SELSEY is a village and parish, nine miles from , in Manhood lmndred~ Chichester rape, and West Hampnett union ; it is surrounded by the sea, except on the north west, where it is connected by the main land. The benefice is a rectory and vicarage, in the patronag~ of the Bishop of Chichester, anrl incumbency of the Rev. Barre Phipps, .M.A. The church is a plain, neat structure, in the Early style of English architecture. It con­ tained in 1851 a population of 931. Letters are received through Chichester, which is the nearest Money Order Office. Aruell, Mr. Charles Phipps, Rev. Barre, M.A. Rectory

Clavton,• Mr. Charles Prior, Mrs. Charles Drury, Rev. B. Stapleton, I,ieut. R. J oborns, W. surgeon Stmng, Lieut. Arnell, Henry Robinson, farmer and miller Pink, John Millington, bootmaker and farmer Bramwell.S'lmuel, boys' scho<>l Prior, Charles, blacksmith Bnddle, William, carrier Pullinger, Colin, carpenter Calloway, Thomas, carrier Smart, George, carpenter Chase, Richard, farmer Sotcher, James, boat builder Clayton, J~mes, farmer Stubbs, William, sho~keeper Clayton, William, farmer Stubington, Lambert, maltster and farmer Cock, Richard, grocer and baker Stubington, William, farmer Cousens, Charles, shopkeeper Stubington, William, jun. farmer Crown, Joncs J.1mcs F. carrier Summers, ~fis8 Mary, farmer J elliffe, Mrs. J a ne, baker and postmistress Wade, James., baker and shopkeeper Mitchell, James, farmer "Voodman, William Coseus, farnwr Paige, William,, beer retailer W oodman, "W.jlliam, farmer Penfold, Hugh, farmer I

UJ>MARDEN, EAST, WEST, and NORTH MARDEN. Upmarden :is a large parish, five miles from Emsworth, seven from Petersfield, and ten from Chichester; and in 1851 there was a population of 360. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is a plain, neat structure ; and the living is a vicar­ age, in the patronage of M. R. Langdale, Esq., and incumbency of the Rev. W. Tyner. East Manlen is a small parish, about eight miles from Chichester, conwin­ ing G9 inhabitants. The church is an ancient edifice, but has recently been much repaired. The living is a vicarage, the Rev. C. P. Lyne is the incum­ bent. North MarJen is nine miles from Chichester, and seven from Petersfield, and contains 19 inhabitants; it has the same jurisdiction ·as . and the living in the incumbency of the same rector. Admiral Hornby is the owner of the soil and lord of the manor. Letters are received through Ernsworth; the nearest Money Order Office is at Chichester. UPMARDEN. Hall, Alexander Hall, esq. Watergate house Clarke, Charles, farmer Moreton, John, farm bailiff J ohnson, Mrs. Sarah, shoemaker I Pennise, John, jun. farmer EAST MARDEN. Hewett, Rev. Thomas Swinton, M.A. Curate Lucas, Richard, farmer