23816 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 18 December 8, 2006 These political prisoners must be released ‘‘We appreciate and commend Professor IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- at once and those who violate human rights Gurtej Singh for doing this outstanding NIVERSARY OF THE GREEN- must be brought to justice or we should stop work for the Sikh Nation,’’ said Dr. Gurmit POINT YMCA all of our aid and trade with India. And we Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of should put the U.S. Congress on record in Khalistan. ‘‘He is doing his job as Professor HON. NYDIA M. VELA´ ZQUEZ support of freedom everywhere in South Asia of . The Sikh Nation commends him,’’ Dr. Aulakh said. ‘‘Only about 60 pages OF NEW YORK in the form of a plebiscite on the subject of of the Dasam Granth is the writing of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES independence, under international supervision Gobind Singh,’’ he noted. ‘‘The rest is later Friday, December 8, 2006 to ensure its fairness. Isn’t that the democratic writings that were added and changed. Guru way to do things? Gobind Singh gave guruship to the Guru Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today While Professor Gurtej Singh’s article is too Granth Sahib and ordered to consider on the floor in honor of the Greenpoint YMCA long to put in the RECORD, the Council of the as the living Guru,’’ as it celebrates its 100th anniversary. This first Khalistan did an excellent press release on it. Dr. Aulakh noted. ‘‘The Guru Granth Sahib rate organization enriches the lives of Brook- Mr. Speaker, I would like to add that press re- is the living Guru which Sikhs accept with lyn residents every day, and it is with great lease on the Dasam Granth fraud to the reverence and respect. Recitation of the pleasure that I recognize its efforts on this mo- RECORD at this time for the information of my Dasam Granth should not take place in any mentous occasion. colleagues. ,’’ he said. ‘‘Sikhs should practice The Greenpoint Branch stands as the sec- Rehat Maryada which was published in the PROFESSOR GURTEJ SINGH EXPOSES DASAM ond oldest YMCA building in Brooklyn and GRANTH FRAUD 1940s by the SGPC after a long review and discussion by the Panth.’’ boasts a strong history of upholding its admi- WASHINGTON, DC, DECEMBER 7, 2006—Pro- rable mission—to promote positive values fessor Gurtej Singh, a leading Sikh scholar, Dr. Aulakh said that it is very disturbing through programs that build spirit, mind, and Professor of Sikhism, and an advisor to the that most of the Sikh leadership is under the International Journal of Sikh Affairs, has control of the Indian government. ‘‘This body, welcoming all people with a focus on published an extensive article exposing how campaign to destroy Sikhism by means of youth. This unwavering commitment to the te- Hindu fundamentalists have promoted the the Dasam Granth could not be taking place nets of community service and outreach sus- Dasam Granth, which contains very little of if we had our own homeland. We could more tains an engaged, more active citizenry, facili- the work of , as his writ- effectively stand up to India’s ongoing effort tating a culture of civic participation that will ing and as genuine Sikh scripture, parallel to to destroy the Sikh religion,’’ he said. surely define our neighborhoods for genera- the Guru Granth Sahib. He exposes the fact ‘‘Without political power, nations perish and that ‘‘the Hindu plan to drag the Sikhs back tions to come. to the Hindu fold’’ requires promoting the religions are destroyed,’’ he said. Thanks to the leadership of the YMCA—its Dasam Granth and that this plan has re- India is on the verge of disintegration. Founders, Board Members, Executive Direc- ceived the support of such allegedly Sikh Kashmir is about to separate from India. As tor, staff, and supporters—local residents have leaders as former Punjab Chief Minister L.K. Advani said, ‘‘if Kashmir goes, India access to a variety of educational and rec- Parkash Singh Badal and the high Sikh goes.’’ History shows that multinational reational activities that enable them to lead ‘‘high priests’’ led by Joginder states such as India are doomed to failure. more fulfilled lives. From after-school pro- Singh Vedanti. Badal led the most corrupt ‘‘Countries like Austria-Hungary, India’s grams to various health and wellness initia- government in Punjab’s history, selling jobs longtime friend the Soviet Union, Yugo- for money, and regularly visits Hindu and tives, the YMCA plays an integral role in the slavia, Czechoslovakia, and others prove this development of a more vibrant place to live. I other anti-Sikh places of worship, according point. India is not one country; it is a poly- to Professor Gurtej Singh. glot like those countries, thrown together commend its countless contributions toward Professor Gurtej Singh writes that the betterment of Brooklyn. Jathedar Vedanti ‘‘was given the task of ac- for the convenience of the British colonial- ists. It is doomed to break up as they did. Mr. Speaker, I would like to express hearty tually dragging the Sikh panth into the fold congratulations to the Greenpoint YMCA in of .’’ He notes that Jathedar There is nothing in common in the culture of Vedanti, like Mr. Badal, succumbed to the a Hindu living in Bengal and one in Tamil commemoration of its 100th anniversary and temptations of money. In order to carry out Nadu, let alone between them and the minor- express best wishes for a successful future. this nefarious plan, Professor Gurtej Singh ity nations of South Asia,’’ Dr. Aulakh said. f writes, Vedanti embraced the Dasam Granth ‘‘Freedom is the God-given right of every HONORING GERALD W. TOMANEK as genuine Sikh scripture, claiming that it nation and every human being,’’ said Dr. was written by Guru Gobind Singh and was Aulakh. Sikhs must be allowed to have a free OF HAYS, KANSAS to be treated as scripture and canon. The and fair plebiscite on the issue of Khalistan. Dasam Granth includes vivid, lewd descrip- In a democracy, you cannot continue to rule HON. JERRY MORAN tions of sex acts and other pornographic and against the wishes of the people. As former obscene references that were added to Guru OF KANSAS Senator George Mitchell said about the Pal- Gobind Singh’s writing to make him look IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES estinians, ‘the essence of democracy is the bad. Friday, December 8, 2006 Professor Gurtej Singh notes that the au- right to self-determination,’ We must re- thors of the Dasam Granth identified them- claim the sovereignty of the Sikh Nation,’’ Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise selves in the text. Yet the Hindus insist that Dr. Aulakh said. ‘‘Currently, there are 17 today to recognize the life of Gerald W. Guru Gobind Singh is the author and that freedom movements within India’s borders. It has 18 official languages, A country having Tomanek of Hays, Kansas, and honor his ac- the book is Sikh scripture. According to Pro- complishments and character. fessor Gurtej Singh, it is a scripture of the 18 official languages cannot hold its people Shakat sect, who are worshippers of the together for very long,’’ he said. ‘‘We hope Jerry was many things to many people—an Hindu goddess , as it reflects their that India’s breakup will be peaceful like educator, a comrade, a scientific expert, a mode of worship and their practices. ‘‘It has Czechoslovakia’s, not violent like Yugo- husband and a parent. To me, Jerry was fore- been a long standing Hindu desire to bring slavia’s,’’ Dr. Aulakh said. ‘‘Earlier this most a trusted friend. the Sikhs under the umbrella of the Shakat year, Montenegro, which has less than a mil- Jerry and I met when I was a college stu- sect,’’ he writes. ‘‘This involves getting them lion people, became a sovereign country and dent at Fort Hays State University. From the to accept some of the rituals of that sect as a member of the United Nations,’’ he said. beginning, I was struck by his humble spirit modes of worship.’’ He goes on to write, ‘‘To ‘‘Now it is the time for the Sikh Nation of and the genuine care he showed in his inter- propagate the dasam granth as Sikh scrip- Punjab, Khalistan to become independent.’’ ture at par with Guru Granth, has been the action with me. Not too many years after we aim of a section of the Hindu zealots and a Dr Aulakh stressed his commitment to the first met, Jerry became President of Fort Hays section of the Media mostly controlled by peaceful, democratic, nonviolent struggle to State University. Years earlier, Jerry had at- such Hindus,’’ liberate Khalistan. ‘‘The only way that the tended the same institution when it was Fort According to Professor Gurtej Singh, Mr. repression will stop and Sikhs will live in freedom, dignity, and prosperity is to lib- Hays Kansas State College. As President, in Sudarshan of the fascist, Hindu militant 1977, he successfully led the effort to change Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), par- erate Khalistan,’’ said Dr. Aulakh, ‘‘As Pro- ent organization of the Hindu fundamen- fessor Darshan Singh, former Jathedar of the the school’s status to that of university. Today, talist BJP, stated that all of the Sikh ‘‘high Takht, said, ‘If a Sikh is not a thanks in large part to his vision, Fort Hays priests’’ including Vedanti are on the payroll Khalistani, he is not a Sikh.’,’’ Dr. Aulakh State University is one of the leading aca- of his organization. said. ‘‘We must free Khalistan now.’’ demic institutions in the Midwest.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 09:47 Jan 27, 2010 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR06\E08DE6.002 E08DE6 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD December 8, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 18 23817 In addition to serving as university presi- But make no mistake, Bill was also a teach- Well, without a doubt, Bill Yeager was a dent, Jerry was extensively involved in re- er in every sense of the word and those who giver. search and instruction. Growing up on the worked with him learned much. Moreover, the But not only was he generous in spirit and Great Plains, he was familiar, as all Kansans more you were around Bill the more you found good to the core, he had an unmistakable are, with the prairie. First as a student and him to be a kind, generous person who, while quality that is, sadly, becoming more and then as a professor, Jerry learned more and strong in his personal views and convictions, more rare with each passing day. more about this ecosystem and became one was also willing to make room for other You see, Bill treated each and every person of the most renowned experts in the world on thoughts and ideas that were not his own. equally—with the same degree of courtesy prairies. His expertise was sought by foreign Those who worked with Bill, as I had the and respect—from the people who sweep the governments and leading U.S. news organiza- pleasure of doing for more than 22 years, floors, to the president of the company. tions. The intimate knowledge and love he had came to know him as a man who wore many Moreover, he made everyone feel that their of the prairie helped others appreciate and un- different hats. He had his hand in everything, contribution—be it large or small had value derstand this unique landscape. and he was constantly in motion because he and worth. Since our first meeting, Jerry and I stayed in simply didn’t have time to slow down; he had Finally, Bill Yeager loved his friends, his contact and developed a friendship. In our too many things yet to accomplish, too many church and his family, and not necessarily in many conversations, I was always impressed friends yet to help. that order. with his knowledge, wisdom and kindness. I And help he did. He was grounded in the faith of his salva- valued his advice. When my family and I de- Over the years, Bill served as president of tion, and he had a twinkle in his eye whenever cided I would run for the Kansas State Sen- Sales and Marketing Executives of Mobile, he talked about his beloved Betty and their ate, I asked Jerry to be my campaign chair- Junior Achievement, and Mobile Toastmaster children and grandchildren. man. He kindly accepted and helped guide me Club. He was also a past board member and That, Mr. Speaker, is what made Bill Yeager to victory, despite a close race. senior member of the Mobile Kiwanis Club. so special and it is why I am using this oppor- Jerry was not only a friend to me, but to But perhaps few things in life meant more to tunity to honor him today. In the end, he was most everyone who met him. He was one of Bill Yeager than his beloved University of Ala- a great teacher, a man with an endless those rare individuals whose warm personality bama. Without a doubt, Bill was crimson and amount of energy, one who had an amazing and authentic care for others left all who met white through and through. He was one of the mind and an awesome spirit and finally, a man him better off. He had a way of affirming the real leaders in the Red Elephant Club, as well who was the epitome of a true friend. worth of others that inspired them to achieve as serving as president of the Mobile Chapter Mr. Speaker, one of Bill’s many admirers, their best. Despite all of his academic and pro- and district vice president of the University’s Chip Drago, a longtime writer with the Press- fessional achievements, when friends share National Alumni Association. Bill was also a Register and currently the editor of the Mobile stories of Jerry, their message is the same: he member of the President’s Cabinet. Bay Times, penned the following tribute to Bill was a good man who put others before him- This past football season was the first time shortly after his death. With your permission, self. in memory that Bill was not up in the stands I would like to add Chip’s piece to the CON- It is this example of a life well lived that is of Bryant-Denny Stadium, pulling the Crimson GRESSIONAL RECORD. his greatest contribution. I can think of nothing Tide through to another victory. BILL YEAGER, R.I.P. more honoring than to say that Jerry lived a Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ‘‘The (By Chip Drago) greatest gift is a portion of thyself.’’ life that called me and those who knew him to ‘‘Many, many times at one political gath- be better people. Well, Bill Yeager was constantly giving . . . ering or another, the scene was identical. f giving of his energy, his ideas and his talents Bill Yeager was easy to spot. Tall, thin guy. to the people—and the things—that he loved. Dark suit. Red tie. Eyeglasses. Every hair in HONORING THE MEMORY OF MR. First and foremost, Bill loved his work. He place. Standing on the fringe of the crowd. WILLIAM N. YEAGER, JR. loved the people with whom he worked in his Right arm across his chest, hand tucked trade, and he considered both his clients, and under the armpit, other hand against his left HON. JO BONNER the associates with whom he came in contact cheek, Jack Benny-like. ‘Where’s Rochester?’, I’d say. OF ALABAMA every day, a part of his extended family. And Bill worked his heart out—every day he It got to be a standing joke. For a quarter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of a century, half my life, a third of his. was at his office—trying to think of some new Friday, December 8, 2006 Yeager positioned himself on the periphery way, some better way he could help his purposely, usually on the highest ground Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, Mobile and in- friends succeed. available. To see, not to be seen. He perched deed the entire State of Alabama recently lost Fortunately, for those of us who knew Bill like a bird of prey surveying a field or a a dear friend, and I rise today to honor him professionally, we also knew he was a master river. He wanted to see it all while his client/ and pay tribute to his memory. of his art, the best of the best. Without ques- candidate was being seen. His production, William N. Yeager, Jr., known simply as tion, Bill Yeager was truly an institution, the not his performance. ‘‘Bill’’ to his many friends and family, was a likes of which we may never see again. And Yeager could be forceful and he could dominate a scene but rarely in public. He devoted family man and dedicated community make no mistake, Bill’s legacy of success— had enthusiasm, confidence and energy leader throughout his entire life. At the time of and goodness—will most certainly stand the which were the byproducts of his success his death, he was the president of Timbes and test of time. over more than 50 years in advertising and Yeager, Inc., one of the most respected Bill Yeager loved Mobile; he loved Alabama; political consulting. As a consequence, he names in advertising in the entire State of Ala- and he loved his Country. He was as patriotic held strong opinions about campaign strat- bama. a man as I ever knew and he was never egy. Most candidates gladly followed his ad- Bill’s company, although small in size, was ashamed to tear up when Old Glory was pre- vice. Others gradually adopted it. Some re- both experienced and highly successful in all sented or the Star Spangled Banner was sisted. Yeager strove mightily to win them over to his view, not because his ego required areas of advertising, public relations and mar- played. him to be the boss but because he wanted the keting. Using his 50-plus years in the industry, Finally, there is not a person who ever candidate to win. He wanted it for the can- Bill Yeager was one of those rare masters of sought public office in south Alabama not didate, for his family, for his friends and sup- his trade who, as the old saying goes, could one—whether they were the beneficiary of porters and, yes, for himself. Sometimes, not truly sell ice to an Eskimo. And in so doing, Bill’s brilliant mind or on the ‘‘receiving end’’ of often, the candidate could not be persuaded Bill quickly earned the reputation as the ‘‘go his considerable talents—who loved Mobile— and Yeager accepted it, reluctantly because to’’ man both in the world of business and the or was willing to do more to help Mobile and he knew he was right but also willingly be- world of politics, especially throughout south- south Alabama move forward—more than Bill cause he never forgot that it was the can- didate’s campaign, not the consultant’s. west Alabama. Yeager. That list includes congressmen, sen- He lost some. He won most. To know Bill Yeager was to like Bill and to ators, mayors, governors and practically every Yeager was probably as or more competi- like him was to respect him, even if, on occa- other elected position on the ballot. tive than any candidate he ever represented. sion, you found yourself on the opposite side In life, there are always the givers and the And that list is truly breathtaking. From of his talent and genius. takers. U.S. Rep. Jack Edwards in the 1960s to City

VerDate Nov 24 2008 09:47 Jan 27, 2010 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR06\E08DE6.002 E08DE6 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD