Agenda Item No: 4

North County Local Committee

21st October 2008 – At a meeting of the Committee held at 7 pm at Primary School

Present: Miss Nola Hendon ( Chairman), Mr Chris and Lt Col Tex Pemberton OBE.

In attendance: Phillip Russell, Anna Parry (Wastes Management Services), Annie Alexander ( Adults’ Services), Martin Downy, David Lambert, Duncan Barratt (Highways & Transport) , Rick West and Shelagh Clark (Democratic Services).

Chairman’s Welcome and Apologies for Absence

61. The Chairman welcomed the members of parish councils and the public to the meeting. Apologies for absence had been received from members of the following parish councils - Mr Heustice, ; Mr O’Neill, Cocking; Mrs Huggett, Petworth. Apologies also received from Dr M Wharton in .

Declaration of Interests

62. Reference Agenda Item 6, Lt Col Pemberton informed that he had been appointed as the West County Council Local Authority representative on the Midhurst Rother College Interim Local Governing Body.

Urgent Matters

63. None


64. Resolved – that the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd July 2008 be approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from minutes

65. With reference to Minute 41 on the DoRiS bus service, Martin Downy recapped that the there had been a presentation at the last meeting and that modifications had been made to the service as a result of comments received then. He informed that the new service had been operating for two months, that no operational difficulties had been received from the operators or passengers and that the new service would continue to be monitored over the next few months.

Review of Schools in the Rother Valley

66. Rick West provided an update that included information on the Duncton & schools, the publishing of the Rother Valley Cabinet Member Decision report, the primary school building requirements, the Academy and the use of vacant buildings and sites.

67. He informed that the County Council was recommending to defer the amalgamation of the Duncton and Graffham schools and maintain the existing federation with year 6 pupils staying on at Duncton for the next year or so. This was due to the governors’ concerns that the Council’s existing funding formula may not address the needs of a school with two very different sets of buildings in two communities three miles apart. He informed that consequently Graffham and Duncton would not be included in the statutory notices that would be going out shortly.

68. Rick West informed that the County Council envisaged an investment of £3.5m into primary school buildings, which would be required for the admission of Year 6 pupils. Concerning the Academy, the Committee was informed that the County Council was continuing to work with the United Learning Trust and existing schools to ensure the smooth transfer to the new arrangements from 1st January 2009.

69. Regarding the sites of the two former middle schools, Rick West advised that the County Council had no immediate plans for the future use of either site. The former Herbert Shiner School, he informed that once the views had been sought from the federated governing body on requirements for the enlarged primary school and any potential uses, then the County Council would formally write to the Parish and District Councils and the Diocese to seek views on potential alternative use.

The Village Shops Programme

70. The Chairman informed that at the last meeting the County Local Committee ( CLC) endorsed the adoption of the rural [village] shops programme. Shops that were identified by Action in Rural Sussex as eligible to apply had been sent full details to do so. The North Chichester CLC had considered the 5 applications that it had received from within its CLC area.

71. Resolved – That the following applications and amounts be approved:

Northchapel Stores & Post Office - £3,200 Community Shop - £3,200 Graffham Village Shop - £3,000 Oaktree Stores, Ifold - £2,500 Larder Village Shop - £3,200

72. The Chairman explained the reasoning behind how the £15,100 allocated to the North Chichester CLC had been distributed – that Ifold and Graffham had received what they had requested and that the remainder was divided amongst the three others who had all asked for significantly higher funding.

73. In response to a question from a member of the public, the Chairman clarified that this was a separate scheme to one run by the District Council.

Pitshill House Footpath Diversion and Extinguishing Orders

74. The Chairman informed that at their meeting on September 22nd, County Council’s Rights of Way Committee considered the latest application made to Council by the landowner of Pitshill Estate for a package of proposals to divert, extinguish and create various paths on the Pitshill Estate. In the meantime the challenge in the High Court, of the Inspector’s decision regarding the previous orders, continued.

75. The meeting was informed that the County Council’s Rights of Way Committee resolved that the Head of Legal Services intended to lodge an objection with Chichester District Council to the making of Orders to divert, extinguish and upgrade rights of way on the Pitshill Estate. At its meeting on

Wednesday 15th October, Chichester District Council had resolved to make the diversion and extinguishing orders and that when the District Council makes the Order, it would receive the County Council’s objection.

76. In response to a question, Col Pemberton clarified that members of the North Chichester CLC supported the application from the Pitshill Estate but that the County Council as a whole took a different view.

Materials Resource Management Contract (MRMC)

77. Philip Russell, the Head of Wastes Management Services, gave a presentation – attached to the confirmed minutes - on the awarding of the MRMC and what it would mean for the residents in the North Chichester CLC area. He provided details on the plant that the preferred bidder, Biffa, intended to build at its current landfill site at Warnham, near Horsham.

78. He provided the following responses to questions from the CLC and members of the public.

o 45% was the nationally recognised standard for recycling targets and the County Council was in the upper quartile. o Contracts were generally for 25 years and this contract was one and a half billion. It would cost the community a bit more to continue landfilling. o Once treated, there would be 11% left to go to landfill, currently it was 60%. o The Warnham plant would be ‘on stream’ by the end of 2011, subject to planning. o There was an intention to use the CO2 for power. o Regarding ownership of the energy to be produced at the plant, the County Council intended to agree with Biffa a reasonable balance of risk and potential income. o Waste advisers are saving 20,000 tonnes being thrown away, which was a saving of £2m a year. o The facility was not designed in order to have spare capacity to take waste from . It was intended that spare capacity could be for commercial waste, to bring in more recyclables from small businesses and allow for the growth in household numbers. o Small businesses wishing to dispose of trade waste should contact Chichester District Council’s Direct Service Organisation (01243 534619).

79. To conclude there was short discussion on ‘harvesting’ the methane from local cattle and the suggestion of a seminar being held for local farmers.

Developer Contributions and Schemes ( S106 and S278 Agreements)

80. The Committee had considered a report – attached to the confirmed minutes – which gave an update on the progress of S106 funded schemes agreed previously, sought support for the allocation of contribution towards schemes and identified funds that were yet to be allocated in order that the Committee might influence scheme choice.

81. David Lambert, S106 Project Officer, assisted by Duncan Barratt, Divisional Manager Local Development, responded to queries and comments from the Committee on schemes previously approved. The Committee and those representatives from the parishes present at the meeting provided input on schemes that could be added to the Infrastructure Works programme (IWP). Col

Pemberton explained the aspirational ‘Blue book’ and invited the parishes to contact the CLC Members or David Lambert with their aspirations.

82. Resolved - The Committee o supported the allocation of S106 contributions to highways and transport schemes as identified in tables 3 and 5 of Appendix A. o noted the content of tables 2 & 4 in Appendix A and agreed to consult with Parish Councils in order to identify priorities for the delivery of schemes. The responses would be brought back to the CLC meeting at a later date.

Partnership for Older People Project – POPPS

83. Annie Alexander, from West Sussex County Council’s Adults’ Services gave a brief overview of the Partnership for Older People Project – copy of presentation appended to the confirmed minutes.

84. In response to a question on how to reach those elderly people living in the very rural parts of that area, Annie Alexander informed that the network was beginning to link with the parish councils and also with other organisations such as Action in Rural Sussex (AiRS) She invited suggestions from the meeting on how to get the message out. There was a suggestion to use the Women’s Institutes and the Village Hall committees. The Chairman thanked Annie Alexander for her presentation.

Draft Infrastructure Works Programme 2009/10 and Future Years Report

85. The Chairman informed the meeting that the Committee had considered a report – attached to confirmed minutes - which sought the Committee’s views on the draft Infrastructure Works Programme (IWP) 2009/10 and Future years Programme for the area covered by the North Chichester CLC.

86. Col Pemberton informed that the parishes would be consulted in January and both he and Mr Duncton requested that cycling north of the Downs should be included in the programme. Martin Downy reiterated that the CLC and the parish councils would have another opportunity to be consulted in the new year, once the financial settlement was known.

A29 Bury Hill – Route Safety Scheme 2009 / 10 Programme

87. A report – attached to the confirmed minutes - had been brought to the meeting, of the speed management measures that were proposed along the A29 between Bury Village and Whiteways. Approval was sought from the Committee to implement these measures and formally advertise the Traffic Regulation Order for a change in the speed limit.

88. Martin Downy informed that the Joint Downland Area Committee had already supported it.

89. Resolved – That the Head of Legal Services be authorised to advertise the proposed Traffic Regulation Order and, subject to there being no unresolved objections, the order be made.

Local Authority Governors

90. Resolved – that the following be re-appointed as Local Authority Governors

Captain O'Kelly at Midhurst Grammar School from 19th November until the proposed academy becomes established.

Mrs S Tatner at Primary School from 11th December 2008 for a term of four years.

Mr M D Cope at Primary School from 17th December 2008 for a term of four years.

Reverend S Newham at Primary School from 1st January 2009 for a term of four years.

Mr D Taylor at CE School from 15th February 2009 for a term of four years

Community Initiative Funding

91. The Chairman informed the meeting that the Committee had made a decision to turn down both the applications received, at that stage. These had been from Village Hall and the Fire & Rescue Service. The Committee gave lack of remaining funds within the current financial year as the principal reason for declining both.

92. It also noted that Lurgashall Village Hall had received a grant for £1,000 in January 2007 for 100 folding chairs. Mrs Martin-Jenkins, Treasurer of Lurgashall Village Hall, spoke at the meeting in support of the application and answered questions. The CLC invited Lurgashall Village Hall to apply again in the County Council’s next financial year.

93. The Fire & Rescue’s application had been for its Home Fire Safety Check Initiative. The Committee considered that, although an excellent project, the initial funding had been provided by central government but that this was no longer available. Consequently the Committee felt that, because the North Chichester CLC had not been able to assist, the Fire & Rescue Service should approach the Cabinet Member for Public Protection to see if the funding could come from the cabinet member’s potential budget contingency reserve for this financial year.

‘talk with us’ ( Community Voices)

94. Mr Steele, a resident from Ifold, had provided a written request prior to the meeting, in which he had requested that a pathway be constructed beside the Plaistow Road through Ifold. Mr Steele spoke at the meeting about his proposal.

95. It was agreed that officers from Highways & Transport would obtain more information on this issue and bring it to the next meeting. Local Member Mr Duncton said that he wished to visit the stretch of road, with Mr Steele.

96. Lt Col Pemberton requested the revival of the Highways & Transport list of what was still to be completed in the North Chichester CLC area.

97. Martin Downy informed that the carriageway resurfacing due to be undertaken in the High Street Petworth would be delayed until March 2009 because BT was currently working there.

Date of future meetings

98. The Committee agreed that the next meeting would be on Tuesday 6th January 2009 at 7 pm at Midhurst Rother College’s River Site Hall.

99. The remaining meeting in the 2008/09 cycle would be on Tuesday 10th March 2009 at a venue in or near Petworth, to be confirmed.