Present 30 members of the public attended the meeting.

Councillor Susan Haworth - Harper Green Ward Councillor Hamid Khurram - Harper Green Ward Councillor Champak Mistry - Harper Green Ward

Also in attendance

John Pye - Neighbourhood Development Manager Stephen Rowson - Business Support Officer Christopher Lloyd - Department of Place Annette Walker - NHS Foundation Trust Sgt Andy Devonshire - Greater Police PCSO Jordan Richmond - Police

Apologies for absence were received from Yasmin Qureshi MP.

Councillor Mistry in the Chair


Councillor Mistry welcomed everyone and introduced himself, Councillor’s and other Officers in attendance.


There were no Declarations of Interest.


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 20th September 2018 were submitted and approved as a correct record.


Councillor Mistry introduced Annette Walker, Director of Finance, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, who gave a presentation about the planned education centre:

The main points were:

 Vision for BCMS (Bolton College of Medical Sciences) o Real world training on site o Use of hospital equipment/facilities and hands on knowledge from practising staff o Use of advanced learning technologies o Over the building’s lifetime, it was expected 20,000 apprenticeships and around 60,000 learners would pass through its doors o To be a catalyst for development and inward investment into , Bolton and Greater Manchester

 Lack of Nurses and GP’s both now and predicted into the future needed to be addressed.

 The case for BCMS from an NHS perspective o Workforce cultivation – training to meet skills gaps now and in the future o Financial benefits – not needing to pay higher costs for Locum and temporary agency staff o Maintaining links with up and coming technological advances in both medicine and health care o Regeneration of the hospital site o Working with partners and raising the profile of the Bolton Brand

 Overview of partnerships, working closely with Bolton College, University of Bolton, NHS Bolton, Bolton Council and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)

 Funding and investment o £30 Million Build Project - £24m for Building and £6m for Car park (proposals were to outsource the car park) . £10m funding from GMCA . £1M grant from Bolton Council . £13m funding gap for BCMS build project o Additional £2 Million for full functioning including . Furniture . Equipment and technology infrastructure . e.g. Clinical simulation suites

Several questions were asked following the presentation the majority of which related to transport and parking, many where outside her remit to answer as Finance director but she offered to take them back if a list could be provided. Members advised the best way was for residents to submit written questions as this would make it more accurate and provide a channel for responses to be made to the senders. Questions could be sent to any of the three members or to the forum’s Email address at [email protected], any received would be passed on to Annette Walker.

Resolved – That the presentation be noted.


Councillor Mistry introduced John Pye, Neighbourhood Development Manager who gave an update on previous budget balances for budgets and grants devolved to the Area Forum for 2017-18 and 2018-19 as follows:

Budgets Remaining or allocated since Balance the last meeting. Remaining

Area Forum Flat Rate £1,550.00 £0.00 Budget (AFB) 2017-18

Area Forum Flat Rate £3,750.00 £2,676.00 Budget (AFB) 2018-19

Resolved –

i. That the report be noted;

ii. That it be noted that the following schemes had been awarded a grant under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation from the 2017-18 budget:

Grant Scheme Award


AFB Flower Estate Association £750.00 Christmas Party 2018 AFB Water’s Edge Road Safety £800.00 Improvements

iii. That it be noted that the following schemes had been awarded a grant under the Council’s Scheme of

Delegation from the 2018-19 budget:

Grant Scheme Award


AFB Removal of paint outside a property £374.00 at Primrose Avenue AFB Tree Pruning at £700.00 Deane & Derby Cricket Club, Chelsea Road


Councillor Mistry invited residents to ask any questions or put forward any comments they had regarding issues and concerns in the Harper Green ward.

Q1 Several questions were raised regarding ongoing issues with speeding vehicles around the ward including Harper Green Road, Broadway, Bradford Road and Plodder Lane. A bad accident had occurred around the Bradford Road area only a few months ago and this area had issues of faded road markings as well. Residents also asked about training to use handheld speed cameras to deter speeders. A This was an ongoing issue across Bolton, there was a long waiting list for speed signs and their effectiveness was limited. Highways would be asked to conduct a further survey of Harper Green Road and it had been agreed to look at a group(s) of roads together rather than in isolation. Given the number of concerns it was suggested the next meeting could be themed around community safety. Regarding residents using handheld speed cameras apart from safety issues around irate drivers approaching the residents any scheme would have to be set up officially with the police. There was a pilot scheme in the north of Bolton and if successful this may be rolled out in other parts of the borough. Regarding the accident and road markings these would

be investigated, a written reply would then be sent to the resident.

Q2 Despite complaints to the council nothing had been done about the signage near the shops at the junction of Highfield Road and Anchor Lane to advise clearly about the one way system, vehicles were constantly leaving the car park the way they had come in causing a danger to oncoming traffic and pedestrians alike. In addition, bollards would alleviate the pavement parking and opening-up the rear of the premises to parking as shown on the original plans. A The forum has been advised that this matter was being dealt with and the site was currently being monitored having advised the shop owner of the need to comply with the approved planning approval. A further visit was due in mid – October 2019. If nothing had moved, then formal action would be instigated.

Q3 Land at the rear of the Premier Shop is bringing the area down, its like a rough building site with litter and all sorts tipped there. This has been raised with the council already, but nothing has changed, what can be done to solve this community issue? We try to keep the community tidy by litter picking but this area makes it seem pointless. A A housing standards officer had been to look at the area in question and had passed on photographs to planning enforcement who had also been out and were looking into the issues.

Q4 Why had Sunnyside Community Centre been closed? A The centre had to be unfortunately closed due to Health and Safety issues, this was due to a faulty boiler and roof. Funding was being sort as it was a popular venue for community events etc, following comments from local users of the centre members were initially seeking funding for basic reinstatement of the building to bring it back into use.

Q5 Could members provide an update on the properties on Plodder Lane? A Planning permission had been granted for the two properties to be converted into one but a further application had been raised for a balcony at the rear, to which a number of objections had been raised, a decision would be made by planning officers taking into account both sides comments.

Q6 What was happening about the land at the top of Minerva Road, near to Kingsland Road where there were proposals for three sets of four-story flats. A Not much had changed, it was originally approved for houses to be built, the new application may be put to planning, members had objected to this application on behalf of many residents who would be overshadowed or affected by any such development. As it progressed it was hoped to hold a residents meeting about this.

Q7 Was there any truth in Bolton at Home building 30 houses on the plodder Lane site? A Tenders were invited for this land, but no sale had been approved and it was not known that Bolton at Home had made a bid. Residents were advised however the best course of action would be to raise a petition on this issue before any sale was agreed. It was advised that a minimum of 25 signatures would be needed to present a valid petition to the Council.

Q8 Was it allowed for a Motor repair shop to sell fireworks, as the sale was resulting in firework rockets being aimed at local properties? A A licence to sell fireworks would have to be from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, but the issue seems to be more with misuse after purchase rather than the sale of fireworks, in which case this is more of a police issue.

Q9 Why were the Forum meetings now only one a year, it’s far too long?

A Due to the year on year cutbacks it was agreed that only one forum would be funded per area in order to support essential services in the borough such as adult social care, children’s services etc. Members however were always willing to consult residents via surgeries and also attend residents meeting when invited and would discuss any issues and concerns.

Resolved – That the questions and comments be noted and the questions that were not answered be forwarded to the appropriate department.


Councillor Mistry concluded the meeting by thanking residents for their attendance and contributions. He explained that the date and venue of the next Harper Green Area Forum meeting would be in the municipal year May 2020 - April 2021 and was still to be confirmed, residents would be notified in the usual way.

(The meeting started at 6.34pm and concluded at 8.32pm)