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Cornelio Sommaruga 16, Crets de Chatnpel CH-1206 Geneve

Geneva, August 2,n d ,2004

H.E.. Kofi A. Annan Secretary General of the

New York NY 10017

Mr. Secretary General, ' IuiM?L jSe&t £'??ii^lJ*M L Lf(^y received your Fore word to my Memoir [ book, that is due to be presented at the Fra^kTurteTBuchmesse early October next. It is Jndeed a great hpnor.to have it made by you in such a positive wording, which is very much to the point and recalls our intensive ad really outstanding cooperation during my thirteen years ICRC Presidency. This geneKHos<^ntribu:tk)ttef yours is a strong sigaef our Friendship: I thank you very much! . "...... " " Going back to the positive .eschattges ws had in your office on Match 17th, I sni happy. tQ.haye your agreement to. once .visiting in the International Centre on * Httt^j^m^^mrigjjto. is mtenayely cooperating with UNMAS. 1 am also pleased to have the chance to see you in Nairobi at the occasion of the "Mine Free World Summit" at the turn tjf Nm'ernber/Decerriber ^f this' £?. ICv!;, _We_also .then touched at my activities as President of the International Association M^J^SJOT~CI]^ we had in the last four years contributions of several Under Secretaries General of the UN, as Catherine Bertini (still as WFPX Pvubens Ricupero, Juan S-omavia, Pvuud Lubbers, Mohamed Sahnouru Jan Egeland and former Ministers as Lloyd Axworthy and Bronislaw Geremek. Sadako Ogata will be speaking in Caux on August 18th. WsJjave ^ now ^introduced to the competent ECOSOC Office our request for Consultative Status}! am mentioning it to you following your hint :on March 17th. — — Let me expf ess again my solidarity and firm support for your delicate and so important mission in the interest of the whole mankind; receive please, Mr. Secretary General, the expression of my highest esteem and friendly regards.


/ :AUX &)&J8iiv£S Gf Ctexje.

Update of 8 July 2004 You are warmly invited to the public events of the 2004 conference season in Caux

8-14 July Saturday 10 July, 17.00 Caux Lecture, Service, Responsibility, ian Egeland. United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Leadership Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (OCHA): "Logistical revolution - moral regression: humanitarian operations in the crossfire"

Saturday 10 July, 20.15: Concert by the Capriccio Basel baroque ensemble

16-21 July Saturday 17 July, 17.00: Caux Lecture, Globalization: Jean-Daniel Gerber. Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs. Closing the G^K "Does the present international economic system respond to tomorrow's challenges?"

24-30 July A series of evening events. Amongst others, the first public presentation of The Arts: Transforming GENESIS, a work for string quartet and three wind instruments, in seven the Way Things Are musical meditations on God in the first book of the Bible.

4-10 August Saturday 7 August, 17.00: Caux Lecture, Human Security through Prof. Andrea Riccardi, founder of the St. Egidio Community: Good Governance "Peace is possible - ftie St. Egidio Community at work among the poor and the world's conflicts'

13-19 August Sunday 15 August, 10.30: Plenary Panel, Peac&builcfing Initiatives with representatives of the "Geneva Initiative": "Searching for solutions - the Geneva Initiative for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflicf

13-19 August Peace- Wednesday 18 August, 17.00: Caux Lecture, building Initiatives Sadako Ogata, President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Trom Humanitarian Action to Development Aid"

The Caux Lectures are open to the public. Simultaneous translation is provided. Admission is free. Voluntary contributions are welcome. CAUX expo The CAUX expo gives a glimpse of the eventful history of the Caux -Palace, from the beginning of the 2CP1 century io today. The glories of the Belle £poque, the decline, the opening of the international coherence centee.a-Td. over 50 years o! ouireach. a? 'ahome .for. fce issjskf. Opening times: Daily from 8 July to 19 August 200410.00 to 11.30 and 12.30 to 18.00. Please inquire by phone for group bookings at other times.

For more information on and the conferences in Caux. please contact the address on this sheet or visit the Internet site www.caux.ch/; e-mail: [email protected]

Reg'd Offices: E-mail: [email protected] www.caux.ch/ Conference Centre: P. 0. Box 4419 Mountain House CH - 6002 Lucerne CH-1824 Caux, Switzerland Tel. 041 3101261 Tel. 021 9629111 Fax 041 3113214 Fax 021 9629355