LOCAL MKNTION. The Bull Players. TTTT H H FFB BBB OO NN N THE DETROITS A I> MINSTER A sever* defeat T H H F B I O O NIC N CITY ITEMS. SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS. DRY T H H H KR BBS O O N N N GOODS. ladies' goods. The Wcmhpf. TO THE NATIONALS. T HHK B fa O O N NN The fell to T Great Clearance Hale. nuiwwm VILLA, UUUX gboveT S. J.. eduction. u s ri i< «i vi on kmikx f'rrirr or th* i'hief sh.\ai. Officer, Nationals easy prey the U H EES BBS OO N NN la Ocean avp. and Broadw av. ou the beach A , a FIntire stock oi Shoes and must be on MARINE odds au Esns. H st(.h k ^v AsiiiMi in.i, i >. c., :to. 1 >-- », a.in. The score was 13 to Wolverinesl. The Slippers 101 Miles Baltimore aud Ohio R.R and Fletcher lake; surf and still ! 1". ih « l>nb.\ltiinl» irraw July yesterday. jIM MM A RRR WJO H H FKB *» «SS- Clct*ed out within the ue*t ten days without table tt'minhon. ; *"r i'istri.-t <>l < °<«him'>ia ;ui)| \ first two men ol the Detroits were boat for guests; good and urnbathins:1 i 'ff I SF.ATON PKHRY. tslal kh»lrlt"n (ik »l a» inaui.i irgiuia. genf given their JIMMM AA B R «SOK lit A Mil l! x ia r we., i red Boi Jy'iS-eoSt* t'KllKV BROTTTKR.* i.'n, i4 \ i v« f>, | muk -l ii k11 s l'k»>h her, »<>t.t!i.-riy wiuds, stationary base*, hut fielding their 6cor- *I MM M A A RRR C H H H KB SS8« A 11 of our 81.25 ladles' hand-sewed patent door onlv &k rail*5# staging. The merits of?c*Mj PRFVIOVS TO TAKINt. \N \ i \i. ixvi NTol 1 l;l m ii, inksj t» »!urv. sharp prevented I M M AAA R V V H H K its ar<> STOCK TON, mini.v, n..\«. KIHitoN*. is, Mi).-r R lpi," ther trimmed Oxford Ties reduced to Berkeley "and famous; tiathsi-UBU OK IS oKKKRINi; "G RK A I HA,K- ii \\1»K I K. - - lug, and the 8j*>ctators anticipated an interest- aI M M A A R R OCO H H KKB 97c. of an.I [ STIK'K, III! I 111, 1,A ICI '"."f ^aiuiday si irhtlv rooler |:»1r weather 8bS8 11 of our $1 ladies Kid Opera consist spouts, shower, plunge swim mine pool< rpuE UATNtr' IN '"ODDsi AND ENDS." 1XJMPR is- r vi:a kain hih( j v< ki iv at 1- in ii--.,-. ; tin- and Ing contest. Jn the fourth inning, Slippers and are I a rue and elegant. Temperature of water 7. Gape May. N. J.. halt iht> xcw England states, however, "25-cent Underwear F" nch heel or low heel, reduced to 58c. Fahrenheit- Water also 30th.£under price Will i i sill's so .ii«l >«>.« fW»a g. n r .l.\ ;.i,r uimiih i v*;:h sent man after man to his dep. healed by steam to an y Opens June the management of A . » A remnants OK BLACK AND COLORED URos 94 'x' to fill Itsri h k 11» (,!.( >\ i s «| stationary Madlgan base, while A.11 of our >.1.50 ladies tine kid, warranted tor Invalids. These waters are a Clair, late of Grand Uulon |,..r |wir. :..i jlit. .vtlauticsutes. temperatur.- those who were given an to the temperature spt-cittc Henry hotel, VpmV GRAIN silks, RANtaVli FKOM 2 TO us iipxs.ir.is, i x crx |>alr ftw d an.! w irrm i-il i he op|>ortunity hit Attracts customers as hai id-sewed shoes, opera or common sens.* for rheumatism, skin diseases and and ner\r. Saratoga and J. I*. Colt, of the Ar- ^ AKIW IN 1 > ball sent it in direction. Eleven runs kidney springs, iiJLl MiTII. op'-i tuilty in ms tin* iiau<»r the n tl every sty le, reduced to 92.49. ous affections. Cuisine unsurpassed. Hotel accom Kyle, Babylon. X* L Je21-eo_oi REMNANTS OK HI ACK WD COIX>KKH s\T thiry,la)s. j% k ^ «i vi v i \kf ivum to make room were scored in this inning. Tne Nationals Molasses dues flies." 11 of our ?1 misses' Slippers, with beaded modates 500 guests. Spierdid hail room and musit k»AI»AM(s -M Rvli> KAILI | PMPfS - t» i- t;«:: ~i\ Kir -hen for 6 in scoring one run in the filth succeeded Write tor erms and illustrated and HOTKL ATLAMOC AMP A I~A l'kc ^i1 ssi"l jx Chairs $2; ditto, inning. bo*»s, and misses low Oxfords, reduced to «Oc descriptiv New York avenues. Atlantic City, N.J.. t KANI'Aise AN i' UAI'/.IM EIU S * Kom.d i;. > Walnut Marble-top Madigan seems to have lost the excellent Hroken lot* ot children's with and namphlet. Round trip tickets, good for *ea«»-u. $H.2IK"h Has been rebuilt and New.v fitted j REMNANTS OK LiUlMM> aM' SI MM! ik J 1 1 *al^il u " Slippers, enlarged. r ii.:» s, . omi.-te. h cieart;hamb ol the hall which he showed when he controlfirst Jyjfelm JOHN T. THKiO. Si l.Ks. wo. j-15, hout heels,'worth fiom 50 to 75c all up and situated convenient to the beacli. rallrttaos and ' » > FRIDAY, SATURDAY, REMNANTS OF" IM 1<* «RTI It, '! !!' :!. )«rnulte: wiluut eire' made his appearance at Capitol park. It looks du<^ll to 24c. r<»;ed M. T. SOUTHALL, 1'ROPRI K i lll>S Olp post office. Tlie rooms are lnr?e and air v. where INDIA PON'OEFX AND till? iA ! > >. ' as if he sacrificed his control to Norwood l can tind the silks. l ? "»..'»<>; arge Cane-«eat Rockers, obtain speed, July 30. JULY A .11 our 91.50 men's Shoes re Mrs. Hall. Ashury Park. N. J.. last A «. i guests comforts of home. 1107 F strI t VdliTII ' ( and it is a whether his slow 31, Low-quartered season, has taken the St. Tor terms address "SPKriAL BARli A INs IN hi MNANTSOK KV e Wf>T. hairs. Kitchen question ball is not du< to 99c. ed Augustine. 5thy?^M k> hh.xadi- w It! rl(* out the i ai more ettective than his even ave. Board for September at reduced rates. JyV-2m LOUIS KUMPF. iwlini'p of her imporidlna Of inf-wht Kucki-r*, lar^e ash speedy one, when .Hour fl.25 boys' Low Shoes, button and I Prop'r. oh I'l VIN. > I R1amm.akzkRKMNAMNl'KD \\: I'. I « now it is over the base. Farrell made his We will on our counters a small lot of that jv27-lm« l*.\ r18 bunmts and -suites, mirror Jlx.lo. *40, $30; place lac w if;any Marble-top Chamber yesterday. oys' and youths' fl Canvas Shoes reduced AJ ClOBB'S reception W1TU *1LK AND WOOIJ*.n .t ii ii«t i n t kim m Kit s 1 o. iv, »( -a!|y redm^! it u.tb j>atent iron safe attachment, 93.** transteiTed to third and Houck played short. tPu Jl>5C. X above K. I. ave.,AtlanticCity.N. J. HoBeVA^f Splendid Bath'.ng, Pishing and Snipe shoot- I" A I»KI »i real novelty hiwi rare bargain: h Walnut The same clubs play again tonlay. » * in the ot comforts; excellent table; delightfully loon 1!',gL 1 ing. Passengers for Cobb s Island will take the REMNANTS OF PRIESTLEY'S F V <1 I is ,, 5^ Jel* verything way footwear at near < >cean. with s * a:. -> »ther %C ted splendid Ckvan view; on liue steamer.Northampton every Monday, Weduesday and AN-' BLA« k ii whiaii m i at < some l at games yesterday: LUPIN* " " vi. whijks. hairs. $5.50; ounges #»;, Young Districts, 10; 22~ °?dUC prices at re!edstreet cars and 'bus es. P. O Box 272. THUS. tI. Friday morning from Norfolk or old Point to Cher- FRENCHwL'i DREss 11 I \\r i ' ?? children's Chairs l'iuneers, !>. At X I l!K>. lll'l-h.sl is (1 5.75; High and Rockers' Young Bright wood.Silver 22223 m1" Thb Star Shoe House. ALLAN and E. J. SACKS, both of Washington, D. I rvstone, where hacks for the seaside will meet them. ,,| AJN VN1< HRoCADKD Al-L ''*,f > «; very large l.raee Arm to e|os<. Springs, 34; Brightwood, 2. At New York.St. 1 The makes .Vi1" J,U««!,ae/r M* the r.i-l. ofwnrfc ihh Chairs. 726.7th St., bet. G and H. jy-27-lm* Northampton close connection with the MLk ".l.l-NAI'INIs \ n|i H K un \ n I ! > Ihllwill bo <- k ..t h«t lw,|, ,,,to -n 1. cm .or, we put the at $7 lor Louis, 5; New York, 4. At MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC Baltimore and Washington steamers. REM.sANT-^OK Hlil i skilled v\ orkm. ii en price six; large Boston.Chicago, 6; T>AY RIDGE. 1>1| an1» KRENi li will'rK nth |. i, ,, ftfi.-iv* -a-i Pillar i-. xl ens ion lables, latest designs Boston, 2. At V' * Pleated Bosom Shirts, 75c. up at Terms per day $2, per week J1 \i, j>er month ?4(1. GOODS AND LINkNs. i >ur mans patrons will desired. Philadelphia.Philadelphia, 13; UNDERWEAR. i Address J. View in. r Walnut Tables. $2.5o: some Kansas City, 2. At <>; Amerbach s Shirt 7th and H. 1 T. SPADY. Itay P.O., RKMN AN1S «»K < OI.ORKD IMPORTED \1 »~tv and do us n sir.-ut lns..<- i»v s yi-: Marbie-top Brooklyu.Brooklyn, Bicycle depot, the Superiority of the Attractions at r Cobb's Island. Va. WtH>I. .snlnter,1.- v. alnut Marble-top Chamber Suites at For Cincinnati, 4. At Philadelphia.Athletic, 3; are admitted all fair minded Bayt^LI je'j-'jujin DRESS KAIiHIo. Kii.l Wii.tw taruient- inm-i, x .i nit, n,, sum. $*js. A Ridge by people. ' RKM N a NTs OK mer months t<. !» olini. ,t ti.e benefit of those who u ish to take advantage St. Louts, lO. At New York.Metropolitan, 2; Mend the Great Cleanng Sale at the The Largest Restaurant ever constructed. TJOTEL ALBION. ATLANTIC CITY, MR KINI.-»T qi'aI.ITN KRINi *1£ \s,.ig «>! At 310 7th st. n.w. 1 SATKENS, AT 25c. a V \ if |» r «r:veit »'>«1 «l< liv«t>sl hi |. v .|. our extremely low prices, and are not Pittsburg, 11. Baltimore.Louisville, 6; Bal- A>Ve have announced heretofore the LAST SALE OF l'y Store, FamShoe l ongest Uravity Railroad In the WorldL XA CHARLES DUFFY, open JI NK W.A . . a Iiy u. Palace Bath Houses. formerly of the Continental Hotel. AMU K-ONS GINGII A\Is postal imil. vr mi the ofti.-e, iin.h j.-rtj, ,,,,, »r.-d at the time of purchase to receivepreythe timorc, XI IE SEASON of these desirable goods, but the man Philadcl-ycMLy I.INK.N LAW Ns V M< BAl Isi uwn. d i we all q eatest F.ver Offered at R. Salt Water Bathing, pliia; Stocktou Hotel and Congress llali.t i;s k *>ds. will store goods sold in thi« way icturer forwarded another SMALL Bargains ape^JbUL REMNANTS OK KRK.Nril ' ' ,Av N a The Jack won Urove unexpectedly In New Bathing Suits. Slay. Proprietor. mrlIt a fw.ttitntnI *tntn \NI» pi 1 i » A l VI s S A \ IT Vlt\ I > «l:s» I our expense. w*. 11. Dcnn, Camp. we must limit the sale to Ooldschmid's, 812.7th at. n. w. AND KANO KLANNI l.s iisignment, consequent!] Grand Music Stant . i» Hitihlx r«s oiimifii.l«sl i.s , 311 7th street northwest. TUB SERVICES IN THE WOODS TO ur "ODDS AND END- IN *' ,m stxleattf K^.LI.AK VO also the of a kind to remaining stock of Baby Carriages Opera House with first-class < l»AKA«>LS. sl'RI." t'lllldron's Mid Misses (ul>l'l< hi u a i m s DAYS, quantity.ONE P ompany. . AND AN l> si M M EH \\ l! A l*> i ma tll.it|| BEGIN THIS EVENING. f Ice Chests and Garden, with the c l^OCK £nok SpBpras \N D I \| m;()| >| |;|t'-1 -! \ 1' r are ivunusixn ^ :h customer. In the lot will be found Traveling TrunksRe;erators.to Zoological Largest Collection KRAL AMm,fA KOKKS AT ruoiNt; ivm«iiiihiiiui-iii 7ih )tmx 17 .im familysupplies for Correspondence ol The Kvesixg Stak. We a oi Rare Animals. Birds and Snakes BATHS. «, prices. ti niiiiin^ month remember that .-an jjjj® slaughtered. guarantee saving 25 MOUNTAINS OF VIRGINIA. !m PLAIN KiOl IIH> v .\n < 111* |> t PRICES al. «. v !i \l i \ Is \ i i! i. you still Jackson cent on the above Handsome rattan in the South. Six f f w' \ |.,, \ n j liwi a good assortment to select from in the Grove, Mr>., July 30..Last night CEIEMISES, (iOWNS, SKIRTS, DRAWERS. COR- Por goods. Hours from Washington. AjJHLa SEATON I'KHHY. LIN 1 11. hillul n l k i '.s r. i>n with satin Flying Horses, < * k kit on band from our there was a at the the first SET COVERS, APRONS, CHILDREN'S >y Carriages, parasol top, only Horses, Fine smooth turnpike roads. Light easy ui i uu.es ps kky Hi I I.IM VH mlwll n n i n i, || \ \| great thirty days meeting tabernacle, Extra Riding from Winchester, tickets <.real t e out and at EMBROIDERED DRAWERS. CHIL- -.<5, worth $18; handsome reed Goat ltound-trip $M.50. PeniL Aveui.e. orinr Hili «p2l i ;*!«» mul nc .«, »s»ng sal°# the same popular held there. It was led by Rev. J. W. Trout, of *,' worth our Carriages, Improvements made in hotel and baths this season. Established 1S40. call DKEN'S SHORT only 914.48, 920; 925 Carfes, Steam launches. ly 1 i^s \ \ \ i i k i m 1 l-v priees. early. N. C. Avenue church, Washington. The first DRESSES, IN- !.<£! our 930 only I-ante swiuiiintm i«m>1 eutirely remodeled, separate \ i h h n. t. Mftz\ >i . !« n..i> 417 7th street n.w. meeting camp meeting - "The most perfect drainage and wholesome (jfREAT 11 unlri > > am! -rla^ Etc., Etc., Etc. frig and lee Chest# must be sold NoKeerators2 Elegant Fishing. Beautiful Lake sine.".I)r. Geo. Baltimore. cul' Bliilt mr in!w> in ami rouiloil place to-ulght, when a praise and song service Ice Pier in the World. Reulltlg, IN )ntIts-1 hoi; rtiF er»si.-st terms, best goods and lowest will be Chest, only 94.50, worth 90.5U; No."3, only Longest 1 know of no place where families or Invalids can DRY GOODS. 111 It s|-| «n \| | ik- \ hi conducted by Ilev. J. W. Gray. Rev.W. as French Han.i in n|.- i i, l mm >!. - a.! at Kudden s Mammoth Installment 95. only 96.80, worth derive much health and enjoyment**.Dr. Robert ml. un.l nderw.»af j>' M. strayer, of Baltimore, will preach Sunday *ui'-oWiur r e In order to r.o0; No. 5, only 97.50, worth 911.50. The Entire Grounds, I.ake and Pier Illuminated aA Reybtirn. import.-.1 Carpets. Stoves, Ac., morning, liev. l>r. J. L. Mills in the with "1 trust I able to come to Rock Knon this article at and he low owt. Patent Shoulder 1. s. ,.| i |i,.«s i..-f..rn» w».<1* to. i ,th street northwest. afternoon, 222222 5?005frig No. 1, only 90.55; worth Slo* Xo.lteerators,2 Night the Electric Light. maybe every and K-v. l»r. Greenfield, of Baltimore, it Is y worth No. worth summer, my recollections of that heaveil-lavored spot CRINKLE SEERsr< K IRs in lyi-flrtn'oi^s nii.l llumlmk it will CENTS. 97.40, 911; 4, only §9.5o', are most Mrs. John A. Logan. light and du'rk i'liUlrons f, ,i-^,*,11.1 >! i .r«^ Miss ii * own \ m\n . all colors. Koruier pn.e 1 i!c. n It, i r ii. li. i.. iis| -i!i~ tnrl4 and Mr. K. Higgins, of the state FORMATION, withenedictlonNow lOc. Cue v\ ;de. s|iok.-n j i Kaunce a Rro. can lie seen at k. a. J. president Unndsome decorated English china dinner B. & O. OFFICE, 1351 many who are your guests.".Rev. Wm. A. Leonard, yard - Taylor, Mrs. Martin, and Ada Mosheralliance,3O dozen Ladies' Itlaclc Cotton set* PENNA. AVE. DVIINii. MtllKINii a.m> 1»k* i'wtoin.m- Klver fish and game stand.liold* will take HOSE, split feet; 1. 125 pes., only 914.98. worth 920; rector of St John's church. HATISTEIn white and linted groutiiia Korii (r * n-er Mark.-t. This is the first part. Friday next will be missionary ret[uiar price, 34c. ate china tea sets, 56 pes., 93.79decor11 A large number of rooms have been aod-'d the past price 12c. N«>w Me. put-mm when Rev. F. T. will English only B. & O. can (tkaxixu st v iii .1 s| | n| | \t per month (of 4 weeks.) aud Ni w v««KK avi \i i services, $-J: » upwards, REMNANT 3c. \.»urn\v; «jT . Jar. 94.98; Crystiil glass Last Train rooms and LAWNS. lollows: t» a. m., rising; 7. family prayer, Returning, Leaves Bay Ridge at 9:15 lafte cording length of stay. acr Iti'-^-s. l.n,-.. < i Jlets, 0 for 2oc. wortli 40c.; Hair Brush with is over take or LACED. STRIPED AND PLA1 D AN Kvf-nln* mains rap'> V-1% botfi.er a son are bv breakfast; D, prayer and followed the Opera t, arriving In the city Can H:40 10 a.iu. train. Latter overtakes the ORii 1 >I Ks i omln offering Knglish experience; $$9 2222aa lH Cor »b, only lie.; 6 lOc. boxes of Blackiug, ouly at 1U:30 p.m. former at P.iint of ito ks. duced to i 2U,c. rs.kiili«lov«»,ITami.'l .in,i l'..iiu-.s-oiir s|> s-t vltr. j -i: tier sets at reduced 11% preaching, followed by dinner about noon: 23 25c extra circulars at (..'ill's < .urmonls « 1-am .1 an i l,, prices. i L 11 ' .; Scrubbing Brushes, 5c.; large, 10c For apply star office, and for all PI A I It N AINSOOK s in tinted grounds. Die. |»v«m, ..*iri-l |a,|m I p. ni., general young i>eople's meeting, and » Ele 3 Sl _ ctric bottles tor to A. 2a22 11 _ Glue, 19c., worth 30c.; PRATT «fc SONS. 401 9th st. n.w.InformationAll our i l'r.-sH«>s |lyi>l jiuil tli-atii'-l xvttlioiii r ani'dm i'.i; Wise..l>o not your groceries until TSi p. m., There is a 9> i| »» BAY RIDGE HOTEL NOW OPEN. of 1 JV. |lRh>S(i(Kl|»S reduced to H»c. |i|mii£ buy preaching. long >»hi W99W _ cov Dust A. s. Pans, ouly lie.; Beaver toothoicktiered Jel-'2m PRATT. Proprietor. i 6 ( a lt( il.1n i : i.i k< l< wtUi t n of out .i M h, Ttii«Tly a. tier 3 ou have look.-d over our siiK-k and seen the before the afternoon meeting, affordingintermission staiuus, with Jy24-lm All 2-V-. dress tl» reduced to 20c. .mi low have la-en and for 2,500 toothpicks, only llc?(k>met 7\rknky springsTSHENANDOAH CO., VA ; mhis.m \ ri<*m>. l;ui- Uirullr, l^u icmi prices to which the g«m>ST ION ABLK Case kko., revlueed. orated fr rench china fruit saucers, 0 for 25c V~~ Cottages Cheap A « « Ik SUMMER RESORT IN THK MOUN TAINS OF 1 SlIIR'l I No PHI N I s, -IL^c. 417 7th street n.w. The Klectric Wire Not to Blame. UMBRELLA. rent*. Abundant shade. Drlldou iprlnxsVfmlf VIRGINIA. Full W idill \ (>S '' I' I - r ^ ish mats ouly 5c. of water. Cool Bleached SHKKTINO. 1!V. ln<\\l>|s ^I 1^ To tht Kditor of Thk Stak: pure atmosphere. Dailv IL This resort KoTUXTlv with lx»r.l a i »x \.>w \ ,.r». Lveninh ii'BiS hasbeen thoroughly overhauled, a « . A 1 It |oi. is* hi'p acd b.+r t» sters; Hem 453 i'a. av. Regular price, 92.48, steamers up and down. Societies, clubs and piivai e Feather-proof BED KINi. r.-duii|u"i >r flttln& 25c!.,at Aueroach's Bicycle Shirt & H.l An and with all con sanitary plumbing duced r1«,«.O^aDmpiete re Bargains in every Amusements To-XIgliC. I 22 stK>e 310 7th st. ested. For all particulars apply to W. N*. TOLEE sort to be found In the department. facts, find that there is an entire mistake in 3f CENTS. Store, { General COS Fst. n.w. south. Greatest variety of >. atiosal.."Falka." Agent, Jy24-0t* medicinal waters at any summer resort In the United the supposition that the fire was caused by the . lead States; beautiful JOHNSON, GARNLR A CO, HOUSKKUKMSUINtiS. a lbavnb's..**Martha." **8 Following Startling Bargains V i RAND UNION HOTEL. ATLANTIC AVE scenery, magnificent roads; table electric wire, inasmuch as not one of the lights Olfc Augeustelu's, \.T Atlantic City. N. J. Electric bell in every* J excelled; hot, cold, shower and plunge baths; goodunI' Pennsylvania Avenue. m a.nassa> i'a nora ma..15th street and Ohio on that circuit was in the least ^Unch wide Satin and Gros Grain extra SI*} 819«.o o^"Lorf0Xv.?n«tS.W. room; hotel electric I and game in the immediate vicinity. First* hai-uwix i It t ltl(.i disturbed; and, Ribbon, fine ', and 821 7th ^t. n.w.: Balance of our lighted by light: COmV|?:mi classfl:>blng lu J}'22 South side. Near 7th street dltv l£l n\ i'uue. a number of have all strx :k ot plete sanitary arrangements. JOS. B ll"s" 1 livery connection with the hotel charges i (»i:s ale tin VMt\ us i< moreover, gentlemen Uitjr, shades; regular price, 49 centa Kelrigerators, Trunks and Baby [ moderate. B. & o. and Kxoress iiixt, prox.nln ra'i.,.,iu^l to me which Mr. Barnour PR1 KST, Proprietor. $1.50 i>er day. and and *J Telegraph office iu twtbvi.ov. Itarsto, <>f Vt. wiiikuiw. h. (and remarkedhimself riot 20 per cent below cost: wash tub, zinc week. the building. This is tLe nearest watering to |i.|io» d? wii or tlirw y. hth i.eo i i|i. i..- t "1 light inboard, pins 1 clothes line. Washington, 5 hours' ride on theB. & o. Im.ij^:i« floor ot his store being only Our Crescent shirt, made ofcond co: ton and li tor i cuil.l tin i. niut naxe lia.1 ,i About o'clock last evening a colored man burned undisturbed for some .; flat irons, 21c.; liandsome new shape rpllK DOUGLASS HOUSE. REHOBOTH Aa, JL R. R. Two trains daily. Music will be furnished hv I.ineii miio'lrii;.t»,1(>u- minutes alter X Beach, Delaware. fiirinsbed r Prof. llOMims, reiiiliirivr> vir It. iru. rator mii.i iih.i ii' ui u«. Iroin car No. *2."> oi" t lie Washington and liyht part that circuit: so that 1 00 $3.!W8 sold elsewhere at 90.50; OO ft. clothes sailing. hunch's Opera Descriptive pamphlets aiL Kiitla cotton and extra tine Linen Bosoms kl«l>- klilo m Itli tli it will be evident to L » 00 uo per day, $10 per week: 2U yards trom ocean; 20< taining full information, cuts of the four con0 Made iu i.y .1.1.,n. .iii.i ran-luili . u.|.«l.-d scientific mind line 90 principal * railroad, on near clearly any . e thai it was an for the fire to Buy. hotels, analysis of the water, attractions, terms, t ollars and < i" j">tii street. He was insensible impossibility have lnr^oo55 v: pie.~es, worth $.p#; duz, ebony handle mav be utl's, p.r> cents. Clo-mg out a lot ol 2u i»m* r.nulnmii Dr\ xiii in.j,, i^u\ i.. \ *, ] v« picked up by Jy21-2w <£c.. had free at the following testimonials, i's originated lrom the electric wire. I don't kni ves and doz. water dozen suspenders, at IT cents: hi 25< <-ntH i il»t «s.:.|. r iii all lis ... i i, the | lorks, 55c.; ^ tumblers gists; Drew's. Scliafers drugT cheap iii|,.,riu,. ami tli.,1 ,« that C and R "Yacht" and top hotel..this cool ani Milburn's, Thompson's. open work I.ace shirts lor 5«i t- 'Hsta us *;r.-»?t northwest. anyone would maliciously makesupposea Japanese Braid. "May- ltic.; new shape tea pots, -J.le.; larger size, 27c. water depot ou F star officemineraland regular price ts. iii«m> tmlii' u.iit ill. the truth in the case dl£fcrent colors and the In New Freucn villa new siiai>e Virginia, beVC^M R. o. Chief clerk. Inade, sE styles l.ineii Collar-. SI. .VI I I,j |.|M. : i ,, ,,iit* I,i.. in w. c. Harper, designated by the CriminalJustice dealing designs; "rage" York soap, 13c.; decorated open JUNE 1ST. 1880. HENRY L. MAS- H11 I 1CADDUX, Proprietor. BUBKK per uoeea. Sixl-in»*st i»ress shinsuiade t«» oiilt*r tin* im .1 ion. ,| ii *x as that this correction should be to the am1 din 125 Dr. C. W. CHANCELLOR, Resident Physician. lor chdi. la.k.-.l to l,|i |,y Court, to-day presided In the Police Court. given pub- Philadelphia nersets, pieces. 912.96; 24 sheets gilt SI E. Proprietor, Alton l>e|>ot, \ a. jy.u lin ill; perlect tit guurauiee i Mlisorjiiioii nf iii<>i <-i«[m a dispatch from the tirand Army Xobment, edg writing paper 24 envelopes, 18c.; A At the tiours. liii<-in tin* Hani win it xx i,s mil s r.:n.-. ,1 it * President of the ora 8BURY PARK. N. J.. STOCKTON A «, J states that arrived at salt lake I'.S. Electric Lighting Co. chamber sets, $2.87, worth 91.50: dected | ASH LAN D ATLA N Tit' CITY. N. J. RRANCH i'i^;li( iliiv s,t litis sluixa i..^ tin rt-ni ika'il* ' i rt they excursionists i\ HOUSE, 2nd ave.: In full View of ocean: r HOUSE, BALTIMOR1-. SHIRT FACTORY, (»l ill** tt;i! i|mi y on orei glass breakfast worth colli Ti-'Tftl XVOpen July 1st HENRY RAHTKR.j, . A ixxtli i iry Air mi.it iiitiiv morning time, all well. They"leftvesterday sejs, 04e., 91.50; new management: superior table: rooms » Jg--* tj k ST HE i 1 nor i ii WEST lti*lf'li;< liirvs * I of Grand vi,1 ( l'. s*alt Lake last ninht for San Francisco. 2^22 8lri brooms, 15c.; 3-string, 18c.; 4-string, 2ng large: good bills; good water; veraudas. Mis. M formerly Union, Atlantic City. an»» aud 8hei * vi.siiiMl'wt, tlie bond of j. 1^ The amount 4* 111 - "fio60 _ Ljelly glasses sold ten per cent than ^^OUNTA R ROOYY AA L cheaper / BRESSON SPRINGS, PA.. MAIN LINE , 4un s'tii s', i. t ix «-n |i "'i. Savage. lu a other store in j, I SUMMIT OF THE i»l *k, churned is about RRR O O YY A A L iuy tli;j city. 1 V 1'a.R.R. On top of \ sol-- s for i Ii »i~t i 91,14a rF 'ancv white ' Allegheny ALLE(JHENIES.XiiittI |y*-ft'n a^.m I i.-t - R R O O Y AAA L Braid, Capote," Bonnet, trimmed In Tne Mountain House, now mountains.H-'KE 1 GARRETT ^'r- !" l- Mills, of the Capital City Gun club, Fine Snmmcr open. COUNTY. MARYLAND. li. £uttf again defeated Mr. Henrv in a K K OO V A A l l l-t bla ck velvet aud while mull; just what Is needed for Scarfs, 10, 15 and 25c., at Parlor and Sleeping cars from all points east and weal Between Deer Park and Oakland, In theulades, on Kngle pigeon Au» irbach s Shift For circulars, etc.. address it \ t»u w ant match near Baltimore yesterday, fifty birds the summer. Bicycle depot. 7th and H. 1 the B. aud O. WM. R. DUNHAM, For full Information each, twenty-six yards rise, tor a purse of s'juu. Only 72 Cents Jyl7-13t Superintendent, Cresson. Pa. address HAS REMOVED VAIlffi nt »vk mr. Mills score was to to Mr. Fngle's 3»». r.BB A K K II NN If Jel4-'2m H. II. VAN M ETER, Owner and to COO For Low81,ws at "»e Shoe PlMIK RADNOK. Prop'r. sur.-x-.-n l'i*t John t. Suter. George j. Suter and p. l. B B AA K K II NX N G 0 V a.,p,^r^°,f Family A -18K« tin-ihsrt. and .mo ixith tho wl«»^ Ve wfeuld call your attention to our sale to ato oAO 4 th st* X South Carolina, below Atlantic 1 lull "THE KITTATINNY, DElX xv|||.-|. x on . all in i i 0 Hrien have been elected as to BBB A A KK II N N N G . popular- i*e> j Pacific, l till.i hi lu.l irr,|>loVx*tll('nln> delegates N. P. O. Box lOTl ware Water Pa from A .. a iin-Iit iii all -i/..-s i. B B AAA lze> or, in other words to advertise our City, J. 1030. 11' '.lllifi I' (Jap. Open .1 111, .-Iirali-j ( |;< i\\ n .1 w ku the Union in the internationalrepresent KKIINNNGGO 1 until November The most acccwd i Carpenter's BBB A A K IC 11 N A Few Special Items jy 15-lm M. J. ECkf.Ki. May VrVfeV 1337 F STREET NORTHWEST. 11a .n i-1 k i 11 |-l.lll*iai.lislaii,i> mi liiin.i. Ni* s| ^ convention of carpenters and joiners to be held MM GGG ble mountain resort adjacent to New \ ..rL- ll-'tilE I Hal Nut lis-, HANDKERCHIEF Of the many reductions durin" TLANTIC HOTEL." and Hotel In Buffalo n. ¥., August 3. prevailing Philadelphia. recently rebuilt, emailed l:KFIti«;i ItATiiltS, w \ i i n i mil i its, ,ta Ualtm s Over Stock Sale No. 3. OCEAN CITY, MD. , . and refurnlsheil. Rooms eu with Messrs. Kendall a Co. have presented Chief Dejpartment. See our window display of J suite, hot and cold ai^iiits i,,r tin- (i.n k m in i ik ll'iss i m | i.l 5a,9a,12ifea, Usual NOW OPEN NOW OPEN. P water, baths, an unlimited of liuw i txl l\>r, 1 arris with a gold watch and chain, as a PPP OO W W W DDD EEB RRR 15c. and 25c. iipcrial For to 1 supply pure spring ucx'll til |ii ico. circulars, apply , water, gas, electric bells and the only passenger w. s ol his services in saving their propertyrecognition P POO WWW WD DE R R JOHN TRACY. at the Water W. A. elevator SHIRTS TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. Jy 21 h. j knk & iu, vfhuh tnat of Barbour a PPP O O W W W W D D EE RRR HANDKERCHIEFS. lies' hand turned Frencl/""* Proprietor. Gap. BRODHEAD J: adjoins Hamilton! P O ^ K jyl5-lm Ocean City, Md. SONS. jel-'Jm 1v»717 ttli striHiC turned Tuesday night. O WW WW DDE R R_ id Button Boots 85.OO 93.75 __ V OO W W ODD EEB . £ POINT COM At a meeting last night ot the survivors of the R R .. Couains Une Kid Button 3.00 2 35 ^ ATSKILL MOUNTAINS. FORT, VIRGINIA^ BOOKS, Ac. ©Id Second battalion l>. c. Luclies' Solid low Ties and But ^ ^JLD CW<.KJI> N tWS i.»(M»l> tWI volunteers. Cant, SALE WILL COMMENCE FRIDAY AT 9 A.M. to LAKE TE'-lg1 IIYGEIA HOTEL w l.eorge \\ agner reported that it was too late In 1.25 95 SARATOGA, GEORGE. ' boy, by ic howk ABSOLUTELY Terms for the season . PURE. its' ADIRONDACKS. of Iiss»l, beginning A , A The Rear <>nar>i ot ihe by E Kirike. the setisiou now to expect any action iu Gei best Custom-made High June 1st, reduced 'Mi to 5<) but the 9 Vmoonliout Revolution, AT HIjoes, any or 5.50 4 so per cent, Our Country, by Rev. J. strong. rteox upon the bill for the relief ol the DistrictCongreiis style shape On and after Sunday. June 27. express trains oi j highest standard of excellence uiaiu>ain<-d. !' Itfe I Kidnapped, by It. L. Stevenson. its Victor Hand-sewed :. "Volunteers. Ttau Powder never vane* A marvel of purity TTTT H n KKB BBB OO If* W ^ West shore Railroad will run to and from the Jerse; Send lor illustrated descriptive pamphlet and teruis. Anna kareniua. by Count 1'idstol. Those who leave the the summer T H H F. BBOONNN 450 3.85 City Station of tue Pensvlvania Railroad, , F.N.PIKE. Not 111 the p. and ior 6rooajts ctty during and wholesomenesa ,,blits best ; makiui l*ros|»eot us, l»y Danfortb; otl installment horstj, ran have I he Star mailed to them fur any strength More economical than T HHH KB BBB O O NNN Custom Low Shoes 4.50 3 5u close connections with fast trains to and from l'hilar my17-3m Manager. Numbers 111 Riverside l'ai>er st-rles. T HHK BBOONNN CJeiits Solid Low But ton delphia. editions of "Mr. Isaacs" and "Dr. length ol time and the address changed as often the and LDINE VILLA. CAPE MAY, N. OCEAN Cheap Claudiu _ ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In T H H EBB BBB OO N NN CA'l'SKILL " \ J.. Lovell's ror as desired. The must competition Tl les L75 1 25 ! MOUNTAIN EXPRESS..Leave Jer il end of Decatur street, all the a t Library, Harper a Handy Scries and oiller Rllln it«*il of fi'rnitihf.f a ttt'ftx. ^t subscription be invariably sey station at 8:45a.m. Arrive open year, . , in advance. Aix1 many other like which vuu City Hotel Kaaterskill near new iron cor 1'aper Libraries. nd iiofsk-fi knisitlm. (.< mi|is |u }>aid with the multitude ot low tests, short weight, alum or Ml A RRR cco 11 H Inductions, via Kingston, 2:12 p.m.: Grand Hotel, 1:45 p.m. pier; strictly first-class; WM. UALLANTVXK A- cciktiu, Mr. Robert ?..¥?! FEB mu:st see to appreciate. i respondence solicited. 1" 'sal I s«JN*. koouneimid im.* xxitlniut a wcll-furiiish.-u iiuum Yesterday morning Coleman was M JMMM AA RRCO HH K Phoenicia. 12:55 p.m.; Mt. House station, 1:30 p.m. : my'21-lUw THEO. 42S Ttli street ilw MUELI.EIt. _ly22 . Delivered to Deputy Sheriff d. f. Robinson, of phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal M MM M A A RRR C H H H EE Palenville, 1:30 p.m. Prop. lecaus. tli(*> luix o not gul the s|..u«s, Montgomery Co., Md. Coleman Is with M M AAA RROOHHE M Howe Machine is at SARATOGA AND CATSKILL. MT. EXPRESS. charged Bakinu Puwuaa Co.. IOC Wall street, M. V. «AT °i®cS.?r lf!e ASHINGTON IRC 'PLATING \v»s u'u niuggling into Spencervllle, a local oc24 M MM A A R R COO 11 H KKB Z Aut,rbach s, 7th Jt H. Telephone call 422-2. 1 Jersey City Station 11:17 a.m. Arrive Hote1 Leave \V (_ J^IHRARy. uet*jriiiiiioil to knock tin* bultoui u»u of u>4fe town. Kaaterskill, via Kingston, 4:43 p.m.; Grand Hotel 174"J I'ENNsY LYANIA AVENt'E. una will act! ot>lion 4:25 3:30 New liooki- and Best Periodicals lirlcvs. m. b. of 9<>g f 310-318 SEVENTH STREET N. W. House Slippers Only 23 Cents p.m.; Phienicia, p.m.; Mt. House Suitiou . Established XS1X. CJroshon, jr., street northwest, ~ 4:15 Cents Mouth or reports between 7 and lo o'clock 29 At ILhe Family Shoe 310 7th st. 1 p.m.; Palenville, 4:25 p.m. Arrive Saratogii Fifty S4 veai ly. stolen, _Jj Store, 5:50 p.m. Parlor Cars for Hotel Kaaterskill, GrantI CCC H H OO II CCC KKB OO DUD Branch 1622 14th street northwest, with sai cooum on installments night, from his front door, a showtv'edDestlaycase Hotel Station and Saratoga. C CH HO OIIC OK f, terms and privileges. nth lo or sets Wr J>3 MRS. lucy l. HUNTER Jersey City Station ut 3:30 p.m. ArriveSPECIA^LeaveHote1 0 CH HO OIIO CR . O D as Excellent one 10 in. Feather OL D clieap Ah t1ikv can he IIOl uut tlrt quality, nearly yard wide; cash Turkey Lusters.' 25c Kaaterskill via Kingston. 9.00 Grand Hotel , (JOC H U OO 11 OCO KKB OO 1»1 The " '« » p.m.; DDD EW OOKS Father or the Late wm. llnnter. value 20c.; price reduced 10 12V>c. 11 .>qe" 8:42 p.m.: Phoenicia. 7:48 p.m.; Mt. House Station Ol'R N where for CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS; cash value " " h:UO The Late Mrs. Wall, Stockton. cash The father of the late Assistant Secretary of 12V>c.; p.m.; Palenville, 8:05 p.m. Arrive saratogi » HIIoSS^K Kn FEB sSS, Ralf c. GGO n ro J OGO FEB RRR price reduced to flc. U:00 Parlor Cars for o S House, Lucy Lillie. State b»jrn iu IS :: 3gnr.i (layiuvuta. 2-*^d, graduated university in G GG II S MM G GO E reduced to 15c. Pennsylvania office! K 2^ The Other Side, Koran. R R price " and connect in the Jersey Station for al t W W H UII SS K K U KKB BS 1791, went to London and studied medicine, GGG 11 M MM GGG KKB K R FI.,ih but s 8SSQ . The peculiar medicinal of disMllel Joseph, the prime >1 mister, yon poste.1 yonrselv.* prlisn bar. in ,« he was a representative in the 0 0 AAA RR T K Fl 2 at MOUNTAIN HOUSE. BLOOMS] qualities whisky Taylor. and utuih elsc-ix i of RRK§m Socks, pair 25c., / Pa. 1 200 feet above the sea. from the finest growth of Rye in the renowned valley Paradoxes, Max Nordan. here, ainl we will guarauti-v yuu kuat genera assembly Rhode Island.and re-elected 01XJ A A R R T KBB R R b8SS T bad s Bicycle Shirt deaot, 7th and 11. 1 C1ATAWISSAburg. Facing a , 1 A ol the have 'Ihe lost Name. Mrs. ai different is-riods from that time to A L FEB Auerh Catawissa mountains, 1,400 feet. Supplied Monongahela, attracted the attention o"t Dahlgreen. the year AA L E 5 f the medical faculty in the United States to such a Consular Reminiscences, oltooan s INsI ALLMKNl ilutaii. j&l 1. when lie was chosen senator in 711 Market near 7th str^s:. by Alleghany Soft Springs and the Columbia«-U!n*-,L Uorstmann. Congress AAL EE Space, Ladies' 82.OO Shoes Chalybeate the best waters in the gree as to place it iu a very high position anions thede: W. 1L MORRISON. and held his scat till ls.'l. His F springs, world mi Materia Medica. speeches, esp? AAA L . i>r Ma''ked to at Shoe invalids. Finest drives and Jy- 475 Pennsylvania Ave (thkold kink), tnose on the A IJ.I.l. KKK AUTIFUL FIGURED FRENCH LAWNS, 15, go 91-24. Family Store. 1 scenery, boating on tin cially ac<|uisltion of Florida and A _ Susquehanna. More home comforts and the lowes' on the 18.2«K\ w We beg to Invite the attention of 1 >UBOLAB8 IN PARADISE ON NEW YORK AVKNl'E, I1KTWI I N 1U1H Monroe compromise, won him a high NL N'S VEILING and ALBATROSS, pure wool, wide en's and Boy's Percale Shirts, 50c. up, rates ($0 to $12' than at any other tirst-elass hous< connoisseurs to our XJA Perfect Adonis, and ailoftheexcclleul iUversi|C. bottleseach. ford Tale of I.a* Newport death, which Jamaica Oinger. SU RAH SILKS, exi-ellent extra M y WHISKY 1'iOO occurred l. quality, width; orell, 734 6th st. n.w.; every style of Show lawn; resident physician. Pamphlet l^'Kia 1 . cash value $1.OO. Price reduce*! to <}5c. 7 tei m-, address A. J. M V MRS. ji-.^-jm' If you cannot obtain these Whiskies from your jel8 «;it( Mi an's. MA VY BLUE. GARNET and BROWN SATINES. j Grocer, we w ill, on receipt of bank draft, registered PIANOS AND ORGANS. 15a or . a . GAP WHITE SULPHUR . office (or C. O. D. if Non-Union Painters' Organization | R razors kept in Sha ving Condition, Dog Col- A , A letter, post money order, J LsT ISECEIYLU An etlort is b. ing made non-union ach customer who worth of DOUBLINGCHALYBEATE SPRINGS are icrreuj, deliver them to your address, by expresspre. As-i iR'I'.M 1 N 1 OP KHUlXbHAM l> by painters STANDS UN A "PEER" buys 810 Dry Goods lars and 1 ocket Knives engraved tree. The open lor the of FornowY|vlP^T charges prepaid, to all east of to organize an assiarialioii to be known as the RIVALED-WITHOUT 1 be presented with a pair of our Handsome Satin Rod reception guests. de-,U^2£J, poiuis Mississippi river, 1AB0Kj Square, Grand and Upright PlANt»s.-..nie near !y A ('Alt LOAD of OCR gers CutleryStore. 487 l*a. av. Hcriptive circular ond terms J. W li i or by it lo oi U. s. ialuters 1 rotective and Ikneti.-ial Daimask Towels, worth $l.uO. or u large size excellent |y21-w&f-3m address W. Li.li eight any part (prepaid.; new. all lully warranted, of a:i makes, l or -ale tro lissociation. Bridal worth «S SDN, New vii!'\ Pa. JyT-lm lo per month. imitation mahouany a iii«>eting wiis held last mgiit, out owing to the (jusility Spread, 91.50. jeU8 For This Week For and Eveness of 5IU cllamrf.r witr1 unaii Only. 11)UDAN WHITE SULPHL R SPRINGS. FRED Excellence, Purity Quality. Ihe W. METZEROTT A «>»., attendance nothing was done. Mr THE GREAT FAMILY BEVERAGE! Bargains in 22 and 24 inch Umbrellas. f above are unsurpassed by am Whiskies in the Jel6-2m tttgJ Penn. ave., 2d d.^or Btw M-t. bevel c.lass an u urass can itkla i-kaa «"-orgeT. Hoyle, the president, said that the They are entirely tree from adulteration, market.and 22-1 n. Zylonite handles, 81.50 ERICK ca, VA. u