
Tunnel Drill

Description - 1 player with ball under the goal. Another player or more at the sideline.1 at half court and 1 at the other end. Same order at the other end of floor. 1 at under the goal 1 or more at the sideline, 1 at half court one at the other end opposite. Players with ball start under the goal on opposite ends and sides of goals left/right). Instructions Players with ball start at same time throwing the ball to the sideline. Then them throwing the ball back to them as they run straight ahead, as they get the ball back then they pass it to the person in the middle who passes it back to them. Still running, as he gets the ball back he throws it to the last person who is in the corner catching the ball and throwing it back in which that person does a lay up. The person you throw it to, after the pass is made you will fill in their spot and everybody will rotate. Add time and made baskets for competition – say 4 minutes 90 baskets

Hustle Drill

Start a line at each elbow on one end of the floor. The lines should stretch towards the sidelines. The coach stands underneath the basket and passes the ball to one of the two players at the front of each line. The player who catches the ball pushes the ball up the floor for a lay-up, the other player must sprint and touch baseline with his hand and then sprint to the other end and try to catch the ball before it hits the ground. If the ball handler misses the lay-up then he must do 10 fingertip pushups and the chaser is off the hook. If the ball handler makes the lay- up, the chaser must catch the ball before it hits the floor. The chaser must do 5 fingertip pushups for every time the ball hits the floor. Variation – After the made lay-up, the ball handler will go to the outlet position on the wing and the chaser will outlet the ball quickly just like in a game situation.

Mikan Drill

Have the players match up in pairs. Each pair will have a . Have the first player in each pair needs to start under the basket and on the coaches whistle the player needs to shoot a “baby” with their right hand, catch the ball as it comes through the basket and immediately shot a “baby” left hand hook shot. Continue back a forth for between 1 – 2 minutes. After 1 – 2 minutes have the players switch. The is to make sure that the players work on their foot work and shoot with one hand.


Drop Step

Have your players match up in pairs. Each pair needs two Place one ball on each of the low post blocks Have the player to be drilled stand with his/her back to the basket and facing one of the basketballs. To start the drill he/she will pick up the ball with two hands and make a drop step to the basket for a lay-up without a dribble. (you can teach them to use a power dribble also) Immediately after shooting he/she will be go over and grab the other basketball and repeat the move. Once the first player shoots the other player needs to get the ball and place it back on the it started from. The other player will continue to put the ball back on the block it started from.

Continue his drill for about two minutes or for a certain number of made shots.

Ultimate Basketball

Have two teams with an equal amount of players. Start with a trip in the middle. The objective is to pass to your teammate and get the ball across the opposite baseline. The players cannot dribble, emphasizing the different types of passes, pivoting, V-cuts to get open and “fake a pass to make a pass”. Also emphasize good deny defense.

Three Man Weave

Option 1/Regular – Run a regular three man weave with the pass following the pass and running behind the player he passed to. After the complete the weave they simply run back and get into line.

Option 2/with shooters – Start with 2 players on the baseline at the opposite end of the floor with basketballs. Run a regular weave, however the 2 players that do not shoot the lay-up stay on the floor to receive a pass from the 2 players that are on the baseline with the basketballs. They will take a , get their own and replace the 2 players that started on the baseline and become the passers for the next group that is running the weave.

Option 3/with shooters and going back – Same as option 2 except after the player shots the lay-up he along with the 2 passers will run a weave back to the basket where it all started from originally.

Option 4/half court – Start with three lines at half court and run a regular weave, the player in the middle will be the player who shots the lay-up. The player who gets the first pass will run and touch the opposite side line after he passes to the 3rd player. The 3rd player will pass to the 1st for a lay-up and then get the rebound before it touches the floor and then pas it to the 2nd player who is running in from the sideline for a lay-up. Be sure start the weave from both sides.


Baseline Three Man Weave/2 on 1

Start with three lines along the baseline under the basket. They run a regular three man weave to half court. The player who catches the ball at half court puts the ball down, one of the other two players picks up the ball and goes 2 on one with the other player.


Ball Handling:

Concentration Passing

Two people, one person makes a chest pass and the other makes a bounce pass. Have them change after 10 passes. Take 1 ball and throw it against a wall. As soon as the ball hits the wall throw the other ball at the exact position and catch the first one. Do this for as long as possible


Two Ball Drill, Speed, Stutter-crossover, Behind-the-back, Crossover,

Tom-Tom Dribble

Spread legs, dribble ball with right hand passing it to the left hand, dribble with the left hand between legs and to the right hand, dribble with the right hand now behind you to the left hand then dribble the ball back to the right hand in front and repeat

Ball Toss

Have the players pair up. Each player needs a basketball and each team needs a waffle ball. Line the player up across from each other approximately 3 feet apart. Have each player start dribbling with their right hand and play catch with the waffle ball with their left hand. After about two minutes have them change and dribble with their left hand and play catch with their right hand.

Vision Passing Drill

On one base line form 3 lines (sideline, middle and opposite sideline) and on the opposite baseline form 2 lines (on the right and left low post marks of the paint). Both ends commence at the same time and dribble and pass to each line without hitting the opposing lines coming the other way.

Speed Dribbling

Start by having the player’s get into two lines on the baseline and have them race against each other to the opposite line and have them run “through” the line for three times, keeping track of times for each player. After the third trip have them do the same race, dribbling. The first time they will try to dribble harder and faster. They will soon learn that they need to “push” the ball ahead of them, just like passing the ball to themselves. Explain that during a if there is not a pass ahead they need to speed dribble. 4

Tennis ball catching drill

Have the players execute a V-cut to either the post or the wing. Have the players show their hands and catch a tennis ball. This will help when they go to a basketball.

40 Second drill

This is a timed drill for 40 seconds and each player is trying to get through the following series 4 times in 40 seconds. The player begins by dribbling with their right hand straight toward the basket about four dribbles forward. They then do a PULL BACK dribble three steps, square to the hoop and perform a . With their left hand on a 45 degree angle they take 2-3 dribbles forward, then a BEHIND THE BACK dribble and change direction heading towards the corner, before the reach the corner they perform a HESSITATION dribble. When the reach the corner they do a THROUGH THE LEGS dribble changing directions heading across the baseline. When the dribbler gets under the basket they do a PUSH PULL dribble move. Upon reaching the other sideline they do a REVERSE PIVOT dribble and head back towards the starting spot. After doing a crossover dribble they will be ready to do the entire series again starting with their left hand and therefore going in the opposite direction. The object is to go through the series twice with the right hand and twice with the left hand.

Dribbling zig-zag

This drill will require 2 coaches/managers. Set up cones at the right or left wing at both baskets (the side of the wing is as you face the basket, this will mean that the cones are on opposite sides as you look down the floor) Start with a line of players on the baseline under the basket with one coach at the half court circle and the other at the foul line at the opposite end of the floor as the line. The first players will dribble to the first cone and come to a jump stop, get into triple threat, fake a pass and then pass to the coach at court. The player will take a pass back from the coach and dribble with their opposite hand to the cone on the opposite side. Once they get to that cone they will once again come to a jump stop, get into triple threat, fake a pass and then pass to the coach at the foul line. The player will take a pass back from the coach as he drives to the basket for a lay-up. As soon as the first play gets past the first cone the next player in line will star. This will continue until all players have gone and then they will start all over again coming from the other end. The managers/coaches will need to relocate to the center circle and foul line.


Break the team up into two equal groups and define a goal at each end of the floor. 5

The teams will play soccer, however at all times they will be dribbling the basketball. This will make them stop looking at the ball as they dribble. Fun drill.

35 Second Weak Hand

Divide the team into two groups and have one group in the opposite right hand corners (the right hand corner is as you face the basket). Put 35 seconds on the clock and on the coaches command the player must dribble with their left hand (weak hand) the back and forth for the length of the floor and shoot as many left hand (weak hand) lay-ups as possible in 35 seconds. Pick a minimum number of shots and for all players that did not get the number they do push-ups.

Cross over at the Chair

Line the players up on the sideline at the foul line extended. Place 4 cones/chairs along the foul line extended approximately 2 feet apart, starting at about 3 feet from the sideline. On the coaches command the players will dribble towards the cones with the outside hand (left hand on the right side and right hand on the left side, as you face the basket) once they reach a cone they perform a crossover move and go in for a lay-up. Position a coach at the cones as they run the drill and make sure that they cross over low and hard.

2 Ball Dribbling – around center

Divide the team up into four equal groups. Each group will have 2 basketballs and each group will be placed in the corners of the floor. On the coaches command the first player in each group will start to dribble towards the center circle, when they get to the center circle they will dribble counter clockwise around the circle. When they get back to the side of the circle they started from they will dribble back to their line and the next player will go. This will make the player to have to look up so that they do not run into the other players as the dribble around the circle.

2 Ball Dribbling – full court

Divide the team into four lines and give each line 2 basketballs. On the coaches command the first player will dribble the length pf the court and back while dribbling the two balls at the same time. Once the player returns to his line, he will give the balls to the next player in line and he will do the same. The drill will continue fro a predetermined number of trip or time limit. Make sure that the players are looking up and not at the basketballs as he dribbles.


Full court - between the leg, spin and behind the back

Divide the team into tow equal groups, each player will have a basketball. Start with the lines in the right hand corners of the floor. On the coaches command the first player will dribble to the half court line, once he reaches the half court line he will perform one of the dribble moves (between the legs, spin or behind the back). After he makes the dribble move he will explode to the basket for a lay-up. After he shots his lay-up he will go to the end of the line at the other end of the floor. Once the first player gets tp the half court line the next player in line will go. Have the players do each move twice and then they do a different move.

Around Body – dribble

Player stands with his feet shoulder width apart, and dribbles the ball around his body. Be sure to have them go both top the right and to the left. Player continues for 30 seconds.

Figure Eight – dribble

Player stands with his feet shoulder width apart, and start to dribble with his right hand, starting at the outside of his right leg. He then dribbles to the front of his leg and then he dribbles between his legs to his left hand. With his left hand he will dribble around his left leg and once he gets to the front of his left leg he will dribble between his legs to his right hand. Player continues for 30 seconds.

Ball Slaps

The player holds the ball in his left hand and smacks the ball hard into his right hand. Repeat back and forth.

Body Circles

The player quickly moves the ball clockwise around his neck, waist, both ankles, right ankle and left ankle. As the ball is being moved around the body be sure to have the player smack the ball as hard as he can. Repeat the drill up and down the body.

Flip drill

The player will start with their feet apart and bent over and holding a ball between their legs. The player will flip the ball forward through his legs, reaches forward and catches the ball in front of his legs with his arms fully extended. The player will hike the ball back through his legs reaches backward and catches the ball behind his legs. Player repeats back and forth.


Flop Drill

The player will start with their feet apart and bent over and holding a ball between their legs with their right hand in front of him and their left hand behind him. As the player releases the ball he will switch his hands (right hand behind and left hand in front) as quickly as possible and catch the ball with his hands before it touches the floor. Player repeats back and forth



Figure 8

Instructions Have team line up on a corner of one of the baselines.

1.Sprint To Half court Yelling Ball 2.Slide Across Half court Yelling Push 3.Backpedal To The Opposite Baseline Yelling Dead 4.Slide Across Baseline to Opposite Sideline 5.Sprint up Sideline to Half court 6.Slide Along Half court to Sideline 7.Backpedal to Baseline 8.Slide Across Baseline to Original Spot


Line up 5 players at each basket. On the whistle, the first person at each basket throws the ball up against the and sprints down court to the other end of the other line. Each successive player jumps and tips the ball back up against the backboard for the next player and then sprints to the other end of the other line. This will continue for a count of 100. Have players count out loud.

1000 MPH

Good conditioning drill. Start with forming tow equal lines under the basket. On the coaches command the first two players sprint to the foul line elbow, jump stop and spin around and immediately go into to foot fire (pounding their feet up and down repeatedly as fast as they can). On the coaches next command these two players will make a reverse pivot and take tow hard defensive slides toward the junction of the half court and sideline. After the first two slides they will sprint to the junction of the half court line and the sideline where they will jump stop, spin and start foot fire again. At the same time that the first two players left the foul line elbow the next two players in line replace them with the same move as the first two. On the coaches next command the second two players follow the same path that the first two and the first two take a reverse pivot toward the opposite foul line elbow, again taking two hard defensive slides and then sprinting to the foul line elbows. Again they will jump stop spin and start foot fire. At this time as third group of players have come onto the floor. On the coaches command the first two p[layers will again reverse pivot, this time towards the corner of the opposite end line and the sideline. They will repeat the same procedure as they have previously. All the time the players are following the first two. On the last command by the coach the first two players will sprint to the original end line and get back in line to start again. This is a very good conditioning drill. Be sure to make the players stay low and knees bent through out the drill. 9

Slide drill – line touch

Line player up along the sideline and have them straddle the sideline. Have the players get into a good defensive stance, with knees bent, backs straight and palms up. On the coaches command the players will slide from the side line to the closet foul line and back. They will continue sliding for a predetermined amount of time (30 seconds – 45 seconds). Make sure that while they are sliding they do not cross their feet, they do not bounce up and down and they stay low.

Slide drill – wood block

Player stands in the lane on the low block and holds a block of wood (or other object), additional blocks of wood are placed on the low blocks of the key. The player gets into a good defensive position and slides to his left, puts his block down and picks up the block from the left box. The player will immediately change direction and goes to the right box, puts his block down, and picks up the block from the right box. Player repeats for 30 seconds.

Drop step drill – wood block

Blocks are placed at the left box, the right box and at the top of the key. The player holds another block in his hands. The player stands in a defensive stance with his right foot forward. The player slides to the top of the key. Puts his block down and picks up the block that was there. The player immediately drop steps and slides to the low lefty box, puts his block down and picks up the block that is there. The player slides to the top of the key with his left foot forward, puts his block down and picks up the block that is there. Player repeats for 30 seconds.

Toe Touch

Player stands with his feet apart, jumps upward and touches his toes with his finger pads as he jumps. Player continues for 30 seconds.

Heel Touch

Player stands with his feet apart, jumps upward and touches his heels with his finger pads as he jumps. Player continues for 30 seconds.

Heel and Toe Touch

Player stands with his feet apart, jumps upward and alternates touching his toes and his heels with his finger pads as he jumps. Player continues for 30 seconds.


Hustle Drill - Dive and Save

Set two lines under the basket and have two managers/coaches with a ball at the top of the key. The manager will toss the ball towards the side line and the first player in the line will dive for the ball, save it, pass it back to the manager, get up and cut hard to the basket for a pass back from the manager for a . after lay- up the other side does the same thing. Same drill except the manager slams the ball into the floor and the player needs to save it from going out of bounds, pass back, cut to the hoop, shot a lay-up



2 Man loose ball

Make two lines under the basket. The coach stands in the middle between the two lines and rolls the ball out onto the floor. At the coaches whistle the first two players in the lines run out to get the ball. The first player to get the ball becomes the offense player and the other player becomes defense. They then go one-on- one to the basket at the other end of the floor.

Shadow Coach

The coach stands at the mid-court line and the players get into even lines facing the coach. At the coaches whistle the players get into proper defensive stance. The coach will to the left, right, backwards and forwards. The players are to stay in a defensive stance and slide per the coaches direction.

Bedlam Drill

Players are lined up one behind the other, behind the half court line facing a basket. The first player in line gives the basketball to the player behind him and gets into a defensive stand. The 2nd player tries to score while the defensive player tries to stop him. If the offensive player scores, he dribbles the ball back to the foul line and proceeds to try to score. The next person in line sprints from half court and replaces player number one on defense. (1st player goes to the end of the line). If the defensive player stops the offensive player whether by a rebound etc, He proceeds to dribble to the foul line and goes on the offensive and the next person line sprints out to stop him. The drill continues in this fashion.

3 on 2 Press Break Drill

Description The drill is set up exactly the same as the 3 on 2 we all use as a pregame warm- up. Two players in the key on defensive, the rest of the team in three lines at half court. Instructions The three offensive players attack and try to score. After the score or a the two defensive players become the offensive players and try to advance the ball to half court. If the basket is made, they must take the ball out of bounds with one trying to receive the ball against three defensive players. The defense tries to trap and steal the ball. If they get a steal, turnover, 10-second count, etc. they get the ball back and try to score again. The drill ends when the two offensive players advance the ball to half court.


Tag Drill

This is a full court pairs drill. One defender (who is IT) stands on the line with their back to the nearest basket. The offensive player stands on the baseline under the basket. On the coaches whistle the defender spins around and using their defensive footwork, sliding or sprinting attempts to keep the offensive player from getting around them and “tag” them. The offensive player attempts to run at any speed or with any strategy to the opposite end line without being “tagged” by the defender. If they are tagged, they must then attempt to “retag” the other player. The player who is “NOT IT” is the one attempting to get across the far baseline without being tagged.

The offensive player may not run outside the sidelines. They must stay in bounds. Once the first pair gets to the other end have the next pair start. Run this drill for about 4 minutes.

Shadow Defense

Set kids up in teams of two. Designate one offense and one defense. Coach stands on the side line wit the ball. Tell kids on the offense to get open for a pass. tell the kids on defense to deny the pass. Once the offense gets the pass they play one on one.

Close Out, Slide and Recover

Two line at the baseline facing the elbow. Place a coach at each elbow with a basketball. On the head coach’s whistle the players will close out to the elbow (encourage the players to make a lot of noise closing out, one hand up, one hand back) once the defender has properly closed out they do three strong slides towards the extended free throw line then sprint recover down court. Have the coach pass the ball to one of the players and they go one on one to the other basket. Once the players finish, they do five push ups and five sit ups to keep them occupied while the rest of the players finish the drill

Half Court Transition

Separate the team and put half pf the team on one side of the floor and the other on the other side. Start by playing 4 on 4 (can also be done with 3 on 3 or 5 on 5). The only way to come off the floor is to get a rebound. If you get a rebound you must outlet to your new teammate who is waiting on the side line. When the new player comes on the floor the defense can not continue to guard the same player they were just guarding and someone must also pick up the new player. This makes the defense have to communicate.


4 on 1 plus 1

Start with 4 defensive player and 5 offensive players. The 4 defensive player’s guard 4 of the offensive players and the 5 offensive players is placed on one of the low post blocks. The drill starts with the 4 defensive players guarding 4 of the offensive players and the 5th offensive player is position on one of the low blocks. The defensive players are in “deny” defense for the first pass. The rule is that the offense can not pass to the 5th player until after the first pass. The ball starts with one of the offensive players at the point and the offense must work top get open. Once the ball is passed for the first time the 5th player becomes eligible for a pass and the defense must communicate so that the offense does not get an easy lay-up.

Other rules: the defense can not run a quasi , after a couple of times the defense will start to drop into the paint and deny passes to inside the paint. Must make all defense deny for one pass away, this will get the defense to talk more and make them work harder on weak side defense.

Pass –Pass and Trap

Form three lines under the basket with one at each sideline and one in the middle. Start with the ball in one of the sideline lines. The player with the ball will pass the ball to the player in the middle. As soon as he passes the ball he will sprint to the opposite side of the floor and be one of the members of the two member team trying to execute a trap. After the middle player catches the ball he will continue to pass the ball to the other sideline line and then sprint to be the other member of the two member trapping team. Once the last player gets the ball he must try to dribble up the floor and get out of the trap. The two defenders must work together to make the trap work by keeping the correct spacing and defending the sideline. One player will work on directing the offense into the trap ands then close out the trap and the other player must make sure that he dose not let the offensive player run the sideline. After the offensive player crosses half court the drill is over and the pass the ball back to the line that started the drill, each player rotates between the lines.

Zigzag Drill

Start by pairing players up in evenly matched (skill level) groups. Divide the floor length wise into 3-4 “alleys” and explain the limits of these alleys to the players. Each group will use an alley. The purpose of this drill is to get both the offense and defense working as hard as they can. Have one of the two players star with the ball and the other starts on defense. The offensive player is to dribble the ball down the floor in a zigzagging manner with in the alley you explained earlier. The defense is to “direct” the offense by forcing them back and forth in the zigzagging manner, however it is the defense that should be forcing the offense and not the offense just zigzagging because they were told to. At first you want to make sure that the offense does not “beat” a player down the floor and that the defense does not steal the ball. As the drill progresses have the 14

offense try to beat the defense down the floor and have the defense try to steal the ball.

3 on 3 Trap/Break the Trap Drill

Start with forming three lines under the basket. The first three players will be defense and the next three will be offense. The three offensive players attempt to bring the ball up past half court. The defensive players attempt to trap the offensive players in one of the two “trap zones”. Offense begins the drill with an in-bounds play at their defensive baseline. The defense begins the drill on their offensive side of the half court. Drill ends with either the trap successfully “broken” by the offense through effective passing out of the trap and the ball crossing the half court or the defense being successful in turning the ball over.

Trail & Swipe

Divide the team up into two equal groups; be sure that you group the players with equal talent. Have one group start on the sideline approximately 4-5 feet up from the end line. The other group will start at the junction of the end line and the foul line. The ball will be in the line at the sideline. On the coaches command the two players will start down the floor, with the player with the ball dribbling as fast as he can to the other end ands shot a lay-up. The other player is trying to either swipe the ball from behind the player as he dribbles or trying to get to the basket before he does and either block the shot, alter the shot or take a charge.

2 Player Close Out

Form 2 lines under the basket. Have the first 2 players go behind the 3-point line. The coach will have a ball and on the coaches command he will pass top one of the players out at the 3-point line. On the pass the next 2 players in line must close-out on the offense and stop them from scoring. Once the offense catches the ball they must attack the basket. The defense must close completely out before they can help on defense. Teach the defense to get low, stay on the balls of their feet and anticipate which direction the offense will go. Play continues until the offense scores or the defense gets a rebound. Rotation is defense to offense and offense to the end of the line.

3 Player Close Out

Form 3 lines under the basket. Have the first 3 players go behind the 3-point line. The coach will have a ball and on the coaches command he will pass top one of the players out at the 3-point line. On the pass the next 3 players in line must close-out on the offense and stop them from scoring. Once the offense catches the ball they must attack the basket. The defense must close completely out before they can help on defense. Teach the defense to get low, stay on the balls of their feet and anticipate which direction the offense will go. Play continues until


the offense scores or the defense gets a rebound. Rotation is defense to offense and offense to the end of the line.

Man-to-Man Shell

Place 4 or 5 offensive players around the perimeter of the 3-point line, one at each corner, one at each wing and one at the point. Assign 1 defensive player to each offensive player. Start with the ball at the point, and on the coaches command the offense will start passing the ball around the perimeter. As the ball is being passed the defense will be moving from either an on the ball defense (your man has the ball), to deny (one pass away) or a help (two passes away). Be sure that the defense understands what help defense means. As the defense starts to get it have the offensive players move to keep the defense on its toes.

Zone Shell

Place 5 offensive players around the perimeter of the 3-point line, one at each corner, one at each wing and one at the point. Align the defense in a zone pattern (2-3, 2-1-2, 1-3-1). Start with the ball at the point, and on the coaches command the offense will start passing the ball around the perimeter. As the ball is being passed the defense will be moving within their zone. Be sure that the defense understands where each player’s responsibility is within the particular zone. As the defense starts to get it have the offensive players move to keep the defense on its toes.


Set team up into two teams. For a team to ear n a point they must successfully have a defensive stop, followed by and offensive score and finish with another defensive stop. Blue team starts out on defense – they get a stop by stealing the ball. They go onto offense and make a score. They go back to defense and get a rebound on a missed shot this is another defensive stop so they have successfully has\d a stop/score/stop. All three must happen in sequence other wise the count starts all over again. Play game to score of 3.

5 on 5 with Commands

Works just like a shell until you make a command - the 5 commands are: Switch - go from offense to defense & you cannot guard the player that is guarding you Drive - player guarding the ball must touch the line (side line or 1/2 court) - must stop ball - start 5 on 4 until 5th defender gets back Trap - on pass the player guarding the ball will with the player that is guarding the player that just received the pass - rotate other players Change ends - drop ball & transition to the other end - switch offense and defense


Defensive Game

Play 5 on 5 half court – the only way to score is to get a defensive stop. If the defense gets a stop they get a point – if the offense scores they get to go on defense and try to get a point. Games go to 5

SNHU Transition Drill

This drill can be run either 3on3 or 4on4. Start with shooters in the four corners (two at each end and on either side) Select two team of either 3 or 4 players. Start with either a or possession and go full court 3on3 or 4on4. Once the ball crosses half court they are to pass it up to the shooters in the corners, who are to take the shot. If the offense gets the rebound they keep going, if offense score defense takes the ball out of bounds going the other way, play full court defense. If defense gets rebound go the other way. Score by rebound or defensive stop. Can also have corner shooters be passers and work on transition.

3 on 3 Defensive Game

The Drill: Play half-court, man-to-man defense at all times. Coaches referee. Points are scored only by the defense. The defense gets one point whenever they stop the offense and get possession either by a defensive rebound, a steal, a forced turn-over, forced bad pass, etc. The idea is for the defensive team to stay on the floor as long as they can, because it's the only way you can accumulate points.

No points are awarded for baskets made. However, if the offense scores, then the defensive team must leave the floor and the offense now becomes the defense (enabling them a chance to accumulate points), and a new team comes out on offense. Also, if the offense commits a turnover, or fails to score, they must leave the court and a new team comes out on offense. So there is always a penalty for failure... the team who fails (whether offense or defense) must leave the floor.

If the defense commits a foul, this also results in them being kicked off the court and the offense now becomes the defense and a new team comes out on offense.

Pick a set number of points – the first team to obtain that score wins



Tug of War

Pair your players up I groups of two. Each pair will have a basketball. Have each player grab the basketball with two hands and have each player try to tear the ball out of the hands of the other player.

Do this drill for about two minutes

Ball in the Middle

Have he players pair up in groups of two. Have the pair’s line up around the center court circle, with one player inside the circle and their partner outside the circle. The player inside the circle faces their partner who is outside the circle. Place one basket ball in the center of the circle. On the coaches whistle the player on the outside of the circle try to get the ball and the player on the inside boxes out their partner. The drill goes until one of the offensive players gets the ball.

Do this drill for about two minutes

Butt to Butt

Have the entire team line up around the center court circle. Take any two players and have them go into the center of the circle. Have the players turn back to back and get down in defensive position. On the coaches whistle the two players need to try to push the other layer out of the circle with only touching their butts. (just like a Sumo wrestling match)

Make sure that you explain to the players that the lower the more power each player will have. Have all players try to go up against each other.

Do this drill for about two minutes.

Rip it

Have each player get a ball and either get a basket or you can use the wall. Have each player toss the ball off the back board, or wall. When they go up for the rebound, have them do a 6” “rip” with the ball. Be sure to tell them to “chin” the ball. A 6” “rip” means to grab the ball with two hands and pull the ball away from the basket quickly as if pulling the ball out of an opponent’s hands. To “chin” the ball means to pull the ball to your chin with your elbows out so the protect the ball from being stolen.

Do this drill for about two minutes.


Around the World Rebounding

Description 5-6 players line up around the 3 point arc, with one player in the middle. This drill is great for practicing closeouts, rebounding conditioning, and mental and physical toughness. Instructions Five or six players line up around the 3 Point arc. One player is in the middle (In the lane area) with a basketball. The man in the middle passes the ball to the first player around the arc and closes out on him in a good defensive stance. The offensive player has 2-3 dribbles to take the ball to the basket, shoot a pull-up jumper, or shoot a 3-point shot. Once the shot is taken, the defensive player blocks out and attempts to hustle after the rebound. The offensive player also goes for the rebound (if offense gets it they put back). The one on one goes on until the defensive player gets the rebound, even if the offensive player makes the basket. Good offensive rebounders can often get from 5-10 rebounds. There are no fouls or out of bounds, so it gets very rough. The defensive player is finished when they go through each player. Then the next player will go with the defensive player going to the end of the line around the arc.

Weave Blockout

Description: Have the player get in three lines at half court (just like doing three man weave). The player in the middle has the ball. He passes the ball to the person to the right as they move down the floor to the basket, the person on the right pass to the person on the left. After one set of passes, person who started the drill will become the shooter on the wing. The person on the right will be on the left side outside the lane as an offensive player. The person on the left becomes the defensive player guarding the offensive player on the left. The defensive player must have good defensive positioning. The player with the ball shots the ball and the defensive player then must block his offensive player out and get the ball.


Description This drill is called "war" because it is a very physical rebounding drill in which the whole team will be involved. Instructions Separate your big guys and your guards on each end of the court. Use one ball on each side. The drill begins with the first three players in the key. Coach will throw the ball up and it now becomes one on one on one. When a player scores, he goes to the end of the line. The next player comes in and the drill continues. You only get to leave the key after you make a shot. Make sure that when the player who has the ball puts it up fast, do not let them dribble around and take bad shots.


Weakside Offensive Rebounding

Set up one player on the wing with the ball and two players on the opposite wing/post. One of them players on the opposite wing/post is defense and one is offense. The player with the ball takes a shot and the offensive player on the opposite wing/post makes a jab step to the baseline and spins into the middle for the rebound or jab steps to the middle and spin towards the baseline for the rebound. Rotate players through.

Have the defense play soft at first the pick it up on the second pass through.

5 on 5 War

The drill starts with the coach shooting the ball and both offense and defense fighting for the rebound. Even if the shot goes in, they will fight for the rebound. If the offense gets the rebound they play until they get a shot, if the shot goes in the offense gets 1 point. If the defense gets the rebound they go to the other end and try to score, if they score they get 1 point. If the offense gets the rebound or the defense scores, the offense comes back down to their original basket and tries to score again. If they score they get 1 point, if the defense gets a steal, causes a turnover or get the rebound, the drill stops. So for each “turn” the offence has the chance to get 2 points and the offence can get 1 point. Have the offense and defense change after each “turn”.

The “War” is won when one team has scored 5 points, the trick is each team only has 10 seconds to score before it is a turnover. The 10- second clock starts when one team has crossed the half court line.

Team Box Rebounding Drill

Place one player on offense from one team in each of the four spots on the court – right block, left block, right elbow and left elbow. Match a defensive player to the 4 offensive players. Place three shooter at the right wing, left wing and top of key. The drill starts with the players rotating in a counterclockwise movement around the key (players on the right block move to the left block, left block moves to left wing, left wing moves to right wing and right wing moves to right block). This motion will continue until one of the shooters take a shot. The defense must stay in good defensive position and once the shot goes off they will must block-out and go get the rebound. If the offense gets the rebound they will make a move and shot, if the defense gets the rebound they will outlet to one of the shooters and the drill continues to move in a counterclockwise movement. Change offense for defense after 10 shots.



Start with three players in the paint and 3 players on the perimeter as shooters/passers. When the shot goes up the three players in the paint will fight for the rebound. The players that gets the rebound has two options, make a move to the basket and try to score or pass back out to one of the shooters/passers and then post up for a return pass in order to try to score. The players get 1 point for a rebound, running down and gaining possession of a loose ball, scoring a basket or gaining possession passing back out and scoring after post up. The first player to 5 points is out and a new player steps in. Drill continues until everybody has scored 5 points.

Two Man Volleyball

Pair the players up and each pair has a basketball. Place one player on each side of the basket, on the coaches command the player with the ball will toss the ball off the backboard to the other player who will jump and toss it back before his feet touch the floor. The player who tossed the ball first will do the same and toss the ball back before his feet touch the floor. Repeat for a determined number of tries or until a players feet touch the floor.

3on3 Close out – baseline

Form 3 lines along the baseline. Place the first player in each line out at the 3- point line (offense) and the next player in line will position themselves at approximately 1 foot from the baseline (defense). The coach will have a ball and will take a shot. On the shot the offense will attack the basket and the defense will block out for the rebound. Rotation – Defense to offense, offense to the end of the line.

3on3 Close out – line

Place three players out side the 3 point line (offense) and have three players form a line in the center of the key (defense). The coach will have a ball and will take a shot. On the shot the offense will attack the basket and the defense will block out for the rebound. Be sure to not allow the defense to select their player until after the shot has been taken, this will force them to have to communicate better. Rotation – Defense to offense, offense to the end of the line.

3on3 Close out – circle

Place three players out side the 3 point line (offense) and have three players form a circle in the center of the key (defense). The defense will begin by walking in a clockwise motion. The coach will have a ball and will take a shot. On the shot the offense will attack the basket and the defense will block out for the rebound. Because the defense is moving on a circle they will have to communicate on the


shot for who is blocking out whom. Rotation – Defense to offense, offense to the end of the line.

4on4 Close out – paint

Place four players out side the 3 point line (offense) and have four players placed on the four corners of the key/lane (defense). The coach will have a ball and will take a shot. On the shot the offense will attack the basket and the defense will block out for the rebound. Be sure to not allow the defense to select their player until after the shot has been taken, this will force them to have to communicate better. Rotation – Defense to offense, offense to the end of the line.

5on5 Close out – paint

Place five players out side the 3 point line (offense) and have five players placed in the key/lane (defense). The coach will have a ball and will take a shot. On the shot the offense will attack the basket and the defense will block out for the rebound. Be sure to not allow the defense to select their player until after the shot has been taken, this will force them to have to communicate better. Rotation – Defense to offense, offense to the end of the line.

1on1 Help Blockout

Place one player on the wing an offensive player on the opposite block and a defensive player guarding the offensive players on the block. The coach will have the ball at the top of the key. The defensive player will be playing deny defense , the coach will pass the ball to the player on the wing. On the pass the defense will switch to help defense. The player on the wing will attack the basket, the defensive player will move to stop the offense from scoring a lay-up, but will allow a jump shot. On the shot the defensive player must retreat to his original player and box out for the rebound.

Rebound Game

Divide the team into 4 teams of 3 players each. Have team 1 and 3 wear the same colored jerseys and team 2 and 4 wear the same colored jerseys. Start with team 1 on defense and team 2 on offense. Teams 3 and 4 are waiting their turns at the half court line. Team 1 will stay on defense for as long as they maintain control of the rebound and team 2 will stay on offense until they gain control of the rebound. For every rebound the team gets 1 pint, if the offense scores or is fouled during the shot they get 2 points. After team 2 gains control of the rebound and/or scores team 1 move to the end of the line and team 2 becomes the new defense and team 3 becomes the new offense. Run the drill for a set score or time limit.


4 on 3 Rebound

4 offensive players on the perimeter - 3 defensive players shoulder to shoulder in the paint under the basket and the 4th defender out of bounds under the basket Coach passes to one of the offensive players and they pass around the perimeter - defense works on shell drill & how to jump to the ball & defend biggest threat On command from coach a player shoots and the 3 defenders box out - player guarding shooter cannot box out shooter - 4th defender boxes out the shooter

Michigan State War

This is a 5-on-5 drill, so divide the team into two squads. One team starts out on defense with all five players in the paint area... two at the blocks, two at the elbows and one at the free-throw line. The offensive team starts with all five players on the perimeter arc, or you can put them in a 1-3-1 set with three perimeter players, one at the high post and one in the short corner. Optionally, you can vary the offensive setup according to what you expect your next opponent will play. Running the Drill: The coach, an assistant or a manager will shoot the ball up from somewhere at the 12-17 foot range. The defenders must each find a man to box out. The defender must "find" his/her man and go make contact ("hit") before going for the ball. The offensive players (except the point guard) all crash the boards for the rebound and immediately look to score if they get the rebound. If the offense seems to be taking too long to shoot, or if someone yells "set it up", start over with the coach taking another shot. If the defense gets the rebound, they immediately look for the outlet pass and run your fast break. Once they get the ball up the floor, they too can go for any offensive rebound off a missed shot. Once the defense gets the rebound, the drill is over. Reset (as in the diagram) and the coach takes another shot to re-start the drill. Rules and Pointers: Rebound everything, including made shots. Go after every loose ball, even if it is out-of-bounds (there is no out-of-bounds in this drill). Allow a certain amount of physical play... this is "war". This obviously depends on the age group you are working with. Let it be aggressive and physical, but keep it under control so that no tempers flare and no-one gets injured. No "dirty play" is allowed. Make sure the defensive players are using good boxing-out technique (see Rebounding). Do not allow flagrant pushing or holding... if fact you can call a foul if this happens, and then reset again. Scoring: Award 1 point for a made basket. Award 1 point for defensive rebounds, 2 points for offensive rebounds, and 1 point for steals. Subtract 1 point for a turnover or a foul (but again "let them play" as much as you can). You can run the drill for 10 minutes, giving each team 5-minutes on defense and 5-minutes on offense. Or you can play to a score of 15. Losers run.


NBA – No Baby’s Allowed

Set team up into 2 separate teams. Place two lines under the basket and two line at the elbow. Each team makes lines at each of these points. Coach shoots and the team under the basket needs to box out the team at the elbow. Scoring can only happen with an offensive rebound and/or score after and offensive rebound. After the defense gets the rebound the teams change lines and the drill continues for a set number of points. There are no fouls or out of bounds. If the ball goes through the basket it is still the same, whichever team gets the ball gets the point



No Dribble Drill

5 on 5, each team must move the ball around without dribbling, Force the offense to pick and move without the ball.

3 Man Rotate

Set up two players on the wings and one player at the point with defense. Place 2 post players at the low post without defense. The point passes to one of the wing players who have to get open by v-cutting. Once the point passes he cuts through the lane and goes to the opposite wing, using the post player as a . The wing that did not get the pass replaces the point. The wing that got the pass passes back to the point who reverses the ball to the original point who just came off the low post screen for a jump shot.

Start with defense playing weak and then step up the defense. Make the offense read the defense and work on backdoor cuts.

Pass and Screen Away

Set up two wings and one point. The point passes to one of the wings and screens the opposite wing. The wing the makes one of the following moves, replace point, curls and go to basket, backdoor and go to basket. Start without defense then add defense. Stress setting up the defense.

4 on 4 on 4 Army Style

Divide your team into 3 teams of 4 players. Give them different colored pennies or shirts. To start the drill one team lines up across the half court line. Two players from another team are at one end defending one basket while 2 players from the third team are defending the other basket. The remaining players are standing out of bounds at half court. The team staring the drill can go toward either basket creating at first a 4 on 2 situation. As soon as the ball reaches the half court, the 2 players at half court must sprint and get one foot into the center circle and then head to the basket to help their teammates. If the defense gets a rebound, they proceed toward the other end of the court with the original offensive team playing pressure defense until they get to half court. When the ball crosses half court line the 2 players from the team at the other end of the court sprint and get one foot in the center circle and go to help their teammates. Go until one team score 5. If the offense scores the defense must take the ball out of bounds. This drill can be done with 3 on 3 on 3 as well.


Wing moves

First have the players execute a good V-cut. Be sure that they understand that they need to work on either stepping over the player, stepping behind the player or cut and cut back to get open on the wing. The first three times have the players only catch, pivot, square up and put the ball in the pocket. Be sure that they are using their inside foot and that they look at the basket every time. The next three times they will execute a drive move to the basket either to the middle or to the baseline, be sure to have them shot a lay-up ad a jump shot (for a total of 6 lay- ups and 6 jump shots). Add a rocker step, fake after rocker step and fake into a jump shot as well.

After a while add defense so that the offense has to work for the ball and for their shot.

4 on 4 on 4 half court

Divide your team into 3 teams of 4 players. Give them different colored pennies or shirts. One team is out of bounds, one team is on offense and one team is on defense. There are no out of bounds for rebounds, however turnovers count as a lost of turn on offense. If the offense scores they stay on and the new defense comes on the floor as the old defense comes off the floor. If the defense gets the rebound they become offense and the offense gets off the floor and a new defense comes on. After either a score or a rebound the ball must be passed to the coach before the offense can attack the basket again. The new defense must hustle on the floor and communicate as to who they are guarding. Play until 10, which ever team gets to 10 first wins. Can add points of emphasis if you want. If you want to emphasize boxing out than a team that does not box out must exit the floor, it might be setting a screen and if the offense does not set a good screen they loose their turn. Can emphasize anything you want.

Olympic Drill

Form 2 teams of 5 or 6 or more players. Line them up on either side of the court at where the half court line meets the side line. The drill runs like a regular game. On made baskets the ball needs to be inbounded and on misses, outlet it and go. Start with 2 defensive (Red) players guarding a basket and three offensive (Blue) players starting at the other basket. Once the offense (Blue) crosses half court 2 (Blue) defensive players must go and defend the opposite basket. When the offense (Blue) crosses the half court they get three pass or one shot before one more defender (Red) can come onto the floor( which will make it 3 on 3). On a shot or on the 3rd pass the 3rd defender (Red) comes onto the floor, if the offense (Blue) scores the defense (Red) becomes offense and must inbound the ball against the now defense (Blue) who is pressuring the inbounds pass. The new offense (Red) must get the ball past half court at which time they will be going 3 on 2 against the two defenders (Blue) that 26

came into the drill after the original offense crossed half court. The original offensive (Blue) players get off the floor and two new defenders (Red) will come on to defend their basket as soon as the offense (Red) crosses half court. Just like the first time either after 3 passes or a shot a third defender/outlet will come onto the court.

Pass to Post drill

Form two lines with guards/wings at the top of the three ppoint line. Line 1 will pass and pick down and line 2 will pass Form two lines under the basket with post/forwards. Line 1 will be offense and line 2 will be defense.

Ball starts above the three point line on left or right wing. Wing passes to the opposite wing and then runs down and sets a solid pick for the low post on the low block Post players rotates to top of key for shot or across baseline for lay-up.; Start with “weak” defense and then have the defense play harder. Can add defense on the wings as well. Once the defense has started to play harder make sure that the offense understands all of there options and that they must read what the defense has done to react to the pick.


Break team up into two lines, each line located at the junction of the half court line and the side line. Place 2 defenders at each end of the floor and select three players to start as offense. The drill starts with the three offensive players going 3 on 2 against one of the 2 defenders. If the defense grabs a rebound or forces a turnover the defensive player who secures the ball will start by out letting the ball to one of the two players in the front of the lines that are at half court and along with the other player that was in the front of the opposite line they will go 3 on 2 the other way. If one of the offensive players scores than they will be the one who outlets the ball to one of the players at half court and they will be the three going 3 on 2 the other way. Once the ball is going the other way two players must stay on the floor to play defense and the balance of the players will go get into the lines at half court. Options – add restrictions to the offense – no dribbles after half court, 3 dribbles only, no turnovers for the team for a select period of time.

Army with 3rd defender

This drill is the same as Army except with the following twist. When setting up the lines assign a basket for each line to defend (example – the right side of the floor is responsible for defending the North end and the left side is responsible for defending the South end) 27

At the start of the drill instead of start the offense at the half court line they will start at the opposing foul line. Once all of the offensive players cross the half court line a player from the line that is responsible for defending the basket that is being attacked will sprint and get one foot into the center circle and then head to the basket to help their teammates defend their basket. If the defense gets a rebound or forces a turnover, they proceed toward the other end of the court with the original offensive team playing pressure defense until they get to half court . After the new offensive teams crosses half court 2 new defenders need to come onto the floor to defend their basket and a 3rd defender will sprint and get one foot into the center circle and then head to the basket to help their teammates defend their basket just like the other side.

3 on 2 Half Court

Set 5 players around the perimeter outside the three point line. The ball starts in the corner. The ball is passed around the perimeter as fast as you can. Once it gets to the last spot (the opposite corner is started in) it turns into a 3 on 2 match- up. Alternating the positions; offense, defense, offense, defense, offense. No one can move until the ball has reached the last players hands. The number involved in the drill can vary and you can add things or alter the drill to work on something specific.

Ontario Drill

The team lines up along the sideline starting at half court. The coach tosses the ball and the first two players in line fight for it and then plays 1 on 1. As soon as one of the players score the next player in line sprints to the center court and runs back to play defense on the opposite end as the first two players who played 1 on 1 come back up the floor for 2 on 1. As soon as the offense scores or the defense gains possession two more players will sprint to the center circle and they play 3 on 2. Once one of the two defense players gain possession or the offense scores the two defenders play 1 on 1 the other way and the drill starts all over again.

Continuous 3on3

Form three lines at half court with the lines facing one of the end lines. The first player in each line is on defense and the next player in each line will be on offense. The tow teams will go 3 on 3 to the basket they are facing. Once either the offense scores or the defense gets a steal or rebound, all members of that team will clear out to the 3-point line, the other team will get off the floor and the next players in each line will become the new defense. So if the first defense team were to get a rebound that team will clear out to the 3-point line and become the new offense. The original offensive team will get off the floor and a new team (the next players in line) will come on the floor and play defense. The original offensive players will get back into one of the lines at half court and play continues.


Around the Chair

Place two chairs/cones at the half court line, one of them located at the junction of the half court line and the sideline and the other about 2-4 feet away towards the center circle. Form two lines on the baseline with each line inline with the chairs/cones you just placed at the half court line. The line closest to the sideline will have a ball in it. On the coaches command the first two players in each line will sprint/dribble to the cones, go around the cones and then go 1on1 back to the basket. Teach the offense to go straight to the basket and teach the defense to get back as fast as possible and defend and/or take a charge.

Celtic Drill

Break the team up into two groups. The 1st group will be located on the baseline under the basket. The 2nd group will be located at foul line extended. The ball is in the 1st line and the player will toss the ball off the backboard and get the rebound. The first player in the 2nd line will cut to the ball calling “outlet” and receive a pass form the rebounder and dribble the length of the floor and shot a lay-up at the other end. After the pass the rebounder will sprint to the opposite foul line, turn around and head back down the floor. The player that shot the lay- up will get his own rebound, take one dribble and make a baseball pass to the player running back down the floor who will take it in for a lay-up. After making the baseball pass the player will sprint down the floor and get the rebound before it touches the floor.

4 on 4 (or 5 on 5) Transition Drill

Form 4 or 5 lines under the basket. Have the first players in each line, line up along the foul line extended (defense), across from the players lined up on the baseline (offense). The coach will have a ball and will pass to one of the offensive players standing on the baseline. On the pass the defensive player who is directly across from the offensive player that the coached passed to will run and touch the baseline while the other players both offense and defense run down the floor either 4 on 3 or 5 on 4. Once the defensive player touches the end line he will sprint back down the floor to help his team on defense. After score or defensive rebound have the offense and defense change and go back the other way. Other options are for the coach to number the defensive players 1-4 or 1-5 and either call one or two numbers and the player(s) number who was called will run and touch the baseline. The rest of the drill is the same.

2on1 – 5on5

Break the team up into two teams of 5 and start with two players from one team on offense and one player from the other team on defense, the drill will start with these three players going 2on1. Send the three other players from the offensive team the other end of the floor and stand out of bounds and the other four players 29

from the defensive team will be positioned out of bounds at the end that the players are playing 2on1. After the defensive player gets a rebound or the offense scores, two more players from the defense will come on the floor and they will become offense going 3on2 the other way. Once either the offense scores or the defense gets a rebound, two more players will come onto the floor and go 4on3 the other way. Once either the offense scores or the defense gets a rebound, two more players will come onto the floor and go 5on4 the other way. Once either the offense scores or the defense gets a rebound, two more players will come onto the floor and go 5on5 the other way. After the teams are at 5on5 you can either allow them to scrimmage for awhile or start the drill over.

2 on 8 Press Break

Pair the players up into equal pairs (talent wise). Break the length of the floor into quarters, 1st quarter is from the baseline to the foul line, 2nd quarter is from the foul line to the half court line, 3rd quarter is from the half court line to the other foul line and the 4th quarter is from the other foul line to the other baseline. Place one pair of players in each quarter, where they are not allowed to leave their quarter until the coach moves tells them to move. The players in the 4 quarters are defense, tow other players will try to get the ball all the way down the length of the floor, while the players in each quarter try to stop them by playing good defense. The offense will need to move without the ball to get open so that their teammate can pass them the ball as they move down the floor.

No Dribble Break

Set three players up in a circle at the top of the key. Have the players start walking counterclockwise in a circle. The coach will have a ball standing on the baseline. On the coaches command the players will star to break to the outlet lanes and the coach will pass the ball to one of the players. The players go down the floor passing the ball to each other without dribbling. Need to stress communication among the players and good passes. No overhead passes or lobs, look for bounce passes. Can add 2 defenders at the other end so that it is 3on2.

4 on 4 on 4

Divide the team into 3 teams of four players each. Place one team at each end of the floor and the 3rd team at center court. The team at center court will go 4 on 4 against one of the teams under the basket. If the offense scores they will take the ball out of bounds and the defense will apply pressure until the offensive team gets to half court then eth other team will take over on defense. If the defense gets a rebound they will take the ball down the floor with the offense changing to defense and putting pressure on the new offense until half court. The play will continue for either a set time or until a team scores a pre-determined amount of baskets.


Illinois Transition – 3 man weave with 2 sprinters – 3on2 back

Regular 3 man weave with 2 lines at the sidelines. With the 3 man weave going down the floor 2 players are sprinting down the sidelines (1 each side). The sprinters touch the end line and sprint back to play defense. The 3 players running the weave bring the ball back down and go 3 on 2. the player who shoots the ball fills the lane, the player that makes the last pass becomes the outlet and the other player takes the ball out of bounds and fills the opposite lane.

2 on 1 Transition

Two offensive players are on the block – one defender with the ball is at the foul line – defender passes to one of the offensive players and turns and sprints to half court and turns around to play defense – offense goes 2 on 1 full court. Can go 2 on 2 as well with the 2nd defender located on the end line – 2nd defender takes off as soon as the offensive player catches the ball. Can go 3 on 3 as well with 2nd defender under basket on end line and 3rd defender in corner on end line – 3rd offensive player is in the opposite corner on the end line. T.P. – defense needs to communicate and stop ball before the 3-point line – stunt/fake to make the offense pass – offense needs to stay wide – advance the ball and move the ball quickly.

4 on 5 Scramble

Similar to 4on4+1 except full court – 4 defenders play defense (like zone with pressure on the ball at all times) with the 5 defender at the other end under basket – 5 offensive players attack and try to score – once defense gets steal, rebound or offense scores they go the other way – need to get back on defense to guard 5th player – go up and back before restart

Progressive Drill – Full Court

Set up with 1 at top of key, 2 on wing, 3 on other wing, 4 at elbow and 5 taking the ball out – on break 1 runs to right wing, 2 runs the right lane, 3 runs the left lane, 4 runs to opposite elbow and 5 trails – 1 advances to 2 – once 4 gets to the opposite elbow he dives to the opposite low block for pass from 2 for lay-up – 4 takes the ball out – 1 runs to the right wing, 3 runs the right wing, 2 runs the left wing, 5 runs to the opposite elbow and 4 passes the ball in – 1 advances to 3 – once 5 gets to the opposite elbow he dives to the opposite low block – same going back except 2 takes a jump shot – go back again and 3 takes a jump shot and go back a last time for 4 shooting a lay-up again. Must make/take 5 shots in 60 seconds. Can also just have 4 and 5 shoot lay-ups with them making 4 lay-ups in 40 seconds.


Offensive Game

Set up into two teams - the way to score points is to score on offense - if the defense gets a stop they go on offense - need to set different rules based on what you need to address - i.e. must run a certain offense, must make a certain number of passes before a shot, add a 6th defender who will trap the ball after the first pass is made, add fast break with a 6th player out of bounds with the ball and when the defense gets a rebound they drop the ball and take off to the other end. Include a scoring system -5 points for turnovers, + 1 point for a basket, + 3 points for charging foul, -2 points for a foul, + 2 points for an offensive rebound


Shooting Drills:

5 Spot Catch & Shoot

A continuous shooting, rebounding and passing drill that gets players quality repetitions of jump shots at game speed. Instructions - Start with a shooting line in the corner, approximately 15 feet from the basket, and a rebounding line on the block opposite the shooting line. Divide players evenly into each line, placing the extra player in the rebounding line if there is an odd number. Start with one ball in the rebounding line. The first shooter presents a target to the rebounder with the ball, who snaps a crisp chest pass to the target then runs to the back of the shooting line. As the ball is in flight, the shooter jump stops into the pass, being sure to land evenly on both feet. He then takes a jump shot and moves to the back of the rebounding line. The next rebounder catches the ball and snaps a chest pass to the next shooter. Rotate to the five primary spots (corner, wing, top of key, wing, corner) every minute or two. Tips - --Show the jump stop prior to introducing the drill --Emphasize proper rebounding positioning and raising the arms with each shot --Encourage a quick release, but make sure the shooter "freezes" after the shot --Emphasize the importnace of throwing good passes --Make sure players replace each other in the same direction (i.e., players always go to the left when they change lines in order to avoid collisions) Variations - --Start with one ball on the first two or three days, but work your way up to two or three for more reps --Require the players to make a number of shots before rotating and have two groups compete to see which one completes the rotation first --Make players run if the rebounders allow the ball to bounce more than once

Shooting off a screen

Instructions - One player is a passer, located at the top of the key. The second player starts at the opposite elbow and cuts off a screen on the block. Player one passes to player two. Player three after setting the screen rolls to the basket for the rebound or pass-out after a make. Player two will return to the elbow after his shot is taken. Tips - Player coming off the screen should be shoulder to shoulder. After catching the ball square up for the shot. Roller should open up to the ball and get to the opposite side of the rim.


Shooting Game

Instructions Make two lines of players at the half court corners with a coach at center court. Each player at the front of the line has a ball. The coach yells go. Each player attempts a long 3 point shot. The first player to score a three pointer gets 5 points for his team. If both players miss, they must rebound their shots and attempt a shoot from the foul line. The first player to score gets 3 points for his team. If both players miss again, they must rebound their balls and the first player to score a lay-up gets one point for his team. Once either player scores, each player must pass the ball back to the next player in line and the drill continues. The game is great fun for the players and the scores get real high real fast which the kids love. Also a team that is getting smoked can catch up quickly with a couple of 5 pointers. The pressure comes from trying to take a good shot but before your opponent can get his shot off. When both players have missed the 5 point and 3 point shot and race to the basket for the token lay-up it gets real frantic and a lot of fun. Continue the drill for either a set time frame or set number of points.


Good shooting drill with some competition. Make two teams each team has to make the following:

15 - lay-ups (must start from the three point line, sometime half court) 10 - jump shots from the elbow 5 - three pointers 1 - half court shot.

The team shots all shots in order so that not just one –player is making all if the shots. The team must maintain it’s order.

Shooting in traffic

Guards/Split Drill - Two defenders stand across from one another about two feet apart at the basket. The offensive player will drive to the basket and “split” the defenders, jump stop and power lay-up or jump shot. The defenders try to strip the ball away as the offensive player goes to the basket.

Post/Two on One Put Back – The offensive player stands between two defensive players on one block while the coach throws the ball over the rim off the backboard (from the other side) The offensive player will (between the two defenders) will go up and get the rebound and will shot a lay-up. The two defenders will bump the offensive player on the way up to the basket. The offensive player will learn to keep the ball above his head and go up strong.


Laker Shooting Drill

Divide into two equal team, with each team starting at the elbow. You shot you get your own rebound and pass it back to your teammate. First team to 10 wins and you must win by two and if you get up by 3 at anytime the game is over and you get one game. Then move the two teams to the corner and start all over again. This time it the first team to seven and the rules are the same again. The team that wins gets a game. The last spot is at the three point line. This time it the first team to 5 wins and the rules are the same. This segment is worth 2 wins, so if a team is down by two they can still win this segment and force a tie-breaker back at the elbow where you shot for 10 points again just like the first time.

Celtic Shooting drill

Split the team into 3-4 players at 6 baskets. Put two minutes on the clock to complete the drill One player will be shooting and one of the other players, at the basket, will rebound for that player and then they will all rotate through First shooter starts at the baseline (must make 2 shoots before moving to the next spot) Move to the wing (make 2 shots) Move to the free throw line (make 2 shots) Move to the top of the key (make 2 shots) Move to the opposite wing (make 2 shots) Move to the opposite baseline (make 2 shots) The first person to complete all of the shots wins and the next player will shoot. This is a competitive drill between the players shooting each round. Winners get out of sprints and losers run.

X Drill

Two lines are formed outside the 3 point line free line extended. Two balls in each line, one line the balls will be in the first two players and the other line the two balls will be in the 2nd and 3rd player’s hands. The first player in the line without the ball will curl off the opposite elbow and receive a pass from the other line and continues to the basket for a hard lay-up. After the pass is made that person cuts to the other block and receives a pass from the other line for a lay-up. Once the player takes his lay-up he passes the ball back to the line that passed it to him. This continues until the team makes 20 lay-ups. The shot can also be taken from the elbow and three point line.

Ball on the Block

Divide the team into pairs of 2 or 3 players per group. Each group will have two basketballs. Each group will be stationed at a basket and have then place the balls on the blocks. One player will position himself with his back to the basket and 35

the ball between his legs on the floor. On the coaches command he will bend down pick up the ball, make a hard drop step to the basket and shot. After he shots he will go to the other side of the key and repeat the move from the other side. At the same time his partner will rebound and replace the ball back on the block. The players will continue this for a set period of time or until the shooter makes a set number of shots, which ever you want.

2 Line Under the Basket

Form two lines under the basket, one line at each lane to the key. Put one ball in the front of one line and one ball in the 2 player in the other line. The coach will position himself in the middle of the key approximately 1 foot in front of the basket. On the coaches command the player without the ball will run around the coach and catch a pass from the player with the ball and shot a lay-up. After the player passes the ball he will run around the coach and catch a pass from the 2nd player in the other line and shot a lay-up. After each player shots they get their own rebound and pass it back to the line that passed him the ball. Continue this movement from side to side for a select time frame or until a set number of shots are made.

Team Shooting Challenge

Divide the team into two groups, each group will be at a basket with one ball per group. Have all of the players arrange themselves around the perimeter with one player located under the basket as a rebounder and a ball with one of the players on the perimeter. On the coaches command the player with the ball will shot a jump shot, the player under the basket will rebound and pass to the player next to the player that just shot. The player that shot will replace the player that rebounded the ball and the rebounder will take the place of the first shooter. This motion will continue from player to player around the perimeter. Each team is shooting at the same time and keeping track of the number of shots they make. This drill is run for a predetermined amount of time, the team with the most wins the loser run.

45 Second Drill

Divide the team into groups of 3 with each group at a basket and one ball per group. Player 1 stands under the basket, player 2 stands at the foul line and player 3 stands in the right wing. Player 1 rebounds all shots and pitches out to player 2. Player 2 passes to player 3 after he makes a V-Cut to get open. After player 3 receives the pass from player 2 he squares up to the basket and shots a jump shot. Player 1 rebounds and the drill continues for 45 seconds as player 3 tries to make as many baskets as he can in 45 seconds. After 45 seconds the shooter becomes the rebounder the rebounder becomes the passer and the passer becomes the shooter. Options – Have player 1 run out at player 3 as he shots the jump shot, player 1 can not leave the paint until player 2 has passed to player 3. After player 1 has 36

run out to player 3 he will replace player 2 at the top of the key and player 2 will rebound the ball and pitches out to player 1. Player 2 will run out at player 3 as he shots the jump shot and the motion continues.

The DeBusschere Drill

Divide the team into 2 groups and have one group under one basket and the other group under the other basket. Place 2 managers/coaches at the half court line, approximately half way between the sideline and the edge of the center circle, one manager/coach facing each end. Each line will have a basketball. On the coaches command the players will pass the ball to the coaches that are facing towards them. They will sprint down the floor to the other end and the coach will pass/roll the ball ahead of them. The player will have to catch the ball, gather himself and shoot a lay-up. After he shoots his lay-up the next person in line will rebound and start going the other way by passing to the coach. This motion continues for a determined amount of time or made baskets. Be sure to go each way so that the players shoot with both hands.

Boston Series

Block Drill – Line the players up at the half court line with one player in the left hand corner of the court (junction of the baseline and sideline). The drill requires two balls, the first with the 2nd player in line and the second with the 3rd player in line. The first player in line will sprint down the center on the lane to the baseline; once he touches the baseline he will cut hard towards the right wing and receives a pass from the 2nd player as if he were coming off a screen from the low post. The player will then make one of 3 moves, lay-up towards the baseline, lay- up towards the middle and jump shot. (You can add as many different shots as you want). Once the player shoots he gets his own rebound and passes it to the player in the corner who will pass it back the line at half court. The rotation is as follows – once a player passes to a shooter they sprint to the baseline following the same path as the player before him, once a player rebounds and passes to the passer in the corner and he replaces the passer, once a player passes back to the starting line he goes to the end of the line and the drill continues. The drill is also run from the left with the passer in the right corner. Foul Line Drill – This drill is run very similar as the baseline drill except the line of players starts at the junction of the foul line extended and the 3-point line and the passer is still in the corner. The shooter is going to cut to the center of the lane at the baseline and make a hard cut back to the foul line where he will receive a pass and either take a hard drive to the right side for a lay-up, hard drive to the left side for a lay-up or take a jump shot (again you can add as many different shots as you want). The shooter will get his own rebound and pass to the passer in the corner. The rotation is the same as the baseline drill.


Half Court lay-ups – Explosion

Form a line at the baseline in the corner of the court. The players will dribble to the half court line with their outside hand (left hand on the right side and right hand on the left side) when they reach the half court line they make a dribble move (between the legs, behind the back, spin) and then explode to the basket for a lay-up. Try to get them to take a few dribbles as possible when they explode to the hoop.

Jump Shooting Drill

Divide the team into two lines with one at each elbow and each line has a basketball. On the coaches command one of the players will shot a jump shot and get his own rebound. After he rebounds he passes the ball back to the next player in the line he just shot from and then goes to the end of the opposite line. After the first player shots the first player in the second line will take a shot and get his own rebound and pass the ball back to the next player in the line he just shot from and then goes to the end of the opposite line. The drill continues for a set period of time.

Outlet, dribble and lay-up drill

Divide the team into two groups with two players from each group under a basket with a ball and the rest of the players from that group will be located at half court. On the coaches command the players with the ball will toss the ball off the back board and grab a rebound. On the rebound the players will pivot out of the paint and the first player in the line at half court will cut to the ball calling “outlet”. The rebounder will make an overhead pass and once the player receives the pass he will speed dribble to the other basket and make a lay-up. The other player under the basket will get the rebound, toss the ball off the backboard and star the drill all over. The rotation is for the shooters to become rebounders and the rebounders to go to the end of the shooters line.

Hit the trailer

Set one player on each wing and one player at the point along the foul line extended and another player under the basket with a ball. On the coaches command the player with the ball will pass it to the point and the three players along the foul line extended will transition down the floor with the passer trailing behind them. Once the point gets to the opposite foul line he will stop and pass to one of the wings and they will feed the trailer as he drives down the lane.

High Post Give and Go

Make three rows pf players, one row at the baseline and two rows at half court. The line to the right side of the floor will two balls in it. The first player in the line under the basket will flash to the high post and receive a pass from the first player 38

with a ball. The player in the opposite line will flash to the basket on the pass to the high post. Once the high post receives the ball he will turn, square up to the basket, get into triple threat position and make a pass to the player cutting to the basket for a lay-up. Rotation – High post goes to the line with the balls, passer goes to opposite wing and shooter goes to the line that flashes to the high post.

Larry Brown shooting

Just like 3 man weave with 2 shooters Instead on weaving – outlet pass dribble length of court lay-up – Fill lane – opposite player runs the length of floor for jumps shot Continue back and forth – go for 5 minutes and need to make 100


Foul Shooting Idea’s:

Four 1 and 1’s

Good free throw drill – Each player will shoot a 1 and 1. If they miss the first shot they have to run 4 sprints, if the miss the second shot they have to run 2 sprints and if they make both they do not run at all.

Team foul shooting:

Have all of the players gather at the end line or sideline and have each player take two foul shots. The goal is to make a certain percentage as a team, lets say 75%, or the team runs sprints their number of misses. For example if there are 12 players they will shoot 24 shoots and 18 are required to be made to reach 75% and to avoid running sprints. If the team only makes 15 than the team will run 9 sprints.

5 - 1 and 1 with running

After some conditioning have the players shot a series of 5 - 1 and 1. If the player misses the front end of the 1 and 1 they will run 3 sprints while dribbling the ball. If he misses the second shot of the 1 and 1 he runs one sprint while dribbling. If he makes both than no running. They will do this shooting with a partner and the partner will be shooting while the other is either watching or running.



Line Passing Set up two lines with 3-5 players in each line Have the two lines face each other and place one ball in the front of one of the lines The player with the ball makes a chest pass to the first player in the other line and clears to the right and goes to the end of the other line The player who received the pass makes a chest pass to the player who is now in the front of the other line and also clears to the right and goes to the end of the other line. This continues until every player has made two chest passes. Once everyone has made two chest passes, change the pass to a bounce pass and continue with the same rotation. Do this drill for chest passes, bounce passes and overhead passes

V-Cut – full court

Break the team up into four groups, 1st group on the baseline under the basket, 2nd group on the right sideline half way between the half court line and the foul line extended, 3rd group on the left sideline half way between the half court line and the opposite foul line extended and the 4th group across the floor from the 3rd group. The ball is in the first groups line. The first player will toss the ball off the backboard and get the rebound and pivot out of the paint at the same time the 1st player in the 2nd group executes a V-Cut and comes to the ball and receives an over head pass from the rebounder. As the 1st player in the 2nd group catches the pass the 1st player in the 3rd group is executing a V-Cut and comes to the ball and receives a chest pass from the player in the 2nd group. As the player from the 3rd group catches the pass the 1st player in the 4th group executes a V-Cut and cuts to the basket and receives a bounce pass from the player in the 3rd group and shot a lay-up. The players rotate from the 1st to the 2nd to the 3rd to the 4th to the 1st and the drill continues.

Shuffle Passing

Break the team up into groups of three players per group. Arrange the groups into a triangle formation and set two groups with the point of the triangle facing each other and one ball in one group. As one group passes to the other the passer will slide to his right to the lower right corner of the triangle, the player in the lower right corner will slide to his left to the lower left corner and the lower left corner will slide to the point and receive a pass from the point of the other group. The other group will rotate the same as the first group. The motion will continue. Change the type of passes, chest, bounce and overhead.


Pitch & Fill Drill

Break the team up into two groups. The 1st group will be located on the baseline under the basket. The 2nd group will be located at foul line extended. The ball is in the 1st line and the player will toss t6he ball off the backboard and get the rebound. The first player in the 2nd line will cut to the ball calling “outlet” and receive a pass form the rebounder. After the pass the rebounder will run the lane and the receiver will dribble to the opposite foul line and come to a jump stop and pass to the rebounder for a lay-up. After making the pass the passer will flash out to the wing and the shooter will get his own rebound and pass an outlet pass and fill the lane again going back the other way. Drill continues with the next two p[layers and the players change lines.

U-Mass Passing

Set the team up into two lines on the baseline under the basket. The ball is in one line and the players slide down the floor passing the ball back and forth. Once they reach the other end the player with the ball speed dribbles back and the other player sprints back and they get back in line. The second group starts after the first group gets to the half-court line.

Star Passing

Arrange the team in a “Star” formation with 5 points and put the ball in one of the lines. The passing goes from the 1st point to the 3rd point to the 4th point to the 2nd point to the 5th point and back to the 1st point. As the players pass they too will follow the pass and go from point to point, so the player at the 1st point will go to the 3rd pint and so on. Can add a 2nd ball if you want.

8 Man Passing

Arrange the team on one half of the court with 2 players on the baseline, 2 on each side line and 2 on the half court line for a total of 8 players. The lines should be across from each other, there are basketballs in opposing lines. The drill starts when the players pass the ball to their right. After passing the players must sprint across the floor and switch places with the players across from them. Can stretch this drill out by extending it to full court

3 Player Full-Court

Form 3 lines on the baseline under the basket. Put the ball in the middle. As the players slide down the floor the middle player passes to the players on the outside lanes who pass back and he pivots and passes to the other player in the other lane.


Can add 2 balls in the outside lanes and have the middle player simply pivot around as he slides down the floor catching passes and passing back to the players in the outside lanes.



Ball Scramble: Description Players start in a confined area. Each player has a ball. Instructions On command, everyone drops ball and runs to half court or bleachers, etc. and returns. While the players are running, coach removes one ball. Player without ball is out. With fewer players, start to reduce area.

Basketball Baseball Description A game of baseball incorporating the use of basketball skills. Instructions Set up with home plate in one of the corners of the gym. First base will be located up the side line at center court. Second along the center line about half way or a little further depending on age and ability of the players. And finally third would be positioned along the baseline. The batter is allowed to use any form of pass as a hit. They must then run all the bases before the fielding team makes a basket in the one located on same end as home plate. A fly ball or basket are the only ways to get a runner out. To keep the teams rotating through batting they are only allowed to go through the batting order once. This way both teams will get to bat and it will keep the game moving. Play as many innings as you like insuring that both teams have equal turns at bat. Tips This is a great way to add variety and fun to skills practice. The kids always seem to enjoy the break from doing drills and usually find it extremely fun. Batters running the bases are getting the benefits of sprinting. The players in the field will develop passing, dribbling, and have the opportunity of decision making.....will it be more beneficial to shoot, go in for a layup or will it be quicker to pass the ball in for a shot. This game usually goes over very well with the players. Variations Change the types of hits to chest or bounce passes but have the batters only run base by base as in baseball. A basket, dribbling to the base, or a pass to the base would dictate an out.

Head's Up: Instructions Minimum of two players spaced 5-8 feet apart (depending on age level). Each player has a basketball and one has a wiffle golfball or ping pong ball. Dribbling with you good hand (proper form required) you underhand pass the ping pong ball back and forth while dribbling. If you miss the ping pong ball dribble to get it and continue the drill. Switch to your off hand and continue drill (5-10 min drill total)


Learn How to Dribble Instructions Sit 4 or 5 players on bench with basketball. Instruct each player to rotate the name of the basketball toward them. Next- Bounce ball with two fingers ( fingers next to the thumb) rotating the name of the ball toward them. Next -Show each player the finger tip on their hand, coach will touch each players finger tips. Next- Take either hand and bounce the ball rotating the ball toward them. I call this backspin. Next- Stand players up, each player will dribble the basketball in front of their right or left foot. DO NOT dribble on either side of the foot. Dribble in front of the foot and say backspin. Next- Let each player walk down the court dribbling the ball in front of their foot and coach will say backspin-backspin, etc. When the players understand backspin, let pick up the speed on the court-Run. Tips Young kids think up and down when bouncing a ball. This drill will give them a better understanding. This drill works.

Shadow Defense: Instructions Set kids up in teams of two's. Designate one offense and one defense. Coach stands on the side, out of bounds, with the ball. Tell the kids on offence to try and get open for a pass. Tell the kids on defense to try and deny the pass. Do this for a while then get the offence and defense to switch.

Speed Lay-up Drill Description Coach times player for 1 minute; team counts aloud number of shots made and encourages player along the way. Instructions Player with a basketball stands to the right of the basket, coach says "GO" and player shoots a layup (using backboard) from right side... then miss or make goes to left side. She continues to alternate sides, team counts how many are made in one minute. Coach may decide to give stronger players 45 seconds, weaker players 1 minute +. Tips Discourage dribbling between shots... we don't want young players developing the bad habit of putting the ball down in the key. It enhances the skill of getting the rebound and putting it right back up. Variations Instead of alternating sides... Right side for one minute continuously. Left side for one minute.

Ultimate Basketball: Description Drill works on teamwork and passing and is similar to the game ultimate frisbee Instructions 45

Have two teams with an equal amount of players. Start off with a tip in the middle. The objective is to pass to your teammate and get the ball across the opposite baseline. The players cannot travel and cannot dribble emphasizing the different types of passes and pivoting as well as defense for the other players. Tips It is general suited for smaller kids who have not learned to shoot yet but want to play a game. I find with kids they learn to work as a team better because you cannot really rely on one person to do everything. Watch out for and dribbling since dribbling all the way to the other baseline is not part of the game. Variations You can add one or two dribbles, and every scored point is worth 2 and have them shoot a free throw after for one extra point.

Vision Passing Drill Description Many times when my players take the ball down the court. They think they can hit the open player unaware that an opposing player can cut the pass off easily. This drill will help with passing drills and court awareness and decision if when the pass can be made or not, also when not to travel Instructions On one base line form 3 lines (sideline, middle and opposite sideline) and on the opposite base line form 2 lines (on the right and left low post marks of the paint). Both ends commence at the same time and dribble and pass to each line without hitting the opposing lines coming the other way Tips Each base line runs at least 6 lengths (Coach's discretion) at game speed. Practice different passes e.g. bounce or chest They can dribble it but not progress at any time Make your players aware what is to be achieved: Correct passing to players on the move Whether the pass can be made without hitting the opposing line player in the head Do not progress Judge when the pass can be made