Aufnahmeprüfung 2012 Vorklasse Englisch

Name: ______

Schule: ______

Arbeitszeit: 45 Minuten Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: keine


Reading Comprehension: / 14 Language Test: / 19 Writing: / 15

Total Credits: / 48 Aufnahmeprüfung Vorklasse 2012 Haupttermin Seite 2

Vorklasse Englisch

Arbeitszeit: 45 Minuten Zugelassene Hilfsmittel: keine

The long way home Text A Its white paint and yellow funnel shining in the sunlight, the big ship stands proudly in the waters of Portland Harbour in Dorset, . Before me lies the RMS St Helena, one of Britain's last working Ships. Walking up the gangplank, I receive friendly greetings from several crew members. They have 5 never seen me before, but I soon discover that such friendliness is normal on board. After all, the RMS St Helena is much more than just a ship. "The RMS really is an extension of the island," explains Kedell Worboys, the UK representative of St Helena. "Everything going to the island goes on that ship," she says. "Once you step on board, it's almost as if you're stepping on to St Helena itself." 10 Both Worboys and the boat are a very long way from home: one of the most remote inhabited islands on earth, the volcanic island of St Helena is an overseas territory of the that lies 6,400 kilometres from Britain. It is located far out in the South Atlantic Ocean, roughly midway between Angola on Africa's west coast and Brazil. The Portuguese discovered St Helena as an uninhabited island in 1502, but it was the British 15 who were to colonize it by 1659. Its position along important trade routes kept it a busy place, and in 1834, it officially became one of Britains Crown Colonies. It is best known as the last place of exile and original burial place of Napoleon Bonaparte after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. He died on the island in 1821, after spending six years in a small town called Longwood, a few kilometres from the port capital at Jamestown. 20 "We are still as isolated, perhaps even more isolated, now than we were when Napoleon was exiled here," says Worboys, "because in those days, you had more ships, we depend now almost solely on the RMS. She is our only real link with the outside world." This may sound dramatic but it is accurate. There is no airport on St Helena, food, fuel and the other necessities of life have to be brought in by the RMS from places it regularly visits, such as . 25 Built in 1989, the 105-metre-long vessel is designed to carry both cargo and passengers. Walk on board, and it is immediately clear that this is a working ship - clean and functional, but not luxurious. The RMS St Helena is big enough for its 65 crew members and 128 passengers without being spacious, and the atmosphere on board is relaxed. It also carries the mail, of course, but much less today than it once did. “Ten years ago, parcels 30 and post were everything”, Captain Young says, “today, due to new technology and e-mail, we are lucky to be carrying 10 to 20 bags of mail. The rest is cargo and containers. It’s an amazing change.”

Adapted from: Spotlight 8/10, 490 words

Aufnahmeprüfung Vorklasse 2012 Haupttermin Seite 3 A Reading Comprehension (Text A: The long way home)

I. Short Answer Questions You may use words from the text. One example has already been done for you. Example: What is the RMS St Helena? It is one of Britain’s last working Royal Mail Ships.

1. What is meant by “The RMS really is an extension of the island”? (line 7) (2crs)


………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………… 2. What is the political connection between St Helena and Great Britain? (1cr)

………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………… 3. a)Why is the RMS St Helena so important for the island? Give examples! (3crs)



………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………… b) What has changed in the last ten years? (2crs)



_____/8crs. II. True/false statements Mark the following sentences as “T“ or “F“ according to the text. T F St Helena used to be an active Portuguese colony. Many ships landed in St Helena because of its attractive geographical position. St Helena became famous because Napoleon Bonaparte was banned from it. ____/3crs.

III. Mediation Englisch-Deutsch (auf Deutsch zu beantworten!) Geben Sie sinngemäß auf Deutsch wieder, was folgende Formulierungen (im Zusammen- hang mit dem Text) bedeuten.

1. “…several crew members“ (line 4)

………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………… 2. “…roughly midway…“ (line 13)

………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………… 3. “…after his defeat…” (line 17)

_____/3crs. Aufnahmeprüfung Vorklasse 2012 Haupttermin Seite 4

B Language Test / Use of English

I. Gap – fill Exercise Fill the eight gaps in the text on St Helena with the correct words from the box below. There are eight words that you will not need to use.

Latest developments on St Helena – Text B

In 1989, Prince Andrew launched the replacement ship RMS St Helena to ______the island; the vessel was specially built for the –Cape Town route and features a mixed cargo/passenger layout.

The Constitution took effect in 1989 and provided that the island would be ______by a Governor and Commander-in-Chief. In 2002, the British Over- seas Territories Act restored full passports to the ______, and renamed the Dependent Territories (including Saint Helena) the British Overseas Territories. In 2009,

Saint Helena and its two territories received equal status under a new constitution, and the Brit- ish Overseas Territory was ______Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da


In 2011, the UK government announced it would invest £200m in an airport on the island, which would benefit the British government in the long term, as £26m a year in aid would no longer be required. It is expected the airport will be up and ______by

2015. The ______of the airport are to reduce prices of transportation of goods, ______tourism by more than 50 fold and to create new job oppor- tunities. Flying to the island will ______be available from , ac- cording to the 2011 plans.

competition islanders again aims governed by forth skilled running score experienced named manage only increase serve



Aufnahmeprüfung Vorklasse 2012 Haupttermin Seite 5

II. Gap-fill exercise Some football hooligans went to a match. Fill in the missing words!

Example: They did a lot of damage.

1. The fans had drunk ______much alcohol.

2. They ______some shop windows.

3. They stole some food ______a supermarket.

4. They threw stones at the police who were ______to stop them.

5. They started a ______of fights.


III. Matching exercise Complete these conversations by joining the correct parts. There are two endings you won’t need.

Example: 1. A

1. This is the uniform… A …I used to wear at school 2. It’s very bad for your skin… B …the film? 3. It’s got too much salt in it,… C …Formula 1 racing. 4. When does it start,… D …lying in the sun all day. 5. It’s not the best day to meet,… E …Karrie is. 6. It’s so incredibly boring,… F …lucky you. 7. They’re a nice couple, aren’t they,… G …this soup. H …Monday. I …Tim and Nicky?

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Aufnahmeprüfung Vorklasse 2012 Haupttermin Seite 6

C Writing Choose one of the following topics (I or II) and write about 90-100 words:

I. The job of your dreams – Describe the job of your dreams and explain why it is special to you.


II. Your favourite sport – Describe the kind of sport you like best and explain why it is so special. ______/15crs.

Total: __/48 crs. Use the back page if necessary!