AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The Hill, Merrywalks, Stroud Gloucestershire, GL5 4EP AMBERLEY Press Release

Full-colour guide to the history, 'S VIKING COAST: landscape, people and wildlife of the stunning coastline of . BRITAIN'S HERITAGE COAST FROM BEMPTON TO THE HUMBER ESTUARY IAN ROTHERHAM

Holderness, Yorkshire’s Viking Coast, has long been one of northern ’s most popular tourist destinations. From the stunning Bempton Cliffs to Harbour, and Hornsea Mere to Kingston-upon-Hull and Point, the Viking Coast includes Victorian and Edwardian seaside resorts, and the wild sweep of Bridlington Bay. Evidence of early settlements includes prehistoric sites around Flamborough and Danes Dyke, and the remarkable Rudston Monolith. Romano-British sites reflect important safe harbours, coastal trade and links to Europe. The Saxons raided, then Vikings displaced them, culminating in the failed invasion by Harald Hardrada. Medieval Holderness was a significant monastic landholding, the remains of the once magnificent Bridlington priory a testimony to that age. Skipsea Castle and other ruins represent the turmoil of national politics and conflicts. Then, as a peaceful, rural landscape, the great estates at Sewerby and Burton Agnes, for example, are a remarkable legacy of parks, gardens and splendid houses. Loved by many, the Viking Coast deserves to be discovered and explored by many more. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Publication: 15 April 2015 Price: £14.99 PRESS INFORMATION ISBN: 978-1-4456-1806-7 Size: 235 x 165mm . Take a journey back in time along the Holderness coastline in full colour. Binding: Paperback . Covers Bempton, Flamborough, Bridlington, Skipsea, Hornsea, Withernsea, Spurn Point and Kingston-upon-Hull. Extent: 96 pages Illustrations: 70 illustrations . Full colour, bringing history and memories to life. Rights: World, all languages . Up to 10 images available free for use alongside reviews or features. . Also available in Kindle, Kobo and iBook formats. . Please contact Amy Greaves at Amberley Publishing, tel +44 1453 847813, email [email protected], for further details.


Professor Ian D. Rotherham is an international authority on cultural and historical aspects of landscapes and is Reader in Tourism & Environmental Change at Sheffield Hallam University. He works with the BBC Radio 4 History Programme, and has appeared in and advised on many documentaries and news programmes including Panorama and Horizon. His previous books include Roman Baths in Britain, Sherwood Forest & the Dukeries: A Companion to the Land of Robin Hood and Lost Sheffield in Colour, also from Amberley. Ian lives in Sheffield.

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