Golden beads in the context of the Lower Egyptian culture Joanna D´bowska-Ludwin, Karolina Rosińska-Balik & Marcin Czarnowicz, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland1

Gold has great power and for centuries it has gin and were found distributed over such a been seen as a very special status marker for vast area thanks to trade exchange. many societies around the world. Quite natu- rally, the fi rst objects made of it belonged to L’or a une grande puissance et pendant des personal adornments, and most commonly siècles a été considéré comme un marqueur they were shaped as beads. In , one of the de statut très particulier pour de nombreuses earliest examples of gold items comes from the sociétés à travers le monde. Les premiers context of the Lower Egyptian culture. Beads objets fabriqués dans cette matière apparte- discovered at Tell el-Farkha were analyzed in naient à des parures personnelles, et le plus order to identify their chemical composition, souvent étaient façonnés sous forme de perles. details of workmanship and typical shapes, Parmi les plus anciens exemples d’objets en together with other known examples from a or découverts en Égypte, certains sont asso- similar time and place of discovery (Kom el- ciés à la culture de Basse Égypte. Des perles Khilgan, Minshat Abu Omar and Gerzeh). découvertes à Tell el-Farkha ont ainsi été Interestingly, regardless of their cultural con- analysées afi n de déterminer leur composi- nections, all the golden beads discussed show tion chimique, les détails de leur fabrication many similarities, mostly in terms of the ainsi que leurs formes charactéristiques, tout goldsmithing techniques. Observation and comme d’autres exemplaireses provenant de uniqueness of the fi nds lead to the conclusion contextes similaires (Kôm el-Khilgan, Min- that all of them could have had common ori- shat Abou Omar et Gerzeh). Fait intéressant,

1. The authors highly appreciate the permission granted by Béatrix Midant-Reynes to use the golden beads from Kom el-Khilgan as a comparison material in the article. The quoted artifacts will be published in the forthcoming publication (Duchesne et al., in prep.). We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology UCL. Some of the golden beads from Gerzeh, which are quoted in the text as finds compa- rative to those from Tell el-Farkha, presently belong to the museum collection and their pictures were used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license as illustrative material.

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indépendamment de leurs liens culturels, from the Central and Western Koms (see toutes les perles en or examinées présentent below), where clear organization of the set- de nombreuses similitudes, notamment en tlement pattern and very early application termes de techniques d’orfèvrerie. Les obser- of mud bricks show that the Lower Egyp- vation et les particularités des objets étudiés tian society was much more organized than mènent à la conclusion que tous auraient une the relevant cemetery data would suggest. origine commune et ont été distribués sur un We are used to judging ancient societies by vaste territoire grâce aux échanges commer- their burial customs, but in the case of the ciaux. Lower Egyptian culture this way of thinking becomes more diffi cult and less appropriate. We are far from understanding the Lower 1. Introduction Egyptian people, however, thanks to the most recent fi eldwork, they can be seen as All over the world, gold is highly praised for astute tradesmen, deeply rooted in the envi- its beauty and for centuries it has been seen ronment surrounding them, open to inno- as a symbol of wealth. In Pharaonic Egypt it vations and foreign contacts, but also quite always accompanied kings, gods and elites, conservative with their vision of a perfectly but the history of this special partnership composed grave. What is interesting is the dates back much further into the Predy- fact that the Lower Egyptian cultural con- nastic period. Recent fi eld research brings text left some place reserved also for golden interesting data, which show that people of artifacts, which can be easily interpreted as the Lower Egyptian culture also used this unique, and thus, luxurious objects. More- precious material. Since it was very unique over, the fact that they come from both the and thus, special, they transformed gold burial and settlement contexts shows gold into tiny pieces of personal adornments accompanied the people in various aspects such as beads. It is an interesting situation of their life and thus, was well rooted in the since the presence of the valuable material culture. provides another proof that the previously underestimated cultural unit might have been much more structured and internally 2. Tell el-Farkha – developed than it was claimed before. Th e Lower Egyptian culture, for historic rea- scene of the discovery sons also called the Buto-Maadi complex, is Tell el-Farkha is located on the edge of the fi rst unit known in the history of North- Ghazala village, approximately 120 km ern Egypt, which covered such a wide area. North-East from . Th e fi rst examina- It evolved, expanded and maintained active tion of this site took place in 1987 by the trade contacts with the and Upper Italian Archaeological Mission as part of a Egypt, being a real partner in the exchange. survey program under which 31 archaeo- According to recent proposals, the Lower logical sites were identifi ed. Aft er three sea- Egyptian culture should be dated to the sons of Italian excavations led by Rodolfo period between 3900-3300/3200 BC and it Fattovich and Sandro Salvatori, the chrono- is divided into three chronological phases logical sequence of strata was established. (Mączyńska 2011: tabl. 2; 2014): early – Th e time range covered periods from the Naqada I-IIAB, middle – Naqada IIC-IID1 Lower Egyptian culture till the Old King- and transitional – Naqada IID2-early IIIA1. dom (Naqada IIB-C – Th ird and Fourth Th e level of social complexity of the Lower Dynasties) divided into seven occupational Egyptian culture is currently being widely phases (Phase 1 being the oldest). Since 1998 discussed and new discoveries suggest a sig- Tell el-Farkha has been under examination nifi cant advancement in building technolo- by the Polish Archaeological Expedition to gies and high density housing planning. the Eastern Nile Delta directed by Krzysztof Good examples come from Tell el-Farkha M. Ciałowicz from the Institute of Archae-

46 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°25 - février 2015 Fig. 1.1 Localization of sites with golden finds.

Fig. 1.2 Plan of the Lower Egyptian residence from Tell el-Farkha with localization of the golden beads discovery place (drawing by M. Nowak).

Fig. 1.3 General plan of Tell el-Farkha (drawing by M. Sip).

Tell el-Farkha

Figs 1.4-5 The “restored bead” from the Western Kom in Tell el-Farkha as found and after restoration. ska-Balik and M. Czarnowicz

ń © K. Rosi

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ology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow Th is area of the site was constantly inhab- and Marek Chłodnicki from the Poznań ited until the fi nal abandonment at the Archaeological Museum. Th e site consists beginning of the Old Kingdom. of three mounds, later called tells or koms: Finally, we turn to the Western Kom. Th e Western, Central and Eastern (fi g. 1.3). occupation of the Western Kom is surely Diff erent activities took place on each tell. confi rmed from the Lower Egyptian cul- On the Eastern tell multiphase cemeteries ture (Naqada IIB) until the First Dynasty. were located, as well as alternately occur- Th e oldest strata on the Western Kom show ring episodes of settlement. Th is kind of co- traces of simple habitat area, which were existence of burial and habitat episodes is quickly transformed for industrial pur- quite unique in Lower and Upper Egyptian poses. In this place a sequence of at least six ancient history. breweries was recorded. Th e oldest example Aft er 14 seasons of cemetery area exami- of a poorly preserved beer factory is con- nation, over 120 graves were discovered. nected with the Naqada IIB period and Th eir chronology covers the period from thus, it becomes the oldest brewery in the Naqada IIIB up to the Old Kingdom. To Nile Delta region. Constant reorganizing date, no burials related to the Lower Egyp- and rebuilding of such devices in this place tian culture have been discovered at this until Naqada IID1/IID2 may stress great site. However, there are three distinct cem- signifi cance of beer production for residents eteries used during the Protodynastic, of the site. Subsequent phases of the brew- Early Dynastic and the Old Kingdom peri- ery were caused by Nile fl oods, which were ods. Some traces of poor settlement were oft en and clearly registered on the site. Th e recorded mainly on the northern part of smallest existing brewery was connected the Eastern Kom and, occasionally, on the to a large-sized edifi ce called the Naqadan cemetery area. And this is the zone of Tell residence. Since both the Naqadan resi- el-Farkha, from which originate extraordi- dence on the Western Kom and the Lower nary fi ndings in the form of two male fi gu- Egyptian residence on the Central Kom rines made of golden foil covering probably are coeval, one can make an assumption a wooden core (Ciałowicz 2012: 201-206). of peaceful coexistence of autochthonous Th ese magnifi cent and presumably the ear- people of the Lower Egyptian culture and liest examples of such representations of newcomers from the South – the Naqadans. Egyptian rulers are now displayed in the Further evidence of the Western Kom occu- Museum of Cairo. pation suggest establishing a large-sized During its over 1000 years of existence, the administrative and cultic center. In one of Central Kom has always fulfi lled the func- the two confi rmed shrines in this center the tion of a settlement. From the very begin- greatest discovery was made – the deposit of ning of the Lower Egyptian habitat, a clear over 60 small artefacts including numerous arrangement of huts and pits was estab- fi gurines of hippopotamus tusk. All of them lished. Such a division into zones separated are also exhibited in the Museum of Cairo. by fences and the presence of large-sized buildings, called the Lower Egyptian resi- dence, suggest that the Central Kom at this period must have played the role of a cen- 3. Beads from Tell el-Farkha tral point for the fi rst villagers settled at the 3.1. Items from the Lower Egyptian location of the site. In the next period, the residence plan of settlement was completely changed, Th e Lower Egyptian residence from the although the main axis of foundations along Central Kom is a very interesting struc- NE-SW directions was preserved. At this ture, partly because of its layout and partly time the Central Kom was not only a habitat because of small fi nds discovered there zone, but part of it was a kind of industrial (fi g. 1.2). Th is diversifi ed group was com- area which included three fl int workshops. posed, among others, of golden beads,

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which were found together with 23 other smaller ones are slightly bent inside. Th e examples made of diff erent kinds of semi biggest bead is ca. 1.2 x 1cm large, while the precious stones (Chłodnicki & Gem- three smaller beads measure ca. 0.6 x 0.8cm ing 2012: 97, fi g. 14-15). In the same area (fi g. 2.2). All of them were made using a objects such as stone and bone mace-heads similar technique and are similar in every (Chłodnicki & Geming 2012: 97, fi g. 13), detail. Th ey have openings on both ends Southern Levantine pottery (Czarnowicz to thread them on a cord. Th ey are empty 2012a: 261-264) and copper items for exam- inside and have a very smooth surface. Th e ple a small knife (Czarnowicz 2012b: 351- edges of the beads are bent inside to the 352, fi g. 1.2) were located. Analysis of the cord hole forming a very smooth curve pottery found in the same strata suggests (fi g. 2.3-5). Doubtlessly, the golden bar- that the golden beads from Tell el-Farkha rel-shaped beads from Tell el-Farkha were should be dated to Phase 1, probably the made from extremely thin golden foil bent Naqada IIC period (Chłodnicki & Geming over an organic core. It cannot be excluded 2012: 95; Chłodnicki 2012: 13). that some resin or other organic adhesive Th e residence was situated in the western was used to help to attach the foil to the part of the Central Kom. According to its core, however nothing has been preserved. plan, it was probably a rectangular build- Th e most intriguing is the fact that none of ing with central inner court surrounded the beads bear any visible joint of the metal by small rooms (cf. Chłodnicki & Geming sheet, and even precise microscopic exami- 2012: fi g. 7). Two main construction phases nation did not reveal it. Goldsmiths, who were observed, both dated to the time of the the authors have consulted to discuss the Lower Egyptian culture. Th e earlier part was fi nds in question, underline that the only built with timber and reed structures while known method of achieving such a bead is the later one with mud bricks. Th is also adhesion – covering the organic core with applies to the fence surrounding the whole as thin pieces of golden foil as can stick residence and dividing the area into small together due to intermolecular forces inter- compounds of diff erent functions (Nowak acting with the pieces. Th e process creates 2011: 49-55). It is clear that the building impermanent bonds on the surface of join- was an important place used by local nobil- ing pieces. Th e thickness of golden foil used ity as a political and economic center of for the beads suggests that the application the village. Th e wealth of fi nds underlines of the technique is very likely. Moreover, the prosperity of their inhabitants and the when preparing the text, its authors reex- site itself, and shows the main directions of amined all available golden pieces from Tell long distance trade that Tell el-Farkha was el-Farkha such as a tiny golden foil, which involved in from its very beginning. possibly came from another unpreserved As was previously mentioned, gold objects bead. During microscopic examination a were a part of a larger beads assemblage con- small part of the foil came off and stuck to sisting of 27 items made of diff erent materi- tweezers, proving that the process can be als such as carnelian, rock crystal, onyx etc. still easily performed. (fi g. 2.1). Between them one large and three Th e possibility of using the adhesion tech- smaller ones were made of a golden foil as nique, supplemented with the use of organic thin as around 0.005mm. Th e objects were adhesives and surface polishing should tested by Th ilo Rehren using pXRF and be seriously considered. Th e majority of according to the analyses, their chemical golden objects of that time were made of composition diff ers from 95-98% of Au and foil and the method of their production was 5-1% of Ag with some amounts of impuri- well known to ancient goldsmiths, just like ties. All the items belong to a group of so- the technique of coating diff erent materials called barrel-shaped beads, which were with gold. At Tell el-Farkha at least three very popular at that time in Egypt. Th eir other fi nds were made using a similar tech- state of preservation is very good, only two nique. One of them is a pendant found in

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Grave 6. Its core was made of greywacke, reconstruct the actual look of the neck- then covered with foil (Dębowska 2004: 67). lace. It cannot be excluded then that we are Th e other two better known examples are dealing here even with a couple of diff er- golden statuettes of an early ruler and his ent jewelry pieces. If so, the golden beads ka found at the Eastern Kom (Chłodnicki might have been arranged in the shape of a et al. 2012: 47-53). In this case, possibly a Sweret-beads amulet, which was very com- wooden core was used, which was covered mon during prehistoric times. Such a neck- with golden sheet attached to the core with lace is composed of a large barrel-shaped small golden rivets. All of these objects bead in the center, fl anked by smaller ones show the state of technical and artistic skills of the same or cylindrical shape (Aldred of early Egyptian goldsmiths and prove that 1971: 141, fi g. 23 & 24). their craft dates back as early as the times of Th e presence of golden beads, products of the Lower Egyptian culture. Naqadan craft smen, in a public building in Origins of the raw material used to make the Delta shows close economic ties between the beads from the Lower Egyptian resi- the North and South of Egypt, underlining dence are not simple to trace. Unlike copper, the fact that people called the Lower Egyp- gold does not provide us with information tians were living in a stratifi ed society with suitable for tracing possible sources of the well developed nobility ruling the area of raw materials. Th e most probable origin of Nile Delta and handling long range trade. gold seems to be accidentally found nuggets (Klemm & Klemm 2013: 3-4), which were 3.2. Objects from the Naqadan later hammered into small objects, such as residence at the Western Kom beads. However, thanks to extensive survey Th e cylindrical bead works, some Pre- and Early Dynastic gold Th e golden cylindrical bead was found at mines were also found. Th ey are located the Western Kom in the fi rst layers of the in the Eastern Desert and Lower Nubia so-called First Naqadan Residence. It was (Klemm & Klemm 2013: 603) and it seems a large mud brick construction, probably that nomadic tribes were involved in mining used by a Naqadan nobleman who was in because so far no settlements in the vicinity charge of the goods redistribution process of prehistoric gold mines have been found. and was organizing barter with the locals. Moreover, it is possible that the process of Inside the residence many objects of Upper acquiring the gold was connected with cop- Egyptian and Southern Levantine origin per mining (Klemm & Klemm 2013: 6-6, were found, as well as seals and numerous 601-604). Most likely, the beads in question seals impressions, counters and other items are a product of Upper Egyptian Naqadan used in trade. Th e political and social status goldsmiths, since the branch of craft s was of the inhabitants of the residence is not yet better developed in the South, nearer to the clear but the date of its construction, Phase 2 sources than in the North. When analyzed of Tell el-Farkha – that is Naqada IID1, is together, the set of beads from the residence the period of great change at the site. At can also be used to strengthen the theory this time local Lower Egyptian tradition on the Upper Egyptian origin of the golden was turned into the Naqadan, but no signs beads from the Central Kom. It is possible of any kind of riots, conquest or any other thanks to a single item representing a com- manifestations of Naqadan power were mon Upper Egyptian type. It was made of observed during works on the fi rst phase of carnelian and is not rounded but has a hep- this public building. tagonal shape. Th e closest analogies to the Most likely the object in question is a con- bead can be found at Badari in group U tinuation of the same tradition as barrel- (Brunton & Caton-Th ompson 1928: Tab. L). shaped beads found at the Central Kom. It Th e whole beads hoard was found in one is highly probable that it was brought from place but no traces of leather or linen thread to exchange it with the local were found. Because of this, it is hard to population for Levantine wine or olive oil.

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Tell el-Farkha Fig. 2.2 Golden beads from the Lower Egyptian residence in Tell el-Farkha .

Fig. 2.1 Set of golden and semi-precious beads from the ski ski

Lower Egyptian ń ń residence in Tell el-Farkha. © R. Słabo © R. Słabo

Figs 2.3-5 Details of golden beads from the Lower Egyptian residence in Tell el-Farkha. ska-Balik and M. Czarnowicz

ń © K. Rosi

Kom el-Khilgan © IFAO, Béatrix Midant-Reynes © IFAO,

Fig. 2.6

Necklace of gold and faience beads Béatrix Midant-Reynes © IFAO, from grave S185 in Kom el-Khilgan. Fig. 2.7 The necklace from grave S185 in Kom el-Khilgan in situ.

Fig. 2.8 Beads from grave S185 in Kom el-Khilgan (drawing © IFAO, Béatrix Midant-Reynes).

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It might also have been a part of personal from 2002 to 2005 with a single study sea- ornamentation belonging to one of the son in 2006 (Buchez & Midant-Reynes 2007: Naqadan residence inhabitants. 43). Th e works were directed by Béatrix Midant-Reynes. At the site, 239 Pre- and Th e reconstructed bead Early Dynastic burials were excavated, which Another interesting object was found dur- represented a vast time span from the fi rst ing season 2003 and was reexamined in phase of the Lower Egyptian culture to the 2013. At the beginning it was thought to be a period of the First Dynasty. Almost half of part of a broken golden foil 1cm long, 0.4cm the graves were very simple and poor, with- wide and 0.1mm thick (fi g. 1.4). Micro- out off erings, while the remaining ones usu- scopic prospection showed that it is actu- ally comprised a single pottery object. Only ally not a piece of a gold sheet but a broken 23 burials were equipped with a few items and smashed cylindrical bead. Th e object like pottery, personal adornments and shells was provisionally restored to bring back – typical for a simple Lower Egyptian society its almost original look (fi g. 1.5). Similarly burial customs (Buchez & Midant-Reynes to barrel-shaped specimens from the Cen- 2007: 45). But even among the seemingly tral Kom, here also the surface was smooth poor inhumations some exceptions were without any visible joint and the cord hole also present, such as burial S185 (fi g. 2.7), was very well visible. Most probably, this where the deceased was off ered three pot- bead was made using a technique similar tery jars and a very interesting necklace to the one known from the previously men- (fi g. 2.6). It was composed of eight cylindri- tioned beads. Th e object comes from the cal faience beads, two of them being covered lower part of the Naqadan residence and is with golden foil. Th e beads measured 1.9 and a slightly younger counterpart of the beads 2cm of length and 0.7 and 0.8cm in diam- from the Central Kom and continuation of eter, the edges of the foil were bent towards the discussed tradition. shorter sides of the beads (fi g. 2.8). Burial S185 is related to the Lower Egyptian culture activity and the second phase of the occu- 4. Northern Egyptian analogies pation of the site (KeK2), which makes the golden beads from Kom el-Khilgan contem- Tell el-Farkha is not the only archaeologi- porary to those found in the Lower Egyptian cal site in Northern Egypt that brought the residence at Tell el-Farkha. discovery of golden objects. Although fi nds of gold related to the area in the Predynastic 4.2. Necklace from Minshat Abu Omar period are unique and rare, there are at least Th e site of Minshat Abu Omar is a vast cem- three more sites where similar objects were etery, located in a quite extreme western used – Kom el-Khilgan, Minshat Abu Omar part of the Delta, about 150 km from Cairo and Gerzeh (fi g. 1.1). What is interesting is (ca. 40 km from Tell el-Farkha) and by the the fact that despite the rather close location ancient and presently non-existent Pelusiac of the three quoted sites, similar date of ori- Nile branch. Cultural identity of Minshat gin and very similar workmanship used for Abu Omar is still a subject of discussion, the beads found there with the application however, more and more specialists (see of golden foil formed on a core, their forms Buchez & Midant-Reynes 2011; Mączyńska vary signifi cantly. 2011; 2014; Jucha and Mączyńska 2011; Dębowska-Ludwin 2014) accept that at 4.1. Beads from Kom el-Khilgan least the fi rst phase of the interesting and Kom el-Khilgan is a cemetery site located in well known cemetery represents the Lower the Eastern Delta, near the village of Samara Egyptian culture, not the earliest Naqadan and ca. 6 km North from Tell el-Farkha. It activity in the Delta. was excavated by a French expedition orga- Grave no. 9 (fi g. 3.1 & 3.3) connected with nized under the auspices of IFAO in Cairo phase MAO I revealed a signifi cant discov-

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Minshat Abu Omar

Fig. 3.1 Grave no. 9(755) in Minshat Abu Omar (drawing after Kroeper & Wildung 1994: 7).

Fig. 3.3 Grave no. 9(755) in Minshat Abu Omar (picture after Kroeper & Wildung 1994: Taf. 8). Fig. 3.2 Golden necklace from grave no. 9(755) in Minshat Abu Omar (picture after Kroeper & Wildung 1994: Taf. 8.16).

Gerzeh © 2014 UCL Fig. 3.4 • Beads from tomb 55 in Gerzeh.

Fig. 3.5 Offerings from tomb 67 in Gerzeh (picture after Petrie et al. 1912: Pl. IV.2).

Fig. 3.6 Necklace from tomb 67 in Gerzeh. © 2014 UCL

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ery – a necklace composed of two limestone al. 1912: 22, pl. V). Unfortunately, size and and 38 golden beads (Kroeper & Wildung measurements of the artifacts were not pub- 1994: 7-10, Taf. 8.16). According to scarce lished and the picture presented there is not published data the objects were made of clear enough to decide how many of them golden foil shaped into small (0.3cm of were cylindrical and barrel-shaped or to say length and 0.4cm of diameter) and rather anything about their technical details. fl at barrels (fi g. 3.2). Also in this case the Tomb no. 67 from Gerzeh (Petrie et al. 1912: date of the golden elements seems roughly 8, pl. IV.2) is another interesting example. It contemporary to the previous examples. is the richest grave registered at the site with pieces of weapon, which are unique at the 4.3. Golden beads from Gerzeh cemetery (a mace-head and a harpoon), a Although there are some discrepancies (see single ivory vessel, iron beads and a necklace Buchez & Midant-Reynes 2011), Gerzeh is composed of beads of carnelian, steatite and usually seen as an example of purely Naqa- nine cylindrical ones made of gold on paste dan occupation in the area of Lower Egypt. (fi g. 3.5). What is interesting is the fact that As a representative of another cultural unit, the necklace (fi g. 3.6) was found at the neck the cemetery brought much more examples of the deceased, whose head was separated of golden artifacts, which may be used here from the rest of the body. Signifi cance of the as contemporary analogies of the same phe- tomb has been a subject of discussion (see nomenon, but set against a diff erent cultural Stevenson 2006: 58-63) but it is still diffi cult background. Th e site is located ca. 220 km to be assessed. It seems we are dealing here South from Tell el-Farkha in the Fayum area with a specially treated individual, who was in a shallow wadi with gravel bottom, South off ered an exceptional set of objects, among from a causeway which connects el-Riqqeh which the most precious materials such as with Fayum. Th e region was quite densely iron and gold were also represented. occupied in many epochs but it is the most Th e list of golden fi nds from Gerzeh is sup- widely known as an eponymy location for plemented by tomb no. 133, which Alice the so-called Gerzean period. Th is inter- Stevenson (2009: 195) mentions as the one esting Predynastic cemetery counts 281 with the highest number of beads (over 200 excavated burials, which revealed simple items) and the highest diversity of materi- pit construction but, on the other hand, als (among them gold and iron) used for numerous and diversifi ed off ering goods. their production. Th e observation leads Beads of various materials formed one of her to a suggestion that the whole collec- the most frequently used category of objects tion of beads made of rare materials fetched and about 1% of all registered items of the from very distant origins, and not the beads kind was made of gold (Stevenson 2009, themselves, had the actual meaning as a chart 7). social status marker (Stevenson 2009: 194- Th e early publication of the cemetery in 198). Gerzeh mentions four burials with golden beads, unfortunately, in most cases the information is very general and scanty. According to the data, in tomb no. 76 some Conclusions carnelian and gold beads were found in the It is diffi cult to assess the signifi cance of sand fi lling of the skull (Petrie et al. 1912: these early golden fi nds. Such objects are 7), from tomb no. 55 come two unusual always rare, small and simple in their form, spiral gold beads (fi g. 3.4) “magnifi ed to but it is their uniqueness that makes them double size” (Petrie et al. 1912: 22, pl. V) so special. It is also apparent that for the and tomb no. 80 revealed a long string of ancient people the artifacts presented signif- beads with 19 golden items, among others icant value. Accidentally found gold nuggets made of white limestone, lapis lazuli, onyx, were hammered into the most beautiful and sard, black steatite and carnelian (Petrie et personal things that the people were able to

54 ARCHÉO-NIL ● n°25 - février 2015 Golden beads in the context of the Lower Egyptian culture

produce – beads. Th e level of workmanship much more archaeometallurgical and geoar- is astounding, since without any magnifying chaeological analyses have to be performed. device the Predynastic artisans transformed What is visibly diff erent is the fact that these shapeless lumps into shiny and thin foil, kinds of items seem to be much less popular which gave the beginning of meticulously within the area of the Lower Egyptian cul- worked elements of personal adornments. ture infl uence. But can the presence of gold All the above-mentioned objects have cos- objects actually point to the level of a societal mopolitan shapes – typical for Egyptian development? Th e authors think that it is jewelry cylinders and barrels, and although only one of numerous factors which should the context of their discovery varies sig- be taken into consideration when analyzing nifi cantly, they are all somehow similar. It an ancient culture, and especially the Lower is then possible that they all have similar Egyptian one, however, still bearing in mind origin and were spread over the vast area as that people probably always wanted to look traded goods. However, to decide the case and feel better than their neighbors.


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n°25 - février 2015 ● ARCHÉO-NIL 55 Joanna D´bowska-Ludwin, Karolina Rosiƒska-Balik & Marcin Czarnowicz

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