lRcpubtic of %tbcria


April 27, 1915.

The General Receiver,

Financial Adviser, R.L,,



By direction of the President I havo the honour to

request that rou make the n'ccessary arrangements for the Liberian

revenue boat "! 3S1JRADO" to be brought into Liberian waters' for service

It is the Government's understanding that the boat has

been completed by Blandy Bros., at ,

The seriousness of the situation along our coast and in the hinterland of Maryland is set forth in a letter from Major Wilson Ballard to his ixcellency the President, dated April 20 a copy of which is enclosed for your information.

I shall appreciate your kindness in replying to this letter

before the Cabinet meets on tomorrow.

- Your obedient sevant,

o coretary of the Treasury. &A--*

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A A i Z leoy the Secretary of State

A1 112f 7th March, 1945

His Excellency, The President of , Executive Mans ion, :ONROVIA.

Your Excellency:

I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency's letter

No. 4299 of Decembe r 20, 1944 and to request an interpretation

of paragraphs (a) and (c) specificially as to whether the ex-

emptions from import duty includes such items as tobacco, ci-

garettes, beer, liquors, candy and other like articles which

are paid f or by the individuals who consume then and are not

included in the bill for board.

In ray opinion all such articles should be dutiable,

but I vrould appreciate Your Excellency's decision so that ap-

propriate instructions can be given to the Customs officials

before the mitries are submitted.

I have the honor to be,

Your Excellency,

Very truly yours,

Sgd. J.Q.D. John A. Dunaway, FINAL CIAL ADVISER, R.L.


560/10/'45 8 March 1945

Mr. Financial Adviser:

I am to advise that the exemptions, authorised

in His Excellency's despatch under reference 4299/338/'44 of December 20th last under sub-paragraph

(a) and (b), do not include the items specified in your

No. 121/2f of 7th instant. All such commodities are re- garded as luxuries, and are therefore subject to import

duty and other internal taxations.

Your obedient servant


The Honorable The Financial Adviser Monrovia

True copy of original by: 4{ /~~1'44 20 ) o nb r 1944

f1 £rth )rcoferonoe to the 4Ieoilion .. i; ,

In pmy ?bo. P.79.8 of 4i y 3lst 1ut, r.di r. (r .ri

port duty4 .: axtt .. o ption on i tria1za, eeuip.

Srin d to ohin'fz7 Imporited by the ht y iofd Con~

e o P Vii tpuny Ior use in constructing thio hiaurbor, I have out iriso the following t4i~

tionai 0XOrat iols:

x) Fc , r dino addOther nooossary oqui }: l.nt timorted by the said Core paxny for use of its foroi xooritruotion personnell i l l be wht tod freof.(duty,

b)All "orei~n construction pornonel of th' irpn~ny ,tali not be subject to i internal taxation.

a) 4. (h1-,pi.tedf2or saV to slled wad ushied Thborera onr *b"ta ~Ol plua si ll ho subject to C unto a duty rmat::internal taxation In o o n with other irmotin coomonioe,

d) q p h eui~ent and mcidnory im. por tod by the Corpvany under .he oxenapo tion gauthori id In ~ o r 27'8 ..

Li1x oa. l u ttona Co ay.ta

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