First Record of Pristimantis Rufioculis (Duellman & Pramuk, 1999), from Ecuador

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First Record of Pristimantis Rufioculis (Duellman & Pramuk, 1999), from Ecuador ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2018 Band/Volume: 31_1_2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Tipantiza-Tuguminago Luis, Auqui Edison, Duenas Manuel R., Valencia Jorge H. Artikel/Article: First record of Pristimantis rufioculis (DUELLMAN& PRAMUK, 1999), from Ecuador 119-122 All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.09.2018 12:06 Seite 37 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 31 (1/2) Wien, 30. August 2018 SHORT NOTE 119 mETZ , H. W. & H ATT , J. m. (2010): Ovarian teratoma in records or even new species remained under a Fiji Island Banded Iguana ( Brachylophus fasciatus ) permanent review or unnamed until clarifi - and a Green Iguana ( Iguana iguana ).- Journal of Herpetological medicine and Surgery, Chester; 20, 20- cation of their taxonomic status ( AlmENDA- 23. WIllIS , R, A. (1968): Some unusual developmen - RIZ et al. 2014). The present note docu - tal heterotopias.- British medical Journal, london; 3: ments the first record of Pristimantis rufi - 267-272. oculis (DUEll mAN & P RAmUK , 1999) from KEY WORDS: Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: Ecuador. lacertidae: Podarcis carbonelli ; veterinary medicine, hamartoma, teratology, pathology, diagnosis; Portugal A male specimen of P. rufioculis was SUBmITTED: February 15, 2018 collected on may 21, 2017, at the locality Campanilla (04°03’27” S, 78°47’31” W; AUTHORS: Albert mARTINEZ -S IlvESTRE 1) , Daniel BORRAS 2) , miguel A. CARRETERO (Correspond - 1,747 m a.s.l.), San Carlos, Province of ing author, < [email protected] >) 3) Zamora Chinchipe, on the eastern Andean 1) Catalonian Reptile and Amphibian Rescue slopes (Fig. 1) and housed at the museo de Center (CRARC), 08783 masquefa, Barcelona, Spain Anfibios y Reptiles, Fundación Herpetoló - 2) veterinary Anatomical Pathology Unit. gica Gustavo Orcés, Quito, Ecuador (FHGO Echevarne laboratories, C/ Provença 312, 08037 Barcelona, Spain 12582). The new locality is the third known 3) CIBIO Research Centre in Biodiversity and for the species, and represents an extension Genetic Resources, InBIO, Universidade do Porto, of its known geographic range by ca. 75 km Campus de vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quintas, Nº 7. SSW from the nearest reported locality. It is 4485-661 vairão, vila do Conde, Portugal an adult male of 18.3 mm Svl identified as P. rufioculis by having the following char - acters as described by DUEllmAN & P RA- mUK (1999): “(1) skin of dorsum smooth, First record of Pristimantis that on venter areolate, discoidal fold pres - rufioculis (DUEllmAN & P RAmUK , ent, dorsolateral folds absent; (2) tympanic membrane smooth, tympanic annulus visi - 1999), from Ecuador ble beneath skin, its length 30 % length of eye; (3) snout moderately long, rounded in The genus Pristimantis JIméNEZ DE lA dor sal view and in profile; (4) upper eyelid ESPADA , 1870, is the most diverse clade of lacking tubercles, narrower than interorbital Neotropical, direct-developing frogs con - distance; cranial crests absent; (5) vomerine taining about 6.7 % of the 7778 described odontophores elongately ovoid; (6) male species of amphibians of the world ( FROST lacking vocal slits and nuptial pads; (7) Finger 2017). Ecuador is home to 201 species of I shorter than II; discs on outer fingers this genus, 112 of which are endemic to the expanded; (8) fingers lacking lateral fringes; country ( RON et al. 2017). Nonetheless, the (9) ulnar tubercles absent; (10) heel and tar - knowledge on Ecuadorian Pristimantis spe - sus lacking tubercles; (11) inner metatarsal cies is still limited, with several species un - tubercle oval, three times the size of the described, unreported, or little known within outer metatarsal tubercle; supernumerary many explored and unexplored areas ( ORTE- plantar tubercles minute; (12) toes bearing GA -A NDRADE 2010; O RTEGA -A NDRADE et al. narrow lateral fringes; webbing absent; Toe 2015; BRITO et al. 2017a). For example, the v longer than III; (13) dorsum tan; venter southeastern Amazon, Andean slopes and cream suffused with brown; throat brown the Cordillera del Condor have extensively with cream flecks.” been studied in the last ten years ( AlmEN- The coloration in life was similar to DARIZ et al. 2014; vAlENCIA et al. 2017), and the pattern of males described by DUEll- 16 new anuran species were discovered, mAN & l EHR (2009): “…the dorsum is olive eleven of which correspond to Pristimantis with a grayish white snout and tan elbows species (e.g., CISNEROS -H EREDIA & m ORA- and heels. The groin and anterior surfaces lES 2008; C IS NEROS -H EREDIA et al. 2009; of the thighs are mottled yellow and dull TERáN -v álDEZ & G UAYASAmíN 2010; J UNG- red, and venter is yellow with brown mot - FER 2011; A lmENDARIZ et al. 2012, 2014; tling. The iris is red…” Some minor varia - BRITO et al. 2014, 2016, 2017 a, 2017b). How - tion was observed on the Ecuadorian speci - ever, several of these new geographical men: (1) pale brown blotch on dorsum; All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.09.2018 12:06 Seite 38 120 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 31 (1/2) Wien, 30. August 2018 SHORT NOTE Fig. 1: Records of Pristimantis rufioculis (D UEllmAN & P RAmUK , 1999), in Ecuador (black square) and Perú (white dots). Fig. 2: male adult of Pristimantis rufioculis (FHGO 12582) from Ecuador; Svl: 18.3 mm. A - dorsolateral view, B - ventral view. All_Short_Notes:SHORT_NOTE.qxd 02.09.2018 12:06 Seite 39 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 31 (1/2) Wien, 30. August 2018 SHORT NOTE 121 (2) labial bars strongly defined; (3) throat ments that significantly improved the manuscript. The strongly mottled with brown; (4) interorbital research authorization (N° 04-17-IC-FlO-FAU-B- DPAmS/mAE) was issued by the ministerio del stripe slightly defined (Fig. 2). Ambiente, Ecuador. The Ecuadorian specimen was found REFERENCES: AlmENDáRIZ , A. & S ImmONS , by the first author at 20:49 h in a secondary J. E. & B RITO , J. & v ACA -G UERRERO , J. (2014): evergreen low montane forest of the eastern Overview of the herpetofauna of the unexplored Andean slopes ( mINISTERIO DEl AmBIENTE Cordillera del Cóndor of Ecuador.- Amphibian & Rep - ECUADOR 2013) where it was perched on a tile Conservation, modesto; 8 (1): 45-64. AlmENDá- RIZ , A. & R ON , S. R. & B RITO , J. (2012): Una nueva leaf, 0.7 m above the ground. At the new especie de rana venenosa de altura del género Excido - locality, P. rufioculis was sympatric with bates (Dendrobatoidea: Dendrobatidae) de la Cordil - other three species of the genus, P. condor lera del Cóndor.- Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, São (l YNCH & D UEllmAN , 1980) , P. prolatus Paulo; 52 (32): 387-399. AlmENDáRIZ , A. & B RITO , J. & B ATAllAS , D. & R ON , S. R. (2014): Nueva especie de (l YNCH & D UEllmAN , 1980) and P. trachy - rana arbórea del género Hyloscirtus (Amphibia; blepharis (B OUlENGER , 1918) . Hylidae) de la Cordillera del Cóndor.- Papéis Avulsos Pristimantis rufioculis was described de Zoologia, São Paulo; 54 (4): 33-49. AlmENDáRIZ , on the basis of two specimens, a subadult A. & B RITO , J. & B ATAllAS , D. & v ACA , J. & R ON , S. (2017): Una especie nueva de rana del género female (holotype), and an adult male Chiasmocleis (microhylidae: Gastrophryninae) de la (paratype) from Abra Pardo de miguel, Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador.- Papéis Avulsos de Departa mento San martín in the northern Zoologia, São Paulo; 57 (10): 119-136. BRITO , J. & part of the Cordillera Central, and six BATAllAS , D. & v ElAlCAZAR , D. (2014): Nueva espe - cie de rana terrestre del genero Pristimantis (Amphi - additional referred specimens from Río bia: Craugastoridae), meseta de la Cordillera de Comainas, Provincia Condorcanqui, De - Condor.- Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, São Paulo; 54 partamento Amazonas, on the eastern (30): 435-446. BRITO , J. & A lmENDáRIZ , A. & B ATAl- slopes of the Cordillera del Condor, both lAS , D. & R ON , S. R. (2017b): Nueva especie de rana bromelícola del género Pristimantis (Amphibia: Crau - localities in northern Perú, at elevations gastoridae), meseta de la Cordillera del Cóndor, between 1.138 to 2.870 m ( DUEllmAN & Ecuador.- Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, São Paulo; 57 PRAmUK 1999; D UEllmAN & l EHR 2009). (15): 435-446. BRITO , J. & B ATAllAS , D. & Y áNEZ - The Peruvian specimens were found in mUñOZ , m. H. ( 2017a): Ranas terrestres Pristimantis de los bosques montantos del río Upano, Ecuador: lista humid upper montane and humid montane anotada, patrones de diversidad y descripción de cuatro forests, perching on low vegetation up to especies nuevas.- Neotropical Biodiversity, Quito; 3 one meter high ( DUEllmAN & l EHR 2009). (1): 125-156. BRITO , J. & O JAlA -B ARBOUR , R. & No other information is available for P. BATAllAS , D. & A lmENDáRIZ , A. (2016): A new species of Pristimantis (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the rufioculis . cloud forest of Sangay National Park, Ecuador.- Pristimantis rufioculis is listed as Data Journal of Herpetology, Houston, etc.; 50 (2): 337-344. Deficient (DD) under IUCN criteria in Perú CISNEROS -H EREDIA , D.F. & m ORAlES -m ITE , m . (2008): (RODRIGUEZ et al. 2014) which equally A new species of glassfrog from the elfin forests of the cordillera del Cóndor, southeastern Ecuador (Anura: applies to Ecuador. The only specimen col - Centrolenidae).- Herpetozoa , Wien; 21 (1/2): 49-56. lected was found in a remnant of secondary CISNEROS -H EREDIA , D. & A RmIJOS -O JEDA , D. & v AlA- forest where a gold mining company is REZO , K. (2009): First country record of Pristimantis operating. Gold and copper mining ad - metabates (DUEllmAN AND PRAmUK ) and distribution extension of Pristimantis skydmainos (FlORES AND versely affect the habitat of amphibians due RODRíGUEZ ) in eastern Ecuador (Amphibia, Anura, to intensive logging that destroys several Strabomantidae).- Herpetology Notes, Braunschweig; ecosystems. Also, irreversible and negative 2: 185-188. DUEllmAN , E. D. & l EHR , E. (2009): impact has been observed on the water bod - Terrestrial breeding frogs (Strabomantidae) in Peru. Berlin (Ulrich manthey), pp.
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