"Ike" Grainger Renamed to Munro, Waverley CC, Portland, Ore.; Head USGA Charles L. Peirson, , Brookline, Mass.; Richard S. Tufts, Pine- SSAC B. Grainger of the Montclair hurst CC, Pinehurst, N. C.; John M. Win- I (N. J.) GC will be re-elected President ters, Jr., Southern Hills CC, Tulsa, Okla. of the USGA at the association's 61st annual meeting to be held at the Vander- bilt hotel, New York, Jan. 29. "Soils Clinic" Is Practical Along with Grainger 12 of the 14 other School for Midwest Supts. members of his 1954 USGA teammates have been nominated for re-election. The IFTY superintendents attended the USGA custom is to nominate officers for FSoils Clinic, Dec. 2 and 3, at Univer- a second term. sity of Illinois Medical School campus, John D. Ames, , Lake Chicago, and got highly valuable school- Forest, 111., and Richard S. Tufts, Pine- ing in the foundation of their profession. hurst (N. C.), CC will continue as vps. The majority of those present were from Charles L. Peirson of the Country Club Illinois, with Roy Nelson and Milt Wylie of Brookline, Mass., will be re-elected from Minnesota and several others from treas., and Fraser M. Horn, National adjacent states also attending. Golf Links of America will continue as The clinic was co-sponsored by the the USGA's General Counsel. Midwest Assn. of Supts., Uni- USGA Nominating committee report is versity of Illinois Drug Plant division of tantamount to election. George W. Blos- the Pharmacy school and the Toro Mfg. som, Jr., heads the Nominating commit- Co. tee, which includes C. W. Benedict of Don Strand and Bob Williams, Educa- Winged Foot, Robert W. Goldwater of tional committee chmn. of supts.' associa- Phoenix CC, Richmond Gray of the Coun- tions, planned the program with Dean try Club of Virginia and Hal A. White of Searles, Dr. Voight and Dr. Crain of the Plum Hollow CC. U of I, James Watson, chief agronomist of Toro and his asst., Jack Kolb. Wm. P. Castleman, Jr., Dallas, Tex., The initial clinic, last year, was on and Frederick L. Dold, Wichita, Ks., plant diseases. The clinic next year prob- withdrew from USGA Executive commit- ably will be on plant feeding. tee due to demands of other duties. Their Lectures and experiments conducted by replacements are Emerson Carey, Jr., Watson covered The History and Develop- Denver, Colo, and John M. Winters, Jr., ment of Soil Science, Fundamental Con- Tulsa, Okla. cept of the Soil, Origin of Soils, Weather- Carey was Western Golf Assn. junior ing Processes, Formation and Classifica- champion in 1925, captain of Cornell's tions of Soils, Soil Classification and Sur- 1925 football team, and pres., Trans-Mis- vey, Mineral Constituents of Soil, Soil sissippi GA in 1939. Organic Matter, Air, Soil and Water Re- Winters was captain of the University lationships, Soil Temperature, Soil Micro- of Michigan golf team in 1923. He also biology. served as pres., Oklahoma GA. Experienced, successful superintendents The USGA Executive committee to were unanimous in declaring the clinic serve this year: valuable basic training and refresher edu- John D. Ames, Onwentsia Club, Lake cation that is bound to have a profitable Forest, 111.; J. Frederic Byers, Jr., Al- reflection in their turf management prac- legheny CC, Sewickley, Pa.; Emerson tice. Carey, Jr., Denver CC, Denver, Colo.; Thomas H. Choate, Meadow Brook Club, Westbury, N. Y.; John G. Clock, Virginia Golf Club Sales Up in 1954. CC, Long Beach, Cal.; John W. Fischer, Manufacturers Report Western Hills CC, Cincinnati, O.; T. R. ATIONAL Association of Golf Club Garlington, Athletic Club, At- N Manufacturers reports that members lanta, Ga. sold 3,700,953 golf clubs from Nov. 1, 1953 Also Charles B. Grace, Gulph Mills GC, to Oct. 31, 1954. This is 328,352 more than Bridgeport, Pa.; Isaac B. Grainger, Mont- the previous 12 month period's sales. clair GC, Montclair, N. J.; Gordon E. The latest report showed sales of 2,574,- Kummer, Milwaukee CC, Milwaukee, 140 irons (233,495 more than previous 12 Wis.; Edward E. Lowery, San Francisco months), and 1,126,813 woods (94,857 more GC, San Francisco, Cal.; F. Warren than previous 12 months.)