*——->*• "IF" *r ->

•WMHB l^MlYH iB Ml VOCATIONAL TEACHERS HOLD MEETING HERE cMAHON n» Ms sermon Sunday morning' T.iertrtertFriaiTi m CWvary Lutheran Ch«»»v tr Oraas Ha* Tntm*tttir Imln irwie Grocer •Pastor Bthrens stated that Cat' towwh »*»>•»< Wf«i *«M»r. FornwdByConiipiittw Set«on of Boy Official. Will vary Church had not taken any iford 8-1W0—o-loui otttdal action retarding Sunday, Mali High Spot of Boy a11 motion picture* - H« **M that he Announce Schertule of Trucks saw nothing to »t»nd tn tht way Th« Union County Voratlonkl and Week. E«h Day Ha. 8ir|| of anyone attending Sunday per- Arts AwKVlslkm m« at the Roosevtlt To Mnke Collection* of nificance, formance*, it he had done hl» Bchool Isrt Thunid»T afwmoon. Tlif R«f»m« «nr! LlHer Next Ifled.Ad. tn tills gaper An effort by the Chrutian duty In attending the »«thprln» wa« the lantMt of «« kind yn Week. d furniture for you. of the Board of ~ CulmlnaUng tbe obwrrance of Boy*' service* of his church and In held by the group, nearly 100 m»n btlnif meeting Monday night, to Week, ai planned by th* boys' work other way* given attention to the Sl' % rGOODkaZQCOs^LffVtsvODB ~ Qi ' tt th* Cranford Rotary Wont of Ood. n th* m»Mng. a dfll«hW«l CommlMtoni'r Frank MeCull- mood, supervising principal, Club, the local Boys' Township Oom- "Th* tuthpran Church," h« lumheon »•«« wrvfrt In the cafeteria'by ough wan plPftH- chairmaan of the gard to salary Increases for mittee will hold a public meeting next said, "has alway* opposed tpgaun- MIM lf»wl Kliunbury, dlrectw of honir Towmhln Clean liip Commllti* whtch caused spiritedI discussion which i PtWay evening. May i, at 1:15 o'clock tle 8abbatariani»m." ' We con- feoiiomtoj. ahly a»»ltM><1 by glrli frcm mrt TUMday evening In tlx> Townithln M in the failure of the In the township rooms. Committee cluded that tlw Christian ne*di the Tw«lnii clamfii In Roo»rv»lt Bchorti rtoflm», to make plant for Clean tip no bite law> and that thp mm-. resolution to give" til teachers heads of the Boy Township Oomtntttw 8srah lOrtmond. lh» sunorvlslni Week ni>*t w»»k. PrlnHpal Charles A increases of $75 each tor the ChrUMap It not marto an) better will present report* of various actlvl principal of omnfortt Wallac*. of the fllwrman school via school year.. tie* In all departments of townahh. •by Uwm, Schools, the BMorlathm dp»l*natp<| an secretary .. . ; In Its place, a resolution was passed government The public la cordially Cranforrt and^ pupwMpd iipr , ' granting.incrtasejLoI«50,175- ajidslOB IHirin* thp juttfeatloit of wny» and fo *lt^J^mmin£ amtjce **nVKdVl fofrr thp comcom- ' each to the same number of teachers, Biiy Frank Caraso Just how w*n the younger' generation lhpineml>en ot im» group of PitueMon, mittee to me ten men -and ihrer. *nf the amount to be based upon the ssl- grasps the details of municipal govern- e H. Johnston tlie-anpakmr'-nf thp attpvnmm wa» Ur. thp, lownuMilp trucks itiirlnn Clean (in .--".ary-:ratlpg ••'system:^ leumimpuleuW-fty menL Voeatlon , Miss Brtmohd Another resolution was Leading In Contest As a rMillt -nf elections held 'In thp Files al Rdurntloii at Nfw'.Vhfk'OniwfiiVy' work HuHns.thP. wlntKr will! b# Wrpit passed giving increases ofWOO each to high school, these boya will act an the on*t"f .the outstanding' leader* In Idam that thp clean tjp rsiiipalgn will hp . .all principals who. hare not reached members of the Towruhlp Committee. .fKld'..ln..|lia':.MaU.y>tf*-illai>umpd'ilif tln^rlth'otltfr' |il»n« of liiihtlc work - the maximum in "salaries.- 'The -teach- Gkrwood Youngster and Dil Christian Sotvriaen, mayor, by vlrliip fient Hlatu«_aml fMture of .Vwa- on tn rplle\i> imemploympnt ' ers' committee resolution which' was' of. recelvliuylhe largest plurality in the Cnrrirn Mndor»«tni>nt of.'Many llonal Acts Rdifrjittim." J*lTwi«»ii Kocp Neaf Top iti Hh'eet piiprrlntenHpnt. Frank IJium*r voted down made no provision for in- election; Woodrow. . Powell, Robert PPromineni t PPeople Including 'HIP ti-im "•«»«!...thp.jjiglv.. nmrtfOfctste the meeting, and for the committee. A, tUvU^H^ki. . - ,. „. —«' , hiHVip...rp- ' Leonard Roberts' brought the matter Rotary Int»rnatlonal tskp# a imdlmt whnorphlMrpn' In line ft IVJMJo" lath being carried on ln'lhe New Cranford iiinl Iniiirovpin'enta at thp. prewnt up for discussion. Be read the names part. Several other "agencies co-ctppr- «raitp«.. 'Ilie Jntitor l«)i (Wl tlinp, tn IPIIPVP nneniplbynipnt, "which .of the-teachers which: the committee MTheatre as the feature of Child W*I- ate with Rotary, but locally, the pro- Burrng«l«>•• J|. JolHMtnir'nr hm atlpiniilert to ilpal °|far» Month, three entries are closely program. In Iwlng sponwirp(l,.by nimwp" recommended engaging for the coming gram Is being arranged and will be Scotch Plalna thin morning by ottering putiloratory frtii^ trnm • Ihp Ontml Rellpf tommlttpp school year.--Mr. Roberts sta,ted he •j bunched for the leading poslUoC Ac carried on through th* boys'' «rork statemimr-'In which he fimnnlty an- by which tlw pniillniity 'rilsenvfr whPth- 1»fadPd By Mr*. Harry Polk, teachers' committee recommended that ''loordmg to the tally made at the thea- committee of the Rotary Club, Charles nounced lil« runiilitucv for thp pr or not hp haa thf aptltudn anri alill an Increase of 175 each be awarded to '-jtre this morning. Prank Caruso, Jr., Manchon Is chairman of the- com- llonn nomination nn mirrogale tn »w- ity to piiler tli« prorpMlonal n«UI or Hsitdullh, calling attwitton to clean each of the teachers and that the prin- son of jDffloer Prank C»ruso, of th»mittee, the other members of which ieed hlmw-lf. ttl» atatpnipht In as fo|-whether lie la heller tilled for mini* Up W«k (ui arotnmimlty Pltort, will be iwlnttriNand illatrlbutcd thmimh thp cipals and elementary supervisor—be iCranferd Police Department and Mrs. are: William PimllngrDr. BsmiiPl II. lowa: othermiltnble ooeii|Mtlim. 1«*rnso,tuui received the larftet sium- Hlnman, OeorfeXuts, Bmaniiel '" ~ Wri «»a rwplvM offered contracts .for the coming year from the Ihwlnpait MPn'a AMoelatlon at their present salaries. His motion ber of vote*, M25. Betty Jan* DITulllo os, Charles SklUmtn. Principal Ray'A ot) Tursday, May IB, IBSl niy iianie wiii lant Uf makp provlmon for thla roiull- at Qarwood, who led last week, Is in I Ion and Mr, Ptrkpll eniphaMfPtl lh» that tlmy woithrtlv* I0O ppr CPI« CO- that the report be approved was sec- Clement of the high sohool and Bdwln bp lubmltled to Ihe Republican voter* Plifratlon In the plan. onded by R. T. Robinson, but after the • place with IWt votes. B«tty fa . Vllads. ; *». a candidate (or renmnlnation for fart that ton nnirh atnu Is placed on discussion it was withdrawn. ' six- months old." " Each day of the coming wwk hasfliifroiraUi of Union County. collegit .preparation and not enoinih on The mmmlttpw liM dlvlrleij th* town- Dttsel Twins, Joan and Doris, thp pn>|Kirat|nn of tlinno uludeiilii who«hlp Into foiir neetloin" wlirre eollee- Harry R. Slssoirahd K. Cloud at cfaia eunS and a taaje maendanot it been set aside for Horn* particular em- "It has bppn -UM> eii«t»m ofthp ppo- led the opposition to the teacher* com- of Mr. and Mrs... R. Dltact phasis with regard to boys. Sunday nevpr *»|iprtrj)jr «n> nnt abl» Ui pnt#r tlotta of tin ram, n-fmti iuid;lTttpt will field - avenue are In third pip of Union County ttorfplpro t oirjrlai t oollege. It In ap|>nrpnt.that Ihl* «MHI|- I* ftillwlPd on vnrloll* days, 'rtrt jiilb- - mittee proposal. They claimed some will be Boys' Day In the Churehen. wltn hiiusi MtitJii4 f^iiltfk^FAit - _i—v:i.-. ^ i _, i i. 1 7.4M.votes. Tlie standing whojinve given rmtlifui lvl ami In tlon will not IK rei'tlfletl imtlltlip Reir ilr. haa bppn lirfftt to Imtp thew dls- teachers were deserving of larger In- Pastors of all local churclim will make prcmnttrai my .name fo( yrtlir. cntesc *'b a»-ronow*r.:4th,~jo- lor Ifiglt Rrhools arrangn thPlr t>tfrrimiiii trlel»r a* -truekg-will MiH onlyonra. All creases than others, because of ability •eforenceTo" ttlff »lgnineanr» of Uojn ment nt tile coming Primary, It nlTordii 8th. Loll Relnhart twk in their sermon*. Monday will for the child anil not the fhlld fur th*rnltectlaHn will N> mad«i. from ttm and-greater effort In their work. In it. eooBBTUBmt Brnder, H. 3. Bkfis.; m« the npporttmly to call attention to curricula, evrr keeping In mlncl thpcurt).. Mlowlng la the nchedtile of col- reply to a question why the~commlttee Lotus. -X: ^ Wfeaasasafc. JL 3. CBHim.L Carol, Mott—«,73O; 7th. observed- ar Boys' Day • In industry my-administration for III* 'pasl'flv'g' ath, Ann faol that llify arn imlning pvpry piipll liKtlmw'' opposed the rating system, as proposed QeorgeA-Binni iiiin.B;B.J.Oralg. jOeorgette nd to properly mark the day, the Ho-years as on* of courlmiy.to all, with for hi* dllnKeil ixwltiim In life, no mat by Miss BdmanoV Mr. Roberta said In SMO; nth. Shirley Mlt- ary committee ha* made arrangement* frlMidlsr aid .anil'consideration' on UII> •ruemtny-.Nortll^ nf Hie Centml coeO- tpr what It. inny lip, .[}r, Plrk«ll' con- hlj opinion "It doesn't mean anything". Charlotte Collins— take boys .of th* science dawn* to part o(.-lh*'-vfltalr^l Burronatc's ulaft, cluiteil. -' '.'•'••' latl anil Wot of tli«'rJrtnfard Mr. Slason. declared he did not believe ua; 130), the Ford Motor Car plant In Edge coupled will) strict nUimtlnn to (lip rr- : ' „ the board had gone wrong In following Sew. ; 13th, John Wln- water. The boy* will enjoy a person . (JlHMiiwnM of law In th« coliduol M illf A pla«» iinrtcr the dlrpi'tion nf John y..North nf Ihe Cen- the system in other years, while Mr. ser-caao; 14th, DowniM4,T«0 ally conduoted tour of the plant said' buirities* 67 the office. ' Hatch, (IliPctor of HUel nnday has been^ designated s« Boya' builncM like nditlliilstratlon of flic of rtallroail nnt) Wmt-of the Oritnraril upon which the voters passed, declared D»y in Athletic* and Bnlertalnment floe of Surfogirte of Union County," Plan! were made fur a weekend *l Rl popular awiltnwion. and the co-operation of;the Lions Club (Jaiiip Iliirlon, the; Hoy wtmi newrvs- .- Prlday-flniith of • thp tlphtral based upon It Admlttlng-that-the-mt- x . This morning, Burrognl*' Jnhnntoli's lng system may not be perfect, Mr. lane showing of babies will make It possible for this day to be nrnnlnatliiR putltlon, bearing mon> than tlon or MonmouUi CAmnty at Allaire, Rallrnail iinil Ea«t of the Dranford - Cloud maintained It Is the best the tend in th* contest, ov properly enjoyed, for all boys' In the 10,000 signatures.of Union County rml< N, J. Thin pump 1« li«'«l«rt on land* Hlvpr. . oled to promenade the schools have been Invited to partlclpelo dents from nil wnlks of life, waa flint. donated hy Artlntf nrhbanp, the wlp- board has to work with. ndwupnppr man. It ndjiilrn an pnrhig o|p«n Up Week, pypry Hay William. 0.8Umpson asked Mr- Cloud Ifang ffiifw mother behjg! an hand.' track meet which will'take place Prominent hinung . tlw WHI havp'Annlal *)gnlftcini!«, accotrtlng If he_dld not oppose salary increases i I have net ahown In the revues < on Cranford Oval; '"." United BlatmT flenstor to an anniMinepinilnt frnin the ctjmmlt- last fall, when the matter was first their chance next Monday Next Thursday will be marked an m%« tnUimni "B iriHay will I -discussed. Mr: Cloud replied he-did: at isUJIeaJUi pay and Ky«nln»,^al that time, but explained since the vo- twos Abetty Pwri admlssibh Home. Thorn will be programs, sires*- y , nfl nniiqimrefl In nil Orariforrt [for tbe theatre and slao will tnlg the Importance ofThnlth, In nil ruction nf n*nrgi% Itelyen, hPad of tint ters approved the budget calling for -fiffmiJ Tisss retary to Senator Kenn; Director Wlll- riepartiiiPnt. _ . Monday' will be pire Pr»- salary Increases, he felt they should be lor the loving cup, offered for the scjjooW;andraU bojt w|ll_ h«,y«..a..|trge UttL P. McM«rui^nf-llw. Union County y#ntl«» THiy. -Ri-move. jalJ nlil gr«My A I ili" "IMIIOII or'offfcpf* "f made-, and according to the salary beautiful baby in a revuo to take share In them. During the evmlng. Board of ohnwii Prp>lml(Ieri(i n 9 raftfi, or oil nonked flennliitt nmterlal l •"' * elation rmnllM *a foljnwm , rating system, submitted by Miss Etf- later. "'•• •••::,•,''': . ' ' parent* are urged to provide entertain- Lloydy Thompsop n of Common leaa; Irnrn nolln'M ami wiraKM-nnytfinig The wtanen of the popularity con- mt for their boy* In their homes, It Ralph P. flallagfinr of KluwbPth; ric«- mond, under which the budget item Prank 11. Smith, Union County Repre- prenldent, KentiPth Menulloch of Plain- that has i»i more IMP. nnd which mnji was fixed. test wlU receive valuable prlics offered 'been suggested that boys listen'to sentative to the State Commlttm and IIP rpgarrlpil ib a fire Imrard. 1'ilMdity by local merchants and others. In ad- special radio programs which will f1«ul; worptary mid trpantire^ Mr. Roberts then offered a resolu- State Cummlwlontir of flanking and nobllln ill f will be Back Vawl oay:.' Itp'ntnv? ahy- tion that teachers only be offered con- dition, they will hove the chance of least Uiat night. As announced Insurance: Jtfglstrar. Rrtward Oalier, tlll>lg..or timightly natiire, nnti Jump*/ tacts for the coming school year, at competing lor the district prises in the Friday-will be noy«' Day InCounty Clmk' Nalll Mctwd, j>,; SherKf (in. f.'an», Mjhbj»|i pllp/i. ok( jiiiik, ulc, an Increase of S73 each. The resolu- Branferd Thatre, .HewarkV at-a- later Ip and'-the uliwr vsnoewlll Iwr TVtflk n.Kmmlrlii and Prank A,.«!ng> Jiiit place mMrtnuin-nthM ttfptrf ishm, }•>, wiit In thejUstrtet contoit, the flrsC meeting of the Boys; Town tion was seconded by Mrl Stlmpson, but towa an*± flnfi dkas «38& & IQfle *ddl- llsh, Inheritance Tax Bupervlitor for lit silltubln mntalnprs on lliH cuflf and 9» full was lost by the following vote prize will be an oeean'trip to Callfor- mittee. - •'.- . Union County. Apt % Barley For nu> trucks will cart it away, - V-J.--WillsejrrMi?»Roueita miil^Mr rntiniTdfJiry. Stlmpson; No—Mr. Robinson,—Mr or an-aut also- bears tN nlgiuiturni of promln»n.t wig take the-pnie not Township CommiUeel*Mak« yotir front yard an pretty and at- Cloud, E. A. Cruikshank, E. D lawyers from all narta 6f thii County, tractive as nwilUle Mow the lawm, tier and Mr. Slsson. selected by the Urst place baby. probably DO per cent of tlin bar, Ainong Stooe the contest started April 0, : cut the weedn, trim (he h«d««»-Rny- Mr. Cloud then moved that contracts ones are needed, thow front the County Bent nre CharlM Petition* KilexJ by-Reptil»lican« tiling nf a nature that will add U> II* tbe theatre has been distributing llter- for the enjoy themselves out- be offered to all teachers and the Judgo C. Addumn L bt 'li'limrwlaly hlahmildd br sttnz to the care of. babies, with em- of-doors.'h hss ;.' for"? PopuJnr Third tii«trlr,t " elementary supervisor, based on salary Donald -fl.-Metjeanr Ji•#•»«>#»»«»#•.<#*#»«## true, MY vacant lot that tend* ^ ner not voting. and the following" from fialhfleld: Gnrwood and Kenilworth. an eyMot# should b« repnrtM to th» Mr Cloud offered another resolution Judge W. R, Coddlngton, Judge W. A. ll department. If th* lot belong) that each principal hi the school-sys- Coddlngton, Judgx J, Henry Qram>, An* Ro«pr a, AMfloh of the Townahlp on to you elPan It up—It will ad to Its ul Notice tem be granted an Increase of MOO for P.. Randolph, Judge" 'William O, De-hl» return from" th« Botith definitely looks and valu* Keep other pMpl« Meza, Oeorgg. W. Moy, County Attor- the coming school yyear, with the ex- radamatum reflined to stand for renomlrmllon, from using It aa i dumping ground ney PrsncU J. BI»M,:tfugh B. Re«d, ception of those who have reached the sMtlng tils to b* rpltovpd of ttmfMturday will be Pslnt Dsy. W|) urge GLEAN UP AND PAINT HJP WIM III WHI«H »« had UkAh to much Slsson. the resolutJon carried. ward rtuihtr, M well M William tl. Interest during the l» years Iwi hadpaint Jot* that have Vfn put off Abour 75 residents attended Htmr Thk, Ye People. Thfnk! Beard,—William II. Orr fl W Tfflr o>- 1'jr* pnm up-that oW buHdm*, that" Augustus C. Wah, tltof ^Wttitneid and meeting; preaumbly to hear any dls* Kaaw All KM, Wnakm aad CsdMrea «I»)OTI on ih» part .at Mr. msd« porcWt.ot fate* If you cannot do th*/ ' cusslon hi regard to the board's recent Orlando Dey and David Armatrong of Hii f to flndfld stmthe t f candidate, work yoorwlf, get In touch with arl u. ARE IN EFFECT 1 , Sy These J'rsMsrfs! Rahway. . '•'."•:.•••'•',.:, ' loap- action in transferring Miss Fftln""" and frl«XI«-of-Albert W Burl** of Pbtk, «h*lrmsn of Mi eovfimittM'p lalnant. from supervising; principal to director THAT. Whereas the RATIONAL OUEAff DP AND PAINT UP The following Mayor* have also en- Manor. aventie~flled petltloM for himnlmt hom-p} repair*" and of research, a new position.* As tbe CAMPAKHt ba« resulted in many. *dr«nu«es to commurity life dorsed Burrogatg * Johnston'* cajidldaey Mr, Ihirtny hut lived in- onrnfard tfnee at a mp*rw of ««Wtmy th«*i session was a-special meeting called for thronghoot the United States. - — and. *r* sftpiero.of hb petition: Jule« Mwa* four year* old arid hM taken «d, ffiM wtH'*pne1 M < We purpose of deciding' upon 2 g> dlRKIrH V«meT,Unden) Alfred C. Brooks, Rah.' muerf InteTHM IH:tiffl fllttin V6 in tM ftK" contract* for next year, no other bust- la premotbx TBScat-r jrayr~Klw*rd B. Ttrombty, Summit; i Ppt/tKmn ,h**(! been fil«d with th« to farthering roue PJUVKTTION; i transactefL at KbMIattog cmo PJHOT; and rredartek -8, Tipson. West field; Clsr County Cl«rk for Freeholder B R V. f. A i la makjng the -HOMK ATO CT1T VtApW; enee D, Knight, Clark Townstifp; Oronchvr for renomlmMlon In th« A trip to th«r tfefne-lMk /cen'tr» GREEK BHUTTOS PUNS TEA W, 1HMHMKMM, M it known thatIrfau hut* balm psr- HM6 txr Republican primary fepToamrtmgOrtn- *t th« Grand Central -FOsVCKirnUsV BEUKT TCXD PJatMi Oabrlet Ursen, .ford snd the borough* of Oarwaod and teetsdJor a aurmgn CLZAM OP" AND PAOIT DP J7AKPAION Sprtngfleld; Onsuv HomnMl, )r, Un- York ha* MM *rr*ng*J for ; y, . A SUver Tea, for tbe benefit o^the toCranford,]*, J, bsglrmtng Aprfl 27, l»l. Thf» date it to mat KenUworth. 'Pneheldsv Dtomhet turn Aprl 3. It will t* mad« trf p ion; CMnnea W. Sloeum, Panwood; rimai '.Central Ballet Committee win take 2f? ^ti* r»»J aaapatgn of perstaunt and eonstraetH* a tKU fllstrlrt wett/of some will leave th#Oranf»fd' ' P>*ce Friday afternoon. May 1. at 3 mm op aadPawMO IT PP, latMtworthrtBiM. Alfred TWfttMu, Oirmod; August OomtasWy John SUM, Kenllworth', John W. Of comer it f A, at o'clock at tie Oreen. fflratters. Ka) jofOamntnt. fttotUf, PlsBtlng, Repauia*; add general rtf for JaMk* tt the Peiw fn th* b« m«d« for « Htm i "net, which- offers home baking; for . Msthlluiljwct »WtttteWto«giirg» ettfldHM todO?M« or Uam, Itewne and Donald HetneM, Ro-poUkaUk n il oetlttont s hwf« 6«en tour sale and also accommodates luncheons wKS^tmipUt iff SOKm0 OUT COfOUUlXAtf Mto Park, / il ftar Albert A.-A SW f O *«d teas. The) entire ; CLEAN, HEALTHY, THRIFTY Th* tanogtUfi petition also eirrle* •vemn, who- m tart ; , *n*ted. to die Central th* mam of prommenv women lead' • terge mrnibw of voM* tot ttnV ( ttjunrett! -tae. = -.— yv=. •*• -, SAFE AND BEAUTIFUL f L br.wTltm#-m ^^~ As to added item at Interest. n#f«r memttenfM tft* oomrt* hfacsoawVjManrUktmtwindpfandll r (SmSmmr1imatUff Committee, - tt. ftntm of Platafteitf, Henry », Oommnt«» «*w NWW M»W flttti *V WW the latest, IMdou in efadas fount, „ Mix KUkabeth, Wd*w of th«1.ptHkii0tttori»tmtoUl1*tO*<)*itt»pttHki0ttori»ttoUl i and d k fifiHwMH Cowt end /ante* i, it, tit, u, timifm*tm*h:6tm- <<

1 /

,4. <* SAYES TAR'S UFE tones * On* of Stma««*t of All

* SB 4-^-r co by letter recent!j one of the atramt- : of all the strange tales of the sea that have "Heated to a-thouaami Utloral*.during the age* (Ince the Phoenicians dared tho storms of Bis- cay's bay to find'tbe far shore* of Britain. It 1* a story of what for lack of a better term u known a* "sea sense" and of the fremded argument in a rjoioto T,jmtao man's mind as to whether be should die or take a chance on living. Ca«fy Jonn and Him Webb w» uwt Thoy save him " otd.ra at Moore*. hy the alght of ai-v«ral boi cara loom- Tbe Gulf Pacific freighter Point Saying: "sttvo,-you ara'war Beyes bad passed through the Pananw . ing up Ihrougli th« glooin—but nn Thla l> not Thlrty-.i«ht, but ll'a Old whlrh were Mill on the miiln' track ' Nlntty-tjivon: canal on her way from Pacific count anil rolling tou. ^luwly on lo the aid** Ton nut put h*r la sptmtr ports to Houston. Both forward and •y CLMO SCOTT WATSON tlm.l" aft well decks were plied high -with HKIMfli; railroad engt IrHt-k lo ewaj»e the-lhun4erlng ruali of uld No.. (Vtti. "Jump, Hliii, HIIII aavn •tart llrannltl cllmbtd up Into bit lumber op to the level of the bridge uiKT who dint nt bin deck. A* usual, along each tide lire Whan RtUro*as Ware |H«t of fluty urxl A negro yuurM'Ifl" ahuuleil Cuapy June* and Him Wpbli JUIIIIWII, fell Into auinn •aylng, "Pal, It't do or dltr / ropes were stretcbed to protect those. . Young vtifluo wl|nr whu wrote IU r«vftrs«d hit ltv»r, tbrtw hl» throt' tzmmm earlaetake ia tbe history of the coontry. More than 2,«» making their way between forecastle • simple > for Unary Jo;ie», there waa Juat Just Rolling Easily. onir thing h« couldiloT' 1l« tiirtwliir Jlaw JlrarnM-iUR'J't'LJiPiJ""'' »'• lliOKt^falnoua of all na*' r.liln . ' Tbe Point Re?esrBs!vlhOasM»niia-~ ; ••. *, tlve Aruciiran biilladt eiiittne Into revera* and ajiplle'd the Al hit thrbtllt ht madt a *rab, uneasiness of Pedro shoals, was head- . Peter Cooper'* little Tom alrhmkea. Hut It waa ton late, (lid And whtn ho pulled ovtr Johntoa'f Scene at Dedication of India's New Capitol , •h,lrh you will, jlfll hear sung In si- j ed a little wett or north Iq water w|iti _. «o«ln*" I* having Itt hundred N«; SIS.'plowed Ihtii;tlioVe Jdiiiiterlni r .- ','::- Junction-.:.-•-:. -',-*• r:-''—•- - ; *»*t an/ part of ilia country, even '-He wsa" Itanlns''way out flf th* cab only the turbulence. Induced bj the y TJia!fefjiatnyi^ttti(if agtr though ni years liuvn elapsed. since lio> >?)•«,- amaahed tbeln Into match- northeast trade*. .With'wtou" nnd lieu = Its nm trip and people whe "<'n«*jr Jonpt inuumi'iV t« jjm rnhln wood, rrnShed Into the caKwae- and Sttvt nranttltl tu.rnod to bis brava lit ramble along Its tracks at t< theli'lllnied over tin li«r alile a ahort i~ ~llt-r)rtmtn ' . - , almost abeani she.jrolleij..naturaj| jand wllli hla. orfera'lnhl* huirf rind Iwik 1 Saylns "Hbuvtl In'a llltla moro coal eaafly. There w*s nothing jerky about -an hour-were Juat-jja exeftei hla farewell trip la Iliif" p'rvmlsed dlwanoi beyond. Wliija. the freight Thert't a thrtt:mllt a'adt round Wbll- wer«»when Undbei'gh- Hew ac ,cr«w» reached-her and loiikwl Into tin - low Mountain; ' • ". her movements. . _ und" • • • • - ••\. ^:;_ ;• , 'It was Just'after four bells In. rhe Atlantic Nev*r before bad tl 4ir lff» •Jiilin I.titlior Jours win I he cab, they daw Hint her dead engineer Toll may watch my drlvtrt rolL" such a thing, Before Tom Thui •till had one liund on the alr-braka- first mate's morning watch. Sli.oclock I,' ~J.» engineer on the Memphis, Tcnn.Caii- attvt Ilrtnnlal tutntd to'al'bravt llt- In the moraine-and'dayllght burstlnc. along th» only kind of car* 1 ton, >ll«i.; run of the Illinois Ontmri ICHT and the other on the whlxtle tlt firtman, • l ' ' on track* were thoae drawn bj track" train, "lh« Oiiiinonbull." Ho was eord. Utcr Him Webb told Uaaej-a Said, "J^ck, throw In'aorao'aiort coal np over Jamaica to the eoatwafd. Ev- • funny looking car*'like little wldttw tlio si|ilnuatlon i • "1 remernhec- And put your haad out tHa Window, erytblng seemed pertet'tly ordlnarj. A. Outside sat the-drlTer-nndins B. Johnson, the flrat mate,-ll* aradt. tlon. If you hurt ankrd on« of them warn the freight,conductor ID tlie ca- Twaa on tht gradt Bttvt toil control fast, would- you) The gentle about Julin I.IIIIIHT Jnjien, In prob- hoow io he could Jump." . «f hit alr-brakat, Ugh hats, the ladlea In their I ably would hate answered ""Oh, you They took t'aaey Jonea to L'nnton •«. you att what a Jump ht antd*, where a committee of three of hla fel- Inean Catey Jti»*»—"Kor Caaejr Jim,*! lit' wat falling down grad* at a|n*ty lie waa to tlw railroad men, a nick- low workera, Kdward (VMalley, -a ' nll*a an hour. name that-was foMenediiirhim"b*~ roiind-houae machlnUt, William lloima .The whlitlrbtgaii t* tcrttra. and Homer Kngllah, two locomotive lit wai found In Iba wrick wltk hla raiuw he win born near Cnjrco, Ky., . •• hand on the thrattl* and down them they pronounced It In englneera, took charge of the arrange- Aad hla body all acarrtd »r attain. two ayllsules—Cay-cn. 80 "Oafce" inenta for aetlillng Ihe body of (ha Joues abon became "Caaey" .Junta, (lead hero back to hit hornt In Jack- Did * *T*r pull la > Her' tr aon, Tenn, where hit widow, the two ptlllti In. ' t>»ey at'arted.hla rallroadln' ou tht Thaagh kit train wla du* at tla. which will aerve a* Indla'l new capltol at Delhi. Mobile- aY-Ohio lal. In tin i aonn and a daoghter awalttd hla laat And for kayra ac* bouri «»• jwl ScenScene durinug g thte e Inaagurattogt n of the mrm gm g homecoming. . ' ana lay waiting Tht :r»lceroy~l*Ju»t abant tartnter nl» ceavk after aamabag th*> «•«• "Donunlon Colunna," two of which can be Ila pot In aeveral years aa a ic awn la the picture. Th« Imperial aecntaria* baaMucs a» la tha bacaxronnd. and passenger engineer 00 the llllnoli Scanely leaa touching than their ror tht nall-tralD that a*w lalltd Central between Jnckton and \Vat«r torrow waa the grief of Wallace Ban- •eta and tbe little boys who Ilk ilem at the newa thathla Idol would Th. ntwt rtn o«.r tht ttltgra^H wlrtr tttyr NTAVT CHIEF- —to-rida. oulaUlfr-felt-a grear- tl thirty-seven, he wai put at the.throt- take "the Cannnnball'* out no more, And Ibla la what II laid— Hmdu Phikso^ier Buried Alive anch rapid going, however, ft Heverol ilay« after Catey'a funeral, tbat tbt brair* *n*ln*ir ibal lift Moa- knew nothing of our fast tral: tle of "the Oannonball," Already Im roi thla morning ' wa* locally (unions for hla peculiar Handera' fellow workera noticed him la lying at WorU Oanvlll* daad. . motor-car*. aklll wllhra loroinal'lv* whlalle. Ills golngi about hla duilea tinging a anng Tom Thumb must have fel method of blowing It was"* Sort of n about Ihe deeda and the death «f Coma, all you younaT Proud In his ttearay throat an fnavy Jonea. It wta a almple mel- warnlnar;- . . ' ' personal trndiviniirk. It wua a lixiil- Tak* warning from thla tim«~ . gait, until some one started • drawn-out IIIIIP, lii'slniilnK suftly, (hen ody, hut there wna aomethlng ahoui _NiV*r tpeak raah worda to your aw*tt- Tom Thumb then chugged alt rising to a shrill innunlng liinti, flnnlly It which Caught the fancy nf tlune who • ^ htart— -u* may go and n*var rtturn. -hla tracks and an old gray hon dying away alinoat lo a whisper. To liiiiril li nnd the worda nf it—there ted beside him on the road. J3 |MHi|ile' living ahing the r1«lil-i>fuwny were only all veraealn ITie original- old gray.bone won! Then it « were eaay to remember. HiKui they, - The aong airo haa an afttrmolh of of the fentnil In Mj*»ll*l|i|ii IIIKI Ten- a lawaulu aa thuwu by the folluwlug turn to feel proud. lie probably aeasee It wot a fiitnlllar sound. At were it|l_ilnilng Ihe negro euglue , hla man* anil tall and eyed wit «'l|ier*a tribute to hit friend. Ulapatch (o the New York World laat night they would lie In I heir beds and jear; - tempt-that strange-creature n-hi listen for a sound of line Imiininllve One duy u yrur or two later a pro- "Oumden, N. J.—An effort to eatab- to run on round, legs Inste whistle, ami when they'heard It Ihey featlonat Ming writer paaaed through Ilili the right of the author of a folk straight ones like his. mould sajr "Tln-rn guns Caiey Junes I" Jackaon, Mlaa., and heard the aong •"-IT Thejrery flnit'rallrond was In #a Ihe train roared hy anil Cueey whit- mug to collect royalties, "even though lung. He anw the poaalhlllllea and r»- ht never put the tong on paper, haa cy, MnBS., built in the. year 18! tled for the nexl rruaalng, < • wrntn tli« toiig, relalnAigv howeVer. the ; litenvttttlla' hero. by attorneya for IM- ,. Kept Afloat.JEaally *iouuh.U...... ,; the cn,r» on thlt were fulled by I Not only waa Caiey well-liked' by mime f'mejr j/inVa and aome of the in- cldentK of the1 original ttory, allhough yld Urarn George, plcturenque aelf- tbt other railroad men but he was the . Mutiny,. $&•., brnj*r i And then something, a bunch, that «• "tddl o|Watl»f-« Bunder»;"»' neilro coHf'' s traortbMr* ara*etnaMelM;TFMUor ; beaver at Canton, Mint., who became changing the original , tome man wb'en somethlfig Is wrong, struck verses wero Injected Into It which "fleorge It tulng the Victor Talking an engine wiper In Ihe round house Machine comptuy, which abld 5.000,- bim. u h«-«ald. right amldahjps. there about the lime Casey drat frienda of the heroic engineer reaented -'-He-did not wait to<«1*gno*e the feel- bitterly and they forbad/Its being UOO phonograph reconia of the aong. ".mounted to the tabln" of ."the Can- "l'h«--Wrack of Old 9T.' Through hi* ing. He acted. • Sliding down the Douhsll." -Wallace waa accustomed to iting-at-all. Their protests, however, bridge ladder be no aft to.the cti^t did not prevent the song from being attoruevt. llobert H. Naae of Kluihlng, brag uilghtlly About tho prowess of .L, t, and Ulnatree, J. rulton of IUch- quarters under tbe poop- Ue^tiaO "illtlah Caaejr," and cnrlug for lilt I'll' published nnj the tong writer who lookout, a quartermaster, and one A ttroni lift la Ilkt that of i glne win labor of love fur the col- rewrote It U said to have made a tor- uiond, Va., Oeorge declared he had Admiral t. H. gchodeld who has. derived hit Iniplratlon for the aong been named aa comm-ande'r ha chief af band In hi* watch. These were all of war which haa Its own plaea ored man. '- tune fnim ft, more Itinn ten million on.deck. fltet and can abtrt In Ita ttrenxt coplea. having been aoid, not-to men- on September 'it, 1W3, when tho crack thr United Slatea naval Beet. Olaclpltne, but can alao so (orth About ten o'clock one Sunday night, mall:.tain,;No. 07. of tbe Southern, Rapidly Johnson called the • crew to tolltuila of tht Innnlte ita April 5»,~JW)0.-C«liey"ahiriil«nr«hinnr li.nr innumerable-recofdtanuplaho rslL One man wai missing. Wliero ou«ht to belon* to society, to hat roll*, . . .7 railway, aped paat Franklin Junction; SPEAKER PASSES AWAY 81m Webb, rolled Into- Memphis, from Va.. and Jumiwd olt'a 200-foot treatle. wa».heT Why be had Jutt gone for Place In It and ytl be capable Oanton and, going Into the checklng-ln "The term' rounder* uaed In aonie compltta Individual eilattnct 01 "Numeroua fellow hill-bllllet, the at- ward to relieve the,wheel. That was ot It.—P. o. Hammerton. ip-_ -enough for the mate.------hoitira when aoniehody Mid "Jon Le tonr*y*•"ttnted;-are; ready-to teatlfy piled "lirtiirloua, purodlei would" cre- that Oeorge 'originated the aocg, . '81njlng out to swing out the after VirlTH must'ord, Mcklcs,chow- haa Juat bevn tnkt-n with ttio mi nle the Inipreaalon" that he'wa* un- 'starboard lifeboat, he run back to tho v V cjpers, anchovy posts, cli and can't take* hla train out tonight. stable'aiidreckleas," wrote Kdward which later becumo a favorite. "Nathan Burkan of'ftew York and bridge and ordered the .wheel hurd and such condiments as uiost I ••A|l right, I'll double hnck and null O'Mnlloy, Casey's friend, in a letter to over starboard, putting the steamer In wive*-either put up or lAfrchase, old 08S," raid .Juuca. 7 (he matter with Lew- Cattey Junes, frenillcmnn.'' An "inler- L!2r T"*!" " ' P*»>»»l»her, wa* had combed the surface for 20 min- J When there Is crftp fresh le la." feinarkwl «ni' - .tensCt lt_waa. looking tor the plssAn*{_ BaJIor^WBS hauled out_of Uie_ throttlo wua Ca«i'> Jonen." Tli/ougl , wo<«l picture coiiipany for alleged'ex- author of the aung In order to pay ocean. " 'routed""peahut«"and "se'rve wltfa~ . Just Kept 8wlmrnlna. of shredded onion nnd french' drei tin aleeplnic couiilryaldu'of Teunence ploitation :|il mured the'train, and her children In connection wllh-a the. hlllt, the authora appeared. The man, whose name was not even Use tender leaves of endlvo s aoore (ban one fanner said to hinuelf, movie that had been built arouird the . "In 1022, the compuny acU forth, fecorded In the scant report to tho "There goea Ca»ey Jouea." na ho III- famoua. eiplolt i>f tho engineer, Im- I'rof. R W, Uonion of Harvard aet Houston agents of the line, said tliut tened aleeplly to the loilg 'moatilng mortalltedvby a aong." ' out to collect American folk tong*, be had stepped ovec. the lifeline be- whlatle of old No. (H8. Although "Caaey Jonc*" It the moat and found that both Frederick Levey 'Canse there were two straight .length* ij TiimguB of all railroad ballada, Uiere ttlhto and CrtN4tI» lk •*> April SO a> No. (VIS awi-i)t arouuil a. . are otbem. wWch are jnot farJu'hlud veil, Va., claimed authonhtp of The _"There"came a roddenjurch," he loaf, winding curve JunLalxiTetiia Ut-- It In wldeapread popularity,-Forln- Wreck.' The fotnpany couipenuted said, "and I toppled overboard. I ann* Ua lawn of VaUghn; Wlu. Where the ttanc* there la "Old -.Ninety-Seven." both, "and aUo lleory Whltter of out and thought the ship would stun. corra-eaded a long .aldetrack began: There are numfroui verelona of thla Ljochburg, and the. General Phono- but she kept going. I am s good B« Im •B4 Otaey Jonef, pwrlnj out of hla tong, but the following, according to graph company, which had gottVn out Nlcholnt Longworth. apcaker 01 tte mer, and I kicked off my pants. I bud cab window to.ae* If the lights ahead It,' w. Cordon, an authority no Amer- record* of the aong before the Brat national- houa* of repreaentaUTn, died no shoes, of course. In those waters were green or red, felted acroai to ican folk tonga, It a rompoalte of three Victor reconia appeared on Aucutt U, of pneumonia after a abort Illneaa. and kept anW easily enough. Sla Webb, 'CTiere-a a freight train on dllTtrent veralont and a repreaentatUe 1024.- • - . • * "But when I aaw the ahlp disappear- the aiding." Him nodded and kept on text I "Durkan «awrted"the plaintiff hill- Fwtaaa* bt Utftfaja ing in thjLdlstauce I thought to n>J- with hla coat ihoieUng. . p billy had copied the aong tronvphon- A van Invented a movable top to • self: "Will I diva down and have It Knowing -that the tiding; wai a long \ waa ataftaJnir on a mountain oaa col4 tigraph record* between ,1024 tod 1B2T, collar itud, aid. a* a reaolt. drew SSV all over with, or will 1 take a chance froaty mornlnc, . when he read of the offer. «M and having paated many other . I waa watcblnff tht amokt from be- 1 000 a jeor In royaltlea for the reat at -keep-aJoatr It.was a bot argu- "Oeorje * knit I* not brought under 1 . «ra4ghU 00 It, Cawjr didn't reduce hli » I»WI • • •.•..• ...... :• hla life. Another man. Invented a ment, but Ufa woo out. and I kept It waa eurltnf from a long atralgkt the copyright law, alnce he never apeed. II* didn't know lhal0 then kind of cap for aoda-water bottle*, aad ' hare I am." war* two aeparate aecQbna of a very amoka-ataok* wrote dawn th» *oag, bnt under the ilthoogh It took him ate-jear* to gat 'Way adWB on ih* Southarn Rallroti. common law dealing with property was made on the ship's log long train on the aldetrack that night,* hla Inventlon-on the market, be *aa4ar _„_ . story-wa* told In Houston. and that the rear one was loo long to It *« Ota Nlmty-Mvta, the faattet right*." a fortune on. the Oral year* tfadtas,' ••t all of tta car* ott the main Una on •" mall-train Almott. at ramouaa* the- fojygnlng aayt an article by Anthony Praia b» Just on* of thus* tea stories, sod even The Bouth had «*tr ma. Swaynt * Bolt, tbe San Francisco •to the aiding. The freight train craw* Ana It ran to laat an that tatal Sunday b tke combination hoNSr»|]h%an bol- Uw Londoo Sanday Gxpreaa; had figured on "tawing by"—aa'toon That the 4tath tlat aunbtrea thlr- hd: "The Wabtah Cannon-Bali," agent* of to*.line, did not bear about which hu the following chorua: It until MNseboduT, wrote a letter to aa tbe.paawuger train* paaaed the Wktat SUna Ve^ga freot put of th« train .It would nova It waa'oia NlnatT-Mvtn, *bi«> faattat Wt hear tht marry Unfit, A Viking tall boat named RatM ^|onrardand the" rear part would, move. mall-train jiTM^rumbltaadTbld . tkajaar^^tk ^ J «vir rUftO.r K otenrred recentljr, wben'.Terut Sud<>. , apaaa ft wai nor* than NLiillea an Ana the tntrry hobott' call mean froa> Paint, Span). to"Ba -• tawr. 'V • V~ guv* Branalel waa tbe aaarlaear. * At w* rid* tk* rada aod'kraka-btauu twtnty^lx, smashed to* door of an The taataat oa'tta llae: Cuba. M « dan. durinjc the. airplane to which he was riding over ' Wlthla • hlttdred fctt of tha end Ila ran late llearoe 10 ni hla orttra. OB tbat Wakaak MaaiaBU ..f Mar* aau April. 1U30. This beautiful photograph of 0t the aiding, tbe .UrUed ga» t Aat ha tot then «a 'tht,«/,.. < Il»»»aadil*ap»d,*«ersl thoojand .feet a to big death, ' , •Una," Xb* peak 'rises 11^83 feet I;.

I -T.-


h WSUFE Vlew^ofland^Dikes and Canals IWIMMHIMIIIHMI BBSHSSBBHIiaSS— WtHMIIIMtiltlllllllllllllllilliiitimi FLOWERY FROCKS IV Puszb of Scrambled] TS velvet ril>boq soil velvet rib- velvet ribbon, fur there's nothing sit «»»«erfrmn-»he«*>r;««aaol« w -whether II be In the drowmrtt* wltjle." ' ~1~:—~ • — lug rooms of the milliner, the vll- . Call It for Two Jackets.

'*": Wherefort t word to Die- wise Is Aujny ttttie engine with its bailer ly- That Is: with yeur 'print sufficient—In preparing the aprtng and costume which has a matching Jarkn, .ing on a side, something Ilk, our summer wardrobe, be sure to tea to treat engines of today. Men In Eng. buy a second Jacket of transparent • It that each of the several print frocks velvet either black, or In navy, nr Uad had been working a long time to which go to make up your collection. vQlJd All GOclDS of CTCttt mif faVlijtii brown, aa beat barmoolua -*•'«••- and following Pumng Billy they built oa» which was called Uw "moot ele- of what for lack of a gant la tht union.'* This oat belonged known a* "sea Hose" to a. rallwad company In Louisiana EDstM argument ID a »nd ran tents a long bridge. Some- to whether be should time* the engine wouldn't go so tht tone* oa living. owner had tails put on It and «o tbt »dfle freighter Point rear car as well. When the steam When L is a«] Into— ^ md turned the switches tbt passengers, very proitd indeed to ilde and range lights. be traveling aMhe-speed of ten miles $ By JEAN NEWTON . , . V •n hour. Yon wouldn't think that very 0< >0<><>< <>0<)< > i| tK 0 ; fast, would- you) The gentlemen ID * > >< <><>« * > <>« °<><^^ nigh hats, the ladles In their big bon- HK other'day-I telephoned ton right But whin yon expect to com nTfri^'....^K,i..,h.,,u.my friend's sssumptlon that thinL break ..- Tfriend of mine who had just left home to a smooth-running exlstenci ing up of her regular routine by an the hospital with her second baby, to and Just to slip Into your old routine, uneipected circumstance, was a very isk how the newly enlarged famiiy that sort of. thing certainly does special sort of happening or problem, vas getting on, and whether there was spoil It"••••••--—-••- Tlie fact Is that, what most of us re- anything I might be able to do for Don't Imsgliie I wssn't sympathetl her, • ..... gard aa happlneaa to be realized only But I couldn't help being amused b In the njllennlura, Is t cluanco to Just ..Along with other good things of go ahead and do what we want .to do Ife atie had a well organised house- 11111 11 111 11 1111111 —without Interruptions; to be able) to SHK HAS HEARD THAT— hold with well-trained help. When "slip Into" a routine which we have last I Inid seen her at the hospital In Persia during-the weeMIng eere> planned for ourselves without the »«V If ene of Ins pslr seoretly ttept had been well and strong, to • i Some.Neighbbrly—;I -constant-breaks of special unforeseen trong. In fact, that she was per- on tht. feet of the ethev-they believe :: • Su£pstions~~ circumstances and sperlnl demands « will ward off sickness. Step MI It. •ets and the little boys who liked best iltted to go home a day earlier than noon us wblcljj^brea.k uuithat-amooth. ta. ride. outsWe-felt-B-*reae thrill-st- miuat~ardlbsrt|y a'cFetrfui peF alrle. leave the pill -psidlsrs-beMiieV- ench rapid going, however, for they TIT i n rn i. rrm < t a i < n v 'running routine to which we liad hns been allotted Its full quotnrof vel- son as she'was, I expected to bear a hoped to be able to devote, ouraelvae.- Irnils with tlie color schema of th« knew nothing of our fast trains and bright happy voice over the telephone. K CAHEFUL when buying pillow vet ribbon. ' ensimble, .... . It Is Just that sort of thing, only . mdtor_cars. . • "Hut no. Things were not going very B slips to allow the pillows to all ocxxioooooooooorxxiooooooooo It would seem that the nimy (lowery Tho enscmhle with two Jackets Is • ; well. "Everything," she said, "was In easily. If you select pillow slip frequently It Is more serious In. na- chirTon gowns which have been Ihe theme whlcli'la being made a feature Tom Thumb must have felt very ture than the deflection of a maid, that Proud tn his steamy throat and fast going so beautifully I waa eager to get Into which pillows must be , stuffed Joy and the prlilo of us nil, these w>v .by the I'urls couture f»r spring ami home and made the doctor.let me out they will wear out very quickly. coropllcatea life for all of-us, .Were THOSE WHO ersl seasons pssl, simply could not be rojiiiiinimer.' Tli« .Irene pictured has • gait, until some one started a race. It not for them life would be almost Tom Thumb then chugged along on a day* early. With that One nurse at lovelier, hut'wllhtlie myriads of IllUa Jacket of blnrlt trniisparonl velvet ss home waiting, for the baby and my -To remove candle: grease from, black like une.of those lovely cruises on - WON bows, snd the glnilra, iiiid~lhTsaihes well na a. Jncket. of prlrilod Crepe to - his tracks and on old gray horse trot- green-blue waters hnder m pale-blue ted beside him on the road. But the wonderful maid faking charge ot suede shoes, take a piece of brown Br DOUCLA3 MALLOCH of_velvet ribbon which fnshlun Is udd. nmlrli tiio frock. The prim Is InlilacN, everything. I looked forward to being paper, cover the candle grease wllh tky with nothing In Ihe world to do Ing to the now spring and summer whllo nnd iint'n on a pule pink back- • old gray.bone wonl Then It was his. except » hut you feel like doing at Hut xoooooooooooooc turn to feel proud. lie probably tossed tt home. It. then hold a warm Iron over It styles, they aro.suumllng yet another ground. MliiKuniil lucks give s very The spot will soon be absorbed; -moment Wouldn't It-be wonderful I , -«„.--..=— win the) pennant. note (if enchainment. ^ , hla mane ami tall and eyed wlthjion. "But," she said ruefully, I looked And yel, such cruises do get monoto- imari.-»lylllig In thls-ffHHlel.,'-. ' Hut eVryTteam can play tbi One of the |Hi|iulnr usea nf velvet tempt-that strange-creature who tried forward tii the routine of everything nous, after a while, and It may be that came. ; In tlin Illllo velvet wnip In lie warn to run on round, legs Instead of ot home being well managed—and not A tinspoonful ot granulated gelatin ribbon Is to lie It simply around Ihu with Ilia Iliilil frock, fiishlon has) Soaked In ono teaspounful of water, much of tho fun In life, the test and The top win bsve-on« Innely tniant. waist as Is shown In. the plclur*. straight ones like his. to anything unforeseen. happening. tang andd never-endinnever«ndihg interest of IIt tj And yet It always is Ihe ume; . fnuinl a new saurcn of liisplrailim. Well, It did: Two days, after I got then melted over hot water, ran be Asaumlng thai the. print of which Ihta. Nut ""ly urn llimn Jni-kciisof every -_. The very first railroad was In Quln* bo lost .without Interruptions. TJioogh only one may win applause, .One, T n u«ar.ll«.twnt)er .bft^fr!H)ch .biue. JSFol lnfrei|ttently. the wiuir wllli jlm «liwr K'IWII la nntlrt- - :™As»^.UKB,Ulti!hes;.u^4ne-MIJ,;~hMIJJ - ^t-stmdrt «r*i|eiverribb?in~Vr» •"«*; lifitfci wllirs>wi(o»reHl)i'iiiitusnrbV*aa-" nut time thinks more about the ptoyert -together, for trMTilor effect* manner • . . slgnurs.'... . an ouislahdlng on the present style Tho Jnrki't lypes are nnl hy any; 'prfigiaiii.-''-' -~————— '—*—•—-.——»• —— i'OTrs'coirflVSriVMhViniilViTVp n f for—Howsekeefeers some hate IOM snd some have Very charming Indwd are tho red- Ihn mciili'l pleMiMMl. It nirdepends up- By NELLIE MAXWELL and-wlilto print (ofien doited) voile. on tlm drgreo ot dressiness one wisliea «»S«»lh« •It, th« San Francisco When not In the act of burying Its with bows or a bow of bright red rel. head, which Is supposed to be a pa- more forntsl afternoon flowered, chit- to* did not hear about Vet ribbon, In tht .color realm red rfons, fancy turns to cunning velvet •odj wrou a letter to per-shell pecan, the togglebjrd stands sod whits Is consfdtred «ne of tht In a dormant attitude, resting Jta chin boleros which tie In .front la |AJ' oust most Important combinations of'uj* graceful manner. Imaginable. r on-the ground.-'It* ..beak-i. Is the end season. Another sllurlh,- theme It faj n sJtnondJiernelthibdi^t p i h», l*it of black-retrst ribbon* on whhr Another interesting development at- Serial SsdeM* — r t J the twfrjucktt movement Is-that of u»% first aerlsl ulddt slagJe peanut,- aid the feet are split organdlo ursttes.. itljr wnm'.Teruc. Sud«. almonds. Toothpicks sen* for tht It addts smart note toth t beige or th* monotone) patlel sports ensembles) ashed tbs door of an legs, and tht neck Its dove; • wblio wool Ull|eor (yes, they an go- which la addition to lbs Jacket o« «BUatrmtluiiNmw>«'Service.) "matching creps. bouts one «lso,«c Icta he wu riding over > (WMU UTTlC} Ing to wear wblis tulit and coau) If dJet This beautlfttl photograph of Mt-Hooi, Oregon, wu taken from an air- on tbt blons* or tt the neck then be nev"Ias peak'rises 1L2S3 feet above sea ICTSL ' Many mean men art men of nuanr • 1 • DoocbaUot W of wld« brown CHKU1B NlCHOMi. nfUDStntiaTt menKmmmtCalest



AMD CMaWWTCU la the Editor or the Crwitard Mn. Kellie A. MtCsIrrey Book Prize for Citizen and Ctwonlcte: In County Marble Play Mrs. Nrtlie A. McCaffrey.'wife ol O»- Joan Wall, is, 9 Spruce streeT. one of rag « Miss. Sarah Edmund, our school iup- the most pcrflsient Uttle arlsts In the tut pu>ro*i- . diffd Monday ilwrnoon s; viKir. is a woman who alwsya ha* Jack Rabbit Coloring Contest and who «•" j and alw*y» will ajii-ea!jt? trie best type » faaonxig it-CTlinlord cfttiVn'.- She-tV^teJIajtitt «iaus-.te ivtav Tew-war : «.•.«*«.•..___ j uaiurs In tht».touniry. arie has worked

The winner keep rl«ht on U.-,_, most vitsttjr-inlerwMd In Hie of Cranford In tlie fln*l maich,-M. 3-T.;" not win at first, The other book prize Tm.N)«n hoolsi ol our town-. ; •••••- ' : : •3. ?-J, '. ' ' ' ' ' ''I/'' ' - a Council Ho M, De- liras awarded to Evelyn. Tlnne*.' 12. 52 Qu Mi>.» Edmond belongs U) the old Fourteen boys who bad survived from , bv d Order of Burmide avenue, a newcomer in the •hod- She dbea no personal advertia- s Impr e he local tournaments'-held In the varl- ,«lve years she w»« omtest. Both of the book winners will Inj. It' not a gqigetMr. Is above p»W* ms towns'of the connly started In tlie also receive passes for the New Cran- MING roaa-r-WHe. tmMK aod loot riuUn. [jcrMdial animosities, but goes about heir ford Theatre, given by Manager Harry tWes-ptar* IITUK mm suite, piano, bedraom Choborda outel; husband. fd >e«l«»t wnm tws owkni coj- tmlB and few miscellaneous pbrea. Telo- sort quietly -and gels it done. The Is-opponrtiu tn every match and liad". peanM CEanford e-IU». teachers who work under her are fond •by .» »lkter..Mrs. Margaret Mulhall of i S.^Carhart^ Ittle trouble In clearing hi« way to the brother. Edwar dJ A.i Those who won Ihe passe* as prizes 61 her personally, respect her wisdom .New York and a brottur; E * "" :U0, 11s IS, elfielleait cooitiUaa. ' Ills" Ala» hsmptonshlp The Lions' Clubs of Dally. Bl«> cf Nlw York and were: Marion Collins. «. 10 Balmlere a taw small hand-nude ruse, ir Central. slid co-o|>erale wllh her fully. . Alenue. Telipbone Cfeasforel LeUS, %irmfalr Ororge H. Johnston has Jnlon County gave the following daurtitcr. Hfleii Ann Kfcinhans ol Ro- Park»-ay; Ethel Leon Wilson, 7. M Miss Edmund lias been with ui ao BAUUA1N - Bulifdow. announced his candidacy* to nux*t>d awards: Choborda. and Annesbn re- ^elie I'ark. Mrs. Paul" KlflnhSrus. Normandle Place: Margaret Bracken, 1U IRAXFOBD SKXICTIO' Vulelia, nputt, |M Omnr leng that many of tin Mmply accept her roomi all I awsav •"« mil OUOfalus, 15 chulc bulls a mu himself as Surr(«ate. backed by noml- ceived gold and silver medals respec- 8, 22 llUlcrest avenue and Mildred : and the work she t> doing a* part of the daughtSr-of OlSctr-McCaffrey and.the iuiUo. wi£*tf Tbnw paekasts bMutlfut Aslcn is nasm. U naimg pe-uiiojj tontalnlng over ten tively as winner and runner-up. Leon- 8chubFr. 11, 15 Plrie street. Mildred •K in- « machineryuf our dally lives, and forget law Mrs. McCaflrey died May 10. 1»». Ji » ;M». iu lo IWP W I'ltu> nil for Utt. c u. Unma, Uwusauxl rsamrs. including prominent ard Strom of Plainfleld and Oscar Olv- do^s nne worit but for several weeks, S.. Onl» wtj, «.-*, A. 1 that there are Influences which will The funeral took: place thus morning ciuenav and busJnes* men. Judges and en« of Unden,,were awarded bronze ihe only thing that has barred her from wreck Uiat work If not checked. Let |n Bt. MichacIV Church, where a High CaaunnUI TKN-I-UCB W.lout IlUUm.Hocw thilu. m, lawyers from all parts fjf U* County, medals as the defeated players In the a prize Is the way she does the cat. She is, therefore, who know her, show our Mais oi Requiem was "offered. Burial nauouHa. Al«j pUrtf pUno, Call CBan- probably rigntr percent ot the member- icml-nnal matcbea. Between 1JW0 and makes it black and not at all distinct n»d S-lsat. ~ •YTlaH tpprecisUon and lend her our support was. in Kotchlll Cemetery. Newark. Khlp ot the bar being included. When boys participated In the various and nicely colored like all other de- Infludlns Ham hMl. it tills lime. A' memorial 'service . of TonaluKa JOUE-rlCCI up parlor let anil Bifplin srate the Editor of the ClUaeB-and Chronicle oca! tournamenta whldrlndlcated the CalU of her work. Uncle Dovld sug- pordi enclosure. tencnl-Ul l* tiaod fwmilton.' at rauoasl>l< prlc. Inqulr. Council will lake place later In the Ma- ,1 frifm K.SM. li »aj Knertlt of Union County some years Sincerely yours, . . itcrest sliown In thU activity. gests that the "try making Sir Cat some 1«> HUlcrat AnniM, M telrplioiu CBuilord FRANCES M1LLEII sdnlc Tumple. . '••'.' •-•ws-w. . • '(-IMS. back; George H. Johnston.was hk Un- The results of the tournament are a* other color, for otherwise her coloring s. M u 'all InproveneoU palJ for. der Sheriff by personal choice aHd he bllows: ••••••.,• ..-•'.. NOTICE OF MtAHIHIi •. Is really remarkable. Perhaps some of BAUV (arrtafii In suod coudltioa. Call the other little artists may benefit from .,.. front-foot. Only 11 lots left. • Uoeka lns>. CEju.rord8.UJ73. made, a fine record, to food thai be COMMUNICATED First Round-C. UoSacker of Union D»r< tl AUilllMSl—JMK from rellroail station. I UocJ froB tju. Act w h > 1 » at .fleeted i*«t*S.J!!*S*L lk i - ?}-j!iy" Editor. Cltlten and Chronlc-ef ' i and loolae BoBo. 1M ten- Cr lop soil and rotted nunun for aal«- detailed " *_ Majtroberto of _ Rowlle "Kllrrt*! anj.h.r«. X«ir VTlJlW i poiiticr, anS again lie made i spifrojfd ~ As~a~jraduaUs ofTSe CS»nf»a* HlgTI Park, J-pT J- Bhireve.EUailicth. UefcaT-" nwm \ Those. who. won honorable mention -wciuMd j-anj.j.—: reiortt as ilie-chlef eiiecutlve oflicef 61 School, class of 1H10 ana lur a Uwpnynr ed r. lilliard of Hahway, J-o;. J. Cho- , N J. If. l thU week were: Susanne Perkins, 9, 16 FURNISHED EOOM8 TQ-aWNT th* county, t«*»Bi>eriiTm»jr;i4Ot:»uc». arid .property; owner I;0»lsh;:to protest r B1CH Top Boll ter-Tifef tmllefed by the •:4 borOa erf HHuUdo. defeated,.?, ilorn ol. '"! 5 Alden .'atwetf •jrlaJ^MUltti.'tVW North load.--.UaU. (H»--I»r.r«ri rttnum atsapr- rerd mmartt La«er on when Surro- against' the' proponed, actlorr of the Clerk Township. 2-1. O. Olverwi ot JJn- Lehlgli avtJnue-;. Mary -Ellen Perkins, S, 1«U> 85 Uroie .Htraet. tele»hwi» j-sna. leleftujde TKaolurJ t-Un-l. J-2» M—1 ualc -Coctcltiig died. Oeorge ». "JohnsUm Bofld ot E*»caU0Ti tu silt Mlss'Ssrah den, defeated «l. Kuchln.of aarwootl. iltkn Htnrvl. Cui.furd. N. J 10 Alden street; Jack Babeuf, 8, 25 «.|«ff •(•'••• ".' B.T. vtai eu-ctid tu IhlimipoTtanl office and BLfli rhloi. good clumps. !:«• ucn. 1 Uamllr Edmonds frorn_her position as.-Sup 3 L Jt.:Jphnison; -Roselle/ defeated E. im. .\['i»«> ."' i i'i«!'. ' llUlcrest nventiei Betty McDiamld, 8, ilUS- l»r,e room., sullabl.. for buaUaa MUPIJ, loo A>mu.. l'ho»«Ml -"— again has •Bade* a record ol'clean ad- r or t»«. AIM small room, board X fuini. visor of Schools. . ' ' LambersofT ol Panwood, 2-0. "T. Perfa. 306 Walnut avenue; QueeniTistherLane, mtnisCtaifcarC There Is no Surrogate's y|»e minutes to lUtlon- 11 Orehud Street i-UEMTL'BS for sale— Kitchen ixUe. Ice boi. If there Is any cjueUloTras ttr.MIss I'defeatea ].' Neville". Kehll- rf 9, 50 Johnson avenue. .. or pnone ClUnford «-««7, ". ' rugs; Umpa. etc. 44; Fourth Aronuet t«a.r- Oat aBSct In Up State of New Jersey more ;1WP t»T Jll Edmond's capacity, ability or judgment, worth, 3-0, .'>-.- -*.«-.- • •. ~.~i'. ll«iilr wood (Weslfleld side). envu-nUy managed. Oood public ofn- Kuillit NICK uluBanVruoin. next to UUl, Tor fMtla- this should be brought,, forward in a Swond Rottnd—L. Strom of I'litln- HIM* 1',: T.,«i." - NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND PRIMARY mTii, oTtwo h»«w iiilUUf f«r UouMlwepln*. c-Uli should be retained In ofltee when . Till" -H In Ki«l- ' ELECTION - BL.1CK TOP SOIL— Good. rich. •HI) > truck- public and proper-manner, open alia ftblv. 104 Ceuwnnlal Artnus. Trte- load; delivered anywhere. Andrew Zlntle* K49 eld'. defeated C..Hoflacker. Union, a-0. M Ui< HIM I-I rjiT-tuant in (lie provlnUiru of ati *rt i-nlltlw CtUnford H-130t. in-ulble and we look for his renontina- abovebuard. • ; irmtrd parlln InluV iirrenil.wliai i At. Art !.. UegulNlv KI^tl«ni..JK^Iitun of Telephono XLUabelh J-(»05. stiff 4 1'- M. Choborda. Hillside, defeated J. __. . '• .-. • ' ' 5-7 uon and re-el*etton bjr^ncreased ma- 1 particularly 'deplore the sneaking ru|i U|,|«,rlulill> to.hwd »UI la TWO cutw-v-llof |iiniUI,«*i twtoM, »ulUU« «« Shrove. Elisabeth; 3-0. O.aivcns, Un t-m* ttimtit, nntlcr i.i hvieby cl«n Hut llt« Cbrts. >4itl««- -It UOicMintcooa U might be usd -underhanded "Wsjvtn - whloh-tbis coiiplB,- ltl»ta..boacv. ..US North >f«iuf- COW Manure,- well -rolled, noUnajIng-t flood- well to note thai flve years ago. when rii iTtna^r uHackrrIca looni" top' aolL '| Ciui'Untettl Uie- tarn nr!l scheme Is being attempted to bit "j>ut M. Anncson, Oranford, defeated T. i I". llra.r. AM> KLE4TION Terr best.- Lawn sod, very best finality. l>e. a candMaU! lor 8i-m«ale U'e over' to avoid regulations of. Iho law e«- In- Mint (.,r ll)« T<.wn*lil|i "f - ("ranford, will ONB l»r«« ruriiUlioi tnmt room. Bwil tt Ferro, Weatfleid, 2-0. ' • or u H irli-tv rhslrnsn llvered anywhera • reaaonsUe. ' Brouk'a Dairy, time. Mr: Johnston was the subject of m,,-| in llir I'lKcrt lirrdnifU-r dt«l|tnaMed on jlrnl. 301 Orans« Afonue. T.liWwnt CSaii; fame Telephone UMonvllle 8-U233 ' If lahiahed fof the protection of school Btml-rlnnls-^J. Clioborda, IlllWdP. Hwrrlarj. TIKHIUY. Al'ltlt JH, 11131, . personal auatk by a clique. The arP teaclirrs and'supervisors.'• Aiitti M fur llir iitiriM.iMf of orc»i»iiln8 «nd prepirlirli Conn awer tojUils was found tn the vote ot defeated L. ,Strom, Plalnfleld, 3-0. H, for a•IMMIK-' IK tuniw ririvi* fur rtgUtmllon , nilied Palnl. Iir,. Yours very truly, One coat gloss •lilt. S2.M. rut whltoll.lis. tm home town, where he was born an-1 Ahneson, Cranford, defeated O. div- all |Hf»ilw fnilllwl U»_nijfj_»i.^tl» .MHlUni Metis or dnlrrd. Tekphon. • 00 SANTIAGO POBCELLA 1-tlm.rj Hu.f ilfticrHl Klmltm. »tiU-h .«nrii (itinford 9-0:>l>*. Huuny whits Knamel 14.00. Interior slosa had lived air-his life: lie received nine- rts, Linden, 3-1.' •,•'... atnl rrKlalry must W\tin on <>r iK-fnro Mty^Ur, Knamel, white qr coliin 13-35. Pure white A. Mj- Iranfard,* N. J, April 17, 1831. Finals—J. Choborda, Hillside, .defeat- l)»<-<•* btlweeii the CKantonl »»«7-J. BoMd bjr Uw «Uy or Bring container. aUUen Company, It ftut man mreet, rtione CUanford t)-j:»i month Kdltor, Crantord Cltlwn and Chrontee 1 l',1in»-.,r Hi't-ni IT) A. M »ud Kijiht 18) I'. M., week. Horn. «»liUu. ruce rraulctxl m\HE 1 and at! Track Team-Wins Season * Ksmtt-m Vtmiiliiril TUiif. on Aunt i.ui>, ITop. knew him beat. ' lielrsg a resident and taxpayer of Ti'KHUAY..MAV"lf.'1831. 81UN8—"for leat," "For Hale," "Uare«e ITor Hill" r - ... - Cranford for many years and always Opener hrEaty Style Cranford f..r Km imrpone nf rrgisttrlni: inullflfd vuters furuUhwJ room lor light boui«kr«pln«. Itent.- -Fumlabed Uooe»s--t.e«.j card HMv I id iftnilut-iliiK n J'rlmary Rltw-tlon' for Uie CUUen and Oiroolcie oaksak. U • — Tfiaji Oeorge H. Johnston has been chair- liitertsted In the affairs of tho town and K«parala rnlrance. AI«i ilnile room. Con- ran .ntUiatlim f>r caiiilitlim r»r the fullol nmlinl lo all traiuporultoa. 1»1 North t aaaailMIS L man of the Republican County Coin- the activities Uiat help to make Cran Cor. The Hlgti School track' team won an for:"ili€«'SiaI?'iiT"y«w ietwy. A.enu.. Kail. Telepbona CKanlonl 0-0311-U. EXTBKSS, MOYINO. IBUCKING mliu-r for a number of years, during ford a better place to live in, and at easy victory from Soinorville there A ('tiiitit.v. fit-rk for lh« Comiiy^ t'n.!H..~ GIXKBAL inicklng snd haullps'.' icrvk-e which time the record shows a continu- tractive to those desiring to. locate here Dairy A Hurnisalt* fur Hie ruimty of Vnhm. room, piliit* famllj', cvavetstuol Tuesday In tho Ilrst mrat of tho_seaaofi. ti> »Utl«i. Ttdeiibotie UUnIont.&-19t»rJ. Broken sidewalk'flagglns ror sale clieap ous Increase in party vole and con- and enjoy the px.lv>lt«Bii of clttxemhlp A furiiiitr fur the Crmtitr «r ITnlon. "- Ctll ClUnford C^lus-M for esUmate. W oming home with the honors 70-16. .\ mrrii.H-r ft tlitf Itnanl of Cluiiteti Vrvt > UnuejJLiJf1» 1. iuam. IBJln!mJ?«!»lft mrh a» we h»v*; li»il 111- Uw>-. past,-lL_b Luge, P, O, Bin 112 Cranford. 51 P. K. ""Craiirdra'BbjTplacedirrthe events as A»Ul!rariraii»«Iri»oiWIUlTrojBo« Mr Johii-iMi has done much lo ad- quite- natural" that 1 slibuld resent, as Knur tuni.t^rs of Hie tlciitril Asuembly, nf DAU.V TIU-8-J1.W tork, Brooklin. ollows: 100 yard dash—Smellier, first: it- Slain i.r New Jorny Truni thr-.Crninty—of hot »nd eolil water. li«r»l. span :».*• vancei«s»ty~lnLfresu and-has proved irnuiy other citizens, resent, what ap- ilrtO. falmar, us-Walnut *«""•.'•'•• us about roiUMMVIDf. trucklns- and expreaa Dowllim, third. 440 yard-SmolUcr. itinii. . ' Ing Brobisima. •. Asasonablo . rates. —Pnooe \ery helpful to Ihe party In the Bute iwars'lo be very'liii^yr-unbusinesslike, lint- nirmber nf the Township CitmiultUw' Tor pliooe (JHsnfoM •-!«». '•• ' - • " DelOondlo and Custons, In that order. CtUnferd o-llU. AusUn's Kicreia. IIS Norm There are, Uw*e, however, who would and drastic action oil the" port ot the it- TI.WHKJ,I() uf Cmiifiinl. full turiu. Avenue, last. ' u Mllo-Olofson, Brown and Baker,- in Ftrst, becnuse it is a TS 'iimirt* f TWO vlaasanl comnctlnj hiralilwl rooms, for be glad "o see tht\Republican party dls majority of the members of the School A IUMU »nd fi'niB^t> member of Die Iteptih- llaht houi.Utpluj. UI Ualon Aitou, hat .order. Broad Jump—Reed, sec- North. " rupttjd In Unlou County. Mr. Johnston Hoard agaliisit our most worthy su|ier healthful food, containing ko.it and or tlit' ltvuicH-ratic County Commit- M0V1N0, auraae sad psdUna canfully attend mrt. 3J0 yard—Mcdrath, Ilrst and -4 from t-arli of. (li« Klectltm DlntrlcU tiT tli« ed to.. KsoMra ol N. J. Furniture War.- ahouM have the suppM* of all who be- vinlng principal.-Miss Baralj Edmond. law Association, sad members Nation*! Drown, second. , 880 yard—Miutflcld.,, all the. good properties of ntiilili) of. Crnufortl. POKBBNT lieve In food patiyusnagenient. Tlic |.!nep of meeting of the uld n»ardB of S'ICELY (urnlihcd room ID prlrata hou*t, suit- Furniture Warehouse iasorlsllnn Kabuns For tlie oeneflt of some of Uie newer High Jump—Sorcnsen. Kramrr nml|; A Allison. Ire., IIS Ueutb Avenue. Is« sunshine. Second, be- t-clmrv Bin] KUTMOII and this tKilllng |ilsm for Hbl« for one or two. with or'wlthout board. 1-booe CHauford 8-0S.8. • ft leildents of Crantord It might be in or^ Ilrokaw In that order: shot put—Sor-. rn r.T"il>e u-wtal Klivtlun LHsirlcU: 21)7 itliu Btrwt. Ttl. tUantord eOJ33-JL *."•»: The derision of:Mayor Roger C. Xi der lo state that under the spendld and enscn. Kramer and noslch in that or- -Ktnrt l»i»rrUl, Cnnii[ur.l -|Itii«|t Walnut mid . I'lilon Atrliut'i. ' HMALL Hliop,. cvnual locatloa, 1,040 aquaro AFABTMENTS FOB BENT l* 'I drlch no'f to accept miomltiailon to very comiwl*nt maiiagemcnt of Miss der. Dlscus^-Sorensen, Kramer and Km-oiid hlmrlcl, Tuwiiklilp Itootna. 2nd door, tent flour spap«. Uround • floor. Writs. Box iili-ri Aii'tnit' and Alden Street. A3v, care L'rsuford Litlxeii and Chronicle. T|VK rooou~lnd~bsth-"on second floor. . All the Township Committee again will;be Bdniond our Khooi'system has proved Drokaw In that order and imlle-relay. food, rich with.^ body 1 received with Ueep regret' by the (feat Tlilrt! IMntrkl, ('IfvelatiU flciioiil. Nurtli Improvements, heat furnished, girase: If *h to be one.lhist we as cltUeiu and tax- Cranford won with Brown. Custons. building vitamins. Third, Iilotl. AH'IKJ**. IIAIIWOOU, 3JD Hatel Armue, S rooraa, tiled Sired.. KeaeonaUe rent' Telephone e-stlxt-J. majority of the people of Cranford. for IWyers may well bc-uroud-oi; At the McarauVand 8me««er. Fi'turtb IMstriPt "*tTant^9rrnM)t. llully »trw(. batU. new, all improVenienu, heat furaUiied, alt. Aldrlch. as one of the governing present lime our Cranford Bchoola rank bexause it is always re- Y)t\U IiiittrU't. LtiicHiin Hchuol, Cmtt-nutal rent 113. Ci«m«». . . _ LIUIIMING Anarlmenl. three rooma and lutli w'niie. t-itr. Lln oln AvenueAenu . ITIrsle. Available May Slh. T!OT Cnton-Are body, has done much for Crantord dur- very high In the estimation al the State Sh C freshing and satisfying; Sluli U^trift, Sherntan—HHtnnl. Lincoln 1IOL:SK. ' ruoma. bath, hot water heat, .wit! nub, North. . D.m. ing the years he lias served the Town Oepartmeht. both troin (lhe standpotnl CranfordAir Service nr without garage. Lot 501,170. Inquire ai ,.., (Irani St'liuol, Holly i Hamilton Aitnne, pliune «-03i(. .NOKTU Avenue. West., 530. Crsnford.. FIW ship. Uu term dors'not expire until of manageiiient and omclency.'n. inlght : Offers One Dollar Rides KifihUi' [ilitrltiU-iire.-iloiuw... .N'o'rUi Arebu*, epartmeot; alx -latve ^rooma nnd 'belli. ne«4y l-i January i: nest?-which will cpmpletje be well to'kiinwHiaiyaB iotniiaii'd with BIX.large rooma. all Improvementa. ateaun heat. VUJd all Improvements, rent inodetali * of cood*service, ty>.many ot,eur iieiJliEorliK lawns the an? pol»lnt by the Towmhlp FIVE rooms and bath and s'unparlor, lit two- IVmrnlttro ot ttii> Ttmnslilp of Cfiinford lo f.mUj dwelling. Nswl» decorated. 133.00 . HELP WANTEXV-Male - Every housrliolilcr In Cranford should The older.residents regard her work each Saturday and Sunday'. Blunt Hy- imVeawnrili for lamb ukeu fcir.tbe wtilrnlnc per month. I,. Kraamer, 3 Balnunt Arenue. -WAST eipl'rlenced"m»ii lo repair Singer Sew- co-operate to the fullest' nt«nt during with' the highest esteeih and favor, and ing and parachute Jumpliiv l» present- if Ontfiinial Atenue?, Cranfnrd, N, J., as !•«• Newark. (I. J.—Telephone UAtbt 5-51(5. ing Mschlne, .Telephone 0-0821 should there be aiiy doubt In tho minds Cranford Dairy Idtti tvr th 411 Unllnam-e entltltNl. "Ail Or- ..-.•- • . •• . ' •• "•"••: 4-S3 Clean Up, Week next week. An extra ed, Lust 8uhday,' Urr> Nate, para- limiiHV Ii> tirurklf for the rv-tlUntnent,,. r« of any of our new residents, Who have chute Instructor for the National Guard iK'ailiiti •iriil widening' uf CcntciinUl* Atebue EIVH room bungalow, all, Imurofemenu, stean WOHK WANTED—Female \ sire cajnpsugn Is being planned and .':. •iligri-Oradc'Dalry Prod'ucfi heat, Kreena for houso1 and potch. sulrs to no ailllngly chosen Cranford as on at- gave a thrilllruTeithlbltlon. ' , r»m M.mie Hirwt to lluitatt lUnvtl In the PRACTICAL nurse dealres poaltloh taking _carc \ aP refuse will be rotlected In (very !, UNION A\T.—(Phone «-011W) rt)v.ti»hip of Cnnftirtl ind for trttulrlng the srtH'. lit UUIcreat Aicnue. Cranford. Vler- tractive and worthwhile place to live In, llng Bros., 8t» Monroe Aiehue. Ellzmbtth. ot.lnvalld or child, aalsry no uueeilon. Tele- Xarction pf th« town without charge. : A' great rhaity of thoae who visit .the •nils and ffviiilsra tiecfiMrjr fur' tfut pur- TSsBTnot^^ investigate"llie tnerjur o[ bat ( .N. X 1'bon. lUxabstn l-aal» " phone ClUiiford ..M"' Hpuseholtleis air urged;to-cleah;up •field lake- opportunity of going'up for JO SOUTH -AVR—tPhane «-0iM) ;ft>w, as • • (ueatl < lnitinifrru«il,' ~*dot't«d June present school system and be convinced i:*. ll»St>. lute ctrtJJlrti lo. tbe^Ttiwadilp Cont- COLORED lady wishes dayt work, houserleeji- tKHr' property' and place everything rides. As. a special- inducement, the nUtUf the •w-.rdt nuito, bj- a report in" wTlUug FIVI rooms sad bstli, all lnwoveaents, :.s» lHat Cranford U a real u> to date, mod Buroalde Avenue, Crsaford, or call at 6 Ing by the hour or day. Reference*. Hills. price has been reduced to .ft. .ii-c<>mp*nttHl t.j 1 imp UIOWIDI In ttfUll tlie 74 Burnslde. Avenue. -..•.'-r — - they wish, taken away on-the curb. aiidi taken and for whti'h «ttanU .w«re itud*. North Avenue, West, alssw. . U p the (ifflvp of the Township Clerk: suit ihit the rrfou waara reoBt^aUCilhcirt KeJty Co., foremost, that our schools are all lha 1 CHsiitonl S-MIL. • .'• . ti e. since it Oder* Ihe proper tune rovtns1il|. CummlttPe tiis Ried ' - • tAWNS. Bower borders, h.eds««. rrinfurd. N, -J.. mi th» t>U«-when throughout,- oil healer,: 'Telepbone-CUantonl the -Paint Up" angle Is of Importance ,ud »litre It will rnntlder 11M report and "HOME MAKING —~—- for It tie* tn wbjri Ihe-pmgram of the Tlie card parly ot the Lincoln I'.-T. 6.0»:v. Mrs. X. T. Tpwler, <0 Berkeley -35 NORTH AVKNUE KA8T, CRANFORD , PHONE 6-M14 ,wsnU Tor ititidrniiitltm, ind' at which time OBiSN 8HUTTIBS Home Baking to order. Central RcUef-OommlUee lo_tnake_un- A, was announced by error for Tuesday ind |ilict> an opportunity will be glito tu ill turtle In Inlemi iu bji^heartl rat tbe »ubj«t Cakes. Plea. Rolls, BreW,' Nu» Bread. Sand- proremenu around the home to-hflp CKA.sruBU— Houses. Bungalows, buslneaa wiches. Luncheon*, sod Afternoon .Teas. Card . tuning. JM .dale. Jdit. cosrrtct date Is :;., ^.-^' CaU-'-Em*noo i"PJ3()j«r JQuanoiTSMKtUu: _- ••- =i.-^,-_-^ ^l|r*W_HWi Mjrla^iul,. i^^-tJIIitJllUliUk, iilereJOt,!-^ ptr,7te,^ltPT«eine«fc<»r^e,M«tte^lt«<^dd ' thr 'uueu4iluiea.^I»t'a:-kn'Yl!.e of the Hoard of Bdiicavrkia, lirini Jk-hool, sell at aacrtflce.' Can be eeen. st any Urn* . tf Holly Klr«H Crmnfurd, N«t Jerarj, until 8 by aypolnlmenu Phone CUanford t-IWT-IS. caufer-i s.m-1. Nest week public attention wlU be Buying Meat •* M, tI-«>IUl»l iSaUnx Tltur) .-.'•• -'..•' U centered upon born, for the week wU-™I : Announcing TlKHIlAY. MAY 5. 19S1. • TAINTTNO AND DECOBATINO be) obsnred at &ora' Week, with Rotary fur .furnlahlss »nu tWHrertnc coal to the lab- OABAOB8 TOE IKHX . ile School of the Tovnihlp of Cranrord. GAKAGK for rent, Rachwal, «« Centennial PALMING and Deooratliur , Clubs througbout the varM-dlrecUng County ttr I'nlon. Sut* of New Ittrtf. Avenue.. Telephone CRanfon! S-1510 4-30 t!» Wee* lTlce Street. Llndto. >« lnteresUag procrams. calling attention Here Is No ^y be obtained 00 applletv Telephoae Linden !-»» . UiHi at the offlnot the Board of KduratUm, tn Itir lmmtn»»jfaJiie.ar.J»c3^io_the ctoci raperliantlnc future ot cttiUtaUan. The Idea back ot New CoaLJprices IIOAKII or "MFKCATidK. cKANrukn. N. J,, ctociC rtosttiai. Joe. F. Bdusldt. fbraarts ,Kchmltt, — If wlia Kter Art Wore, sollclu aaU-w, mad- CRanford S-I137-B. _JBoya' Week H aa old as history Itself. GfalTBag PUUIct Clerk. rsllwr chlsn. rreocn sad coopllcefid doe* GOOD UNTIL MAY 1 '^ BXTHA Suedal, IhU mouth. Aaj room P«I>«T»II ttyi-U u tn-y*""f that should become rewlrlsc. (KssrsalMdose-rear SUM Kbrk 11 rasa Mace. Diloa. N. J. • tt rompleu with 10 Irolls "•"•,' ""'J "',!» nfmshtrjgrj new and more vital each Ins. IS yards border for »S.!5. «W«"°" "f BEM8T1TCBINO . time tt I* broufht to mind, locally. ntty (Ulferent oatlerns. "i"*" V ?->*»••• Guess Discount of $1 per Ton CLIannni sad Drebst. Pleutas, •naaUlehhv .•".."LOST .•-'-• •• II Isslniu Wreet. phono CKsnford « -»- Ihe boya" wreck ctanmltwe eel the Ro- asd lMten tVmtar. lira r tarteiUnerr BAVINUS Detwall Bank Book'. No. MU. nt the MaM » tair aitw b»» planned a prograni to ob- Will Be Allowed on the Following IMces U Parmeol b° Made UlthU • M Soota rtutnn Avsame. cruford T.le«w— Crsnford Trust Csmnanr, Cranlord, Krw ler. Mrjr taa When you come here In person Clfarord S-SU4-U. .. '. u *sey.-"The flnOer Is requested to return II to aa-ssl tais •em ttw ««k. the high point or which • ilDsjs of Bale of DeUvery . B.L.SV. rt ^Jff-JS^t^ff^ to choose, or «rK>n you- phone U» the bank. If not raturtd before the >th du will be the BMttlnc ot the Boys' Town- META— '••—saLg CEIUNO-Waisissaiaia-ej'a-s'sa8J • v of Msr. .IBI, application vHll be made to ship OMnasstlae neat Friday evening MST.U. CtlUSf.SSOS. sulUbtesulUUe ' ddsslpu tot sU lie bank for a near book. - v ~ I-T your order, you mar be cerutln of Egg Ton $13.00 Pea Ton $10.75 sail rnoass tap*( prlvsttl'liQeMe. ~ ' . runUalted i Bora ekKted In the schools will hold tvect»4 t.j st 1 BAV1N0S Depoatt Bank Book. No. H.M». of getting the BEST MEAT to be L Mahnkra.dl wuiovr Area the Cranford Trust Cotapany, Crinford. 'New public sOce ttmiiv 4b* meeUng Stove Ton $13.25 Buck Ton $9.00 vfa-a-M M»W-W. give tcpqrta on tbe functions cat . ^ Jersey, tie Under U reoueaud to return tt had. QUALITY U our watch- to Ihe. bant U not retUred bsfoi» too 13th avjienuumC, Thes* meeHlngs are al Nut - Ton $13.25 Rice Ton $7.25 day of April, till, sppUesUon will bt made wars loterwatlng and there should be a word, . to IM bank for a nw book. «-a luce attewH.Tsrr.cf adult* to are Just Coke (Koppers) Ton $12 LIVINGS Dnoalt Bank Book, No. 141, of Uu ho* the btrjra do thing* now. for it will Cruford. Trust Coraptny. Cranrotd, Row Jersey. Tbe Under Is requested to Tttura tt not be a (rest many yean before these These Prices Subject to Change • • HOUSES £IT to Uw last It not restored before the lad same boys will bt eUglble for elective day ot stay, HSU application will bo nude e»iniui|i«i f-rf«»t«^« cJtber ta Cranford KLEIN'S Week ttartls. asL, *»rH«t» to the tank for a new book. Mortgage Loans or wherever they may be. A ,«KAT PIOTUtHV ' KM .ItOWfi.UPtl Wanted—LoaantdLoadd oor nut load ot household goods. ~. tVOTS 4KD ACXEAOK entOll-^iilcatontOll^iilcato . uL Csw*«rnslt U TtiaVa MARKET REEL - STRONG COAL CO, Demo, Mick. Ita IMer la the beat taowa Tartetj CHOICE MEATS UNION AND NORTH AVEL TOPtltbTO—PtltsblllThl . Pa. at the e»e4taa I** grapefrtul. - 8I8OCR BlOaV rislaneM, Bostanaiei or SEE, •aa a sport af O* Walter vartety. 10 Union? AY*-, Cnnfonl CRANFORD }? JPLUIIE " Oaanara «.»M-«:i«U PHONE CRANFOBD f-lM* ' " CHAOS aa« Xtn k» H>.I*te •DIB bottaea cfialrs a t Natth vlaulovr rises* fte, M tt waitKt bdmOacad toto V. i. - - - - 'fe- 'vfjmA oonti

~Tr' n - His. And thai I do with Results In the Cranford Churches The Chart* Council of Cwarj Uttn. XANEOUS •rea. IWaeonable.

the pian-of ad-": "•""' "" ' ""I &*>ted_ Lutheran Synod of New Tort 1 ttUaa -^ ,^^._ i , • ^.ar^ar Warsaw ^Be^aeSBeaMaeBeasr Mothers-then rouU be a Samuel Inl*" "* »««Hon. meeting paston •And Kaomt took the child and laid oUr7trtre°f ^ Cranf<'rd' !' ^aiinah il«d Church oouncils of all the Luther- 10 •£**?!""*'to*** «** «»to The'tost UngCof i Pnwja used to I'?"!!?11" *"*"" '"* •rouud *•"• •M bar chain. UBM amu« hJmKir by .^""^ *,he c -"'" "k. to discuss problems and make plans t -»>*Be Worship. for the future. ^^ — — ™™ • —»•• SBeatJirjJW ua» of his museum- to children -H* . M to •VavoKthiac about th* »»<,LVNIM| ,1 a pulnl ,n»»«| In aitad a little fir, chat kingdom u tuaif Calvary Church has regular services U Ctan* and the child, or what place t*" 01 euMtiorlll , 4 at^a^kest • #. — — - • « _ - - . « _» _ . . • aunday morning, the Church ' ll»« — - . .-. meeting at »:« a. m.. and the alone..Mid »,uiherl> II,., oil Xiiciurm H.U.It I chief service takintngg pace at li a. m. I think that probably the word of my Ul Craadway an, l.,,n.lr,- _ - . r attttude and duty of the H^.^" *"*'*»?> »he »n»wered, — " MOP. a"" tnwaidithe child. She la to be , the Kingdom of Heaven." That wraed. The monthly-take tahtah> of Jhe Hoo» th.it,, no u a ntrsmr mother la the right answer. Every chlid. ac- >Unu Tall CRaa- »uUd wUl take place flatUrdar.,Aprtm t .....n a» uurauie me entid, ahe cording to the Scriptural lde»tiivGwh at.thennatm-iMore. HorUrtJWon aveJ^ — hate aaplereward for the church lnalknable property and belftiga of _ Uia nu« laiHerly ami Rreplace irate. right to-the kingdom of heaven. numliera m (1|, four Hi. .K n.l .,1,1 rwi, >|4 price. Inquire bt^ni wffl betuurlahed by her nun- ill and Uw »hol. ol la, ,,,,,,,|*r ,,,„ , iut o, .elephoue CBarifosd The child of faithful ChrVlan par- »l*lnii»li« OflrUiree- (5i| , „„,,, „ It win help us to understano) better enta hai no rtghl to belong to any . Church Has Series laid do»n. draltnaled and .ll.ll,,uiil.l.,,.l „„ , what Christ has done lor the xhlld If other kingdom. Qod clalma the child. •.rial,i man mtlilhl "Mali of il., \i, litUon. (.'all laorii- of Studies at foyer Meeting _ Tuwn .if Kllul.lliii.tri, .\'.n bywajror contrast and comparison, we And IT we parents u-ould urge that »» «l Die In Ui. ,,mn, ,,r Ilii. ttralilcr ,,l II roiinly of. K>aj.il. look at the position of the child In pa- claim In the way Hannah I manure for aale. l!!!--li—IJ WlatlleM i •»-,» r"'**'.'lil the Oil *"—* •—-^-- —-ser-lti;Br: . t^l lii.iii 11,1, 5-J — _.,.., _...,«,., the Rev. atatchett *ml """ thToe Nen w TestamenL claimed KlliVNKH Detltefed by the .UIOOA. wijUBnd that the more progre.- .Children for Qnd,, tbeje would he less Poynter.fpastor-of the Cranford i *aimew stinpr. «*• aw-^ettaT-deTCsOpM civilisation MethodUt Chureh; l»; Birjpilucftng' a ser- d I-IIB-I »-a st-MtSrnta, Worship. 6:48 P. IL— Sotflnif Sr'wttoToairon uS part of our B. T. P. D. a:M p. to JUUVUvouthl , ..•• .. '• .*. -. -;.;•---;-• , : i •; -. . ies,of studies. _on the life of St Paur. V each. l.Haroll- the child. We have^talW^ -.• Without further refereri.es to.lhe O14 His treatment of the subject Is proving -—w.'—aaiaBas jiiaociVEal m OUT OWT) Tealameht oh thU niatler, fef us turn very Interesting' to-the large" riOmtier len table. Ice box day. B»w much better the position of to-the-New • Te«tnmcnniiid on the which attends..... :---—'-' -ib Areuue, l.ar- the oUkl now than.tn our Boyhood., threshold'of it, I am met by two won- Tuesday, several ladlea of the church Si h A few years ago, a famous Chinaman derful chUdren. John and Jesus, That attended ihe -Spring luncheon for the Icb. M.W a truik- visited Greet Britain. He was shown In Itself should be enough to hallow Ocean Orpve Home for the Aged, given I. Andrei. Zlntlg- •*» A. M.—Church, School. 11:00 A. the leading dock*, tbe shipyards, the childhood for us. AdamTiad no child- at the lifethodUt Episcopal Church in 05, stiff 1 1'. SL M^-Morntot Worship. T.-00 P. it— us. hild Somervflle.~" ~ . : 5-1 battlethtpe an* Introduced to the lead- hod. Jesus Jiad. Ood came to WKIlSKHlU'V. TIIKJUTII IMV III' CtaHUan Endeavor. g:00 p. lat-4tven- ing industries and faunous buildings, bui There win 1* a large reprosenutlon Al'lllt.. \. |l...UU;ll. ...'_ .'..•; - - — . _ ' j Guarjuiteed Uie- the one^Wiirta«ltnTpresse4"fiIm^- little chljd, born, of a joung Jewish .n,.™,.!,, „( .aid ,d»i- beat iiuallty. Oe- was the schools, school! for chUdren. the league rally thU evening in the Jle. ' Brook's Dairy, mother. That redeems' motherhood and UK MI233 " U TtattTT Bncont Cnaa TO*»nhe saw thee.. be wept, wept for birth and baby "and makes them for- MeUiodlst Episcopal Church In Scotch Oorner of Kdrth Ate. and Poreat Ate. hla own land when the chUdren had Sver sacred. /.-.-' .•'••• Plalm. mixed Mil.I. J1S5. no arhoola. ~ • : t_B\it-the classical picture, of child- The subject of the" pastor's sermon rut whim ii.HS. g 00 A. Mr—Holy Communion. 9:44 next Sunday morning will be "The liulill I, Inturlur alusa What did 4he ancient civUlaallon of hood-is .surely Jesiis taking the child- A. kt-Cbarch School. 11:00 A. IL— Power of a qrcat Ideal." For the Suiv- • Itil llirw 'l«j)Vlii'.lijiM''« Virirl»"i.V,u."i'"li|'"" 13.35. Pure wlilte Oreece and Rome do tot the child, Not ren up In his arms nnd fondling' arid laid d»wii MI a ,.',1.1,, ,>,.„ «,i|,|,,|, '.j| ,„ trim Varnish ll.H'i Morntng Prayer and Sennon. Holy 411 HKIl.VKHM.W TMK.HTII l».\v l,ft< one book was ever written by a Greek blessing them. One of the most hu- day evening services, a serles..oi; talks „ M farlurlna T "-• MAV, 1 II .' Put. • . Flatting III! II. 10 OooaVBloB en the nrst Sunday In the ptba Tur Cleaning. or a»tnanj.uthorfcTchlldren.Think of man passages in the Acts of the Apos- have been arranged under the general -N. .1. (wllkl, man Ja „,, |||u |,, ,| ..' •,', hl.h.^l:,, Company, U l»idt month. g:W p. M.—Choral ~ Ucs heading "Spiritual Thoughts ' from 1I11,'. of Hi,, I'oidHy ,,r i;ii|,,nj H«vlil«l Tim.., li, ,1,, our books for our children, educative J»-the story of PaursJeavetaklng of ulaly .l«r i Common Things." Inspired by the fact All III. r,,ll,,«lii« ii I and entertaining, our children % papers the disciples, at Tyro. -MKIIIVNIMI ., . „,,„, Tl.la1,t.,,.t,,,i..n. M.r that Jesus taught spiritual truths win, Irrt raaMly fMIn lliu i.iinu.r furnlnl' l.« Sftle," "tia,r»«0 ifar I and magaslnes and encyclopedias and Here is Luke's nreotihT of it; "And mnf.iMl. In' ih,, I mm"-~bmis cftrti poetry, books and fairy uUes; but not serpento, old wine skins, oil lamps and l r »r- TJiTihl I N..» Ji,la,.v, •Ma. If Fkm Cmnca or CHinrr, ScmtrrsT they all brought u« on our wav with milj --•----— - -~~rr- «• •»."IJO »na U'1,1,1, i.h ' „ Comer Springfield Avenue and one In Athens or Rome. They had wive, and children, UlT"we^ 3?'^^^^l™?.^ , TBITCKING MDn Street falrjr tales, but they were written, for music everywhere and WUTlsm iiV.T ul^Vmi..'".^^"'...!; ,....,„ .,V, hauling turvkv r l "lmli;i|(ilo7rTni" »:4S A. U.-8unday School. 11:00 A. . ._ And when »e -vorth was lifted Into ecstasy by ."."".RU'tiT, K.'.™""i ,f ' ' •;•... »>'J)iIeii-..ate_jiui-r«i41se* I tot ule • «i,,i rvL!t< ".'.••'""' -."f i for nUiiule W ic-6errtce. Wednesday senrlee i:00lul_ __. leave oho "of another, we i-'Lllill-J -iw.r (Lilt lempt to discover tlie low. .nftl""!.'""'!!"' »»• t«"i» "•«" <*»i fwi: iii<». W^rd. the M-«eral ....'.Ln^ f^ |j rauford. 5 I room 1 „ ••-F-Jh.^?"!* - °i*»»-O»n- -»Jol would wta« ^iSSS=^iS^ l.«|.||ier-iellli.|l»|r InMreH Brooklyn. Cunauli « *. U, excepting Sundays and HoU-' ^^ ™ r,,ll.,wiM« Iran Ui I* Paul ' nnd Llikp ^ ™..™ licking eU)4 cjptMat days. KII.rtl»a arunil li III,. ,,f -riilr.1 Awu. ,., OREEKT lialwlia the gospel. It marks a new epoch femlanl.. ri, fa. r,, l.u.,,,,1, H,r.«. »,.„« ru second lluor All ln flat ami n.raljit"| r-lthe world's history, What a lltie l,.,l,,l,,.,l H.lil lull, •lied, iilra.e If <•> m ,« III. alan.-alateil'iirll ri,.u,l.,»,.rjrT«u,lll, Telephone d-zlJt J f» "" dlrwleil I .li.II m»,»» ( .,,,.|,. (,„„ Tl,lrty.,mil lwrall.1. „, |^,,, ,|, * , Clua. Tuesday at •p.m. hr milJllr reailu. in ||,a lilairb I I n um ee ruoma and uatli •*.! lu « imlnl In illi.—207 Inkm AT. Prayer aad Praise, Thursday st «I beasts. " J''"" " • lllll|lll« »£**_>...Ill 11 p-m. - tooa 'tVKIINIHilAV, TIIK JUTHIIJV of In .pro,,. Al'llll, A II Mi 0, rranruriL >*lr»l' Oouaae Prayer. Friday at is ^ m. na anil belli. ne»lv «l Time, f JIKMXMMJ I.I ,la AM kii'ilil, nmt ,1, >l«,.,,l,,| ,U , ,,,, .' I. .nts. rent modern. A»i!ilLf"lli|«l trait nr uarirl .,f Ian tlnialvlv In.'j "• m«n inlllllll li.aii, i,,,;,' ,|. -K, ",',' II. »l|li ml,, U.j llun.l. new »ll 8T. ™ia«. l,r arlr d^M. 1 lr.,,» Marrh Kill, R. a *llltalDi-|jlna i""?^ .' r <•""•") l1Hini,i'lilut< i ri——V.- ,_3-ll - f-Tfft #6M*Bcauttnii-'«aiwaK'ihbi w.*l)fl*i ^ t-.nrrrni* ^rn.ii nil, r ,i,j |, , 0. Fire riK.nu and lectrlc. Aplilj 1" BCT. John IC. Hubert, extract alms fi»» lv.1 •linost- perfect loyalty and the most after 1 1' M « from the passers fruitful service may bo expected amoni .I.,I, . JWnmt- ro—rfiir im,rr»wtiariTnTST!« "I If1"* '"•' "'"' "'• Hraillmiial ieiii.Biv.il, . HV> Mass followed by of |f|ur. - Htrn-I; llil.Mrt.' rniiolim II, repair SUmrr Sew Benediction 1030 a. m. UNION COUNT.ITV'NIW JCBS.V \ Tuesday eveninf. 7:«, 'st Anne's f,,,i, H,, ,„,. „,„,„ ,, „,;,1 o-u»:;. TO Better Vegetables • -. ttitmr* Cl|- ,V,)r1li D—remale wmlrrlj and uarall.l mil, . It.,, m.i .,„„„„, «.ail,.,l l.i.l. r,, rur mai.rlala aaat poaltton IsUiK <•"' BEST IN TOWN ' '""*• ««l f.«tMli«n«'.li| -mnlheaalwlr'allill, ll.,,.Ue Leaf y no uueallon Tek "PROBATION AFTER lirupnanl rUlil ,,f.»ar II... ,,f n,,,,|. V,, , r.ud«ar U DEATH" .ill be theTSubject ofll« iost phene as jtmr order and K.lenaUiHnll,,,,.>,',,, i;, H|.i. IIUilii«x"«'' Ussoa-Sermoo,. ia ail Churches restaawwed we will dellvW U f IIKI;1.SMMI.' fa work, hotuwil.an yon oacUy what yen want riem MllS-tlao III. iffn.1 K«»l,,,|, r,,,|r ((,,, ,,.,. References UUIa uf l.r.ml-. i',,,,,,,^ !„ Hi-nun,'* ll'l.i,,, I prJ^W? *- — • •••• mm WaiaWBTS^a«V# UTTHafl |aiis»*t tiX the bestthat gnrwa.- The CoMen -Teat U: "The Lord ..,.•.»«_*» *-VI#J. of the KOHDCII He tells . nf >l.,r. llaally li,,iii,.tih ,ld(,,l I "won a river bank ^notice wttbjhe Jhe-Jcnowleflge of-thi* fact-nhaped hisjj - GO'IMPABK ov*. men wnrir JnLJM.wtun Bi>=Mal. ««£««**rfb Hh word»roandr«h: areTidtfafdroTOed fur Inlnii I mini, ,„,, ,,,2 „, MONIIAV MAV 4TII IHII life and made him feel that he «as an-1 i OTIIEU Od TKAtT IIKIIIVNII,!! » , 1,11 < here," Africa, mi I know from mission- l.ljjlle Kuull,.,!TUAI, THi m IIKIIIVNIV.if n, 1 ary relatives of niy own to worse than BUY NOW . SAVE MONtV ,.iiJ«ll,,,,Ji»il 110111 r..( H,,ulllr,»i,,lr I,,, AT... nw«lle, .^ ^ Among the ciutions which com- We ought confidently to expect Oodly rl l arlll 11,, rr.aanr.r uf | ,.!,,„ vmMI. to China, I,, u,. |,llnMI rflin ,.r II,. rmli ilituljta ,„ 1 lrKa tliail Uu ,w r.i,t ,,r llta total prise tbe Leasoa-Sermoa is the fol- chUdren as the flower and fruit of Hlr»l a,,<| »,„ f.uh,\, II,,, fanring;, from'the Bible: "Behold, Now against that dark_.back«round. r III. 11,1 lui ,,„, „„,,, ,„.„ .,;,' ™T5 Christian home llfc-.-Chrlsttan school Special for Satunky . i' "I. IIIUIIJ. «.,,|ll....l,f|. aliuii w I 0 .Mel. 1.111 li "5 KDaQ I ahewyoa a mystery; We shsU not let us take and set a Uttle child that we tJn.lre.llli. ( I:, ,,f . ,, „ ' « ir ,i " f J »D sleep, but we shall all be chanced. Ufe, Christian chun.h TIfc mid Chris- 1 M u v o .Baklns to order may see how radiant Is tbe sacred In- tian civilization. MUSHROOMS, pel Ib. "" •'"•;,• •"•"I I" ""-iilir «nr 1,' Nu» Bresd. SanJ For this corruptible must " terest with which Christ invests him lilin an.I ,„ ,,r,,ilEAH. 2 lbs. (til m. o'e Cltanford.« JS»* CorinthiaflT |>*r*|Jfj mtJi tlip t nr 11 ihv n ,,n rt, H| V| |, il a M.ir.ir (omuany luilna ikaJ new civUteatcivUteatioi n and a nenew world •I Hureln •-.., nui vr«i world and church life arc ChrWlun In aN •ml "IW Hill, ,|., 1 ,„, i,,,,, „, ChristiaChii n wor BEBBIE8. pint 1 nf .. U,r will, a Uitid In IIM sum s The L^foo^crmon also include! g the young are U" " '"' "" I'l, In Ml I *„ u» n Min,, , inTFIi',1 \| mosphere, thought, pra'ctlw. Ideals and 1 rrmdllinna a. are r»,ul,r,l |, ,„, k^mniy In harmony with what U most distinc- WiH A. a.ni. |,rii,,l... ,,,,,,.,,| |M, il |ir.|"l» al I ,.„!,„ | l,,|,,, I,,?,, s" the. toDowfais: passsce from the U t dltl aspiration JJ this, UwJssue wIU IIONEV /l,« ll<,«r,l riaerr.. lt» ,|,|,t ,„ nj^ WANTED ~. - tive ^a, influential in tbe religion «f Wf fta l l w_.n_i,n. M.» io *,i.. ur« «.uui'^ i"i|rbo'5»)or tant 1 ..~i«und . «^.-. ... tal(ejcatc_Qr_u- f tf f?'> «V"»" l" •«'" '!••!• rtalllj Kail r s r ca — ? -Uia-plana-aivt-aMeiaii ' *OL—Berred-el-Its ~ ;, '""» ""I C Cnlllna « he Library. I'bonj SaiptmtsT by Uaiy Baker .r I i.l,.,, let us now look at the Scripture doc- LARGE GRATE FRUIT, S for Me — ...„ h,i,,ni, i nll.v.r I ourl II..IM. Kllaalw" " "WrV.k«o- thlt "Slid\U chafed trine of tbe child. God said to Abra- t fur.l •. I rri.n, Alii Howard Mnullea a J?tlS- - *u |ic twmkluig of aa eye,' whea- ORANGES, dosen -_. __. .rl» Hlr.rl •>.» Vork l>. .nnaiiu. ham, 1 mm establish my covenant be- TI lasst >ECOBATING lhe H lh 11 OB1ld i , "T ,'" ''"" •ii»»ew Jiwr_ tbjF seed after thee." - — — i hi no f 7 iff V*>w rft-r . ,„ *<>t «' COUMaV lesser call m tbe crowth of Cbrie- ti-n 111 3 tiaa character- (p. 291). ^*^ Yourself •r Uttw-twn \n\utf jutrn n HulMinii and < » CtHialj, Intia . Paperluin«lii« _ ' M»iinin, .ml firmufi A •• wani,ijn. ^afMrrr.^r mtTrysr .r» Halloura. lila «lf. ' IN CHAMfrfV Of NEW KKSIV C Cra'tirorU ' IIWUP •aaes room foTthe child; he U not tor- fa for lale Mklu.l A Ml,,in, Tit i,f rnnruraxsd preAil^a. '•••r. » «»,.„ Tlioina. t nuraa and Pearl M Bur a.: ; li lotteiknor overlooked, nor despuadf ft • • al..l ll.M.lle llr >l,i,,e ,,r .„ Dra>, ut Ih. tnurt 1 Ckaa IIT >lrliu of II,. aim,, t writ nf drrl L Any room paliern* failaa 1» me dlrirled I .lull ae for aaln Hi n ...,«. »h.rHu Eatlirr II Creso li .„ Iff bi,Ml£^T«n..., Ur rlrn,,, ,,[ t'l',." wall.'ilx niols ""; III III. ; Irt II.H1111 IT- alainl wrll ,f ||,,| il.li.aiu aii.l Tbnnia. 1 Hurt, and Pearl M.T5. SelecUon n( franted that Isaac shaU be the son of "•ones <-«M aod In Hi* i ourl II tat laa I",, ma .11,1.1., I "iiall ,11*,.,. j,, | 'Batxrn Cotnl-any. Abraham after the spirit aa wen as af- t.r-|,.,l.ll, >»,,).,. |,, M P llnrk. are .i.l.n.lanl. ,„„ u"nmu£r£ i TRADE HEftg SAVE WOMXT Ifif and a,MH.r ,|,t ,,j|| of Ml(|' "•-»T ^ o.CIUnford « »!•*• GRAND PIANO eHHAr. TIIK IJT11 UA1 or ' Hi. I'.ml ll.,u.c tarthefleeh. n reaches oat iai lays 1, in, •in nr MM. Hi. nil, ,1a, of Jw 1J EASTMAN 8T. ANIL, A II Ilill aald .1 HI will- I, ulm ., tthaad upon him and claims hfln for 5i.7n>r,"i;l0<»,w*1;cl'"1 "•» '"I"-" llaellslii v>Kn\rHiM) . nir nni I,AV nv 1n n MAT Ood. Krefme. to bsUeve he will be an If"-. 1. .' 1 "™ • "'"»'n «< utl .laf A I) mil Hal.l hill la Mni fur II, alien from his father's faith. And that i Ji '/'""T" !! "•" »' P""l «f land wd tain nutrtsaee alren |/r.mlaea lirrelufler Darlfrularlr -l.airll«l. I., ilrttnla I* lln*. ""*•"*•*"" " "* *3at that the *eal of WELDON BROS. sjuiale, |,ln and l»Uia In U,a Tuwnslil-i J I imt once given to the ( Tms and Tnbw iJSJ t1"" l.da Thraa . n Abraham la"th« model father of BATTIBtCB _ > «"> Tlirm llundrMl nia (J«) „„ , u| ll.«lmiln« ,i lji,wihM» ,,„„„ „, W "• Old Testament, Hannah, is the mod* Recharged sad Repaired H1 lath .\r«,iu« and Admit. Ateiju, llieitLtt ,,,

el motbar sad from the Dm she refused K, Always Refreshing Vulcanising uU^'lfclift i"U''d ••'•'",'"" "' """'** *' ' to believe that her chlld-ccmM not be1 - Phone CRanford a-OW) 8ottM are *Jwayi"reireahing' and AU work called for and delivered ""' ,"' w f«*t Uirnra M) Sr#rf}l ni Itbonmt child to every sense of the 1; MhralM «.« 4>«-. r«, iheaV. Vll !"£?• Jc" I'***' " «««*» "he herr you will Jlnd them more than LII •«.-«. Ten aith:n nave lent him. to the Lord, ai oMleloin; the way we prepare CHAS. S. GIVENS ton* « te imttafi^ta b. lenttotbtotb. . ^eJ IfAlK—In. Hunearj of New Str them. Drop in when you need WBMIO» MHXMUVOB *XUAOE wa. ful- U Hi refreshing. . •' anda KUUI XMAnlmu, .t jiu. Tet CBuferd (-•4M.W ^^^ Ft ra. /or safe »f wm\tuit It la lhe liilanllon n.r.i., ul INsirstAHCC .'., i'_i fzt uf moHtm** Bf rlrui. of u,e ahinauiad writ ir oni neas stanasar,. Saneaes jn* Speelals, TM M Jeriae. Avs«ts» ~ iiM.t*. .s-ijarrsKK /i:. X *n Hr. him unto tbe £ord raclaa Is BMM dlrarbdirectedd I aahtlh l «M£ J.7. i ,u»k it or >>. H randiH, la the O "Vra? °' jWfMSt^fo— -»-^w— «Kr, vowVntaB* t'tciunli'o , paBa 111 ._. *™ J» due««•;; j!P»mlM«ir_'_ts,Mttspsmsiauidf i Y&f tcMeekin Westfield Candy Kitchen, Inc. Dr. J. B. Engle ra*. ateat T* CRssfMe S-NIS ^VETERINARIAN Kl. Csrner Cnlen Ave. sad Aides St. ^M AND CAT BOamA Merrle Taraatte attf V'; ' lOMM W . ;*- ^ ^,3* y^a*"



-JW -* ?*?~~- K1 ™-».-?«".-

the nutter to tbe police mod nre com-. Relief Committee Continue* SomfKte Jobnataa'SpMks T# Cle*n-Up Week mittee* for Investigation and. icnott at Cm Board of Health Raps Collections for Treasury Adopts Ad tb« neat meeting. At Laftgue MMtfag Ma, 1 By resolution. Daylight Baring Tune Sponsored by the Oarwood was adopted, to start Sunday, April 36 Bunogate Oeotv B. Johnston, can. Board of Health and the street '< At ranvsjuwri did not has*- use*. To Regulate Peddlers and to fttnfltm* »w»**i the last *wHi1ty In dldste for tbe fpbUcaftepubUcann tt,, Judge Ewald'sAction committee of the Borough Coun- - ; rnouxh X&L. complete their work :*£ September., t o succeed himselhilf in the primary star tun cil, ncit week will be observed as ) w>ek, designated aa Gar*'xf By letter, Fred Oeotge protested an Business Men Support Plan to U. win betbe chief speeieVattbe reg- Uefi Clean-Up Week here. Borough \ Week* during which a drive foe ssiessment of $344 for concrete paving ular meettof of the Oarwood Civic Re- . puy. PkotMtJng Again** Udc of Co-Opermtion In Court Caw. • officials request all resident* to j to carry tin the work tl- Uu*- G*r«rjod' Give Them Protection. Rail- and sewer In front of bis property, 3H : publican League next Friday evenlne . caref co-operate in the plan to' clean , Central Relief -flonMniu** w** oar.- Beech avenue. He claused then I* an . own road Asks Facts on Cross- stay l to tbevUneoinSchooL ^^^' annourik Officers Request Council for Reprimand. up all property In the borough. ! ducted, the drive his>Wrn e.itrnd»d ;t angle In the street and bis property'1* suffic Burrogate Johnston Is also chairman himself ' Trucks of the street depart- i Include this week, tn their «o •Who violated the sanitary code. Both of the Board of Health, to the effect •-.tie. iKsocistian were"'presen'th >t the e.t amuunt loat »sA;»trto| _ste-; -ji^ajg «cd spokein favor of adopting the front of the store. It wss referred Other chairmen were: Harold White csilyd nude claimed the Judge did not give the. that the copy we had was a .true copy r McunddMtttewUicuat ayeDU^teJSpfW^h to"^he btiildlng~'conunlttee* wilh~powerr Vera—Carlson. Ann, rvm^- r,wtcr was eWel&i *Kianl of Health fair treatment at the'orthe"TowirOnllnanoe.' nydoih»thl» • poslUonW hearing In question. " ; :oiir casefwould have been legally press The Omnrood Lion* and - Dramatic Pusbman, iLeaUeL Caloway. AKorma Scnmltt, Claire Hesster. .TT • record ag\Cjn " -- ' - •••<•....:•..•• Clubs -which presented a play last Fri- ttay nlitit requesed rebate' on'thelr fee «Bii»-veiy busy-making »»»Hes^of-- KEMrML':WK?-r\ "\ho ciunV frnc i a Mceai for".five minutes . which, plctures showing "Alice In Wonder- made the Board of HeaJthJhe defend- ! paid for permit as they had no police f'> ' *; (red hlmsi.%jjkuss the matter: After the rheet- . »i«oo « oiher «hide used, or for each land." This to an outgrowth, of., their their yate Codding Turned egairt-Councllman_Dugan «nt« Iri the cane rather than tht plain-, protection; A refund of $3 which would have psid the officer on duty was ot- English, work, since they have just com-- - "'"'•••••"'-•—'"'• . atinsn was elected t«,ved tntt a,, charges be considered tiff. ' ' '." • pleteB the story in this subject" They. ;-—: daut again has YH. in executive session, to take place "We believe If the Judge had taken Civic League and Club Have PeOOm are prohibited from dered sent to.ihe clubs. I. - In regard to. tbe request of the Board nope to make a movlng^pktitre of the* '• sixcai mlnlstntUm ihr near future* Member* of the time to consider what he was doing by corners of streets and they scenes so that other boys and girls may "Tl [council., member* of the Board of refusing our request, he would have •' Candidates for Local Gf- QnpiNANCE (ma. DM be allowed to vend theh- wares of Education for better police protec- I- IX li, B»B,.lai. tion, Councilman Acker, declared the enjoy them. Those who have started isaiii h, Judge Bwald and Borough At- foreseen the predicament he was pljc- "' fices. Keen Fight Foreseen *r* ami VembM a" ijjun *M feet of a store offering sim- then- pictures are Wens Loveland; Hen- lng the local Board of'Health In. - officers.now maintain a dose watch on t Nash will be In attendance. f :ir fou]s for sale.. The police depart- ry MarlneM. Thomas Criacuolp, Stan- cnticu for Committee Members. school property. At tbe last council •~:' - • -\ Dugsn's motion was car- "As you know, the violations referred '< >»i:i JS pven -power to enforce'the or- ley 8a*e*kl, Joe Pelusio, Fred Petro-, . Uitb recently moved to ((uili ui*U srtitx. wu taken. * ' •' -Blackboard drawlnts of HonanbT.were - »lirr th*r*Mr. 411,] children: inadeby John Ucltra. .:. •. ...'..._ any del Rochford, called upon Judge Bwald" to brought before Ex-Judge Harney of league Is sponsoring"the candidacies of liaa - i»o« ItrraK, A33 raraiberio f the council were pres- s have summons Issued to the landlord last" year." A party In Cranford, re- I went to Woodbrook Farm. I law John C, Orlndley and" John L. Pearson, illuD. Ilia «r.m Uie meeting. In the absence ot aw 1 mJf The annual father* night meeting of and tenant* of the above mentioned modeling a home on Fourth avenue In both ctlve In league affairs. ilillimal liivnil* In tu 'Mmmrw'*t"«Hi' two baby Calves. One was a white calf ilajir DeFteitas, Councilman Henry W. the Parent-Teacher Association was properties for violations of our sanitary till* Borough, violated the sewerage Onrwod, Republicans will also nomi- KIII.II I. ITitr. tuif l» Mi«w,, A . code but were not granted same. code of* the same ordinance which Is —Helen Koroml, 3Br~ heldr Thursday evening, April loth. In nate a candidate for the office of tax Cooadltnan Acker presented > re- "On April 14th President CoweU and tn question. This party.was brought collector and treasurer,, Daniel F,8ny- liamr'-aiiil adilrcaa i»r Ui« «WM«T u'l Some Things I Saw the Lincoln School Auditorium with a * before the Judge, and a fine, waa Im- lillfta ami .Jljutr. al l.»»l ra»but . port from Attorney Nosh with.regard I saw some boys and girls playing by large number of fathers attending. Secretary Hochford again called upon der, the present office holder, has re- 'USIti; ami It alull.he tfi« July «r . > • Hearts- posed and the condition reniMled, :Q OX blacking of the Center street the school When we went to Wood- Herbert Boblln, second vice-president Recorder Bwald and again, he refused ceived the endorsement of the Repub- *ii»*-i>f rarh rart.' Kaitun iraie cTOBsing bj the New Jersey Cen- aubs to Issue summon* after he hsd gone wlilch we will say la the kind of co-lican Club, Inc.. as well as that of the brook Farm. We saw some blossoms on presided. The meeting was opened Diamon 'Ikqwr. rur ijiiiii* .lull .*»„„« n«, - tral over the whole case ..with Borough At operation we expect to receive. - Oarwood'Democratic Club. Both or Officials of .the raUroad. the way home. Then I saw some cows with a selection by tbe school orchestra • Spades- tomey Nash. .. ' •'- •; ganUatious are on record as. favoring •alct m iraiiafrt uf aurli" reported, requested the and calves. ..•.-.. jl "I will say for myself that it we do to notify them of specific In- him because of his long term of-faith. —Bruna Del Conte, SB, The Ah-craft and Boat Club dls- • "The following day he Issued these not receive better cooperation than we siam %hm the crossing is blocked f ul and efficient -service In the past. I liked the cows and tbe little calves. played several partly finished boats and summons. He Mated that lie hod Itad received on-Monday night, April 30% {erJong prriods of time and action will I liked the bottle of milk I had. I also airplanes. Mr. Boblln, who is also hi* talk with Attorney Nash. We asked 1B31. (lie writer believes the only thin? The Civic League I* also sponaorihg a i»ni .n» ul, „ ir Sr.takra sialnet train crews, who have liked the pansles that I saw. -•.• -'• lf-«n should have Attorney Nosh on for him to do Is present hfs resignation candidate for" the nomination to theti^ll Inailn. an.l hau lh» urn. «o.w Sera 'inMracted not "> block the CTO63- teacher of ' maniial training In the - hand to "represent the Board and he to the Borough Council as a member Union County Board of Chosen Free- iml i-liarKH iijMm i>rllllrat« of Itr .•;.•.:••-•'. ' —Mary Kasciri, SB. schools,, ezplainedr the steps taken. In 1 >Uku\ huw«>rri lliai avh trjmr™ . ir* Sor more, than three minutes, the told us (President,Cowell and Secre of the Board of Health., holders, opposing 8. R. proeschcr of Intnl.ahall •»( MUU'uuy' b l*TSrough;"S r ^eight that -they: will ijecome- yachtsmen,, or —- back the candidacy of" Theodore P. tlbll 'astoailej' Sunday.^^ The p "^ Board could present It and lliat It 8 I saw some tulips, pansles and for-aviators, but often these occupations would probably be appealed and taken Carlson for the nomination for this ot- psruamt will be requested to report all aythta when we went up to the-farm. taught in schools have become very ..The Hen's Club ot St. Afine's Church s cloiint the croMlng more than - to*higher-court —. :_,™^ fic*r--..-; v_,—r__^..^_-r._,,._iT. WKaXmiit.tatlie.Iarm.lsaw^bsoien useful-hobble* Irt-later-JUe—He-al*o-L. uaTalliic OH fiwt Mttb jjmfiafcs~io Atibrney riasir'jwno milk the cows. . ,-. .,-, "On April apth In the Ipcol cour, he ng, April 39 Iri Becker.'* Auditorium. A keen contest la also tinder way for showed a partly finished "Napoleon the election of members to the County a or linitill^ ur anir ihMi'r •a forward the information to railroad Coach." whlch-ls being made by one of dismissed tlie case ot Otis Wrigljt on Fire Chief Thomaa Brlttaln Is. In charge fflri ..—Irene Rascln, 3B. - ., Jk technicality, refusing a postponement Republican .Committee, wlilch takes • '• • • .' ' AvCew the boy* and commended the boy's ef- of arrangement*. CVxsacSman Murray, chairman of the ir co-op*, until a copy of our sanitary code could place In connection with the primary . It ituii N, unUwfta r.r **• A cow Is very useful. I like the cow.forts. '.'\ •"..>. ••'-•- — . ' • kor. hurk«i*r, iwkU^r Jtf *Bftli« ^ aw committee reported investigating Clean Doe certified and .dismissing the coses selection of candidates for nomination. _ *rUdu -uttirr- Uun ID urltitui psw I like her milk, and maybe she likes me. A violin solo was then rendered by NOTICI OF RtOHTIJV AND PRIMARY At the present time, the Civic League iil rrum •val'/d K»lr«. Wvtghu *oj 5ft* tradition of ilyrtle avenue, after » sive oan)f Viola Weekes and John William* be- . or lu h«T« u» hi* LJ —Mary 8chwencke, SB. Louis Casale, and a recitation entitled all retafore these cases were opened, and again (LICTION - has all the county committee members pnKest by citizens at the last meeting. When I was at Woodbrook Paring l h| h Tbey ciaoned the street was almost Im- •*Oet Away" by John arindlajr. section refusing Secretary Rochfo'ra"* request 'All Arl:-li)" Hrculal* Klerllutia-.OIvtUluti of both-district*.: The le*gue.is saw about 100 cows. - After, the man Mr. BobUn then Introduced the the Olrrk uf th* paolite. Tbe street-*** torn up-for Houseb for a postponement, ' . "~:~ : d Mar Sill. '•««. .ami 'anwmi:. these present representatives gave us eachTa.; bottle of fresh milk. • speaker "of the evening, Arthur Perry, nitnta tlurrtti, tinlW. la hrrvtiy alvpn Ilial Ih* to the county committee, tor re-elec-. lallararturir JiriHir twin« furnUbMI tlxtuh-ny valley Joint -Trunk Sewer "After thc_Ooutl'Session of April* jalil , iKiJInn U > HUW of' u -Jimmy Oiacchlno, SB. superintendent-elect of the Rahway noABim iir IIKIIISTIIV HUtra. ur naj uVi-larnl hl» I I at the present time', »">< -. Jiidge -BiwilcrnadliM-'gMwIary: AM) KI.ICTIHN tlon. They are Judge P. W. Ewald aiid Rochford * to hint" while he (Judge 1 In 'Ilia plat-** . _ _ ... m. nuturajtaaeaiij »a£t isrrtlnt to give money, for its re slesTrsawThone aflVicow. I saw Outdance. * Kwald) was standing on the sidewalk TUKH1IAY, AI'IIIL 18, M\. -... trlct and Reginald Hcfcleantt Mrs. Ol r« and upoii rnijmaMmiiarbia .jf ttw a windmill on the top of a iillL I saw Mri Perry said that although voca- Sp fur (hf mtpiia? uf orianliliis* ami |i>atMirliiit We StarrfromUie second district. •—- .Kat lhe__iaiil_AppUv»at pair. CWmrftmsn Murray stated. Mean- to front of Police Headquarters, arid fur'k hiiuw lu h»uw raliraa for rviil"lfaliuti of a .protitr liirwn In ohnm anna, Amhl « a rake, a tractor, and a plow on the tional, guidance is not new. It 1* occu- For commUtee members, the Oar- jraul«.l.. and upon pajmou f,,r u>« iu» .< HI. fea^s will be made after referring a sick case to him, be- ill imaotii mllllnl' In - VIIIH al lh« ensuliis : edge of a field. pying more and more of the school I Tliharr anil llcurral Rlrcttim. whtvh vamaa wood Republican Club, Inc., Is backing ssd tbr jotat meeting will be pressed came abusive and attracted, a large •nil r««l«trr wuat-Ustn on-nr lKifiir*-Ua]r Stti, -Jackj5ibson, m. ^jjs It Is becoming more nec- former Mayor William Darnjtn; and " tsalhleclared.-The Effidec crowd' of passerby* by using abusive. IISI. and nmat .W ntrnplpKHl un iir tMfor» MaV essary for a child to be guided In se- Indecent and profane language against Slh, MJI.- - • • Mrs. Gladys Steften from tlie first dis- same xitsstioa obtains In .Fourth ave- . NolW b turlhrt |»>n lli.l tli» aalil lb>anla BS*..Ctaancflaian Murray said. lecting tbe work for which be Is best Secretary Rochford. trict. The club's second district can- JEFFERSON SCHOOL -111 alu all ut Iht Mill. |i|a»a Mnti Hit OmncSman Munay also drew atten- On Friday morntng a spelling match ltted. He said that much Is being done "The Board, as well s* several of the of (Him iri A. II.. andUliht (I) p.-j|.; • ' ' •' — - chief Thomas Brlttatn r slllJieJieWlalhotineoln-echoolaudl-- toj^JlabWBj,scbi)ols.bjLa.^ocatjpnal..to HJaaairwho heard Hhisr feel that-R6i: Guidance" teacher, also by "men and oorder Ewald's conduct and profanity mnt"» uf r«sUtvrlliK titiatlnnl xr torlum. Each class from, fifth through naurtlng i.a rriMtry Klfvtlnn fur nmlut-v. no* dene on mates, without notification be- ninth will send three representatives to women todifferen t professions to whom ocratlc primary. For counclUlie Oar- or "any ranilliialwi fur • llia_ fnj)n.wing wood Drmocratlo Club fias endorsed ts* sSei'ibe borough officials; He also thi* contest. The winner of the match boys and girls may go to talk over work and -fee4-.-.that he shouldrbe ;o«w«. in which they are most'interested. 'By r iif' lim Rlalai ttf N?w INU, rii f :3ioa .gamtce done byj the^ waterjcq will go to Plalnfleld to enter in a spell- -MptlmalMleO —-Trr~ ^~~—~ Tr^-—'-—x ttfli'tiir lhfTiiuniy"ut KuT -ttpon Kar-rarv,cr-TiT-myMi**f havtorvlsluns »t the schools at various for election last November by only a Ing contest In "which every school In Respectfully yours, ' ' A Kurragat* fur In* t\imit.y or I'nlun. this •rtdnlty will take part. Tbe win-time, s to talk over different occupations. RICHARD ROOHFORD, ' A Coroner for IIH Ctiunty of t'iilun. few votes, and Wullom plnter. For A mfnlMFr of Ihr Hoard of IIIOKII . in radlua tt .tn himdml i coojaay calling both these complaints ntr will revive asTrewS* a toe-X I J« **• 8H*P ««ve a Secretary Board of Health. Comity committee, the Democrats have ajlllBS a-ali,llar Mn. bHe 01 holdrra for liw Cniinlr »f t'likm to its aurnTinn, From tfie water com- trip to Washington, D. C. The pupils ' "P * ^ "^ President Cowell'* letter was as fol- runr mMnWri of Ihr Urnrral AMvmlJr ur thv I'ndorscd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dushanek t'iiandur In iliat ht Central Counties Mtalf of .Nrw Jffafj rrtitn the trimly tif I'Dlixi saasr- i*e cotaicil, received a communl- from SB! who will take part are Oesa' Oon'erence, held at Bound Brook on from the first district and Mrs. Louis Uucb T*v iueml*ra i^ lloruugh dl\iuni,lt. lhrr«->rar Hwriiin 9 TliU mntnaiin .lull ui ,ni rattan adnstng that claims of a prop- Farku, Clinton Oagglon and Helen Cs-1 »• ""> also announced, the "On January 1st of this year the Ufta, Fontennelll and Leon Jablonskl from rvndfrs uT k«rt>i*«« alt. bulcncn bk A Borvuih ^\illcrlnr anil Treaanrrr. Itir** erty owner lor damage to a rock gar- <* «>e "Union County Coun- Borough Council appointed five mem- the second district." 1K sale. Those from SA Include Rose WU- nr Hantaod. or to {HWlJtJnE*Sfe "Vn -f^rrnf trr * ^fmlTartrmi ' ~ lln ftamlviL-.TguiUm«ftw.^^^ eU rtin-troatKir'sr- -" A malr ana a mnalt MMnlirr of llw llfpub- ur li> nMtmlaalun =so> .Brert la them. The contractor*; Konepack. May 14. The morning session be- ta this Borough. M«rvvrl>'M Dtmwnillr IVunljr (Vi nnaBearcouholl News tn I (Ins at 10 o'clock. ' "These, men have given their time In le«« mm ntarh Klrctkm Dlttrtrt or Ihr Dirt In luonury may cause slicking , I* 11 «l _ . Mrs endeavoring their* utmost to enforce tlie uush of (iamihHl [teuaitinrel to. art that ath had been referred to their - As we are studying about Mew &u- - Ttsrse'l das* to tbe Lincoln Tb» tlar« ur mxUm or Ilif aaltl Uuanh uf In a thenuoinettT Clcnii nwrriiry Uliwa or Ihla unllnam^ an tnfo land to our geography we decidedto *cbo01 u>d Ml** L*wlor'» **"* m °* stealth Ordinance of the Borough. As Rialilry and llrrllun • ., will Dot stick to glam. Kfillon II iiu pm» ote .ft,] Wm nln tn President of the Board of Health I rirat DUIrlrl-lliiTouih Hall, rmirr Slrnl ftftott or rtruM la envoi wtut au* CiaimSog that tbe trolley company have a reproauctlon of a New ^England » » n «*«* Ued for tbe prise anil SouUi ATmu« I Ih. protlaloiu of Itla ardlaaan track xwftch to Center street, near tbe farm to our room. The house and bam olIere<1 tne cl"» having tbe most fa- wish to bring to your attention a* mal- aanml IllaUlrt—JdTtram IKIuol, )v»lnul lall. u> a lt» of tnnlr »i». llap tben tbe 1 let of vital Importance which occured aail Ihr rr.ucall™ or hU llmua ednace to tbe fire house is a hatard are connected by sheds. One part of *' >»eUng. At tbe close of DIsmilTl'oN Or IIOI'MIARIKK Ur ATLANTIC CITY *-"•*•" ahall a*alv ^ - - totbe *t*£& which, la quite rocky .nfl hill y'.gT!?'' "ft"*"""*** "" «"*** tn tbe local court held under th* Juris- •fmr *• appai«tus. Councilman Mur- ILXLTIDN umiKIITg rsr"B6%«a-^^qe11comjSSynbTSd t tree* on it. Is to be used as a pasture »»,«>e lathers In fSTgymnafluin. diction of Judge Bwald under date ot niatrld I. Ttial til thai mrllury or portion T^*afc ««*£ ^av A*. ^ m- • S * a*^awa^»A « April Mth. IW1. or Ih. *pn»«lii off Unmll alliulallualu HouUii or ttbi« tes» the iwtlchr?roun?ound dtb tbe comee comer r of th. rum «f «tir of lh« Vnlcal eu.ll The rest of the famrtas been dm .up. nslar of UM rlf bt < of" lh' « Vnlcal ~eu.ll SfeBwe sXTeetsXTeet. H• Hiis .recommendation and planted. We have lettuce. carroU BOatODOB BBOttS "The' Board of Health Issued sum- load noff NNnnrr Jttmr,n , ha aidd lhlh« aaaaau la h hitvbbr dd mons 10 OUs Wright, tbe Williams' imM UHl i^sUlaknl sa S5MVw Dlalrlrt Ho. p . . 1 iT0wta latltatlta a«U lh*ouihui . NCXT SUNDAY. AMIL'M !^iS! * »- TbeyueJmt ThThe«e . ; committee of the family and Ihe Weekes' family, In vio- b Onitnrrrmin Murray'* opinion, the Belief Committee has tllatrtltMM «. ThaThi ial t lUut l atrllon or portion "Tj« Ml for ponce btadquartert Is wjtotttag to appear above tbe ground. Oarwood lation oT BeeUon 19 of the Town Or- of U» llorauiti «f Oaimml Noitli of IM mib We enjoy watcbloc tbe seeds grow.'i the charity ball which the 'dlnance. When the case waa called for of lb» rl«ht-oMai> of Uw Cmtral RallroaiJ or Leave Cranfonl 6:55 A. M. blgb. hetoid the coonca Tuesday Km Jantr U and th* aaaw U Iwnhj iraul asdtt. As tbe phone is open to tbe pub- committee win sponsor will take place *v hearing, the defendant, Oti* Wright. FRANKJUN SCHOOL Mdajr notai, «»y t tn the v*"~^" wil itpmannted by Attorney Oliver of ao^trwt miiiy oalot town calls, oth- erlbsa ttnse actoaHy made by tbe pc- School,• Tbe <*»M"«w«* hi charge Is' Westnsld. H. J, who read an abstract UcUANVS. •• , «* weamted a program before plans and win secure a good of the Hew Jersey law which stated •omitk Clerk Bee. an cbaifed afatost tbe borough, Balrt April i «***"• Be sagpsted a lockerhe*unt teachers of an the schools; orchestn a* wen as other features for _ *e pbODC. so that it wotfld Their achievementhevements, fromm tnejtheir, ^nto thee affair. TbThe entire proceeds) win go that it wotfld v acrIaad tr _H.on}eon}yy to memberb s of the . ,,r r " * portrayed! la tbe toward the rehef of tbe needy, within, peqp; drpanment bnt Kre Chief Brtt- ts§» sad' Cdonduaiai- 0i£5~SS y^ I tbe tna*rt*abDilj of stock, Bwi fe.sJon^vaudevlilesbcVwMch tbe IM TMlas-OlacIs law. M«s»a numbing; HesUmg, Ti t das are received over the police Oan UtSeaUiAnt,!. QBeandaneh can* are often answer- Iggjesnep who happen to be_near ^ A nmnber NEWJERSEYCENTRAl arethere. and., radio»hndHnersiwmt ap- COMTBACtOk Proceeds wfll be for the leagued «t was agreed to «fer '•nd; Sbatraled pear.

- r - Fora the visitor to the Smithsonian Jhsuiu,-. tlwmj In'the .-same IM I, an object 1 Reminders of Washington "« •»'•».••«*» «*•»•** door. This sure to -attract. «.)>«•...„ -,e frminine Greater is Washington's commission as General ej*-a pte.re p. rnibro. I w ,Hist that mman* -?<***r*J*l»mMlammfan^t^ncewejitne prnamrntwl-safvt of one — Draw Crowds Jo Itntitut awarded him by the ponttnental Oon-J-of-Martha Washiniitoi!s ,-ottu . • Garwood great and signed with the flourish off .tit a companion case adjoining Is an CONTRACT vi ww ciunsv , service used ^?J*J9tJ3»as«Me iho|jn of Sheraton Jiiitt Mep- j K-«ed In power the one man of theprlwhlte In another turn »n- tablra and M Oeorge Washlatton. sure to be more'djy of WasMngun. Mags the time who was capable of putting the TsLi and more evtdencsd at the_ approachj buff-an.olu* uniform habiluaUy a large wlnj-ohalr which, the attend- ' W the'rear of Declaration Into practical effect. anis at the Smithsonian' will t«'H you.' a Uniahi Ai --*--— * — *— •*— -•!• » -» ^w • "T — nT-agasHundredUn flfcgj* i An- i George H. Johnston, can- Wutlnpm, ud porUM b _ If the awed visitor has attention for "A word to the wist Is juffid™<" i. nlyersaryi of. Washington's birth, the j of bis portraits. In this partic- the Mount Vrrnun LsdiM' Association ^ the ftepubUcan nomination a well-known saying, and Its appiica- anything else In the same case that would give much money to nauiras and i " himself m the primary May 10 six cases at the Smithsonian will have ular uniform he mast have taken es- IEV2L*!?V2L*!? " * «" aueniSdby to be moved to, a space where larger contains this article he or she wlff see rrslore to tht'ir (ortnal places in Wash- ! he chief speaker at the reg- tklloUownU c comment of a wcU-anowa pecial prMe. for it was the one he don- something almost as Important to his- crowds can be accommodated ned for the occasion of his historic Indian's historic home beside the Po- ' f of the Oarwood Civic Re. Plfmm.. Read and ponder kTremarks but tbe tory. This ls° the white brocade robe tonwe. «* I Mfue next Friday evening eareuiUeuiUy to that yonnllMyonllM u your eestabUsa Recently a representative of the Di- resignation as General of the Army. owanund that "A word to It* wUo u oetwewenpartiieiin . vision of Information and Publication in which the Infant Oeorge Washing- oIn School ^AnotheAnotheA rr very iimportant reason for In the same case, win be seen the ton was christened not long after his PAPER sufficient. of the Oeorge Washington Bicentennial Oag of WsihinftooVUme as repre- Johnston is aba i-h«irm^n birth in 1TJJ. Along .with these two RobertTheUz & Son TtU I ners U that the extreme rapidity o?«£ Commission watched the" throng one isented In this one of ttfc ownership, o Ooanty Republican Cbm- morning gathered about these glass outstanding articles are the compass rARPKNTKRS AMI BUILDmO hl» appearance In Oanraod C"«~t Brjlg. hi. d^oprfabn Pf-ent game leave, no time'foe forr exe>-- consisting of the usual ban of red and fi^nsntfcpcemirsia bidding. Auction walls through which sll eyes were star- used by Washington as s surveyor In : CONTRACTOM Tl« I greet deal of interest. The {airly wttt dtnoad lines. Unfomuutely! statistics show that abootone out ot Ing at'the chins that once graced white, but with the thirteen stars in alaying out his lands about Mount > however, these methods of Uddine circle In the blue of the 'Union Jack". Howes Built to Order and Alterations. Estimates < itsdpatmg a record attend- whKh am the reault of onert pby «m mry two deals gon game irrespective Washington's dinner . table, at his Vatnon. his thanlng mirror, snd nuor- meetlng and a (pedal pro- of pouts already scored; also that any Sheraton and . Hepprlwhtte • dining Also here are a roU-besded black- case.. his medldne scales,' his leather EsUmates Furnished, opinion art not generally known nor pouts so scored are of uuUoct in thorn cane. Washington* service sword; 0 offend. thoroughly understood. going game about once in twenty-fi chain, at the extra-faced watch that writing case (used during the Revo- 4 HOLLYWOOD AVK. CUANTOsW He ' 'Non-efRdeney/ U a mild term times. . . ve he,presented to his wife .Martha, at all the Heepuw tent he used durtner thelutionary War and looking very much »M Ol of disparagement for the 'hit-or-miis1 mes. . . Revolutionary War (presented to the Phorje CtUnlo'i'd n.QllM-M committees. Beverly Shep- . -.' lol5owt «»st'fsiiltjr or half-wsy that the Smithsonian Institution pos- like a modem lawyers briefcase i, tra TsLi ia&t of an the committees methods of the svengt player.. Bid- nsutiitlon by Oeorge Waatungton of Sheffleld silver from Waahlngt ' dU t b ffii^ £lj3^" tactics, either unsound or undefisive, that once was inUmalely asso- Parks Curtis), a larger field men were: Harold White, achieve link except ultimate dWeat. dated with the. «»Pint, p-—.President.. -~~These_ the pota d dlnJng table, and various port FLOWERS Anna. - the potat peg, wdrops. on. Qeocb,. .Letter :— crowdt-on thaouUOde of the esses, weie ti _ miniature*, and. jnedala_ _ r»r all on salons I Xeaue;_ Gateway, Norm* almost a» much ofa study as the ob> Here .also are the spy-glass and 1U0 and" Ulnl l>nl,m In r'unrrall tire Hessler. . and that ijTGame, or iU equivalent in But of an Importance and aq Inter* tVnrk a Nprilally „ . ™«»i blddmyiuuiog isis.'non-tmcie«rT6. non-en r penalties. Next in importance is saving ]ect« within. They were a sign that eat greater, jnen. than that of these larger neld-glass used by QeneraT Plumbing, y j} » ^tiy ethercw»sid»ratiB»1fo?^- ttor-pow»TTrfOewrF-Wajnintto«ittorfO rjtd Washington In. hU battle* and his re- the minimum consideration lofor tneitb*ir rdstive unimportance. In Auction and strt^"pers«s^7i»tj'*^pers«s^7i»ementcejo*", WatWatnn- TonnoUering, Uie brsas of both of them • -' Telethons owing "Alice In Wonder- psnoer's hand snd the maximum fof r capture Ufa interest and the respect; of "Htton. U si document that confronts Riverside Flower Shop i 1* an outgrowth o(,their Contract there is no time like the now battered and tarniilied With Tel. Cltanford 0-11(13 J1 H. Unlast^vsasM t ilnce they have Jurtcom- tory in this subject They g^importanceofblddingt^t,- "Nor wPI naciic. *ske perfect. A te a movlngsglctiire of the' • 2!'??>L*»«* •— ——j •wyw« •s» "«'umiiuc« tvto intheB . at other boys and girls may played successfully against talnty^is,1 game and never twite encounter the Those who hare started is SA axiom of the game. An improper asms combinstion. Observation for « are Wells toveland; Hen- most people is a-slow teacher. Thirty • lead or ducard usuallT»£ fSfnSS days spent in acquiring even a smatter- Thomas Criscuolp, Stan- ing of comet principles will benefit • Joe Peluslo, Fred petro- moremoresplsytt'igsms pis e than will thirty Sree aud Harrr Wanat ' ency handi wrofoft.—,,».,ufT?*——. ~. „ . .. are making patterns of Al- u pUy,.thea it must be conceded as Here srs two_ problem hands for equally imtt tht th b consideration. Ste how wall yuu can Whlteebblt. They hope to Jl but of material next.. • *— - "end plays."

_ Problem No. 15 erted an indoor gardenHU Hearts-K,o,«, 4 have nasturtiums'planted. uuba — none Ing completed for enlarge- Diamonds—none > garden plot and also to Spades — 8 Me*. . Hearts-A.Q.8 Hearts— 10 Uon with, a study o( Hol- aubs — none Cubs — none Diamonds — none 1 A u on display two pairs of Spedes-Q,6 B Diamonds — none oden shoes, one' pair of Spades—JO, 7,Jfe s worn by a fisherman, a Hearts-); 7, J7 lipe, a pall of the Dutch qubs—none carrying water and also piamosds—neae pondence. —.— -• .-..-— Spades—K,» re making Dutch samplers. riUcitra.I di sf.: .Hnfi ^fh!?^^ 1 fathers', night meeting of rroblnrbNo.lt Teacher Association was Hearts—8 •y evening. April loth. In Cuibsr-none . School Auditorium with a ' Oisroonds—9 er of fathers attending. S Im, second vice-president , Hearts — nous Clubs—none Clubs — none he meeting was opened. Diamonds—10,6 : A 11 : Diamonds — Jr loo by the school orchestra ' Spades—9,6 Spades — Q, I lty singing. raft and Boat Club dls- IlEirts—10 , Clubs — rzne • 1 partly finished boat* and Dunionda — Q, 7 Kr. Boblln, who is also Spades —J,4 impl training in the lined- the steps taken. In np? Z r= Io can Y win lhrt lutioi n"" in' tli,'c- i' ';« ' t "•"• ' ' * l? « trict He said that though the treat' Interest In making It did not necessarily, mean 111, hfconw-y»cht«Tn«ry or often these occupations I ; Sehouter Construction Company :hooU have become very Z >i in latfr life, H** yt—» Ht-IM rrsflmthajsest Aveaae, «- ' artly finished "Napoleon s_ ALTERATION 3-1* being made by one of Btaoee, Carsemter, Matam aa. i commended the boy's ef- •Mil 0. ALOIIICH. SVMMitf--' ' Tinilllili ISS7 CUMroiD. H. 1. *— Jo was then rendered by and a recitation entitled by John Qrlhdlay/. co$t I then Introduced the le evening, Arthur Ferry. . JANSEN it-elect of the Rahway ^JCARPENTER said that although voca- Speckliaag i Fme Home* to Order Ice is not new. It is occu- •\ and more of the school ErtiimtnC mM All Work it Is becoming more nec- Efficient Mechanic •hlW to be guided in ae-~ ' High Grade Work ork f or which he Is best BU7IT 8TBOT, CBANPOsW i that much, is being done TsL ORanford e-OM-R e,schoQls.bx.a."Vocatjpnal.. acher, also by "men and srent professions to whom may go to talk over work are' most- Interested. 'By I at the schools at various nrer different occupations. BUS, president gave a AUTOMOBILE it the Central Obuntles eld at Bound Brook on bd also announced, the FIRE lie "Union County Coun- _/ The morning session be-. BVRGLARY^ II class In the Lincoln Is* Lawlors class m the PLATE GLASS chool tied for the prize NEW Purple PANAM in the .ration pump foofa/ us having the most fa- pure and clear. But"the. froof h In your motor. You aeettag. At the close of TORNADO I'efrBsbments were sex red. itart and the motor quickly humi. In traffic, ^ MDOTHERS hilly hljhway., Purple PAN-AM give* you lurging power, withotif MJUIIU of a ItnocTcT^And your motor oinent committee of tne. mi Belief Committee has »toy» at fop-form. Clean-burning Purple PAN-AM charity baU which the leaves Jt clean." You can prove Purple PAN'A&f iv Mhy • In ibe Z4n«aln, for yourself without paying u-penriy extra. Dommutee/ in cnarge is warn you Consult and win secure a good til as other features (or ) enUre proceeds win go fJ\K*J*M§-. let of the needy,-within, -f i" . • • " > INSURE! ben-caapleted-forrttie; adenile show which the Bepublican Lesgae>win (*• evening to thelin-

Wfll be for the league's I W I TH

..-s* ;«,* •»._. -•-.-#; -f.*•".? f:r^ ~^- •r ,• *f -. * xr—r --_..,-/vr-

r "j. ^ ~ -~ ^ -~ ~* _ *ft ^a< iT i ^. • _

"«««», WettfiaU ture. it abound, in JoW* «*»« Heads Vaudeville Act.! • Increase for March

Y Jackie Nagle. personable (Jranforj! Announcement lhat sales of Chevro- Ibor who i« -winning wide rerocnlllpn as i Urt. siieii in the United States »ere U i , .—,. -afire'"SHLs'. "and '"IjSlj'TipS^cifnrTetter* In Mairch than Feb* to Ihejilie Wonder Dog »i!I be the features iiuarv. according lo" figures made public STRAND presents as IU star the deft and bcaii- during the <*ii)drrn's matinee-. As jinChevrolet, provides one of the brightest Uful Constance Bennett of -Common jmau DDWNa UAMCU B >ar» added attraction. Manager Carliart has •pot's to appear on the local industrial "' Takes a Holiday;- Jack auc weurrd the nre:it Ariiqs and Andy horizon in the pan eighteen months —•««.«• w sa. A, • "T^TTmtltt- I T ., —..tor of "New Moon" film, "Check and - Double Check Domestic saes totaled 173.628 paasen- man of the building* and grounds j handled the microphone In a hiahly Originallgallyy .shown An Crantord several ter and commercial pars as against •nlttee. Supervising Principal j B 'capable manner - monthhs a«o, triere liaa bocn n repeats 49,890 In the previous month, Mr nnn J^ submitted his March Bre i". one of the keenest studies Drill report as.follows- 8*T, MOM. demand for lta rpbooklny, jwirtieularly Clui-t-f r said. Dealers' new car stocks of a woman's emotion, ever written. Is - ..—..« .~* .u ..u.n,n..iK, )*ii IM.UU&UJ | -%uu .'tr saia. Lieaiers new car SIOCKS Cleveland 8chool-Maxch 11. time from the youthful imfrom Besides (were reduced by 8,500 units as a result She". LavaUrf to florlously presented by Richard Ber*- Jarkle • and ."Lsidy. Tlic Wondci [out 80 seconds; children 479. March 18 me net's talented eldest daughter, she Jarkle Niuli. ud T.^rfv TF» wnn*.r o( the wthfactory showing, and used ime otjt 75 seconds: children 479. ' «pe«'lal vaudeville presen- •Mir stocks also dropped more than 5000 an makes very human Indeed the tfrl of tutlora will jnclHdP a review ol all tllf Lincoln School-March 18, time out (lie city who seeks a way out of poverty, unit', during March, according to Mr 0 seconds; children 503. March 2« Mi —" youngsters who have appeared on theKllnger... . II only to find her mistakes blocking her stasr-In previmu »«lcs. mese acts slme out 7S seconds; children 503 MARY path when love finally comes liuo her Each ten-day period of the month cm will Include singing, acrobatics and revealed.extensive gains over the pre- Orant School-March 18, time out PICKFORD con .UK novelties. 110 seconds; children 349, March a«. Adolphe Menjou's -Brockton" Is a vious period. For the first ten days ol tea ctt Jackieand Lady are both well-known March, sales were 17224 units, for the'Ime out 100 seconds; thUdren 349 particularly splendid picture of a man Roosevelt School-March a. Ome out oaM tat to Cranford children. Both mint* their t«ond like period, 24.91(7 cars and 1 Saturday, Jack of the world "Brockton" Is not paint- debuts at the N<-»> Cranford Theatre W seconds: children 4»3. March 18 ter" and -Umx ed as a black vllllan He U just hu- 'rucks and.for the lust ten days, 31,494 • shi March 14 and "since have appeared In units. time out 70 seconds; children 443, < seldom seen man The part is a difficult, one andother Warner Brothers' Theatres 'in Sherman School—March 10, time out com m» .4 era Museum of we doubt If any other actor could have While final figures for the first ten w*Pw Tstras, rat. beco this yidhity, and 'are buoked for other 75 seconds; children 318. March 17 •ecu engagements Jackie hM a most behind the footlights She is extremely 'ime out 70 seconds: children 3M. The State Bit Xbat nukked "» "«I«M tau>. MadUori, to pleasing stage personality and his Shern&n Annex—March 10, time out NevTotkl .ID acclaimed by the' capably offend by the ,rabld»y ruing — -• •- ' ~" j »."»^« flak, i rend of children and delights In per- Of h sopwior to g).. dattcu-~nunibeFs*-coupled-with forming-for them . ~~ 10jeconus:_ children-iftft.—Marc time out 30 seconds; children 16» .-.Marjorle Rambeau, aa the "bad e»-his rendition of popular son«a makes Trained entirely with kindness. Lady .- feature "Across "'SPle-.sfJbe pi*c«,Jlie oVu-rtpt'and hi» appearances a wortliwlille feature; [Iocs her'Toutlne of, "stunts" In ajper- :°-bdX.-Ui--'a-~Uie< .-— will also-b, snown to- complaisant rnfle", earrtM through a momv and (Saturday. - bit of work even better than Tier dyna- known as police dog. particularly enjoy She runs through Tlie manner «f "peaking Is'full ss in» «plc newspaper drama "Scandal mic "Bella':, of ".Mln and Bill." Mr, and TVtrs, Douglas hrr program with the same enthusiasm. Importnnt ns the matter; aa more peo. *••••«•» «*Oal da> *»n , one of deorje Bancrofts great- ro\ Lady did her tridn^htr always shawV In her play, entirely pie hnre enre to be-HcMed1 than un Anita page ha» a difficult but weil- » hi.Judge -CtmterfleM. V rtructlaa «T • «M la lot* w *. trluwph. will b. offered ne^t Mon-done part, as "Laura's" idster, while a all the children of her frce.from the mechanical touch which » man aha lore».wec«ed in bud. day and Tuesday at the Rlalto. John- single highly dramatic scene presents •- before she appeared usually stamps the ordinary dog .act. > «•»• MCOtadi, to the fao* of ny Welamituer, the swimming champ to the screen for the Drat time Clark •ineu and lave dtoappolnt- In -The Dig Splash", a cartoon and Oable, hero of the stage hit,. "The Last •uch ai« flnajijr atnootl>»d out, newi reel oompleu) the bill. Mile." . •• . ^moat.aoUrtainin* picture. N«t Thursday, Friday and Satur- J. Parreil. Mar Donald and Clara Chicken or Long Island Duck Dinner SL5D rnatUe* aaturdty attar. day, the theatre, will otter Lawrence iajr"llaTv"Bawit, Tlbbett and Grace Moore In "New r. and Mri Murdock of Ohlld Welfare

wlU b« offered . and Ttumdar,' Batty 8TABT8 Three years In the FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .„„„. ,. ,, out** ftnerr |n-Tba making for your - and Ula Ue/Raymoad • C«t.tlnu.». Performan,* Ssturday.Ml P. M. . FrfA-KoWar In "Woman, SAT. 3 hours of fun. pa iMdifotxm" brtnia < DAV8 Charlie at His Most (€ —a«t»n. CltanTort «.»», ; ttiSui 8T. AND NO.** m nnts, WKO "THE SEAS $ fl . Ckan V* \\ s-Thrllliof 1«1 BENEATH" La«t Times Today , NOTICE; penaH Performance-Harts at 5 P. M. Genuini €oal- - JoeE. Brown in l Uou. untfl 11 P. M. Ch FiOWERT "MAY BE irS LOVE- : and Unusually Oood Double Fralure BlU MONDAY AND Tl'KSDAV AT APRIL ZERO PRI( OXFORD APRIL 37 M*A MCK>AKIE In' - - Tired Businets THE GREATEST COAL BARGAIN iJTtlft«a»Bt TM. MM. «-l»* -Men! HMOHMM.t |»»< ' ' A Cpmcdy wSK" ' I ~" OM*idoia'8eet" l«*nK •TAatTINa ntlDAY. "BEHIND vr. AFSU MIB Martin Johrttbuand Boy ScouU in Africa OFFICE "TM Vtabk. Itarlew Drama Uf\. H of arWoman Who Blnnedl DOORS" EASIEST WITH WeSeU


fl. nmU HatOeaaai Dmblenataft APRn u.» Lack of Hurmi* Starves Many Flower, and mUtsUbyaln -TOT NOTES' **• g—iiiiu. m '___ Shrubs ' -OO LA LA* 'AlsANORorr TRimiPH-A TRBOCNDOUB SRAKA . "Merle Mtatorief* - Co-Pictures" Paramount Sound News CARTOON KKWB $2.00 A BAG f Fri S A 29,

a*#»WM r -no 4—-. j...—?,., , ..—tv .y^—,—•/_•" f • , • • ^ *-',,- • , . ~ .. ."-.-. * ' . .,. , M v .. _... ;, —.V -. ,. ....-.- - , •-,•




ninnu .. nianv old basements hate taken '» Bonlrryi, Chan Obmett and Eigfit Suggestions on new-iff* wjndous ran be added t,, admit more suntlisht ami uir • A ne. Swlar Aecotorie. Main For Bringing Old ;healing plant v,U fumkh clean wo,,. Pwdbn Better. onu™i heat iref^,!,,, ,an (^ ,„.,,,,, , Homes UpTo Date imvli-tn liuuiUn i 'iniiimiii mil thin as for an veil n» Hie hejlliw plum ,„,, (^ r(M majtiam Iv pbuuwd i S1W* Uvaatt* *^S" •••» n>u< mul .t(m,«nUuU> Um.,1 on fi.m th, bonirttotertor. ,„,„ „, Here Are Various $tepa for i.--' <>f,Hi.- tjiMniem ami n plat mm •"Ha small, inexpensive imnrove- hllhanl liHim or n-ireulion re my 1; iiv fn-qwntljr abte u I homer Tills Is frf-wnilv u,e Inquiry '•« tin- kWrlien.- (Vrupylnii but^itu - buttna. china of perplexed home owners »hn know i-|>MiT.. il niliuih iiiiuh roiivt-Ml.-m-i- or ugftmtioni lor i to the large roomj kitchen. In their dwelling* ari> out -of -"Mate buttiinilori.-' Hiimi1 llim-i un nlj pautr tjtcal i-ojnbrr i "KHCJ" h^ name at ^offlai this same unltflts don't khow how to no about ririvtim, i.in In- converted Into n cheery break the UttaXZ Improvements, r^or.thp benent of sin-lir ffl-if lmimr_ -.; . . . _ me china cahDiet* wmx. nrraa. no. here are outlined cli'ht Improvement >< Kiii'Iibimt mul iii.-iiiljitinc, u,| ,,|,,. btw n which may be under taken lo: morirr- potih in ,in i-.imomu-.il i,, ||j Our The stage Btt Xtiat nukked ~ wny (l a room. . \!la jiHiin lo th,. hnine. A- lU.iiipti P'nul I*SO ior Indlvldually or Un .tjeti or1 (lay li,-,| ^,|'l miikr MM Hun equlv BHO fhanrtim front tooou tote addtaM)rH!infnr Putatfy restful Uvtag^rooms. Boofc- anydwrlllng. . "JUNE MOON", cases, for butanes, sued }o. m almost To• hniin>jth n-rir n n,i-1, „«.„, I'll Iturti "ilnns nf ulrt hou m u. "^™»tl««ent»nd:baut»t««ent^»nd:.bauti4o4 - .bind ? i > *w namiME'" Mrr|i inr thr* uin,, mo,i )n«1 chwt. tl,,. ri.rt ,,f „ |,nnwill ,„ to on «fS*' « >P«»UveIy new home* some-other pruiTlnillv uwhss KIWI , MORfGAGfi b, • I N9URAN ^"H •"*'• Ooor between dining room can bo .tn,nNror,,1P(t lino „ ,„„,,,„, »«jd living room has given way to bathroom with (,ii,tenliiB ill,, nf,,,|,. Jtanchdoon. or a Uroad archway with —ounreat oabtaetsfor boots orehlns,— ESTAURANT, Inc. Other room* in the Home have not Alllr OITrni O|i|iiirlunhliv, been overlooked by the deatgnen of The nvcranc ntllr olj.rs ,pi,,, „„ home comfort and utilitarian bultt- n turei Wrtunltlnfor-mndemizi,,,,,. „ ,,,„(„, J ,if» - rht bathroom now has its UioroOglily i,,,ui»t«i ,0 K(,r|, ,Mr|lm,, folding; »eat along with the new bath- neat In (liirhii! coW wwillwr nnd Mil. room dreaaer and many varieties of •un'ii heat »«v u.. outstanding feature! are available provided (or a any scwlim loum, »,,„,„ Cabinet! an made (actlonally and can bedmom nnd baihruom. ,„• „ wm-kahop be suited to almost any conceivable or playroom for the rlilldii.ii •magement of wall space, windows. NEW LINEN CLOSETS |A,i'iw,ll*"Iwood Ow'^ofu-n will brlnii Even styles In closets change. *reaki.hHorne.Are stoves, refrigerating-units, sinks and | jftench door, to-'reptare »l,,g n zz-Telephone CRanford &0506 drain board*. wsya an Item of first importance In Difficult to Sell doorirbetweon utjolnliiR rooms will I,,I,I ths ejres of the thoughful housewife Achieved Gradually AFsldusInsuogBsaM n nibdemn OU l [ni Tne kitchen may have as put of the closets are now being designed for lioi/ie»r " ' '" """ " < Standard Lumber & Supply to. Purposes, rot example, there aiidle mil the -roor line of in - LUMBER FOR-ALL USES . v~- cabinet door when not in use, or the, —-™.—, ».,vw modorii bBlldlng a couple of doriili.™."'iTiicli *«»!>» board-can be installed separ- cabinets, with their neatly arranged will BIMI Increase the spate available In ately in toe wall. drawers and shelves uUUre every foot the attic and help to innke It us rocv IMn' ^I™ In "hTk""' H"".Wlml"w """ "••>' «""•« •' <*« Wmtsf It to anuulng how the-Judlctous In- of space. Many of them are designed and liveable wi oilier p,,,t» »f ,|ie stallation of built-in features will to be dust-proof. If the design of your home ongiiten. modernise and add new com- house permits, ths bathroom is an Ideal -— to install a linen closet. f'Olt, 111(111 AND CIIFHrNUT STItUKTS fort to an old home. Lumber dealers Undtr the magic »|>ell or" riimli-rn today are equipped-to show home own. never used ypur coffee en the advantages of this type 8f mod- Slug Fiuaclal Term ysome. If it's half as ernising. They will be glad to discuss A "monk*;" Is used to mean 600 your needs with you. posses sterling, or, aometlmea, 1000 SOME coffeel"

— CRanford 6-0239 New Lighting Fixtures Tlilnklng of'thLs'jo 'i' ih7>Ull"t "lw™Uona «"« of Income

EMUS"" Bnjoy the pleasure of new lighting futures it once, for from our larp: •nd varied stock you Will Und jut the type to harmonke with the color the loni' mn, com J* 8T. AND NOKXH AT*. coiner ber«rr beauty II h th Bedroom and decorative scheme of your home. Ideal hoine, that arhli-ve's boll Talce» Boy»* Fancy All at Moderate Prices KKEPS OAltAOK IVAItMKIt A nautical bedroom, with bunks on Much or the patlenre-trjlm; dinii ,„- one unit, furnltftrc that has a tang of Bee our display, suitable for every room and for every me. Let us advise ly of starting jour car on Told uniir Mlt ulr and MIIHIIK ships and a floor mornliiKS can be ciusilj imj| inexpen- tirtrred wllh bnttleshlp Iliioleuip, has you what will be best to suit your needs. There Is vk.obligation In con- sively Mhnliuitnl byjliiljis >he mtrj-ior tnkgii the fancy'of thoiuunds of Amer- suiting us on your problems. _ Of your Korage *lth n pomi iii-iih(iOi, ican bays-brtuien B|x an^ sixteen If board Nailcd-to tneinlerlBrTJile" of -juit nre—planning- to" remodel your *Uids,and.rallet*,4ii*u!(iiivn wlir rrtartt Ijoma-and-aant. to Kl«-ymir bwi-mrcir leakajtc of lieiit ihroiu'li wull-i nnd rmif n room, n ranc filler bate under the Thiw, »he;i you ilrne >onr car Inlii th .llnnkiini M.IJI deaden the noise of cara«e at IIIKIU, tlio lieat frwii jr>u, romiilug feet and prevent annoyance OU Fixtures Exchaged or I molor will'actually be lanseiy retained to other members of the family when In tho fffir}*^*^ kcfipliiir th^1 enr %(ir*ri)- tlie_bq>-5 become over-exuberant, Jn- and making It easier to start In theculatlon board In the walls will simi- morning. larly retard the passage of young voices, ralicd high in excitement, to other sec- tions of the-house If the boyj are B, MILLER'S SO^'S ~ WO*IEN EIRE EFPirfENTY ~ older, such" a room Is Ideal for quiet As manaiftr of-tit» worlds isrealcit study. B. T. WUXIAH8. Pros. ' \ InstJtuUon, the modern hmisenlfe np. SCREENSS predates efflcjenca in the honv JuU to rrWESTFlEID- her husband appreciates it-rti Ws-offlco Icm Fornuillo. ~" "" ~> _ut Dangerous and Pesky i WEstflddLUM Home modernization not onlj mWajiew N'o (Uflnlie utiiii-Minit tun be made Out Dangerous and \ beauty-and comfort to the "old d»ell- n* to the degree of cnld required lo Ing. but makes It an efficient place for frn-je Ice <>r cfrlaln illinanslons. Flies and Mosquitoes ~ the home-maker to carry on her In- Jinny itnrrimndlng factorn tnost W flnlto variety or daily taak.i Plans Cor in ken duo t-inmhlrratloD. The forms- »+ft*+0««««*M modern, step-savlnn kitchen should """ "' lce of .connlilMuble tlilckpesa Included In nil winlreii-ciinilnuous low lemi)er«tur»

ijojmcnt to be Merited will pay skating Is rarely found unless the at many fold. tpmpc-rfltilre cues lo nlmut 20 aegreei" Materials Are All "Certified u HOME lMpROVEMENT\ TIME

"*** 1M Ut Give You An Estimate

y .electing the right screen Hay Room for the Kiddle* obligation for thih s service — . • Bcnenad In Porch '-.;! r?—Z Breakfast Nook set .. ,_MJUSJ UKE NEW? Oar Suggestion* Are Free «s, we can recommend an , ' See us for AlltO excellent icre.cn.wire hbtic. Call Oar Price. Are R-jootbie and ran Chromfum QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS Very Reasonable Pricet on Auto Painting—Chronjhim Ctmuenfent PdTRlruf j^xay at "^ 1 and Nickel Plating included F RE E for .limited time I" -OVELANIU SONS, he. h . * *f

>*><»eto y* "•-*>S1 "..J -• ••-"

.A.- THPt^N^hCiTiraArC^

£^: mt Bnuuw The Little Theatre Tournament tractive program of entertainment ha* Plans have been completed for lite topuWtbeanJjdesitTOd.es-i^'jj^sute Federation of Wo-been arranged. . , AND LAND SURVEYOR tC&ifa MHHUal COOUBCIiOOaWllat Oat — oOem. uursesand, mm.s ^ oppwd Monday afternoon At 10 30 In the morning, there will be, ~ri"ri3ta»»»^ _ ,..._. 3(HjN«**r«M!* PAINTER W CUOTOU*, Weak program whieb wtli _ The Chapel, which trtU be featured, by ad-i,_- nisli, Senior Week wlO extend f Mm WM- Bunv-.i -^-^M by twenty-flve competing It has been annouiicedliy ,,-_ by Acting Pn-ddeat Philip UV June S loSatardav. iV3 HaU campus Thunday. Jaafi. tnej Luncheon will Deserved In the college ALL KINDS •eniors will take a trip to the shore, j cafeteria and the fraternity houses, Class Day exercises win be held Prl-| and at 1:30 Rutgers win meet Prince- W.«prtat-a day morning, June 9, In a ton In lacrosse on Neilson Field. Fol- ^^uo^^p conte5U lowing the lacrosse game, the Scarlet lift to UM oollete will be pnaented all ilaSrftoe •' are Mrs, Mary Pox Balna. wtren, varsity and freshman track teams wiU CLOCKS /.ft thU Urn*, and *s»K.wUl b> given. The'| to the appn-!Mn. James A. Parker, former dramameet Lafayette. Ivy-planttng wUI directly foUow daasi hyglenei>d chairman of the Federation; and Mr Edward H. Heyd, of PuunAeld. chair- CLEANED day exereiaes. TheKnlor preadent wllli ^l' O. y.Buralen. dramatic critic.of the WuO •. **»a»j#s*Ji™. .•—••--. — - • - man of the Stuaent Council, has an- plant the Ivy, and will then present the! Jd f the nnau nounced that students-ol-lhe local high REPAIRED senior spade to ths president of' the y Trenton Times. Judges for, the school desiring to visit the college on aad ft »meai Ortar tunlor claas. mem In • local health department or drimaUc^rt at Jane that day should Write to him in care III At noon on Friday the tndnlonal atmllar o^antatloa local healtn «1h Udepartmen be granUtd oar | Ingedrimsti, profeaoc -artr a otf Princeton draoiatlc: arMrt sat New of the Kappa Sigma House, New Bruns- Edw. P. Oiunberiam IMA OP 'yes and no" luncheon win be held. At Tb h Onlvenlty. [ Jeney Colleje for Women; Dr Daniel wick, N. J. He will be pleased to pro-, 215 North Ave^E. this time each senior is asked whether ^aanTa^afcred by.ne.nber.. HoytHy. . pUywrlghtpy ; Harry Neville, actor: vide wltlhout charge as many ticket* as IPHONI or not she Is engaved. and If she la not. of the tMventtr KaB. member, of thejahjhdd MiaMi i MHiam CuUeCuUerr . actrrasactrras. are desired. raom cuaatmo la expected to present an adequate ex- Stale Department of Health, and Un. J. Fred Hamed. Jr. of Haddon- ruse. In the afternoon there win be a H»li*g of valuablfalll.lllfe -BlUad tMut^co. Haddonfleld,tiaaaoiuieta, .• *utMrs.. ;r.: P..N. B« VHIOUpl^n gh her skitfiil work, your long distance Commencement exerdaea, at which Ttae mehide atody in'general, patho-; cranford, Mlts Anne Blauvelt ot Ora- CONTRACTING Uean Douglasws wiwUnI wealde, wtU be held dibttoU wtll dlUMOaWlaonlonDt NeKevv. neld SaturdaV inorainf. smHaarvBBVy *^^^^^w^^v^^^^^^^h»^^^*^^^j ^»» contteAtoit'thattoolt eight minuter* few yea-D- on At ~ and Mn. Edwin J. Morrti "&t me"glni"yba"Bii' In pnyUologT. blocnemistry ' your wiring work. W« wffl ago, is usually ready now in two minuses or and wUI be preceded by an and other acknces. of Princeton. / procealon. FesUvlUea win be conclud- Investigation and auggest ed aaturday noon with the annual without anyoMitattnn to yoo. luncheon'of the trustees and alumnae, Local Boys MiyQutend At her finger tips she has routing PROMPT AJJAJJD nrnoooR held In Cooper HaU. • • , - Chkaca bas a scfiool where waiters Prep Day sit Rutgers tions to every telephone central office in\he nay |eara dw floe points of their pro- RKUONUUrm laaltatiaa Frtdviu Slaa*. fmloa. Tbere would se«m to be a E. FRED SULZER ; United States, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba. Uarhnilt U u trjide aasie fvr Said for M laatllutlaB of this sorL Students of the local high school who Imitatloo diamond. Walters bar. proceeded attogether too are.fcteresUjd In college will be wel- Tel CBaaf «rm MMi ^^uausJly takes her leu than twenty seconds to 1~rg jiy-'nrt^ ui thamb. eapeclaUy, coroed at the Prtp- School Day at Rut- -IIS- Walaat Ave. where -^ep Is .eoocerned.—Spokan* gers .Uniyer.ltsfon'Bifttirday.THay'ff, ac- : *•' give your long distance operator a routing for Dpokranaaltevlew, " cording to announcement made this *" "your call. Expert routing of calls over the most dirccl -i i lane, is one reason why your telephone service Wm. I Golding T- it so tut and low in cost." WCWRPOHATWTJ A 100-nllt call costs only 60 cento. Enjoy Laundry Conveniences NOW! OPTICIAN Moving This Spring ? if M, PI«M tell out Purchase baaiant oBc* NOW to we can kavc yout ttkphune BTOMI Street ready far you al your aew addreat. THOR Electric Equipment ifr*r "on the Part Payment Plan NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY *l-NIV JiBHV IMITITUTIOH lAtKIO sy NATtOMAl IIIOUKII LJO your washing the easy way. Do it the thorough way. That is the Thor way. Built to a moderate size, the Thor is suitable for a small house or apartment, yet it is large enough to do a big wishing, Each article is ' washed gently and is wrung out without be- Soundly built to serve you - J'ig pu.Utd.or torn-,-because the wringer rollerr . 1 ate of soft rubber through which buttons i """- Jong and well ^ - "fasteners can pa53~easily7- - " $99.75 cash and $10575 " on terms of $5 down and

U T cwald see em-quarter anus* eighteen months to pay. tb*

would aadentaad The special alloy. Electric Speed Ironer "SKteSlSCfirC-?- «teH. lasta BO.I««. (a |b Ends-Ironing-Drudgery ""HTVffiMSriif?'** *nd bring* •»•>»*«•> truly amaalag ear* and prceleton In You ma aataafaailoa and pleasure lo lie awnen. ~ manufacture aad eaaawt vaty frosn pat> ment pi. -Thai auaUty of raw malerUU la held to lection In balaaea aaare taaa H lawlf - Do yourjroning the easy way. Sit coinfortr - ID-nine lesi thar ataajarda suiaaiasaiijjjffivjhere la the -ouncet . , -. ably_ before jhe Thor'ironer and guide tht articles as they pass around thcroller. The Spccia I "'-aa- MM aT lha eeujtoe aluna than an hua- arda Indicate «h* aart uied la the "padtfeats1fffo|ir"inliuites~andhas art ironing" are rcpl surface ten times the size,of a hand iron. You X I 1 and mail will findthenat pieces easy- to iron and with 'la eeta xm wllhln '9 taaefv* yw a little practice you will be able to do "the pas half owace. WaUxi pine loaf and weUI No oaat- difficult things like men's shirts and chil- a s»ual be wUUu ltt lentaa of pewaala* with quality In dren's dresses. Ith of their aaaaufaatur* meaaa a* ,

fmmtfvmtm ;wlth.: carjritM—1 rede are antehan to wtlhln aatlafaetiwila •waeraUa. ~ on terms of $5 down and eighteen month's to pay. rt — NEW CHEVROLET SIX —i^-" -Win- O—I* AmmM**mm-Vmtm+ '•

aaWM. IVwa* cfcauia prices raa4»/rom$USta$S*0. AUpric-f. a. 6. fltat. Miak. f|a*c*alfaji aaaat—Sn*. i*a» JiBiii'iajwsaasaaaaieaay laraia.

a1 " Twin Convenience Otftlets Short Cuts tb Housekeeping and Installed at Reduced Rates New Ideas for Every Day Meals -HUM twin outlet* foe".~.:.~.~,*.,:%WJO Two twin outlets for 14.85 or two in the afternoon and heat Ada Bane [-CHEVROLET One_twinoutletfor_...... J,_,.^,_ 1,10 •I;-- -

\ • \ _. _ • i" TH^^RXNF0RP^3T1ZB* AfP CHRQNKX& THURSDAY, APRIL23; I9tt;

Mill IVM'M #f fcw : i i; i; ,• ,• j; ^:: f; j;; f;: j;: •.»;;.;; t

H»U,. Trw. IMmt Xven dewj. im* |tf«j tbeir part Is BOM>UfiH~BSItT8 2V«r Refinements coussTvatiou and •rrrnj blnj TtM Plre Department held a regular tin throuf^om ih«- country ar» drill Tuesday nenlng. Republican Factions New Low Price* log a nmiiatmi to nan hollow Mrs. Oeonre Oonklln of No. Jlit n» lunue-boll.llnt MM far Inwttnr- •treet haa recovered'from her illneaa. nm bird*. • • • A card party will be preaented thla Gird For Prmary evening in Wodmen'a Hall under the pirns a auspices of the Kenllworth Country Writ. Wilk~* Club. Both Plan Personal Canvaatlta - Torts have written snorti c, The second regular April meeting of Chief Means of Campaign. •aid in Ho, tbe n» of Cfcinatowa. I he borough council will take place "wllbobt Bodrralandlnc tfce «abj*ct Tuesday evening in the Woodmen's for Local Office*.. themselves nr enabling their rmdcn Kail. lo do an."—Washington Star. The Men's Bible Class will meet to- The Kenllworth Republican Cluo GUARANTEE mprro* evening at the home of Su-Inc., with Mayor Btahl aa leader, and' •» Weight pervising Principal W. J. Deans In So the United Kenllworth Republican 44. DRUNKEN DRIVER? who, through personal or political Clubs, led by Judge Orlppo, are now OTSIMI | llSSSS OfaC*— Approximately 493 new ooe-dotlai The drunken driver, It appears, .will pi ... 33rd street. - ' ' iMIMMMfl N alEUMrleRtUfmtorboKto ' bills wetKb on* |WUB<{. fluencefl , hsv» endeavored 10 escapp e the Chief of Police Alfred VardaUs who msklng plans for the contest In me by new advaaeaauals—,s»w low always be with us, and will conUnue tt Republican primary for nomination for present a problem that la at once un. conseqoenoea of their Illegal acts. has been making a nice recovery from _P*"-"4 «»• •«*• MRMUMI-- -ei1- ateisunr amr rarauv In a great majority at-the. 3,095 cases hih*JI)n(M_ofi JUf: several "months' . ha» been local dlfaeuirdr solution." Ho Mayor' gaaraauae ever fires) will • CIECTIOH . • • 1cited., the revocation!! were made by confined to his home for the post.few is supporting fortnsr' lu-Uw' pteitskMu *< AM «CV mlil with us before, the World War, l > 1 Justices of thep peac e and| police record- '* ' ' Councilman. John McCluskeyM , for the Y«a aLfntaedaai/ar __ UIJUOT could be sold. Jegailyrand Hearing uf- CuuiicUrinn KnuL aeons proWWUon-ttasWtleil'-eb" remove'I crjLaraUud«is. '.CwlslV Ib sVl outHnto JtWWi—against aarrias evil.. ;• .; • . . . ' '.' ' foct clearly, not by/reason of'avadlng .on "a chame of having gambling ma- executivct of the bofotigr). Pbiuer _ upcaaa. la addition you receive AND «.n-TH>\ responalbillty, but' because I believe chines in his restaurant, originally set Oswald Nltschke is the candidate I According to Department records, the for. last^Frlday evening,, has been post- sponsored by Judge' arlppos ,t>tr kt »n eflort to rid the roads of the drunk- received an organ, as a gift from .the steel Hoalloc Top", ITlm.r, >»J «»!.«,! Baited. tained by the Supreme Court, under Men's Improvement Association, to •Ill V en driven. . . \ darwod Presbyterian Church. The or*- an old statute which held that "one tan Is being Installed this week and Ited a few-months ago to stimulate Hew slldlag shelves,» who operates ah ox-cart while under A person cliargpd with operating a terest In politics, wUI be In the | hardware, BngaaMip latches, and motor car while tinder the Influence of is expecledjhal.lt *]U be used for the poroWa lining that resins frail '*.'""''•' «!«•«. Oaf Iht'uU to* the influence of Intoxicating liquor is first time at the at the service Sunday. contest has not Mm officially an -llt-UL "• — H l a disorderly peraon.''-Incidentally; this Intoxicating Uquor.need not be In mich 1 iiT|)Iiyiilcar condition as to be help- Miss' Lilly ShBlCTdsV will be tiie or- offender did not have his license re- ganist, . Three men are to be nominated ma of T1EMD.1V, MAV 1». stored until this year—elxteen years lessly drunk;' The trnif Is whether lie the borough council In the varies In any degree from normal Mrs, Illldur Lovercheck, In charge aaaia( ooatrol *n*l ftwiilun after his conviction for the offense. urrangemenis (or the card party whlc two to nil the vacancies now food storage spaeev In ISIS there were US persons con- mental or physical state and.If he.(toes and the" other to succeed Counaul and the same Is tho result of the con-'1 the Kenllworth Itcpubllcari Club. In DomupmymtmHrnt , r r the m*t* orr > >mm victed for drunken driving. In every will present next Friday evening, May Knut Oeores. whose term expires Imaoa , A lytioty Cifrfc To* Ihir l'w»l; subsequent year there has been an In-sumption of any liquid which causes year.,The Kenllworth Republican Club, $ A rSttrn«it# for Ih* ('aunty *A intoxication, he Is guilty of the offense. 1, In Woodmen's Hall announces there (with two mhoU A rl t*ak« ln this number, culminating in has been a large sale of tickets. All Inc., la backing Theodore Urbanowita, years (• p«jr) A temf^mf ti |*j rf HO with 3.095 convictions for this In a number of cases pressure has as the candidate for election for the' ; 10 ttoltkrt fui games will be played and there will almost unforgiveable motoring crime. been brought to bear upon complain- a, number of prices. three year term, Edward Stringer tor This figure either reflects the fact that ing witnesses not to appear against the the other three year term and Herman Deck for the one year term. Judge GENERAL ©©ELECTRIC Two nivmhcn drunken driving la on the Increase, or offendlng-driver, and In some coses aa. uf Mar 1, Ivll. anil until lh«lr anr- term. hat greater vigilance Is being used where there have been accidents, settle- *aM>ra aliall lipva Iww appuliilvd and guaUfl*«L Orlppos group will back Carl Oeores ALL-8TERI. ItEFRIGEBATOH On* . Hm-llim I! In Hi* want tliat a vai'snr? and John draff for the three year laraa. n the detection and prosecution of ments have been made with the under, aauL.Uuard. *uould.ureur.-Air-.aiix^eaavii_ul! A I'oll.rt/ir *ntl\Tr.a»iur«r iese offenders. _; tanding that the complaining wltn than lnlar**4 In any parUvular local Inturn terms and William Rowan for the one foe full trrm. ;hrr«\l'«r». maul. Ilia Min. ahall 1» filled lir s illaTrnl year term. were not to ajipear. Where such frr«liuli)*r. ri*ld*nl of Uia Uuruugh of Kftttl* A mala am) « Under our law,.one of the most wiirlti, tu IMI appolntad lit Hi* rummon (,'ounr stringent .In the Union, a person who ases come to our attention, action Is «f Ui* Bald ImrmifU fur lit* wn*i|i|r*il l*rm.. Doth factions of the party have en* taken by the Department tojcvok« the H«lh)ii 11 No ni*nb*r of aald ta«rd ahal dorsed the candidacy of Borough Col- convicted of drunken driving (n one •iijalHtal '•! mak*. ItwaaflMamanla '»* - -,-it yrr uf-tin of-Uve 4ow»r-courU,-and.who-lai|s to jrightjttt.drliie.of anymotorlst.-whu.fall* ari'fu«r Hunt anr'fiiral imiirufamatii . . l«ctot and Treasurer John B. -Butler*, auCll—LUnic l.nrllirtl. nl ihf nmtrv liar eC "In,111* Moruiwli « ill*i|uallt1*d iir frtaoii voters to give him a heavy support M Bf«l.u» and Elm km. «o.l viction) loses his right to drive for owner who permits another who maynf Ui* fart thai lia may nwn pr"l**rty InrlinMNl will he «s ralluw*; \ Ui BIH'II aaavaainanl. a testimonial. PHONE 141 Flr.1 DUUiri, In Ihc rtf« UixV. Wi two years, The second offense results be under' the Intluence of liquor to Hun «: Wli.r. a rn.ml.tr of aald luari Ion Atcuuv. • V , hi permanent revocation of license. na nf Ilia Ililaml, la ill*|u.|in«l hi BfKinJ Plaulcl. >l I" 8oultl iUHm operate his autombbllo; the penalty U The factions seems to be confining This Is mandatory., The Commissioner the same as that..Imposed upon a tnaalns Ui* aaavaamvnt fur twnttta Herucil ffl their .fights for County committee - BIATklCK rOLUTK. ir IIM*I tmi'r, Nai to restore the license of any drunken possible Jail sentence, nnd mandatory Jrra*y, lli»-l.'unililiiil rotinnll «f Ilia aaItTImriiii have their- greatest strength. Mayor driver before the expiration- of therevocation of operator's license for' a aliall aiilHilllt a rilM-rwl frMllnlilar, ra*ld*llt Stahl's followers are endorsing Prank period of revocation, since April" ],period of two year*; Tills provision of ilia flnrmith of Krntlirorilt Iff art In till alrai Moriut and MraTWallerHoaJIand Trom~ fur Ilia |mr|M i uf niafclns tin1 aaavMinai 1930, when I assumed this office, I have Ji?_ law will be as distinctly enforced frnm Ilial iiarllrular ' tbe first district, where the Kenllworth not restored the license of a 'single as all others relating to the elimination Republican Club, Inc. la the itrongest, lnn A ^Carli maiiitM>r of aalil lioard alia drunken driver until tt could be legally of drunken drivers from New Jersey Ilia SJtillliHii'vltH'hl fif Ilia ilutlrt I Judge Orlppo s clique have endorsed THE CONVENIENCE OUTLET permitted. | highways Tills is entirely fair since aiturn to th* rallliru! |H rfurmanra nf Ui* aalna candidates only from his district, the thoca r Ir *n uffli>r dill/ aiilluirliiid In ailmlulal first, which Is ,hia strorighold. The \WherJ it has come to my attention ownrr who knowingly permits •»lli* whlrli lalil oalli atiall !• Illril »lift II ti\at there has been a miscarriage or "n Intoxicated person to drive Is quite Iliirgntll I-ti-rH | Judge and Mrs. Margaret, David will be ..,. is the emblem of. household comfort 10 Krrtliitt S Til* l»«mti«ra iif Uia aalit bnan the candidates for county committee Justice In the courts, where persons " P" " » menace to society atiall r*rclr* anfti r«m|i«naaliiin fur lli*lr *«. vlr«r aa Uia t mumim t ftiinftl lit ilia nt. of Motor-.Vchlclt* CMimAirTh 'iTniAir t^mHfy™XBw iit—ir, aiiilt, •~* I have caused an Investlga- alone cannot stamp out the drunken rvMilutlun, flu anil iWlHirilnn -Thus far, both wings' of the' party ,f nil use otyour electric labor-saving appliances anttjjortable lamps. have been confining their efforts to made, and have, under the driving evl^ln New Jersey In every NallM vested In me by Section G of community public official* and good Th* abiiva urdliiane* WJ*a paaawl tin IU Oral personal ,work The ltepubllcan Club. Lighting fixtures were designed for lighting purposes only, the Vehicle Act, summoned tho cltlseiui In general should Insist upon ll s at a rriulail r inaatlna s <>f Ui* * MayuMayrr anand Inc will use this method ar the main ,1'imnion I'lI'oumll l lllialdd Tl A|irlAll l HII part of Its campaign. Twenty of the convenieuce outlet-is the right place to plug in portable lamps and' appear before men on a the prosecution and conviction of per-ItlKll andd tinlrrpildl ailvrrllaridll t fur a puMIMIc lliaar cause why his license sons who drive Intoxicated and should Ins anil final |i*aaag* on clubs most active workers gathered at electric appjiances. ' \ Tl KHIIAV KVKSISII, AI'HII, IITII, III3I the home of foTrnTti Hall K.nll Oeorge D Ebbeta Tuesday night and 'lpful In bringing about ccrs and magistrates who attempt to made plans They will make a house Our special rotes are: ulshment or offcitters "whitewash' those criminal motorists • IIKATIIK » IflLMI K Biirnusll (lark to house canvass of the borough and 519.80 for three twin outlets haltd April Hill 1(31 iepe In clow touch with the voters In 1 Ilia < milKll >ml«i lluriiiidi Hall K*nll II section* of the borough from now rnoposco UNANCr NO, IS4 Mill f> J Har*1 Gelag $14.85 (or two twin outlets «N OKIHNA.VCIt is Uw romiMnaailun of llKATMl t until the closing time for the polls,. . II*. n.llntur ,,f Bl «f Koill.otUi llrjruusli <-*lark Th* uinn whu Irks tu dmlgt tils obll- irtmary day There will be meetings, blua rrnintj', Nir«r Ji April Hill. !•! gaU0ns.AuusU1.flmU tlio datuur toucli writ, but mo»t%r.th«in)rk:;wtii tt» -- . $ .1180- tor one twin-outlet—• ~ *• B* ir urd^iid ur of .lh* rouglisr Ihan tin' rnsil — nuffalu Eva> unly, N*w J< ORDINANCE NO. Itl alng Narwa. carried on In the personal canvass. You may pay for th& work on the divided pay- I Tlial L.. /IN UmilNAMK rrutlns a (.runal Ikiard U ili Cull«ru>r_aliall lh* niaUrif of «ll aaavaanianu fur bcrwflla ment plan—ten per cent down and the balance 1 tl.sa*. arrruwl *f rorn local) lm|irui«nKlila III Uia Iliil- Daalal Beoaa'a BlrlUay Orlglaal "Saa.rt Alack" ftrrilMi 1: :71ial all 01I11 onah of KmilworUi llnton tuunly N*w Jafaay in-nine monthly installment*—no paymentto be— nnvjr »rtii u,i. .nriwt H* II w*.lntj IT Ifn ttomnftin «mmrt-M-1lir - -Various: dittea ImVe- liawii-glveD Kcrllnn 1 That lliara afull I* and li*r*liy antborltltf liave arreeil upon Noveoi- laiory, Aluander tbs Oraat, .wboae I; imlrd and raulllalird In Ilia Huronlli u( bar 2 -1134. autallty was unusually well devel- Special rates are also offered If single outlets \ ' N*tlH KMillworUi, Unlmi (oulilr N»w Jrra«y a fJen «al Itaanl (or *nlaad for a •hill ciinatol uf Uiraa dlaiml frarlioldara. rtal Cosllr Saere4 lnlMtag tod1h\i •lrniD or in< IWMIII or •rwiilwuriti to »'i|i. has an effact .oa the >wvatii»r,.a rraoch -Tliac«t(i»>lral4)f-Ui»41ol|r**vlorl« N);. AI'HIL II w1lnl.1l l.' y "Id aOnomon (otlarU n< III* aald •clanllst found that virtually tha a*n» tl IS r 5. ID.,llilil latins UOSKOW took SO ysan to build and niTQMsn fur s 1 Irregularities In climate occur now it about llflO.OUO.orjO. It U esU- • Public Service Electric and Gai Company that did mnr* limn a fentury ago. ted. Plcatc.Juve your representative call-to tell me roore-»bout' your ipeciil rales on convenience outleuand citimate-the nifmber needed in my room).

Extra Special Offer Make our Gift Department your headquarter* when seeking gifts for all occasions. to introduce King's Paint Products in thU vicinity: lit ram ifajaii rahilrmi fwnr '— ~We~bffer a wid£"selcctiori~of articles sdiUJbleTofaH gift- Mat Wan runt, all colors, per gaden giving, such as mementoes, bridge prizes and favors. fleer as* Deck ratal, per gallon & sU4 SW ralal, per gallon ... J". Bwc-A-NMC VASES ASH VEAYR TAUUU •*.* Flat White, per'gallea rew.Baw 8pex Varakh. per fallen " v BOOK ENDS- rAfflrwuama WBITIMOBBTS fear Beer Fleer Ftaish. per gaUea DIABIE8 ft UHK and SHADES • siaa4Brm8bis«leSUla,pergaUMi

'stla, ^par Pear Btm r«antri Omari, |l.ur rtot, tit; % rial, Ue 7 •> \ All Moderately Priced OniVPrducf.-have-been made since 1852 W an -fully guaranteed by manufacturer and "by W H. B. MILLER'S SON! MATZEN COMP ' • ' ' -\ J r, *MHN BUILDING tllEAStBBOADn T, > Phone y -^v .. / - -1 -TT-v- •—^ i. "" •*<$r:




sTMxild be ao diOenlty la having blooms ' '- CaihimTai' ' ~. ~~T- '-"" afsaje^sWr at the daatred Urns) for nltfbUlon. Gladiolus Varieties FBEC GABDEN BOOKLETS Jod TnnkiDa_iu>Tt if roe vast t» j bat lsaMtlaal.lt «aw« eaat Although the gJadlohis win grow on By Prof. I.RanU Clark The Cranford Citizen and know wbptlier a man or wnmaa Is boss [ tea • ttmy sasaeaaaess*) atat its net watch, la : almost any good garden toll it teems to N. l Chronicle has arranged with the Is the home, persuade the maa to pot J tke crdhury way. kkMBw-tk* a hair Mac {prefer a medium loam At planting Extension Service of the New ! hi* feet on the furniture asd an what falat te ea ththe heabead oorr la" wkatenr peel- time It It advisable to enrich the soil The amateur gardener who U grow- | Jersey State College of Agricul- happen*—Wmlilnrtnn Star. j Utaa we a«T**n» tralstttratatd tt tt) grow. . ' -Th* f JB tt*O"•"I* ] fins 'and" Bcperlmenf-Btstlon '• however; should not be al- undoubtedly be bewildered by the grea—*t tupply gardeners. Uower-grow- ilaw>*.'0 atm» "• direct contact with number of varieties listed In the cat- er>, home-owners and any other , the com*. Plant about 3 to 1 inches alogues As a matter of fact, almost readers who may be Interested, deep on medium sous and even deeper any varieties offered by reputable deal- with free booklets, written by Mi light tods. Orrp- planting ts an «d- ers wlU (tlve pleasure and wtlnfactton CRANFORD FEED & GRAIN STORE authorities of the college and ex- • Ullage In that It holds the planu more to the beginner, yet nearlv all kinds f* eow»ptr»Ud periment station, telling the best 'rect and lend* to keep them from have tome tySIIts Anyone »ho tries' to methods of garden, flower, and %?J5Sni5w AT 104 SOUTH AVE^ EAST blowing over Thl* tame abjective can make a list of the best kinds wlU Drab- lawn care under New Jersey con- »*Jta*Jtat Mem and fnau. be attained by hMlng.tr* planu wh»n ably fini -few to agree with his selec- ALMOST OPPOSITlf B. K. STATION extent ******* .medium acid In reaction When grown which are available available Plaoe an X before any to on tdilt that an too tweet, gladioli are It la possible, however to make up of the booklets listed, clip the more susceptible to disease. Oarden- u»u of kinds wnlch have been grown coupon, and mail it to the Oar- Special Bent Mixture ^mtotatoi of ih«e two era may obtain report* on the degree of extensively, and which will give satla- Green Cover Motor* tprlng la preferred for . den Booklet Editor, Cranford i tm Qaiek Gnrt •. Fwe, Ml aoll aridity by tending samples of their faction to the beginner, as they have to Citizen and Chronicle, Crahford, toll* to local county agricultural agenu many others In the past.* The following VIGORO Uy b»na the proMMM or to the tttls department of the state list has been preparea, to give the ,N. J._»The booklets will be"mailed DRICONURE m the time whez*n tree*"•t ca ""*n» *^-^ to you free'of charge. Oompletelj Bthneet the proMMM of growth, it agricultural experiment station at New amateur a list, of tried and proved aW f*r B% Caw «« r«uUIy MUheUnM t UiUibn-lTeftoTib , Brunswick. There la no charge for varieties from which he may make his USE THIS COUPON •oiil andd new- turroimdlnn moreover. I Ws service. - d^ilc-l t _-± A; i tl -. sr n~'~ . •_ . • ^_ ** ,. ^ _ _ ...... Hoses .In the Oardea •••"• . aeiccuonsselection*. «JAHI oofr thes uiese e varietievarieties sma may) D* not plant gladioU too cloaely to-- be obtained from virtually any dealer : Panstes from Seed. • .....Hyacinths for Oarden nod In the spring. eether If flowers.of the highest quality and nearly all of them-at very low aredealred. Leave at leaat 6 Inches> be. prlcet. • Home. Plant shade trees Just before the buds lb This la not neceasary ' The list follows:.lavender—Mrs. F. C ....•• Poison Ivy. Gator Hide Mulch Ptper tr -v avatutvw* * A I#v dl«)UlCW %M if a large number of flowers are de- Peter*, Captain -'Boynton, Minuet; .. ^.Narcissus for Oarden and failure will be minimized If a cloudy ?lred for cutting, since the gladiolus white—Albania..Carmen fiylva, Marie Home. Raw and Steam BONE MEAL SliEEP MANURE Wl* in U choten for planting.^*! Will produce fair Dowers even when the' Kundered; »almon pink— Catharine .:..PertlIiiera-: What ^they will producLe fair flowers even when tlr »••"««•—*•• "I—— ->-•- ~-..--^— SPECIAL TRUCK FEFERHLIZER R «NU; nn ^w sviecieojid;, ani a conns touc'—h on—e another "i...n th. e row..| coleman. Marietta, Marshal Poch. Mrs. • are, and how to use them. Helps to rndace Cris*, Teasitr VcgctaHea jU*mDouglas,,Mr. W, H- Phlppa, Tyckp ..;....:.... Weeds of New Jersey, ' -r Als*r 15)lbtf- - ^Jilnl[^Mrs,c :;.E>r;"-Nortonij -i—_Th*. Home, Vegetable^ Oar- Choosing Shade Trt*. . Mrs. H. K. Bothln; pure plnk^-Glarit 11 . 'den. • .'••. •••-."-.' '. •'•••••• :. -....Better Lawns. ;' ' . ' ASSOBTMENT • nowtt aatl ByB.L.8e«rea Nymph, Longfellow. • • • CIrowing Gltuliosi Rb«e p|nk_E. J. Shaylor, Pride of Improving Garden Soils. Se and Me rapen Sect* Alt* 8*M aa N.' J Agrtttaiani ExtemleM ^errtM Bj A. aMeUaa :- t WatlWtah; "rose red-^-Taro; purple— ...... House Plant* and Their ; PLANTS ».-.-• An>a EbertusV cream—FBrn Kyle. Mary '•••"•'. Carei' •. '"-""" •"'•• ' BULBS One cannot be too careful in choos- Plckfonf; violet—Alda, Sovereign, Veil- Oarden Booklet. Editor, Ftower and Vegetable 1 UHf — O, Ing tree* to plant along Pie curb or on chenblau; , yellow—Odd, Golden Meas- Citizen and Chronicle, Evergreens and Shraba OahUaa,Et«. the lawn unless the sole purpose of the'"». Oold 'JEagle; orange—Jack London i i! ' -m* of Cranford, N J S1 T "™" "Beet °" the ""* "fplanting Is for shade. But.in .the ma-j Ming toy; scarlet—Dr. P. E. Bennett Please send me the booklets I PANSIES MOUJNTAIN PINK Wpomlng1 rthe gainBee, to be nude byearly jorily of cases the planter has other [MM. Francis King, Scirlanp: red- have checked above PlWiUn Tt • tu* "fwquentlrximtMtlmatBl. me 1— .Saw-Your-Chick* beauty and color to the home surround- maroon—Purple Olory, Nlmrod; odd Safe, Sara, Easy to Use Street and number..- — worked In the atart Ing* as well as to provide protection colors—Einilc Aubrun, Marmora Hose City or town. I J'onv the sun and the wtnd. —" rAah. : - .--.••-- •••-.. • Prattt Poultry RegahtarbitiroverA they will bloom only a f«» day* earlier :On* of the first consideratlpnsT there- Eaiiy-bJooming varleUes Include It Supplies Neeessaqr Minerals WWeh Are NectM fas than gladioli planted In late April or fore, should I*.the general form and i Tabor. Mary Pickford.'scar- early May. .-••.; • . ""- •"• *"c BciHriiu junn ana —••*"srv*" **vut, raaij ricKioni, ocar- Phone CRanford 6-161&-4-0982 PWit Shade Tree. Now tlxe of the tree. The new tree should' lano, Break of Day, Oladdic Boy, Marie Many experienced gardener* start conform to the general plan of the ex- "••—•--Kunderd*. Res. Phone CRanford 6-0955 punting around May 1 and continue 1 Suggested late-flowering varieties In J*. X Afriealtaral ftrieaalea SerriM Istlng home surroundings, or as the CRANFORD FEED t GRAM STORE until July 1, They have found that »re plannedJor thefuture^-An ex- elude Mr*. P. c. Peters, Mrs. H. E. W, J. WILLSEY successive* plantings at 10-day Inter- Bothln, Indian Summer, rait wlU provide flower* from July to cellent guide In harmonizing the tree BEAl E8TATB-INBDBANCB *-; The best time to plant shade trees to the home ground* it to take a pho- of the Christia i* la the sprint, Just before the buds frost Experts who grow gladioli for UNION AV&, N. CBANTOBD •hows hare, listed the' approximate :ogr*ph of the property and then plate the Presbyterla &ur*Va*oordlng to most authorities. pictures of tree* of different varieties. Ground Coven for Shady She spoke on Th« there U less chance of failure number of days It take* far most of the varletle* to bloom, which la determined drawn to. scale, in the space chosen for -•-T- Area* Olga Specht wll than U any other season, providing, of the new tree. In most libraries there day nlght^jpta coutat, that the planting I* carefully to a huge extent by the time of plant- I»y A. a McLean j. •_••• Ing-. Oorms of a certain variety plant- are books on trees from which one can a strawberry f« secure models for sketching or iraclns. N. 1. Agrkullural Eil»n»lon Service ^month, ed ln_ April, for example. wULrsoulre The. next. constdeimUon--ls-,har41hess several days longer to bloom than and resistance to attack* of Insect* and -T"T" trees so commonly used oorms of the same variety planted on Jlie nclectlo i _uf_plu Troop 80, .Boy lor shad* In New Jersey are in a dor- June I. *•!«*»«•. Pew people would wlllfull) ground covers for shiidy areas Is a ' -mdltlon. With the thawing of choose "a .tree which would be a con exhibit a booth "-™~ "-*M*""IU«I wuuia oe a con' problem facing many gardeners at this for a merit bo md In the tprlnrand the ln- Oardenera who expect to show glad- slant source of trouble and expense-be- season. There aro several plant* which "DIKa. DCMJO, BaXL" wannth of the sun, these life ioli can obtahi Information-on the the Union Cour "• -• ••-•- i •••••• ••••^^Mipsjwevea *aa . waav cause of the ravages of these pestt. As may be grown successfully as ground bitlon May 1 a i gradually become accelerated length of time required from planting the tree grows larger, often the expense covers, provided they do not receive too Bella, ehlldrenl Uttle Jack the middle of^ June they are ., Armory. Troop to blooming Jiy writing to local gladl- "/..combating peats lncreaita. much.competition from nearby maple RabUt hope* you will color Corps will play it maximum speed: By theojus clubs or to the Nstlonat Oladiolu* llecautc most tree* are planted either trees,.. '—'•_.. . '.. ' _-':•.. vm «s -Oly, the year's growth bat been =w« f^ lhgs during the Soeiety_at Oothen. Ind. If planUngt on or adjacent to lawns, it Is Important Pachysandra la an excellent ground Coloring Contest this picture With care. IT you .'completed and the activities within the are imade a few days before and a tew to choose the varieties-which do notcover1 for areas that are partially-shad- tree from then until the ground free***' days choose proper colon you' will A free lecture after the suggested datet there ^i—^--ftLst^.wuLaenseiy.siuuied.-Thl.pu, BYJ>AVID CORY shade mustwt>wg i 5S ttoo 66 Inches hlghTa'nhigh andd • hats a /tum'out a "pretty piice"of will be given Siii not be too dense, and the tree ahoulshould r o'clock in the .n rather broad leaf of a dark green color. work, for it has been drawn shed a minimum amount of utter and ' Thj native wild ginger plant, (Asar- Color a Picture and Win a Prize by Dr. Hendrllc um canadensel is a very satisfactory for the very purpose oT en- The Hague. Hoi Radwayft "Tested" Grass Seed Jontrary to current opinion, the ber of the Board (round cover for densely shaded areas. couragtng your artistic ablU- .iVtAWtolMASaaF VUtnida LAWM grM»—BHADY and QUICK OROW rapidity of growth It the last conslder- It has hcarushaped leaves »hlch_rLie Mother Church. nuiM oermaiT^stNT aiuss ationt, A* a general rule, the tree* Chrtatj Scientist, OOUMan and dothe other rIMPORTE IMPO D grauet rrom a Creeping root stock It spreads tles. ""And now for the itorjrC which grow the fastest an short-lived, lull* rapidly an|l makes a good cover Is InvltaJMo atte >- rtBTILIBStBTILIBSU — SOTPtllSOT l produce the most Utter, and are mare «ays^jour.-Uncle DaveOary, - • ,*<«, vv-aWWOBAIMtNUaUlBY STOCK . -~ '• subject to the attack* of Insects and It) dense shade where-(ew-plantj-wllf .,.;.lDa»id.Cot^.tlieJ*»kRtbb«'»lai»,-— -.' '" LaVmMCalnNO — kSNOVATaWO — CONBTEVOTION jrow The plant Is not-widely culti- c/o The Cranford Cithen and Chronicle The meeting of disease* A healthy «peciroen of any for last Saturday Burg raam-*uxa aaa ESTiMAna cmsBruixv (SUBMITTED of the varieties of trees grown for shade ated and many gardeners »lll have to obtain It from collectors of native held so was post; In New Jersey will, with good care, unlay, In the Mas Lll- J« r» VVVM-aTa C«ANTOBD. N. J. 'make a satisfactory development plants. -^ la found naturally in the Ding-dong, belli Jeep woods, where'mil. sunshine pene- urge a Urge att oWim AHDaXJUH'atsWT FOR OOi> 0QDR8K8. PlAtLIO PARKS The choice of form rest* with Uie ''_,•• ' _. AND PRIVATE K8TATE8 — trates. The «lld ginger plant grows Pussy lent well. will be -carried on Individual planter and varies with the , matters consider* ;. •• i MEUBBR—National Home Planting Bureau best In a rather acid soil with plenty of ** '" "» —« •«« they difference of the Individual properties' humus. Gardeners -who wlffi to cultl- Oopdneas me. how could she »'7 J. -ably be made for ' ••• *jra WOT A HOMM UNTIL rra PLANTKDPLANTKD — The varieties of tree* which seem to bel , , • place in May. ' best meet the requirements listed are rate this plant should grow It In leaf pin oak. red oak. scarlet oak, American uold obtained from the -woods. Nearly drowned, fur all wet^ sycamore, Norway maple, and ginkgo Another suggested plant for ahady • After- aa-~ant5 »rea» 4s thc-common jnyrtle, Vlnca ml- What a way to treat a petl t t'S -Thursday, Mlchac nor, »hlch «ro»s close to the ground Jamln street and *Lh" ».1™u"Lf? "SfgfSPn, leatJTbi* tak»-her- -B.^8-M«Afee-of- _ yi ?LBENNEIV-. plam docs best where the shade Is not \ rested by Officer jEJse Your OldaeteeFfofthe loo ttense and »here it has sunlight for home and cuddle her nice and , ~ of disorderly cond AUTOMOBILE PAINTING U r lW * DUCO FINISH *?^ !J ° * ^ •"* WK warm?" asked Pus* Junior. '•they engaged in Fjrst Payment on a New Hoover! wlthsla-nd compeUtlon from maple trees man waa fined ta KsUmatet Qlren __ ._ .OLother planU better than any or the "She ' *S each, when-an Tal CRanford «-im other ground coders already mentioned IV L. Loveland This plant should be weU fertUlied and P*y thibdiauce at the rate of $S a month • _, CBANFOBD "Olve her to me." cried .fitlxabeth was nn then watered until it la started The parking Monday nJ nirrtle siwsadaLranMlv^root*. wherever t It runs on the ground, and soon pro- anwog the dnders. "While I, • •„. / blocked a driveway farnlture or lifting the rugr. The Hoover clc.ni rugt E duces a dense mat. It can be cut back " when asked to mo tborougbly » they lit on the floor, lu t«ceping, be«t- In njuch the same manner as grass, warm my chilly toe* she can pnnided you do not destroy too much » '---iSfrmethod draws ,11 the dirt up-from- - foliage. Se»err cutting back prevents J60 Girl Scouts the bottom of the nsp. The nap the production of the bright blue'flow- ^,l!.attended the anriu spring* upright and" colon are re- era of the plant. "Where, is that naughty - «•' Banquet last Thur '. Presbyterian Oymi stored. -Tommy qreen who to cruelly - per, the girls dram There is t Hoover duiting -tool 8ubscrtbe to the ClUten and Chron- treated, this, poor eat?" aaked , as followa'; icle. $300 per year, delivered. Troop 1; "The Dot that goes under heavy Puss Junior. But Tommy was •the Mermaid"—! furniture, anotherJor,. - Gun-led Motey Bwk If "^Crusoe's Story"—Ti g, cleaning tufted pieces— lowed a race wtUct he had ran away, ai bad bays' in fact, the Hoover and Troop 4 a dose sei IDoesNotWisli Disbes -A. greener do after a naught; deed. . Ball had charge of it» duiting sttachiDcmi , by Mrs. a. a. MiUe houiccletn comjiletely. 50% Faster Now. children, lean aJeeaon. Vttt and Mrs. Louii mule the nut cups, In Dip. ideneB^hafproducod LAWN From thts little'tale of woe/ .the table and Troo warning powder and water toftener Popular-priced Hoover— nerer harm an Lthat take* more than half the drudgery $6350 •^•j^w lawn with Vlgorol It Isnfrrltht. you know-. Why not Join o out of dish washing and other form* of , Are ndti pressed Dusting tool, ire idjitioiul, . , discount on aj eta and « until carrying chirp U The Golden Rule wm,.elway» Oaaneif. Telephob - tiktd when the I loom it We actuaDjr guarantee tt to-do Jtttt Tell |ou jnst what to do- bought on ternu of tS down >ff- tad tS t month. that. Your money back If It dotanX Dont do to oiher people n- Due to imintndltot DIP cut* 1*000 What you dost want done to fc^l [ minute* a jearJwBi ""nti wwhhM ia«a. W f ,*Toora for a atorjr. -' DAVID COBY.


al Art Exhibit Now B«n« Conducted in theOrangfc BAB*- HUNK c.tarso itbeU..a character developing plan for iur wjr. taap»tfc* tab- lytag \Newsofthe Week LEADING IV, „, tnwuna- children in the hone, from to he* orla'Hum pa* (CooUnoed from page OM> With to imhre years of age Th« set tan trahud It.to grow. . The sixth Annual Ait Exhibit, un- theatre to the ChUd Wrtfar* Camp*l*TL i> valued at MS. • twuny-nr* nutEryr—r: In and About Town the Orince, Is Mi) «»t*tive. gave an excellent fl» OOKNKT CUUUNET uuest of kin Ehune WetherUL Hardy. t£! on th« merlu of the Ne»Ue procesi fhu f KAXOniONE TBOMBONE n Cover IVfedare Oadys V. Ultchell of Cummmft »?. I goods. Miss Keller isve two perma Y, which . .--— K- Hayaahi. son of Mr. and Mia. Jeitfiie QrlckowsU was glfen a 8t»Ha U Csdaai Ava. *G*w«fh«*irMrS*4j birthday party lut Sunday at, herstreet, has exhibits in the following ncnt w*»v(*s duruiy ttic cvraliw to two .-; MT*. H»yashl of 1 Mlla street has been classes: oil paintings, water colors, who volunteered from 'the au- Ttu cM«roiia t-un home, lc New street. Many guest* namely, Character. Scholarship, Lead- DRICONURE w*» Dreamt and rerreatunenta wen sculpture, arts and craft*. In the pation in hockey* at Blair Academy. sculpture exhibit Mrs Mitchell has on ership and Service, each . re efl.ua] consideration. The ro The conumratlon drmomtratlon and ETHEUNDA M. S. HAUJBERT where he is a senior exhibit a portrait butt of Nan' Norton • -riake-up work was made by Miss Bettv Waabeth Doremus. a student of New of Cranford. In the arts an/rcrab dis- selected Vill be duly Initiated A'atTIST Jersey College tor Women, has been local chapter and awarded the e Cunningham, assisted by Miss Mathews. Resolutions. Pet,,* si,^ Parchment sh»d«. Cover Deslsns, Monograms. play Mrs, Mitchell has a silver, crystal DUpomas, Lrtlrnn*. Orcorattng "ograms. VPPR-HUMUS lamp that Is attracting very much at- ». which they are entitled. The pupils of • the Sherman ,Ben I their various "preparations among ' i'J(U» IWa*. al aVmMMklr riiot. tention, it being similar to the gold Taudience. ' . H. B will give a talk I » ^ " *— —•- lamp ihat she exhibited In the recent SUVKaLSIDC DsUVE.fSUNroUD, N. J. art exhibition or Northern New Jersey lemonstratlon of the Arnoll Btetini on mosquito control. ,His talk win he .. *°" born ""' week to Vt- jnenta for tlie hair was to have illustrated by pictures. which *as held at Plalnfleld. Her ex- ^'MrsI Before. Stanle, her ymarriage Carlso, nttn. of CarlsqPlalnfieldn wa.s hibit In wood cut blocks in the exhibi- tion now being conducted arEairOr- ANNOUNCING : ange won second place. ' . th« ovnuitM of tbr The annual exhibit, of the Oranges la ford Byiyity.giudlQ^pivSatordiji^MJ)! |i5SSS 1 a-targely nttrnded affau and tfiis-year Junior CUss,; wa* the rrpre.wntatlvc G^l^tfl^ ^STUD Mrs. Charles H. Silkman of the is no exception to the rale, many Cran- . J Ciunnl. proprietor of tlie Cran Miller, Mrs. Barnes and Mm Nordln. ; from tho high school,~ In the National l« N t/NION AVENUK. CBANFORO. N. J I VBGRABU 8ODB Riverside, who Is 74 > fcrd people attending regularly. -» ; Jord Studio, snjs .tilt event proved beue- TL '* Oratorical. Times contest held at Plain- 1 MSaUtal her first airplane ride nclal In all re«pec.ls and lie hii|»!i to field lost week. Being tlie school repre- UNDCR NEW MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fehr Mark -~- sentative in thiaconteiit,he will receive h_aTe_another_iuch _ affair—dtirllig-Mw coming winter. ^ 50th Wedding Anniversary a prtzcof »10 warded by the New York ntlCW UWWNT IN «»WN Times. *...•• *. • . . Hourj: » to 7 P. U-Ftidar and Saturday. 9 UJ « p M Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Fehr celebrated The assistant managers of the base- Woman's Choral Presents atlon The courts will ball team, elected from candidates by WE SERVE WITH A SMILE! /NTAIN FINK their gulden «eddlng anniversary Sun- 1 play early next month HS1ernoon by Mrs brldg0. JohPn ^'l ^?'*™ .Pf-Ahc.. fa'cullyiiianvl _ L .Spring Concert May 5 ou, Jr ready for .,*! * 'T* " ""^ »«terday day- at «ietr-*omerl»-ermennlar"gve= ""afternoo, at her -homen by; Mrs 0 orthttra. John -F. Penlstouline, Jrn Cliarlcs Mcy ind Elilon Munro; ******* , at her -home; 0 orthttra- tteeir li ~ue - , ; A neW enterprise has been JTSSt Scores of relatives and friends were The Woman's Choral of Cranford wHI to b«sto»_conj(rsAu)llUonjjind Canoc..CIub-Director* present Its annual 'BpHhg concert Tues- j* on the venerable couple. Til* tliv'RooBBvelt School. Tha Choral:will Fohn W. Heins & Son 1 home uas beautifully decorated in the Elect Their Officers They wUl engage In trucking, moving I HJ_L C»L,^.I aj »»»• appropriate golden hue and adorned by f present a program of selected humbers and express, with seashore deliveries. Hlgh e0"00" Nine Wins the Hoard and the gui'nt nrtlst wlll.be Allan Jonei, many exquisite floral gift*,- Tho e«-of -of the >rd Canoe t or. Beadquarters are at « Cranford Te'r~L From Metuchen by 10-1 teem In »)iich tlicy are held by friends ra Real Estate and Insurance "race." was shown by the numerous valuable nsueoial uptltudo townrd singing at an C«ANTOaU> MOTOK TOOCU BURaUU ^wihewaiioHiyfline yTurer. years old; he was soprano BOloUt at St. of the Christian Endeavor meeting rf Tlie «ecrctary reported that In re- the Presbyterian Church last Sunday 1 lmna 1 Luke's Episcopal Church, Scranton. At tuchen High 10-1. The local "-.I™ ? >> i "*! "'dudes the sponse to the reduction in dues and the sixteen, he won tenor solo companion ucro strong Ui hlttJnff, getting a preparation of the courts, applications • • -T«V *ft*va**}1 ui J1II.MIIII, |rm|||{ u VOIS Louis P. Frlcke and a( the National Welsh Eisteddfod at tile their grandson, had been received from seven new Academy of Music, Philadelphia, com- I-1 of seventeen, while Mctuchen made on- Alfred Frlrlf'n ' . ujcmbor«--and-with-one- exception, all •:—.«Ml'--tour Wc«-Haddao-wa»-higri'1»tRf7 peting against older nnil more exper- "a~»trawBerry~feSSvaF g r ur hits trTaVni»nUie^^l- Trie guests wefp Abert C. Qulnche, old member's were continuing. With this be held next I getting four hits In • •- J?!ici'(i.AlLigcj>.trumalLoicr.Uie UniUid Haddad and Joe Humenix each who attended tlio WeddirigSO ycareTgo; *how of lntcersi;"aTrBin»~pard~and a Statea..-.. . • . got a triple. Oustav J. Fricko Louis O.Jackson and favorable cusji balance tlie trustees de- In 1R20, Mr, Jories won a scholjir»hlji Troo-•*~fp ""80, .**v.Bo^y owuuScouts ou f lunencAmericua will I V#MICIOtherBs whWIIUo playepjayeda Wliwithn Cranfordl/rantord,. family. Mh and Mrs. E. T.TMeyers. Miss cided •.that the Club activities would at Syracuse Universlly7 but, shortly E. Hoppenbcrg and Mrs. R. II. Hastings, continue as-u«ual and no suggestions exhibit a booth ^showing requirements I togethe--^--—---r _wit nvv*hv *»*m*awmnm_^vtnumber of aadSiOhitsa, werVVI74Ie7 BfJas) transferred to New York University, be- jr iOfor.T aA ITlPrimerit httHtrbadgne In Astronomyi'airnnnMii , a-»t* I follows:[Pulton—fnltnttTB* Ti*lllt/ih 2•!;• Powell—2EL»>«o1t' n.; ButlerW..si__— all of Ncw-Vork City; Mr, and Mrs,would be made In the line of dlnposlng oause o[ the opportunity to continue ; : The Elsinore Tea Ro6m \ta, DONO, BELL" of the property. the Onion Council Merit Badge Exhi- 3; Roslch—2; Orlmths—2: Humenik— August Zimmerman of Olendale, L. I. his sinking. He became tho pupil of chlldrenl Uttle Jack bition May 1 and 3 In the EHrabeth 2, >A. Haddad—1, and Frederlckson, Mrs. John B. Drummer and family o On 'Friday afternoon (lie Cranford .Cnlude Wartord,. with whom he h»i( US NOKT1I AVBWJE. WECT. CHANTOKW. N. j. 1—=.-- • .,_Armory. Troop 8O'S' Bugle and Drum 0 rimes, Sanders,-Rattl, Klein. Wallace Floral Park, and 1% and- Mrs. Dodin High School team will play the Summit continued, both In Now York and Paris. hopea you wUl color porps will play afternoons and even- and Buric, none. .- and Clara Dodln of New Rochelle.N.Y. 'High School team on the club courts .Since.HHfcJie imd filled nuuiy- Im- fc mgs during the exhibition. Also the following guc»(s from Cran- and an Invitation is extended" to all !•:*• A. M. I* I:M r. M lure with care, IT you Last Friday afternoon, Cranford sec- portant cngaiicmenU In concert, ora- 1 .Crariford residents to come ond cheer onds defeated Pingry seconds 8—1; In ford were-presentpresent: Mr*.-AmeliMr*.Amelia Wchkc torio and O|x-ra and ha» been given proper ^olors you' will Mr and Mrs E: N Rhd M M Uio home team. • ~ A freerleqture on^Christlan^Sclerice, -..Ui*c varsit.».«»y/ valluopeninmg BKuim.game Wednesda wvuuesaay yMr n»^. an. and aMrs ivirs. E. :£.- N; .n Rhodes. -Knodcs, Mrs, Mrs, M. M. H H. wide acclaim by critics. PLATE it i pretty piece of will be given Sunday aflorrioon "at 3:15 oMast-weekTCoIumbttrHIgwon 13—6. h Bchobrsr TCuegleTMri:" J7H"spNirt;""Mrs7"Arc o'clock In the New Cranford Theatre SOUth Ornnir* Urnn 1^1 ft VandcmorkVnnHnmncb. . Mr«#.. an« dJ Mrs.ar.^ ' Fran•*_.._,k E«. ir it has been drawn by Dr. Hendrik J.DeLahgc, C.S. of Cox, and Mr. and MrsM . Ocorge Stclg very purpose of en- The Hague. Holland. He Is a mem- Footlight Qub to Give erwalt. — —- ' • • ber of the Board of Lectureship of the FREE C your artistic abUl- Mother Church, the. First Church of Play at Banquet Christi Scientist,-Boston. The public Wednesday' Morning Club •••• 7-'• nd now for the story", r I* lnvita^o attend. — ^ ^ MctUng last Friday evening at the Enjoys Musical and Sociac l SPECIAL LUNCHEON 12 TO 2 P. M. r-Unde DawOory, •< - b^flri |CI^.&€lio^!iftiit.^ T^ i..,.;: _ The meeting or thexLoiiib scheduled the FoolJight Club decided to! present Club and their, guests enjoyed o musical CHRISTIAN 11- 'or last Saturday everOng could not be "The Teeth.of the Gift Horse" at the and tea yesterday at tho home of Mrs. fe .. held so was postponed until-tli«-Sat- EpworttLLcagup Bnnn.itet.ln- the. Cran- — TO urday, ui the Masonic Temple. Offlcen ford M. E. Church May 8. Thoie who "Mrs. Pumb had charge of the musical ng, beUl urge a large attendance as elections will take part Include; Allan Whitney, program.. She. .gave a talk on "Amcrp it watl. will be .carried on and other Important Mae Anderson, Beatrice Warner, Ray- can Music." which was folowcd tij vo- From 6 to 7 P. M., for.85c, $1.00 and $1.25 • '•I' , matter'natters considered. Plans will prob- mond Moleen, Virginia Laudcr and Ja- cal examples of negro and Indian mu- Dr. Hendrik J. DeLange, C. S. • me, how could she net Lewis. The cast will be coached by sic. Mrs. C. D. Marsac, chairman ot -R 7 -L -»bly be made for a card party to take OP TirE HAOOE, HOLLAND place In May. Mr, Whitney, while Wesley Smith and the music committee, had charge of tlie ' Frank Steele will be stage and property vocal numbers. A sextette composed cf HAYASW RESTAURANT nownedVfur all wet,— ', ' managers,— Mrs. L. B Laurlan, Mr*. P.-W. Tonip- Member'or the Board TGT Letturcslilp. ot tlu> Mother Church After- art- automobile accidcnt~lo^t klns, Mrs Wcston Lennox, Mrs."C. 11, Tlie first Church of Chrl»t, Scientist, m nosron. Maasathuwtt* •ay to treat a petl f<5 -Thursday, Michael CoIoVieri, 82 Bcn- At^the meeting last Friday, (he play "Raffles, the Second," was presented by Meredith, Mrs. I. B..Mattland *ud Mia. -t— Jamta street and Ocorge Heume-and B.i8r-M«Afee-of-Ptalnflt)d rn.prn.hprn,. iiimrhiiftn was., than ttirvftd. -JnThe Cranford-Theatre- The next meeting will take place next '"Heav'n, HeaVn" and'"Nobody Knovs rested by Officer Coleman on charges the Trouble fie Seen." and three In- NATION WIDE I cuddle her nice and - of disorderly conduct. It wus charged Thursday evening at tho home of Allan SUNDAY Whitney, lit Beech street dian numbers, "Pale Moon." "By the asked Puss Junior. '; they engaged In a fight. '• The local LONG DISTANCE hum waa fined 120 and the other two Waters of the Mlnnctonka" and "Little < April 26,1931 Ptpoone." _ _ _ ;-- .- at-3:15 o'clock-- — - MOVING t& each, when arraigned before Judge -|f -BWIIlrEnctand VarwrManned by I* L. Loveland Everett Lattlmer of Mrs. Weston Lennox sang a group of negro songs. "Ooln' Home,""Standln!!n THE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND ",, Expert Mover* All Load* In- her to me." cried tSttzabeth was fined M for Improper 1 f, surrd Phone for Kate* and Full parking Monday night, on summons is- Fertilizers the Need of Prayer," "Weepln Mar> ' Information ^a sued - by iOfll6er'-Co1en1»n.- liiltirner and."Jpecp River,". Mrx. p. "frledman Onrand JBbne - -"---'•--<- song three Indian numbers,. "In- the « cinders. -While I J '' /blocked a driveway and became abusive iiOH,fc : when asked to move. , Sheep Manure-, Land of the 3ky Blue Waters," "My chilly toe* she can Bark Canoe" and "Hlawatha'i-Daath AUSTIN'S EXPRESS Old Gardener Song.1: . . ., — 180 Girl Scouts'and their mothers- L • Miss Jane Revere or Westfield played *«epoone attended the annual Mother-Daughter Peet Moss • Humus four piano solos by Coleridge-Taylor, .is that naughty „ • Banquet last Thursday-evening in the all based on ol2r 'negro folk melodies, "At the Dawn of Day," "Warrior's Men who ao cruelly ' Presbyterian Oymnoslum. After din- - ner, the girls dramatized some,of their Song," "Don't Be 'Weary, Traveller," ilt, poor eat?" asked , < tongs, as followa: "Sweet and Low"— Lime and "Troubled hi My Mind "- ?•*"-. Troop 1; "The Dogie Song"—Troop 3; A social hour followed the musical *• But Tommy was T^dd:T^B&l DINNER $1.25 -r •?^?_""lH^>f..—,4.g~i!-A.-.-n«g«MBB £"5ihT'"Mo5"iiE5Sr 1 by the hostesses, Mrs. Plumb, Mrs. J. W. Crusoe * Story—Troop 4. There fol- Garden Barrows Banker, Mrs. C. n..Hoc, Mrs P. 8. a away, as bad boys^ lowed a race which Troop 1 won with Franklin and Mrs J. H. Lewis. ' Troop 4 a dose second Mra. Melville •_^2 LawitMowers The Norma Hfrefn Tennis Club naughty deed. Ball had charge of the dinner, assisted Also OEVOE and MOOSE Palnta by Mrs. O. O. Miller, Mrs. Oeorge Lea- BOiihess Men's Association . vttt and Mrs. Louis Schade. Troop 1 -A. a. " made the nut cups, while Troop 2 set Urjies Local Workers t-HU •T .the table and Troops 3 and 4 To help the unemployment situation 1 ..-Hnaervi:—=—; .— m CrunToru",CrunToru, THlr"BUirf5THlrBUirf5eM' JlenaXuoJl''~X^^i er, harm an elation at its meeting Tuesday night at hi, you know. Hayashl'a passed the following,resolu- Why not Join our Pressing Club? HARDWARE tion which will be forwarded to the , Are cult* pressed monthly, ft. Alto Township Committee. ORANFORD AIRPORT . , discount on aQ cleaning, paramount U North ATtVW/ Tel. t-tftl a Rule wfll.always Cleaner* Telephone CRanford 6-08*8. 'Resolved, that the Oranford Busi- Licensed Planes — Licensed PttoU The Community Store ness Men's Association request* the at what to do— .V. . ' ' Adr (U) Township Comftilttes {o-Jaslst upon the HOUSES FOR SALE > other people employment of local skilled and un- PASSENGER HOPPING $1 FOR RENT-6KK>n»«iidb^lO8SpttlJ.Av«., I, WU'lVKSBEIM skilled labor, hi work on all public Im- loot want done to "jr. K MATUI8ON provements, and that contractor! be madejo take out bonds through local STUDENT INSTRUCTION opposite R. R Stotioii.: ^35.00 per month. Insurance agents." * ' .. ~~ SPECIAL CHARTERED TRIPS ANYWHERE The association promised-full co-op- FELICE E. IMFABK) TRIANGLE eratlon for Clean Up Week. '—PKtCBg QUOTED ON BEQUEST ITRUCKING—MOVING—EXPRESSING - L.H.CHAFFEE CRANFORD AIR SERVICE . Carpenter and Builder C. R. Silkman — Matthew Seleaki ' ' SEASHORE! DELIVERIES Jobbing a Bpeclalty ; TeLCRanford 6-1303 Rates Moderate Plug .SstlsfscUon Walnut Avenue and Raritan Road U SOOTH l»th SIBKBT, CRAMTORD w v' -Cranford, N.J. J Terrace, I , TelephoMCRantord6-fflUx., ., - - * • ''•»'•- . "•

T _ -^1"- ""'-—'' 'r*---


chaw* fw the safe hnadaatlsg of mnt Takes Victim on fllE coavtrtloa %t Albert B. Fall. o/ifteTRIBES A serrctary of the Interior la tbe By EDITBA L. WATSON Events the*World Over Harding adulnWrmllos. oa a charge M_ ameatbw.a. fcrtte*. _ _ a>y Ue' w Cslaiafala. wboat history fros* I kill himself. He made SOD* passes day* ac On Cweer—Senator BingW, T At Ibe MB* M Die court emtalned Murderer Carries oa Weird around with the'gun and I thought Ik* rvstlrflM or Harry M. Blacknwr, Conversation With be would kill m But he lost his haa boon writtaa 1st Idea—Cabinet Change* Unlikely. ell operator, for contempt of court la nerve and did not kill himself. .. blood, would aata- refusing ta> leave a self Imposed exile . Bod* of Woman. -We drove tuck to my boBser'He rally rearist all «f- la France lo testify la the ell trial. picked the hod; up and pat It In the forta to tan theta By EDWARD W. PICKARD L'aleaa the Called States Supreme Elltabeth, N. J—A tale of • mur- hark seat himself snd put tb* blanket Into, peaceful raa- eoarj Derails Mr. Fall t* take sa ap- derer'* moonlight ride scross tb* over It. . ; ervatloa u Indians, ICHOLAS LONO. peal t« Its bar. tm mandate ef tb* By degrees, however, governor* gest- frosty countryside,, wltb the node body ' "He west Inald* with roe and went Bine* their first N *«U. *p**kef aral cam* to take a less active pan la District coort will be handed down of th* sweetheart he killed propped mentloa la-history, of Uwbowtl rapr*. within M days and the former cab- to aleep.< I doted off. When I wok* politics. Ooly sacs la recent year* baa beside him, the weird mock conversa- up he waa gone. He left a note tell- the hand at the •eststlves, v*t*r*a a governor general acted agalast UM latt «me*r win be lakes lata cus- tion he had wltb her, and the eerie Apaches vis tody lo serve a one-year pri tot sen- ing me' to send him money to the Ofcl* COBgrMMMO.. •dvte* of the premier; When W. L. disappearance of both killer and vic- Sir Walter hotel at lUItlgh, N. C. • •4 aooia-lsw of U. King waa defeated la the house of tence-«d pay a an* of SUXHOOO. Mr. tim, left New Jersey police with an Blarkioer-* micaec I* • flue of MO* "I got $280 of Kraitr'i inooey and Their depredations fau cpgsmou * year after a gaaeral eUc-. •niqoe murder mystery to solve. went to Raleigh and gare the money died af pneumonia at Uon, Lord Ujrng declined to dissolve ooa .•••.- \ Their only bope of ablution seemed to miL- He w*S;nasty. I said to him: far sooth as Ja- Alkw, a. C, where bo parliament and called oa Arthur Told of details, of the wort's se- In tbe bullet pierced body of a lisco, Mexico, and «a* spending **prlng •What- did yon do with that woman'* Meighen to form agotermnent. whea lloo la . npbolduia the one-year Im- found near Uleepy Doewell, body?" He answered: 'None of your tbe Mexican bor- Melghea was defeated wltbla a week" prumawat Sad f lOO.OuO line aaaeawd my.. business. I got rid of It' " der was th* scene of many of their Aiding th*. three an election had to follow. Tb* con- agaust him for bribery In connectl while a aearch for the fantas- Corroborative evidence that Fraur MaJJ. William Duncan Herrldgs, wb» Woodiest battles. Their own raea waa pbysldsns and staff stitutional Issue—the right of a gov-- with in* California naval oil I tic night riding murderer Is on In three waa recently named by Prime Minister no safer from them than wa* of annas trbo sought •rnor general to decline th* advice tbe foraer acrretary of toe Int killed Mrs. Stader came from the war states. :• ' _ - -'•••• - - .*• veteran's wife, Mrs. Fraier, who haa R, a Bennett a* tb* new Can*dl«n whit* nun's. Neither Indian vlllaga nnavelllngly to bait of Ibe premier to dlaaolve parliament said hls.flnsl decision la tn* Swashbuckling Wsr Vet. minister to the United States. Sine* nor whit* settlement could foretell tb* malady Vu tb* •peaktr'a wit*. —wss on* of the nuln features of tha •f another appeal wosld aot he mad* abandoned the Fraier home, placed a > man sought Is William Fraier, for sale sign on It and baa taken her the appointment Major Berrldgs haa when the grim raiders Would descend Alice Booaorolt Longworth. campaign and th* return of Mr. Ring until be had received s copy of tbe thirty-one, swashbuckllnt World war . Bora to wealth and pwltloa on two small daughters to the home of been reported as being engaged to upon them and when they appeared 'j to office mad* It certain that never coon's opinloa from hit lawyer* la veteran. Ilia phljanderings wltb the Miss Mildred Bennett, daughter of tha' a fight to the death waa Inevitable. November 0, 1MB, la Cincinnati, pblo, again would a governor general re- Washington.' - relatives, aald: ' . 1 maids of.Itahway, N. J.. have, proved ''Some time -during.'that* eight my premier...- ^. ^ • ._ .;..... •. They Vf«rt the sconrg* of th* Booth, Diatom* *v*r aloe* Mr. Loogworth, ject a premier * advice. Mr. Fall Is now In sertnslon'at Ms one of "Ihe liveliest subjects of gossip afur attending Franklin school there, husband came bursting Into the house west-dreadjd by every one. ranch at Three III vert, N. M, tha asm* here recently, according to the author- : wssw . <'^ * cryIng.;rTve.JO»J 'killed Mrs.Stader.' Homettead in Path of U la In fairly recent times, how- • ri*'*WW'B j»^ri Butvhe.w»* Such a'chrenle liai^ihif aver, that OM>Apache* have written . --- !yi e (pent on,* year la Uarrafi] that Arthur 41. received In a sariiel from Edward I* . The- s|alo victim' Is- thought to be- I did npt believe blnii" " ..".. •"* . He Doheny. wealthy oil man, a 1 roomte n their name, largest on file page. It - school,, then inuuftrrtd to tb* Cit Ujde, secretary of Jlrs. Phoebe Htoiler, vivacious grass Plttston, .Pa.—Dttllnlte step! bar* was unthinkable to the** bold raiders elanatl .law chool, graduating from agriculture, would re- yean ago, Mr. Pall collapsed during widow; *•'. ... .•. . • ..;..;;.,.:... -, been .tuten-.to remove.."the house |a. bis last trial acid Is supposed to be la Settle* Balm 5uit for ;. ; tlu(t they should be tamely confined on- ^ -* that Initltir m.In 18M. alga, and that Presi- Fraxer abandoned his. wire anil chil- tiifev, middle of the road" at Moosle reservations, and they resented th* ae-*^ Although admitted to tbo bar, bo dent Uoover would retbie health. ^ \ dren-In the Fraier borne at Itahway, li -- |200; Refined Divorce near here. a>*~*r tlon wltb ever> means at their COIDM dW not practice. 40 any *xt*nt la- shortly reorgsnlse bla Kllxabeth suburb. - The house, owned by jSKn (larvey, cabinet, seemingly. ENATOR ftlNO- Atlnntlc Clly. N. J-—Harold N. Elch- mand. Every attempt to compel the* staad, be beam* Inttnstod'ln elvte Detalls of the ghostly ride came ler put auch a low value, on his wife's has obstructed completion of the high* aubmiaaion was thwarted by their affair* and won was lUmeiaed In pol- ?et» at rest recent S ban's remedy for from Irs Jansen, a cousin of Frster, " way between here and §cranton for widespread reports of • "governmental extrav- affections that he lost hli.dlvorca suit crafty, leaders, Cachlse, one of the itic* In tbs city or«r which "BOM- Itecently Frater drove to Jansen's recently In the New Jersey Court of several years dud e to 'a dQaputdQt* over most famous of these, led them. In cat- COX thin held Sway, Despite bl* per- dissension In tb* agance" la more tax- home In Ilohway Just before dawn. price. Chancery- •." - , 1 J f tle-stealing,, and .other-, manifestation* alatent Inclination to remain -regular* President's o f f 1 e t s I stlen. - He wonld re- i ™Wrien^cTireTTta'mltW'lIehod'liF rAtr awnrd-of •$lS,8(IO -waa T»»S*rt»r • la-p«4ltlc*l"C0Btnv(nle*,-b*-dKltn»d~ -'-sg£ family,- sine* th» -de™ tlte nalaanca_laxea the-car,— -.- •--—• ->•.-• <-— 4he- aarveys-but-Mooslc-boTough-wss) lav Uke dictation from U>* Ooi or-' M -Hyd* a'a' B^° *xtended to. and slap oa other lev- t'led"a"*I0;00O beart'balm icflon for 18T«,-Howev«!r;-wlth-C6flch»e7noIong-~ "Meet the (tlrlfrlend," was Frtxer's $200, Vice Chancellor Robert, It Inger- unable to pay the assessment, and the er Instigating trouble, they began to aataliatlonjaalan. brought out — """tbousana'»"~or through Ihe application or Ml** Ella Supreme court vacancy occur*,, services. • were once more on the raid! For aboutr YCISM. In the Voting, Irish author and autliorlly on Leader* of congress look with llttl* eight year* the Apacbc were In a' ' ther, who had ancient Celtic mythology, for admla- 8)nc* Hoover entered th* White favor on Mr. Blngham'* proposal. II* state of turmoil. The authorities his own mothe lloa to the Dolled Stole* wltb tb* flouw. Secretary Mellon baabeen re- Is the tint. In discussion* of lbs ap- Siamese Royalty Takes Up-Miniature Golf moved them around like ap many cat- and had replle Intention of becoming an American ported to be preparing to. realga and proaching g700,0(XW«» deflclt. to sug- tie— when they could catchi them. But for a car, you ctllxen. " Henry M. Itouinaon Of Lo* Angelee gest tax deeaands be made on smaller secure In their strongholds smong th* "sat down." I alia* Touhg, who In recent yean ha* nlecled'o* bla aucceaaor. Mellon ,>li Incomes. Some legislators aald they mountains, the larger part of the trio* geroua, the dli (eclnred at Vaaur, Smith and Ulll* the only holdover of th* Coolldg* cab-l would favor Increasing Ih* levies oa successfully defied capture, and, con- It of taking N til leg**,•• made application for a visa inef • bigger Income*, n.th* view yoars haa thf re been a better display pnbllcaa. Leader Tllsan ot the house G.JH-..,Croqk_.Indaced.abo ', that Mis* Voung, being slity-s|x years pf courag"i£ presence of mind and in- thinks an Increase Is not now seeded them to go on a reservation7 In 1882: ot sg». without Independent"" mean* telligent action than In tbe Colorado and should not become mandatory. The nett year moat of the remaining and * writer, 'might not always b* school bus catastrophe, which roeaot Members of both major parties have Apache* suirendereaTTarld under self-supporting. . I ', th* death of flve children from expos,', Crook'* guldnnce the/ were slowly ure lo ih* sever*, cold. Alt of the flf- promised to cooperate to keep dowa Notwithstanding appeal* from prom- expenditures *t the next session, thus being trained In the ways of civiliza- inent educator*, financier* and law- leeu children •ho survived Ibis terri- tion. If the situation could have been, ble ordeal-must have be«o possessed eliminating "a need for more money y*ra th* Htal* department refused To through'Increased'taxation. left at this perhaps there would have take cognlaanca-oi the-case. it simply of unusual endurance; but the behav, been no further trouble, but a couple lorof" one alone, of .thirteen-year-old stated, what-II ha* said without ex- CAR ADMIRAL of years later Crook's power was cur- •ceptlon slnca. tba/IrowUratloo act of llryan Untledt. was moat heroic and n tailed. He ba_d been able.to hold them admirable. It Is worthy of all tb* Tboinas ,C llart "El iVU wa* amended In l«n, Ibat ilia been appointed _telSI:JJ>»J9.AU)e.r_ma.ttJ)a.a,.tl0ne,..i)qt^ -,_—Amertnn'rtwsul'who-passe* upon an- attention-It-ha*. attracted,.4nclod 14s- his wotk was only at Its beginning the Invitation received by llryan from plications for visa* I* th* court of Naval academy, suc- when. It was brought to an unfortu- Brat and last resort In such' matter*, President -Uoover to visit the White nate stop. IIOUM and the citation of hi*record, ceeding Rear Admiral sits* Young was a resident- of this A S. Robbon, retired country from October 16, 1029, until lo. the Carnegie hero fund. But great- Two years of training' had not er than any rerosittllon that may come Admiral Hoblson ha* UuneU-thC-M.vBgeL_ApjLcliesv_JIaIf -»{. November 18.lW0.~Shs arrived upon v •bad a jcateA ^t *S a visitor's permit which was repeated- of the. event la th* reminder the ex- 'them fled the reservation again. The ample affords to humanity everywhere years (n "the navy Southwest waa once more stirred ly, extended, upon aultabl* bond being Ilia official retlmneat Boated, but left Ih* country at Seattle that. In spile of all Its weakness snd border raids, and although Oeronlmo, starts Jane L but In the Apache leader^Jlnally asked for a 'Shr ^Z'ZTZ.'sjr ~^i -- parley—Just as It was thought that' •permit had been extended to July 1 planned to take a *a- he was secured, he changed his mind lMl.-aiffl went to Victoria, v cation at his recently and slipped out of reach.* It «aa her Intention to make her ho:,-«x.-.. puKhased home «a the South rtvex horn* in California snd pwtcd that Adolf Crook, unable (o arrange affairs fA with tied hands, asked to be relieved, writ* a book on Irish mythology. In Illtlor would arise In The resluwnt, of midshipmen gave addition, friends were arranging for offended might and and den. Nelson A."Miles took hi* the. retiring superintendent a round place. Again order began slowly to . a chair In Irish niylbology to be ea- defy ,Jhe recent dicta- «t ch«ra-ln. front of bla borne. Re- torial decree of "Presi- emerge out of chaos, Oeronlmo and " tabllsbed tor her al some California gret at hi* passing was expressed by David Kaufman. American minister » Slsm Imrt I In i-. university. dent I'aul fvon , Ilia his-men surrendered at last, nnabl* Uattric* lilbachmann, regimental com- openln. of tb. new WU miniature golf cour.0 I, I s,^ to looger-jaalntaln their enemy sta- denburg were not mander, and a delegation represent- y •T»HK eart of Ueu- fully acquainted with ing the Annapolis dty administration tus. Those Apaciics wSo remained ..^4— .bomueb,...Q. a A-.. h i;_jiiu ada's new governor are enraged both 'hi f* POPE'SPERSONAL-PMONE-™" -~r— TBB engineer aald It was not un- were occasionally heard from as lata ~ general, cornel to the bIV a resolntloa praising him for -?*V»±i?.'_y»,nienjo descend two or as 1000,. but the settlers of Arlxona . coming lo the rell« Of tb« city during three stories underground, open som*. Dominion heralded as st'betng classed with AllaU Hlll ^ INSTALLED IN 30-DAY^JOB and New Mexico were a61¥ to breath* the wcallhlest man the hated Comuiun- Ad0" HIUtr ibe severe drootht ot last snmmer. ancient door and Mad themselves In a freely. ever lo hold the office. Ists as notional nuisances that must be telephone Inglne«rs Encbuntsr Many dark dungeon. 'Another troublesome the engineers, wllh tbe result that tn7" Impediment-was the thickness of the The remains or tbe tribe are now II* Is also the Brat abated. There.are many, flery young p^W, LAND, of New . OllticullinJn Ancient Vatican work required. *n entire month com- living tn~0kl,ahoma. They hare' ac- governor general to be men among the Fascists; Indeed, one « Suoib Wsle*. In AnstralU. la ex- . '.Vv'."''«jil walls, often four feet through, tn whlci pared, to. the ten hours Itwoulil have" the stone and mortar ncre so solidified cepted peace as a necessity. I* almost led to believe that the major- tremely anti-English., and he could tg. 1H1. W—tern Wtwip.p«r CnJap.) ._..—.. ,*d Up (orern ity of them are flerjrjfoungjnen, A, word ot encourageiuent front'their way by stalling a modern telephone system In. trjlng.to drill through steel. Under the new t)o- terefl such s unique situation," Mr. Not all Indhin.tribes used salt It Their life to minion slntua he was leader would doubtless be sodtcltnt Mevtiaf the solid English virtue about ihe century old Vatican City at Rome! Leonl said. -The Vatican City Is four was abominated-by the Eskimo, and , «ari of , to^end them on the Warpath In de- paying one's hills. Tbera wa* general especially aa complicated by ancient many other tribes which could obtain routine. Then appointed by the king BeMbo rough and one-hulf mile* square. We had Old News Item Tells demonstrative! • •. on-the advice of bis dance of the Presidential decree. couternatioa in London when recent- walls four feet thick and'the fear ot neither maps nor chart*. And when plenty of salt did not us* It On the ly be repudiated tbe payment doe to Michelangelo frescoes and of Queer Wooden Clock show of Int* Canaillan ministers.'Tbe appointment Hut Hitler fives no word of eurosr- you consider that tbe whole area Is other hand, lye, ashes of certain'salty -Iwt-aa* day was announced from Ottawa, aot from ageinent. Instead, he Issues a strict be nu'Je In that dty at once of Inter- other prlcelex masonry, were related honeycombed with buildings dating Augusta. Me—Augusta resident* plants, or chill were used In est charges amounting lo S&SU.O00. by Pilade LeonU engineer ot tb* In- are nondcring what kind of a clock acceptance of London. ,_i_ and emphatic command for all Fas- back to the Elc\enth and Twelfth cen- .tribes as salt substitutes. Fraalar. On* Kariy governors general of Canada cists to be good and to obey Illnden- London's consternation has been ternational Telephone-and Telegraph turies, the very origin* of nblch «re they bad m a.church at Frankfort burg lo the letter. He haa announced" changed to something Ilk* exultation jompany, who returned recently from three-quarters of a century ago, -were actual as wall as official heads of by the anm,uncemeu at Prim* ltln- obscure, you understand the task If Tammany was the name of a-DekC - government They took a dlrect'part from the start that bn followers will tb* Uoly city. ™%,±™!!™™t. «"««« from ware chltifhl , wh''o wa* one of the tlgn- keep strictly within Ihe law. but that tfter Sfulfla. of tha Commonwealth Mr. Leonl, who passed U months »hlch ID the ailmlnlstratlon of public af- cwvemnnnt. -that - ate -' roverntwar They had Instructions, he Hid. warn- . -, en ot a deed jto-WUllam Penn for" " ""fttirsl One negotiated'*'treaty with the- they Hill do all la ihelV" power ^de- in the Vatican city constructing th* ing against any disturbance of-auch- in the Keaa*b*c|_ lands In 'Pennsylvania, In 1683. His stroy or change the law*. And sa now would takeover the Mejr South Wales, system which provide* WO tctephenra Journal- —-" ' Unl(Ml Stales, another plunged dl- obligation sad brag salt against th* works of art ax .frescoes, masonry, and admirers called him the "Patron UltlerdecUres that be Is preparing to for Pop* 1'lus XI, and tbe/iOS people "I"In the ,Cbngregstlo.nal cnnrca „ statj^.to- recover. -- relief work. When they came upon Saint of America," for bis goodness. go berbre tbe German courts "wltb "a lor the Holy city, aald that the most auch art obstacle, thej were foicd Frankfort there la an ota dock mad* real arhea ha signed {that waa known strung argument that the Ulndenhurg Ur. Lang b seemingly taking a leaf painstaking performance ot all .was to do the work on the outside of the of apple trees by an ambitious dtlaea Navaho custom caused then b> ds--( 'at'the rebellion, least* Wtl.,> Thirty decree U unconstitutional and Inef- from tbe book of Bum* aonthtra Amer. tha Installation ot the telephone In building* and when they were blocked of Monroe. It cost so much to gresu serf a house In which-* death had oe-j' Mainf ae° a governor general blocked fective. •» Iran state* < which, many yeara aga, tha pope's personal apartment Only by th6 frescoes of Michelnhgcio (D the the clock that It was found advlssbl* curred. Such a place waa called*! 20 minutes each morning, while, tbe to-let It rest A levee Is to be held to sf list'of ippolntssMts being rushed When Fascism get* a hearing In were gmUty of a number of rcpudU- Blstlne chapel It was necessary to re- "devil-house." They carried out I ' W • defeated goveronlent. lions.' pontiff attendtd mats, wart allotted sort to underground tunneling. - raise funds fur a new town dock that dying, so thst- they, might not dl* - court there would seem to b* a floe *1U aot require, an mocb all." 'r;*" - the boo**, when practicable • -^U CmZtfl AMD CHSONKU

aVflM ft *V»J NETTA Snake EmU Birda in BA L. WATSON C«f«, Can't Escape ANDjER OUR COMIC SECTION Vanta Crua,. (ialif.-A hligS' X -null anas bad an MMOSI** meat -n£ two valuable-camriH. BUt4t_ cost htm his Ufe. |rbe*# history, frets I that a good breakfast gives* Ami The reptlls crawled Into • NetU waa then tabs perked sjMd-by cage in which the priae caaariaa has been written la Events in the Lives of Little Men wers kept bj Mrs. Rlst* Eng- •tr FANNIB HURST blood, woold aata- |n other words, Netta was always lish, Two of III* birds war* raUy resist all ef- i then Frailer took har aa smch far "V«rdun." an Army MuU swallowed and the snake mad* fort* to ten than granted as ho old hia ssorsuae paper Down at Kort 8am Houston In Tex- himself a prisoner thereby. H tote peaceful r» spread before his plat* at breakfast. as there's a iongeared quadrup«d-who was not abl* lo dices! the bird* TF SBB had ever thought about it erratloa >• Indiana, •r hia comfortable chair placed wher- Is ths moat aristocratic mule In th* quickly enough, and wken II I at all lo that light. Netta would Bloc* their firat ever th* weather mad* tt sseet coss- United States army. Na one claims tried 'o leavslli* cage I) eouwt k probably have thought the prob- mentJoa 1*> history, fortable—before a cheerful are whea for liar a royal ancestry, but If you not sqiteese tlimujli. Th k lem of her marriage unique. A.'* the hand of the the weather waa raw. when tt caagM should cast any rvilvctluna upon her was killed when discovered. Apaches waa • matter of fact, it was such a uni- such brim aa then was when the for Hist In the presence of any mvm- versal problem that It la not at all evenings were warm.. ~ ' ..' bur uf the Fifteenth lleM artillery, ooxiooooooooobooooooooooooo BnUksly that In the .« identical Their depredations J Curious, but aa the months stalked you'd prouubly have * tight an your boose*, five rooms,' sleeping porch. hands. Tor "Vvnlun" Is the ulltclal bad extewM-ao * boUt-ln wasbtuba, that occupied the by there crept Into the teattrtsx tit- USES BAYONET TO far sooth as Ja- -f tle soul of this women * reWBoa masnit «f lho Fifteenth, and IboM Irl Bttl* suburban street where sbe bad canniinrers dike as murh pride in her Ilsco, Mexico, and ,' hatred of thla sharer KILL SWEETHEART r her homo and being,, there wa* a star- ttsft enld strliws for service In France the Mexlcaa Dor* tling repetition of her self-same prob- of hf^^Biy. She ***d to ton her ene of many of their as mi; dwornllon. wlilru any niemuiir lems. Netta had been married for to kiss la the porting of tho recliuent wenrs, ''- Their own race waa year*. There were no children, so much tektkesy Sh* Youth Didn't; Want Anybody them than lira* tb* % husband was an architect, with: stand within a radios of "tb* It wouldn't lio iirltlly acnirnte to Elsa to.Have Har. (either Indian village flee* In tbe city. He wa* Junior partner' •mbrasure of hi* anna, gtorifytng la sny that "Vi>rdun" llrjl mw-thu Jlght- lenient could foretell In a growing but not large concern her anger at the stupidity of theisan. pf dny on tlie inonitnu wf April lit. Now Vork.—lllchmi llasso, eighteen, raiders Would descend and wa* a nice, clean, average ex- And i(lll Frailer went hl», way. re- 1U1M, alllimiKli sh« wnii horn on that oinrtpil draco Do Manors, sixlcrn, for when they appeared ample of a little community or men joicing, attending hia basejtatll gasae*. •lute on tho slopes i)V Vordun Just s two yvnrs. Mlchnel, tall and sinewy; death was Inevitable, who get the 8:10- train at the llttfe doing his eighteen holesyea Satunlay shurt tlnitt iiflvr hi^r itittlhcr hntl tin- (Sriiit', Kmtvlim Into chnrmlim.woman- scours* of- ths- loath- stucco station six" mornings a"week. afternoon, shellacking,tat Uttl* two-' liliwl huullng aininiiiilllou fur llnllery hl. wltha (lull* wit and flro blas- ly every one. If he was a rather deadly average seated sedan, trailing bnihes an th* K of Ilio irirtwiitli, whldi win then a In tlie hlark. |tonls tlint. were tier part of the SiHimil iflvUlnn. Wlial she y recent times, how as to. hitBoUHcs, Ms; religion, his garden-treUhv-lf hWnoUced aettikg* *,.'- Thplrs.wqs,thentseate-imth^of i ,tlH.*>• «t ilir.it u'rUKk' In tin ui«riii]!t Apache* have written ' er«d6sC hl*> p(uit(me.s. hf* tijmejtfe^ that bad come over rhl» woojs»_of Ms rest .on the -page. It aelther.he nor Netta reellied It. whrn ahe arrived nn onrlli wns the chol<*, he noUced It »1ttobt comment. niinh.itf hurstlng shnlls wlimi tlie ar- Ami then ttli'lutcl wns found sillily to these bold raiders Be took It auf apparently as Uw nar- of «t«>nllti|C sn aijlnniuhlla.-.The. court be tamely confined o» ^ ---y. The_fly_tbar fell lnto_.the. ointment Illlerr -illi>-WK»-WBS nl-IU -liBlHjit. •t the average majTled life of this av- - m*I - procedure-of - two-people whoso- Trnly'a nulMy' *rt»icomo for a tinhy, hut piiili'il ii'iitpnoi-, fttif flrace's *i'ii- I they resented the ae-^ _ ^) ^ *rage American - couple, living the lifes haTer'become welded. ' "Verdun", flveil-through' It and a fow ,—hnndfd down by hi'r parents, means at their Standardised routine of the hundreds . Slowly there look shape Is MetU'a dnya Inter whrn the Imtlory ninrchm) ncviir Wmi nn»|x-inl<- inllcs In two days No (Irnce anil Mlrhnnl, like glr these, led them. In. cat- congenial-marriage. Suddenly It came fierself; to let the drmnastance* or ami the accitinnanleii (lie battery dur boys of olhrr illiyH, romirttil to lh« . other- rnanlfestatlons over -Netta,' whose^tnterest* In her/ their, alienation reach a clima*. She ing overy*: qwJ6r^: bfTonsrve" In which !»i:v!p..',,- As;.».j«i«eL ore, dntif his death In. l_.pretli.-llttle..liome,,were^nornmLone«,. yearned for admiration, the.Und of the Hitfund Pnrllcl|int«T TD- transport Julia I.iickentmch, snd al- >n, bat the Idea of. ceeded fo doing. It* revealed to Kttta I met her tonight I had thnt bayonet coiffure of bobbed hair, that ahe bad MGUT.rVUONVf- though, ofllclnllr. "Verdun" was A. W. waa more than they BO lover./It was five,snd on£-b*tf that ahe-had bonded her jadgnsrat hlilden on me.' filie made> move Ilk* u not a time to fight. on superflcUl sand*. ' • TQQOT- 0. £. when the reglmoatleft (lennony, years sine* th* young architect. Fra- yet. strang*_to_ •»Jri_whi'_n the Julia shs was railing her father or some- iler Msughm, to whom she wss mar Th* estransjement which litickinbaclT docked - "TeSlun™ was' 4>oily^i4-wu*_.afrnldv_I_cuuldn;i. let them fled Into Mexico contemplated was never to happen— dlacoviired In i|iiarantln* on thl* aid* her go . . . and Hint's sll ther* no nil tains, but those' any of the personable qualities that sll because of this trifling Incident. of III* Atlantic Then, of course. It I* In It." wane * were' taken to had seemed to capture him during On th* Saturday afternoon In ques- Was too Into) f5~TrniT her back to Michael's bmllier, I.cwls, Is wvtn- nervation. 'the period of their engagement and tion. FrsiIM was croucUng on th* France. Ho sh* wont wlih Ilaltery B teon and • naval mlllllaman. II* own* happened In New /• the brief subsequent term of the hon- lowermost step of the veramla.! sprin- lo Fort Hum Houston, then known as th* bajronot •e Urn* came to move eymoon. •. . 7 kling the rose bed with a garden hose. Camp Trnyls, and there sho Is toilay of the 2,000 Apache* Almost— immediately Frailer had Netta, sullen, heavy-hearted, was sit- under Ihe wnlclifiil cure of her "gud- Boyhood Love of Mate d, while the restbad committed the error that is typical of ting upstairs In a crisp organdie frock father,": J'lrst. J3urgeant-AntIumy_fX- as" their leader, and/ ~ "7lhousnnd»'~of~~Amerlea"n "men of "hi* Cone, who hns Si'lhrnrt— ould catch them. But for a car, you sit down," Frailer had versation. She knew the Scheme. It Willie.nillllnns af persons cnlelirnled anil h&* still )nsl * Imy at timrt— trongholds among th* "sat down." He had begun the dan- nrnn mi nlil nrij. A City pbotdgTSpher two ArmlsllcM, ime of tliera » fuk* Mrs. tlnuilo IHIIIniiliaMi charKOd In rger part of the tribe gerous, the disillusioning mental hab- would make a life-sited copy of a which (irecoilcd Ihe genuine article of Urini< ctiurl hero, id capture, and, con- it of taking Netta for granted. . cabinet photograph for a numlnal sum. Novntibdr It, (liera were a firw—sum* Kho (Ipclnrril Unit Ihnuub Mrs. ?datlqhs whlrh mnele What was taking place between provided you paid the canvasser a de- of Ilium In Urn "army In France, who Crawford still lins'a piT^ctly llrgrtl rrlhle. Border raid* . Netta and her husband .was taking poslt'<6f. two dollars. Then yon' were knnw nothing of thn inoinpulous *v*nt hiishnnd, Illlliniiliiiiii bus Inkrn to id* the-white settlers / puce In practically every-one of those to receive a twelve-dollar portrait wheii| It nf $70 a vrwk iit'nil- oothold at last/Oen, their bridge parties, nt their afternoon "Surely." said the canvasser, "there mun hail hnen assigned to one out lit,. Inil a srpnrutlon suit. sh» cited that luen.na'jUitr uiUJI N'jyrin_l)pr_ll. 1UJ8J need. Abont.*fiEti:.ot t^therln»»,.a*.theyjfedellnto»tx>isn-oa. Js_sqm.raejmfterj>f .the family whom jtir uustwnd mru» |A,7U^ased^jnu^_JpJa_Jtlsirtnj|^ojg^djnJJJlirtg r "Ion don't know ittwre tbm'* a entliuslssin fur th* front lines. II* was staled. ily at It* beginning hand I- He would explode all over with hirltnr-lhe-rrrtttoi—«ycl*-lo-whlrh hi* side remained "Go upstairs," said her husband. mules whose first eiperienc* In tbe_ jrrny wns_to^Jiavs Ihelr tails shaved^ This half reverted to tlie mother when "Mwer a "*trlBut^E>"Tier"siH"llC™ber the rtrartbestsrenrscd. ~ heard from as lata put on a petticoat" excrpt fur tita* b'ruwfi at tlie end?" Dui" settler* of Arlxons, - economy, her prettlness. Just rub-a wlial were "ijovQtatls;'T l*t this pan* A Hate law provides that a widow v'ere a61¥ to breath* " dub-dub of"routine. Just lovelesihes*. on* Hem In the Stars and Strip**, A. who ba* not'been the mother of a ' Sometimes It seemed to-Vetta that her E, IT, newspsper, for January 10, living-child-la entitled to only half heart was dying of starvation. More . • • Oliclat tUdl* CsBt 1910, answer that question: her husband'* (state. *o th* man's tbe tribe are now snd more bitterly ah* withdrew Into By International agreement, all the rTtilrd lleuteuant*, Ihe latest thing parent* sought the oilier bait na. They bore' ac- herself, and yet, so far as Frailer wa* countries of tbe world that have radio In uncommissioned officer* ar* bo- necesslty. concerned, there was never a ripple transmitting stations bare" been ss>" llnnlng lo make their appearance la e-eaaaahalty—of-hl*-«onac(eps)~ Police Atked to Settle tlons of l*ty the.Eskimo, and ralso from KO to KZ. japan has beta ME EVJEN ttQEUQN schools after th* "no mor* commis- routine. Ther* was no romance, no sions' order was Issued from Washing- ha»* been asked to settle • Chines*) which could obtain deroonstraUveness. No ^unexpected ssslgned J; Mexico CT and XA to I HAD not use Ik On the ton. Since they ar* supposed to fit lo lor* triangle by persuading Hath show of Interest and appreciation. XD; Britain and the British colonies Chun, wife of Tom Chun, to forget ibes of certain'salty B, a. ft, CF to CK and other camblna- •omeirher* between* buclrtnd • *ec- Iwr-oa* day after another of placid ond loot, they rank a* "Dovetails.1 Albert Oee, with whom Chun say* Ma rere nsed In some acceptance of thing* a* they war* by tlon*. In this eotmtry the caD latter tltutes. Host of the awo wear a black strip* wife-1* infatuated, snd return to her Fraslar. -On* day after another of N U reserved for navy stations and husband. Oe* and Chun- fought over WTJA to WTZ and from'WXA la-' on thulr sleeve which. It ha* bra sug- Inomdng bltternea* and resentment gsMsd, rasy b* coosldsred a* a dri- Mrs. Chun la Sao Francisco after he name of Msv ok Nfetta1* part. , WZZ tor army stations. ' Chun cam* from Hawaii lo regain W ras one of the ilgn- 1 est* trlbut* to th* memory Af Ih* ,,,_ It wss Frailer * calm acceptance of too-lal* Sam Drown*. ^ > -,_ wlf*. ' She told officers, however, that -Wllllam Penn for"?* gr—tUng*'tint wa* so.maddening'to sh* desires to obtain a neno drrona, anla. In 1683. His ' "MiBtarw Hsasia* (B. till. Wisl>ni«

-«i -sr---

*• "» > " i *• " 4


"rhasre far 'the aafe preadeastlag ef ofjCurrent propaganda. Tikes'A^ctim on HE convlctloa If Albert a rait. oftheTRlBES Events the World Over T secretary of the Interior In the By EOITHA L. WATSON ^larding .administration, on a .charge »csndih(..b»s::tiMtt-npjj.nl by TI« Apa«ia

Court of Appeal* of the [Hilrict of •» -•-• -B-BV^^ -v •Brw-----r-''-pI •- -Bt-p^ •••••>•••'--•' •••••••• Columbia. - •aaemy." and whose history from „ ^ g«rn^or kill himself. He made some passes Murderer Carries, on Weird daya af timroaade Career—Senator Binghim'i T«x«tion At the umi time the court taatalned around with the gun and I thought, tb* conviction of tltrry M. Blsckmer, Conversation With be would kill at. ' But be lost hit baa beta written la Idea—Cabinet Change. Unlikely. oil opentor, for contempt of court in, nerve and did not kill himself, . - blood, would nata- refusing to lesve a self Imposed tills - : Body.of Woman. "We drove back to my. boats. He ' rally resist all ef- In Franc* to testify In tbe oil trial. picked tbe body up snd put It ia tba forts to tarn then Unless tbe United Btitn.-Sonreme into peaceful res- By EDWARD W. PICKARD - Elisabeth, N. l.—A tile of I mur back seat blmielf and put the blanket f r SHE had court permits Mr. Fall to'take an ap- derer*! moonlight ride tcross tht over it . * ervation • Indiana. ICHOLAS U>N0- peal lo Its bsr, tbe mandate of Ibe n at all In I Ily degree*, however, governon gen- frosty countryside, with tb* node body "He went Inaide with me and went Since their lint probably 1 N vorth, speaker eral came to take a let* active part In District court ys and the former cab- to sleep.' I doted off. . Wben I woke lem of be politic*. Only once In recent yean ha* beside him,- tbe weird mock conversa- up be.wss gone.- He left s note tell- the hand at tba a Batter of fi sentatives, veteran a governor general acted against tha inet offlcer will be taken Inte cos- tion be had wltb her, and the eerie Apacnee was Obla cbngreaswto. tody to serve a one-year prison sen- ing me to send him money to the TeraaJ problen advice of the premier.' When W. I. dlsappeannce of both killer and vic- Sir Walter hotel at Raleigh. N. C. against every one. anllkely that • Bd sooln-law af at. King was defeated In the house of tence and pay a fine of I1W.VM. Ur. tim, left New Jersey police with an Their depredations ^Theodore) .UooseTsIt, isiarlcroer'a *enltwsrit a Due of $«>,. ' "1 got $200 of Frazer's money and bouaea, live i cosuaoas a year afur a genenl else-. tnlque murder myttery to solve. went to Italeigh and gave the money -had extended as built in washti died or pneumonia it Uon, Lord Iiyng declined to dissolve 000. . " Their only hope of solution seemed far south as Ja- Alkea, 8. a, wbera ha to KUI. He Was nasty. I said to him: little suburbac parliament and called on Arthur Told of dettlli of the court's ac- to U* In (be bullet pierced body of a 'What' did you do wltb" that woman's lisco, Mexico, and her home and •as spending saprlng 1 Melgben to form a government When tion In upholdlna- the one-year Im- woman found near Sleepy Doswell, body? He answered: 'None of your tbe Mexicsn bor- tllng repetltloi Uelgbea was defatted within a week prisonment and 1100,000 fin* astetscd Va_ recently^ _ business. I got rid of It"* der wss the scene of many of their lema, Netu hi Aiding tl« Ihraa an election bad to follow. The eon- against him for bribery lo connection Meanwhile a search for the fantas- MaJ. William Uanean uentdge, wbo bloodiest battles. Their own nee wsa years. There physicians and stiff atllutlonal Issue— the right of a gov- with th* California nival oil liases, Corroborative ^evidence that Frazer tic night riding murderer is on In three killed Mrs. Stader came from the war waa recently named by Prime MlnlsttT no safer from them than was ths husband waa of aunts wlio sought ernor general to decline tbe advice the former secretary of tit* Interior state*. It. B. Bennett as the new Canadian .white man's. Neither Indian village flees In the clU unavaillogly ta halt of tba premier to dissolve parliament Slid hit final decision In tb* matter .veteran's wife, Mrs. Frazer, wbo bis Swashbuckling War Vet •bandoned the Frazer home, pisced a minister to the United State*. Sine* nor white settlement could foretell In a. growing -th* nalady Vn tha speaker's wife, —was on* of the nuln features of the of another appeal Would not be made -The man Bought U.William Fnier, the appointment Major Benrldge has when the grim nlders would descend and wat a n Allc* ItooMMit Longworth. cimpilgn and tin return of Mr. King until he had received a copy of th* for sale sign on it and has taken ber thirty-one, iwiihbuckling World war two amatl daughters7 to the home of been reported aa being engaged to upon them and when they appeared ample of a 111 Bora to wealth and pmltloa OD to office mid* It certain thit never court's opinion .from hit lawyer! In Veteran, Hit phllanderings with the Miss Mildred Bennett daughter of tha' who get the I Washington. ' . relatives,. aald: _ . • ' a fight to the death was Inevitable. Horamber B. IN*, In Cincinnati, Ohio, M*la...would a governor general -re- maids of llibwor, N. J., have proved premier. , ., ;. -. .. • .' Tbey ware the scourge ot th* South- stucco/ station ject • p'remler's advice, .-">-• one of the liveliest subjects of gossip -VSome• time during that, night my 1>I« homa tver tlnce, Mr.'Longworth, Mr. Fall |s now in seclusion at his husband'Came'burstlng into the house «e*t-dreadjd by every one. If he wat a here recently, according to tbe author- 5 altar attending Franklin achool that*. ranch at Three Itlvers, N. M., tha same crying: 'I've Juit killed Mrs Stader.' Homestead in Path of - It la In fairly 'recent times, how- aa>to hla pol ™ «radqM«d In l»l.,froni Harvard. nnchpn.wblcji.be tnent flW.OOOcailt " |ea...._.vs«J1-.i_iva..»-''-3..iln.:,.;.-..:-;.- ,; -,rZ ^dealal, But be* Wat- such;-a rhrtintevMar::tha.t ;a -erMoa." his pi Ua apeht ane year 1a Harvard law tiilt. Arthur M. received in • inchel from Edward L. The tlaln'victim Is thought to^ be" Road Holds Up Work neither he noi adaooL.thM inuwtarrad ta tha Clo, Doheny, wealthy oil' man, almoat ten I did not believe him." ^ / thelr name largest on the page. It * Hyde, secretary of Mrs. Phoebe Stader, vlracloui gran - Pittstgn, Pa.—Definite ateps have was unthlnkableto these bold raiders . The fly that clnnaa liar cbool, gnduttlDg {ton years agi>; Jlr.Katl collapsed during r been taken to remove "th* hpaa»>Ia that Inatltu >n la tHM. agriculture,, would.re- hlllait trial and. Is supposed to be la SettlevBatin Suit tat '"~i"•-' that they-should be tamelr confined, on ^ ot the average I ilgu, aad that Preal- Frrfzer abandoned hit Wife antf'chll-: Hie middle of the road" - at Moosie iwKrrttlona, and they resented the se-T Although adnltUd to tba bar, ba feeble health. ~- der»~ In the Frazer home~ar~Ra.h~w.ay'! near here. 7 ^ ~! -<«k ange Amerlci dent Hoover" wbi)|d >. $200; RefuiedDivoTce Uon with every means at their com- atandardUed r did not praetlca to anjr extent In- ihortly reorganise bis Klliobelh suburb. •'':>' Atlantic City. N. J.—Harold N, Eifh- The bouse, owned by John Garvey, mand. Every attempt to compel their stead, he becamt Interested In civic ' KNATOIl BINO- " Details of.the ghostly ride caflte" ha* obstructed completion of tbe high- 'of thousands cabinet, seemingly S- bora'a remedy for ler put such a low value on bis wife's Submission was thwarted by thele peared, rather . affairs and aoon wn Immaned 10 pol- ret* at rest recent from frs Janaen, a cousin of Fraier. _ affections-that- he U>« his divorce suit way between here and Scranton for crafty leaders, Cbchtae, one of the itic* In tba cltj oter which "Don" "governmental extrav- Recently.. Frazer drove to Jansen't several. yean due to a dispute Over year of -what widespread report's of • agance" It more tax- recently In the New Jersey Court of mott famous of these, led them In cat- congenial man Ooi than held away. Dcaplta bla par- dlotentlon In" the home In Itnhway Just .before dawn. ^Chanceryi, • . price. - tl.»at-^ljf_And otbt^n^a^[eBtaUoni alataat Inclination toimmla "regular" ollon. ' He would, re- He- Insisted.that*Jant*n •Twnwout to rr -, - o*er—Netta, v Pretldentsofflcltl "When ^lctiler*adm{l~led"''1ie"lia^:set" '•' An; a1rard'6f-»lS.S00 was' nurd*-fa' ."—Pretty UtUe h 4tmU .the-car. . —.-„..... ; .-. ^.i... ; tbe Garvejra'but-Moosio-borongti-was^ - ~ater*rttiurr> '< -*i»«-«h*-de-. and alap on other lev- tled;~a $10,000 heart balnj-a(!tloi'for ISTt-HoweVerrwith Conctilse no long." whose activltli to take dictation from tha Cox or- M. Hyde "'*' *l10 "tended lo "Meet the girl friend," was Fraier's unable to pay the sssessmeat and tba er Imtlgatlng ^rouble, they began to lea to thick that th* _way of Introducingfhlscoualnjo_hls $2(X>, Vice Chancellor Jtobert U. Ioger- community vi lmgjl a *oll-took-hlm-ln-band.—— — owners- rtfused . to. Jellntjliija_ their *howa4lttle Interest In peaceful rac—-"-- whose pretttne lined with It our, aecretsry" of Tlie Interior, WliFlttn" people'who are now ghaatly crlme,«JouieD told Prosecutor r title until full payment was made To demanding "a I way a "A man who will, sign a release of suits, and bad tbe Oblrlctkua^resem- , since her man A alt year tern aa apeaker culmi- D. Mitchell, attorney general, and David. , • date. Judgments aggregating 170,000 tion been maintained, it ia possible Andrew Mellon, secretary of tbe treas- greater gottrnmrnt hla' wife's affection! for $200 can't be suddenly It ca nated tha eervlca of Nicholas Lone- "I atuck out my hnnd. I thought believed," the Jurist declared, rand have been returned against the borough that the Apaches would.have settled Uttle wife In I ury., ;.'••..-,, expenditure!, _ which the. woman waa bu«hful there In the is tbe result of the road construction. worth In tha houta or representatives t..ey 'foddljr "think therefore your petition for divorce It down and become more or less peace- ber snug little durlac thirteen congresses. for tbe lilt year then have been Senator dark lhadowa," Jansen said. "Then dismissed." Two bad turns must be made by ful. But in 1876 the government abol-, that she waa • rumors that Uydt was desirous of get, tome one elte It pay- I noticed she did not move. I saw motorists before they can past around Bat tbm speakers In tba history of •Inghani Ing for, would realli* Isbed this reservation, and - Apache- It came ovet tba houM occupied longer th* chair ting out of the cabinet, ai the duties aha was dead_and wat horrified. But the* Garvey homestead. land wat like an up-torn tnthll 'Orttcretary (if s|flvullurs hwfptact>d~ that lome of th* nvn.ay la romlng out- -FMBler-oiily-lautbetfc— Eoreign.TaJkiei mfcm ^tOfld In t B-wTirch-|TfrXonTro>lh%rii"ilOTatJa of their own pocketa. Then, Senator more. At least they, bad been on their by bla Republican colleague* after a sever* strain on hla health. There 'Get Into the car,' he .told me. Students of Languages' alto htv* been report* he would be- ninjlinm thlnki, they would call a lie looked terrifying and wild. I got Little Dog Ties Up own familiar grounds In the Chlri- twenty yean* „ apprenticeship a* a halt and taxea could be reduced. Chapel Hill, N. a—fdncatlon of cahua reaervatlon, but the Idea of. ,«•' 1 *boy"_represenla.flre from Ohio, dis- come chairman of the llepubllcan na- In. He laughed In a Way that chilled ^Paris Subw»jr Tntffic The aenator admlntie realliea hit my'blood. He turned a flash llkht full' youths through means of talkies has being tent -away waa more than they tinguished service on the powerful tional committee, and that he planned been—put-Into operation-here by E. Paris.—The eubway service of to run for tenator In Missouri next propoitl will be "extremely enpepu- on her. I saw she had been undressed. could bear. It waa not a time to light, way* and metni committee and on* lar," but he thlnka that at the bottom Carrington Smith, manager of the Car- Paris was Interrupted for half, aa for the white men were too atrong for ' tarra aa majority Boor leader. year. To hit frlendt he hat denied I saw she m Sin Stader and I al- olina theater. Regular programs of hour In order to permit the rescue them. Some "of them tied Into Mexico .both report*. of federal, ttate and municipal ex- most screomed. Crater Juac cackled: Ue was* tbt ResokUean candidate travagance In thla country It the feel- foregn language pictures are present- of a terrier dog, hidden IS daya In a or hid In the mountilna, but those for apeaker ot th* next house, la which Wilbur's Itave ol absence aa.presi- Th* girl friend.: Fine girl friend.' ed each week. . - tunnel near Odeon station.- Train who did'not escape "were'taken to Ing of a large dement In the elector, - ' Lost His Nerve. thai party now bold* a majority af dent of I/eland . Stanford university ate that when It votea taxet It vote* So- far, the picture* have -been driven reported the dog had bean the San Carlo* reservation. only one. expire* tblt year, It la understood, but away tome one elie't money. Aa long "lie chucked her under the chin. mostly In Spanlah, French, and Ger- straying about the lines, and they Then he told me to 'move tbe girl bad had to stop tevenl tlmet to avoid Tbe same thing happened In New undoubtedly It will be eitemted. aa that feeling eilata, there I* no In- man. Moat of the picture* are filmed Mexico. When the time came to move H Mitchell hat been reported to be con-' centive, Senator Dlngbam believe*, on friend In the back seat' I wouldn't In foreign land*. Foreign language killing him. The dog had become to A N lUMianATION raae which may touch her, I was too frightened; We frightened that police and Bremen them, only 400 of the 2,000 Apaches tlderlng a New fork law partner- the part of thote who entertain It to professors of the University of North wen to be found, while the rest had f* develop Into national Importance shJp._and-sJio_biii_been-inenllonedn jJr*_pjJjLiAj;.uflttt^33jetOia had-to iasjq it before It could be -with v,ldec<>nteqUeQeeJrh»s Irlaen acctpted-Vlctbrlo- as" their leader, and* f~ a possible appointee when tha next polled out a gunmd said be would "Ian. . .!_- ~ *••,- brought out . ^ through the-applkatlon of Mist Ella Supreme court vacancy occurs. were once more on the raid. For about/ Tonne Irian author and authority o» i Leaden of congreaa look with little eight yean the Apache were In a? - ancient Celtic mythology, for admit- B|nc* Hoover entered th* While favor on Mr. Ulngham'l pronotal. He state_of turmoil. TTner authorities ~~ •loo.to the United State* wl|b th* Route, Secretary Mellon ha* been re- lay the flrtt, In dlacnaalont of tbt tp- Siamese Royalty Takes Up Miniature Golf moved them around like ao many cat- Intention of becoming an American ported to be preparing lo resign and tle—when they" could-catcb them. But Henry U. ItoUnson of. Lot! Angeles pro.chlnx 1700,000.000 deficit, toaug- citlsen. geat tax demand! be made on tmaller secure in their strongholds among ths Ulaa fount, who In recent yean baa •elected at lilt tuccetsor. Mellon It mountains, the larger part of the trlba the only holdover of the Coolldge cab-. Incomca. Some legltlaton aald they 'lectured *t Vauar, Smllh and.Will would faVor Increaalng the Itvlet on successfully defied capture, und con- college*,-raide application for a Tlta bigger Incoinea, wdlle leaden of both tinued the depredations which mnde , la Nonniber, 1030, at Victoria, II. C; their tribe so terrible, porder raid* partlet and In both hbutet have la-* were common, and the white settlers • here aha li now llvlnc. but It ni re- IIACTICAM.Y etjery dlaaater af- titled greater taxea will not be Ofcea- P forda a tett of JUie heroli tuuld were In constant dread. It teemed im- ifuaed or held In abeyance on the *«/• '"•'.-' •'-, ' '. • ". .. maspfctjunhBiin T la- mllifactorHjr to the American con- to" ref!e«t"fhat tbeiest usually Is creaao will not be neceaaary If con- Patieace fortified with-flrearma man- auloto that ah* might not become a In no Instance of tragedy In recent greit rcitrlctt tpproprlatlont. lle- aged to gain a foothold at last. Gen. public charfe, bated upon the rlew years baa thenbeen a better .-duplBjc; p.ubllcan.LcaditriTllaon.'.of.^he-house C. U.-Crook lnduc«l=aboutl,NAt of 'that" Ulaa Young, being ality-ali ytart "of "courage", pretence of "mind" and Tnj" thlnka an Increoie lt_jnot now needed them to go on a- reservation of age, without Indeptndeut mean* lellliicnt action thsn In th* Colorado and should not become mandatory, The nett year most of the 1 icbool but catastrophe, which meant and a writer, 'might not alwajta b* _ Mcmben of both major partlet have Apacheii. surrendered, and un aelf-aupportlng, Ibe denth of five children-from expose Crook's 'guidance they were slowly ure to the severe cold. All of the fif- promised to co-operate to keep down Motwlthatandlng appeal* from prom- expenillturea at tut next session, thus belng~tralne<] In tbe ways of civiliza- inent aducatora, flUBOcler* and law- teen children v,'ho survived this terri- tion. If the situation could: have been I ble ordeal" must have been possessed eliminating *., need for. more money yara tba Bl«te department refuted to through increased .taxation. left at this perhaps there would hava Uka cognUanca of tha-caae, It-tlmply of unusual endurance! but the behav- tieai1oo-further--troubler'but-«-couple atated. what It bat tali! without ex- lor of one alone, of thirteen-year-old of yean later Crook's power was cur- ception #IK« tba, IromUfatloD act of llryau Uutledt, was molt heroic and tailed. He had been able to hold them admirable. ' Hit worthy*of, ill the rV-Tboma».d. Uart. ItKMwn* amended In HOT, that the ha* been appointed quiet-a*nn-other man had done, but W'WWd«~srih™ pllesllobs for vitas Is lbs court of the Invitation received by llryin from President Hoover, to visit th* White Naval academy,, tile- when It was brought to an unfortu- Srsl and lut resort la tuch matters. ceedlng Hear Admiral ' nate stop. - Mia* Young wss a resident- of tblt liouie and the citation of his record ; 8. S. lloblson, retired. Two yean'- of training had not country from October IB, 1923, until to tht Carnegie hero fund; Uut .great- Adiblral llobisoa hat -— '4—i',- - Ni>v*rabOT=lfc=lU30.-*ht arrived upon •r-thon—any rerftsnlHAn that may i*flwe tained the savage Apaches. JIalf_of Bad TT^career o( 43" them fled the reservation again. Tha a visitor'* pennlt which waa repeated- of the event li tha reminder the ex- jean In the ...navy. ly eitended.jupon suitable bond being ample, iltortis to -humanity everywhere Southwest waa once more stirred that. In spit* of all Its weakness and Ilia orricTaT retirement border raids, and although Oeronlmo, .posted, but lert the country at Seattle : ~ os~ HoTtnbaVll" "IUSO," klthoSgh hef seeming bel|ilMsne*s s«almes,iberti-ls the Apache- reader, finally atked for a within. It sn element of the heroic: ; nhenWanWnirnfha parley—Jdst as It wat thought that of "her'note. pernrft bad been extended to July 1, planned to take V va- " **""' them had cea» 1931, anil went to Victoria.' be wat secured, he changed hit mind cation at hit recently "*"»• «• "V* and slipped out of reach. walked the at It »as her Intention to make her >pilOSB who ex- purchased home oa the South river , Croolt: unable-to_arran(te affalra Jietta-come.d, - permanarit homt inXallfornla-»oa y *f f-pejt eil- thtt" Adoif- :near-innapolii;''- -''r"*:*:^ ";trf' Jr":"- with tied hands, asked to be relieved, . party and a I Illtler would trite In writ* a book on lrlth mythology.-in Theureglment of mldthlpmen gave and den. Nelson -.A. Miles took hi* hood, radiant! addition, frlendi were arranging for oltcnded might- aud the retiring tuperlntendcnt a round place. Again order began slowly to had asumbled ' a chair In lrlth inythpiogy to-be ea- defy-tb* recent dicta;. of cheers In front of his home. Be- emerge out of chaos. Geronlmo and much at a che tabllthed (or ber at aome California torial decree of Presi- gret at hit passing wat expressed by hla men surrendered at last, nnabta In the Key of, university. dent Paul von llln- Maurice Ulbtchmann, regimental com- col^*.^i>ll>T?""t !5« ?^*ot ""- """"t-T how to bold her dub at th* to longer maintain their enemy sta- *tairs-» and I denbarg wen not inander, and a delegation represent- coune in Bangkok, as the king (with,hand raised to bli hat) looka on. ™ tus. Those Apaches who remained or, "Rub. torn TMIB earl of "less- fully acquainted with off your lips,'' borough. 0 a. a-_| Hitler. The Fan-lit! hostile stayed In Mexico, where are enraged both at. llv were occasionally heard "from "aa lata sda's new governor a resolution praising him for • • — ^_ _ *~ * "^ economy, ber^ —general, comoe to the. _bcingiauppr»aiod-awtr usual for hUjneajWescend^two_ot os_1900,_but-the iettIera_of_ArIxona at being classed with coming to tbeTTtllehllff of tht dlvraBfini "three slorles underground, open some ana New Mexico were able to breathe dutMlob of rot Dominion heralded at "the teven drought o( last summer. INSTALLED JOB Sometimes It t 'the neallhleat man the hated Commun- ancient door and flnd themselves In s freely. -' ists ai national nuisance* thit mutt be dark/dungeon. Another-troublesome heart was dyl ever to hold the office teltphone Cnglneera Encounter Many the eugluecrs, wl|h the result that the Tbe remains of the tribe are now_ abated. .There are many fiery'young nltlMH MINISTER LANO, of New ., DirfiGUltlea In Ancient Vatican impediment-wai the thickness otthe and more bitt He la also the Ural work required an ehtlre month com- living: In Oklahoma. Tbey have ac- •heraelf, and ye governor general to be mcn-.awoa'f tli&JEa«cl»is:-Jndee(i, QD& T S«uth Walei...ln^Australia. tsTex-' "".'•-.. Bulidlngt... . - walls, often four feet through. In which cepted, peace as a necessity. pared to the ten hours It would' have .tne stone and mortar were so solidified concerned, tb< chosen by the Can It almost led tb believe that the major- treuefy antl-Kngltsh and* tnr.jsiuld uaiS 183. lllt'/Waittni N«wip*p4r Union.) ity ortnem are nery young men. A tcarcely-hnv» chuien a mare pululwl JfJ™* " "'"•""'' condition. u>s^»»tqrtM-that tt n-the-eqnanl government. -^Tue' utntgffltrei~i>r-np Hfont-believe I bo,»e ever encoun- -word or encouragement from their way to Indicate bis antipathy than by ttaltlng a modem telephone systeni in to drlH through steeL Not all Indian tribes used salt. It Under the new Do- leader would doubtless he sufllclent scoring the solid Knjllsh virtue about tered tuch a unique sjtuotlon," Mr minion status he was - _ , tb* ceutury bid Vatican City at Home, Let.nt said. -The Vatican City Is four was abominated" by the Eskimo, and -to send them on the warpath In de- paying one's bills. Then wat general especially as complicated by ancient many other tribes which $ould obtain fiance of Ibe Presidential decree. consternation In London when recent- and one-half miles square.-We had Old Newt Item Telia walla four, feet thick and the fear of neither maps nor charts. And »b*o plenty of^ttdU not use It On th* ly he repudiated the payment due to destroying Michelangelo freecoea and of Queer Wooden Clock other hand, lye,"ashes of certain,salty Canadian minister*,'The appointment Rut Hitler gives no word or encour be made In that city at once of Inter- you consider that the whole area Is was announced from Ottawa, aot from agciueut Instead, he Issues a strict other priceless masonry, were'related honeycombed with buildings dating Augusta. Me.-Augusu residents plants, or chill were used in some eit charges amounting to $3,645,000. by l'llsile Lconl, engineer of the In- are wondering what kind or a clock tribes as salt substitutes. -, London.' ,. _<_ and eiuplmtlc command for all Ka*. London'! consternation hat been back to the Klc»enth and Twelfth cen- clst«\jo be good and lo obey UlodrSV ternational Telephone and Telegraph they bad In a church at Frankfort Esrly governon general of Canada changed to something Ilk* exultation company, who returned recently from turies, tSe \ery origins of whiib are three-o.uartera of a century ago. were actual as well as official heads of burg lo the letter. He has announced by tbe announcement ot Prlmt Min- obscure, you understand the task It' Tammany 'was tbe name of a Data- government They took a direct part from the start that his follower! will the Holy dty. Their bewilderment resulted froni ware chlnf* who was one of the sign-' ister Scultln. or tbe Commonwealth Mr.'Leonl. wbo passed U months the tOItowing Dm Ueb. whIcn In tbe adrolnlatratloa of public af- keep Hrlctly within the law, but Hint got eminent, that hla government They had Instructions, he taldr warn- en of a deed to William "Penn foe tbey «IU do all In their power to de- In th* Vatican. City constructing the peared ,5 yean ago In' the Kennabse lands In Pennsylvania. ID 1683. His' fairs. One negotiated a treaty with the would take over the New South Wales, ing against any disturbance of such Journal: United Stales, another plunged di- stroy or change the laws. And so now ayttem which pro\ldet 430 telepbQnea works of art as frescoes, masonry, and m admirers called him tbe "Patron. obligation aad bring suit against lbs for Pop* liua XI, and the, tOA people "In the Congregational church at Hitler declares that be Is pre|>arlng to stale to recover, _ • Wl a Saint of America," for his goodnesa,' go before the Qermtnjnurls wiio~~a In the Holy city, aald that the moat h T\ " *•»-coupon Frankfort there U an old dock; mad* paluttaklng performance of au* "was and, art obstacle* they we» forced =. , real when he signed what was known strong argument thjil the lllndcnhuri; Mr. tang Is seemingly taking a leaf of apple trees by an ambitious cltu*n Navaho custom caused'then) • tlnrrec Is unconstitutional and Invf- from the book of some southern Amer> the "InsUUstloh of the telephone In to do the work_on the outside of the of Monroe. It cost so much to gnu. '.-"a* tlie.rebellion lotte* bill.. Thirty tna pope's personal apartment Only bul dings and when they vfere' blocked strt s house In wnlch'r death hadWS,| ~ > years; Wco a governor genenl blocked fcctHe. lean state* which, many years ago, by the frescoes of Michelangelo in the tbe clock that it was found advisable corred. Such a place 'was rait ' were guilty of a number ot repudia- SO mlnutea each morning, wh|l« the to let It rest A levee Is to be held to a list of appointments being rushed When Fusclsra geta a hearing In' pontiff attended niata, were jillol led Slstlne chapel It wM necessary to^ "devil-house.* .They carried out'ti- ' ' f * defealad government tions. sort lo underground tunneling. raise funds for a new town clock that re would teem to be ,a line ] will aot r^ulra ao mscb. oO.- dying, ao that they, might nof dW'l (A, UIL Wattem Niwspswt ttalea,i« the house, when practicable. ' • If if1-' i." v - •

** • r - ":

] * —

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All tatag* arranged a* with aeataeaa, ck h* wa* bilad ta H-«hamv Netta was rRIBES NETTA a coed aonatktener, a good WORLD Snake E>U Birda in IA L. WATSON a woasaa who laanssrl oa bar sgrrooadlag*. ' Cage, Can't Etcape | AND HER OUR COMIG SECTION Santa Cms, Calif.—A bag* ofXefla. rrsafer started WAR wjsrkaats.1 boa ana** bid an Hrtnalvanual folnaas and a f**Ung of wdMstng S ox e-Vv-o yrtmi)iT fatmria^aai pot _ it ^ >*• history from i , that a good brsakfaat give*, And CUM him his Ufa. day* *f tiorooad* Netta waa then to h* packed good-bjr byUwtitrronkEHogon The reptile crawled Inta a< has been written la la the noratag. Gvents in the Lives of Little Men cage tn which ta* pria* caaarlaa blood, would nata- Br FANNIE HURST wrr* kept by Mrs, Rial* Cat- r\ \u other words, Netta was alwaya IIin. T>ro of ih* birds wen ' rally resist all «f- there, Frailer took bar aa much for " asi Any Mob - fort* ta turn than swallowed and th* snake mad* granted aa he did hi* mornlag paper f*m UaMSua to Tn- hlmsrif a prlanuer Ihenhy It Into peaceful res- spread before hi* plat* at breakfast, a* there's a leacmrra eaadrapvd who ervation Indians, F SHE had ever thought about It was nut ahl* In dlgeat the birds *r hi* comfortable chair placed" wher- Is th* KMI *nm*cr»iic asat* tn th* aulrkly eninigh, and when li »Since their flrst at all In that light Netta .would probably have thought the prob- ever* th* weather mad* It moat com- UMttd State*. an*y. N» ««• rlalms tried *o leave ihe cine II coulrt mention In history, I fortable—before a cheerful'fir* when for fc*r • ntjal UKrmrf. k«i U you not Kiuifiu thmugh. The tnake 1 lem of ber marriage unique. As tha hand of tb* the weather waa raw, 'where It caught thottfcj r*jt *tty t*4et\U*i* *pao ber • matter of fact, it waa such a uni- was killed when discovered, Apache* w*s such brees* as ther* was when th* far thai la tb* rnwan *f any mem versal problem that It Is not at all against every on*. evening* were-warm. ber of Ue I'lftrrUk oeM. artillery. oooooooooooooooooooooooood Their depredaUona . unlikely that In the « Identical 'toit'tj fttbtkbtf b««e a SxM im• jemr houses, live rooms, sleeping "porch, Curious, but aa tb» months sulked by.ther* crept Into th* festering lit- haaits. Tor "V*n>ts»* la th« omrlal built-in Washtubs, that occupied the •um of la* llfimih, *"t tuaA USES BAYONET TO far south as J*> Bttla suburban street where she bad tl* soul of this woman a rebellion llsco, Mexico, and and even a sullen hatred of this sharer rannoorvra t^i* k* &s»r^ fkrid* in bc-r KILL SWEETHEART her home and being, there was a star- 0««i cnlil MrtrV* for «rrilUA- garden, trellis. If h* noticed a change part oi in* itmool hc kpscbe*: have written • " 'errdosV-hia; pastimes.! ^isv bom* jlfe, that bad come ewer this woman of his tyr*. , THt'lrl s ,wnt Ihe riUMMile. ^ of on tie page. It * neither' he nor - Netta realised it. choice, he noticed It without comment hVnl -st* arrtml «s Kls wjliro th* ar. Aud then Mlihacl wat found Rullty be tamely confined on . The; fly that fellfInto jh* plnttbent hMl /procedure-of two -people whoa* tiU«rj 'titl us* was-'at »ts JielttiL of ainiilliig an ntitmntihlle. Tiie.co.urt I they resented the ae-T et th* avenge married life of this av-~ lite* have becom* welded. Truly a o*>i»y ««4OMW f- -^ arage American couple, itvlug the 1 mean* at their cora- .Slowly there took ihap*. In Netta'* -V«ijo»~ llnd larntjli 11 «ad a few tem *;' ImniliMl dowrn fty her parents,^ standardised routine of the hundreds day*. l«l»r •»»• ife* ibaitenr-inarrbrd 'fii'Vor"*iii iii«|winili>ii.—Irrtwrepd'ttjar— empt to compel their 'of thousand* of other couples,"•- ap- mind .the determination to estrange . thwarted by thelt herseft.from this to-called tharer of fn mtlni tte **»t »iili 11 "undrr fiW .Mlchnel no InniieT'could'- peared, rather suddenly. In the sixth own Bomtt." Vrttrn tXtt mmt'm ipoatb*keen coni|nti»y^ ., . •'* • on* of the year of -what might well bar. called a her woes-and Joys; to withdraw Into old th« had Mlcd 3D BIIIM l« I wo days Si» (Iracfi and MtfWl,Jl'kejlrla;anil .. iese. led them In cat- congenial marriage. Suddenly It came herself; to let th* circumstance* or other njjnlfestatlona aheltallenaUon _ressbl»._cilmax. she. and ati* tmoiulnl "tir tatlrr^ ii|.|> I1111110 with would.have settled little wife In her snug little home. In something happened that nipped her Wb«o the •tlcosne wiewm came to th*two wouiitls heiir'hiT hcnrt. Hhe dlml more or leaa pence- ber snug little suburttin development, whole pun of procedure In the bod. In nn ainbulanre; - he Eovemment abol-, prtfffienc* of TV«fd«a"-:waa 1 that she was married to a husband. A trivial Incident and yet It waa to THE FEATHERHEADS So Felix Escape* the Shindig ftlli'biii ! explnlnril to pollctt: tlon. and Apache- It came over^Tettarona, morning aa open Netta'e eyes. -In the end. It was of a "problnn. lor tbt qoarler«iiaM«r bad pal a saa W-aiiaooUi of all klnda, "1 was au craty about her. I didn't Ua-front-ot-hcr llttla dn-aa. to lessep her terrific disappointment want anyone HUB to hnvn h«ft l4il*lyf icy. had been on their Ing table, with n*er bare arms raned in Fowler's Inability to keep life unit in* ngiawaisl ajww. -tl somehow or *ta«r atw go* aboard tb* whtm I hail dntFS-wlth her, her uncle ounds In. the Chlrl- „ In the ict of brushing her smooth much fairer thing than he had suc- or routlns wnulil come around. When but the Idea of. -,«•' coiffure of bobbed hair; (hat she had ceeded In doing. It* revealed to Netta transport Julia • IJK**!>1*CV and al- thoogkv omrtaUy. rVwaaa" was A. W. I met her tujjliiht 1 hncl Ihal bayonet vaa more than they •o Wer. It waa five and~brie-natf that ahe had bullded her judgment hidden on tn*. She made a move Ilk* • not a time to fight, jearaXsince the young architect, m- on euperflclal-sandt. O. L. with Itttlrry IS Cited in Dlirorce Suit l ihe raid. For about/ reading a novel. \ class. „ In' the terms of his own fa- NewJtork.—ll«.hUBhan.l. CruiiLU Apache were In a — ,* ther, who had once been rebuked by There came up to Frailer a door-to- Illlllniilmm. nfly-twit-yenrolij tpneher, •~**r authorities" ~ bis own mother tor a similar defection door woman canvasser. Prom her win- coufmwpd In her that Mrs. l.ulu Craw- id like so many cat- and had replied: "After you have run dow, Netta could overhear the con- No Armistice for Toil ford wns hla ItoyhmMl awiwlhrart— uld-catch them.-But 1 --for a-carryou sit down,' Frnjler had versation. She knew the scheme-. It and* tufa still Just a tmy at hnirt—••• vngholds among th* "sat down." He had begun the dan. was an' old one. A city photographer two Ariatilkn. one of Ifcra m tak« Mrs. Mnuil« IIIIMiishnrn (•hnrucj In ger parrot the tribe gerous, the disillusioning mental hab- would make a llfe-slied copy of a which prWoInl I t arOrle of •IriMiklyn - Kupromg^niurl hore. I capture, nnd con- -cabinet photograph for a nominal sum, It of taking Ketta for granted. . llj inrr* mm • few—torn* HIHI uderlared Hint lhnu«h Mrs., ations which mud* provided you paid the canvasser a de- SSSN MTU VO0 VUITM A What waa taking place, between of Ihtm la to* anty tn France, who OawWril Jillll hat a perfectly. legal- •Ihle. porder raid* posit 'of two dollars. Then you were HAiBCUT UKB THAT AT. -, Netta 1 and her husband was taking hiitband, llllilriKhiiin tins Inkcij 10 id'the white settler* to r^celv*-*" twelve-dollar' portrait ACOOMtfSAQMCOS/ kbew oothlngsof IA* *MaoM»tou*. *veal place In'practically every one of thdM •••Midlnii wcckiiiidt and other ricet* dread.." It seemed Im- upon'-2)jadditional "payment ot three HOWOrJB wh*n"If"V:iU4lfy 4M%UII.I<1.~~~" 49 Identical houses op the standard- On* o« itMta was a doaay sotdler periods thfro. , . '". '" Jittihi I wtth-flreunns man- The women used to talk about It at ."I am not Interested," said Frailer. Rprtngflfld for • |M sad sbovM. Tula porary «{lmnny of I7B a jjjjwl othold at last. Gen. their bridge parties, at their afternoon "Surely," said the canvasser, "there man had bf*a aastzard to on* oulflt, tnic a M-imrntlon stilt, she cited that , -gathering^ us they- fcd& Into-town on It some-mw^ber.of.the family whom then anoiber «SIU Xtnrmbrr It. ulli her liunlianil Mini* »ft,7l Mat kara stXrfc <>lth s { II* latd-myhe was In Inv* with • of the talked>tbout It. wistfully and vlcarl-> trait. Hour, about your wife?" of ploonra, rtt«lrt*g cbrtl imp rosds Mrs. CrnwfArd anil" wna* very mlaer- •red, and nnfl onaly. The patter that took' place "Nonaen«e,"~'sald Frailer; and bnakisg MASM borth of U ahl* and uhnaiipy," Mrs. Illlllniiham hey were slowly among them was of starvelings. Mo- - Upttalra, anger, smoldered In Netta. fancoo. .^. charged. ' . . le waya of clvlllia- tion picture leroea who euloglted their \ "It won't cost you anything to let Elevra •'tlorfc of ArsslaUre day The teachers absence from horn* n could have been women In pleasant superlatives across me see a picture of your wife," aald cam* and Ib* Mar xsas «f t>o. ' f waa a peck;,that Frailer's evening picture, then. I tako.lt." *V Tb* bisrk an la kkakl lookrd over YEZ JONT MOW Mi C0MW4 CNUi although Oeronlmo, ' Jj. \ •a*kiss was a peck-that sometimes ac- "No," said Frailer, "you're right. I ON W TRAiNM VS\S , his shott'o>r. a slnlxe bammer pulaed tually!.* skidded^ and Jilt her_Oo the top don't, There, never was a portrait AN' Vmi BMKWFEVO DttEN AM UC Court Holdi Baby Lived, V finally asked for a YEZOUCQIC (tAD BOflflEDWOua OSADIM la air. "I arai had ao. trOtn to ceas* t was thought that could ^pter-colorin^ or Our klnd-of- MATTER AtCNE.YCr CUD GtT flrtnt.* fce~ said aa fee husband. Oee and Chun- fought over -Jpcreailng bitterness and resentment lira. Chan to Ban rrsnclsco after be name of a Del*. 1 «• Netta1* part. WZZ for army stations, " raa one of the sign-' cat* trlbata t*> the Chun cam* from Hawaii to regain hit William Tenn foe It waa Fraxler'a calm acceptance of wlf*. Eh* toUTofflrert, however, that thing* 'thar waa so maddening' to "MUlUry Hmort" toe-lat* Saat Brwwaa. anla. ID 1683. HI* . she desire* to obtain a Reno dhorca, iXetta.- . «B.i*n.i him the "Patron 1 When a map Is buried with "full then marry Gee.' for bis Dodoes* Netti was then to be pecked at mlllUry honors" It means with th* »te. That, JioDor*. Audits-Stoat T**dT * Mcmed to-be all that he noticed. pends on the rank held by the Individ- 'Hctta wa* then to see.to It that his ual at the time of hut connection with Peabody. Mats.—Two youth* held dinner was .not and well served, that the service. For example: A man In ap and robbed William Usboney, Heal- ' It constsUd. of the things he liked, print* life who. baa formerly" been ing his wallet, which wta amply, Ma tharthejrwan cooked to his test*. secretary of war would be hurled with kWandUls fals* teeth. , ' , Crisp wer* nU.ahlrt*. HU clothe* military honors suitable to tb* rank When tha pair b* accused war* later ' tiarray. QnoUaM obMtbode, o(>(Kfatary of war. arreattd Usboney'* troubles.

••hi-iA. •%... THECRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 23.1931. ' ' 1 1 1 11 1 Men's Club Ready For Ladies'Night Meat Specialp s €kml Mm ful Entertainment, Closing Year's Activities of Trinity or Friday and Club., • : - rWM TON ROASTING CHICKEN, jorayce-' B AUrn will head the list of unusual and high cia~ss entertainer* PER POUND - _.." _» 42c ••iwaK'-d lor the umiiiut Ladles' NUht EGG . . . $13.00 of ihe Mei)» Club of Trinity Parish. Eric (Mode* In. baritone, who was in BROOKFIELD BUTTCR, Cranjord »everal yean ago, and Ar- PER POUND 30c thur Lloyd, the ticket man", complete STOVE .. 13.25 tin-'bill with Al Birrliifter. a Cranford favorite at the piano. '. The date of PRIME ROAST BEEF, this (illnlr is Thursday evening, May 14 at eight o'clock tn the Casino. The PER_POUND _ _ - 29c NUT 13.25 affair thin year will, doubtless exceed previous'program* both for. versatility and da« Souvenirs for the ladies wtir BONELESS POT ROAST, be provided as usual, and refreshments 25c PER POUND _. _ PEA...... 10.75 will be nerved by members of the ex- ecutive committee. • . . Miss Allen, who heads the bill is said RIB LAMB CHOPS, to bn one of the great artists of the 30c PER POUND- _ BUCK 9 00 day. She is usually billed as the •Worlds Oreatest Trombonist and Versatile Musician." In addition to her SIRLOIJPER POUNJN STEAKO . _. _ , BbiWTTInTiUylnr^aflOuirnslfurhenW 38c PER POUND «hr possesses twodlsMnct Voices,a sweet and • pmverful soprano 1 and a rubiu PORTERHOUSE STEAK, CT World contest In 1914, winning a cash] PER^POUND- '"- " 48c prlw of 12,500.00, and .her title to the [ championship stim-cmafns. uncontest-1 DVCKS

Maying the accordion Is on^'of^MlssI VEAL, Allen's outstanding accomplishments I PER POUND and her performance; on the accoriiion -**T l»" unlimited. She plays with an in- spirational fire that Is a whirlwind of | FRESH HAM, «hl!ting tone phantoms. To empha- PER POUND size her remarkable musical memory she' offers, lids season, an entire quest program which may Include SMOKED HAM, is ~f«»!»--*«—the—operas;Hight . PER POUND . oiierns, overtures, old tongs, .new songs, excerpts from the. musical comedies past or-present and, In fact, any num- Try Our Cube Steak L. L. LGVELAND& SONS ber which -may be requested at the time of her appearance before the 1931 SPRING LAMB TURKEYS SQUABS audience. Miss Allen makes use of imNORTHAVEEJCRANFORD Nl her singing ability and co-ordinates FRESH FISH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY her songs with her own "accordion ac- PHONE companiment. Tills is a genuine treat SERVICE and she has no peer In this field.— SATISFACTION Miss Allan's violin work Is rarled and THE IRVING MARKET MNFORD Interesting and Includes popular In- CHARLES KURTZ, Prop. terpretation as well as the classics. She has studledjmdeLgreat teachers _and Is n pupil of-Prof! Doecenbach, conduc- N, J. tor of the Rochester Symphony Or- ilintra. "Miss Allen spent several years ~%~A In TOi!CeTl_work oil the violin, and in one yenr toured cve»y state in the unionon. -AA skilled muscianomuscian-of-tntcrnaf Interna- Man" Unml repulatloa Here!Knot alone n sinning uccordlonlst but k siiiglng vio- vllle has been a headUner in the lead- UnW.'for Miss Allen combines her two Ing cities on the big circuital Upon re- voices with her violin playing on vocal quest he will produce any sort of Uckct any person In th di numb™.. :Thls,u™nc7n^ rarer; done. |nd has the disti C BUY NOW sing almultaneously.Thls is a piece of ...— a reputation work which challenges comparison. using tricks not used by any other prestidigitator onthetUne as well as Eric Ooodewin, -baritone of the reproducing any trick performed by NEW COAL PRICES MrndeUsphn alee Club who was heard any other magician. in Crnnford -about three years ago »hcn he appeared before the _ Men's Al Blrrlnger who la known In Cran- (Lifelong Income Thereafter) Club will be another stellar attraction. ford for his many appearances here as IN EFFECT APRIL 6, 1931 Since his previous appearances here he pianist and accompanist will be at the haa risen to great heights In the musi- piano and will not only assist the other cal world and It was In memory of his acts but wlU play solos of his own. EGG prettous performante-liere thatWwas =. A beautiful -souvenir=ha» been ^pro- Induced to devote one of his very few cured for every-Taaypresent and these $13.00 You expect youi life insurance policies to replace—to a open evenings to Cranford. will be dlstributeU by members of the certain extent—your, regular earning*,- Thisia the reason -. lly way _of••.diversion^ Arthur -Llpyd committee ln_ charge. Refreshments H»in"TuTiiartheTigffie~rside^orthc pro- UHbe«rTBlBirtheehr5rineprd: _ ,43^5: moat men carry -life insurance. ' ° » gram. This affajr Is open only to mem- NUT JSCOUT COlWCn- DRIVK: bepi and the ladles of their household and no visitors can be accpinodated. If-youcohsolidate~your poUcie* into a Life Insurance - NEAKING COMPLETIO!* The capacity of_ the p««lnn 13^25 — '(Conth.uod-from-page-1)- Trust, you achieve this primary purpose—of insuring Life- annual spring jamboree here and over every year bjTthls affair and admission PEA 1.300 scout's in uniform with a full 88 will be by ticket only. w. w. Buckley long Income Thereafter for your family. piece brass band held ah all diy and to president ortheclub.and wlU pre- ••••'••-"• KL7S fv«'!lnfUh side at the affair.;, 9, j;; Harris _and BUCK But~a Li?e Insurance Trust does more than that. Recent accounts In* newspapers" havi J,- ft^Ttif t'-are" vice ""prHdentf.'-Carl told of activities carriefl on under the *loe, Jr. Is treasurer and Wiluam c , 9.00 Klein secretary:: John V. bonlphan is _,J* canempovirer us, as Truatw, to, nkw portions, of- the -. direction of Union Council lndicltlng : •that »i*^tbiirtcifIs^ a'verj'Jivrbnianto* crmtrmati-bT-thc hop"bommUte?and •A Special Cash Discount of $T.OO Per Tor, Will'Be principal for the use of your wife or children if faced with tlon Don Moyer of Springfield avenue committee on arfangtmenta. Jules Is the executive In charge of the.'Elii- DuBarry Is chairman, of the entertain- Allowed on These Price, for Payment within Ten unexpected conditions. , ' , abeUi district office and is a very active ment committee consisting of Percy worker with the. boys, 'At the recent Thomas and W. W. Troeber. The ex- PROVIDED THAT You can state in the Trust Agreement when the remaining annual party for boy* given at Sherman ecutive committee consisting of twen- School, the scouts turned out In uni- ty-seven members will assist.president principal shall be paid, and to whom. form and held a parade headed by the Buckley In conducting the evcnlnn's bugle and drum corps. . ' entertainment. -The drive'forturids how aTita"height Wcei Srtjeet to -^Let us figure out with you how a consolidation of your. wlU make It possible to continue the ex- Life Insurance policies under an "L. I. T." can be made to cellent work that has already been done Historical Trustee* to Hah 111 recruiting, training and maintaining fit your family requirements. Boy Scout troops throughout the For Annual Gathering Fill Your Bin. NOW county. •;•.': ... • The board of trustees of the Cran- ford Historical society will meet to- WHILE morrow evening at the home, -GotmrftUs' Ouw Itt WaT^aS^Warn^T^aSJ^ JKRSKY ASPAHAQU8 Prcsident J. Stanley.Vorhees irffl pre- side Plans wiiTbe mad, at this bK PEEK FREANS CRISP BREAD ing for the annual public meeting.«t CRanford 64)013 which an outstanding speaker wuTgive TOiCATO.JVICS COCKTAIL interest. lfrTu expected that Hon. Harry Brewer of EUiabeth. put presi- 8OUK PITTED CHERRIES dent of EUiabethtown Chapter, Sonfof COAL OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY the American. Revolution and a well i ' - RTE CRISP known civic leader will be the apeate This annual meeting will-be heMbe- MISSION ORANOS tween the isth and aoth of May FuU particulara andprogram «rUllbe an- nounced later. • - Walter W. J;lt. AkMAHGN < Higfa-Gradt Grocar THE HcGARTER SCHOOL Mwon Materials and Trim CBANFOBD. NEW JBUKX 1 WALNUT. AVENUE CRANFORD -I * r*"i * I (.MM. '• 4 ;. , - - .' , y-' - l«