
© Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 6 distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 7 introduction means without prior written permission of the publisher. δ γ γ The night sky is one of the most beautiful­ and have a bluish tinge. Binoculars­ β ε sights in ­nature. Yet many people­ remain­ bring out the colours more ­readily than the δ lost among the jost­­ling crowd of , and naked eye does. ­Section II of this book, start­­ are ­baffed by the progress­­ively chang­­ing ap­­ ing on page 267, ex­­plains more fully the dif­­ α β ε pearance­­ of the sky from hour to hour and ferent types of that exist. from season to ­season. The charts and de­­ By ­contrast, ­ are cold ­bodies that scriptions in this book will guide you to the shine by re­ fecting the ’s . They too α most ­splendid celes­­tial sights, many of them are de­­scribed in more detail in Section­ II, within the range of simple­ optical­ equipment­­ from page 304 onwards. The planets­ are such as ­binoculars, and all ac­­cessible­­ with an con­­stant­­ly on the move as they the average-sized tele­­scope of the type used by Sun. Four of them can be easily­ seen with ­amateur as­­tronomers. the naked eye: Venus, , and : Stars in a are usually Medi­­terranean ­regions; Hevelius and ­others It must be em­­phasized that you do not ­. Venus, the ­brightest of all, ap­­pears as unrelated to one another. Above, the stars of ­invented constel­­ ­­lations to fll in the gaps need a ­­ to take up star­­gazing. Use a dazzl­­ing ob­­ject in the even­­ing or morn­­ing Crux, the Southern Cross, are shown as they be­­tween the ­fgures ­recognized by the Greeks. the charts in this book to fnd your way sky. Charts showing the ­positions of Mars, appear from , left, and in a 3D view as they The whole process­ sounds rather ar­­bitrary, among the stars frst with your own eyes, and Jupiter and Saturn­ for a 5- period­ can be actually lie in space, right. (Wil Tirion) and ­indeed it was. A ­number of the newly then with the aid of ­binoculars, which bring found on the HarperCollins website: ­devised ­patterns fell into dis­­use, leav­­ing a the stars more readily­ into view. Binoculars­ www.collins.co.uk/starsandplanets total of 88 con­­stel­­lations that were ­offcially are a worth­­while invest­­ment, being ­relatively About 2000 stars are ­visible to the naked and Tele­­scopium. Whether large or small, adopted by the Inter­­national As­­tronomical cheap, easy to carry and useful­ for many eye on a clear, dark night, but you will not bright or faint, each constel­­ ­­lation is given a Union (IAU), ­astronomy’s governing­­ body, pur­­poses other than star­­gazing. need to learn them all. Start by iden­­tifying separ­­ate chart and de­­scription in this book. in 1922 (see the table on pages 8–9). the ­brightest stars and major con­­stel­­lations, The main con­­stel­­lations were ­devised at the As well as the ­offcially ­recognized con­­stel­­ and use these as sign­­posts to the fainter, less dawn of history­ by ­Middle ­Eastern ­peoples lations, you can fnd other ­patterns among Stars and planets ­prominent stars and con­­stel­­lations. Once you who ­fancied that they could see a like­­ness the stars called as­­terisms. An ­­ can be know the main ­features of the night sky, you to ­certain ­fabled ­creatures and ­mytho­­ ­composed of stars belong­­ ­­ing to one or more In the night sky, stars ap­­pear to the naked will never again be lost among the stars. logical heroes­ among the stars. Of par­­ticular con­­stel­­lations. Well-known ­examples are the eye as spiky, twink­­ling . Those stars impor­tance were the 12 con­­stellations­­ of the Plough or ­ (part of ), near the ­horizon seem to fash and change ­, through which the Sun passes dur­­ing the Square of ­Pegasus, the Sickle of and colour. The twinkling­­ and ­fashing ­effects Constellations its yearly path around the ­heavens. How­­ever, the Teapot of ­Sagittarius. are due not to the stars ­themselves but to the it should be realized­­ that the as­­trological Earth’s atmos­­phere: ­turbulent air ­currents The sky is ­divided into 88 ­sections known ‘signs’ of the zodiac­ are not the same as the cause the stars’ light to dance around. The as con­­stel­­lations which as­­tronomers use as ­modern as­­tronomical con­­stel­­lations, even Star names steadiness­­ of the atmos­­phere is ­referred to as a ­convenient way of locat­­ing and ­naming though they share the same names. the seeing­ . Steady air means good ­seeing. celes­­tial ob­­jects. Most of the stars in a Our modern system of ­con­­stel­­lations derives The main stars in each con­­stel­­lation are The spiki­­ness of star ­images is due to ­optical constellation­­ have no real con­­nection with from a ­catalogue of 48 compiled­­ by the Greek la­­belled with a ­letter of the Greek al­­pha­­bet, ­effects in the observer’s­ eye. In reality,­­ stars one an­­other at all; they may lie at vastly as­­tron­omer in ad 150. This list was the ­brightest star ­usually (but not ­always!) are spheres of gas ­similar to our own Sun, dif­­fering distances­­ from Earth, and form a ex­­panded by navi­gators and celes­­tial map­­ being termed α (alpha). ­Notable ex­­ceptions emit­­ting their own heat and light. ­pattern simply by chance. Incidentally, when makers, notably­ the Dutchmen­­ Pieter Dirks­­ in which the stars marked β (beta) are in Stars come in ­various sizes, from ­giants to talk of an object being ‘in’ a zoon Keyser (c. 1540–96) and ­Frederick de fact the ­brightest in­­clude the con­­stel­­lations dwarfs, and in a range of colours according­­ given constellation they mean that it lies in Hout­­man (1571–1627), the Pole ­Johannes and ­Gemini. The ­entire Greek al­­pha­­ to their .­­ At frst glance all stars that particular area of sky. Hevelius (see page 166) and the French­­man bet is given in the table on page 10. ap­­pear white, but more ­careful in­­spection Some con­­stel­­lations are ­easier to ­recognize ­Nicolas Louis de ­Lacaille (see page 216). Par­­ticularly con­­fus­­ing are the southern ­reveals that ­certain ones are some­­what ­orange, than others,­ such as the mag­­nifcent Orion Keyser and de Hout­­man in­­tro­­duced con­­­stel­­lations Vela and ­Puppis, which were ­notably Be­­telgeuse, , Al­­debaran and or the ­distinctive ­Cassiopeia and Crux. 12 new con­­stellations,­­ and ­Lacaille 14, in once joined with ­Carina to make the exten­­ ­, while ­others such as , ­Others are faint and obscure,­­ such as parts of the south­­ern sky not ­visible from sive ­fgure of Argo Navis, the ship of the For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 6-7 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 8 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 9 means without prior written permission of the publisher.

Name ­Genitive Ab­­brevn. Area Order Origin* THE 88 CON­­STEL­­LATIONS (square of degs.) size Name Genitive Ab­­brevn. Area Order Origin* (square of degs.) size Librae Lib 538 29 1 Lupi Lup 334 46 1 Lynx ­Lyncis Lyn 545 28 5 An­­dromeda An­­dromedae And 722 19 1 Lyra Lyrae Lyr 286 52 1 An­­tlia An­­tliae Ant 239 62 6 Mensa ­Mensae Men 153 75 6 Apo­­dis Aps 206 67 3 Micro­­scopium Micro­­scopii Mic 210 66 6 ­ Aquarii Aqr 980 10 1 ­Monoceros ­Monocerotis Mon 482 35 4 Aquila Aquilae Aql 652 22 1 Musca ­Muscae Mus 138 77 3 Ara Arae Ara 237 63 1 ­Normae Nor 165 74 6 Aries Arietis Ari 441 39 1 ­Octans Oct­­antis Oct 291 50 6 Aur­­iga Aur­­igae Aur 657 21 1 ­Ophiuchus ­Ophiuchi Oph 948 11 1 Boötes Boö­­tis Boo 907 13 1 Orion ­Orionis Ori 594 26 1 Caelum Caeli Cae 125 81 6 Pavo ­Pavonis Pav 378 44 3 Ca­­mel­­opardalis Ca­­mel­­opardalis Cam 757 18 4 ­Pegasus ­Pegasi Peg 1121 7 1 ­Cancer Can­­cri Cnc 506 31 1 Per­­seus Per­­sei Per 615 24 1 Canes ­Venatici Canum ­Venaticorum CVn 465 38 5 Phoenix ­Phoenicis Phe 469 37 3 Canis Major Canis Majoris­ CMa 380 43 1 ­ ­Pictoris Pic 247 59 6 Canis ­Minoris CMi 183 71 1 ­Piscium Psc 889 14 1 ­ Capricorni Cap 414 40 1 ­Piscis Aus­­trinus Piscis Aus­­trini PsA 245 60 1 ­Carina Carinae Car 494 34 6 ­Puppis Puppis­ Pup 673 20 6 ­Cassiopeia Cassiopeiae Cas 598 25 1 Pyxis Pyxi­­dis Pyx 221 65 6 ­Centaurus Cent­­auri Cen 1060 9 1 ­Reticulum ­Reticuli Ret 114 82 6 Cephei Cep 588 27 1 Sagitta ­Sagittae Sge 80 86 1 Cetus Ceti Cet 1231 4 1 ­Sagittarius ­Sagittarii Sgr 867 15 1 Chamaeleontis Cha 132 79 3 ­Scorpius ­Scorpii Sco 497 33 1 ­Circinus Circini Cir 93 85 6 ­Sculptor Sculptoris­ Scl 475 36 6 Colum­­bae Col 270 54 4 ­Scutum Scuti Sct 109 84 5 Comae Berenices Com 386 42 2 ­ ­Serpentis Ser 637 23 1 Corona Aus­­tralis Coronae Aus­­tralis CrA 128 80 1 Sex­­tans Sex­­tantis Sex 314 47 5 ­ Coronae ­Borealis CrB 179 73 1 ­Taurus Tauri Tau 797 17 1 Cor­­vus Corvi Crv 184 70 1 Tele­­scopium Tele­­scopii Tel 252 57 6 Crater Crateris Crt 282 53 1 ­Triangulum Trianguli­ Tri 132 78 1 Crux Crucis Cru 68 88 4 ­Triangulum Aus­­trale Trianguli Aus­­tralis TrA 110 83 3 Cyg­­nus Cygni Cyg 804 16 1 Tuc­­ana Tuc­­anae Tuc 295 48 3 Del­­phinus Del­­phini Del 189 69 1 Ursa Major Ursae Majoris­ UMa 1280 3 1 ­Dorado Doradus Dor 179 72 3 Ursa Minor Ursae ­Minoris UMi 256 56 1 Draconis Dra 1083 8 1 Vela ­Velorum Vel 500 32 6 Equu­­leus Equu­­lei Equ 72 87 1 Virgo Virginis­ Vir 1294 2 1 Erid­­anus Erid­­ani Eri 1138 6 1 Volans Vol­­antis Vol 141 76 3 For­­nax For­­nacis For 398 41 6 ­ ­Vulpeculae Vul 268 55 5 ­Gemini Geminorum Gem 514 30 1 Gruis Gru 366 45 3 ­Hercules Herculis Her 1225 5 1 * ­Origin: Horologium Horologii Hor 249 58 6 1 One of the ­original 48 Greek con­­stel­­lations listed by Ptolemy. The Greek ­fgure of Argo Navis has since been Hydra Hydrae Hya 1303 1 1 ­divided into ­Carina, ­Puppis and Vela. ­ Hydri Hyi 243 61 3 2 Con­­sidered by the Greeks as part of Leo; made separ­­ate by Caspar Vopel in 1536. Indi Ind 294 49 3 3 The 12 south­­ern con­­stel­­lations of Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman,­­ c. 1600. ­Lacerta Lacertae Lac 201 68 5 4 Four con­­stel­­lations added by Pe­­trus ­Plancius. Leo Leonis Leo 947 12 1 5 Seven con­­stel­­lations of Johannes Hevelius. Leonis Minoris­ LMi 232 64 5 6 The 14 south­­ern con­­stel­­lations of ­Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, who also ­divided the Greeks’ Argo Navis into Leporis Lep 290 51 1 ­Carina, ­Puppis and Vela. For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 8-9 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 10 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 11 means without prior written permission of the publisher. ­Argonauts. As a result­ of Argo’s sub­­sequent the greek alphabet Star brightness difference ­trisection, ­neither Vela nor Puppis­ possesses­ converted to stars la­­belled α or β, and there are gaps in the α alpha ξ xi Stars ap­­pear of dif­­ferent bright­­nesses in the brightness difference ­sequence of Greek letters­ in ­Carina as well. β beta sky, for two ­reasons. First­­ly, they give out ο omicron Difference in Difference in The ­system of la­­belling stars with Greek γ gamma dif­­ferent amounts of light. But also, and just π pi mag­ni­tude bright­ness ­letters was intro­­ duced­­ in the early 17th δ delta as im­­port­­antly, they lie at vastly dif­­fering century by the German Johann­ ε epsilon ρ rho dis­­tances. Hence, a ­modest star that is 0.5 1.6 Bayer on his star atlas called Uranometria ζ zeta σ sigma quite close to us can ap­­pear brighter than 1.0 2.5 (see page 246), so these desig­­nations are η eta τ tau a ­tremendously power­­ful star that is a long 1.5 4.0 2.0 6.3 often known as Bayer ­letters. In ­heavily θ or ϑ theta υ upsilon way away. ι iota 2.5 10 popu­­lated con­­stel­­lations, where Greek ­letters ϕ or φ phi As­­tronomers call a star’s bright­­ness its 3.0 16 κ kappa ran out, fainter stars were assigned­­ Roman mag­­nitude. The mag­­nitude scale was in­­tro­­ 3.5 25 λ lambda χ chi ­letters, both lower-case and capital,­ such as duced by the Greek as­­tronomer Hippar­­chus 4.0 40 μ mu ψ psi l Carinae, P Cygni and L Puppis. in 129 bc. Hippar­­chus ­divided the naked-eye 5.0 100 ν nu ω omega An ad­­ditional ­system of iden­­ti­fying stars stars into six classes of bright­­ness, from 1st 6.0 250 is that of Flam­­steed ­numbers, originat­­ing mag­­nitude (the ­brightest stars) to 6th mag­­ 7.5 1000 from their order in a star cata­ ­logue drawn date back to ­ancient Greek times. Many nitude (the faintest ­visible to the naked eye). 10 10,000 up at Greenwich Observatory by the frst ­others, such as ,­­ are of ­Arabic In his there was no means of measur­­ing 12.5 100,000 Astron­­ omer­ Royal of England, John Flam­­ ­origin. Still ­others were added more recent­­ star bright­­ness pre­­cisely, so this rough classi­ 15 1,000,000 steed (1646–1719). ­Examples are 61 Cygni ly by ­Euro­pean as­­tronomers who ­borrowed fcation suffced. But with the ­coming of and . For more information on ­Arabic words in cor­­rupted form; an example­ tech­­nology it became poss­­ible to ­measure a Ob­­jects more than 250 times brighter Flamsteed numbers see page 178. is ,­­ which in its ­current form is star’s bright­­ness to a fraction of a mag­­nitude. than 6th mag­­nitude are given neg­­at­­ive The ­genitive (pos­­sess­­ive) case of the con­­ ­meaningless in ­Arabic. The star names used In 1856 the Eng­­lish as­­tronomer Nor­­man (minus) mag­­nitudes. For ­example, ­, stellation’s­­ name is al­­ways used when refer­­ in this book are those offcially recognized by ­Pogson (1829–91) put the mag­­nitude scale the ­brightest star in the sky, is of mag­­nitude ring to a star within it; hence Canis Major, the International Astronomical Union. on a pre­­cise ­mathematical foot­­ing by defn­­ −1.46. At the other end of the scale, stars for instance,­­ becomes­­ Canis Majoris,­ and the Star clusters,­ ­nebulae and ­ have a ing a star of mag­­nitude 1 as being exact­­ly fainter than mag­­nitude 6 are given progress­­ name α Canis ­Majoris means ‘the star α in dif­­ferent ­system of identi­fcation. The most 100 times brighter than a star of mag­­nitude ively larger ­positive mag­­nitudes. The faintest Canis Major’. All constel­­ ­­lation names have ­prominent of them are given ­numbers pre­­ 6. Since, on this scale, a dif­­ference of fve ob­­jects ­detected by tele­­scopes on Earth are ­standard ­three-letter ab­­brevi­­ations; for in­­ fxed by the ­letter M from a ­catalogue com­­ mag­­nitudes cor­­responds to a bright­­ness around mag­nitude 27. stance, the abbrevi­­ ­­ated form of Canis Major piled in the late 18th century by the French ­difference of 100 times, a step of one mag­­ Any ob­­ject of mag­­nitude 1.49 or brighter is CMa. astronomer Charles Mess­­ier (1730–1817). nitude is equal to a bright­­ness dif­­ference of is said to be of frst magni­tude; ob­­jects from Before­­ 1930, there were no of­ fcially For example,­ M1 is the Crab ­ and just over 2.5 times (the ffth root of 100). 1.50 to 2.49 are termed ­second mag­­nitude; ­recognized con­­stel­­lation bound­aries; some M31 the An­­dromeda . con­­stel­­lations over­­lapped, and some stars Mess­­ier’s ­catalogue con­­tained 103 ob­­jects. were shared ­between con­­stel­­lations. In that A few more were added later by other the ten brightest stars as seen from earth year, the Inter­­national As­­tronomical Union as­­tronomers, bringing­­ the total to 110. A pub­­lished ­defnitive ­boundaries for all far more com­­pre­­hen­­sive list­­ing, con­­taining Star name Constellation Distance (l.y.) con­­stel­­lations. In the pro­­cess, ­certain stars many thousands­ of ­objects, is the New Sirius Canis Major −1.46 +1.43 8.60 al­­lo­cated by the Bayer and Flam­­steed ­systems ­General ­Catalogue (NGC) com­­piled by J.L.E. Canopus Carina −0.74 −5.62 309 to one con­­stel­­lation found ­themselves trans­­ Dreyer (1852–1926), with two supplements­ Rigil Kentaurus Centaurus −0.27 +4.12 4.32 ferred to a neigh­­bour, lead­­ing to gaps in the called the Index ­Catalogues (IC). Arcturus Boötes −0.05 −0.31 36.7 ­sequence of ­letters and ­numbers. Mess­­ier ­numbers and NGC/IC ­numbers Vega Lyra +0.03 +0.60 25.0 Prominent stars also have proper names ­remain in use by as­­tronomers, and both Auriga +0.08 −0.51 42.8 by which they are com­­mon­­ly known. For ­systems are used in this book. On the charts, Rigel Orion +0.13 −6.98 863 ­example, α Canis Majoris,­ the brightest­ star such ob­­jects are ­labelled with their Mess­­ier Canis Minor +0.37 +2.64 11.5 ­number if they have one, or otherwise­ by in the sky, is better­ known as Sirius.­ Stars’ Betelgeuse Orion +0.4 (variable) −5.52 498 proper names ­originate from several­ sources. their NGC number (without­­ the ‘NGC’ Achernar Eridanus +0.46 −2.69 139 Some, such as ­Sirius, ­Castor and Arcturus, pre­­fx) or IC ­number (pre­­fxed ‘I’). For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 10-11 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 12 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 13 means without prior written permission of the publisher. and so on. The mag­­nitude ­system may mag­­nitudes we ­deduce that gives out : As the Earth sound confus­­ ing­­ at frst, but it works well in about 50,000 times as much light as the Sun moves around its orbit, practice­­ and has the advantage­­ that it can be and hence is exceptionally ­luminous, even so a nearby star appears ex­­tended ­indefnitely in both di­­rec­­tions, to though there is no­­thing at frst sight to mark to change in position the very bright and the very faint. it out as ­extraordinary. Star against the celestial When used with­­out ­further ­qualifcation, A number­ of stars actu­­ally vary in their background. The shift the term ‘mag­­nitude’ refers to how bright a light output,­­ for ­various ­reasons, and are in position is known as star ap­­pears to us in the sky; strictly, this is a favourite subject for study by amateur the star’s parallax. The the star’s ­apparent mag­­nitude. But be­­cause astronomers. The ­nature of such so-called nearer the star is to us, the dis­­tance of a star affects­­ how bright it ­variable stars is discussed­­ on pages 284–287. Parallax the greater its parallax. ­appears, the appar­­ent mag­­nitude bears ­little Here, the amount of ­relation to its ac­­tual light output,­­ or ab­­solute parallax is exaggerated mag­­nitude. Star distances for clarity. (Wil Tirion) A star’s absolute­­ magnitude­­ is de­ fned as January the bright­­ness it would ap­­pear to have if it In the ­Universe, dis­­tances are so huge that were at a ­standard distance­­ from us of 10 astronomers­­ have ­abandoned the puny kilo­­ ­ (32.6 light ). The origin of the metre (km) and have invented­ their own is explained­­ on page 13. The table units. Most familiar­ of these is the light Sun below shows the apparent and absolute year (l.y.), the distance­­ that a beam of light magnitudes of the ten brightest stars visible ­travels in one year. Light moves at the fastest in the night sky. Astronomers ­calcu­late the known speed in the Universe,­ 299,792.5 km Earth’s orbit ab­­solute mag­­nitude from knowl­­edge of the per second.­ A light year is equivalent­ to 9.46 July star’s nature­ and its distance.­­ ­million ­million km. Ab­­solute mag­­nitude is a good way of On average,­­ stars are several­ light years com­­par­­ing the in­­trinsic bright­­ness of stars. apart. For instance,­­ the ­closest star to the For instance,­­ our daytime­­ star the Sun has Sun, ­Proxima Cent­­auri (actu­­ally a ­member an appar­­ent mag­­nitude of −26.7, but an of the α Cent­­auri triple ­system), is 4.2 light Earth is on one side of the Sun, and then would, in the jargon­ of as­­tronomers, be said ab­­solute mag­­nitude of 4.8 (when no sign years away. Sirius­ is 8.6 l.y. away and Deneb re­­measured six months later when the Earth to lie at a distance­­ of one parsec­ , ­equivalent is given the mag­­nitude is understood­­ to be 1400 l.y. away. has moved around its orbit to the other side to 3.26 light years. In practice,­­ no star is this ­positive). Deneb (α Cygni) has an appar­­ent The distance­­ of the nearest­ stars can be of the Sun. When viewed from two widely close; the parallax­­ of Proxima­ Centauri­­ is mag­­nitude of 1.3, but an ab­­solute mag­­nitude found direct­­ ly­­ in the following­­ way. A star’s differing­­ points in space in this way, a nearby 0ʺ.77. Astron­omers frequently­­ use parsecs­ in of −6.9. From com­­parison of these absolute­­ ­position is measured­ accurately­­ when the star will appear­­ to have shifted slightly­­ in preference­­ to light years because­­ of the ease ­position with respect­ to more distant­­ stars of con­­vert­­ing paral­­lax into dis­­tance: a star’s (see diagram­ on the facing page). distance­­ in parsecs­ is simply­ the inverse­ of the ten closest stars to the sun This effect is known as parallax, and its parallax­­ in seconds­ of arc. For example,­ a applies to any object­ viewed from two star 2 parsecs­ away has a parallax­­ of 0ʺ.5, at 4 Star name Constellation Apparent magnitude Absolute magnitude Distance (l.y.) ­vantage points against a fxed back­­ground, ­parsecs­ away its parallax­­ is 0ʺ.25, and so on. Centaurus 11.13 15.57 4.23 such as a tree against the horizon.­ A star’s The farther­ away a star is, the smaller its α Centauri A Centaurus −0.01 4.38 4.32 parallax­­ shift is so small that under normal­ parallax.­­ Beyond­ about 50 light years a star’s α Centauri B Centaurus 1.33 5.74 4.32 circumstances­­ it is unnotice­­ able­­ – in the case parallax­­ becomes­­ too small to be measured­ Barnard’s Star Ophiuchus 9.51 13.21 5.95 of ­Proxima Cent­­auri, which has the ­greatest ac­­curately by tele­­scopes on Earth. Be­­fore the Leo 13.51 16.61 7.80 parallax­­ shift of any star, the amount is about launch of the ­European Space Agency’s Ursa Major 7.52 10.49 8.31 the same as the width of a small coin seen at as­­trometry ­satellite ­Hipparcos in 1989, Sirius A Canis Major −1.46 1.43 8.60 a dis­­tance of 2 km. Once the star’s paral­­lax astronomers­­ had been able to establish­ Sirius B Canis Major 8.44 11.33 8.60 shift has been measured,­ a ­simple calculation­ ­reliable ­­ for fewer than 1000 stars UV Ceti A Cetus 12.61 15.47 8.73 ­reveals how far away it is. from Earth; from space, Hipparcos­ increased­ UV Ceti B Cetus 13.06 15.93 8.73 An object­­ close enough to us to show the number­ of reliable­ parallaxes­­ to over a parallax­­ shift of 1ʺ (one second­ of arc) 100,000. A newer spacecraft, called , For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 12-13 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 14 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 15 means without prior written permission of the publisher. launched in 2013, has extended the number ­ and the equivalent­ of longitude­ is to more than a billion. called right as­­cension. Declination­ is ­measured Before the days of accurate parallaxes, in ­degrees, ­minutes and ­seconds (ab­­brevi­­ astronomers had to use an indirect method ated °, ′ and ʺ) of arc from 0° on the celestial­­ of fnding star distances. First they­ estimated ­equator to 90° at the celes­­tial poles. The the star’s ab­­solute mag­­nitude by studying­ the celestial­­ poles lie exactly­­ above the Earth’s spec­­trum of its light. They then compared­­ poles, while the celes­­tial ­equator is the pro­­ Alderamin this ­estimated ab­­solute mag­­nitude with the jection onto the sky of the Earth’s equator.­ ­observed appar­­ent mag­­nitude to deter­­mine Right as­­cension is measured­ in hours, Deneb the star’s dis­­tance. The dis­­tance ob­­tained in ­minutes and ­seconds (ab­­brevi­­ated h, m and this way was open to con­­siderable­­ error, and s), from 0h to 24h. The 0h line of right the values­ quoted in ­various books and cata­ ­ as­­cension, the celes­­tial ­equivalent of the North celestial pole logues often differed­ widely as a result.­ ­Greenwich meridian,­ is de­ fned as the point Distances­­ of stars given in this book where the Sun crosses the celes­­tial ­equator North pole are taken from the revised edition of The on its way into the northern hemisphere ­Hipparcos ­Catalogue (2007). Most of these each year. Technically,­­ this point is known distances­­ are accu­­ ­rate to better than 10 per as the vernal­ (or spring) equi­­nox. cent, with the uncertainties­ tending­ to be­­ Vega come greater for the more dis­­tant stars. Ecliptic: As the Earth moves along its orbit, the Sun is seen in different directions against the star Star positions background. The Sun’s path against the stars is known as the ecliptic. The constellations that the 1 To deter­­mine ­positions of ob­­jects in the Sun passes in front of during the year are known 23 /2° sky, as­­tronomers use a system­ of coor­­dinates as the constellations of the zodiac. Below, the ­similar to latitude­ and longitude­ on Earth. Sun’s apparent motion through Gemini, Cancer The celestial­­ ­equivalent of ­latitude is called and Leo is shown. (Wil Tirion)



Precession: The Earth is very slowly wobbling The Sun’s path around the sky each year Sun in space like a tilted spinning top, a movement is known as the eclip­­tic. This path is in­­clined known as precession. As a consequence, the at 23½° to the celestial­­ equator,­ because­­ E celestial poles trace out a complete circle on the that is the angle at which the Earth’s axis is arth’ s orbit sky every 26,000 years. Only the path of the inclined­­ to the vertical.­­ The most northerly north celestial pole is shown here, but the effect and southerly points that the Sun reaches in applies to the south pole as well. (Wil Tirion) the sky each year are called the sol­­stices, and For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 14-15 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 16 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 17 means without prior written permission of the publisher. they lie 23½° north and south of the celestial Proper motions equator. If the Earth’s axis were di rect ly upright with respect to its orbit around the All the stars visible in the sky are members Sun, then the and eclip tic of a vast wheel ing of stars called the would coincide. We would then have no Galaxy. Those stars visible to the naked eye seasons, for the Sun would al ways remain are among the nearest to us in the Galaxy. di rect ly above the Earth’s equator. More dis tant stars in the Galaxy crowd One ad ditional effect that be comes im - together in a hazy band called the Milky port ant over long periods of time is that the Way, which can be seen arching across the Earth is slowly wob bling on its axis, like a sky on dark nights. spin ning top. The axis remains in clined at an The Sun and the other stars are all orbit- angle of 23½°, but the position in the sky to ing the centre of the Galaxy; the Sun takes which the north and south poles of the Earth about 250 million years to com plete one URSA MAJOR (The Plough) In 100,000 years are pointing moves slowly. This wob bling of orbit. Other stars move at dif ferent speeds, the Earth in space is termed pre cession. like cars in dif ferent lanes on a high way. As a As a result of precession, the Earth’s north result, stars are all very slowly chang ing their and south poles de scribe a large circle on the positions relative to one another. sky, tak ing 26,000 years to return to their Such stel lar movement, termed proper start ing places (see the diagram on page 15). motion, is so slight that it is undetect able to Hence the positions of the celes tial poles are the naked eye even over a human life time, al ways chang ing, al beit im per ceptibly, as are but it can be measured through tele scopes. the two points at which the Sun’s path (the As with many other as pects of stel lar positions, Deneb Deneb eclip tic) cuts the celes tial equator. our knowl edge of proper motions has been As an example of the effects caused by radical ly im proved by the Hipparcos and precession, Polaris will not always be the Pole Gaia satellites. Star. Although Polaris currently lies less than If ancient Greek as tronomers could be 1° from the celestial pole, that is just a matter trans ported for ward to the present day, they of chance. In 11,000 years’ time the north would notice little dif ference in the sky, with Albireo Albireo celes tial pole will lie near Vega in the constel- the exception of Arcturus, a fast-mov ing lation Lyra, having moved through Cepheus bright star, which has drifted more than two and in the interim. Similarly, the diameters from its position then. Over In 100,000 years vernal equi nox, which lay in Aries be tween very long periods of time the proper motions CYGNUS 1865 bc and 67 bc, now lies in Pisces and in of stars con sider ably dis tort the shapes of all ad 2597 will have reached Aquarius. con stel lations. The diagrams on the facing The effect of pre cession means that the page show some examples of how proper coor dinates of all celes tial objects – the motions will alter some familiar patterns. catalogued positions of stars, galaxies, and An ad ditional long-term effect of stel lar even con stel lation boundaries – are con tinu- motions is to change the appar ent mag ni- al ly drift ing. As tronomers draw up catalogues tudes of stars as they move towards us or and star charts for a standard reference date, away. For example, Sirius will brighten by or , commonly chosen to be the start or 20 per cent over the next 60,000 years as its middle of a century. The epoch of the star positions in this book is the year 2000. For Regulus Denebola most general pur poses, pre cession does not Proper motions: Three familiar star patterns in tro duce a notice able error until after about as they appear today, at left of diagram, and as 50 years, so the charts in this book will be they will appear in 100,000 years’ time, right.

us able with out amendment until halfway The changes in appearance are due to the proper LEO In 100,000 years through the 21st century. motions of the stars. (Wil Tirion) For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 16-17 16/02/2017 10:36 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be 18 Introduction distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical Introduction 19 means without prior written permission of the publisher. distance shrinks by 0.8 light years. Then, as celes tial pole is at some inter medi ate al titude N The changing it moves away again, it will be superseded as be tween horizon and zenith, and the stars appearance of the sky the brightest star in the sky by Vega, which closest to it circle around it with out set ting as seen from different will peak at mag nitude −0.8 nearly 300,000 (they are said to be circum polar) while the latitudes on Earth. years from now. rest of the stars rise and set. Circumpolar The exact angle of the celes tial pole above the horizon dep ends on the observer’s Left: For an observer Appearance of the sky latitude. For some one at latitude 50° north, at the Earth’s pole, only for in stance, the north celes tial pole is 50° one half of the sky is 90° Three factors affect the appear ance of the sky: above the north ern horizon (bottom diagram ever visible, the other Observer the time of night, the time of year and your opposite). As an other example, if you were half being permanently latitude on Earth. First ly, let’s con sider the at latitude 30° south, the south celes tial pole below the horizon. Horizo uator effect of latitude. would be 30° above the south ern horizon. In n = celestial eq At one of the Earth’s poles, latitude 90°, other words, the altitude of the celes tial pole an observer would see the celes tial pole di - above the horizon is exact ly equal to your Always invisible

rect ly over head (at the zenith), and as the latitude, a fact long recognized by navigators. r o t


Earth turned all stars would circle around As the Earth turns, completing one 360° u



the celes tial pole with out ris ing or set ting rotation every 24 hours, the stars march



i (see the top diagram on the facing page). across the heavens at the rate of 15° per At the north pole t S s



At the other ex treme, an observer stationed hour. There fore the appearance of the sky e

C exact ly on the Earth’s equator, latitude changes with the time of night. An added W 0°, would see the celes tial equator di rect ly complication is that the Earth is also orbit ing

over head, as shown in the middle diagram the Sun each year, so the con stel lations on Right: At the equator, S N oppos ite. The north and south celes tial poles show change with the seasons. by contrast, all the sky Observer Hori would lie on the north and south horizons For example, a con stel lation such as Orion, is visible; as the Earth zon E respect ively, and every part of the sky would splendid ly seen in December and Janu ary, rotates, stars appear to be visible at one time or another. All stars will be in the day time sky six months later rise in the east and set would rise in the east and set in the west as and hence will then be in visible. The maps in the west. the Earth rotated. on pages 26–73 will help you fi nd out which For most observers, the real sky ap pears stars are on view each month of the year, some where be tween these two ex tremes: the wherever you are on Earth. At the equator

+60° North celestial pole : To C eles +30° tial C understand celestial eq ir Left: At intermediate u cu Circle of declination at m or coordinates and motions, po latitudes, the situation la it helps to think of objects r is between the two W 0° in the sky as lying on extremes. Part of the 50° Circle of a transparent sphere sky is always above Observer S N h surrounding the Earth, the horizon (the part 18 as shown in the diagram on marked ‘Circumpolar’), h E Horizon 20 the left. Right ascension and but an equal part –30° h

22 Ecliptic declination can be visualized is always below the A lw h as circles on this sphere, a horizon and hence is 0 y h s i 2 along with the celestial nv invisible. Stars between is Celestial equator ib le –60° equator and the ecliptic. these two regions rise (Wil Tirion) At 50° north and set during the night. (Wil Tirion) South celestial pole For general queries, contact [email protected]

Stars_Planets_5th_pages.indb 18-19 16/02/2017 10:36