Klan recruiting draws t ) Tone up, slim down] Bank promotes little interest in Miami series starts today life insurance . . page 20 . . . page 4 I ... page 11

Cold tonight, Manchester, Conn. sunny Tuesday Monday, Jap. 3, 1983 — See page 2 Single copy 25q;

r New Congress opens with fight over rules

WASHINGTON (U PI) - The 98th death last week of. Colorado Republican Phil Gramm, D-Texas, on the Budget Com­ Congress — a more Democratic, more in­ Jack Swigert— will begin the new (ingress mittee. dependent body — opens today with a a bat­ ,with a bang. Many mainline Democrats, led behind tle brewing over proposed restrictive new The proposed House rules changes will the scenes by House Democratffc leader House rules. stir debate despite withdrawal of one Jim Wright of Texas, argue Gramm Democrats also are facing a sensitive proposal to require two-thirds of House violated his party’s- trust by actively decision on whether to yank "Boll Weevil” members, rather than half, to sign a dis­ working with Reagan and other Phil Gramm off the House Budget Com­ charge petition to free a constitutional Republicans to pass the president’s budget mittee as punishment for pushing Presi­ amendment from, the Judiciary Com­ and tax legislation. dent Reagan’s budget cuts. mittee. Gramm said, however, that Democratic The first week of the new Congress will The major remaining change would leaders are angry because he has been be consumed by rules and housekeeping. severely limit appropriations bill riders — effective in pushing his^conservative ' The lawmakers then will take their first amendments that limit what funds may be philosophy as a leader largely long recess, until Reagan’s State of the spent for. Riders have slowed the use of Southern group called the "Boll Weevils.’ Union address Jan. 25. federal money for abortions, helped end the “1 refused to come up here and sit back Grappling with the real problems facing Vietnam war, and blocked oil and gas on red-neck row and cast protest votes,” he the nation — financing of Social Security, a leasing in wilderness areas. said in 3n interview. "1 came up here budget deficit nearing |200 billion, record The new rule would lump ail ridersi at the shooting real bullets.” unemployment, and the competiton end of an appropriations bill, then allow the between military and domestic programs manager of the bill to move to halt debate Gramm also hinted, as he has before, for tax dollars — will not start until and go to a final vote before the riders are that he will switch to the Republican Party February or March. even considered. That means a member if he is disciplined, saying, “If I simply The Senate, with the same division of 54 with such an amendment first would have accept it, that, in a sense, ^condones it.” Republicans and 46 Democrats as last ses­ to defeat the move to halt debate before the He warned Democrats would “be sending sion, is expected to have a relatively light rider could be offered. . a very clear signal to the South and week. But the House — with 26 new The House Democratic Steering and Southwest that if you send a conservative to Democrats, for a total of 269 Democrats, Policy Committee planned to meet in the Washington, and he does what he promised 165 Hepublicans and one vacancy left by the afternoon to decide whether to leave Rep. he would do, then we won’t tolerate him.” Third round of talks open in Tripoli

Rocket and artillery barrages were so in­ on the withdrawal of Israeli troops after • UPI photo By David Zenian tense that ambulances were unable to more than two hours of private talks aimed United Press International remove the wounded and city streets were at resolving a stalemate over the agenda. KHALDE, Lebanon — Israeli, Lebanese deserted except for the casualties and The talks, the first step of an overall Lost no more fighters manning barricades, the radio diplomatic effort to secure the withdrawal and U.S. negotiators opened a third.round of all foreign troops from Lebanon, have of troop withdrawal talks today amid a new said. Maurice Wolkomir, 72. displays his 300-year-old violin at his home In Lebanese sources said 17 people were been snagged on the issue of future outbreak of bloody rocket and artillery fire killed and 20 wounded in the Tripoli fighting Shorewood, WIs. A forgotten letter, 38 years old, tucked In a case with the^ • in the Syrian-controlled city of ’Tripoli. diplomatic relations between Israel and $17,000 Instrument led to the return of the violin Sunday after Wolkomir over the weekend, but there were no im­ Lebanon. Beirut radio said ’Tripoli’s streets were mediate figures on today’s casualties. feared It was lost. He set the violin on the street SSturday while opening the strewn with bodies of people killed in Lebanese delegation head Antoine Fattal car door and then drove off. He returned but the violin was gone, Joy Schidt, .today’s attacks, the fourth straight day of THE FIGHTING came as U.S. Lebanese said Israel had shown "just a little 22, who lives across the street from Wolkomir found the violin In an alley near fighting, between pro and anti-Syrian forces and Israeli officials in the Beirut suburb of flexibility” in the private meeting but her apartment and returned It. How the violin got there remains a mystery. in Lebanon’s second largest city. Khalde formally opened a third round talks expressed hope that U.S. Mideast envoy Philip Habib would join the talks soon. “There is a lot at stake. We have over­ come some of the obstacles, but there are Package stores failing under free market system others which we need to resolve,” Fattal said after the’ private talks with Israeli delegation head David Kimche and U.S. en-. voy Morris Draper. “It is natural that negotiations of this Liquor deregulation hurts' some nature move slowly," he told reporters at the Lebanon Beach Hotel, where the talks were being held! same pattern beer and distilled spirit prices THE LAW REQUIRED wholesalers and LOWER VOLUME stores and stores THE FIRST SESSIONS of the U.S.- By MARK A. DUPUIS affected by other factors such as location, did after they were removed from the retailers to Increase the price of liquor, sponsored talks held last week in Khalde United Press International wine and beer by a set percentage, their customers and their size have been minimum markup requirement. among the harder hit by declined volume, There are the “isoiated outiets in almost and the northern Israeli town of Kiryat HAR’TFOHD (UPI) - After nearly guaranteeing the amount each would earn Shmona failed to decide on an agenda half-a-century of guaranteed profits on what on items they sold. Hughes said. every region” of the state that consisently And with wine prices now officially free seli a number of beer and liquor items con­ because of widely divergent views as to they sold, some of Cionnectlcut’s package Repealed attempts to repeal the what the discussions are about stores are finding a tough time operating minimum markup law failed until 1981 when from price controls, more stores may be sistently at lower costs to attract customers under a free market, an industry spokesman the Legislature adopted a law repealing feeling the pinch of having to live in a free and will likely do the same with wines. Reports published today in Beirut and Tel But, Hughes said, regular prices in says. markups on beer and distilled spirits as of market, Hughes said. Aviv said Israel would agree to drop its de- j About 75 stores have turned in their state Jan. 1,1962, and on wine as of Jan. 1,1963. "I think it’s going to cause a greater general remain about the same as under mand that the word “normalization" be in-/ permits to do business or let the permits Although the wine markup law took effect strain on the ones that are already feeling minimum markup though there are iower eluded in the negotiation agenda, paving expire and. about ISO more stores changed Saturday, the earliest consumers could see some economic instability,” be said, prices on certain speciais varying from the way for its possible finalization by the hands in the year since the state began the ben^its and stores the effects is Mon­ »rpiatning wine With a higher. required store to store. ; . weekend, phasing out mandatory price markups on day since liquor sales weren’t allowed on markup was more profitable than spirits Hughes said there 'yiere .some stabilizing But conference sources said Israeli liquor, beer and wine. the Saturday holiday or Sunday,. dollar for dollar pnd bdped stobilize some factors built into the iegislation that demands for normalization remained one of And with the stebnd phase of minimum hr the year since the phapiont began, „ stores. repealed the minimum markup iaw, in- the stumbling blocks delaying a formal markup now officially off the books, more Hughes said 75 stores cboac not to renew Hie minimum markup law required a 20 ciuding a moratorium on new package store agenda since the taiks began last Tuesday. of the state’s 1,700 package stores could feel their state permits or turned them in, about percent price increase for wines at the permits and the timing of the fepeai. 150 more stores changed owners and wholesale level and a 33.3 percent bike at Five minutes after the negotiations more pressure opwating in a free market opened at the Lebanon Beacj^ Hotel, the system. another 100 are considered to sonie degree the retail level. THE MARKUPS were eiiminated going in econoniic instability; If both wholesalers and retailers wanted into a siower business season after the busy heads of the Lebanese and Israeli The prohlenos that have beset package delegations, Fattal- and David Kimche. "I think printiaHIy buslneu-ls not expan­ to sen at cost, the price would drop 53.3 per­ holiday season and the phasing in of the stores are primarily the result of repeal of respectively,' left the main conference ding anywhere to toe extent that is would cent, but that isn’t likely, Hughes said. repeal of the markups for^beer and spirits the slate’s 47-year-o)d minimum markup room for private talks with U.S. envoy normally do in other years and to fact is and wine aiso provided' some stabiiity, law, said Carroli J. Hughes, executive HE SAID HE expected wine prices Morris Draper. director of the Connecticut Package Stores somewhat down on c e ^ to Itenu,” he salt} without minimum markup to follow the Hughes said. ' Association. recently. ^

Samaritan iAaide Toda^ At least 266 die in holiday accidents

Three construction workers died W pagaa, t aecttona By Unltdd PrMi Intamatlonal Minnoori 13, Iowa 11 and New Jersey state police—out in foi'ce across the. stabbed and Peinsylvania 10. nation as they cracked down on in south central Texas when the ~ ’Ilw National Safety Council es­ drivers letting holiday spirits get pickup truck in which they were , CAMBRIDOB, Mum. (U P I)-A n ’Traffic deatha claimed more tbaa the better of them. riding skidded off a rain-slicked ex-coovict wak ontond to court Advlca ...... 13 666 Uvea on the natlon’a highwaya timated between 31)0 and 400 people Areatowna...... 9 (hirlag the four-day New Year'a would die in crashes and another 14,- Safety experts estimated the highway into a tree. today ao,ckarfia ,o( bnudliMig a Four of FloridB's victims were at a Ciood Samaritan wko tried Bnatnen:...... 99 holiday, well below the total 000 to 19,000 would suffer disabling majority of weekend traffic deatha' would be linked directly to drunken pedestrians. In northern Wisconsin, io atop him from hoattag hla wife, Claaalfled...... 16-19 predicted by the National S af^ injuries. Oonilca...... -9 CmucU. Millions of people beading borne drivers. a 63-year-old woman drowned when ladting the man "you want to be a Police, transit and taxi companies the car to which she was riding slid S a ^ ’ knd then killing Urn, police Batertainmciit ...... 19 A count by United Preea Inter- after a weekenn of oelebntioiu Lottery...... 9 national at midroorning ahowad at were confronted with anow-padeed in various communities offer^ free on ice and rolled into a creek. aald.' rides l ^ e New Year's Eve. An head-on collision i h . ■ Kevin Snilivan, M, a recant Obltuariea...... 10 laaat lOPpeople diad during tha T6- roads in Texas and Arkansas, dense OpinioB.,...... ---O hour weekend which began fog to the valleys of cantral (tolifor- A MUIsourl crash killed three peo­ Philadelphia’s University City sec- Walpola prlaoft parolee, will be Uon killed six people. PoUce said a anm |M la D|amct Court la tha Peopletaik ...... 9 ’Tharaday at 0 p.m. local ttoM and nla, the middle Missouri River ple and left two others critically in­ valley and heavy rains along thh jured when one car traveling at high sp^ii^ car Irft M egirmnmy, 1 g a ^ of M ^^Orlmaa ol Baat Cam- Sporta...... 15-17 ended at midnight Sunday. Tdevialdn ...... •• CalUomia banded the Uat with 99 eastern Gulf Coatt. sp e ^ with no li^ ts collided with a jumpedji median strip, flipped over Weathar...... 9 deatha,’Peiaa had 99 and Georgia 99. Drivers who overindulged were pickup truck being driven in the ana lanoeo on top of anotherwohieie going to the opjwite direetton. inaeae Hum to PH* Florida reported 90, Ohio 19, the target of most loeal, county and wrong tone.

5 I , M ANCHESTER H ERALD , Mon.. Jan. 3,1983 - 3 - - MANI’HKSTKR HERAX.U, Mun , Jan 3. im The Bonnet controversy News Briefing Cummings: GOP's plan is full of holes Reagan names MX panel FAIR'S:; would be $260, not' the $200 the WASHINGTON (UPl) — President Reagan, having -J' By Paul Hendrie Republicans projected, if no selected members for his MX missile study commis­ Herald Reporter revenue was brought in from a sale sion, begins a round of conferences today with fiscal ad­ of Bennet. visers and congressional leaders to make final decisions Democratic Town ChairmM Similarly, Cummings claimed on the 1984 budget. l,‘ .‘ .ImWW Theodore R. Cummings haW ,.that the monthl/Mebt service cost, A top White House official said Reagan planned today challenged the Republicans to prove ' per unit, would be $190 — not the to announce the members of a bl|e ribbon commission, JPI »V|A1Mt« I010CAST » they could build low-income elderly $150 the GOP projected — if Bennet headed by formei; national security adviser Brent Scow- housing for the costs they estimated sold for $200,000. croft, with a broad mandate to review the U.S. nuclear 'la s t week. He claimed building costs Cummings also said the GOP deterrent policies and to recommend a basing mode for and boiLd issue paybacks would, be plan, which calls for nine raised the controversial M X missile. higher than the Republicans said. ranch-style buildings with four units Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig; national “ Their figures are very Weather each, could not be built for the $800,- security expert Thomas E. Reed, an expert on strategic speculative and won’t stand up, 000 the Republicans claimed. nuclear policy; and several former defense secretaries - therefore, they’re not serious,” said ” I don’t believe that even with have agreed to serve on the panel, the official said. Cummings. “ If they’re really their slab construction, their con­ In addition, a secondary advisory group with promi­ s ^ o u s, they ought to get a proposal struction costs w ill hold up,” said nent officials of past administrations, including former f|mm a builder. If they want to put Extended forecast Cummings. ” I again emphasize Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, will be announced me down and put me in my place, I their figures won’t bold up. They’re to consult with the panel on nuplear defense policy. ' challenge them to get a builder who BOSTON ( U PI) — Extended outlook for New England ^ I about 20 to 25 percent too low.” will say he can do it and I want to Wednesday through Friday; In addition, Cummings said the - see them get a letter of intent,to buy Massachusetts, Rhode Idand and Connecticut: A war­ Republicans failed to consider suf­ Claus mulls selling story ;Bennet.” ming trend Wednesday through Friday.- High ficiently the costs of maintenance, ; The Republicans proposed selling BOSTON (U P I) — Jet-setter Claus von Bulow. con­ temperatures from the mid 30s to mid 40s. Low architects and engineers, insurance . the vacant Bennet School building— victed of trying to kill his heiress wife with insulin injec­ temperatures in the mid 20s to low 30s. Chance of rain or and a reserve fund for contingen­ which the DemoiTats propose to tions, has been testing the waters to see if TV or hook snow Wednesday and Thursday. Fair Friday. cies. These, he said, will drive up 'turn into moderate income elderly publishing outfits are interested in marketing his side of Vermont: Chance of a little snow Wednesday. Lows in rents. the teens. Highs in the 30s. Fair and mild Thursday and .bousing by selling revenue bonds II the affair. ' and tax breaks — and applying the . THE REPUBLICANS said a "A t the moment, only discussion are going on,” Friday. Highs 35 to 45. Lows in the 20s. Sheldon Reynolds, who is acting as von Bulow's agent, Maine, New Hampshire: Chance of light snow revenue toward construction of commercial Bennet building could -housing for the needy elderly. That told the Boston Herald on Saturday. Wednesday. Clearing Thiu'sday. Chance of flurries north bring the town $25,000 to $M,000 a • housing would be financed, beyond, Reynolds said any money from the sale of rights and showers south Friday. Highs in the 20s and 30s year in taxes, - which could be would be used to set up a legal aid fund. Wednesday wanning to the 30s and 40s by Friday. Lows -whatever money Bennet brings in, applied toward maintenance at their 3 ’ .,wlth the sale of municipal bonds. The Herald on Sunday qupted unspecified sources as UPl photo in the single numbers north to the teens south rising into project. ’’But the Housing Authority saying that Reynolds had already approached at least the teens and 20s by Friday morning. B U T CUM M INGS claimed the (which would be given jurisdiction r two outfits — one a publishing concern, the other a GOP’s. numbers were all wrong. He Today in history over the project) would have to hire television network. said they apparently took a residen­ a new maintenance man and that’s REPUBLICANS PROPOSE BUILDING RAISED RANCH-STYLE ELDERLY HOUSING LIKE THIS tial payback table from a. bank and the campaign's executive committee. Others Today's forecast going to eat up $15,000. to $20,000 On 3an. 3, 1938 the March of Dimes cam­ used it to calculate the payback on . . . but the Democrats are charging the Idea just won’t fly right there,” claimed' Cummings. Nuke controls readied paign to fight polio was organized. President (from left) are Keith Morgan, George B. municipal ‘ bonds. Cummings said Again, Cummings indicated sbme Allen, Joseph M. Schenck and Basil O’Con­ Today mostly sunny. Highs in the 30s. Wind northwest - the paybadk on municipal ^ d s is has raised the hopes of people that work and w e’re willing to help tnein. WASHINGTON i U P l I - The , the Soviet Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was stricken with interest in the concept of the GOP might oppose the idea o f using about like Bennet and w e’re going to nor. 10 to 15 mph. Tonight clear and cold. Lows 10 to 15. Light 'different, because you have to pay rents will be low. Whether it is liut if there's going to be public Union and other major producers of nuclear materials polio in 1921 meets here with members of proposal,' which he claimed is a municipal bonds — which put the prove that. variable winds. Tuesday sunny with highs near 30. Light ’ much more money up front. planned deceit or bungled deceit, housing financed by tax revenue are developing a list of high-technology materials that “ warmed over” version of an idea town’s credit rating on the line — for easterly winds. For example, Cummings said the from Manchester citizens, then it would be subject to strict export controls, it was proposed in 1979 by Democratic low-income housing. w e'll prove that their presentation is per unit, monthly debt service cost “ If the Republicans are really should be for the young and the p oor,. reporJ^ today. J&J back to normal One In 12 quit for day Building Committee Chairman Paul “ Their concept has misled inaccurate. When we get through, serious, they’ve got to get down to as well as the old.” Lirg||ting exfwrts of Items on such a list would make it on the Republican project -r if their Phillips. But he said townspeople people,’ ’ charged Cummings. “ It the rents are going to come out more difficult for countries without atomic bombs to NEW YO R K (U P I) — Johnson & Johnson, the makers NEW Y O R K (U P I) — One in every 12 smokers in the National forecast construction costs were cohect — buy piecemeal the equipment needed to build such of Tylenol, celebrated the New Year with a return to United States was able to go for 24 hours without a plants and escape international inspection. normalcy. • cigarette during the Great American Smokeout in After three months of unprecedented efforts to over­ November, the American Cancer Society said today. By United Press International Las V M as sy The Washington Post quoted sources as saying an in­ Little Rock pc come the stigma of seven Chicago deaths from poisoned The Society said a Gallup poll conducted over an 11- City L Fest Hi Lo Pep itial list has been compiled of 26 key items that would be Albuquerque f as 13 .... Los Angeles f needed by a country seeking to build an ultra-centrifuge Tylenol capsules, Johnson & Johnson this week resumed day period following the Nov. 18 anti-smoking drive Amarillo pc 37 11 .... Louisville sy traditional television advertising for its popular pain showed an estimated 4.5 million smokers successfully Anchorage cy Metnphis sy Smith: It's rough, sure, but it's a good idea enrichment plant, whiclucan produce uranium suitable Miami cy fought off the urge for a cigarette during the day. Asheville pc ' for making atomic bombs reliever. Atlanta cy Milwaukee sy In the one-minute network ads, a housewife identified The survey, found 2.3 million people had managed to Baltimore pc Minneapolis cy The list, which the United States has been developing Nariivllie pc stay away from cigarettes when they were interviewed Billngs Mnt. pc Smith sai^the Republican plan is for more than two years through bilateral negotiations, as Paige Nagle talks about how she began using Tyienol Birmingham pc New Orlens pc ranch-style buildings are easy to offered by the Republicans were • Bonding: Cummings charged rents. was presented at a secret meeting in Vienna in in the hospital after the birth of her son. for the survey. Bismarck pc New York pc By Paul Hendrie keep up. not to turn to wide use of municipal The Society said its own random survey the morning Boise sn Okta City pc rough, but he said the point was not the Republicans did not use the • Maintenance: Cummings said .November to the Nuclear .Non-Proliferation Treaty Boston sy Omal^ ^ Herald Reperter • Engineering and architectural bonding to finance low-income of the smokeout indicated more than 19 million people to offer a final proposal, but to raise proper amortization table when the Republicans minimized the Exporters Committee, the Post said. Guerrillas stage raids Buffalo cv Orlando cy costs: Cummings said the housing, but only to use it to supple­ were trying to quit smoking for the day. Chrlstn §.C, cv Philadelphia pc an alternative to Bennet for con­ computing the annual payback on costs of maintenance. The GOP Phoenix sy There is plenty of room for Republicans failed to consider what ment income the GOP expects the Charlit NC pc sideration and study. the sale of municipal bonds. He said claimed maintenance costs could be ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (UPI) — Moslem guerrillas Chicago sy Pittsburgh pc revisions to the cost and rent projec­ it would cost to hire these sale of' Bennet would raise. He said PortlamT MT. pc “ Ted’s purpose here is to discredit they failed to use the table for paid from tax revenue generated by Bridge shows its age staged mortar attacks on the Afghan Defense Ministry Cincinnati ' sy tions in the Republican plan to build professionals. Smith said there are he expects the Bennet building Bombs said ‘message’ Geveland pc Portland Or. sb municipal bonding. and the Soviet Embassy in Kabul last week on the third low-income elderly bousing, GOP the Republican plan,” said Smith. a sold Bennet building, but offered would bring more than the $237,000 a C4>lumbus pc Providence sy “ high paid individuals on the town J Smith agreed that the GOP used a SAN FRA.NCISCO (U P l) — Construction of the anniversary of Afghanistan's Soviet-backed coup, a NEW YORK (UPI) — Investigators say the New Dallas cy Richmond r Chairman Curtis M. Smith said this “ He knows he has a problem with no estimates of maintenance costs. private appraiser projected last Golden Gate Bridge began 50 years ago this week, and Denver i 3t. Louis sy the Bennet proposal — it doesn’t residential payback table from a Smith said, however, those costs payroll now capable of assisting us rebel news agency said. ' ' Year's Eve bombing of four gove)Turient buildings — in­ Salt Lak Ctysm morning, and he declared the week. Des Moines sy bank, but said that was adequate to would be minimal, because the on this matter and we would expect the famous span's age is showing. At least nine people were killed in the attack on the cluding police headquarters — was a “ message” from Detroit sy 37 16 San Diego f- project would survive Democratic make sense. If the Democrats were San Francis prepare rough estimates. they would be used.” The roadway has worn down to such a state that it has Defense Ministry, the Afghan Islamic F*ress agency, three radical groups their movement was not dead, the Duluth pc 13 OB criticism. . willing to subject the Bennet vinyl-sided, well insulated raised El Paso pc 30 IS San Juan “ The whole press'inference was to be replaced, and work will begin this sununer for a based in Peshawar, Pakistan, said Sunday. New York Daily News reported today. Seattle Democratic Town Chairman proposal to a blue ribbon panel, Hartford sy based on estimates,*’ said Smith. new pavement. The job will cost $60 million — nearly The report could not be independently confirmed, but The News, quoting “sources close to the in­ Helena pc Spokane sn^ Theodore R. Cummings has at­ there is no doubt additional alter­ Svracu.se tn “ You’ve got all sorts of leeway here twice as much as was spent to build the span. if true would indicate the rebels are striking brazenly Honolulu sy natives could be developed as w ell.” vestigation,” said authorities believe the blasts were a Houston pc Tampa cy tacked the Republican plan, o ffe r ^ It will take 2 '2 years to finish the new roadway. to alter the numbers.” and with increasing deadliness in the mile-high Afghan "message” from the Puerto Rican nationalist group Indianapolis sy 37 21 Tulsa pc as an alternative to the controver­ Work on the span started on Jan 5, 1933, and the Jacksn Mss. pc « as Washington pc THE REPUBLICAN proposal • Insurance; Cummings said the capital despite the 105,000 Soviet troops in the country. FALN, the Weather Underground and the Black Libera­ Wichita cy sial proposal to convert a vacant A Jacksonville cy Republicans failed to consider the Golden Gate Bridge District set Wednesday for a In Islamabad Sunday, Pakistan President Mohammad tion Army. Bennet School building to moderate- called for a 20-year term on the Kansas Gtv sv costs of insurance in their proposal. celebration. There will be poetry, essay and drawing Zia uI-Haq voiced optimism about a settlement in A spokesman for the Terrorist Task Force, in­ income elderly housing. municipal bonds that would be sold. Smith said the Senior Citizens contests for schoolchildren, an open house and an Afghanistan, saying the new Soviet leadership is looking vestigating the blasts, told United Press International, The Republicans, at a news con- 'The mortgage term on the Bennet Center and the surrounding land are exhibit of bridge memorabilia. at the problem “ with a new angle.” “ All I can tell you is it's a possibility. It’s one of several '-ference last week, proposed selling 'project would be 40 years. Smith already insured. Insurance for The 90-foot wide. 8.981-foot long bridge, which opened In a 60-minute speech on radio and television, Zia said theories we’re working on.” , the Bennet building and using the said any additional costs missed by housing there would increase the on May 26, 1937, rests on two towers that rise 746 feet Afghanistan was the top item in his talks with new The FALN claimed responsibility for the' New Year’s proceeds to build low-income elder­ the GOP proposal to date could be current insurance premium, but not above the span. Soviet leader Yuri Andropov during his visit to Moscow bombings in calls to two New York radio stations short­ Lottery ly bousing on town-owned land adja­ absorbed without raising rents by in­ by as much as insuring a new Some 36 million trips across the bridge are made each in November for the funeral of the late president Leonid ly after, the blasts. No communique has been received cent to the Senior Citizens Center. creasing the term of the bonds, so housing project elsewhere. Smith year by vehicle, bringing in $21.3 million in tolls in 1982. Brezhnev.. by authorities regarding the bombings. * Any difference Would be made up the annual payments would be less. N said. He said the difference with the sale of municipal bonds. Smith responded specifically to probably would be absorbed in the Numbers drawn in New Massachusetts d a ily: Smith agreed that the numbers some of Cummings criticisms: V] England Saturday; v 7476. Peopletalk nUSADOUAR Where PZC mulls restaurant Busted britches Five applications will be Cumberland and Electric on Garden Grove Road. Johnny Ca.sh says his most embarrassing moment Almanac heard by the Planning and streets. Land on both sides The streets on which it s m occurred a,l a tribute for Mamie Ei.senhower. Zoning Commission at a of that paper street is fronts arO not public Country music's "Man in Black' was on stage to take meeting today at 7 p.m. in zoned industrial, but the streets and thus it lacks the singing liis hit. 'A Boy Named Sue " with Mrs. it the hearing room of Lin­ streetbed itself is in required 200-foot frontage Eisenhower standing 6 feet behind him " and my Residence B Zone and on a public street. Today is Monday, Jan. 3, the third day of 1963, with 362 coln Center. pants split right up the c en te r" Regius cannot legally drive The Planning and Zoning to follow. frees Kenneth Burkamp a Cash recalled in an interview from his Render-' his trucks across it. Commission w ill consider The moon is moving toward its first quarter. special exception for a sonville. Tenn . Home. "1 knew what happened and whether to delete from the The m om ing'wars are Jupiter and Saturn. restaurant at the rear of Viola T. Kress seeks a there was nothing I could do I just went on Flood Plain zoning The eveiUng stars are Mercury, Venus and Mars. There are seven the Manchester Mall, 811 to change at Residence B singing ' classification about 2.7 Those bom on this date are under the sign of places In Manchester 821 Main St. He needs the Zone of a ^42-acre house lot Cash said his wife. June Carter Cash, came up to acres of land on New State Capricorn. where you can bring exception because the -at West Center and him in the dre.ssing room after the show and offered Road, site of an apartment J.R.R. Tolkien, author of the classic fantasy “ Lord of your Christmas tree so restaurant will-require McKinley streets. It lies at this ego-deflating comment: "The Lord has just house owned by Raymond the Rings,” was bora Jan. 3, 1692. Actor Ray MiUand that it w ill be chipped more than 60 parking the fringe of a small busted your britches " Damato. It was Included in also was bora on Jan. 3, 1906 (as I^eginald Truscott- for use as mulch and spaces. Residence A Zone area in STARTS the flood plain as the result Jones). trial base material in the midst of a B Zone. Robert R. Regius asks a of an error in ' elevation On this date in history: town parks and United Pentecostal Stella herself zone change for the un­ figures on a federal flood In 1777, the Continental Arm y commanded by George cemeteries. Church seeks an exception developed portion of map. WEDNESDAY Stella Parton. who once changed her name so she Washington defeated the British at Princeton, NJ. Loomis Street between to build a churc)i building wouldn't always be compared with sister Dolly, is In 1 ^ , the March of Dimers campaign to fight polio The town is conduc­ making it on her own — mostly — at the Nugget was organized. ting the toee recycling Casino in Reno In 1961, the United States severed diplomiiUc relations program this year as in JAN. 5 at 9A.M. She said there are some people who coihe to see with Cuba after Fidel Castro said be was a Commiinist. past yean . "Dolly's sister,” buLshe doesn't mmd,_"I just hone_ In 1967, Jack Ruby, who shot and killed preridential Before you drop your Gleaning led^ds to fire they like the material when they get here.” assassin Lee Harley Oswald, died of canc^tn Dallas. tree off at one of the . Stella began her professional career 14 years ago spots,' remove nails and metal from it. in Knoxville. Tenn , and when Dolly got famous. A thought for the day: I^esldent Franklin D. A 17-year-old man using is own^ by the Robert down in cellars, McKay Stella dropped the Parton name for two years and Roosevelt said, "T h e truth is found w b oi men are free gasoline to clean motorcy­ Wolvertdn Agency. said today. 3 Here are the disposal ..sang as Stella Carroll. to pursue It.” ' cle parts was apparently Although police were at "Then, I went on to the Grand Ole Opry and was sites: responsible for a basement “ The seriousness of him th e scene to take introduced as Stella Stevens! I couldn't even get in­ The sandpile at Love fire at 7:05 p.m. Sunday, (Gauthier) being down photographs, no charges troduced by my own name. I decided to use Stella Lane. REGAL’S WILL BE CLOSED town fire d ^ r tm e n t ot- there doing what be was were filed against Parton." The entrance to the gravel pit at Tolland ficlals said. doing is indescribable. Gauthier, p o lic e said UPI photo Dsputy Fire Chief James IHamhPBtrr Turnpike. Motorcycles should not be today. McKay said James No more bounding Richard M. Diamond, Publlahar The lot at the comer ‘Annie’ closes of Autumn and School Gauthier of 25 LUley St. MON.,Jan.3&Tues.,Jan.4 Jerry Jeff Walker, composer of songs glorifying Thomaa J.<^oopar, Qanaral Manapar streets. was working on one o f two Sangria and redneck mothers, now praises motorcycles stored In the vegetarianism and exercise that have taken him Teary-eyed at the closing of the Broadway Alyson Kirk, tha last Annie, Shelly Bruce and USPS 327-500 VOL Oil. No. 78 The sand pile on basement of the three- •m o im n M illN in ii full circle from a life of drugs and booze. musical "Annie,” three of the girts who Allison Smith. The show was the seventh Keeney Street near family bouse where he "1 was a regular rolling party,” Walker said in an played the starring role In the show hug one PuMMwd dally wotpt Sunday SupgaaMd ewrlsr m n an Primer Road. lives when the fire broke - to prepareior this event! longest running In Broadway history. interview at his Austin. Texas, ranch. and oartain nolldaya by tna S1.S0 waakly, 66.18.lor ena The sandpile on out. another In New York Sunday. 1 ^ to right are Manenatlar PuMMUng Co., IS month, lisn s lor Swoo monSio, On Jan. 15, 1980, Walker says, "I gave up, Bdgerton Street near Fumes from the gasoline 5! tsA'srsm Bralnard Plaoo, ManohOalor, ||0.70 tor all moMho and 181 AO whiskey, red meat, cigarettes, s p e ^ and cocaine.” Conn. 08040. Sooond olaaatfw ono yoar. MoN ralaa aro the rear of Manehester apparently were lifte d by “ We used to be able to drink all night and crash Outstanding Young Men of America for 1963 — all devices; and Capt. Felix Sanchez of the U.S. Air poatago' paid at Manohaotor, avaSabto on roguoat Lumber Co. a neartiy hot water heater, for three hours and then bound out the door," men in their thirties. Force Academy. Conn. POSTMASTER: Sand ad- . The sanitary landfill M cKay said. 2 boxes for draaa ohongaa to Uio Monohaator To ptooo a iSiiaSliO c Walker said. "N o w if we drink all night we don’t tlorald. P.O. Box SSI, odvortloomont. or on Olcott Strert. Gauthier’s hair was make it up until sunset, and even then we can't Also to he honored during special ceremonies In Manehaator, Conn. 08040. nawa Sam, tioty H ie aan^iUe at Union singed, but he escaped bound.” Tulsa, Okla. Jan. 14 and IS; qtiadriplegic Lex ------:oaS B4SS711. omea Iwura »im Pond on North School further Injury, McKay Quote of the day To auboonoa, or to ragort o <0:SO a.m. to E nm. Monday [ • " Frieden, an assistant professor of refaabilitioo at Street. said.' The fire department R E G A llS ! -dollvary probtom, oal 047.8848. iSiraugb Friday. \ U u le -Your Quality Man’s Shop" The town adminlstra- doused the blase quickly, Bayor University'm edical School;, Waco, Texas, ' Manager Mike McGee of WSGO , omoahouraaroSMajn.loSM ------\ th in g '' Jaycees top 10 Mayor Roland S. Arriola; Luke L- Hingson, whicir is offeriiig a free 18,000 advertising paduge p m Monday SboughFitdoy and Tpo ManohiMw Jiwpid'to n. tion has asked residents and damage to the bas^ MANCHESTER VERNON executive director of the Brother’s Brother Foun­ to the first business in the Greater New Orleans 7 to 10 a m SMurdoy. OaOvary aubaorlbtrtoUnllNIFMidlxtor- to put the t T M near the ment was minimal, he 903 MAIN ST. TRI-CITY PLAZA anould bomodoby 8 p.m Mon- -nallaml noara aw vM ond'to a ssndptles m prevent said. The motorcycle Oklaboma’s junior Sen. Don Nickles, Minnesota' dation; Maj. Frank Klotz of the U.S. State Depart- trade areii which provides 35 new jobs this month: day Ibrough Friday and4by 748 mamOar of Sw AydS Burtsu a( Vikings defensive Captain Matt. Blair and golfer mentf Memphis TV anchorman Myron L. Loweiy; “ We think it’s time for action against the terrible am. Saturday. CboiiMlana' them from Mbwing Gauthier was working on Tom Watson arg among the U.S. Jaycees' Ten Roger P. Michaud, a co-inventor of energy-saving problem M unemployment.’’ sronad. was destrayad, however. The three-family house m s m t m m m 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Jan. 3, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon,, Jan. 3, 1983 - ,5 Elderly easy targets for fraud Soviets bigme Washington for deadlock in arms talks WASHINGTON (UPI) - Mail business propositions. 25 percent of the elderly have in­ fraud is on the rise and the elderly, Chairman Claude Pepper, D-Fla., comes placing them at or near the MOSCOW (UPI) — The Soviet Union blamed the “The U.SA administration, which persists in its ah- thus it will be possible to ensure unilateral military ad- separate talks in Geneva, NATO plans this year to fearful for their economic secrifity, wrote: “The frauds which are poverty line ... Recent publicity United States for a stalemate in the strategic arms talks solutely one-sided approach. Is totally responsible for vantages for the U.S.A., this is a futile hope. The Soviet deploy 572 cruise and Pershing II missiles that are easy targets, a new report examined in this report are par­ about possible cuts in Social Securi­ at Geneva, but the criticism was rebuffed by the stalemate at the talks,” Pravda said. Union will not permit such a turn of events.” Washington says are needed to balance Soviet SS-20s shows. ticularly vicious because they prey ty has served to fuel the fears of the Washington as a Soviet ‘‘stalling’’ tactic. “If someone in Washington cherishes the hope that In medium-range nuclear missiles covered by and other missiles aimed at Europe. on the fear of retirees or those soon aged about their ecortomic “The U.S.A. came to the talks with proposals which The report, prepared by the House to be retired that they will not have security.” are openly directed at upsetting Strategic parity and in­ Select Committee on Aging, shows enough Income to support The committee found that suring advanUges for itself,” Pravda', the Communist growing numbers of senior citizens, . themselves.” fraudulent work-at-home schemes, Party daily, said Sunday in an editorial. ■ I I seeking ways to supplement their ranging from knitting baby booties Pravda said a U.S. proposal for a mutual cut of land- /■ fixed incomes, are investing — and Pepper, an octogeharian himself, to stuffing envelopes, are almost based intercontinental missiles to 850 for eacIT side losing — their life savings in phony continued; "This fear is real since exclusively targeted at the elderly. would cesult In an American “three-fold superiority” CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN since the Soviets have much of their nuclear strength in­ vested in ICBMs - while most of the U.S. force is in 'bombers and submarines. ‘‘This proves to be the aim of the American plan— to MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS DELI SPECIALS insure by hook or crook a unilateral weakening of the USDA CHOICE Uh ^ A Jb Rite Aid Pharmacies Will Fill... Soviet Union’s defense potential,” Pravda said. QLENN ROCK DOMESTIC In Washington, Gen. Edward Rowny, the chief U.S. negotiator at the START talks in Geneva, told ABC BOnOM ROUHB $1 99 COOKED HAM...... lb. 30 MILLION News the Kremlin statement was ”a negotiating ploy, an old trick: If you want to stall, you accuse the other MAST...... LAND “O” LAKES side of stalling.” USDA CHOICE PRESCRIPTIONS The lengthy presentation of the Soviet position was AMEMCAN CHEESE...... lb..*139 bleaker in tone than a recent statement hy Communist EYEMUHD " Party leader Yuri Andro|>ov, who said he saw ‘‘eVery THIS YEAR AID chance” for a settlement. • 2 ®* QROTE A WEIGEL “It looks like he took the high road and left the dirty ROAST ' And That Number Keeps On Growing! BEEF ROUND BOLOGNA or UVERWURST .lb.*119 work to Pravda,” a Western diplomat said, adding the Soviet proposals, while unacceptable to Washington, showed a willingness to negotiate seriously. BACK RUMP WEAVER Plans to build the MX missile and Trident submarines CHICKEN ROLL...... lb. were cited by, Moscow in the Pravda editorial as ROAST .®2 ®» *169 evidence of “attempts at insuring superiority” by the BEEF ROUND CENTER CUT Reagan administration. TOBIN’S FIRST PRIZE MOTHER OOOSE NnOMMUHD $229 LIVER SAUSAGE ...... *1.99 Germany eases MAST > QROTE a WEIGEL SKINLESS UPI photo MIAMI MAN SHOUTS AT ROBED AND HOODED KLANSMAN OIL OF OLAY backing o f_^ n GARDEN FRESH , ' . . . Klan tried to recruit after two days of rlotin.;j in city TOP ROOM $909 PRODUCE SPECIALS BEAUTY for 'zero option' ROAST Few in Miami pay attention LOTION BANANAS...... 29* BONN, West Germany (UPI) — West (Jermany, easing support for the U.S.-proposed “zero option” to TOP ROHM $949 f 2 Q < ...... 8- l b b a g V # w ban medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe, said it RUSSET POTATOES...... to KKK's recruiting efforts would support strict limits on deployment if a total ban STEAK is unattainable. BEEF ROUND Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher also qrged JUMBO TEMniORANeES... 6I99« MI.A.MI il'P Ii — A small band of Miami chapter, bu^^-^efused to which numbered more than 300 that Western governments.^ be alert to recognize “ad­ $ w robed members relea.se any figu^K and^anceled during the disturbances, were back vances” in Soviet disarmament attitudes and use them CURE 7 g < hoping to capitalize on white tentative plans for a Miami rally. to normal. to maintain progress in arms talks...... MACINTOSH A P P L ^...... backlash from racial violence in L "The potential (for membership! Authorities announced Sunday The West German position, outlined Sunday by STEAK Overtown pa.ssed out leaflets on a in Miami is far greater than we had they will investigate the policies of Genscher, marked a change of emphasis in the WEAVER-DUTCH FRY street corner ^but drew mostly expected People, are quite anxious the Miami police department that government’s disarmament policy, which had unswer­ waves or honks and just one heckler lo have someone represent their may have led to the disturbances, or vingly backed President Reagan's “zero option” con­ Thighs & Drumsticks...... 2b ox. ■■■■■■■■■■■B who yelled at them to go home. rights. " Wilkinson said. that may prevent similar violence. cept. ■.Nobody wants you around here." The violence began Tuesday night At least five investigations, in­ Genscher said the “zero option” — calling for a ban on TUESDAY ONLY — ‘ the heckler shouted to KKK after police officer Luis Alvarez cluding one by the FBI, are under medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe — remained Imperial Wizard Bill Wilkinson and shot Nevell .Johnson Jr., 20, a black, way into Alvarez and the Johnson the “ideal objective” in talks on the weapons in Geneva 11 other Klan members at a busy in­ while trying to take-a gun away shooting. between the United States and the Soviet Union. tersection .Sunday. '.'.Nobody wants from hiin at a video game arcade. Klan members gathered Sunday But, he added, if it could not be attained, everything I Waybest Genuine Chicken Breasts...... lb. * 1.19 your racial-problem, take it back to Johnson, a messenger who was at a busy intersection several miles had to be done to keep the number of missiles deployed tleorgia or Alabama or wherever saving money for college, died the away from Overtown to pass out as low as possible. you got It from ' next day. literature and recruit new HEAD A Without acceptance of the “zero option,” NATO plans members. They stayed two hours. this year to deploy 572 groundlaunched cruise and Iwaybest Genuine Chicken Legs...... lb. 69 < Wilkinson, whose organization is Word of the shooting brought Wilkinson had said earlier he Pershing II missiles Washington says are needed to based in Denham Springs. La . said angry blacks to the Streets of the im- might organize a rally in Miami this SHOULDERS balance Soviet SS-20s. he traveled to Miami to "stand up IHjverished Overtown neighborhood RITE AID for the rights of white people and the week, but Sunday reassessed his Genscher referred to an editorial published Sunday in in an uprising that left one person, strategy and said he would try again VITAM IN [Boar’s Head .Virginia Brand Ham ...... lb. *2.99 police " in the wake of three days of dead and 24 injured. At least a dozen SHAMPOO Pravda, the Soviet Communist Party daily, which noting that was triggered by the to meet with city officials. Any blamed the United States Tor what it called a stalemate businesses were destroyed or demonstration would be four to TABLCTS police shooting of a young black damaged. in strategic arms reduction talks also ongoing in !\o Substitute man eight weeks away, he said. Geneva. We Give Old Fashioned Overtown returned to calm By then, some of the city’s con­ The Klan leader claimed to have SCO MG. O Z . TUBE He urged the rejection of "polemic directed against For Quality Friday and there were no incidents cern over the violence may be ad­ OR LOTION the West.” Butcher Service ... uiade enough new recruits to start a during the weekend. Police patrols. lo n ii dressed bv one of the investigations. OMOO O Z . B O n iE But„he added, “It is also important to recognike in- : disputable and substantial advances in the Soviet at­

titude toward nuclear disarmament and use them for ' STORE HOURS; constructive negotiation.” 317 Highland St Genscher’s statement drew criticism from the opposi­ Mon. t Tues. 'til 6:00 : j DRY IDEA tion Social Democratic Party, which said It showed a r: DR. SCHOLL'S Wed.. Thurs., S Fri. 'til 9:00 MANCHESTER ROLL-ON “wavering position” toward Soviet disarmament MSOLES proposals that were “no passport to a consistent and Sat. ft Sunday reliable foreign policy” THIRMA-CUSHION OR ANTI-PERSPIRANT 'til 6:00 CONN. SHtEP WOOL FLEECE nZGEILMD FJlSZSbu& KiT Poland sets up smaller unions RITE AID WARSAW, PoTand (UPI) — The Polish government h NAIL POLISH set up 2,500 small trade unions today to replace the out­ A ______. O A ! f FROZEIS VWfrt'WK'IKl & DAIRY n A iR V lawed Solidarity union but its official news agency ad­ GROCERY SPECIALS mitted the new groups have yet to win support from .most workers. CORN .lOox. 49« The official news agency PAP said Sunday the new un­ ions— each at an individual work place — were to begin eM PirauiT JUICE ...... 4t08. I* BIRDSEYE operation today, with applications by 4,000 more small CAULIFLOWER .10 os. founding committees pending. .92 OS. 6 0 Z .! Sm HETTI SAUCE *1.29 SWEET LIFE rBoniES" “ However," the agency conceded, ‘‘the mood of MOailBStO ITAUAN BTYLl I* FOR , .reserve and expectation still holds among the personnel ...... 2tos.^ 8REEN BEANS 2l89« ' of many enterprises. It does not mean that the majority TOMATOES,...... of employees decided to join the new trade unions.” WAKEFIELD SNOW The new unions came with the trade union law passed ELBOWS, ZITI or SPAS...... ia<». 2189* CRAB MEAT ..•3.99 Oct. 8 to disband Solidarity and two other pre-martial MRS. SMITH law labor organizations. The Solidarity underground and foKuTO SAUCE -49* • Moi. UPl photo RHEAID other opposition groups called on workers to boycott APPLE PIE •1.39 them. MRS. SMITH BELTLESS Despite tremendous publicity in official media, mahy WulkUTSINSHEU REAGAN RIDES JEEP THROUGH DEEP WATER IN PIE SH ELLS .Set. . president toured flood areas on way back to Capitol MMI-PADS workers, employing o'ne of the fewTwlitical stands left open to them, have stayed out of the new unions, which ilii'mwRMix ; „»2{*1.99 BIRDSEYE - in a controversial move were authorized to take over the- •MUCKIRS , property of Solidarity and the other pre-martial law un­ QRAPE JE L LY COOKED SQUASH PRG. I ions! •- Of M l LIGHT a LIVELY . Louisiana to get flood aid; Other workers — even those quoted in the official anaMwiiouKEflanini.. ,...3i*1.99 yO SU R T ...... « j 3{^1.09 press — were afraid or simply apathetic. “I belonged to the party, the (state-linked) branch un-_ m styu eREEN or S I CAmOTS »»m LAND “O” LAKES , ions and to Solidarity,” machine tool operator Marian. *1 CORN OILMARBARINE rain is moving eastward Kotowski was quoted as saying soon after Solidarity was BOUNTY JUMBO . _ .79< banned. “Now I will never'join any unions.” PAPER TOWELS ...... ".,73* SEALTEST One former Solidairity activist, released Dec. 23 after By United Press International possible and without delay," he the 30s and snow began falling. COTTAQE CHEESE •1.29 more than a year of martial law Internment, said “the said. A federal insp^tion team was Nearly 1 inch piled up in President Reagan promised swift due in Louisiana today to begin first c ^ to disregard the hew unions was a success.” Hopkinsville, Ky., as visibilities Anatol Lawlna, 42, a computer systems operator who federal aid to Lxiuisiana where 9,600 ^ assessing damage — estimated- at dropped to one-half mile. people fled high water during more had worked fiiUtime for Solidarity in Warsaw, said "it ' $81 million. Some snow was reported in the than a week of devastating rain that Rains that plagued the area seems to me that tlw people are terribly tired. I get the moved eastward today. mountains of Virginia and a travel feeling they feel lost. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ended, turning to the Southeast advisory was in effect for up to 2 in-, Freezing temperatures gripped where more than 2 inches of water irilh ritupmi A T. tO purrhn..^ irifh roupnn JE- 7..10 purrhnstal the Southern Plains, heavy rain ches of snow in the northwest por­ I irllfc ro upott jt* r..*0 piirrhaa^B poured over the Carolinas and neag- tion of the state. Snow was expected I UfliB 1 Coupon por oMComor ■ UmH 1 Coupon por euoiomM N 1 Coupon por customs | l doused the Southeast and a mixture I SANKA DECAF. ’ I ly 1 inch of rain fell over portions of to spread into central Kentucky U.S. wouldn’t share data of snow and rain dusted the northern Florida, northern Alabama I COFFEE 1 lb CAN I I NorthwCTt. today. ! CRI8C0 I CONCENTRATED ■ HOOD and southern Georgia. • Light snow dusted" a wide band sa Rwawfi w i rkhit io,uait aasantm pticii iwicnvi jaa. i naiii t, i wi rot rbpomsisu for ttpogrspmksi h whb LONDON (UPI) — The U.S. government refused to I or "I know many here have lost their Rain continued overnight Sunday ! OIL ALL I homes and life's possessions," from northern lower Michigan to share information on atomic weapons research with I 8 OZ. INSTANT but heavier downpours eased After western and c e n tra l New York SSO Z. I 1B7 0 Z. I Reagan said Sund/y as he toured Britain during the USO’a despite close coiyieration I 9ANKA-0-RAMA flooding some streets in the Reagan joined volunteers filling jietween the two allies during World War II, secret flood-ravaged areas of northern Montgomery, Ala., area. RITE AID PHARMACIES I Louisiana with Gov, Dave Treen. sandbags during a stopover in documents revealed. Snow scattered across northwest Monroe, La., after a six-day vaca­ ENHELD The administration of late U.S, President Harry "But I also know that with every M o n tan a send spread into I EAST HARTFORD I * off * 1 ^ 0 F F I tion in California. ‘Truman refused in 1052 to share the 'information — 80 j *i®® FF VAUD JAN. 4 THRU JAN. t J rise in the water level, the spirit and I *95 ELM STREET-PHARMACY PH; 745 4121 ' •271 ELLINGTON RD. I VAUO JAN. 4 THRU JAN. • 0 Washington, prompting travel ad­ I VAUD JAN. 4 THRU JAN. I determination of the people of The president lauded workers as MANCHESTER d ^ ite pleas from the British who were working to visories for the Cascade Mountains he grabbed a shovel and filled PHARMACY PH: 528-611 B| produce a nuclear weapon — the government documents I HIOHLAND PARK MKT. I HIDHUNDI PARK MKT._ ^ HIOHLAND PARK MKT. J Louisiana have risen as well. You of Washington and northern Oregon. I *361 MAIN STREET-PHARMACY PH: 649 9110 exemplify the concept of neighbor several sandbags — promising said. I Along the north Pacific CMSt federal aid immediately to the state ‘The Tnimaq administration jutUfied Ita unudlUngness helping neighbor which is the very about one-half Inch of rain was basis of our way of life. where two people were killed and to abar^ Information on the American atom bomb and reported. nucleu' research by contending that the McMahon Act “The federal government will nearly 300 Injuied since Unrential In Kentucky and so u th w est stom u swept the state beginning 'prohlbitad diasemlnation of aU such information, the l i l u provide every bit of assistance Virginia, temperatures dropped into Christmas Eve. papers said. Villi ■■ f MANC’HKSTKK HKHALU, Mon., .Ian I»«.i 7 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Jan. 3, 1983

I Richard M. Diamond, Publlahar dan FItta. Editor O'Neill beginning ful term OPINION Alex Q lralll, Clty^ Editor i— 0 Pomp, pageantry to mark inauguration STATE OFFICIALS will then be the day, along with the attorney ceremony by Spezlate and later in 84th governor of Connecticut Jn a a positive speech, pointing to the esported to the Hall of the House by , J a c k By Mark A. Dupuis general, comptroller and treasurer the day will preside over the joint simple, somber ceremony on Dec. state’s problenu Init also to Its Patrick J. Hogan, high sheriff of United Press International in ceremonies that followed the session where O’Neill and other top A n d e r s o n 31, 1980, to succeed the dying Ella plusses. Hartford County. O’Neill will follow swearing-in of the governor. ‘ officials are inaugurated. The perils of 1983 for Democrats HAR’TFORD - WilUam Atchison Grasso, is expected to stand by ’The Inauguration Day ceremonies later accompanied by Gore and a Washington However, Secretary of the State- Outsld^ the Capitol, the Gover- O’Neill, who took the reigns of tradition in officially assuming of­ also will include the opening of the committee of legislative leaders. elect Julia H: Tashjian, a Windsor nor’k Foot Guard will continue its Connecticut from the hands of fice in his own right^,._^ 1983 Legislature, with the Senate Following the swearing-in BUT THERE was never as ONE IS arms control. Democrat, opted to move her traditional role, for Inauguration W ASH ^G TO N - For the tragedy two years ago, assumes the and House sch^uled to convene ceremonies and his speech, O’Neill Althfibgh all the Democratic swearing-in to 9:30 a.m. so there Day, its ranks dressed in their color­ much underlying cause for dis­ . governorriiip In his own right this HE WILL BE escorted Wednesday morning for their later in the day is to attend a fun­ Democirats, flushed with would be room f

/ ......

M ANCH ESTER H ERALD . Mon.. Jan. 3. IMS — 9 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon,, Jan. 3. 1983 Monday TV 4 slain o Area Towns

hosts this look at up and coming (]S - NHL Hockey; Detroit at an inside look at the shows and dD - Star Trak 2 die on state roads comics. New Vorfc Rangers 6:00P.M . stars appearing on HBO. d S - MOVIE: 'Montanagro* A Coventry dS) - Hot Spots Toni^t's pro* (S ) - Sparta Update Bolton / CD - Eyewitness News housewifa headed for a nervous dS) ~ Sports Look gram features Night Club Cl music dD ** Three’s Company breakdown samptas life's plea* 2:30 A.M . ^ - Alice Monday and entenainment. (60 min.) sures at a wild nightclub. Susan CD (D - News (2l) - Moneyline d i) - Festival of Faith Anspach, Erland Josaphson. CE) - CBS News Nightwatch over holiday weekend JIP C D - Saint (2 ) “ Newscenter ® - Twilight Zona Ratad R. a i - MOVIE: 'The FHth Day of Cfi) - Happy Days Again d4) - Better Health (S) - Sports Tonight (S ) ~ Monaylina Update Peace' The true atory of what Part of surplus may pay lawyer (S ) - W ind Raiders .of the (25) - Soledad Serie dramatica. Beau Bridges (I.) and Susan ( 8 - Nawacenter (8 ) > Madama'a Place happened to two German prison^ By United Press International Smith was arraigned ^Friday in New Sahara An international crew St. James star with Ricky Witt- Libertad Lamarque. (23) - Sign Off I ® - Lata Night with David ere of war during the last deya London Superior Court a ^ held In lieu of sails across the Sahara Desert. man in THE KID FROM Lattarman World W ar II. Richard Johnson, Two people were killed and 39 injured iSS) - Entertainment Tonight (2D - Palicula: *La Marca dal $150,000 b ^ : He was taken to tte Mont- dD - USA Cartoon Express NOWHERE. Wittman. starring in Franco Nero, Larry Aubrey. 1972 dX) “ Business Report Muarto' 1:00 A.M . in traffic accidents on Connecticut roads v ille Correctional Cisnter and later (jl) - Festival of Faith the title rote. • was born with (Si - ESPN SportsCanter during the holiday weekend, while police G>ventry budget fight tab; $10,300 ^ D - Madama'a Place (D * Carter Country transferred to Somers prison for treat­ - Little House 7:30P.M . ' Downs Syndrome, yet he still @ ) - Croaaflre (S ) - Busineaa Report C D - MOVIE: 'Columbo: investigated four apparent slayings in C D - P-.M. Magazine manages to be a winner in the ment of a stab wound. - Newscenter Identity Critia' A homicide sus- IS) - Twilight Zone separate incidents. C D ~ All In the Family Special Olympics that are fea­ 11:30 P.M. Traffic accidents in Newington and @ - MOVIE: The Legend of \ ^^^pact, who is really a spy leading a ISS - Sign Off State police had investigated 160 motor which was adopted by residents at a May M She said it would cost the town hlmost that the Lone Ranger' When the Cav- C D - You Asked For It tured in the Monday. Jan 3 C D C D - Hawaii Fhra O ^ doubla life, sends his former part­ Preston claimed two lives early Friday By Jeff Weingart town meeting, was legal. Tlte taxpayers much money to bring the bu dg^to a machine endish gang sefs out to kidnap rebroadcast on NBC. ner on an assignment that leads 3:00 A.M . vehicle accidents by midnight Sunday and left two other people critically in­ CD - Family Feud C D - Starsky and Hutch Herald Reporter vote three times, as happen^one year. Ulysses S. Grant, the Lone Ran­ CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME to his death. Peter Falk, Patrick S D - Off the Set when the holiday period officially ended. jured, authorities said. association has argued that the current CD - Benny Hill Show C D - Benny HIM Show McGoohan. 1975 ger and Tonto ride to the rescue. f { 1 ; . . (£ - MOVIE: 'Canv On Police had made 1,258 motor vehicle Newington police said a Hartford (COVENTRY — After tonight, the* Town budget was adopted, and the m ill rate set, il­ “ It’s not the only case we' have costing a Klinton Spiisbury. Jason Ro- CH) - News' d D - Saturday Night Uve (D - Parry Mason Screaming* great deal in legal fees,” she said. “ I feel we bards, Michael Horse 1981. arrests, including 923 for speeding, 35 for woman traveling north in the northbound Qrancil will have spent about $10,300 d e f^ legally. (l2) - ESPN SportsCe^ter ® ) - Night Gallery needed to answer the whole question. We Rated ,PG. QD - Psychic PherKNTtena ® - Sunday at the King's driving under the influence and 300 on lanes of the Berlin Turnpike was killed ‘ding its position on the budget adoption dD - NHL Hockey: Detroit at (S ) - Crossfire (S ) - Mika Douglas Paopta Now House 'llie case went to trial early in December. didn’t initiate the sui)^.” - Moneymakers New York Rangers other charges. Warnings were issued to when her vehicle was struck head-on process, according to council Chairwoman ® - Tonight Show (8 ) - Entertainment Tonight (S) - Prime News Both attorneys argued their cases before (2$) ~ Reporter 41 (1$ - Soap 300 motorists. shortly after midnight Friday by a van Joan A. Lewis. T H E LEAD ER of the op|X>sition in the (@ •* MOVIE: 'The Night the (8 ) - Despedida (8) “ Gunsmoke Tolland County Superior Court Judge Eugene - M 'A 'S 'H ( ^ - Sports Tonight Lights Went Out in Georgia' A In Litchfield, Arlene Curulla was being traveling in the wrong direction on the But Mrs. Lewis Sunday, night said she ( ^ - MOVIE: 'The Fen' A young T. Kelly. The court appearance dragged on case, (TTA President Joyce Carilli, Sunday talented country singer and his ® - Film ®Z) - Powerhouse t2D-M'A*S'H 1975 Betrayed by their own army, man terrorizes the chic circle sur­ held in lieu of 3100,000 bond pending an highway. thinks the money is "w orth it.” night defended the group’s decision to file suit dS) - MOVIE; 'Kid From sister stay one f step ahead of for three days. K elly has yet to make a deci­ three soldiers are courtmartialed 1:15A.M . rounding his favorite stage star. arraignment today on manslaughter Salvatrice Argento, 43, died of injuries ‘The council is expected to appropriate 6 : 1 5 P . M . @ ) dX) - MacNeil-Lehrer (S) - Prime News Now here' A retarded youngster trouble. Kristy McNichol, Dennis over the issue. Report as an appeasement to another ® - Sign Off Lauren Bacall, James Gamer. charges for the stabbing death of her sion In the case. - N C A A Instruct ional ^2) ® ) - Little House on the and his mother are given a new Quaid, Mark Hamill. Rated PG. sustained in the crash, while a passenger about ^,200 of this year’s budget surplus to “ To say that we initiated the suit is true,” ^ 1 ) - Pelicula: 'El Llanto de los meaning when his physical and government. Edward Wood­ Maureen Stapleton. husband Sunday during a domestic dis­ Series Prairie Jenny is paralyzed and an ward, Jack Thompson, Bryan (S|) - Twilight Zone 1:30 A.M . in her car, lolanda Dicaro, 44, of Hart­ pay for the services of attorney Palmer It was the second time the attorneys had said Mrs. Carilli. “ However, they (the coun­ Pobres' aged doctor makes a difference in emotional energies arexhanneted 3:30 A.M . pute. M cGw, who represented the town in a recent 6 : 3 0 P into the Special Olympics games. Brown. 1980 ® - Sign Off C D - Tom Cottle Show ford, and the driver o f the van, John P. spent time in court. M cGee’s expertise at a c il) could have gone along with the majority (3® - M adam e's Place her recovery. (60 min.) (3D - Black N ew s C D - W K R P in Cincinn^ Beau Bridges, Susan Saint - That's Hollywood 12:00 A.M . GD " America's Top Tan Thomas G. Curulla, 38, was Kovaleski, 34, of Willington, were Tolland Oiunty Superior Court appearance. preliminary hearing earlier this summer cost' and with K elly’s decision.” ( ^ - Barney Miller - M O V IE: 'W hose Life Is it James. Loretta Swit. (3D - ESPN's Horae Racing CD - CBS News dZ) - Who Killed the Lindbergh d D - Independent Network pronounced dead on arrival at Water- critically in ju r^ and taken to Hartford McGee went up against attorney Peter the tovm about $5,100. That figure, combined Kelly, in a similar case, ruled earlier this - More Real People Anyw ay' A man paralyzed from C D - Trapper John, M.D. Wkly. the heck down fights to make his (23) - N e w Directions Baby? News bury Hgspital after he 'was allegedly Hospital, police said. Zarella, who represented the 12-member d i) - Barney Miller C D (2D ® - News with the cost to the town of the most recent year that there is no conflict between state own decisions. Richard Dreyfuss, 3:45 A.M . (i?) - Pony's People In Sports 8:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 10:15P.M . d ll - Living Faith stabbed in the chest by his wife during an Police said the accident was still under Coventry Taxpayers Association. court session, brings the figure to the $10,300 John Cassavetes Rated R. d D - N CAA Basketball: 8t. statute and the town charter, which council (D (D - Square Pegs (3$ - Not Necessarily The altercation, police said. & i|CD - NBC News CD (D - Newhart - (33) - Not Necessarily The John’s at Seton Hall ^ ® O ) - Sign Off investigation and no charges had been Tile activist group filed suit against the level. members have said prohibits bringing the ^4) - All Creatures Great and News This show promises to be New s This show promises to be ( D - P M . Magazine (2D - Vanessa * 3 i - NCAA Bnketball: - NBC News Overnight Police said the they were called to the filed. town last spring, claiming that state statute (2.4) - Untarhed World Small . ' everything the current news Is everything the current news is MRS. LEWIS SAID the newest costs budget to a referendum. C D (4® - That's Incredible Cincinnati at Louisville (8 ) ^ O V I E : 'Teas' A young not. Cunillo’s McBridge Street home in tne In Preston, Betty J. Eldridge, 29, of gives residents the right to petition a town (25) - Noticiero Nacional SIN dS) - MOVIE: 'Time Bandits' A 10:00 P.M. not. ’ "This all could have been avoided” if the Noticias nacionales con Guillermo CD - MOVIE: Big Store' The @ - MOVIE: 'China Giri' The woman finds herself abandoned northefield section of Litchfield about Preston, was killed about 1 a.m. Friday meeting to bring the annual budget to a weren’t unreasonable. small boy travels back in time for CD CD - Suzanne Somers and 4:00 A.M . Restrepo Marx Brothers portray private de­ 10:30P.M . loves and sacrifices of an Eura­ by her new husband and in the " I think for the number of days we w ere in council had allowed the budget to go to a exciting adventures with a host of 10,000 Gl's 6:38 p.m. 'vhen the car she was riding in collided referei^um. tectives lured to protect a large d D ( @ - Independent Network sian girl and an American news­ hands of her unscrupulous ( D - Chico and the Men (33) - M O V IE Dot and^ the strange characters John Cleese. In Hartford, a teenager shot by a man 1116 court, you knew you were going to get a sub­ machine vote, said Mrs. Carilli. “ And we as department store 1937 C D - News News reel photographer In 1941 war- cousin. Natassia Kinaki, Peter (S) - NCAA Football: Hall of with another car on Route 2, state police council’s position has been that its Kangaroo' A little Australian girl Michael Palm, ^helley Duval. stantial bill.” she said. taxpayers end up paying the bill.” 3 torn China. Gene Tierney, George Firth. Leigh Lawson. 1980. Rated Fame Bowl from Birmingham. whose home he was apparently trying to said. ' move to set a mill rate, based on the budget sets off on a fascinating journey 3D - MOVIE: Hush. Hush ^ - MOVIE: 'LIFE Goes to C D V. - Leonard Bernstein CS) - NHL Journal Today's pro­ PG. Conducts Montgomery. 1943 in a kangaroo's pouch Sw eet Charlotte' A man stops W ar' gram features weekly news, high­ AL rqb died early Friday in Mount Sinai his daughter from running off with (12) - W orld Championship lights and trends around the NHL. ( ^ - MOVIE; 'You Ught Up My 8 ) - MOVIE: 'Honor Guard' 8 ) - Newscenter J ___L ($7) - Great Performances Hospital. (36) - Jeffersons a married man who is later found Ufe' A novice songstress strug­ 'Tinker, Tailor. Soldier. Spy.’ Offshore Powerboat Race Cov­ (2D - Alfred Hitchcock Rod Steiger, David Huffman. W a lt ^ Profitt, 16, was shot ’Thursday (4® - A B C News dead Bette Davis. Olivia de Havil- gles to make her dreams come 4:15A .M . George Smiley, in search of the erage of the 1982 Michelob Light Robin Mattson. 1981. land, Joseph Gotten 1965 (23) - Business Report true in the music business. Oidi after he and a 15-year-old accomplice (57) - Over Easy mole,' moves a step closer to the World Championship Offshore (3$ - MOVIE: 'Superm an II' Su­ Powerboat Race is featured. (60 Conn. 1977. 2:00 A.M . perman's enemies are the three reportedly kicked down the door of a Four fires mar holiday; 3 ^ - N C A A Basketball: St. answer (R) (2 hrs ) [Closed Cap­ 10:45P.M . 7 : 0 0 P . M . min.) ( D - CBS News Nightwatch criminals that his father. Jor-El. John's at Seton Hall tioned] (2D - Reporter 41 - MOVIE: -The Man Who North End house and threatened the 56- CD - CBS News Knew Too Much’ A British fa­ banished from Krypton. (Kristo­ Attnual Mid-Winter - MOVIE: 'Superman IT Su­ (2$ - CNN Headline News C D - Beat of Midday pher Reeve, Gdne Hackman, Ned year-old occupant with an unidentified CE ® r M-A'S-H perman's enemies are the three 8:30P.M . 11:00P.M . mily, vacationing in Switzerland, (2D - Freeman Reports C D - Sign Off Beatty. 1982. Rated PG. *• weapon wrapped in a rag, police said.. criminals that his father, Jor-El. (D - Private Benjamin C D “ Eyewitness News learns of an assassination plot CD - 1 982; A Very Good Year? (2D - MOVIE: 'Meatballs' An ir­ C D ~ doe Franklin Show Meriden woman dies banished from Krypton. Christo­ from a dying secret agentAeslie Police said no charges would be filed (D - Carol Burnett and Friends reverent head counselor be­ C D - M*,A"S-H 4:30A .M . CB - ABC News pher Reeve. Gone Hackman, Ned Banks. Peter Lorre. Frank* Ves­ d D “ To Be Announced against the intended victim because he Home Furnishings (3S) - Voice of'Faith friends a summer-carnp misfit. C D @ D - News C E - Sign Off C B - Soap Beatty 1982 Rated PG per. 1934. d D ' Future Sport spokesman said. Bill Murray. Chris Makepeace, (Tf) - Abbott and Costello apparently shot Profitt in self-defense. (IX' - Jeffersons 9:00P.M . C D ' Madame's Place By United Press International (?® - M O V IE: A t Long Last Kate Lynch 1979. Rated PG. 12:30 A.M . d3) - MOVIE: 'Final Assign- ' The man’s name withheld to protect Fire officials said the blaze broke out about 6 IS ) - MOVIE: W hoM Ufa la H was 1Z - ESPN's Horse Racing Love' A New York millionaire’s (D CD - M-A-S'H d D - Metropolitan Report C D - Sanford and Son ment' The chance meeting of a a.m. in a 7-story brick apartment building on (23) - MacNeil-Lehrer Report Anyway' A rntyi paralyzed from him from possible retaliation, police Fire officials today continued to investigate Wkly boredom ends when he meets a (D " The Men/ Show dD “ ESPN SportsCenter - televison correspondent and a C D ‘ Mission Impossible the neck down fights to make his said. four holiday fires, including a smoky blaze in Cedar Street in a low-income housing project. 14) - HBO Maga2ine Starring stage music star Burt Reynolds, (2D ' 24 Horas d3) - Seventh Annual Young Russian journelist leads to romen- C D ~ NFL Football: Dallas at C D d D - Nightline tir^'trigue. Michael York, Gene- own decisions. Richard Dreyfuss, Some residents were briefly evacuated, but the Dick Cavett This show presents Cybill Shepherd. Madeline Kahn Minnesota (ID - MOVIE: Breaker Morant' rnm ^HiAna Shnw Alan King . In another incident, Juan Carlos Meriden where a woman died New Year’s day v i* e Bujold. Rated PG. John Cassavetes. Rated R. Sale ( D “ You Asked For It Guadalupe Nenez, 17, of Hartford, was and another fire in New London where as many fire was contained to one apartment and the being held Sunday in lieu of $100,000 bond as nine people were le ft homeless. families later returned to their homes, officials NOT MUCH Savings to ^ / r TH E d e c k : in the stabbing death Friday of a 60-year- Meriden police said an unidentified woman said. LIKe THB FAKE It was the second fire to hit downtown Meriden SNOW IN T H E ASTRO-GRAPH old city man. Police said an autopsy discovered in a burned out apartment Saturday BRIDGE in two days and fire officials said both were of HOLLYWOOO HILLS, showed Jose Solano died of multiple stab had suffered “ puncture wounds” and officials on EH, LEM ON* Bernice Bede Osol wounds. were treating the case as a homicide. suspicious origin. On Friday, a fire gutted a 3- story office building on ^Church Street that 4 0 % Nenez was scheduled to be arraigned Police said the woman, a white female, housed eight businesses and the city Chamber of selected items at your Advantage, declarer today on charges of felony murder in believed to be in her SOs, was rushed to Hartford Superior Court. Meriden-Wallingford Hospital where she later Commerce. K qibur Authorities had not determined the cause of complete shopping State police said Alllngs M. Smith, 42, died. tage, but it is still there.” either blaze and could not say whether the two Jim: ‘T h e defense has one ^Birthday of East Lym e was charged with the stab­ ' An autopsy was scheduled today at the chief incidents were connected. ‘ headquarters for advantage to maKe up in bing death of his wife, Diane, 38, whose state medical examiner’s office in Farmington N O R TH 1-3-83 In New London a smoky two-alarm fjre Sunday part for this. They get to January 4,1883 body was found Thursday in her cottage to determine whether she died from stab wounds Country Home ♦ Q I032 swept through a wood frame house leaving two make the opening lead. Ways will open this coming in the Nlantlc section of East Lyme. or as a result of the fire. VA87 families homeless. Officials said the blaze was J Declarers will occasionally year that could enable you to Officials ruled the death a homicide Police were investigating the" possibility the Furnishings, ♦ KJ85 use confusing tactics to reported about 5:17 a.m. 493 fulfill several secret ambitions. following an autopsy. fire might have been set to cover a crime, a upset the deienders’ apple Obstacles which previously including W EST E A S T cart." thwarted your progress will be 4 5 4 9 4 Oswald: “Today’s hand is eliminated. New American THE FOOD EES IT SMELLS OKAY, CORPORAL, LET'S ...UH.WHACrCHA ^ JU ST LEAVE 'EM 4QJ632 4954 a good example. South CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 18) NOW PREPRRED, GREAT, J a E T THESE POTS OVER WANTA DO ABOUT J WHERE THEY ARE! ♦ 96 4 4 10 7 2 intended to gamble on a Do not Introduce changes Research shows vitamin C Collectors’ Series by YOUR HIGHNESS HOZAY.' 1 TO THE EXERCISE AREA.' STRETCH AND IT'LL BE A CXXJPLE 4KJ62 4AQ10 85 today into career situations o HIS BOYS? / OF DAYS BEFORE WE'RE slam after his partner’s READY FOR 'EM.' SO UTH jump to three spades. He now running smoothly. Instead Stephen Von Hohen. T 4AKJI7( didn t try for a nand slam of Improving your position, -T?V ■- 4K 10 because he and bis partner they could complicate and may fight moth diseases A S a u e on: ♦ AQ3 were using good, but non­ weaken it. Order now: The 474 forcing limit r a i ^ . Hence, NEW Astro-Graph Matchmaker wheel and booklet which •furniture his four-club bid was HOUSTON (U P I) — Two common dis­ “ I believe vitamin C ... makes for Vulnerable: Both designed to inhibit a club reveals romantic combinations, compatibilities for all signs, eases of the mouth, including gum dis­ better and healthier gums and ’ it (wood 8c upholstered) Dealer: South lead." tells how to get along with ease, may be treated or prevented by eliminates some of these (type) Jim: “ If you look at all the West North East South others, finds rising signs, hid­ high daily doses of vitamin C, a new organisms and thus, reduces the chance •bedding 14 cards you can see that with den qualities, plus more. Mall study says. of getting these diseases,” Ms. Pass J 4 Pass 44 any lead but a club the slam $2 to Astro-Graph, Box 469. •pictures •lamps ^ Pass 4V Pass 64 roUs in. South gets to discard Dr. Millicent Goldschmidt, a Universi­ Goldschmidt said. Radio City Station. N.Y. 10019. Ms. Goldschmidt’s findings were Pass Pass Pass one club loser on dummy’s Send an additional $1 lor your ty of Texas associate professor, deter­ N •more, more, more! fourth diamond.” Capricorn Astro-Graph predic­ mined in a two-year study on rhesus limited to rhesus monkeys, but she Oswald: “ Now let’s go tions lor 1963. Be sure to spec­ monkeys that a daily dose of ap­ believes the findings will hold true for I UNCOVERED IN 1772,THE GRAPH THE FARMERS ROSE FROAA TH AT TIAAE Opening lead: 42 back to West. He Uatened to ify birthdate. proximately 1 gram of vitamin C can humans. ANOTHER LITTLE ARBORS IN NEW EN&- UP IN ANGER ANP, ON.THEV WERE the bidding and wondered AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) help prevent peridontal disease and root She intends to conduct similar tests on Mirlboroaili LANP W ENT our CF . AFTER A LONG FIGH/ KNOWN AG KNOWN HISTORICAL why South had bid four clubs You're a good observer today marmosets and follow tho6e tests with FACr RECEMTLV. CONTROL ANP BEGAN FINALLV SUH7UEP CONOUEREP GRAPES, and you can learn a lot by surface carries, an infection often affec­ on his way to the strato­ research on humans during the next cou­ TO CHOKE OUT ALL THE RAMPAGING- By Otwald Jacoby sphere. Finally, he conclud­ watching others, especially ting older people who suffer from ple of years. T H E O T H E R FRUIT. - 7 ^ and Jamei Jacoby ed that South might wel) those who are successful. receding gums. hold a worthless club Later, you'll find ways to Imi­ HeT studies showed the vitamn C can Conntry Barn Ms. Goldschmldy said the monkeys tate their methods. Oswald: “ Declarer gets to doubleton. The deuce of kill or prevent the growth of a bacteria received the eqiwalent of 1 gram of play 26 cards as a unit. That clubs hit the table and the PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) called actinomyces viscosus, one of the ascorbic acid each day, a much higher gives him a decided advan­ Substantial accompllshmenls slam went to never-never main germs that causes peridontal dis­ •DELIVERY SERVICE 22 years of friendly service o ' tage. The higher the land.” are possible today, provldm amount than th#average minimum daily you are properly motivated to ease. easy to reach in downtown contract, the less this advan­ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) requirement of 60 milligrams per day for •CONVENIENT PARKING achieve them. Desire success "When a person has a peridontaMnfec- humans. She said she personally takes at •DECORATOR SERVICE Marliiorough (& Old Saybrook) and all the rest will follow. tion, the bacteria have invaded into the least 1 gram of vitanUn C each day and tv , , ARIES (March 21-April 19) gum area and the body tries to fight it by Route 2, Exit 12 or 13, Business Route 14 Main Street Much can be accomplished UPI photo so far has suffered no Eum diseases. 1-3-8? sending its white ceils there. If the gums Marlborough, Conn. Old Saybrook, Conn. today provided you don't fry to " I haven’t found the organism in ray squeeze more on your agenda are diseased due to vitamin deficiency, Tues.-Sat. 10-5:30; Fri. 10-9; Mon.-Sai. 10-5:30; Fri. 10-9; REShARCHERS STUDY RHESUS MONKEYS mouth nor do I have root carries. But I ’m than time permits. List your the body has a harder time fighting the Sun. 1-5:30 Sun. 1-5:30 tasks In order of Importance. . . . Or. Millicent Qoldschmidt, Elmer Banes infection,” she said. only one person. A TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Strive to be Independent today, but don't be too proud ACROSS 6 City in India Answer to Previous Puala to ask for assistance in situa­ 7 Actreta tions which you can't handle 1 Public hall Christian alone. Tw o heads are better 7 Eytd anolQ aaoD lann 8 Compass than one. NO VVONP^ X 13 I have found it point □ Q D ■ □ n a c 3 D ■ z i c n o □Dooa aunno GEMINI (May 21-Juno 20) 14 Slipiole B Suparlativa □□□n □ □□□ n o EinnD Even though you are noted lor 15 Grinnad suffix FAu. Do w n 16 Prickla □DDDCH3D on being a last thinker, take time 10 Dstarioratss today when making serious 17 Labal n n 11 Singer □ a n a n c i Judgments. Your second s o o f t f n ' T8 traffic light Fitzgerald color n o n thoughts will reveal any over­ 12 Land contract sights. 20 Unhappy n n n 18 Printar's THWtS l-J-gl 21 Semitic CANCER (June 21-July 22) msaaura (pl.| n a n Early In the day you could be a t £ language 21 Reach n n n trlflp doubtful ol your abilities. 26 Entrance □ n n a n 28 Whinny 22 Flush However, once you delve Into 23 Mad projects you’ll find these fears WHERE TDTDWN-,, 0 F (O 5 U P 5 E 32 Place of 37 Air circulator 46 la indebted to lumber 24 Halted ^ are groundless. 38 Disrtgard 47 Ventura 3 PLEASE,0LAP/9,1 '26 Nigerian LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You 3 R 75T- WCTT.'SILLVl 33 South Pacific 40 Mallow island group tribesman 48 On same aide have an edge over your' peers M0SH0PP1H6 41 1800’s art 34 Egg-shaped 26 New star 60 One (Sp.) . today in that you shouid be atyla able to see opportunity where 6ALE. 6PREE,HUH?> 35 Hope (Lat.| 27 Prison 52 Govtmmant 36 Ointment 28 Damons 42 Group of two they see only question marks. 37 Bridge 30 Laavaa 43 Taka care of levy Rely upon your vision, not strategy 31 Jackrabbit 45 Wall border 53 Pourboire theirs. 3B Angry vmoo (Aug- 23-SepL 21) It 41 Insecticida $.. 3 3 4 S i IT you are on familiar ground you could develop something prot- 44 Pension 13 46 Difanae da- ItaWa lor yoursalt today, but paitmant 11 the same results may not bold [ true In untried oraes. 48 U M U (S m H. 28-4CL 26) U dy ' i h . , 17 It r E applicator Luck wants to assist you.today, 61 Caphal of ai but she’ll be waiting for you to Canada get things rolling before she tfHJEeawHAT? r'VE' r'u: PUT IN ALUTHE W HCfs OOlNfit T O W 64 Pertaining to II 33 ? r steps into the picture. ■doge SCORPIO (Oei a4-Notr, 22) C?ec/PEP TO W R ITE FUNNIEST JO KES I'VE A BOOK W ITH 33 66 Privateer today. Someone in the back­ MYC5WN JO KE B O O K I TOLD OVER THE Y&VRS. B A S E S IN I T " ? ^ 5 86 Having beat 14 ground will land a hand. chance Acknowladga tha contribution. V V M SAOnTAMUS (Nav. St-Oae. 57 21) SHuationa you paraonaUy J control should work out wa|l for DOWN you today, but In miltars i r 44 S’ JT IT whera you share the hakn you 1 In case that might run aground. 2 Arfiona cHy 4t 4t •0 It •1 •1 (NawaPAPW Mm ntM t AaaN.) 3 Infant •nefoaura 14 II i m 4 Conger 6 HanniUan !• 17 I-M5 js^r::x,sszs Inatrtmieiu -d wha RMit iMke iha caMaa. 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon.. Jan. 3, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., Jan. 3, 1983 - M Four motorists O h itu m ries charged with William A. Andrulot Home William A. Andrulot, 71, of SOT FOCUS/ Raymond A. Allen, 56, Cooper Hill St., who had been coor­ drunk driving dinator for the town Park Depart­ ment before retiring six years ago, Four people were charged with headed Bolton schools died Sunday at St. Francis Hospital drunken driving in New Year’s and Medical Center. He was the hus­ and New Year’s Day inddents in band of Julia (Fiedler) Andrulot. Manchester, according to police. Bolton schools were closed today He was bom in South Windsor on Joy I. Cyr, 21, of 72 Oak St., was so school personnel and students Aug. 15,1911, and had lived most of charged at 4; 42 a.m. Saturday after could attend funeral services for his life in Manchester. He had her car veered off Main Street and Raymond A. Allen Jr., 56, worked in the Park Department for struck a guard rail near the 1-84 un­ superintendent of schools, who died 40 years. derpass, police said. She was also Friday at St. Francis Hospital and. He was a member of Zion charged with driving under suspen­ Medical Center. He had been Evangelical Lutheran Church, the sion. She was released on a promise' Yes, you are going to take off that superintendent in Bolton for the past National AARP, the Senior Citizens to appear Jan. 18 in Manchester nine years. He was the husband of of Manchester and the. Park and Superior Court. ^^0 pounds you mysteriously put on Agnes B. Allen. Recreation Association. He and his At 12:50 a.m. New Year’s Eve, He was born in New Haven and wife celebrated their 43rd wedding Scot A. Raymond of Manchester had lived in West Hartford since anniversary fast May. was charged after he allegedly last year. Josephine Lowman's 1964 He was a graduate of St. Besides his wife he leaves two made a U-tum on Center Street and Mary's Seminary College in sons, William D. Andrulot of Morris struck a telephone pole. He has Baltimore, Md.. he received his and Richard A. Andrulot of promised to appear in court on Jan. Beauty improvement Plan will show masters degree in administration Manchester; a daughter, Joyce H. 18. and guidance at Fairfield University , Andrulot of Atlanta, Ga.; a brother, Victor S. Garcia, 64, of 91, and did additional graduate work at Philip Andrulot of East Hartford; a Mansfield St. was charged at 7:14 you how. But first splurge. Go out the University of Connecticut and sister, Mrs. James (Emma) a.m. Saturday after police spotted^ New 'York University. Muisener of Cape Coral, Fla.; six him driving erratically on O nter^ Before coming to Bolton he had grandchildren; and several nieces UPI photo Street, police said. He faces a Jan.,." ^ and bu^ a new scale. served as supervising principal in and nephews. 18 cofi-t appearance. Derby, Wallingford and Hartford. Funeral services will' be held _ FORMER PRESIDENT Brian J. Turley, 20, of East Hart­ From 1967 to 1972, he was ad­ Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the By Susan Plese . . . delivered euology for Gallen ford, was arrested on the Spencer,! wicker and tortoise shell. “The most accurate is the balance beam,” ministrative assistant to the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St. Street exit ramp of Interstate 84 at,! Herald Reporter superintendent for the Hartford! Burial will be in East Cemetery. 3:21 a.m. Saturday after police saw In Sears in the Parkade, a spring scale in says Omer Pefriolat, a salesman at Able Board of Education and ad­ Friends may call at the fuperal him driving erratically on the- You’ve been eyeing that thing in the comer blue, brown or white sells for $16.99. But if the Scale. “Digitals have a way of going off a Raymond A. Allen Jr. ministrator for non-public Federal home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 New Hampshire mourns highway, poiice said. He faces a.', of your bathroom ever since ’Thanksgiving, but thought of bare feet on a bare scale appalls pound or two.” and State Funding programs for p.m. Jan. 18.court appearance. you’ve not dared to go near it. you, they also have a carpeted model for ^4.99 Hartford. New Haven and Litchfield sons, Raymond A. Allen III of Memorial contributions may be He stocks the Detecto balance beam for up Orono, Maine and Christopher J. But now it’s time to put that New Year’s in brown or blue. counties. made to Newington Children’s to $450, a price he calls “not practical for the 3 He was a member of the Allen of West Hartford; a daughter, late Gov. Hugh Gallen resolution into place. Time to become ' "The one with the carpet is our best seller,” Hospital, the Memorial Fund of Zion average homeowner.” American Association of School Ad­ Anne M. Allen of West Hartford; Evangelical Lutheran Church, or to Lifting experience • ^ reacquainted with grapefruit, high protein and says A1 Duchesne, manager of bath and ministrators, the Connecticut and a brother, Edward C. Allen of a charity of the donor’s choice. low carbohydrate. Time for a rendezvous with It was at the World’s Fair in New'! drapery department. “People get it to match Association, of School Ad­ Wilkes-Barre, Pa. CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - New New Hampshire House Speaker York in 1854 that the elevator ih-:! the monster that tells you just how far you let the carpet in their bathroom.” HUT HE ALSO sells the Health-O-Meter ministrators, the Hartford Area The Taylor & Modeen Funeral Rose T. Marclnowskl Hampshire’s public and parochial John Tucker and state Supreme dustry got pff the ground. An in-^ yourself go. Superintendents Association,- and Home of West Hartford had charge Rose (Tryska) Marcinowski, 87, schools and state buildings were Court Chief Justice John King, clinic scale for $236. It stands about 36 inches genious mechanic from Yonkersj;- THE NEWEST MODEL to hit the market, S' th e University Region of funeral arrangements. Memorial of 28 Deerfield Drive died Sunday at closed today and bells across the proclaimed the official day of mour­ You take off your shoes. Your stockings, high, and comes in seven colors. Elisha Groves Otis, demonstrated a however, is the digital scale with numbers Superintendents Association He contributions may be made in his a local convalescent home. She was state were to ring at sunset, obser­ ning. Only those state agencies too. No need to add extra ounces. hoisting device at the Crystal,, which light up. “The digital scale is very good “I sold six of them this Christmas,” was also a member of St. Mark he memory to the Raymond A. Allen the wife of the late Anthony Mar­ ving an official day of mourning for providing essential services were You try standing on tip toes, hoping to Palace that had a safety catch tq; Perriolat says. What kind of people pay $236 to Evangelist’ Church of West Hart­ Jr. Scholarship Fund in care of cinowski. the late Gov, Hugh Gallen. open. for older people,” says Duchesne. “They can keep the platform frona- register a bit less. Hang onto the wall. You ford American Savings Bank. 143 S. Main She was born in Poland on June 13, Gallen, who died Wednesday in a Mrs. Roy also asked any church, see it better.” FTice for the battery-operated find out they are overweight? Besides his wife he leaves two St., West Hartford,;06107. 1895, and had lived in Manchester plummeting. Otis would raisei seriously consider shaving your head. Hair Boston hospital of kidney and liver municipal or other building with digital is $49.99 at Sears. “Diet freaks,” says Perriolat. “These guys ' ■•i* / ---- for the past nine years. himself to the ceiling and; weighs a iot, you know. failure, was to be buried in his bells or chimes to ring them at One retailer says the digital scale is so pop­ came in because their wives went on a diet, She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Emily hometown of Littleton following an sunset today “in a day-ending mo­ dramatically slash the rope as spec^! tators gasped and paled. Then he- BUT THE NUMBERS on that scale glare ular that it is difficult to keep in stock. Rena H. Slifkus Grish of Manchester, and three 11 a.m. funei^mass at St. Rose of ment of farewell” to Galleil. and they wanted an accurate scale.” Lillian B. Squires Would proclaim, “AH safe,^ Rena l Hyson l Flifkus, 64. of South COVENTRY - Mrs. Lillian grandchildren. Lima Churd^in Littleton. Many The late governor was honored in up at you with undeniable reality. Maybe the Bradlees normally carries the digital model, Sears does sell a slightly less expensive ver­ Funeral services will be Tuesday gentleman. All safe!” “ Windsor, died Saturday at John (Brown) Squires, 89, 6f 305 Bunker churches around the state scheduled a public memorial service Friday at scale’s broken. You’ll just have to buy but just one week after Christmas, the shelves sion of the balance beam scale through the at 9;15 a.m. from the John F. Dempsey Hospital in Farmington. Hill Road, Coventry, died Friday at special observances to coincide with the Statehouse, which drew more another. were wiped clean of battery-operated models. catalogue. It retails for just under $100. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. than 1,200 people, including former She was the wife of Albert C. Slifkus Windham Community Memorial the mass. Depending on how much money you have, And though you are probably sick of For the average person, the digital scale is and the mother of Beverly Jean Hospital. She was the wife of the Center St., with a mass of Christian Last week’s death of the 58-year- President Jimmy Carter and Man, convicted and how accurate you want your scale to be, replacing batteries in all those Christmas probably the most practical way of keeping in Clogston of Coventry. late Arthur J. Squires. burial at 10 a.m. at the Church of the old, two-term Democratic governor leaders from across New England. She also leaves a step-sister, Mrs. She was born in Franklin and had Assumption. Burial will be in St. came just eight days before he was Bishop Odore Gendron of the you can choose among three different t3rpes. electronic games, the digital scale presents touch with weight gain or loss. -Sonya Dragunevicius of South Wind- lived in Coventry for more than 70 Raymond Cemetery, Bronx, N.Y. to leave office. Gallen was defeated Roman Catholic Diocese of The least expensive is the old spring-type less of a problem. “If you can’t afford the bar type, the digital Friends may call at the funeral in sex assault, ,sor: and two grandchildren. years. She was a member of First for a third term in November by Manchester was to officiate at scale that usually has numbers set into a bub­ You can expect tho^ batteries to last from is the next best thing,” says A1 Duchesne. home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Congregational Church of Coventry. Republican John Sununu. today’s funeral mass in Littleton ble just between where you place yoiir feet. six months to a year, because the numbers on “The digital is a little more accurate than the Funeral services will be Tuesday • She leaves four daughters, Mrs. p.m. Memorial donations may be Acting Gov. Vesta Roy, joined by with the Rev. Joseph Klatka, pastor This type may be purchas^ at at least two the scale only light up when activated by a batteries. The Sears digital works with one spring scale. The spring loses tension over at 9:15 a m. from the Samsel Florence V. Smith, Mrs. Helen I. made to the Heart Association, 310 of St. Rose of Lima Church, and the jailed 2*years nine-volt battery. But if accuracy is your Funeral Home, 419 Buckland Road, Lewis and Mrs. Shirley Heon, all of Collins St., Hartfoj-d. Rev. Patrick Irwin, who gave the area stores. Bradlees in the Parkade has lever just before you step on it. time, and needs adjustment.” .South Windsor with a mass of Chris­ spring scaies ranging in price from $10 to just The Able Scale and Equipment Corp. at 10 major concern, you have no alternative but to Besides, if the scale is light by two pounds, Willimantic and Ms. Emily J. Jeanne M. McFadden governor last rites. Irwin delivered A Manchester man has beep tian burial in St. Francis of Assisi the eulogy. sentenced to serve two years in under $20. Colors are brown, black and white, Hilliard St. also stocks digital scales for spring for the balance beam upright scale, like J LaBreck of North Windham; three Funeral services were held in Samaritan you won’t have to shave your head after all. Church at 10 a.m. Friends may call sons, Ernest G. Squires of Bolton, Gallon's casket was draped with prison following his conviction on a and there’s even a scale decorated to look like $75.50. They are operated with six AA penlight the kind you-find in the doctor’s office. at the funeral home today from 2 to Worcester, Mass., today, for Jeanne There’s such a thing as being too accurate. Raymond C. Squires of Coventry, M. (LaRose) McFadden, 61, who the state flag that was lowered to charge of first degree sexual 4 and 7 to 9 p m Memorial con- and Frank E. Squires of Stores; 34 half-staff atop the Statehouse last assault. .tributions may be made to the died Friday night. She was the sister s t a b b e d grandchildren; and 53 great­ of Norman LaRose of Manchester. Wednesday when his death was an­ Manchester Superior Court Judge .\merican Cancer Society, 237 E. grandchildren. CunlinuiHl from page 1 nounced. The flag also flew at half- Eldward R. Doyle sentenced Nor­ ^ Here's m enu plan Center .St . Manchester. She also leaves two sons, James Funeral services will be Tuesday C. McFadden in Oregon and Gordon Sullivan is also charged with the staff during Friday’s memorial ser­ man F. Leigher, 32, of 30 Griffin a t 10 a m . in th e F ir s t W. McFadden Jr. in Worcester; four stabbing of a second man who also vice. Road to six years in prison, Ernest J. DeLaura Sr. Congregational Church of Coventry. Six state police troopers who were suspended after two years, and five Ernest J DeLaura Sr., of East daughters, Jacqueline J. Wilson, interceded in the incident, police A Burial will be in Nathan Hale Maureen Healy, Virginia Purcell, said. members of Gallen’s security detail years probation. Hartford, died Saturday at Cemetery, Coventry. There are no served as pallbearers: Sgts. Leigher pleaded no contest to a Manchester Memorial Hospital. He and Jo-anne Anderson, all in Grimes, 41, the father of nine, was Make a grocery list calling hours. Memorial con­ Massachusetts; four other brothers stabbed to death early Saturday Benjamin Mozerall and John first degree sexual assault charge. was the husband of Isabel S. tributions may be made to First McMaster, and Troopers Dwight DeLaura and the father of Norman and six sisters, all out of state, and shortly after he celebrated New An additional charge of third degree Congregational Church of Coventry, Dodd, Frank Breen, Colin Forbes sexual assault was nolled by the Del-aura of Manchester. several nieces and nephews. Year’s Eve at a restaurant with his By Josephine Lowman day — and I will tell how he can menus.) Route 31. Potter Funeral Home, 456 wife and tried to intercede when he and Leo Jellison. state’s attorney’s office. get them. He also leaves three other sons, Jackson St., Willimantic, has charge The mass was to be broadcast Leigher was arrested May 7. in Special to the Herald SHOPPING LIST FOR Clara L. Sanger saw a woman being beaten, police This is the way BIP works. For TUESDAY AND \4 EDNESDAY Ernest DeLaura Jr., Arthur of arrangements. Clara Louise Sanger, 97, of Hart­ said. over loudspeakers in the Littleton connection with the sexual assault On New Year’s Eve the bells the next nine days I will bring DeLaura and William DeLaura, all Junior High School gymnasium and of the 17-year-old daughter of a long­ DAIRY PRODUCTS: 2 eggs, 1 Michael A. Bzdyra ford, formerly of Manchester and Police said 'Grimes, his wife, and rang out the old and rang in the you calorie-counted menus to tablespoon grated Parmesan of East Hartford; two sisters, Maria Funeral services were held today Coventry areas, died Sunday. another couple were walking to the church basement where an time friend, police said. The asMult new. 1982 is gone! 1983 is NOW! give you a pleasant start. Ana Bairos of Rocky Hill and Maria overflow crowd from the 350-seat occurred in the woods near the vic­ cheese, 2 teaspoons margarine or for Michael A. Bzdyra, 50, of East She was bom in New Haven on their car after celebrating New NOW! Life has dealt us a new Grocery lists will appear ahead butter, 32 fluid ounces of Lourdes Reis, both of East Hart­ church was expected. tim’s home on Tolland Turnpike. Hartford, who died Friday at his Jan. 19,1885 and had been a resident Year Eve at a restaurant. hand. Let’s play to win! of time so that you can have the powdered nonfat skim milk. ford; seven grandchildren and home. He was the husband of Bar­ of Manchester-Hartford area most The determination to lose necessary items on hand, and several nieces and nephews. MEAT OR FISH: 1 chicken bara S. Bzdyra and the son of of her life. excess weight is one of the most menus will be published one day breast, 4 ounces of fresh or Funeral services will be Tuesday Michael Bzdyra of Coventry. Graveside funeral services will be usual New Year’s resolutions. No in advance. I also will give you an frozen shrimp (hulled and at 9 a m from Fisette-Batzner He also leaves two sons, James S. Tuesday at 1. p.m. The Holmes F ire C a lls Today’s exercise will contour the back wonder! Too many pounds can exercise a day. cleaned), 4 ounces of canned pink Funeral Home, 20 Sisson Ave., Hart­ Bzdyra and Michael R. Bzdyra, both Funeral Home, 400 Main St., hipllne, and Is firming to the neck and ab­ make one look and feel years Please note: You will be on salmon. ford, with a mass of Christian burial of East Hartford; two brothers, Manchester, has charge of older, completely change a your own on weekends (Satur­ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: domen. Kneel on both knees and place your days and Sundays), free to repeat at 10 a m. in the Church of St, Edward Bzdyra of Coventry and arrangements. There are no calling lifestyle, damage self-confidence ‘ '2 cup pineapple chunks St. (Eighth District) burner malfunction, 85 E. hands on the floor, one hand under each Christopher, East Hartford. Friends Anthony Bzdyra of Hartford. hours. Memorial contributions may Manchester Saturday, 3:06 a.m. — and personality and endanger any particular menus you (unsweetened), 'A grapefruit, 1 Saturday, 6:56 p.m. — (fanter St. (Town) shoulder. Bend your left knee, lower your may call at the funeral^m e today Rose Hill Funeral Home, Rocky be made to the Horace Bushnell Water call* 596 Hilliard St. health. enjoyed, or simply count lemon, 1 cup asparagus spears Friday, 2:38 a.m. — Gas Gas stove leak, 385 W. Sunday, 11:15 p.m. — head and bring your face to your knee. from 2 to 4 and 7 to "9"mm. Hill, had charge of arrangements. Congregational Church of Hartford. (Eighth District) If you have planned to lose calories. (fresh, canned, or frozen), 1 washdown, Vernon and Center St. (Town) Lockout, 40 O lcott St. Straighten leg and lift It upward. Keep your Saturday, 8:29 a.m. — weight over and over again but During the first two weeks you medium tomato, Vi green Scott streets (Town) Saturday, 8:14 p.m- — (Town) Power outage. Forest back In a straight line, Return to starting somehow just didn’t g;et started, will learn how much you should pepper, 3 green onions, 1 Friday, 9:53 a.m. — Gas Dumpster fire, 40 Olcott Monday, 1:51 a.m . — Street (Town) position. Continue slowly, five times with »or if you have some new han­ weigh, what measurements are cucumber, 1 carrot, 4 ounces raw washdown, 126 Mather St. St. (Town) Medical call, 61 Cambridge Saturday, 12:04 p.m. — your left leg and then five with your right leg. dicapping pounds, it probably is out of line, how to plan slipiming red cabbage, 2 small potatoes (or Driver faces variety of charges (Eighth District) Saturday, 8:40 p.m. (far St. (Eighth District) Alarm malfunction, 2^1 N. Gradually build up to 12 times with each leg, NOW or NEVER! This is the but nutritious meals. I’ll also tell 1 medium one), 2 cups of mixed Friday, 11:07 a.m. — Main St. (Eighth District) fire, 54 Overland St. first day of my eight-week Beau­ you about the benefits of exercise Smoke in basement, 91 N. alternating. salad greens (iceberg, romaine, A man's failure to get out of the said. cused rolling around in the middle of Saturday, 1:44 p.m. — (Town) FOR SPARKLING ty Improvement Plan (BIP for when reducing, when to weigh watercress, fresh spinach leaves, Elm St. (Eighth District) WOODWORK, TILE, and measure and give you a few way of a fire truck on the way to an When a police car tried to pull East Middle Turnpike” \yhile traffic chimney fire, 95 Irving St. Sunday, 7:05 p.m. — Fire I short) which will show you how etc.), one apple. Friday, 12:11 p.m. — GLASS AND PAINTED alarm led to his arrest on a variety Hampson over, he accelerated and was fairly heavy, according to an of­ (Eighth District) in basement, 25 Lilley St. to lose 15 to 20 pounds in eight tricks to help make your job SEASONING: Salt, pepper, Grass fire, 856 Hillstown SURFACES, add three of charges early Neiy Year’s Day, tried to escape, police said. Hamp­ ficer’s report. Saturday, 5:37 p.m. — (Town) weeks’ time. It will smooth'the easier. cayenne, dry mustard, 5 police said. son’s car was finally boxed in near Road (Town) Car fire, West Middle Sunday, 7:38 p.m. — Odor tablespoons of washing way for you to a successful loss Then for the next six weeks, I Saturday, 1:25 a.m. — tablespoons of prepared chili an East Middle Turnpike gas sta­ Hampson was charged with 'Turnpike (Town) of natural gas, 397 Porter soda to a quart of warm with encouragement and infor­ will be with you each Monday sauce, Vi cup catsup, favorite Police said Robert W. Hampson, tion. police said. breach of peace, interfering with an F a lse a la rm . Box 65 Saturday, 6:26 p.m. — St. (Town) water and wash. No rlpslng mation. with more information and en­ (Town) low-calorie salad dressing, low- 19. of Bolton wouldn’t pull over for a Police said Hampson was officer, engaging police in pursuit Chimney fire, 398 Summit Sunday, 8:54 p.m. — Oil required. My eight-week Beauty Im­ couragement. calorie French dressing. fire truck with lights and siren on and failing to yield to an emergency provement Plan is just as impor­ belligerent when asked to get out of GROCERY' LISTS FOR DRY GOODS: 6 ounces of headed down East Center Street at vehicle. He was held on $500 bond tant for men as women. If the his car. He resisted being taken into ■ 4 k TUEiSDAY AND WEDNESDAY tomato juice, 1 brown ’n serve 11:30 a m. The truck had to pass for a Jan. 17 appearance in man in your life is ovenveight, it custody, which “resulted in a full (N()te: The actual amounts of roll, 5 slices of whole-wheat, plus Hampson’s car on the right, they battle, with the police and the ac- Manchester Superior Court. Bird turns Repeat By Popular D^mandll would be fun if he joined you for a 2 slices of rye, V4 cup vinegar, loss of from 15 to 20 pounds in the food needed in upcoming menus are listed, but you probably will vegetable oil, coffee or tea, out lights Pay for the first set and next eight weeks. This course is effective for any purchase larger quantities. ' MENU FOR TUESDAY A reckless bird was the get the second set FREE man who wishes tq^lSse weight. Refrigerate or freeze excess ' b r e a k f a s t (280 calories): Most don't care about dancing ban apparent cau^ of a New The only dlfference^i^JUiSrmen amounts for use later on when Year’s Day power outage require 500 to 600 more calories a you’ll be selecting your own Plf-UHi* tu r n lo paSM* 13 that left 41 homes in the at the time of developing 3 MOULTON, Iowa (UPI) —Tavern joke,” Cary'Morlan said. dance in town and keep everybody owner C.J. Droz says he doesn’t The dance ban attracted nationai here.” Forest Street area without Offer good thru Jan. want to be a troublemaker but h/e attention and Councilman Steve electricity for amost an - 7 The issue may be starting to . can’t see what's wrong with a little Woods said it is amusing to see hour. polarize some segments of the town. dancing. Mouiton on the nightly news shows. A spokesman for “It’s the talk of the town,” said Harold Winans said he has more Northeast Utilities said However, the 762 residents of the against the taverns than just dan­ Missouri border town — barred from Morian, who runs the (faffee Cup todey the 8:30 a.m. outage cing. tavern dancing since 1935 — dpn’t Cfafe. “It doesn’t really matter to was caused by a bird com­ Taking the tree down makes everyone down me if they dance but everybody here ing into contact with a fuse seem as concerned as the Iowa Civil “y/e have children waiting at the in the cafe wouldn’t be against it.” holder on a Forest Street Liberties Union is, about their con­ doors of that place (C.J.’s) for it to The ornaments go back in tissue paper in their card­ The town’s unfriendly relations telephone pole .transformer S E C O N D S E T The trees, thrown over on their sides, often still have stitutional rights. open so they can go in there and I’m wondering if fate of people spend New Yew’s board boxes. They’ll be carried up to the dark attic, with its neighbors across the border a few strands of tinsel clinging to the branches. ’The “I don’t really care what they do spend their parent’s money on those ------OF ied to the ton. Day the way I do. ’That’s the liay we tuwlecorate the tinsel glitters garishly in bright white January light. where we’ll find them when we go up looking for as long as we don’t get a bunch of games,” Winans said. “I sure don’t Missouri farmers came into honse. pat it back the way it looked before I went It seems like such a ignoble end for such a lovely Easter baskets in April and the life jackets and lawn out-of-towners in and get to fightin’ think we need dancing there, you got COLORPRINT Mouiton on Saturday nights to drink berserk w ith evergreen s and red ribbon and eg g carton Connections thing. Just weeks ago the tree was settled in a forest. furniture in June. a lot,’’ said Linda Callen. that in the city and you can keep it beer and fight with the local boys. angeU with sequin eyes. And some day in spring, while I’m vacuuming or tur­ On behaif of Droz, owner of C.J.’s there.” 4x6 Then it was brought into a warm living room and Lounge, the ICLU is suing Moulton ' Woods said the city fathers got tired or ’The chore that took the better part of a wedeend ew - By StisanlRiM' decorated like a queen. Finally it’s dumped un­ ning a rug or peering into a comer. I’ll find one fast for banning dancing in city bars. of the commotion and p i^ b ited The man charged with enforcing ly In December takes about the same amount of time Herald Reporter ceremoniously in a pile of gray slush with the garbage. pile of pine needles. dancing in the tors. The issue, dormant for 48 years, the ordinance is Joe Dixon, the now, but it’s not newly as much fun. The house looks naked and sad, too. Suddenly, 1 find that little pile every year. Not in the same was revived after Droz was turned The ordinance worked. For a good town’s only fulltime police officer. 3 % x S ’This is the weekend for sulking. Instead of turning without iU holiday finery, everything looks shabby and place, of course. But every year it looks like it has down by the city council fast month tiipe now, Woods says nnost people He said he doesn’t care if they dance o n ly a t '*6*** 0by them. Mark Twain said, “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve Poetry Competition has coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage one that new mothers and HEDI T. IN L.A. done it a hundred times.” He was right. Shiftman says. drawh thousands of entries coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed fathers are eager to share In fact. 75 percent of those who quit will start again Abigail Van Buren DEAR ABBY: You and from all parts of the coun­ proofs of purchase while looking for the required with those who bold the V “grandma” can go pick up within six months. try. forms at the supermarket, in newspapers and same views? But Shiftman says that, by realizing why you smoke your new kids, squeaky "Why not have a super­ magazines, and when trading with friends. Offers “New Grandma” com­ and gaining the skills necessary to stop, your chances of clean and antiseptically market shopping bag art may’not be available In all areas of the country. plained because pictures preventing a relapse are considerably improved. ’ wrapped in white sacks competition?” someone •Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. were taken of her daughter just like McDonald’s ham­ Dr. Shiffma says withdrawal symptoms are lessened asked. The following refund offers are worth $9.87. This during a painful labor, and if one quits “cold turkey.” But he says this is riot feasi­ fine. But a few years ago it Instructor to help prepare burgers. For me. I’ll take C>W hy-n^” , week’s refund offers have a value of $30,76. actually given birth. wasn’t all that fine. We had ble for everyone. new parents in the delivery the beautiful miracle of Think of the creative These offers require refund forms: Grandma said, "Don’t tell fathers fainting and getting of their offspring.) birth, natural, as God in­ One key to preventing relapse by former smokers is spirits that’can be un­ AUNT JEMIMA Raisin Waffles and Ice Cream me that an unwashed baby, studying individual smoking behavior. If a person sick all over the place. Although I am not a ten d ^ It. leashed in a medium that. Free Waffles Coupon. Receive a coupon for lOF still attached to its Most of them were there professional photographer, PAUL IN SMITHTOWN, smokes a lot while working, for example. Shiftman has all but been ignored! mother’s umbilical cord, is helps them develop a plan to stop smoking there first. ounce size package of Aunt Jemima Waffles. Send only because their wives the pictures were taken N.Y. So. I throw out the the required refund form and the Universal Product a ! autiful sights I call it had the attitude of. “Look “Situations such as eating, drinking, relaxing at home with taste and discretion. DEAR ABBY: For challengq: Grab a bag and Code/Purchase Seals from any two packages of sickening!” (And you at what you’re putting me For our next one I plan to and moments of stress are common reasons for turn it imio art. It doesn't agreed with her.) whatever it’s worth, my relapse,” he says. Aunt Jemima Frozbn Waffles, along with the name thobugh, you s.o.b.” use a video recorder. matter what kind of bag it When "New Grandma” husband missed seeing me "Once you decide to stop smoking, you must learn cut from any half-gallon of Kroger or Country Club Grandma should get with JERRY IN LAWRENCE, is, so long as it is common­ gave birth to her cbildroi, it and realize that times give birth. (Monday night UPI photo how not to relapse. This is easier if things like refusing a Ice Cream. Expires Feb. 28, 1 ^ . CAUF. ly used in a supermarket. she was probably knocked have changed since she football.) But a mirror was cigarette when offered one are practiced until the BAKER’S JOY Apple Offer. Receive a coupon for Your work of art must use out while her husbqnd was was screaming for put up so I could see it. I response is automatic." 1 pound of apples up to 60 cents. Send the required one full bag, but no more pacing the floor in the DEAR ABBY: Ap- even put my glasses on. TZN XENNA PUNK ROCK BAND MEMBERS PERFORM POLISH STUDENT CLUB " You can’t quit without really thinking about it,” he refund form and a proof of purchase seal cot from something to put her un­ tha^three. the cap of specially marked cans of Baker’s Joy, waiting room. Now I call der. propos "New Grandma’s” GLAD I WAS AWAKE says. “You have to prepare yourself.’' . . . “Zygzak”, 18 Is lead slnger;"Sldney" (left) plays bass You can draw on it, paint along with the register tape with the purchase price that “sickening” ! FRANNY AT ST. MARY’S letter: In 1966,1 was one of Shiffman says behavioral changes like chewing gum, the first babies to be DEAR ABBY: About it. create a sculpture or circled. Write the name of the store where you NEW MOMMA IN VAN the “ New Grandma” eating celery, or participating in physical activity also ^ven make a mobile out of NUYS DEAR ABBY: As a new photographed during birth. Help. purchased Baker’s Joy on the form; the coupon will letter: My baby was it. You can also add father, I not only took pic­ In fact, my parents told me One technique Shiftman suggests is enlisting a series be valid at that store. Expires April 30, 1983. DEAR ABBY: I have delivered by a midwife, “foreign” elements (up to tures of my son’s birth, I they searched the country of favorable mental images associated with not smoking DOLE/COCO Lopez $1 Refund. Send the required been an obstetrical nurse and although my husband 50 percent of your bag had a tape recorder going. in order to find a hospital . and. imagining them when one gets the urge to smoke, refund form and the entire label from one 46-ounce for 30 years, and I’d like to that would allow it. did not take pictures of the Polish punk rockers creation). But the work of Dole Pineapple Juice can and the entire label from My wife and I enjoy rhe actual urge lasts only three to" five minutes, he says, add a few words to "New hearing flie first cries of 1 can't believe that in actual elivery, he was "Some patients find it easier to resist a cigarette if SOURCE: Department of Agriculture art you create must be one 15-ounce Coco Lopez Cream of Oconut can. Grandma’k” letter. allowed to cut the um­ recognizable as being little Donald as we look at this day and age there are they imagine themselves five years down the road Expires May 31, 1983. Today, parents are well- people so ignorant that bilical cord. Per capita consumption of cigarettes by Americans 18 created from a shopping GOLD MEDAL. HONEY MAID, NONE SUCH the photographs. So so all feeling better Others see themselves playing a game of prepared for what happens our friends, relatives, mey would regard the birth He later said that was bag. Year of Bountiful Baking 1983 Calendar. Receive tennis without feeling winded. ” and older hit a 25-year low ’this year. The smoking in the delivery room. grandparents and one of a human being as the most moving The judges for this the 1983 Year of Bountiful Baking Calendar, which sing songs of despair For some, relapse prevention is easier when friends high point was in 1963, and consumption has jieen Fathers willingly witness great-grandmother. (’The “sickening.” experience of his life. provide emotional support or even when they quit at the ’’First Annual Super­ includes coupons. Send the required refund form the birth, and most of them NEW MOTHER IN dropping steadily but slowly since. The 1 percent market Shopping Bag Art pictures are currently The birth of a baby is .same time and five Universal Product Code symbols: two take pictures. I think that’s being used by our Lamaze beautiful. To this day I PHILLY decline this year is the sharpest since 1969. Competition” will be the from Gold Medal Flour, two from Honey Maid By Ruth E. Gruber It urged the establishment to pay eyes and — like English star lan^ "There's .something to be said for the buddy system. attention. Dury — walks with a crutch. .Some are afraid to let friends down by starting again,” directors of The National Graham Crackers and one from None Such United Press International Alliance of Supermarket Mincemeat. The calendar is also available with two There are scores of punk and Shillman says. would-be punk bands in Warsaw I'o l.imt‘ \\ eiglll Shoppers: I’m one of them. Universal Product Code symbols and $1.99 or $3.99 WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - The The first prize-winner in and' no Universal Product (?ode symbols. Expires Woman needs check-up windowless student club was smoky alone. TZN Xenna, playing together "NOBODY CA.N play punk unless Dr Edmunson says several of the same principles for a year, is one of the most pop­ ■ipplv to losing weight. the competition will March 31 1983 and hot and there was a whiff or he comes from the environment,” Bring in the outdoors receive $100. the winner of MAGIC SHELL FREE OFFER. Receive a marijuana as the crowd of ular. Zygzak said. “ It is a real protest It's useful to determine which situations are especial­ “The strength of our music is ly likely to contribute to overeating. thp second prize will coupon for a free bottle of Magic Shell, any flavor. mesmerized youngsters chanted against the environment. All over receive $75 and $50 will go Send the required refund form and the register tape before beginning exercise along-with the band or danced fran­ created by the people who come to the world punk music is a rebellion If your weakness is parties and special occasions, for the concerts,” said 18year-old lead example, think of your body as a calorie ledger. You can to the third prize-winner. with the purchase prices circled,- along with the tically. against the same things. by using photo murals In addition, a special prize “Shake Well” orange discs (on the bottle caps) “Revolution!” the musicians singer “Zygzak,” who delights the "The political side is secondary — compensate for over-eating by under-eating on other DEAR DR. LAMB: I DEAR DR. LAMB: I crowd with a shaven head and manic days, or skipping lunch or breakfast on the day you of $50 will be awarded for from two bottles of Magic Shell Toppings. Expires screamed into the crowd. it’s more a social thing. ” the best entry submitted by March 30, 1983. am 58 years old, 50 pounds read your answer to the in­ ’’Revolution!’’ the crowd expect to have a high-calorie evening. By “putting To hang the mural you need paste overweight, which I seem quiry about senile ’urpura. calories in the bank " in this way, you prevent a setback. NEW YORK (UPI) - A peaceful a “junior” shopping bag PROGRESSO Refund Offer. Receive five 20-cent screamed back, clenched fists mountain lake in your living room? Or (usually supplied), a paste pot and a artist, age 14 and under. coupons for Progresso products, fiend the required to be unable to do anything I am 61 and have had those raised. “Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi!” .Another temptation is cooking or baking high-calorie about, and have had two perhaps a night-time city skyline in your paste brush, straight ^ g e , single-edge Here are the other rules refund form and any five Progresso Quality Foods purple areas on my arms, It was Friday night in Warsaw, foods for others. Unless it is something you do not like. heart attacks plus a hiatal Your Health between the elbows and bedroom, or a line of pine trees along an razor blades, sponges, a wallpaper brush and instructions for the art products proofs of purchase. The proof of purchase and the local punk band TZN Xenna Dr Edmunson says, it is difficult not to eat it. Having or a squeegee, and a plumb bob or chalk hernia, which so many peo­ wrists, for about eight triends or family who help out by providing emotional entrance foyer wall? com pet^on: is the Progresso mailing address on each package. was playing a gig. Here's diet plan liner. ple over age 50 seem to Lawrence Lamb, M.D. years. The purple areas All these scenes are possible with 1. A person may submit Expires hterch 31, 1983. Punk is big with some Polish support is often a factor in how well you stick to your . Murals come either in long strips, like have. are not too numerous, but plan photo murals sold in wallcoverings only one entry. young people who identify with the departments of home centers and paint pre-cut wallpaper, or in panels that 2. Attach your name, ad­ Now that I have they have been worse the bleak, angry lyrics and the raucous Uonlinui-(l from pagr I I non-stick pan. Add 1 cup finely “If you don't control your environment, your environ­ divide a scene into top and bottom remarried, the hernia Is past two months. fthradded red caMmge aind cook. ment will control you. 'Thin and fat people alike respond stores. dress and telephone sound. Their black T-shirts are There are three basic types: A single halves. number, printed in block the property of ’fh e , nw biggest problem. My I have been taking 500 emblazoned with words like Chili egg: 1 slice of whole­ uncovered 5 to 10 minutes. Stir to what they see and smell If a food you enjoy isiaround. Purina sent him a check mg of vitamin C for about scene designed to fit a specific space; an Panels are somewhat more difficult to letters, securely to the National Alliance of Super­ for $2.77. which gave Max a . husband is six years older “chaos” and “destroy” and “no wheat toast topped with one thoroughly. Add ‘/i chicken you'll be tcjiipted to eat it," she says. than I but he is very active as long as I have had the breast, skin down, and cover with By refusing to let the supermarket get the best of you. ' endlessly repeating” scene, usually of a hang, as they must be aligned horizontal­ work of art. market Shoppers. 70-cent profit. Max eats his after age 50 have at least a future.” poached egg and dressed with 1 forest, which can be expanded through ly as well as vertically. and intends that I should separate the two disorders. condition. Would it be help­ The state-run recording industry cabbage. Add 2 tablespoons you II be in an even better position to avoid the foods 3. Send the work of art free food out of his own small hernia of a portion of You should see your doc­ tablespoon prepared chili sauce. additional panels; and a “shrinking” A mural that fits a wall exactly can be to: Martin Sloane’s First SMART SHOPPING !. also be active. He likes to ful to increase the vitamin does not record punk music. One 6-ounce giass of tomato water, salt, and pepper to taste. that are not on your diet. AWARD: personalized bowl, free the stomach through the tor soon and he should C? Does the condition scene in which a panel or panels can be hung like strips of wall paper, one after National Supermarket from Gravy ’Train; keeps . walk after a meal. I find it “The communists don’t like us,” juice. Coffee or tea with lemon Cook about 40 minutes in a tightly Dr. Kdmun.son suggests shopping from a list and diaphragm. Anything in­ check your electrocar­ worsen as you get'older subtracted. the other, usually from left to right. Shopping Bag Competition, The Smart Shopping fleas away with his free Impossible to walk even a one punk rocker said. and/or artificial sweetener. One covered pan, or until cabbage is a avoiding special displays and aisles with high-calorie side the abdominal cavity diogram during stress that and does it have a bad foods ^ With any type, the first step is Measure out the equivalent of width of c/o The National Alliance Award goes to Diane collar from Tender Chunks ' block after a meal and I glass of skim milk. pulpy sauce. Add 2 small ’ am sure this is from the that causes pressure induces the same pain. If effect on your health? BUT YOUNG PEOPLE latch on potatpes, cut in haives, for the "Out of sight isn't always out of mind — but it helps, " measuring the wall. Remember, the the strip from the starting comer, then of Supermarket Shoppers, Shields and her dog Max of and he has received $10 in LUNCH (385 calories):- . hernia. makes it worse. That is you husband wants to help to songs like “Empty Cities,” last 20 minutes. Serve with 1 cup she says • mural will become the focal point of the subtract 1 inch. Establish a plumb line at 1200 Hempstead Turnpike. Dearborn, Mich.: refunds from visits to the DEAR READER: Salmon salad sandwich: Mix 4 Everything I read says to why it would help you to you be active, may I “Gray People,” “Generation X mixed green salad leaves Incorporating exercise into your everday routine is room. A wall broken by a window, this point. P'ranklin Square. N.Y. ” I would like to veterinarian from Cycle.” Remember that they are ounces pink Salmon (canned, The right hand side of the.strip (or left continue to do these things lose body fat. suggest that you walk (Paranoia)” and. know them by (iceberg, romaine, fresb spinach, another tool in losing weight. She says a regular exer­ lighting fixtures, sconces, etc., is .un­ 1 1 0 1 0 . nominate my dog Max for Diane and Max and other caused from loss of tissue drained) with (A chopped, peeled hand side if you start from the right hand regardless of the achi^ I ami concerned about before you eat rather than heart. watercress, etc. i tossed with cise program will actually curb your appetite. suitable as is a wall next to other broken 4. All entries must be the Smart Shopping sh’oppers whose your story suggesting you under and in the skin that cucumber, 2 teaspoons each Corner I'^ill be aligned along this plumb ; chest and arms and even­ afterward. Martial law has for many made chopped green onion and ‘ 4 cup by a picture wrindow. received by midnight, Award. He sniffed out a experiences appear in this have pain in the chest and allows the loose skin to pull minced green pepper and green line and the excess along the wall corner tually you’U get over it. life in Poland even harder to bear, pineapple chunks and favorite In addition to fitting the mural, in March 31, 1983. The Chuck Wagon 50-cent column receive p free copy arms while walking after You also need to improve and tear small blood onion, seasoned with low-calorie vi(ill be trimmed off. This method allows Can I believe that? I would but times have long been tough in low-calorie dressing. Qqe glass terms of size, the mural design must be winners will be announced coupon and a refund from a of my couponing and refun- eating. Esophageal spasm your daily lifestyle to live vessels more easily. It is French dressing, salt and pepper. for irregularities in the wall, since few be willing to put up with Poland and punk has been popular of skim milk. considered. A wave curling up on a in this column in June. recent Sunday newspaper. ding magazine. The that may accompany hiatal with your hiatal hernia. really a mechanical thing. Spread between 2 slices whole­ End of tire graveyard? rooms are truly rectangular. : this uncomfortable feeling ever since the late 1970s when the beach, for example, directs the eye to a 5. Entries will not be His favorite supermarket National Supermarket hernia can cause such You should not lie flat after While vitamin C deficiency wheat bread and garnish with let­ specific area in the room. A design might if I am doing the right first records by the Sex Pistols and PERKASIE, Pa. (UPII — A Bucks County tire A too-Iarge mural can be hung from returned, and will become doubled the coupon and Shopper. pains but the history of eating. I am sending you can increase the tendency other Western groups filtered in. tuce. Accompany with cucumber be too big, too busy or just plain inap­ thing. The Health L etter 4-8, and carrot sticks. Cook a second half-chicken- company expects no future burials for discarded the center and extended outward toward My husband swims, “with exertion after for small vessels to tear, if “The young punk in London is propriate. Hiatal Hernia, Esophageal you are already taking DINNER (545 calories): breast to have on hand for tires the corners of the room. ’The excess is cross-country skis, sails eating” in a person who revolting against the solid middle- Instead. Bergey's Inc plans to recycle the used If a single design mural is too narrow, has had two heart attacks Reflux, for guidance. enough, and you are, ta k l^ Chicken with red cabbage: chicken salad sandwich for the sides can be filled in with a plain wall trimmed at the room comers and the and fishes. I can handle the class world of his parents,” said the rubber into oil, methane gas. steel, synthetic fibers suggests strongly that it Others can send 75 cents more will not I Saute Va medium yellow ^nion Wednesday’s lunch. TOTAL paper in the dominant color or paint or ceiling and floor lines, a method that will LA RUE OREQORY EXCLAIMS: fishing, but that is about government newspaper Rzecz- and carbon black, a company official said center the design. could be angina pain from with a long, stamped, self- ditlon. The will not pospolita recently. “ In Poland, the (sliced) with 'A clove gviic CALORIES - 1.210. FOR MEN evea drapes or wooden jalousie doors. all. My bemla has reached addrpssed envelope for it (minced) in 1 tablespoon oik in (600 calories): Wednesday. the point that I can’t lie your heart and not discom­ harm your '(Overall health. world in front of the stage is the A too-short mural can be butted h'or panel murals, establish the center fort from your hiatal hei(- to me, in care of the However, Ijple who have John Nyce, a cost analyst with the firm, said the against the ceiling line, and furniture or down after a meal for world of meat lines.” company is testing a recycling unit — the first of its of the wall by measuring the width and nia. In that case it could b« Manchester Herald, P.O. theni may increased plants placed against the base. The im­ about four hours. kind in the country. marking a plumb line midway between harmful to you. It is Box 1551, Radio a ty SU- spots if they i I aspirin or “They (old tiresl were placed in landfills portant thing is to fit the mural to the the corners. Measure the height at this DEAR READER: You sometimes difficult even tion. New York, N.Y. medicines prevent previously, which was a high cost and not a room’s design. ' point, divide it in half and mark the mid­ ‘iLOsr are right that many people for a heart specialist to 10019. blood clotting! Cinem a longterm solution," he said. “They do have a high The wall must be well-prepared. Holes point on the plumb line. The four inside potential for providing energy if they’re used in the and cracks must be filled and sanded. corners of the four center panels of The wall-should then be sized, either with mural in this format will center on that Social Security 11:50. — Trail of the Pink (Jentleman (R) 7:15, 9:30. right method” a commercial size or diluted wallpaper Hartford The recycling system, built by Kutreib Inc. of mark. Check the alignment with a Alheneuin Cinrtna — Panther (PG) 1,7:30.9:45, Went Hartford Wisconsin, cost between $160,000 and $200,000 and paste. This improves adhesion and, carpenter’s level. Align each succeeding 11:40. — Kiss Me Goixlbye Cine I A 2 - E.T. The I paradoxically, will make the mural 54 IBS. Reopens Tuesday. uses a concept called pyrolysis, in which the tires panel with the panel just hung. WITH THB NUTRI/SYSTSM RROORAM, (PG) 12:45. 7:20, 9:35, Extra-Terrestrial (PG) 7, easier to remove at redecorating time. Cinema City — The Ver­ are not burned but placed under zero pressure in WITHOUT BKIHO TIRBD, HUNORV OR Proofs required for benefits dict (R) 7:30, 9:55. 11:30. 9:20. — An Officer and A | After sizing, you may want to use an For murals on long strips, merely the absence of oxygen, Nyce said. CHAHOIHO MV DAILY ROUTIHR." .Brother Sun Sister Moon Enfield Gentleman (R) 7:10, 9:30. inexpensive backing paper on a old or align the strips left and right and work Cine I, 2, .T, 4, 3 & 6 — rile Movies — The Ver- | irregular wall. outward. "Bafora I want to Nutri/Systam, I usad tollva to oat, Editor’s note: this column is Aneiio, 657 Main St., East Hart- posed to file an application for (PG) 9 with Days of inataad of aating to liva. But in addition to loaing ovor foH . 06108. Social Security survivors benefits, Heaven (PG) 7:15. — Fitz- Tootsie (PG) 7:30, 9:50. — diet (R) 12.2:30, 4:50,7:10, prepared by the staff at the Social The Toy (PG) 7. 9:20. — 9:30. - Six Weeks (PG) SO Iba., I loamod a lot about food, nutrition and aating Security administration. If you but I don’t know what papers to take carraldo(PG) 6:45,9:40.- habits. Now I know what to do to koop my walght down QUESTION: My wife died with me. Can you tell me what I’ll Peter Pan (G) 7, 8:55. The Verdict (R) 6:50,9:30. 12:30 , 2:40, 4:50 , 7:20, 9:40. i forovarl No othar plan workod for ma until this onal would like to see a question — The Dark Crystal (PG) — Once Upon a Mouse with A b o u t Tow n ' answered here, write to Sal several weeks ago. I know I’m sup- n e ^ ? CineBludio — Reopens “HUTRI/SYSTRM, I'LL January 12. 7:20, 9:35. - 48 Hrs. (R) Peter Pan (G) 12:30, 2:30, | V ALWAYS SB ORATSRUL" ANSWER: Some of the proofs East Hartford 7:10, 9:25. — Best Friends 4.30,7,9. • No diat pHIt, no Injactlona you may need to apply (or survivors Eastwood -r- An Officer (PG) 7:40, 9:55. his concentration camp-bound parents and brother. a Madicsily auporviaod benefits are your Social Security and A Gentleman (R) 6:45, Manchester Willimanlir Program name changes ’The film is part of a series on Jewish life. a No atarvation or food dacitiont '{Thoughts number and the deceased worker’s 9. UA Theaters East — Jillson-Square Cinema I a WIdo ehoka of Nutrl/Systam moals number; proof of your age; proof of Poor Richards — An The Verdict (R) 7:20. 9:40. — Tootsie (PG) 7, 9:15. — Manchester Community College has changed the a No constant cah>rto-courdlng,mistaka-prool food plan marriage; the ohildren’s birth cer­ 48 Hrs. (R) 7:10, 9:10. - name of the Cook and Baker non-credit certificate Officer and A Gentleman - Six Weeks (PG) 7:30, a Nutri/Systam guarantaa; FoMow tha Nutri/Systam tificates, if they are applying for Best Friends (PG) 7, 9:15; program to Culinary Arts. Between 15 and 20 students Sunset Club will meet Program and loaa walght quickly, oftan up to a ppuftd personal spiritual growth is a (R) 7:15, 9:30. 9:30. — Once Upon a Mouse ' For many this is the first workday benefits; and the deceased worker’s — The Toy (PG) 7:10, 9:10. graduate each year from the one-year program. a day. Achlava your goal by tha data spodfisd or pay regular period of prayer, a time to Showcase Cinema — with Peter Pan (G) 7:15,9. ’Hie Subset Club will meet.Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the lof 198$. As you face this new year W-2 forms or self-employment tax Windsor no addfUonal chargas for Nutri/Systam sarvicas unW turn our thoughts to G ^ . In this way Tootsie (PG) 12:30, 7:15, Vernon Senior Citizen’s Center. you do. tmay it be with Jiope and a sense of returns for the last two years before 9:40, 11:50. - The Toy Cine 1 * 2 - E.T. The Plaza— E.T. The Extra- ”antlcipation. In a real sense it can prayer becomes a habit and, as death. Don’t delay applying because Terrestrial (PG) 7, 9:25. b Brother Lawrence learned long ago, (PG) 12:40, 7:10, 9.20, Extra-Terrestrial (PG) 7, Student gets honors CALL FOR A FRKE, NO-OBLIOATION CONSULTATION TODAY. .^be a new beginning for you. you don’t have all these proofs. The nothing Increases one's 11:20. — Best Friends PG) 9. — An Officer and A Melissa Eicholtzer, daughter of John Eiclioltzer of Retired teachers meet A little boy came home from people at the Social Security office 12:30, 7:25, 9:45, 11:40. - ■ant It II a m annaaliM. t n can d ■ rlyilia n ialwSn m ilal tar war ! tsdw ol quite upset. “What is my bed- knowledge like "practicing Manchester, has been named for headmaster’s honors 1a - — ------A^jss ^ - - - - . . ^ - ^ a ------can suggest other proofs that can be wt EWWf pfSMMRt wW SI PfSSSRMS M MRS M WE presence of God.” Still of the Night (PG) The Retired Teachers Association will meet Jan. 11 at ;time?” be questioned his mother. used, 1:15, 7:40, 9:35, 11:20. - for the first trimester at Wykeham Rise school for girls 1:30 p.m'. at First Federal Savings, 344 W. Middle Turn­ Many people simply have gotten ■"Hie teacher asked everyone in Airplane H: The Sequel HOME in Washington, Ct. She is a sophomore. pike. put of the practice of dally medita­ QUESTION: My wife had used tclass and 1 was the only one who (PG) 1:20,7:30,9:35,11:30. Start our program LOSE ALL THE WEIGHT tion. It is simple enough to resume, ) the 90 hospital days that Susan Plese of Manchester Herald staff will speak. ,«didn’t know.” u J -4 8 H rs. (R) 1:30,7:45,10, DELIVERY the first week in '{ The mother, who had thought she and -the benefits for the time edlcare pays tor in a benefit OrientatiorK planned YOU WANT FOR 2 W EEKS period, but she has to stay in the January, ’.4 was bdag wise to let the child .take expended are more than worth the Manchester Chapter of Parents Without Partners will ;«reNionslbllity for bU bedtime hour, effort. To team that Good is our h ^ ta l (or several more weeks. Employees give food and you can be refuge and strength,” to “be still Doesn’t Medicare provide a certain have an orientation meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 17 to 25 pounds tsudilenly realised that her son ac- Can Shop Rite Community Hall, East Middle Turnpike. The Employee Club of Manchester Memorial TW O WEEK SPECIAL ttually wanted some guidelines. and know that Thou art God.” To number of extra days for cases like slim m er by know “I can do all things through thUT Hospital, titfough a food drive conducted among * "You’ll'go to bed at 9 o’clodc from For more information call 646-8643. Christ Who strengtbeneth me.:’ It is employees, physicians, and friends of the hospital, Valentine’s Dayl *39 *now on,” she announced finniy. The ANSWER: Yes. Medicare my hope that jhe Word of 0«d, the donated 627 items of non-perishable food to the *riM NMralWoy 'child nodded his agreement and IXM R M 1/t2/M Bible will encourage and sitfmttien hospital insurance Includes an extra Manchester Area Conference of Churches, for Christ­ :tbereafter be willingly went off to Film to be shown you on your spiritual pilgrlihage; 60 hoqtital days that a person can mas. : Bed at that time. and as a result inspire you to put use if he or abb ever needs to be In a The Suburban Institute of Jewish Living will present In addition, 10 cases of baby formula were donated, : Bedtime, work time, mealtime, hospital for more than 90 days In a the film "David,” winner of the 1979 best picture award more than fSM in cash and bags of potatoes, apples and 64B-68M 8284788 ■ church time — we are all creatures your faith to work. May God bless you richly this benefit period. These extra days are at the Berlin Film Festival, on Sunday at 7;S0 p.m. at oranges. i v i habit. Some of our routines aer year, end all the years of your life. called reserve days. But, reserve E 4 7 -E0 4 4 I the Quality Inn, Route 83 in Talcottville. The donated food was delivered in Christmas baskets Ip ^ tive and beneficial while olhcn days are not renewable like the 90 The first account of the Holocaust to be made by a to many families in the area by MAOC. Some of the food tare anwlse, conntor-productlve, Milton S. Nllson bobpltal days In each benefit period. German director, the film follows a yotuig Berlin Jew as was put into the Emergency Pantry which Is available fgran daHmcUve. One dally dla^ 1 FOUND-WM UNDER Eanrlirster lirnilb . AMbtani Pastor Once you use a reserve day, you ’ PETS, MOOSEBROIflEN' he survives the war years after being separated from to families in emergencies. ««Mtao which is a proven factor to Trinity Covenant Church never get it back. . ______..... i ...... - I ...... 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon , Jan. 3, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Jan. 3, 1983 - 15 NFL ready for playoffs SPORTS Page 15 Invitations out for Sweet 16 By Joe Carnicelll There will be two more playoff left to defeat Green Bay. It was the yards for a score as the Raiders (8- UPI Executive Sports Editor rounds after next weekend leading . first time Rubick touched the ball 1) clinched the home field advan­ to the Super Bowl at Pasadena, this season. tage throughout the AFC playoffs by The invitations are out for Pete Calif, on Jan. 30. "Obviously it’s a great feeling,” beating San Diego (63). Mike Davis Rozelle’s Sweet 16 party but just New England", 2-14 last season, Detroit Coach Monte Clark said, also had a TD on an interception who w ill be dancing with whom, still earned its playoff spot by beating "even if it did go down to the final return for the Raiders. remains to be worked out. Buffalo 30-19 and Cleveland used the day." IteilakinH 28, CardiAala 0 Penn State attains football goal The 8-week players’ strike forced Bills’ loss to vault into the playoffs “ I don’t care if we’re the No. 8 Joe Theismann threw for three the National Football League to despite a 37-21 loss to Pittsburgh. seed,” said running back Billy Sims. TDs as Washington (6 1 ) blanked St. revamp its playoff format to a 16- Detroit edged Green Bay 27-24 and “ It would be different if we were Louis (5-4). The Redskins clinched NEW YORK (UPI) — The w^ting is over for Kollowing a 27-23 victory, over previously un­ seq his team bypassed for No. 1 in the final ratings. the season with an unbeaten record (11-0-1),. earned team tournament basis this season earned its spot when Super Bowl ninth — then we couldn’t play at the home field advantage for as long Penn State. beaten and top-ranked Georgia in the Sugar Bowl In 1968,1969 and 1973, the Nittany Lions had perfect the other four firstplace votes and picked up 514 and the last four slots were filled champion San Francisco was all.” as they stay alive through the The Nittany Lions, in the past consistently one of Saturday night, Penn State fulfilled a goal it set last seasons but did not win the national championship. points to'beat out Nebraska, 121, for the No. 2 spot. Sunday in a hectic regular season eliminated 21-20 by the Los Angeles Bill Capece went from goat to playoffs. Mark Moseley of the , ' v the nation's best football teams but unable to prove fall. Penn State, 11-1, was ranked No. 2 behind In 1968 and '69 they finished second in the voting and Nebraska had 468 points and finished 32 points windup. Rams'. Tampa Bay gained its berth herb in leading Taiiipa Bay (5-4) into Redskins saw his N F L record streak it with a No. 1 final ranking, got over that hurdle in 1973 they were fifth. ahead of Georgia, 11-1. Georgia entering its Sugar Bowl showdown. New England and Cleveland with a 26-23 overtime victory ovei the playoffs. He kicked a 40-yard of consecutive field goals end at 23 Sunday when they were named the top team in the In 1978 Penn State was ranked No. 1 going into the The Nittany Liftns, runners-up twice before in the Rounding out the top 10, in order, were UCLA, joined the 8-team American Chicago. field goal to send the game into when hdlmissed a 40yard attempt. country by U Pl's Board of.Coaches. post-season competition but was beaten by UPI ratings, picked up 33 first-place votes and 551 Arizona State, Washington, Arkansas, Pittsburgh Conference field and Tampa Bay In other games Sunday, it was Cin­ overtime and then hit a 33-yarder to Dolphins 34, Baltimore 7 points from the 37 coaches who participated in the Alabama 14-7 in the 1979 Sugar Bowl and blew its and Florida State. and Detroit completed the 8-team cinnati 35 Houston 27; the New York lift the Bucs past Chicago (3-6). David Woodley had three TD "Obviously this is a great thrill for everyone con­ final voting t o ' outdistance SMU by a lengthy chance for the national championship. National Conference grouping. The G ia n ts 26 P h ila d e lp h ia 24; Capece was wide left on a 38-yard‘ passes and Uwe von Schamann nected with Penn State football." said coach Joe margin. It marked the first time since Notre Dame in 1977 Heading the second 10 was LSU, followed in order playoff picture is as follows; Washington 28 St. Louis 0; Kansas field gold attempt early in the fourth added two field goals as Miami (7-2) Paterno. "This year's squad just made up their that an'-independent school has won the national by Ohio State, North Carolina, Auburn, Michigan AFC entrants — Cincinnati, City 37 the Jets 13; Miami 34 period but when he had to have it, he clinched a home site in the opening minds that they wanted to be national champions Winning the national championship was especial­ championship and the first time in four years that and Oklahoma. Alabama and Texas were Cleveland, the Los Angeles Raiders, Baltimore 7; New Orleans 35 Atlan­ held up under the pressure. round of the AFC playoffs by and also be recognized by everyone as national ly gratifying to Paterno, who three times previous­ the national championship has left the south. deadlocked for the No. 17 spot with West Virginia Miami, New England, the’New York “ I like 1^ (pressure),’’ said beating Baltiniore (68-1). >.!•«, champs. It's a great honor for all of us." ly coached Penn State to undefeated seasons only to SMU, the only rn'’ ’ 'ir college team to complete and Maryland completing the top 20. ta 6; the Raiders 41 San Diego 34; Jets, Pittsburgh and San Diego. and Seattle 13, Denver 11 Capece. who won his second straight Rains 21, 49ers 20 NFC entrants — Atlanta, Dallas, Terry Bradshaw passed for 269 ^am e with a field goal. Last week, Vince Ferragamo connected on Detroit, Green Bay, Minnesota, St. yards and two TDs and rookie John 'fre kicked a 27-yard field goal in the two TD passes, including a 42-yard Louis, 'Tampa Bay and Washin^on, Rodgers blocked a punt, and final seconds to edge Detroit 23-21. strike to George Farmer midway y The ieaguc will announce its first returned it 18 yards for another TD Ilengulit •T.l, Oilers 27 through the last period, as the Rams round schedule for next weekend to carry Pittsburgh past Cleveland. Ken Anderson hit 27-of-31 passes, (2-7) deprived Super Bowl champion Nittany Lions' defense was well prepared after tonight’s nationally televised Browns’ coach Sam Rutigliano, including an N F L record 20 in a row, San Francisco (3-6) of a playoff game between Dallas and whose club became the first in the for two TDS to carry Ciip;innati (7- spot. Ivory Sully of the Rams Minnesota. That game w ill deter­ N F L ’s 63-year history to make the 2) over Houston (1-8) and send the blocked Ray Wersching’s 23yard But .Nittany Lions safety Mark stopped Herschel when he looked Two critical passes from Lance jarring, shoulder-separating hit, and Stanley Wilson and Fred Sims By United Press International mine pairings in the NFC. The AFC playoffs with a losing record (4-5), Oilers to their seventh straight loss. field goal attempt in the final Robinson offered proof-there were like he was going to get going.” Mclihenny to Bobhy Leach, a 9-yard made 11 tackles. riddled Arizona Statens defense, No. pairings are set, with Cleveland at wasn’t letting the fact tarnish what Anderson, who broke the mark of 18 minutes to seal the upset. , In the final days before Saturday other reasons Penn State's Joe "People just thought Georgia was touchdown run by Mclihenny and a At Tempe, Ariz., Todd Hons 1 in the nation, for 417 yards, but the Raiders, New England at his club had accomplished. straight set by Denver’s Steve SuiiilH 3.5, Fairqns 6 night's Sugar Bowl, much was made Paterno was able to finally lock up going to run," said Robinson, who freakish interception in the end zone passed 52 yards to Ron Brown for Oklahoma turned the ball over five Miami, the Jets at Cincinnati and "W e made the playoffs and I don’t DeBerg last month, also broke the Wayne Wilson rushed for three 3 of the expected confrontation his first national title in 19 years as intercepted two passes by Bulldogs by Blane Smith combined to help one touchdown and Darryl Clack times. San Diego at Pittsburgh. care how we got there,” Rutigliano NFL single-season completion TDs and caught 11 passes as New between Georgia's Heisman Trophy head coach with a 27-23 victory over quarterback John Lastinger. “ But I SMU, 11-0-1, complete its first un­ and Alvin Moore each ran for scores Dupree, a freshman who played If Dallas wins tonight, the NFC said. “ Ask the other eight teams percentage record with 70.55 per Orleans (4-5) crushed Atlanta (6 4 ) winner, running back Herschel the previously unbeaten Bulldogs. knew they were going to pass beaten season in 34 years. to lead Arizona State to a victory less than half the game because of ^ pairings will have Detroit at who didn’t make it. I ’m pleased with cent, surpassing the previous record to snap a fourgame losing streak. Walker, and the highly respected "Robinson's the best safety in the because they have such a Plagued by a cold rain that briefly over mistakeprone Oklahoma. injuries, set a Fiesta Bowl rushing Washington, Minnesota at Dallas, the way w e’ve played since the of 70.33 set by Washington’s Sammy Penn State defensive corps. eountrv.'" Paterno said. "He high-powered offense. We knew we turned into hard sleet in the second Sooners backs Marcus Dupree, rec6rd of 239 yards on 17 carries. Sealiawks 13, ItronroH 11 ^ Tampa Bay at Green Bay and" St. strike. If you’ll check, you’ll see Baugh in 1945. had to limit our mistakes, stop half, the Mustangs and Panthers Reserve quarterback Dave ' Louis at Atlanta. If Minnesota wins we’ve played a tough schedule.” Herschel and make a few big plays, wasted chances throughout the Krieg’s lO-yard pass to Roger Carr tonight, it will be Detroit at RaifliTH 41, ChargrrH 34 UPI photo "W e practiced very deeply to stop /bleak afternoon. Neither team could with only 47 seconds left lifted Seat­ Washington, Tampa Bay at Dallas, Detroit also qualified at 4-5, using Third-stringer James Davis Herschel. We had so many tackling score until Eric Schuher kicked a 43-' tle (4-5) over Denver (2-7). Denver JETS’ RICHARD TODD WINDS UP St. Louis at Green Bay and Atlanta a 1-yard TD run on an end-around by picked off a Dan Fouts pass in the drills. He's a great back, but we yard field goal for the Panthers with scored two safeties in the game. before only 1%000 fans and 66,000 empty seats at Minnesota. third-stringer Rob Rubick with 5:47 closing minutes and returned it 52 kept him running east and west 4:34 remaining in the third quarter. rather than north and south." But after the Panthers kicked off, Perhaps the highest praise of SMU drove the ball 80 yards for the Penn .State's defense came from game's only touchdown. Mclihenny .Valker. who still managed to pick kept around left end, and after I up 103 yards on 28 carries. faking a pitch to Craig James, he •■fcW "1 would like to congratulate Penn broke a tackle at the 5-yard line and Giants, Perkins, in farewell gifts State," Walker said. "They played a skittered into the end zone. Pitt great game and you can't take finished with the No. 9 ranking. anything away from them. Penn At Miami, quarterback Turner u . PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The took me aside and said, 'Don’t the Giants make amends for a pair kickoffs, ^unt or stay onside for State played like champions. They (Jill passed for one touchdown and New York Giants and departing worry about it. Go fishing, or of gut-wrenching losses — 15-14 to them. I thought we were well- took advantage of the opportunities sneaked for another in a furious coach Ray Perkins exchanged somewhere else.’ So, I guess you Washington, 24-21 to St. Louis — in prepared, but the jGiants are a we gave them. That was the second-half rally that gave farewell gifts Sunday. can say today I was just trying to the previous two weeks. better football team. " difference." Nebraska its slim win. LSU built a Perkins, who begins his new job as pay him back.” The Eagles, 3-6 and out of the The Eagles led 14-3 following a 2- Penn State' officially won the 17-7 lead in the third quarter before head coach at Alabama on Tuesday, Perkins leaves behind a gift of playoffs for the first time since 1977, yard touchdown pass from Ron crown Sunday, when U Pl's Board of Gill swung a pass to All-America closed out his career in New York on confidence with others besides led twice but couldn’t put the Giants Jaworski to Vyto Kab and a 2-yard k Coaches gave the Lions 33 first- running back Mike Rozier for an 11- Danelo. Quarterback Scott Brunner, away. They managed only 201 yards scoring run by Wilbert Montgomery a winning note. Joe Danelo insured place votes and 551 points for an yard touchdown midway through the that when he kicked a 26yard field who passed for one touchdown, ran of total offense and hurt themselves but the Giants then scored 20 un­ easy No. 1 ranking. Georgia fell to period. goal with two seconds remaining for another and calmly directed the with mistakes, which included seven answered points. the ,No. 4 spot. .Nebraska won despite losing four that gave the Giants a 2624 victory Giants on the drive to their winning penalties. Brunner's 24-yard TD pass to J The Nittany Lions used two first- fumbles and two interceptions. The over the Philadelphia Eagles. .field goal, apparently has it, too. Wally Henry fumbled two kickoffs Gray and Danelo's 31-yard field goal haif touchdowns froin their own star Cornhuskers finished the season at The Giants, 4-5, were officially Trailing 24-23 on Tony Franklin's and lost one of them to the Giants to brought .New York within 14-13 at running back. Curt Warner, and a 12-1. The crowd in the 74,000-seat eliminated from playoff contention 35-yard field goal early in the fourth set up a Danelo field goal in the se­ halftime. Danelo’s 26-yard field goal 48-yard scoring pass from Todd cond quarter. Max Runagac had a and Brunner's touchdown accounted > ri-* Orange Bowl Stadium was only 54,- three hours later after the New quarter, the Giants began their win­ Blackledge to take a 20-10 halftime 407; there were 14,306 no-shows, Orleans Saints defeated the Atlanta ning drive from their own 35 with punt of 17 yards to lead to a 7-yard for 10 points in the third quarter. advantage and held on despite a who were apparently scared by Falcons, 35-6. But for Danelo, his 4:05 left to play. Brunner completed TD scramble by Brunner in the third Jaworski threw an 18-yard scoring scare late in the fourth quarter three days of street violence in the game-winning field goal was the ul­ passes of 14 yards to Earnest Gray quarter. pass to John Spagnola less than a \ when a fumbled punt led to ghetto of Overtown, only 10 blocks timate going-away present. and 17 yards to Jerry Shirk and Rob " I love my players but I didn’t do minute into the fourth quarter. On Georgia's last TD. from the stadium. “ Earlier this year, I wasn't Carpenter rushed four times for 22 a good enough job for them, and the ensuing kickoff, Greg Brown A Warner gained 117 yards on 18 In the Rose Bowl, safety Don kicking all that w ell,” said Danelo, yards to get the ball to the eight. they didn’t do a good enough job for recovered a fumble by rookie Butch carries for Penn State while Rogers spurred a swarming UCLA who also kicked field goals of 45, 31 New York called timeout with six me," Philadelphia coach Dick Woolfolk which led to Franklin's Blackledge completed 13 of 23 defense and Blanchard Montgomery and 26 yards Sunday. "H e (Perkins) seconds left, and Danelo then helped Vermeil said. “ I can't catch field goal with 12:35 remaining. Itv-S. passes with no interceptions for 228 returned an interception for ^ yards. touchdown as the Bruins pounded In other bowl action Saturday, •Michigan. UCLA finished the season SMU clinched the No. 2 rating with a with a 10-1-1 record after beattng 7-3 thriller over Pittsburgh in the Big Ten champion Michigan for the Cotton Bowl, Nebraska remained second time this season. S Pats not crazy about coach N .No. 3 after a 21-20 triumph over LSU Rogers, UCLA’s junior free safe­ in the Orange Bowl, UCLA grabbed UPI photo ty, turned in the finest game of his the No. 5 position by clouting career. He stopped Michigan's only UPI photo .Michigan 24-14 in the Rose Bowl, serious scoring threat of the first NV.iit \ and Arizona State topped Oklahoma half with an interception at the 19, but happy to be in playoffs SUGAR B O IL 'S MOST VALUABLE PLAYER 32-21 in the Fiesta ^ w l to take the GEORGIA LINEMAN JIMMY BROWN Penn State's Todd Blackledge gets off pass knocked starting quarterback Steve No. 6 spot. Smith out of the game with a consoled by trainer after loss to Penn State GIANTS’ SCOTT BRUNNER SACKED FOXBORO, Mass. (U P I) — The coach or his philosophy and the New than a playoff berth to find football P ro John Hannah asked to be . . . by Philadelphia’s Ken Clarke team still isn’t crazy atxiut the England Patriots will need more happiness. ^ traded. Despite the win. no one is But what .seemed possible in only saying the problems have dis-” Flyers hot on road the far reaches of the most op­ appeared timistic minds last summer is now a "We still have probleins. but on Whalers outshot by 52-21 reality: the Patriots will be in the Sunday we have to put them behind NFL playoffs next weekend at us.” said Grogan, who enjoyed his as Hawks found out Walker battered and bruised most productive day of the year with Miami. "For the veterans, it's a great 260 yards and scoring tosses to Hasselbeck i2 yards.) Morris By Dave Raffo feeling to get another shot," said He the game in 8-4 defeat to Sabres Pats quahterback Steve Grogan, Bradshaw (111 and Ken Toler i33i. UPI Sports Writer who passed for three touchdowns in "There's always a question if you'll Miipli- l.ciif-, U. K imI Wings 3 proved he's among the best Sunday's showdown with Buffalo to be ready on Sunday We struggled at The Philadelphia Flyers knew At Toronto. Rick Vaive scored BUFFALO, N Y, (UPI) - Accor­ give New England a 3619 win over first, and it would have been easy to they were hot on the road and they four goals and Dan Daoust had four ding to Hartford coach Larry Kish, the Bills. "F o r the younger players, get down " passed a difficult test Sunday night assists to spark Toronto, which is the Buffalo Sabres have ''a good national championship, you can’t them because they were playing our Walker. "That’s what hurt us all NEW ORLEANS (U P I) - Curt it's a catalyst. It shows them what But it was the Bills who would The Flyers, winners of five unbeaten in four games. Vaive has blend of youth and experience.” think about pain.” receivers real tight,’’ said year. Warner came out of the Sugar Bowl it's all about. How we do the rest of prove to be unable to cope with the straight away games, came into eight goals in the last three games Kish's comment was easy to un­ Penn State Coach Joe Paterno, Blackledge, who completed 13 of 23 "I'm happy our team is taking the battered and bruised, but convinced the way will greatly influence the limited prosperity la 13-3 lead with Chicago, where the Black Hawks and 21 on the season. Danny Gare derstand after he watched Buffalo close but no cigar so many tinges passes for 228 yards. “ I don’t think loss like champions,” concluded he’s as good A college running back future of this team .” 57 seconds remaining in the first had won 11 straight Philadelphia scored twice for Detroit, which blew uutshoot his squad 52-21 Sunday they realized how quick some of our Walker. "M y goal for next season? as there is in the game today. before (1968-667677-78), said he It was a battle between two teams half.) The Patriots got a key TD tiHik the exam and triumphed, with a 3-1 second-pericxi lead. night en route to an 8-4 victory over receivers are.” How about another Heisman Trophy “ It’s a great feeling to have out- was glad that he would no longer beset with problems. Many New before halftime and carried the Lind.say Carson scoring two goals in I tt‘\ ils 3, t aiiuii'kH I the struggling Whalers. have to answer questions about why " I said before the game that I and a national championship for rushed the Heisman Trophy winner England veterans are more than un­ momentum the rest of the way a 3-1 victory The result gave the At East Rutherford, N.J.,,New "Scotty’s (Sabres coach Bowman) he had never won a national cham­ thought Penn State was one of the Georgia?” two years in a row,” said the Penn happy with new coach Ron Meyer. Buffalo managed only five first Flyers a club-record sixth straight .lersey'took an early lead on power- got them skating real well and pionship. three best teams I ’d seen in my 19 State senior tailback. " I’m not The Bills are not exactly the N FL's downs in the second half and could victory awa.\' from home, upping play goals by Steve Tambellini and they've got a good blend of youth ."Those questions didn’t bug me, years at Georgia,” said Bulldogs trying to downplay Herschel Walker version of the Good Ship Lollypop. reap only a pair of Efren Herrera their road record to an NHL-leading Paul Gagne and received outstan­ and experience," said Kish of the ;_&ut. it seems to have bugged some of Coach Vince Dooley. "Unfortunate­ or Marcus Allen, but I ’m not going “ This team played with a lot of field goals. The Bills were 2-5 since 12-8-3 ding goaltending from Qiico Resch. Sabres, who are now unbeaten in our fans,” saidCPatemo. “ I felt our ly, my fears were confirmed. Penn to put mysqjf down in any y a y Cribbs unhappy controversy." noted Buffalo's Joe the strike, lost their last three, all on The Black Hawks, owners of the The victory snapped a five-game their last six games and have lost fans were frustrated but I^vasn^t^ State certainly deserves to be either. I think I am as good as Cribbs, who expressed a desire to be the road, and finished nut of the league's best record, have lost only Devils' losing .streak and extended only once in their past eight. anyone else.” hope to coach at least seven or eight ranked No. 1, but it’s a tribute to our in Bills’ uniform playoffs for the first time in three twice against 15 wins and two losses Vancouver's winless string to six. traded. "W e have good personnel It didn’t take long for Bowman to Warner, who outgained. 1981 more years and if it hadn’t happened team that we got back into the in Chicago Stadium •Thomas Gradin scored the lone FOXBORO, Mass. (U P I) - Joe but a management created a tur­ years: 3 agree. Heisman Trophy winner Allen 145 this time. I ’d have had another gam e.” Carson snapped a I-l tie at 6 04 of Canucks' goal. Cribbs says he’s had it with the Buf­ moil situation. There’s no place for “ I think the team’s starting to yards to 85 while leading the Nittany chance.” Warner, who scored the second the final period when he beat 7, NorfliqueH 4 ■ falo Bills. me here” reach its potential," he said with a Lions to a 26-10 v ic to ry o ve r Penn State, loser only to Alabama time he carried the ball Saturday Cowboys, Vikings Chicago goalie Tony Esposito with-a At Quebec. Dennis Maruk scored “ I don’t have any future with the But the two unhappy teams had smile Southern Cal in last year’s Fiesta (42-21) this past season, appeared to after having scored the first time he slapshot from the right circle Buffalo Bills," said the AllFTo run­ one desirable goal: the playoff. The twice and Mike Gartner added three Buffalo got two goals from Brent Bowl, outgained Walker, the 1982 be blowing previously unbeaten carried in both the 1980 and 1982 "1 .saw Tony was up against the ning back following his team’s 3619 ' winner advanced. The loser did not. paired tonight assists to power Washington to its - Peterson and a goal and two assists Heisman winner, 117-103 Saturday Georgia out of the Superdome when Fiesta Bowls, says he thought the post and 1 aimed for the other side. " loss Sunday to the New England The Patriots left the bickering in the first victory at Le Colisee. The from Ric Selling to pace the Sabres, when Penn State beat then the Nittany Lions, with four Lions "relaxeid a little after getting it: locker room. MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - Detroit said Carson "1 just let it go and Capitals managed only a tie in five who escaped a first period shootout ahead 263. But you have to credit Patriots. "This was my last game as topranked Georgia, 27-23, to vault secondquarter scoring threats, built and Washington know who and caught it inside. If Tony came out he previous visits to Quebec. Marc Tar- " I f you let that stuff bother you, with the Whalers. The teams traded from No. 2 to the national cham­ a 20-3 lead going into the closing Georgia with playing a good game. a Bill.” would have had a better angle. " dif scored two goals in a one-minute The loss was Buffalo’s third you won’t be around this league for wh&re they’ll play in the first round six goals in the first 10 minutes of pionship. seconds of tbe first half. They came back with those two Car.son got an empty net goal with span for the Nordiques. straighU— all on the road — and it long and you’re not a professional." of the NFC playoffs, but the rest of the game, with neither Buffalo nor Georgia finished No. 4 in the final But the Bulldogs drove 66 yards, scoring drives and turned it back 54 seconds remaining to seal the ' CunudienH !>, R^guinH I knocked the Bills out of the N F L said New England’s Stpnley the conference must wait until Hartford holding the lead for more ratings by U Pl’s Board of Coaches on four passes, in 39 seconds to trail into a football game.” win. playoffs. Morgan. "You have to take all that Minnesota and Dallas decide At Montreal. Guy Lafleur scored than 48 seconds. behind Second-place Southern 2610 at halftime and marched 64 The Sugar Bowl had been billed as Flyers Coach Bob McCammon is "W e knew we had those road stuff and put it aside.” matters tonight. twice and Montreal snapped its "That killer instinct. Yes, sir, you Methodist and No. 3 Nebraska. yards after the second half kickoff a duel between Penn State’s games,” said Cribbs. "A ll we had to Or as Don Hasselbeck put it, " I t pleased with how 23-vear-oId winless streak at five games. Mike really need it,” reflected Craig " I think Herschel Walker is a to close to 2617 with 10:37 left in the balanced offense and Walker, junior The Vikings, who can finish either Swedish rookie goaltender Pelle UPI photo do’ was beat New England and we definitely wasn’t 'win one for the Bullard scored for Pittsburgh.-The Ramsay, who assisted on three Buf­ great running back,” said Warner. third period. three-time AIlAmerica and t ^ d - fourth or seventh in the NFC stan­ Lindbergh has handled himself were in the playoffs. But we didn’t.” Gipper.’ You just say 'what the win pulled the Canadiens to within falo goals. “ Even thouglTthey were “ But, I ’m not going to consider “ I thought we had them on the leadlng career rusher in NuAA dings, defeated the elements to re­ during the winning streak. WHALER GOALIE MIKE VEISOR STOPS SHOT heck' and go out and win it two points of first-place'Boston in scoring, we didn’t play back and let myself any lower than Herschel or ropes,” said Paterno. “But they history with a year yet t^go. Cribbs, who rejoined the team late tain the home field advantage "He didn't let it bother him. He fired from close range by Buffalo's Tony McKegney anyway.” the Adams Division. them come to us. We kept on taking (SMU All-America) Eric Dickerson came back and at one point I was Walker, needing 28 carries (o get after a long contract holdout, against Dallas and must now beat has a great tem peram ent," said JetH 6, Bruins 4 blamed team management for the 4- That New England managed to it to them. You’ve got to go out and or anyone else.” afraid we weren’t going to pull it those 103 yards and scoring only the Cowboys to gain turf rights in McGammon. "His concentration is win belied their tragi-comic history. At Winnipeg, Manitoba," Dale try to win it, not try not to lose it.” before the period ended. goaltender Bob Sauve at the 1:04 Warner, who scored two bowl off.” ,, once, from a foot out, didn’t seem 5 Bills’ dismal showing this season. the playoffs;^ get the effort from them, but you’re The Patriots will be going to the improving. He is the key in the six Hawerchuk scored at 9:51 of the In the first period, Peterson Buffalo broke the game open in mark to make It 8-4. Reserve touchdowns (on runs of 2 and 9 ■However, Georgia failed*to himself Saturday night. ’’-Management is the main never sure how they’re going to play playoffs for only the third time and The location of the nationally wins. Tonight he made some big final period to lead Winnipeg, snap­ scored twice for tbe Sabres and the second period with goals from Whaler netminder Greg-Millen kept generate any more offense until late “ I feel fine, there’s nothing problem and a lot of the players are positionally.” yards) for the second year in a row, televised game was in doubt when saves (25) and was the big ping Boston's winning streak at six Mike Ramsey added another, while in tbe final quarter and Penn State ‘ wrong,” Walker said. "Penn State grumbling. A lot of players have had have never won a playoff game. Gll Perreault, Dale. McCourt and the Sabres scoreless after replacing 'The defeat extended Uie Whalers said be was playing in pain Saturday difference.” gam.es. With the Jets holding a contract problems and there’s been These were games they used to lose. the air-inflated roof of the Vikmgs' Ray Neufeld, Bob Sullivan and Mike Foligno — who all beat star­ Veisor for the final 20 minutes; winless streak to eight. night after being wracked by the got what tunied out to be the win­ just played like champions. If I had It seemed the Patriots were ripe stadium, the Metrodome, was ac A l S e c o rd ’ s 32nd g o a l ga ve tenuous 4-3 lead, Hawerchuk blasted Pierre Larouche replied for the ting Whaler goaltender Mike Veisor. “ We’re certainly disappointed to Georgia defense. “ But sometimes ning touchdown on a 46yard pass a vote. I’d vote them No. 1. They a lot of nit-picky things that created "W e’ve only played one good for another bridesmaid perfor­ cidently ripped open by a crane Chicago a 1-0 lead at 3:M of tbe se­ a 50-foot slapshot past Bruins goalie Whaiers. Selling and Mike Moller, Larouche got his second of the give up the number of'goals we did. you have to play with a little pain,” from Todd Blackledge to Gregg really stopped me. They really shut problems which are not game in the last seven,” reflwHed mance when several veterans being used to remove 16 inches of cond period but Paul Hplmgren Mike M offat for his 17th goal of the however, scored for Buffalo to put game and 14th of the season in the We had some young players up,” be said. “ It was a one-chance shot. Garrity. down our running game. They characteristic of a championship- Kish. "That was a 3>2 loM to tbe questioned M eyer’s wavs and All- heavy snow that fell last week. countered for the Flyers at 7:14 to season. the Sabres in the lead to stay at 5-3 third period when he beat Buffalo i • K(»h "W p l^nw we’re going to "“We felt we could get a big play on started stunting up front,” said type club,” he'said. (New York) Islanders.” , When you are playing for tbe f Ift - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon.. Jan. 3. 198a College basketball roundup S c o re b o a rd

Third period-6, Soviet union, Krutov (Fetisov, Kasatonov), 5:21. P enaltlea- St. John's riding high Mokosak. Cal. 4:18; Bilyaletdinov. Sov, misconduct. 8:07 ^ t s on goal-6oviet Union 11-7-11—29. Calgaiy Hockey GMlIes—Soviet Union, M y ^ in . Cal­ with straight wins gary. Edwards, Lemelln. A-7JM2. Pittsburgh o 10—1 MontmT 203-6 First period-1, Wickenheiaer, Montreal 310103-26 Buliaio Na t io n a l h o c k e y l e a g u e NY Giants S3. Dennard 443, Tyler 4-11, P'artnhr 307, By FRED LIEF . game. SEC, ACC and Big Ten. By the felt that if we lost by less than 20 19- (Walter. Lafleur), 18:19. 2. Montreal. Philadelphia 7 7 010-24 ^rb er 2*7, J. Thomas 2S. San Francisco New England By United Press.Intemational Lafleur 11 (Wlckenhelser), 15:48. Penal- NE-FG J. Smith 42 DPI Sports Writer As for the appetizer, it went down Wales Conference NYG-1^ Danelo 46. -Moore S«. D. Clark 444. Ring 3*11, year’s end, the Big East has four points it would be a good game for tiea-Bullard. Pit. 6:49; Malone. Pit, Phi—Kab 2 pass from Jaworski Francis 246, Wilson 244, Cooper 24. ^f-Cribte 14 run (Herrera kick) Patrick Division 15:42; Green, Mon, 15:56. nicely: schools (St. John’s, Syracuse, us." W L T Pts. GF GA (FYanklin kick) Nehemiah 1-39, Young 1*11: Buf-Butler 8 pass from Ferguson (run\ M aster chef that he is, Lou Virginia, voted No. 1 in pre-season, GMrgetown and Villanova) in the However, the appetizer did not Philadel^ia 23 12 5 51 161 123 Sec/% games against Marist, Mankato with Sampson declared the winner. Penaltics-yards 5—45 7—36 SD—FouU 4 run (Bienirschke kick) Penalties-yards Williams 24 04 4. S. Johnson 5-7 34 13. Indiana has something to say At Houston, Michael Young Smythe Division Quebec 113—4 Seattle .444 127 147 A-5U24 Time of possession w:ui Indiana 11 l9.x5C„ 9*/i State, Tennessee-Martin and the Edmonton 8 12 8 48 202 161 First period—1. Washington. Duchesne Kansas City 533 176 IM Time of j)ossession 32:22 27:38 Woodson 7-15 34 17. King 34 04 6. Loder Sampson, weakened by the flu and a about that. ’The Hoosiers, with some celebrated his 22nd birthday Sunday Rai SD INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Chicago 10 8 .38 10>/^ 14 04 2. Steepe 34 1-2 7. R, Johnson 3-7 like. And the holiday tournaments — Winnipeg 17 17 4 38 1S6 158 10 (Novy. Blomqvist). 9:40. 2. Qiiebec. Denver 522 148 226 Individual Leaders RUSHING-Buffalo-Cribbs 17-104. U aks Cleveland 4 8 .18 16*/2 bad knee, comes away with 23 smooth workers in Ted Kitchel and with 29 points to lead the Cougars* Calgary 14 8 7 35 163 173 Paiement 13 (McRae; < Hunter). 19:36. Houston .111 136 246 RUSHING-NY Giants-Woolfolk 1653. First downs 21 9 2-2 8. Thompson 4-14 34 11 ToUls 4246 providing enough fare for even the Rushes-yards 29—157 33—157 5-16, Ferguson 2-2. Hooks 1-7. New Western Oinfcrence 841 108. points. 16 rebounds and 7 blocked Randy Wittman, defeat Kentucky runaway. Houston, 8-2, led 52-24 at Vancouver 13 18 8 34 139 144 Penalties—Rochefort, Que. 7:31; Gould. Baltimore .066 113 236 R. Carpenter 1^62. Brunner 1-7. Eddings England-Collins 1546. van Eeghen 16-73. Midwest Division most sated basketball junkies — are Los Anecles 14 18 5 33 125 146 National Conference 1-minus 4: Phlladelphia-Montgomery 15- Passing yards 197 281 ATLANTA (lOt) shots. Ewing's totals are 16 points, 8 62-59 to move to the top of the the half. Was. 11:00. Sacks oy-yards 3—M 3—22 W e a th ^ 1-minus 2. Grogan 2-18, Tatupu W L Pet. GB Roundfield 6-15 54 17. Wilkins 3-11 64 I Top four in each division qualify for • Second period—3, Washington. Manik W L T Pet. PF PA 37. Harris 7-U. Kansas City 18 10 .643 aiso gone. rebounds and 3 blocked shots. “I Stanley Cup playoffs.) 8 1 0 589 190 128 PASSING-NY Gianta-Brunner 21-36-3- Return yards 142 - 9 643. 12. Hawes 14 64 8. E Johnson 9-13 34 rankings. All of which means little Elsewhere, Dwayne Johnson and 20 (Valentine. Gartner), 2:17. 4. Quebec, x-Washington Passes 28-17-0 36-18-4 PASSING-Buffalo-Kerguson 17-261-8- San Antonio 21 12 .636 — With conference schedules begin­ don't think I played well,” Sampson Saturaav’s Results 'Goulet 24 (Paiement). 6:13. 5, Washing­ x-Dallas -^6 2 0 .750 199 114 196: Phlladelphia-Jaworski 16-26-1-163. 21. Sparrow 24 3-3 7. Davis 7-13 54 19. to Indiana coach Bobby Knight. Marc Marotta scored 16 points RECEIVIN(3-NY Giants-Woolfolk 556. PunU 4-465 3-475 4. New England-Grogan 29-34-1-280. Denver 14 18 .48 Macklin 1-2 04 2. McMilten 3-11 44 10. ning this week, college basketball N.Y. Ranfjers 7. Washington 2 ton. Currie 3 (Gould. Holt). 6:00. 8, x-Green Bay 5 3 1 .611 226 169 RECEIV^G-Buffalo-Butler 1-8. Lewis Dallas 12 17 .414 7- says. Virginia goes to Japan for a tour­ apiece to send Marquette over Pittshui*gh 2. N.Y. Islanders 1 5 4 0 566 183 199 Eddings 447. Mullady 4-27. Gray 2-3B. Fumbles-lost 1—1 0-0 Glenn 44 (K) 8. ToUls 3641 32-8 104. Washington. Bulley 2 (Hayworth. Laugh- x-Atlanta Penalties-yards 10—123 4—8 7*113. Brammer 449. U ak s MO. Piccone Utah 12 21 .364 9 clears the first set of plates and gets ’ Edmonton 5. Winnipeg 3 lin), 11:01. 7, Wa.shlngton. Valentine 3 x-St. Louis 5 4 0 566 136 170 Mistier 2-21. Shirk 321. R. Caroentcr 24: Kansas City 8 8 8 37-108 DePaul, tt-aditionally a phenom nament. On the way home, the Creighton 64-52; Florida State edged ■ ‘ "5. Spaj ‘ ‘ Time of possession 8:16 8:44 M4. Cribbs 243, Brown 14 Now Houston 4 26 18 15>2 AtlanU 8 8 3218-104 down to the entree. The Toronto 7. Hartford S (Theberge, Gartner), 12:56. PenaltietH-. x-Tampa Bay 5 4 0 .666 166 178 Phlladclphia-Carmichael 343, Spamola 3 England-Morgan 7*141. Collins 14. Hasscl- Pacific Cavaliers stop in Hawaii to shake off 40. (^ irk 327, Montgomeryntgomcry 2-24. Smith 2- INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Division Three point goal—E. Johnson (KC). during the regular season and a flop New Mexico 74-71 as substitutes Philadelphia 4. St. I/>uis 1 MoIIer. Que. 1:56; Stevens. Was. 4:87; x-Minnesota 4 4 0 500 158 171 b ^ 5-17. Dawson 3-41. Toler 1-.T). Los Angeles 25 6 .806 — Southeastern Conference, deemed in Sunday's Results x-Detroit 4 5 0 .444 181 176 15. Harrington 24, ,f&b 14. Harris 14. RUSHING-Raldcrs-Allen 20-18. Plun­ Fouled out—S. Johnson. Total fouls— come the playoffs, breaks with their jet lag with a game against Maurice Myrick and Ronnie Watson Tardif. Que. 11:04. kett 24. King 4-17. Branch 1-7. Pruitt M, Bradshaw 1-11. van E^^ghen 14„ Jones 1- Seattle 8 9 719 2‘zi 3 Buffalo 8. Hartford 4 New Orleans 4 5 0 .444 129 180 Kansas City 8. Atlanta 32. Rebounds— some quarters the best in country, Third period-6, Washington, Laughlin 9 5, Phoenix 20 13 606 6 form. The last two seasons, DePaul Chaminade, an NAIA school of some hit four free throws in the final 14 Toronto 6. Detroit 3 NY Giants 4 5 0 .444 164 160 Cincinnati 14 7 7 7-35 Hawkins 1-1. San Diego-Muncie 26-18. Kansas City e (Thompson 15). Atlanta gets the early jump with league play (Haworth), 6:13. 9, Washington; Marvk 21 Brooks 5-8. Cappelletti 14. Fouls 14. Portland 29 14 .588 57 (Roundfield 8 ) . Assists—Kansas City waited until the NCAA Tournament 2,300 students. Chaminade rolls seconds; Ron Stokes made a 3-point Washington 7. Quebec 4 (Gartner. Blomqvist). 6:2T 10, Tardif 14 San Francisco 3 6 0 .333 209 206 Houston 310 014-27 Green Bav ” 77100-24 Golden State 13 19 .406 12'2 beginning Monday night. New Jersey 3. Vancouver 1 Philadelphia 3 6 0 533 191 U6 Cii>—Ross 1 pass from Anderson PASSING -fU idcrs-Plunkett 26-17-2Z7-0. 143 37-27 24 (Drew 8i. Atlanta 19 (E. Johnson 9) Virginia through the surf, winning (Weir). 10:57. 11. Quebec, Tardif 15 San Diego-FouU 164B-30V2. Detroit ^ n Diego 6 26 18 19'2 before losing its second game. This play with 11 seconds left as Ohio Montreal 5. Pittsburgh 1 Chicago 6 0 533 141 174 (Breech kick) pass from Danielson Technicals—Kansas City coach Fitzsim­ The main course runs through the (Wesley), 11:48. Penalties—Holt, Was. RECEIVING — Raiders-Barnwell 449. Det-Hill 9 Saturday's Result.s mons. AtlanU coach Loughery. A—4.568. year the Blue Demons drop two of 77-72 in one of college basketball’s State clipped Kansas 64-61; and Winnipeg 6. Boston i major. 0:46; Aubry, Que. 3:83; Holt, LA Rams 7 0 522 200 250 Hou—FG Kempf 8 (Murray kick) Denver 127. F’hoenix 125 early rounds of the NCAA Tourna­ F^hilaoelphia 3. Chicago 1 ■Branch 2-8. Christensen 6-86, Hawkins 1* their first five. great upsets. Dartmouth beat Vermont 66-^ and W as.’ misconduct, 3:33; Currie. Was. x-clinched playoff berth Cin—Griffin 10 run (Breech kick) 2. King 14. Allen 3-40. San D i^o- GB~Ufton 17 pass from Dickey New York 98. Washington 77 SAN AN'IUNIO (103) ment in March and concludes with Monday's Game 10:44: McRae, Que. major, 10:44: Aubry. (Top eight teams in each conference Hou—Craft 9 run (Ke'mpf kick) (Stenerud kick) New Jersey 111. Dallas 1(6 Banks 34 94 15. Mitchell 1541 34 8. New Hampshire downed Marist 70- (All Times ESTi Chandler 6-18. Winslow 6-76. Joiner 3-42. dessert and cordials in Albuquerque. The Big East proves it is ready to Chie, 14:06: Valentine. Was, 14:21; qualify mr playoffs.) Hou—FG Kempf 37 Muncie 2-S. Duckworth 1-2. Det—TTiompson 8 p a u from Danielson Boston 127.' UUh 112 Gilmore 44 54 13. Moore 2-11 7-10 11 "Going into the game," says 60 in the first round of the Dart­ r>4‘troil at N Y. Rangers. 7:35 p.m. Stevens. Was, major. 19:47. Cote. (^ e . Sunday’s Results Cin—Johnson 1 run (Breech kick) (Murray klcfc) Portland KC. Golden SUte 74 Phegley 3-10 34 9, Dunleavy 4-7 0-2 9. N.M., April 4 with the championship Tuesday s Games major. 19:47. New England 30. Buffalo 19 'CiiH-Curtis 44 pass- from Anderson Det-FG Murray 8 trade elbows and prestige with the Chaminade coach Merv Lopes, "I mouth Winter Classic. Chicago 317 3 0 0 ^ 8 Detroit 117. San Diego 1C5 Willoughby 44 1-1 9. Griffin 2-5 04 4, Montreal at Queber-. 7 .35 p.m. Shots on , 9-14-16-69. Cincinnati 36, Houston 27 (Breech kirk) GB—Ivery 11 run (Stenerud kick) Sunday's Results Rains (H) 0. Totals 3747 8 4 0 103 Vancouver at Philadelphia. 7:35 p.m. Quebec 11-10-V28. Pittsburgh 37. Geveland 21 Hou—Casper 5 ' pass from Nielson Tampa Bav * 0 67103—8 Del—FG Murray 8 Chi-FG Thomas 43 San Antonio KD. Cleveland 95 CLEVELAND (8> Buffalo at N.Y. Islanders. 8:06 p.m. Goalies—Washington. Riggin. Quebec. New York Giants 26. ^iladelphia 24 (Kempf kink) GB-FG Stenerud 48 Kansas City KK. Atlanta 104 Robinson 10-21 34 8 . Wedman 6-15 O-I Chicago at St. l.ouis. 9 fl> p.m. Washington 28. St. Louis 0 Cin—Alexander 4 run (Breeth kick) Chi-FG Thomas 19 GB—Rodgers recovered fumble in end Bouchard. Garrett. A—15.2M. Chi-Wilson 8 interceptions return Milwaukee 103. Houston 82 12. Lacey 34 1)4 6. Free 8-8 54 21. Bowling Edmonton at Calgary. 9:35 p.m. Kansas City 37. New York Jets 13 Hob—Craft 4 run (Kempt kick! zone (Stenerud kickd) Phoenix 116. Seattle 8 Huston 34 44 10. Hubbard 1-2 54 7. Tampa ^ y 26. Chicago 23 (OT) A-2B522 (Thomas kick) TB-FG Capecc 27 Det—Rubirk 1 run (Murrav kirk) Portland 122. Denver 104 Edwards 44 4-7 12. Wiikerson 1-2 1-2 3. American Hoi’key l.eague Hartford sui—4 Miami 34. Baltimore 7 A -« jr7 Golden SUte 114. Indiana Kf) Magley 04 1-2 1. Bagiev 04 04 0. Totals By United Press International Cin Hou TB-FG Capere 31 Y- Nonny Zazzaro 172-148-445, Bob Buffalo 5 30-6 New Orl^ns 36. Atlanta 6 29 20 Los Angeles 127. Detroit 112 IR-Ai qs Final period downfall Northern First period—1, Buffalo. Peterson 6 Detroit 27.]Green Bay 24 First downs CJii-Baschnagel 19 pass from McMahon Copyright 1962 bv UPI McKinney 160-141-142-443, Andy Rushes-yards 43-147 24-112 (Thomas kick) Monday’s Games San Antonio 8 8 8 30-103 W L T Pts GF GA (Ramsay. Housley), 1:03. 2. Hartfoi^, Los Angeles Rams 21, San Francisco 20 NEW YCmK (UPI) - The United (No Games Schooledi Cleveland ,218 8 22-95 Lamoureaux 148-141-412, Jim Bell F'redcricton 22 9 3 47 Passing yards 310 222 Chi-FG Thomas 40 166 18 Neufeld 11 (Malinowski). 1:51. .3, Los Angeles Raiders 41. San Diego 34 1-19 2-19 Press International Board of Coaches Top Tuesday's Games Three-point goal—Dunleavy Fouled out Nova Scotia 19 14 5 43 18 18 Hartford. Sullivan 7 (Miller). 2:11. 4. Sacks by-yards TB-Giles 8 pass from Williams 8 final 1962 college football ratings, with 156-392, Jim Martin 155-390, Bob Maine Seattle 13. Denver 11 Return yards 12 0 (All Times F:ST) —Wedman; Robinson Total fouls—San 18 18 3 8 156 18 Buffalo. Ramsey 2 (Selling, McKegney). Monday's Game (Capece kick) first-place votes in parentheses (total Antonio 27. Cleveland 34 Rebounds-San Frost 146-379, Charlie Whelan 362, Adirondack 17 19 3 Pa.sses 28-32-0 22-33-1 TB-GMcs 31 pas from Williams poinU based on 15 poinU for first place. Phoenix at New York. 7:30 p m, 37 18 18 2:54. 5. Buffalo. Peterson 7 (Ramsay. Dallas at Minnesota. 9 p.m. EST San Antonio at Atlanta. 7 :8 p in. Antonio 47 (Phegley 10j. Cleveland 46 Moncton 14 22 3 31 128 18 Punts 1—42.0 3-43.0 (Capecc kirk) 14 for second, etc.). Craig Coleman 150-360, Frank Calvo Van Boxmocr). 9:34. 6. Hartford. (regular season ends) 1 -1 Dallas at Wa.shington. 8:05 p.m (Robinson 16) Assists—San Antonio 22 Sherbrooke 12 24 2 8 143 176 Fumbles-lost 3—2 TB-FG Capece 40 1. Penn St (8 ) (11-1) S51 for Hawks in defeat 359, Dan Vignone 155-381, Bill Nye Larouche 13 (Hoffman). 9:53. 7. Buffalo. Penaltics-yards 5-40 3 - 8 New Jersey at Milwaukee. 8:30 p.m (Moore lOi. Cleveland 21 (Huston 7). Southern TB-FG Capece 8 2. So. Methodist (4)(114-1) 514 Soiling 9 (Ramsey. McCourt). 12:46. 8. 'Time of possession 8:07 21:53 Detroit at Chicago. 8 :8 p.m. TechnicaF-Mitchfll. A—3.010 .364, Pete Staum 354. Roche.sler 21 13 4 46 171 18 Buffalo. MoIIer 5 (McKegnev. Seiling). NFL PUyoff Picture A-68.112 « 3. Nebraska (12-1) 4ffi Hershey Individual Leaders Boston at Houston. 9:05 p m. By United Press International Drew tipped it to Mike Woodson. It 21 14 0 42 141 124 19:24. Penalties—None. By United P r ^ International 4. Georgia ilM) 48 Kansas City at Denver. & 8 p m. HOUSTON (Kii •SiiiiH 11 ft, .SuprrSonirH 99 Baltimore 18 16 4 40 18 172 American Conference RUSHING — Cincinnati-Johnson 1369 5. UCLA ilO-l-l) 4« Second period-9. Buffalo. Perreault 20 Alexander 104R. Griffin 6-24. Anderson 4 First downs 14 8 Indiana at Portland. 10:8 p.m Hayes 6-13 *>4 14. M. Jones 04 IW) 0. C was just set up very well.” At Phoenix, Ariz., Kyle Macy, in St Cathnrins 17 18 3 37 156 18 (Virta. Van Boxmeer). 7:19. 10. Buffalo. In— Cincinnati. Cleveland. Los Angeles 6. Arizona St. (104) 314 Jories 2-5 O-O 4, Brvant 24 1-2 5. U‘avell New Haven 13. Verser 1-1. Schonert Iminus 8. Rushe.s-yards ."O—113 20-094 Utah at Golden State. 10 35 p.m The winning points came with 11 Drew led Kansas City with 19 15 17 4 34 18 18 McCourt 9 (McKenna. Savard), 16:11. 11. Raiders. Miami. New England. New York Passing yards 18 3S 7. Washington (104) 293 410 04 9. Walker 8-14 3-3 19. Bailev 8-14 an unusual starting role, scored 25 Springfield 15 8 3 8 143 18 JeU. PitUburgh. San Di^o. Houston-Campbell 1144. EJdwards 744. 8. Arkansas (94-1) 266 seconds left, but to Atlanta Coach Chiefs win Buffalo. Foligno 11 (Van Boxmeer, Nielson 2-13. Craft 4-11. Sacks by-yards 3—42 4—32 SEAITLE (991 54 21. Tavloi 14 (14 2 Teaglo 14 04 2. points while Eddie Johnson and points to lead Phoenix. Macy star­ Binghamton 14 19 3 31 l.% 154 Ramsay). 18:56. PenalUes-Hajt. Buf. Out — Baltimore. Buffalo. Denver, 9. Pittsburgh (9-3) 216 F’aultz 24 0 1 4. Murphv 1-2 04 2 Totals Kevin Loughery, his Hawks' 108-104 Saturdav's Result PASSING -Cincinnatl-Anderson 27414- Return vards 63 34 Shelton 7-14 (M) 14. Vrancs 24 04 4. Woodson scored 17 each. ting because Walter Davis has a 1.13: Anderson, !-lar, 5:34; Francis. Har Houston, Kansas City. Seattle. Passes 12-30-0 25-50-2 10 Florida St. (94) 173 Tolbert 5-9 1-2 11, Thompson 6-14 64 Ifi. 844 II IR 82 FrtNlerirlon 5. Hershey 3 8:56 323. Schonert 1-1-04. Houston-Nielson 22- 11. Louisiana St. (84-1) 18 loss to Kansas City Sunday night Atlanta’s Eddie Johnson led the 8-1-241. Punts 0-445 4-43.5 Williams 5-13 2-3 13. Brown 2-6 1-2 5, MILWAUKKK dini bruised right thigh, also had 9 one for all Sundav's Results Third period—12. Hartford. Larouche 14 National Conference Fumbles-lost 3—1 3—1 12. Ohio St. (94) 147 Catchings o-l O-o 0. Ma Jolinson 9-18 4 was decided in the beginning of the Binghamton 8. Baltimore 2 In— Atlanta. Dallas. Detroit. Green RECEIVING - Cincinrati-Ross 9-101. 13. North Carolina (84) 8 Donaldson 44 04 8. Kelser 14 8-12 10. Hawks with 21 points and guard assists and 6 rebounds. Alvan iRenaud). I 04. Penalties—Houslev. Buf. Curtis 3 ^ . Alexander 5-34. Krcider 2-29. Penaltics-yards 3—21 1—5 Smith 34 04 6 Radford 34 44 10. Totals 6 22. Cowens 5-7 0^) 10 F'ord 54 1-3 11. final quarter. Hershey 4. Nova Scotia 1 1:04: Ramsey, Buf. 2:23, Bay. Minnesota. St. Louis. Tampa Bay. Time of possession 12:19 8:56 14. Auburn (94) 70 Moncrief 9-14 64 24, Bridgeman 10-17 I 1 J()hnny Davis, who has only been Adams added 21 points for the Suns, Washington. Collingsworth 5-49. Johnson 1-14. Harris 2- 15. Michigan (84) 53 8-19 22-8 99. Loughery pointed to the Kings' KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) — For Rochester 7. Fredericton 2 Shots on goal—Hartford IM-8-21. Buffalo Individual U aders PHOENIX (116) Lister 24 24 6, Pressev 1-3 1-2 3. with the Hawks since Friday, came David Thompson had 18 for the Springfield 7. St Catharines 4 Out— Chicago. New Orleans. New York 8. Verser 1-17. Houslon-Renfro 7-77. 16. Oklahoma (84) 46 ■ Mokoski 2 3 04 4 Criss 0-2 04 0 Pellom scoring 17 of the first 19 points in the 19-22-11-52. Casper 5-73. Bailey 3-42. Edwards 5-29. RUSHING — Chicago-Payton 26-100. •lAJcas 4-12 34 11. Nance 8-17 34 19. off the bench to pitch in 19. Davis SuperSonics, whose starting center. 13 NFL seasons, center Jack Rud- New Haven 7. Sherbrooke 3 Goalies-Harlford. Veisor. Millen. Buf­ GianU. Los Angeles Rams. Philadelphia. Suhey 6-4. Tam pa. Mv-Carver 1116. 17. (tie) Alabama (84) 45 Adams 9-16 34 21. John.son 5-12 2-5 12. 1-2 O-u'2 Tiplals 44-80 15-8 103 fourth quarter to tie the game 88-88. Monday s Games falo. Sauve A—11220 San Francisco. Armstrong 2-2D. 17. (tie) Texas (94) 45 Houston 158 1625- (£2 J nay of the Kansas City Chiefs had Wilder 2-48. Williams 4-8, Owens 3-7. Marv 9-12 64 8 . Kramer 1-3 2-2 4, Cook was traded to the Hawks by the In­ Jack Sikma, missed his third 'No Gaines Sch^uted) Although the Hawks rebounded to PASSING - ChicMo-Mi Mahon 12-304- 19. West Virginia (94) 8 24 (M) 4. High 44 24 10. Scott 0-2 2-2 2 Milwaukee 8 8 27 28-I(« diana Pacers." straight game with a sprained ankle. been the epitome of a team player. Tiiesdav s Games NY JeU 6 00 7—13 8. Maryland (84) 31 Thirdkill 2-2 0-2 4. White 2-2 04 4 Totals Three-rwinI goal—Leavf*II Fouled oul— Hershi'v at Moncton NFL Playoffs 157. Tampa Bay-Wllliams 25-40457-2. take a 104-98 lead with 1.16 In other games, San Antonio He played through winning games Kansas City 78010-37 Golslevn O-I-O-O. Note; By agreement with the American 4649 23-8 116 Norn Total Fouls- Houston 19. Mil­ W iirrifirH 114, i'acerH 10.5 Frederu’ton at St Catharines By United Press International NYJ-FG Uahy » Football Coaches Association, teams on waukee 8 Rebounds- Hou'-i«n 8 'Bailey remaining, Loughery felt the iean . and winning seasons, losing games First round RECEIVING - Chicago-Payton 3-17. Seatlle ------16 24 8 34-99 whipped Cleveland 103-93, At Oakland, Calif., J.B. Carroll NYJ-FG Leahy 20 BaM hnagel 4-69. Watts 141. Margerum 2- probation bv the NCAA are ineligible (or Phoenix 328,27 33-116* 9). Milwaukee 44 iCau-hing». Ma. stretch sapped his team and losing seasons and injuries too Saturday. Jan. 8 and Sundav. Jan. 9 KO*Carson 28 pass from Kenney the Top 2d and national championship .lohn-Uin f. each) Assisis—Houston 8 Milwaukee crushed Houston 103-82i scored 29 points and grabbed 8 (Confer^e,jf^ing8 in parentheses) 41. Moorehead 1-4. Sidm* 1-15. Tampa Three-polnl goals—Williams. Maev. "We were outscored 15 (actually numerous to count. Philadelphia 0 1 ^ (Lowery kick) Bav-T. Belt 4-50. Jones 4JiR. Wilder 641. con.sideration by the UPI Board of Fouled out—None. Total fouls—Seattle 32. 'Tavlor 6i. Milwaukee :io (Criss,. 7i. Phoenix smashed Seattle 116-99! Chicago 010-1 Soccer (Times ano exact dates (oW announced) KC-Marshall 13 pas fom Kenney Coaches The teams currently on Technical- Hou? Ion i. me' A—lOUffi rebounds in helping Golden State AFC Owens 3-8. House 445. Glles.3-75. Carter Phoenix 8 , Rebounds—Seattle 45 '(Do­ 171 to two at one stretch and there’s Golden State clipped Indiana 114- So in his final game Sunday First poriod-None Penaltles-Sitller (Low e^ kick) prolMtion are Clemson. Oregon. Southern naldson 121. Phoenix 46 (Adams lUi. break a four-game losing streak Cleveland (8) at lx>s Angeles Raiders 1-7 California and Southern Miuiuippi. where the game was lost," against the New York Jets — Rud- Phi. 12:27. Savard. Chi. 12:27. KC—Green 42 run with Howard lateral Assists—Seattle 22 (Williams 5t. Ph(K?nix NEW YORK iUPD - How the UI»1 105. Portland pounded Denver 122- with a 114-105 victory over the In­ Second period-1. Chicago. Secord 32 (Lowery kick) Loughery said. "We got tired and nay had announced earlier in the England (7) at Miami (2) 32 (Macy 9) A -lt 318 Top 8 college basketball learns fared 104 and Los Angeles rapped Detroit diana Pacers. George Johnson (Savard. O'CallahanI 3:56. 2. J^hiladel- KC-FG Lowery 44 Cleveland 07014-21 NEW YORk (UPI) - College football through games of Sundav. Jan 2 they scored some easy baskets in New York Jets (6) at Cincinnati i3) KC—FG Lowery 43 national champions as selected by the DENVER nou ------A 127-112. week his plans to retire — the four­ phia. Holmgren 11 (Marsh. Propp). 714 scored 23 points to lead the Pacers. San Diego (5) at Pittsburgh (4) Pittsburgh 76717-37 p:nglish 8-15 2-2 18. Vandeweghe 12-21 6- I. Indiana (104i dcfeatc‘d Grambling the transition." Penalties-Savard. Chi. 7:37 Carson. Phi MAJOR INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE KC—Marshall 5 pass from Kennev Pit*Pinney 3 pass from Bradshaw United Prcs.s International Board of 11042, defeated Nebraska 67-50 Spurn io;t, CuvalierN 95 time All-Pro center had no desire to 10:03. NFC (Lowery kick) 7 8 . Issel 7-12 2-2 16. Dunn 54 04 10. Trail Itlazeri- 122, NuggelH 104 By United Press International (Anderson kick) C aches; McKinnev 14 04 2 Williams 4-10 M 9, 2 Memphis St (941 defeated Mississip Perhaps the easiest basket was be singled out as an individual. period-^. Philadelphia, Carson (If Minnesota wins Monday night) K C-FG Loweiry 44 190—Penn SUte At Richfield. Ohio, Mike Mitchell At Portland, Ore., Jim Paxson Eastern Division Detroit (8) at Washington (i) Gle-Feacher 1 pass from McDonald Hanzlik 24 04 4. Ray 0-3 2-2 2, Robisch pi St 63-W. Eddie Johnson’s 13 (Allison. Clarke), 6:(M. 4. Philadelphia W L Pet. GB NYJ-Shuler 10iO pass from Ryan (Barr kick) isn —Clemson 3 Virginia '10-l> defeated Rubrnond scored a season-high 33 points, in­ scored 31 points, Darnell Valentine That prompted Rudnay to give Carson 14 (McCrlmmon). 19:06. Penalties Tampa Bay (7) at Dallas (2) (Leahy kick) ‘ 1969-Georgia 34 5-5 11. Gondrezick 0-3 04 0. Anderson at the end. With CHeveland 12 3 JOO - Str Louis (6) at Green Bay (3) Pit-Rodgers 18 run with blocked punt 1-1 04 2. Totals « 4 8 18-19 104 KE-85. defeated Old Dominion 8-50 cluding 14 in the final period, to pace quarterback Bill Kenney a curt, ’No —None. Baltimore A - iix e 1979— Alabama added 22 and Portland outraced 11 3 .786 Vt Atlanta (5) at Minnesota (4) (kick failed) PORTLAND (122) 4 Kentucky (8-1) defeated Kansas 83- the game tied 104- thanks.’ when the Chiefs gathered in Shots on Boal-Philadelphia 18-6^-32 Chicago Pit-Harris 6 run (Anderson kick) 1978—Southern California 62 San Antonio. After hitting just 1-of- Denver's lightning offense to win its Chicago 166-^26. 11 S .688 m (If Minnesota loses Monday night) 1977—Notre Dame Nall 9-17 2-2 8 . Thompson 54 0-1 10. 104. the King’s their first offensive-huddle of the New York 8 6 571 3^ Detroit (8) at Washington (i) Pit-Smith S pass from Bradshaw Cooper 54 04 10, Paxson 12-8 74 31, 5 U(XA (7-11 defeated Ixiuisville 76-72 12 shots during the middle two 12th straight at home and lljth game Goalies — Philadelphia. Lindbergh. Buffalo Rushes-Yards 23-18 3 (Anderson kick) 1976—PitUburgh 6. Alabama (R4i defeated Southern Cal Larry Drew stole Chicago. Esposito. A—18.103, 7 6 5 » 4 Minnesota (7) at Dallas (2) Valentine 817 64 22. Carr 5-10 6-7 16. periods, Mitchell connected on his day against the Jets. Memphis 7 8 .407 5 Passing yards 175 Cle-Logan 8 pass from McDonald (Barr 1975—Oklahoma 7441. defeated (ieorgetown 94-Zl overall out of its last T4. Kiki Tampa Bay (6) at Green Bay (3) Sacks Dv-yards 3—14 1974—Southern California Lever 24 1-2 5. Judkins 1-3 04 2. an Atlanta in­ first six shots in the final quarter, “ I told the guys in the huddle Pittsburgh ... 4 9 508 7 St. Louis (5) at Atlanta (4) kick) Verhoeven 24 04 4. Lamp 1-2 04 2. 7 St John's (Il4 i defeated Brigham Vandeweghe led Denver with 30 Boston Western Divisira Return Varda 18 Oe-Feacher 12 pass from McDonald 1973—Alabama Young 8-64. defeated Wake F^orest 72-(5 bounds pass 1 12-4 Saturday. Jan. 15 and Sunday. Jan. 16 1972—Southern California McDowell 04 04 0. Townes 0-1 04 0 N before that first play, ‘Let’s win this Phoenix Passes 25394 I including the go-ahead basket with points. Winnipeg 2 1 3 -6 10 6 .as - Confermce semifinals liow^t remain­ (Barr kick) Total.'; 50-KC 22-8 122 8 Tennessee (8-1' defeated San .lose which resulted in 9:22 left to give the Spurs an 81-79 one for Jack,”’ Kenney recalled. First period-1 Winnipeg, Lukowich 14 Wichita 7 6 5 » m PunU 4—27.0 3 Pit-FG Anderson 34 1971—Nebraska Denver 8 27 8 23—104 St 50-42. lo.sl t«» Nevada-Las Vegas 70-54 I.liken* 127, PistonH 112 San Diego ing seeds at highest remaining seeds: Fumbles-Lost 2-0 1970-Texas Johnson's layup “But Jack said, “The heck with that (Spring. SavarcSavard). 3:25. 2. 8 8 500 2 s^ond-lowest s ^ s at second-highest Pit-Abercrombie 1 run (Anderson kick) Portland 32 34 27 29—122 9 I^uisvillc '8-2' lost to UCLA 76-72 lead. Cliff Robinson led Cleveland At Inglewood, Calif., Kareem DeBlois 10 (Eaves. Watters). 3:55' Kansas Citv Penalties-\anls 8—76 A-63512 1989-Texas 10 Iowa '8-11 defeated James Madison as Kansas City e. , . 6 9 .400 3^ seeds). 1986-Ohio SUte Fouled out—None Total fouls—Denver with 23 points. Abdul-Jabbar led a balanced attack — let’s win this one for everybody.’” Boston. MacTavish 6 (Borque. McNabli St, Louis 5 9 567 4 Sunday. Jan 23 Time of possession 27:47 8 , Portland 21. Assisl.'»-Denver 8 4745. defeated Seton Hail 85-63 scored the game’s final 10 points. 11:56. Penalties—Dufour. Bos, 4:07. Golden Bay 4 10 5M Individual leaders Lie Pit 1967—Southern California II. Syracuse il04i defeatf'd Pittsburgh Burkn lO.'t. Korkeln 82 Rudnay had to wonder how Conference champion.ships (at homes of First downs 8 27 1986—Notre Dame (Vandeweghe, Williams. Hanzilk 5 each). with 28 points as Los Angeies won its Second period—4, Winnipeg, Steen 11 l^ s Angeles 3 15 .187 highest remaining seeds). RUSHING - NY Jets-McNeil 12-83. / Portland 8 (Valentine 9) Rebounds- 87-66. defeated ('amsiiis 109-76 "What happened (was) we were At Milwaukee. Sidney Moncrief serious Kenney was when his pass Saturday's Result Harper 440. Augustyniak 44. Dlerking 3- Rushes-yards' 8 -6 2 49-81 1985-Michigan SUte 12. Missouri i9-2i defeated Arizona St seventh straight. Jamaal Wilkes (Lundholm, Watters). 14:30. 5. Boston. Sunday. Jan. 30 Passing yards 293 28 1964—AUbama Denvor 8 (Dunn 7i Portland 56 iCo43-2 29-39-2 smallest crowd ever to turn out in 5 - 8 J 4-40.6 (Andersen kick) Brown’s Flowers 27-24, team of traveling Soviet All-Stars 12:47: Sundstrom. Van. 16:10: Gradin. Wednesday Individual Leaders PunU the 12-year history of the 78,000-seat Van. minor, misconduct. 16:54. Wensink. RUSHING — Miami'Franklin 1948. Fumbles-lost 3-2 3-1 NO—Wilson 17 run (Andersen kick) High Five 26-25, OpUcal met both a very determined Caigary *They didn't come over here to get experience. BASKETBALL Penalties-yards 2-14 6-66 NO—Wilson 4 run (Andersen kick) Arrowhead Stadium — 11,902. ’That NJ. 16:54, Woodley 14. Nathan 7-44, Bennett 315, Style Bar 25-26, Ringside , Flames team Sunday as well as 7,000 Third perlod-^TNew Jersey. Bautour 3 MCC at Norwalk, 7.30 Vlforito 14. DUna 34. Hill 1-13. Time of possession 31.46 8:12 A 4786 They came over to embarraat us. That's why enabled the Chiefs to finish the Baltimore-EMckey 844, McMilUn 1347. Individual Leaders Cafe 25-26, emotional fans in the cozy confines (unassisted). 0:49. Penalties—Lindgren, ICE HOjCKEY Atl NO AUTO REPAIRS they play here.' season 3-6. Van. 11:07; Broten. NJ. 17:37. Franklin 441. ulxoo 3SQ. Pagel 1-1, RUSHING-Denver-Winder 1547. Willh* of Calgary’s Corral. SchUebter 14. ite 4^. Parros 12^, Poole 6*li First downs 16 S Northeastemers 24-27, The Shota on goal-Vancouver 12-7-A-27. Conard vs. Manchester at BIP. Rushes-yards 8 -7 8 3 7-lS New Jersey 7-6-13—ffl. PASSING - Miami-Woodley 14424439. Herrmann 24. Preston 34. Seattle- Oaks 23-28, Top Dollar By Karl Sartoris The , Soviets, exhibiting better Goalie Don Edtvards 8.35 NaUiaii 4-144, Jensen 0-1-44. Baltimore- Doomink 10*70, Zom 146. Smith 5*17. Pauing yards 166 310 “I’ve always said T wanted to go Goalies — Vancouver. Ellacott. New Sacks oy-yards 0 -0 4 - 8 Bob’s 22-29, Alsco Five 21- BaAfca Managar defense after the game, blamed out on a winning note,” Rudnay Jersey. Reach. A-10.0i7. East Catholic vs. Hall at Veteran's Paiel-11431-18. ScblichUr 310^149. Hughes 4*18. Brown 64, Krieg 3*mlnus 9. WE SERVICE ALL their 3-2 defeat to the Flames Sun­ Bink, 7.30 R E A V IN G - Miami-NeUiao 318. PASSING — Deover-Herrmann 164M- Return yards • n 30. High triple - Dom said. “If I couldn’t have a winning HerrU 4 « . Moore 1 8 . Vlgorito 340. in. WmhHe 1-0-14. Seattle-Krieg 1M8-1- Passes 16-M -l 8 -86*4 D eD om inicls 428, Ron ’Horn* at Mr Goodivrtnch' GENERAL MOTOR Did you know that, like day on a number of factors. “We are the Europeans you play for your WRESTLING Cefalo 249. Hj^ v M. Balticnora-Dickey 14^ Zom 9-19*1*78. Johnson l*l-Ol7. PunU 5-469 0-00.0 everything else, gasoline 3 The Calgary victory evened the season, then I could be satisfied with Detroit 210-8 RECEIVING — Denver*Parros 649. Fumbles-lost 2-1 1-1 joiner 410, A1 Bonini 402. CARS AND TRUCKS changing our lineup, switching in Toronto 1 2 s -6 Manchester /NFA at Glastonbury, 140, McCall 14. w U er 849, Franklin 1 expands with heat? Ten gallons country. The crowd was enthusiastic six-game series between the Soviets a winning game. U. McMillan M l. Dixon 440, Sberwln 3 WsUon 449, W rirtt S4I. WiUbite 340, Penalties-yards 6-41 6-41 younger players. We came here to First period-1. Toronto, Valve 18 6.30 Time of potseuion 8:17 8:43 of gas will expand by 8/10 of a and the boys were inspired. ’The and the NHL at two games each. Upchumh 3-17, P testoh 14. Sqattle* O/ILAZIES- GALAXIES- • ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS check youngsters who are coming to (Anderson. Gingras). 9;M. 2. Detroit. East Catholic at New London, 6 Doomink 547. Smith 4*11. Carr9340. Individual Leaders quart (that's the same as 4/5 — younger players realize now how far Don Edwards, in his first start since “But I feel happier for my team­ Gare 18 (Huber, Larson). 13:28. 3 Lsrgent 346. Johns 846, MeUelsars 2*15, RUSHlNG-AtUnU Andrews 1447. Cain Rose Borello 152, Esther our t^ m ,” offered Soviet coach Detroit. McKechnie 9 (Leach. G. Smith). COMPLETE COUISION REPAIRS as in a bottif of whiskey) with emotion can carry them -in the being injured in Edmonton on Dec. mates than I do for myself. ’Ihis is S-Louu SP®Jri Zom 147. Walker MO, Tice 14. 4*14, Riggs 64. New Orleaiis-Wilson 2X49. Wells 125-126-329, Gisele Viktor Tikhonov. 17;M. Penaltiet-Larson. Del. 4:02 Thursday Washlnc^ U 7 ^ G dan iT d , H obn« 24. • RERUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS a temperature increase of 30 game.” 4, and Reggie Lemelin teamed up to an important victory for them. ’They n ^ a k . Tor. 12:36: Larson, Del. 16:11. Weib^alker 8 pau from Theismann PACING—Atlanta Bartkowskl 1441*!* degrees? So. if the day is going But the Flames, flush with victory WRESTLING Los Angeles 7 077-8 Golding 126-341, Lynn Kent Nilsson gave Calgary a 1-0 deny 27 Soviet shots. are only inches away from being an Second period-4, Detroit. Gare 14 San Francisco 7U0^~8 US. Monwki 24426. Andrews 044. New • AUTO PAINTINR to be-a scorcher, try to fill up in Oaborne). 4:01. 5. Toronto. Valve .St. Paul at Cheney Tech, 6 ^2 pasa froni Theiamann Orleans^Stabler M464471. Erxleben M4- Talbot 336, Janet Cushman and a better checking and passing lead after one period and the excellent football team. ’This is a 8F—McLemore 8 punt return (Wench­ the early morning or in the effort than the Soviets could muster, 19 (Iteoust. Anderson), 10:28. 6. Toronto. ing kick) 8. 125-135-346, Gayle Robson. • CHAHQE WITH MASTER CHARGE Flames upped the bulge to 3-1 after "We had outstanding goalten­ good start toward building a winning ‘i^**}:^*^**- 13;09. PenaU iea- Friday ^*wS!% anm 1 run (Moaeley UejO LA-Tyler S peas from Femgamo - RECEIVING-AtUnU Jackson 241. 129-350, Denise Martino evening, when the air is cooler. felt the Soviets had more com­ ding,” said Johnson^ “ Edwards was Poddubny. Tor, 0:87: G iiuras. Tor. 3 :« . Wash-Wariiinfton 8 past from Thais* (Lansford kick) Miller 429. Riggs 626, Jenkins 241. New This way. your gas tank will two periods on goals by Guy record next year.” Micalef. Det (served by l5. Smith). 9:23- BASKETBALL 149»870, Lois Dimock 126, • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE petitive objectives. BUUHi (Moaelay kick) SF—Wilson 8 psM from Montana Orleans-Wilaoo U49. Groth 441, Duckett hold more gallons at no extra Chouinard ^nd McDonald. Igor running out of gas by the end of the Tw bench (served ^ KaszyekI). 15:58. Conard at Manchester, 8 A-85M (Wenching kick) Ann Dion 128, Shirley cost, and you won’t have to “They didn’t come over here to Larionov scored in the second period second period, but Lemelln was Toronto. A ^rson 10 East Catholic at Aquinas. 7.45 SIL Wash SF—Nebemlah 8 pan from MonUna Toronto. (kick failed) Schultz 340, Evelyn Giglio make as many trips to the get experience,” snorted goaltender for the visitors and Vladimir Krutov ready for the final period. We need Valve 20 (Salmlng. Daoust). 14:18 V! Cheney Tech at Portland, 7t^5 First downs 10 8 Rartaa yards 19-41 8 - 1 8 LA-Tyier 1 run (Laaaford kick) 131-361. (illing station. If you Teally Don Awards, who turned aside 17 closed out the game in the final ses­ both of them down the stretch. ’The Toronto. Valve i f fDaoust. Gingras), “ Bolton nt RHAM. 7.45 Paving yards 18 IM LA-Farmer 41 pan from Ferragamo want to fill the tank efficiently, of 18 shots in the first two periods. sion. goalie is still the most important 18:82. Penalties-None. 5 - 8 5-44 (Lansfoed kick) Shots on goal-Detroit Manchester at Conard (Itlrls). Sacha ey*yards p p p n o v g f f CARTER shake the car a bit while it is 7-144-29. 112 77 A: M86 ’"They came over to embarrass us. Tikhonov denied the lack of fan guy on the team.” Toronto 10^11—5). 7.45 Ratam yards Paaaaa 16-44-4 8-8-0 LA SF filling, to get rid of trapped air ’That’s why they play here,” Goallcs-Detroit. Micalef. Toronto, Pal- 8 ^ 5 10-492 support affected the Soviets. “We mateer. A—16JB. Cast Catholic at Windsor (alrlsL Pm U First downs 17 18 ROBERT J . SRIITHp Inc. in the tank Calgary coach Bob Johnson ad­ are experienced with Canadian A subdued Mikhail Vasillev, the 7 * 3 0 ^ ' Anblas-kMt 2-4 0-0 Rusbes>yards 8-147 24-tM mitted the crowd, which has often Soviet forward selected as the se­ PsnalUaa-yards 16-18 4-40 Psislng yards 28 28 The finest automotive ser­ crowds,” he said. “We’ve seen a lot BOYS RIMMING Tima of poaaasaion 5:10 M:90 Sacks oy-yards 0 -8 (MB been uncharitable, was a key factor of Canadian fans and it makes no cond star of the game, said; “It was Individual Leaders nsmwsiiTHs sm g e vice is available at DILLON iioviet Union o 11—1 Fermi at Manchester, 3i30 y"<>* _ _ 5 - J ? in his team ’s win. “If there’s a loose difference. We are accustomed not a tough game. We played against a RU8HlNO-Si. Louis-Anderson 141. Pastes a ■» 0 29-46-1 FORD. Open 8-5. Hie dents and strong team. They are playing more TONIGHT 110-1 Saturday MllorrU om s >1,5*7, MnowiiMitchell 64. Lomax uoma 3*mlnua4. PunU 9-4IA 6 - » i 1114 1229 MAIN ST. scratches in your car will be puck and the fans are cheering for to listen to the crowds. We come to C n lury. NIlMon Washlngtoii-WaaUuton- - • 1346. Harmon 21* PumMw.kMt « AUtO RFPAm technical hockey.” 7>30 . NHLt Wings va. (Rolnhnrt, McDonild), 10:10. PennlUe*- BASKETBALL MANCHESTER removed in our body shop. Fac­ you, you usually get it. We need that play-7 8 , WaatWy 141. IM____ a nnam a n n 24.1 Rangnn, USA Rtaebroogh, Cnl. O:*; B rld(nun, CnI, Tunxis at MCC, 8 PA881NO-8. Lottia-Loroax Louis-Lomai 16444-89. Tlmt ol ioatmkm ■' UV ■ :» tory trained technicians kind of support. Hockey’s an But, “we did not play up to our While Vasiliev felt the Corral was |iJ5" So*' PerrokUn, TEL. 646-6464 provide total mechanical care 8 ■ C o ll^ Baakelhalh ICE HOCKEY Indlvidoil U odwt emotional game. You have to play mark,” he admitted. “It seenu we smaller than other NHL rinks and Sl.John'a RUSHING-Lm Aatttai-’iyiir IM. Call M3-2U5. All major credit V*. Sfian Hall, ESPN ,^5?*** P«rlod-l, Cnlgary, Cbovliuinl Qraatf 641. Andaraoo 14. Mlfc^U 243. Guman 840. J. Thomu 146, Fanrafuno 649-S241 that way to win.” needed, a lot of freshness in our ef­ BriOgmnnL 0:11. 1, Soviet Union. Manehesler vs. East Catholle at cards honored at. DILLON smaller “than we normally play on 9 . NPL> VIkinn. va, Cowboyi, Marrls I-mioua-l. HarreU 48, S bunw 1-mious 1. San Frandaco-Moon 1141. GMQUAUTY Came star Lanny McDonald, who forts. We have a lot of travelling and U rlonov (K n j^ ln , K aulonov), 1:00. «, BIP. 7.50 t-n. IhoiraMOfi 14. Waihiiii^-Waahlaf- Rlni U49. Montaaa 141. Cooper 14. FORD. 319 Main St "Where In Europe,” ’Tikhonov a rg u ^ It was ChannrI 8, WTOp C»'l»'y...McDoneld (Cboulnanl, BrMf- WRESTUNG loQ 24, Brown 6 8. WarrenHT, Harmon •5 C. Cantor SItm I SatVICi MHTS scored one goal and set up anot^ier, have to get up at S a.m. after each PASSINO-Los Angelee-FerTafaino »- dependability is a tradition." not a major factor in his team’s MldniKhl • Collr„r Batkelhalli m«n). I1:M. ^IU e»-R uM eil. S I, Penney at East CalhoUe, noon 6*8, oUqnlnto 18. Didier 14. Walker 6* 96487. San Franciaco-Monlana 1946-1* ManchMtor, Cl. added; “Any time you play against game.” play. li*i *0*" * *■ So*. WVOtfrott 14. 28. G B N n u a MOTOBS MURS DIVISIQN Linrinnali v». lo>uiiivillr, USA Portland at Cheney Teeb, 11 RECEIVING-Los Angcles-Guman 6- 4 - - - w »*c •

18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., Jan. 3, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon.. Jan. 3. 1983 - 19"

ADVERTISING UVEimSIlK Classifieds 643*2711 MIES Minimum Charge m o tic e s EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes for Sale 35— Heating-Plumbing 46— Sporting Q oods ' 56—Misc. for Rent $2.25 t6f ona day , 12:00 nooQ the day 24— Lota-Land lor Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products before publication. 1 —Lo»l ana Found 13— Help Wanted 10—Investment Property 37— Moving-Trucking-Storage48— Antiques 38— Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE 2— Personals 14— Business Opportunities 26— Business Property PER W O R D Deadllrre lor Saturday Is 3 - - Announcements 15— Situatiort Wanted 27— Resort Property 4 __ Christmas Trees 26—Real Estate Wanted 1 DAY...... 150 MI8C. FOR SALE RENTALS 61— Autos for Sale 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 5—Auctions 62— Trucks for Sale 3 DAYS .. 140 EDUCATION 63— Heavy Equipment tor Sale day's deadline Is 2:30 MiaC. SERVICES ' 40— Household Goods 52— :-Room s for Rent 64— Motorcycles-Bicycles 10—Private Instructions 41— Articles for Sale 53— Apartments for Rent 6 DAYS .. 130 Friday. FINANCIAL 65— Campert-Treilera-Mobile 19— SchoolS'Classes 31— Services Offered 42— Buildlr)g Supplies 54— Homes for Rent Homea 26 DAYS . 8— Bonds-Siocks-Mortgages20— Instructions Wanted 32— Palnling-Papenng 43— Pets-Birds-Oogs 55— Offlcea-8tofes for Rent 120 Phone 643-2711 66— Automotive Service 9— Personal Loans * 33— Building-Contracting 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property for Rent 67— Autos for Rent-Lease happy ads $3.00 PER INCH 10—Insurance REAL ESTATE 34— Roofing-Siding 45— Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent I £ •••••••••••••••••••••••• eeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee •••••••••••••••••••••••• Ollleee-Storee Help Wanted 13 Peinting-Pepering 32 Free CleeelUed Ada ^ Apartmente (or Beni 83 •••••••••••••••••••••••• lor Bent 55 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeieaeeeeeee ••••••••••••••••>••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••* LOVE CRAFTS? Need INTERIOR-EXTERIOR MENS 26” bicycle, three MANCHESTER - Three rooms, heat and electric NEWLY RENOVATED money? Art Craft Concepts PAINTING - Wallpapering speeds, Raleigh built com- 310 square feet office is seeking 3-5 part time and Drywall Installation. metely reconditioned, Included. Security deposit. No pets. 649-9092 or 643- available. Main Street craft instructors. Call 742- Quality professional work. English style at less than location with ample Us original cost. Black. 8552. 52ip Ior 669-5656. Reasonable prices. Free parking. Call 649-2891. Estimates! m l y insured. $55.00. 649-1794. G.L. McHugh, 643-9321. MANCHESTER - Four FEDERAL-SUtc-Civil Ser­ Homes-Apte. fo share 59 vice, many government PORTABLE 19 inch color room apartment. Owner INTERIOR ’ AND T.V. Good condition. looking tor couple who are G re a te r ^ "Your Community Newspaper' jobs available. For Direc­ ROOMATE NEEDED for EXTERIOR Painting, $99.00. Call 649-6486. handy at painting or tory 1-312-741-6170 Ext. W- January. Security deposit 508. paper hari^ing, carpentry papering. Owner will supp­ » work. Fully insurea. J.P. AMANA Refrigerator, ly materials. Stove, require. Reasonable. Call 646-8792 after 5 pm. You Can Earn Lewis and Son, 649-9658. good condition, not refrigerator. $310 plus Bood $S$ Selling working. $70.00. Call 646- utilities. 649-4003. AvonI PAINTING & PA P E R 1760. PLEASE READ H a n gin g C e ilin g a M A N C H E S T E R - V4 □ AUTOMOTIVE Help Wented 13 Help Wanted 13 For mor* lnform«Uon PAIR G78-14 Firestone Duplex. Spacious, three YOUR AD call repaired. References, Ful­ • ly insured. Quality work! studded snow tires on Ford bedrooms, PA baths, first 523-9401, or M a n c h ^ ® BABYSITTER WANTED rims. $50.00. Call 649-7008. floor laundry, bill cella r' Auloe For Sale 51 Classilied ads are taken 27S-2941 Martin Mattsson, evenings full time for i5 month old 649-4431. and attic, large yard and over the phone as a con­ Service boy in Manchester in your 1979 FORD GRANADA - 6 NEWSPAPER DEALER •••••••••••••••••••••••• BRASS Fireplace screen, one car garage. Sparkling venience. The Herald Is home or mine. 649-0646. cyl., automatic, air- wanted, Vernon/Rockville Building Contracting 33 excellent condition. Asking neighborhood and centrally responsible lor only one Technicians conditioning, 27,000 miles. area. Call 647-9946. $70.00. Call 646-4509. located. Gas and utilities Advertise m incorrect insertion and RN - 7-3 part time. Call LEON CIESZYNSKI not included. References Superb car! Many extras! Experienced ser­ Manchester Manor, Mrs. then only to the size of BUILDER. New homes, ICE SKATES - medium and security required. vice technicians Blain. 646-0129, Condominiums 22 3 the original insertion. additions, remodeling, rec size, plaid lined, hardened $550. Call U am - 6 pm, 643- Errors which do not ror^s, garages, kitchens steel. $6.00. 649-7517. 8387. 1979 AMC SPIRIT, power only to service all SECRETARY - For small MANCHESTER - Two retr^eled, ceilings, bath brakes, power steering, lessen the value of the office. Duties include and bedroom condo for rent. A- phases of air- tile, dormers, roofing. Wented to Bur 59 Homee tor Bent 54 air-conditioning, clean. advertisement will not answering phone, typing, C. $575 with heat. 273-2013, Residential or commer­ 647-9137. be corrected by an ad­ conditioning, heat­ filing, keypunching. Apply 659-3008. cial. '649-4291. OLDER SINGLE or multi FOUR BEDROOM GAPE, ditional insertion. ing and refriger­ in person Phoenix Audio, 91 only blocks from all 1976 CAPRI GHIA, 55,000 NORTHFIELD GREEN - family uiiit for cash. Han­ Elm Street, Manchester. ELECTRICAL SERVICES schools.Treed lot. miles, sun roof, AM-FM ation. Must be owner. Two bedroorfi-con­ dyman special OK. Call 649-1199. - We do all types of Elec­ Available immediately. stereo, foglights, rear fog, do, end unit, panelled rec- Strano Real Estate, 646- licensed. Generous trical Work! Licensed. Call $600 monthly plus utilities. radials, custom interior - SECRETARY - Downtown room with I/2-bath down, 2000. company benefits. after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. 643-5266 or 64M962. Excellent. 521-5328. Hartford law firm seeks double cedar closet, brick SlnceT88i-. Call for - secretary with so m e patio with gas grill, car­ FARRAND * RENTALS ROCKVILLE - For rent or 1968 MERCURY college or secretarial port. 643-8482 - no agents. appointment REMODELING - Cabinets, rent with option. Eight MONTEGO, great on gas, iHaurliralrr school background and — ...... Roofing, Gutters, Room room colonial, woodstove 302, automatic. $500 or best 871-1111 with 1-2 years experience. Booms tor Bent 52 offer. 649-5556. ftftCfo* of our readers Additions, Decks, all types and fireplace. $600 monthly Legal experience not □ REAL ESTATE H r r a iii o f R em odeling and plus utilities. Two months necessary. Excellent skills MANCHESTER - N ice Repairs. FREE security. References 1979 MERCURY ZEPHYR required. Call 249-9121 for room with kitchen MECHANIC, Sewing Homes For Sale 23 Estimates. Fully insured. required. Call 742-6932 or - 4 door. 6 cylinder, interview. privileges. Gentleman Machine. Experienced Telephone 643^6017. 742-8421. automatic. Power- preferred. Apply between NEW 2-FA M lL Y - Two preferred. $50.00 weekly. steering, power brakes, Security. Telephone 643- 8;30-3- p.m., Pioneer bedroom townhouses, WILLIMANTIC - Seven air. Low mileage. Clean. TALK TIMOTHY J. Connelly - 1878. Parachute Company, Inc,, country kitchen with Total building and im­ room duplex, $500 monthly $4100. 643-5808. □ NOTICES Pioneer Industrial Park, IS appliances, carpet and provement services in­ CENTRAL LOCATION, plus utilities. Two months Hale Road, Manchester. vinyl floors, double glazed tS'portant to the CHEAP cluding but not limited to security, lease, references Phone 644-1581, E.O.E. windows, aluminum storm kitchen privileges, parking MN iT Lost and Found 1 BUT NOT AT kitchens,, bathrooms, ad­ availabfe. Security and require. Call 742-8932 or windows and doors, full ditions. garages, roofing 742-8421. R6P0SSESSI0NS LICENSED AMERICAN basement with washer and Written references FOUND - SET OF KEYS ahd siding, door and win­ required. For application FORSAU al Lincoln Center. Can be ELECTRICIAN - capable dryer connections, gas d o w replacement, 3'/i ROOM DUPLEX - 68 American Frozen Foods can 643-2693. 1979 Ford Courier Pick­ picked up at the of working with minimum fired, hot water baseboard remodeling, renovations- Waddell Road, supervision, to do commer­ is n o w offering heating system. $98,500.00. up, 4 cyl. $8300 Manchester Herald Office and new construction. 646- LARGE, QUIET, Comfor­ Manchester. Utilities by cial and residential service telephone professionals .Sum m itt Village C on ­ tenant. Refrigerator and 1978 Chrysler LeBaron between 8:30 and 5 p.m. 1379. table room near bus and J Monday - Friday. work. Good benefits, pay a brand new and dominiums. New two range. $300 monthly. Drive $2880. com m ensurate with bedroom townhouses $46,- shopping. Reasonable. 1975 Cadillac Coupe exciting opportunity. Booting 34 Security and references. by see, then call 6^1050. KOl^ND-Set of 2 very small experience. 243-9543. Choose your own hours, 900.00. Peterman Realty, deVllle $1300. 649-9404/647-0080. 649-0102. ■ keys. Owner may pick write your own BIDWELL HOME Im­ OlHces-Storee 1970 Ford Thunderbird MUNSONS CANDY them up at 80 Church, and paycheck. provement Company - NICE ROOM - Parking, . lor Beni 95 3700. Kitchen is accepting MANCHESTER - 6-6 Roofing, siding, pay for this ad. If .you love to talk and private bath. Gentlenoan The above can be seen itn porta'u ro appUcBtions for full lim e Duplex. Business zone. alterations, additions. 6 ^ want to make lots of 'around 60. Nice home; no START ’83 in your new ot- atSW013Meln8l. LOST - Boys 20-inch BMX em ploym ent in our Aluminum siding. 6495. chocolate packing money, this could be the Assumable mortgage. $80,- other roomers. Rent fice space. Prestige loca­ bicycle, blue, with white □MISC. FOR SALE departments. Hours are 9- opportunity you've been 900. The Hayes Corp., M6- reasonable. References.’ tion, corner Elast Center handlebars and seat; with 649-7335. and Pitkin Street. Great consumer. A pads. Norman St. area. 4:30 .Monday thru Friday. waiting for. 0131. Trucks lor Sale 62 Call for appointment, 649- visibility. Rent includes Reward. If found, please F o r interview call Household Goods 40 CENTRAL. Gentleman. heat, lignts, parking. Keith call 643-4735. 4332. o f o u r r ^ Phyllis between 10-1 at □ BUSINESS Private, pleasant room. Real Estate, 646-41%. 1971 FORD TRUCK - good 569-4993 USED Telephone, shower, running condition. Four SMALL BLACK POODLE TELEPHONE SOLICITOR REFRIGERATORS, speed transmission. Call part lime days on our American Frozen Foods and SERVICES parking. 649-6801. MANCHESTER - Newly lost sometime Sunday WASHERS, RANGES - redecorated, furnished of­ 647-8341. afternoon. Answers to premises. Hourly rate 8 ^ K<»en in tiro Services Olfered 31 Clean, Guaranteed. Parts CENTRALLY UKIATED - fice. Air-conditioned. Sasha My daughters miss $3.50, work hours 9 a.m. - 3 & Service. Low prices! FORD VAN - 1971. Good p.m. Monday - Friday. For Downtown. Exceptionally Secretarial services her very much $50.00 PART TIME LEGAL REWEAVING BURN B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main condition, new tires. Low M anchester further information call clean rooms, kitchen available. Includes reward. 643-1095 SECRETARY-Hours flexi­ HOLES. Zippers, um­ Street. 643-2171. mileage. 742-72^. Parkade Lanes. Parkade privileges. Maid, linen ser­ utilities. Convenient to 186. N ble. Manchester Law Of­ brellas repaired. Window Shopping Center, 643-1507. vice. Security required. $150 per month. Available LOST: black, brown and fice. Experienced shades. Venetian blinds. Articles tor Sale 41 Call 643-5127. February 1st. white small collie preferred. Non-smoker:on- Keys. TV FOR RENT. Trucke lor Sale 82 over 5 year®. GAL FRIDAY - Pleasant Owner/Agent, 646-0505. (Border). Answers to ly, 649-0150. Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. Apartmente lor Bent 53 Muff. 643-1694. telephony personality for 649-5221. NOTICE OF DIBBOLUnON G.M.C. PICK-UP, four heavy customer contact. CLERK-Typist. 45 wpm Good record keeping and FOUR ROOM apartment BOHTAN, INCORFOMTBD speed, insulated cap, runs Announcements.^ 3 required, 4'A day work BRICK, BLOCK, STONE v ALUMINUM SHEETS typing skills essential. with heat included. Notice is hereby given, pursuant good, covered wagon week. Free parking. Com­ Concre-te, Chimney used as printing plates. .007 Varied duties in small, fast thick, 23x28'/4’^. 50c each, Walking distance to Main to Sections 3S-79(a) and 33-489 of truck, camper, flat becT 16 BUSSELLS BARBER pany benefits. Equal Op­ Repairs. “ No Job Too^ the General Statutes o f the State of paced rapidly growing of­ Street. First floor with ft. trailer plaiik, four SHOf’ is pleased to an­ portunity Employer. Call Sm all,” Call 644-8356. ,« SOT 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- Connecticut, that BorTan, Incor­ nounce Raymond Fogarty fice. Flexibility in working W ll. They MUST be picked private entrance. $450 per wheel. 643-2371. Joan Turner at 547-5892 month. Call 649-2947. porated, a Connecticut Corporation will be available for with others. Call Louise at between 10 am - 12 noon. up before 11:00 a.m. only. having its principal office in the 871-9227 between 1 and 5 C & M Tree Service, Free professional services. estimates. Discount senior Town of Manchester. County of Motorcyeles-BIcycles 84 p.m. 3‘A ROOM APARTMENT. Hartford, and State of Connecticut, "S n business. Tuesday - Friday, 8:30 - CRUISE Ship job s - no BEDROOM SET - includes citizens. Company Private home. Heat, has been dissolved by resolution 5:30 and all day Saturday. experience necessary, Manchester owned and double dresser with SPRING FEVER? 1971 646-6659 GAS ATTENDANT Days. mirror, desk with chair, appliances. Working single duly adopted by its officers and Honda CLI75, brand new exciting career opportuni­ operated. Call 646-1327. aault only. No that a certificate to that effect has Apply in person only - ty. For Directory 1-312-741- night stand, siiwle head battery and back brake Personal Loans 9 Village Motors, 369 Center pets/children. Telephone been filed with the Secretary of 6170 Ext. S-509. LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ and footboard with frame. State as required by law. effective needs some work, $150.649- Street, Manchester. M3-2880. 9382. cing, Attics, cellars, gar­ Singer sewing machine D ecem ber 29, 1962. NEED CASH'’ Loans to OFF-Shore oil jobs - no ages cleaned. AH types with cabinet and stool. AH creditors of the corporation, homeowners for any pur­ LOCKSMITH MANCHESTJPR - One, experience necessary, U.S. trash, brush removed. $75.00. 643-8319 after.4 p.m. if any. are warned to present their 1968 SUZUKI 125 blue, pose Credit not important! Experienced preferred. two, three bedroom and claim s to Raym ond J. Tanguay, at­ and overseas. For D irec­ Picket, Split Rail, Stake good condition. $300 or best Central Marketing Com­ Apply Connecticut Safe and townhoiise apartments torney at law, its East Center tory 1-312-741-6170 Ext. O- Fences installed. 528-0670. GOVERNMENT offer. 649-5556. Lock. 555 New Park available immediately. Street. Manchester, Connecticut, pany. Michael Schor, 423- 508. SURPLUS CARS & 7176. Avenue, West' Hartford TRUCKS- Listed for $2064, $375, $415, $475. Security on or before May 29. 1983. All D E S IG N K IT C H E N S - claims not so presented will be between 9 and noon. sold for $51.00. More required. Heat and hot I960 KAWASAKI KDX175. cabinets, vanities, counter water included. Call Ren­ barred as provided by statute. Good condition, $950 or tops, kitchen cabinet available. 203-775-7189, Dated at Manchester, Connec­ WANTED; MATURE tal Officei, 875-4474. best offer. 742-6059 after 6 < PHLEBOTOMIST fronts, custom Ext.-412. ticut, this 29th day o f becem b er, Woman for child care and pm. □ EMPLOYMENT woodworking, colonial 1982. light housekeeping in my MANCHESTER - Modem reproductions in wood. BORTAN. INCORPORATED home. Children 9 and 11. Part-time position two bedroom, first floor By Raymond J. Tanguay J.P. Lewis, 649-9658. NOTICE or DISSOLUTION Help Wanted. 13 Part tim e/full time. Own available for apartment. Close to shop- Its Attorney •••••••••••••••••••••••• BEECHLBR-TANaUAV, INC. transportation required. experienced s e a s o n e d f ir e w o o d , ing and busline. Heat and NoUce to hereby given, pursuant f ^ r t l S l U V I SHOWER DOORS AND LICENSED NURSE - Salary negotiable. About Phlebotomlst. Duties cut, split, delivered. $100 a ot water Included. No to Sections 33-7t(a) and 33-4M ol $75.00 for 20 hours. Call T U B ENCLOSURES cord. You pick up, ^ .0 0 . Kpets. $425. 643-1878. the General Slatulea ol tb^ State ot Come out of retirement for include drawing blood expertly Installed by Gary this one. No stress, no fuss, after 6 p.m. or weekends, Call anytime, 649-1831. Connecticut, thnt. Beechler- specimens from A. Kendall - The Shower Tanguay. Inc., a Connecttcut Cor­ no bother. Call 649-2358. 644-2244. WALL STREET - Hebrwi, patients and blood Door Man. 872-6000: SNOW TIRES (2) - two bedroom apartment, poration having Ita principal office $ $ $ In the Town ot Mancbeater, County donors. Some local Firestone Town and Coun­ heat and hot water in­ travel involved, valid SNOW p l o w i n g - try, L78-1S, excellent. Used cluded. Appliances, of Hartford, and Stale of Connec­ KIT -N’ CARLYLE™ by Larry Wright driveways and parking ticut. haa been dtoaolved by reaoju- Connecticut drivers little 521-5328. parking, large yard. MIO tkm duly adopted by Ita oU lttra lots. Calf after 6 pm, 649- license required. Early even monthly, raone 648- and that a certificate to that m eet 0539. morning hours. For SEASONED Oak firewood 2871 or 228^1. haa been filed wiUi the Secretary of 3 more information or to - F or d e liv e rie s, ’ ca ll Stale as required by law, effective M e R e , BULK GARBAGE Pick-up George Griffing, Andover, MANCHESTER - Four December t, INI. arrange for personal in­ 4 - y o o CAN - Have that old junk hauled 742-7M6. rooms, one bedroom apart­ All credltora of the corporation, terview, contact the away at low cost! Call 646- m ent. Heat and appliances If any, are warned to preaent their WAve -fue. claliTU to Raym ond J. Tanguay, at­ Personnel Department included. References and l i t I j L . l U V ...... torney at law. 111 Eaat Center * * * ^3,2711. M«««himat B e s T o f ftAY at 646-1222, Ext. 2270. SreCML deposit. 8395 monthly. 646- PeIntIng-PeperIng 32 Street, Mancheater, Connecticut, ) WAfCECReSS munfiin on or before May 1 ,1M3. All clalm i End Bolls not ao preaented will be barred aa INTERIOR PAINTING, ANbYoCiOBT: KMOWLnsmM. FO U R ROOMS - Tw o provided by statute. 71 Hayiw* M t m I over ten years experience, Dated al Mancbeater, Connec­ low rates and senior citizen bedrooms in four family. M anehM tar Wall to wall carpetl^. ticut. thla nth day of December, discount. 643-9980. bdsra 11M M l. I F V fe 'lances and aarage. No \ . Rent $895 pjas lecurl- BEEX31LER-TANOUAY. INC. ------By Raymond J. Tanguay of Eod ntlUties. References _^^____^_____UaAUornej^ CELEBRITY CIPHER •••eee»e»ei18eee#*e«««ei required. 648-0717.' It's easy essoujTioNs. CBiBbitty C ifitm cryptogramo aro craolod from qyotattona by lomouo poopio. poM • borne delbJiV «> and prooant. Each lottor In tha dpbor atanda for anothar. Today'B etu »: M aquoM C Free CteeUKod Ada w ith a REDECORATED, wall to Classified adl INVITATION TO BID LARGE THIRTY year old wall carpeting, five rooms, The Mancheater Public SebooU “LQCWP L MWPPLUQ HWFPWW XQ jade tree, $80.00. M8-1401. second floor. $430 plus aollclti bldi lor HOME utilities. 649-3379. EC^OMICS for the INl-INl acBM year. Suled Udi wUl be TPWCCUQWNN, XQW TPWCCK FUPY ELECTRIC QUITAR With received until 1:M P.M. January n a m e " amplifier in vary good coo- II. M l . at which Uma th ey wiU ba UN LN IPWCCjH LN LOXCVWP.” — d it io n . 999.00. C a ll EAST HARTFORD - Four publicly opened. The right to /Vddress anyUme, ffLlMO. room apartment In three reeerved to re je ct eny and lU Uda. conn. pigsich***** family house on quiet t4s-tm Specificatlooa and bid forma may Q. NMXCC QUCJFWPLYH ' CHILDREItt SUCKLE 8U street off Main Street. be eecnred at the Boaloett Office. City r-j-15 PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "LoM it gtntrMy valued M Ha MghMi boot! sbt» a "Rtoort”, Appliances included and « N. School Street, Maacheeter, ilo t T lic during taro pqrlodt In Hit — during tha days of courting and lUUan fqiM condl- parking for two cars. No CoHMcUcet. Raymond E. Damera, HuNnaei Manaaar. OBOW. Hia daya ki court." ^ Laa Marvin tion, plitMfc! foam pets please: |8I8 par $ $ $ 0«)-U aiataayNM.ine. i padded liner. m.OO. 643- month. Security required. 646-4786.