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Polymer depletion interaction between a particle and a wall: A Monte Carlo study

Andrey Milchev

Aniket Bhattacharya University of Central Florida

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Recommended Citation Milchev, Andrey and Bhattacharya, Aniket, " depletion interaction between a colloid particle and a wall: A Monte Carlo study" (2002). Faculty Bibliography 2000s. 3365. Polymer depletion interaction between a colloid particle and a wall: A Monte Carlo study

Cite as: J. Chem. Phys. 117, 5415 (2002); Submitted: 25 April 2002 . Accepted: 19 June 2002 . Published Online: 27 August 2002

Andrey Milchev, and Aniket Bhattacharya


On Interaction between Two Bodies Immersed in a of The Journal of Chemical Physics 22, 1255 (1954);

Colloids dispersed in polymer . A computer simulation study The Journal of Chemical Physics 100, 6873 (1994);

Theory of the depletion force due to rodlike The Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 3721 (1997);

J. Chem. Phys. 117, 5415 (2002); 117, 5415

© 2002 American Institute of Physics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 117, NUMBER 11 15 SEPTEMBER 2002

Polymer depletion interaction between a colloid particle and a wall: A Monte Carlo study Andrey Milcheva) Institute for Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria Aniket Bhattacharyab) Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 32816 ͑Received 25 April 2002; accepted 19 June 2002͒ An off-lattice bead–spring model of a polymer solution in a container with impenetrable walls is used to study the depletion interaction of a colloid particle with the planar wall by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. As expected, this interaction is found to depend essentially on the ratio ␳ ϭ R/Rg of the particle radius R to the mean radius of gyration Rg of the polymer chains in the case of dilute and semidilute solutions. For large particle to polymer size ratio ␳Ͼ1 this effective force is attractive and decreases steadily with growing distance D of the colloid from the wall. It is found to scale linearly with ␳ in agreement with recent theoretical predictions. In the opposite case of ␳Ͻ1 the depletion force is found to change nonmonotonically with D and go through a maximum at a р particular distance Dmax Rg . In both cases, however, local variations of the polymer density profile, which we detect at higher polymer concentrations, are found to influence the depletion force and even to change it locally from attraction to repulsion. The monomer density distribution far away from/or around the colloid in the vicinity of the wall is also investigated and related to the observed behavior of the depletion force. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1499717͔

I. INTRODUCTION In this paper we investigate the depletion interaction be- The polymer-induced depletion interaction between me- tween a spherical particle and a planar wall in dilute and soscopic colloid particles in a solution of nonadsorbing poly- semidilute monodisperse solutions of free flexible polymer mer chains is of fundamental interest in colloid physics.1 For chains using an off-lattice Monte Carlo bead–spring model. Earlier the problem was treated theoretically by Bringer entropic reasons the chains avoid the space between two 8 close particles, or between a particle and a planar wall, and et al., who based their treatment on the well-known diffu- create an effective attraction among the colloid particles, or sion equation satisfied by the partition function of a random push the particles toward the walls of the container. This walk, or, alternatively, on minimization of a Ginzburg– depletion interaction has been used to explain phase dia- Landau functional. In the case of ideal chains they derived a grams of colloid-polymer mixtures2 and is believed to be number of analytic results demonstrating that the depletion important for a variety of interesting colloid systems such as interaction depends crucially on the polymer to particle size casein ,3 hemoglubine,4 and globular .5 Not ratio. In contrast, in the present simulational study the ex- surprisingly, the problem has attracted much scientific atten- cluded volume interactions of the polymers are inherent in tion and has been addressed both theoretically6–10 as well as the model which also takes into account all the fluctuations by means of computer simulations.11–14 In most of the theo- which are neglected as a rule in the analytic mean-field like retical work on the depletion interaction one employs the treatments. simple representation of the polymer coils as penetrable hard The paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II we give a ͑ ͒ 6 brief summary of theoretic results pertaining to limiting spheres PHSs by Asakura and Oosawa. Dilute or semidi- 8 lute solutions of nonintersecting polymer chains are mapped cases where a number of analytic expressions for RW are onto a fluid of ‘‘soft’’ spheres interacting via a concentration- available. The model used in the simulations is introduced in dependent effective potential13,14 although one should be Sec. III. In Sec. IV we discuss the polymer density profiles at aware that the PHS approach fails if the polymers are much the container walls and around the colloid particle, and in larger than the . Such cases in which a long flexible Sec. V present our findings about the polymer-induced deple- chain cannot be reduced to a single degree of freedom have tion force on a sphere for the cases of large and small sphere been considered using scaling and field theories,15 mean to polymer size ratio. We end this report with a brief sum- field,7 and integral equation techniques.16 Recently experi- mary of our conclusions in Sec. VI. mental measurements of the effective interaction between two individual particles or for a single particle near a wall II. SUMMARY OF SCALING PREDICTIONS have been reported17,18 too. For a spherical colloid particle of radius R which is im- mersed in a dilute solution of polymer chains of mean gyra- ͒ a Electronic mail: [email protected] tion radius Rg and kept at a distance D apart from a planar b͒Electronic mail: [email protected] wall the depletion interaction attains a universal form when

0021-9606/2002/117(11)/5415/6/$19.005415 © 2002 American Institute of Physics 5416 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 117, No. 11, 15 September 2002 A. Milchev and A. Bhattacharya the three lengths, R,D,Rg are much larger than microscopic lengths and persistent length characterizing the degree of stiffness of the chain.8 The free energy of polymer-induced interaction is proportional to the nb of chains in the bulk and is independent of the microscopic lengths ͑ ␨ϭ ␳ϭ scaling in terms of the ratios D/Rg , R/RG)as Gϭ d ͒ ͑ ͒ pR Y͑D/Rg ,R/Rg 1 ϭ with p nbkBT the bulk of the chains, d the dimensionality, and Y(␨,␳) a universal scaling function. Generally for chains with excluded volume interactions one has for the case of large particles:10 G→ ͑dϪ1͒/2 ͑dϩ1͒/2Y͑␨͒ ␨Ӷ␳ ͑ ͒ pR Rg , 2 with a scaling function Y yielding a polymer-induced attrac- ␨ which decreases monotonically with theץ/Gץ tive force distance ␨ from the wall. This behavior is in qualitative FIG. 1. Plot of the bonded ͑FENE͒,Eq.͑7͒—dotted line, and nonbonded ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ agreement with the PHS-approximation of Asakura and Morse ,Eq. 8 —full line, potentials used for the monomer–monomer in- teractions in the simulation. Vertical arrows mark the minimal, l and Oosawa.6 In contrast, for small colloid particles one finds9 min maximal lmax extension of a polymer bond. The colloid particle acts on the polymers by means of truncated and shifted Lennard-Jones ͑LJ͒ potential, G→ dϪ͑1/␯͒ 1/␯Y˜ ͑␨͒ ␳Ӷ␨ ͑ ͒ pR Rg , 3 Eq. ͑9͒—dashed line, of which only the repulsive branch is retained. Y˜ ϭ ⌽ ␨ ␯Ϸ with a scaling function A͓ h( )͔ where 0.589 is the 10 ⌽ Flory exponent, A is a known universal number, and h , ⌽ ϱ ϭ Here l is the length of an effective bond, which can vary normalized to h( ) 1, is the monomer density at distance Ͻ Ͻ ϭ ϭ ␨ ⌽ in between lmin l lmax , with lmin 0.4, lmax 1 being the from the wall if the particle is absent. Since h , which ϭ unit of length, and has the equilibrium value l0 0.7, while increases steadily with ␨, has a point of inflection, the force ϭ Ϫ ϭ Ϫ ϭ ␨ ␨ Ϸ R lmax l0 l0 lmin 0.3, and the spring constant K is takenץ Gץ / should have a maximum at certain max 1 and in- ϭ Ͻ␨Ͻ as K/kBT 40. The nonbonded interactions between the ef- crease for 0 1. fective monomers are described by the Morse potential—cf. Gϭ 2Y ␨ ␳ For Gaussian chains pRRg ( , ) and simple ex- Fig. 1, plicit expressions can be obtained analytically in several lim- 8,19 ϭ⑀ Ϫ ␣ Ϫ ͒ Ϫ Ϫ␣ Ϫ ͒ iting cases: For small distances from the wall the forces UM M͕exp͓ 2 ͑r rmin ͔ 2 exp͓ ͑r rmin ͔͖ , on large and small colloid particles albeit attractive, behave ͑8͒ differently, that is, initially they decrease or increase with where r is the distance between the beads, and the param- ␨ ϭ ⑀ ϭ ␣ϭ distance : eters are chosen as rmin 0.8, M 1, and 24. Owing to Y͑␨,ϱ͒→Ϫ4␲ ln 2ϩ4ͱ2␲␨Ϫ␲␨2, ␨→0 ͑4͒ the large value of this latter constant, UM(r) decays to zero Ͼ very rapidly for r rmin , and is completely negligible for and distances larger than unity. This choice of parameters is use- Y͑␨,0͒→Ϫ2␲ϩ4␲␨2, ␨→0. ͑5͒ ful from a computational point of view, since it allows the use of a very efficient link- algorithm.27 Physically, these At larger distances ␨, however, both expressions merge, potentials Eqs. ͑7͒, ͑8͒ make sense when one interprets the ␨ vanish much in the same way independent effective bonds as kinds of Kuhn segments, comprising aץ/Yץ the forces of ␳: number of chemical monomers along the chain, and thus the length unit l ϭ1 corresponds physically to 1 nm rather 8ͱ2␲ ␨2 max Y͑␨,␳͒→Ϫ expͩ Ϫ ͪ , ␨→ϱ, ͑6͒ than to the length of a covalent C – C bond ͑which would 3 ␨ 2 only be about 1.5 Å͒. Therefore, it also makes sense to treat and one can show8 that even the values Y(␨ϭ1,␳) for dif- the surface of the impenetrable container walls on this ferent ␳’s should be very close to one another. coarse-grained length scale as perfectly flat and smooth: Any atomistic corrugation of the plane surface would be on a scale much finer than the length scale l of the Kuhn seg- III. MODEL AND SIMULATION TECHNIQUE max ment, and hence is not resolved in our coarse-grained model. The off-lattice bead–spring model has been used previ- Since for this model the theta temperature has been found as 20,21 ⌰Ϸ 21 ϭ ously for simulations of polymers both in the bulk and kB 0.62, working at temperature T 1 keeps our poly- near confining surfaces,22–26 therefore we describe here the mer solution in the ‘‘good ’’ regime. salient features only. Each polymer chain contains N effec- The colloid particles are taken as spherically shaped and tive monomers connected by anharmonic springs described are characterized by their radius R, and the distance D be- by the finitely extendible nonlinear elastic ͑FENE͒ potential, tween their surface and the hard wall at the bottom of the container (zϭ0). In order to measure the force, exerted by K ͑lϪl ͒2 ϭϪ 2 ͫ Ϫ 0 ͬ ͑ ͒ the polymers on the colloid particle, we now assume that the UFENE R ln 1 . 7 2 R2 interaction between the sphere and the effective monomers at J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 117, No. 11, 15 September 2002 Depletion interaction between a colloid particle and a wall 5417

FIG. 3. Density profile ␾(z) ͑full line͒ between the hard walls far from the colloid particle for chains with length Nϭ32 and total density ͑without colloid particle͒ ␾ϭ0.125 ͑dashed line͒ in a box of size Lϭ32. The inset FIG. 2. The colloid is shown schematically as a spherical particle of radius demonstrates in a log–log plot that ␾(z), normalized by the density ␾(L/2) R embedded in a polymer solution at distance D of a planar wall. in the middle of the box, scales as expected with power ␯Ϫ1 against the distance from the wall zϩ␭ where the extrapolation length ␭ϭ0.35. Here ϭ ϭ ␾ϭ N 256, Rg 8.48, and 0.0625. distance r from the colloid surface is given by the ͑shifted͒ repulsive branch of the Lennard Jones potential, ␶ϰ 2␯ϩ1 ␯Ϸ ␴ 12 ␴ 6 of N with 0.6, it is clear that the exploration of 4ͫͩ ͪ Ϫͩ ͪ ͬϩ1, RϽrϽ␴ small particle to polymer size cases becomes rapidly difficult ͑ ͒ϭ RϪr RϪr ͑ ͒ Vcoll r ͭ 9 with growing chain length N and the statistical accuracy of 0, rу␴, such results poses problems. where the range parameter ␴ϭ1 for the Lennard-Jones po- ϭ ϭϱ tential. Since Vcoll(r R) , one should bear in mind that IV. POLYMER DENSITY PROFILES AT THE WALL the real effective radius of the colloid particles in our study exceeds the sphere radius R so that at temperature Tϭ1 the Figure 3 shows the monomer density profile ␾(z) of the spheres repulse polymers already at distances ϷR polymer solution perpendicular to the container walls for ϩ0.558␴. This correction has been taken into account in the chains with length Nϭ32 at total number density ␾ϭ0.125 analysis of our results. One should note also that the total far away from the sphere representing the colloid particle in volume available to the polymer is reduced by the presence the system. For entropic reasons the chains tend to stay away of a colloid particle. For example, this correction yields the from the walls and one observes a steep increase of the value of 0.127 instead of ␾ϭ0.125 for the number density. monomer density over intervals of the order of the polymer Ϸ ␾ Most of the simulations have been carried out for poly- size Rg 2.48 close to the walls before (z) levels off to a mer chains of length Nϭ32 and mean radius of gyration bulk value. Evidently, for ␾ϭ0.125 the density profile re- Ϸ ϭ Ϸ Ϸ Rg 2.47, or with N 256, Rg 8.48 at monomer densities veals two relatively small maxima at distance z 2Rg ,L ␾ϭ Ϫ 0.0625, 0.125, although some results were obtained for 2Rg which are slightly above the density in the bulk. This Nϭ512, too. Both the polymer chains as well as the sphere feature indicates that the concentration ␾ϭ0.125 is close to which represents a colloid particle are placed in a cubic box the upper bound of the dilute regime and is probably respon- of linear size L, Lϭ32, or Lϭ64, with impenetrable walls at sible for the slight overshoot in the depletion force on the zϭ0 and zϭL, and periodic boundary conditions in x,y colloid which we measure at these distances ͑see Sec. V͒. direction—Fig. 2. After initial equilibration of the system, Thus, it appears that, depending on the particular density measurements of the average force F acting on the colloid profile established for a given ␾, the ͑generally͒ attractive are taken over 60 runs each of length 1ϫ106 Monte Carlo depletion force may change to slight repulsion at certain dis- steps ͑MCS͒ whereby at each MCS all polymer beads are tances where the density profile changes are not monotonic. picked at random and randomly displaced at distances If much lower concentration is taken, however, the density Ϫ0.5р⌬x, ⌬y, ⌬zр0.5. Apart from the force F, exerted profile increases steadily with z and becomes perfectly flat at у on the spherical particle, we also determine the density pro- distances z Rg , as shown in the inset of Fig. 3 where we files close and far away from the colloid as well as a number deal with chains of Nϭ256 at ␾ϭ0.0625. Anticipating, we of properties which characterize the polymer system as mean note that in this case the resulting depletion force on the ͑ ͒ chain end-to-end distance, radius of gyration Rg and mean particle decreases monotonically to zero see the following squared displacements of the chains. Since the relaxation of and shows no overshoots. long chains, i.e., their diffusive displacement at distances of In agreement with relation, derived earlier by 19 the order of their size, Rg , takes typically times of the order Eisenriegler and confirmed later by computer 5418 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 117, No. 11, 15 September 2002 A. Milchev and A. Bhattacharya

FIG. 4. Monomer density distribution ⌽(r) around a colloid particle. For symmetry reasons only a section of the box: 0рzрDϩR,0рx,yрL/2 is shown. ͑a͒ Large particles: Nϭ32, R ϭ5, Dϭ3.5, ␾ϭ0.125. ͑b͒ The same as in ͑a͒ for Dϭ11.0. ͑c͒ The same as in ͑a͒ for small particles: Nϭ256 and Rϭ2.5. ͑d͒ Thesameasin͑c͒ for D ϭ11.0. The contour iso-density lines separate the whole interval of density variation into 12 sub-intervals.

simulations,28 one finds that the density scales with z as a lines in Figs. 4͑c͒ and 4͑d͒ reveals also that for xϭ0 the power law with exponent 1/␯, that is, ␾(z)ϰ(zϩ␭)1/␯, density increase around the colloid is much steeper for where we use as usual the concept of an extrapolation longer chains than for short ones, in contrast to the increase length28 ␭͑this microscopic length is of the order of the in the undisturbed density profiles at the wall, thus demon- monomer radius, ␭Ϸ0.35) so as to take into account effects strating that the sphere partially penetrates into the larger of discreteness which are ignored in the theoretical treat- polymer coils. ment. While we previously presented monomer density profiles V. POLYMER DEPLETION FORCE undisturbed by the colloid, in Fig. 4 we show the density distribution in the immediate vicinity of the spherical particle One of the main results of our investigation is shown in and close to the planar wall. Due to symmetry consider- Fig. 5, which displays the variation of the polymer-induced ations, the three-dimensional plots cover only a quarter of the container which in the z direction is limited between the wall and the center of the sphere whereas in x ͑or, equiva- lently, in the y direction͒ it goes from the projection of the particle center up to the end of the box at distance L/2. Figures 4͑a͒ and 4͑b͒ correspond to the case of large particles ͑short chains͒, ␳Ϸ2, while Figs. 4͑c͒ and 4͑d͒ refer to small particles ͑much longer chains͒ with ␳Ϸ0.3. Not surprisingly, at the closest distance between the sphere and the wall in the case of Dϭ3.5—cf. Figs. 4͑a͒ and 4͑c͒—the density ⌽(r)is considerably larger for shorter chains, Fig. 4͑a͒, than for the longer ones. At larger distance Dϭ11.0 one may observe the formation of a local density maximum between the particle and the wall ͓see the highest contour line of constant density in Fig. 4͑b͔͒ which even exceeds the shallow maxima of the undisturbed distribution far from the sphere, mentioned pre- viously in connection with Fig. 3. Clearly, this local accumu- lation of density is expected to repel and push the colloid FIG. 5. Variation of the polymer-induced pressure exerted on a large colloid away from the wall and into the bulk, an effect which is particle (␳Ϸ2) with radius Rϭ5.0 at mean monomer density ␾ϭ0.125 (᭹) ␾ϭ ᮀ ␨ϭ and 0.625 ( ) with dimensionless distance D/Rg from the container probably due to the presence of excluded volume interac- Ϸ wall. The mean size of the polymer chains here is Rg 2.48. The density tions in the simulation and was not reported by Bringer profiles in the vicinity of the wall are also shown. Linear dashed lines are 8 et al. A closer inspection and comparison of the contour guides for the eye. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 117, No. 11, 15 September 2002 Depletion interaction between a colloid particle and a wall 5419

␳Ϸ FIG. 6. The same as in Fig. 5 in the case of small colloids with 0.3 at FIG. 7. Scaling of the total depletion force acting on a colloid particle with ␾ϭ ␳Ϸ ␾ϭ 0.125, and 0.118 at 0.0625. Polynomial regression lines are its radius R for large ᭺ and small ᭝ ratio ␳ϭR/R . drawn through the data points as guide for the eye. g

demanding and the large statistical errors allow here only qualitative conclusions. ␳ϭ Ϸ pressure on a big colloid particle ( R/Rg 2) with the Finally, Fig. 7 presents the observed scaling of the deple- ␨ϭ dimensionless distance from the wall D/Rg along with tion force with changing colloid to polymer size ratio ␳. The the respective density profiles ␾(␨) at the wall for ␾ measured pressure on the spherical particle grows linearly ϭ0.125 and ␾ϭ0.0625. Although the measurements bear with particle radius R in the case of large particles, that is, considerable error bars, one can clearly verify that in both within statistical error we find an exponent of 0.95Ϯ0.12 cases the depletion force is predominantly attractive and van- against the expected value of (dϪ1)/2ϭ1—cf. Eq. ͑2͒, ishes at distances ␨Ϸ2. The correlation between depletion while for small particles we determine a power of 1.33 force and density profile, indicated in Sec. IV, is evident. The Ϯ0.03 which is very close to dϪ1/␯, predicted by Eq. ͑3͒. pressure, driving the particle in direction of the nearby wall, Nevertheless, one should view these findings with caution decreases steadily to zero for ␾ϭ0.0625 when the density because ␳ varies in both cases in comparatively narrow in- profile gradually reaches saturation at bulk values for ␨Ϸ2. tervals, and the statistical uncertainty is considerable. At twice higher overall density, ␾ϭ0.125, this pressure doubles, in accord with Eq. ͑2͒, and even changes at ␨ VI. CONCLUSIONS Ϸ1.5 in direction away from the wall, reflecting a slight overshoot in the corresponding density profile. Also in agree- We have investigated the polymer-induced depletion in- ment with predictions,8 the initial variation of the depletion teraction between a spherical particle and the planar bound- D,of ary wall in a dilute solution of flexible nonadsorbing polymerץ/Yץ ,force F/R2 is linear with ␨, as a first derivative the scaling function in Eq. ͑4͒ would result in. We emphasize chains with excluded volume interactions in the good solvent regime. We find good qualitative agreement with earlier the- the change in sign and direction of the polymer-induced 8 depletion force, observed in our simulation at the higher oretical predictions pertaining to the depletion force on the polymer concentration, because it could be viewed as an in- colloid in the vicinity of a wall: dication that at even higher concentrations, when the density ͑i͒ for large particles this attractive force goes steadily to Ϸ profile at the walls is characterized by well expressed zero over distances 2Rg from the planar boundary 25 oscillations, the resulting depletion force might attain more whereby the variation of F with distance ␨ for ␨р1is complicated form and create a kind of stratified structure of a linear, as predicted, and colloid at the vicinity of the planar boundaries. ͑ii͒ for small particles F changes nonmonotonically with ␨ ␨ Ϸ In the opposite case of colloid radii R smaller than the , going through a maximum at max 1, in agreement 8 mean size Rg of the polymer chains, shown in Fig. 6, the with expectations, too. variation of force with distance appears similar, although an additional shallow minimum ͑i.e., a maximum of the force in An immediate conclusion from these findings would be a absolute terms͒ at distances close to the wall appears to be possible segregation of colloids at the container walls in a visible despite the statistical uncertainty. This nonmonotonic polydisperse system in which the variance of particle to ␨ 8 ␳ϭ variation of the force with has been predicted for the case polymer size ratio R/Rg is sufficiently large. But even in ␳ ͑ ␳ϭ of small colloid to chain ratio here R/Rg a monodisperse colloid system it may happen, depending on Ϸ0.118,0.295), too ͓cf. Eq. ͑3͒ and the following text͔, and the particular density profile of the polymer solution at the in this aspect the behavior shown in Fig. 6 is clearly different wall, that depletion forces may change their sign and repel from that in Fig. 5. One should note, however, that from particles from the container walls rather than attracting simulational point of view this case of ␳Ӷ1 is much more them—our simulational results support this conclusion for 5420 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 117, No. 11, 15 September 2002 A. Milchev and A. Bhattacharya both large and small particle to polymer size ratio ␳. Thus, 4 J. Janzen and D. E. Brooks, Clin. 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