11714 THE GAZETTE, 28TH OCTOBER 1966 beginning 28th October and ending on 25th New Road ; Road (Part) (1-51 odd, inclu- November 1966. sive and 115-209 odd, inclusive); South Any person who wishes to make representations London Transport Railway Station and premises; about the application should do so in writing to Orley Farm Road; Penketh Drive; Peterborough the Clerk of the East Suffolk and Norfolk River Road; Roxborough Avenue; Roxborough Park; Authority, The Cedars, Albemarle Road, Norwich, Hill; Sackville Close ; South Hill Avenue; NOR 8IE, before the end of the said period. South Hill Grove ; South Vale ; Sudbury Court Drive (Part) (1-35 odd, inclusive and 20-24 even, inclusive) ; (248) /. C. C. Stanton. ; Tyburn Lane; Victoria Terrace; Waldron Road (including Waldrons Yard) ; Watford Road, Harrow (Part) (1 and 2 Green's Cottages; Farm; and Harrow School Playing PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS Fields); Wellington Terrace; West Hill; West "Street; Whitehall Road ; Wood End Road (Part) (4- AND CLEAN AIR ACT 110 even, inclusive and 15-21 odd, inclusive, and Harrow Cricket Club premises). Premises in the area: Methodist Church and New Synagogue, The London Borough of Harrow Smoke Control Bessborough Road ; St. Mary's Church, Church Hill; (No. 13) Order, 1966 Nos. 6 and 8 Crown Street; St. Andrew's Church Notice is hereby given that the Council of the London Institute, Road, and the Sports Pavilion Borough of Harrow, in exercise of the powers con- rear of No. 136 at the Sudbury Hill Playing Fields; ferred on them by section 11 of the Clean Air Act, School Playing Fields, Kenton Road; No. 3 Lans- 1956, on the 20th day of October 1966, made an downe Road ; Bowden House Nursing Home, London Order entitled the London Borough of ; Welsh Congregational Church, Lower Road; Smoke Control (No. 13) Order, 1966, declaring the Harrow Conservative Headquarters (No. 77), Harrow area described in the Schedule hereto to be a Smoke County Girls School, Grove Fields Open Space, and Control Area, which Order is about to be submitted Lowlands Road Recreation Ground, all in Lowlands to the Minister of Housing and Local Government Road ; Roxeth Mead School, The Lower School of for confirmation. John Lyon and The Red House, all in Middle Road; Subject to the exemptions provided by the Ord'er, Bermuda Nursing Home and Valley Field (Middlesex and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act, if, on Association for the Blind), Mount Park Road ; Coun- any day after the Order has come into operation, cil Store (Old Fire Station—No. 51) and Church smoke is emitted from a chimney of any building Lads Brigade Headquarters (No. 47), Northolt Road; within the smoke control area, the occupier of that Heathfield Schools Playing Fields, Harrow High building shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a School for Junior Boys (No. 19) and St. Keverne fine not exceeding £10 unless he proves that the (Heathfield Norris Preparatory School), Peter- emission of smoke was not caused by the use of any borough Road ; " Hillside " ( Council fuel other than an authorised fuel. The authorised Hostel Church of (No. 5), Our Lady and fuels include anthracite, coke and other carbonised St. Thomas Roman Catholic Church and St. Anselm's fuels, gas and electricity. Roman Catholic School, Roxborough Park; Christ- If confirmed, the Order will not come into opera- church Roxeth Church, The Salvation Army tion before 1st October, 1967, or on such later date Citadel and Roxeth Primary School, Roxeth Hill; as may be determined by the Minister of Housing Orley Farm School (East and West sides), South- and Local Government. • lands School and Assembly of God Chapel, South Copies of the Order, and of the Map referred to Hill Avenue ; Old Gaytonians Sports Club and Pump- therein, may be inspected, free of charge, at the ing Station (Harrow Corporation) ; South Vale; Office of the Town Clerk, Lodge, Convent ot the Little Company of Mary Nursing 92 Uxbridge Road, Harrow Weald, Harrow, Sisters ; and Calvary Nursing Home, St. Dominic's Middlesex, at all reasonable times during the period Convent and School, St. George's Roman Catholic of six weeks from the 3rd day of November 1966. School, " Mountside", and School Playing Fields Within the said period, any person who will be (Lower School of John Lyon), all in Sudbury Hill; affected by the Order may by notice in writing to Old Harrovian Club and Divi- the Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Govern- sional Headquarters, West Street; Harrow Cricket ment, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to the con- Club, Wood End Road; Harrow Hospital (7 pre- firmation of the Order. mises) ; and Harrow School (36 premises). NOTE. The following dwellings and other pre- SCHEDULE mises, being affected by the Council's redevelopment An area of the Borough, approximately 800 acres proposals for that part of the Borough, have been in extent and situate in the and excluded from the No. 13 Order: Greenhill Ward, bounded by a line commencing on lA-llA (odd, inclusive) Alma Crescent; 1-31 (odd, the north along the London Transport Railway inclusive) and 8-36 (even, inclusive) Alma Road; () and continuing on the east with and the Alma Brass and Pattern Making Foundry, the Borough boundary with the London Borough of Alma Road ; 1-31 (odd, inclusive) and 10-28 (even, Brent and south with the boundary with the London inclusive) Grange Road; and dwellings and other Borough of Ealing, continuing on the south-west along premises numbered 53-113A (odd, inclusive), Northolt the London Transport Railway () then Road. west along Northolt Road, Lower Road and Bess- Dated this 24th day of October 1966. borough Road. All hereditaments now and to be erected in the Stanley Lancaster, Town Clerk. following streets: Harrow Weald Lodge, Alma Road (Part) (" The Cottage " ; Nos. 2, 4 and 92 Uxbridge Road, Harrow Weald, 6; Harrow School Laundry Company, Ltd. ; and Harrow, Middlesex. Embassy Cleaners Ltd.) ; Ashbourne Avenue ; Athena (209) Close; Bessborough Road (East side only) ; Brick- Street ; Football Lane ; Byron Hill Road ; Cavendish Avenue; Church Hill; Cowen Avenue; Crown LONDON BOROUGH OF MERTON Street; Football Lane ; Grange Road ; (Part) (30-64 even, inclusive) ; Greenford Road (Part) The London Borough of Merton (No. 5) Smoke (l-171a odd, inclusive and 16-172 even, inclusive) ; Control Order, 1966 Ashton Court; Orley Court; all private dwellings, Notice is hereby given that the Council of the London shops, commercial and railway premises, sports pavi- Borough of Merton in exercise of the powers conferred lion behind No. 136, and St. Andrew's Church Insti- on it by Section 11 of Clean Air Act, 1956 on the tute ; Grove Hill; Grove Hill Road ; Harrow Park; Nineteenth day of October, 1966, made an Order Harrow Road (Part) (Nos. 1025 and 1027 only); entitled the London Borough of Merton (No. 5) High Street, Harrow on the Hill; Hill Close, Harrow ; Smoke Control Order, 1966, declaring the area des- Kenton Avenue; Kentpn Road (Part) (1-30 consecu- cribed in the Schedule hereto to be a smoke control tive, and School playing fields) ; Kingsfield Road; area, which Order is about to be submitted to the Lansdowne Road, Harrow; Leigh Court; London Minister of Housing and Local Government for Road, Harrow ; Lower Road (East side only) ; Low- confirmation. lands Road ; Maxted Park ; Middle Road ; Mount Park Subject to the exemptions provided by virtue of Avenue ; Mount Park Road ; Nelson Road, Harrow ; Section 11(4) of the Act if, on any day after the For any late Notices see Contents list on last page