s) $214,267

• Prepaid Expenses $27,920

• Total pledge receivables $882,702

• Fixed assets of $385,378

• Pass-thru fees to date $3,583

• Misc. Income to date $146,012 – collections of written off pledges, sponsorships and City of Denton grant for homelessness position

• Total cash and equivalents decreased year over year with a balance of $1,212,746 ending February 2017 compared to a balance of $1,522,210 ending February 2016.

• Total liabilities of $515,967 are comprised of agency grants payable, accounts payable and designations payable.

• The total unrestricted net assets of $1,050,608 plus time restricted pledges of $882,702 plus building capital-restricted of $217,880 and MH Task Force BHLT of $30,000 equal total net assets of $2,181,190. Total liabilities and net assets equal $2,697,157. Last year’s total unrestricted net assets ending February 2016 was $1,288,564 compared to $1,050,608 ending February 2017.

• Total revenue for the month of February equaled $177,522 which included $82,742 in campaign revenue, $318 in interest income, $0 in golf revenue less golf expenses of $0, $0 in Project Blueprint, Kickoff receipts of $0 and expenses of $0, United Tribute revenue of $(2,308) and expenses of $735 , Crawfish Boil event expense of $9,176,Lil’d NYE revenue of $0 and expenses of $12,936, $38,095 in SECC expense reimbursement, $0 in VITA grant, $0 in HHSC grant, $0 in pass-through fees, $0 in-kind, misc income of $30,473 and capital campaign revenue of $51,050. February 2017 YTD revenue and support total of $1,998,246 reflects an 0% increase over the February 2016 YTD total of $2,004,203 due to the timing of reporting from national workplace campaigns and grant revenues.


Board Packet Page 6 • Total expenses for the month of February 2017 of $139,092 represented an increase in net assets for the month in the amount of $38,431. February 2017 YTD expenses of $2,304,431 reflects a 16% increase as compared to February 2016 YTD expenses of $1,984,619 primarily due to budget increases in agency allocations, personnel expenses, occupancy expenses, increased presence in the county, new initiatives, architect and capital campaign consultants and the timing of certain expenses year over year. February 2017 YTD revenue and expenses reflects a decrease in net assets of $306,185 compared to the February 2016 YTD increase in net assets of $19.584.


Board Packet Page 7 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION For the month ended 02/28/2017 and 02/28/2016 Assets Feb-17 Feb-16 Current Assets Cash $ 998,479 1,309,064 Short-Term Investments 214,267 213,146 2014 UWC Pledge Receivable 157,365 188,471 2014 Reserve for Uncollectible (157,365) (188,471) 2015 UWC Pledges Receivable 243,474 983,455 2015 SECC Pledges Receivable - 106,691 2015 Reserve for Uncollectible (179,336) (21,663) 2016 UWC Pledges Receivable 720,372 - 2016 SECC Pledges Receivable 98,192 - Misc Accounts Receivable - 4,965 Kickoff Accounts Receivable - Grants Receivable 22,980 12,400 United Tribute Acct Receivable 2,430 - Lil'D NYE Accts Receivable - - Capital Campaign Accts Receivable 163,000 - Prepaid Expenses 27,920 23,423 Prepaid Expenses-SECC - - Fixed Assets Building/Land 246,183 1,570 Office Equipment & Furniture 274,180 229,235 Less Accumulated Depreciation (134,985) (114,121)

Total Assets $ 2,697,157 $ 2,748,166

Liabilities: Accounts Payable 30,909 27,258 Designations Payable-member agencies 71,529 56,982 Designations Payable-unaffiliated agencies 74,756 81,704 2015 SECC Payable - 129,467 2016 SECC Payable 111,931 - Real Estate Obligation Payable 150,000 - Allocations due to agencies 76,842 79,167 Total Liabilities $ 515,967 $ 374,577

Net Assets Unrestricted Unappropriated 1,050,608 1,288,564 Total unrestricted net assets 1,050,608 1,288,564

Temporarily Restricted Time Restricted (pledges receivable) 882,702 1,068,484 Building Capital-Restricted 217,880 - MH Task Force BHLT 30,000 16,542

Total Net Assets 2,181,190 2,373,589

Total Liabilites and Net Assets $ 2,697,157 $ 2,748,166

Page 1 Board Packet Page 8 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the One Month and Eleven Months Ended February 28,2017

Jan-17 YTD Revenue & Support 2015 Campaign Income - 25,632 2016 Campaign Income 82,742 1,432,493 Revenue-Golf Tournament - 49,920 Golf Tournament Expenses - (13,406) Crawfish Boil Event Income 12,850 Crawfish Boil Event Expense (9,176) (9,176) Gala/Signature Event Income (2,308) 58,845 Gala/Signature Event Expenses (735) (39,132) Kick-Off Luncheon Receipts - 13,795 Kick-Off Luncheon Expense - (7,015) Lil'd NYE Revenue 41,633 Lil'd NYE Expenses (12,936) (28,697) Miscellaneous Income 30,473 146,012 SECC Exp Reimb 38,095 38,095 Pass Through Fees 3,583 Financial Stability Grant - 22,980 DBL Grant 4,855 HHSC Grant - 17,520 Project Blueprint - 3,450 In-Kind Donation - 3,069 Capital Campaign Revenue 51,050 217,880 Interest Income 318 3,060

Total $ 177,522 $ 1,998,246

Expenses Annual Budget Allocations/Priority Funding $ - $ 997,100 1,033,767 Salaries 65,562 $ 579,116 637,633 Employee Benefits 9,908 $ 93,552 105,433 Payroll Taxes 4,876 $ 43,712 48,779 Professional Fees 12,200 $ 125,500 20,800 Supplies 4,976 $ 53,393 48,731 Telephone 569 $ 5,913 5,600 Postage & Shipping 66 $ 7,548 12,000 Occupancy Expense 7,222 $ 83,315 88,500 Equip. Rental/Mtce 8,468 $ 58,158 72,000 Asset/Equipment Acquisition - $ - 39,000 Land & Building - $ - 25,000 Printing/Publishing 3,959 $ 40,289 38,000 Printing-In Kind - $ 3,069 10,000 Travel/Mileage Reimb 1,328 $ 12,811 17,660 Conferences & Meetings-Prof Devel 1,013 $ 15,915 6,000 Special Events - $ 1,363 3,800 Membership Dues 178 $ 7,059 7,000 UW Worldwide Dues 5,199 $ 21,773 23,982 UW of Texas Dues - $ 4,789 5,873 Insurance 385 $ 4,896 4,750 Misc fees-Banks,credit card proc fee 1,217 $ 8,183 4,500 Awards - $ 2,793 3,000 Depreciation - $ - - Reserve for future - $ - 20,000 Shrinkage 11,968 $ 134,184 144,698 $ - Total 139,092 $ 2,304,431 2,426,506

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets $ 38,431 $ (306,185)

Page 2 Board Packet Page 9 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the month ended 02/28/2017 & 02/28/2016 Feb-17 Feb-16 Percentage Revenue & Support Inc/Decr. 2015 Campaign Income 25,632 1,790,467 2016 Campaign Income 1,432,493 - Revenue-Golf tournament 49,920 45,544 Golf tournament expenses (13,406) (11,668) Crawfish Boil Event Income 12,850 - Crawfish Boill Evnet Expense (9,176) - Kick-Off Luncheon Receipts 13,795 11,970 Kick-Off Luncheon Expense (7,015) (9,296) Lil'd NYE Revenue 41,633 - Lil'd NYE Expenses (28,697) - Gala/Signature Event Income 58,845 40,317 Gala/Signature Event Expenses (39,132) (33,721) Miscellaneous Income 146,012 85,252 SECC Exp Reimb 38,095 38,034 Pass Through Fees 3,583 4,730 Financial Stability Grant 22,980 13,650 DBL Grant 4,855 8,000 HHSC Grant 17,520 - Project Blueprint 3,450 2,000 Healthy Communities-Flow grant - 12,000 In-Kind Donation 3,069 4,200 Capital Campaign Revenue 217,880 - Interest Income 3,060 2,725 Total 1,998,246 2,004,203 0% Expenses Allocations/Priority Funding $ 997,100 $ 1,001,757 0% Salaries 579,116 472,086 23% Employee Benefits 93,552 76,242 23% Payroll Taxes 43,712 35,373 24% Professional Fees 125,500 20,700 506% Supplies 53,393 55,977 -5% Telephone 5,913 6,694 -12% Postage & Shipping 7,548 7,915 -5% Occupancy Expense 83,315 81,702 2% Equip. Rental/Mtce 58,158 21,742 167% Asset/Equipment Acquisition - - Printing/Publishing 40,289 37,240 8% Printing-In Kind 3,069 4,200 -27% Software/video in kind - - Travel/Mileage Reimb 12,811 10,529 22% Conferences & Meetings-Prof Develo 15,915 3,988 299% Special Events 1,363 1,052 30% Membership Dues 7,059 5,454 29% UW Worldwide Dues 21,773 19,902 9% UW of Texas Dues 4,789 4,534 6% Insurance 4,896 4,340 13% Miscellaneous 8,183 6,343 29% Awards 2,793 2,194 27% Depreciation - - Reserve for future - - Shrinkage 134,184 104,656 28%

Total 2,304,431 1,984,619 16%

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets $ (306,185) $ 19,584

Page 3 Board Packet Page 10 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC.

Schedule of Cash & Short-Term Investments February 28, 2017

Wells Fargo Checking/Operating 80,736 Wells Fargo MM-Campaign Acct 230,212 JP Morgan Chase Bank-MM 53,305 Wells Fargo MM-SECC Funds Acct 83,065 Point Bank MM 96,449 Compass Bank MM 15,810 NorthStar Bank MM 100,392 Bank of America MM 27,515 Inwood National Bank MM 4,316 First United-Memorial Fund 92,812 Guaranty Bank MM(Compass) 12,726 First State Bank 101,767 DATCU Credit Union 88,026 First State Bank-DisasterFunds 11,348 $ 998,479

Short-Term Investments AccessBank Texas 82,826 Meridian Bank - CD 76,117 Guaranty Bank - CD 55,324

$ 214,267

Page 4 Board Packet Page 11 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. Balance Sheet For the month ended 02/28/2017 Assets Current Assets Cash $ 998,479 Short-Term Investments 214,267 2014 UWC Pledge Receivable 157,365 2014 Reserve for Uncollectible (157,365) 2015 UWC Pledges Receivable 243,474 2015 Reserve for Uncollectible (179,336) 2015 SECC Pledges Receivable - 2016 UWC Pledges Receivable 720,372 2016 SECC Pledges Receivable 98,192 Misc Accounts Receivable - Kickoff Accounts Receivable - United Tribute Acct Receivable 2,430 Lil'D NYE Accts Receivable - Grants Receivable 22,980 Capital Campaign Accts Receivable 163,000 Prepaid Expenses 27,920 Prepaid Expenses-SECC -

Fixed Assets Building/Land 246,183 Office Equipment & Furniture 274,180 Less Accumulated Depreciation (134,985)

Total Assets $ 2,697,157

Liabilities: Accounts Payable 30,909 Designations Payable-member agencies 71,529 Designations Payable-unaffiliated agencies 74,756 2015 SECC Payable - 2016 SECC Payable 111,931 Real Estate Obligation Payable 150,000 Allocations due to agencies 76,842 Total Liabilities $ 515,967

Net Assets Unrestricted Unappropriated 1,050,608 Total unrestricted net assets 1,050,608

Temporarily Restricted Time Restricted Pledges 882,702 Building Capital-Restricted 217,880 MH Task Force 30,000

Total Net Assets 2,181,190

Total Liabilites and Net Assets $ 2,697,157

Basis of Presentation

Unrestricted net assets - Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. Included in the total is the net office equipment/fixtures.

Temporarily restricted net assets - Net assets that are subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may or will be met, either by actions of the Organization and/or the passage of time. Typically this balance consists of time restricted campaign pledges.

Permanently Restricted - Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that will be maintained permanently by the organization.

Page 5 Board Packet Page 12 Treasurer’s Report January 2017 Financials

• For the month ended January 31, 2017 total assets are $2,920,516

• Cash balances $1,137,334

• Short-term investments (CD’s) $214,077

• Prepaid Expenses $30,943

• Total pledge receivables $1,045,571

• Fixed assets of $352,181

• Pass-thru fees to date $3,583

• Misc. Income to date $115,539 – collections of written off pledges, sponsorships and City of Denton grant for homelessness position

• Total cash and equivalents decreased year over year with a balance of $1,351,411 ending January 2017 compared to a balance of $1,581,167 ending January 2016.

• Total liabilities of $777,758 are comprised of agency grants payable, accounts payable and designations payable.

• The total unrestricted net assets of $930,357 plus time restricted pledges of $1,045,571 plus building capital-restricted of $166,830 equal total net assets of $2,142,758. Total liabilities and net assets equal $2,920,516. Last year’s total unrestricted net assets ending January 2016 was $1,185,072 compared to $930,357 ending January 2017.

• Total revenue for the month of January equaled $134,573 which included $71,602 in campaign revenue, $575 in interest income, $0 in golf revenue less golf expenses of $0, $0 in Project Blueprint, Kickoff receipts of $0 and expenses of $0, United Tribute revenue of $25,125 and expenses of $27,870 , Lil’d NYE revenue of $19,183 and expenses of $3,022, $0 in SECC expense reimbursement, $0 in VITA grant, $0 in HHSC grant, $0 in pass-through fees, $0 in-kind, misc income of 48,649 and capital campaign revenue of $330. January 2017 YTD revenue and support total of $1,820,722 reflects an 2% increase over the January 2016 YTD total of $1,786,378 due to the timing of reporting from national workplace campaigns and grant revenues.

• Total expenses for the month of January 2017 of $122,877 represented an increase in net assets for the month in the amount of $11,698. January 2017 YTD expenses of $2,165,337 reflects an 14% increase as compared to January 2016 YTD expenses of


Board Packet Page 13 $1,899,717 primarily due to budget increases in agency allocations, personnel expenses, occupancy expenses, increased presence in the county, new initiatives, architect and capital campaign consultants and the timing of certain expenses year over year. January 2017 YTD revenue and expenses reflects a decrease in net assets of $344,615 compared to the January 2016 YTD decrease in net assets of $113,335.


Board Packet Page 14 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION For the month ended 01/31/2017 and 01/31/2016 Assets Jan-17 Jan-16 Current Assets Cash $ 1,137,334 1,368,165 Short-Term Investments 214,077 213,002 2014 UWC Pledge Receivable 157,365 206,683 2014 Reserve for Uncollectible (157,365) (200,724) 2015 UWC Pledges Receivable 283,492 919,167 2015 SECC Pledges Receivable - 116,449 2015 Reserve for Uncollectible (167,368) (9,410) 2016 UWC Pledges Receivable 719,894 - 2016 SECC Pledges Receivable 209,555 - Misc Accounts Receivable - 6,620 Kickoff Accounts Receivable - Grants Receivable 22,980 12,400 United Tribute Acct Receivable 4,930 - Lil'D NYE Accts Receivable 250 - Capital Campaign Accts Receivable 112,250 - Prepaid Expenses 30,943 25,989 Prepaid Expenses-SECC - - Fixed Assets Building/Land 233,911 1,570 Office Equipment & Furniture 253,255 226,948 Less Accumulated Depreciation (134,985) (114,121)

Total Assets $ 2,920,516 $ 2,772,737

Liabilities: Accounts Payable 12,835 22,223 Designations Payable-member agencies 84,043 51,145 Designations Payable-unaffiliated agencies 87,742 80,114 2015 SECC Payable - 223,586 2016 SECC Payable 289,454 - Real Estate Obligation Payable 150,000 - Allocations due to agencies 153,683 155,000 Total Liabilities $ 777,758 $ 532,068

Net Assets Unrestricted Unappropriated 930,357 1,185,072 Total unrestricted net assets 930,357 1,185,072

Temporarily Restricted Time Restricted (pledges receivable) 1,045,571 1,032,165 Building Capital-Restricted 166,830 - MH Task Force BHLT - 23,433

Total Net Assets 2,142,758 2,240,669

Total Liabilites and Net Assets $ 2,920,516 $ 2,772,737

Page 1 Board Packet Page 15 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the One Month and Ten Months Ended January 31,2017

Jan-17 YTD Revenue & Support 2015 Campaign Income - 25,632 2016 Campaign Income 71,602 1,349,750 Revenue-Golf Tournament - 49,920 Golf Tournament Expenses - (13,406) Crawfish Boil Event Income 12,850 Gala/Signature Event Income 25,125 61,153 Gala/Signature Event Expenses (27,870) (38,396) Kick-Off Luncheon Receipts - 13,795 Kick-Off Luncheon Expense - (7,015) Lil'd NYE Revenue 19,183 41,633 Lil'd NYE Expenses (3,022) (15,760) Miscellaneous Income 48,649 115,539 SECC Exp Reimb - - Pass Through Fees 3,583 Financial Stability Grant - 22,980 DBL Grant 4,855 HHSC Grant - 17,520 Project Blueprint - 3,450 In-Kind Donation - 3,069 Capital Campaign Revenue 330 166,830 Interest Income 575 2,741

Total $ 134,573 $ 1,820,722

Expenses Annual Budget Allocations/Priority Funding $ - $ 997,100 1,033,767 Salaries 57,512 $ 513,574 637,633 Employee Benefits 9,554 $ 83,644 105,433 Payroll Taxes 4,285 $ 38,807 48,779 Professional Fees 12,200 $ 113,300 20,800 Supplies 2,139 $ 48,417 48,731 Telephone 178 $ 5,344 5,600 Postage & Shipping 1,012 $ 7,482 12,000 Occupancy Expense 7,104 $ 76,093 88,500 Equip. Rental/Mtce 6,344 $ 49,690 72,000 Asset/Equipment Acquisition - $ - 39,000 Land & Building - $ - 25,000 Printing/Publishing 3,616 $ 36,330 38,000 Printing-In Kind - $ 3,069 10,000 Travel/Mileage Reimb 1,053 $ 11,491 17,660 Conferences & Meetings-Prof Devel 819 $ 14,903 6,000 Special Events - $ 1,363 3,800 Membership Dues 722 $ 6,881 7,000 UW Worldwide Dues - $ 16,574 23,982 UW of Texas Dues 2,438 $ 4,789 5,873 Insurance 385 $ 4,511 4,750 Misc fees-Banks,credit card proc fee 1,550 $ 6,966 4,500 Awards - $ 2,793 3,000 Depreciation - $ - - Reserve for future - $ - 20,000 Shrinkage 11,968 $ 122,216 144,698 $ - Total 122,877 $ 2,165,337 2,426,506

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets $ 11,698 $ (344,615)

Page 2 Board Packet Page 16 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the month ended 01/31/2017 & 01/31/2016 Jan-17 Jan-16 Percentage Revenue & Support Inc/Decr. 2015 Campaign Income 25,632 1,612,518 2016 Campaign Income 1,349,750 - Revenue-Golf tournament 49,920 45,544 Golf tournament expenses (13,406) (11,668) Crawfish Boil Event Income 12,850 - Kick-Off Luncheon Receipts 13,795 11,970 Kick-Off Luncheon Expense (7,015) (9,296) Lil'd NYE Revenue 41,633 - Lil'd NYE Expenses (15,760) - Gala/Signature Event Income 61,153 40,267 Gala/Signature Event Expenses (38,396) (33,721) Miscellaneous Income 115,539 83,752 SECC Exp Reimb - - Pass Through Fees 3,583 4,730 Financial Stability Grant 22,980 13,650 DBL Grant 4,855 8,000 HHSC Grant 17,520 - Project Blueprint 3,450 2,000 Healthy Communities-Flow grant - 12,000 In-Kind Donation 3,069 4,200 Capital Campaign Revenue 166,830 - Interest Income 2,741 2,433 Total 1,820,722 1,786,378 2% Expenses Allocations/Priority Funding $ 997,100 $ 1,001,757 0% Salaries 513,574 417,681 23% Employee Benefits 83,644 68,525 22% Payroll Taxes 38,807 31,316 24% Professional Fees 113,300 20,700 447% Supplies 48,417 52,141 -7% Telephone 5,344 6,122 -13% Postage & Shipping 7,482 7,819 -4% Occupancy Expense 76,093 74,996 1% Equip. Rental/Mtce 49,690 20,236 146% Asset/Equipment Acquisition - - Printing/Publishing 36,330 34,184 6% Printing-In Kind 3,069 4,200 -27% Software/video in kind - - Travel/Mileage Reimb 11,491 9,052 27% Conferences & Meetings-Prof Develo 14,903 3,986 274% Special Events 1,363 1,052 30% Membership Dues 6,881 5,062 36% UW Worldwide Dues 16,574 19,902 -17% UW of Texas Dues 4,789 4,534 6% Insurance 4,511 3,975 13% Miscellaneous 6,966 5,627 24% Awards 2,793 2,194 27% Depreciation - - Reserve for future - - Shrinkage 122,216 104,656 17%

Total 2,165,337 1,899,717 14%

Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets $ (344,615) $ (113,335)

Page 3 Board Packet Page 17 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC.

Schedule of Cash & Short-Term Investments January 31,2017

Wells Fargo Checking/Operating 99,994 Wells Fargo MM-Campaign Acct 177,792 JP Morgan Chase Bank-MM 103,363 Wells Fargo MM-SECC Funds Acct 155,330 Point Bank MM 96,431 Compass Bank MM 40,792 NorthStar Bank MM 100,368 Bank of America MM 52,515 Inwood National Bank MM 4,316 First United-Memorial Fund 92,797 Guaranty Bank MM(Compass) 12,725 First State Bank 101,551 DATCU Credit Union 88,012 First State Bank-DisasterFunds 11,348 $ 1,137,334

Short-Term Investments AccessBank Texas 82,721 Meridian Bank - CD 76,032 Guaranty Bank - CD 55,324

$ 214,077

Page 4 Board Packet Page 18 UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY, INC. Balance Sheet For the month ended 01/31/2017 Assets Current Assets Cash $ 1,137,334 Short-Term Investments 214,077 2014 UWC Pledge Receivable 157,365 2014 Reserve for Uncollectible (157,365) 2015 UWC Pledges Receivable 283,492 2015 Reserve for Uncollectible (167,368) 2015 SECC Pledges Receivable - 2016 UWC Pledges Receivable 719,894 2016 SECC Pledges Receivable 209,555 Misc Accounts Receivable - Kickoff Accounts Receivable - United Tribute Acct Receivable 4,930 Lil'D NYE Accts Receivable 250 Grants Receivable 22,980 Capital Campaign Accts Receivable 112,250 Prepaid Expenses 30,943 Prepaid Expenses-SECC -

Fixed Assets Building/Land 233,911 Office Equipment & Furniture 253,255 Less Accumulated Depreciation (134,985)

Total Assets $ 2,920,516

Liabilities: Accounts Payable 12,835 Designations Payable-member agencies 84,043 Designations Payable-unaffiliated agencies 87,742 2015 SECC Payable - 2016 SECC Payable 289,454 Real Estate Obligation Payable 150,000 Allocations due to agencies 153,683 Total Liabilities $ 777,758

Net Assets Unrestricted Unappropriated 930,357 Total unrestricted net assets 930,357

Temporarily Restricted Time Restricted Pledges 1,045,571 Building Capital-Restricted 166,830 MH Task Force -

Total Net Assets 2,142,758

Total Liabilites and Net Assets $ 2,920,516

Basis of Presentation

Unrestricted net assets - Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. Included in the total is the net office equipment/fixtures.

Temporarily restricted net assets - Net assets that are subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may or will be met, either by actions of the Organization and/or the passage of time. Typically this balance consists of time restricted campaign pledges.

Permanently Restricted - Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that will be maintained permanently by the organization.

Page 5 Board Packet Page 19

Marketing & Communications Committee Notes 8:30am Tuesday, March 21st Sally Beauty Corporate Headquarters

Volunteers Present: Ernie McCraw (Chair), Jo Ann Ballantine, Zach Glenn, Micah Pazoureck Staff Members Present: Gary Henderson, Courtney Cross, Kristin Jones, Teddy Yan, Rhett Richardson

2017 Campaign Video Update – Rough Cut due in late April

Justin Benedict (Blue Shift Films) and Christopher Schlumpf (Everyone’s a Story) have partnered to produce, film, and edit our campaign video, with a rough cut due in late April.

The committee reviewed fifteen statements submitted by the program staff describing specific things United Way of Denton County does in the community. These statements were honed, and the committee gave input in terms of sequencing, focus, and ways to emphasize specific aspects of United Way of Denton County programs to donors with different focuses.

Briefing on Homelessness Leadership Team

Courtney provided an overview of homelessness in Denton County and the work that United Way of Denton County is performing to coordinate services, reduce the time a family might spend experiencing homelessness, fostering better communication between agencies, and facilitating data collection to better determine how to solve the real need rather than just providing programs.

Performance measures are important, as is a shift in focus from temporary shelter to supportive housing. The DCHLT is building a system and process from the ground up.

The committee expressed interest in focusing the next social media video on homelessness. Jo Ann offered Susan Davis as a potential contact for the next social media video.

Capital Campaign Update

The “Improving Lives” capital campaign is in its quiet phase, approaching board members, banks and key community individuals for high value donations. With the help of our consultants, grants are going out the door in the next three months. The public phase will not start until the campaign has secured at least a majority of its funding. The marketing committee expressed a need to begin planning for a groundbreaking and other publicity timed for the completion of permitting in autumn or winter of 2017-2018.

Overview of Upcoming Photo Ops

The next major photo op is the April 19 ribbon cutting for the Denton County Veterans Center. Jo Ann shared an extensive list of photographers to approach for future photo ops, and the committee remarked that it would be fantastic to have the photographer back from the TV+FA grant announcement in August 2016.

Social Media Update

Board Packet Page 20

The committee emphasized the need to rebalance the subject ratio on social media to assist with resource development, potentially including a project to approach current donors and ask why they give. The committee put forth several suggestions: Expanding paid social media posts, finding a dedicated video person, creating a subcommittee to work on promoted posts with a program liaison, and potentially approaching the board with a reminder of how important social media is.

New Business

Gary described the future environment for non-profits with regards to government funding streams from all levels, and the committee noted an opportunity for United Way of Denton county to position itself as a voice of stability and reassurance during a time of great uncertainty. Zach summarized the idea as “We’re here, we’re ready to help, but we need your help.”

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will tentatively be 8:30am, April 18th at Sally Beauty Headquarters. Key agenda items for the next meeting are: • An update on the campaign video

If you have something you would like on the agenda for our next meeting, please contact Teddy Yan: [email protected] or 940-566-5851 x 106

Board Packet Page 21 UWDC Facebook

Statistics Total likes Posts / Month Dollars Spent / Mo.Viewers / Month Views / Month Clickers / Month Clicks / Month Click / View % Hides Mar-16 1,518 21 $ - 18,286 39,423 915 2,946 7.47% 3 Apr-16 1,556 20 $ 100.00 29,989 47,300 633 2,132 4.51% 3 May-16 1,579 24 $ - 16,837 33,830 479 2,394 7.08% 5 Jun-16 1,598 18 $ - 14,342 29,481 620 8,451 28.67% 2 Jul-16 1,625 13 $ - 18,512 33,583 769 5,512 16.41% 6 Aug-16 1,663 25 $ - 33,224 63,102 1,099 3,395 5.38% 6 Sep-16 1,696 31 $ - 35,789 65,086 1,284 5,626 8.64% 5 Oct-16 1,726 27 $ - 15,270 37,326 486 2,601 6.97% 0 Nov-16 1,733 22 $ - 17,504 35,192 683 2,122 6.03% 9 Dec-16 1,738 37 $ - 13,279 27,445 545 2,424 8.83% 4 Jan-17 1,762 25 $ - 27,274 52,603 1,821 3,450 6.56% 5 Feb-17 1,781 16 $ - 24,466 44,392 1,415 6,235 14.05% 11 Mar-17 1,807 18 $ - 37,124 54,027 1,034 3,010 5.57% 7

40 1,900 Total Likes Posts / Mo. 1,800 30

1,700 20

1,600 10

1,500 0 Jul-16 Jul-16 Jan-17 Jun-16 Jan-17 Oct-16 Jun-16 Apr-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Oct-16 Apr-16 Dec-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Aug-16 Dec-16 Nov-16 Aug-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 Nov-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 May-16 May-16 100,000 Views / Mo. 10,000 80,000 8,000 Clicks / Mo. 60,000 6,000 40,000 4,000 20,000 2,000 0 0 Jul-16 Jan-17 Jun-16 Jul-16 Oct-16 Apr-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Dec-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Jan-17 Mar-16 Mar-17 Jun-16 Oct-16 Apr-16 May-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Dec-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 May-16 Subject Ratio Subject Ratio Resource Development 2 Program Development 6 Resource Development Organizational Development 4 17% 33% Program Development 50% Organizational Development

Board Packet Page 22 DCBHLT Facebook

Statistics Total likes Posts / Month Dollars Spent / Mo.Viewers / Month Views / Month Clickers / Month Clicks / Month Click / View % Hides Mar-16 0 3 -$ 0 0 0 0 n/a 0 Apr-16 34 1 -$ 125 391 4 4 1.02% 0 May-16 38 4 -$ 2,132 3,755 47 65 1.73% 1 Jun-16 42 8 -$ 794 1,750 35 108 6.17% 0 Jul-16 49 2 -$ 175 288 6 11 3.82% 0 Aug-16 61 6 -$ 1,635 2,812 146 1,315 46.76% 3 Sep-16 67 3 -$ 1,134 1,883 34 53 2.81% 2 Oct-16 70 3 -$ 264 473 14 143 30.23% 0 Nov-16 70 5 -$ 759 1,272 30 99 7.78% 0 Dec-16 71 5 -$ 872 1,632 34 79 4.84% 0 Jan-17 84 9 -$ 1,793 3,023 71 124 4.10% 0 Feb-17 103 7 -$ 3,767 5,926 142 234 3.95% 0 Mar-17 105 7 -$ 934 1,452 41 137 9.44% 0

120 10 100 Total Likes 8 Posts / Mo. 80 6 60 4 40 20 2 0 0 Jul-16 Jul-16 Jan-17 Jun-16 Oct-16 Apr-16 Jan-17 Sep-16 Feb-17 Jun-16 Dec-16 Oct-16 Aug-16 Apr-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Nov-16 Dec-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 Aug-16 Nov-16 May-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 May-16

6,000 1,400 5,000 Views / Mo. 1,200 Clicks / Mo. 4,000 1,000 3,000 800 2,000 600 400 1,000 200 0 0 Jul-16 Jan-17 Jun-16 Oct-16 Jul-16 Apr-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Dec-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 Jan-17 Jun-16 May-16 Oct-16 Apr-16 Sep-16 Feb-17 Dec-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Mar-16 Mar-17 May-16

Board Packet Page 23 Monthly Twitter

Metrics Total follows Posts / Month Views / Month Clicks / Month Click / View % Mar-16 951 15 6,885 192 2.79% Apr-16 960 21 10,274 326 3.17% May-16 975 24 17,082 345 2.02% Jun-16 983 20 15,108 243 1.61% Jul-16 999 20 12,212 417 3.41% Aug-16 1,022 36 20,786 1,348 6.49% Sep-16 1,048 70 17,496 475 2.71% Oct-16 1,056 29 10,161 279 2.75% Nov-16 1,071 12 4,404 87 1.98% Dec-16 1,077 17 5,592 148 2.65% Jan-17 1,091 31 12,652 342 2.70% Feb-17 1,102 12 6,731 136 2.02% Mar-17 1,105 12 6,827 123 1.80%

80 1,150 Total Followers Posts / Mo. 1,100 60 1,050 40 1,000 950 20 900 0

25,000 1,500 20,000 Views / Mo. Clicks / Mo. 15,000 1,000 10,000 500 5,000 0 0

Board Packet Page 24 Strategic Planning Committee Report

April 2017

Presbyterian Hospital of Denton Board Room - Denton, TX

The 2017-2021 Strategic Planning Committee met for the first time on April 10, 2017 at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Denton with the following members present: Dr. Linda Holloway (Co-Chair), Patrice Frisby (Co-Chair), Jo Ann Ballantine, Brandon McCleskey, Dr. Tim Harris, Ellen Painter. Staff present: Gary Henderson.

The committee continued their review and identified changes and additions to the Vision, SWOT Analysis and Strategic Goals sections of the strategic plan. The committee will continue their review at the next meeting on Friday, May 12, 2017 at 11:30am at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton. The committee is estimating that the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan recommendation will be presented to the board of directors for review and approval in June 2017.

Board Packet Page 25 Community Investment/Impact Report March 2017


Community Investment Committee / Partner Agency Grants

The 2017-18 Allocations Committee partner agency grant recommendations were approved by the board at the March 2017 board meeting, including three partner agency sunset actions for board consideration. Notification letters with Memorandums of Agreement were mailed to each partner agency on March 27th.

PROJECT BLUEPRINT Project Blueprint 2017 planning committee has developed the approach for this year’s board training program. Registration information will be available in April.


The 2016 Needs Assessment Steering Committee is Co-Chaired by Bill Patterson and Dr. Ling Hwey Jeng. Anticipated publish date will be early 2017.

o The staff has collected and is organizing the secondary data. o Final report presentation to the board of directors for approval will be scheduled

COLLECTIVE IMPACT INITIATIVES HOMELESSNESS INITIATIVES Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team (DCHLT) • The DCHLT Strategic Planning Committee recommended a finalized 2017-2020 strategic plan, and it was approved at the March meeting. Strategic Goals include increasing access to housing in Denton County and the continuous improvement of homelessness data management. • The Data Workgroup has combined efforts with the Denton County Homeless Coalition to implement a Coordinated Entry process in Denton County. The Denton Supportive Housing Pilot has served as a tool to test the existing process, and will continue to inform future development. • The DCHLT approved its 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. Strategic goals include increasing access to housing for residents of Denton County and continuous improvement of homelessness data management in Denton County. • UWDC has received a grant from Goodwill Industries to host a job fair for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This will take place Wednesday, June 14th at St. Andrew Presbyterian church. More details to follow. • Coordinated Entry implementation is up and running and moving quickly. UWDC has now gained access to the Denton County HMIS system, and has been working closely with the Texas Homeless Network to analyze local data and learn how the system operates. • The Housing Workgroup is determining next steps per the recently approved DCHLT strategic plan. The group will work to establish a housing inventory, and assess the capacity of local housing case managers • to adopt implement housing stabilization techniques as a proven method of helping clients to get and stay housed.


Board Packet Page 26 Community Investment/Impact Report March 2017

• Backbone support has identified the first two clients vias HMIS, and both have been approved by the pilot review team. The first client will move into a Denton Affordable Housing unit the week of April 17th, 2017! • Consumer workgroup restructured to attend existing meeting of consumers and conduct community conversations. Met with leadership of Consumer Workgroup to discuss next steps. Removed name of workgroup to reflect community feedback. "UWDC Community Conversations" being scheduled throughout community. The Data Workgroup made the following recommendations, which were all approved by DCHLT appointees: an established Denton County Coordinated Entry process overview, with phases of implementation; identified Front Door and Receiving Agencies and the responsibilities thereof, and the execution of MOUs with all Front Door and Receiving Agencies outlining their commitment to the process and each other as Denton County homeless and housing service providers.

EDUCATION INITIATIVES Early Childhood Coalition

• The Early Childhood Coalition has developed three key workgroups focused on providing the community with resources necessary for the development of engaged parents and youth. • The workgroups are comprised of: School-Based Community Center Workgroup, Educating Educators Workgroup, and Community Resource Center workgroup. • The Community Resource Center workgroup and the Educating Educators Workgroup surveyed over 200 parents and guardians to determine appropriate resources for future implementation.

Mentor Denton

• The Mentor Denton team hosted wrote a 1.25 mil grant to support mentoring opportunities for at-risk students in Denton County.

School Based Community Centers (Evers Park ES in Denton ISD, Newton Rayzor ES, Shady Shores ES in LDISD, & Central ES in LISD)

• The Early Childhood Coalition’s SBCC workgroup is planning on piloting their center at the Ann Windle School for Young Children.

Back to School Fair

• Kayla Stewart is working with Northwest Independent School District to plan the Back to School Fair to be set on August 19th.

Mayor’s Summer Job Program


Board Packet Page 27 Community Investment/Impact Report March 2017

• Kayla Stewart is now working on developing marketing and recruitment materials for businesses to be involved in the 2017 MSYJP. • Over 70 jobs have been secured as part of the MSYJP • 40+ students have applied for the MSYJP.


• UWDC is halfway through the 2017 tax season. We are on track for another record season! Our nine VITA sites are preparing more returns than ever! Our refund total is at its highest ever at this point in the season. See the summary table below. • Our volunteer hour match has been submitted to the IRS and our VITA grant account has been funded for the awarded amount of $22,940. • We have a total of 60 active volunteer tax preparers and approximately 18 volunteer translators and intake processor. • The North Texas Low Income Taxpayer Clinic has received 30 referrals from VITA so far, but more referrals are anticipated.

VITA Summary Information as of 3/17/17 SUM of Referrals to LITC SUM of Total Refund SUM of Total Returns LITC 2 $199,487 109 UWDC 2 $124,381 54 CCA 4 $305,502 152 Sanger Public Library 0 $45,217 29 North Branch Library 18 $583,967 327 Pilot Point Library 1 $67,949 32 NCTC 0 $47,139 27 Little Elm Library 3 $152,828 66 Justin Library* 0 $18,592 7 Grand Total 30 $1,545,062 803

Bank On Denton County

• Bank On Denton County is currently recruiting participants from the VITA program. Workshops will resume after tax season

Financial Coaching

• Financial coaching is being conducted at most VITA sites simultaneous with VITA sessions. • We currently have three VITA staff coaches and three volunteer coaches who are managing a case load of 18 clients. 3

Board Packet Page 28 Community Investment/Impact Report March 2017

• We are currently exploring a partnership with Communities Foundation of Texas through the Working Families Success Model grant. A draft application is currently being prepared by VITA staff and Courtney Cross. If awarded, the grant would fund an initiative focused on assisting working families through employment services, income support, and financial coaching. The grant provides funding for three years.

Sanger Crisis Center Capacity Building

• A social work field placement, Aja Moore, has been placed in the Sanger Crisis Center and has been working with them since January 2017. Aja has primarily been assisting Sylvia Perez by working with clients in need of income support.

• Aja has also been assisting Valerie Foster, Sanger ISD Homelessness Liaison, with engaging students at risk of homelessness and has been serving as an intake processor for the Sanger VITA site on Saturday mornings.

• The Crisis Center has received their 501(c)3 status from the IRS.

HEALTH & MENTAL HEALTH INITIATIVES Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team (DCBHLT)

• DCBHLT Workgroup meetings are ongoing and consist of workgroups dedicated to: Veterans, Mental Health Court, Jail Diversion, Child and Family Systems, and Consumers. The Housing Workgroup has transitioned under the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team. • Strategic Planning Subcommittee chaired by Dr. Matt Richardson has approved the Strategic Goals of the Mental Health Treatment Court, Child and Family Systems and Veterans Workgroups. • The Workgroup Strategic Goal’s will be included in the DCBHLT Strategic Plan and Speakers Bureau presentation. The Consumer Workgroup is beginning development of a Strategic Goal. • The Veteran Community Navigator program, through Senate Bill 55 and the TV+FA funding, began accepting referrals on August 22nd. The program has accepted over 155 referrals from community partners and service providers. The team obtained 75% of the grant requirement to see 200 unique clients within the one-year grant term. • UWDC has received preliminary award notification for Phase IIB of the TV+FA Grant program, with anticipated funding in June 2017. • Monthly Treatment Team meetings take place at UWDC to offer support and collaboration on the TV+FA Pilot Program. This team consists of individuals from Denton County MHMR, Denton County Veterans Coalition, Denton County Veterans Service Office and United Way of Denton County. • Through the Child and Family Systems Workgroup of the DCBHLT, MMHPI is generating child and family specific Okay to Say media with Denton County specific mental health data. The workgroup in collaboration with the WATCH Coalition will host a Children’s Mental Health Awareness Event on Saturday, May 6th from 11AM – 2PM. • Collaboration continues with the Mental Health Treatment Court to identify outcome measures and tracking tools. A private donor has provided $30,000 in funding for Denton County Specialty Courts. DCBHLT voted to award funding to Family Drug Court, Drug Court, and Mental Health Treatment Court in the amount of $10,000.


Board Packet Page 29 Community Investment/Impact Report March 2017

• Members of the DCBHLT continue to deliver presentations in the community through the use of speaker’s bureau slides. Sixteen presentations have been completed to date. Committee members consist of the following: Chief Lee Howell (Chair) Chief Russ Kerbow, Councilman TJ Gilmore, Dr. Roxanne Del- Rio, Monya Crow, Dr. Teresa McKinney, Judge Barbara Gailey, Judge Coby Waddill, Elizabeth Ferring, and Gary Henderson. • The Veteran Workgroup in collaboration with the Veteran Community Navigator program has received private donations to open the Denton County Veterans Center, to co-locate Veteran service providers. • The Grand Opening of the Denton County Veterans Center will be held on April 19th, 2017 at 1PM at 400 South Carroll Boulevard in Denton.

Emergency/Disaster Preparedness • Per the UWDC Strategic Plan, UWDC has begun to formalize our role in the community in the event of a disaster as well as development of an internal Emergency Management plan. • Alex Reed continues to actively participate in the Denton Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council and EOC staff. • UWDC Staff reviewed the UNT Active Shooter Plan and are incorporating this approach into our UWDC Staff Manual.


Board Packet Page 30

United Way of Denton County Finance & Administration Committee Report

Meeting Minutes for April 4, 2017

Members present: Brandon McCleskey, Mark Merki, Pat Dacus, Rob Placido, Mary Curtis and Chuck Engle. Staff present: Gary Henderson, Vicki Smith

McCleskey called the meeting to order at 11:00am.

Henderson presented the policies to be reviewed. He has highlighted the ones to be reviewed by the committee this year. He asked F&A to consider developing a policy on how to sunset an existing partner agency. We have an application process, an MOA but not a policy concerning ending the relationship. A proposed policy was presented to the committee for review. Included in the proposed policy was the concept of probation. Currently there is a place in the agency award letter for a lower level action. We look to the allocations committee for guidance and expect them to make the recommendation of sunset or not as the EC does not have the knowledge of the agencies as the CI committee does. Committee members recommended that the sunset form should come from the CI committee as the board just recently voted to sunset 3 agencies based on their recommendation. Historically, we have made allocations based on growth in the campaign but now we are trying to align to community needs. UW Tarrant implemented a 3 year time frame when they moved into collective impact while UW Dallas severed their relationship with Boy Scouts with no gradual decrease in funding and it blew up in their face.

Curtis noted that the re-certification process this year made it much easier for the CI committee to make decisions about whether the agencies align with our mission and the community needs assessment. Compliance issues trigger probation in the current MOA. After discussion, McCleskey suggested the word “sunset” be removed as it could be gradual or immediate depending on the circumstances. The wording could include the phrase “upon recommendation of the CI committee, the UWDC BOD may choose to place said agency on probation etc.” By consensus, it was decided to ask the CI chairs to review the proposed policy with changes and bring it back to F&A.

The next F&A meeting will be June 6th from 11-1 and we will order lunch and go through the polices to be reviewed.

Henderson presented the proposed managed services contract from Choice. Merki moved for approval and Dacus seconded. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at noon.

Board Packet Page 31 Resource Development Report & Campaign Cabinet Report April 2016

2016 Campaign as of April 13, 2017

2016 Actual to Number of 2016 2016 Current % of 2015 Total Date Campaigns 2015 Total Retail $125,753 $104,884 30 83.1% Service $333,301 $258,998 57 77.6% Public Sector $360,390 $349,448 188 96.7% Medical $64,082 $51,053 13 77.6% Leadership Givers $57,809 $60,138 140 104.0% Industry $810,017 $676,065 20 82.6% Incoming Designations $402,885 $273,653 195 66.6% Foundations $0 $5,300 3 N/A UWDC Campaign Total $2,154,217 $1,779,539 646 81.8%

State Employee Charitable Campaign $321,976 $289,454 16 89.9% Combined Campaigns Total $2,476,193 $2,068,993 662 82.9%

Staff Updates • Huge WELCOME to Emily Reagan, our new Resource Development Coordinator! Emily joined us on April 10th. She will be working closely with Kristin to plan and execute Special Events as well as generate increased revenue through workplace campaigns and grassroots giving.

2016 United Way Campaign • 662 total campaigns completed. RD teams is still collecting reports from 3rd Party Processors United Way of Tarrant County and United Way of Dallas that contain campaign results for companies such as: BNSF, Bank of America, General Electric, HOLT CAT, State Farm, Target Distribution Center, PepsiCo and UPS.

2017 Campaign • Marketing Committee has completed the storyboard for our Campaign Video! HUGE thank you to Jo Ann Ballantine & Susan Passariello for helping to write the script. Chris Schlumpf, Everyone’s A Story, and Justin Benedict, with Blueshift Films, started collecting footage this week. Should have a rough draft of the video by late April and finalized by end of May to distribute at the Board Meeting.

• If you have not confirmed your Sponsorships for 2017 please be sure to set a meeting with Kristin in the next 1- 2 weeks so we do not miss any print deadlines! The Sponsorship Catalogue has been updated to provide partner organizations optimal opportunities to support the unabridged work of United Way of Denton County as well as provide year-round engagement and recognition for our higher lever partners. This will simplify the sponsorship asks to once a year for most partner organizations and in turn increase partner opportunities for new companies that have moved into the County.

• We are still missing a few RD Board Commitment Forms - please remember to fill one out and turn into Kristin Jones at [email protected] or leave with Ray Croff or Jo Ann Ballantine after the Board Meeting. The Campaign Cabinet will utilize these forms to best formulate committees and solicit support from the Board during the 2017 Campaign year.

Board Packet Page 32 Resource Development Report & Campaign Cabinet Report April 2016

• Leader on Loan Applications now available! Jo Ann Ballantine and the UWDC RD staff have identified key goals and objectives for the continuation of the Leaders on Loan program. The committee has drawn up a new outline for the program that will utilize the talent provided to UWDC from our corporate and community partners by aiming for 3 outcomes: (1) increased revenue from workplace campaigns, new and renewed, (2) identify and train a new generation of community leaders, both for UWDC and for our corporate partners, and (3) identify and retain future committee members and board members for UWDC. Finalized schedule for the program will be available by May 5th.

• Founded in 1984, the United Way Tocqueville Society is an opportunity for passionate individuals to become more deeply involved in United Way’s mission. This society recognizes local philanthropic leaders and volunteer champions in the , France and Romania who have devoted time, talent and funds to create long-lasting changes by tackling our communities’ most serious issues. As part of the 2017 RD Plan for increasing revenue streams, the Campaign Cabinet has researched and developed a United Way of Denton County Alexis de Tocqueville Society as an opportunity to increase the Leadership Giving in our community.

• Is your company committed to being a Pacesetter in 2017? 2017 Pacesetter Commitment forms are now available! You can fill one out and email to Kristin Jones at [email protected] or leave them after the Board Meeting.

2017 Events • Leadership Reception will be hosted on Tuesday, April 25th for pillar donors at $2500+ levels. Huge THANK YOU to Debbie & Neal Smatresk for hosting this event at their home. During this reception, we will be unveiling our very own UWDC Alexis de Tocqueville Society with the induction of our first 6 members!

• Early Registration for the 27th Annual “People Helping People” Golf Tournament is open until April 21st! Be sure to email your commitment forms to Kristin Jones at [email protected] or leave them after the Board Meeting. NEW this year will be an Early check-in at 10am for those who wish to participate in the “Hit the Boat” putting contest! Details soon to come!

• Save-the-Date of July 14th for the 2017 Campaign Kick-off BREAKFAST! Starting at 8:00am at the UNT Gateway Center, United Way of Denton County will host a breakfast to rally together and celebrate the start of our 2017 Campaign season!

• Save-the-Dates for Employee Campaign Coordinator Trainings:

o June 26th 11:00-12:00am

o June 28th 3:00-4:00pm

o June 30th 10:00-11:00am

o July 31st 4:00-5:00pm

o August 2nd 3:00-4:00pm

o August 4th 10:00-11:00am


March 31, 2017

Our mission is to improve lives in Denton County.

This Month You Need to Know… 1 Emily Reagan joined the UWDC Resource Development team on April 10th as our Resource Development Coordinator. With Kristin Jones leading the RD team as Director, Wendy MCGee as Senior Resource Development Coordinator, our RD team is back to fully staffed.

2 Kayla Stewart will be leaving UWDC within the next 90 days. Her husband recently completed his doctoral work at UNT and has accepted a position teaching at Clemson University. We launched the search for Kayla's position on April 10th, details about the opportunity for the Director of Education & Workforce Initiatives can be found on our website at

3 The Grand Opening of the Denton County Veterans Center will be held on Wednesday, April 19th. Overflow parking is available with shuttle service at the Carroll Building.

4 With a week left in the 2016 tax season, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program has exceed last year's total refund level and is currently at $1,915,279. We expect to surpass the $2 million in tax refunds mark for the first time in the program's history. UWDC will be recognizing several longterm VITA volunteers at the April board meeting.

5 Leadership of the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team have asked UWDC (as backbone support) to schedule a meeting with the executive committee of Giving HOPE Inc. There are concerns about the organization and its ability to successfully participate in the Coordinated Entry process we are implementing as required by HUD and the Texas Homeless Network. Lyle Dresher and Laura Behren's will be included in the meet that was requested by Mayor Chris Watts.

6 The Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team has approved the design of Coordinated Entry for homelessness in Denton County.

7 The Improving Lives Capital Campaign donations & pledges received as of April 13th total $262,252

UPCOMING EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Leadership Donor's Reception April 25th Evening The Home of Dr. Neal & Debbie Smatresk Golf Tournament June 19th Noon to 6pm Denton Country Club Campaign Kick-off Breakfast July 14th 8:00am - 9:30am UNT Gateway Center Taste of Industrial Street September 28th 5:30pm - 8:30pm Dan's Silverleaf, Denton Lil'd NYE December 31st 8pm to 1am Greater Denton Arts Council United TRIBUTE January 20th 5pm to 11pm Embassy Suites Convention Center Denton Board Packet Page 34 FULL UNITED WAY OF DENTON COUNTY CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES AT: BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Campaigns Page 2 2015 Campaign 2016 Campaign as of Workplace Campaign Metrics 2014 Campaign Total Total April 13, 2017 Comments Total Workplaces Campaigned 569 645 662 Each ISD school counts as a campaign Total Workplace Donors 12,026 10,757 9,147 Ave. Annual Donation per Donor $ 154.51 $ 166.35 $ 158.49 Both Pledges & Donations Corporate Gift $ 373,206 $ 467,267 $ 388,570 Employee Gift/Pledges $ 1,788,608 $ 1,729,825 $ 1,384,686 Individual Donations $ 69,511 $ 59,549 $ 65,038 leadership and individual giving Golf Tournament $ 50,567 $ 45,794 $ 61,420 Special Events $ 186,438 $ 178,647 $ 169,363 Total Donations $ 2,468,330 $ 2,481,082 $ 2,069,077 TOTAL COLLECTED $ 2,266,372 $ 2,288,830 $ 1,110,254 Uncollected/ Balance Receivable $ 201,959 $ 192,252 $ 958,823

Historic High by Division 2016 Actuals as of 2016 Campaign vs 2016 Campaign vs UWDC Campaigns by Sector Metrics (2006-2014) 2015 Actuals April 13, 2017 2015 Historic High Retail Business $140,999 $125,753 $104,884 83.4% 74.4% Service Business $400,454 $333,301 $258,998 77.7% 64.7% Public Sector $360,736 $360,390 $349,448 97.0% 96.9% Medical $228,897 $64,062 $51,053 79.7% 22.3% Individual & Leadership $65,445 $57,809 $60,138 104.0% 91.9% Industry $810,017 $810,017 $676,065 83.5% 83.5% Incoming Designations $492,221 $402,885 $273,653 67.9% 55.6% Foundations $0 $0 $5,300 N/A N/A UWDC Subtotal $2,154,217 $1,779,539 82.6% State Employee Charitable Campaign $370,310 $321,976 $289,454 89.9% 78.2% Total $2,476,193 $2,068,993 83.6% Campaigns, Donors & Donations Ratio 2014 (Historic High) 2013 2014 2015 2016 to Date Campaign $ Total 2,468,330 2,243,132 2,468,330 2,481,082 2,069,077 Total Individual Donors 12,026 10,099 12,026 10,757 9,147 Total Workplace Campaigns 556 460 569 645 662 Campaigns $ to Donors Ratio $205.25 $222.11 $205.25 $230.65 $226.20 Corp & Individual Gift History by Campaign 2014 (Historic High) 2013 2013 2015 2016 Campaign $ Total 2,468,330 2,243,132 2,468,330 2,481,082 2,069,077 Corporate Gift $ 373,206 $ 341,049 $ 341,049 $ 467,267 388,570 Individual Gift $ 1,858,119 $ 1,715,549 $ 1,858,119 $ 1,789,374 1,449,724 Special Events & Other $ 186,438 142,001 186,438 $ 178,647 230,783 Corporate Gift % of Total Campaign 15.1% 15.2% 13.8% 18.8% 18.8% Individual Gift % of Total Campaign 75.3% 76.5% 75.3% 72.1% 70.1% Sponsorships Catalogue Efforts Revenue Comments 2016 Non-Campaign Revenue (Partnership Catalogue Sponsors) $136,914 2015 Non-Campaign Revenue (Partnership Catalogue Sponsors) $180,816 2016 Campaign Comments 1 Incoming campaigns pending: AT&T, BNSF, Bank of America, HCA Medical City Denton & Lewisville, GE, HOLT CAT, Kohl's, State Farm, Target PepsiCo, THR.


SECC Campaign Summary Metrics 2014 Totals 2015 Totals 2016 Totals Comments Total SECC Agencies 18 13 14 2016 SECC Campaigns have ended Total SECC State Employees 7,456 7,295 7,399 across the five north Texas Counties we Total SECC Donors 1,956 1,852 1,779 support for the State of Texas. Total SECC Pledges/Donations 303,244 284,704 246,911 Total SECC Special Event Proceeds $ 30,543 $ 37,272 $ 42,543 TOTAL SECC CAMPAIGN $ 333,787 $ 321,976 $ 289,454 Average Donation per SECC Donor $ 155.03 $ 153.73 $ 138.79

Number of Agency SECC Campaign Detail Metrics 2014 Totals 2015 Totals 2016 Totals Employees in 2015 Comments Cooke County Texas Dept of Family Protective Svcs N/A Texas Dept of Health & Human Svcs $0 15 Texas Dept of Juvenile Justice $6,240 $5,165 $2,704 363 Gainesville State School Texas Dept of Transportation $1,416 $2,102 80 Denton County Texas Alcohol & Beverage Commission $0 $0 8 Texas Dept of Aging & Rehab Svcs $2,208 $1,467 $110 35 Texas Dept of Aging & Disability Svcs $7,982 $7,703 $4,774 1,700 Denton State School Texas Dept of Family Protective Svcs $0 250 3 Counties combined Texas Dept of Public Safety $2,694 $4,331 $1,110 75 Texas Dept of Health & Human Svcs $2,248 $756 $955 60 Texas Dept of Insurance $462 $707 $950 7 Texas Dept of Juvenile Justice $2,319 $1,770 $2,995 45 McFadden Ranch Texas Dept of Transportation $0 $219 95 Texas Div of Workers Compensation $461 $658 8 Texas General Land Office $0 $60 1 Texas Historical Commission $228 $180 1 Texas State Representative Dist 64 $0 2 Texas Veterans Commission $240 1 Texas Woman's University $110,813 $109,525 $92,011 1,043 Texas Workforce Commission $0 25 University of North Texas $191,579 $176,651 $175,252 3,387 Fannin County Texas Parks & Wildlife $240 72 Texas Dept of Health & Human Svcs $0 Combined w/Sherman Texas Dept of Criminal Justice $4,657 $9,088 $7,580 495 Texas Dept of Transportation $0 $1,994 $612 25 Combined w/Denton Grayson County Texas Dept of Family Protective Svcs N/A Texas Dept of Aging & Rehab Svcs $0 10 Combined w/Denton Texas Dept of Health & Human Svcs $0 15 Texas Dept of Transportation $0 Combined w/Fannin Montague County No State Agencies in Montague in SECC


2016-17 Funding Grants Research & Development Status Funding Requested Awarded Purpose Texas HHSC Veterans Grant Awarded $159,272 $159,272 Texas Veteran's Initiative (SB-55) IRS VITA Grant Awarded $22,980 $22,980 for VITA Tax Year 2016 Wells Fargo Awarded $30,000 $30,000 Financial Stability Initiatives Texas Health Presbyterian Awarded $2,500 $2,500 Behavioral Health Leadership Team Denton Benefit League Awarded $9,710 $4,855 Laptop Computer purchases Flow Foundation Declined $4,800 $0 Transportation for MH clients Texas HHSC Veterans Grant II-B Awarded $56,117 $56,117 DCBHLT Veterans Workgroup OJJDP Mentoring Grant (BBBS/CISNT) Submitted $1,225,456 $0 MentorDenton, 3 year program

Total Grant Awards 2016-17 $1,510,835 $275,724

2016-17 Resource Development Events Date Status Leadership Donor's Reception April 25th Chair: JoAnn Ballantine. Planning underway for this inaugural event for 80. 27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament June 19th Chair: Randy Robinson & Carl Anderson. Planning underway. Campaign Kick-off Breakfast July 14th Chair: Janie McLeod. Location: UNT Gateway venue. Taste of Industrial Street September 28th Not started. Lil'd NYE December 31st Not started. United TRIBUTE January 20th Chair: Sheri Dragoo. Monthly meetings; venue move to Convention Center.

Resource Development Comments 1 As final remaining incoming designations and 3rd party processed campaigns are reported for the 2016 campaign, strategic planning for the 2017 campaign is near completion. Monthly 2017 Campaign Cabinet Meetings will begin in March. Ray Croff and JoAnn Ballantine will serve as 2017 Campaign Co-Chairs. Board Development has not identified a 2017 Campaign Chair-Elect at this time. 2 2017 Leaders On Loan program is designed and registration information will be rolled out in March. 3 Campaign Kick-off Breakfast location has been confirmed on July 14th at UNT Gateway Center. 4 Resource Development staff and Program staff have been meeting to determine more effective ways to "sell" our programs and collective impact initiatives.

Improving Lives Capital Campaign Comments 1 The Improving Lives Capital Campaign donations & pledges received as of April 14th total $262,252. 2 100% of UWDC's Executive Committee have submitted their pledges. UWDC board pledges are requested by April 14th so we may submit grant proposals that are being finalized for PACCAR Foundation, Sammons Foundation, King Foundation and Meadows Foundation. Note, before we can submit these grant proposals, UWDC needs to secure 100% board "participation" in the Improving Lives Capital Campaign. 3 Questions about the Improving Lives Capital Campaign can be directed to Leadership Committee Members Ellen Painter (Chair), Bill Patterson (Co-Chair), Dr. Bettye Myers (Honorary Chair), Ernie McCraw or Gary Henderson. 4 Speedway Childrens Charities declined our Letter of Intent. The Sammons Foundation and PACCAR Foundation grant proposals will be submitted in April. Upcoming proposals: King Foundation, Meadows Foundation, Rayzor Foundation Board Packet Page 37 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Marketing Gross Impressions/Social Media Page 6 Media Product Reach Frequency Gross Impressions PRINT Denton Record-Chronicle 15,000 10.0 150,000 Denton Business Chronicle 7,500 0.0 0 Denton Business & Community News 10,000 0.0 0 Denton Lifestyles 100,000 0.0 0 Lake Cities Sun 2,000 0.0 0 PRINT TOTAL 150,000 RADIO RADIO TOTAL 0 TELEVISION DTV 180,000 0.0 0 TELEVISION TOTAL 0 WEBSITES 3,378 2.0 6,790 55,000 2.0 110,000 10,000 0.0 0 Denton Lifestyles 20,000 0.0 0 WEBSITES TOTAL 116,790 SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook - UWDC 1,807 18.0 32,526 Facebook - DRC 35,521 0.0 0 Twitter - UWDC 1,105 12.0 13,260 LinkedIn - UWDC 238 3.0 714


Facebook Metrics Total Likes Posts/Month Viewers/Month Views/Month Clickers/Month March 2017 1,807 18 24,466 44,392 1,415 February 2017 1,781 16 24,466 44,392 1,415 January 2017 1,762 25 27,274 52,603 1,821 December 2016 1,738 37 13,279 27,445 545 November 2016 1,733 22 17,504 35,192 683 October 2016 1,726 27 15,270 37,326 486

Marketing & Outreach Updates Facebook Posts by Strategic Planning Areas - August 2016 1 The 2017 campaign video stroyboard is in draft, taping is underway.

2 New fiscal/program year updates have been completed on the website. Resource Development Resource2 Development 3 Golf Tournament marketing support is underway. Program Development17% 6 4 Design of the 2016-17 Annual Report is underway. Organizational33% Development Program4 Development 5 Marketing support for the Improving Lives capital campaign, including a new history piece, is ongoing. 50% Organizational Development 6 Marketing support for the Campaign Kick-off Breakfast is underway.

Board Packet Page 38 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Community Awareness Page 7 Constant Contact - 6,393 Active Contacts Date # Emails Sent # Email Bounces Opens Clicks Post-TRIBUTE Thank You e-mail 1/23 5,713 6.0% 14.5% 9.3% Lil'd NYE 2nd Promo 12/7 5,711 2.3% 12.5% 6.9% Resource Development Director Search 11/30 5,828 1.6% 7.0% 20.3%

Program Evaluations/After Action Reports Status Comments 2016 Pacesetter Reception In Development 2016 Early Childhood Summit In Development 2016 Day of Action Completed 200 volunteers, 4 project sites. 2016 Campaign Kick-off Luncheon Completed 295 guests. Revenue $14,115. Expense $5,812. Net $7,357. 2016 Golf Tournament Completed 29 teams. Revenue $47,220. Expense $13,274. Net $33,946. 2016 Volunteer Appreciation Completed Thank you to Merki & Associates for event presenting sponsor. 2016 United TRIBUTE Completed Net Revenue of $6,925 is down 13% from last year.

United Way In The Community Staff Assigned Comments Argyle Chamber of Commerce Alex Reed passively participating Aubrey/380 Corridor Chamber Emily Reagan actively participating Champions Rotary Club Gary Henderson, Alex Reed actively participating Denton Benefit League Vicki Smith actively participating Denton Black Chamber of Commerce Kristin Jones (transitioning from Kayla) actively participating - but evaluating longterm involvement Denton Chamber of Commerce Gary Henderson, Emily Reagan (Lead Delegate) Henderson serves on board, Stewart & Foor are Lead Delegates Denton Chamber State and Federal Relations Gary Henderson actively participating Denton County Veterans Coalition Alex Reed passively participating Denton Young Professionals Courtney Cross actively participating Denton Noon Kiwanis Wendy McGee actively participating Denton Noon Rotary Club Vicki Smith actively participating Emergency Food & Shelter Program Leah Jordan actively participating Flower Mound Chamber of Commerce Kristin Jones actively participating Healthy Communities Coalition Alex Reed actively participating Homeless Coalition Courtney Cross actively participating KERA Community Advisor Board Courtney Cross actively participating Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Wendy McGee passively participating League of Women Voters of Denton Courtney Cross actively participating Lewisville Area Chamber Courtney Cross passively participating Little Elm Chamber Kristin Jones passively participating LULAC John Montoya actively participating Denton Quilt Guild Vicki Smith actively participating NASW Texoma Branch Alex Reed, Liz Emerson actively participating Northwest Metroport Chamber RD Team passively participating - but evaluating increasing time here Sanger Chamber of Commerce Courtney Cross, John Montoya passively participating Society for Human Resource Mgmt - NTX Kristin Jones actively participating Texas Health Community Health Council Alex Reed Interns are participating Tri County Hispanic Chamber John Montoya actively participating UNT Executive Leadership Council Gary Henderson actively participating as charter council member Volunter Orgs. Active In Disasters Leah Jordan, Alex Reed actively participating


2017-18 % Qualified 2014-15 % Qualified Staff 2015-16 % Qualified 2016-17 Qualified Staff 2017-18 Unplanned Staff Retained - Goal Unplanned Staff Turnover Retained Staff Retained Retained Turnover 86% Overall (10.5 total staff in 2014-15) 89% 90% 68% 0 100% Full Time Staff (10 staff in 2015-16) 100% 90% 67% 0 100% Part Time Staff (1 staff in 2015-16) 50%/ 100% 100% 0 100% Internship Placements UNT TWU UTA (MSSW level) Other Total for the Term Spring 2017 5 6 3 1 15 Fall 2016 5 3 0 1 9 Summer 2016 5 5 0 5 15 Spring 2016 7 4 0 0 11 Google Analytics for - 3/1/2017 to 3/31/2017, filtered for Russian spam Number of Sessions at this month 3,378 Sessions by Device Home 18.38% DesktopTablet, 55.45% 3.43% VITA 16.47% Channel Mobile 41.12%Desktop, Find Help 6.93% Organic SearchSocial, Email, 62% Tablet 3.43%55.45% Career 5.02% Referral 7% 1% 3% Mobile, 41.12% Summer Youth Jobs 3.43% Direct 27% Staff & Interns 3.39% Social Direct, 7% Visits Engagement 27% Volunteer 2.50% Email 1%Organic < 60 seconds 2,394 Search, About Us 1.85% 62% 1 to 3 min. 404 Community Needs Assessment 1.75% Referral, 3 to 30 min. 526 3% Events Calendar 1.75% > 30 min. 54

Facebook Likes % Gender/Age - 1,807 Likes Ages 18-24 Ages 25-34 Ages 35-44 Ages 45-54 Ages 55+ Total Likes - Female - 73% 8.0% 21.0% 20.0% 12.0% 11.0% Total Likes - Male - 26% 2.0% 8.0% 7.0% 5.0% 5.0%

Board Member Meeting Attendance Percent Present Number Present Key Agenda Items March 2017 60% 29 2017-18 budget, board members, agency grants, campaigns January 2017 69% 33 Capital Campaign, DC Homeless Leadership Team, 2016 Campaign December 2016 58% 28 Capital Campaign, Project Blueprint Graduation, Board Dinner November 2016 54% 26 Bylaws approval, campaign update, capital campaign training October 2016 56% 27 Leaders On Loan graduation, policy recommendations, MAP Board Giving Reported in our Grant Writing 2013 2014 2015 2016 Comments Board of Directors 77% 79% 86% 93% UWDC staff campaign Lifetime Members 59% 60% 71% 42% will be conducted in UWDC Staff 100% 100% 100% 85% July/August. Staff & Board Development 1 Emily Reagan joined UWDC on April 10th as Resource Development Coordinator. Our Resource Development team is now fully staffed. 2 Kayla Stewart will be leaving UWDC within the next 90 days. He husband has completed his doctoral program at UNT and will be joining Clemson staff. 3 All UWDC annual staff performance reviews have been completed by March 31st, including the delivery of the CEO review by the Executive Committee.

Advocacy 1 UWDC completed Denton County Days advocacy for Homelessness, Mental/Behavioral Health, Early Childhood Education & dropout prevention.

Board Packet Page 40 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Board Page 9 Board Member Board Meeting Attendance 2016-17 October November December January March 1 Josh Ashford Present Present Present Present 2 JoAnn Ballantine Present Present Present Present Present 3 Sarah Barber Present Present Present Present 4 Jack Becker 5 Laura Behrens Present Present Present 6 Derrell Bulls Present 7 John Cabrales Present Present Present 8 Jaime Carlin Present Present 9 Ray Croff Present Present Present Present Present 10 Mariella Cudd Present Present Present Present Present 11 Mary Curtis Present Present 12 Sheri Dragoo Present Present Present Present Present 13 Lyle Dresher Present Present Present Present Present 14 Andy Eads Present 15 Chuck Engle Present Present 16 Robin Fox Present Present 17 Patrice Frisby Present Present 18 Sharon Garrett Present Present 19 Richard Godoy Present 20 Debby Grigsby Present 21 Tim Harris Present Present 22 Michael Heines Present 23 Linda Holloway Present Present Present 24 Lee Howell Present Present Present Present Present 25 Jacqueline Jackson Present Present Present Present Present 26 Kit King Present Present Present Present 27 Brandon McCleskey Present Present Present Present 28 Ernie McCraw Present Present Present Present Present 29 Sherri McDade Present Present 30 Glen McKenzie Present Present 31 Janie McLeod Present Present Present Present 32 Mark Merki Present Present Present 33 Bettye Myers Present Present Present Present 34 Ellen Painter Present Present Present Present Present 35 Micah Pazoureck Present Present Present Present 36 Rob Placido Present Present Present 37 Mark Pullam Present Present 38 Andre Rheault Present Present Present Present Present 39 Randy Robinson Present Present 40 Nancie Rodems Present Present Present 41 Teresa Sato Present Present 42 Gregory J Sawko Present Present Present 43 Patricia Sherman Present Present Present 44 Debbie Smatresk Present Present Present Present Present 45 Meleia Waschka Present 46 Jeff Williams Present Present Present 47 Joye Williams Present Present Present 48 Jamie Wilson

Board Packet Page 41 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Community Impact Present Needs Assessment Report Information & Referral Program Apr 2016 to date Month of March 2017 2017 Update - Education & Workforce data Report in development UWDC I&R services provided 509 17 2017 Update - Financial Capabilities data Report in development 211 services provided for Denton County 9,860 re-directing calls to 211 2017 Update - Health/Mental health data Report in development

Project Blueprint 2015 Actuals 2016 Actuals 2017 Actuals Comments Total Participants 26 29 0 Project blueprint committee has opened Total Graduates 25 21 0 registration for 2017 program. 2015 Tax Yr. Actuals - 2016 Tax Yr. Actuals - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) 2014 Tax Yr. Actuals Final December 2016 Comments Total VITA Sites 6 9 9 2016 VITA sites are in their 8th week Total Tax Returns Prepared 861 1,296 1,163 of operation. Total EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) $563,951 $659,473 In process Total Tax Refunds Received $1,375,725 $1,852,355 $1,915,279 Total Cost Savings $176,505 $285,120 $255,860

# of Bank On Workshops # of Workshop Bank On Denton County Conducted Participants Comments Bank On Denton 41 237 Financial coaching referrals are being received from the VITA program. Bank On Sanger 9 9 A small team of volunteers have been trained to serve as financial Bank On Little Elm 22 90 coaches. Bank On workshops will resume after VITA season is Bank On Lewisville 10 183 completed. Totals 82 519

Mentor Denton Mentor Denton Volunteers by Source Mentor Denton Placements by Organization Note: some of our Community 129 Communities In Schools - Mentor 426 volunteers will sign TWU Faculty/Staff 19 Big Brothers /Big Sisters 178 up for more than one TWU Students 118 Cub Scouts 9 placement. UNT Faculty/Staff 22 Girl Scouts 38 UNT Students 245 Denton ISD "Human Library" Pool 174 Total 533 Total 825 2016-17 YTD Actuals- Volunteer Metrics 2013-14 Actuals 2014-15 Actuals 2/28/17 Comments UWDC Board & Lifetime Volunteers 88 85 85 Leaders on Loan Volunteers 7 9 12 UWDC Campaign Volunteers 98 132 139 Internal Campaign Volunteers 300 350 376 Community Impact Volunteers 175 215 245 CI, PB, Needs Assess., DCCMH, Pre-K, etc Direct Service Volunteers 62 421 139 VITA, Info & Referral Day of Action Volunteers 23 139 125 Planned Giving Volunteers 7 7 2 Advocacy/Public Policy Volunteers 2 7 12 Crisis Readiness/Relief Volunteers 0 1 2 UNT, TWU, UTA, SFA, St, Interns 34 59 49 Baptist, Midwestern St. Total Volunteers 796 1,425 1,186 Total Hours 5,892


Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team - March 2017 1 The Veteran Community Navigator Program reached the benchmark of serving 155 unique Veterans or their family members in March 2017. This indicates 75% of the grant metric served in the grant term. The team is on track to see over 300 unique clients by September 2017. 2 Funding allocation made in the amount of $10,000 to Denton Couty Specialty Courts including Family Drug Court, Mental Health Treatment Court, and Drug Court. Public check presentation to be held in May 2017. 3 Denton County Veterans Center soft opening took place in March 2017, made possible by private donations to fund rent and rennovations. Facility will provide co-location of Veteran services in Denton. Grand Opening to take place on April 19th, 2017.

DCBHLT Workgroup Updates Child & Family Services Workgroup My Feelings are a Work of Art contest concluded throughout the county. Children's Mental Health Awareness Event to be held on May 6th from 11AM - 2PM. Continued collaboration with MMHPI Okay to Say media with integration of children. Proclamations for Children's Mental Health Day throughout the county. Consumer Workgroup Consumer workgroup restructured to attend existing meeting of consumers and conduct community conversa- tions. Community Conversation held at Road to Recovery in Lewisville in conjunction with DCMHMR with feedback indicating need surrounding budgeting and financial stability. Strategic planning in progress. Housing Workgroup DCBHLT voted to transition the Housing Workgroup to report to the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team. DCHLT will provide updates on homelessness and housing, as they impact behavioral health, at DCBHLT meetings. Housing Pilot to prioritize Veteran clients - 2 potential clients being screened for eligibility. Jail Diversion Workgroup Law Enforcement Training Video reviewed and completed, ready for dissemination. Workgroup developing Familiar Faces Model to intervene with high utilizers across the probate court, law enforcement and DCMHMR to reduce crisis costs and offer proactive intervention. Identifying pilot individuals. Mental Health Court Workgroup Funding allocated by DCBHLT in the amount of $10,000 for MHTC. Presentation provided by SOAR Juvenile Mental Health Court at workgroup meeting by Judge McCary, Laura Prillwitz and additional team members. Veterans Workgroup Veteran Community Navigator program began accepting referrals 8/22. Over 155 referrals have been received to date. Denton County Veterans Center soft opening in March 2017. Grand Opening to be held on April 19th, 2017.

DCBHLT - Veterans Workgroup - HHSC Texas Veterans + Family Navigator Grant Metrics ANSA Depression: VCN Service Type for Clients Initial Assessment Average 1.451 8/15/2016 - 2/28/2017 30 Day Follow-Up Average 1.08 90 Day Follow-Up Average 1.021 Discharge Average 0.833 Reduction in depression of 0.618

Housing Stability: Initial Assessment Average 1.235 30 Day Follow-Up Average 0.8 90 Day Follow-Up Average 0.511 Discharge Average 0.417 Media and Partnerships Denton County Veterans Center hosted a soft opening in March 2017, a facility to to centralize Veteran services in the Denton community. The Veteran population has been prioritized for the Denton Supportive Housing Pilot - 2 clients being evaluated for eligibility and placement. Denton County Veterans Center Grand Opening will be held on April 19th at 1PM, with Congressman Burgess providing opening remarks. Denton County Veteran Coalition hosted community-wide meeting on March 16th. Board Packet Page 43 Veteran Community Navigator program presented to Denton County Commissioners Court on Tuesday, March 7th. BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Collective Impact Page 12

Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team - March 2017 1 The DCHLT approved its 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. Strategic goals include increasing access to housing for residents of Denton County and continuous improvement of homelessness data management in Denton County. 2 UWDC has received a grant from Goodwill Industries to host a job fair for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This will take place Wednesday, June 14th at St. Andrew Presbyterian church. More details to follow. 3 Coordinated Entry implementation is up and running and moving quickly. UWDC has now gained access to the Denton County HMIS system, and has been working closely with the Texas Homeless Network to analyze local data and learn how the system operates. DCHLT Workgroup Updates The Housing Workgroup is determing next steps per the recently approved DCHLT strategic plan. The group will work to establish a housing inventory, and assess the capacity of local housing case managers Housing Workgroup to adopt implement housing stablization techniques as a proven method of helping clients to get and stay housed. Backbone support has identified the first two clients vias HMIS, and both have been approved by the pilot review team. The first Denton Supportive Housing Pilot client will move into a Denton Affordable Housing unit the week of April 17th, 2017. Consumer workgroup restructured to attend existing meeting of consumers and conduct community conversa- Consumer Workgroup tions. Met with leadership of Consumer Workgroup to discuss next steps. Removed name of workgroup to reflect community feedback. "UWDC Community Conversations" being scheduled throughout community. The Data Workgroup made the following recommendations, which were all approved by DCHLT appointees: an established Denton County Coordinated Entry process overview, with phases of implementation; identified Front Door and Receiving Data Workgroup Agencies and the responsibilities thereof, and the execution of MOUs with all Front Door and Receiving Agencies outlining their commitment to the process and each other as Denton County homeless and housing service providers. Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team Appointees Appointee Name Title Organization Bobbie J. Mitchell Commissioner Denton County Precinct # 3 Chris Watts Mayor City of Denton Keely Briggs Councilwoman City of Denton TJ Gilmore Councilman City of Lewisville Chasz Parker, Mdiv Community Member CCA Thomas Muir Mayor City of Sanger Valerie Foster Homeless Liaison Sanger ISD Stephen Coffey Board Member Serve Denton Cynthia Harris Board Member Giving Hope, Inc. Alice Mankoff Board Member Denton County Friends of the Family Roy Metzler Board Member Monsignor King Outreach Center Sandra Robinson Board Member Salvation Army - Denton OPEN Board Member Denton Affordable Housing Corporation Barton Duffy Administrative Director Denton Regional Medical Center Terry Widmer Board Member Denton Community Health Clinic Indigent Health Care Isabel Rodriguez Denton County Health Department Program Coordinator Outpatient & Chronic Kathy Srokosz, MS, RN Texas Health Presbyterian Care Services Director Herman Oosterwijk Board Member Health Services of North Texas Director of Flower Mound Jessica DeRoche, Med. NCC, LPC North Central Texas College Campus Monica Glenn Board Member Denton Chamber of Commerce Sherri McDade Board Member United Way of Denton County Inc. Chief Lee Howell Board Member United Way of Denton County Inc.


Needs Focus (Children, Financials, Minutes, UWDC Grant % of Veterans, Families, 990/ Audit Current as In Compliance with Partner Agency Initiatives Funding 2016 Grant Award Agency Overall Budget Homeless, Mentally Ill) of 4/1/16 UWDC & MOA Arc of Denton County (Jan - Dec) $ 4,100 16% Other (IDD) Yes Yes Big Brothers & Big Sisters Lone Star(Jan - Dec) $ 40,000 9% Children Yes Yes Boy Scouts - Longhorn Council(Jan - Dec) $ 16,256 1% Children Yes Yes CASA of Denton County (Jan - Dec) $ 35,000 4% Children Yes Yes Childrens Advocacy Center (Jan - Dec) $ 30,000 2% Children, Families Yes Yes Communities In Schools of North TX (Sept - Aug) $ 110,000 2% Children Yes Yes Denton Christian Preschool (Jan - Dec) $ 46,000 15% Children Yes Yes Denton City County Day School (Jan - Dec) $ 40,000 7% Children Yes Yes Denton County Friends of the Family (Jan - Dec) $ 35,000 2% Families Yes Yes Fred Moore Children Day Nursery (Jan - Dec) $ 110,000 9% Children Yes Yes Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas(Oct- Sept) $ 16,000 5% Children Yes Yes Giving HOPE, Inc (Jan - Dec) $ 100,000 13% Families, Homeless Yes Yes Health Services of North Texas (Jan - Dec) $ 50,000 1% Children, Families Yes Yes Interfaith (Jan - Dec) $ 107,000 18% Families Yes Yes Pilot Point Goodfellows (Jan - Dec) $ 15,000 78% Families Yes Yes RSVP (Jan - Dec) $ 15,000 4% Other (Volunteers) Yes Yes Salvation Army (Oct - Sept) $ 40,000 4% Homeless Yes Yes SPAN (Oct - Sept) $ 51,000 2% Families, Veterans Yes Yes Special Abilities for North Texas (Jan - Dec) $ 54,000 9% Other (IDD) Yes Yes SW Diabetic - Camp Sweeny (Jan - Dec) $ 24,000 1% Children Yes Yes Total Partner Agency Initiatives $ 938,356 Partner Agency Oversight Comments Christian Community Action grant $10,000 All 20 partner agencies submitted 2017-18 grant EduPediPlace grant $10,000 applications on schedule. Income Health Community Investment Comments 1 Leadership of the Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team have asked UWDC (as backbone support) to schedule a meeting with the executive committee of Giving HOPE Inc. There are concerns about the organization and its ability to successfully participate in the Coordinated Entry process we are implementing as required by HUD and the Texas Homeless Network. Lyle Dresher and Laura Behren's will be included in the meet that was requested by Mayor Chris Watts.


2015-16 Actuals - as of 2016-17 Actuals - as of 2016-17 Actuals - YTD as of Financial Overview 2015-16 Year End Actuals February 29,2016 2016-17 Approved Budget February 28,2017 Frebruary 28, 2017 Revenue & Support 2015 Campaign Pledges $ 1,981,439.00 $ 1,790,467.00 $ 2,062,761.00 $ - $ 25,632.00 2016 Campaign Pledges $ 5,448.00 $ - $ - $ 82,742.00 $ 1,432,493.00 SECC Camp.Exp.Reimb $ 38,034.00 $ 38,034.00 $ 38,034.00 $ 38,095.00 $ 38,095.00 Revenue-Golf Tournament $ 46,144.00 $ 45,544.00 $ 46,144.00 $ 49,920.00 Golf Tournament Expense $ (11,668.00) $ (11,668.00) $ (11,668.00) $ - $ (13,406.00) Crawfish Boil Event Income $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,850.00 Crawfish Boil Expense $ - $ - $ - $ (9,176.00) $ (9,176.00) Kick-Off/United Tribute/Lil'd NYE Receipts $ 52,287.00 $ 52,287.00 $ 53,214.00 $ (2,308.00) $ 114,273.00 Kick-Off/United Tribute/Lil'd NYE Expense $ (43,017.00) $ (43,017.00) $ (42,730.00) $ (13,671.00) $ (74,844.00) Miscellaneous Income $ 163,011.00 $ 85,252.00 $ 106,874.00 $ 30,473.00 $ 146,012.00 Misc Income-HHSC grant $ - $ 116,799.00 $ - $ 17,520.00 Project Blueprint $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 3,450.00 Financial Stability Grant $ 13,650.00 $ 13,650.00 $ 13,650.00 $ - $ 22,980.00 DBL Grant & Flow Grant $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 4,855.00 Pass Through Fees $ 5,144.00 $ 4,730.00 $ 8,928.00 $ 3,583.00 In-Kind Donations $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 10,000.00 $ - $ 3,069.00 Capital Campaign Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ 51,050.00 $ 217,880.00 Interest Income $ 2,920.00 $ 2,725.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 318.00 $ 3,060.00 Total Revenue & Support $ 2,279,592.00 $ 2,004,203.00 $ 2,426,506.00 $ 177,522.00 $ 1,998,246.00 Expenses Allocations/Priority Funding & Reserve $ 1,004,457.00 $ 1,001,757.00 $ 942,100.00 $ - $ 970,100.00 Salaries $ 527,360.00 $ 472,086.00 $ 637,633.00 $ 65,562.00 $ 579,116.00 Employee Benefits $ 82,754.00 $ 76,242.00 $ 105,433.00 $ 9,908.00 $ 93,552.00 Payroll Taxes $ 39,497.00 $ 35,373.00 $ 48,779.00 $ 4,876.00 $ 43,712.00 Professional Fees $ 20,700.00 $ 20,700.00 $ 20,800.00 $ 12,200.00 $ 125,500.00 Supplies $ 60,951.00 $ 55,977.00 $ 48,731.00 $ 4,976.00 $ 53,393.00 Telephone $ 7,240.00 $ 6,694.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 569.00 $ 5,913.00 Postage & Shipping $ 8,892.00 $ 7,915.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 66.00 $ 7,548.00 Occupancy Expense $ 89,569.00 $ 81,702.00 $ 88,500.00 $ 7,222.00 $ 83,315.00 Land/Building $ 25,000.00 Asset/Equipment acquisition $ - $ - $ 39,000.00 $ - $ - Equipment Rental/Maintenance $ 24,697.00 $ 21,742.00 $ 72,000.00 $ 8,468.00 $ 58,158.00 Printing/Publishing $ 43,869.00 $ 37,240.00 $ 38,000.00 $ 3,959.00 $ 40,289.00 Printing-In Kind $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 10,000.00 $ - $ 3,069.00 Travel/Transportation $ 12,018.00 $ 10,529.00 $ 17,660.00 $ 1,328.00 $ 12,811.00 Conferences & Meetings $ 6,938.00 $ 3,988.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,013.00 $ 15,915.00 Special Events $ 1,052.00 $ 1,052.00 $ 3,800.00 $ - $ 1,363.00 Membership Dues $ 6,064.00 $ 5,454.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 178.00 $ 7,059.00 UW Worldwide Dues $ 19,902.00 $ 19,902.00 $ 23,982.00 $ 5,199.00 $ 21,773.00 UW of Texas Dues $ 4,534.00 $ 4,534.00 $ 5,873.00 $ - $ 4,789.00 Insurance $ 4,704.00 $ 4,340.00 $ 4,750.00 $ 385.00 $ 4,896.00 Misc-Bank, Credit Proc Fees $ 6,575.00 $ 6,343.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 1,217.00 $ 8,183.00 Grant Return $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Awards $ 2,194.00 $ 2,194.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 2,793.00 Community Impact Projects $ - $ - $ 85,000.00 $ 27,000.00 CI-HHSC emergency assistance to veterans $ - $ - $ 6,667.00 Depreciation $ - Reserve for Future Consideration $ - $ - $ 20,000.00 $ - $ - Shrinkage $ 104,656.00 $ 104,656.00 $ 144,698.00 $ 11,968.00 $ 134,184.00 Total Expenses $ 2,082,822.00 $ 1,984,619.00 $ 2,426,506.00 $ 139,092.00 $ 2,304,428.00 +/(-) in Net Assets $ 196,772.00 $ 19,584.00 $ - $ 38,431.00 $ (306,185.00) BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017

Board Packet Page 46 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Pledge Fulfillment - by Campaign Year Page 15 Pledge Fulfillment Overview - 2002-2016 Campaign Year Pledged Received Adjusted Balance % Received 2002 Campaign $ 1,860,191.40 $ 1,724,590.77 $ 80,708.00 $ 54,892.63 96.9% 2003 Campaign $ 1,828,790.31 $ 1,669,051.88 $ 83,946.06 $ 75,792.37 95.7% 2004 Campaign $ 1,924,744.05 $ 1,768,023.77 $ 71,242.76 $ 85,477.52 95.4% 2005 Campaign $ 1,972,193.18 $ 1,805,577.19 $ 88,888.70 $ 77,727.29 95.9% 2006 Campaign $ 2,073,369.07 $ 1,890,479.84 $ 106,115.57 $ 76,773.66 96.1% 2007 Campaign $ 2,291,267.53 $ 2,084,518.99 $ 110,784.43 $ 95,964.11 95.6% 2008 Campaign $ 2,462,043.74 $ 2,130,211.11 $ 125,356.65 $ 206,475.98 91.2% 2009 Campaign $ 2,382,306.48 $ 1,946,198.32 $ 175,646.77 $ 260,461.39 88.2% 2010 Campaign $ 1,978,779.75 $ 1,721,944.45 $ 163,038.74 $ 93,796.56 94.8% 2011 Campaign $ 1,830,978.51 $ 1,616,572.30 $ 124,410.33 $ 89,995.88 94.7% 2012 Campaign $ 2,066,391.90 $ 1,809,415.92 $ 183,778.17 $ 73,197.81 96.1% 2013 Campaign $ 2,247,365.88 $ 1,966,282.14 $ 197,631.70 $ 83,452.04 95.9% 2014 Campaign $ 2,607,879.26 $ 2,266,371.50 $ 184,142.49 $ 157,365.27 93.5% 2015 Campaign $ 2,676,997.42 $ 2,288,829.92 $ 144,693.23 $ 243,474.27 90.4% 2016 Campaign $ 2,036,734.57 $ 1,110,253.90 $ 107,916.84 $ 818,563.83 57.6%

120% Pledge Fulfillment Overview

95.9% 96.1% 95.6% 94.8% 94.7% 96.1% 95.9% 93.5% 100% 91.2% 88.2% 90.4% 80% 57.6% 60%


20% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 0% Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign

Total Net Assets by Year (source: Independent Audit Reports) $2,000,000 UWDC Reserves - at Fiscal Year End Unrestricted Net Assets - Audited Financials $600,000.00 $483,939 Unrestricted Net Assets by Year (source: Audit Reports) FY 04-05 $ 401,823.35 $466,011 (Except 2014-15) $500,000.00 $1,500,000 FY 2006-07 $ 1,117,837 $401,823 FY 05-06 $ 301,641.48 $1,170,324 $400,000.00 $369,212 $301,641 $1,117,837FY 2007-08 $ 1,170,324 $1,066,838 $281,978FY 06-07 $ 281,978 $999,080 $300,000.00 $1,078,093 $235,796 $1,000,000 FY 2008-09 $ 999,080 FY 07-08 $ 235,796 $796,507 $200,000.00 $161,401 FY 2009-10 $607,066 $ 607,066 FY 08-09 $ 161,401 $100,000.00 -$114,986 FY 2010-11 $ $459,596 352,345 FY 09-10 $3,013$ 3,013 $500,000 $352,345 $- FY 2011-12 $ 459,596 FY 10-11 $ (114,986) $(789) $(100,000.00) -$218,435 FY 2012-13 $ 796,507 FY 11-12 $ (218,435) $- $(200,000.00) FY 04- FY 05- FY 06- FY 07- FY 08- FY 09- FY 10- FY 11- FY 12- FY 13- FY 14- FY 15- FYFY 2006- 2013-14FY 2007- FY 2008- FY 2009- FY 2010-$ FY 2011- FY 2012- 1,078,093 FY 2013- FY 2014- FY 12-13 $ (789.00) $(300,000.00) 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FY07 2014-1508 09 10 11 $ 12 13 1,066,838 14 15 FY 13-14 $ 369,212.00

Board Packet Page 47 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Campaign will be 10/25 (Dallas) and 10/26 AccessBank Texas Micah Pazoureck $947 $7,714 $7,471 $6,017 (Denton) In-kind sponsorship, they do not run a AlphaGraphics Micah Pazoureck $1,425 $0 $0 workplace campaign American Harley Davidson Glen McKenzie $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 Sponsorship for the golf tournament former partner agency; runs workplace Ann's HavenHospice/VNA Michael Heines $304 $757 $858 $859 campaign Anytime Logistics, Inc. Michael Heines $1,000 $1,300 $1,200 $1,200 Corporate gift from Nate Altes 2016 campaign complete. Runs very successful workplace campaign and special Atmos Energy Josh Ashford $1,224 $17,145 $20,661 $8,591 event Bates & Martin Architects, LLC $100

Runs open designation workplace campaign; BBVA Compass Bank Mark Pullam $3,121 $2,067 $2,631 $4,531 UW not able to present any longer

Greg Coward's partner at BCI is a friend/neighbor of Mark Merki at Merki & Associates.

Greg Coward expressed interest in re- evaluating a possible workplace campaign BCI Mechanical, Inc. $200 after attending United TRIBUTE 2017. 2016 campaign complete. Need to pick up results. Located in Highland Village, they Belk Michael Heines $3,094 $3,445 $2,769 $0 wanted UWDC not Dallas Best Western Premier Crown Chase Inn $2,500 Lil'd Sponsorship They have campaign materials. Partner Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas Glen McKenzie $255 $577 $0 Agency; runs workplace campaign Campaign Complete. Still processing 2016 campaign; we were waiting on employee pay Bill Utter Ford Micah Pazoureck, Dr. Bulls $15,835 $17,253 $21,454 $17,515 period information

Libby attends United Tribute and helps with Bravo CC LLC Micah Pazoureck $1,000 $300 $300 $0 LOL program. Money in is from sponsorship. BWS Fire Systems $100 Cano Electric, Inc. $0 Carousel Academy, Inc. $0

Board Packet Page 48 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes

Runs workplace campaign; 2016 campaign Car Toys $4,071 $4,118 $3,060 $0 will be in spring. No results yet. GCL They have materials. Partner Agency; runs CASA of Denton County Brandon McCleskey $395 $273 $1,590 $397 workplace campaign

Childrens Advocacy Center For Denton Co. Linda Holloway $40 $240 $593 $0 Partner Agency; runs workplace campaign

Lauren Barker (KDB) is campaign coordinator City of Denton $43,111 $53,432 $47,844 $47,357 for 2016; Campaign results are down Runs rollover campaign; have not presented to staff, the city manager handles employee City of Highland Village Nancie Rodems $2,159 $3,745 $3,691 $0 presentation Campaign kicked off with picnic on 10/6. City of Lewisville Lyle Dresher $31,116 $28,232 $29,321 $25,485 Campaign runs thru october. City of Pilot Point $234 This is two employees donations, runs rollover campaign. Have never presented to City of Sanger Lyle Dresher $1,155 $1,485 $1,375 $1,375 all employees Classic Chrysler Jeep Dodge Mazda $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Golf Tournament Title Sponsor Communities in Schools of North Texas Dr. Jamie Wilson $157 $365 $158 $438 Pacesetter; still waiting for results. Crouch Realty $350 Cummins Foundation, The $50

Pacesetter; campaign was up from last year DATCU Credit Union Dr. Bulls $59,884 $57,735 $59,928 $55,917 with the help of several great special events. DCMR, Inc. $600 $0 $150 Golf Tournament team of 4 Deberry Funeral Directors $1,000 Denton Black Chamber of Commerce Robin Fox $105 $0 $0 UT event tickets runs a rollover campaign. We have not Denton Central Appraisal District Josh Ashford $428 $456 $756 $624 presented to employees lately. Runs a workplace campaign and employees Denton Chamber of Commerce Ray Croff $75 $1,825 $750 $1,150 involved on committees

Denton Christian Preschool Ray Croff $122 $479 $49 $676 Partner Agency; runs workplace campaign Denton City County Day School $65 Juvenile probation ran a Pacesetter; rest of Denton County Ray Croff $10,549 $17,039 $11,991 $19,655 county kicked off on Sept 20th

Board Packet Page 49 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Partner Agency; runs workplace campaign. They used to run a highly successful Denton County Friends of the Family Robin Fox $1,213 $77 $0 $2,119 campaign. Denton County MHMR $72 Denton County Republican Club $250 Runs a workplace campaign; had several years of not running one, but back in the fold now. 2016 campaign scheduled for 9/29. Denton Housing Authority Ray Croff $1,105 $1,809 $0 $0 waiting on results. Working with Renee Koontz and Buddy Dunworth. Campus coordinator training scheduled for 10/13, location TBD. All Denton ISD Josh Ashford $99,022 $113,218 $113,524 $114,542 materials are put together. Adkins Elementary School Mike Vance $2,675 $2,440 $2,950 $0 Ann Windle School Mike Vance $926 $1,682 $1,287 $1,390 Annex (DISD) Mike Vance $1,128 $1,320 $1,408 Athletic Department (DISD) Mike Vance $25 $25 $30 $175 Bell Elementary School $2,010 Bettye Myers Middle School Mike Vance $5,502 $4,869 $5,677 $4,131 Blanton Elementary Mike Vance $135 $245 $100 $360 Borman Elementary Mike Vance $1,230 $2,056 $1,147 $1,125 Braswell High School Mike Vance $1,476 $75 $0 $0 Calhoun Middle School Mike Vance $2,782 $2,100 $2,001 $1,151 Central Services Mike Vance $5,713 $6,254 $6,511 $7,220 Cross Oaks Elementary Mike Vance $1,788 $2,259 $1,802 $2,491 Crownover Middle School Mike Vance $2,510 $5,005 $4,275 $3,815 Davis School (Touchstone) Mike Vance $1,525 $1,255 $1,153 $1,090 Mike Vance $4,595 $4,135 $3,239 $3,359 E.P. Rayzor (Lantana) Mike Vance $2,335 $2,495 $2,030 $2,570 Evers Elementary Mike Vance $3,900 $4,534 $4,343 $5,167 Fred Moore High School Mike Vance $530 $855 $756 $960 Ginnings Elementary Mike Vance $1,047 $1,678 $3,385 $2,507 Gonzalez Elementary Mike Vance $2,057 $1,859 $925 $1,394 Guyer High School Mike Vance $7,030 $9,908 $6,145 $7,381 Harpool Middle School Mike Vance $4,320 $6,424 $6,781 $7,685 Hawk Elementary Mike Vance $1,575 $1,310 $2,360 $1,745 Hodge Elementary Mike Vance $1,448 $1,570 $2,406 $1,531 Houston Elementary Mike Vance $1,266 $1,192 $1,475 $1,062 LaGrone Technology Complex Mike Vance $1,296 $1,780 $1,535 $905 Lee Elementary Mike Vance $1,510 $1,520 $2,140 $3,575 Board Packet Page 50 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Maintenance & Operations $939 McMath Middle School Mike Vance $2,535 $2,471 $3,550 $4,857 McNair Elementary Mike Vance $2,090 $2,401 $2,256 $3,360 Navo Middle School Mike Vance $3,211 $2,880 $3,175 $4,120 Nelson Elementary Mike Vance $765 $821 $735 $1,450 Newton Rayzor Elementary Mike Vance $3,355 $4,825 $5,277 $4,570 Paloma Creek Elementary Mike Vance $2,240 $2,436 $2,071 $1,786 Pecan Creek Elementary Mike Vance $2,231 $1,738 $2,227 $3,259 Professional Development Center Mike Vance $1,450 $2,325 $1,430 $2,130 Providence Elementary Mike Vance $1,102 $1,565 $1,249 $1,842 Rodriguez Elementary School $250 Ryan High School Mike Vance $2,986 $1,306 $4,307 $2,371 Savannah Elementary Mike Vance $580 $780 $1,190 $1,340 Sparks Campus Mike Vance $502 $528 $558 $635 Special Education Services Mike Vance $720 $570 $680 $364 Stephens Elementary Mike Vance $2,638 $3,030 $3,247 $3,069 Strickland Middle School Mike Vance $70 $10,027 $6,743 $6,207 Tomas Rivera Elementary Mike Vance $6,642 $1,350 $1,554 $1,094 Transportation Department Mike Vance $0 $0 $0 Virginia Gallian Child Development Center Mike Vance $0 $0 $110 W.S. Ryan Elementary Mike Vance $1,420 $2,421 $2,638 $3,729 Woodrow Wilson Elementary Mike Vance $2,090 $2,165 $3,420 $2,862 Denton Publishing/Belo Mark Pullam $8,456 $9,810 $10,948 $9,760 2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Denton Triangle Lions Club $200 Global Campaign Partner-we do not speak Dillard's Ray Croff $1,139 $1,077 $999 $2,364 with employees Double Eagle Electric $1,250

Signed up to be a Pacesetter, but with lot's of turnover not sure where it stands. They did Eagle & Wheeler Ray Croff $1,000 $1,508 $2,820 $5,116 drop off a Corporate gift of $1000.

2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Runs great workplace campaign, provides LOL, sells First State Bank Micah Pazoureck; Brandon McCleskey $33,485 $33,344 $31,541 $28,748 lots of Dine United cards

2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Employee giving down this year. Kick-off was First United Bank Josh Ashford $11,747 $18,938 $15,176 $11,142 good and they had several special events. Flowers Baking Company $200 Board Packet Page 51 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Partner agency that runs excellent workplace Fred Moore Day Nursery School Brandon McCleskey $1,212 $2,947 $2,724 $1,977 campaign Frenchy's Lawn and Tree Service $2,500 $2,500 Frisco Brothers Millwork $2,500 $2,250 $2,350 $1,273 receive corporate gift, they used to run a Georgia Pacific(Classic Corrugated) Ray Croff $5,000 $2,500 $2,500 workplace campaign

Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas Ray Croff $50 $245 $120 Partner agency that runs workplace campaign

Giving HOPE, Inc. Robin Fox $440 $200 $95 Partner agency that runs workplace campaign Gohlke Custom Pools Pat Sherman $650 $1,250 $0 $300 Sponsor several events Guaranty Bank & Trust $2,231

Rob helps facilitate a workplace campaign, Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn & Seay Brandon McCleskey $1,880 $3,450 $4,500 $3,450 usually runs in December/January. Harvest House Brandon McCleskey $620 $0 $0 Money from Best Hand Event 2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Still Health Services of North Texas Glen McKenzie $1,438 $3,095 $1,957 $3,608 haven't reported numbers. Hicks Lightning Protection Ray Croff $2,000 $2,000 $3,500 $250 Sponsor several events Honda of Denton Ray Croff $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 Golf Tournament Title Sponsor Huffines Kia Subaru Denton Ray Croff $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Golf Tournament Title Sponsor Integrity D&P, LLC $2,500

Interfaith Ministries of Denton Linda Holloway $610 $390 $450 Partner agency that runs workplace campaign Recently committed to $2500 for Lil'l D and $2500 for Tribute. Golf Tournament Title James Wood Autopark Dr. Jamie Wilson $5,325 $5,550 $5,000 $7,534 Sponsor John E. Baines, P.C. Laura Behrens $695 $1,800 $1,200 $505 Not as engaged as before; small office Not able to speak with employees any more; Jostens Inc. Pat Sherman $1,000 $1,000 $4,432 the $1,000 is from 1 employee Kirk Securities Corporation Ray Croff $350 $250 $0 $750 Golf Tournament hole sponsor We have 5 Kroger's in our service area and they run a corporate campaign. It is done electronic, but we currently are not asked to Kroger Headquarters Ray Croff $38,872 $33,710 $16,914 $38,874 speak at employee rallies First time campaign; was able to speak at an Krum ISD Ray Croff $35 $305 $0 $0 all staff meeting Working with Melaynee on their October/November campaign. They have Lake Dallas I.S.D. Jodi Ramon $22,821 $24,501 $14,362 $10,239 campaign materials. Board Packet Page 52 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Working with Dr. Brockman on LISD Campaign. Will be a designated campaign, with 7 options. They are also introducing reoccuring payroll. Campus Coordinator Lewisville ISD Doug Killough/ Josh Ashford $36,954 $67,874 $77,116 $100 training is October 12th. Administration-LISD $2,232 $7,431 $11,351 $100 Arbor Creek Middle School-LISD $320 $660 $1,275 $0 Athletics LISD $0 $110 $0 B.B. Owen Elementary School-LISD $426 $385 $400 $0 Bluebonnet Elementary School-LISD $25 $245 $315 $0 Briarhill Middle School-LISD $1,260 $2,055 $2,522 $0 Bridlewood Elementary School-LISD $282 $500 $665 $0 Camey Elementary School-LISD $225 $540 $0 Campus Support Services-LISD $30 $0 $0 Career Center East-LISD $183 $443 $255 $0 Castle Hills Elementary School-LISD $55 $338 $470 $0 Central Elementary School-LISD $840 $1,445 $1,409 $0 College Street Elementary School-LISD $160 $370 $557 $0 Coyote Ridge Elementary School-LISD $75 $255 $183 $0 Creek Valley Middle School-LISD $1,360 $3,231 $1,780 $0 Creekside Elementary School-LISD $190 $90 $435 $0 Dale Jackson Career Center-LISD $105 $285 $385 $0 Degan Elementary School-LISD $722 $1,385 $1,360 $0 DeLay Middle School-LISD $475 $1,255 $605 $0 Donald Elementary School-LISD $169 $990 $883 $0 Downing Middle School-LISD $956 $400 $355 $0 Durham Middle School $720 $0 $1,150 $0 Ethridge Elementary School-LISD $336 $720 $505 $0 Finance LISD $0 $105 $0 Flower Mound Elementary School-LISD $560 $410 $448 $0 Flower Mound 9th Grade $1,320 Flower Mound High School-LISD Jaime Carlin $1,010 $2,380 $1,625 $0 Forest Vista Elementary School-LISD $185 $400 $612 $0 Forestwood Middle School-LISD $750 $615 $400 $0 Garden Ridge Elementary School-LISD $130 $360 $430 $0 Griffin Middle School-LISD $410 $935 $3,562 $0 Hebron 9th Grade Center-LISD $1,031 $1,923 $1,172 $0 Hebron High School-LISD $1,247 $1,735 $1,745 $0 Hebron Valley Elementary School-LISD $390 $605 $542 $0 Hedrick Elementary School-LISD $126 $120 $738 $0 Board Packet Page 53 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Hedrick Middle School-LISD $510 $1,510 $1,100 $0 Heritage Elementary School-LISD $120 $295 $715 $0 Highland Village Elementary School-LISD $570 $1,265 $1,405 $0 Homestead Elementary School-LISD $938 $1,170 $1,417 $0 Huffines Middle School-LISD $160 $140 $245 $0 Human Resources-LISD $235 $0 $0 Independence Elementary School-LISD $552 $1,389 $547 $0 Indian Creek Elementary School-LISD $460 $422 $0 Killian Middle School-LISD $60 $70 $703 $0 Lakeland Elementary School-LISD $590 $1,840 $1,335 $0 Lakeview Middle School $148 Lamar Middle School-LISD $740 $0 $240 $0 Lewisville Elementary School-LISD $255 $1,085 $1,150 $0 Lewisville High School $1,842 $1,065 $1,005 $0 Lewisville High School-Harmon Campus $660 $1,110 $2,659 $0 Lewisville High School-Killough Campus $1,031 $330 $1,266 $0 Lewisville Learning Center-LISD $532 $410 $267 $0 Liberty Elementary School-LISD $215 $1,216 $763 $0 Lillie Jackson Early Childhood Center-LISD $130 $681 $585 $0 Marcus High School-LISD 9th grade campus $700 $80 $409 $0 Marcus High School- LISD $945 $2,070 $2,700 $0 McAuliffe Elementary School $110 McKamy Middle School-LISD $481 $1,140 $1,235 $0 Morningside Elementary School-LISD $205 $695 $1,031 $0 New Construction LISD $0 $20 $0 Old Settlers Elementary School-LISD Jaime Carlin $140 $735 $866 $0 Operations--Bolin LISD $1,235 $895 $0 Parkway Elementary School-LISD $480 $210 $110 $0 Peters Colony Elementary School-LISD $414 $895 $755 $0 Polser Elementary School-LISD $150 $475 $847 $0 Prairie Trail Elementary School-LISD $266 $593 $709 $0 Professional Learning -LISD $345 $1,455 $0 Purnell Support Center $586 $0 $1,342 $0 Rockbrook Elementary School-LISD $1,065 $2,095 $1,660 $0 Shadow Ridge Middle School-LISD Jaime Carlin $90 $615 $790 $0 Southridge Elementary School $643 $880 $805 $0 Special Services Administration Building $520 Stewart's Creek Elementary School-LISD $376 $405 $700 $0 Technology LISD $0 $415 $0 The Colony High School-LISD $491 $3,205 $1,870 $0 Board Packet Page 54 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes Thompson Elementary School LISD $0 $0 $0 Timber Creek Elementary School-LISD $390 $1,127 $709 $0 Tom Hicks Elementary School-LISD $463 $1,015 $845 $0 Valley Ridge Elementary School-LISD $70 $992 $560 $0 Vickery Elementary School-LISD $410 $1,010 $615 $0 Wellington Elementary School-LISD $856 $1,565 $1,060 $0 Lewisville Morning Rotary $446 Working with Kenneth Williamson to Links Construction Brandon McCleskey $4,675 $5,217 $1,512 $4,614 reconcile Crawfish Boil. We do not speak to employees, but they have our forms available at the beginning of the Little Elm ISD Dr. Jaime Wilson $2,071 $2,369 $3,225 school year 2016 amount from proceeds of a golf Llano Logistics $4,513 $7,917 tournament that is held in Lubbock. Lone Star Ag Credit Ray Croff $250 $850 $600 $600 Golf Tournament Sponsor Special Event Sponsor. Micah on our Board Low Voltage Solutions, Inc. Ray Croff $2,825 $300 $0 $0 and very active in committees. Mac Haik Nissan (formerly Orr Nissan) Ray Croff $2,500 $1,500 $1,700 Golf Tournament Title Sponsor Martino Group, LLC $300

We are able to speak at workplace campaign, but more recent are competing with internal Medical Center of Lewisville Sharon Garrett $6,837 $3,520 $8,118 $11,123 employee HCA cares fund 2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Still Medical City Denton (Formerly Denton Regional MedicDr. Bulls; Sharon Garrett $6,837 $32,785 $42,076 $43,545 haven't reported numbers. Great partner with events and dine for UW Mellow Mushroom Micah Pazoureck; Brandon McCleskey $223 $441 $0 $0 day

2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Was able to increase giving over last year. Also has sponsored events/activities in the Merki & Associates, P.C. Brandon McCleskey $9,303 $6,459 $6,774 $7,120 amounty of $4,000.

Need to find a new contact at the company. Ran 2016 campaign independently through parent company, C.H. Guenther & Sons of San Morrison Milling Company Pat Sherman $28,416 $33,841 $37,288 $28,709 Antonio. NAMI of Denton County $500 NextEra GEXA Energy Ray Croff $4 $2 $4 $4 No relationship, just money we receive

Board Packet Page 55 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes They have materials. Dr. Del Rio is their North Central Texas College - Corinth $1,120 $3,822 $3,360 $5,100 employee coordinator.

Working with Kendra to get 2016 materials to NORTHSTAR BANK OF TEXAS Ray Croff $5,332 $44,382 $57,351 $54,583 Northstar employee in Texas and . 2017 Campaign already ran in Jan-Feb 2017 with e-Pledge. Did not go well. Monitor Northwest ISD Kristin Jones $26,807 $27,998 $26,492 $25,467 relationship. LINKS Construction holding company. Possibly their employee payroll deductions. Orison Holdings LLC Ray Croff $475 $750 $750 $0 Will check with their CFO. Pat Dacus Insurance Ray Croff $550 $600 $500 $500 Individual Gift from Pat

2016 in progress. Officially kick-off on October 17th, but we have trained canvassers Motors Ray Croff $431,010 $487,659 $416,546 $377,416 and have several upcoming events.

2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. Was PointBank Ernie McCraw $14,174 $13,350 $13,236 $12,009 able to increase giving over last year. Ponder I.S.D. $517 Ramey King Insurance Ray Croff $1,000 $1,770 $950 $450 Sponsorship Rising Sun Cafe $950 Safran Electrical & Power Micah Pazoureck; Pat Sherman; Brandon McClesk $51,640 $52,246 $48,000 $21,892 2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete.

Working with the Sally team on implementing an Epledge campaign that will serve ALL Sally employees at the store manager level and above. Approx 3500 employees. We will allow designations to their home UW. Sally Beauty Company Nancie Rodems $46,523 $68,836 $50,925 $76,293 Campaign is November. Salvation Army Denton Corps $10 Sawko & Burroughs, P.C. Ray Croff $3,750 $4,445 $4,496 $2,991 2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete.

Southern Stretch Forming & Fabrication Mark Pullam $1,090 $280 $280 $270 Receive payroll deduction from an employee. Southwestern Diabetic Foundation Ray Croff $257 $147 $0 $0 They have campaign materials. Will run SPAN (Special Programs For Aging Needs) Nancie Rodems $781 $1,054 $1,178 $3,306 campaign this fall.

GCL Company that will run campaign in the State Farm Insurance Ray Croff $20 $13,343 $24,244 $19,692 fall. We usually go to the Post Oak facility. Board Packet Page 56 BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD CEO REPORT March 31, 2017 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE - Relationship Manager Assignments & Progress UWDC Board Member Assigned as Relationship 2016 Campaign Organization Manager 2016 to Date 2015 Final 2014 Final 2013 Final Notes 2016 Campaign Complete. Still waiting on Target Distribution Center Mark Merki $747 $16,219 $17,401 $21,449 results. Have not been able to run a workplace campaign in several years. They are looking at sponsorship for 2017 and putting out materials for employees to give if they Tetra Pak, Inc. Mark Merki/Teresa Sato $500 $0 $2,000 choose. Campaign runs in the fall. Designated Campaign and we haven't been able to speak in a couple of years at the kickoff since there TexasHealth Presbyterian Hospital Denton Ellen Painter $953 $31,455 $22,936 $20,479 are 8 eligible charities. The Crouch Group Ray Croff $38 $113 $150 Payroll from one employee Run a payroll deduction and do the Hotter Title Resources Mark Merki $2,860 $5,824 $6,985 $5,050 Than Hell cook off Town of Argyle Lyle Dresher $214 $442 $408 Run a Fall Campaign. I work with Lynda Town of Flower Mound Lyle Dresher $860 $1,128 $3,818 $3,428 Bolitho. Ran an employee campaign when Mike Slye was the Town Manager. Lyle Dresher had the Town of Trophy Club Mark Pullman $125 $395 $2,905 $0 connection to him. Toyota of Denton Ray Croff $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 $0 Golf Tournament Title Sponsor Turtle Creek Financial Ray Croff $250 $1,120 $750 $1,000 Ray

2016 Pacesetter Campaign Complete. They lost several large contributors in the past UMB Bank Ray Croff $7,343 $12,509 $11,010 $11,435 year. Also helped us launch Epledge system. United Parcel Service $64,719 $62,445 $55,667 $50,730 United Way of Denton County $7,814 $6,455 $5,831 $3,380 University of North Texas (UNT) $7,500 Tribute Presenting Sponsor UNT Athletics Brandon McCleskey $600 $600 $600 Did not sponsor Golf 2016 Sponsors several events and programtic UNT PACS Brandon McCleskey $950 $0 $0 collateral

Board Packet Page 57 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes Employee results 2/12/17 & campaign results 4/30/17 via Frontstream/Truist 3M Company-NCL $35 $17 $152 $10 porta

Abbott Labs-NCL $341 $3,981 $2,572 $4,163 4/29/2017 results will post UWWOnine AbbVie, Inc. $0 $0 $15 Aetna Inc.-NCL $60 $0 $0 Agilent Technologies--NCL $40 $172 $200 Alcatel-Lucent-NCL $1,634 $946 $1,118 Alcoa $12 $122 $221 $28 Alcon Laboratories $2,906 All In Learning $0 $0 $0 Alliance Data via UW Dallas $420 $1,530 $1,399 Allstate Corporation $720 America First Insurance Company $0 $0 $0 America's Charities $0 $5,564 $3,160 American Airlines (UWTarr) $796 $1,005 $322 $167 -NCL $0 $0 $92 Ameriprise Financial $899 $400 $117 $0 Ameritrade National via UW Midlands $3,787 $10,254 $9,966 $1,322 Andersen Corporation $150 $46 $300 $0 Anderson, Spector & Co. $100 - - - Anheuser-Busch Companies $240 $240 $0 Aramark $0 $0 $0 AT&T $1,300 Automobile Club (UW Orange Co) $555 $609 $567 $623 Aviall, Inc. via UW Dallas $0 $0 $2,373 Bank of America - NCL $1,074 Bank of Las Colinas $0 $0 $0 Barbara Russell, Realtors Inc. $300 $0 $0 Baxter Employee Giving $25 $0 $0

Baylor Health Care System via UW Dallas $1,204 $6,846 $9,054 $4,189 Bell Helicopter(UWTarrant) $177 $195 $13,796 $7,481 Ben E. Keith $600 Board Packet Page 58 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes Brazos Valley SECC $0 $0 $21 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company-NCL $54 $615 $813 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Fd. $2,050 $110,118 $79,912 $60,492 Cafe Du Luxe $0 $0 $0 Cardinal Health (Global Impact) $4

Caterpillar via Heart of Illinois UW-NCL $460 $482 $0 $200 Causecast Foundation $52 $358 $646 $0 Celanese Corporation via UW Dallas $0 $0 $0 Ceridian Corporation--NCL $526 $340 $16 $171 CFC and SECC-DFW via Community Health Charities of Texas $7,558 $3,076 $2,508 CHA, Inc. $0 $0 $0 Chickasaw Enterprises $23 $178 $166 $111 Cigna $180 $399 $294 $378 Cima Solutions Group, LTD $1,900 $0 $500 Citigroup Inc. $136 $3,443 $6,534 $108 City of Grapevine via UW Tarrant $695 $42 $650

Clampitt Paper Co. Dallas via UW Dallas $0 $0 $0 Click & Give (via EWay) $3,439 $190 $0 $47 Collective Brands via Truist $0 $0 $0 Colonial Savings via UW Tarrant $1,007 $0 $0 Comerica via UW Dallas $1,109 $1,634 $1,838

Commercial Metals Corp. via UW Dallas $0 $0 $0 CommScope via UW Dallas $120 $0 $0 $600 Communities Foundation of Texas $4,508 $868 $6,323 $121 Community Health Charities of Texas (DFW) $2,814 Community Health Systems via United Way of Williamson County $0 $0 $100 ConAgra Foods Inc. via UWMidlands $19 $35 $126 $860 ConocoPhillips $1,200 $0 $75 Contran Corporation via UW Dallas $120 $270 $0 Board Packet Page 59 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes Convergys Corporation $0 $0 $0

Cooper Creek United Methodist Church $0 $35 $0 Coors Brewing Company c/o Mile High United Way $0 $111 $40 Costco--NCL via United eWay $580 $590 $0 $0 D&S Engineering Labs PLLC $0 $0 $500 Dallas Area Rapid Transit via UWMetro Dallas $0 $0 $0 Deloitte and Touche-NCL $1,025 $2,891 $5,657 $3,922 Delta Airlines Inc. $0 $102 $34 Denton Area Christian Women $0 $79 $0 Denton County Republican Club $250 Denton Main Street $0 $100 $0 Devon Energy $666 $11,105 $11,440 $12,733 DFW Airport via UW Tarrant $6,634 $6,273 $7,921 DonateWell $538 $50 $0 $0

Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. via UW Dallas $1,139 $1,322 $550 $0 Ebby Halliday via UW Dallas $0 $4 $0 Ecolab $1,879 $118 $250 EDS $50 $0 $0

Eli Lilly--NCL via UW of Central Indiana $0 $0 $360

Energy Future Holding Corp. via UW Dallas $4,271 $2,434 $20,471 $12,166

Epsilon Data Management via UW Dallas $50 $30 $20 Experis Finance via UW Dallas $0 $100 $0

ExxonMobil--NCL via America's Charities $5,165 $4,767 $2,480 $5,413

Family Resource Center of North Texas $0 $0 $0 Farnsworth Group via United Way of McLean County $967 $0 $0 Board Packet Page 60 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes Federal Reserve Bank $0 $0 $0 FedEx--NCL $380 $379 $606 $0 Fluor Corporation-NCL $2,089 $3,349 $2,006 $2,891 Foothills United Way $64 $0 $0 Freese and Nichols, Inc. $228 $916 $0 Galderma Laboratories via UW Tarrant $0 $0 $676

Gelinger's Fund Schwab Charitable Fund $500 General Electric-NCL $1,453 $23,862 $4,740 $250 General Mills $240 $331 $0 General Motors LLC--NCL $282 $522 $60 $140 Glazer's via UW Dallas $240 $0 $0 GOLF TOURNAMENT PROCEEDS $3,834 $1,567 $4,208 Greater Twin Cities United Way $1,453 $1,834 $60 $26

Ditech Walter (frm. Green Tree) via Truist $182 $0 $0 $0 Gregory & Conner, PC $0 $0 $0 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation $0 $198 $205 Hanover Insurance $244 $129 $0 Harland Clark via UW San Antonio $68 Hartford Financial Services via UW Northeastern Conn. $15 $0 $0 $0 Haynes and Boone, LLP $0 $0 $0 Health Care Service Corporation $1,288 $435 $1,102 $2,359

Health TX Provider Network via UW Dallas $0 $52 $26 Heart of Illinois United Way $137 Hershey Foods--NCL $15 $15 $166 $1,010 Hewlett-Packard--NCL $333 $50 $348 $560 HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE/UW TRISTATE $0 $0 $0

Holman via United Way of Camden County $71 $0 $789 $0 Homeyer Engineering Inc. $0 $0 $250 Honeywell Hometown Solutions $0 $0 $0 Board Packet Page 61 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes

Horace Mann Companies via UW Central Ill $0 $174 $96 Hospira $313 $170 $277 HP Company Foundation $72 $432 $60 HP Travelers via UW of Central & Northeastern Connecticut $10 $34 $12 $0 HSBC North America-NCL $0 $1,800 $3,496

HUB International Midwest via UW Dallas $156 $0 $0 Hunt Consolidated, Inc. $0 $0 $0 IBM-NCL $13,129 $14,273 $16,323 $21,382 Ikon Office Solutions $0 $0 $0 Illinois Tool Works via UWChicago $5,456 $1,543 $1,931 $628 Inmar $1,147 $0 $0 Johnson & Johnson-NCL $3,850 $521 $963

Johnson Controls via UW of Milwaukee $10,494 $7,000 $6,480 $0 JP Morgan Chase $7,136 Kaplan University via UW of Broward $19 $0 $0 Keefe Commissary Network LLC $0 $0 $0 Kellogg's $356 $250 $0 $0 Kemper Ins/Lumbermens $525 $0 $0 Knight Security Systems, LLC $50 $0 $0 L3 Communication, Link Simulation via UW Tarrant $0 $93 $0 L3 Mission integration $70 $72 $200 La Quinta Inns & Suites via UW Dallas $1,000 $2,522 $488 Lenovo via Your Cause $1,080 $360 $1,440 $0 Lewisville Morning Rotary Club $446 Lexmark c/o United Way of Bluegrass $0 $384 $0 Liberty Mutual $1,398 $1,835 $3,027 $3,216 Lockheed Employees' Contribution $938 $2,862 $10,337 $3,180 Lowe's #183 -- NCL $201 Lubbock Area United Way $1,972 $1,237 $0 Manpower International Inc $0 $177 $0 Board Packet Page 62 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes

ManpowerGroup via UW of Milwaukee $280 $490 $0 Market Street $33 $11 $0 Marriott-NCL $0 $0 $0 Medco Construction via UW Dallas $180 $130 $0 Medco Employee Giving Campaign $0 $0 $0 Medical Center of Plano HCA Caring for the Community $142 $50 $426 $236 MedPartners Management, LLC $0 $0 $171 Merck Partnership For Giving $425 $591 $360 $600 MERRILL LYNCH & Co., Inc. $0 $0 $0 Metroplex Concrete Construction $0 $0 $300 Microsoft Giving Campaign The JK Group Inc. $1,530 $2,010 $275 Miller Beer of Denton via UWTarrant $0 $0 $0 Misc Donations-MFG $3,041 $1,293 $4,581 Misc. Wal-Mart/Sam's Club $0 $2,795 $4,327 Mobile Giving Foundation $50 $58 $80 Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc. $5 $0 $45 NAMI Denton County $500

Nat'l Assoc. of Latino Comm. Asset Builders $345 National Assoc. of Letter Carriers $0 $0 $0 National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 1367 $0 $150 $0 National Bank of Texas via UW Tarrant $0 $0 $390 National via UW Rochester $391 $1,321 $0 $0

NationsRent via UW of Broward County $0 $0 $0 Nationstar Mortgage via UW Dallas $0 $13,912 $0 Nationwide United Way Campaign $2,966 $5,006 $3,780 $4,133 Neiman Marcus $112 $392 $0 $18 $92 $0 $0 $0 Designation from employee Network for Good $2,162 $2,153 $1,526 $1,614 Board Packet Page 63 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes

North Dallas Bank & Trust via UW Dallas $0 $0 $0 North Highland Co. $1,300 Novartis $1,490 $560 $0 O'Reilly Auto Parts $1,354 $1,350 $936 Occidental Chemical Corp. $0 $0 $0 OneAmerica via UW Central Indiana $0 $0 $0 Orange County Container Group LLC $300 $200 $0 OXEA Corporation via UW Dallas $600 $1,280 $600 Paychex via UW of Greater Rochester $468 $163 $0 $127 PepsiCo via Your Cause $3,745 $16,396 $25,462 $22,757 Pfizer Inc.-NCL $177 $0 $178 Philips Health Care via UW Dallas $0 $0 $25 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. via UW Dallas $6,140 $0 $0 Porter Investments $0 $0 $1,000 Pratt & Whitney $0 $0 $0 Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP $0 $0 $102 Principal Financial--NCL $520 $308 $497 $50 Progress Rail via Heart of Illinois UW $0 $0 $100 Prosperity Bank Sanger & Gainesville $0 $0 $0 Radisson Hotel & Conference Ctr $0 $0 $0

Randolph Brooks FCU via UW San Antonio $1,466 $556 $0 Raytheon--NCL $3,598 $5,650 $8,257 $7,960 Real Page Inc., via UW Dallas $8,963 $4,792 $18,223 Reid Heating & Air Conditioning $0 $0 $250 Republic Title $0 $0 $0 Richard E. Cooper Engineering,Inc. $0 $0 $250 Ricoh via UW Dallas $0 $323 $0 Roche Diagnositcs $0 $0 $9

Rockwell Automations via UW Milwaukee $900 $650 $0 Russell Newman, Inc. $0 $0 $0 Sabre Holdings $3,944 $6,307 $10,337 $0 Board Packet Page 64 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes Sack 'n' Save $985 Sandelin Insurance Agency $0 $0 $0 Sears Roebuck and Company $0 $0 $0

Securus Technologies Inc. via UW Dallas $12,662 $9,826 $0 Siemens Medical Solutions $0 $0 $490 Sirius Computer Solutions via UW of San Antonio $0 $1,586 $574 Southwestern Medical Center $0 $210 $135 Sprint $48 $45 $0 Sprint Nextel via UW Tarrant $0 $2 $0 Staley Steel Inc $0 $500 $1,000 Star Telegram via UW Tarrant $0 $0 $0 Stryker Instruments via UWBCKR $0 $0 $0 SunTrust United Way Campaign via easymatch $24 $10,000 $0 $0 Super Save Foods via UW Central Oklahoma $408

SWBC via UW San Antonio & Bexar County $1,186 $0 $260 SWS Group, Inc via UW Dallas $0 $1,666 $0 Synchrony Financial $10 Target - NCL $2,000 TDIndustries via UW Dallas Dr. Jamie Wilson $513 $61 $312 $884 Team Epic, LLC $0 $0 $1,000 Texas Board of Chiropractic Exa 508 $0 $0 $4 Texas Tech Health Sciences Center $1,023 $1,578 $290 $6 The Clorox Company-NCL $0 $197 $98 The Gelinger's Fund Schwab Charitable Fund $500 $1,000 $0 $0 THHBP Management Company, LLC $0 $630 $0

TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign $240 $380 $0 TJ Maxx (UW of Tri-County-processor) Denton Store $537 $0 $0 $681 Board Packet Page 65 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes

Transamerica Life Insurance via UW Dallas $4,240 $3,100 $1,120 Travelers Employee Giving Campaign c/o CyberGrants Inc. $1,123 $741 $165 Trinity Industries, Inc. via UW Dallas $840 $1,078 $0 $0 Turner Industries Group, L.L.C. $161 $13 $0 $0 TX Commission Environmental 582 $0 $0 $32 TX Higher Ed Board 781 $0 $0 $10 Union Pacific Foundation $0 $0 $445 United Copper Industries $1,000 $500 $0 United Way for Greater Austin $0 $90 $48 United Way Fox Cities, Inc. $0 $0 $43 United Way of Acadiana $178 United Way of Albuquerque $75 $216 $173 $23 United Way of Allen County, Inc. $0 $0 $100 United Way of Amarillo $0 $0 $0

United Way of Battle Creek and Kalamazoo $1,607 $3,606 $2,721 $281 United Way of Bergen County $52 $48 $0

United Way of Central & Northeastern Con $14 $0 $0 United Way of Central Alabama $88 $0 $0 United Way of Central Carolinas, Inc. $0 $0 $0 United Way of Central Illinois $37 $134 $61 United Way of Central Indiana $293 $556 $2,302 $718 United Way of Central Maryland $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 United Way of Central $5,356 $6,263 $1,512 United Way of Central Ohio $0 $0 $39 United Way of Central Virginia $0 $0 $0 United Way of Champaign County $0 $0 $0 United Way of Chester County $0 $0 $0 United Way of Dane County $45 United Way of Denver $0 $140 $0 United Way of Forsyth County $382 $764 $0 $0 United Way of Galveston $13 $0 $0 $0 Board Packet Page 66 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes United Way of Grayson County $0 $15 $15

United Way of Greater Attleboro/Taunton $502 $0 $0 United Way of Greater Atlanta $347 United Way of Greater Cincinnati $540 $3,992 $2,552 $2,131 United Way of Greater Cleveland $25 $40 $114 $339 United Way of Greater Houston $160 $35 $21 United Way of Greater Kansas City aka JE Dunn Construction $397 $732 $6,464 $0 United Way of Greater Los Angeles $437 $754 $142 $0 United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey $192 $770 $599 $3,176

United Way of Greater Plymouth County $89 $443 $1,271 United Way of Greater Portland $406 $0 $1,762 United Way of Greater St. Louis $51 $0 $0 United Way of King County $0 $0 $126 United Way of Lake County $76 $60 $44

United Way of Lincoln & Lancaster County $141 United Way of Lubbock $0 $0 $0 United Way of Metro Atlanta $957 $474 $2,229 $2,372 United Way of Metro Chicago processing BMO Financial Group $1,240 $0 $0 United Way of Metro Tarrant County $1,533 $89 $21 United Way of Metroplitan Nashville $827 $504 $109 $132 United Way of Metropolitan Dallas $0 $0 $0 United Way of Miami-Dade $0 $0 $0 United Way of the Mid-South $369 United Way of Milford $0 $0 $0 United Way of Milwaukee $2,821 $9,036 $923 $122 United Way of Monroe County $0 $0 $0

United Way of N. Central Massachusetts $45 $0 $360 United Way of National Capital Area $0 $0 $0 Board Packet Page 67 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes United Way of New York City $0 $0 $482 United Way of Northeast Florida $0 $0 $9 United Way of Northern New Jersey $0 $20 $331 United Way of Northwest $0 $73 $0 United Way of Piedmont, Inc. $84 $251 $177

United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County $5,508 $2,497 $786 $4,405 United Way of Sarasota County, Inc. $0 $0 $0 United Way of Snohomish County $0 $0 $0 United Way of Southeastern Michigan $32 $99 $202 $440

United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania $0 $0 $0 United Way of St. Johns County $0 $10 $30 United Way of St. Joseph County $0 $200 $0 United Way of the Bluegrass $127 $0 $0 United Way of the Brazos Valley $3 $41 $0 $0

United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley $25 $180 $0 United Way of The Greater Triangle $36 $102 $40 $0 United Way of the Ozarks $0 $50 $0 United Way of Tri-County $0 $76 $0 United Way of Tyler $0 $0 $181 United Way of Williamson County $0 $57 $8 United Way Silicon Valley $10 $0 $172 United Way South Hampton Roads $90 $0 $0 United Way of Story County $60 United Way Suncoast $0 $352 $29 United We Dance Fundraiser $0 $0 $0 UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign $710 $700 $7,437 $2,268

University of Texas SW Medical Center $0 $560 $480 UNT Health Science Center $0 $135 $65 UPS Red River Region via UW Dallas $70,018 $5,060 $12,499 $0 Board Packet Page 68 Workplace Campaigns Outside of Denton County - Incoming Designations UWDC Board Member Assigned as 2016 Campaign Organization Relationship Manager 2016 2015 2014 2013 Notes

USAA via UW San Antonio & Bexar County $2,032 $0 $4,348 US Bank $5,277 Valero Energy Corporation--NCL $1,796 $142 $0 Valley of the Sun United Way $265 $0 $1,064 $1,120 Verizon - NCL $350 Vertex $0 $0 $217 VHA, INC $448 $0 $1,315 Wachovia Denton (United EWay dist) $0 $0 $225 Washington Federal Savings $0 $256 $0 Wayne's Carpet $0 $0 $200

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Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes

ONGOING PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes 3//28/17 emailed Jim. ( Ray)6/28 met with Jim. Scheduled to hand out info to employees. Jodi is scheduling 3/1/17-Kristin sent an email to Jim to Acme Brick Ray Croff Jim Ogg 3/1/2017 follow for 2017 Campaign ACTIVE USA LLC Jo Ann Juan? They are a provider to Peterbilt. Air Ride Transport Heines/Croff Sent top 20 list to Michael on 2/10/17 Airport Jo Ann Rick Wollfolk

Alagood, Cartwright & Burke Ryan Webster/Croff 6/27/2016 Ryan having lunch with Sam Burke week of 6/27/16 ALDI DISTRIBUTION CENTER no history

last support recorded in 2009,2007 &2006 WP special events | Charlie Anderson - CEO | Kenneth Zimmer - GM Denton | Jeff King - COO | Sania Janiga-VP ANDERSON MERCHANDISERS NOT in Denton now Marketing | Keisha Green -VP of HR Appraisal District Jo Ann Charles Stafford ATC Leasing Heines/Croff AUTUMN LEAVES OF DENTON not in Andar B & B Rig Builders Heines/Croff Baker Distributing Co Rhonda Waag - Marketing Barnards Trasnfer Heines/Croff UWDC did not select this firm for our facilities project Bates Architects Michael Bates in 2016.

Board Packet Page 70 Prospective Workplace Campaigns/Resource Development Partners in

Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes Greg expressed to Gary after Tribute that he wante to get involved. Brandon has a meeting with him on BCI Brandon M Greg Coward 3/8/2017 3/10 to discuss. sponsorship dollars last 2 years, payroll donations yrs BEN E. KEITH BEERS Ask Sawko prior Jo Ann asked Bill Sr for a sponsorship; sent a $1000 Bill Deberry Jo Ann check just as a donation for 2016-17. BIOLIFE PLASMA SERVICES (BAXTER HE Jo Ann GCL subsidary - no history BUSINESS AIR Jo Ann Not in Andar C & G Electric Heines/Croff Bradley Carroll Greg Sawko - Sponsorship in 2008 Emailed 2/22/17- Don Guess said - Not interested | corporate gifts historically - last received in 2007 | Dan Kress is the Owner - Wendy knows Laura Kress CBS Mechanical Ray Croff Don Guess 2/22/2017 and will reach out. CENTURY 21 - Judge Fite Company last employee payroll received 2011 They are a supplier of Peterbilt- Emailed Teresa Ceva Logistics Teresa Sato 2/23/2017 2/23/17 City Electric Supply Denton City of Aubrey Cabrales Mark McCombs John sent him an email on 9/6 2/13/17 - met with the new City Manager - he needs info on UWDC footprint in Corinth and f/u again late City of Corinth Croff/Ramon Rick Chaffin 2/13/2017 April City of Roanoke John Cabrales

9/14 Reluctant thinks going to admin costs. 19 ee's, Comet Cleaners Teresa Sato 2/23/2017 Teresa prpose some dates- E Teresa 2/23/17 COMPASS STEEL, INC Not in Andar

Board Packet Page 71 Prospective Workplace Campaigns/Resource Development Partners in

Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes Ashley Farris with Custom Ink Spoke to her 3/9/17 469-209-4483 cell Referred by Josh Ashford Follow up- Ray Croff

They have 6 locations 1700 employees Locally 130 in Flower Mound and 130 in Irving Custom Ink Ray Croff Josh Asford 3/13/2017 As far as a campaign- she needs to get with Lori Mayfield. She is in Reno. She will have Lori call me. Been with the company from the beginning, 17 years ago Right now they support Make a wish foundation locally.

They are interested in a Project where they can send a bunch of people and get something done. She is very interested in helping UW with an event. She sees the value of a campaign.

Daybreak Venture, LLC Micah 8/19/2016 Micah is on talks with them 8/19/16 | Not in Andar DCB Solutions Heines/Croff DENTON COUNTY Commissioner's Court Not in Andar DENTON REHABILITATION & NURSING CENTER no history DENTON STATE SUPPORTED LIVING CENTER no history They are a supplier of Peterbilt- Emailed Teresa Elite Manufacturing Co Teresa Sato 2/23/2017 2/23/17 | Not in Andar Explor USA RV Supercenter Heines/Croff Farmers Brothers Distribution Mike Keown - CEO

Board Packet Page 72 Prospective Workplace Campaigns/Resource Development Partners in

Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes Mark Merki gave Leah a couple of contacts ( a few years ago they said it wasnt thier "thing") | Not in Fastenal Andar First Quality Floors Heines/Croff Dan Fisher CEO- [email protected] | Josh Hale GM - [email protected] | Tom McElveney COO - Fisher59 [email protected] Made the ask. Proposal submitted to Flowers Board of Directors in September. Pat Sherman arranged for UWDC to participate in their employee health fair on Flowers Baking Company Brucia/Jo Ann 10/12/2016 Keith Wheeler 10/12/16 Jo Ann wrote the proposal; sent it to manager; he Michelle Domes passed away just after that. No follow-up as yet. GENERAL TELEMARKETING INTERNATIONAL Not in Andar Jo Ann discovered all of their giving is through their online submission to their Foundation. Kristin will submit a request for support through their online Georgia Pacific Jo Ann 3/28/2017 system. Not in Andar GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY DENTON VILLAGE nv hstrry GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY LAKE FOREST VILLAGE

Not in Andar; Jo Ann reached out. They are assisting GREENPOINT AEROSPACE, INC. Jo Ann Serve Denton spring 2017. They are part of Safran. Joye Williams suggested them but does not know them personally emailed [email protected] GTI Ray Croff Stacy Beavers 7/7/2016 7/7/16 Harden Sawmill and Lumber Jo Ann Jeff Harden New to 2017; were in Denton; moved to Sanger

Sean Harper - Owner | Suzanne Harper - Director of Sales - [email protected] | called to inquire but the gentleman I spoke with said they were in the middle of a planning Harper Distribution Group 3/9/2017 meeting, cb tomorrow

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Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes

Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant Ryan Webster/Croff Richard said that his group do things individually

no history | Bradley Morgan, Vice President of Operations | Debbie Corlee RN, Manager of Business Developmenty 3/3 sent inq to UW board. E. Painter HEART HOSPITAL BAYLOR DENTON, THE Debbie Corleewas contact fo Go Red for sponsorship HEAVEN AT HOME CARE Not in Andar

Jom Bob Carpernter - COO | Carl Allen - CEO | Randy Holmes- Dir of Marketing | April McIntyre - Employee Heritage Bags (Acquired by Novolex in Jo Ann Relations Mgr. 3/3 sent inq to UW board Lyle Dresher is in Rotary with Mr. Glenn Hulcher. Hulcher Services Lyle/Gary Glen Hulcher Founder of Hulcher Services. Insco Distributing Inc. INTEGRATED ALLIANCE, LP Not in Andar Integrity Transitional Hospital TBD/Ramon Ben Patton INTERGRATED PRODUCTION SERVICES Not in Andar JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. Bill Cheek Not in Andar JOSTENS, INC. Inactive in 2016 Campaign KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY THE MCKISSACK GROUP Not in Andar Kelsey, Kelsey & Hickey Ryan Webster/Croff Kelsoe Oil Co. John Kelsoe UWDC did not select this firm for our facilities project Kirkpatrick Architects Jo Ann Terry Noble in 2016. Lantana Golf Club Stephen Phillips - GM Latham Stairs Heines/Croff LITTLE GUY MOVERS Not in Andar

Need to find who has a good relationship- 8/22 sent email out to board. 3/3 sent inq to UW board | no support since 2012 | Kristin submitted request for MayDay Manufacturing McCleskey/Ramon Dan Caine 3/8/2017 meeting to Tom Shaw - VP of Marketiing & Sales

Board Packet Page 74 Prospective Workplace Campaigns/Resource Development Partners in

Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes

MAYHILL HOSPITAL no support since 2010. 3/3 sent inq to UW board Not active since 2011 - WP ran via UWTarrant - Wendy knows the brothers that own the location here in MILLER OF DENTON Denton Minor and Jester Ryan Webster/Croff Jill Jester Agreed to campaign. Need to schedule. 8/21 expr int in addt info. 9/14 Asked him about Nothing Bundt Cakes Teresa Sato 2/23/2017 meeting. email teresa 2/23/17 Not in Andar; See Greenpoint Technologies; They are ODYSSEY AEROSPACE COMPONENTS one and the same. Now high-efficiency separation equipment, industrial silencers, heat-exchangers and environmental systems for manufacture and supply a wide-range of compact, high-efficiency separation equipment, industrial silencers, heat-design, manufacture and supply a wide- range of compact, high-efficiency amed: Peerles chrysler jeep dodge company Gives to Golf Sponsorsip PEERLESS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Praxair Distribution Inc.

Premier Academy Ryan Webster/Croff 8/22/2016 8/22 emailed Ryan about athe status of all of his Garland Wilson 940-365-0800 qualityexcav- Quality Excavation Heines/Croff Ellen Painter [email protected] info given by Ellen Painter Teresa is setting up a meeting with the CEO- Warren Quality Industries Croff/Sato Warren Hayslip CEO 9/15/2016 Hayslip 9/15 sent follow up email Red Development Jodi REGENCY MAINTENANCE SERVICE Not in Andar REHABTRUST HOME HEALTH Not in Andar Retractablw Technologies Heines/Croff She suggested that we become more visable in the Sanger ISD Croff/Sato Valerie Foster community

SCHLUMBERGER TECHNOLOGY CORP. Frenchy 2/28/2017 Awaiting response - Kristin followed up on 2/28 Select Rehabilitation Sharon Garrett

Board Packet Page 75 Prospective Workplace Campaigns/Resource Development Partners in

Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes SELWYN SCHOOL last suppoted in 2011 SENIOR CARE HEALTH & REHABILITATION CENTER Not in Andar Senior Living SNL Distribution Heines/Croff John Durbin - GM Michael connected; got corporate gift of $1,000 and Southern Stretch Michael Pullam David Arthur one employee gift.

Springer Lyle Ryan Webster/Croff 6/27/2016 Ryan having lunch with Jeff Springer week of 6/27/16 Stafford & Johnson Heines/Croff Charles Stafford Greg Sawko, Pat Sherman, Jackie Jackson Staley Steel Heines/Croff STARLITE SIGN, L.P. Not in Andar TARGET FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTER Last campaign was 2011; 8/22/16 Teresa Sato said her and Mark will contact them 1/20/17 - Kristin dropped materials brochures for them to share with employees. The charity committee is interested only in the possibility of sponsorships, not workplace campaign as of now. Kristin touched base with Julie about sponsorship from committee - they said not at this time but that they did email and distribute the Tetra Pak Materials LP Sato/Merki 3/1/2017 materials Kristin dropped off. Texas Back Institute Sharon Garrett Not in Andar - Denton Area Office - Construction & TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Maintenance TITUS TRANSPORTATION Not in Andar

Ran a campaign with us 3 years ago, but we were told Town of Little Elm Laura Behrens by Laura Avis they were not interested in 2014 TRCA Last campaign in 2008 TRINITY INDUSTRIES Jo Ann Not in Andar UBH Gary New CEO Complete. Agreed to be a Pacesetter. UMB Ray Croff Julie Willis [email protected] 940-320-5203

Board Packet Page 76 Prospective Workplace Campaigns/Resource Development Partners in

Relationship Company/Organization Manager Main Contact Last Outreach Notes United Copper Jo Ann Paula George Pat Sherman- [email protected] - Frenchy Wendy Montgomery 940/243-8200, ext. 231 940/243-8200, ext. 231. | Last corporate gift in 2015 $1K | Jeff Hykin - President & COO


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