READING A GIFT for Jewish Children and their families. GUIDE

THE MOUNTAIN AND THE MIRROR Written by Ruchama King Feuerman Illustrated by Polona Kosec & Marcela Calderón Newlyweds Yosef and Estrella have spent their entire lives as very simple mountain folk. But now they’ve moved to the big city, where they encounter many new -- and confusing -- things. Will their brand new marriage survive this comedy of errors?

Jewish ConCepts using this book at home Shalom bayit, which means “peace in the home,” is one of Peace in the home – Have a family discussion about ’s core values. Traditionally, the concepts of home relationships with parents, siblings, or any other relatives and family have been considered sacred. While time in the who may live with you. What can everyone do to bring more is important and valuable, the vast majority of peace to those relationships? Encourage ideas such as Jewish life is lived in the home; this is where most traditions speaking more nicely to those around you, having more and practices are carried out in the course of day-to-day patience with siblings, cooperating with parents or living. In a prayer traditionally recited after the lighting of grandparents, and making artwork or other homemade gifts candles that mark the beginning of (the Jewish for family members. There is no end to the ways in which we Sabbath; the weekly day of rest), a line reads: “Allow us to can bring more peace to our homes! have peaceful homes, that Your [God’s] shechinah [presence] may dwell among us.” The amount of peace found in a home Exploring folktales – After you enjoy The Mountain Jews is determined largely by the way family members treat each and the Mirror, try out more Jewish folktales. You can find other. If a home is filled with bitterness, harsh words, or them by doing an internet search or by visiting your local jealousy, there is no room left for shalom bayit; however, if library. A good place to start would be with stories about family members act with love, respect, and thoughtfulness Chelm, the mythical town of fools. Chelmites themselves toward one another, their home can be a holy place. into all kinds of crazy situations which will make you laugh. Remember to look beyond the silliness to find the messages Folktales have always been an important part of Jewish life these great stories have to teach! and culture. Some folktales are set in real places, while others take place in fictional locations. The characters in Write your own folktale – As a family, brainstorm ideas many folktales are often exaggerated in humorous ways and for an original folktale. Decide where the story will be set, experience extraordinary events, all for the purpose of who the characters will be, what events will take place, and delivering a lesson to the reader. In these unbelievable what lessons you want the reader to learn. Once you have situations, truths are revealed that help us see ourselves and some ideas, write the story together, illustrate with others more clearly. The Mountain Jews and the Mirror is just drawings, and be sure to share the story with others! such a tale!