COLBY & RICH,. i . XXXYI. Publishers and Proprietors. $ i 98,00 Par Annum, BOSTON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1875. In Advance. NO. 2b*. Banner Contents. the electrical experiments to which Mr. Crookes, Firft Page: “ Tho Most Convlnclng.Materlalizatlons or Ely is a Newark boy, but when lie visits Now the Age,” by Theodore F .-P rice; “ Sdanco with Fred of , subjected the medium, Florence A ork comes to my own bouse, bnt, does not give Ely," by J. B. Nowbougli, M. D.; “ Manifestations at Cook. In that case, ha'd it been possible for thtf stances for the general public, nor for money. Harrisburg, F a .,” by II. Brcnoman; 8 to ry -“ Tbc Lights medium to have appeared with the spirit, these A t Ids home stances lie also gets spirit bands un­ and Sliadowsof One W oman’s L ife,” by Mrs. AnnE. For- electrical experiments resorted to that a separate tor. Second: Samoconcluded; Foom—“ Theltellof Atrl,” der the above test conditions. bylL W. Longfellow; "Experiences of I)r, dohnll. Cur­ identity of spirit and medium might be demon­ And now to tiie Banner 1 would say, tiiat al­ rier,” by John W i Day; “ WhatScience Is Doing,” and strated beyond a doubt, would not have been though I have been an investigator for many THE LIGHTS AND SHADOWS •'Independence, Iow a," by Warren Chaso. T h ird : “ The thought necessary. personal Experiences of William H. Mumler In Spirlt- years I do not, for one,'call trance medium- OF Fhotograpliy;" Poem—“ Songsof the Mystics,” by It. II. Observe, tiien, this remarkable fact: both ship, clairvoyance, or the Intellectual phases, Stoddard; Banner Correspondence. F o u rth : Leading Ed- spirit and medium in a clear, satisfying light, the highest order of ipcdinmship. Tho phi­ ltorlalson “ Twenty-Seven Years," etc. F ifth : Brief Par­ (the latter entranced,) walking hand-in-hand losopher and tiie old Orthodox are knocked - w.o fctir'tt « agraphs, Now Advertisements, etc. S ix th : Message De­ from the widcopen cabinctj the latter isolated- partment; Poem—“ Evening,” by. Addison F.'Brown; down more effectually by the intelligent, Inde­ “ New Publications for Sale by Colby A ltlch;" List of from all tilings, the light thrown completely pendent movement of a chair or table or tam­ Written Exprossly for the Banner of Light, Spiritualist Lecturers, etc. S even th : Book and other ad­ around it, and containing nothing save the chair bourine, than by all tiie arguments and philoso­ BY MBS. ANN E. PORTER, vertisements. E ig h th : “ Pearls;" “ SpiritualismIndict­ which the medium had occupied, and there re­ phies tiiat imve ever been written on the subject. ed, with a Motion to Quash,” a lecture by Dr. T. B. Tay­ maining as long as desired in view of all! Antlior o f “ Horn M oore;” “ Conntr.T N’el(rIil»or«; or. Tiie Two O rplm nm " “ Rooky Noolc-A Talc lor; “ investigator H all;” “ A Manifest Cat-astropho,” The movement of inanimate.bodies without con­ for the Times;” “ Bertlin Bee;” “ My Mii»bnnd’» Neerrt;” " Jrulr tlrnyj” “ IMetnre*, of by John Wotliorbee; “Abraham Florentine;” “ Simu­ After the lapse of about three minutes tho tact, or rath^by spirijsf'proves tiie capacity of R eal litre In New Y ork;” “ The Two Coinlne; or, Nnnalilne and Tempenl,” ele„ etc. lating Spirit Phenomena, ” by John Hardy, etc. spirit, still holding the medium’s hand, returned spirit over m att£L^it sets at naught tiie law of to the cabinet, gravitation in minor bodies. It reaches the eye, CHAPTER XVI—Continued. sounded harsh and stern. "Would you perjure I have now to speak of a very remarkable and tiie car and the reason of all men. Therefore, Davie was surprised one day to see his mother yourself?" S p i r i t u a l convincing test, which is neither more nor less for one, I say all hail to physical manifestations. walk into his room just as lie was about to retire lie turned and walked quickly away, no dared than weighing the immortal remnant of mortals. J. B. N e w b o u g h , M. D. for tiie night. She lmd never been in not look into her face again. Hnd lie done so, ho THE MOST CONVINCING MATERIALI­ A common platform scale had been provided, New York, Feb. tth, 1875. before, and looked hnggard and worn. “ Oh would have poured Ids whole soul out beforelier, SATIONS QE THE AGE, and the voice of the spirit asked that it be placed Davie! Davie!” site snid, "where is Bessie? your and then—what might have followed? Rforn, ANNA BTEWART MEDIUM, AT TERRE HAUTE. in front of the cabinet, which was done nccord- MANIFESTATIONS AT HARRISBURG,PA. sister Bessie? Isn’t she here? Not here, Davie! rep'roacii, lier father's auger, banishment per­ ingly. ^ The spirit again came from the cabinet, To the Editor of the Banner of Light; Pray do n’t say she is n’t here t" haps from Morton Ball forever. Poor Mary grew but this time her white dress extended quite to To EtHtf'r of the Banner of Ijtglit: When one year ago I sent you some account of As it lias been some time since anything has Davie took off his mother’s bonnet and shawl, thinner, and paler. There was sadness In tho her feet, and her arms were covered by a pair of the wonderful materializations of spirit forms been published in your journal from this section, smoothed the ruffled hair, bnile lier sit down and Hail nnd weeping in tiie cottage. Ono week sleeves, her former abbreviated wardrobe having through the mediumship of Anna Stewart, as I suppose our friends have come to the conclu­ rest. - > ' more, nnd Roger Morton would come to claim ills been lengthened doubtless by the same mysteri­ witnessed by me at the seance rooms of Dr. sion that we are doing nothing. In this they are " Not till you tell mo where Bessie is! Say bride. Tliolieart of Lady Isabella could no long- .- ous process by which it had been originally Allen Pence, at Terre Haute, Ind., I little greatly mistaken,’ as wo are having wonderful that she Is here, Davie.!" . - * cr resist the sweet, appealing face. She drew her “ spun.” The spirit having stepped upon the dreamed of the wonderful results in the perfec­ manifestations at our circles, and the good work “I do n’t know what you mean, mother. Bessie toiler bosom nnd said, “ My darling, shall wo scale, one of the spectators was requested to tion of their work to which the spirit band con­ goes oil bravely. We are having a course of lec­ not here. Did you let lier come to London not ask your father for a longer delay ? tlirco weigh her. A gentleman volunteered,'and “ nine­ trolling lier were destined to attain. At that tures, and have started a new circle, and new me­ alone?" \ ' months, say?” ty pounds” was announced as the result. Tiie "Yes, mamma, if y o u ask him lie will give it. . time I gave a specific account of the strong test diums are being rapidly developed. Among tiie " Let lier come to London alone ! Why, you spirit tiien stepped from the scale, but requested conditions under which tiie medium was placed new mediums are Messrs. Krause' and Neff, of are crazy, Davie, to tlijnk of such a tiling. But I cannot tell you now why I was so firm at first,-. to be weighed again, remarking, as she took her and why more'yielding at Inst. Some time I will by skeptics and investigators, and the highly this city, whoso marvelous manifestations have she lms g o n e! Bessie lias gone from us. Yester­ place a second time, “ Now I am coming down tell you, mamma. I think I shall die young; you convincing and satisfactory manifestations tiien mystified tiie public to such an extent tiiat these day morning she did. not get up at her • usual on it heavy.” Tiie result, as announced this know niy mother did.”. produced. gentlemen are daily in receipt of letters request time, nor answer to my call. I went up to iler time, was “ one hundred and fourteen pounds.” “ No, no, iny precious one; you will live and No matter how exacting the test conditions ing a display of their powers. I have lmd tiie room-, and there, Davie, I found tiiis note: ‘Dear. She asked to be weighed a third time, and enjoy life. .1 prophesy it." ■. imposed by those seeking indubitable proof of pleasure of witnessing a number of their stances, Mother—Do. not look for me. You cannot find this time the result was announced as “f o u r ­ spirit .communion, the results continued to be and must say tiiat they exceed anything I have me if you search. Wait' till I return, arid do not teen pounds!” after which she became so light Two months from tiiat dnte “ Mrs. Eliza ’’ wont uniformly~satisfaetory, the manifestations con­ ever seen or read of. I will endeavor to give a be anxious. .1 will visit you before long and tell that she could not be weighed' by tiie scale! to London witli lier mother, to see tiie family so­ tinuing to vary at eacli sdance. Confidence was description of one of their sfiances. you everything. Your affectionate daughter, In answer to a query, she stated that she be­ licitor nbout some claim upon lier father's estate. thus firmly established in the medium, and un-‘ The cabinet was first examined by the audience Bessie.’ ” : -I ■ came lighter or heavier by means of will-power, Davie read; and was troubled; “ Mother, I will To procure an important witness she called upon less skeptics from a distance were present the and committee. Major Krause was then hound The spirit then returned to the cabinet with/the get you a cup': of. tea, and then we will see what an old servant, wlio kept'a lodging-house in tho tying of the medium was dispensed with, the with ropes, his wrists firmly tied behind ids back, remark, “I am losing myself.” '' can be'done. Be. calm; m other; it m ay all be city. The old .'woman, who was something of a spirits at the same time announcing that they and tiie ropes knotted in every possible way to Upon tiie reappearance of the spirit I request­ right. Had Bessie any lovers?’? gossip, told her.of".a sick girl whom she lmd tnk- / themselves would form conditions sufficiently secure them. • The ropes were then drawn down ed that she should take my hand, wjilch she did. “ Yes,,young lliggins, tiie farmer, wanted to en in because she came from lier own county. satisfactory to all. This promise, as will :be and tied by the comiiftteo to rings fastened to I then made several queries, among which were the floor of ..the cabh,'t. T^io Major’s legs wiiio marry her. ■ n o is well to do ’in the world, and “ The poor tiling will die," slie. snid, “ and shown, was abundantly fulfilled. >< go homo to her mother. Slm has the following: "Where did you die?'". She an­ next securely bound, ^TJiej cabinet doors being would have made lier a gopd husband, but' she The stance—a general description of which is swered,’“In Quincy, Illinois.” Said 1, “ What would not listen tolilm, .nor let lilm come to tiie money enough to go, hut lain afeard she will die here given—was held in the sdance-rooms above closed, materialized hands Instantly appeared fit is your name?” “ Belie Burgess.” “ How~dldT the apertures. Tiie doors being opened, the me­ liouje.” /.V ’’ on the way." . ' - alluded to, where some tliirty-five Individuals you find the medium ?” “ I knew lier in Quincy, “ A ny others?” : , V Mrs. Eliza asked many questions, and tiien. (about equally divided between males and fe­ dium was found bound as before, and tiie knots before T passed over.” " How old were you?” undisturbed. Two of tlm committee were now “ Yes, james| the linen-drapers clerk, a steady went up to sec, the girl.. She was not surprised,,. males) were' assembled. The medium, dressed “Fifteen years.” “ Then,” said I, “are we, invited into the cabinet, nnd solid iron, rings young man. -'-She used to he fondVf him, but Int- after wlmt she lmd heard, to see our poor. Bessie. •; in some plain, drab-hued material, entered are hearing the brunt of the battle for tho were jgjggpd on the floor. In an instant therings terlyshe treated him BObadiy that jie has, courted Yes, poor Bessie i iier fine color all gone, nnd she cabinet, completely isolated from everything truths of Spiritualism, to look on while the Or­ wW'flying in tiie air, and tiien were found upon Martha Sands, and they are to' be married this panting for.-hreatli -and. monninc, " My m other!. which could have been made accessory to collu­ thodox clergy‘steal our thunder,’ aiid obtain the arms of the medium. Upon the doors being day week.” ' my mother !” sion or trickery, [I here make the usual allu­ credit for the liberal philosophical sentiments ngain closed, the rings instantly fell to thfe floor “ Are there no others?” Mrs. Eliza, our readers will remember, was sion to deception, which, ever since the first ma­ taught originally by Spiritualist speakers ?” To The committee failed to detect a single move “ Not one that lean recall, my'ffhild. I can­ tall, and angulnr, nnd plnin, but she had a heart terialized spirit-liand appeared, lias been intro­ this she replied, “ You are constantly improving ment of the medium. not think .she has left lief mother forany-jirtan .qf goId,_and a hand strong and tender. She ; , duced into almost every article on manifesta­ yourselves, and when tiie world’s prejudice is Handcuffs were now placed upon the mediums; alive. Why should she ? Was n ’t slm the beauty spoke only-kThii words’to the poor lost creature, J tions produced on that plane, no matter what broken down, you will go up in the world, and and upon the doors of the cabinet being closed, among her equals, and might liave, the pick of and.had her. carried fo the station in a cnrrlngc, the reputation for truth and honesty home by they will stand a poor show. There is no dark they were heard to fall upon the floor, and the em !"- she supporting her ; nml siie got lier safely to her the person or persons connected therewith may side to Spiritualism.” “ Why do you not permit mediums stepped out free. At the suggestion of “ Are you sure she came to London ?" home, nnd helped, with lier own hands, to lift have been,] and after the music-box had kept up other spirits to materialize?” “ They have not a gentleman in the audience the handcuffs were “ No, Davie. I know no more than that note lier out of the coach at lier mother's door, where- the harmony about half an hour the manifesta­ learned how, and we wish to develop this Katie placed upon Major Krause’s wrists behind liii tells me." . ■ she left her—mother and daughter-by themselves. tions begun. King business as far as possible; then we will hack, with tiie same result. Davie was more troubled,than lie dared express Patsie made no reproaches, for tiie girl was dy­ The sdance-room on this occasion was more give tiie others a chance." The mediums now enter the cabinet together, to Ills mother. The darkness of night had settled ing. She listened to lier confession with lips highly illuminated than at any previous time The spirit occupied full an hour and a half at nnd are bound securely hand and foot to chairs .down upon them, and lie was almost a stranger that compressed themselves tightly, lest the-girl during materializations, and the spirits seemed this stance. During almost all tiie time she was In a twinkling solid iron rings are placed upon in that great city. There was nothing for them should hear the curse upon her betrayer that particularly pleased while communicating with in full view of all the spectators. I chronicle various pads of their bodies, whilst persons are but to wait till morning, then he would go home longed for utterance. me, th at they bad been enabled to appear in a the materializations at Dr. Pence’s seance-rooms sitting in the cabinet with them, nnd who fail with her, and perhaps Bessie might return. They When Davie next saw his sister Bessie she lay light so strong that all things could be clearly through the mediumship of Anna Stewart, with to detect any movement on tiie part of the me­ would hope so, at least. After much soothing a white, stiffened corse In lier coffin, and lie knew distinguished. Each feature of the spirit’s face, their attendant circumstances,. as far beyond dium. And comforting from her son, Patsie fell asleep, who had wrought her ruin. Ilis Scotch blood and indeed of the countenances of alb present, what I have ever before seen, and fully equal to One of tho most mysterious of their manifesta­ but Davie -watched and was troubled. They was roused. He hnd tiie courage, the fearless­ could be distinctly seen. anything of the kind I have ever known record tions is what they denominate the “ changing went home the next morning, but found the ness and tiie will to avenge tiie deed. But Patsie The first intimation that the materialization ed. ft is worth a trip across the Atlantic to re­ rings and chains.” They both being bound hand cottage just as Patsie had left It the day be­ laid the mother's firm -hand upon his shoulder): - was progressing was a partial opening of the ceive such satisfaction from the world of spirits. and foot to chairs, four small iron rings are fore. Tiie friends at Morton Hall and at Mount “ I promised lier for you, Davie, tiiat you •cabinet door, and we were favored with a glimpse Mrs. Annn Stewart lias been giving stances at placed, two upon either arm of tiie Doctor. Tiie Paradise sympathized deeply in Patsie’s trouble. should not harm him. I promised before, she' of the spirit, who immediately closed it. It was Terre Haute, Ind., for a period of over two years, committee now pass a solid chain, through the Nothing was left undone to obtain a trace of the would tell me iiis name. Witli lier dying breath •opened ngain, and we had a fu ll, view of the during which time she lias proven l'ierself to be rings across the hack, drawing them up under the missing girl, hut all in vain. Our readers have a she asked, and I promised.” spirit, appearing in the form of an interesting a lady above tiie imputatiori'xif'trickery. • arms, and locking it with a padlock or hnndcuffs. clue to the mystery, but not one, save Mrs. Eliza, Tiie firm lips moved, tiie eyes flashed 'firo and young woman in low neck and short sleeves. T heodore F. P rice. Another chain is passed through tiie rings across lmd a suspicion of the truth, and she kept lier the hands moved restlessly. His mother had Her white garment extended about half way be­ Monon, Ind., March 4th, 1875. tiie breast and locked in n like manner, and the own, counsel. Once in a morning ride, she had never seenlilm so defiant and determined to have./ low the knee, displaying a neat foot and ankle, keys retained by the .audience. In the short seen Roger Morton leaning against tiie stile, ids way. talking with Bessie. She thought nothing of it “ Yes, and I promised more,” she continued; her head being covered by a white turban. We BEANOE WITH FRED. ELY. space of ten seconds the rings and chains are had only time for one good view, when the cabi­ found upon the Major (wlio is a much larger at the time, for Patsie’s family were much be­ “ tlmt we. would never reveal illsmuiic." Davie flung his mother's linnd from Ids shoul­ net door was again closed. D e a r B a n n e r — Freddie progresses finely, man than tiie Doctor), and so tight are they tiiat loved at the Hall, and the intimacy between der. Again, the door was opened by this visitant Last night there were present sixteen of us, all it is impossible for any of the committee to move them was on a different footing from that of the “ You had no right, mother, to promise for m e. from, the mystic regions beyond the grave, and well acquainted with one another. Fred, was either the rings or chains, now this marvelous other dependents of the family. Now the scene Keep his villainy secret! Let tiie murderer go the spirit this time came boldly forth, approach­ placed in an adjoining room, the folding doors change can take place is beyond my comprehen recurred to lier again and again : tiie pretty red- cheekcd girl and tiie aristocratic scion of the unpunished! Mother, you forget—our Mary! ing very nearly to the first row of spectators. I being open, but their place supplied with a heavy sion, and tho rapidity with .which it is dine elder Morton in such close converse in that re­ No! By-----” noticed now that her feet were enoased in a blanket. In this small room Fred, was tied with makes it still more mysterious. tired spot. She was saddened and shocked at the The mother's hand was Inid quickly over his dainty pair of black slippers, and also that her waX-ends, one hand down to each side of tiie A coat is now placed upon either of them, and suggestion tiiat would intrude into lier heart, re­ mouth. He had never sworn an oatli in ills life. waist was girdled by a belt of the some hue. She chair, and the chair fastened to the floor. Bis stitched at the sleeves and neck so that it is im­ pel it as she might. “ Davie!” The mother hurst into tears. “ Don’t, ventured a word of inquiry as to how the audi • feet also were tied together, and to the chair, possible to remove it without disturbing,' the Mary could believe nothing evil of Bessie, and you make, me a liar, boy! God will take ven­ once liked tlio materialization, and asked what Beside him, on a table, were placed the usual stitches, yet it is changed from one to the other comforted Davie with tills'belief. He was pained geance. Leave it to him,” they thought of her slippers, stating that she spirit orchestral instruments, tambourine, mouth instantiy, whilst botli are securely hound. to see lier looking pale and thin, and a sadness Davie made no reply, but went out into the made them herself. “ We will bring out the me­ harp, bells, etc., etc. His room was only lighted Solid iron rings arc placed upon their bodies lmd settled'down upon her face, which-ho be­ garden. dium to-night,” skid she, and returned to the by the light of one six-foot burner in the room in which it is Impossible for anybody to remove, yet which we sat. When the blanket was pushed when the cabinet is closed, in an instant they lieved wi}S not ail caused by Bessie’s disappear­ Mary had come to the cottage to weep -with cabinet. ( ance. f i e called once to see Lndy Isabella. As Patsie, and give her such comfort as wns in lier A few moments elapsed, when the doors of the aside the medium was as much in the light as are heard to fall upon the floor. j he went away, Mary was already mounted for power. Davie had left for London tiiat morn­ cabinet were thrown open, and the spirit again ourselves; consequently the darkness of his Many other startling features, such as the room, even when tiie blanket was down, was but floating and playing of musical instruments, were her daily ride, the groom waiting her pleasure. ing, but as Patsie sat in the porch,.holding Mary’s appeared, holding the medium by tho hand, wlio David came to her side and walked down- the hand, careless of work, now, Davie opened the was entranced by an Indian spirit calling her­ very slight. * - produced, and thoroughly tested by tiie audience, who failed to discover any fraud or trickery on avenue. The groom fell back. Davie stopped garden gate. For the first time in.his life he had self “ Minnie, ,f and who frequently spoke at the In this condition we received an uproarious re­ sponse from the aforesaid musical instruments, the part of tiie mediums, at the gate under an ancient elm, whose branches missed the trai.n. opening of the stance. Both spirit and medium j 1 In conclusion, I would stjito that these gentle­ drooped almost to the ground. Mary gave lier There was something in Mary’s eyes as lie advanced from the cabinet, now vacated by all all of which played plainly, distinctly. JYc know, men give every opportunity to scientists and hand to sny good-by. Their eyes met—hers were said, “ And so I must spend the rest of the day things visible save tlie chair in which the medi­ beyond the possibility of a idoubt, that none of the others to investigate tiie phenomena, and allow wet witli unshed tears—his? ay, lie veiled them at home,” that made ids heart bound, and brougli um previous to this had been seated. Said the noise or music w a s produced by the medium. any one to enter the cabinet with them who ex­ with the lids and looked down. He dared not the color to iiis cheeks. “ A brother’s wcicome,” spirit, “ Can you now all see the medium, and While still in this strictly test condition we re­ press a desire to do so.- / H. B r e n e m a n trust himself, ! he said, “at least.” distinguish us both clearly? are you all satisfied ceived the independent writing on a sheet of pa­ Harrisburg, Pa. I Dnvie Rnmsey 1” at last broke out He sat and rend to tliem’from Buskin’s Beauty n o w that there is no deception about this?” per laid on the table. Tiie next phase was, we set free tiie hands of Mapyln a voice tiiat trembled witli suppressed of tiie Clouds, nnd as lie rend they watched Hie Both spirit and medium remained, standing in light, fleecy clouds that sailed the sky tiiat even­ the medium, but left his feet tied; tiien lie held F astb that w ill Kkk.1'.—a. correspondent of tho I.on lecling. “Have you no pity on me, that you give front of the cabinet for some minutes, the for­ don Chemist nnd Druggist /says that pasto Is kept midst me not one word of sympathy? Cannot you, ing ; and then lie told Mary of ids last work—a h i s hands outward, entirely outside the curtain, mer answering questions, and asking tiiat all and specially sweet and Tree from smell, liy mixing glyce­ who alwa'y# taught deference and obedience to Gotiiic church for some pretty village, and they Into our room and in our full view, and while rine with It in tho pioportlonof about one tcaspoonfulof should fully satisfy themselved of the identity studied it in its details. Then they wandered thus seated we received the instrumental music glycerine to hair a pound of pasto; according to another au­ parents, give me one kind word, when I nm try­ of the medium, and that they should closely ing to honor my father by yielding myself to his awhile in tiie garden, and found one magnolia again by the invisible powers, three instruments thority, glycerlno's antl-scptlc, one part to ten of water, scrutinize the features of each I preserving animal substances equal to spirit. : will ?" The words came from a heart -that must flower on tiie tree, which was getting old now, playing at one time. This s6atce occurred at This remarkable afiance demonstrated to me speak or break. and did not bear many blossoms. .They plucked the vast progress accomplished by the spirit- my own residence, and I know there was no A Vermont couple .courted thirteen years, and finally concluded to go the whole Agger. j I “No, I cannot!" said Davie, in a voice that this to carry to Lady Isabella. world on this plane of startling phenomena since fraud or collusion or mistake about it. Freddie -B-AN2S T ■ OF 'LIGHT. MARCH 27, 1875. wns certainly the case. The spirit then asked T H E BULL OP ATRI. “ I remember,” said Davie, "tho first time Mrs. Eliza's oyes wepo fixed upon her husband him, In further consideration of the same sub­ that my lady teacher, as I still delight to call her, ns he spoke. Her own lips were moving, nnd BY H. W^ LONGFELLOW. ject, if he did n o t remember “ Fort H.” before her thin hands working restlessly in her lap, but Petersburg, and w hat liajiji6fibd there?—no one came liere. I was so afraid that she would take EXPERIENCES OP DR, JOHN H. CURRIER. you away from us, that I went and sat behind there wns a look of determination on her lip's and At Atri in Abruz.zo, n smnll town in the circle, save Jim Doctor, being cognizant of - in her eyes. There wns a brief silence after the Of ancient Homan date, but scant renown, tho circumstance—and said tlie state into which the hedge, and cried for an hour/' One of those little plnces that have run W ritten for the Banner or Light I O' John W , Day. "What happy days those were Davie," said Captain had finished. Mrs. Eliza waited ail in ­ lie was then unexpectedly thrown was produced Half up the bill, beneath n blazing sun, The well-known lecturer and physician whose Marv. stant, that she might gather a little more cour­ And then sat down to rest, ns if to say, , M by a powerful influence that wqa suddenly brought Vos ; 1 think no children in England were age, nnd then her words broke out like hot lava “ I climb no fnrther upward, come what may — name heads this sketch, wns among the early- upon liirii by ids guides, who, foreseeing his im­ The Re Giovanni, now unknown to fnino,-, quite as happy.” from a volcano: chosen disciples of the New Dispensatlon-his minent danger, lmd adopted the course as tho So many monarchs since have borne the name, commission of nppolntmentdating back to a time "And now? -Oh, Davie! I wish life were all “ Huger Morton I our Mary marry Roger Mor­ Had a great bell hung in the mnrket-placc, only one feasible at the moment for withdrawing over now. I want no more of it." ton I Sooner plunge a knife into her heart I Beneath a roof projecting some smnll space, when hut few were found in the land who felt him from his exposed position. “ Mary,” said Davie, and strangely calm sound­ Hear me, gentlemen, nnd then see to what such By way of shelter from the. sun nnd rain. th at any good could come out of the Nazareth of The date of his muster-out from the service of ed his words, “ is it rigid to thrust our happiness a conventional mnrriage will doom n lovely, in­ Then rode he through the streets with all his Spiritualism. He was born in the town of Ames- the United States was Ju n e 24tli, 18G5, and for nocent girl!” train, from us? Is it rigid to torture our own hearts? And, with the blast of trumpets, loud and long, bury, Mass., on tlie 25th of Mnrch, 1822, and in about two years after that event lie was em­ Ilf ary, you cannot—you must not, you shall not The eyes of all were turned upon her in mute Made proclamation, that whenever wrong tlmtqdace ids early years were passed—at which ployed nt tlie cabinet organ factory of Mason & marry Unger Morton!” wonder. She continued : Was done to any mnn, ho should hut ring time Luther Colby (now editor of the Banner Hamlin, in Boston—making liis home in Oam- lie Stopped, frightened at Ids own vehemence. " You know the story of poor Bessie, nnd your The great boll in the square, nnd he, the King, ■ of Light) nnd others whose names nre widely hridgeport. At tlie expiration of this period he hearts have bled for her mother I Do you know Would cause the Syndic to decide thereon. known to the public, were his playmates and Mary did not understand all the feeling which Such wns the proclamation of King John. again took the lecture field, and has continued prompted these words, hut, strange as they the villain who murdered her? A gentleman of companions. to labor efficiently therein up to the present time. high degree, with the blood of a long race of noble How swift tlie linppy days in Atri sped, At the age of thirteen young Currier took up sounded, they were music to her ear. Her eyes Wlmt wrongs were righted, need not here be said. On tlie 25tli of March, 1809, ills homo in Cara- fell, hut the color came and went on her soft ancestors In his veins—Roger 'Morton by name I Suffice it that, as all things must decay, ids residence in South Hampton, N. II-, and was bridgeport was made tlie scene of a pleasant cheek. Davie saw, ami great courage came to Walt,” she said, as .Mr. Morton started to his ■The hempen rope at length was worn away, employed there ns clerk in n store from his fif­ gathering, a large number of liis Spiritualist his heart. - feet, and Uncle Joe’s eyes opened wide, “ wait, I Unravelled nt the end, and, strand by strand, teenth to ids eighteenth year, when he returned and other friends from Boston and vicinity as­ will tell you all.” Which she did, for she had Loosened nnd wasted in the ringer’s linnd, to Amesbury, nnd commenced work as a practi­ " Mary, it would lie perjury for you or for me Till one, who noted tills in passing by, sembling to wish himself and liis estimable wife to plight our troth to another. Hod has made us gleaned all particulars from the old servant, nnd Mended tlie rope with braids of liriony. cal painter, although lie had never received any joy at the attainment of the twenty-fifth anni­ one, for all tim e.--1-care not for the difference of had lmd an interview also with Pntsie. “ Davie So that the leaves and tendrils of the vino instruction in the business. He then transferred versary of their marriage. Shortly after this rank or wealth. I only know that 1 love you Ramsey knew tills when he plead his own cause Hung like a' votive gnrlnnd at a shrine. ids attention to milling, and served as an opera­ date Dr. Currier removed wjtli his family-to 39 with all tin' strength of a man's love, and, Mary, before Mary’s fattier, nnd was well aware of that By chance it happened that- in Atri dwelt tive. in a factory at Amesbury; at which town, Wall street, and commence d tho practice of ] believe-----” , father's detestation of vice. One word, and A Knight, with spur on heel and sword in belt, in 1.848, he was married to Olive A. Dow. medicine in Boston. To this new home tho " Ves, yes, Davie," said Mary; “ did you think Roger Morton would have been .banished from Who loved to limit tlie wild-hoar in tlie woods ; He continued labor in the mill at Amesbury Who loved ids falcons with their crimson hoods ; dcatli-angel came, Ju ly 22d, 1809, and called from I could give myself to another? Hut, Davie, Morton Hall forever. He held Ids pence, nnd re­ Who loved ids hounds and horses, and all sports for some time afterward, then removed to Law­ his side the loved one who had been for so many why did n't you tell me this before? Oh, Davie-! strained Ids arm, too, though belonged to take’ And prodigalities of camps and courts ;— rence, still continuing to work at the same busi­ years tlie'faithful partner of liis joys and sor­ 1 thought— 1' was afraid it was only a brother's summary vengeance on the villain. Ilis mother Loved, or had loved them ; for at last, grown old, ness, tlie time, in all, devoted to this calling be­ rows. Slio departed from tills life, leaving be­ His only passion wns tlie love of gold.. • . love.” -made a solemn promise to Bessie on her dying ing about five years—though ids residence in hind her not only “ that memory of the just” bed, that Davie should do lio violence to her se­ lie sold his horses, sold his hawks and hounds, " Von may call it what you please, It is n love Lawrence lasted some fifteen years, during tlie which “ is blessed,” but tlie full assurance of her that tills my whole being. It is life to me." ducer ; a woman’s weakness, I suppose. This is lighted ids vineyards nnd his garden-grounds, Kept but one steed, ids favorite steed of all, greater part of which he was employed in the continued loving presence, in spirit. At her fu­ He had drawn her to his side,' and she was the man to whom you would marry your daugh­ To starve and shiver In a naked stall; business of painting. neral appropriate remarks were offered by N. S. .weeping on his shoulder. It was almost too ter, Mr.'Morton, wliileyou spurn tin; true gentle­ A nd day sat brooding in his elmtr, When lie had attained tlie age of twenty-nine Greenleaf, of Lowell, and Fannie B. Felton— man from your door because lie lias not a pedi­ Devising plans how best to hoard and spare. much for the poor, loving heart, who lord never his curiosity was for the first time aroused by herself now gone to taste tlie happy realities of gree as long as yours ! I believe I may claim to once thought of rank or wealth. Davie was to At length lie said : “ Wlmt is the-use or nedil tlie remarkable phenomena which supported tlie that higher life which she so feelingly portrayed lie descended from as noble ni'ace ns ever graced her the noblest, Die truest of men ; ns far-above To keep nt my own cost this lazy steed. philosophy of spirit return—a philosophy for in words wliile on earth. the pages of heraldry, but among them all none Eating Ids head off in iny stables here, .all oilier men whom she had (net as gold is more whose unfoldment to tlie people he was, as a On tho 21st of September, 1871, Dr. Currier was purer and milder than Davie Ramsey I” When rents are low nnd provender is dear ? ■precious than the baser metal. It had not occur­ Let him go feed upon the public ways; trance lecturer, destined to be instrumental in united in marriage with Clarinda B. Drury, Dr. As she paused, Lady Isabella rose from her sent red to her that l’atsie's pretty cottage was not as 1 want him only for the holidays.” doing so great a work. At a seance which lie at­ II. F. Gardner, Justice of tlie Peace, officiating at good a place to lie horn jn as the great, stately and, with that courtesy and grace so natural to So the old steed was turned into the heat ■ tended at tlie residence of Charles Ramsdeii, on tlie service. Subsequently he removed with his her, crossed the room to where Mrs. Eliza sat, Of the long, lonely, silent, slmdeless street; chamber, with its tapestried bed, w here her. Common street, Lawrence, lie was informed by family to 36 Wall street, Boston, where lie may aiid, stooping, kissed her, saying : And wandered In suburban lanes forlorn, mother died in giving her birth., Love is ns great Barked at by dogs, nnd torn by briar and thorn, the invisible intelligences that lie was to ho de­ now be found. a levejer as death. ■; ■ .. "God bless-you for defending my noble boy !". One afternoon, as in that sultry clime veloped ns a medium for control, which assur­ Tlie record of tli is worker’s 1 ife may not abound And so Hatsie learned'the story of tills love, The words lmd scarcely passed her lips when It Is the custom in the summer time, ance was repeated by other inedia~nt various sit­ startling passages, neither lias pecuniary Patsie Ramsey walked into tlie room, hcnrlng in and her heart .trembled within her.' Slip under- With bolted doors and window-shutters closed, tings hold in different plnces which it was his wealth crowned liis efforts, but lie has ever been ‘stood the pride of"Melton' nind .Morton, and she her linnd a brown,, rusty, old book. The inhabitants of Atri slept or dozed ; fortune to nttend. The first instance of his com­ known as an eloquent and logical lecturer, a re­ gave her, blessing with faltering lips. '. "Here, gentlemen,” she snid, ns she held tlie When suddenly upon their senses fell plete control ns a medium for the expression of liable clairvoyant anil trance physician, and a Davie’s way 'lay straight, before him. lie went book townrd the Captain, then stopping Short— The loud alarum of tlie accusing bell I TheSyndlc started from his deep repose, tlie wishes of a Spirit foreign to his organism was faithful friend. Another lias written: “ Tobe home with Mary that evening* and sought.hef ; Excuse nie, I am a poor mother whose, wits are Turned on his couch, and listened, and then-rose at. the home of David Farrington, in Lawrence. just, we must respect the intrinsic merit rather father in his library. There the young man told almost wandering for, the trouble I Imvejmd, but And donned his robes, and with reluctant pace This occurred about twenty-three years ago, in than the outward splendor of human deeds and his lovi\nml asked for the daughter when ho I come to pray that you will deal gently with my W ent panting forth into the market plnce, the summer season. Some three or four ladies characters. Tlie man who fills a respectable should have won his way in the. world. We denr child Mary. She wilk break her heart, and Where the great bell upon its cross-beam swung; Reiterating with persistent tongue, called at the house of Mr. Farrington to pass place, even in tho quiet walks of life; who neither have .said llmt Henry Morton, wns a gentleman. you will see too late that you have killed lier. I In Imlf ni'tlculate jargon, the old song! the afternoon, and in the evening a number of transcends the limit of his privilege nor stops Ilis bonring toward those; inferior-in station to. come to nslc no favor for Davie. He is a man, "Some one hath done a wrong, hath done a gentlemen.joined them, Mr. Currier being of tlie himself was one proof of this, lie wns never ar­ nnd can hear the trouble, for lie 1ms Ids mother’s w rong!” short of tlie measure of liis duty, needs no lordly company. He became conscious that he was titles to make him honorable;’’ and tlie unassum­ rogant

suspicion. If a man occupying a position of tjust, knowing parts will find tlio fields already white for tlie harvest. Wo to have a picture "d 8larted for Boston,-determined | will be very glad to hear from such. All Inquiries, etc./may tJT p e r s o n a l” experiences o f w E aiT h a trial and I 0n makln8 known his desire I made in his own soul tlmt ho is strictly honest, is suspected or ac­ he addressed to J. B. Walker, painter, Lackawana Avenue, some sixteen or C< W !n RuttinR the likeness of a young man cused of dishonesty, it'will not disturb him much, for ho Scranton, l’eiin. ■* “ J ; seventeen years of age, which Mr. Gibing MUMLER IN SPIRIT-PHOTOGRAPHY. knows that an investigation will exonerate him; but Jet this LLOYDSVTLLE, CAMBRIA CO.—Samuel Kuhn writes, WHITTEN BY HIMSELF. P|cture of son. Who same man be under constant surveillance, suspicion nnd accu­ March 15th : As Spiritualism is beginning to crop out in this discoverer! th m i ^ this fatlicr’s heart when lie sation, nntVhow long will lie continue to occupy his position? section, and some of tlie more thinking minds of tlio commu- t Concluded.] the clmnirn h 11 r l ,S,60n was not dcatl ■ that in passing through ,Theso facts are important to Investigators. Harmony Js ldtynro beginning .to believe tlmt It is tlie same system of PART Six-Cominncd. Hlib e Mnnm'fi'Vr ,"1' 111' 1 bCCOrDCCOIno moren,ore closely close'y allied!“'Hod » IIo felt that one of tlie first principles of all spiritual manifestations. It-!1"•philosophy taught liy Christ and ills .apostles, »-« have con­ In corroboration o f Mr. Vogl, and in renlvto a ,iDoi t. I ed forwnni ’Il.flsurirouiK’t'rt him lmd been dissipated, and look- is the conducting wire through which our spirit-friends are cluded, for tlie benefit of ourself and of our neighbors, to em­ enabled to transmit their messages of love, Cut this wire, ploy a good test medium ; one who is aide to demonstrate to ,mVe Mr. Lord’s statement, I win quote fronTa letter^0 I 011 “ »>ei evergreeneLureen “shore.' '-°11,0 tlm° Whe" they 8l,ould mcet us the truth of Spiritualism, nnd willing to come hero and ceived front that gentleman, dated Utlea, N. Y,, Jan. mil nmi tlie circuit Is broken. I do not wish to prevent investi­ hold seances with us. We will pay such for time and ex­ 1875, wherein he says: 1T. ,, ,, H0N- HKNIiY WILSON, gators from using every means consistent with the necessary penses. If there Is nn'y’such, lady or gentleman, who is Before knowing you I had some experience wtfii „ nr- ce President of tlie United States, had a number of sittings conditions to prevent deception, but I object to this Idea of willing to visit our section for the purpose above indicated, Nolan, of Waterviile, N. Y., and, n o tg e ffi™ he or she will please Immediately open correspondence with of n 1B’ n ?Ue °1' ne8atives appeared two forms; one first calling n iirnn a deceiver, and then trying to prove ills, me, and the preliminaries can he arranged. Our place Is . ty pictures that I recognized, I became verv skenthmi nmi of them seemed to bo bending over him, and holding in front honesty. readied by rail, ami there will lie no difficulty in finding us. desired, as a proof, the likeness of my fatherw how as a or Hint the representation of a parchment, on which charac­ The necessity of right conditions is another matter which peculiar-looking man. Ills hair was white, Although he was ters in writing were plainly to be seen. Mr. Wilson accom­ nilNNIIl'IlllNelfN. U forty-sevenyears of ago when he passed away, and ho Is much ridiculed and ignored by some of these unreasoning WOro it braided in a cue. No picture of any descrintinn panied me through the process; and when this negative was skeptics. They do not seem to realize tlmt conditions are ne­ HAVERHILL.—W. I,. Jack, M. I)., clairvoyant medium ffns ever taken of him when in the form. My father w ^ an developed lie immediately took it in his hand, and, holding it cessary for the successful accomplishment of-the-simplest of tlie l ’hilmlelpliitt Circle of Light, writing March 12th, says: enthusiastic Mason and desired that I should join the Order up to the light, said : “ I recognize that writing." tilings in tills material life. The fine and delicate lmlr-spring rim “Cates A jar” nre now wide open, and eager souls are when of age, which I did. When I visited your studio in Some of the words are partially lost by coming across a por­ is one of the necessary conditions for the successful running entering within tlie portals of truth, and yet there Is company with Mr. Vog], and sat for a picture, you w ll r " tion of his apparel, but the sentence has been deciphered to room; nnd high above all other standards Heats the glorious collect that, before you removed the cloth to expi/e the plate of the watch; all chemists are aware of tlie nice conditions my father said through Vogl, “ I shall give you a sim ise necessary to tlie successful accomplishment of analytical ex­ Banner of Light, lending souls .heavenward witii its divine on the picture. Y ou were very much astonished whenyou “ nENHY, periments ; tlie yellow light, or tlie davit closet, are the condi­ truths and living inspirations. showed me the negative, and so was I, for there I saw mv Defend ail rights, tions necessary to photography.- Suppose for a moment tlmt Tlie adherents of spirit uni truths are growing st ronger hero father, with ins hair braided on top of his head, as he wore h Resist all wrongs. some ignoramus should say to tho photographer, “ I do n’t be­ ami more numerous. Many are inquiring the way of life. in h e, and holding in front of me the Masonic apron with the Charles Sumner.1 Mrs. N. J. T. Brigham lectured here in Tilton Hall last emblems on ic. One of the faces appearing on this negative is unmistakably lieve it necessary for you to go into tlmt dark closet to pre­ night, to a good and appreciative audience, and the words of After having my picture taken, I visited a Mrs. Cates a that of President Lincoln, while the other bears a strong re­ pare your plate. I believe you are preparing some deceptive inspiration tlmt fell from her lips were eagerly received by well-known medium in Boston, when my father controlled till' people present, among whom could he seen many (if semblance to tlie late Charles Sumner, but is not so good a arrangement! Come out here in daylight^ under tlie broad the medium and sa id : ■< My son, thank C o d ,«from whom all canopy,of heaven, where you will be above suspicion, and our Orthodox brethren, who were held spell-lmund by her di­ likeness of him as ono I previously took witii vine power, and would-willingly accept nil. “ But,” as ono blessings flow, that I was enabled to come and give vou what perform your work! Then,I will believe it I V , The pliotog I did; and as the All-Seeing Eye beholds alfmen“we, a WILLIAM LLOYD GAKIttSON. poor prejudiced soul remarked, “ Spiritualism is not popular! raplier would necessnrily reply: “ That is mi impossibility Oil if it was only in the church!” l’oor mail ; he is dying for brethren, should meet on the level and part on th e sax are. Ill this picture tlie likeness is unmistakable, and the broken This was the lesson that was intended to be conveyed in the tho closet is tlie necessary condition in taking a picture.” spiritual truth, but like thousands in tlie same category, will surprise.” 1 shackles which he holds in ids hand are characteristic of him, Then if material tilings require conditions for their success­ nut come out-, nnd into the light. The above was an excellent test, for any Mason knows th at, Quite, a number of new circles are being formed here since I'AUT NFiVEN. ful accomplishment, how much more delicate must necessari­ my last letter to you. A prominent business man—a church it would be impossible for a woman, without some knowledge ly he the conditions in order to obtain true spiritual liiaiii-' other than her own, to use such expressions. '' SriniT-PHOTOGRAl’HY SCIENTIFICALLY CONSIDERED. man—lias organized one in his own home, am) to use. his own festations. words, “ witii glorious results;” lie first having received the After leaving Boston I went to New York, nnd called on I have a great many more evidences I might oifer, of pic­ Hr. Mansfield immediately on my arrival, as my father had I have, in the, course of’tho narrative which now readies light from rem,ling tlie dear Banner. Tlie editors of our leading paper here are favorable to tlie promised, through Mrs. Cates, tlm t he would communicate tures taken for ministers, judges, doctors, lawyers, and peo­ its conclusion, endeavored to state as succinctly ns possible ple of all grades of society, but will not draw this account to cause, and treasure tile golden grains of its immortal truths sa­ further tlirough him. Mr. Mansfield, being controlled, wrote: the salient points of my experience as an instrument in the credly within their souls. These gentlemen, ns well as their " Well, my dear non, according to promise, I am with you: camr alomr any greater length, preferring to close witii a few remarks linnds of the dwellers In the invisible world, and have also wives, are pilgrims in the path of light, and have really “done wllli you from yourvisitto Heston. la m thankful you iniulu that v Isli upon the above theme: You have that which, after a while, i/o« will consider a treasure Id id reverted briefly to such light ns Science throws upon the par­ well ” for tlie spread of the truth here ail'd elsewhere, as their tlio host I could to condenso the dements about yon and the med uni o give you oven rnoro than you received; hut I am satisfied with what I was Ono of the most frequently repeated arguments brought ticular phase of phenomena for whoso presentation I have daily lives demonstrate. enabled to give, and that you recognized mo. Your father, against tlie possibility of spirit-photography is tlie assumption I am exceedingly busy, and am having, quite a good prac- Lyman It'. L oud." been developed. Tlio truth of that which I have herein tice'here and elsewliore iit healing, and am still compelled to I think (taking the above as a whole) it constitutes such a that what tlie eye cannot see cannot be photographed. A stated will be Cheerfully-Testified to by many living witnesses, forego my intended visits to other cities, until I can really test that no reasonable man can ask for more. I am known few months since an article' was printed in tlie Scientific to whom, in closing, I would respectfully refer tlie inquiring find leisure therefor, in my business relations, from Maine to California, and also American concerning tlio discovery that quinine, dissolved in reader for further particulars; W. II. Mumler. CHARLESTOWN DISTRICT.—B. Franklin Clark, M. I)., as a linn defender of spirit-photogrnphy, for I know whereof water, when painted or written upon white paper, was in vis­ I speak, and dare maintain it. writes: “ It gives me pleasure to endorse A. S. Whiting's ible, but a negfttivo being taken of this paper, the painting or BONGS OP THE MYSTICS. Yours in the cause of truth, W. J3. L ord, letter, published in the Banner, Fell. 27th, 1K75, recommend­ writing would appear black, or nearly so. Among other ing Mrs. A. B. Severance, W hitewater, Wis.', whose adver­ Tlio Voice or Enrtlii MR. WILLtAM TINKHAlt, things it was stated that this was probably tlio way that tisement can be seen on "page 7 in tlie Banner of Light. I Of Lowell, Mass. This gentleman called on me some three spirit-photographs were taken—tlie spirit-form being painted The Caliph Omar came one summer day have never seen her, umVhave no acquaintance with her, ex­ or fQur years since, and left Ills picture, to copy. The result upon tlio background, was invisible to the sitter, but was Where one of tlie great House of Oinineyeli cept by letter, which extends hack now about ten years, dur­ of the experiment was a truthful likeness of his first wife, re­ readily seen upon tlie negative. Now, although it would be Was to he home within the sepulchre. ing which, time ninny important questions have been satisfac­ Ami, straight commanding not n man should stir, torily answered by her for me, though wo are nearly a thou- cognized not only by himself, but by all of her relatives and impossible to produce a picture in tills manner and have tlie Went down among tlie tombs with a loud cry, • sand.irttwl tiillnumiles apart,'1 n h n rt *’ friends who beheld it. This was almost his first experience form represented behind, witii arms or hands extended in And left them wondering there. All hour.passeil by, In Spiritualism, which to him was so satisfactory that he be­ front of tlie sitter, ns is tlie case with many of my pictures, And Ills attendants waited. Then he came, llinneHoiiu gan to investigate further. In time lie not only became con­ Like ono whose bend is bowed with grief or shame. yet tliis statement in the Scientific American convoys a fact 'STERLING- CENTRE.—Joseph Dobic writer:"It does niy vinced, but by being often with mediums, became developed Bed were his oyes with tears he could not chock, that proves beyond a doubt tlie fallacy of the statement that AmVthe great veins were swollen oil Ills neck ! soul good ti'frcad'in tho Banner liowSplrituiilism is taking hold . as one himself, and was controlled by an Indian spirit. Mr. nothing can he photographed except what is visible to tlio hu­ “ Commander of the Faithful,".then they said, of.tho.hcnrts of tlie people in oilier States. 1 would like to bo Tinkham passed to spirit life about two years since.. A few man eye. " Wlmt lias so long detained you witii tlie dead?" able to tell you nil the good Spiritualism hns done in Minnesota, “ I sought their tombs who dearest were,” said ho, days before liis decease lie called Mrs. Tinkham, (his second Again: Prof. C. F. Varley, of London, the celebrated elec­ its it might he. some encouragement to isolated ones,who are al- . wife, now residing in Charlestown District,) to bis bedside, " Saluted all, hut none saluted me. trician, says (see Eclectic, June, 1871, p. 765) he was making I turned my back upon them to depart, . , most discouraged, as I have sometimes been. Keopon working, • and sa id : “ When I am gone I wish you to go to Mr. Mum- experiments by passingi a current of. electricity through a And from the earth a voice that smote my heart Mr. Editor, and if you do, youriiglit will give light toothers, ler's and sit for a picture; my guide tells me that we shall vacuum t\ibe, tlie results of which were indicated by strong Cried out: 'Omar, why dost not nsk of mo and hv-nnd-by the leaven will leaven tlie whole lump;' Wlmt both show ourselves with you.” Mrs. T. promised to do as or faint touches of light about the poles; “ in one instance, Where nro.the arms, that they salute, not theo?’ ti glorious thought' it is tlmt we shall all live in a happier lie desired, and accordingly a short time after his death although the experiment was enrried on in a dark room, tlie ' What is become of them?' And Earth replied state hereafter; but how much more glorious it is to k n o w it Tlio bands that tied them onco have been untied. : will he so ! and how can wo know it only through Spiritual­ called on me for a sitting. The picture was taken, and on light was so feeble that it could not he seen, and tlio opera" The hand, the wrist, the arm, tlie shoulder-blade—-' ism? Nineteen years ago a colony emigrated from New. the card appeared the unmistakable features of Mr. Tink­ tors doubted if tlie current were passing. But at tlio same All now are separated, all decayed.’ York to this place. There ehaiieed lobe one Spiritualist fam­ ham and his Indian guide. time photography was at work, and in thirty minutes a very Turning my back in terror to depart, ily with the colony.. Tlmt family has stood single and alone About two years ago an-elderly lady and daughter called good picture was produced of what lmd taken place. This is Again the dreadful voice tlmt shook my heart.' two-thirds of that time, and received tlie ridicule of all tho Eartli called to me once more: ‘ Omar i-.Omar! 'churches. But how-changed .now! About-.two-thirds of tho on mo for a sitting. Tlie picture was taken, and’ on receiv­ a remarkable fact—indeed, It borders on the wonderful, that Why dost notask me where the bodies are?’ ' leoplu believe , in Spiritualism, liow encouraging it must ing it the lady instantly recognized lier husband, Mr. Peak, a a phenomenon in visible to the human eye should lmvo been, 1 Wlmt is become of them?' And Earth replied:: re for Brother ..Wilde aiid ids 'estimable wife to behold the well-known undertaker of this city. 1 . so to speak, seen by the photographic lens, and-a record Wlmt once were bodies lie on every side. - ■ C ■ ' result of letting their light shine. How the churches howl I . thereof-kept by chemical agency, It is highly suggestive, The shoulders parted from the ribs, anil they.I.-:, ' .. but who fears’Them? Sister Wilde lias given a great many MR. D. H. HALE, From the backbone; the hip hones dropped away ; gootlTest.s from thc denizens of tlie othur .life, and all the of Roseclare, 111., lmd a picture taken, and received a like­ and we may anticipate that It will he, turned to good account Tiie two thigh hones, tlie knees, the legs, the feel— churches combined have not given one. ' by practical philosophers.” ' . . ' " ness of his sister and daughter. ' > AJ1 have departed, nover more to meet.’ MARSHALL, LYON CO.-U. S. Drake writes : . I feel . At the time of my trial In New York City the editor of the I turned for the third time to depart. A number of pictures have been taken for Mr. Thomas tlmt tlie right time has come for Spiritualism to he introduced British Journal of Photography, writing on that subject, 1 Again tlie snme dark voice tlmt crushed my heart: Ranny, of Newton, all of which are recognized. Attend to me, Omar. Hast thou no shroud In This place.' There nre only two religious societies hero at said:.“ Apropos of the Mumler spirlt-photographs-ra good MR. J. T. CLEVELAND, ' That wears not out?’ And I, with spirit bowed: present. The settlers are almost entirely. American. The'' of Texas-, son of Father Cleveland, who passed away a short many absurd things have been said, pro and con., on the sub­ W hat shrouds will not w earout?’ Eartli answ ered: ‘ These enterprise, education, refinement and -liberality of- thought, The fear and love of God and Ills decrees!’“ time since, in this city, at the. extreme age of nearly one hun­ ject. But a writer in the latter category, who asserts that among tlie people of this place, far exceed tlmt of any fron­ anything that is visible to tlie eye of tlie camera, and thus ca­ —Independent. —[7?. H r Stoddard, tier towii in tlie State. I .thinkTt some good test medium or dred years, lmd a number of sittings with me,-and had satis­ trance lecturer would eoine here, either man or woman, they factory results, each picture being fully recognized. pable of being depicted by photography, must therefore nc would find a very profitable, field of labor. Such necomtno- . A DAUGHTER OF SIR. C, D. TRAIT, cessarily he visible to the human eye, is surely ignorant of dations as I lmve, they would he welcome to. D7 Bedford street, Boston, had a picture taken which proved that important branch of physics popularly known as floras cence.. -Many things are capable of being photographed a rem arkable test. ■ - Vermont. CAPT. BROWN, which to the physical eye are utterly invisible. Why, for the I'cnuNylvuulii.. NORTIIFJELD.—D. T. Averill says: Nortlitield Ims been of New London, Conn., lu^hjd a number of. pictures taken; matter of that, a room full of the ultra-violet rays, of ELICLANDl—E. C. TV. writes, March 15th, as follows visited by otic of those evangelical spasms called r c r im ls . all of which he recognizes. the spectrum, and a photograph maybe taken of th at‘dark After being a constant reader of your valuable paper I am as­ Miss Lucy Strong, of Berlin, Vt., became very deeply Inter­ light.’ Objects in a room so lighted would he plainly visible JOHN NESMITH, sured of your willingness to publish brief or condensed arti­ ested—was constant in attendance and enthusiastic in pur- . to the lens of the camera; at any rate, they could be repro of Charlestown District, received on a picture with himself cles indicating tho growtli and progress of spiritual truth, as suit of salvation. Her reason begiurto tremble on Its throne, ducedonthe sensitive plate, while at tlie same time not an anil soon her mental poise was entirely gone. She. was de­ the unmistakable likeness of bis wife. well as the obstacles and opposition it has to overcome. It atom of luminousness could be perceived in the room by any was said of old that “ God maketli tlie wrath of man to praise ranged—crazy. She was taken to, her home in Berlin, (had ...... MR. J. H. SMITH, person possessing ordinary human vision him.” It is so of our ennobling nnd soul-saving gospel of been at work at the tailoress .business, in Nortlitield, for years,) where she remained several weeks with no improve­ of Springfield, Mass., had a picture taken, and recognized the Hence the photographing of an invisible imnge, whether angel ministry. Men have arisen in their wratli to destroy nnd annihilate this faith, only to find themselves “ kicking ment, and, as sail necessity seemed to dietate, slie was filial­ likeness of hiamiother. - that image he of a spirit or a lump of matter, is not scientifi­ ly taken to the Insane Asylum at Brattleboro’, .where site re­ N. B. CLOUDMAN, against tlie pricks,” and forced to accept wlmt they-had re­ cally Impossible. If it reflect only tlie llorescent or ultra vio­ viled, or to dwarf themselves to tlie faintest shadow of men mains at the present time. If Miss Strong lmd become, de­ of Boston. About five years since-I took a picture for tills let rays of tlie spectrum; it will be easily photographed, al­ Our esteemed brother and advocate of spiritual - truths and ranged while in attendance upon spiritual meetings, or if Spirs itimlism had lmd any connection witii tlie lamentable affair, gentleman, and succeeded in getting a likeness of his wife. though it will be quite invisible even to the sharpest oyes.” pure religion, J. M. Peebles, by invitation, while on liis way In a note to me under date of Jan. 12lli, 1875, he said: to the West stopped to deliver n lecture in tills villnge. Tlie every one, knows tlie matter would be enlarged, emphasized, Here then is an article from high authority in photography, Presbyterian church refusing to grant him tlie use of their and heralded to Tlie remotest parts of Christendom; tlie ease " It matters not how many may claim to he deceived by that hot' only completely answers the argument against tlio would be. pointed to as an illustration of tilt! dangerous and spirit photographs, I ant . very certain that the picture you house, our Methodist friends opened their doors for him. possibility of spirit-photography on tlie ground above stated, thus gaining many friends among tlie Liberals of this commit damnable results or effects of giving ear to the. teachings of a produced for m y s e lf nearly five years ago is a correct likeness philosophy which embraces among its advocates mid bcl!evers_ •of the “ one departed,” and has always been recognized at but at tlie same time suggests the very means by which spirits nity. Mr. Peebles’s lecture was an able and eloquent effort, in which the fundamental truths of Spiritualism were present­ mauy of the clearest intellects of the age. How now—tlie mis-, •once by all,- even by our most sk ep tica l friends. And as at may he able to bo photographed, viz.: by reflecting tlio ultra­ cliiei: hanging on the otlierliorn of the dilemma? 1 that time you were an entire stranger to me, it makes the ed to liis hearers from a Bible standpoint, and he also gave a violet rays. recital of liis visit to the home of the Eddy Brothers and the test inore convincing. The question might be asked, how can they reflect theso phenomena witnessed there. His remarks were well received loiva. Yours for Truth and Progress, N. B. Cloudman. rays? As I am yet in.the material form, I cannot positively by those present; hut the yenom and hatred inherent in the DUBUQUE.—M. M. C. writes : Enclosed you will find rb-‘ i MR. J. F . SNIPES, breast of bigotry must needs find expression,.jmd chose for nuwal of subscription to tlie Banner of Light. We rejoice in give the ‘‘modus operandi," hut believe they are enabled to its mouthpiece tho hired guardian of tlie minds and con -editor and critic, New York Phonographic Society, not Jong attract from certain organisms elements that are capable of its coming. The paper is so clean nnd the print is so plain, since Induced a friend to send his picture to me as an expert sciences of many of tlie members of tlie Presbyterian church reflecting these dark rays of light. I believe that it is necessa­ So on two Sundays the Rev. gentleman exhausted himself in tlie editorials so pure, so non personal, so forgiving to tlio ■ment. A t tlie time appointed I took the negative, but was ry for spirits to reflect these rays of light, in order to bo seen hurling the anathemas of ills God (coupled witii ridicule and erring, that we greet it with a “ God bless the dear Banner of Light!” Citizens of tlie west, as well as those of tlie east, delayed in printing and finishing the pictures, which is often by the medium. My wife has often seen and described spirits buffoonery) at tho heads of tlie believers in Spiritualism. If the case, ns that portion of the business is done by outside tlie reverend gentleman’s object-lmd been to .prove conclu­ lmve been considerably excited over tlie recent “ Katie King perfectly before being photographed, as in Mr. Dow’s case; expose.” Otu Oi tliodox friends rejoiced in it as “ tilt! downfall ’ - parties. Not hearing anything from me, he very naturally sively nnd beyond doubt liis complete and niter ignorance of witness also tho case of Alvin Adams, Esq., which I have the subject upon which lie was speaking, lie was eminently of Spiritualism," but our household rejoice in it as tlie open­ concluded he had been akgtyved, and so stated in a letter. before stated, where tho medium saw and described tlio successful- And now the shades of Calvin and otherdignita ing up of a wider field of investigation of tlie spiritual phe­ nomena and more liberaTity of individual thought.' At a The pictures were sent iig/soon as finished, and I subsequent­ spirit; also that of Mrs. Conant, where she saw “ Vasliti.” ries of tliexphurch stand aghast at tlie spectacle of a clergy, ly received a note of acknowledgment, acquainting me with man offering to bet in the midst of liis Sunday sermons. Yet glance I seemed To discern how sublimely it would work in And but a few weeks since I took a picture for Mrs. Ireland, leading tlie masses to thinking more .seriously upon tlm sub­ -tlio fact of recognition. The following is a statem ent for­ “ of a-truth," this accredited ambassador of Jesus offered-to a Boston medium', who saw a little boy (her step-son, in spiritr p u t u p two thousand dollars against one hundred, tlmt no ject of Spiritualism. Mrs. II. Morse, trance speaker, and warded me by Mr. Snipes concerning the case life) sitting in her lap. I told her to put her arm around him, spiritual phenomena could be produced in liis church edifice. State missionary of Iowa, Ims returned to Dubuque. She will W . H . Mu m l e r , E b ci.—D ear S i r : Permit me, ns one of the which she did, and the picture Itself is evidence that she saw It is quite evident tlmt this gentleman is lip witii tlie times in remain'with us until spring, nnd talks of making this her per­ many, to say I have weighed you in the balances of a fair someTpnrticulars, if he is sadly behind in the march of moral manent home. Mrs. M. is a fine speakur, and gives excellent trial, and found you weighty with astonishing truth. A few tho form. truths and progression. The friends of Spiritualism could satisfaction. She makes friends wherever she goes. weeks since I induced a friend, Colonel C——, of this city What is electricity? We know a force; it passes si­ but realize that their cause lmd been helped by the attack (formerly commander of a regiment in the army, a man of lently and invisibly over the wire and performs its work made upon it, as tlie increased interest of the people in the ...... T«!.\-|IN...... -____ _ . mind,andstrongprejudices), to experiment fora spirit-picture. therefore we know it exists. - But can this same electricity subject attested. Moved by tlio malice and ignorance of tills SAN ELEGARIO.—J. L. MeC. writes: There is consider­ Appointing a day and hour for mental concentration, and not preacher, and by an all-pervading love for truth, a lady of be made visible? Yes, by employing a m ed iu m , in the shape able interest beginning tube manifested among ninny of tlio hearing from you for some time, we both concluded you were this c o m m u n ity , of ability and refinement, Mrs. Grace L a fraud. After further waiting he received the result—a full of a vacuum tube, when by connecting it with the battery, a Parkliurst, secured tlie Methodist church, nnd in an able citizens of tills county in tlio Spiritual Philosophy. 1 lmve size female figure in white-raiment, standing beside his photo­ stream of invisible electricity is made visible to tho human earnest and logical nmnnerset fortli theielaiins of otir.beloved lent tho ItOOKNTOItK, music by Savage’s Band, C. D. Smith, Prompter; ens nnd the earth nearer together. Tlie first They never go hack to tlie old idols. I t would tlie step which dissolved his twenty-five years’ No. 0 Jlontu’onicr j iMucc, corner of Protlnrf Floor Director, Lewis C. Humphrey. After­ •tred (l.oui'i* Floor). minds of.both hemispheres lmve openly'and oth­ he as impossible for tlie emancipated slave to connection with tlie Methodist ministry ; and noon and evening exercises free; admission to erwise subscribed their belief in it, Poets, essay- pine for ids former servitude. ' " This being tlie was ever ready to do wlmt right required, in so AGENTS KOU THE HANNKll IN NEW YORK, tlie dance, 25 cents. All Spiritualists and Lib­ THK AMERICAN N KWH COM I'AS Y, 110 NASSAU ST.* .ists, novelists, scientists, rulers, even tlie preach­ case”—continues-Mr. Wallace—"and fully ap­ far as lie could perceive the demand. He gave erals are cordially invited by tlie Committee. ers ill tlie churches lmve confessed to the reality preciating tlie amount of candor and fairness, some of liis experiences regarding tlie.spiritual (!(> I. It Y A It I € II, The friends at John A. Andrew nail will hold I'UULlkllKHH AND i'HOi’MiCTOUB. of Spiritualism, nnd blessed tlie day when it and knowledge of tlie subject, tlmt 1ms been ex­ phenomena as met with by him in presence of a complimentary dancing party to Mr. C. M. brought to their souls the relief for which they hibited by their opponents, is it to ho wondered several media, and closed with a hope that ihe I.utiiku y...;...... ;...... ;..,KDlTOn, Huggins on tlie evening of Wednesday, March I saac H. r ic h ...... Bu s in e s s Ma n a g e r . had long been seeking. Tito cause, holy and el­ at, tlmt a large proportion of Spiritualists are blossoms of friendship here unfolded might never 31st. J. M. Foster, the popular usher, well I.oilers amt coinimmlratlims appertaining to the evating ns it is, is destined to become stronger now profoundly indifferent to tlie opinion of men he nipped by tlie frosts of disappointment. At Killturlal Department or tills paper nliimltl ho mhiressed ta nnd stronger with tlie lnpsc of time, until it cov­ tlie conclusion of ids speech, a late hour in tlie known to tho attendants on the “ Music Hall ” I. CTUKit C o u iv , amt nil Hi.'sisksh I.kttbus to Isaac of science, and would not go one step out of their Spiritualist Society’s lectures, will be floor man­ II. h ic ii.,ii ann nu o r l.ioitt I'u iiu s u in g House, Bos­ ers tlie earth witli its beautiful .influences. Let way .to convince them? They say that the evening having been reached, the well-pleased ton, Mass. • ager. Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman, iis all foriu-n new union on this Anniversary to movement is going on quite fast cnougli; that it company withdrew to tlieir homes. do tlie work it requires, and above all, to show 81. Our Xow Volume. is spreading by its own inherent force of truth, Tho Spiritualists of Providence, R. I., and vi-' fortli by-our lives and examples tlie reality of and slowly permeating all classes of society, It ' Doubling tlie Postage. The first number of the thirty-seventh volume the faith which is in us. It is by making our cinity, will celebrate the Anniversary by a lec­ has thriven In spite of nbuso ami persecution, Wlmt 1ms been said so far by the press of the of the Bannku of L kiht will appear on Satur­ llvesxsliow the reality of' our faith tlmt w e'can ture, vocal and instrumental music, and a supper, day morning next. Among its oilier attractions ridicule ahd argument,, and will continue to country on the trick-which doubled , tlie postage help others to accept it themselves. to close with dancing. Tlie entertainment will will be found tlie following choice productions : thrive,, whether endorsed by great names or not. rates of wlmt is called third-class matter through be held at the norse Guards’ Armory Hall, ono Men of science, like all others, are welcome to the mails, is far from being’wlmt is to be said ns " Out of Wouk ; or, .1 Story for the Time*," of the best in the city. ' (complete) by the well-known author, Mrs. II. 7 ", . More Bigotry. ' enter, its ranks; but they .must satisfy them­ the new rule continues to operate. The news­ It is announced that' Children’s Progressive X. Greene Butts, whose moral and entertaining selves by their own persevering researches, not papers feel the weight of this change more seri­ A Philadelphia Judge lias had the .hardihood Lyceum No. 1 of Baltinlore, Md., Intend to cele­ expect to lmve its proofs laid before, them. Their ously than any. It may ns well bo described as writings have always cheered the firesides, of. to deny’naturalization papers to a German, ap­ brate tho anniversary by giving nn exhibition at many a famliy home. . . . rejection of its truths is their own loss, hut can­ a method for making the dissemination of intel­ plicant on tlie ground tlmt lie is an infidel! Here Lyceum Hall, No. 92 West Baltimore streot. Professor J. I£. Buchanan, one of the most crops out the God-in-the-Constltution doctrine not in the slightest degree affect the progress of ligence difficult. All transient newspapers aro The Spiritualists of Battle Creek, Mich., and learned and scientific men of the .nineteenth'ceil*, again. On the back of the properly attested ap­ Spiritualism. Tlie attacks and criticisms of the now compelled to prepay one cent for one ounce vicinity, will celebrate tlie anniversary on tury, furnishes a fine article 'on “ P sycho.Vie- plication were endorsed the words “ Refused on press are borne good-humoredly, and' seldom ex­ in weight, wlierens the former law required the Wednesday, March 31st—J. M. Peebles being en­ tuy." i ' „ account of being an infidel.” It is a State or cite other feelings than.pity for tlie willful igno­ payment of one cent for tw o ounces. This alter­ gaged to deliver the address. The meeting will, -Emma A'. Wood, tliu accomplished translator local Court over which tills Judge presides. Con­ rance and contempt for the overwhelming pre­ ation in the postal laws, which lias been recent­ continue through the day and evening. Other of Allan Kardec’s 1' Book bn Mediums,” will give gress makes the naturalization laws, and leaves sumption of tlieir writers.” Although theso very ly declared to be effective throughout the coun­ speakers are expected. All are invited. a chapter from tills author's ‘I B ook ox Sfikitb.” it 'to the States to execute them. But. Congress is words have before-been read in the columns of try, just doubles tlie burden to be carried by tlie The Spiritualists of Springfield, Mass., will We shall also print an able, article from the restricted in its action by tlie Constitution, nnd tlie Banner, .they are richly worthy of repetition newspapers aiid magazines, ahd in that way ob­ hold services, on the 31st, at Liberty Hall, speak­ facile pen . of lion. 0. 0, HazowqU;: entitled can lay down no rule that Is not in conformity in the new connection in which they are now structs tile spread of current intelligence. ing, singing, etc., filling out tho sessions during ‘‘ P ope ANit KmfkUoh.”' witli tlmt. -Inasmuch, therefore, as the Cousti- again used. It was carried through Congress at the very the day, the whole to end with a sociable and Nojv is tlie time to subscribe for the Banner. tution forbids expressly that any religious test It would he a mistake to judge of these state­ end of the session, when confusion feigned su­ dance in the evening. A session of the People’s All Ctmpld patrons will of course renew, for wo shall be required as a qualification for any office ments and. assertions of spiritualistic writers as preme. Nobody but the managers of the scheme Camp Meeting Association will be holden on the • hoptno keep company for a while longer at least or public trust under tlie United States, and like­ springing from a'spirit of self-satisfaction and understood what lmd been done in such uproar following morning. ' with the good nntl imp who have been with us wise prohibits Congress from making a iawjpon- pride. They know too'well tlmt when such a ious haste. It was a scurvy trick, and therefore •The anniversary will be celebrated by the So­ and for ns through'the ups and. downs, troubles cerning tlie establishment of religion WSbStuct- spirit is uppermost the elemental parts of Spirit­ it was done furtively, secretly, and in a shame­ ciety of Progressive Spiritualists of tfio city of and sorrows of our eighteen years' public labors ing its free exorcise, It is quite evident tlmt tlie ualism are wanting. These facts are adduced faced manner. The individual who lobbied dt New York, Wednesday, March 31st, at 87 West In behalf of the most important, truths ever States, which merely act for the Government in from time to time qs a tabular statement of. tlie through so successfully professed tlmt it was Thirty-third street, near Broadway, in the after­ vouchsafed to humanity. . tlie matter, cannot presume to do what is forbid­ situation; as the statistical side of . the cause! abominable that a person should send a parcel of den in the supreme Jaw. i ■ They show us our general standing, and encour­ merchandise from tlie Atlantic to the Pacific for noon, from until 5 o’clock, by addresses and music. Some of tho best talent in’the country Twciilj'-Seveu Years., Says the late Justice Story on thisivery impor­ age us ns to our prospects. And Spiritualists a few cents. He spoke ostensibly for tlie Treas­ will be present. Admission 25 cents. And in The tiny rappiifgs7. that' Were heard.’ on the ta n t question—" The .wliole_power oyerjlie sub­ lmve substantial reason to feel a renewal of their ury, butTeally for tlie Express Companies. The the evening, from 8 to 12 o’clock, by a sociable, 31st day of March, ISIS—-next Wednesday being ject of religion is left exclusively to the State hope ami nri expansion of their 'faith; as tlipy mails were interfering with tlieir fat and over­ reunion and dance. Admission 50 cents (chil­ the renl anniversary—ut llydesville, . near Koch- Governments, to be acted upon according to ■ contemplate sucli facts as are cited above by, so grown business. Yet in curbing this desire to dren half-price to each entertainment). H. J. ester, X. Y., were destined to work n revolution their own. sense of justice and tlie State Constitu­ careful a hand as tlmt of Prof. Wallace. In send heavy articles by mail because1 it could be Newton, President, J. Bisco, Treasurer, J. A. sucln ns the world never before passed through— tions ; nnd the Catholic and the Protestant, the' twenty five years tlie spread of Spiritualism 1ms done at such trilling cost to tlie sender, the schem­ Cozino, Secretary. a revolution of .such vast scope and meaning Calvinist anil tlie Arminian,’the Jew mid the been rapid indeed. From'the smallest and hum­ ers lmd no business to lay it on to tlie newspa­ We are informed by Allen Pence, Chairman, that society, after a lapse, of more than a quar­ Infidel may sit down at the common tabic of tlie blest of beginnings it 1ms made tho circuit of the pers. There’is nothing in tlieir case which inter­ that extensive arrangements are being made to ter of a century, is but-Justmitering upon a national councils without any inquisition ipto globe. Since its .rude-alphabet, was formed to feres witli Express monopolies! It will .very celebrate the Twenty-Seventh Anniversary, by conception rather than realization of; Beliefs, their faith. or' mode of worship.". This is tlie slowly spell out communications from tlie invisi­ soon he discovered tlmt this swindle on the peo­ the First Spiritual Society of Terre Haute, Ind. traditions, social forms, superstitions, bigotry, plain and impressive interpretation of one of tlie bles, it lias developed into a religion and a plii ple was overdone, and will lmve to be speedily ignorance and blindness, politics, preaching— all clearest minds tlmt ever dispensed judgment and losophy. Men and women of tlie highest intel­ undone. As nii additional attraction arrangements have are to-day powerfully, however silently, affected 'justice'from the highest tribunal of the nation. lectual gifts and tlie most, thorough culture nre been consummated with C. W. Stewart, Spirit­ by tin; advent of Modern Spiritualism, and are to Vet this Judge of a Court of Quarter Sessions in believers with tlie simple souls to whom, tlie phe­ J. J. Morse in Bangor, Me. ualist, of McHenry, 111., and Rev. A..Wright, be slowly but surely made over, modified, or Pennsylvania, presumes to set aside such an in- nomena first manifested themselves agreeably to This earnest laborer is reaping, an excellent Methodist minister of Vienna, 111., to discuss tlie swept away by. its sublime truths. torpretution as tlmt of Justice Story, nnd to de­ a divine law. Tlie peculiarity of tlie spread of harvest in tlie East, as the reports whicli reach merits and demerits of Spiritualism, in Pence’s How many 'human; souls within this period cide upon an applicant's petition for citizenship our beautiful nnd exalting faith is this, as wo us from tlmt point amply testify, liis lectures nail, beginning on the evening of tlie 29th inst., have been emancipated and; disenthralled from on the ground of bis religious faith ! 'When God lmve often taken occasion to say: tlmt it works delivered before the Spiritualists of Bangor lmve and to continue eacli evening thereafter (except­ tlie despotism of.creeds j how many have found is put into the Constitution, honesty aiul justice with tlie silence of tlie dawning light, stealing been well attended, and much good to the cause ing the evening of tlie 31st) so long as the con­ the true centre of their ljeing, ,aml their relation will be put out. griultmlly into human souls tlmt were lying numb in time locality may be expected to flow from testing parties desire. ■ Wednesday evoning, the to the natural and'supernatural worlds ; how Nothing but the naturalization laws of tlie or nsieep in the dark valley ; and so it makes its them in coming time. In consequence of a unan 31st, being the anniversary proper, will he de­ many felt the profound joy of perfect freedom United States can form a competent standard way, unseen, though never unfelt, into the imous invitation from tlie committee of the Uni- voted to festivities. All are invited.— where dwell love and charity instead of author!- for tlie admission of foreign-born applicants to churches and into the different.strata of society, versalist Society there, lie also spoke in tlieir A. Dunlap, Secretary, writes: The Spiritual: ty, anil how many have met tlie last change with the rights and enjoyments of citizenship. A and steadily works on tlie faith of the mass cliupcli Sunday afternoon and evening, Marcli ists of Cleveland, Ohio, are preparing to cele­ joyful spirits and absolute trust atul confidence State judge’s opinion on tlie subject is of no ac­ to revolutionize it, without confronting either 21st, two very large and intelligent audiences brate the twenty-seventh anniversary under tlie in the beyond, none will ever know from records count after it travels beyond the restrictions of authority or opposition ; and it is silently gain­ assembling, and great satisfaction being evoked auspices of the Children’s Progressive Lyceum. or reports—that blessed secret being one which tlie general laws. But it is to be seen in tlie ing over tlie very forces, including tlmt of num by tlie addresses. Tlie subject for the evening The programme will consist of conference, ad­ is the possession of the soul itself! Spiritualism present instance what use would instantly be hers, too, by whicli Old Theology will he sup. discourse was Selected by tlie people. dresses, Lyceum exercises, &c.,&c., wlth a grand has not made its dawn memorable by filling in­ made of the God-in-the Constitution amendment. planted without being aware of what is done un On Thursday, 25th, lie spoke in Oldtown, a sociable in tlie evening. All friends are cordial­ sane asylums, or bringing unhappiness in any Laws would at once be passed to make tlmt new til it realizes tlie loss of its followers. neighboring city. He is reengaged in Bangor ly invited to join us. A good time guaranteed. form to its sincere believers. Out of the en­ clanSe efficient. Tlie advocates of this danger­ for September next. Tlie Spiritualists of Cincinnati, Ohio, will ecle: veloping clouds of prevalent superstitions it has ous dogma would say that tlie amendment was Seances at Iluvnnn, N. Y. brate tlie annniversary oh the 31st in tho Unita­ brought light from the heaven beyond, and the of no account or meaning, unless it was carried Dr. II. B. Storer and George A. Bacon, of Bos. Last Lecture or ttae Season. rian Church, northeast corner of Eighth and rift lias become larger witli every year, until tlie out hy statute. Then our troubles would begin ton, have just returned to this city after viewing, Dr. T. B. Taylor will deliver the closing lec­ Plum streets, day and evening. All friends of whole eartli begins to show its illumination. We should lmve religious sentiment kindled at under the most satisfying conditions, the materi ture of the present 'course, before “ the Music tlie cause are invited. The new truth was given first to.the lowly and once into the fierce lla'mes of passion, and its alizing manifestations whicli occur in presence Hall Society of Spiritualists,” in Beethoven Hnll, humble instead of the worldly nnd powerful, be­ hot and devastating lava would pour its resist­ of Mrs. Coinptoq at tho above-named place Boston, Sunday afternoon, March 28th, taking E2P Henry B. Allen, the musical medium, has, cause the former would not refuse to receive it, less tides over tlie land. Do tho fanatics and They fully agree with all tlmt 1ms been said in for a subject, “ How may I become an Intelligent we are informed by a correspondent, been giv­ and w ouldim part it with joy in return. bigots realize the faintest results of their mad endorsement of her mediumship by Dr. Fred L, Spiritualist?” ing seances in Worcester, Mass., for the past It was curiosity at first that drew tlie attention folly ?' H. Willis and others. We are promised for our Dr. Taylor proves to be an able and very inter­ three weeks. “ Perfect satisfaction lias been' of the people to these new spirit manifestations. It is, as the Xew York Sun remarks of this next number a report of tlie phenomena witness, esting speaker, and his hearers last Sunday were given by tlie manifestations, which have taken They had witnessed nothing like it in their life­ case, “ politically prophetic. It is a foretaste jed by these gentlemen. wrought up to a high state of enthusiasm by his place in both dark and light J.cycles. Splrit- time, nnd, having heard of tlie witchcraft super­ of tlie judicial intolerance nnd bigotry which1 strong and telling discourse. His audiences have liands are produced; tlie instruments are played stitions, were eager to iliscover’if these were any­ nmy he expected when an express declaration SlHUITUAI.ISM IN THE WE8T OF ENGLAND.—A increased, and we trust the hall will be filled on upon while floating about the room; and all thing like tlie stories of old. Having satisfied of belief in the existence of the Deity'shall lmve Society 1ms been formed in Bristol, entitled “The the occasion of liis closing lecture. present are favored with spirit-touches. Mental curiosity, their intellect became interested ; they been incorporated in. tlie Constitution of tho Bristol and West of England Psychological So questions are answered satisfactorily. Spirit- were compelled to admit tlie reality of tlie plie- United States.” There is tho danger, and it is ciety,” under tlie presidency of Mr. John Beat- IS?" Earth experiences, the correspondence liands were produced in a light room, and tlie in­ nomena, and tlie next step was to account for to tlmt particular point that we lmve persistently tie, of 2 Richmond Rill, Clifton. Tho objects between the physical and tlie spiritual body, the struments played upon in the sight of all.” Those them. Much labor and long senrcli left no al­ directed public attention. If we are to be of the Society are “the investigation, by its medlumsliip of Noah, and other points of inter­ wishing to make engagements with Mr. Allen _ ternative for tlie conviction that disembodied whelmed in the waves of a war of fanaticism, members, of such of tlie mentnl and spiritual est, are considered on our sixth page; Eldridge can do so by addressing him at Orange, Mass. spirits tlmt bad left the earth were the real nu- whose ravages will stnin every door with blood— phenomena, in connection witli tlie organism of Carson, of New Orleans, appeals to ills father tST" A Liberal League was recently formed in tliors of these communications, and then follow­ if the narrow determination of bigots is to sup­ man, as may be brought within the range of tlieir that kind treatment may be accorded to liis sis­ Philadelphia, and lias now over sixty members. ed tlie overwhelming knowledge of tlie opening plant the broad platform of wise men nnd true observation, either individually or collectively, ter ; Daniel L. Wendell, of New York City, Tlie officers are announced as follows: Isaac of the heavens and tlie close neighborhood of tlie statesmen, and tlie bloody struggles of tlie Old with a view to form a correct estimate of tlie speaks words full of good resolutions to liis Rhen, President; Mary Pratt, Vice President; earth and tlie spirit-world. Wlmt emancipation World over a religion tlmt inculcates only love functions, powers, and capacities of the spiritual friends; Katie Golding, of Lowell, Mass., assures Carrie S. Burnham, Secretary; Caroline H. Spear, could be more glorious than tin's? Iiow could and charity are to be renewed on tlie soil of free side of man’s nature, and tlie mode of applying her mother that the true state of happiness is in Treasurer; Damon Y. Kilgore, Franklin Skin­ tliqsoul of man so well begin a new life on eartli, America, then let the supporters of liberty, botli such knowledge to the practical purpose of his spirit not material life; and Clara Patti, (colored) ner, John M. Spear, Executive Committee. to pursue it in the light sited from heaven ? political and religious, rise up and buckle on existence. of Boston, brings cheerful tidings to her mother, The. influence of the new faith is working their armor tit once to beat down these treacher­ Meetings nre holden by tlie League every Sun­ day nt 2:30 p. m., and thus far have been charac­ everywhere, In tlie churches nnd without; and ous invasions and overthrow them and their de­ I® - "F acts vs. Denunciation and Ridicule, Dr' T- B- Taylor, now in this city filling terized by large attendance. the most convincing proof of its efilcncy among structive efforts forever. b y ‘Investigator,’is splendid—hope he will let a lecture engagement, wishes to say that he has the creeds is the determined opposition that is us hear from him again and again”—says one of recently received, through the mails, a handsome t S P N. Frank White, one of the oldest lectur­ EiyChas. n. Foster, the celebrated Xew York organizing against it among tlie ministers and our correspondents. Yes, indeed. It is a nut we surprise, and not knowing whom to credit witli ers and mediums now in the field, will speak In test medium, 1ms been of late doing good work doctors of divinity. When run quite ashore for should, like to see Rev. Mr_s Talirmge and Dr. it, and being express gratitude for Rochester Hall, 554 Washington street, this city, in Troy. Tie expects to go to St. Louis, Mo., the material out of which to shape and stuff-sermons, Bellows—two self-righteous bigots—attempt to the same, knows no other method of reaching Sunday evening, March 28tli, at o’clock; sub­ last of March, stopping at the Southern Hotel they take up Spiritualism and pour out upon it crack. We hope to again present similiar essays the ear or eye of the genefous donor thanThrough jectTw enty-five Years’ Experience as a Me­ for a while. He will visit Boston in June. to our readers from the pen of “ Investigator.’ and its believers all the malice which their own the columns of the Banner of Light. dium.” ..The public are invited free. 5

V MARCH 27, 1875. 1 , v B J L N 3STER. OF LIG H T. BRIEF PAMGRAPHS. -that..... Is. Spiritualist Lectures mid Lyceum*. M a r io n T odd wilt niiswtir calls to speak In SIIOBT Serm on.—Who art thou, oh woman! tliat pro- MEETINGS IN 110BT0N. New Knghuul. Address Springfield, Mass., care SPIRITUALISM AND SCIENCE I sumeat on tblno own wisdom ? or why dost thou vaunt thy­ i«i/?*rt,own ^ a ^ ; “ ‘*The Music Hall Society of Spiritual- 11. 11. Hill. Mr.27. self on thino own acquirements!1 The first step toward be­ has secured the above-named now ami elegant hall, R E ‘S E A R o u p s ing wlso Is to know that thou art Ignorant! and if .thou j/i V,“all!,lJ*t.on 8lreyt* »«»r the corner of lloyiston street. Angela n»«l N|»lritM .VIlnlNtcr Unto Un. iVmi 8 ^Khth annual coursoof Lectures on tlie Spiritual • IN wouldst not bo osteoined foolish In the Judgment of others, jj o,/8?*1'“/ • : Meetings are held every Sunday afternoon, Dn. B hiooh' h M a g n e t ic is a certain, cast elf tho folly of being wise In thino own conceit. at .« o clock nreeUuly, Admission lOeenf*. and 10 ex- agreeable local cure for the legion of diseusro Kt’l,!‘rv€., (author i?, p I IE N O M E N A A young lady while out walking heard, for tho first time or ; Old ihco ogy Turned Upside Down, ” etc.,) will de- pertaining to the generative functions, such as The funeral of John Mitchel took placo on tho 23d Inst, at llyer thf* last leeiure of tho course March 28th. Uterine Disciiscs, Lcucorrhtm, Ulceration it, &c. Mr Newry, Ireland. Ills remains wore hurled In tho church­ singinguy a first-class quartette, ah the small admls- Also, S a lt R h eu m , Pimples, Sores, anil Cutaneous Mon feu does not pay half the expenses of these meetings, yard. A great crowd was present, but quiet prevailed, those who feel an interest In having them sustained are D iseases. These Powders have been perfected notwithstanding exciting placards had been distributed. respectfully Invited to make donations. I,owls R. Wilson, by a Hand of Spirit Chemists, and are magnet­ SPIRITUALISM. Jolt walk",!^u-°Ur!0 ? rl,‘g ,rart0 "aHbeg,m >»earnest, C hairman and Treasurer, at tho banner of Light offlee, ized by them through an eminent Medical Clair­ HY WILLIAM CROOK ES, F.R.S. During tho past week the molting ice has cut u p 1 'si range, vn„ m n , ‘ "ashlngton street one of these fine days 9 Montgomery plan*. fantastic tricks ’’ In various parts of the country, and ni- The. Boston Spiritualists' Union hold regular weekly voyant. i 1 ou ’ll find there’s millions in It. . meetings at Rochester Hall, 551 Washington street, every Sent by mail on receipt of price, $1 per box, or Iro-glycerlno lias been called out to "b lo w u p ” the dis­ Sunday evening. Lectures and Conference. II. S. Wil­ PART I. liams, 1'reshlent. fli for six boxes. turber of tho public peace. In somo cases tho elforta havo c I ayo M1! e1 s p| fit! ml w l w l d .- ^ 1''1 world ls b«“ • In Spiritualism Viewed by the Light of . been successful, In otliors tlioy have failed. Jinny lino John A. Andrew Hall, —Free Meeting*.—Lecture by Address all communications to Dn. J. E. Glles 13 r |S|1' 1 end the sooner the peoplo of this world Mrs. 8. A. Floyd, at IMf and 7.4 r. m. Tho audience priv­ B r ig g s it Co., liox H2, Station 1), New York. bridges havo been swept away In Pennsylvania nml else­ ileged to ask any proper questions on’ spirituality. Ex- Science, and Experimental Inves­ where, notably tho Lackawanna Itallroad Bridge, valued celluntquartetto Hinging. Public Invited. D.i'.f.Liw* tnoraBy ami phydrally!ter " Ul b° fortluM1’ i»ontally, Ruchente.r Halt. 551 Washington street. —Tim Children’s at $120,000, at lMttston, l*a., and a passenger bridge, val­ 1progressive Lyceum, No. |, which formerly met In John tigations on Psychic Force. ued at $80,000, at the same placo. A waterspout—which Se a l e d L e t t e r s A n s w e r e d by It. W. Flint. JZ PoSTAh Law.—onoof tho results of tho visit A. Andrew Hall, will hold ItHsosslons at this placoovory W SIxle.-u llhislralluiis nnil IMngrmnH. lasted for half an hour-fell In Fayctvllte, Teun., Sunday, Sunday, at 104 o’clock. Geo. 11. Lincoln, Sec’y. 30 West 24th street, New York. Terms $2 and Prlo‘, .Vi m il,; posing!; free. l ! r 1 lo ,lu5 York °mc,! 0,1 The Ladies' Aid Society will until further notice hold Its three stamps. Money refunded if not answered. Jlarch Hth, causing an lminenscovorllow at Norris Creek, tho -Jd, is tho Immediate Inforceinent in all its par- meetings at Rochester Hall, on Tuesday afternoon ami which swept away rails, logs, furniture, hogs, cattlo and culars of tho new law ns affect ng mall matter of tho evening of each week. Mrs. C. C. Ha>wurd, President; Mr.ii.—l\v* FART II. sheep, etc., otc.—loss some^ioo,ooo. Miss M. L. Harrett, Secretary.* fhird class, Including transient newspapers as well ns pack­ Spiritual Meeting#at Lurlliie Hall, 3 Winter street, at ages of merchandise, samples, etc. Tho newspaper drop IIhnky Sladf., Clnirvoynnt, No. 25 E. 2tst The reciprocity treat with tho Hawaiian ales lias boon ” a. m., 2 4 and 74 l*. M. Good mediuma and speakers Psychic Force and Modern Spiritualism: boxes at tho onico were at onco closed up, aiul a special of- will In- present nt eru-li nn-etlng. street, New York. •! -2. adopted by tho United Stales, subject to ratification by tho A lb*ply lo llie qiiiivlerly Hut I«mv. nml oilier fleer stationed on tho spot to Instruct all persons calling Mediums' -Meeting nt Templars* Hall, *280 Washington two governments concerning minor tariff details. struct, nt 10,4 a . m., each Sumiay. All mediums cordially,, Crlllfi. lo wltlrlt Im milled (’orrenpoudeiieo as to tho necessity or Boeing that everything was fully Invited. T hu M a g n e t ic H ealer, Dr. J. E. Buiaas, is upon Or. Carpenter’* m un led ItetiitntIon stamped. Notwithstanding this precaution, large quantl- Harmony Will. 184 BoylsUmstreet.—Public Fret, d r ­ nlso n l’rnctieul l’ltysleinn. Olllee 24 East Fourth of (lie Author'* Kxperlmenfnl I’roofo? It Is said that a now broom sweeps clean | and so tho man­ ew# are held In thbi hull every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock st. Address Box H2, Station D, New York City. ufacturers of, that usorul article in Buffalo havo advanced ties of uudor-stamped papers got in through the lamp-post hytfood test mediums. All lire Invited to attend. Lec­ the Hxlhteitco of u hitherto tho prlco of the artlclo twenty-tlvo per cent. boxes. Postmaster James, however, is leaving nothing to tures every Sunday ai ;iand7.4 i\ m. Mr.27. Undetected Force* npprlz0 the public of tho new orders. A similar direction The Pe.ople.'# Spiritual Meeting* every Sunday sit 24 nml U iTTwo Uliudrations, 7.4 l*. m., at Investigator Hall, Paine Memorial Huihllnu. . A sharp-talking lady was reproved by lior husband, who the Postmaster-General said, had been given through tho Appleton street, near Tremont. Good speakers always in I*iice, cents; postage free. requested her lo keep her tongue In her mouth. “ My mails to all the other Postmasters In tho United maten i»» Mtondanco. Seals free. BUSINESS CARDS. weaiions,S ; » ( T tU° '“'V to carry eoncc.1.5 reference sudden Trimountain Hall, So. 8 Boghlon street.—Developing l’ART 111. Circle, for mediums exclusively, on the morulni? of each TU F.NTIimi YKAH Jfontlay evening tlie law was not Intended to affect news­ Sunday; afternoon, conferenee and tests; evening' test Notes of an Inquiry Into tho Tho King of Bui-malt and tho English liavo fallen out re­ papers, but was designed to diminish tlio Immense amount elide; each Wednesday evening a lest and social circle. For 1‘YLF/S SALKUA'FUS, and not one. successful PHENOMENA c a l l e d SPIRITUAL, garding somo disputed territory, Tho King lias seized tho of nondescript merchandise that has hitherto been put Into Public lnvlted/m?, rival. Kvorybody acknowledges Its supm-lmlty lu all re-, same, and British troops aro ordered up-whlch looks llko tlio mall-bags; nor was II proposed to make It effective be­ during the y* urs lsTii 7d, to which me added three letters, Huston.—Rochester Hall.—On Sunday morning, March sports. It Is always put up In pound phrkages under my entitled, *’ Miss Flmviicc Cook’s Mcdlnmshlp “ Spirit a future dlslodgment of Ills Highness, fore July. In tlio confusion attending the dissolution of name, and sold by fivst-cla^s Grocers. Uewaie that you are Forms;” and “ The Last of Katie King; llo* Photograph* Congress, however, tlicsequallflcallonsot the hill were not -1st, tlio Beats for the visitors at the session of Children’s lug of Katie King by (he ah! nt the Fleetrle Light.” Progressive Lyceum No. i at this hall were hardly capa­ not deceived by the misrepresentation of crafty dealers. A potltlon ls before tho Massachusetts Legislature to re­ made. ‘ j March20.—Iw JA M E S 1*YI Montgomei > Plare, corner o| Province street (lower N o tice to Sub.scribei'M. EH1E,1*A„ XIOOU DEPOT. finer), Roston. Mass, of JIassacliusetts Bay, In 1035. Said petition asks for the ing, It is to he hoped, that tho parents ami friends of the OLIVER STAFFORD, tho veteran bookseller and pub­ act so as lo placo the record of tho General Court in har­ The present volume—XXX V l-of the-Ban­ little ones aro looking with favor upon the efiorts of the of­ lisher, keeps on sale at his stmt*, fio:t French Street. Erie, rKiFtII El)ITi()N—Jl’S’l' issuHD, ’ mony with the spirit of the age, and as an act of historical ner of Light ends with this number. Those of ficers to make tho school a perfect success. Tho usual ser­ l*a.. nearly all of the most popular N nlrltunllM tlcIlooU * vices were well carried out, Mr. V. L. Union directing tlio of tno times. Also, agent for Hull & Chamberlaln’o Mag­ Justtco to tlio Stato and to the memory of Roger Williams. I our friends whose time mny expire with said vol- netic and Electric Powders, The Work having Iwon out of print Tlio stoutest disciples of the God-In-the-Constltutlon wing movements (music under direction of T. M. Carter), scvorul years. scheme would probably vote for a bill repealing the banish­ ume, and who may feel to renew their subscrip­ nnd tho literary exercises were of sustained Interest, con­ IIAIITFOIID, UONN., IlOOK DEPOT. ment, as every generation ls ready to build tlio tombs of tion, are respectfully requested to bear this fact sisting of declamations by Llnwood lllckok, Mabel Kdson, A. ROSE, 5(1 Trumbull street, Hartford, (hum., keens Florence Cushing (from Kueklaud, Me., Lyceum), Helen constantly for sale tin* Ilm in c r o f E ig h t ami a full supply tlio martyrs; but Is not tho case of Roger 111 1635a pertinent in mind, nnd to send us their money for tlie pur­ of the Nplrltiinl nnd llclbrni IVorli* published by Man amt liis Relations. illustration of what bigotry would do in 1875—iy it could 1 Klttredgc,'William Partridge, Miss Lizzie Thompson; a Colby & Rich. 'V* ...... * pose at as early a day as possible. By so doing song by the Saunders Sisters; the reading of an original es­ I I.I.U8TIIATI N<1 THU INfUKNCK OK TUK What tune host suits tho avorago Yankee y Fortune. they will prevent tho necessity of taking their say on tho duty of Spiritualists, by Alonzo Danforth, Con­ NEW YORK HOOK DEPOT. Wlmt team will draw tlio heaviest load? Steam, ductor; and readings by Horace A. Johnson ami Joseph A. J. DAVIS AGO., booksellers mid I’ubllHhorsof stand­ M ind on tlxo B ody; . names from our mailing machine, and thus facil­ ard Rooks and Periodicals on Harmoulal Philosophy Spir­ What kind of men are (aid to make tlio most expert Gov­ Miller. Remarks were made lotho school by Mr. Wilder itualism, Free Religion, and General Reform, No. 24 East TIIK It K.l. ATI ONK OK Til K FACCI.TIKS ASP AFKKt TIONS TO ernment clerks? Women. , H. N. S. itate the labors of the clerk in that department, (formerly a Lyceum Conductor In New York City), and Fourth street. New York. tf— Nov. 1. TUK OUUANS ASH Til Kilt ITNOTtONH. AN |) To TUK beside escaping from the likelihood of delay in Henry C. Lull; and Mrs, C. C. Hayward was presented by Kl.kMKNTS, OIMIA IN, ANII 1‘ltKNOUKNA OK . TILK KXTKHNAI. Woltt.U. Tlio total cost of tlio funeral of Hon. Charles Sumner—as receiving tholr first papers. her maiiy friends Jir the Lyceum, Ladles’ Aid Society and CLEVELAND, O., HOOK DEPOT. per press reports-rcaclies $29,250.-lo. kindred organizations, with a lino bronze clock, the speech LKKS’S HAZAAU, PI Woodland avemio, Cleveland, <>. HY PROF.'S, H. bRITTAN. We trust thoso now on our books whoso time AM tho Spiritual and Liberal H ooka and P n p c ra kept for of ottering being made by J . H, Hatch, Assistant Conduct­ sato. Funeral of an Old I’ihnteu.-T lio funeral services expires with Yol. X X X V I, will give us tlio en­ or. Mrs. Hayward briefly returned thanks for the same, For fifteen'years llm author has been 'employed In ro- . over the remains of tho late Edward Coddlngton, who died searches ultleh have at length resulted lu the production of couragement of a speedy renewal, and also hope and the whole ceremony proved a pleasant episode In the VERMONT HOOK DEPOT. tills extraordinary book, covering the wide range of Vital in South Boston, oil Thursday of last week, wore held at services of the session. J. G. DARLING A CO., Lunenburg!!, Vt., keep for sale and Mental Phenomena, as exhibited In Mas and the Ani­ tlio Union Unitarian Chapel on Dorchester street. About tliat tlie friends everywhere who may peruse Hnlritniil. Reform nnd HDcelluneoun Hooka, pub­ mal Wbrld. It Is, however, especially dt voted to MAN— Mrs. Mary Ann Lang (n^cSaiihorn), who has been for lished by Colby A Rich. to the constitution and tin mortal exist erne of tlm Soul; ItH • fifty members of tlio Franklin Typographical Society, be this notice will kindly interest themselves in so many years the Indefatigable nnd faithful Guardian of present Relations to tlie bod); to the external forms nnd sides numerous relatives and friends, wore present, amt bringing about an increase of our subscription this Lyceum, tendered her resignation of that pout recent­ PHILADELPHIA HOOK DEPOT. Internal principles of Nature, and to the realm of Univer­ tho services wore conducted by. tho Itev. Mr. SUIoway, who ly. This action, on her part, based upon necessity for DU. J. 11. RHODES, 918 Spring Garden street, Philadel­ sal Intelligence. ' lu short remarks paid a high tribute to tho memory of tlio lists. phia, Pa., has (icon appointed agent for the H nnner of The curiousmental phenomena that hover along tho rest, was regretfully accepted by the school, -the members L lffbt, and will take orders for all of Colby & KIcIi’b Pub­ horizon of our present existence—which tlm learned trnvo deceased. Tho remains wore taken to.Mount Hope Ceme­ of which will ever cherish a grateful recollection of tier lications. Spiritual and Liberal Rooks on sale as above, either regarded as lltus!omt of tie* senses or hallucinations tery, and were Interred In tho prluters’ lot. Tho deceased t3 f ‘‘The most convincing materializations of at Lincoln llall, corner broad and Coates streets, and at of the mind, while they have nursed tliosupersUtlotisof the age” arc narrated in detail on our first page, labors hi Its behalf, which have extended over a period com­ all the Spiritual meetings. the Ignorant—are heto carefully classified nnd explained, was seventy-four years old, and during his life as a typo ho prising the entire existence of tho Lyceum up to date. At with peculiar aptnessand great cop|uusue*s of illustration; - worked on somo of tho oldest dally papers In tills city, by Theodore F.'Price,,Esq., as witnessed by him present-no election haying bccti held—Mrs. Sarah Hnrt- HAN FRANCISCO, CAL., HOOK DEPOT. wllli singular Itidependemeof thought, and nircphilosoph­ among them tlio Chronicle, Bee and Advertiser, the two ical ability. In the language of one of our aides! literary and others, at sdances of Anna Stewart. “ Let sen, Assistant, is noting as Guardian, and Mrs. C. C. Hay­ At No. 31U Kearney street (upstairs) may he found on reviewers, The. author has a happy faculty of to illustra* former of which havo become tilings of the past, Mr. Cod­ ward, ns Assistant. sale the Da n .vkk op Lkjut, ntidn general variety of Hplr- us see the medium and the spirit, side by side, at Itanllat and Itoform Ih»oka. at Kastem prices. Also ting obscure and profoundsuhji cts^ tUutthey nrecomyrt* ■ dlngton was a direct descendant of old Gov. Coddlngton, John A: Andrewjlall,—Mrs. Sarah A. Floyd continues Adams A Co.’s Golden Petal, PliiHetietlea, Niienee’a hendtdhy the r.t uimon mind, of Newport, It. I., and traces IBs-lineage back over somo tho same moment, and we will believe,” lias often Du. llniTTANgrapplesearneHlIy with the facts that havo each Sunday afternoon and evening to attract largo num­ Paiillve mid Negative Powders. Orion’* Antl- puzzled the brains of tlm philosophers of every nge and two hundred years. been reiterated by the skeptical world ; anil now bers of peoplo by her able tranco utterances nt this place— Tobaoco Prepnrutiona, Dr. Htorcr'a Nutritive country: and lias grasped In tils mastery classification tho C o m p o u n d , etc. Catalogues nnd Circulars mailed free. greatest WosiiKits oi TUK. Mkntai. Wont.n l The German Itleclisrath has voted somo 150,000 florins to­ it appears that such a phenomenon lias been wit­ the services held on March 21st being of exceptional Inter­ MGf Remittances In U. S. currency and postage stamps re­ In tills respect his remarkable book Is u Ciu.i.kction’ op ward defraying tho necessary expenses of exhibiting tlio est. ceived at par. Address, HERMAN SNOW, l \ O. box 117, Raid: (T iuositiks.mid must attract universal attention. nessed repeatedly by persons of unquestioned Sau Francisco, Cal. * manufactures of that nation at tho Philadelphia Centennial Investigator Hall.—K good slzod midlenco assembled at At tlie sumo time, the student of Vital < heinlstry, Physiol­ Integrity. ogy ami Medicine, the Divine ami tin* Moralist, the Meta­ Exhibition. heubovc-uaitied place Inst Suiidnynftcrwxm to listen ton WASHINGTON BOOK DEPOT. physical Philosopher, and the Political Reformer, will find. capital address by Mrs. Susie A. Wlllls-Fletchrr, on “ Wo­ RICHARD RObKRTS, bookseller, No. 1010 Sovonth It mdolc with profound and profitable Instruction. The local exettomont at Cheyenne, Wy., continues In 1ST The Massachusetts TachygraphiC Associa­ man's Religion.'1 Horace Seaver followed with appro­ Htreet, above Now York avenue, Washington, D. O., keens A5r* One large 8vn, white paper, cloth, beveled boards, reference to tho wonderful discoveries In the gold diggings priate remarks. ' constantly for sale the Bannkh op Lig h t, ami a full suppl;*nnnly with steel engraved portrait of author: fhfrh |toslago2Q of tho Black Hills, General Ord says tho white men In the tion has elected: President, Adam Howe, of Chel­ of tho S p ir itu a l n n d R e fo rm W o rk * publlshoiid i»y edits. - \ Harmony Hall.—On Sunday morning, March 2lst, lids Colby A Rich. For. sale wholesale and rmall by COLRV A RICH, at Black Hills are violators of tho. present treaty with the sea [ Secretary, Fred. P. Butman, of Chelsea ; Ex­ No. tl Montgomei y Place, Conner of Province street (lower Sioux, and will bo expelled from that country whether I ecutive Committee, B. F. Burnham, Esq., of South 'place was crowded by attentive listener)^ who came to hear lloor), bosfbn, Mass. \ Government acquires the Indian title or not. what tho invisibles might have to ofTcr through tho medi- NT.HT. LOUIN,LOU IN, yHO., HOOK DEPOT. Boston, George it. Blaisdell, of Boston, Anna C. umshlp of Mr. Frank T, Ripley and Mrs. Stafiwoml. The IL IA ...... KEMPER, t;>0 .0 North 1 5lh slrett, St. Louis, Mo., keeps cfttistautly for. «al sale tho Ha .v .vku op I.iojit, anil a The ‘‘Essex County Bonanza' ’ continues to excite the Cheney and Dr. E. A. Brown, of Chelsea. stance was voted a perfect success. full supply of tlio Nplrltnnl p lrlt nnd Reform Workapuh- attention of minors and capitalists, and the silver yield Is Mr. Ripley, during tho previous week, mado a p’casant lisiied ny Colby A lUcli. W. H. MUMLER. encouraging In quantity and quality. p ; H. Bateson’s L yceum conies to U9 for tour to Cummington, Mass., aiul met with a kind reception r j u10 (huso residing at a illsiam'n, nnd wishing to obtain March from its home in Toledo, O., with a fresh on tlte.partof Mrs. In 1L Cobb, medium, ami the resident _ I’lmtogmidis. 1 would statu that 1 bavu hum vurv suc- By the explosion of a powder mill five miles from Cleve­ frlemlB, “ Ati Orthodox revival was a t tho time in progress, ADVERTISEMENTS. ct»HKfiil in obtaining llkum^suh by having hltnply a pluturo land, Ohio, on Tuesday afternoon, March iotti,' three men of tbu Hitter, in inking a copy of which tlm hlmdnwy form looking face, and many words of good cheer for but we are informed by a correspondent that the e (Torts siM'ii by tlm Hldt) of it.. IL will be timms^ary for thoso were killed. Tho damage to Cleveland Is nearly $30,000. tlie little ones.. The paper is for sale by Colby & put forth by the spirits,.through this modlum’s Instru* ho Intond smdliig to inn to InrloMMludr ownrard pimlo- : mohta!Ry,-wero productive of good results notwithstand­ C O L B Y & R IC H , graph, or any otlH'r, and to umutloujIoMlato, timdaytnnl Shohlon & Co. will publish'In a few days a new volume Rich, No. 9 Montgomery Place, Boston. 1m hour, that said pluturtuthoitid'lto i'btded liy nir, ralcu- . by O. H. Spurgeon called “ Types and Emblems.'" ing, and tlmt sovoiol prlvato circles will at once be formed atlng tlm ttine n wrek/or ton davs from tin*day that 1 153" D.W . Douglierty writes from Eittnnninjr, Tor the investigation of the subject among tho people. Mr. Publishers and Booksellers should rendvo tlio order, ho that tlm person of tin* ploluro The appropriation of $5009 for soup. Tor tho poor of Bos­ Ripley will visit tho placo again In June. would at that tlum com’i/utrato his or Imr mind on )lm Hub­ Pa., March 19th.: ‘‘ Why can we not have some No. 9 MONTGOMERY PLACE, ert; Tho illiroronro In tlnm will Im oahnilatod by nn*. Tnr- ton was exhausted Wednesday, March llth. Itlsostluiat- CH'aulestown I'lSTitiCT.—Raymond //aJZ.-M rs. K. dcular nt tout loti iHoxpimtrd to this roquIrmoMit, as imirlt ;;jl that 151,000 people, of whom only 1300 wore non-resi­ lecturers and mediums our way ? . Any who may M. lllckok lectured on Tcmpcnmco at this place on Sunday . ; EtO fSTO asr," of llmfiiicceKHof oldalnlngni Ktrougnml woll-dotiuod plrtitro s.1me time the required aumunt. IST The April numbers of S. R. Wells's popu-1 regularly every Sunday afternoon, at 2% precise­ paldC.O.D. Respectfully yours, WM. II. miniillK. - Advices from tho north of Spain, under date of tho 17tli lar P hbenological J o u b n a l nnd S c ie n c e of Orders for Hooka, to bo sent by Mall, must invaria­ 170 W . N iirlnaflcB I Hi., HoaIoii. N iim . Inst., stato tliat nine battalions of CarllstBinadoanlglU ly. Lectures by talented speakers. ' bly l>o accompanied by cash to llm amount of each ordor. . March 13.—2tlset OH, viz.: the development theory, geolog)’, and other popular K^ForallAdvertfoement* printed on the 8th cases of * utanh. f am to-day, njut have heeu tfuco I left Wexrord, gave notice that after recess ho should offer a branches of the subject, can address him at Motion, Ind, page, 20 cent* per line for each Insertion. off using the Remedy, as free from it as when I was burn. motion iu favor of tho recognition by Great Britain of tho '' Self-Cure by Electricity. Dr. John II. Currier, trance spoaker, would llko to make For ten years I had the dhoase in the worst form. There belligerent rights of tlio Carllsts in Spain. 49* Advertisement* to be renewed nt continued was a continued filling up of my ho;ul, and a feeling ns If I engagements to lecture on Sundaysat places within reason­ | rate* mu*t be left at our OOlce before 12 M. on wanted to free It, and It was no sooner cleared out than It A Plain Guide to the iise of tlm Klcctro-Magnetlc Bat­ It was a case of nip and tuck again in tho Rrooklino town able dlstanco from the city, Addtess him, so Wall street, monday.______. would again commence to fill up. At night and morning tery, with full directions for the treatment of every.- It t-eemed to assume Its worst form. When l laid down fot in of disease ou the F re iic li m id VIoiibicno S yntom s election, with tho voting slightly lufavorof “ nip.1* Boston. there would he a running of mucus from my head tomy o f .H cillcnl F.IccIrlcIlY , so sliceesstully practiced by W. F. Jamieson closed a course of six lectures, March throat, which caused me to awake in a choking condition. Drs. Win. aud Emma 11. Britten. The cable lolls that somo cases of Insanity have resulted ~ ~ ~ SPECIAL NOTICES, This brought on a cough which lasted me for some Him*, This excellent little work enables every one to- dispense from Messrs. Moody & Sankoy’s meetings, hut does not 14-18, In Gencseo, 111., and spoko In Rlpon, WisM Sunday, and 1 thought I had consumption. with drugs xittd doctors, ami furnishes to thoso who seek a dwell upon tho cases of joy and peace, which are probably March 21st; will speak In Berlin, Wls., Sunday, March Your Remedy was recommended to me by a friend who new professions popular, retnuuci alive and beneficent field a hundred, if not a thousand, to one of tho other.—Go?i- 23tli; In Beaver Dam, at the Wisconsin Quarterly Meet­ "t i i Y w o n d e r f u e h e a l e r a n » had used it and been cured of a severe case of Catarrh. of usefulness. It Is tlie nt.q Sk.St. Louis.Louis, Mo. Their book of-of' close $1,00. 28 Knceland street, Boston, Mass. F o r A p r i l . harbor. Tho British General so realized tho fact that on strong, and her health Is good. fifty pages on Advertising, and How nnd March 27.—iw* Price 30 cents. the 17th of March, 1770, tho, whole British fleet was under* 1 Fairfield, tho clairvoyant physician ana trance-speaking medium, has been °bllgeS 'AIR S. J. ROBINSON, Clairvoyant Physician otaiyrna^ChrlBtian churches should make collections In aid I To Correspondents. that tno extract 01 eranuernes aim F i l l Teatand lluslnessMedium. Houmsnt. Nn. 327.1’rararl This little work will ho read with Interest, as showing dyspeptic, nervous or Sick Headache, Neuralgia street, Cleveland, Ohio.- March 27. the origin of tlio Christian Cross, which, it is claimed, of the sufferers. .True those sufferers are Mussulmans— I ..... ; . lawful tnanonvmous communications, and Nervousness. Prepared in Pills. 50 cts. a | was stolen from the Pagan world. and Mussulmans, too, of the old rock, and bigoted enough w^ ^ N o a tte n t n ls P:rlter jn au cases InUispousabloaH a T WM. VAN NAMEE, M. D.:, 110 Fourth Av- Price ]0.cent«, postage 2 cents. „ . tumako minced-meat of all Christians could they gut them ? a™ a yof good faith, Wocannotundortakotopreaerveor box. Sent by mall by the doctor, or by Geo. C. • enue. New York, Eclectic and Clairvoyant Physician. For Bale wholesale .ami retail bv COLBY & RICH, a t tatider tholr yatoglians—yet a starving people are men and I peturn communications not used, Goodwin & Co„ 38 Hanover street, Boston, Mass. Magnetic Treatment given. Examinations by lock of Imir, No. 9 Montgomery Place, cornorot Provtnco street (lower Spnd for pamphlet. 4w—March 27. floor), Boston, Mass. brethren, bo their faith, what it may. How strange it is „ „ -W tt. J, 16.-1 V. «at a country whlch^had so' many Christian Churches lu | - 0 . 9. , Alstbad, N .Ji. BAN N" EB OF L I.G-'BjjT. MARCH 27, 1876. 6 to Klvo “ an oxproislon of tlie common mind In unison W. L. J ack, Haverhill, Mass. i Written Tor the llnnuor of Light. wltfi Nature, animate auri Inanimate, and of the Universal 8. 8. J ones, E sq., Chicago, HI. suit him; and I think unless lie takes a back rtoul In I in natural life, through all the common feelings Harvey A. J ones, Erq., canoccasionallyspeakonBun. EVENING. uid appreciations ofthe good, tho true ami the b£rtUlL™,‘n dayB for tho friends in tho vicinity of Sycamore, IU,, on cssagc g^partmtni track lie will see cause to regret it, anil will re­ Tlio volume takes Its name from tho most lengthy the Spiritual Philosophy and reform movements of the aar gret it terribly when lie gets wiiere I am, if not * * Home,1 * consisting of 188 stanzas, aud “ Fcnmio lleio- Du. C. W. J ackson, Oswego, Komlall Co., IU. * BY ADDISON F. IlItOWNE. ' Ic ” a story In verse. Tho miscellaneous poems, however, Mr s. Maria M. Kin o , Unmmontoh. N. J, ' «. . .i i-i»ta Ueiwirtuietitof the Hannorof I.lght before. It will he easy, father, to take aback contain many of tlio finer passages. The book has faults, I). P . K a y n e u , M. D ., St. Charles, 111. sjxiketi l»v tho Spirit whose name It bears Bright day lias sunk within tlie west, It is not a work of genius, but It la unpretentious, cliailcnk- Mrs. 8. A. Norville Kim ball, tranco and Insplra* track now, and do im-ticc to her, because you are lug no criticism, but appea tug In isimple tloiml, Backett's Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y. J!?«v2uthe Instrumentality of , jou are all wrong about it, nnd you have And stars are shining free, lilirher ami better feelings of our naturu. I t is full of spir­ George F, K ittrkdqe, Buffalo, N. Y. MBM.J.II.iONANT, ituality* giving golden gleams of the summer land, and Mur. M. J. K utz, Bostwlck Lake, Mich. while In x. ahnmmal .comimnn ^rhem'thB_rl.»Sc_- no right to deal so harshly with her. Now, fntlier, As with a blissful1 slumber blest, 'vm-ils of hops to thosH wliose !<>veil ones luvu Kjmo *><’["[?• Mr s. F ranck^K ingm an, New London, Conn. Messages Indicate that Price, #1.50 plain, $2 gilt.—San Francisco (Cal.) Com­ O. p . Kellogg, East Trumbull, Ashtabula CoM O. , liVe'to'lhat»« ' |I,kI lioyoiut—whetherlull'll for for tlie love you boro me I beg of you to be kind­ My wand'ring bark doth cnlmly rest Mr s. H. G. K imball, Lebanon. N. 11. teristlca of their-eartha who leave tho earth-sphere In an mon Sense, ___ good or c t II. Hilt tnoHo . Upon a waveless sen. Mr s. F rank Reid K now les, Breodsvllle, Mich. undeveloped state, eventuallyntuaily progress Into a higher con* er to her, nnd I shall be lmppier in the new home Mr s. D r. H. R. Knaggr, box 201, Traverse City, Mich.' of the spirit-world. Goo.l day. Nov. 30. I)u HHITTAN ok Our readers may rotnem- J ohn R. Kelso, Springfield, Mo. * “ u ? 'u i r.N».l-r (O twelve no iloftrine put forth by The concave heaven's gleaming side lior that we some time since l\ad occasion to review that rc- J. W . Kenyon, Inspirational, 905 Walnut atroot, Des •pirita in tliese columns that does nut comport with his Is cloudless to the view, marknblti book on Man, by our follow-townsman, Dr. ». Moines, Iowa. or her reason. All express as much of truth as they per­ Daniel L. Wendell. , B. Brtttan, and that wo expressed a very favorable opin­ Mr s. Ne l l ie J. K enyon, tranco Woodstock, Vt. ceive—no more. And all the field of waters wide, ion of Hs peculiar merits. It appears that our Judgment of J oseph lL Lew is; Inspirational, Yellow Spring, o. Hullo! sir. [How do you do?] I am nil right, Its character, and of tho author's ability, has received tho Mis s J e n n ie Leys, inspirational, No. 201 Montgomery MHB. Co sa st receives no visitors at her resilience on Itevenls beneath the silent tide strongest confirmation from tho highest English authori­ street, Ban Francisco, Cal. Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays, until after six o clock so far ns I know, but I got tlie worst of It and A mirror, vnst and true. ties In literature* In a recent review by George Sexton, W m. F. Lyon, Adrian, Mich. p. m. She gives no private sittings. M A , M. I).. IjIj.I)., F. It. G. S., of London, Honorary H en ry C. L ull, inspirational, HotelKlrklaml, Room * 3 - Tlu* i]Ue>thms answered are often propounded by in­ got killed in a little bit of a, row, and (he oiil Fellow of tho Koyal Italian Academy of Science, that dis­ , 52 Pleasant street, Boston, Mass. dividuals among the audience. 'otho control­ gent will think I ’ve gone below, for sure; so I Within the depths of crystal, nigh, tinguished stdmlar expresses his appreciation of tho work Am aba Loud, 143 East 27th street, New York City, lec­ ling Intelligence by the Chairman, are sent »n by corre­ Pictured by art divine, In tho following unqualified language: ■ . tures on Ancient nnd Modern Revelations. spondents. I.KWts H. WILHO.V, Chairman. thought 1 ’d come back here and let him know I • ** Dr. Brittains well knownastheauthorofoneof thoninst Du. Georoe W. L usk, locturor, Eaton ltapldB, Mich. Appears anew'tlie scene on high; marvelous books to which tills ago hosglveu birth. Ills Charles A. Lohmuellkr, tranco, RuttevUle, Oregon, hadn't. My name,sir, was Wendell—Daniel L. name is a guarantee that would entitle any work to rank Mr s . F. A. Looan, Ban Francisco. Cal. Wendell. 1 am from New York. I was'twenty- And, 'nentli each torch that gems tlie sky, witli the productions of our most profound thinkers. Those Ceph as B. L ynn, caro Banner or Light, Boston, Mass. ,l-? r N'n l’liblit: (,'iri'li‘s lire lirWl at. tliis nfllcn who arc acquainted with Hus high literary eulturo of tho Mr s. An n a M. Middlebhook will speak in Now Haven for tin1 im'sriit. Uni' notice will be nivcii when one years old—a wild boy—a disgrace to my fa­ A counterpart doth shine. author will alone bo able rightly to appreciate sneh a man during April. Will answer calls for tho other spring and ami his work. AVe esteem his good opinion as being worth summer months. Address box 778, Bridgeport, Ot. tlyey art1 rcMimcil. ther and mother, nnd a trouble to all my friends ; So perfect does tlie view npppar, more than that or somo dozen or two smaller men who fig­ M iss 8. F. N ickerbon, trance speaker, 35 Dover street, ure conspicuously.'1 ...... , Boston, Mass. lint I've entered on. n new career, anil I hope 1 That sky, and sea below, Nor does Dr. Sexton stand alone In this judgment of the J. W m. Van Nambe, M. D ., Box 5120, New York. shall show better colors than I did here. I want Seem but the parts of one vast sphere, merits of Dr. IUIttan's treatlK?. In a review of the book Robert Da le Ow en, Hotel Brantlng, New York. Invocation. - . that eminent literary man, William. Howllt, of London, J. M. P eebles, Hainmonton, N. J. the old gent to know it isn’t so iiad with me as Wi/fso boundless realms of ether, clear, summed up Its merits In the following brief, but rorclblo Mrs. L. JI. Per k in s, tranco, Kansas City, Mo. Oh tfmu wlio art I.oid of this1 luuidsome day, and elegant terms: , , ,, ... Mr s. A. M. L. P otts, M. 1)., lecturer, Adrian, Mich. we would join Nature’s ffiailil aiitliem in praise lie expects. 1 know lie 'll he thinking—because, Witli lamlnint light doth gtow. “ This is one of thoso valuable books In which a philo­ Henry P ackard, 377 Dorchester st., W. V., South lie’s a good, pious old mail, of orthodox princi­ sophic mind gathers up the results or his observations, ex­ Boston. Mass. to tln*i*; and iiltlumeli there is nuteli of darkless ’Thus, til! fair Orient’s stronger light periments and reflections during the greater part of au act­ D u. G. Amos P eirc e,inspirational and trance lecturer, ples—lie’ll tie thinking I ’ve gone down to hell. ivo lifetime on some great theme; and so fitting them Into P. O. Box 87, Auburn, Mo. arotiitd us, mill'll of ienorani'i' eiieomimssiiiK our Ascends the eastern sky, their proper places and proportions as to present at once a J ohn G. P r ieq el, trance and Inspirational, Platts- lives, mill'll of that we would lie rid of, yet we I can’t say tlint I am very happy, hut I am as­ comprehensive phllosbpny and a work of art. ” And witli its glory Hoods the sight, UuVattentlon has been called again to Dr. Brlttan’sbook T heo.°F. P rice, Inspirational, Monon, W hite Co,, I n d .' can jimisi' lliei', oil Lord, and trust tliee for fu­ sured, by’those I know nre good, there’s every This mystic trance of peaceful night byy theHie appourancoappearance of thothe filth edition,edit at tlio reduced price Mrs. L. A. P earsall, inspirational, Disco, Mich. claincc for me to get along here. I shall work #;i,50. It Is an elegant octavo or nearly six hundred Mrs. A. E. Mossop-P utnam, Flint, Mich. ture rt'di iiiptimi from all that is evil, from all Doth hold my raptured eye. page*, printed on superfine paper and embellished by a flue Mrs. K. N, P almer, tranco speaker. Big Flats, N. Y* that is dark, from all that Is-vain. Coming up for it, and fight my way out into a good, satisfac­ and lifelike portrait of tho author.—Bpcninff Courier, M iss Dorcas E. P ray, Augusta. Mo. Thus, when a weary, storm-beat breast, Ftwark, y. J. Mrs. J. P u ffe r , tranco speaker. South Hanover, Masfl* stt'i> by sli']i over the qniml silver ,staircase of tory condition ; so lie need n’t worry about me, B. It. P ratt, inspirational, Fairfield, Mich, From gales of life is free, andolph life, We call at eaeli step seem to hear thy voice for 1 get just wlint I deserve where I am. I am l)n. P. B. R , Toledo, O. And with a heavenly slumber blest, LIST OF LECTURERS. I)r . H. R e e d , Chicopee, Mass. calliiiK ns higher mid hiffber and higher, nearer shut out from tlie tilings I’d .like to have, but i t ’s J . H . H a n d a l l . tranco, Clyde, O., till further notice. In peaceful love shall calmly rest, [To ho useful, this list should bo reliable. It therefore W ji. Hoose s e , M. I).,I>., inspiratl insp! tlonal speakor, No. 72 Ontario and nearer to tliee. Thomfli at times it would all rig h t; when I get worthy of them I shall iiavc behooves Societies and Lecturers to promptly notify us of stroct,root, Cleveland, O. „ .... them; but my father's notion of an endless hell Upon a waveless sea; Mits. Hattie E. Robinson, 4(i Carver streot, Boston. seem that we were plunged in tile valley of hu­ appointments, or changes of appointments, whenever and L ysandeu 3. BICIIAIIDS, 130 South Market streot, Bos­ miliation ami'despair, our I'uther and our Moth-, need n't trouble him with reference to me, for if From purer realms beyond tiie night, wherever they occur. This column Is devoted exclusively ton, Jlass. , .. to lecturers, without cliargo. If the name of any person nof F. L. ItiCHAiiDSON, trance, Augusta, Jlo. er (iod, we thank tliee that it is our divine priv­ there is one I have n’t' found it, and don’t be­ Tlie stars of saintly love Mrs. M. C. Uundlett, Ho. Itoyalton, Vt. lieve 1 slmll. Good day. Nov. 30. a lecturer should by mistake appear, wo desire to be so in­ Key. A. B. Uandall, Appleton, WIs. . ilege to return to the home that was mice ours, Shall warm the heart with tranquil light, formed. 3 Mrs. J e n n ie s . Hudd, Box514, Providence, It.I. Mrs. I’alina J. Kobehts, Carpontei-vlllo, 111. ministering unto the needs of those who sit in Until the soul shall,- to all sight, R ev. W illiam Alcott* trance and Inspirational lec Katie Golding. turer, will answer calls to speak In tlio vicinity of Western M rs. 0. A. Bobbins, Beaver Falls, Fa. tile valley of the shadow of a mortal life. Oh, Reflect the scene above. . Massachusetts until further notice. Address Bucklaud, Jilts. E lvira W heelock Buggles, Havana, III, 1 A. O'. Kobinson, Lynn, Mass...... may we be faithful to the holy trust, may we How do you do, mister? My name was K atie Franklin Co.. Mass. J ajies Siioll, Inspirational speakor, 241 North lllh Then, in this softer mirror’d gleam, Mauy A. Am piilett, inspirational, *15 South Ilalstcd ever lean emilideiitly upon thine nrm of strength Golding. I lived in Lmvell, on Gorham street. I street, Chicago, IU. street, Philadelphia, l’a. Witli moral lustre clear, Mhk. N. J. Andhosr, trance speaker, Dolton, WIs, M. L. Bukhman, trance speakor, Adrian, Mich. and go steadily forward, leading tho weaker ones, wns nine years old. 1 died of scarlet fever. My C, Fa n n ie Al l y n , bah J os6, Cal. Mr s. C. A. Siikrw in , Townsend Oontre, Jlass. A mild, refulgent light shall beam, Jilts. Ad d ie JI. Stevens, inspirational, Claromont,N.H. who may'follow us in thy way, and ever prais­ mother 1ms got John and Jennie and Mary left. STEPHEN FKA11L ANDREWS, 75Wcst5-UllSt.. NOwYork. Jins. It. K. Stoddard will lectm-o on Spiritualism, and Until tho double view shall seem Mns. M. A. Adams, trance speaker, Brattlouoro, Vt. demonstrate tho truth or spirit return through the medl­ ing thee for all thy blessings. Amen. I want you to please tell her that I got alive as Mns. E mma Hakdingk B k itten , 155 West Brookline A perfect, golden sphere. street, Boston, Mass. umshlp of her son, DoWlft C. Hough, wherever doslred. . Nov, no. ■ ' soon as I died, nnd tli'at perhaps—I d o n ’t know R ev. J . O. Bauhett, Glen BmiJab, WIs. Permanent address, 210 North 12th st., Phlladolphln, Pa. Jins. L AuitACuiTY Sjiit h , 343 Fourth streot, San Fran­ —but perlinps .through tlie intercession of tlie When bright the spirit’s Orient breaks, Key. J ohn It. B each, Brlckshurg, N. J. • Mns. Sahaii A. B y rnes, Wollaston Heights, Mass., cisco, Cat. Questions and Answers. . Holy Virgin,-1 got n good'honie fitid~cvery thing — . -And life from death is fret;, hox,87..... E . W. StionTntDOB, Salotii, Oregon. ,,, „ .. Willia m B hunton will lecture in Troy, N. Y-, during Oliver Sawyer, inspirational, FltzwlllldnlS, N. H, - Co.vriioi.i.iN'o bi'inii'.—Mr. Chnirman, if you that’s beautiful.' Tell mother I sped her prayers When forth the central germ awakes, March: in Stafford Springs, Conn., during April; in Wa- A lbert Stegejian, Allegan, JIlcli. vorly, N, Y ., during May. Address 5 Sixth street, Troy, Jin s. F a n n ie D a v is Sm ith , Brandon, Vt. have rtny questions that I am nblu to consider 1 were good, and -that they done a great deal for And all its grander beauty takes, Jins. 11. T. Stearns, trance, Corry, l’a., liox742. me. Tell her tlmt. I ’ve seen Uncle Tim. l i e ’s Then conies eternity 1 Mns. N e l l ie J . T. Brigham , Elm Grove, Coleraln, Jin s, P. W . STiii'HENS, trance, 4thst.,Sacramento, Oal, would be glad to do so. Mass. J ohn JI. HI'ear, 2210 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia. Q uks. — [Krom a eorrespondeiit.] Shall'we a real good man here, and people like him. He Somerville, Mass. Mns. It. W. Scott B r ig g s, West Winfield, Herkimer M ns. 8 . A. Sm ith, trance Bneakor, Athol, Jlass. Co., N. Y. Gil es B. Bteuihns will lecture In Cleveland, Ohio, make use of knowledge gained here for the great, isn’t a coarse, ugly, swearing drunkard here, R ev. D u. Barnard, Battle Creek. Mich, April4thand lltli: In Waverly, N. Y., April 18thand25th, hereafter but lie's real good; I would n’t whnt to come New Publications Cor S»Ie by'Colby B ishop A. Beals. Versailles, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y» Address Detroit, JIlcli. Mns. E. T. Boothe, Miirord, N. H. Jin s. E. Sjiit h will, for tho present, lectureovery Sun­ 'Ass. — Yes, certainly. Tlio future gathers: back, and mother need n’t cry for me to come * Rich, No. 9 Montgomery Place, Mas. P riscilla Doty B raducry, Bangor, Mo. day evonlng, at 8 o'clock, at 277 Jlulborry Btroot, Newark, from the past and present to make glorious her B oston. CAl'T. H. H, Brow n, Missouri Valtoy, Iowa, N* J* . hack, because . I do n't think God will ever let Mas. E. Bunn, Inspirational, box 7, Houtliford, Ct. Jilts. CAnniE A, Scott, Inspirational speaker, 10 Chap­ A HlMWTUAMST V ovacjkith,— Around the World; or, man street, Boston, Jlass. own life niid being; so we sliall carry tho .expe­ me, because I don’t want to, I don’t want to ;■ Travels in Polynesia, GViDw, India, Arabia, J *' Egypt, ” * i)n. J ak. K. Ba il e y , Sterllngvllle, JefferBonCo., N.Y. Addie L. Ballou, inspirational speaker, BoxCCO, Ban M ns. J ulia A. B. Se iv e r , Houston, Florida, will an­ riences of this life into the other life—the higher I privy not to come back. I ’d get sick again; Nuria and other ” Heathen" Countries, By J. M. Pee- Francisco, Cal. swer calls to lecture on Spiritualism and ltoform subjects. btes, Boston: Colby A Rich. J ohn Brown Sm ith, Amherst, JInss. —aiid into (ill things succeeding that Iife,:for Mr. Peebles Isa prominent Spiritualist, and one of the Mas. II. F . M. B row n, National City, San Diego Co., maybe I-’d die; maybe l ’d bo wicked; maybe I Cal. J a jies II. Siie i’a r d w IU answer calls to lecture and at­ lecturers on the platforms of tlmt body, nnd ids volume is tend funerals. Address South Aeworth, N. H. use, and not to lay. idle as havi'iiff performed considerably colored with the notions peculiar tohls house­ P rof. S. B. Br it t a n , Newark, N. J, wouldn't havo any home; maybe I w ouldn't W illiam Bryan, box&l, Camden P. 0 ,t Mich, Jins. JI. E. B. Saw yer, 871 Washington streot, Boston. their liilssion, heingof no further service tons. hold of bellovers, though, perhaps, no more so than the Mns. Aljiiiia W. Sjiit h , 55 Cumberland street, Port­ get .anything to ent; maybe I ’d be awful poor works of Presbyterians and Methodists, only wo are accus­ UEkvey Baurer, Warwick, Mass. - \V. 8. Bell, earn Banner of Light, Boston, Mass. land, Jlo. tSlmll we.refer in the. other world to this— tomed to the latter, while the former arrests attention and E lias D. Strong, P . O. Box 318, Albany, N. Y. agniii. I do n’t want to come back; so, mother, compels the reader to noto the difference. There Is an air Mrs. S. a . By rnes, 1»52 Washington street, Boston. say, “ I wns taiight so-and-so ..upon earth/’ Ac., Mns. E mma F. J a y Bu l l e n e , 14 Charles 8t. NowYork. Auuaji Smith, E sq., Inspirational, Sturgis, Jlloh. do n ’t cry. Bo just as I w ant you to be, of independence and honesty in his narrative, however, Jin s. JIahy L anston Strong, 70 Jefferson street, Day- Ac.?- ■■■ .. ■ ; which uiakes.n favorable Impression, aud bis volume lias Mrs. A. P. Brow n, St. Johnshury Centre, Vt. Mrs, Auuy N. B urnham , inspirational speaker. ton, O. for I don't want to come hack, mother, I d o n ’t the more Interest front tlio fact that R gives a view of eth­ Jins. L. A. F. Sw a in , Inspirational, Union Lake., A.—Oh, yeswo:constantly llnd. ourselves re­ nic peoples which Is seldom presented in hooks of travel. D. S. Cadwallader will answer calls to dolivcr his want to come bnck. Good-by, mister. Hqsaysat tho outset that ” li Isqulto time that the Mien- nowand prophetic lecture “ Monarchy tho Hoad to a Freer Minn. , ferring to our old earth; experiences., It is in­ Republican Goverment.” Also, when desired, two others, Sela ii Van Sic k le, areonbusb, Midi. Nbv. 30. ■' , then1 members of a common humanity, and heirs to a con­ M ns. N e l l ie Sjiit h , lmpiesslonnl, Sturgis, Jlich. evitable. . 1 ■ scious immortality, should be described by travelers as entitled “ The Downfall of Chirstlanlty,” and “ From Monnoulsin to Slmkerlsm,11 by addressing him 525 West J . W. Seaver, Inspirational sneaker, Byron, N, Y. they nre, giving them the benefit of that charity which Jo s. D. Stileb, Montpelier, vt., care Geo. W. Itlpley. . Q.—I)o we drift there without an aim, or fol­ thlnkoth no evil.11 He deliberately alms to see things ns Seventh street, Wilmington, Del. Aldisht E, Ca rpen teu will answer calls to lectureany- E l ija h It. Sw ackhameii, lecturer, Brooklyn, N. X. low an avocation, a business, and Cat,-drink, Clara Paul. they are, nnd appreciate what is good. He first visited the Dn. E. SrnAGUE, Inspirational, Goneseo, 111, Mormons of Utah, and Ills studies convinced him that po­ whore. Address, 2 Indiana street, Boston, Mass. sleep, Ac.,. Ac.? ' 1 want to send a letter - to my .mother, She J ohn A. c a r p e n t e r , 129 Congress street, Troy, N. Y. Austen E. Sijijio n b, Woodstock, Vt. lygamy Is ail Asiatic importation, aud not likely to exist Albert E. Stanley, Leicester, Vt, ; - A.—IVe ceflainly do not lend an aimless life in long. But he objects to tlio persecuting or political method An n ie Denton Orid g e, Wellesley, Mass. lives oil Anderson street, Boston, Mass! My W arren Chase, Colfax, Jasper Co., Iowa, till further D 11. O. Cla r k Si'itAQUE, Itocbestor, N. Y. of dealing with It. 44 It Is impossible to legislate wisdom Jilts. C. JI. Stowe, San JosO, Cal. the spirit-world, but onu_altogether activo—full nr virtue into any people. The true methods Be deeper. notice. name was Paul—Clara Paul. I was a colored 51us. M. L. Cleaves, Inspirational and trance speaker, Jin s. S. J . Swasky, Inspirational speaker, Noank.Oonn, Right generation, ante-natal conditions, and educational Jilts. II. JI. Shaw , tranco speakor, Joliet, Will Co., IU, o£ business. • We eat; we drink; we sleep •, we girl. I was eleven years old, and my., mother munlpulai ions—these are the underlying forces of progress owull. Mass. Du. D ean Cla rk e. Tubbs’s Hotel, Oakland. Cal.- H enry Straub, Dowaglnc, JIlcli. get weary; we- get again refreshed; we have and redemption,11 Dll. H. B. Stoker, 0 Montgomery place, room 6, Bos­ knows about spirits coining back. She reads tlie It Is funny to read of stances nnd tranco-spcaklng on Mrs. Amelia II. Colby, 237 W. Madison street, Chi­ business avocations. The artist finds ample shipboard, and have accounts of the spirits mixed up with cago, in. ton, Mass. J Banner of Light, anil she ’ll. be glad to have me A. B. Child , W est Falrleo, Vt. Mns. J. 11. st il l jia n Severance, JI. D ., Milwaukee, notices of the Sandwich Islanders. But Mr, Peebles seems Wls. means to unfold his tnlent'therc; so does the me­ come, nml I ’ll bring'little,Jim along with me. to have drawn quite a company or familiar “ spirits11 An n ie Lord Ch a m berlain, ICO Warrenavo.^ Chicago. J ames M. Choate, inspirational, No. 7 North Pino W . J . Shaw, Toledo. O., caro P. H. Bateson. chanic; and all through the various branches of along with him, and was regaled with quite tho same med­ streot, Salem, Mass. . . - Dn. J. D. Seely will lecture 011 tho Science of the Soul. He died when lie was three years old. I brought ley of uotlous In the South Seas and India as In Philadel­ Address, box(171. LaPorte, ind. , business life you will find there is an active prin­ phia aud Boston. Tho Sandwich Islands laono of the lost Hkttie Clark, tranco speaker, 24 Dover street, Boston.. him hero to-day, and maybe lie'II come, some­ J ohn c o l l ie r , from England. Address, care Banner Charles W. Stew aht, Torre Haute, Iud, Edens. “ The missionaries, forgetting Paul's injunction, Jilts. JI. B. T ow nsend, Stoncliam, Jlass.,! till further ciple running in the spirit-world, for there nre time. 1 haven't seen^fnttier; I don’t know kSa)nto thy brethren with a holy kiss,' have taught them a of Light. AIus. 8. E. Ckossman, tranceanil inspirational speaker, notice. '' different wav of salutation.” Thu aecouut of Australia Si’knceu Thomas, Inspirational, 2 1st street, Charles­ no drones there. where.' ho lives. I have n’tr seen him. I heard- and New Zealand Is sketchy, but verv'Tondablo. Every­ Address, Pavilion, Tremont street, Boston, Mass. Dn. J.-II. Cu r r ie r , 30 Wall street, Boston, Mass, town, Mass. . Q.—llbw dot'.s Uie spiritiml body tally (if I where lie thinks Uio natives have suffered from contact Mns. George A. Ta ber, • trance, will accept engage­ somebody say that he was being educated some­ with the whites. Civilization has gone hard with them. Mr s. J knnett J. Clark will answer calls to lecture In may biCnllowed to use the expression) .with'the. any part of the State, Address, 25 W arren avouuo, Bos­ ments to lecture anywhere within a day's ride of liomo. where, but I do n’t know- wlvero. I have n ’t seen The voyage from Now Zealand to China Is divided between Address, Boston, Jlass. >' ■ natural ? Where does age,At death, leave - the Robert Owen and Plato, Fourier and cannibalism, Utopia ton; Mass. I saac Cook, 1U6 Morgan street, St. Louis, Mo. T hojiab B. TAYLon, Inspirational, Milford, Mass. natural body ? Suppose one is old and ugly him., I do nil I cnii for my mother. I'll come to aud Jesus. The Chinese got up a pantomimic prayer for Be n j. Todd, Charlotte, Mich. wind, and our author had a sCmco. In China lie finds a I)u. T hor. C. Con sta n tin e, lecturer, Thornton, N. II. here,-wilL-thu-bcautiful body (of.the liible) be licr.wheri.I can.. i ’ll do-nll I-cnn for her. I George W. Caupknder, clairvoyant and Inspiration­ J . H. W . Toohey, 67 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass. good deal of human tmtureand Christianity: he Is impress­ Hudson Tuttle, Berlin Heights, O. his?. ' ed with Hie Imlustrv nml good order of people who are so al sneaker, Kendalivillc, Ind. want her to be happy, and, to tend tho.Baniier of Mns. L ora 8. Cr a ig , Upper Falls. Vt. Jins. E. T. T rego, Indianapolis, Ind. crowded Unit they Be in each otbor’sw ay: nnd bo finds Jilts. Ad b ie W . T a n n e r , Jlontpeller, Vt. A.'—Y es; there is f na(,urarbb(ly,r 'say.s St. 'Light'every week, because maybe I ’ll come Spiritualism there. They are a nation of Spiritualists, be­ Lew is F. Cummings, inspirational, Richmond, 111. M. C. Connelly, Louisville, Ky., inspirational speak­ 8 . A. T homas, JI. D., Fonnvillo, Ind. I’nul, nnd there is a spiritual .body. This spirit­ again,. Good-by, Mr. Wilson. Nov. 30. lieving In the presence of their ancestors, and their power er, will answer calls to lecture. Jilts. IlOBEiiT T ijim ons, Mexico, Audrlau Co., Mo. to Intlueuce their descendants. >Vhen foreigners luok at Mns. CoiiaL. V. T ai'Pa n , care Banner of Light, Bos­ ual body is not subject to the laws of decay to tho landscape or thu sk>\ Chinese hy-stauders are sure to Mur. Marietta F.Crorb, tranco, W. Hampstead, N. H* remark, “ They are looking at the Fung-Hiiwuy,” His Mr s. M. J. Colrurn, Ohampltn, Hennepin Co., Minn. ton, Jlass. ■ _ tliat; extent that the physical, body-is here , in Seanco conducted by Theodora Parker. , Du. H. H. Crandall-. P O. box 1338, Bridgeport, Conn. Geo. W. Taylor. Lawton’s Station, E rie Co., N . Y, travels! through Turkey are tho more interesting, as they Jilts. Sarah JI. Tiiombson, lnsplratloualspeaker, 161 hhow au intimate knowledge of the country and its people. I ra II. Curtir, Hartford, Conn. this life. It'reaches'n certajn altitude, or un­ Mur. Lucia II. Cow les, Clyde, O. St. Clair street, Cleveland, O. ■ Ho gives the Mohammedans credit fora better morality Venkiuo Voldo, inspirational, 515 Hlgli street, Provl- folds lo a cei tain degree, and there it remains, MESSAGES TO BE PUBLISHED. than they have tho name of possessing. They aro more Mrs. B elle A. Cham berlain, Eureka, CaL honest and orderly than Hie Greek Christians. It Is im­ Mur. J. F. Coles, trance. 735 Broadway, New York. denco, It. 1. . seemingly stntioimry, until it is unfolded in the • Tuesday, Dec. 1.—Nellie Williams, of Boston; Nancy Dr . J ames Cooper, Bellefontalno. ()., will lecture and F. L. 11. W il l is , M. D., Wlllimantlc, Conn., box 862. Heininenway; of Framingham; Willie Delano. possible to conveita Mohammedan to evangelical Chris­ N. F rank W h it e , Seymour, Ct. Thursday, Dec. 3.—llyaselnmd; Lillian l*age, of Buffa­ tianity. Ho “ cannot understand how Jesus existed boforo take subscriptions for tho Banner of Light. -higher'life again. -So,-then,.'.that which grows his mother, and Is of the safiio age as his F ather.'1 Not­ Ke y . Norwood D amon, 22Tyler street, Boston, Mass, J a jies W h ee le r , Idtclitlold, N. Y. lo, N. V., to her sister; Tom Ericsson; Sallie Harrison, of Dr. J. R. Doty, Covington. La. E. V. W ilson, Lombard, 111. ugly by age or by disease: is tho physical body, Leeds, Eng. withstanding the veils or tho Turkish women and their J . G. W h itney , inspirational, Book Grovo City, Iowa, professed seclusion from society, there Is no difficulty iu IVm, Denton, Wellesley, Mass. Manilayy Dec, 7. —Eslella Vance, of Hlchmoml. Vn.; Miss Lizzie D oten, Pavilion, 57 Tremont at., Boston. M iss It. Augusta w h it in q , Inspirational, Albion, nnd hot the spiritual. There is, to be sure, a sort John Hogan, of Hositm, to Ida brother; Mary Wallace Ha­ seeing them or their faces. Tho more symmetrical an4 JIlcli. ' ven: Annie Farkhursl, of Worcester, Mass., lo her mother. beautiful the features, the more thin and gauze-like the Du. E. C, 1) u n n , Rockford, 111. of reflux, or shadow action upon tlio spirit-body, An d r e w J ackson D avir, 21 East 4th streot. New York. It. H. W inslow , Batavia, 111. Tumlay, Dec. 8.—Daniel N. Haskell; Lulu Castro, of veil. Tho time was when these veils were opaque; “ now, S. H. WoilTJIAN, Buffalo, N. Y., boxl454. by its contact with, inharmonious conditions that Boston; Benjamin Nathan; Andrew KoUluson, to his unless the woman Is exceedingly lean and ugly, they aro as J. H amlin D ew ey, M. D., will answer calls for Sun­ thin as those through widen the blushes of American day lectures on tho scientific phases of Spiritualism and re­ Jilts, S. E. W a r n e r , Appleton, WIs., boxll. brother.. r form. Address 478 Washington streot. Boston, 3fasa. L ois W aisbrookeu, box 1)18, BattloOreok, Mich, exist in the body natural, but it is temporary, Thursday, Dec, 10.—dames Barrows, of Taunton. Mass, brides may be seen, really enhancing tho beauty they pro­ D11. F rench WEnsTEit, Jlnncliestcr, N. H. .lames Johnson, of Boston; Susie Hyde, of Medford, tend to conceal.” The hook Is written in newspaper style, Mis s N e l m e L. DAViR'saddrcss, 235 Washington street, and is generally very soon got rid of. and is very easy reading.—The D aily Graphic, Salem, Mass., taro of Frank Tyler. P ro p. E. W ih p p l k , cornof Windsor and Westminster Mass,; Ellen Carnes, of Boston, lo her brother; Joseph Mr s. An n ie T. D w y er , 853 Washington street, Mom* streets, Ilosloil, Mara. ’ , ,, .. Q.—[By Dr. B. F. Clark.] In the sixth chap­ llorrovvscale. pld.s, Tenn. W arren W oolson, trance speaker, North Bay, N. Y. Mawluif, Dec. M.—Alfrcd'Stllos, of Windsor, Conn.; Jilts. Mary J. W ilcoxson win lecture In Colorado for ter of Genesis it Is stated that " Cod looked upon KllaStlmpson, of East Boston; Bnlh Burkina, of Salmon “ Pnoop P alpable of I mmoutality” is tho title of a Mur. Addie P. D avis, Whitehall, Greene Co., ill, book by Epos Sargent, published by Oolbv & Rich, 0 A, E. Doty will attend funerals in Herkimer County, N, tho present. Address, Boulder, Col. Tor. . . the earth, nnd behold ! it wns corrupt; for all Falls; Conwav. Montgomery place, Boston, Mass. Price $1,00. X., and vicinity. Address, llion, Herkimer Co., N. Y. J ohn B. Wo l f f ; 610 Pearl street, Now York, will leo, Tiirfidnu, Dec. 15.—Eliza Dunbar, of Boston; George turo on reform subjects within casydlstnnfiesoC New York, flesh .had corrupted ids way upon the earth ; and W. Watkins, or East Cambridge; .Mary Guilin, of Edin­ As its title Indicates It deals with tho palpable facts that F rank Dw ig h t, Montana, Iowa. God said unto Nbali,.The end of all flesh is come go to prove man’s Immortality, or rather hts continued In­ Mits. L. E. Drake, normal speaker, Plainwcli, Mich. JI. A. Wentw orth, Knox, Jlo. burgh, Scotland,' to her parents. W arren W ig h t, inspirational, Waterloo, N. Y. before nie, for the eartli is filled with violence Thursday,-Dec, 17.—dames Cobley Cartwright, of Lon dividuality after tho dissolution of tho physical hotly; for A. II. Darrow, Waynesville, III. don. Eng.; Albro Wallace, of Hoboken, N. J .; Lillian Immortality Is a fact uckuowicdgt d by all who make any A. Briggs DAViswlllanswercallstosncakonSpIrltual- JIarcenus It. K. W r ig h t , Mlddlovillo, JIlcli., box 11. through them, and behold ! I will destroy them Salvage, of Washington. 1). pretensions lo Intelligence, tie they dclstic, atheistic or ma­ ism, the Woman Question and Health Reform. 1*. O. ad­ N. JI. Wuioiit. lnsplratloualspeaker, will answer call terialistic. Continued individuality, without which Im­ dress, 135 Jay street, Rochester, N. Y. to lecture In- tho New England States. Address, Boston, witli tlio eartli. And behold ! I, even I do bring Monday, D»c. 21.— Mary Adelaide Gaines, of Mont­ Mass., care Banner of Light. a flood of waters upon the eartli, to destroy all gomery, Ala., to her mother; David Champnoy, of Boston, mortality, however palpably proven, Is to most of us no M ur. C. A. De l a fo l ie , Hartford, Conn, to Ids sons; Nathan Harding; Daniel Chandler. bettor than annihilation, is tho disputed point, and Mr. D r. D. D. Davir, Inspirational, COLeverottst., Boston, Jins. Victoria O. W oodhull, 48 Broad st., Now York. flesh wherein is the breath of life from under Tuesday, Dec. 22.—David Garrison, or Portsmouth, H, Sargent brings forward facts Iu support- of. that theory Mur. 8. Dick , G87K Washington streot, Boston, Mass. Da n ie l , W h it e , JI. D., Girard, 111. .... “..''heaven;- '"Anil"“everything th at is in the enrtli L : Simon Brown, of Hanover, N. H .: Nellie French, which it would seem Impossible to controvert. Ho deals It. G. E ccleb, Kansas City, Mo. A. C. and Mrs. E l iz a C. W ooduufF, Eaglo Harbor, Thursday, Dec. 2A.-~“ Black Swan;” Jonathan Barker, largely with the well-authenticated and palpable facts of J ohn W. E vartb, inspirational speaker, Contralla, 111 N. Y. shall die.” ..Is. the above Bible statement true? of Exeter, N. H.; George A. Barclay, to his father, of ModcrnSpIrltuallsm—such assplrlt-materlalizatlon. splrlt- J ames FoUan, M. D ., Knoxville, Fa. Jilts. JIa r y E. W it iie e , Marlboro’, Mass., box632. A.—No, certainly not. It is but the fragment­ Chatham Square, New York City; Charles Dennett, of nlmtography and tho like—aud has incorporated into his T homas Gales F orster, 238 West 14th streot, New It. P. W ilson. 2S0 East 77th streot, Now York. IMttslleld* N. if.: Jennie Johnson. book accounts of marvelous occurrences, all seemingly* York City. Jins. Sophia W oods, trance spoakor, Burlington, Vt., ary evolution of thought proceeding from a wild, Monday, Dec, 2.S.—Aunetla Jane lloberls, of Salt Lake well substantiated, which constitute tho proof palpable of Mur. Su sie A. W il l ir -F letciier, 9 3Iontgomery care Col. S. S. Brown. City, to her mother: Julian Frazier, to his brothers; Capt. man's continued Individuality after the physical change Place, Boston, Mass. E l ija h W oodworth, lnsplratlonnl, Leslie, Mich. uncultivated spirit, given through an equally Thomas Neale, of Portsmouth, N. H.; Nhma Vibbtrt. to called death, Thu hook contains ovidenco aud argument J . W m. F letcher, 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Maas, E. A. W h eeleu , soml-trnnco and Inspirational, Utica, wild, uncultivated medium, transmitted down her mother. which will lie considered by many as abundant proof of the Dii. 11. P. F a ir f ie l d , Greenwich Village, Mass. N.Y. Tuesday, Dec. 20.—dean Ingalls, of Edinburgh. Scot­ only desirable kind of immortality, and although mainly R ev. J. F ra ncis, Ogdensburgh. N. Y. L oren It. W it h k r e l l , 1810 Gravo st., Davenport, la. through .the generations, nnd called Holy Writ. land. toiler mother: Mercy Foster, of Hillsboro', N. II.: devoted to the recitation, of facts, U not lacking In a thor­ Mrs. Clara A. F ie l d , Inspirational, 0 Allston street, Dit. E. B. W heelock, Pleasanton, JCau. Caroline Adams, of Worcester. Mass.; Martha Fabens. or ough analysis of Its facts, giving tlio vJowsof lhe author Bunker 11111 District. .Boston, Mass. GeorgeW. W h it n e y , normal, Westerly, E. I. :Q.—Did God ever talk to anybody ? Philadelphia: Tom, to.Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Saunders, of and noted men of all ages on the various ami abstract ques­ Charles D. F a r l in , inspirational, Deerfield, Mich, Jtu s. ItACiiRL W alcott, tranco, Baltimore, Md. tions arising therefrom. Its author Is evidently a profound Mary L. F rench, Townsend Harbor, Mass. Asa W arren, Waterloo, Iowa. Charleston, S. O .; Sebastian Streeter. Jilts. N. J.W il l is , 94WlndBorBt.,Caml>rldgeport,Mais«. 'A.—Yes, I hope so, and I so believe. At nny Monday, Jan. 1.—I). 1>. Byorley, from Philadelphia, lnBt philosopher, and looks deeply Into tho soul of things—ad­ George A. F uller, inspirational, Bherburn, Maas. rate, God talks with me through tho falling wa­ on the Morning Star; Joshua Harrison, of Dover, N. H.; mitting that “ things” have souls, which be who reads Miss Almedia B. F ow ler, Inspirational, Boxtouvllle, Geo. C. W a it e , (caro of Albert D. Jloore,) South Hope, Colonel Tom Leavitt, to his son-In-law; WlUlmn Sanford, and endorses this boon must do—and this Is Its chief feature Richland Co., WIs., care F. I). Fowler. Jlo. ters, through the rustling leaf, through the storm, of ItlackPtonc, .Mass. of attraction to the thinking uilud, while the marvelous Mrs. M. 11. F u ller, Elk River, Mlun. Jilts. J u liette Ykaw, Northboro’, Mass. Tuesday. Jan, 5.—Elizabeth Peters, to her Bister, H ar­ facts which aro pleasantly Interspersed- with Its solid A. B. French, Clyde, O. Jin. J. L. York, Ban Jos6, Santa Clara Co., Cal. , through tlie starlight, through all tlio manifesta­ riet Ellen Peter?, of Minnesota: Charlotte Kendall: Thus. thought make a peru-al of the book Interesting even to B ryan Grant, caroC. N .D ., l45Broaaway, Now York Mn. and Jin s. W m. J . Y oung, Boise City. Idaho. ! tions of liis scripture-book of nature ; but most IIlit; Ralph Johnson, of Boston: Ellen Carney, of Boston. minds that are unable to comprehend its logical deductions. City. D n. J ohn 8. Ze l l e y , Inspirational, Gormantown, Thursday, Jan. 7.—Samuel Mason, of B'oston, to Ids —The Wmstcd Press, D u. C. D. will answer callB In Michigan, Indl FlUla., Pa. of all, best and highest of nil, through human children: Lucy Page, of Augusta, Me., to her mother; ana nnd Illinois. Address Kalamazoo, Mich, llotito. to Mr. Walker, of New Orleans; llcnry W . Fowler, Ach illes1 W iiatii. A, composite translation of tho K ersey Graves, Richmond, Ind. life. - of New York City, lo Ids father. first book or Homer's JIHad, Prepared by our friend, P, Mrs. 31. L. 8. Gilham s, inspirational, Brighton, Ind, Passed to Npirlt-Llfet Q.—Was Noah a medium? and did lie not mis­ Thursday,, Jan. 21.— Sam Wycr, of Chicago, 111.: Jen­ Rusovelt Johnson. M. D ., of Sag Harbor, N. Y. A neat Oai*t. E. II. G reen, Jeffersonville, Ind. From New Castle, P a., Feb. 25th, D r. Samuel Searles, nie Walters, of Lawrence, Mass., to herfuther. Edward pamphlet of 42 pages from the press of Colby & Rich. It is N. 8. Gu ee n lea f, Lowell, Mass. take a spirit for God? ... ., Walters, of St. Louis. Mo.; Dominic Ludzl, of New Yoik a compilation from tho principal translations of tho best I saac P .G reenlk a f, 27 Milford street, Boston, Mass. aged near 70 years. A.—Yes, in ail probability. CHv: Samuel Adams Pryor, of Boston. part or Homer'F great poem, which lma not been excelled Mr . J. G. Gil e s , Princeton, Mo. Dr. SenrloB was among tho firht to enlist In the spiritual Tuesday, Jan. 2h.—Margaret Barclay, of Boston; Paran in four thousand years. Every person wishing the greatest Mrs. Dr. Gil b e r t, trance and Inspirational speakor. cause, preserving a lively interest therein until tho “ fair Q.—How many nations and peoples were on the Stevens; Harry Smith: Black Pilnee, to Mrs. Sally Hen­ poem the world has yet produced, should send for a copy will attend funerals and lecture on Spiritualism, Temper­ stranger, Death, came to conduct him to more glorious derson; Margaret Callahan, to her sister; t4Ouo Who Price 2.i cts.—The Truth Neeker, ance, &c. Address P. O. Box 452, Chelsea, Mass. scenes and more harmonious Bocletlos.11 _ eartli at tlie time of the flood that were not de­ Knows” (Anouvmous). Sarah Graves, inspirational speaker, Berlin, Mich. Tho funeral services wore held in tho Church of tho Dis­ Dit. Uobt. Greek, Chicago, 111., lecturesleer on “ Tho ’VI stroyed by it, and had no knowledge of it ? Thursday, Jan. 28.—Augclla Sampson, to her mother; “E a t in g f o r St r e n g t h .” byby Dr, Holbrook, No, 15 ciples, In tho city of his residence, where the Hon. A. 1>. Cant. William Credeford, bf Kenm,Mnmk, Me.; Mary Lalght street, New York. FilledwFilled with ltl._ short...... articles ...... and tal Phenomena_ .. .. ot------Human Magnetism,„----- jui, and Us wondrous Bradford gave a calm and philosophic dissertation on the A.—I do not know, therefore cannot .answer Eliza Itoblnson,Robinson, of Brighton. Eng.. ~ to her children;---- Solo- rectyes, which thoso who cook or cat food will find useful. powerovor Headband Disease.11 nature of Death, aud a fitting tribute to the worth of tho monon Stebblns,Siebblns. of Stebblnsviilo.Slebblnsvlllc Onlo. Dn. It. T. Hallock, 140 East 15th streot, NowYork. departed brother, who, notwithstanding tho uiipopulanty the question. I only know that a very small rim itivr Christianity and Modern Spir it u ­ Mrs. Agnes M, Ha l l , 50 Pearl street, Cambrldgcport, Monday, Mary Darlington, of St. Louis; George alism ,” by Eugene Crowell; Vol. I, U. W. Carlton A Mass. ** 4 1 of his faith, was greatly respected, and his medical skill— area of land was flooded at that time. It was a llopkius, of. wtuiamstown, vt.; Jacob Hodgdon, of Cov, New York. \ very Interesting and Instructive book 'of the Homeopathic school—widely appreciated. Charlestown, Mass.; Paul Jaquith, of New Orleans, to Mrs, Si M. 11a l Lv7037lh avenue,-NewYork,... - ...... His estimable wife remains upon the earth, whoso Inter­ local matter, anil not a general one. —an educator.—ThcNhatur and Shakeress Mrs. S. A. Rogers H eyder, trance and inspiration^ his son: Nancy Page, of Rye, N. II. Haverhill, Mass. est iu the progress of the Spiritual Revelation has been- Q.—Was not the spirit that talked witli Noali Tuesday, Feb. 2.—Mary Jane Ogden, of Ogdcnsburgh, equally earnest with her husband's, and she looks forwaru N. Y .: Major Henry W. Penning, of Second Alabama In­ B ooks R eceived,—A most valuable work on tho vexed Mr s. M. J . Upiiam II endee, 230 Kearnoy street, Ban with confidence to a happy reunion with tho loved ones very ignorant of tlio population of tho earth at fantry: Elizabeth Atwood, of Blackstonc, Mass,; Col. social questions «r tho day Isa little volume Trom the pen Francisco, Cal. gono boforo. • M. A. T. Tom (flickering. of A. J. Davis, the well-known authorof the “ Great Iiar- Mns. E l v ir a s . H u ll, Vineland, N. J. that time ? E. Anne Hi km an. West Winsted, Conn. Box 323. Monday, Feb. 8.—Bonnie Talbot, of Franklin. N .ll., to monla,” entitled “T h e Genkrib and E thics of Con­ March cth, Susan G., wife of A .—It certainly would so seem. his mother: Thomas, to Francis 11. Smith, of Baltimore, jugal Love.” The book is supplemental to a previous L yman C. Howe, Frcdonla, N. Y. From Stony Creek, Va. Md.: Hiram Blanchard; Natlmnlol Andrews, of Danvers, work—“ The Reformer” — and Is called forth by tho agita­ Mrs. S. A. H orton, Galveston, Tex. J. H. Kellogg. Q.—If a spirit could talk with Noah, does not Mass.; Lydia Perkins, of Sr. Johnshury, Vt. tion in tho social world, and the consequent nrgumentnud M its/L. S. H ese l t in e , trance, 8 Bennett streot. Bos Though she loved this life, yet knowing whither she was that prove that any spirit can talk with anybody Tuesday, Feb, 9.—Shunkazeewa, to Spotted Tall; bddlo misrepresentation. Too author alms to impress upon his ton Mass. *-/- going rrom revelations given hor by tho loved ones gone when conditions are favorable? Wilkinson, of New York Cltv, to his father; Svlvla Nor­ readers with additional clearness the harinonlal principles Charles Holt, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. before, death was met cheorfully and the victory ovor fear man, of Syracuse, N. Y.; Ellphalet Barrows, of Barring­ of marriage nml (ho frue life. * E. An n e IH nman, West Winsted, Conn. was complete. Her funeral was attended at Cato, N. Ym A.—Yes; it proves the existence of tlie law, ton. N, H .; Mary Emerson Guild, of Boston, to herpa- T he Gadarkne, or s p ir it s in P rison, by J. o Mrs, M. A. C. Heath (formerly Brown) will answer where, as Miss Mattie Kellogg assured me, Bbo Baw this rents. ______' Barrett and «J. M. Peebles. Tho author?, In a brief preface, calls to lecture and attend funerals. Address, Bethel, Vt. hunt, as also her mother at her mother's funeral. She bane nnd tlie action of the law upon human life. announce that “ tho book Is written from a sense of duty J ames H. H a rris, box 99, Abington, Maas. tho friends sorrow not, for she was not dead, but rlsen- Nov. 30. Indifferent alike to encomiums nnd criticisms. It Is fact A nthony Hig g in s, 13 Meadow Btreet, South Salem O. K. v. Properly speaking, there is no mystery about wo are after, nml the truth we mean to spcakatall hazard.11 Mass. ’ W m. A. D. H ume, West Side P . O., Cleveland, O. men, out only a great dimness and lethargy in The book Isa collection of facts relating to Demons, uods, From Malden, Feb. 16th, Mrs. M argaret, wife of Paschal Obsession, Psychology, ami Medlumshlp; the theories de­ it. W. H ume___ -,1 Hunter's--_, ... aPoint,, L, lecture I., N. Y., wlllh Eldridge Carson. o'ur perceptions of them. Tlie secret ot tlie uni­ duced may awntteu some discussion and difference of opiu< on ~tlio reforms connected witli Spiritualism* Stone, aged 65 years 0 months and 21 days. verse is no more a secret than is the answer to Ion, but they ai c certainly well presented nml strongly sup­ Zella S. Hastings, Inspirational, East Wlmtoly, Mass. Thus, rlpo In j’earsandlri earthly experiences, hasonoth- My name, sir, was Eldridge Carson. I am tlie a school-boy’s problem. A mathematician will ported; other subjects than tho above, but appertaining ItEV. J. II. IlAKTElt. Auburn, N. Y. cr traveler nassed througn the bright portalB or Its immor­ thereto, are also treated of. There is much reaf informa­ pit. E. II. Hoi.dkn, Inspirational, NortliClnrondon, \ t , tal home. Funeral services wero neld by the writer at tier son of Samuel Eldridge Carson, of New Orleans. draw you a triangle and a circle and show you tion, ns the authors taken wide range, covering almost the I)it. J. N. Hodges, trance, 0 Henry st., E. Heston, Mass, late residence, Clifton streot, Malden, on Thursday^ Feo. Mns. A. L. H agar, Inspirational, Mt. Clemens, MIcli. I was-fourteen years old. Idled of congestion the trigonometrical science latent thereih. But whole of tho Spiritual Philosophy, aud investigators will 28th, when her mortal form was tenderly laid to rest. a profoumler mathematician would do as much find It a welcome addition to their library.—Boston: Colby Mur, F . O. Hyzeu, 433 E. Ilaltlmore st., Baltimore, Md, J . H. CUIIBIBB. of the lung's. I have been gone a little over Rich, 9 Montgomery Place. Pp. 232.—Spiritual Ncien- Mns. I*. H utchison, Inspirational, Owensvllle, Cal. with tho equation man.—Julian Hawthorne. tist. Hit. Adelia Hull, 22» First street, Dotrolt. Mich. {.Obituary notices not exceeding twenty lines published three weeks. I come back to my father mostly Moser H ull, Vineland, N. J., or No. 871 Washington street. Huston. Mass. gratuitously. Twenty cents per line fo r additional mat­ for the purpose of interesting diiuiJn behalf of It 1r a significant Tact that tho town of Halifax, Mass., H ome, F emme Heroic and Miscellaneous P oems. D. W. H ull,-inspirational and normal, 148 West Wash, which has neither a resident lawyer, doctor nor minister, —This is the title of a volmno or verse by Jessee H. Butler, Intrton street, Chicago, 111. ter must be paid. The average line in agatetype contain* of 8an Francisco, published by Colby ft Rich. The work my sister. He lias discarded her because she has likewise neither an alrosbouso nor paupers, and hereto­ Miss Su sie M. jou n son , Box 72, Bay City. Mich. ten words. Thus by counting the words, the writer will consists of 208 pager, handsomely printed and elegantly MAnY I*. J ew ett, M. D.. ltutland, vt. ' failed to comply with his wishes in marrying to fore Into not possessed (^receiving tomb. bound in cloth. The author, in bis preface, professes only see at once whether the notice teheed* the stipulated W m. F. J amieson, care Bannerol Light, Boston. berornot.] \

MARCH 27, 1875. B AlSnsrEB, O F LIGHT. Itbimns in Ikssfmt. Itfo Jnolts. Ilcfaj ^nnhs. K*to § orli ^ bbcrffscmcitte. IS OLDEST A ^ t HU s t Clairvoyant Medical Practice I Now Ready. SECOND EDITION. IN THE WORLD. “ BPBi’OB'S- DR. STOKER’S OFFICE THE Positive and Negative 100 YEA R S A G PROOF PALPABLE POWDERS. TV ALTER BAKER & co^tegan^tlic manufacture or tliolr NO. 9 MONTGOMERY PLACE. AROUND THE WORLD; OF IMMORTALITY: OH, HK raajrlc control of the PONITIVK AND NEO- ATIYK 1MMVDKIM over disease of all kinds, is Botng an Account of the Materialization Phenomena Tw o n d erftil b f jo n d n il p re fe rie n l. They do no vio­ Chocolate, Cocoa, ■*s2R!£B& siSr-.- of Modern Spiritualism, with Remarks on the W hat I Saw in the South Sea Islands, lence to tho system, causing h o p u rg in g , n o n n u ic n U wl.arever™ ? m “ InslRhlt% W ,!L T t,??d . I1:lt'onts' !™1 Ing. no v o m llln g . n o n a rc o tis in g . perlonce can n ccniim rff,,? practical Judgment anil ex- Relations of the Faots to Thoology, The I'ONITIVKM cure N eu rn lg ln , Headache, Itlic n - I curing tifo sick. P ' wl" 1,0 “mploycd as liorctofuro In m nlUra, I’alnsof all kinds; Dtarrluen, D ysentery, Vom­ and Broma. Morals, and Religion. Australia, China, India, Arabia, iting. l>ys|»epsln, Klnlultmce, Worms; nil F e m n le Its standard of excollonco and purltv W fn k n e u c a ami dorauguiuents; FIU . Oramns, Nl. VI- wmfawjdoj'pp^aorld-wldo roputatlon. anil tliclr vnrL,» ” .??S tu*’ Dance, Hpasms; nil high grades of Fc%'cr,»mall Pox, | RY EPES SARGENT, Egypt,'and other “Hea­ Measles, Hcnrlatlua, Kryslindas: nil Inflnm m atloiiH , pave received tlio HIGHEST MEDALS attlio P n rii Jan. 3. acute or chronic diseases of the K ldncyu, Liver, Lungs, nnd Vienna Exiioaltloiie and nt tlle prll,i,A,n^ " PR. II. B. STOKER. Author of •• Flanchotto, a History of Modern H e n ri, HbiddCr. or nuy other organ of the tio'ly; C tntnrrli, piiillliinsof tlio World, ovorall comnntltors. 1 x Spiritualism,” &o. ^ then ”0 ) Countries. ' Consumption, H ro n eliltU , Ooughs. t’olits; NcrolY In, They now make tlio F i n e s t VANIIdLA Cliocolato Mrs. Dr. Nervousness, A atltnm , Hleeplewniea*. .tc. and the G e r m a n S w eet C h o c o la te . Tlielr l a ir v o y a n t S. E. Crossman, The NKUATIVK* euro l»nrnlTnln. or Palsy, wheth­ alHO Tranco Mediumm,?1) MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN; , yenily, forming a volume of 2tn pages: wtthaTaldo I er of tho muscles or senses, as In llllm ln r u . I>rofncii», C im n. Removes all Cancers ami Tu- uessVdt|l|m^iaV!/V1'l1i,,>iMll!iB Illll,*x. anil an inigraw^d like- b y j . m T iFe e b l e s , loss of taste, smelt, feeling or motion; all Low Fevers, Breakfast Cocoa I T erm s'^ ***'«'''<•* distance country. *Lbr 1 '^tle Ling, never licfure puliirslicd In this ] Author of “ ,Seers of the A gfa," “ SplrttiuiUsm Defined BUi'h ns the T y p h o id and tbc T y p h u s, vlloth tho P O S IT IV E AND NKA4ATIVK are needed s,.Vitl!'.V’.!!!.illil?Vi’‘,ovl’ri' 75 cul,ts: l"’nl1'1 1,1 cloth, ft,00. and Defended^" "Jesus-Mythy Mon or (/ud%" ttc. In d tllla n n d Vevor. °f D y*P°»,tIc »and those amicted 1 s t e w bent by mall at these prices. ' AdKNTN WANTED KVIiltVWlIKIIK. 'W*™ and American spiritualists the warmost I 'Phis intensely Interesting...... „ volume...... of nve four hundred Or. Main’s Health Institute, celvi'l 1 11 ,US 0t 1 a rciulu‘kll,'lL* work have been rc- | pages, fresh with Hie gleanings of something like two Mailed P o«tr■Ipul.l (I llo x ...... 81.00 years’‘ travel ' “ in Kurope” ...... and ‘ Urmntal'*riei...... I-;uul is now ready at IhoHo IMtieilSi? tl O llo x e ...... o.oo Racahout des Arabes AT NO. CO DOVER STREET, BOSTON. t , ViPiV*-* " h'JCP.ilo nI• <1 retail l.y Hie publishers, COLBY tiond your money at our rink and expeiiM*. oltnoi hy Province fur delivery. *ree? (lmvel ,^I!f 1° m " f A sa work embodying personal cxp»rlom’os, descriptions Post office Honey Order, or by Hrglnlernl letter- or Is an excellent food for Invalids, and unrivalled Indelicacy I of Asiatic countries, ami obsorVAthms relating to tho man- hy D rnllon Now York, orby K*pre»*,(leductlng from tho | uurs. cus'.nus, laws, religious and spiritual Instincts of ainojiut to ho sent, ft routs If you send a Post office Money throughout.0the country.88 ° "y Gr0Cers ______I3w»-Jun, 23. Never to be Re-published. (IlllVrou' nations, this is aliogiiihm the most Important Order, or Ift cents If you soml hy Keglstered Letter, D rift, ■ / , ADAMS, Magnetic Physician. ns- and st'i l lng lumk that has appeared fnun tho author's p >u. or Kxpress. If you send n Post ottlce M oney O rd er, tell DT Detiomlnathmal seidarlsts wllUlnubtln saccuse the writer tho Post-master to nxnUe It pnynblent NtzOlon Ik., of studletlellortH to Impeach tlie(Hirtstlaullyor thtX.'hurch, Newr Y o rk C’ltr . WALTER BAKER & CO., ant Spiritualism atul umluly extol Hrahinlulsm, Confucianism, Huddh sm Addrcfta, nmlotlicr l'.a tern religions. Su leluros of this character Fc„.27.-13w,>OKC,,ESTEn’ MASS- Bl,Ve'1 •» “ eh K f f i , ™ ' l i l S r ' S OOMBIKTED. he must expect to meet at tho bauds of critics. l'K OF. l'.VYT'ON NCKNCE, ill. !»., UJanG& ^ C° 10,irs from 10104 **• M. During this round-the-world voyage, Mr. Peebles not IBS VtiHi lfllli nlroH, New York City. Hy special purrhnso wo possess nil tho remainder of the only bad the advantage of previous travel, together with J- WILLIAM AND SUSIE WILLIS first and only edition of that highly-prized volume tho use of his own eyes, but the valuable assistance of Dr.- For inlo nloo nt (lie Ilnnnrr of Light Office. O STANDARD WORKS Dunn’s clairvoyance ami trance l. tluences. Those, In the Montgomery l*lt»ce. Itontou, Mini. tf—Jan. 2. form of Hpirlt-eommuuicntUms, occupy many pages, and -ON- FLETCHER, BY ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, wllldeeplv Interest all w* o think In tliedlncthm of the .lamina,tons Comprising a remarkable series of twenty spontaneous dls- Spiritual Philosophy ami tho ancient civilizations. Montgomery Place, Huston. eourses deHven'd by the llurmonlnl Plillusupher In tho g r e At o f f I r Mar. 0. city of New \ ork, in im % entitled 1?/* Printed on tine white pnper, large 8vo, Anatomy, Physiology, •114 pages, gilt side and back. Nunlbor Pour...... Koom FATED TO ni: FltFK. Jean Ingelow’s great Story Hn— • M...... Mpatients H at their M residences; N n I*. S.— t e m o r n in g l e c t u r e s ! 1-ricc !?-><><>, p o stag e iff cents. price, til Imok liinil. HI.7ft. / i i c ! m 1^tHtfntph amlj!l,oo and receive a description of vour , ' Host judges pronounco those inspirational locturesamong For sale wholesale and retail hy the Publishers, TIVK.V’TY .SHOUT MTOIIIKV. a rich variety of mis­ Physiognomy, JIarcii(?-tf ' Lfentnients$1,00. limnstitill.5. the finest of.tho ipithor’s productions.* It is well to boar In cellaneous leading; over sixty large pages splendidly mind that COLBY & RICH, at No. II Montgomery Place, Illustrated. corner of Province street (lower Moor), Boston, TEN NTEEIj IIEIM IO OFFTIONN. fac-slmllesoT fa­ No more Copies of tills Volume will Mass, *______mous pictures; original engraving', worlh fflft.OO. ever lie Printed, All the above sent post-paid with IIkakti! a m > Homk, Phrenology, Psychology |£ p F p S l l S l l the great Uuistraled week'v magazine, two ut tnUtH ON | J^apneffzfdPaper. Paper25centsur more, optional. plates having boon destroyed, in part, and other- I Tut At.. toronlyftO 4'HNTS. oii.i k it : To Introduce tho wlsuappropriated; so that now lathe thno for all readers ACHILLES* WRATH. paper to new subNerlbers. Prleo redueed to only ^J,rjt»jmr f Mr. Davis’s works to purchase copies of year. Single numhers six rents • none fn’e. At news & C ., & C . .m b s . A COMPOSITE TRANSLATION si amis or hv mall. Omit Inducements to agents nnd elubs, fTIRANCE M E D IU M ?* ",'cS m u rd Square, Squar Boston. The Last Edition of a Rare Book. T ub tiitAriiir.t'oMi'ANY, Publlsh-'is, ;c» II Park Plan*, X onice hours from 0 to 1 and 2 to 3. Stance fn: OF THK New York, Please stale In what paper .urn saw this ad­ The entire works published by SAMUEL R. WELLS, Feli "‘Jo —Klw*5 '1 uv111oub, nnd PomaloComplaints. At Atlio homo ' Mon- ** ->SY<’IIDMIST and KLV.CTItH’l AN, Ishavlhg remark- Mi^8X-wUe5tJ?y8’, jhuradays and Fridays, from 10 to 2. o f Sag ]Iurhor% A, T. 1. able success In Magnetic Heal ng wlieio ail other No, 37 East Hrookllne street, Huston. ' tf—A•Ang. 30. SEOOND^HOWAmX methods fall. Rheumatism, PntnlysK Nervous, Feiimlo The Spiritual Magazine, This neat brochure In verso Is printed on elegant tinted and Blood Diseases, treated with skill, and exhausted sys­ paper, papercovers, 12n»o, 42 pages. 25cents, postage free. tems built up. EVOTED to tho elovationor’ourrnco and country. Is MRS. JENNIE POTTER, For wile wholesale ami retail bv the publishers, COI.HY “ Then* Is no better Magnetic Healer In New York than - D published at Memphis, Tcnn., by HAMUl L WAT r a n c e m e d iu m , n oak street, 3- doors • -from -648 & No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Province Dr. E. D. B a b b i t t . .1. M. P kkiu.Kh. SUN.Y. Belonging to no sect or party, allied to no creeds or Washingtonst. 0 a. m. toOr.M., bundays2Si to 0 r , ji. BOOK ON MEDIUMS; street (lower floor), Huston, Mass. _____ ■ Ibibblil’s ilcaltli Guide sent post-paid, for ft. “ Vital catechisms... jildsms, It will be lndopondent upon all subjects. Be­ TStar. 0.—4w* OH, | Magnetism” for 2rieents, both tn rjd .l.v Physicians and lieving— ■ ■ ■ - that , the , , teachings - of Jesus, ——. ------Sclenco----- and- Splrlttml-tual- • others have spoken as follows about tlio Health Guido: ism are perfectly lmrmonlous, this periodical will bopub- “ Worth $7. ” “ Worth *10.” “ Gt more value than all ■MISSS. ATI AM^IL’niwl liimliini,. F. h«/,.n..NICKERSON, —- aim „i_. GUIDE FOR MEDIUMS AND INVOGATORS: ’ Spiritualism Defined and Defended : tlie old school medical hooks ever published,” ~J. II. Men­ lvo0oniiHM! ilull, Melbourne, Australia, hy J. M. I'KKHLKtt. fevers, felons, c tr.,“ and completely restored his daughter, may diner with_U8 respectful .consideration, aid claim The Special Instruction of the Spirits on Tho author says : “ Spiritualists have no creed to cramp after two eminent physicians had declared she “ could not nothing for ourselves that wo do not concede to nil others, I TV/f RS. J . L,-i?LU M B M D examinpk-ilisonqp and crush tho Intellect. They acknowledge no Infallible llvu48 hours.” Address or apply to the Theory of all kinds of M anifesta­ oracle, honor no linage, trust to nosaerlfldal ’scapegoat’ , E . I>. IKAIllfITT, aUM o^'onebmUodforth^ n,ntl rca(ls tiro futuro’ for $1,00, ninl answers ataclli- tions; the Means of Communica­ to screen them from Justice; nor would they how down to March 20.-8w 232 Ensl gUd Y . their privileges. Wo are fully awaro thatiy'jwlilch wo occupy tliey Improve ground | tancofor $l,00__an(l six 3-cent atampa. Onico08»>j Wash- ope. cardinal, bishop or priest, though the fagots wore Ington street, Boston. Remit hy P. 6 . Money Order. ting with the Invisible World; luillcd nnd the cross rebuilt. Trampling upon custo, and hitherto regarded as untenable; that we have extremes March 13.— 3w* P A TEN T OFFICE, greatly In the majority against us; hut noire ortheso things the Development of Medium - admiring individual sovereignty toned hy education and a deter us Irojn our work. It will he our aim to keep the MILS. FANNIE ■»!. DEXTER. ship; the Difficulties and high moral principle, they consider each man a freeman, 94 Chambera stroot, (F. 0. Box 4544,) Now York, readers of tiro Magazine posted In regard to Spiritualism, T EbT, Healing Developing Medium, examines persons Inheriting the God-given right to think, see, hear, inves­ and Its development generally, especially In our own coun­ by lock of hair, 491 Tremout street, corner of Dover. the Dangers that are to tigate, ami Judge of all subjects for himself.” U. B. PATENT BIGHT' ASSOCIATION, Price 15 cents, postage free. try. A new era Is dawning upon us; tho day loag looked Jan. 10.-12W* be Encountered in HENRY CERNER, P res'. for Is at hand when tho gloom shall lie lifted from (loam.(loath. | . ir o o wr> « v rir i n n m r o i t— n. . i For sale wholesale and retail by the publishers, COLBY The Magazine Isis published monthly, containing 48 pages IV F '77, FavA N K CAMPBELL, Medium, No. 14 the Practice of A RICH, at No. 0 Montgomery IMace, cornerof 1‘rovlnce F u lle d S1i Washing­ tho Composer, with port alt; Horse* IMtn nology, with It FFIUK, 24 Kast Fourth street. Address, Box 82, Hta- complicated diseases of both sexes. ton street. Room 5, Boston, Mass. 8w*—March C lustrations; John Tyndall, the Bdentlst, with portrait: O' tlonf 1), •’ New“ ...... York City. Jan. ■ “2. Dr. Willis is permitted to refer to numerous partleswho A Novel in the Deepest Sense, Tobacco UMiig—History and Effects; The Phrenological tuwo been cured by Ills Bystora of practice when all others I t, pages bolng tilled with Institute; John Laird, tlio British Shipbuilder, with por­ II. S. SEYMOUR, Business nnd Test bad failed. All letters must contain a return postage stamp. trait: Presidents of the United'States, with portraits; Medium, 109 Fourth avenue, east side, near 12th street* Bend for Circulars and References, tf-Jan. 2. MARGARETTA SUNDERLAND COOPER. RADICAL THOUGHT, \ Combinations of Mental Faculties: History of tho Ameri­ Now York. Hours from 2 to 0 and from 7 to 9 1\ m. Circle* No, 38 Milford street. Hours 10 to 4. 4\v*—March 20. can Flag: Poetry; Miscellaneous Matters, &c. Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 1 13w*— Fob. 27. On tho treatment of existing social evils; Price, 25 cents; postage free. • $5,000 Reward. L. W. LITCH, Clairvoyant Physician ) For salo wholesale nnd retail by COLBY vt RICH, at EE;. and Test Medium, 169 Court street, Boston. Circles SPIRITUAL GRACE, No. 1) Montgomery Place, cornerof Province street (lower CHILLS 'AND FEVER CURED, THE I Sunday and Tuesday ovonlngs. - 4\v*—March 13. floor), Boston, Mass. , • ORST cases, iiy using IIAKTWKl.L'S SFKU1F1C Fraught with Influences of the highest good to those Containsontuins no QnlultiQuinine. A...... trial box sent free to all .who may read; • . . nddressliiKW ItAltT.WKI.i H U , 1272 Broadway, Now. SUMMERLAND MESSENGER Works of 1\J1. Randolph. York. ■ I3\v-Jan. 30* •.. .V. GEMS OF WISDOM, TYOES not offer Its subscribers any.such roward, but It SPECIAL. ___ _ .NEW EDITIONS. O il. C’OKNKIjIj NMITII, —S ilo e s give them each mouth wliat Is worth moro than ’ Whlcli cannot fall of finding lodgment in np- AGNETIC Piiyslelau, No. 712 Broadway, Albany, money hy publishing in Its 43 columns Splrlt-Dlckens’s now preclatlvo hearts; and AFTER DEATH : THE DISEMBODIMENT M N. Y. No poisonous drugs administered.. Aeutopalns . Story, “ HOCKLEY WICKLE1IEAP,” together with a Spring, 1875, I ' instantly relieved. Turklsli and vapor hathh. The best of great variety of Interesting miscellany under tho heads EARNEST LIFE LESSONS, OF MAN. The Location, Topography and accommodallons given ton limited iiumher of patients at of “ SmnmerUmd W hispers,” “ Mother’s Department,” Scenery of the Supernal Universe. New edi­ the Doctor’s house, . fiw*—Ja n ..30. • ‘•Children’s Department,” Foreign and Domestic Notes USTAVUS ABBOTT (of tho lato Carpet Houso of Calculated to attract attcutlon and relating to Spiritualism, Poetry auu Short Stories especial­ a Sweotser & Abbott), having leased tho large build­ awaken Interest. tion ; revised, corrected and enlarged “ 1/NOW THYSELF^-Thiors’N Odic ing on \ This work of Dr. Hamlolph’s Is hy far tho host that has ly adapted to the Family Fireside. Hack numbers can bo yot fallen from his pen. It discusses questions concerning -IV Pom lerKr a life-giving and health-restoring supplied to subscribers until further notico. BY MRS. J. S. ADAMS. NKitVInK—one doz. powders (ft (M*nts.. six do/eu $3; O d lc * Until further notico we shall contlnuo to give THE 6ur state and doings after death. For Instance—do weeat, p.*r iiaekage; Odlc Kllxlr?! perholilet O dlc MlSTEKY OF EDWIN DKOOD” as a premium with NEW WASHINGTON, drink, dress, sleep, love, marry, beget our kind, afttr liHV-Wnter free., except containing vessel; O ilo-T lior- the “ Messenger,” at tho following rates: Cloth, plain. 400 pages, 12mo, $1,00, (former price fl,75,) death Y These and many oilier Interesting aiihjects-aru iiiIc Ci\vn(u | llatler.v,(a tallsinanle bijou foretialoiaine,) Messenger and EdwlnDrood, Inclotli...... $2,25 Corner Friend Street, Boston, postage 18 cents. treated In this volume. Price $2,00. postage 2» cents. combined tty platinum, gold and Hiliw.r wire, $ft; N iiored For sale wholesale and retail by COLBY & RICH, at PllE-AI)AMITE MAN: DEMONSTRATING m, “ , “ “ “ In paper...... 1,50 No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner of Provlnco street (lower Vllllennliil Nlrdnlllon. $1 and $2, Address, Box 6(102 The subscription price for the “ Messenger” alone is W ith Entrances at 76,78 a n d 82 Friend Street, THE EXISTENCE OF T1IE HUMAN RACE (Five Thousand and Two) Post-Olfire, New York City, 11.00 a year. Subscriptions should b e ______floor), Boston, Mass. tf oiliec, No. os Third av., 3d story, front room, near 13th st. . Feb. 13. —tf T. 1\ JAMES, Hrattleboro1, Vt. UPON THIS EARTH 100,000 YEARS AGO. _*M»reh27.-lW _ L _ ____ Has opened tho samo ap a The author's researches among tho monuments of the The Health Evangel, past are espeelally rich In results. Ills book Is filled with M nW rV ea*l'V made hy selling TKAS at IMPOKI'KIIS1 the spiritualist n e w s p a p e r geological, phrenological, chronological, biographical, his­ . BEING A lllU lU tl PltU ’KS, or go'ting ttpeluhs.ln towns anil coun­ A RECORD of tho Progress of tho Science and Ethics WHOLESALE AND RETAIL torical and philosophical facts, that open tho way to mental try tor tlie oldest Tea (‘oiupiny In America. Great st In­ aV. of Spiritualism. Established in 18' 0. Tho Spiritual­ light and spiritual freedom. Prlee$l.f>0, postage Hi conts. ducements. Send for circular. CANTON TKA <’<>., 148 ist is the recognized weekly organ of tho educated Spirit­ Key to Dutton’s School Charts. LOVE ANI) ITS HIDDEN HISTORY, AND Chambers street. N. Y, 4w—MareliQ, ualists of Europe. CARPET WAREHOUSE, THE MASTER PASSION. ROF. LlSTEltrAStli08t Office Order,‘ ' nnyabh \ tot E. W. ALLEN, 11 Avo Marla | In the hook) show plainly the conditions of health and the author offers to the public a powerful argument In favor $2; a full written .Nativity. Jft._ All letters must he nd- - Une. l.nndon. FrQ . Oct. 10. causes of disease, all- coimirlscd in sixty-words upon tlm of love, the great passion that rulesflho world; and ho sots dressed to P. U. Box 4829, New Yoflc Clly. Hi»hd Tor a Cir­ charts, and fully explained In a work of fiftyflrtyjr pages, forth Its -manifold charms and necessities with keyn wis­ cular. 12wls—March 20. SOUL KLAOINO ABBOTT & GO. tho free-will oirerlngofnn earliest physician,siclan, aijdan ls strictly dom and wonderful tact. Two volumes In one. Price $2,50, scientific and reliable. It hears tho Impress of an original postage 2H cents. K ^ sY 'm6TTj5yW niW 'i) m a r - Or P.ycliometrlcal Ihellncalion o f Clmrnclvr. mind, and was doubtless written under tlio Inspiration of ils. a . B. SEVERANCE would respectfully announce They vroulil respectrully Invito attention to tlielr NE4V, CURIOUS LIFE OF P. B. RANDOLPH. HIAGK.—I wlllmnllnu^rMtk, L ow ," In paper LARGE and CHOICE Block o( superior Intelligences who love tho human race. Price GO cents, postage 8 cents. _ cover, my Pamphlet, “ .Vrv*. Woodhull and Her Aocfai Mto the public that those who wish, and will visit her In Cloth, 60cents. my Tract, ' ‘■Conjugal him ; The True and the person, or send thoir autograph or lock of hair, aho will glvo F or sale wholesale and retail by C’OLRi A RICH, at WOMAN’S BOOK: A LIFE'S ISSUES OF False.*" with one or two other Pamphlets or Tracts, and .„,i»n accurate------— description ..orlption oof f theirtholr leading loading ------traits of, character ----- TAPESTRY, 3-PLY, Y No. 0 Montgomery l’lace, cornerof Province atreet (lower LOVE IN ALL ITS PHASES.- my Photography all for *1,00, or for 80 cents with the Pho- &nd»nd pecullarltlesorpeculiarities or disposition;dlspos' marked changes In past and EXTItA SUPER. lloor), Boston, Miisb.______tf_ This Is a work on Love, Woman, Courtship, Mnr- ttgraph left out. I mneh need and shall he grateful for the » iuF? D^et 'fe> Physical physical disease]dlBu..00, with ...... prescription------...... -therefor; — , rlago, tho Laws of Happiness, tlio Family, Vampyrlsm, money. Address AUSTIN KKNT, Stockholm, Ht.* what business they arc best adapted to pursue In order to he AND LOW-PRICED Lovo-Starvatlon, Agecllonnl Health, tlio Gniml heerot, reticeC^.. New York. tit—May 80. lucccBsful; tho physical and mental adaptation of tlioBeln- The Principles of Nature, Magnytiu I.ecchlngs, Gooilnml Evil Elfuctsof Varied Mag­ Khdlng marriage; and hints to the liiliarmonlously mar­ As dlfcovered in the development and Structure of the netisms, thulnfunmllsmsof .Modern (so-called) “ 1‘lillosu- TltEATMENT~ ried. Full delineation, $2,00, and four 3-cont stamps. Universe; The Svstcin, Laws and Methods of Its phles.” Price *2.00 postage 29 cents. EBHKTKN C'KNTHtoDK. AN DKK W BTONK, Trojr, Address, idltS. A. B. SEVERANCE, Development: Earth, History of its Dovelopmont; Expo­ S N. Y., and obtalu.a large, highly Illustrated Hook op ■ Centro street, between Church nnd l’ralrlo streets, THE NEW MOLA.—The Secret of Meduunship. this system of vitalizing treatment. , tf-Ja n . 2. _Jan. 2.—tf W hite W ater, Walworth Co., YVla. sition of the Spiritual Universe. A Hand-Book or Wlilto Magle, Magnetism and Clair­ BY MRS. MARIA M. KING. voyance. Tho now doctrine of Mixed Identities, Rules WXNTANT E.IIIMiOY.MENT— At linmo, W e s t e r n 1IODIFK WITH Prleo reduced to $1,75, postage 21 cents. for obtaining tho phenomena, and the celebrated rules or J Miih' or Female. $71 n week warranted. Nprapltal ro- T.i.,JJ EI3TTC EDUCATIONAL AT1C FACILITIES. „ | Mattings, Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, Asglll, a l-livslclan’H Legacy, .atul til) Ausaliutlc Mys­ (inlrcd. Parlleulars and viihmhh* sample suit fin 1. Allures,’ t iia V e r c o l l e u e , at Kidder. Missouri, on tlie H. tery. l’rlcelKlcents, postage free, withdeent return stamp <*. BOSS, 1W) Grand street. AN II- ami bt Jos. R.R., is now open. Farmers, Mechanics, Crumb Cloths, etc., etc,, Real Life in the 'Spirit-Land. “ T H E GHOSTLY LA.ND :” TnE “MEDI­ lliuurthurg, N. Y. 13\\ * — Y cl». 13. i raiiesnuin, and others, secure a homestead early, a t low UM'S SKCRET;*’ being the hty.stery of tlio Human - it* .; iiA D V ir v l-neitti.uc mul f ’ln tr : Being Life Experiences, Scenes, Incidents nnd Condi­ Soul; lls Dwelling. Nature, and l'owerof Mnterlnllza- \ | l'S. IIA lt ) 1.1, Dllsitll ss mill .All ttlt.ll Llllir i ces, where your children can bo well educated, and Selected oxpressly for SprlnR trade. Ilavlin? taken a d v a n ­ » ere a fine hoalthy climate nnd a very fertile soli wiP cn- tions, Illustrative of Spirlt-Llfe, and tlio l’rluclplos of the tlon. Also, Tlio Coming Woman null the now Divorce JJA voyant. Examinations made hy lock of lialr. 208 tage of tlie market, ami bouglit at low prices dln.ct from j^nWt ’ Carroll street, below Smith, South Brooklyn, N. A . awe you soon to gain a competency. Address A. ME rZ, manufacturers, they uro prepared to 'sell tlio samo at Spiritual Philosophy. „ Agent Now England Colony, Kidder, Mo. BY MRS. MARIA M. ICING. Tliis Monograpli is supplementary to the “ New Mnln’’ .March20.-7w ’ «arcn nnd “ Eulls; ’’ The History and I’lillosophy of Love. The Trlco $1,00, postage 14 cents. Theory of Immortality, anil Solution of the Darw in Prob­ Prices which will Defy Competition. For salo wholesale ami retail hy the publishers, COLBY lem therein; and to the third part of said vo'tmie eoncorii- & RICH, at No. 11 Montgomery Place, corner or Province Ing Magle, Tliaiiniatui gy, and the rationale of Modern COSMOLOGY. , 7 1 . C. HAZELT0N, On tlio Entrance Floor nmy bo found street (lower floor), linston, .Mass.______cuw Clairvoyance, l’rlee 50 cents, postage Tree. HY SEERSIIIP !—TIIE MAGNETIC MIRROR. | SpecialtyPhotogi’apher, Works of Moses Hull. A l’racllenl Guide to those who aspire to Clairvoyance- GEORGE M’lLVAINE RAMSAY, M. D. A Large and Entirely New Stock Absolute. Original, and seleeteil from various European 140 Washington street, Boston, Mass. QUESTION SETTLED : A CAREFUL COM­ and Aslntlc adepts.' I’rlco $2,01), postage 12 eelits. CONTENTS.—C11Al‘Tkit 1.—Matterwltlionl Origin; 2- J^ec. id, —OF— ' PARISON OF BIBLICAL AND MODERN SPIRIT­ For sale wholesale and retail hy the publishers, LOLBA Pronertlesof Matter; 3 -Ni-bubrns Theory; *t—()M Theory UALISM. Cloth, hoveled hoards, $1,50, postage 10 cents. * RICH, at No. 0 Montgomery l’laco, corner of Province of Planetary Motion; 5 - Planetary Mnilmis; 6-Orlgtn of P s y o HOMETHY r street (lower floor), Boston, Mass.______cow Motion; 7—Chum* ami Origin of Orbital Motion: 8-bncclal CONTRAST: EVANGELICALISM AND haws of Orbital Motion; t»—Kceentrlclty, Helhm and Equi­ pOAVER has been given mo to dollneato-charactor, to SPIRITUALISM COMPARED. A companion to tho noctial Points; 10—Limit and Kcsults of Axial Inclination; lotin «6cfil,e the menial and spiritual capacities of per- PAPER HANGINGS, “ QuestionSottled.” Boveled hoards, $1,60, postagolO GOLDEN MEMORIES 11—Result of a Perpendicular Axis; 12-Old Polar (‘enters; K « f nd Bometlmos to Indicate their futuro ..and their beBt OF ! 13—Cause and Origin of Ice-Caps ami Glacier Periods: 14— «ifia*L°I\81 f(ir health, harmony and business. Persons de- DECORATIONS, &c. WHICH: SPIRITUALISM OR CIIRISTIAN- Ocean nnd HIvcr Cummin: 15-Gen ogleal Strata Indicate a*d of this sort will ploaso send mo tlielr handwriting, 1TY7 A Friendly Correspondence between Moses Hull, Keconstrucion of Axis; 16—Sudden Rceonseructlon of sex, and If able, enclose $2,00. Spiritualist, and IV. F. Parker, Christian. Cloth, 1,00, AN EARNEST LIFE. Axis Inevitable: 17—Kthnologv; 18—Axial Period of Rota­ JajUHN M, SPEAR, 2210 itt. Vernon stM Philadelphia. Al»o o Deportment deTotcd to postngo 12 cents: paper, 60 eentm postago 0 cents. tion Variable; 19-Moons, ami their Motions: 20-Meteors, Comets, etc.,—their Origin, MoMonsand Destiny: 21—Or­ WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING. An itiRe- A'BIOGRAPHY OF A. B. WHITING: bital Configuration of Comets; '22—Planets and Old Com­ nlous Interpretation of tho symbols of tho Book of Dan­ TOGETHER WITH SELECTIONS FROM ‘______ets: 23-lnllulty. -- • ° ...... DUMONT C. DAKE, M.D., tk^ WINDOW SHADES iel and the Apocalypse. Price 10 cents, postage 1 cont. The hook Is elegantly printed and superbly hound. I»now located at Rocbestor, N. Y., 80 Fotvors Building. —AND— SUPREMACY OF REASON. A Discourse de­ His Poetical Compositions and Prose ’Writings.- Price $1,50, postage 18 emts. inJ«iient8 successfully treated at n distance. Bond leau-lead livered at the dedication of tho Templo of Reason, Chat- CO M l'lLlID 11Y 1IIB BIBTEIl, For wilo wholesale and retail by th publishers, f’OLBY JanI2I)tom8’ ag0’ MXi autl handwriting- Diagnosis $1,00. & RICH, at No. 9 Montgomery P.ace, cornerof Provlnco Curtain Fixtures. THA’T S R lffB lE C4 u e St K n .CCA radica! lit- R. , AUGUSTA WHITING. street (lower floor), Boston. Mass. tf tie work on love and marrlngo. Paper, 10 cents, postage ATKS. R. COLLINS, Clairvoyant Physician Tills Imok Is ono that will he of lntorest to ovory Spiritual­ Haw01' Healing Medium,. has removed to Somervlllo. * s- Carpet and Sl.adfi Work of all kinds attended to t THEGENERAL JUDGMENT; OR, GREAT ist, and to all who are Interested In rare and curious (level- POEMS OF PROGRESS. 9 FSei ®orncr Concord Ave. and Springfield stM (formerly abort notico and In tbo beat manner. opments or mental phenomena, while tho travel anil adven­ her f!lPanton 6t*i Boston,) whore sho will bo hanpy to see OVERTURNING. Pried 10cents, postage free. ture of seventeen years ot public life furnish Incidents both BY MISS LIZZIE D0TEN, Patients and public. Take cars at Fitchburg | LETTERS TO ELDER MILES GRANT. Being instructive and amusing fur the geuernl reader. Part sec­ stop at Prospect-street Station. i3w*-“Feb. 27. 0, ABBOTT & CO, aRovlowof “ SpiritualismUnveiled.” Paper, 25conts, ond of tho work contains a number of beautiful poems. In­ Author of “ Poems from tho Inner Life.” In this book MONTH-Agents wanted everywhere. - ...... o2cents; cloth, 60oentSj , t cluding tho words of many of his songs, both published and will be found all the beautiful __ : sale wholesale and unpublished. With this exception none of tho poems have OiW tliP Business honorable and first class. Partlcu* New Washington, corner Friend ■treet. No. 9 Montgomery Place, corner; oft Provlnco street (lowor ever beforo appeared. Mr. J. M. Peebles furnishes a char­ Inspirational Poems ^U thfeoT B ^gm ils^ ? 88 J- W4 » e &b.Vi oiu.ti in the night or in tile dark. [Ap­ ness tlmt we were indeed “ compassed about And quoted odes, and Jewels five wo#r^|lJ.t}URt. plause.] with a great cloud of witnesses, who joyed ped over tlie cloth toward me, one or two rience with the Eddy mediums, of Chittenden, That, on the stretched fure-llntf*** ~ 1 spirit”-liands came up and took hold of the cat, Yt. Both addresses were of marked Interest. Bparkleforevcr.” The spenker referred to his acquaintanceship when we did right, and sorrowed when we wan­ with tlm late Judge McDonald in the West, who dered in b!i i ? — which Spiritualism revealed! and for a moment I. thought the animal would Mrs. Nellie J. T. Brigham is engaged to lec­ i»K.w*Tirri. niAitiTY. was an eminent jurist and keen judge of evi­ [Applause.] be pulled through the hole. I had hold of kitty ture here next Monday evening, the 29tli, and J. dence, and to the strong proofs wliieh that gen­ The third count: “ Spiritualism is the embodi­ the best love unto the lowliest j,'o. to detain her, nnd I said,.,"Spirits, touch her Frank Baxter the first Sunday in April. The highest coinf »rl to th t d"«*|v*st woe. tleman presented to ids consideration in favor of ment of tlmt dantnablo tiling, Free Love 1” Did The purest light shine In the darkest place, Modern Snlritunlisin, and said lie wns proud to you ever, said the speaker, know any other love again 1” and they did so, the spirit-hands strok­ JoBErn Beals. Karth's tnddest cMiUure aid the humblest race. acknowledge tlmt it was the honestly averred since you were horn than tlmt widen was free? ing her fur in tlie usual way. It was a very convictions of such minds ns that of the Judge Love that is love at all, must he free. But if ratlenee and attention will bring u» hir. amusing episode, and , I said, or wished the Simulating Spirit Phenomena. that lind converted him to a belief in spirit return you intend to convey by that terin tlmt Spiiit- To tho Editor of the Uannor of Light: ClllTU'S ANt> TYNM'S. nnd communiombefore lie had witnessed in any unlism, without an exception, tenches the pro­ spirits would pull her tail. They did so, percep­ Life Is too short to waste noteworthy degree the phenomena by wliieh the miscuity of tlie sexes, I pronounce it, liy tlie au­ tibly, to both of us—“ kit” and me. She turned About once a year some aspirant for “ fame ” In critic |»'ep or cynic hark, doctrine was substantiated nnd clearly demon­ thority vested in me, to bo a regular old-fashion­ round at that and faced the attention thus paid undertakes to annihilate Spiritualism. Some­ Quarrel or reprlmaml; strated. lie was not one of those who was ready ed Orthodox lie! [Applnuse.] to her, nnd several hnnds came up, or by their times these spiritual iconoclasts call themselves *T will sn