Stars and Planets ­Prominent Stars and Con­­Stel­­Lations

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Stars and Planets ­Prominent Stars and Con­­Stel­­Lations © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 6 distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 7 introduction means without prior written permission of the publisher. δ γ γ The night sky is one of the most beautiful and Vega have a bluish tinge. Binoculars β ε sights in nature. Yet many people remain bring out the colours more readily than the δ lost among the jost­­ling crowd of stars, and naked eye does. Section II of this book, start­­ are baffled by the progress ively chang ing ap - ing on page 267, ex­­plains more fully the dif­­ α β ε pearance­­ of the sky from hour to hour and ferent types of star that exist. from season to season. The charts and de­­ By contrast, planets are cold bodies that scriptions in this book will guide you to the shine by re flecting the Sun’s light. They too α most splendid celes­­tial sights, many of them are de­­scribed in more detail in Section II, within the range of simple optical equip­­ment from page 304 onwards. The planets are such as binoculars, and all ac­­cess­­ible with an con­­stant­­ly on the move as they orbit the average-sized tele­­scope of the type used by Sun. Four of them can be easily seen with amateur as tronomers. the naked eye: Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Constellations: Stars in a constellation are usually Medi terranean regions; Hevelius and others It must be em­­phasized that you do not Saturn. Venus, the brightest of all, ap­­pears as unrelated to one another. Above, the stars of invented con­­stel­­lations to fill in the gaps need a tele­­scope to take up star­­gazing. Use a dazzl ing ob ject in the even ing or morn ing Crux, the Southern Cross, are shown as they be­­tween the ­fgures recognized by the Greeks. the charts in this book to find your way sky. Charts showing the positions of Mars, appear from Earth, left, and in a 3D view as they The whole process sounds rather ar­­bitrary, among the stars first with your own eyes, and Jupiter and Saturn for a 5-year period can be actually lie in space, right. (Wil Tirion) and indeed it was. A number of the newly then with the aid of binoculars, which bring found on the HarperCollins website: devised patterns fell into dis use, leav ing a the stars more readily into view. Binoculars total of 88 con­­stel­­lations that were officially are a worth while invest ment, being relatively About 2000 stars are visible to the naked and Tele­­scopium. Whether large or small, adopted by the Inter national As tronomical cheap, easy to carry and useful for many eye on a clear, dark night, but you will not bright or faint, each con­­stel­­lation is given a Union (IAU), astronomy’s govern­­ing body, pur poses other than star gazing. need to learn them all. Start by iden­­tifying separ­­ate chart and de­­scription in this book. in 1922 (see the table on pages 8–9). the brightest stars and major con stel lations, The main con­­stel­­lations were devised at the As well as the officially recognized con­­stel­­ and use these as sign­­posts to the fainter, less dawn of history by Middle Eastern peoples lations, you can find other patterns among Stars and planets prominent stars and con stel lations. Once you who fancied that they could see a like­­ness the stars called as terisms. An as­­terism can be know the main features of the night sky, you to certain fabled creatures and mytho - composed of stars be­­long­­ing to one or more In the night sky, stars ap­­pear to the naked will never again be lost among the stars. logical heroes among the stars. Of par­­ticular con stel lations. Well-known examples are the eye as spiky, twink­­ling lights. Those stars impor tance were the 12 con­­stel­­lations of the Plough or Big Dipper (part of Ursa Major), near the horizon seem to flash and change zodiac, through which the Sun passes dur­­ing the Square of Pegasus, the Sickle of Leo and colour. The twink­­ling and ­fashing effects Constellations its yearly path around the heavens. How­­ever, the Teapot of Sagittarius. are due not to the stars themselves but to the it should be real­­ized that the as­­trological Earth’s atmos phere: turbulent air currents The sky is divided into 88 sections known ‘signs’ of the zodiac are not the same as the cause the stars’ light to dance around. The as con stel lations which as tronomers use as modern as tronomical con stel lations, even Star names steadi­­ness of the atmos­­phere is referred to as a convenient way of locat­­ing and naming though they share the same names. the seeing . Steady air means good seeing. celes­­tial ob­­jects. Most of the stars in a Our modern system of con stel lations derives The main stars in each con­­stel­­lation are The spiki­­ness of star images is due to optical constel­­lation have no real con­­nection with from a catalogue of 48 com­­piled by the Greek la belled with a letter of the Greek al pha bet, effects in the observer’s eye. In reality,­­ stars one an­­other at all; they may lie at vastly as tron omer Ptolemy in ad 150. This list was the brightest star usually (but not always!) are spheres of gas similar to our own Sun, dif­­fering dis­­tances from Earth, and form a ex panded by navi gators and celes tial map - being termed α (alpha). Notable ex ceptions emit­­ting their own heat and light. pattern simply by chance. Incidentally, when makers, notably the Dutchmen­­ Pieter Dirks­­ in which the stars marked β (beta) are in Stars come in various sizes, from giants to astronomers talk of an object being ‘in’ a zoon Keyser (c. 1540–96) and Frederick de fact the brightest in clude the con stel lations dwarfs, and in a range of colours according­­ given constellation they mean that it lies in Hout­­man (1571–1627), the Pole Johannes Orion and Gemini. The entire Greek al­­pha­­ to their temperature.­­ At first glance all stars that particular area of sky. Hevelius (see page 166) and the French­­man bet is given in the table on page 10. ap pear white, but more careful in spection Some con stel lations are easier to recognize Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (see page 216). Par ticularly con fus ing are the southern reveals that certain ones are some­­what orange, than others, such as the mag­­nificent Orion Keyser and de Hout man in tro duced con stel lations Vela and Puppis, which were notably Be telgeuse, Antares, Al debaran and or the distinctive Cassiopeia and Crux. 12 new con­­stel­­lations, and Lacaille 14, in once joined with Carina to make the exten­­ Arcturus, while others such as Rigel, Spica Others are faint and obscure,­­ such as Lynx parts of the south­­ern sky not visible from sive ­fgure of Argo Navis, the ship of the For general queries, contact [email protected] Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 6-7 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 8 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 9 means without prior written permission of the publisher. Name Genitive Ab brevn. Area Order Origin*­ THE 88 CON STEL LATIONS (square of degs.) size Name Genitive Ab brevn. Area Order Origin* (square of degs.) size Libra Librae Lib 538 29 1 Lupus Lupi Lup 334 46 1 Lynx Lyncis Lyn 545 28 5 An dromeda An dromedae And 722 19 1 Lyra Lyrae Lyr 286 52 1 An tlia An tliae Ant 239 62 6 Mensa Mensae Men 153 75 6 Apus Apo dis Aps 206 67 3 Micro scopium Micro scopii Mic 210 66 6 Aquarius Aquarii Aqr 980 10 1 Monoceros Monocerotis Mon 482 35 4 Aquila Aquilae Aql 652 22 1 Musca Muscae Mus 138 77 3 Ara Arae Ara 237 63 1 Norma Normae Nor 165 74 6 Aries Arietis Ari 441 39 1 Octans Oct antis Oct 291 50 6 Aur iga Aur igae Aur 657 21 1 Ophiuchus Ophiuchi Oph 948 11 1 Boötes Boö tis Boo 907 13 1 Orion Orionis Ori 594 26 1 Caelum Caeli Cae 125 81 6 Pavo Pavonis Pav 378 44 3 Ca mel opardalis Ca mel opardalis Cam 757 18 4 Pegasus Pegasi Peg 1121 7 1 Cancer Can cri Cnc 506 31 1 Per seus Per sei Per 615 24 1 Canes Venatici Canum Venaticorum CVn 465 38 5 Phoenix Phoenicis Phe 469 37 3 Canis Major Canis Majoris CMa 380 43 1 Pictor Pictoris Pic 247 59 6 Canis Minor Canis Minoris CMi 183 71 1 Pisces Piscium Psc 889 14 1 Capricornus Capricorni Cap 414 40 1 Piscis Aus trinus ­Piscis Aus trini PsA 245 60 1 Carina Carinae Car 494 34 6 Puppis Puppis Pup 673 20 6 Cassiopeia Cassiopeiae Cas 598 25 1 Pyxis Pyxi dis Pyx 221 65 6 Centaurus Cent auri Cen 1060 9 1 Reticulum Reticuli Ret 114 82 6 Cepheus Cephei Cep 588 27 1 Sagitta Sagittae Sge 80 86 1 Cetus Ceti Cet 1231 4 1 Sagittarius Sagittarii Sgr 867 15 1 Chamaeleon Chamaeleontis Cha 132 79 3 Scorpius Scorpii Sco 497 33 1 Circinus Circini Cir 93 85 6 Sculptor Sculptoris Scl 475 36 6 Columba Colum bae Col 270 54 4 Scutum Scuti Sct 109 84 5 Coma Berenices Comae Berenices Com 386 42 2 Serpens Serpentis Ser 637 23 1 Corona Aus tralis Coronae Aus tralis CrA 128 80 1 Sex tans Sex tantis Sex 314 47 5 Corona Borealis Coronae Borealis CrB 179 73 1 Taurus Tauri Tau 797 17 1 Cor vus Corvi Crv 184 70 1 Tele scopium Tele scopii Tel 252 57 6 Crater Crateris Crt 282 53 1 Triangulum Trianguli Tri 132 78 1 Crux Crucis Cru 68 88 4 Triangulum Aus trale ­Trianguli Aus tralis TrA 110 83 3 Cyg nus Cygni Cyg 804 16 1 Tuc ana Tuc anae Tuc 295 48 3 Del phinus Del phini Del 189 69 1 Ursa Major Ursae Majoris UMa 1280 3 1 Dorado Doradus Dor 179 72 3 Ursa Minor Ursae Minoris UMi 256 56 1 Draco Draconis Dra 1083 8 1 Vela Velorum Vel 500 32 6 Equu leus Equu lei Equ 72 87 1 Virgo Virginis Vir 1294 2 1 Erid anus Erid ani Eri 1138 6 1 Volans Vol antis Vol 141 76 3 For nax For nacis For 398 41 6 Vulpecula Vulpeculae Vul 268 55 5 Gemini Geminorum Gem 514 30 1 Grus Gruis Gru 366 45 3 Hercules Herculis Her 1225 5 1 * Origin: Horologium Horologii Hor 249 58 6 1 One of the original 48 Greek con­­stel­­lations listed by Ptolemy.
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    Novemb Monthly Meeting Monday, February 12th at 7PM at HRPO er 2017 Issue nd (Monthly meetings are on 2 Mondays, Highland Road Park Observatory) . Program: Star Clusters, a presentation by Rory Bentley. What's In This Issue? President’s Message Secretary's Summary Outreach Report Light Pollution Committee Report Recent Forum Entries 20/20 Vision Campaign Messages from the HRPO Friday Night Lecture Series Globe at Night Adult Astronomy Courses International Astronomy Day Observing Notes – Canis Minor, The Little Dog & Mythology Like this newsletter? See past issues back to 2009 at Newsletter of the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society February 2018 © 2018 President’s Message We are now entering the month of February 2018. This month will be unusual for the fact there will be no full moon. This lack of a full moon can happen because the Moon's synodic orbit around Earth takes longer than the 28 days in February. I would remind you that our monthly meeting is on 12th of February at 7 pm. There will be a talk on star clusters given by Rory Bentley. I would also like to remind you of our Business Meeting which will be 7 pm on 7th of February at HRPO. We are investigating ideas which include: an asteroid observing group 2018 Officers: an astrophotography study group President: Steven M. Tilley a BRAS Youtube channel Vice-President: Scott Louque adding additional stargazes for BRAS members Secretary: Krista Reed ways to better utilize BRAS equipment Treasurer: Trey Anding adding another dark sky site BRAS Liaison for BREC: We may not do everything listed if there is not sufficient interest Chris Kersey from members, so if you are willing to help let us know.
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