Leuva Patidar Samaj of USA

716 Sweet Water Circle, Old Hickory, TN 37138 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Phone# 615-656-3313, Fax# 615-526-6024

Board of Directors

President Jai Shri Krishna! Kirti Patidar (904) 571 9241 1st Vice President It is an honor and great privilege to have been elected as your current new President for the LPS of USA. Samir Patel (832) 567 8484 As your president, I would like our members to understand that my style of leadership is as a Visionary 2nd Vice President Leader with a mix of transformational leadership. Sunil Patel (615) 479 0581 Secretary Visionary leaders are the builders of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. Harshad Patel (562) 716 6615 They present a challenge that calls forth the best in people and brings them together around a shared Joint Secretary sense of purpose. They work with the power of intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. Their Shailesh Patel (918) 361 5955 eyes are on the horizon, not just on the near at hand. They are social innovators and change agents, seeing Treasurer Deepak Patel (912) 655 8842 the big picture and thinking strategically. Joint Treasurer There is a profound interconnectedness between the leader and the whole, and true visionary leaders Mahendra Patel (956) 572 6101 serve for the good of the whole. Publication Editorial Officer Manish Desai (713) 410 5109 As a visionary leader, I recognize that there is some truth on both sides of most polarized issues in Publication Distributor our society today. I will search for solutions that transcend the usual adversarial approaches and address Jayesh Lallu (870) 250 1718 Publication Revenue the causal level of problems. I will try to find a higher synthesis of the best on both sides of an issue and Jimmy Patel (704) 224 3625 address the systemic root causes of problems to create real breakthroughs with deeper, more relevant Youth Officer West transformational issues, such as how to better work as a team and overcome political and community Hitesh Patel (580) 618 6500 boundaries to productively benefit our membership. Youth East Dipesh Patel (941) 456 2888 As your leader, I know it requires courage, risk taking, and a tolerance for the messy and ambiguous Ex Officio nature of change. It’s not a matter of political inclination, as leaders are found on both sides of the aisle. Hasu D Patel (281) 236 6200 Member Relations Officer A change in leadership not only requires outside-the-box thinking, but a basic redefinition of the Satish Hari (901) 210 8222 nature and purpose of the box. My vision of change this year entails my promise to do everything pos- Dipak Patel (352) 266 2011 sible, by spending long days and nights, to further the reach of our community and to deliver the needs Gaam Ambassador Relations Dipak Patel (323) 868 8199 of the membership. Ashok Patel (318) 402 8609 As your LPS President, I want to harness all the great values and beliefs of our organization and to move IT Officer - Database it to the next level by exemplary performance from myself and my board. In order to take the organization Kiran Patel (512) 587 4000 IT Officer - Website to the next level, I would like to share some of the goals put forth for this year: Suresh Patel (904) 501 7739 • Completion of the LPS Directory. Vendor Relations Officer Milan Jariwala (817) 300 3535 • Launch of a state-of-the-art LPS Website with a magnitude of functionalities. Rajan Patel (214) 493 8144 • Mentor Program for our Youth. Womens Officer: East Lina Patel (513) 257 6700 • Implementation of a solid Governance Model to run our organization properly and professionally. Women Office: West Nancy Patel (404) 886 9179 • Accountability and transparency including the Election Process & minutes posted on the website. Send editorial submissions to [email protected] • More recognition of our Members and Lifetime members at conventions and regionals. • Increase in the usage of Social Media such as Facebook to reach our membership through instant updates, LEUVA community roundups, obituaries, news, weddings, etc…. All are great ideas and all ideas that we agree upon, but we need to take out the obstacles to make CONNECTION these things happen. As the president I will transmit energy to my board giving them a new sense of hope Visit us at and confidence in achieving the vision I have set forth. I promise you, I along with my board, will try my w w w . leuvapatidarsamaj.com hardest to remove these obstacles and make this samaj work for you. Leuva Connection is published by Garavi Publications (USA) Inc on behalf of However, we also need to take personal responsibility. We can’t just delegate change in leadership the Leuva Patidar Samaj of USA. to our elected representatives. We all have the opportunity to be transformational leaders in our families Designed & Printed in the United King- and communities. As transformational parents, it can be as simple as changing the status quo from the dom by Garavi Gujarat Press, a division home as an unregulated place of leisure, to a learning environment. This would involve periods of turning of the Asian Media & Marketing Group off the TV, eliminating texting, and actually talking to our kids and, if age-appropriate, reading to them. It would involve the self-discipline to walk our talk and function as role models. Garavi Gujarat Publications (USA) Inc. In times of stability and prosperity, families and communities need a balance of transactional and 2020 Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross, Atlanta transformational leadership. For better or worse, we don’t live in those times and if we are to thrive and GA 30071-3710 grow, transformational leadership is the currency of the realm. We need to personally embrace it and Tel: ++ 1 770 263 7728 insist our elected representatives display it. Fax: ++1 770 263 8617 email: [email protected] As your president, I am willing to take the initiative and stand for something I believe in passionately, www.amg.biz which is the betterment for our samaj. I am not afraid of the criticism. Many of us avoid the responsibility www.gg2.net of leadership primarily because we are too sensitive to criticism. But when we know who we truly are and we live from an inner core of values, criticism can be filtered to take in only what is true and helpful © Garavi Gujarat Publications (USA) Inc. 2012 to our growth. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written per- I humbly thank all of you for allowing me to make this vital change for our association and hope you mission of the copyright owners. Although every join me in this journey with your support. Please do not hesitate to contact me any time. effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, the publishers cannot accept re- sponsibility for any errors or omissions. It should Respects, be noted that any opinions and recommendations expressed in this magazine are the views of the Kirit Patidar (Gaam-Afva) writers themselves and not necessarily those of the Leuva Patidar Samaj or Garavi Gujarat Publica- Jacksonville, FL tions (USA) Inc. President LPS of USA 2012-13 October 2012 3 LEUVA Executive Board of Directors LEUVA CONNECTION

President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Joint Secretary Kirit Patidar (Afva) Samir T. Patel (Dhaman) Sunil Patel (Kharvasa) Harshad Patel (Saroli) Shailesh Patel (Isroli)

Treasurer Joint Treasurer Editorial Officer Publications Distribution Publications Revenue Deepak Patel (Kantali) Mahendra Patel (Ruva) Manish Desai (Digas) Jayesh Lallu (Ambheti) Jay ‘Jimmy’ Patel (Nogama)

Youth Office West Youth East Ex Officio Member Relations Member Relations Hitesh Patel (Bajipura) Dipesh Patel (Pardi/Pata) Hasu D. Patel (Bajipura) Satish Hari (Pata Pardi) Dipak Patel (Kharvasa)

Gaam Ambassador Gaam Ambassador IT Office - Database IT Officer - Website Vendor Relations Dipak Patel (Mota) Ashok Patel (Khoj) Kiran Patel (Kuched) Suresh Patel (Puna) Milan Jariwala ()

Vendor Relations Women Officer East Womens West & Jt Editor Rajan ‘Ronnie’ Patel (Valsad) Lina Patel (Chikhli) Nayana ‘Nancy’ Patel (Soyani)

4 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Letter from Publisher’s Desk CONNECTION Letter from the desk of the Publications Team

Manish Desai Nayana ‘Nancy’ Patel Jay ‘Jimmy’ Patel Jayesh ‘Lallu’ Patel (Editor) (Womens West/Jt. Editor) (Publication-Revenue) (Publication-Distribution)

Jai Shri Krishna and a warm welcome to our perous and financially healthy. complaints and concerns for not receiving Leuva Connection! the LC magazine. We are working diligently As a member of this association, we on taking care of this issue and we will try As summer vacations have ended and learn from each other, share ideas, and try our best to resolve this matter soon. We ap- the new school year has begun, we can re- to stay open-minded to new ways of doing preciate your patience. member that feeling all too well: the antici- business. We don’t always have hours to ex- pation of a new year ahead, checking our ercise every day. Our houses aren’t perfect. Furthermore, please let us know which class schedule, loading up on supplies, and We stay informed and eat as healthy as we issue you may have missed, so we can look maybe even getting new clothes, especially can, but we are also realistic and flexible. into the reason why and in the meanwhile, in those years when our mother used to say We try to be great examples to our kids, but you can retrieve any missed LC Magazines we’d grown a foot taller. :-) we sometimes forget to appreciate every off our Website in PDF format for you to moment. Most of our practices, policies, read and enjoy. It’s hard to say what was most exciting: and procedures have come directly from the fall reunion of sorts with school friends Kindly help us keep the database infor- our members, who are experts at their jobs not seen all summer; a new year of extra- mation accurate when you move or other- and at the same time, we also learn from curricular activities, such as sports and mu- wise, alter your contact information. Please our members by continually gathering sic; or, of course, the challenge of new aca- free to contact any of our publications team their feedback and insights. We love to hear demic studies. Like most kids, we all loved members to update your contact informa- directly from our members about how we going to school—most of the time, at least! tion and for any questions and concerns. can meet their needs and improve the ex- Excitement aside, it’s easy to say that perience. Here’s to an exciting fall, and we hope you learning is what’s most important in school. all enjoy this issue, also found at www.lpso- So here’s the deal - We want feedback We’ve always had a desire to learn, and we fusa.com. – please give it to us! We want the good, loved the variety of classes that offered the bad, and ugly, but be nice! This is a fam- Thank you & God Bless! unique insights into new worldviews, cul- ily magazine and one we hope you choose tures and places. That constant desire for Manish Desai (Editor) to read. Most of you know where to find knowledge has never left us, and we take Houston, TX / Gaam – Digas us. This is the first issue of a new term and every opportunity we can to learn new Email: [email protected] while this may look like a magazine, there’s things, read new books, and study the a lot of work to be done before it REALLY world around us. Nayana ‘Nancy’ Patel (Jt. Editor) becomes a magazine. Mt. Pleasant, TX / Gaam – Soyani LPS has that same philosophy as an or- Fall also means going “back to school” Email: [email protected] ganization. Driven by a strong desire to con- for us at LPS. That’s when we kick off plan- stantly improve, we have learned, grown, ning for the following year. We can feel the Jayesh Lallu (Publication Distribution) and evolved over the years. We strive to be Little Rock, AR / Gaam – Ambheti excitement already, as we contemplate the best place for our members to connect Email: [email protected] fresh ideas for 2012-13. We want to person- with their fellow community members. We ally thank everyone who worked with us to want to operate the best association, offer- Jay ‘Jimmy’ Patel (Publication Revenue) get this magazine done. ing the best cultural values. In doing those Statesville, NC / Gaam – Nogama things, we believe we will keep LPS pros- And lastly, we have listened to your Email: [email protected]

October 2012 5 LEUVA Memory LEUVA CONNECTION In memory of our loved ones

No Name Gaam Date of Demise City/State

1 Valiben Hargovindbhai Patel Rampura 1/25/2012 Houston, TX

2 Hirabhai Morarbhai Patel Asta 1/26/2012 Lewisville, TX

3 Somabhai Parbhubhai Desai Digas 2/2/2012 Houston, TX

4 Nanubhai Govanbhai Patel Nadida 2/3/2012 Centerville, TX

5 Natubhai V. Patel Lakhanpor 2/4/2012 Atlanta, GA

6 Lalitaben Maganbhai Patel Mota 2/29/2012 Montgomery, TX

7 Nareshbhai Dahyabhai Patel Bajipura 3/3/2012 Los Angeles, CA

8 Bhuliben Manubhai Patel Sisodra-Arak 5/19/2012 Houston, TX

9 Parvatiben Maganbhai Patel Umrakh 5/20/2012 Jonesboro, LA

10 Pankajbhai Natvarbhai Patel Sevni 5/24/2012 Clarksville, TN

11 Bhikhiben Maganbhai Patel Vaghech 7/26/2012 Humble, TX

12 Nileshbhai Hasmukhbhai Patel Sevni 8/29/2012 Delano, CA

13 Paliben Chhotubhai Patel Barasadi 9/4/2012 Houston, TX

14 Jigar Maganbhai Patel Vadhvania 10/6/2012 Port Lucie, FL


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Lina Patel Cell: 513-257-6700 Email: [email protected]

6 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Ex-President’s Letter CONNECTION ‘I am humbled by what we’ve accomplished’

As he steps down from the post of LPS president, Hasu Patel is pleased with his achievements for the association while holding ‘the best nonpaying job’ ever...

Jai Shree Krishna!

I am writing to you as my term as president of LPS of USA has officially ended – a position that I have been honored to hold for the past one year. I remem- ber how excited I was when I wrote to you back in 2011. Now I am humbled – humbled by what we have accomplished, by all that we represent, and by everything that we are. The world sees us as the arbiters of excellence in our community. We are also the guardians of their history, a voice that gives direc- tion and shape to their future, and a resource for anyone with a passion for our Leuva community.

I often say that being the president of this association is the best nonpaying job one can ever have. But not being paid doesn’t mean that I haven’t been rewarded. The trust and friendship of our members and board members have only deepened my love for the association.

I have always tried to support and protect our wonderful organization, as I hope you will, too - just as I hope you will always seek out opportunities to get involved -- because there are many, and because you will always get more of it than you put in.

I leave office, confident that the future of our association is bright. Yes, challenges await us - and as leaders in the community, we have anticipated and begun to address a number of them. We are making the necessary changes that will help the association become the more modern, nimble and responsive organization that the future demands it to be - all the while maintaining the mission and the high standards that have always defined us.

Of course, the truth is that I did not just do it my way. I did it our way - making the advancement of our mission, a part of every un- dertaking. This principle helped me stay focused during my tenure, as I know it will help the next president and the many who follow, into perpetuity.

By remaining faithful to this idea, we can be as excited about our future as we are proud of our past. Thank you for giving me the privi- lege of looking after our association for the most meaningful year of my career. My heartfelt appreciation goes to all the LPS board members, volunteers and sponsors for the success of the following projects and programs during my term of service:

• Leadership & Unity Conference in Houston, TX • Volleyball Tournament with SLPS () & LPS of USA • Greensboro (NC) Tri-State Regional Meeting • LPS of USA Youth Cruise Trip to Bahamas • LPS of USA Bylaws & PNP Change • LPS Website Redesign & Development (Thanks to Rama family for their generous contribution) • LPS of USA Call Center in Mumbai, • LPS of USA - Upcoming Membership Directory • LPS of USA Annual Convention - San Antonio, TX

Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity! Jai Shri Krishna & God Bless!

Sincerely, Hasu D. Patel (Gaam - Bajipura) Houston, TX Ex-President LPS of USA 2011-12

October 2012 7


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DIWALI WISHES May the divine blessings of Diwali brighten life and the year ahead for you and your family. Just as the flame of Diwali burns steadily, we will ensure that the flame of progress continues to burn steadily at AAHOA. Alkesh R. Patel, CHO Fred Schwartz From the 2012-2013 AAHOA Board of Directors Chairman President LEUVA LEUVA Convention commences CONNECTION Convention gets off to enthusiastic start

Welcoming Leuvas... Members arrives... Networking begins...

Security team... All smiles...

LPS S.W.A.T team... Meeting & greeting...

Registration time...

Craving for food...

October 2012 11

LEUVA LEUVA San Antonio Convention Highlights CONNECTION A celebration of our cultural heritage

Dedicated hardworking team...

San Antonio beauties... hardworking volunteers... Hasu Pastel launches the preview of the upcoming Directory cover..

Lightning of deva by incoming Starting our convention with cultural ritual.. president Kirit Patidar.. Our LPS Youth Chairs updating our members...

Raffle Prize Drawings during the Gala night and the lucky winner is... Secretary help raised donation for breast cancer... Moments of fun...

A young leuva shows confident during her Gita & Trusha introduce a performance... performance...

October 2012 13 LEUVA San Antonio Convention Highlights LEUVA CONNECTION

Singing the national anthem with love & respect...

Mesmerizing performances by talented leuvas...

Beautiful young leuvas finishing stunning performances...

LPS ladies got talent... Spectacular Garba performance..

LPS Heroes...

Backbone of our president.. Sarlaben (wife) & Sawan Patel... Beautiful talented young leuvas... Our president on a move...

14 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA San Antonio Convention Highlights CONNECTION

Ending the Cultural Program with respect Kirit Patidar Nancy Patel and Hasubhai Patel

A sweet performance...

Ending in style... Gorgeous leuva ladies...

Beauty & Talent a winning combination by Julie Patel...

This is how you do it... Young ladies on their groove...

Cruise security team gets recognize... President recognizing convention co-chairs

October 2012 15

LEUVA LEUVA San Antonio Convention Highlights CONNECTION

LPS kodak moment...

Watching & enjoying... The memories in creation...

Members having a great time...

Bollywood Entertainment...

October 2012 17

LEUVA LEUVA Wise words CONNECTION Leuva leaders share pearls of wisdom

Top 7 standing tall... A proud LPS Founding sponsor...

Generational gap panel... AAHOA’s words of wisdom..

Motivational Speaker Greg Blake...

A proud LPS Founding sponsor...

Hasu Patel Welcomes congressman Francisco “Quico” Canseco...

LPS women speaks up... In gratitude...

October 2012 19 LEUVA Affirmation LEUVA CONNECTION

Women power...

LPS members voiced their concerns & suggestions...

20 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Youth Power CONNECTION The legacy continues...

October 2012 21 THE AUTHORITY in Processing Credit Cards on Your Smartphone or Tablet

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October 2012 23

LEUVA LEUVA Board Meeting CONNECTION ‘Glimpse of San Antonio Board Meeting’

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October 2012 25 LEUVA Trade Show LEUVA CONNECTION ‘Heartfelt Appreciation to our Vendors & Sponsors’

26 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Trade Show CONNECTION

October 2012 27 LEUVA President Awards LEUVA CONNECTION Significant contributors to community rewarded

Presidents Family: Sharlaben (wife), Sawan, (son) and Hasubhai Nayana “Nancy” Patel

Rajbhog – Sachin Modi Dhoom Productions – Vishal Dave

D.V. Patel & C.M. Patel

Jan Darpan – Ravi Shekar Manish Desai

Sunil Patel

Dhansukh “Dan” Patel Mukesh Mowji

28 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Women’s Retreat CONNECTION A little learning, a lot of fun

Successful Women’s Retreat

During the Labor Day Youth camping retreat the Women’s Retreat was a great success lead by Nancy Patel (WOMENS West) and Lina Patel (Women’s East). The morning started off with a fun and energizing re- freshing session of Zumba lead by Nila Patel from Ohio. The ladies broke out quite a sweat but enjoyed every moment of a group exercise. After Zumba Nancy Patel enlightened the women of how to build confidence, exchange what each individual enjoyed in life, learn to network, reach- ing goals, believe in one’s own self first and touch someone’s life in a positive way. Furthermore, Lina Patel talked on spirituality and how to balance all aspects in life as Indian women wear many hats. Nila ended the retreat with health awareness.

Launch of the New LPS Women’ Ambassador Program

This year Nancy Patel introduced the New LPS Women’s Ambassador Program during the Board meeting in Gatlinburg, TN and with an over- whelmingly 100% board approval the program has been approved by the current gracious board to implement. The purpose of the program is to bring women across from the country as a special interest group where we can have a forum for review and exchange of ideas and suggestion for the association and events that take place throughout the year. We will be also looking into forming some sort of a women’s mentorship program within this program. As women are the founda- tion of our LPS Samaj this will help better our association and take it to the next level as women are powerful, mulitasker’s, intelligent, and when it comes to ideas well they are naturally very interesting and quite brilliant. Please look for further details regarding this program in a future Leuva Connection Magazine, LPS Facebook page and our website. If you have any questions regarding this program or would like to be a part of this program please contact :

Nancy Patel at [email protected] or call at 404-886-9179

Lina Patel at [email protected]

October 2012 29

ASIAN AMERICAN WOMEN IMPORTANT FOR UNIFIED FRONT IN DEALING WITH BP by Ricky Patel, Esq. Attorney at Law ver the past two years I have had that we need to put forward to bring this goals of AAHOA members by cultivating the opportunity to work with case to a close. relations with government agencies and thousands of hoteliers affected by #### create connections with media sources, O th the April 20 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil About Ricky K. Patel, Esq. respectively. He served as one of the Spill, which caused tremendous economic Ricky Patel is a senior partner in Farrell & youngest members of President Obama's loss for the hospitality industry along the Patel, P.A., one of the fastest growing law National Finance Committee from 2010- Gulf Coast. Our law firm, Farrell & Patel, firms in the nation. Over the past two 2012, as an ambassador for President P.A., has opened offices in Houston, New years, the firm has opened full-service Clinton's Global Initiative, and he has been Orleans and Tampa to facilitate the offices in Miami, Tampa, Houston and admitted to the Southern District of the reconciliation and accounting of those New Orleans and now represents over Florida Federal Court. damages in order to file claims against BP 3,000 clients. Mr. Patel has worked in a timely manner. It’s been a long fight diligently to pursue damages for his His philanthropic work includes ongoing as we continually pursue what’s right. clients following the 2010 Deepwater support for Habitat For Humanity, where Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, he has logged over 1,500 hours in pro- The oil spill claims process requires a and he has been featured on multiple bono services. Mr. Patel also works very tremendous amount of documentation news networks for his perspective and closely with the Miami Children's Hospital and I’ve found the most successful results opinionsLEUVA on the largest mass tort case in and their annual 5K RunLEUVA to raisePeople funds and occur when our clients are fully engaged U.S.CONNECTION history. He is a frequent analyst and awareness for the cause. He serves on the in the evolving case and remain in-tune source for both FOX and ABC News Miami Children's Young Ambassadors with the court’s requirements. ASIANaffiliates, and AMERICAN he has authored WOMEN guest board IMPORTANT and is dedicated FOR to raising $1 columns for a number of hospitality, million for the hospital as a personal The Asian Indian American culture is travel,UNIFIED tourism and retail FRONT publications. IN In DEALINGlifetime goal.WITH Furthermore, BP Mr. Patel based on family values and working 2010—and again in 2011—heby Ricky Patel, was Esq. Attorneyprovides at Law pro-bono legal services for a together as a unit to meet the needs of recognized for his contributions and number of causes and non-profits, ver the past two years I have had the is a senior partner in Farrell & Patel, P.A., His philanthropic work includes on- our businesses. As such, the recent BP commitmentsopportunity to work with to thousands both theone c-store of the fastest and growing law firmsincluding in the going The support Immigration for Habitat For Humanity, Clinic for case requires the full involvement of the Olodgingof hoteliers industries. affected by the ThroughApril nation. Mr. Over Patel's the past two years, therefugees firm where and he has asylum logged over 1,500 seekers, hours in and 20th 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, has opened full-service offices in Miami, probono services. Mr. Patel also works very entire family unit, most especially the whichlong-term caused tremendous involvement economic loss in theTampa, hospitality Houston and New Orleans andViolence now closely Against with Women.the Miami Children’s Hospital for the hospitality industry along the Gulf represents over 3,000 clients. Mr. Patel has and their annual 5K Run to raise funds women, who are often relied on as Coast.sector, Our law firm, his firmFarrell has& Patel, been P.A., recognizedworked diligently as ato pursue damages for and awareness for the cause. He serves on has opened offices in Houston, New Orleans his clients following the 2010 Deepwater the Miami Children’s Young Ambassadors executives to run hotels while their and TampaPlatinum to facilitate Founding the reconciliation Member Horizon of the explosion Asian in the Gulf of Mexico,As an attorneyboard and with is dedicated a flair to raising for fashion, $1 million Mr. spouse runs other family businesses. The and accountingAmerican of those Hotel damages in Owners order and Associationhe has been featured on multiplePatel news wasfor the recently hospital as a selected personal lifetime by goal. Brickell to file claims against BP in a timely man- networks for his perspective and opinions Furthermore, Mr. Patel provides pro-bono women of the hospitality industry can be ner. It’s(AAHOA). been a long fight He as haswe continually been instrumentalon the largest mass in tort case in U.S. Magazinehistory. legal as services a 2012 for “Dresseda number of causes for Success” and pursue what’s right. He is a frequent analyst and source for both non-profits, including The Immigration very diligent in detailing facts and educating minority businessFOX owners and ABC about News affiliates, andwinner. he has Clinic for refugees and asylum seekers, and accumulating information that is required Thethe oil spill Gulf claims coast process disaster, requires a andauthored he hasguest ledcolumns for a number of Violence Against Women. tremendous amount of documentation and hospitality, travel, tourism and retail publi- to settle their case against BP. Most I’ve foundTown the most Hall successful meetings results acrossoccur thecations. Southeast In 2010—and again in 2011—heHe was holds aAs B.A./B.S.an attorney with from a flair Florida for fashion, State when our clients are fully engaged in the recognized for his contributions and com- Mr. Patel was recently selected by Brickell women work hand-in-hand with their evolvingto case explain and remain the in-tune recovery with the process mitments and to advise both the c-store and Universitylodging Magazine where as a 2012 his “Dressed primary for Success” academic spouses on a daily basis, or at the very court’spotential requirements. claim holders. Mr.industries. Patel Through is an Mr. Patel’s long-termfocus waswinner. genocide prevention. He earned involvement in the hospitality sector, his least exert considerable influence during Theadvocate Asian Indian for American the lost culture voice firm in thehas been Asian recognized as a Platinumhis J.D. fromHe St.holds Thomas a B.A./B.S. Universityfrom Florida State School is based on family values and working Founding Member of the Asian American University where his primary academic dinner table conversations. Women have togetherAmerican as a unit to meet Indian the needs communityof our Hotel Owners and Association is (AAHOA).of LawHe andfocus currently was genocide servesprevention. on He theearned Board always been the backbone of the businesses.devoted As such, to the seeking recent BP justice case onhas their been instrumental behalf. in educatingof minor Trustees.- his J.D. from St. Thomas University School requires the full involvement of the entire ity business owners about the Gulf coast of Law and currently serves on the Board hospitality industry, and now in the wake familyHe unit, was most especially recently therecognized women, disaster, by and AAHOA he has led Town Hall meet- of Trustees. who are often relied on as executives to run ings across the Southeast to explain the of this crisis, they need to be recognized hotelswith while their its Chairman'sspouse runs other Award family forrecovery his ongoingprocess and advise potential claim for what their work, record-keeping, and businesses.service The women to the of the membership hospitality holders. and Mr. strong Patel is an advocate for the lost industry can be very diligent in detailing voice in the Asian American Indian com- insights are doing to move the claims facts leadershipand accumulating within information the that industry. munity Moreover, and is devoted to seeking justice on is required to settle their case against BP. their behalf. He was recently recognized process along. The women of hotel- Most womenMr. Patel work hand-in-hand authors with a their monthly by AAHOAcolumn with for its Chairman’s Award owning families can serve as a very spousesAsian on a daily Hospitality basis, or at magazine,the very for in his which ongoing service he to the membership least exert considerable influence during and strong leadership within the industry. valuable resource with a solid dinnershares table conversations. legal advice Women have on variousMoreover, Mr. issues Patel authors a monthly always been the backbone of the hospitality column for Asian Hospitality magazine, understanding of the business. industry,facing and now Asian in the wake American of this crisis, hoteliers in which across he shares the legal advice on various they needUnited to be States.recognized With for what a their circulation issues offacing 10,000 Asian American hoteliers work, record-keeping, and insights are do- across the United States. With a circulation My purpose in expressing these opinions ing toand move the readership claims process exceeding along. The 55,000,of 10,000 and Asian readership exceeding 55,000, women of hotelowning families can serve Asian Hospitality is North America’s is to suggest that women can play an as a veryHospitality valuable resource is Northwith a solid America's largest selling largest bi-lingual Asian magazine important role as we continue to make understandingselling of bi-lingual the business. Asian magazinetargeting targeting the hospitality industry. the best of this terrible disaster. Saroj Mythe purpose hospitality in expressing industry. these opin- Mr. Patel is actively engaged in govern- ions is to suggest that women can play an ment affairs, especially as they relate to the Patel, former director at large of Asian important role as we continue to make the Asian American community, serving on American Hotel Owners Association best ofMr. this terrible Patel disaster. is Saroj actively Patel, the engaged 2011-2012 Government in Affairs Legisla- former director at large of Asian American tive Committee and the 2012-2013 Public (AAHOA) has been noted for saying, Hotelgovernment Owners Association affairs, (AAHOA) especiallyhas Relations as & Communications they Committee been noted for saying, “women, perhaps for AAHOA. These committees consis- “women, perhaps more than men, have to more relatethan men, to have the to find Asian a careful American bal- tently community, identify legislative initiatives that find a careful balance between self, family ance betweenserving self, family on theand profession.” 2011-2012 It support Government the goals of AAHOA members is critical to bring forth a mixture of these by cultivating relations with government and profession.” It is critical to bring forth elementsAffairs while dealing Legislative with these Committeesettle- agencies and and thecreate connections with ment cases. Women can be very impactful media sources, respectively. He served as a mixture of these elements while dealing and cogent,2012-2013 and should be an Public important Relationsone of the youngest & members of President part ofCommunications a unified front that we Committeeneed to put Obama’s for AAHOA. National Finance Committee from with these settlement cases. Women can forward to bring this case to a close. 2010-2012, as an ambassador for President be very impactful and cogent, and should ####These committees consistentlyClinton’s identifyGlobal Initiative, and he has been admitted to the Southern District of the be an important part of a unified front Aboutlegislative Ricky K. Patel, initiativesEsq. Ricky Patel thatFlorida support Federal the Court.

October 2012 31 LEUVA Ninat Gaam Convention LEUVA CONNECTION Hundreds of Ninat Gaam natives, families unite at Orlando convention

Jai Shri Krishna! It was decided by the committee members a Bollywood Entertainment show featuring pro- that the three-day program would focus on fessional dancers. Close to 200 people from all over the United activities that involved the whole family, so The event also included a speech from States gathered at the Ninat Gaam convention that everyone could be an active participant. Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi. held in Orlando, Florida, this August. The main This gathering would not be like many Indian The icing on the cake was the fantastic purpose of this convention was to unite natives gatherings where the men drink in one corner, food served over three days – Dosas, Mexican, of Ninat village who had immigrated to the US. the women sit in another side of the room and Chinese, BBQ and of course, our traditional It was the perfect setting for people to meet the kids are left to their own devices. Surti food. and greet for the first time. Most importantly, Some of the family fun -oriented activities We encourage more and more gaams to it helped the young generation connect with included Ninat Jeopardy, Minute to Win It and participate in such events. These gatherings each other. karaoke. Adults as well as kids participated in benefit not only us, but our children too, by The first day of the convention began with the games with enthusiasm. helping them stay connected to India. the gaam’s general meeting in which various Other entertaining events included a members talked about different issues related ladies-only bus trip to the Premium Outlet Arun Patel - Gaam Ninat to our gaam. Mall, Garba night, Gokul Ratham bhajans and Orlando, FL.

32 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Astan Gaam Convention CONNECTION Getting in touch with our roots

People belonging to Astan Gaam celebrated our village with the younger generation. C Patel and the volunteers of Jackson and Vicks- their second family Convention with much burg, MS for their great planning and organiza- There was a smile on every face as we re- enthusiasm at Vicksburg, MS on July 30 and 31 tion, as well as the excellent food arranged on lived old memories and rejoiced over the fact this year. The Astan Gaam Parivar Convention both days. The convention would not have been that no matter how far we have come, we are was attended by over 80 people who bonded a success without their efforts and hard work. still unified members of a single happy family over two days of fun-filled activities. through our gaam. Overall, the Astan Parivar Gaam Conven- The convention, held at the Battlefield tion was a fun-filled event and a huge success. The best part of the gathering was that the Hotel, began with Santaben Navanjibhai Patel I believe that such gatherings will help in youth got a chance to connect with each other and Kusumben Parbhubhai Patel lighting the continuing our legacy and in preserving our and to share and hear the success stories of the mangal deep, followed by a welcome speech cultural ethos as well as the bond that we all older generation. New friendships were forged by Bhikhubhai Vanmali, Nitinbhai Amin and share as villagers. and old ties were strengthened. The youth Hasubhai B Patel. interacted so well that I have faith that it will Adults as well as youth enjoyed each others’ lead to future conventions in which our village By Hasubhai B Patel company while participating in fun-filled events heritage will live on. spread over two days. The older generation I give credit to Hemantbhai G Patel, Rajubhai shared stories about the history and heritage of

October 2012 33 LEUVA Youth Camping Trip LEUVA CONNECTION Youth connect amid nature and adventure

A Humble THANK YOU to everyone that helped make this event a success!

Recently LPS had its Youth Camp Retreat in Gatlinburg, TN. The event was extremely successful and all of the attendees enjoyed themselves. There were over 200 youth and 125 parents at this event. The event included several different activities for the youth and parents to enjoy.

Saturday was kick started with the LPS Olympics where kids of all ages and even adults competed in various activities. These included running races, water balloon toss, volleyball, basketball, jump rope, tug of war and some others. After dinner in the evening everyone was able to enjoy a gathering around a large bonfire. Sunday, after a morning gathering for the youth, everyone went to enjoy activities such as zip lining, white-water rafting, and a ropes course! In the evening, to cap off the event, there was a medal ceremony to award winners of the LPS Olympics and thank everyone. The food was excellent with the help of our Food Committee which consisted of various BOD members, local volunteers, and Parents.

The youth enjoyed the setting of the smoky mountains and various activities and throughout the weekend but most of all the company of having fun with other Leuva youth. Of course the event couldn’t have been successful without the help and involvement of the parents who attended and brought their youth. We would like to thank them for all of their help and valued efforts in making the Camp Retreat successful. LPS of USA would also like to sincerely thank all the sponsors and volunteers who helped make this event successful!


Hitesh Patel - Youth Officer West Email: [email protected]

Dipesh Patel - Youth Officer East Email: [email protected]

34 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Youth Camp Trip CONNECTION

October 2012 35 LEUVA Youth Camping Trip LEUVA CONNECTION


A group of 11 which included the president of the LPS of USA andTrinidad. One of the fortunate was Kirit Patidar’sfather who Mr. Kirit Patidar along with Mahendra Patel, Kiran Jariwala, gothelpofBhikhubhai. Ronnie Patel (Texas) , B.N. Patel, Hargovin Desai, Hasubhai Patel, Dalsukhbhai Patel, Gunvant Patel (California), Mukesh Our President Mr. Patidar addressed the community people Patel (Florida) and Jay Patel (Trini) (North Carolina) traveled to and spoke about LPS activities and what it does for the young TrinidadduringAugust25–29,2012representingourSamaj. Leuva’s. He talked about upcoming convention in Orlando, Florida and extended a personal invitation to all Leuva’s in The purpose of the trip was to bring together leuvas worldwide Trinidad to join the fellow Leuva’s in celebrating our culture at and to foster harmony among the fellow leuvas. The goal was the next annual convention in Orlando, Florida in July 2013. to discuss the roles and responsibilities each of us have in Patidar also expressed a heartfelt gratitude to the Gujarati promoting and maintaining our culture for the generations to communityfortheirtruecolorsofhospitality. come. One of the main goals of the trip was to extend the hand ofbrotherhoodtotheotherpartsofleuvaregions. MahendraPatel (TX)alsospoke tothegroupwhohadgathered for the dinner at the restaurant. He congratulated the people of The delegation was warmly greeted at the airport by the Trinidad and Tobago on their country’s 50th anniversary of representatives of the Gujarati Samaj of Trinidad & Tobago and independence. Hasubhai (CA) congratulated the Leuva later had dinner with locals at an Indian restaurant. The visiting communityinTrinidadforpreservingtheculture. group was given a tour of the area which included the 85 feet tall Hanuman statue, the temple at the sea, and the famous tar The delegation came to know that there are lots of Leuva reservoir. The group had a chance to go to a 20/20 cricket families migrated from Trinidad to the United States and it match at the famous Queen’s Park Cricket Stadium. The hope to make those families Life members of the LPS of USA. delegation also met with the Tourism minister and a head of According to the entire group, it was a memorable visit and the Investt Trinidad. Obviously, the group exchanged ideas of they brought back the lifelong friendship of the Leuva’s in hotel and other business development opportunities in the Trinidad&Tobago. area. Jay Patel’s(Trini) (NC) efforts made a difference because he took The highlight of the entire trip was meeting an older the time to organize the trip for the delegation. In all sincerity, gentleman named Bhikhubhai Karabhai Patel(Kothamdi), who the LPS of USA expresses its gratitude for his dedication and helped more than 50 leuva families in migrating to England hardwork.

OctoberOctober 20122012 3737 LEUVA Letter from the President LEUVA CONNECTION

38 October 2012 LEUVA LEUVA Letter from Publisher’s Deks CONNECTION ÕþÀëåÀÞí ËíÜÞù Õhë

Manish Desai Nayana ‘Nancy’ Patel Jay ‘Jimmy’ Patel Jayesh ‘Lallu’ Patel (Editor) (Womens West/Jt. Editor) (Publication-Revenue) (Publication-Distribution)

October 2012 39 LEUVA CONNECTION


40 October 2012 LEUVA CONNECTION

VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT TRADE SHOW & CULTURAL PROGRAMS On December 13th - 15th, 2012; SJLPS Bardoli and LPS of USA will be organizing Volleyball Tournament, Trade Show, Lagna Geet, Cultural & other entertainment programs. Volleyball tournament is organized between LPS of USA and SJLPS Bardoli on Dec. 13th, 2012 at "Ram Ratan Bhavan Sanskrutik Sanskar Kshetra" SJLPS (Bardoli). Both sides 12 teams will play this tournament. Registration for this tournament is 11:00 am and inauguration time is 12:00 pm. After tournament we will be together for dinner. We strongly encourage LPS of USA women to

participate in Lagna Geet & Cultural programs. - Secretary of SJLPS Bardoli FOR MORE INFORMATION OR PARTICIPATION PLEASE CONTACT:

BHARATBHAI JIVAN (DALLAS, TX) 214.448.5 369 DIPAK PATEL (OCALA, FL) 352.266.2011

41 October 2012 LEUVA Membership Application Form LEUVA CONNECTION

FOR ASSOCIATION USE ONLY Leuva Patidar Samaj of USA Date Rec’d APP ID: www.lpsofusa.com Pmt Processed Date Amount $ Approved by Member: LIFE / ANNUAL / 2012 Membership Application Date Approved BI-ANNUAL

Use Application For New / Life / Renewal Of Membership. Each Married Child Must Fees: $60 1 year Mail Checks Payable To: LPS OF USA Fill Out Separate Form $100 2 years 716 Sweetwater Circle $1001 Life Time Membership Old Hickory , TN 37138-2063 Payment Information Applicant Information Spouse Information Payment Option:

Name: Name: Cash Check First Middle Last First Middle Last Address: Cell #: Amount Authorized: $

City State Zip Email: Cell #: Father’s Email: Name: First Last Father’s Father’s Credit Card Name: Middle Name: First Last AE Disc Visa MC Other Father’s V illage: Middle Name: Mother’s Village: Name: Name On CC: First Middle Last Mother’s Name: Credit Card #: First Middle Last Mother’s Father Mother’s Father Name: Name: First Middle Last First Middle Last CCV No: Mother’s Village: EXP: Mother’s Village:

Check here if you want LPS of USA to ĂƵƚŽŵĂƟĐĂůůLJ renew your membership dues each year using the above credit card ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Children Information

Unmarried Children Date of Birth First Name Only Month/Day/Y ear Email

1. / / 2. / /

3. / /

4. / / Married Children First Name Only

1. 2. 3. Disclaimer - Need Your Help!

LPS of USA “LPS” reserves the right to use all information provided on this form internally and strictly to further LPS member services and products. Further, LPS shares the information you provide in THIS SECTION ONLY with third party affiliates and vendors; hereafter called “Vendors”. You may use the “Opt Out” check box which will ensure that this information is NOT shared with any vendors. However, WE NEED YOUR HELP! LPS obtains revenues from Vendors who buy this information to market their products to you. This revenue is used toward LPS goals such as Youth Activities. Therefore, we ask you not to Opt Out and instead provide information you provide other vendors in the course of your businesses for such marketing purposes. Thank You For Your Consideration. Name Of Business: Profession: Contact Name: Email:

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42 October 2012 SURATI FARSAN MART


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