- \

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�- � � l Date arrived date departed Purp:>se I Freetown 5 June 6 June Official visit witH Mrs. Perez de CUellar. Weds. 5 une: ar i ed by private plane frcm Al::uja, Ni ria. t at airp:>rt by Vice- depart by helicopter for guest President lial � c;;;Qerif and.FM �1 /** house. Kar .i.m Korcma. 1 �Hdga �g8gpfiORSffi9iOR&r of SG by Vice es. Cherif (with Mrs. Perez de CUellar) , fo �owed by dinner by Mr. Onder Yucer (UNDP -Res. Coordinator) in honour of SG and Mrs. Pere-z de CUellar, and attended by reps. of UN System and Specialized - • 6 Formal welco,ing ceranony at State House, Agencies Thurs. June : * *� with Pres • folloY.ed by rreeting with: Jos� � f:iaroh (S� � .. .. s t� �); encies ; f ; Wn� � HADPRESS ENCOUNTER; � �· L� Conakry, Guinea.

Conakry 6 June 1991 8 June 1991 Official visit with Mrs. Perez de CUellar. Thurs. 6 June: arrived frcm Freetown by private plane. Met at ai rt by . President Conte (GUJNEA) , ilas�®i1�d ** andmet �iefly with of Honour. *!NStaxiak�n . press. met/w1 ��es. Conte; and FM �. Private d· er. Fri. 7 June ..... _ ...... Had rreeting with H.E, • Sylla (Min. for LiEut. "·-.p..J_�ing and Cooperll'tion) and H. E. Mx¥. 6fiji� Col. traore (Fr.'i)-1- met with reps. of UN Specialzied agenci es; priv:�te luncheon;. Boat trip to !les de Loos (wi��s. Perez de CUellar); Briefing by �-�ekio (�R· �-n.,ur;mP) on Technical. �ting �t...._ UN and/tfffli8f"als.� Attended 5)tld made toast""-at- banquet in his honour bf FM 'Fraore (with Mrs. Perez de CUella:¢', followed by CUl rural EveniJ:B at th; P_alais du Peuple) (with 8 caL . . lar). Sab.lrday, June: ��=�iwg!1 � Pres. Conte of Guinea. Visited Natioal M..lseumi (���met with Members of the Diplomatic· Corps.; private luncheon; gave press Conference; departed Conakry for Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.

Bisssau 8 June 1991 10 June 1991 Official Vi t with Mrs. Perez de CUellar. Sat. 8 June:�Arrived Bi au frcm Conakry. Met at airp:>rt ·� H.E. .Vieira (Pres. of GU�-�IS�Uk; an lV Re · wed ard of Honmr. Had � meet· ith Pres. Vieira. Attended dinner in ho of SG and � b y Pres. (with Mrs. P.d.c.)Vieir whe SG made toast. Sun. 9 June: Had ting w H.E. Mr. Semedo (FM); met wi H.E. Mr. Do Santos (Min. of State for E nomy and Finace'!s..._and H.E. Mr. Cardoso (�n. for Int. Cooepration); visited UNDP Offices and met Reps. of � Org�t�ons. ""crt r . df-lt1(A � l and Governor of entral Bank, Pedro Gorres private luncheon. SG and Mrs. Perez de Cuellar visited e National Institute for Study and Res arch ,and the National Museum. Attended i!)Pf'er in his honour by Mr. Syr Sarnaka l)NDP Res. Coord.) in the presence o�� resident Vieira and Mrs. Vieira. Mond. 10 June: Tete a tete 2 with President Vieira; Held press conference. Departed Bissau for Geneva. wmx:SWitzerand. by private plane.

To Chair Inter-Agency myh. on M.E. Geneva 10 June 1991 13 June 1991 Arrived fran Bissau with Mrs. Perez de Cuellar. Private Priva-te dinner.

Tuesdazy, 11 June: Private luncheoJ Met with Sadruddin ; met Amb. El Araby (Egypt to Geneva); Privatedinner.Weds. 12 June: met Mr. Blanchard; met with Mrs. Ogata (UNHCR); met Dr. Nakajima (Dir.Gen. WHO); met with Dr. Johannes Manz. private luncheon. met Mr. Essafi (UNDRO); . . SG to open Pledg1ng Con£. for the humanitarian operation in Iraq/Kuwait and Iraq/Turkey and Ira Iraq/Iran Border areas.Met with Mr. Oscar Camilion; private dinner. Thursday, 13 June: met with Mr. Sam maruga (ICRC); ���RR�Rd Interagency chaired mtg. re humanitarian programme in I Iraq, Kuwait , border areas.

SG made introductory statement and presided over Pledging Con£. on W. Sahara. attended luncheon working luncheon in his honour, by Sadruddin Aga Khan, Executive Deleg ate, and for representatives of all agencies attending Inter-Agency mee ting on Humanitarian programme. Departed Geneva, by train, for Ber Bern.

Bern 13 June 91 15 ,June 91 Official visit with Mrs. PdeC, to a attend ceremonies marking 700th Ann iversary of Swiss Confederation. Thurs. 13 June: arrived in Bern fro Geneva, by train.private dinner. Thurs. 13 June: Fri. 14 June: met with H.E.Mr. Cotti, President o of the Confederation.followed by a meeting in 3 working groups to disc uss 3 themes Attended and addressed solemn ceremony marking 700th anni versary ,, Date arrived · Date departed Purpose and/or remarks

Yam:llSSOJq'O 1 June 1991 2 June 1991 Official visit with Mrs. Perez 'de CU�llar en rou e to Al::uja to atterid 27th Assembly of the ads of State .irild Gvmts. of OAlJ• .;::S�atu�r d a , l� June: ¥fived Y. fran Lisbon � ��� �� .937 private plane of Cote d 1 Ivoire: me atr- 'a.J.rrort by PM Olattara (carE D 1 IVOIRE d FM Essy� ha d tete a tete with Pres. phouet-Boigny � atterrled dinner by es. Houphouet-Boigny. SUn. 2, 'dune: attended ecial presidential mass- 'at Basilica of Y sokro: met with PM fuattara� departed Yam:llssokro for Al::uja, Nigeria.

arx:1 adiress Ab.lja 2 Jurie 1991 5 ·Jurie 1991 To attem/27th Assembly of Heads of State and Evmt. of the OAU (with Mrs. P�ez de CUe!lar)· • SUn. 2 June: arrived at Al::uja fran YaiiD.lssokro by private plane. �t with at ail:J:X)rt by Pres. Babangida Moharred·Abdelaziz . (NIGERIA): met � (SG of ·POLISARIO): private dinner. �n. 3 June: Chaired an Int-er-Agency meeting on sit. in Ethiopia: t with Mr. Nelson Mandela . (Vice-Presiden , ANC): met with H.E. Mr. . . with aide�; Salim Salim (S OAU)/followed by tete a tete: met with. • Clerre Mak\\etu (Pres. Pan African Com ess of zania); addressed 27th Assembly of eads f State and Gvmt. of the OAIJ: atte ed d· er by Pres. Babangida of NIG h curing Heads of Delegations attend g U (with Mrs. P�ez

· de CU�llar)i · 'I\les. ne: met with FM Ghozali (ALGERIA)· met with FM Iacovcu : (CYPRUS): had .tete a "'te with Gen. Garba : (Fonrer Penn.Rep. of igeria to UN and · · Pres. of 44th GA); Pres. Al Bashir . (SUDAN): Met PM Hab iam (SENEGAL): met Dawit Yohannes ( Ccuncil of Eri tre Peo Front of El'HIOPIA) met ith Yasser Arafat (Chainnan, PID); t with' Pres. Arap Moi

· (KENYA);. RXI!�������8Pa Weds. 5 June: of Nigeria; met· ith FM OJld Didi (MAURIT Madar ANIA); · · met PM harred Hawadle : (SOMALIA); ·had. te a tete with Pres. ? Babangida (NIGE ) Jl'tt wi 1;l:tE" t:es. ; Nujana (NAMIBIA) 1 .,.depart� �ja for Freetown, Sierra Leone byprivate plane. Date arrived Date departed

24 .May 1991 25 May 1991

Fabat 25 .May 1991 26 .May 1991 Officiai��t with Mrs.Perez de CU�1lar for talks wi M}jesty King Hassan II. �- Sat. 25 May: arrivect fran Pari�. Met at

airport by FM F · ali eu1d Amb. Skalli · (Perm.Rep. to } ; lunCJtleon by FM Rrlrli and Mrs. Fi li; tete a i:?te with King

Hassan II; . attended dinner by FM and Mr s •

. . �*. . had press i. · n. 26 May: Departed Rabat by

. encrunter at airport. �. . · · . ircraft for Oran, Algeria •

Or an 26 May 1991 27 May 1991 CU�llar enjedid I-iay: arrived

and 1-bharred Sahnam, Dip. Adviser to Pres.

Wali Belhadjrudja AJ:de1 Ka�,

Mo nday, Lisbon.

Li sbon 27 Ma y 1991 1 June 1991 to witness signof of agrerrent between Gvmt. of ANGOlA and UNITA and to neet with high Portuguese officials.

with SG's daughter and family Bern contd. gave press con£., attended dinner h hosted by Federal Council of Switz. in honour of participants in celebr ations.; 1. attended concert at col coll egiale de Berne, fol lowed by:

Sat. 15 June: departed Bern for St. Gallen by helicopter.

St. Gall en 15 June 15 June With Mrs. Pde C. To address the Ur Universities Forum for Security Pol icy at School of Bus. and Economic Administration. Sat. 15 June. Arri Arrived from Bern by helicopter, . Met by Mr. Willi Graf, Addressed UnivDelivered lecleclecture at Universities Forum .. xkxeR«e«xxxncheon fol l owed by question and answer pe1 period. attended luncheon in his l honour; visited library and church of St. Gallen town. departed St. Galle n for by car. DepartE Zurich for Paris.

Stopo er en route to New York. Paris 15 June 17 June Sat:. y- � ,uJ ne. Ar·rlvea .Parls

Private dinne�. Sund. 16 June: private luncheon. Interview by T�l Interv�ew by: Private dinner. with FM �nd Mrs. Fil ali.

' Mon� y, 17 June. Depart Paris for N/ York.

I RCV ERO TELECOPIER 7010 3- 6-91 5:14PM ; 212 963 2979�

FROM . e 3,1991 11:16 Nv, " p. 1



Ref. No. .;3.b.91 .,.,.,... Date -�· Originator •

FROM: Mr:- • ,Jonah's Office, SPQHCD'l' Name and Title

Addressee TO: The Secr-etacy-Geneca.... i.J..le.. UNCC: Hilton 'Bote l, Abu ja (t> i!iJ erj a l FAX NO. n..J<•-'52�<1830 FAX NO.


Please forward tc he Secretary-General of the United Nations


II J Authorized by:

�nature Date __3_._b_.�9�1 ______;fficg'� of Mr. ,Jonah r· SPORCD �� N ame and Title (Please type.) �--�------••--=k

.. .. RCV EY:XEROX TELECOPIER 7010 3- 6-91 s: 14PM 212 963 2979� el95231839;1=1 2

FROM Ut! SPQ 06 ,03,1991 11:16 NO, 2 P, 2

l1 nitf'll Nafinlls World Developmen\ I Oe'·clopment P1·o�r:uume i .:


F ACSlM fLE 'l'HAN�)H l '1"1'AL fORM

Fax No: 874 150!)357 Tel No: 25311 ,I

· -- - � - ·-···--_.. ____ ------·------·-- -- ... ··---....! Secretari�tt 'ftl UN Ref: UNATIONS, NEW YORK FAX/SII./

1 o, J....J,:.·., 'lu\..-"1. . _, nme 1 ..,..,.1.

RE-sident R�pr·e::;F.-ntat J.. vc

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M�s Florence Pon�• 5,;nior Offlct:.l"'

�: �nalon: l,

b.> .:- 6 June 1��91 !ccretllr-y-C�neral's Visit -�cr�--���...!_2. ..

Ri�z Hot�l 1n Lis�on:

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I :oo� forward to �eet�n� yQu.

UrJitet.f Nnt.iot:D ll"!'se. 43 s1:o.1l'� [e:;•Ja I�;t: 25311, Tete�: J299 Cabte: (.,"'Jc!�wp-.•o Fl'.:t'l-�lt..''' -

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w I (J\ I ID PROb.RAivlME ..... (fl.. •' ..... FOR (J\ "1J 3: II THE VISIT OF � <:1'o ) � [\) � ..... [\) ID IUs Excellency Dr. Javier Perez de Cuellar (J\ w Set:tt-:ary-Gmcra!of ri:e l.'l!itedNations to S/erra L�au l ID -J II .. ID J, -00

z 0 5th-6th Jt. 1991 •

, :::0 :;1J () 0 c

V\ -_. X Reuse , m 1115 Hours The S�reury-G::1eral deputs St'lte 0 :::0 PROGRA"\1'\'IE FOR "I:lE VJSIT OF I-rS EXCELLE:"CY 0 for UN Ha.J.\C X DR. J \ Vll:R P:l�EZ DZ CUF.Ll..-\R, S�CI&'TARY.CE.l\'£­ D:parture UN ao� for P�..! K 1y -i UOOH()atS m RAL Ol?TaE U� NA110�S TO F.RE£TOV't'N �dge r m 1300Hours Private Lunch () 5TI-l -· Gill Jl!NE, 1991 0 "1J 1530Houn Press Conference at Pee Kay Lodge Departure� Kay Lodge for the at :::0 1700 Hours Heli?3'1 ..J Wcd!r.A.:ly, Sth Jco�, 1991 Hill Station CSI t-" 16&3 H lJ1" Arrival of Ilii Ex.cellency Dr. Javier Perez de CSI . Departure by Helicopter for Lungi Inter­ -. 1710 Hours Cuellar. &"Crei:ary-G-::a�ral of the Unit�:d national Airport w NJ�i�:ts a� l...Jngi �n:ecnatin:J.al Airport by I V�cc· Arrival Lungi International Airport .. fti.ght and � recwved by the 1720IIours 0'1 , ., S�t.l I Pres1dent and :be M1r1istcrof Foreign Aff:::irs. Procee

.. Ho:Jo:.tr-B.hlMF• U1 -· 1800 H� Special Air<::raft takes offf"r Conakry The S:crc,.ary.C�acral pro:ecds to the Pre-st­ t-" 0'1 dcntial Loun�. "1J 3: D:fl.Ulure. by he!.i.t:o�1er fur th� Helipa� at ILl! Station. 1630 Hoor!j Arriv.U Heiip�d. Hill Statioa and prooeed, o Pee Kay Lod�. 1900- N t-" 2030 Hou:s R-:ccpti.Jaat r::n:umani Hotel ) tD IT• Tharsuse 1 pro�eds to the - J, Floor Fomnl W.=J,oming Ceremony at State liousc Dfaw:ng �oom z ' 0 1(}1.5 Hours Offkia1 \V .-:oming Ccr .10:1 end Q t.) 1D 10.30 Hours Oili1 1l di�u o!lS \\it.� H1s Ex�llency the U1 N w Pr�;;tJcut p ., a • l FOR INFOBMATIQNF O UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT ONLY

17 June 1991


Fran�ois Giuliani informed. correspondents, at. the noon brief'ing that the Secretary-General had arrived in New York this morning, following the conclusion of a trip which had taken him to Africa and Europe.

He said the Secretary-General's last official function before returning to New York via Paris had taken place in Saint Gallen, Switzerland, where on Saturday, 15 June, he had delivered a lecture at the School of Business and Economic Administration. The topic of the Secretary-General's lecture, which was held in the context of the University's Forum for Security Policy, had been on the role of the United Nations during the Gulf war and its aftermath (Press Release SG/SM/4577). The lecture was followed by a one hour question-and-answer period with University students.

Mr. Giuliani said the Secretary-General would be back in his office this afternoon before attending the Security Council consultations scheduled for 3:30p.m., and the subsequent meeting at 4 p.m., on section C of resolution 687 (1991) (on the work and activities of the Special Commission on Disarmament).

Concerning Guatemala, Mr. Giuliani said that a new round of talks had opened this morning in Cuernavaca, Mexico, between representatives of the Government of Guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG). The talks would deal with the first item on the agenda agreed upon in Mexico on 26 April, namely, democratization and human rights. He said that under the procedure agreed to by the Government and URNG, the talks were being held in the presence of the Conciliator, Monsignor Rodolfo Quezada Torufio, and of the representative of the Secretary-General, Francese Vendrell, acting as observer. The talks were scheduled to continue throughout the week.

Mr. Giuliani drew attention to recent reports from the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO) on the earthquake in Soviet Georgia and the vo l canic eruptions and tropical storms in the Philippines. The reports were available in room 378.

He also drew attention to the report of the Secretary-General (document S/22692) on the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observer Mission (UNIKOM), which had been issued earlier today.

Asked when the Secretary-General's lecture on the role of the United Nations during the Gulf war and its aftermath would be available, he said it should be out shortly.

He was asked whether the Secretary-General had anything to say about reports that human rights had recently been violated in Kuwait. Mr. Giuliani replied that when the Secretary-General was asked that question in Paris, he had stated that the question of respect for human rights in Kuwait was worrying; and that he had received some complaints, especially concerning


3195B DPI Briefing - 2 - 17 June 1991

Palestinians; but he could not say that he had been provided with any concrete evidence of such violations.

Asked about today's Council meeting, Mr. Giuliani said he was aware of draft resolutions, but they had not yet been released as documents. When asked whether those drafts would be adopted this afternoon, he said it was premature to say. Questioned about the Council's schedule for tomorrow, he said nothing had been scheduled at this point.

* *** *

319SB Press Release ------.·------Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New '\brk ------

SG/T/1667 17 June 1991


(The following-is attributable to the spokeswoman for the Secretary-General .)

Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar is back in New York today,

17 June, following a trip whi· ch took him to seven African and two European nations.

His las t off icial function before returning to New York via Paris was Saint Gallent Switzerland , where on Saturdayt 15 June ,' he del ivered a lecture at the School of Bus iness and Economic Adminis tration. The topic of the Secretary-General's lecture , which was held in the context of the University's Forum for Security Policy, was on the role of the United Nations during the Gul f war and its af termath (Press Release SG/SM/4577).

The lecture was followed by a one-hour question and answer period with the University students.

In the afternoon, the Secretary-General visited the library and church of the town of Saint Gallen before going to Paris en route to New York.

* *** )\t

Foron informati media-not an official record Press Release ------Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New \brk

SG/T/1666 17 JW1e 1991



(Received Jrom the spokeawoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

BERN , 14 June -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuel lar participated here today in the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the Swiss

Confederation . The theme of the Bern celebrations is "the day of · international relations".

The Secretary-General began by attending a meeting this morning, at 11, chaired by the President of the Confederation , Flavio Cotti . Also attending were ministers of neighbouring countries , the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe and representatives of international organizations. That meeting broke up into three working groups which discussed three themes : solidarity (a discussion in which the Secretary-General participated ), federal ism and neutrality .

At 3 p.m. , the Secretary-General attended the solemn ceremony held in the Federal Palace.

This even ing , the Secretary-General will attend a dinner hosted by the Federal Council· of Switzerland in honour of the participants in the celebrations.

Tomorrow , the Secretary-General will be in Saint Gallen , where he will address the Univers ities Forum for Security Policy before returning to New York over the weekend .

* *** *

For mronnation media-not an official record SIERRA LEONE GOVERNMENT




His Excellency Dr. Javier Perez de Cuellar Secr�:ary-Gmcra!of the Unircd Nations to Sierra Lccne


Wednesday, 5th June, 1991 1600 H:>ars Arrival of His ExC'ellency Dr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-G!neral of the United Nations _at 1:-.a.m� ltttennational Airport by Spocisi .fiiglittand' r i&rt anived by the Vice­ Pr�ident and the.Mi nister of Foreign Affairs. The Secr�tary ·G !neral inspects a Guard of Honour-Bbl.MF. The Secretary-a�n eral pro:eeds to the Presi­ dential Lounge. D�par:ture: by batitopter for the Helipa :l at Hill Station. 1630 Hours Arrival Helipad, Hill Station and proceeds to Pee Kay Lodge. 1980-. 2938'Hours J.te'c�tfottarBinU'lmanrltotef

Thursday, 6th June, 1991 0930 Hours D�parture Pee Kay Lodge for State House 0940 Hours Arrival State House and proceeds to the 4th Floor lOCv Hours Formal Welcoming Ceremony at the State House Drawing Room . . 1025 Hours Oflrcial '�lcomihg C'eremony ends 1030 Hours Official discussions with His Excellency tho President 1115 Hours The Secretary-G�aeral departs S�ate House for UN House 1200 Hours Departure UN House for Pl!e Kay Lodge 1300 Hours Private Lunch 1530 Hours Press Conference at Pee Kay Lodge 1700 Hours Departure Pee Kay Lodge for the Helipad at Hill Station 1710 Hours Departure by Helicopter for Lungi Inter­ national Airport 1720 Hours Arrival Lungi International Airport Pro�eeds to Presid�ntial Loun�e Farewell Courtesies 1800 Hours Special Aircraft takes offfor Conakry Moaday, 17 Jaae� 1991



10.00 Depart Hotel tor airport

11.00 Depart Parla for aew tork

• • 8.45 Arrive Mev York

3 30 Securltr couacil Conaultatioaa

6. 00 HAIU'Iover of" Aew Mercedea to SG (aeatdeace) (vlth Mra. Perea de CD611ar) Depart Hotel f�lPMMH� ai�por•

10.10 Depar• Berne for st. Gallo

11.00 Arrive St.. O&llea

11.30 SG to addraaa St. GalleD ara4a•t• .. •SC:hool of Buai-• ancl kono.ic Adaiatat..rat.ioa.

1.00 Lvacbeoa.

3.00 V1a1t to Librar7 aftd Chur�h of St .. Gallen

5 .. 00 for 2iuicll Depart St.. C,.11- (})y CiU')

6.00 Arrive Zu-ic:ll

6.55 Depart; Zui�b for Part• --- s.06 Arrive Part a Tb&lra4&)'• 1.5 J'une 1'91


9. 50 Depart. Hotel tor Pal.&ia 44ta Mationa

10.00 Mr. s oaaaru aa (ICRC) (t.b.c.) lO.}O Inte�aseao7 Mee'ia& re buaauitarian aaaiatance to Iraq (Salle I)

12. 00 • LUOGAC.llt PIC!(UP

1. 00 Ltlaobeon in hOnour ot tbe 30 b7 3&Urud.41n Ap Kla&r� (Lea Ce

approx. •.)0 Depart Hotel to� Station 4.•ij Depart. Geneva tor Berne o.42 Arr ive at a.ru

Inatallat1oa at Hotel O.lle.ue

Private d.iDAer ---- �-�.:.----- ··- .• . - - -- - .:t:--- -�------S) vt4P1J

vc 1 �k. {Yz� I Lt J

10.45 Depart Hotel for:

11.00 Meeting with H.E. Mr. Flavia Cotti (President du Conseil federal) and "Hates etrangeres) (Lohn)

•.. followed by:

12.15 Luncheon at Lohn (stag)

APPROX 2.30 Return to Hotel

2.45 Depart Hotel (with Mme. Perez de Cuellar) for:

3.00 Solemn Ceremony at Federal Palace (SG to speak)

Return to Hotel

tbc 4.50 Press Conference (Hotel Bellevue)

6.50 Depart Hotel (with Mme. Perez de Cuellar) for:

7.00 Concert at Collegiale de Berne

7.45 Depart Collegiale for:

8.00 Dinner at Casion de Berne (informal, dark S1Jit,) (1,Jit.h Mrs . P�rP7. riP ('llPllrir) - �--- - � -· ·----�-----"------�

Thursday, 13 June 1991


9.50 Depart Hotel for Palais des Nations

10.00 Mr. Sommaruga (ICRC) (t.b.c.)

10.30 Interagency Meeting re humanitarian assistance to Iraq (Salle I)


1.00 Luncheo� in honour�of the SG by Sadruddin Aga Khan (Les Cedres, Hotel La Reserve) (stag)

approx. 4.30 Depart Hotel for Station

4.48 Depart Geneva for Berne

6.42 Arrive at Berne

Installation at Hotel Bellevue

Private dinner Wednesday, 12 June 1991


10.00 Mr. Blanchard (Palais des Nations)

10.30 Mrs. Ogata (UNHCR)

11.30 Dr. Nakajima (Director-General, WHO)

12.00 Mr. Johannes Manz _

, d f"'.S_ ___1'4� ; t "'6 (?r..

Mr. Esaafi (UNDRO)

4.00 Pledging Conference for humanitarian operation in Iraq (Palais des Nations) (SG to speak)

Private dinner

p.m. Mrs. Perez de Cuellar will return to Geneva Tuesday, ll June 1991


Luncneon at La Reserve

j.)u 3adruddin Aga Khan lLa Reserve)


13 June 1991


Fran�ois Giuliani to ld correspondents at today's press brief ing that , regrettably, he had just been made aware of the passing away of Bruce Munn, the former United Nations Bureau Chief of United Press International (UP!) and former President of the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA). On behalf of the Department of Public Information (DPI), he extended his deep condolences to the family of Mr. Munn and to UPI.

Concerning the schedule of the Secretary-General, Mr. Giul iani said -tllat Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuel lar had left Geneva at 4 p.m. today for Bern, where he would be participating tomorrow in the ceremonies marking the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation.

This morning at 10, he said, the Secretary-General had met for half an hour with the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) , Cornelio Sommaruga , with whom he had discussed various issues of mutual concern .

At 10:30 a.m. , the Secretary-General had presided over an inter-agency meeting on the United Nations Humanitarian Progr8J1111e for Iraq, Kuwa it , Iraq/Turkey and Iraq/Iran. Attending that meeting were the Executive De legate of the Secretary-General, Sadruddin Aga Khan , and representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , the United Nations High Commissioner ·for (UNHCR) , the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF) , the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Internat-ional Labour Organisation (ILO) , the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) , the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO) , the World Health Organization (WHO), the .United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Also present were the representatives from ICRC and the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

In that connection , Mr. Giuliani pointed out that the Secretary-General had made a short statement , in private , at the opening of this morning's meeting. In that statement•(which would not be made public) , he said, the Secretary-General had informed the participants of the preliminary estimates from yesterday 's pledging conference, indicating that some $85 million plus 150 guards (the latter made available by three countries) had been contributed. Moreover, there had been contributions in-kind , which still needed to be quantified and/or confirmed from capitals. The Secretary-General had also stated•that, obviously, a great deal more support was still needed to reach the $415 million budget and the $35 million for the United Nations guards . The total of all. pledges amounted to $280 million , leaving a shortfall of $230 million.

Concerning the United Nations guards , Mr. Giuliani said the Secretary-General 's Executive Delegate , Sadruddin Aga Khan , had informed him that $8 million had been contributed towards that item in the budget, as well


3190B • DPI Briefing - 2 - 13 June 1991

as the 150 guards, and that he was "confident" the United Nations deployment would be completed by the end of June , as planned.

Continuing with the schedule, Mr. Giuliani said that at noon , the Secretary-General had presided over a pledging conference on Western Sahara, where he made an introductory statement . That statement , in French, was available on the racks (Press Release SG/SM/45 75) . · At 1 p·.m., the Secretary-General had attended a working lunch hosted by his Executive Delegate for the representatives of all the agencies attending this morning 's meeting, to continue the discussions and also to discuss the urgent humanitarian situation in Africa, particularly the developments in Ethiopia.

Yesterday evening , he said, the Secretary-General had met with his Special Representative on Cyprus , Oscar Camilion (Press Release SG/T/1665).

Regarding the inter-agency meeting on the Middle East/Persian Gulf region , Mr. Giuliani drew attention to a press release issued by the group from Geneva (a copy of which was availab le in room 378) , indicating, among other things , that the meeting had recalled previous assessments by WHO/UNICEF and the mission led by former Under-Secretary-General Martti Ahtisaari, and noting extensive first-hand reports received in recent weeks to the effect that the conditions of the civilian population in the region were deteriorating . With the approach of summer, he added , the dangers of a worsening public health situation would also be aggravated.

Other new elements would have to be taken into account, he said , such as the impact of the return of large numbers of those displaced. In the light of all these developments , which had exacerbated the plight of innocent victims of recent upheavals, the meeting had decided that a high-level mission should be undertaken at this delicate juncture to conduct an updated and more precise assessment of the current humanitarian needs and recommend measures to address them. In addition , it was agreed that this review should be action-oriented , carried out rapidly, throughout the area and should focus , in particular , on the emergency requirements of vulnerable groups .

Mr. Giulian i informed correspondents that Security Council consultations on paragraph 19 of resolution 687 (1991) (concerning the percentage of Iraqi oil exports to be devoted to the estab lishment of the United Nations Compensation Fund) had been scheduled for 4 p.m . today . And on the implementation of resolution 687, he drew attention to a document (S/ 22689) issued this morning , which contained a letter from the Foreign Minister of Iraq on that subject.

Asked about the new contributions for the United Nations guards in Iraq, Mr. Giuliani said a group of countries had contributed 150 guards, and $8 million had also been contributed towards the operating budget of the guards . He said he would have to check, when asked which countries had contributed the guards .

When asked for the departure date of the mission to Iraq , Mr . Giuliani said it would be very soon, but not before the Secretary-General's return on Monday, 17 June .


3190B 1

DPI Briefing - 3 - 13 June 1991

He was asked about the time of the Council meeting on renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). Mr. Giuliani said he did not know of the exact time on Friday.

Questioned about the mission of Bettino Craxi of Italy and the Secretary-General's Special Adviser on problems of development, to Lebanon, Mr. Giuliani said Mr. Craxi would be reporting to the Secretary-General, but he himself had no information.as of yet.

To a question about the qualifications of the United Nations guards in Iraq, Mr. Giuliani said the guards would consist of United Nations security officers -- mostly from New York, Geneva and Vienna -- and other security personnel who had served with the Organization in the past. He added that a United Nations security officer was required to have at least five years of police experience before becoming eligible for employment with the Organization in that capacity.

To a further question about the total number of United Nations security officers, he said that there were about 188 of them at Headquarters in New York.

* *** *

3190B Sunda , 9 June


10.00 H.E. Mr. Serned 1 (FM GUINEA BISSAU) (Casa de Pedra:

11. 15 H.E. Mr. ManueL Dos Santos (Minister of State for Econ•lmy and Finances) and !-I.E. Mr. Berna:·dino Cardoso (Minister for International :ooperation) (Casa de Pedra)

12.30 Visit to UNDP •lffices and meet with Reps. of the Interna•.ioal Organizations

1.00 Private lunche >n

4-·00 Visit to Mus&e National an6 Institut � Natioal de Recherches (INEP)

8.00 Dinner by UNDP Res. Rep. (informal) (with Mrs. P&rez de Cu&llar) saturdar, a J� 1991 APPOlNIMElfT§ Of TBI SI!;IITUI=

Aa41eDCe vith wne Prea14ent

u V)'J ts' V11'Vt � �� � ()I (?llf"\.<.o.:ft; COly:>J 11- a o

1.00 .. P.riva� lllQCheon (G\teat Boase)

Pr••• Confereaae (Gaea� Houae)

� (vv- 4:00 Depart for Biaaaa�

5.45 Depart for Official Rea14eacoa caaa

6 .. 00 H .. E. Cea. Joao Beraardo Vielra (Preaideat of GUIMEA-BISSAO)

8.00 D1DA8r bJ Preai4eat Ylel�a ( iA.foc.al)(vi th Mra. Puu de Ca611a�)(Hotel 24 Sept.-bar)

(SG w apM.Jt) • Priday, 7 June 1991 AfPOIJ!TlQ!TS 91msscutMI=GIIJU.L

10.00 H.E. Mr. Ibrahiaa Sylla (Minister for Planning and Cooperation of GUINEA) (Guest House)

11.00 Visit to National Museum (vith Mrs. Peeee de Cu6llar) �

Return to Guest House

• Meetlag with Heads of Specialised Agencies of the UN Systaa (Guest House)

1.00 Private luncheon (Guest House)

J.OO{tbc) SG to be brt6fed re technical aeeting of UNDP and Speciali ..d &gencles which took place during the .orning (Guest House)

8.00 Banquet by H. E. Brig. Gen. Coo&' (President of Guinea) and Mrs. Cont6 (black tie} (SG to apeak) 1 t ( '

• 6.


I ...... ,., s 1 1 APPOI'ITMU'l'S Of 'l'II.E SICU'UIY-GIIIIIAL


12.00 llleeeia& wi.tll the h... (Bilton) • •

4J- 3.oo 3.00 Depart.c.a...u. J.y prlYate h"""' � plaae fo� � w.e'l h••tOWD (_ """""' " 1 4.00 ArriYe at Preetown

Depart lay Mlicopter for Pee lay

7.oo- -.e.. tiCM.\ at; Gtteet House (check ..-) 8.JO

8. JO •t�r ., • Yucex (a.aieent ( i.uui) ,_..... ,, Jwae lHl


11.00 a.a ••• Sid &-... Gboh11 (PM AI.,8DlA) (llotel Blltoa)

12.00 R. &. Me. laCOYOtl (1M CYPRUS) .. ( llokl 811 t.oD)

12.30 Geaeral Qal'ba (Roul 811�)

a.a. Prt- JUat•nr of SllfiGAL) (aooa »o.aao Hotel Bll�a)

Mr. Davit. tobaaaea (-bel' of �be aapr- eouac11 KPJWr aad Beadof Dltlegat.ioa of lt.l&iepla)

4.00 a.a. Me. Ta ... r A.c•fat (Cha11'-, PLO) ( � be coafirMCI) (

1 a oo Friday, 31 May 1991


9. 30 Depart Hotel for:

10.00 H.E. Mr.Jose Eduardo dos Santos (President of ANGOLA) (Forte Velho de Santo Amaro de Oeiras)

Return to Hotel

11. 30 Dr£ Savimbi (President of UNITA) (Hotel Ritz)

12.30 H.E. Mr. Bessmertnykh (Minister �r Foreign �ffairs of USSR) (Hotel Ritz)

et ""' "I' ell Avvo.$. �A-..-. I W..cfl1... � 1,. � -j�,.." c.�f'1 � 3 n WD..J � 3.30 H.E. Mr. Museveni (President of UGANDAi and current Chairman of OAU)

4.30 H.E. Mr. Baker (Secretary of State of the USA) (Hotel Meridien) (to be confirmed)

�.�.t� SG to depart Hotel for:

6.4ij SG to arrive at Palacio das Necessidades

6.55 Commencement of Signing Ceremony of ANGOLA Peace Accords

8.30 Dinner by President of PORTUGAL in honour of Heads of Delegations to Angola Peace Accords (stag)(Palacio de Queluz) Thursday 30 May 1991


Depart Hotel for :

HE. Prof . cavaco Silva (Pr ime Minister of PORTUG � (Palacio de Sao Bento)

.. • /. Private luncheon

q i:O � · V 3;J� ( �c��)

Amb . and Mr s. eva 6.30 Reception by to Po t gal ) e (Amb. of PERU Mc Brid h 1rs . Rua de Alcolena � 45) (wit Perez de Cuellar }

e Min'ster �ilva v Dinner by Prim 15 of the and Mrs. Silva in tonour Latin Cha i rmen of the Iberian- mbl ie� Amer1can Parliamentary Asse ) (Palacio da Vila de Sintra (Dark SUlt) Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New \brk

SG/T/1664 12 June 1991


(Received 'from the Spokeswoman accompanying the Secre tary-General.)

GENEVA , 12 June -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar today had a series of meetings with heads of Un ited Na tions agencies and other high officials , before chairing in the af ternoon , at 4 p.m. , a pledgin conferen ce " g !or the humanitarian operat ion in Iraq.

At 10 a.m. , the Secretary-General me t wi th Francis Blanchard , former Director-General of the In ternational Labour Organisation (ILO). At 10:30 a.m. , he discus sed ma tters with the Un ited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) , Sadako Ogata , followed by a meeting , at 11:30 a.m. , with the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO ), Dr . Hiroshi Nakajima .

At 12:15 p.m. , the Secretary-General met with his Special Representative on Western Sahara , Johannes Manz , and in the early afternoon he met with the Un ited Nations Disaster Re lief Coordina tor (UNDRO ), M'Hamed Essaafi.

�t 4 p.m. , the Secre tary-General presided over a pledging conferen ce for the humanitarian operation in Iraq , where he made an opening statement . (Press Release SG/SM/4574 - IK/24 )

Tomorrow, the Secretary-General will preside in the morning over an in ter-agency meeting on the humanitarian efforts in Iraq and Ethiopia , as well as chair a pledging conference on Western Sahara . He will leave for Bern in the afternoo� , where he will participate in the celebrations marking the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation .

Upon entering the Palais des Nations , the Secre tary-General , asked about the situation of the Shi 'ites in southern Iraq, said that he was , of course, concerned about reports he had heard . He added that he had met yesterday with his Executive Delegate, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , and would be chairing tomo rrow a meeting of humanitarian agencies involved in the operation in Iraq. The United Nations, he stated , was constantly in touch with its people

(more )

For infurmation media-not an official �ord - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1664 12 June 1991

in Baghdad , who kept it ab reas t of developments . He said he was also studying very carefully the letter sent by Iran yesterday.

Asked whether he was planning to send ano ther mission to the south , the Secretary-General pointed out that the mandate of his Executive Delegate covered the whole country , and added that from the start he had never made a difference between the fate of the population in the north and that of the south.

To a question regarding the deployment of Un ited Nations guards in northern ,Iraq , the Secretary-General expressed the hope that those that had asked him to station guards would pay the cost. "We have so far 50 guards and we would like to send 500" , he added .

* *** *

3386P - 8 -

Vendredi 31 mai CLisbonne> t. I�-��C> � \..A SS yZ

19h A 20 h ceremonie de la signature La participation sera restreinte (une cinquanta ine de personnes seulement ) et les conjoints en sont exclus .

Cette ceremonie aura -lieu au Ministere des affaires etrangeres (Palais des Necessites). Le secretaire general y sera accompagne de MM. Goulding et Diallo , de Mesdames Younes et Barrillon Pomes et du Colonel c. Dermot Earley .

Le Secretaire general prendra place sur un fauteuil special A cOte de la table d'honneur (ou siegeront le Premier Ministre du Portugal , le President de !'Angola , le President de l'UNITA , M. Baker et M. Bessmertnykh) . Le secretaire general de -l ' OUA , M. Salim Salim, prendra place sur un autre fauteuil special place de l'autre cote de la table d'honneur .

M. Goulding sera place au ler rang (m�me rang que le mediateur portugais, M. Durao Barroso) de la section reservee aux dl gnitaires . M. Diallo sera place au deuxieme rang de cette section. Mesdames Younes et Barrillon Pomes , ainsi que le Col. Dermot Earley, seront assis dans la section reservee aux invites .

Une traduction simultanee en anglais et en russe sera assuree .

D'apres les informations de la Mission du Portugal, le Secretaire general ne doit pa s prononcer de discours .

Un diner officiel sera offert par le President de la Republique Ala Presidence (tenue de vi lle sombre) . L'heure exacte et la participation restent A confirmer .

'?:J � (Jt.J( l ()v-- { '

'{,)e,&.1,_ I lM l\S""� V /l

V'A- vu _ P. � C , _____ ....;__ ..... uJ �

Point de contact A Lisbonne : Mme Ana Martinho , Assistante de !'adjoint diplomatique du Premier Ministre (Tel . nr s. 605522 - 3969 375 - Fax nr . 603227) ...

- 20 -

Mercredi 12 juin (Geneva)


illA [vJt{Y) ; /l � 6 v' �K vv-t rr •. "'-'t.�3 '-""- . . L "- c.....t., I.linseer la -:1ourn ee coili)litement libra

I �'J>o c\\..J

{J," .I�.j  4' tJ .-CPv-.� f)J(ef/" ... � �

II ·.·

- 21 -

Jeudi 13 iuin (Geneva - Berne)

oo lOh.)o'C( Reunion inter-agences sur l'aide humanitaire (Palais des Nations)(5tl�-¥ \ S-t iW �) � � ?14 L L� �Jt:: ) D'irjealdl'r : e Jo'-M��""' 4 " '3� o o J (� 16h30: �Depart pour la Gare(• de�'--) Geneve �vt)

17hOO: Depart en train pour Berne

18h45: Arrivee a Berne

19h00: Arrivee a l'HOtel Bellevue

Diner : L� • ....• I • � '<- W �4 ... •

- 26 -

�- Llindi 17 juin (Paris NdW York)C -� 9-·3o I 0 · c'O llhOO Depart en Concorde pour New York

0845 Arrivee a New York ' . . -· .

- 25 -

Dimanche 16 iuin (Paris)

3 So T..c I ,·� )v'\Q.J.-..J ( voll� - 24 -

samedi 15 juin est Gallen)

09h40 Depart de l'hotel Bellevue lOhOO Depart en helicoptere pour st Gallen (Secretaire general , Madame Perez de Cuellar , M. Jan Martenson , Mme Younes , Mlle Kane et MM. Levtchenko et Panzarino) llhOO Accueil par M. Willi Graf , President of the --��7 Political and Security Council Forum of the st Gallen Graduate School of Bus iness and Economic Administration llh30 Discours du Secretaire general (en anglais) sur le role des Nations Un ies au lendemain de la crise du Golfe (prepare par M. Aime et Mlle Buttenheim)

13h00 Dejeuner

15h00 Visite de la bibliotheque et de l'eglise de St Gallen

17h00 Depart en automobile pour Zurich

1 8h00 Arrivee a Zurich

18h55 Depart en avian pour Paris

20h05 Arrivee A Paris (Hotel de Crillon ) � ...... � .


- 22 -

Vendredi 14 juin (Berne> to 4J­ llhOO* A�c�eil des hotes etrangers (cf . liste ci-jointe) au Lohn (residence officielle du Conseil federal) par le President du Conseil federal , M. Flavio Cotti

Discussion informe lle autour des 3 themes : solidarite , federalisme et neutralite

Le secretaire general et M. Martenson

12h15 ** Dejeuner au Lohn (Secretaire general et M. Martenson)

15h0 0 ll Seance solennelle du Par lement - Discours du Secretaire general et des hOtes etrangers

Le Secretaire general , Madame Perez de Cuellar et les membres de la delegation c� (Yu.ss . � lWvu... - Ren n re des ote etr ger

l'H ' 11 e cr ir z

de uel[�l: de � at ) ..,_._.. • Tt> " �o � m� Coti -e � --19h00 Concert a la C�ale de Berne (Laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi de Herman Suter ( Secretaire general , Mada� Perez de Cuellar et la delegation) '+J+.s- t;).(R �c..R..AJ f"w" ' 20h00 Diner offert par �e Conseil federal au Casino de Berne (Tenue de ville sombre ) (le Secretaire general, Madame Perez de Cue llar et la delegation) II

22h00 Retour a l'HOtel Bellevue

* Un programme special est prevu dans la matinee et pour le dej euner pour les conjoints et done pour Madame Perez de Cuellar. Ce programme nous parviendra le 22 mai .

** Le reste de la delegation est invite a dej euner a l'Hotel Bellevue Thursday , 13 Jun e

1(9 . r!JO �tNt�'\... VVrY , So 10 .J)-ffJo Interagency Meet�ing on hum anitarian aide to Iraq (Salle I) (SG to speak )


1. 00 Luncheon by Sadruddin Aga Khan in honour of the SG (Hotel La Reserve , Le s Cedres) (stag )

I ·-

't,'.f /lf0'D Depart Hotel for Gare de Geneve

� oepart Geneva for Berne 4 �� k' Arrive at Berne

Installation at Hote l -

Dinner with Arnb . o � to �rland �h Mrs�ez de Cu�lar Wednesday, 12 June

J1 o.oo Mr . Blanchard

J. 10 .30 Mrs . Ogata (UNHCR )

J l1 .30 Dr . Naka j ima { )

J 12 . 00 Mr . Manz

Private luncheon

3.30 Mr . Esaafi

4.00 Pledging Conference (Salle XV III)

5.30 Me ssrs . Feissel and Camil ion

� (Call f�,T� m Pres ident Va ssiliou )

f - 19 -

xar di 11 juin (Geneva)

·to 3o

La isser la journee completement libre

rJ.k s .o 0

• - 18 -

Lundi 10 iuin

9h00 Petit dejeuner

10h30 Entretien a la Presidence avec S.E. le General Joao Bernardo Vieira , President du Conseil d'Etat (Bureau du President)

llhOO Conference de . Presse au Salon NOBRE du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres

llh30 Depart pour l'aeroport international "OSVALDO VIERA"

Ceremonie d'adieu

12h00 Depart de la delegation pour Geneve

18h00 Arrivee a Geneve (HOtel La Reserve ) - 17 -

Diaanche 9 juin (Bissau)

9h00 Petit d�jeuner

lOhOO Entretien avec S.E. M. Ju lio Semedo , Ministre des Affaires etrangeres , a la residence "CASA DE PEDRA11

llh15 * Entretien A la residence avec S.E. M. Manuel Dos Santos , Ministre d'Etat de l'Economie et des Finances , et avec S.E. M. Bernardino Cardoso , Ministre de la cooperation internationale

12h30 Visite des bureaux du PNUD et rencontre avec les representants des organismes internationaux

lJhOO Dej euner libre

4-·00 Visite du Musee national et de l'Institut National de Recherches (INEP)

20h00 Diner offert par le Representant Resident du PNUD

* Pendant ce temps-lA, Madame P�rez de Cue llar visitera le projet PNUD-FNUAP "Femme et developpement" ·.


- 16 -

Samedi 8 juin (Conakry - Bissau)

11h00 Audience avec le President de la Republique

13h00 Dejeuner prive A la Villa d'HOtes

15h00 Conference de presse A la Villa d'HOtes

16h00 Depart en avion prive pour Bissau

17h00 Arrivee a l'aeroport international "Osvaldo Vieira" . Accueil par

- ceremonie d'accueil

17h45 Depart pour la residence officielle "CASA DE PEDRA" *

18hOO Entretien avec S.E. le General Joao Bernardo Vieira, President du Conseil d'Etat , a la residence "CASA DE PEDRA"

20h30 Diner officiel offert par S.E. le General Joao Bernardo Vieira , a l'HOtel du 24 septembre (programme culture!) (Secretaire general et sa delegation) TOAST Tenue de ville

* Le Secreta1re general et Madame Perez de Cuellar logeront a la 'casa de Pedra ainsi que Mlle Kane et MM. Levtchenko et Panzarino . Les autres membres de la delegation logeront a la residence Cimeira , situee A 100 metres de la Casa de Pedra . - 15 -

Vendred i 7 juin (Conakry)

10h00 Entretien a la Villa d'Hotes avec le Ministre du Plan et de la Cooperation , S.E. M. Ibrahima Sylla

11h00-12h00 Visite du Musee national avec Madame Perez de Cuellar

Pendant ce temps-la une reunion technique se tiendra entre les representants du PNUD , des institutions specialisees et des membres du Ministere du Plan et de la Cooperation .

12h00-12h3 0 Rencontre avec les chefs et le personne l des institutions specialisees du systeme des Nations Unies a la Vi lla d'Hotes

13h00 Dej euner prive a la Villa d'Hotes


15h00 Briefing du Secretaire general concernant la (a prec iser) reunion technique du matin

20h00 Banquet officiel offert au Palais des Nations par le P-r:Ssid&Qt d'i la R6p�9lique et Mme-HeRFiette rC"IVl CQAte (smoking et robe longue ou tenue nationale) ECHANGE DE TOASTS (Secretaire general, Mme Perez de Cuellar et toute la delegation) ,

- 14 -

Jeudi 6 juin (Freetown conakry>

09h30 Depart de la lodge pour la State House 09h4 0 Arrivee a la State House · lOhOO Ceremonie officielle de bienvenue dans un des _ salons . Echange de discours entre le President & -1-VVL...... J • f • et le Secretaire general 10h25 Fin de la ceremonie 10h30 Entretien du Secretaire general avec le President de la Republique llhl5 Visite de "la maison des Nations Unies" (PNUD , UNFPA , UNIDO et OMS ) . Echange de vues informel avec les differents representants des institutions specialisees . Rafraichissements. 12h00 Depart pour la Pee Kay Lodge 13h00 Dejeuner prive

15h30 . Conference de presse ala Pee Kay Lodge 17h00 Depart de la Pee Kay Lodge 17h10 Depart en helicoptere pour l'aeroport 17h2 0 ceremonie d'adieux dans le salon presidentiel 18h00 Depart de Freetown par avion prive

18h30 - Arrivee a Conakry - Le secretaire general est accueilli par le President de la Republique , le General de . Brigade Lansana Conte - Ceremonie d'accueil - Revue des troupes et des corps constitues - Breve interview a l'aeroport 19h00 Le secretaire general est escorte par le President de la Republique jusqu 'a la Villa d'Hotes , la Case de Belle-Vue 19h15 Installation a la Villa d'Hotes et bref entretien avec le President de la Republique 19h30 Entretien a la Villa d'Hotes avec le Ministre des Affaires etrangeres , S.E. le Lieutenant Colonel Jean Traore s�� 2lh00 Diner prive a la Villa d 'Hates � UJt� cP�� . &lA � ) - - '1 t1

- 13 -

Mercredi s

16h00 Arrivee a Freetown Le Secretaire general est accueilli par le Vice-President et par le Ministre des affaires etrangeres

Ceremonie d'accueil : revue de la garde d'honneur Le Secretaire general se rend dans le salon presidentiel

16h3 0 Depart en helicoptere pour la Pee Kay lodge ou le Secretaire general, Mme Perez de Cuellar , , M. Jonah , Mlle Kane et M. Levtchenko seront loges t (J,q..IJ?J (M1 9�llo , Mmes Younes et Barrillon Pomes , M. Panzarino et M. Russo seront loges a l'hOtel Mamy Yoko)

19h00 Reception a la State House (tenue de ville) � • �5f�) (J.n# '} 20h30 Diner offert par le Representant Resident du PNUD , M. Yucer , a l'hOtel Brookfield (les principaux representants des institutions specialisees a Freetown seront invites .) M. Yucer prononcera quelques paroles de bienvenue soit au debut soit a la fin du diner . - 12 -


6(( lo 1.)

( I •

- . ...._ � ...:..._, � -1 0!>1.1 � f) • .s �I< ��..,) 05 1�4t> \IVJUL.Wl;rl� ) (\u..PA L (Hvtl� ) v - 11 -

LUndi 3 juin (Abuja) - � I. v _(-' 9 'l1-3J CJ,..J--1 t u0-r�) � r:'"'V\�o4 - r ""'- M -1 tM (JA Co - 101-'!> L tN ) �:. � n •/nee : � 0uverture tU.f du 27,erne Sommet de l'OUA �--· � , Discours du Secreta J.re' general ) I �-run 104-b - 10 �0 .

- 10 -

Dimanche 2 iuin (Abidjan Abuja)

114-J" llhOO Depart en avion prive pour Ahuja


12h00 Arrivee a Abuja (Hotel Noga Hilton) · ...... · : .: .·'...... -

- 9 -


Samedi ler iuin CLisbonne)

l)fpart en ;ndoa prb'4 pG\i• �an

t) . 'Zo Aprcls-midi Arrivee a Abidj an

• Fri day , 31 May

SG to depar t Hotel for:

H . E . M r • D 6 s Sa n to s ( P r e s • AN G 0 L A ) ['l..S vvn,"'j

�(1 1 0 30 Dr. Savimbi (Pr esident of UNITA)(Hotel Ritz ) ( e£_ 12.30 H.E. Mr. Bessmertnykh (FM USSR) (Hotel Ritz ) 1.30 Luncheon by Amb . Gama rra and Mrs . Gamarra (Rua Joao de Deus , No . 15 Primero Directo ) (Elmano and Xtina ) (with Mrs . Perez· de . Cuellar)

SG to depart for:

7.00 - Signing Ceremony (Palais des Necessites)


fol l owed by :

8.30 Dinner by President PORTUGAL in honour of Heads of Delegations to Angola Peace Accords (t.b.c. no spouses) informal - 7 -

Jeudi 30 mai CLisbonne)

12h00 Entretien du Secretaire general avec le Premier Ministre du Portugal , M. Anibal Cavaco Silva , a sa residence

(ou3� )

'" v '-- (e.. �" � "-- IJ.A � (PU1l�'1C


r:J� bj P� . Pwrj "'-� '" \,

Mercredi 29 mai CLisbonne)

· 0 - - f · T l � 4: 4 o 1-ZJ'L f. o u � to (1-v..J .,J,tJ J (Avv-tJ:C (�U\- - 5 -

Mardi 28 mai

1-- 00 - 4 -

Lundi 27 ma i (Alge r - Lisbonne)

10h3 0 Depart pour Lisbonne par avion prive

12h00 Arrivee a Lisbonne (Approx . ) (Hotel Ritz ) - 3 -

Dimanche 26 mai CRabat Alqer)

Depart pour � en avion prive

{)rt..J/IrN 13h3 0 Arrivee a �r (Residence Al-Mithak)

� �) � 11\1\� (-\{� �'-" �� e- r-u. L €1 - 2 -

samedi 25 mai (Paris - Rabat)

30 q.� l 0 .3 0 llhOO Depart pour Rabat en avion prive (Le Bourget) llhOO Arrivee a Rabat Vendredi 24 mai (Paris)

13h00 Depart de New York en Concorde

22h4 5 Arrivee a l'aeroport Charles de Gaulle (HOtel Sofitel de Roissy) Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Coverap Service • New \brk

SG/T/1653 30 May 1991


(Received f rom the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

LISBON , 30 May -- On his first official day in Lisbon , Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar me t at noon today with the Prime Minister of Portugal , An ibal Cavaco Silva , at the Palac io de Sao Bento in Lisbon .

During that meeting , which las ted approximately one hour , the Secretary-General and the Portuguese Prime Minister reviewed international issues of mutual interest; they discussed , in particular , the agreement wh ich will be signed tomorrow between the Angolan Government and the Nat ional Un ion for the Total Independence of An gola (UNITA) as well as the ro le entrus ted to the Un ited Nations as a result of that agreement . They also discussed the Iraq-Kuwait situation , the problem of the Middle East and the question of Eas t Timor .

Talking to the press following his meeting with Prime Minister Cavaco Silva , the Secretary-General once again congratulated the Government of Portugal for its great diploma tic success in bringing about the signing of the "historic agreement" , which was importan t not only for Africa but for the en tire wo rld communi ty .

"This agreement wi ll contribute to peace and development in southern Africa" , the Secretary-General said , adding , "I also think tha t the signing of the accords tomorrow will be an example for other parts of Africa in demonstrating the need to find negotiated solut ions to po litical problems ." In that con text , the Secretary-General cited the example of Mo zamb ique , which also needed a political solution that would al low the Mozambicans to work together , as the An golans had done , for the development and prosperity of their country.

Regarding the role of the United Nations in Angola , the 'secretary-General said he expec ted the Security Council to approve , very shortly, the mandate of

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For information media-not an official record - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1653 30 May 1991

what he called "United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM ) II"� · He recal led that UNAVEM I had overseen the withdrawal of Cuban troops , which had now been completed , but that UNAVEM II would be a much more complex operation .

On the quest'ion of East Timor, the Secretary-General said the Portuguese Prime Minister had briefed him in detail of his Government 's position , and that he had assured the Prime Minister of his willingness to make a renewed effort to avoid a lengthy impasse which would not contribute to the solution of the problem.

This evening, the Secretary-General is scheduled to attend a dinner hosted by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva in honour of the Chairmen of the Iber ian-Latin American parliamentary as semblies .


30 May 1991


Fran9ois Giul iani told corresponden ts at today 's press briefing that on his first official day in Lisbon , the Secretary-General had met today at noon with the Prime Minister of Portugal , An ib al Cavaco Silva , at the Palacio de Sao Bento in Lisbon .

Mr . Giuliani said that during that mee ting , which las ted approximately one hour , the Secretary-General and the Portuguese Prime Minister had reviewed in ternationa l issues of mutual in terest . They had discussed , in particular , the agreemen t which wou�.d be signed tomorrow between the Angolan Governmen t and the Nationa� Un ion for tae To tal Independence of Angola (UNITA) as well as the role en trus ted to the United Na tions as a result of that agreement . They had also discussed the Iraq-Kuwa it situation , the prob lem of the Middle Eas t and the ques t ion of East Timor .

For further information, Mr . Giul iani drew attention to the advanced text of a press relea�e -- which would be ava ilable in room 378 immediately af ter the briefing -- containing commen ts from the Secre tary-General on Angola and Eas t Timor . (Press Release SG/T/1653)

Concerning the application of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea for membership in the Un ited Nations , Mr . Giulian i drew attention to a letter from that Governmen t (documen t S/22642), expressing its in tention to seek membership in the Un ited Na tions . He also drew attent ion to a previous letter of 5 April from the Republic of Korea , which had expressed a similar intention (documen t S/22455 ). To requests for a comment by the Secre tary-General on this question ) Mr . Giul iani said the Secre tary-General "welcomed" these requests and had always believed in the universality of the United Na tions .

Anticipating questions as to when the Secre tary-General would be recommending a ceiling on the percen tage of Iraqi oil exports to be commi tted to the Un ited Nations Compensation Fund , Mr . Giul iani said it would no t be today .

In answer to a ques t ion asked at yesterday 's briefing , on the ac tivities of the Special Commission on the disarmament of Iraq , Fred Eckhard said the eight countries that were contributing chemical-weapons experts to the 35-memb er team that would soon carry out a verification mission in Iraq were : Australia, Belgium , Canada , France , Germany , Ne therlands , Sweden and Un ited Kingdom . The team was expected to remain there for seven days . Concerning the itinerary of the Special Commission 's Exe cutive Chairman , he said Amb assador Rolf Ekeus had lef t yesterday for Vienna ; he would be in Bahrain from 6 to 8 June and in Baghdad from 9 to 11 June .

Concerning Un ited Nations relief operations in Ethiopia , Mr . Eckhard said essential staff were no t being evacuated and that relief opera t ions and administration of refugee camps were , in fact, cont inuing . While obvious difficulties ex isted -- inc luding the disruption of transportation routes all parties had expressed their willingness to facilitate humanitarian relief efforts of the Un ited Na tions and other private agencies .

There were no questions .


29 May 1991


At today 's DP I press briefing , Fred Eckhard said that the Secretary-General was in Lisbon on a two-day private visit before witnessing , on Friday , the sign ing of the accord between the Angolan Government and the National Union for the To tal Independence of Angola (UNITA). He then read out the following statemen t on recent activities of the Special Commission created by Security Council resolution 687 (1991 ) on disarmamen t of Iraq:

"Members of the Special Commission and the Secretariat who took part in the first on-s ite inspection of nuc lear fac ilities las t week returned to New York over the weekend and were briefing yesterday and today the Executive Chairman of the Commission, Rolf Ekens , and othe r members at Oeadquarters . Ambassador Ekeus leaves today for Vienna , where he will meet with the Director-General of the International Atom ic Energy Agency (IAEA), Hans Blix. He then travels to Bahrain where the Commission is setting up a field office , after which he will go to · Baghdad for consul tations with the Iraqi authorities .

"Meanwhile, the Commission 's five-member working unit on nuclear disarmament is meet ing all this week here in New York . They have been joined by four nuclear�weapons experts recruited for this stage of the un it's work . They are from France , the Un ited Kingdom , the Un ited States and the . A representative of IAEA is also participating in these discussions . These experts will advise the Commission on materials , items and activities proscribed by resolution 687 (1991) and that are within the mandate of the Conuniss ion .

"Plans are also well advanced for a 35-member team of chemical-weapons experts from eight different United Nations Member States to conduct the first on-site inspection of a chemical-weapons facility in the country, and they are expected to arrive in Iraq about 9 June ."

Mr. Eckhard then announced that Security Council consultations , with a view towards a formal meeting in,111ediately afterwards , were scheduled for 3:30 p.m. tomorrow, 30 May , on the renewal of mandate of the United Nations Disengag�men t Ob server Force (UNDOF).

The Presiden t of the General Assembly, Guido de Marco (Malta), had arrived in Pyongyang ye sterday, Mr. Eckhard continued . There he met with President Kim 11 Sung and other senior off icials of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea . The Assembly President would go to the Republic of Korea on Thursday , for meetings with President Rob Tae Woo and other senior officials in Seoul before returning to Malta .

Mr. Eckhard announced that Un der-Secretary-General Martti Ahtisaari would answer questions at tomorrow 's noon briefing , prior to leaving Un ited Nations service on 31 May to return to the Foreign Ministry of Finland . Asked whethe r Mr. Ahtisaari would be the Foreign Minister, Mr. Eckhard said he would be more like a Permanen t Secretary for the Foreign Ministry.


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Asked for more information on the chemical-weapons experts, Mr. Eckhard said they would look at a chemical-weapons facility , one of those identified by Iraq in the letter sent in compliance with the resolution. When asked the names of the experts , Mr. Eckhard said he did not have that information. He noted, however, that the Secretary-General's report proposing the Commission indicated that hundreds of technical experts would be required to carry out aspects of the mandate .

To further questions about the inspection teams and how they differed, Mr. Eckhard explained that the first inspection team, whose report was published last week, had been a nuclear team made up primarily of IAEA technical experts . For the nuclear sites , the resolution had specified that IAEA carry out the inspections and the disarmament activities with the cooperation and assistance of the Special Commission. For the chemical sites , the Commission was to put together its_ own set of experts , so it was a "totally different set of characters". The second team would focus on chemical and biological weapons , plus ballistic missiles.

He was asked �hether Mr. de Marco 's visit to the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea had anything to do with that country's request for Un ited Nations membership. Mr. Eckhard said that country 's announcement of intent to apply for membership had been made just hours before Mr. de Marco arrived . As a result , that was a principal topic discussed during the visit .

In response to a question , Mr. Eckhard said he did not have precise dates about Ambassador Ekeus' visits to Vienna, Bahrain and Baghdad , but he would check. Asked to elaborate on activities in Bahrain , he said a field office was being set up which would be a base of operations from which the inspectors and the technicians could do their work. Some training would also be done prior to conducting verification , such as how to put on the protective and learning to deal with the dangers involved in the inspection. There would also be a laboratory at the facility .

It was not known how long the chemical-weapons experts would stay in Baghdad , Mr. Eckhard continued, and he assumed their report would be out in a matter of weeks. Asked whether the names of experts would be published, he said it was not planned to issue long lists of experts participating in the " exercise. More nuclear-weapons experts would probab ly go to Iraq before the job was completed, but he was not aware of any dates having been set. A correspondent said there was a report on the visit of the nuclear experts , and asked whether there would be a report on what they found. Mr. Eckhard replied that there was nothing beyond what was put out so far.

Asked about relief efforts in Ethiopia , Mr. Eckhard said there were no fresh reports on what was going on there. As reported , Un ited Nations personnel had been partially evacuated; " as many as 500 were still in the country as of yesterday.

"How's the ceiling coming along?" he was asked, in reference to the Secretary-General 's expected decision on Iraqi oil exports. Acknowledging that many were awaiting news on the subject, Mr. Eckhard said , "certainly not today". He added that the Secretary-General considered it a very serious matter and wanted to give it further reflection.

Asked when the Secretary-General would return , Mr. Eckhard said the last stop on the trip was to Bern, on 14 June, but the date of his return to New York was unspecified .

* *** * Press Renease

Department of Public Information e News Coverage Service • New '\brk

SG/T/1652 28 May 1991



(Received from the spokeswoman for the Secre tary-General .)

LISBON , 28 May -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar arrived in Lisbon yesterday after havin'g spent the weekend in Morocco and Algeria where he met with King Hassan II of Morocco and with Chadli Bendjedid, President of Algeria .

The Secretary-General arrived in Rabat on Saturday, 25 May , in the morning from Paris and was met at the airport by Foreign Minister Abdellatif Filali and by Ambassador Ali Skal i, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nat ions . That evening, the Secretary-General had a one-and-a-half hour tete-a-tete meeting with the King of Morocco during which they exchanged views on a number of internat ional issues , in particular the Un ited Nations operation in Western Sahara, the· Middle East question and the afterma th of the Persian Gulf ,crisis , including the United Nations role in northern Iraq.

The Secretary-General then attended a dinner in his honour hosted by Foreign Minister Filali of Mo rocco .

In the morning of Sunday, 26 May , the Secretary-General , speaking to the na tional and international press at the airport before leaving Rabat, said in answer to a question regarding the date of the cease-fire in Western Sahara , that he had sent messages to both parties before leaving New York asking them to suggest a time-frame for the cease-fire. "I think," he said, "that it will occur very soon" , adding , when pressed , that he hoped it would happen in June.

Regarding the budget of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara · (MINURSO) , the Secretary-General was asked why the operation had initially been estimated at $300 million and subsequently reduced to $180 million. The Secre tary-General pointed out that the United Nations was . being asked to undertake numerous missions , for example, in Angola, Central Ame rica (the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL)) and , and that the major donors were pressing the Organization to cut costs.


For in1brmation media-not an official record - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1652 28 May 1991

Keeping in mind the importance of not jeopardizing the credibility of the operation , the Secretary-General said the Un ited Na tion s had asked for contributions in kind as well as in cash , particularly with regard to logis tical and communications equipment . Asked whether he was optimistic , the Secretary-General said he was hopeful and that his goal was to hold the referendum by the end of the year , possibly by the end of November.

The Secretary-General then left Rabat on Sunday for the city of Oran , in western Algeria , where he was received at the airport by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Algeria, Ahmed Ghozali, and by Mohamed Sahnoun , Diplomatic Adviser to the President. Shortly af ter his arrival , the Secretary-General met with the President of Algeria , Mr . Bendjedid, for tete-a- tete discussions lasting over one hour. They discussed various international prob lems of mutual concern , particularly the question of the Near and Middle East. They also reviewed the question of Western Sahara .

Fo l lowing a luncheon hosted by the Algerian President , the Secretary-General was taken on a tour of the city of Oran by its Wal i, Belhadjoud ja Ab del Kader, who also hos ted a dinner in honour of the Secretary-General that evening .

Ye sterday , 27 May , the Secre tary-General was re ceived at the airport in Lisbon by the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Portugal , Ivo Cruz , and by the Diplomatic Adviser to the President , An tonio Valente.

During his stay in Lisbon , the Secretary-General will witness the signing of the agreement between the Government of Angola and the National Union for the To tal Independence of Ango la (UNITA) , and will also meet with high Portuguese officia ls .

Upon his arrival at the airpo rt in Lisbon the Secretary-General told the assembled in ternational and nat ional press that he considered the An gola accords "a great success of Portuguese diplomacy" . Asked about the future role of the Un ited Nat ions in Angola , the Secretary-General said the Un ited Nat ions would increase the existing Un ited Nations An gola Verification Mission (UNAVEM ) force . However, he said the Security Council still had to approve the in crease of UNAVEM as well as give the green light for the budget.

Asked whether the Un ited Nat ions could still do something about East Timor, the Secretary-General answered that he wanted to continue efforts under way in order to reach a solution for the visit of the Portuguese parliamentarians . He was further asked if he believed that the visit was possible, to wh ich the Secretary-General replied : "I always believe that everything is possible , I would like the visit to take place in 1991 but we have to work out the details . The Portuguese authorities are still discussing and I intend to take this up with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Portugal to see whether we can reach a compromise formula ."


28 May 1991


Fran9ois Giuliani said at today's press briefing that the ' Secretary-General had arrived in Lisbon yesterday, 27 May , after having spent the weekend in Morocco and Algeria , meeting with King Hassan II of Morocco and . with President Chadli Bendjedid .of Algeria.

The Secretary-General 's arrival in Rabat was a change from the itinerary released on Friday, in which he had been expected to go to Marrakech ; his subsequent day's journey to . Oran instead of Algiers was also a departure from the original itinerary, said Mr . Giuliani . The . communication from the Secretary-General 's spokeswoman advising of that would be made available as a press release . (Press Release SG/T/1652)

S�arizing the communication , Mr . Giuliani said the Secretary-General had arrived in Rabat on the morning of Saturday , 25 May ,· from Paris, and was me t at. the airport by Foreign Minister Abdellatif Filali and Ambassador Al:i Skalli, Morocco 's Permanent Representative to the United Nations . The Secretary�General that evening had a one-and-a-half hour tete-a-tete meeting with the King of Morocco , during which they exchanged views on a number of international issues , in particular the United Nations operation in Western Sahara , the Middle East question and the aftermath of the Persian Gulf crisis , including the Un ited Nations role in northern Iraq. The Secretary-General had then attended a dinner in his honour hosted by Foreign Minister Filali.

On the morning of Sunday, 26 May , continued Mr. Giul iani, the Secretary-General had addressed the national and international press at the airport before leaving Rabat . In answer to a question regarding the date of the cease-fire in Western Sahara , he said he had sent messages to both parties before leaving New York , asking them to suggest a time-frame for the cease-fire. "I think it will occur very soon", the Secretary-General had said. When pressed for clarification, he had said he hoped it would be in June .

To questions about the budget of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and why the estimated budget had been reduced from $300 million to $ 180 million, Mr . Giuliani said the Secretary-General had stated that the United Nat ions was being asked to undertake numerous missions -- as , for example , to Angola, Central America and Cambodia -- and major donors were pressing the Organization to cut costs. Keeping in mind the importance of not jeopardizing the credibility of the operation , the Un ited Nations had asked for contributions in kind as well as in cash, particularly with regard to logist ical and communications equipment. Asked whether he was optimistic, the Secre tary-General had said he was hopeful and his goal was to hold the referendum by the end of the year , possibly the end of November.

Following the press briefing , Mr . Giul iani continued , the Secretary-General had left Rabat for the city of Oran in western Algeria,

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which was ano ther departure from the itinerary that had shown him trave lling to Algiers . After being met at the airport by Algeria 's Minister of Fo reign Affairs and the Diplomatic Adviser to the President, the Secretary-General had tete-a-tete discuss ions with the Algerian President for over an hour regarding in ternational problems of mutual concern such as questions of the Near and Middle Eas t and of Western Sahara . Af ter a luncheon hosted by Pr�sident Bendjedid , the Mayor of Oran had accompanied the Secretary-General on a tour of the city prior to hosting a dinner in his honour .

The Secre tary-General had arrived in Lisbon on Monday mo rning , 27 May , where he will witness the signing of an agreement between the Government of Ango la and the National Union for the To tal Independence of Angola (UNITA), in add ition to meeting with high Portuguese officials, said Mr . Giuliani. At an airport press conference upon his arrival , the Secre tary-General had said he considered the Angola accords "a great success of Portuguese diplomacy". Asked ab out the future role of the Un ited Nations in Angola, he had said the Organization would increase the size of the Un ited Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM) , al though the Security Council still had to approve both the incr.ease and the budget. . ·' Asked whether the United Na tions could do something about East Timor, the Secretary-General had replied that he wan ted to continue efforts under way to reach a solut ion for the visit of the Portuguese parliamentarians . Asked if he thought a visit was possible , the Secretary-General had answered : "I always believe that everything is possible" . He added that he wanted the visit to take place in 1991 but noted that details still needed to be worked out . The Portuguese authorities were still discussing , the Secretary-General had said , po inting out that he in tended to take up the ma tter with the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Portugal .

Mr . Giuliani then drew attention to documen t S/22637 , issued this morning . In that connection, he announced that, in pursuance of his efforts in implementing Security Council resolution 598 (1987) relating to the conflict between Iran and Iraq , in particular the mandate entrus ted to him by operative paragraph 7, the ·Secretary-General has asked former Under-Secre tary General Ab dul rahim A. Farah to lead a team of experts in making an exploratory visit to Iran beginning 31 .May .

In paragraph 7 of that resolution , recalled Mr . Giuliani , the Security Council "recognizes the magnitude of. the damage inflicted during the conflict. and the need for reconstruc tion efforts, wi th appropriate in ternational assistance , once the conflict is ended, and in this regard , requests the Secretary-General to assign a team of experts to study the question of recons truction and to report to the Security Council". The team was expected to remain in the area for an initial period of two to three weeks . In the implemen tation of his mandate under paragraph 7 of the re solution , the Secretary-General was naturally in contact with the Governmen t of Iraq , Mr . Giul iani added . (Press Release SG/A/463-IR/60)

Concerning the Boundary Demarcation Commission, Mr . Giuliani reported that Miklos Pinther , Chief of the Cartographic Un it in the Department of Conference Services (DCS ), had provided in formation indicating that the first meeting of the Commission , held on 23-24 May at Headquarters , had consisted of an exchange of views and discussions . The task at hand was to demarcate the

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Iraq-Kuwa it boundary . The organization of work and a tentative schedule were drawn up , with the Commission deciding to un dertake an on-s ite visit in June . Substantive discussions on the ac tual plan of work would start on 2 July at the Un ited Nations Office at Geneva . The da tes for the on-site visit could be set by the end of the week .

Over the weekend, Mr . Giul iani said , a press release had been issued regarding the situation in Ethiopia , the substance of which was an appeal by the Secretary-General for an immediate cease-f ire . (Press Release SG/SM/4570 )

Mr . Giul iani also announced that the agreemen t between the Un ited Nat ions and the Iraqi authorities concerning the security forces in northern Iraq had been fully completed over the weekend , with the receipt of a signed letter by the Fo reign Minister of Ira� on Sunday .

Asked why the Un ited Na tions was trying to implemen t paragraph 7 three years af ter the war ended , Mr . Giuliani an swered : "Because it was agreed with the authorities in Iran" .

He was asked to elaborate on consultations regarding resolution 598 (1987) with the Governmen t of Iraq and what exactly would be the purpose. Mr . Giuliani said he had read paragraph 7, which was all he woul d say at present . Asked whe ther Mr . Farah was also plann ing to go to Iraq , he said that was not what he had announced . When asked how damage coul d be assessed three years after the fact, Mr . Giuliani said documen ts could be presented and Iran was ready to make those documents avai lable. On ce Mr . Farah presented the report , the Secre tary-General would presen t it to the Security Council .

Why had it taken so long to implemen t resolution 598 (1987) when the Iran ians had asked the Secretary-General many times to send someone? Mr . Giul iani was asked . He replied : "Because things take a long time". Asked who would go to Teheran , Mr . Giuliani said it would be a small team .

Regarding the talks in Venezue la over the weekend , Mr . Giul iani said they were going on and there was nothing as ye t to report. Alvaro de Soto , the Secre tary-General 's Special Representative for Central America , would meet the press on Wednesday or Thursday .

He was asked whether there was a change in the Un ited Nations plan on the Wes tern Sahara referendum . The corresponden t ob served that since the original plan called for the referendum to take place next February , or March while now it migh t be occurring as early as November . Mr . Giuliani said the Secre tary-General had laid emphas is on the need to economize . If the operation could be carried out faster with the agreement of the parties , there was no need to drag it out .

Asked whether the gaps in the Secre tary-General 's itinerary would be filled in , Mr . Giuliani said there were no gaps . He poin ted out that only pa rt of the Secretary-General 's itinerary had changed because Heads of State had asked for a change of venue . There was nothing that could be done to guaran tee an itinerary would remain the same as announced .

Asked when the Security Counsel would meet on An gola , Mr . Giuliani said no time had been set , although it was expected to be this week . The meeting on the Un ited Na t ions Disengagement Ob server Force (UNDOF ) was also expected to be he ld Thursday or Fr iday .

Asked when there las t had been discus s ion on the implementation of resolution 598 (198 7 ), Mr . Giul iani said he would check . •


Department of Public Info rmation • News Coverage Service • New '\brk ------·

SG/SM/4574 IK/24 13 June 1991


Following is the text of the statement (translated from French) by Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar , delivered yesterday , 12 June , in Geneva at the pledging conference for the Un ited Nations Humanitarian Programme for Iraq , Kuwait and the Iraq/Turkey and Iraq/Iran Bo rder Areas :

I wish first of all to thank you for having responded to my invitation.

The time chosen for this meeting and ' the .nature of the challenges that it addresses give it special importance : these chal�e�ges require , on the part of the international community as a whole , a major effort , an expression of its will to act efficiently and speedily to come to the aid of hundreds of thousands of families in need , within the framework of the Humanitarian Programme for Iraq, Kuwait and the Iraq/Turkey and Iraq/Iran Border Areas .

On 15 May , in view of the inadequacy of the funds contributed so far by States, a revised and restructured appeal was launched , which, on the basis of the development of the situat ion and the assessment of needs , called upon the. internat ional community once again in order to ob tain the necessary financial support.

This appeal stated that , at the beginning of May , some 415,000 refugees had been at the Iraq/Turkey border and that, two weeks later, that number had fallen to 208 ,000 . It is today around 13,000 . Furthermore , 539,000 refugees

are currently still in Iranian territory ,. as against 1,402..,000 as of 1 May . · The same appeal of 15 May stressed that, in the course of the two preceding weeks , some 106 ,000 refugees from seven localities in the north of Iraq had been ab le to receive food aid and that Un ited Nations Humanitarian Centres had been established at Zakho , Mosul , Basra , Arbil , Sulayman iyah· and Dohuk .

Today , in this same region , various population groups , among the mos t vulnerable , still lack shelter, food and care .

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This fact cannot but prompt the en tire international community to mobilize with all due dispatch and to demonstrate its generosity by coming to the aid of these people who are in such a sorry situat ion .

An important aspect of this Programme, having to do with the security of operations , has been the subject of new negotiations in recent weeks . These negotiations have produced an agreement which can be described as extreme ly innovative , an agreement which deals with the deployment in the region in quest ion of a Un ited Nations Guard Cont ingen t -- a contingent of veritab le "hwnan itarian witnesses" whose task will be to ensure the smooth conduct of operations and the security of the field personnel who are to carry them out and , as necessary , to prepare reports on any incidents affecting the beneficiaries of United Na tions programmes .

This agreement, which is essential to the success of the Hwnanitarian Programme and which has been made a part of the Memorandum of Un derstanding signed in Baghdad on 18 April, calls for the community of States to make available for the Programme both personnel and equipment, and the money needed to f\Uld the Contingent.

We have a responsibility vis-a-vis both the beneficiaries of the Programme and donors to it to ensure that operations proceed without incident . We therefore hope to be in a position before long to complete the deployment of the Contingent, which is to be placed under the command of a commander stationed in Baghdad and under the authority of the Coordinator and Special Representative of the Executive Delegate .

I should like , with your indulgence , to dwell on one point . The deployment of this United Nations Guard Contingent, whose innovative charac ter I wish to emphasize once again , is perhaps not the ideal solution, but it seems to be the best way of responding to an urgent need which we cannot ignore . Indeed , the Un ited Na tions guards will constitute an important element in the overall plan for dealing with the prob lem of the security of operations . As Secretary-General , I consider it essential today that the necessary attention be given to the different elements of this comprehensive plan , wh ich should, in time , allow for calm to be restored in the region .

Needless to say , the United Nations operation in Iraq cannot succeed un less it has the support of the parties concerned . I therefore wish to appeal on ce again for moderation so that the spirit , if not the letter, that mus t characterize the demilitarization which is an integral part of any peace agreemen t may prevail and so that the civilian authorities may be genuinely respected by all.

If I have dwe lled on this Guard Contingent , it is because the success of the Humanitarian Programme which we have deve loped depends in large measure on it . We mus t not, moreover, lose sight of the fact that this Programme is targeted to all vulnerab le groups wherever they may be. Thus , we are not talking just about the Kurds but also about the Shi ' ites in the southern part • of the country , of whom there are many , and about quite a few other minorities

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who , un fortunately , tend to be neglected . Public attention , as you all know , is focus ing above all on the plight of the Kur ds . Unf ortunately , they are not the on ly ones who need our help . Consequently , all the vulnerab le groups mus t be brought within the scope of our Humanitarian Programme.

As for the funding of the Programme, the overal l budget of the ac tion stemming from the appeal of 15 May , including es tablishmen t of the Guard Con tingent , is es tima ted at $448 .9 million. This figure covers needs relating to Un ited Nations programmes of emergency humani tarian assistance un til 31 Augus t 1991.4 As of this Jime , we have an ove rall deficit of $340.3 million and we mus t make good this def icit as a matter of urgen cy so that we can respond to the needs and es tablished priorities , inter �. food aid to re fugees and repatriated persons in Iraq , refugee repatriation projects un dertaken un der the auspices of the Un ited Na t ions High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ), the In ten1at ional Organization for Migration , the Un ited Na tions Chi ldren 's Fund (UNICEF) and the Wo rld Heal th Organizat ion (WHO) , and the projects of emergency assistance to the mo st vulnerab le groups in Iraq , un der the supervision of such organizations as UN ICEF , WHO an d UNHCR . We are still far short of the $35 million needed to finance the Gua rd Con tingent; as yet , we have less than $25 million. As you see, a substantial effort is still needed in order for us to achieve our ob jective .

Howeve r, I will not dwell further on the details regarding the funding of these projects . Clearly , this Humanitarian Programme is a major operation , an exceptionally big chal lenge for the Un ited Na tions . The presence of the United Nations in this region has already made it po ssible to he lp several hundreds of thousands of refugees and to repatriate them to their places of or1g1n . It has made it possible to provide food aid to more than 100 , 000 people and to vac cinate more than 100,000 chi l dren against measles .

However, that is on ly a beginning . The international communi ty mus t now he lp us to take up this challenge . It mus t also realize that Iraq mus t embark on its reconstruc tion on a stab le basis , or else the world community wil l be responsib le for the fate of 18 million people , and it will be unab le to do this on a long-term basis .

It is true that the Security Counc il has imposed sanc tions on Iraq . However, we mus t reconcile those sanc tions with the humanitarian assistance which is essential to the needs of the population and par ticularly those of the mo st vulnerab le groups . It is therefore vital that States come to our assistance in these troubled time s and give us this support without which our action canno t be completed . Recent history has demons trated that, de spite limited means , our in terven tions have been ab le to achieve their ob jective .

I know that, on ce again , the Un ited Na tions can count on your generosity .

I thank you.

3401P r

Press Release ·----···-- ....,...,_...... _.______

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New '\brk --- -. ---sGiT/1665 13 June 1991



Tr_av_ els �m to Atteu.d.. _C .e.remon ieB Mar ki_yg__.LQu.tlL Amt.iv_er§_�g:y_gf__ Sw i�lL!&_I!felli.a_t;j_on

(Rece ived from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secre tary-Gen era l.)

GENEVA , 13 June -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar left Geneva for Be rn at 4 p.m. today , where he will pa rticipate tomorrow in the ceremon ies ma rking the 700 th ann ive rsary of the Swiss Confederat ion .

Th is morning , at 10 , the Secretary-General me t for ha lf an hour with the President of the Interna tional Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Corne lio Somma ruga , with whom he discussed va rious issues of mutual concern .

At 10 :30 a.m. , the Secreta ry-Genera l presided ove r an inter-agency meet ing on the Un ited Nat ions Human itarian Programme for Iraq , Kuwait , Iraq/Turkey and Iraq/Iran . Attending that meeting were the Executive De legate of the Secretary-Genera l, Sad ruddin Aga Khan , and representatives of the Food and Agricul ture Organization (FAO), the Un ited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ), the World Food Programme (WFP ), the Un ited Na tions Child ren 's Fund (UNICEF ), the In terna tiona l Atomic En ergy Agency (IAEA), the In terna t ional Lab our Orga nisation (ILO), the In ternational Telecommunication Un ion (ITU) , the Of fice of the Un ited Na tions Disas ter Re lief Coordinator (UNDRO ), the Horld Health Organizat ion (WHO ), the Un ited Na t ions Developmen t Programme (UNDP ) an d the In ternational Ma ritime Organization (IMO). Also present we re the represen tatives from ICRC and the League of Red Cross and Red Crescen t socie ties .

At 1 p.m. , the Secretary-Gene ra l attended a working lunch ho sted by his Exe cut ive De lega te , for the representatives of all the agencies attending this morn ing 's meeting , to con t inue the discussions and also to discuss the urgen t humani tarian situation in Africa , in particular , the deve lopmen ts in Ethiopia .

At noon , the Secre tary-General presided over a pledging conferen ce on Western Sahara , whe re he made an in troduc tory statement .

Yeste rday even ing , the Secretary-General met with his Special Representative on Cyprus , Oscar Camilion.

For �.lb nnation media-not an official record FOR INFORMATION OFUNITEDNATIONSSECRETARIAT ONLY

23 May 1991


Fran�ois Giuliani told correspondents at today 's press briefing that the Secre tary-General would leave New York over the weekend of 24 May on a trip that would take him to Abuja, Nigeria, for the Organization of African Un ity (OAU ) regular summit meeting; to Lisbon where he would witness the signing of the agreement between the Government of Angola and the National Un ion for the Total Independence of An gola (UNITA); and 'to Geneva for a high-level meeting of Un ited Nations humanitarian agencies involved in the Gulf crisis .

He said the Secretary-General would begin his trip with a visit to Marrakech on 25 May for talks with King Hassan II of Morocco. On 26 May , the Secretary-General would travel to Algiers for talks with Algerian President Chadli Bendjedid and other Algerian officials before travelling to Lisbon . where , on 31 May , he would witne ss the signing of the Angola agreement .

On 1 June , the Secretary-General would travel to Africa, where on 3 and 4 June he would attend the OAU summit . He would then pay an official visit to Sierra Leone on 5 and 6 June . The Secretary-General would pay an official visit to Guinea (7-8 June ), Guinea-Bissau (9-10 June ) and then would fly to Geneva where , on 13 June , he would preside over a special meeting of heads of United Nations humanitarian agencies invo lved in the Gulf crisis .

On 14 June , the Secretary-General would travel to Bern where he would attend the ceremonies marking the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation . The Secretary-General would then return to New Yo rk .

In addition to the above· information, which would appear on a press release (SG/T/1651 /Rev.l), Mr . Giuliani said the Secretary-General would meet Mohamed Ab del-Aziz , President of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Rio .de Oro (POLISARIO), in Abuja.

Concerning the special meeting in Geneva , he said it would be organized by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , the Secretary-General 's Executive De legate. In addition to the Secretary-General , the following high-level officials were expected to attend : �he Un ited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Sadako Ogata; the Administrator of the United Nat ions Development Programme (UNDP ), William H. Draper; the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr . Hiroshi �akajima ; the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Edouard Saouma ; the Executive Director of the Un ited Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF), James P. Grant; the Executive Director of the World Food Programlne (WFP ), James Charles Ingram ; and the Un ited Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO), M'Hamed Essaafi.

Concerning the Secretary-General 's schedule, Mr. Giuliani said he had met, at 11:30 a.m. , the Permanent Representative of Kuwait , Mohammad A. Abulhasan , at the Ambassador 's reques t, before attend ing the Security Council consultations on the report of the Secretary-General on the destruction of Iraqi weapons (document S/22614 ) and the l�tter, dated 20 May , from the

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3167B DPI Briefing - 2 - 23 May 1991

Mission of Palestine (documen t S/226 26 ) concerning the recent deportations from the occupied territories . At 12:30 p.m. , the Secretary-General would me et a delegation from the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations. At 4 p.m. , he would meet President George Vassiliou of Cyprus .

Mr. Giuliani drew attention to a press release from UNHCR , announcing that the High Commissioner had dispatched 45 Scandinavian field officers to Baghdad in order to strengthen its humanitarian operations in three northern Iraqi provinces, copies of the re lease were available in room 378 .

Referring to the establishment of the Un ited Nations Compensation Fund , a correspondent asked whether the Secretary-General would set the ceiling (for the percentage of Iraqi oil exports ) by the end of this week . Mr . Giuliani said no .

At whose request was the Secretary-General 's meeting with President Vassiliou of Cyprus ? he was asked . Mr . Giul iani said the meeting was by mutual agreement in light of the President 's presence in New York today . He replied in the negative when asked if there were "developmen ts which could be divulged" on Cyprus . Asked when the Secretary-General 's report on the Un ited Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) was due , he replied that it was due by 15 June .

Quest ioned about the possibility of a Security Council meeting , Mr . Giuliani said the Council was consulting , at the time of the briefing, and he did not know whether to expect a formal meeting today or tomorrow or no t. He added that consideration of the Secretary-General 's report on Ango la would probably take place sometime next week , and no t by the end of this week , as had been indicated earlier.

Asked ab out the prospects for getting some . Un ited Nations peace-keepers into An gola after the signing of the cease-fire agreement, Mr. Giuliani said that according to the recent report of the Secretary-General on the subject (document 5/22627), the additional ob servers -- bringing to 350 the total number of observers -- would be expected to arrive ab out two or three weeks after the signing of the cease-fire agreement on 3f May . In any case , he said , approxtmately 50 ob servers from the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM) were already in Angola.

He was asked when the operation of the Un ited Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL ) would begin , Mr . Giuliani said that while some advance teams might soon be travelling to El Salvador, the ONUSAL operation would not formally be es tablished until the General Assemb ly had approved the budget.

Asked for data on contributions to relief efforts in , Mr . Giuliani said he would check with UNDRO for updated information.

Asked when the As semb ly would take up the ONUSAL budget , Fred Eckhard said he expected the item to be taken up by the plenary in June .

3167B . • -. � ... .. ''.· -, ; : ·· � .. . :· · ·. . ·-�� , • .•r ,. • ·_:· ·-� .;;·�· ·� .� ...

Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New "ibrk

SG/T/1651/Rev .1>'< 23 May 1991



Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar will leave New Yo rk ove r the weekend of 24 May on a trip that will take him to Ahuj a, Nigeria, for the Organization of African Unity (OAU ) regular s ummit mee t ing ; to Lisbon whe re he will witn ess the signing of the agreement between the Government of An gola and the Na tional Un ion for the To tal Independence of An gola (UNITA); and to Geneva for a high-leve l meeting of Un ited Na tions humanitarian agencies involved in the Gulf crisis .

The Secre tary-Gene ral wi ll begin his trip with a vis it to Marrakech on 25 May for talks with King Hassan II of Mo rocco .

On 26 May , the Secre tary-General wi ll travel to Algiers for talks with Algerian Pres ident Chadl i Bendjedid an d other Al gerian officials before trave lling to Lisbon where , on 31 May , he will witness the sign ing of the Angola agreement.

On 1 June , the Secretary-General will trav el to Af rica, whe re on 3 and 4 June he will attend the OAU s ummit. He will then pay an official visit to Sierra Leone on 5 and 6 June .

The Secretary-General will pay an official visit to Guinea (7-8 June ), to Guinea-B is sau (9-10 June ) and then will fly to Geneva wh ere , on 13 June , he wi ll preside ove r a special me eting of heads of Un ited Na tions humanitarian agenc ies invo lYed in the Gulf crisis .

On 14 June , the Secre tary-General wi ll travel to Bern where he wi ll at tend the ceremonies marking the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confede ration .

The Secre tary-General wi ll then return to New Yo rk.

>'< *** *

>'< Revised to correct the ann ive rsary of the Swiss Confederation in the sixth paragraph .

For information media-not an official record FOR INFORMATION OF QNI TED NATIONS SECRETARIAT ONL Y : ·� �. . I . 6 June 1991

1 . • ill'I DAILY PRESS BRIEFING i :: . . � � .. : ... .

Fran'�o is Giuliani told correspondents ._ (l_t,. today ' s press briefing that the Secre tary_.General had: arrived in Freetown. (from Abuja, Nigeria) yesterday , f�r a two:..:.tfay offfcial; visit .to Sierra Leone . At 10:30 a.ni. today, the . Secretary- G�'tie'tal had me t for half an hour wit� President Joseph S. Mof!Jph of Sierra ·t�cine with whom he discussed the economic situation in the coun t'ry . The ·p:resident had praised the cons tructive role of the Un ited Nations family in Sierra Leone . They had also discussed regional security issues , including ·

the s'l tuation in Liberia and the prob lem of the flow of refugees in to Sierra · Leone . President Momoh had then b,riefed the Secreta!y-General on the democratization process in his country and the drafting of the new cons titution .

. \ ·. .�' ) The Secretary-General was now en route to Guinea, said Mr . Giuliani , who· , pointed out that a press release, containing additional details of the Secretary-General 's activities , would be availab le later today (Press Release SG/T/1660).

He was asked whether Lebanon had requested a Security Council meeting on the recent attacks on bases of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in that country. Mr . Giuliani answered that while the Permanent Representative of Lebanon had met with the President of the Council yesterday to inform him of the situation , no such reques t had been received .

He announced that the Security Council consultations on Cyprus , scheduled for 4 p.m. today, would concern a report from the Friends of the Security Council President on the financial situation of the Un ited Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). He added that the Council was expected to take up the renewal of the Force 's mandate (which expires on 15 June) at the end of next week. Copies of the Secretary-General 's report on UNFICYP (document S/22665) were available on the third floor press racks .

Mr. Giul iani drew attention to the report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 26 of Security' Council resolution 687 (1991) (document S/22660) , on proposed guidelines to facilitate the implementation of arms and related sanctions against Iraq, which was available at the documents counter.

He said no Security Council act ion was expected on the matter of the Compensation Fund in the immediate future . Similarly, nothing had been scheduled on a possible draft resolution on disarmamen t aspects relating to resolution 687.

Mr . Giuliani announced that Dr . Helen Caldicott, founding President an d President Emeritus of Physicians for Social Respons ibility, would deliver an address -- "The Medical Implications of the Ecological Crisis" -- to the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) at 3 p. m. today .



� : . DPI Briefing - 2 - 6 June 1991

Asked about the press conference by Prime Minister Adrien Sibomana of Burundi at 11 a.m. tomorrow, 7 June , in room 226, Mr . Giul iani said an interpreter would be present to provide French-English trans lation .

Mr. Giul iani was asked about reports that the World Food Programme (WFP ) had halted food supplies to Iraq due to some "diversions " by the Iraqi authorities . He replied that he had been informed by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan 's office that the reports circulating had dramatized the actual situation out of proportion . The WFP relied on the Iraqi distribution network for certain aspects of its own distribution process, he said . In this context , some food supplies had been diverted . But once the diversion had been pointed out to the Iraqi authorities by United Nations officials , those authorities had begun replenishing what had been diverted . Mr. Giuliani said he would check further, but it was his understanding that "no problems" remained.

Was there any news or "sign from the Council11 about the report on the destruction of weapons , as called for by resolution 687? Mr . Giul iani replied in the negative .

* *** *


5 June 1991

l1l' l_ .DA.I.LX PRESS BB_!_E_f.INSZ

Fran�ois Giul iani told correspondents at today 's press briefing that Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar had today concluded h�s four-day stay in Ahuj a, Nigeria, after attend ing the twenty-seventh summit of the Organization of Af rican Unity (OAU ) and meeting with several Heads of State and Government and other dignitaries . He had left early in the afternoon for Freetown on a two-day official visit to Sierra Leone.

Earlier today , at 9:15 a.m. , the Secretaty-General had a short t.e te-. a-tete with Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria. At 9:30 a.m. , he had discussed Af rican regional questions with the Foreign Minister of Mauritania, Hasni Ould Didi . In particular� they had discussed the question of Western Sahara and the Secre tary-General had briefed the Foreign Minister on the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) . At 9:45 a.m. , the Secretary-General had met wi th the Prime Minister of Somalia, Mohamed Hawadle Madar, ·and discussed with him the humanitarian relief effort in that country and the refugee situation . Mr . Giul iani said that additional details were, at the time of the briefing , being received on the ac tivi ties of the Secre tary-General and would be made available later this af ternoon (Press Release SG/T/1659).

Concerning the pledging conference for support of the Un ited Nations inter-agency programme for Iraq, Kuwait, and the Iraq/Turkey and Iraq/ I ran border areas , Mr . Giuliani announced that the meeting would be held at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 12 June , at the Palais des Nations in Geneva . He said the pledging conference would be preceded by an in ter-agency technical meeting earlier the same day (not the preceding day, as previously announced). The Secre tary-General would open the meeting , af ter which a number of senior officials would speak, including the Secretary-General 's Executive Delegate, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , and heads of United Nations agencies . A consolidated report on the current status of the Un tied Nat ions plan of action, as well as the present funding pos ition for this plan , would be made avai lable to participants.

He said invitations to attend the meeting had been sent to the usual group of donors and other concerned countries that had participated in previous meetings on the Persian Gul f crisis which had been organized since January. He added that this usual group of donors had included major donors and countries such as , Bangladesh, Iran and Iraq. Concerned United Nations agencies and organizations had also been invi ted , as well as some representatives of non-governmen tal organizations . The Resident Coordinators of Turkey, Kuwait and Iran would also at tend , as would the coordinator for the Un ited Nations operations in Iraq, Bernt Bernander .

Mr. Giul iani then announced that a pledging conference for refugees from Western Sahara would take place immediately after the meeting on the Persian Gulf crisis .


3179B DP I Briefing - 2 - 5 June 1991

Regarding press conferences, Mr . Giul iani said that the press conference by the Prime Minister of Burundi , Adrien Sibomana , had been scheduled at the new time of 11 a.m. on Friday , 7 June , in room 226 . Asked whether simul taneous in terpretations would be provided , Mr . Giul iani said it should be known by all that that capacity did not exist in room 226 . Asked what English-speaking correspondents should do under the circums tances , he suggested that if correspondents had questions ab out the current arrangements , they should. contact the Permanent Mission of Burundi . He felt confident that most correspondents spoke French in any case . "Bon , alors"? he added , amid laughter .

Mr . Giul iani informed correspondents about a press conference by the North American Coordinating Committee for Non-Governmental Organizations on the Question of Palestine· -- sponsored by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienab le Rights of the Palestinian People -- which would take place at 11 a.m. tomorrow , 6 June, in room 226 . He said the press conference was part of a series of activi ties by the Coordinating Commi ttee to focus attention on the need to resolve the Palestinian question . The expected guests were : the Permanent Representative of Mal ta, Alexander Borg Olivier , Rapporteur of the Palestinian Rights Commi ttee ; the Permanent Ob server of Palestine to the Un ited Nations , Nasser Al-Kidwa ; and Jeanne But terfield, Chairman of the North Ame rican Coordinating Committee .

* *** *

3179B Press Release ------�------�------· �· �------Department of Publi.c Information o. News Coverage Service • New '\brk

SG/T/1659 5 June 1991



(Received from a spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

ABUJA , Nigeria , 5 June -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Guellar wound up his four-day stay in Abuja, Nigeria , today , after attending the twenty-seventh Organization for African Un ity (OAU) summit and meeting wi th several Heads of State and Governmen t and other dignitaries . He left early in the afternoon for Freetown on a two-day of ficial visit to Sierra Leone .

At 9:15 a.m. , the Secretary-General had a short tete-a- tete with Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria .

At 9:30 a.m. , he discussed with the Foreign Minister of Mauritan ia , Hasni Ould Didi , African regional questions , in particular the question of Wes tern Sahara , and the Secretary-General briefed him on the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Wes tern Sahara (MINURSO) .

The Secre tary-General met, at 9:45 a.m. , with the Prime Mini ster of Somalia, Mohamed Hawadle Madar , and discussed with him the humanitarian relief effort in that �ountry and the refugee situation .

At 10 :30 a.m. , the Secretary-General had a tete-a-tete meeting wi th the Pres ident of Nigeria, Ibrahim Badamas i Babangida , with whom he discussed the OAU sUmmit and issues of mutual interest to the Un ited Nat ions and the OAU , inc luding the quest ion of Wes tern Sahara.

At an 11 a.m. meeting with President Sam Nujoma of Namibia, the Secretary-General reviewed with him the role of the United Nations in Namibia, the economic situation of the country and developments in South Africa .

Yesterday , 4 June , in the evening , the Secretary-General met President Daniel T. arap Moi of Kenya and d�scussed the situation in Ethiopia and its repercussions on neighbouring countries , including Kenya .

(mo re )

For inimnation media-not an official �ord - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1659 5 June 1991

At an encounter with the press before leaving Abuja today , the Secretary-General was asked ab out the aggravation of the situation in Ethiopia and whether he was willing to mediate in the conflict . The Secretary-General said that, on the humanitarian level , he was very concerned for the civilian population in Ethiopia and noted that he had just laun ched an appeal to help in a coordinated and efficient way to alleviate the suffering of the Ethiopian people and to assist neighbouring countries , namely , Dj ibout i, Kenya , Somalia and the Sudan . He added that when in Geneva next week , he would coordinate at a high level, with United Nat ions agencies and the Internat ion�l Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC ) and send a mission to the region .

On the political level� the Secre tary-General noted that he had no t been in touch , while in Abuja, with the Eritreans ; he had on ly met with an official of the Ethiopian Peoples 's Revolutionary Democratic Front . At any rate , he said , any involvement of the Un ited Nations would require authorization from the General Assemb ly or Security Counc il .

Regarding the situation in Lebanon , the Secretary-General said he had yes terday made a statement deploring the violation of the territorial in tegrity of Lebanon and expressing his concern and regret at the attacks . He had also immediately contacted his advisers in New Yo rk and was told that the Lebanese Government had asked for an urgent meeting of the Security Counc il. He sincerely hoped, said the Secretary-General , that the situation would calm down and that no further attacks occurred in southern Lebanon .

Asked about the Western Sahara referendum, the Secretary-General said the Un ited Nations had embarked on the task of identification of the Saharan people . "I have appointed a very distinguished African", he said , Macaire Pedanou, to carry out that task . I have also appointed Armand Roy, a Canadian , to head the force.

Asked what role the Un ited Na tions would play in the African Economic Treaty_ signed at Ahuja on 3 June , the Secre tary-General recalled that the Organization had contributed to the draf t ing of the Treaty . This remarkab le Treaty, he said , should serve as an example for other regions and , together with the Kampala document , provided a legal framework for accelerating progress in the continent .

To a question on the Un ited Nat ions �ole in avo iding any further hardship · for the Iraqi people, the Secre tary-General reviewed the action in the Security Council and exp lained the 30 per cent ceiling he had established for the Compensation Fund . He added : ·�y position has always been that the people of Iraq are not responsible for what happened . The international community should bear in mind that the people of Iraq have already suffered enough and should not suf fer any more ." To a further question on the 30 per cent ceiling , the Secre tary-General said it was up to the Security Council to ac t. The ceiling suggested was based on informa tion received from independent sources , the Wo rld Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Asked about his support for an African candidate, the Secre tary-General 4lt rei terated that it was only fair to give Africans a chance . "The princ iple of rotation is sacred in the United Nations , and Africans are entitled to present candidates", he stated .


.. 4 June 1991


Fran�ois Giuliani began today 's press briefing by reading out the following statement on Ethiopia, wh ich was attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General :

"Recent developments in and relating to Ethiopia have un derscored the need for prompt , concerted international action to ave rt further aggravation of the serious humanitarian problem prevailing in the country and its impact on the neighb ouring States, namely Djibout i, Kenya , Somalia and Sudan .

"The evolving situation calls for urgent measures to mobilize in ternational emergency human itarian assistance, particularly food for all needy populations . The provision of such emergency assistance will also require cross-border and cross-line operations . It is cruc ial that the security and protection of refugees, civilian population and former comba tants , the safe passage of convoys moving humanitarian assistance through zones of conflict and the security of all international and local personnel engaged in the humanitarian efforts be guaranteed immediately . The cooperation , support and assistance of all concerned are vital to any effective Un ited Nat ions human itarian assistance , as is the commitment of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU) .

"The Secretary-General strongly urges the international donor community to give prompt and adequate · attention to these eme rgency situations . Fai lure to do so may very well lead to a mass ive human tragedy .

"In that context , and in order to assess the immediate requirements for humanitarian assistance and accelerate its mob ilization and dis tribution , the Secretary-General is sending an in ter-agency team immediately to Ethiopia and the neighbouring countries ." (Press Release SG/SM/4573-IHA/406 )

Concerning the schedule of the Secretary-General , Mr . Giuliani said that on his second morning in Ah uja, the new capital of Nigeria, the Secretary-General had a series of mee tings with the Heads of State and Government and other high- level officials attending the twenty-seven th summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

At 11 a.m. , the Secretary-General me t with the Foreign Minister of Algeria, Sid Ahmed Ghozali. They discussed the implemen tation of the plan for Wes tern Sahara , the re cently signed agreement on Ango la , as we ll as other regional African problems . At 12 p.m. , the Secretary-General had discussed the question of Cyprus with Foreign Minister George Iacovou of Cyprus . At 12:45 p.m. , the Secretary-General had a tete-a- tete meeting with Joseph N. Garba of Nigeria , forme r President of the General Assembly. He had me t, at

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3177B DP I Briefing - 2 - 4 June 1991 ..

1 p.m., with President Orner Has san Ahmed Al Bashir of the Sudan , with whom he had discussed the impact of the situation in Ethiopia on the Sudan , particularly on its eas tern province.

In the afternoon , continued Mr . Giuliani , the Secretary-Genera l had me t with the Prime Minister of Senegal , Habib Thiam, with whom he had discussed African economic requirements , Wes tern Sahara, the An golan peace accords and local conf licts in Africa , including the differences between Mauritania and Senegal . He had then met with Dawit Yohannes , member of the Supreme Council of the Eritrean People 's Revo lutionary Democratic Front and head of the delegation of Ethiopia to the summit. Mr . Yohannes had briefed the Secretary-General on the situation in Ethiopia, and they had also discussed the humanitarian needs of that country . The Secretary-General had then me t with Yas ser Arafat , Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) . Mr. Arafat briefed the Secre tary-General on the latest Israeli raids against PLO bases in Lebanon and they discussed the af termath of the Persian Gulf crisis and the situation in the Near East.

On that subject, Mr . Giut'iani said he had been authorized by the Secretary-General to state that the Secretary-General "deplored" both the violation of the territorial in tegrity of Lebanon· as well as any civilian casualties caus�d by this recent attack.

Re turning to the schedule, Mr . Giul iani said the Secretary-General would also meet , later this af ternoon , with the Presiden.t of Kenya , Daniel' T. arap

Moi , and , subsequen tly, with the President of An gola, Jose Eduardo dos · Santos . Yesterday , he said , the Secretary-General had attended the opening ceremony of the twenty-seven th Assemb ly of .the Heads of State and Government of the OAU where he made an address . As soon as the ·ful l text had been received , it would be made available in room 378. (Press Re lease SG/SM/4572)

Concerning Un ited Nations efforts to implemen t Security Council resolution 598 (1987), Mr . ·Giuliani said the Secretary-General had appoin ted Joseph Stephanides as head of the Un ited Na tions Office of the Secretary-General in Iran. He recalled that the Security Council had agreed on 28 February, with the proposal of the Secretary-General , that civilian offices be established in the area for the purpose of assisting him in carrying out the remaining tasks entrus ted to him by resolution 598 (1987 ), following the completion of the mission of the Un ited Nations Iran -Iraq Military Ob server Group (UNIIMOG). He said that Mr . Stephanides � ·a national of Cyprus , had joined the Un ited Nations in 1980 . Since then , he had served as Deputy Chief of the New York office of the Cen tre for Human Rights , then as Sen ior External Relations and Inter-Agency Affairs Officer of the Cen tre for Science and Technology for Deve lopment, and with the Un ited Nations Transition As sistance Group (UNTAG ) in Namibia from April to December 1989 . Prior to J01n1ng the Secretariat, Mr . Stephanides served as a memb er of the diplomatic service of his country.

Concerning the Un ited Nat ions operation in Western Sahara , Mr . Giul iani informed corresponden ts that the Secretary-General had appoin ted Zia Rizvi as Deputy Special Representative of the Un ited Nations Mission for the Referendum in Wes tern Sahara (MINURSO ), with effect from 1 June . He said Mr . Rizv i , a national of , had been Assistan t Secretary-General and Deputy Coordina tor of the Un ited Nations Human itarian and Economic Assistance

(more ) 3177B • �P I Briefing - 3 - 4 June 1991

Programmes relating to Afghanistan since 1989 . The complete biography was available in room 378 .

Also on Wes tern Sahara , Mr . Giuliani announced that the Secretary-General had appointed Macaire Pedanou as Chairman of the Identif ication Commission of MINURSO , effective 1' June . Mr . Pedanou , a national of Togo , was currently a Director in the Department for Special Political Quest ions , Regional Cooperation , Decolonization and Trus teeship. Copies of his biography were available in room 378 .

Mr . Giuliani reminded correspondents of the press conference by Dr. Nafis Sad ik, Exe cutive Director of the Un ited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), at 11:3o·a.m. tomo rrow ,- 5 June , in room 226 . He also informed correspondents of a press conference by the Prime Minister of Burundi , scheduled at 11:15 a.m.­ on Friday , 7 June , in Conference Room 4.

Mr . Giulian i drew attention to situation report, No . 4, from the Office of the Un ited Na tions Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO ) on the financial situation of the Un ited Na tions emergency re lief efforts in the Pers ian Gul f area. He said informa tion in the report detailed the critical financial shortfall, which was particularly acute for food as well as for the Un ited Nations guards . Copies of the report were available in room 378.

Regarding the Un ited Na tions inter-agency meeting scheduled for next week in Geneva , 1.3 June , on the Persian Gulf region , Mr . Giuliani said that the day before the meeting , the Secretary-General would chair a ,pledging conference for support of the United Nations in ter-agency programme for the Iraq/Kuw ait , Iraq/Turkey , and Iraq/I ran border areas . He said the Secretary-General 's Executive Delegate, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , the Un ited Na t ions High Commissioner for . Refugees (UNHCR ), Sadako Ogata , and the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO ) M'Hamed Essaafi, would also be in attendance.

Responding to questions about former Under-Secre tary-General Abdulrahim A. Farah 's trip to Iran , Mr . Giuliani said that in connection with paragraph 7 of Security Council resolution 598 (1987), Mr . Farah and his team of experts had arrived in Teheran on Friday , 31 May . They had begun their work on Saturday , 1 June , with a series of meetings at the Ministries of Foreign Affairs , Economic and Finance and Directorate of Planning and Budget. There had also been a meeting with the Vice-Presiden t for Executive Affairs . He said the draft work programme, which had been prepared by the Government, envisaged ex tensive meetings with all concerned ministries as well as visits to the various affected provinces for on-s ite inspection of damage. Mos t probably, he said , the mission would remain in Iran from 15 to 18 days .

Asked about Un ited Nations operations in Ethiopia, Mr. Giuliani said the relief operations were continuing despite the ex treme ly difficult circums tances which prevailed in that country: three staff members of the World Food Programme (WFP ) had been abducted over the weekend and two of them killed. Explosions in Addis Ababa today had destroyed 28 homes of staff members of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), to tally disrupted its telecommunications sys tem and blown out the windows at the headquarters of the Commission . He recalled that the Secretary-General was sending a mission to

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Ethiopia, following his consul tations on the subject in Abuja, to see what could be done to improve . the very difficult situation .

He was asked whether the Secretary-General had a· ·reaction to the Un ited States rejection of his recommendation for a ceiling (on the percentage of Iraqi oil exports to be devoted to the Un ited Nations Compensation Fund ). Mr. Giuliani replied in the negative .

Regarding World Environment Day tomorrow, 5 June , Fred Eckhard announced that the Secretary-General 's message was availab le on the third floor press racks as Press Release SG/SM/4571. He said that at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the. Dag Hanvnarskjold Auditorium , . a new film by Bill Moyers , "Spirit and Nature", would be screened . (Unfortunately, no seats were available to the press .). At 7 p.m. in the General Assemb ly Hall , the first annual award ceremony for the Earth Prize would take place , he said . The four recipients for 1991 were : Ted Turner, of Turner Broadcasting; James P. Grant , Executive Director of the Un ited Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF); Carlos Salinas , President 0f Mexico;· and Gro Harlem Bruntland, Prime Minister of Norway . He added that President Salinas and Ms . Bruntland would not be present tomorrow evening' and would be presented with their awards at a later date .

In addition , he said 1,500 young people from around the world would participate in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Third Annual Global Youth Forum on Environment at Headquarters on 5 and 6 June ; for information , correspondents should contact Dul cie de Montagnac at UNEP : 963-4931.

UNEP would also announce the recipients of the Global 500 Awards , ·he said , with 49 individuals from 29 countries being honoured this year . Information on the awards , which was embargoed un til midnight tonight , was ava ilable from UNEP . He added that a limited number of press kits on the subject would be available at the third floor documen ts counter later this af ternoon .

A correspondent asked why there were no seats available to the press for the Moyers film, Mr. Eckhard said it was not his decision or his responsibility; he could not say.

Asked about the purpose of the awards and the recipients , he said that in light of the limited information provided to the Spokesman 's office on this matter, correspondent-s might wish to check direc tly with UNEP .

3177B Press-- R.e�ease· --=------·---· ...... �· ------��� ..·-----·� .,..... '

Department of Public Informat.\on • :News Coverage Service • New York

SG/T/1 661 7 June 1991


(Received from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

FREETOWN , 6 June -- Before leav ing Freetown , at the co nclusion of his two-day official vis it to Sierra Leone , Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar me t with the press .

In answer to a question regarding what the Un ited Nations was doing ab out the conf lict in Liberia and its consequences on neighbouring countries , the Secretary-General said the Un ited Nations was , of course, very concerned ab out the situation in the region , but he noted that the problem was now in the hands of a subregional mechanism . "The Un ited Nations", he added , "does not :in terfere , as a rule , when a subregiona l body is dealing wi th the problem" . The Secre tary-General recalled that , un der Chapter VIII of the Charter, the United Na t ions encourages regional and subregional organizations to solve their own problems .

Questioned ab out the pos sibility of se nding United Na tions peace-keeping forces to the region , the Secre tary-General said that if he was requested to do so by the Economic Commun ity of Wes t African States (ECOWAS ), for instance , he would have no prob lem, provided the Security Council consented.

For infbnnation media-not an official record FOR INFORMATION OF UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIATONLY

7 June 1991


Frant;o is Giuliani began today ' s press briefing by informing correspondents that the Secretary-General had arrived in Conakry yesterday , on an official visit to Guinea . Today , he ' had a one-h.our meeting with President Lansana Conte . The President had briefed the Secretary-General on the po lit ical changes in his country, particularly the democratization process leading up to legislative elections in 1992. The President had also briefed the Secretary-General on the economic situation in Guinea. They also discussed regional conflicts in Africa and the resulting refugee problem in Guinea, payin g pa rticular attention to the role of the Un ited Nations High Commissio�er for Refugees (UNHCR ).

Mr . Giul iani said that during the Secretary-General 's meeting at 11 a.m. today , with the Minis ter of Planning and Cooperation , Ibrahima Sylla, and the Minister of Fo reign Affairs , Jean Ouattara, he had been briefed in detail on the economic situation of the country . The Planning Minis ter had expressed his appreciation for the contribution being made by the Un ited Na tions sys tem, especially the as sis tance offered by the Un ited Nations Population Fun d (UNFPA) , in the organization of the census to be held in 1993 . The Secretary-General and the Foreign Minister discussed regional conflic ts in Africa , including the situation in Liberia and the ensuing refugee prob lem in Guinea . The Foreign Minister also briefed the Secretary-General on the internal reform being carried out in the country.

Mr . Giul iani said that , in addition to the talks being held by the

Secretary-General with dignitaries from Guinea , a working commission -­ comprised of Un ited Nations staff and Guinean officials -- had also been mee ting to discuss problems of economic development and the Un ited Nations role . This evening, he said , the Secretary-General would attend a banquet in his honour , hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs .

Mr . Giuliani said that a forthcoming press release on the Secretary-General 's activities , (Press Release SG/T/1662) , also contained remarks he made to the press .

Mr . Giuliani reminded correspondents that the members of the Security Council were , at the time of the briefing, ho lding consul tations on the report of the Secretary�General pursuan t to paragraph 26 of Council resolution 687 (1991) (documen t S/22660) on proposed guidelines to facilitate the implementation of arms and related sanc tions against Iraq .

Concerning United Nations human itarian operations in Iraq, Mr . Giul iani drew attention to a report from the Office of the Un ited Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO ) concerning the Middle Eas t/Persian Gulf region . According to the report , the "repatriation had continued apace on nearly al l fronts", although, as previously reported, there still remained "large informal groups re luctant to re turn to their homes or unable to leave" . The report stated that "uncertainty" was still felt and "watchfulness main tained",


3185B DP I Briefing - 2 - 7 June 1991

particularly in regard to two significant factors : 1) the vital necessity of adequate food for those in transit and those settling back at home -- the World Food Programme 's (WFP ) requirement of $64 .9 million had been met with contributions totalling only $680, 000 ; and 2) there were clear indications that a "sense of intense unease persisted among resettled Kurds", whose reaction to future American withdrawal and statements covering their security was "unpredictable". Copies of the UNDRO report were available in room 378, he said.

Also available in room 378 were copies of a report on refugee developmen�s in Africa , from the UNHCR .

Mr . Giul iani told correspondents that the following background note,, prepared by Fred Eckhard , on improving the work of the General Assembly, would be made available to correspondents immediately after the briefing:

"1 . At President de Marco 's request, Ambassador Darko Silovic of Yugoslavia has chaired two meetings of an open-ended group to review the workings of the General Assemb ly with a view to improving its efficiency. The informal consultations took place on 22 May and again yesterday afternoon . The broad participation and the high level of representation at both sessions indicated strong interest in the subject. (Over 80 delegates participated, including many Permanent Representatives .)

"2. The discuss ion has now narrowed to a focus on three areas :

"a ) Consolidation of the Assembly's agenda ;

'� ) Review of the committee structure , in light of the fact that some committees , such as the Special Political Committee and the Fourth Committee , have lighter workloads than the others ;

"c ) A look at how computer technology might be applied to facilitate communication among missions, and between missions and the Secretariat, and what such innovations might cost.

"3. Ambassador Silovic will report this summer to President de Marco on progress made to date . Discussions are expected to continue through the forty-sixth session of the Assembly. The open-ended group is proceeding on the assumption that any recommendations for change will be made on a consensus basis."

He was asked when Assistant Secretary-General J. Richard Foran would address the press on the transfer of stolen property back to Kuwait. Mr . Giuliani said that when Mr. Foran was ready to address the press, it would be announced .

Citing press reports from Geneva , a correspondent asked whether a lack in funds had prevented the United Nations from fully deploying the Un ited Nations guards . Mr . Giuliani said the critical shortfall in funds was certainly one of the concerns at this point. However, he stressed that , at the same time ,

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there had been no snag to hinder the deploymen t of the guards ; they were being deployed on schedule .

Would next week 's fund-raising effort in Geneva be for the deploymen t of the Un ited Nations guards? Mr . Giul ian i was asked . He said t he fund-rais ing appeal was for the Un ited Na t ions human itarian operat ion in the Gulf area in general ; it wa s in that context that funds would be raised for the United Nat ions guards , as we ll as the other aspects of the overall humanitarian relief efforts for the region .

Ques t ioned ab out the number of Un ited Na tion s guards deployed in Iraq , Mr . Giuliani said it was his un de rstanding that , to date , about 50 had been • deployed . •

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3185B ------�----·------�� Department of Public .Info�tion . o News Coverage Service • New lbrk

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SG/T/1662 7 June 1991


CONAKRY , 7 June -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar who arrived he re yes terday on an official visit to Guinea, held a one-hour meeting today with President Lasanc Conte. The Presiden t briefed the Secretary-General on the po litical changes in his country , particularly the democratization process leading up to public and legislative elections in 1992. The President also briefed the Secretary-General on the economic situation in Guinea . They also discussed regional conflicts in Africa and the resul ting refugee problem in Guinea , paying particular attention to the role of the Un ited Nations High Co�nissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ).

In his meeting with the Minister of Planning and Cooperation, Ibrahima Syl la, and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs , Jean Ouat tara , at 11 a.m. today , the Secretary-General was briefed in detail on the economic situat ion of the country . The Planning Minister expressed his appreciation for the contribution being made by the United Nations system, especially the assistance offered by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA ) in the organization of the census to be he ld in 1993. The Secretary-General and the Foreign Minister discussed regional conf licts in Africa, including the situat ion in Liberia and the ensuing refugee prob lem in Guinea . The Foreign Minister also b_riefed the Secretary-General on the interna l reform being carried out in the country.

The Secretary-General then met briefly with representatives of the Un ited Nations specialized agencies present in Guinea.

Parallel to the talks being he ld by the Secretary-General , a working commission , comprised of United Nations staff and Guinean officials , met to discuss problems of economic development and the United Nations role.

This evening, the Secretary-General wi ll attend a banquet in his honour hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs .

Ye sterday , the Secretary-General was met at the airport by Pres iden t Conte . Speaking to a. press gathering at the airport , in answer to a question regarding South Africa, �he Secretary-General said the United Nations was

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Rx'iDtbnnation media-not an official record - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1662 7 June 1991

following closely the developments in that country, adding : "It is my understanding that the Organization of African Un ity (OAU ) summit is about to adopt a resolution on sanc tions".

As far as the United Nations was concerned, the Secretary-General said he would be submitting soon a report to the General Assemb ly on the situation in South Africa, and that he had already met , in Abuja, Nelson Mandela of the African Nat ional Congress of South Africa (ANC), as well as a representative of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC). "I intend to complete these contacts and, if necessary, send a mission for an up-to-date assessment of the situation", he stated.

To a question about the Middle Eas t, the Secretary-General said he was following, with interest, the peace initiatives undertaken by the United States Government and wished it success. "I think , however, that any solution to the problem must include the participation of the United Nations ", he added.

* *** *

3349P Press Release

Department of PubUc Information • News Coverage Service • New \brk

SG/T/1656 3 JWle 1991


.Holds Consultations wi th African Leaders in Attendance

(Received from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

ABUJA, Nigeria� 3 June -- The Secretary-General arrived yesterday in Ahuja, the capital of Nigeria , where he is scheduled to attend , at 3 p.m. today , the opening session of the twenty-seventh assemb ly of the Heads of States and Governments of the Organization for African Unity (OAU ). He is expected to address that meeting today .

This morning at 9 a.m. , the Secretary-General chaired an in ter-agency meeting on the situat ion in Ethiopia which dealt with the emergency humanitarian needs of the country . The meeting was attended by Sadako Ogata , Un ited Nat ions High Commissioner for Refugees ; James Grant, Executive Direc tor of the Un ited Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF); Adebayo Adedeji , Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA); as well as representatives of the Un ited Nations Development Fund (UNDP ) and the Internat ional Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) .

At 10:15 a.m. , the Secretary-General met with Nelson Mandela, Vice-President of the African National Congress (ANC), with whom he discussed the situation in South Africa and the Un ited Nations sanctions against that country .

At 11:15 a.m. , he met the Secretary-General of the OAU , Salim A. Salim , for 45 minutes , the last 15 minutes were tete-a- tet� With Mr. Salim, the Secretary-General discussed issues of mutual in terest to the two organizations , in particular, the development of the situation in Ethiopia, the question of Western Sahara and the peace agreement in Angola which was signed last Friday in Lisbon .

With the President of the Pan-African Congress of Azania, Clement Makwetu, the Secretary-General discussed for 30 minutes the situation in South Africa and the ques tion of sanctions .


For iDformation media-not an official record - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1656 .\ 3 June 1991

Upon his arrival in Ab uj a on Sunday, 2 June , at 5 p.m. from Yamoussokro , Cote d'Ivoire , the Secretary-General was met by the President of Nigeria , General Ibrahim Badaniasi Babangida .

At 7 p.m. , the Secretary-General had a 45-min�te mee ting with the Secre tary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Rio de Oro (POLISARIO) , Mohamed Ab del-Az iz, with whom he reviewed various aspects of the implementation of the Western Sahara plan.

The Secretary-General arrived in Yamoussokro , at 3:30 p.m. , Saturday , 1 June , and was me t at the airport by the Prime Minister of Cote d'Ivoire , Alassane D. Ouattara and by Fo reign Minister Amara Essy.

The Secretary-General then had a one-and-a-half hour 'conversation tete-a-tete with President Fe lix Houphoue t-Boigney , with whom he reviewed a number of African issues . The Secre tary-General then attended a dinner hosted by the President.

On Sunday morning , the Secretary-General attended a special pres idential mass at the Basilica of Yamoussokro , followed by a brief mee ting with Prime Minister Ouattara to discuss the economic development of Cote d'Ivoire before leaving at 2 p.m. for Abuja.

* *** * Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New \brk

SG/T/1657 4 June 1991

.. ..

.5_Ji,;CR�TAR.Y:-G��RA1__ l_l'L1i l;�_E__ Rl A _ _fQ_J3,___ Ql\.JL lit.JMttlL_ _ttE_i: _T_S WITH HF../illS__ Q_f_S _'J'_[\.J'� OR GOVERNM�I_ AND OTHER H IGH-LEVEL OFFICIALS

(Received from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

ABUJA , Nigeria , 4 June -- On his second morn ing in Ab uja , the new capital of Nigeria , Secre tary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar had a series of appo in tmen ts with the Heads of State or Governmen t and other high-l eve l officials attending the twen ty-seven th summit of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU) .

At 11 a.m. , the Secretary-General met with the Fo reign Minister of Algeria , Sid Ahmed zal i. They dis cus sed the implementation of the plan for Wes tern Sahara , the recently signed agreement on An gola as well as other regional African prob lems .

At 12 p.m. , the Secre tary-General discus sed the question of Cyprus with Fo re ign Minister George Iacovou of Cyprus . At 12:45 p.m. , the Secretary-General had a tete-a-t� meeting with Joseph N. Garba, former Permanen t Represen tative of Nigeria to the Un ited Nations and Pres iden t of the forty-fourth General Assembly.

The Secre tary-General then me t at 1 p.m. with Pres ident Orn er Has san Ahmed Al Bashir of the Sudan , with whom he discussed the impact of the situation in Ethiopia on the Sudan , particularly on its eas tern province .

The Secretary-General is scheduled to mee t this af ternoon with the Prime Minister of Senegal , Hab ib Thiam ; with Daw it Yohannes , member of the Supreme Council of the Eritrean People 's Revo lutionary Democratic Front , and head of the delega tion of Ethiop ia ; with Yas ser Arafat , Chairman of the Pales tine Liberation Organization (PLO) ; with the Presiden t of Kenya , Daniel T. arap Mo i: arid the Pres ident of Angola . Jose Eduardo dos Santos .

Yesterday , the Secretary-General at tended the open ing ceremony of the twen ty-s even th As s emb ly of the Heads of State or Government of OAU where he made a statement .

The Secretary-General was then gues t at a dinne r offered by the Pres iden t of Nigeria , Ibrahim Babamasi Babangida , in honour of the dignitaries attending the OAU summit.


For inibnnation media-not an official record Press Release

Department ofPublic Information • News Cmerage Service • New lbrk

SG/T/1658 4 June 1991


(Received 'from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

ABUJA , Nigeria , 4 June -- Con tinuing his meetings in the af ternoon of the second day of his stay in Abuja, where he is attending the twen ty�seventh summit of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU), Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar me t with the Prime Minister of Senegal , Hab ib Thiam, with whom . he discus sed African economic requirements , Wes tern Sahara , the Ango lan peace accords and local conflicts in Africa, inc luding the differences between Mauritan ia and Senegal .

He then me t with Dawit Yohannes, member of the Supreme Council of the Eritrean People 's Revolutionary Democratic Fron t and head of the delegation of Ethiopia to the summit. Mr . Yohannes briefed the Secretary-General on the situation in Ethiopia and they also discussed the humanitarian needs of that country.

The Secretary-General then met with Yas ser Arafat , Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Mr . Arafat briefed the Secre tary-General on the latest Israeli raids against PLO bases in Lebanon and they di scussed ·the afterma th of the Persian Gulf crisis and the situation in the Near East.

The Secretary-General was also scheduled to meet later with the President of Kenya , Daniel T. arap Moi.

* *** *


For iubmation media-not an official record Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New '\brk

SG/T/1655 3 June 1991


(Received from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .) ,

LISBON, 31 May -- Secre tary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar today attended the signing ceremony for the peace agreement on An gola which was signed by President Jose Eduardo dos San tos of Angola and Jonas Savimb i, President of the National Un ion for the To tal Independence of Angola (UNITA). The signing ceremony which was held at 7 p.m. (local time ) was witnessed by the Secretary-General and the Chairman of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU), President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda . The Prime Minister of Portugal , mediator of the peace talks , chaired the ceremony which was also attended by the two observers of the peace talks , the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Un ion , Alexander Bessmertnykh , and Un ited States Secretary of State, James Baker II I.

The ceremony was followed by a dinner hosted by the President of Portugal , Mario Alberto Nobre Lopes Soares , in honour of the Heads of Delegations attending the signing ceremony .

Earlier in the af ternoon , the Secretary-General me t for one hour with Secretary of State Baker with whom he reviewed a number of in ternational issues , namely 'the Near Eas t question , El Salvador, the peace agreements on Angola, Iraq/Kuwait , Cyprus , Cambodia and Afghanistan.

The Secretary-General is scheduled to leave on 1 June for the Cote d'Ivoire en route to Abuja, Nigeria, where he will attend the summit meeting of Heads of State of the OAU .

* *** ,�

For inbmation media-not an official record FOR INFORMATION OF UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIATONLY

3 June 1991


Fran�ois Giuliani informed correspondents at today 's press briefing that the Secretary-General had arrived yesterday in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, where he would be attending , at 3 p.m. today , the opening session of the twenty-seventh As semb ly of the Heads of State or Government of the Organi�ation for African Unity (OAU) and where he would deliver an address. The text , which would be in English French and Portuguese, would be ava ilable later this af ternoon (Press Release SG/SM/45 72) .

At 9 a.m. today , continued Mr. Giuliani, the Secretary-General had chaired an inter-agency meeting on the situation in Ethiopia, which dealt with the emergency humanitarian needs of the country . The meeting had been attended by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (uNHCR), Sadako Ogata; the Executive Director of the United Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF), James P. Grant ; the Execut ive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) , Adebayo Adedeji; as well as representatives of the Un ited Nations Development Programme (UNDP ) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

At 10:15 a.m. , he said , the Secretary-General had met with Nelson Mandela, Vice-President of the African National Congress of South Africa (ANC), with whom he had discus sed the situat ion in South Africa and the Un ited Na tions- sanctions against that country. At 11:15 a.m. , the Secretary-General had met Salim A. Salim, Secretary-General of the OAU , for 45 minutes -- the last 15 minutes of which had been tete-a-tete . With Mr. Salim , the Secretary-General had discussed issues of mutual interest to the two organizations , particularly the development of the situation in Ethiopia, the question of Western Sahara and the peace agreement in Angola which was signed las t Friday in Lisbon . With the President of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC), Clement Makwetu, the Secretary-General had discussed for 30 minutes the situation in South Africa and the question of sanctions .

Upon his arrival in Ahuja, on Sunday, 2 June, at 5 p.m. from Yamoussokro , Cote d'Ivoire , the Secre tary-General had been met by the President of Nigeria , Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. At 7 p.m. , the Secretary-General had a 45-minute meeting with the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Rio de Oro (POLISARIO), Mohamed Abdelaziz , with whom he had reviewed various aspects of the implementat ion of the Western Sahara plan .

He said the Secretary-General had arrived in . Yamoussokro at 3:30 p.m. , on Saturday, 1 June , and had been met at the airport by the Prime Minister of Cote d'lvoire , Alassane D. Ouattara and by Foreign Minister Amara Essy. The Secre tary-General then had a one-and-a-half hour conversation tete-a- tet� with President Felix Houphouet-Boigny, with whom he reviewed a number of African issues . The Secretary-General then attended a dinner hosted by the Pres ident .

On Sunday morning, the Secretary-General had attended a special presiden tial mass at the Basilica of Yamoussokro , followed by a brief meeting

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3176B DPI Briefing - 2 - 3 June 1991

with Prime Minister Ouattara to discuss the economic development of Cote d'Ivoire before leaving, at 2 p.m. for Ahuja. In addition to the above information , Mr. Giuliani said details of the Secretary-General 's ac tivities on Friday and over the weekend would also be made available as press releases (Press Releases SG/T/1655 and 1656).

Concerning El Salvador, Mr. Giuliani said the negotiating commissions of the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nac ional (FMLN), with the participation of Alvaro de Soto, Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Central America had met in Caraballeda , Venezuela, between 25 May and 2 June. Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Questions , Marrack Goulding, had also been a participant , conducting the talks on cease-f ire arrangements.

He said the talks had proceeded, within the concentrated framework established in Mexico on 27 April , on the issues agreed in the Caracas Agenda. The aim of that Agenda was to reach, as a matter of priority, a political agreement on the armed forces and the necessary accords for the cessation of the armed confrontation under verification by the United Nations .

He said the two sides had agreed on a recess of the direct talks for a certain period to allow internal consultations of each party, as well as with other entities as provided for in the Geneva Agreement -- political parties, social organizations and other Governments . These consultations , he said, were inherent to the negotiating process , and therefore its continuation should not be co�s idered as interrupted.

Mr. Giul iani said it was expected that the direct talks would resume towards the end of the second week of June . As usual , there would be no previous announcement on specific dates and venue . The Government of Venezuela had offered its hospitality to the participants in a generous and effective manner. The participants wished to express their gratitude , particularly to President Carlos Andres Perez who had lent a valuable personal contribution to their efforts . The above information would appear in a press release , Mr. Giul iani said, adding that the text was also available in Spanish (Press Release CA/44).

Mr. Giuliani announced that , as of today, J. Richard Foran , Assistant Secretary-General of the Of fice of General Services , would become the Officer-in-Charge of the Department of Administration and Management following the departure on Friday, 31 May , of Martti Ahtisaari , the former Under-Secretary-General , who was returning to the service of his Government. Mr. Foran would become Acting Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management on 1 July. He said the full text of the announcement and a complete biography of Mr . Foran would be made available in room 378 (Press Release SG/A/464-BI0/2572).

Asked whether the appointment was likely to become permanent, Mr. Giuliani said he did not know ; however, the Secretary-General had decided to refrain from making any permanent appointments at the levels at this stage in his term in order to provide his successor with as much flexibility as possible in such matters .


3176B DP I Briefing - 3 - 3 June 1991

Mr . Giuliani reminded correspondents of a press conference by Dr . Nafis Sadik , Executive Director of the Un ited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA ) at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday , 5 June , in room 226 .

Mr . Giuliani drew attention to document S/22623, containing the agreement reached on 25 May between Bernt Bernander, representative of Executive. Delegate Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan in Baghdad , and the Foreign Minister of Iraq concerning Un ited Nations relief efforts in Iraq in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 18 April. Ano ther document, he said , " (document S/22621), contained the recommendation of the Secretary-General on a ceiling for a percentage of Iraqi oil exports to be devoted to the Compensation Fund , as transmitted to the members of the Security Council.

Asked about the trip by former Under-Secretary-General Abdulrahim A. Farah to Iran, Mr . Giuliani replied that Mr . Farah had arrived there on Friday . To a request for additional information , he said it was un likely that he would have further informa tion during the course of the trip, but added that it was his personal un ders tanding that the trip would last for two to three weeks .

He was asked whether the Security Council would be reviewing sanctions today in light of the 60-day review period called for in its resolution 687 (1991). Mr . Giuliani replied that he did not expect anything on that subject today . He said the new President of the Council for June , the Permanent Representative of Cote d'Ivoire , Jean-Jacques Bechio , had been consult ing with members of the Council on the programme of work for this month , and the sanctions review was one of the items being discussed .

A correspondent asked whether when the Council met, it would be at the level of the Sanctions Committee or the level of the Council . Mr. Giuliani answered that that was one of the aspects which remained unc lear, noting that some apparent disagreement had existed on that point.

Was there any comment from the Secretary-General on the latest Israeli raid in Lebanon? Mr. Giuliani was asked. He said it was very difficult to reach the Secretary-General in Abuja. While he believed that the Secretary-General would deplore the act , he had not been in contact with the Secretary-General about this specific incident .

Asked about World Env ironment Day on Wednesday , Mr . Giuliani said the Secre tary-General woul d have a message on the occasion (Press Release SG /SM/4571-HE/747) ; he would check for details of other activities and events which had been planned for the occas ion .

Asked about the recent trip of Mr . Foran to Iraq and Kuwait, Mr. Giul iani said he had returned from Baghdad at the end of las t week and was working on the modalities for the transfer of stolen property . Mr . Foran had indicated that he was still working on some of the remaining details , but expected to be in a position to make an announcement on this ma tter by the end of the week . In that connection , Mr . Giuliani said he had asked Mr . Foran to make that announcement before the press in room 226 .


3176B Ius.:. w.ru .-:tt•J ,:J.J;.SWL X be I j • -o ':! .11 lo qi-:t:t :tn9:)9"l 9rl:t :tu .rO snl J! S 99 � ) I :1 -ts bsbrlssff ffiO"l bsrn.uj , isa DP I � b o · :t • .J a j i r�q 4t -I tslaRs�!!tn§rr 4 Bfr1-eflh�1 }9��l a :;, rJj' 9d o:t b9J:::> 9qxs Jud ,a s b " T- :t IJ 1 smoa no 8nbl:row r a , :tsff:t :>f: ' , rl:t 'o bns erl J rro :t 9me nu onna na ,, •:t j s n.i: srl� e>lsm o · mn q'i . t1 b3 H l"·rl �r1 blr ., .i:a ·r,;�J ·M Told by a correspondent that, accorg?pg �B�- tn�· Kowal.ti 1 l'lis�

Questioned about the Secretary-General 's itinerary , Mr. Giuliani said that while thi!···d�·,J:pJ..l;$· r� ined- to be wQ-rke9 out , the ��ntative schedule was as fo11�r: the S�ot"-e.tar,y-9e��ral wo':l-1� �ef!lajffft?r L in,&r 'd,il for -tw& days ; th-en travel to S��rra Leone, Gu;l.aea and yuinea-;-��ji"S\lt t';h�ft f�y t?u Geneva wh-ere-• a mee-ting on humfM}-j. tarian efforts in the ferf1an Culf/ ddte 'tas t· was expected. '· kl . I In addi.,tien, he .�� an app,al for refugers �n '\tJes.tern Sahara, was expe-cted soon . N


tc *** *


31 May 1991


Fran�ois Giulian i in formed correspondents at today 's press brief ing that the Secretary-Genera l had spent this morning in a series of meetings with Angolan authorities , the Fore ign Minister of the Soviet Un ion and the President of Uganda , curren t Chairman of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU). This afternoon , . he said , the Secre tary-General was scheduled to mee t Un ited States Secretary of State James A. Baker III , before attending the ceremony of the signing of the agreement on Ango la, in which he would par ticipate as a witness.

Earl ier today , at 10:15 a.m. , continued Mr . Giul iani , the Secre tary-General had met for hal f an hour with the President of Ango la , Jose Eduardo dos Santos , with whom he had discussed the agreemen t to be signed later that day and revie�ed the details of the Un ited Na tions role in its implementation . The Secretary-General and the Angolan President had also discussed the emergency assistance plan for Angola and the need to promote the economic reconstruct ion of the country .

The Secretary-General had also discussed details of the Un ited Nat ions role in the implemen tation of the agreement with the President of the National Un ion for the Total Independence of An gola (UNITA), Jonas Savimbi, at a meeting which began at 11:45 a.m. and las ted approxima tely half an hour , said Mr . Giuliani . At 12:30 p.m. , the Secretary-General had met for 45 minutes with Foreign Minister Aleksandr A. Bessmertnykh of the Soviet Union and together they reviewed a number of regional questions , including the agreement on Angola, the question of Afghanistan , the Iraq-Kuwait issue and the situation in the Middle East.

This af ternoon , he continued , the Secre tary-General had me t with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda wi th whom he discussed the implementation of the Angola agreements and the cooperation between the Un ited Nations and the OAU in the implemen tation of the Western Sahara plan.

Mr. Giuliani said that , following his meeting with President dos Santos this morn ing , t�e Secretary-General had told the press that the importance, of the agreemen t to be signed later today was in its implementation . The Secretary-General had expressed the hope that the parties had taken the political decision to fulfil the agreement since , "without an atmo sphere of confidence , good faith and po litical will", the agreemen t wo uld no t be relevant.

Mr. Giul ian i said re lief efforts were continuing in Ethiopia and surrounding countries despite the difficult situation on the ground. Even before the mo st recent po litical developmen ts in Ethiopia , the relief supply line had been thin and stocks were dwindling . Some supply routes had been completely cut off , he said , and the Office of the Un ited Na t ions High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) had reported that food stocks in camps , · particularly cereals, were nearly exhaus ted. The UNH CR had also reported. that

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3175B DP I Briefing - 2 - 31 May 1991

150,000 people we re crossing in to the Sudan from Ethiopia, creating a further strain on that Government 's capacity to cope with an already difficul t situation in that part of the country .

He went on to say that Under-Secretary-General James Jonah had consulted with the Fo reign Ministers of neighbouring countries on this subject at the OAU summit in Nigeria. A meeting would be convened on an emergency bas is this Sunday in the Nigerian capital, Ah uja wi th representatives from the agencies involved in the current relief efforts : the World Food Programme (WFP), UNHCR , the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the United Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF) and the Un ited Nations Deve lopmen t Programme (UNDP ).

Mr . Giuliani drew attention to part II of a report on the Middle Eas t and the Persian Gulf , issued by the Of f ice of the United Na tions Disaster Rel ief Coordinator (UNDRO ), which was available in room 378.

He also announced that the Wo rld Chronicle television programme recorded yes terday with Herschelle Sullivan Challenor , Coordinator for the World Decade for Cultural Development of the Un ited Na tions Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO ), would be broadcas t today on the in-house channel 6 at 2:30 p.m.

An ticipating questions on the timing of the Secretary-General 's recommendation for a ceiling on the percentage of Iraqi oil exports to be committed to the Un ited Nations Compensation Fund , Mr . Giuliani said it was likely that an announcement on that subject would be made later this af ternoon .

Asked about the possibility that the Security Council might be maintaining , or prolong ing , its arms embargo on Iraq , Mr . Giuliani said it was his understanding that the members of the Council were considering the possibility of extending some of the deadlines contained in resolution 687 (1991). He said he would not speculate on the substance of any possible draft resolutions which might be before the Council in the future , and suggested that correspondents wait un til a draf t had been made available.

He was asked whether he had news of looting of UNHCR warehouses . Mr . Giuliani said he did not.

Questioned about the whereabouts of Benon Sevan , the Secretary-General's Personal Representative in Afghanistan and Pakistan , Mr . Giuliani said he was in New York . Asked when Mr . Sevan would meet with the press , he indicated that it might po ssibly occur next week .

Regarding the timetable for the Un ited Nations operation in Western Sahara , a correspondent asked for some clarification about commen ts made by the Secretary-General that the referendum would be conducted this November or December and not in January or February 1992. Mr . Giulian i said some misunderstanding had existed on this point . In light of the fact that the Secre tary-General 's second term would be ending in December, Mr . Perez de Cuellar hoped that the referendum might take place before his. departure. In addition , the plan (as approved by the Security Council) contained a certain amount of flexib ility on the exact timing of the referendum .

* *** *

3175B Press Release

Department of Public InformatJon • News Coverage Service • New 1brk

SG/T/1654 31 May 1991


t Holds Ta lks in Lisbon with Angola Presiden , OAU Chairman� �t Foreigd Minister, United States Secretary of State, UNITA President

(Received from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

LISBON , 31 May -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar spen t this morning in a series of mee tings with the Ango lan authorities, the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union and President Yowe ri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda , the Chairman of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU).

This af ternoon , the Secretary-General is scheduled to mee t the Secretary of State of the Un ited States , James Baker III, before attending the ceremony of the signing of the agreemen t on Ango la in which the Secretary-General will participate as a witness .

At 10 : 15 am ., the Secretary-General met for ha lf an hour with the President of Ango la, Jose Eduardo Dos Sa ntos , with whom he discussed the agreement to be signed later that day and reviewed the details of the Un ited Na t ions role in its imp lementation . The Secre tary-General and the An golan Pres ident also discussed the emergency assis tance plan for Angola and the need to promote the economic reconstruc t ion of the country .

The Secretary-General also discussed details of the Un ited Nations role in the implementation of the agreemen t with the President of the National Un ion for the To tal Independence of An gola (UNITA) , Jonas Savimbi , at a meet ing wh icq began at 11:45 am. and which lasted approximately half an hour .

At 12:30 pm ., the Secretary-General me t for 45 minutes �i th Foreign Minister Aleksandr Bessmertnykh of the Soviet Un ion and together they reviewed a number of regional questions , includ ing the agreement on Angola , the question of Afghanistan , the Iraq-Kuwa it issue and the situat·ion in the Middle East.

(more )

1li0i For intbrmation media-not an official record - 2 - Press Release SG/T/1654 31 May 1991

In the afternoon, the Secretary-General met with President Museveni of Uganda with whom he discussed the implementation of the Angola agreements and cooperation between the Un ited Nations and OAU in the implementation of the Wes tern Sahara plan .

Fol lowing his meeting with President Dos Santos this morning , the Secretary-General told the press that the importance of the agreement to be signed later that day, was in its implementation . He expressed the hope that the parties had taken the political deci.sion to fulfil the agreement since "without an atmosphere of conf idence , good faith and political will" the agreement would not be relevant.


14 June 1991


Fran�ois Giuliani began the noon briefing by informing correspondents that the Secretary-General had participated today in the celebrations marking the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation in the city of Bern. The theme of the celebrations had been international relations .

At 11 a.m. , he said, the Secretary-General had attended a meeting chaired by the President of the Confederation, Flavio Cotti. Also attending were ministers of neighbouring countries , the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe and represen tatives of international organizations . That meeting had broken up in to three working groups , which had discussed three themes : solidarity (a discussion in which the Secretary-General participated), federalism and neutrality. At 3 p.m. , the Secretary-General had attended the solemn ceremony held in the Federal Palace . His statement made at the ceremony should be available by the end of the day , said Mr. Giuliani.

This evening, he continued , the Secretary-General would attend a dinner, hos ted by the Federal Council of Switzerland, in honour of the participants in the celebrations . Tomorrow , the Secretary-General would be in Saint Gal len , where he would address the Universities Forum for Security Policy before returning to New York over the weekend.

Concerning the inter-agency meetings held earlier this week in Geneva , Mr. Giuliani drew attention to two reports from the Of fice of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO ) concerning the Midd le Eas t/Persian Gul f region, copies of which were available in room 378 . According to the reports, he said, the pledging conference had me t with some success ; about $80 million had been pledged. He said that while the exact figures were still being finalized , he could announce that a very important pledge of $54.6 million from the United States had been received. These new contributions would be channelled mostly into the food aid effort ,, as well as the funding of the United Nations Guard Contingent. In light of these contributions, he said , the budgetary situation of these two sectors had "considerably improved".

In answer to questions asked at yesterday 's. briefing, Mr. Giul iant said the following countries had contributed to the United Nations guards : Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland and Greece. He pointed out that these countries had not necessarily contributed guards , per se; some had contributed support services , such as hel icopters and other transport vehicles .

Concerning El Salvador, Mr. Giuliani said the next round of peace talks between the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) would start on Sunday, 16 June, at a location outside of Mexico City. In that connection , he drew attention to ·the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) on the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL) (document A/45/1021 ).


3191B DP I Briefing - 2 - 14 June 1991

As to today 's Security Council mee ting regarding Cyprus , Mr . Giul iani said the Council was expected to adopt two resolut ions by the end of the day -- one extending the mandate of the United Nations Peace-keeping Fo rce in Cyprus (UNFICYP), and the other on the financing of the Fo rce .

In connect ion with the ob servance of the International Day of Sol idarity with the Struggling People of South Africa on 17 June , Mr. Giuliani said the Special Committee against Apartheid would hold a solemn meeting at 10:30 a.m. on Monday in the Trusteeship Council Chamber� He added that Under-Secretary-General for Political and Security Council Affairs , Vas iliy Safronchuk , would represent the Secretary-General . A full list of the participan t� was available in room 378 .

Asked if he had a figure for the pledging conference on We s tern Sahara , Mr . Giuliani said not ye t.

He was asked whe ther he had any information on the "transfer" of authority from allied troops to the United Nations guards in northern Iraq . Mr . Giulian i said no . To follow-up questions implying that the Un ited Na tions would be taking over from the allied forces , he clarified that that was not the case . The guards would no t be replacing the allied forces , he said; rather , they would be a symbolic presence and we re intended to stab ilize the situation in the zone . The guards were "no t going to replace the allied forces" in either their magnitude or their capacity, he reiterated.

Asked for the number of Un ited Nations guards now in Iraq, Mr. Giuliani said the numbe r totalled jus t above 50. He added that groups of the guards were now departing from Geneva en route to Iraq , and , as he had indicated yeste rday , the Un ited Nations guards were expected to be ful ly deployed by the end of June , as planned.

Were there new developmen ts on the ques tion of Cyprus ? he was asked . Mr . Giuliani replied that the Secretary-General' report was expected in early July. Any new developments would be contained in that report . Asked if he could divulge any of the substance or hint at some of the in format ion on those developments prior to the release of the Secretary-Gene ral 's report , he said no .

He was asked whe ther the Secretary-General had raised the issue of possible Swiss membership in the Un ited Nations . Mr . Giuliani said he did not think tha t was likely. The Swiss people had expressed their opinion on United Nat ions membership in a re ferendum some time ago and there did no t seem any point in taking up the question again at this stage .


12 June 1991


Fran�ois Giul iani began today 's press briefing by informing correspondents that Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar had today held a series of meetings in Geneva with heads of .United Nations agencies and other high officials , before chairing an afternoon pledging conference for 'the humanitarian operation in Iraq, starting at 4 p.m.

At 10 a.m. , the Secretary-General had met with Francis Blanchard , former Director-General of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) . At 10:30 a.m. , he had discus sed refugee matters with Sadako Ogata, United Nations . High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), foll�wed by a meeting at 11:30 a.m. with Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima , Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

At 12:15 p.m. , Mr . Perez de Cuellar had met with his Special Represen tative on Western Sahara , Johannes Manz, and -- in the early afternoon -- he had met with M'Hamed Essaaf i, United Nations Disaster Rel ief Coordinator. At the pledging conference , the Secretary-General made an opening statement , the French text of which wo�ld soon be made available as a press release. Mr. Giuliani expected the English translation to be made available, but probab ly not before tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, he said, the Secretary-General would preside over an inter-agency meeting ori the humanitarian efforts in Iraq and Ethiopia as well as chair the pledging conference on· Wes tern Sahara . He was scheduled to leave for Bern in the af te.rnoon to participate in the celebrations marking the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation.

Mr. Giul iani said that upon entering the Palais des Nations , the Secretary-General had been asked by reporters about the situation of the Shi ' ites in southern Iraq. Mr. Perez de Cuellar had replied that he was , of course , concerned with reports he had heard . He had noted that he had met yesterday with his Executive Delegate , Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , and was chairing tomorrow a meeting of humanitarian agencies involved in the operation in Iraq.

"The Un ited Nations ", the Secretary-General added, was "cons tantly in touch with the people it had in Baghdad who kept it abreast of development-s". He noted that he was also "studying very carefully" the letter sent by Iran yesterday .

Asked whether he was planning to send another mission to the south, the Secretary-General had noted that the mandate of his Executive Delegate covered the whole country , adding that he had "from the start never made a difference between the fate of the population in the north and that of the south" .

To a question regarding the deployment of Un ited Nations guards in northern Iraq, the Secretary-General had expressed the hope that those who had


3189B DP I Briefing - 2 - 11 june 1991

asked him to station guards would pay the cost. "We have so far 50 guards and we would like to send 500" , the Secretary-General had added .

Concerning the pledging conference, Mr. Giuliani drew attention to the text of the statemen t made by the Un ited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ), Sadako Ogata , which was ava ilable irt room 378.

Regarding the Boundary Demarcation Commission established in accordance. with paragraph 3 of resolution 687, Mr . Giuliani said that following the Commission 's dec ision on 24 May to undertake an on-site visit to the border area , a visit to the region had been scheduled from 16 to 19 June . The Commission was expected to meet with officials of the Iraqi and Kuwaiti Governments , respectively, on 16 and 17 June . On 18 June , the Commission would survey t�e length of the border by plane and would also be briefed by the Chief Military Observer of the Un ited Nations Iraq-Kuwait Ob servation Mission (UNIKOM). He said that the Commission would depart the area for Bahrain later that same day. Following the conclusion of the on-s ite visit, he added , the Commission was scheduled to meet at the Un ited Nations headquarters in Geneva on 2 July for substantive discussions on the plan of work .

Mr . Giuliani drew attention to this morning 's meeting of the Sanc tions Committee which, at the time of the briefing , was in progress.

Concerning United Nations efforts on behalf of the rights of children , Mr . Giuliani drew attention to the ob servance of "Rights of the Child" and "Day of the African Child" which would both be observed at Headquarters on Friday 14 June . He pointed out that more than 500 schoolchildren had been invited to the Un ited Nations by the Un ited Nations Children 's Fund (UNICEF) on that day from 10 a.m. until noon , in Conference Room 4, to commemorate the "Day of the African Child" . Con tinuing, he said that following the morning programme , a ceremony would take place at noon marking the first day of issue of the Un ited Nations Postal Administration 's (UNPA ) "Rights of the Child" stamp series . In addition to the note to correspondents of 11 June (Note No . 4918) on the programme, press kits were also available to correspondents at the third floor documents counter.

Mr . Giuliani drew attention to the graduation ceremony of the Un ited Nations International School which would take place on 14 June at 2:30 p.m. in the General Assemb ly Hall. The keyno te speaker would be Claude Lorieux, Deputy Chief of the Foreign Service of the French newspaper Le Figaro . Additional details were available in room 378.

There were no questions .

* *** *


11 .J une 1991

Fraru;ois Giulian). began today ' s press briefing by informing corresponden ts that the Secretary-General was in Geneva today preparing for tomorrow 's inter-agen cy meeting on the Middle Eas t/Pers ian Gu lf region by consul t ing with his top advisers .

In that connection , he drew attention to some slight chan ges in the schedule over t�e next coupl� of days . The appeal for contributions for Wes tern Sahara refugees , originally scheduled for Wednesday aft ernoon , had been rescheduled for Thursday morning . Also , the in ter-agency meeting on Thursday would take up the situation in Ethiopia, as we ll as deal with the hlUnan i tarie.n s i tua t ic'"! in Iraq.

Asked ab out toda.y ' s Security Council consul tations on the sanct ions against Iraq, cal led for in paragraph 21 of resolution 687 (1991), Mr . Giuliani said that , at the time of the briefing, those consul tations were �ont inuing ; he had no further information. Asked whe ther there would be any statemen ts following the consul tat ions , he said that was not some thing he could predict .

Jl87R ..


10 June 1991


Fred Eckhard informed correspondents at today 's press briefing that the Secretary-General had departed Guinea-Bissau today for Geneva after paying a two-day official visit to that country from 8 to 10 June . Guinea-Bissau had been the third West African nation visi ted by the Secretary-General on his tour in Africa. The Secretary-General had already visited Guinea and Sierra Leone after attending the twenty-seventh Organization for African Unity (OAU ) summit in Abuja, Nigeria, from 3 to 5 June .

At 10 a.m. today , he continued , the Secretary-General had an audience with the President of Guinea-Bissau, Joao Bernardo Vieira . During the tete-a-tete meeting , which lasted 45 minutes , the President had briefed the Secretary-General on the political reforms under way in his coun try, including the democratization process. They had also dfscussed the economic development of Guinea-Bissau and the assistance that the Un ited Nations was rendering to that process . The Secretary-General had then met the press before leaving for Geneva where he would preside this week over an inter-agency meeting.

Yesterday morning , 9 June , the Secretary-General had met for one hour with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau, Jul io Semedo , with whom he discus sed African regional questions , particularly Liberia, Angola and Mozambique. They had also discussed the question of Eas t-·Tfmor. The Secretary-General had then been briefed on the economic situation in Guinea-Bissau by the Minister .of State of Economy and Finance , Manuel dos Santos ; the Minister for International Cooperation , Bernardino Cardoso , and the Governor of the Central Bank , Pedro Godinho Gomes . The group had also discussed the contribution of the United Nations system to the developmen t of the country. At 12:30 p.m. , the Secretary-General had visited the offices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP ) and met with representatives of specialized agencies .

On Saturday , 8 June , the Secretary-General had been met at the Internat ional Airport of Guinea-Bissau by President Vieira , who then hosted a banquet in his honour . The Secretary-General had arrived there from Conakry .

Before leaving for Bissau, the Secretary-General paid a farewell call on President Lasana Conte of Guinea and met with the diplomatic corps stationed in the Guinean capital of Conakry .

He also met with the press and said that the signing in Abuja of the Treaty creating the Af rican Economic Community was . a long step forward which could lead to the economic integration of the whole of Africa, which has common problems of developmen t. On the poli�ical level , the summit had also discussed problems afflicting the continent and , hopefully, the summit had contributed to creating an atmosphere of stability, allowing for the solution of those political problems .

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3186B .. DPI Briefing - 2 - 10 June 1991

In answer to a question on the Liberian conflict and its repercussions on Guinea , the Secretary-General said that both the President and the Foreign Minister had briefed him on the position of their Government. He added : "The United Nations , while at the disposal of African Governments on this matter , does not want to compete with these very diligent efforts under way . In my discuss ions with the Governments concerned I made it very clear that the Un ited Nations was willing to participate in any effort requested of it as long as it was within the context of the subregional effort".

Asked what the Un ited Nations could do to help speed up the solut ion of Guinea 's development problems , the Secretary-General had responded that he had committed the Un ited Nations -- in his meetings with the President , the Foreign Minister and the Planning Minister -- to do all it could to speed up a coordinated effort of the entire United Nations sys tem . "I also pledged" , the Secretary-General added , "to intercede on Guinea 's behalf with the organizations of Bretton Woods to ensure that the social cost of Guinea 's reforms are at a minimum". He had expressed the hope , in that context , that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would exercise the necessary flexibility. (Press Release SG/T/1663)

Mr . Eckhard announced on behalf of the Un ited Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA ) that George Wolf, former UNCA President (1963), former Un ited Nations bureau chief of Agence France-Presse (AFP ) and former AFP bureau chief in Belgrade , had passed away in New York on Sunday, 9 June . He was 73. A memorial service would be held on Tuesday , 11 June , at noon at the Plaza Memorial Funeral Parlor -- 630 Amsterdam Avenue (at West 9lst Street). Condolence messages could be sent .to Eva Wolf, 360 East 65th Street, New York , N.Y. 10021 .

Mr . Eckhard said that Security Council consultations had been scheduled for 10 :30 a.m. tomorrow, 11 June , on the review of sanctions against Iraq -­ as called for in paragraph 21 of Council resolution 687 (1991). In addition, the Council would take up the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP ) on Friday , 14 June , at a time to be announced later.

Mr . Eckhard announced that the Un ited Nations inter-agency team to assess the immediate requirements for humanitarian assistance to Ethiopia and neighbouring countries -- headed by the Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), James Ingram , would be departing for the region tomorrow , and would be there for about one week . In that connection, he said that , at the request of the Nordic countries , representatives of several major donor countries had me t this morning with the Chef de Cab inet, Virendra Dayal , in the ab sence of the Secretary-General, to discuss the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Horn of Africa.

Also on that subject, Mr. Eckhard said the Office of the Un ited Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO ) had issued an appeal for medicines for southern Ethiopia on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO ). The first UNDRO situation report on that topic had just been made available in room 378, he added .


3186B ---""------

DP I Briefing - 3 - 10 June 1991

As to the proceedings of the Assembly, Mr . Eckhard said it met briefly in plenary at 10 :30 a.m. today to officially inscribe a new item on its agenda . The new item 158 , financing of the Un ited Nations Ob server Miss ion in El Salvador (ONUSAL) , would now go to Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budge tary) an d the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ ) for review before being taken up by the plenary , possibly next week . He added that the Secretary-General 's report on ONUSAL , which estimated the cost of the mission at $ 31.2 million (gross ) for the first 12 months , had been issued this morn ing (document A/hS/ 242/Add .l).

Asked for an update on the activities of former Under-Secretary-General Ab dulrahim A. larah in Ira�, Mr . Eckhard said no new informat ion had been received ; he would check further.

Mr . Eckhard was asked to "confirm" that there were "fears at the Un ited Nations'' over a possib le Iraqi attack on the Shi 'ites in the south of that country. He said he could not confirm or deny that question; he had no guidance on the matter.

Questioned ab out this morn ing 's meeting on Ethiopia between donor countries an d the Chef de Cab inet, Mr . Eckha rd said it was his sense that a growing anxiety had existed in the donor commun ity ab out the de teriorating situation in the Horn of Africa . Asked what specifically the donor group had brought up for discussion at this morn ing 's meeting , he said he could not say; he had not ye t received any read-out on the meeting .

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3186B • b� 'l..' 1 �j . . lo ��;...i.}'lt) m./:1 ...... _ ' � -"'-'* • •" ' _ :•.• . . " Press Release...... , ·� : ., ...,. co:) {-' . ... , ,......

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Organization of . African Un ity (9AU ) summit in Abuja, Nigeria. , from 3 to 5 June . � .. . - •• • # . � �.. .. !"' � !Yf)£ :- ! . ,n � . ;r . · � a � ,, ' � .. .. • .. • . - ... G CL . , l r; ,_ 1 , , , . • _ At 10 a.m. today , .the Secr.etar;y-General had an audience· with the :

President of Guinea-Bissau, i.o�·O. Bernardo Vieira • • The meeting, :.in . .. =�J ' ..:

tete-a-tete, lasted 45 minutes ,: d·�ring w�ich the President briefed. the . : · Secretary-General on ' the po.J;i.tic'at ·.reforms tmder way in his :cotmtry, including : the democratization process .. : they also' 'discussed the economic development of Guinea-Bissau and the assistance that the . Un ited Nations was rendering to that .. r ,.,. I process. !7. J.t �

"" .. The Secret� -G��er.ii then met the press before leaving for Geneva where ey . he will preside . thiS Week QVer. 'an "inter-agency meeting. .. • -.tr ,· r-·"!IKJO r • · ..�"' · . .• J "" -r :. -- i. -- . '" � ...)., �l ':!..t.:nr:,t:: ""\ · ·'Yeste;d�y, 9 J�e ! the S�c�Jtary-General me t for one hour in the morning wi th the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau, Julio Semedo, with

whom he discussed African regional questions , in particular, ·Liberia, Angola ·

and Mozambique . They also discussed the question of East Timor. . . · . : · . . - .. , �� �.. - -: � .. .. ,. ·� • • • J .• ...... ,e. • . .. .. , ... - The Se�retary-General was then briefed on the economic · situation in , . Guinea-Bissau by the Minister of State of Economy and Finance , Manuel dos Santos ; the Minister for International Cooperation ,-. Bernardino Cardoso; and the Governor of the Central Bank , Pedro Godinho Gomes . The group also discussed the contribution of the Un ited Nations system to t.he development of the country .

(more )

fU iobmation media-not an official record � �! ��r,r� ),.,� tJr � /t- �:1. ..-.1 ,_.,._At·�l.2.:30.�p .m. ,. the,_. Sec;-�t!r:Y-:.�ne�rat Visited the offices of the Un ited Natt�s �v�lo��� �..!..f�gr�e - �l!!IDP ) d 'me t ··wrth representatives of -..··,-...__ _ , .. - oc:; �8li1$ n).)·� · . l •• c:!alized ageueies. · .._ �-��.� · ... •. . . L �11 ;J>4... �-..:..,·:- ·•. · ·�·�- � !! ��� • I!P. .��...... , . * . . .. _.i.,t,��:�fr·141e� ¥/,l ·f¥.r61..'...;' � "-i .. , .....,.. • •.P. f ·� ���·- , • •• .,....., .. � ....olllQ ... ____,, ,... ..,.,.,..., .-,. ""�• . In the afternoon , he visited the National Institute for Study 'and ---..�- ·h Research, as we ll. as the Na tional Museum, before attending a dinn er offered in his honour by the. UNDP. R�'sident Coordinator, Syr Samaka• .1. • .t •,::u ;_ fJ l., On Saturday , 8 June , the Secretary-General was met at the International Airport of Guinea-Bissau by President Vieira, who then hosted a banquet in his

honour� __ -He arrived there from Conakry.

· •. .. • •:.��h ,J.t ;;·_:• . _,.:.;;� {,.l�· i.:�1" -- :- :.JVl'· .ll•'·" r ; ;� . n: tA.J •1T :q - *r:atr tiL.. • ·. . - 'L � ..". !':. �.,. - li, 1 ,; Before leav:f:.ng for ;Elissa� , ·tile Se.cr.etary-General paid a farewell _call on President Lanana Conte of Guinea 'and me t. with . the diplomatic corps stationed in the Guine� capital of Conakry . · • ·- ·�.. :��-· { .:.!:::!!:': · '!l;. 1 0:: '-'rf f\"llf(•o�- �., "" • • C"' ,.r, T""" � • • .... • �j ' 1-,; - . ... , .., 1;1 ·:J - .. .. R· He also met with the press and said that the signing in Ab uja of the Treaty creating the African Economic Community was a long step forward that could lead to the economic. integration of the ,who le of Afri.ca, which ,had . ) ...... - . ' cormnon problems of , development •. . On the political level·, the surmnit als. o , discussed problems af flicting tii e' .continen t and , . hopefully , the summit had . contributed to creating an _atmo_sptiere stability, allowing the �

t · What can the Un ited Nations do to help speed up the solution of Guinea 's development problems ? the . Sec�etary-General was asked . He answered that he had committed the Un ited Na tions -- "in his meetings with' the President ; the Fo reign· Minister and the Plann ing Minister -- to do all it could to speed up a · coordinated effort of �he en �;re _U�ited Nations · sys tem� ""I also . pledged" , he added , "to intercede on Guinea 's behalf with the organizations of Bretton. Woods to ensure that the social cost of Guinea 's 'reforms . are �t a minimum" . He expressed the hope , in . that context, that the World Bank and the ' International Monetary Fund (IMF ) would exercise the necessary flexibility. ' . �� . ,

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Press ReUease

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New '\brk

SG/T/1660 6 June 1991


' (Received from the spokeswoman accompanying the Secretary-General .)

FREETOWN , 6 June -- Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar arrived in Freetown from Ab uja yesterday , 5 June , for a two-day official visit to Sierra Leone .

At 10:30 a.m. today , he me t for half an hour with President Joseph S. Momoh of Sierra Leone with whom he discussed the economic situation in the country . The President praised the cons truc tive role of the Un ited Nations family in Sierra Le one . They also discussed regional security issues , inc lud ing the situation in Liberia and the prob lem of the flow of refugees in to Sierra Leone . President Momoh then briefed the Secretary-General on the democra tiza t ion process in his country and the draft ing of the new constitution.

Prior to the meet ing , the President organized a formal we lcoming ceremony at the State House for the Secre tary-General .

The Secretary-General then wen t to visit the Un ited Nations House in Freetown and me t staff members of the Un ited Nations family.

Upon his arriva l at Lungi In ternational Airport yes terday , where he was greeted by Vice-President Salia Jusu Cherif and Foreign Minis ter Ab dul Karim Koroma , the Secretary-General went directly to a reception hosted in his honour by the Vice-President .

He was then guest of honour at a dinner given by the Res ident Coordinator , Onder Yucer , which was attended by the staff of the Un ited Nations and the specialized agenc ies . The dinner was he ld at a Un ited Na t ions-sponsored project aimed at tran sforming a ho tel in to a tourism and catering training centre .

The Secre tary-General is scheduled to meet the press in Free town before leaving for Conakry on a three-day official visit to Guinea . .

* *** '"

For infonnation media-not an official record ORGAN IZATION Of OnCANlSATlON U€ • . AfflCCAN UNITY L' UNlTE AFRlCAlNE ,..., OAGANIZA)-AO OA ; � UNIOAOE AFP.ICANA. t.-J.-�'11 -'-->,JI

- J24l 517700 21046 Fn A.dc Hs Ababa Ethlop. la . .Box Te l. Te lex (2511) 513036


JUNE 3 - 5, 1991 A B U J A, N I G E R I A.

10:00 Consultative meeting of Ambassadors accredited to the OAU (Committee A, New Abuj a Conference Centre) IO t,J .f"\eA h"h ,..,..,�r 14:00 Closed meeting of Heads of State and Government and leaders of Delegation at the Nicon Noga Hilton (Congress Hall)

14:45 Invited Guests, Observers , Members of delegations take the ir seats in the Plenary Hall

- 15:00 Arrival of Heads of State and Government and Heads of Delegation at the Ab uj a Internattonal Conference Centre . �� f- � C... •

15:15 Tree planting ceremony on the grounds of the Abuj a International Conference Centre (Heads of State and Government and leaders of Delegations should be accom�anied by one person only) .

15:45 Group photograph of Heads of State and Government and Leaders of Delegation and the Secretary-General of the OAU .

15:55 Heads of State and Government and Leaders of Delegation take their seats in the Plenary Hall.

16:00 The Current Chairman of the Organization of African Unity, H.E. Mr . Yoweri Kaguta Museveni , President of the Republic of Uganda, declares the 27th Assembly of Heads of State and Government open.

- All rise for the Anthem of the Organization of African Unity (the Police· Band of the Federal Republic of Nigeria)

t. - The Current Chairman of the OAU invites. the Host of the 27th Assemb ly of Heads of State and Government , H.E. General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, C.F.R•• President, Commande r-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to deliver the welcome address. •

- 2 -

2 - Reply by a Head of State.

Reply by a Representative of the Liberation Movements.

Address by H.E. Mr . Javier Perez de Cuellar , Secretary-General of the United Nations .

Address by H.E. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni , Outgoing Chairman of the OAU .

Election of the Bureau .

Address by the incoming Chairman of of the OAU .

The Chairman of the 27th Assembly of Heads of State and Government invi tes Leaders of Delegations to sign the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community.

(Four Heads of State and Government and Leaders of Delegation will sign the treaty at the same time at four different tables to be placed in the centre of the Plenary Hall of the Ahuja International Centre) .

Closed meeting . (Observers , invited Guests and Members of the Press leave the Plenary Hall) .

Organization of work .

End of the opening session of the 27th Assembly of Heads of State and Government . Foreign M lnl..ste r p·ll ali call e d late last . nlght to glve. you his telephone numb er in · ParlS , which lS· as follows : V

· 46610119 � v/ '\J2.A./\./� rf) '- (yC0 )

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�---=----­• ----- Mr . El izondo (UNIC �ADR ID) wou ld very much appreci ate it if the SG would return his call.

Pri vate line (34 555 6771) .. � (34 555 8087) '' / - , t. L t L

•\ r \ ' {. . ... t \,. v "" )... MIN A

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20 J 2 n 0 s d u .s 20 .33 horae S.E. - o Primeiro Mi. stro seguido do de s.s. Neg6cioa Estranaeiros . o Minietro e SecretArio Nea6cios Es de Estado dos trangeiros e Coopera�lo

I ... ·- l.. - ...... :.t


d Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Cmerage Service • New '\brk

SG/SM/4572/Rev .1* 4 June 1991


Fo llowing is the text of the statement by Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar , delivered yesterday , 3 June , to the twenty-seventh Assemb ly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU) at Abuja, Nigeria:

I am particularly pleased to be here in Ahuja, Nigeria's new and modern capital , and to have this opportunity to address once again this distinguished Assemb ly of the Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Un ity (OAU) . The President of Nlgeria, His Excellency General Ibrahim Babangida , and the Government and people of Nigeria , have been exceptionally gracious in the welcome and the hospitality they have accorded to me as well as to the members of my team . I am deeply grateful .

The outgoing Chairman of the OAU , His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni , and I have been in close contact over the pas t year on issues of common concern and interest to the Organization of African Un ity and the Un ited Nat ions . I should like to pay tribute to his remarkable chairmanshi-p of your ,o rganization and I would like to say how much I appreciated his cooperation , h�s counsel , and his support .

My good and long-time friend, Sal im Ahmed Sal im, has also been a source of support �nd advice. His exemplary achievements as Secretary-General of the OAU follow a distinguished career in the service of his country , which he

represented brilliantly at the United Nations. I should like to thank · him for his cooperation and to wish him continued success in his high office.

The . United Nat ions and Africa have a long tradition · of cooperation and collaboration . The las t three decades were marked by the consolidation of indepe�dence and the challenges of economic and social development .

* Revised to include English trans lations of those portions of the Secre tary-General 's statement de l ivered in French and Portuguese .

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Foron infunnati media-not an official record - 2 - Press Release SG/SM/4572/Rev.l 4 June 1991

Regrettably, the socio-economic situation , and near-term prospects of the majority of African countries , have continued to deteriorate. The severe economic conditions in many African countries are being exacerbated by many factors , including the recessionary trends in the global economy and the recent Gulf crisis . Al though nearly two thirds of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa are carrying out stabilization and structural adjus tment programmes , these efforts have yet to produce positive results in the absence of a supportive external environment. In the immediate and medium term , these policies have highlighted the danger of achieving stabilization without development, exacerbating the downward economic spiral in which many countries are currently trapped.

There is now a growing consensus in the international community on the need for a fresh approach to resolving the economic and social problems in Africa. Such an approach will have to include a new focus on broad-based development of human resources , the acquisition of technology at an accelerated pace, and the rehabilitation and further extension of essential infrastruc ture. These efforts will require a substantial ly increased flow of resources . In this context , development aid and a significant reduction in debt and debt-service will be crucial . It would be a tragedy, indeed , if adjus tment with growth could not be achieved because the international community failed to provide the necessary financial resources to support the efforts of the African countries .

Through a renewed emphasis on diversification , many African countries have recently made concerted efforts to reduce their dependence on a limited number of commodities . Progress, however, has been slow , particularly because of limitations on market access , and difficulties in ob taining appropriate technologies .

One of the mos t important features of this summit will be the signing of the Treaty es tablishing the African Economic Community . This represents the commitment of African countries to establish a firm foundation for the acceleration of their economic growth and development. The economic integration of Africa by widening the size of the domestic markets should stimulate the development of local industries , promote diversification of production and exports, and allow economies of scale to be realized in many industries .

The task ahead is a challenging one . It will involve the setting up of complex structures , moving from subregional economic integration groupings and harmonizing their work , and elaborating relevant protocols in the areas of trade and finance, agriculture , industry, science and technology.

The United Nations system has collaborated with the OAU secretariat in finalizing the draft Treaty establishing the African Economic Community. In view of the importance attached to this ma tter, representatives of ou� two Secretariats met in Addis Ababa last April and agreed on ways and means of enhancing the cooperation between the Un ited Nations and the OAU in order to facilitate implementation of the Treaty.

Later this year the General Assembly will be carrying out a review of the United Nations Programme of Act ion for African Economic Recovery and

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Deve lopment . When it was adopted in 1986 , the .Programme raised great expectations since it was the first time that the African countries themselves had developed a comprehens ive programme of priorities for the economic deve lopment and progress of the continent as a part of a unique compac t be tween Africa and the in ternat ional community to support these efforts . This will be a time ly opportunity for the African countries to review ·their own efforts as we ll as their priorities and , in a more focused manner , the nature and quality of in ternational support that would be required to help achieve their ob jectives . It is important that the new arrangements that we agreed · · · upon later this year provide for sus tained economic growth and deve lopment for the countries of Africa.

Ano ther issue which requires the urgent attention of African leaders is the need to arres t the environmen tal degradation of our world , particularly in this continent , whi le ensuring sus tainab le growth and deve lopmen t of its economy . There is now universal agreement that the protection of the environment is closely linked to economic, social and cultural deve lopment . The Earth Summit, which will take place next year at the Uni ted Nat ions Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil , will be of critical importance for the future of humanity. A primary goal of the Summit will be to lay the foundation for a global partnership between developing and developed countries , based on mutual needs and common interes ts , so as to ensure a secure future for our plane t. The stakes for Africa, and for the res t of the world, will be high . African countries wi ll need to carefully prepare for the Conference to ensure that their concerns are ful ly reflected in its del iberations and final outcome .

I continue to be concerned about the vulnerability of developing countries in general� and the African countries in particular , · to natural disasters and emergency situations . During 1991 , there has been a substantial increase in refugees and displaced persons iq Af rica as a result of natural disasters and civil strife. Wh ile the internationai community has tried to cope with the increased requirements for emergency assis tance , a solution can only be found if the root causes of the problem are analysed and effectively addressed . It is here that Af rican leadership and wisdom mus t be fully brought into play to ame l iorate the suffering of millions ;·

The humanitarian assistance programmes of the organizations of the Un ited

Nat ions sys tem require hundreds of millions of dollars annually. · If we ·are ab le to reduce the possibil ities of man-made disasters and limit the impact of natural disas ters , these resources can be channelled towards long-term deve lopment needs of Africa .

I have followed with great concern recent deve lopments in and relating to Ethiopia. These deve lopments have further aggravated the eme rgency human itarian assistance requirements in Ethiopia . It is imperative that the in ternational community respond to this development promp tly and effectively to ave rt further suf fering and dislocation. I have therefore decided to dispatch immediately an in ter-agency team to undertake a mission to Ethiopia to assess the eme rgency humanitarian assistance requirements and to ensure that the provision of such assistance proceeds without difficulty or interruption . I am also issuing today an urgent appeal for international as sistance for Un ited Nations efforts in this regard , and for the safety and

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security of United Nat ions and other personne l invo lved in humanitarian assistance in Ethiopia and the ne ighbouring countries . In the meantime , I have asked that all agencies use existing stocks for humanitarian assistance .

Despite the difficulties that Africa is encountering in the economic and humanitarian spheres� it is freer today to devote all its energies to the issues of peace , development , human rights and social justice . A numb er of the complex problems on which it had to expend a large part of its efforts have been solved over the past decade or are in the process of being solved . Today , not one colony remains on the African continent.

I should mention here another development which has sign ificance no t on ly for Africa but for the entire international community as well. Three days ago , I had the privilege of attending the ceremony at which the Angolan peace agreements were signed .

This complex set of documents is the direct result of arduous negotiations between the Government of Angola and UNITA, which were mediated by Portugal , with observers for the Soviet Un ion and the Un ited States in attendance .

It is a cause of great satisfaction that the statesmanship demonstrated by all those involved in this process has finally cleared the way for an end to a crue l war which for too long has ravaged Angola.

The most sign ificant point is that not on ly have the signatories undertaken to observe a cease-fire -- which is naturally of special importance to all Ango lans -- but they have also committed themselves to respecting the fundamental principles for the establishmen t of a lasting peace in that country. These principles include respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms ; the creation of a mul tiparty democratic system; the holding of free , fair and interna tionally supervised elections ; and the forma tion of a new national army .

In the meantime , I wan t to assure you that the Un ited Nations will continue to lend its support for the achievement of the ob jectives sought by the Angolan people, wh ich has been the victim of adversity and internal strife.

Nevertheless , we must not lose sight of the fact. that there is still a long way to go to attain the lofty ob jectives set out in the agreements . Although I am encouraged to note that the cease-fire is generally being observed , I would appeal not only to the Angolan parties but also to all countries in the region , and even those outside the region , to work for the achievement of the objectives which the signatories have endorsed .

Turning to South Africa, it is encouraging to note that the tremendous efforts and sacrifices made by Africa 's black majority are beginning to bear fruit. We must continue and increase our efforts . An historic opportunity is available in South Africa and it should be seized .

The last initiative by South Africa's President and the po litical judgemen t and foresight shown by black leaders give reason to believe that , despite the setbacks and obstacles , the advent of a new South Africa will

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become a reality in the near future . As always , the organizations and agencies of the United Nations system stand ready to provide assis tance within their spheres of compe tence, for instance , in dealing with the return of exi les .

The process which has begun in South Africa will be difficult and complex . A number of obstacles remain to be overcome,.of which intercommunal violence and the release of all political prisoners are · but two examples .

All the parties mus t do everything in their power to put an end to such a s tate of affairs . It is , however , most particularly , incumbent on the South African authorities to ensure that the security forces perform their functions ab solutely impartially.

Another ques tion on which significant progress has been made is that of Western Sahara . This augus t assembly is not unaware of the fact that , on 29 April 1991, the Security Council adopted resolution 690 (1991 ), whereby it decided to establish, un der its authority , the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) with the task of assisting my Special Representative in the organization and conduct of the referendum. This resolution follows the General Assembly's adoption of a cons iderab le number of recommendations on the settlement of the question.

The negotiations which led up to the adoption of the proposals for a settlement in Western Sahara were conducted with the successive Chairmen of OAU , whose views and support have been indispensab le and sometimes decisive . I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the C�airman and the Secretary-General of OAU for the cooperation and support that they have given me in the discharge of the responsibilities conferred on me by the General Assembly ·and the Security Council with a view to a peaceful settlement of the question of Western Sahara .

We mus t recognize that praiseworthy progress towards democratization has been made on the African continent . The African Charter on Human and People 's Rights will undoubtedly promote the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms . Today , Africa has its "Charter for Popular Participation in Development and Transformation" , which proclaims that at the heart of Africa's development objectives mus t lie the ultimate and overriding goal of human-centred development ..Africa -also has its "Declaration on the Political and Socio-Economic Situation in Africa and Fundamental Changes Taking Place in the World". Thanks to this declaration, OAU has reconfirmed its commitment to greater democratization of African societies and the consolidation .of democratic institutions . It must be ensured that these efforts reach fruition and are mutually reinforcing . Parallel with that , the necessary ins titutions mus t also be put in place to manage and implement the democratization process.

I am very concerned and grieved by the civil war that continues. to be rife in the Horn of Africa and in Liberia. It is absolutely necessary, as a matter of the highest urgency, to find a just and peace(ul solution to the problems with which the countries in question are grappl ing , in order that


3337P - 6 - Press Release SG/SM/45 7 2/Rev.l 4 June 1991

political conditions may be normalized and stabilized as soon as possible. I know that va rious initiatives have been taken with a view to putting an end to these tragic conflicts .

I un reservedly support these initiatives and call on the parties to make a renewed and determined effort to settle these prob lems by peaceful means . I shall continue to monitor these initiative s closely and I remain prepared to participate in these efforts as an d when necessary . Meanwhi le, the Un ited Nations will continue to provide humanitarian assis tance and emergency re lief to refugees , displaced persons and other victims of these conflicts .

As even ts in the Gulf have amply demonstrated , arms shipments , particularly in areas of conflict , are another important problem whose cons ideration mus t suffer no delay .

We cannot overemphasize the advan tages which can be expec ted to ensue from a peaceful settlement of conf licts between countries or between the citizens of a single country , and from disarmament.

Dipping into the continent 's limited resources for military purposes places an intolerable burden on the econom ies of numerous countries, but above all it is an ob stacle to the achievement of a stable, prosperous Africa. The resources allocated to defence should be deployed to product ive activities and social services . As the African Alternative Framework to Structural Adjus tmen t Programmes for Socio-Economic Recovery and Transformation points out , it is easy to imagine what cuts in military expenditure and non-productive expenditures would mean for social we ll-being in Africa , given the multiplier effect which it would have .

I arn. firmly convinced that Africa can make an outs tanding contribution to in ternational devel opment efforts by paving the way for the achievemen t of these nob le objectives . In this area, too , African leaders can act as pioneers .

I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to express my deep sense of appreciation to Professor Adebayo Adedeji, Exe cutive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), who will soon leave his post after nearly two decades of dedicated ·service to Africa and the Un ited Nat ions . Professor Adedeji has been at the helm of ECA for more than ha lf of its existence and has .left an indelible mark on the work and ob jectives of the Commission. He has made significan t contributions to successive initiatives to address and to improve Africa �s economic and social situation . I am pleased to have this opportunity to congratulate him, in his native land , for a job well done , and to wish him success in his future un dertakings �

I would not like to conclude my statement without referring to an impo rtan t issue which is on the minds of many of this organization -- the election of my successor to the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations , wh ich I have had the privilege of serving for 10 years now .

In that context � let me recall that a basic premise of the Un ited Nations has always been a respect for the principle of .geographic rotation among Member States . So far only two regions -- Africa and Eastern Europe -- have

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3337P - 5 - Press Re lease SG/SM/4572/Rev.l 4 June 1991

become a reality in the near future. As always , the organizations and agencies of the Un ited Nations system stand ready to provide assistance within their spheres of competence , for instance, in dealing with the return of exi les .

The .process which has begun in South Africa will be difficult and complex. A number of obstacles remain to be overcome , of which intercommunal violence and the release of all political prisoners are but two examples .

All the parties mus t do everything in their power to put an end to such a state of affairs . It is , however, mo st particularly, incumbent on the South African authorities to ensure that the security forces perform their functions ab solutely impartially.

Ano ther question on which significant progress has been made is that of Wes tern Sahara . This �ugus t assemb ly is no t unaware of the fact that , on 29 April 1991 , the Security Council adopted resolution 690 (1991 ), whereby it decided to establish , under its authority, the Un ited Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO ) with the task of assis ting my Special Representative in the organization and conduct of the referendum . Th is resolution follows the General Assembly's adoption of a considerab le number of recommendations on the settlement of the question.

The negotiations wh ich led up to the adoption of the proposals for a settl�ment in Western Sahara were conducted with the successive Chairmen of OAU , whose views and support have been ind ispensab le and sometimes decisive . I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the Chairman and the Secretary-General of OAU .. for the cooperation and support that they have given me in the discharge of the respons ibilities conferred on me by the General Asse�bly and the Security Council with a view to a peaceful settlement of the question of Western . Sahara .

We must recognize that praiseworthy progress towards democratization has been made on the African continent . The African Charter on Human and People 's Rights will un doubtedly promote the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms . Today , Africa has its "Charter for Popular Participation in Development and Transformation" , which proclaims that at the heart of Africa 's development ob jectives mus t lie the ultimate and overriding goal of human-centred development. Af rica also has its "Declaration on the Political and Socio-Economic Situation in Africa and Fundamental Changes Taking Place in the World". Thanks to this declaration , OAU has reconfirmed its commitment to greater democratization of African societies and the consolidation of democratic institutions. It mus t be ensured that these efforts rea�h fruit ion and are mutually reinforcing . Parallel with that, the necessary institutions mus t also be put in place to manage and implement the democratization process.

I am very concerned and grieved by the civil war that continues to be rife in the Ho� .of Africa and in Liberia. It is ab solutely necessary , as a matter of the highest urgency, to find a just and peaceful solution to the problems witp w.hich the countries in question are grappling , in order that

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3337P - 6 - Press Release SG/SM/4572/Rev .l 4 June 1991

political conditions may be normalized and stab ilized as soon as possible. I know that various initiatives have been taken with a view to putting an end to these tragic conflicts .

I unreservedly support these initiatives and call on the parties to make ' a renewed and determined effort to settle these prob lems by peaceful means . I shall continue to monitor these initiatives closely and I remain prepared to participa te in these efforts as and when necessary. Meanwhile , the Un ited Na tions will continue to provide humanitarian assistance and emergency re lief to refugees , displaced persons and other victims of these conflicts .

As even ts in the Gulf have amply demonstrated , arms shipments , particularly in areas of conflict , are another important prob lem whose consideration mus t suffer no delay .

We cannot overemphasize the advan tages which can be expected to ensue from a peaceful settlement of conflicts between countries or between the citizens of a single country , and from disarmament .

Dipping into the continent 's limited resources for military purposes places an in tolerable burden on the economies of numerous countries , but above al l it is an ob stacle to the achievement of a stable, prosperous Africa . The resources allocated to defence should be deployed to product ive activities and social services . As the African Alternative Framework to Struc tural Adjus tment Programmes for Socio-Economic Recovery and Transformation points out , it is easy to imagine what cuts in military expenditure and non-produc tive expenditures would mean for social we ll-being in Africat given the multiplier effect which it would have .

I am firmly convinced that Africa can make an outstanding contribution to in ternational development efforts by paving the way for the achievement of these nob le ob jectives . In this area , too , African leaders can ac t as pioneers .

I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to express my deep sense of appreciation to Professor Adebayo Adedeji , Execut ive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) , who will soon leave his post af ter nearly two decades of dedicated service to Africa and the United Nat ions . Professor Adedeji has been at the helm of ECA for more than half of its existence and has left an inde lible mark on the work and ob jectives of the Commission . He has made sign ificant contributions to successive initiative s to address and to improve Africa 's economic and social situation . I am pleased to have this opportunity to congratulate him, in his native land , for a job well done , and to wish him success in his future undertakings .

I would not like to conclude my statemen t without referring to an important issue which is on the minds of many of this organization -- the election of my successor to the post of Secretary-General of the- United Nations , which I have had the privilege of serving for 10 years now .

In that context, let me recall that a basic premise of the United Na t ions has always been a respect for the principle of geographic rotation among Member States . So far only two regions -- Africa and Eastern Europe -- have

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3337P - 7 - Press Re lease SG/SM /4572/Rev .l 4 June 1991 not benefited from this . It is , therefore , only natural , in my opinion , that the interna tional community should welcome the candidacy of an Af rican and give it its due consideration .

Everyone knows that your con tinent , despite its enormous economic and social difficul ties � has readily cooperated with the United Na tions in all its ac tivities . Africa has also , in its midst, any numb er of highly qual ified and eminen t personalities , who are fully recognized on the international scene .

Africa , therefo�e , fully deserves to be given a chance .

It is everyone 's hope and desire that the new internationa l political order will be c�duc ive to t�e peaceful resolution of such long-standing ques t ions as the Middle East , Kampuchea an d Afghanistan. With respect to the Middle East , I have repeatedly un derscored the need for a comprehen sive settlemen t of the complex issues facing the region , as a deterioration of the situation will have repercussions elsewhere . Le t me add that any settlement mus t necessarily take in to account the legitima te and inalienable rights of the Palestinians people .

I am conf ident that the Un ited Na tions and the OAU will continue to walk a common path towards a world of peace , of freedom , of jus tice and we ll-being for all the peoples of the world. I know that Africa has a great deal to offer and I believe that the African contribution , and African leadership, will be cruc ial in charting new paths towards a better wor ld.

3337P Press Release

Department of Public Information • News Coverage Service • New \brk

SG/ SM/45 73 IHA/406 4 June 1991



Recent deve lopments in and relating to Ethiopia have un derscored the need for prompt , concerted in ternational ac t ion to avert further aggravat ion of the serious humanitarian prob lem prevailing in the country an d its impact on the neighbouring States � name ly Dj ibout i, Kenya , Somal ia and Sudan .

The evo lving si tuat ion calls for urgen t measures to mobilize in ternational eme rgency humani tarian assistan ce , particularly food , for all needy populations . The provision of such emergency as sis tance will also require cros s-border and cross-l ine operat ions . It is crucial that the security and protection of refugees , civilian population and former combatants , the safe passage of convoys moving humanitarian ass istance through zones of conflict an d the securi ty of all in ternational and local personne l engaged in the humanitarian efforts , be gua ran teed immed iately. The cooperation , support an d assis tance of all concerned are vital to any effective Un ited Nat ions human itarian assistan ce , as is the commitmen t of the Organization of Af rican Un ity (OAU) .

I stron gly urge the in ternational donor community to give prompt and adequate attention to these emergency situations . Failure to do so may very we ll lead to a mass ive human tragedy .

In that context , and in order to assess the immediate requiremen ts for human itarian ass istance and accelerate its mobilization an d distribut ion , I am sending an inter-agency team immediately to Ethiopia and the neighbouring countries .

3314£ Foron infurmati media-not an official record MAC0ES UMIDAS UNITED NATIONS



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- - L 'i �"'<£�/tv � fit � �� .;)..J&, � L'a+-c,.�L

--12 .00 hrs . Meeting with the Portuguese Prime Minister , Prof . Cavaco Silva , at the P.M. 's residence (Palacio de Sao Bento , R. da Imprensa a Estrela , 2, Lisboa )

- jC), oc, - M4-F7Vt- 1�-k-£.-�z� � ��..-.J-.<.1--�>"Y " __.20 .15 hrs . The Secretary-General and Mrs . Pere z de Cuellar : dinner at Palacio da Vila , Sintra , hosted by the Prime Minister to the Chairmen of the Iberian-Latin American Parliamentary Assemblies . (dark suit , short dress )

31 May , � 991 _ _ !) _ -- ?u-:vc.h, '>t;.t 4' -n_.,;;t'-� . f.ri 7_o .oo _ £...-d-r1�� '. � ' ' �-�------;;:;;::;;-· ;::; /LtI LJ _-::, � � /2 ��.�-<"-0.,--..._. �- "- £.. b- Gl-h-->--.ci-/2-1!..-..-.< ..... -- - ,3. -- --·-· ---- .... 19�.00 hrs . Ceremony of the signing of the Angola Ac cords at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Largo do Ri lvas , Lisboa )

/lv 3c --- -�--- -· _ ,5 e-cu.L"c<.A--7 c7 ..£E-1 -� 20 .30 hrs . (tentative ) The Secretary-General and Mr s . Perez de Cuellar : dinner at Palacio da Ajuda , Lisboa , hosted by the President of the Republic to the Heads of the Delegations to the Ango la Peace Accords . (dark suit , short dress )

Le.a-t'-C- �:S---�-rn

. � �'' Y J·o� � /0. 00 t-- t,/ih..--<. v� ,4-6 , zl/2,, o �; 3- � 1 o A b<"-J·a_. .SU h 2 ju--u.- Thursday , 30 May

Depart Hotel for :

1 2. 0 0 H.E. Mr. An ibal Cavaco Si lva ( Az-�ftU�:� 1--of PORTUGAL )

Private luncheon

6.30 Cockta il reception by Amb . PERU to Portuga l .. . 8. 1 5 Dinner by PM Portugal in honour of the Chai rmen of the Iberian-Latin Americ an Pa rl i amenta ry Assembl ies (with Mrs . Perez de Cuellar)

Friday , 31 May

9.30 Depart Hotel for:

1 0.0 0 H.E. Mr. Dos Santo s (President of PORTUGAL )(Forte Vel ho , de Santo Ama ro de Oeiras) (25 min. drive )

11.30 Dr. Savimbi (President of UNITA) (and aide s)(H otel Ritz)

12.30 H.E. Mr. Bessmertnykh (FM USSR) (Hotel Ritz )

1.30 Luncheon by Amb . and Mrs . Gamarra (with Mrs . Perez de Cuel lar, Xtina and Elmano)

t.b.c 4.30 Secretary of State Baker (USA) (Hotel Meridien)

7.00-8.00 Signin g Ceremony of the Ang ola Peace Accords

8.30 Dinner by Pres. PORTUGAL (Palacio de Quel uz)(d ark suit) (NO SPOUSES) • •

A asainatura ter Iugar 1 Malo 1 ,0 Sala doa

. A rl 16nla u te o n I r.

17 DO 1 ,OOh • Oa jor. d n r p Vt lateral

As legaQOes ,am 1 r sala o

seus lugares

·: Chegada doe , or Oh I Emb wldadoa

. . 18,20 • Chegada de S.S E o Ministro dos Neg6eios Estrang lros ec tirio I 1 Neg6clo1 Eatrangalros e. da Cooper o 18,30. / horn "j Chegada de Sua Excel6ncla o · tJmeiro Mlnlttro cftl,ac;ISea o Oa C�alu daa sario racebldoa por sua Excal6noia Prlm1 ro Mlnlstro. j s. R.




A ordem �· ehegada 891'4 ulnte:

18,35 ,,•• - S E o Mlnlstr do N g6c o Estr n t1roa da URSS 18,38 horae - �.E. Seoret4rlo E t do do UA 18,41 n•r•• S.E. Prtsld te UNI A

1 I

1 .7 horas · $ E o Prealdente OU

18,50 horas • $.E o Pr 'd 1t da Rep�blic Popular de Angola


18,55 �oraa • S S. .E M I tro dos Neg6cios Estrangelros I S et4rlo de Eatado dos Neg6eios Eattangelro

da CooperaQio ooupam os seus lugares na sala

do� Banquete& � 1 8,5 ora& • 1S.E. o Primelro Mlnistro e os Chefes das

dtlegaQOes ocuparlo o seus lugares na mesa

principal e no cadelrOes vizinhos (Atraveaaam a Sala dos Aperltivoa, m pela porta lateral que dli acess� jardim t antram / na Sala doe Banquet•• ptlt Oltlma porta do Terra;o) s. t




18,00 hdras d 0 s,.s. E.E. o President• Repubtlca Popular dt . ngola I _. � e o Presld ,te d UN�TA 'nam os

cor o de paz I 18,10 - 01 o o S.E o Primeiro Minlstro h'ras I dt 1 &,15 horas • l)iscurso de s.e o Pr 'der da publica Popular de Angola r 19,1a ho. • �lacurao de S E. o td nt da UNITA 18,21 hor • Qtscurao d S.E o S retarlo dt Estado +osEUA 19,24 hpraa • Olseurso de S o M1 tro do Neg6eioa �strangeiro da UR 1 horas �nuncio co ,Z I da posl<;lo ComissAo Conjunta PoHtloo Milltar . 1 ' 0 �0 Flm da im6n d tura doa Acordoa de ;paz Porto de Honra na varanda jar dlm 19,40 or • Assfnatura da Acta da conatitu•�Ao da m I Comiaslo Conjunta P Htleo-MIIItar ( aala I Servl;o do • I separada anteolmara dos 1 Protooolo de Estado) I I

I Ill. P•rtldJ I I lnrclo ordem # 19,55 Jhoraa da partida das delegaQOel peli -�� inversa da Ghegada o Republica Popular de Angola 19,55 horae ·1 S.E. Presidente da . 19,58 horaa ·IS. E. o Presidente da lA I IIIKISTtRIO DOSs. ftRNEGOCIOS ESTRA G 1



20,01 hara • S.�. o Secretirlo·Geral da ONU

20,03 hqras • S.�. o Presldente da UNITA

20 ,05 hqr S E. o cr ·t6rlo de Eatado dos U

• �.E. 0 Mlnlstro dol Neg6CiOI e trangelros da 20.08. hr·· URSS

20,11 • S.E. o Prlmeiro Mlnlstro de Portugal, seguldo dt nfr �.S. E.E. o Mlnlatro dos Neg6cios Eatrangeiros

do secretirl d E ta do dos Neg6clos Estrangeiros da Coop �o REPUnLICA DA GUINE-BISSAU







8 a 10 de Junho de 1991 Sabado 8 de Junho Domingo 9 de Junho de 1991

- ?equeno Almo<;o jUlio Semedo, 17HOO - Chegada ao Aeroporto Internacional 10HOO - Encontro com S. E. Senhor Minis tro dos Neg6cios Estrangeiros na"CASA DA PEDR. "OSVALDO VIEIRA"

- Cerim6nia de Acolhimento 11H15 - Encontro de Trabalho com Suas Excelencias Senhores Manuel Maria Santos, Ministro de Estado da Economia e Finan<;as, Bernardino - Declara<;ao de Imprensa Cardoso, Ministro da Coopera<;ao Internaciona e Pedro Godinho Gomes, Ministro Govemador

- Partida para a Residencia Oficial do Banco Central na residencia •"CASA DA PEDRt

"CASA �A PEDRA" e instala<;ao

12H30 - Visita ao Bureau do PNUD e encontro com os representantesdas Agendas dos Sistemas da 20H30 - Jantar Oficial oferecido por S. E. General ]oiio Na<;5esUnidas Bernardo Vieira no Hotel 24 de Setembro em

honra de S. E. Senhor Javier Perez de Cuellar 13HOO - Almo<;oPrivado


20HOO - Jan tar Privado Segunda-feira10 de Junho

- Pequeno Almo.;o 9H30 - Encontro com S. E. General ]oiio Bernardo Vieira, Presidente do Conselho de Estado na Presidencia do Conselho de Estado

10H45 - Cerim6nia de condecora<;ao no Salao Nobre do Palacio da Republica

11H15 - Conferencia de Imprensa no Salao do Hotel · Sheraton

12HOO - Partida para o Aeroporto Internacional


- Cerim6nia de des�da •

Fim da Visita