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front cover Untitled: Veils Animations 1997 Jananne A1-Ani

Ch aturang sabri En se mble (see page 7) photo Kate Hardy

Vi sitors to the Bluecoat garden w ill have noticed our newly installed ramp, the first figgy Hobbin and the Goblin Kin g phase of a Lottery-funded scheme to improve access to the Bluecoat. Reusing Saturday 24 January existing stone and designed by architects O'Mahony Fozard to match the 3pm & 7 .30pm £5 / £3 b bbl. g broth snakes, snai ls, puppy In association with Un ity d spoons u in · d building's original style, the new facility means that wheelchair users in partic ular A whirl wind tale of magical mayhem, w oo en . ' Id' worst would-be,wi zard, Ian s Th eatre and Hope Stree t . 1 Fi Hobb,n, the wor s . _ ca n now enter the building from the College Lane entrance, and reach the garden dogs' tails and very important banquets . ggy . . . for hi larious chaos Incorpo Actors· Centre f h wicked Goblin King. A recipe from the main School Lane entrance . Here another new ramp wi ll be installed this a very im portant job in the cast le o t e . h bunch of memorable . · tard pies and a w O Ie rating bold storytelling, music, acrobatics, cus yea r, rep lacing the existing temporary one . One of our longest serving tenants, the ~~ Bluecoat Di splay Centre, has also successfully attracted both Lottery and European cha racters' . . , et again to play away from home ~ hope' Unity Theatre and Hope Street Actors , Ce ntre 1am , orces Y Objective One funding to carry out a major refurbishment to this key crafts venue r!fl~.~ ,n the North West and work will begin this Summer. during Unity's £1 .3 million refurbishment.

The Art Centre's programme for the start of 1998 promises an exciting mix of Chinese Whispers Tuesday 17 February exhibitions, performances and workshops involving artists both loca l and interna­ Sa ndon Room, 7.30pm tickets on the door, £3/£2 . . generation of Chinese artists In assoc,arion with O f he Tiger, an excItIng new . . tional. The gallery is in itiating three displays, with a strong focus on new art from Celebrating Chinese New Year, Yea r t . formance incl uding muslC, British Chin ese Arts Assoc1at1on t mporary hinese per present a ca baret of traditional an d con e c the region, accompanied by tal ks and other events. We 're pleased to be the main and City of Arrs 8- host venue for this year 's LEAP Festival in March, now estab li shed as one of the Culrure Un, r comedy dance and performance poetry. 3 Cathy Wu on 0151 233 5699 · AAon0/71267613 or For further details, please contact BC cou ntry's top showcases for new dance . As the strain s of the Bluecoat-commis­ sioned Acid Brass continue to reverberate around the pop world, there 's an Sabri Ensemble Meeting Point opportunity to delve once more ,nto th e Vinyl Junkyard w ith a day school seri es Thursday 26 February f the Indian and new publication focussi ng on the continuing crossove r between the worlds of 8pm £6 / £4 h d namic and crea tive energy 0 In assac1a r1on with MILAP ·ga pop music an d art . based Sabri Ensemble draw upon t e y f the Caribbean, Latin America and . th mus,ca l trad1t1ons o . p ·nc promises ~-gs cl assical music trad1t1on fuse d w, h ne and tabla, Meeting a, din g flu te, saxop 0 Eu rope Using diverse instruments inc 1u an exhilarating evening of music. ''.·~, -~: Gallery ·-'!ill'f!'9t... J ..

Wok lnstallatton 1997 Julie Fu Idle Since 1963 Things we no longer use Rebecca Sh aw Karaoke Walid Sadek

Photofit Cross Section 10 January-14 February 7 March - 4 April Exhibition supporred by Exhibition supported by An exhibition exp loring the theme of identity through lens- based media. It features the work of This exhibition features arti sts from the North West whose work is the result of an engagement Tare Gallery Liverpool, Tony Lee at PH Holt Charitable Trusr. young artists Jananne AI-Ani and David Warren Lewis, both recent grad uates from the Roya l Maiden Outdoor, MITES, w ·it h spec1f1c· · communities of people and, in som· e ·inst ances. pro d uce d ·in collaboration w. ith rhe Woo Arts Foundation College of Art Photography MA, and North West based artists Kate Moore and Since 1963- Traineeship Scheme and 3C Imaging, Lourdes Hopsital and them. Susan Fitch's object/text-based installation represents her Forgotten People proiecC Fazakerley Hospita l Jananne AI-Ani 's large scale photographic installation explores issues around gender politics Nonh west Ans Board came· d out over the past year and shown at Liverpool libra· ri·es, commemor ating those dying. in and the represe ntation of women. in particular, the fetishised Oriental woman. David Warren loneli ness in the city. Julie Fu's mixed media installation draws on her own persona l experience Lewis' The Mortuary deals with the continual presence of death and our relationship to it, and as a Chinese' person growing up in Britain and Hong Kong w ·ith a d ua I cu It u re and identity. Dinu raises issues of how the bereaved can often construct a new identity for the deceased as a way of L1'' s bl ack and white photograp hs of members of the Ch ·in ese commu nity in a rem ote and coping with grief. In Deliberate Deceivers, Kate Moore explores identity construction and isol at ed area of mainland. China are haunting in. thei.r timelessne. ss. Re b ecca Shaw collaborates t deception through a w itty se ri es of line drawings and photographs. Since 1963 are two artiS s. w 1 1 h ch refl ec t their own ti pat·ie nts at the Liverpool Man.e Curie. Ce ntre, to create scu 1ptures w 1 Martin Grimes and Michael McGinley. Working coll aboratively, they appropriate contemporary 1 ·d en tI tI·es. as well as convey the losses and changes we all experi·ence . Th e artist is also part. of media images, re-presenting them in the form of large illuminated advertising hoardings. Their ·tng Book Is a Human Landscape, along with Kate Wise and Kelly Large. Their pieC\' Th e visi· 1 . seductive, glossy appearance suggests advertising 'taster' campaigns. . . . · and philosophical travelling collection of communications which present persona,1 socia 1 . . perceptions of life in Britain.

Ed ucationa/· workshops and activities around this show will. be avai- 1a bf e d u r'ng1 this exhibition Walid Sadek Karaoke For further information please contact Carol Kwong on 18 - 28 February 0151 709 5689 (Monday & Tuesday) and 0151 709 5297 (Wednesday- Friday). Arranged ,n assoc,a r,on w1ch CAIR Lebanese artist Walid Sadek is the first artist in residence at the Centre for Art International Gallery Talks Research (CA IR) at Liverpool John Moores University, part of a programme to promote an The Lunchtime Slot: 12.30- 1.30pm free exchange of critica l ideas in contemporary art practice at an international level. This exhibition K1ck 1 ff . . to fill the lunch hour. ng O a new venture prov1d1ng an en tertaining and stimulating way f' comprises work produced du ri ng the six month residency, and features an 1nstallat1on using Tuesday 13 January I t d f ti exh ibition Photo it st n ro ucing the work of David Warren Lewis and Since 1963, rom ie . soun d and moving images. Within the co ntext of an increasingly globalised culture. the arti Tuesday 20 January h exhibition Photofit Introducing the work of Jananne AI-Ani and Kate Moore, from t e . exp lores the complexity of translating one's art practice to a different, specifically local situation. Tuesday 27 January Short Film screening and asks if the position of the artist In such circumstances can ever be more than that of the Tuesday 3 February Talk by local artists 1nev1table tourist . The exhibition is accompanied by a publication produced by the artist . who will also be talking Artist's Talks Tuesday 24 February about the exhibition in the gallery (see next page). .b. Karaoke 7-9pm free Wal id Sadek discusses his work in the exhi ition. · f ee Tuesday 17 March Artist f t and community. 7-9 pm r s rom Cross Section discuss ,ssues 1nvolv1ng collabora ion 4 5 - i'! .....,- ' ..cl' ~ . , ·~· .--· · Dance ~.·

1LEAP'98 A 20% discount is available on presentation of an MDI Dance Card. For your free LEAP '98 brochure, or details of how to join the Dance Card scheme, please ring MDI on 01511088810

previous page Paula Hampson & Andrea Buckley

Amaryllis (top)

The Max Factory

this page Air Dance (top)

Jeremy James & Company phoro Hugo Glendinning

Growing Older (Dis)gracefully

Triplet 123 featuring Paula Hampson & Andrea Buckley Gulp! Growing Older (Dis)gracefully The Max Factory Scream (stay seated) 8pm £6 / £4 Friday 20 March Amaryllis Dubious Gifts Devised an d co -ordinated by Judy Bird, Growing Older (Dis)gracefully brings together dancers, In association wirh Friday 6 March 8pm £6 / £4 performers and artists over forty years of age in an exuberant evening of performance that Merseyside Dance Initiative In association with A stunning triple bi ll of dance from some of the brightest new talents on the scene lau nc h this cha llenges pe rceptions of middle-age . M erseyside Dance lnit1ar1ve year's LEAP season. Award-winning Merseyside dancers Paula Hampson and Andrea Buckley reki nd1 e a magical pa rtnershi p w ith wit and style . Th e four dynamic dancers of The Max Factory Jeremy James & Company The My Big Pants Tour reconst ruct an unmissa ble night of mag ica l confusion and glittering fai lure, w hil e live music on 8pm £6/£4 Saturday 21 March cello, thrilling dance and stunnin g visuals combine in Amaryllis' Dubious Gifts. Formerly a dancer with Rambert, DV8 Physical Theatre and Siobhan Davies Company, Jeremy James In associarion with is regarded as one of the classiest performers on the British dance scene . At the Bluecoat for the first dance northwest Air Dance Standing on the Shoulders o f Gian ts time, he presents a programme of deliciously witty work, including the acclaimed My Big Pants. Thursday 12 March 8pm £5 / £3

In associar,on with Cheshire 's all male Air Dance return to Merseyside with a new work for LEAP '98. Laced with In assoc,a uon with South Asian Dance Development lnwative Merseyside Dance Initiative dollops of dance, physical thea tre, football nostalgia and the odd song, Sta nding on the Chaturang Dis ha (Th e New Direction)

Shoulders of Giants is a celebration of unity and vulnerability, that looks at men in groups, 1n 7 .30pm £4 I £2 Saturday 28 March gangs, together and alone. Chaturang presents the first South Asian youth dance festival in the North West. This showcase Supported by North West Arts PLUS ... Over one hundred perf f k event features dances in traditional and emerging South Asian Dance styles performed by Board, Northern Arts, Yorkshire ormers rom Merseys ide community groups present a new wor & Humberside Arts, Wes r on the theme of heroes, created in residence with Air Dance. members of Nartan, Samudra, Kalasangam, Mrittika Arts, Cheshire Dance Workshop and M idlands Arrs and the Arts other folk da nce groups across the region . Council of England

6 7 ,, .." ,Ill \II, Ed t· \ :'~·

A series of day schools arranged in collaboration with The Univers ity of Liverpool's Institute of Popular Music I Continuing Education.

Desert Islands works hop Part of the Bluecoat 's ongoing inves tigation into the Vinyl Junkya rd, this se ri es of events examin es pho ra Felicity Shillingford previously discarded or overl ooked are as w ithin both the mainstream and margins of popu lar musi c. Photography w or ks hop Fou r day schools, led by M ike Brocken, Gavin Brownrigg and Dave House from the Institute of photo Carol Kwong Popular M usic, and Blu ecoat Director Bryan Biggs w ith contributions from invited musicians and writers, will provi de a stimulating and critica l look at aspects of pop, and a chance to discuss every­ thing from the Everly Brothers to the Beve rley Sisters, The Mothers of Invention to Father Abraham .

The Art School Dance Goes on Forever Art Classes Daytime & Evening 10.30a m-4pm Saturday 21 February Life Drawing Co mmencing 12 Janua ry • Mondays, 10.30am- 1.30pm • Course fees £29 50 1 £22 OO Introdu cti on to the serie s, tak in g exampl es of the Bluecoat's recent Live From the Vinyl Ju nkyard 22 00 Commen ci ng 14 Janu ary • Wed nesdays, 6.00pm-9.00pm • Course fe es £2 9.50 / £ · and M ixing It Li ve Art commissions, to look at the continuing co nnection between art and pop Two 1O week c ff . · the figure cu lture, and the way this process of interac tion has resu lted in fresh perspectives on pop, past curses o en ng a va riety of approaches to the practice of drawing r throu gh th e st d f b . . d to deve lop you and prese nt, including the recent re-eva lu ati on of easy li stening and loungecore music. u Yo oth technica l and ex pressi ve skill s. Yo u will be enco urage . rs abil ity to look d · d t from beginne an perceive. The classes are designed for a w ide range of st u en s The Great Divide to those who w,s· h to d evelop existing skills. Etching 10.30a m-4pm Saturday 21 March Commenci ng 15 January • Thu rsdays, 6.00pm-9.00pm • Course fee £40.00 1 £2 7 OO A 10 week cou rse f b · k processes. Th is Session exploring the pop/rock split that occurred at the end of the 1960s, and its continuing . . or eg,nners, introducing a range of trad1t1onal pnntma ,ng f will include the pr · . h techniques 0 legacy today, as ·serious· rock opinion further reinforces the idea of a musical meritocracy, epanng, drawing up, etching and printing o f plates using t e k ha rd grou nd so ft d with the ma r created at the expense of genuinely popular performers of genres deemed to be too lightweight ' ground and aq uatint . Yo ur own crea tivity will be encou rage making poss blt· or ins,gn,ficant, for example the highly success ful budget labels of the 60's and 70's. 1 11 ,es which each medium allows. Further details abo t h . 5689 u t ese courses available from the Gallery on 0 151 709 · Two further day schools complete the series, the firs t in April exploding some of the myths about Saturday Art Club Liverpool's musical heritage, the second a celebration of Europop, as Britain hosts the 1 Feb & 1 March Fi rst Saturday in Eurovision Song Contest in May A t . . every month • 10.30am-1 .30pm £6 / £4 . 50 per month ke art r act,v,ty for childr me to ma en aged 8 -14 . Working alongside our exh1b1t1ons program more accessible for orn1ng fun . Fees payable on the day or bookable ,n advance from the Bluecoat on 0151 709 5297 ~ E . our younger audience Join our regular gang for Saturday m ar1 Y book,ng is ad · bl d nee Institute of Popular Music 0151 794 2349 or Manon Cross at Cont1nu1ng Education 0151 794 2519 .,, Bo k . visa e as places are limited. Payment should be made in a va 1 0 ,ng forms and f h . Day £12, £9 (NUS/OAP ). £4 (UB40) for each session 4 Days £45, £35 (NUS/OAP), £22 (U B40) 1,il K urt er mformation available from erry Egerton or c . aro1 Kwong ,n the gallery on 0 151 709 5689 .. 9 8 .. ' ~ Plus... ·.Ji~·

Re ception, Door F, front courtyard Bluecoat Dis play Centre garden courtyard Tickets Monday- Saturday 10.30am-5.30pm Telephone 0151 709 4014 Monday to Friday 11 am - 4pm Telephone 0151 709 5297 Tickets can also be purchased from the gallery on Saturdays only, 10.30am - 4pm, and from the Collectable contemporary craft Box Office three quarters of an hour before each performance. Email : crafts@blu ecoat.u- net.com Web Site: http://bluecoatcrafts. merseyworl d.com Pl ease note: visitors w ho may have difficulty w ith the sta irs leading upto the Bluecoat Reception, Disa bled access to exhibition area from Coll ege Lane and via Bluecoat courtyard please notify one of the staff in the gallery or bookshop, and our Box Office staff will come to Made for Fun 3 - 28 February• admission free where you are to deal with your inquiry. A mixed media exhibition of craft work with a humorous message Concessions are available for unwaged, students, senior ci tizens. or quirky appearance, including ingenious automata such as Jim Contact us for details and please bring proof of status when collecting your tickets. Bond's self snuffing candle holders and Neil Hardy's evolutionery Group Booking A group concession is available of 1 free ticket for every 10 booked. jokes, exuberant ceramic clocks by Ross Emerson and quirky ceramic dogs by Kerry Jameson. Also jewellery which tells stories Gallery 01517095689 by Nick Hubbard and Timothy, tin toys by Dave Walker, wild Tuesday - Saturday 10.30am - 5pm, extended opening hours during some evening events in the building. furniture including Kirsty Wyatt Smith 's Whispering Tree Exh ibitions are free . cupboard, papier mache figures by Mhairi Corr, sizzling clocks by Group visits The gallery welcomes group visits from school, college and other educational organisations. Please Suzi Dykes, paper an ima l trophies by David Farrer, and tongue in Mhairi Corr phone in adva nce should yo u req uire an introductory tour of our exhi bitions, or if you want to papier mache figure cheek textiles by Cla ire Chrystal! and Rachel Howard. discuss ways in which our displays may be of use to your group. Gallery Notice Board Information for artists, including details of exhibition opportunities, commissions and stu dio space Editions Limited Door C, front cou rtyard to let, is regula rl y displayed on the noticeboard outside the gallery office. Monday - Saturday 9 30am - 5.30pm Telephone 0151 709 2001 The Art Purchase Scheme You can now buy a wide range of arts and craft work on display in our ga llery (on selected exhibi­ . . . d buy from our V1s1t our newly refurbished shop, designed to make it easier for you to browse an We tions). and in the Bluecoat Display Centre, through The Art Puchase Scheme (TAPS) run by North . . d wood cut. extensive range of contemporary etchings, w ood engravings, collographs, 1ino an West Arts Board . For further information, please talk to our gallery staff. . . . . I tion of cards. a Iso 0 ff er an in-house picture framing service at affordable prices, and a wide se ec w rap, posters and gifts for every occasion . Credit cards accepted (Access & Visa) .

Bluecoat Cafe Bar front cou rtyard Monday- Saturday 10am - 5pm. Te lephone O151 709 21 79 Coming Soon . . . a mea l. There The Bluecoat Courtyard provides the ideal place in the city centre to enJ0Y a drink or ...... · I · · . well as an 15 a ways a w ide selection hot & cold dishes, cakes, coffees, teas. w ines & beers, as everchanging exhibition programme on the walls. Available for private hire. Live from the Vinyl Junkyard: the ultimate mix A new publication to be launched in April Live From the Vinyl Junkyard.· the ultimate mix

Bluecoat Art Sho p and Bookshop front courtyard documents the Bluecoat's live art commissions from the past two years, including Acid Brass, Monday- Saturday 9 .3oam - 5.30pm Telephone 0151 709 5449 t prices. Doing It For the Kids an d Baby '96, and contains special commissioned essays and a free gift, a Art Shop Do G _ · . . at discoun or a w ide range of top quality art materials for the profess ional or amateur, vinyl picture disc produced by Alan Dunn featuring sound extracts from these events. Boo kshop Door D - th b b . k t absolutely Published in collaboration with Liverpool Art School/John Moores University, price 95. e est ookshop m town offerin g an eve rchang1ng ran ge of boo 5 a oaks, £9. unbeatable pr' N d gardening b ices . ew stock w eekly, including fiction, art books, cookery an children 's books and loca l history Credit ca rds accepted (Access & Visa) A Symposium: Independent Practices Following Mohini Chandra's exhibition Travels in a New World 2 last year at the Bluecoat, the Fairs Independent Thoughts series of artists· commissions cu lminates in a symposium at the Boo k Fair nd Sa on Room, Fri 2 & Sat 3 January, Fri 6 & Sat 7 February, Fri 6 & Sat 7 Marci, Un iversity of Birmingham in May. Some of the artists from the project, which was a response to Liverpool tUlffll Concert Hall, Sat 14 February the 50th Anniversary of Indian and Pakistani Independence, will be joined by invited international Reco rd fairs Concert Hal l, Sat 28 February speakers to discuss issu es surrounding independence in the postcolonial world . For further information, please telephone O151 709 5297.