he conjurer Astrobal spent many Tyears researching how to summon and bind spirits with innate abilities Cantrip Spirit that a wizard could utilize. Some of his first successes were in mastering Fine Outsider (Incorporeal) minor spirits of magic from the astral Hit Dice: 1/2d8–4 (1 hp) realms. These spirits were actually Initiative: +0 (–4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) formed, he theorized, by the stuff of Speed:Fly 5 ft. (poor) AC:14 (+8 size, –4 Dex) magic and the imprints that Attacks:None thousands of spell castings had on the Damage:None essence of astral space. This magical Face/Reach: 1/2 ft. x 1/2 ft./0 ft. Special Qualities: Bound, Cantrip Manifestation, Darkvision 60 energy could be harnessed into a force ft., Immunities capable of manifesting in our own Saves:Fort –2, Ref –2, Will –2 world as an insubstantial spirit — Abilities:Str —, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 3 appearing as a floating, subtle Skills: Hide +14 Feats: Improved Initiative disturbance of the air, as if from a Climate/Terrain: The Astral Plane heat mirage, six inches long at most — Organization: Solitary that could be bound into places or Challenge Rating: 1/2 objects, or to a caster. Treasure:None Alignment: Always neutral The results of his summoning Advancement:None research were tiny formless entities — cantrip spirits — that could manifest 12345 magical power. The creatures have only rudimentary abilities and no Bound cantrip spirits only exist on the creatures, by +1 or better weapons, or by spells, Material Plane for 1 hour per level of the caster spell-like effects, or supernatural effects. They true intellect or soul, but they are or less, depending on whether a magical source are immune to all non-magical attack forms, beings similar to elementals. Cantrip is present, or for a year and a day if its duration and cannot be tripped or grappled by corpore- spirits have an affinity to arcane is magically extended; see the spells, below. al creatures. They cannot fall or suffer falling Bound (Su): A cantrip spirit must be damage. An incorporeal creature has a 50% magic and seem to dissipate if not bound to a place or object, or to a caster, other- chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal mystically bonded to a source of such wise it dissipates and returns to the Astral Plane source. The physical attacks of incorporeal magic, be it a place with permanent from whence it came. Cantrip spirits cannot creatures ignore material armor. Incorporeal spells in place, a magical item, or an move more than 30 feet from the place, object, creatures are not burned by normal fires, affect- or person it is bound to, though they do move ed by natural cold, or harmed by mundane arcane spellcaster. Astrobal found along with the person or object they are bound acids. They do not leave footprints, have no that he could command his summoned to. scent, make no noise, and can pass through spirits to manifest spell effects, as Cantrip Manifestation (Sp): The vari- solid objects at will. well. The first such spirits caused ous types of cantrip spirits can each manifest Outsider: Outsiders have Darkvision with one minor magical effect as an at-will spell-like a range of 60 feet. They are proficient with all effects such as light and noise ability, that can also be triggered or stopped by simple weapons and those mentioned in their generation, and the manipulation of a command word spoken by the person it is entries. A slain outsider cannot be raised or res- objects. Further research led to the bound to or spoken by anyone within 30 feet of urrected, although a wish or miracle spell can the spirit’s binding location. The duration of restore it to life. creation of cantrip spirits that this power is based on the concentration given Skills: Cantrip spirits have a +16 size harnessed the powers of detecting it by the spirit. Cantrip spirits are known to bonus to Hide checks. This is already worked magic and poisons. Once summoned, have been created possessing following effects: into the stat block above. these spirits remain with the target dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poi- son, disrupt undead, flare, ghost noise, light, they are bound to. Astrobal found, mage hand, and ray of frost. Detect spells cause New Spell: Astrobal’s Summon however, that he could command the spirit to glow when it detects something. Cantrip Spirit them to slowly move up to 30 feet from Detect magic spirits glow blue, while detect poi- the point they were bound. In son spirits glow green. Other cantrip spells may Conjuration (Summoning) be possible at the GM’s discretion. Level: Sor/Wiz 3 addition, command words can be Incorporeal Subtype: Incorporeal crea- Components: V, S, F, M woven into the binding so that tures can only be harmed by other incorporeal Casting Time: 1 full round possessors of items with bound spirits, or those dwelling in places so imbued, can utilize them. 36 Upon death or the expiration of Cantrip Spirit their summoning, cantrip spirits dissipate, releasing their magical energy back to the astral plane.

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) spirit is bound to a place with no Effect: One summoned cantrip spirit source of magical power within 30 ADVENTURE SEEDS Duration: 1 hour/level or less (see text) (D) feet of the binding spot, the duration Saving Throw: None of its presence will expire at six times 1 — Upon subduing a small band of Spell Resistance: No the normal rate, and it will dissipate the round goblin raiders, the party finds their This spell summons a cantrip spirit to serve after it’s summoned if it’s not immediately the caster. The caster can bind the spirit to the bound to this plane. Magical sources include captives easily intimidated confessing point it was summoned, to an object, or to him- permanent or ongoing spells, magic items with- their recent activities. The goblins had self or another person. If bound to a spot, the in the area, arcane spellcasters in the area, and heard of a hermit who lived alone in a spirit can be commanded to move no more other magical effects. than 30 feet from that spot. If bound to a per- Focus: A summoning circle. cave but was known for speaking son or to an object, the spirit will move with the Material Component: Candles must be with spirits and for his oracular person or object and can change its position rel- placed on specific sigils in the circle and be powers. They went in search of his ative to him or it, but can not move beyond 30 burned during the casting of the summoning. advice on tribal politics, but when feet away. As a free action, the person a cantrip spirit is bound to can command the spirit to they found he was sick their leader manifest or stop manifesting its one power. If a New Spell: Astrobal’s Personal decided they should kill him and take Cantrip Spirit Binding cantrip spirit is bound to a place or object, the his treasure. Some in the band were caster designates a command word that anyone uneasy about this, worrying about can use to require the spirit to manifest or cease Transmutation manifesting its power as long as they speak the Level: Sor/Wiz 4 curses and wizardly might. The word within 30 feed of the spirit’s binding loca- Components: V, S, F, M leader’s poisoned dagger, however, laid tion. 1 full round Casting Time: open the wizard’s side and the band The caster is limited to binding his Wisdom Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) modifier (or a minimum of Target: One summoned cantrip retreated, waiting for him to die. one if he has no positive spirit The poison was not quick, and Wisdom modifier) in cantrip Duration: 1 year and 1 day (D) spirits at any one time. If the Saving Throw: Will negates the hermit managed to put some of Spell Resistance: Yes them to sleep, cause great gouts of This spell extends the duration a flame to erupt from his hands, and summoned cantrip spirit exists on the Material Plane after it is bound there by finally shout out reptilian roars that the caster. If the spell is not successfully they feared were his dying curse. Once resisted by the cantrip spirit, the spirit the hermit was dead, the band timidly will be bound for an additional year and investigated. As the goblins entered a day. This spell’s extended duration does not stack with further castings of deeper into the inner caves, they kept the spell. seeing things out of the corners of their Focus: A summoning circle. eyes. When a green glow burst from Material Component: Candles and incense are burned during the casting; the leader’s dagger, he dropped the the incense must murder weapon and they all fled. include at least Some claimed they could see the 200 gp worth hermit’s face in the glow, and they all of myrrh. agreed it was not worth risking a ghost’s malevolence to search for magic items they most likely could not use anyway. While the captured goblins could lead the party to the cave, they most definitely do not wish to enter it themselves.

37 The Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary is coming in the winter of 2003!

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