Report on Opposition LeaderJs Study Tour

John-Paul Langbroek MP Leader of the Opposition

Japan-Russia-United Kingdom 19th July 2010 _1st August 2010

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Travel Approvals:

Unlike overseas travel undertaken by the Premier, overseas travel undertaken by the Leader of the Opposition is subject to bipartisan agreement as outlined in section 4.14.6 of The Opposition Handbook which states, in part:

4.14.6 Overseas Travel Policy: All overseas travel must have the prior approval of the Premier. (Generally, overseas travel should be limited to the entitlement of one trip per Parliamentary term by the Leader of the Opposition only). The submission for approval must incorporate:

a. the objectives of the visit; b. the anticipated explicit benefit from the visit for Queensland; c. the countries to be visited; d. the approximate length of travel; e. full details of accompanying persons whose costs are to be met from public funds; f. total estimated cost (estimates of airfares, accommodation, meals and other costs are to be provided); and g. all requests for recreation leave to be taken in conjunction with the trip.

As a part of the approval process the Premier is furnished with both a draft itinerary and anticipated costs. It is also at the Premier's discretion if the Leader of the Opposition is to be accompanied by their spouse subject to the Premier's agreement that such travel has a 'specific benefit to Queensland'.

On 13 July 2010 the Premier advised me of in-principle support to undertake the Opposition Leader's Study Tour and to be accompanied by my wife and my principal adviser, Jake Smith, subject to more process details closer to the time of travel. Final approval was received on Friday 16th July 2010.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Travel Specifics:

1. Participants: John-Paul Langbroek MP, Leader of the Opposition; Mrs Stacey Langbroek; and Mr Jake Smith, Principal Adviser. Mrs Langbroek partook in all meetings scheduled attended by the Leader of the Opposition (except for a meeting with Tokyo Gas) and, as such, a separate detailed itinerary is not attached to this report.

2. Dates: Depart: 19 July 2010 Return: 1 August, 2010.

3. Destinations: Japan Russia United Kingdom.

4. Flight-plan: Brisbane-Tokyo-Saint Petersburg-Moscow-London-Brisbane.

5. Flights & Accommodation: All international travel was downgraded from First Class (as provided for in the Opposition Leader's Handbook) to Business Class.

Accommodation was booked at exact hotels utilised by the Premier or, in destinations not visited by the Premier, identified those utilised by current Ministers or at cost comparative;

All costs and claims incurred by the Leader and other trip delegates are subject to the final approval and ratification of Ministerial Services Branch (MSB) within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. On the advice of MSB, as at 1 September, 2010, the total cost for all three members of the delegation was $76,812.82.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Clarification:

The Overseas Study Tour undertaken by the Leader of Opposition, followed bipartisan approval of the Premier. In compiling the itinerary and organising deputations, my office formally sought and obtained approval from the Minister for Trade to work with Trade & Investment Queensland officers. For that, I am most appreciative and thank the Minister.

The knowledge, assistance, support and advice of Trade & Investment Queensland was not only invaluable, but also extremely professional and given in the spirit of pursuing outcomes and relationships for Queensland across any otherwise Opposition-Government divides. My office also communicated frankly and professionally with the Premier's Deputy Chief of Staff who is responsible for advising the Premier on issues of Trade. It was with a degree of surprise therefore, that upon my return the Treasurer used the State Parliament to question whether I had "talked up" or "talked down" the Queensland economy:

Andrew Fraser (Treasurer), Hansard, 3'd August 2010: The question for the Leader ofthe Opposition is: while he was there on behalf ofthe taxpayer, what was he doing? Was he talking down the Queensland economy? If he was, he should pay back the money... the question for the Leader ofthe Opposition is: what did you tell all those investors when you met them overseas? Did you talk up the Queensland economy and, therefore, will you pull the deputy leader and the shadow Treasurer into line?... What did you do? Did you talk up the Queensland economy? If you did not, you owe the taxpayers an apology and you owe them a cheque to pay back your trip. If you went over there on behalf ofthe taxpayers and talked down this state, you are unfit to be a leader ofthe opposition in this state.

Today, Queensland is hurtling towards an $85 billion debt; we have lost our AAA credit-rating and are the only mainland state to have done so; and we consistently rank last of all the states in virtually every economic indicator. No matter how much a state economy has been ruined by mismanagement, there is always potential: and that potential comes from renewed confidence, new leadership and new economic management.

While abroad, it is not for me to talk down the obvious economic mismanagement of Queensland under Bligh and Labor, and nor is it for me to falsely talk up the economic mismanagement of Queensland under a Government that has become synonymous with waste, debt and mismanagement. Instead, as Leader of the Opposition, I spoke about how to fix the economy in a great state that could be so much better.

It is important to observe, in this report, the obvious negative impact that occurs to Queensland when the Treasurer is given approval by the Premier to travel abroad as the representative of Queensland's economic potential.

Sending in a Treasurer - known by our trading partners to have presided over record debt, record waste and the stripping of Queensland's always cherished AAA credit-rating - to sell Queensland's economic potential, is akin to sending in the Captain of the Exxon Valdez to talk about protecting the marine environment.

This message was made very clear to me from numerous investors and potential investors and it is pertinent for it to be noted in this report, given the questions raised by the Treasurer in State Parliament, and his personal role in bringing into question Queensland's hitherto relatively unblemished record as a state of secure investment.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 Overseas Study Tour Mission Overview

The aim of this Overseas Study Tour was to build on political, business, cultural and trade relationships with Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom.

The itinerary provided the Leader of the Opposition with the first opportunity in six years to build stronger international relations between the Opposition and with some of Queensland's existing and growing trading partners. It was also the first opportunity in six years for foreign officials, leaders, business and investors to meet with and familiarise themselves with the alterative and the direction, philosophies and policies of Queensland's alternative government.

The Opposition Leader does not travel abroad in any other official capacity (ie. committee business etc) and as such the opportunities to establish genuine relations and display genuine interest in the business and cultural opportunities between Queensland and aboard are limited.

In the event of a change of government, on any side of politics, it is imperative that relations already built not only remain strong, but get stronger; and it is imperative that an incoming government has already displayed genuine and bipartisan interest in the pursuit of business and cultural opportunities.

For the purposes of this Overseas Study tour I identified the three destinations based on:

1. Traditional and future trade, political, governance and 'major events' links - United Kingdom 2. Traditional and future trade, cultural and political links -Japan 3. Growing trade, cultural and political links - Russia

As a general observation it would be remiss if an official report to the Queensland Parliament did not convey the general and widespread concern conveyed to my delegation, from international investors and politicians, surrounding the impact of the Commonwealth Government's proposed taxation on the mining industry and its impacts on the security of Queensland's existing and projected foreign investments.

This is particularly pertinent given the rebuilding of the Queensla nd economy, the retrieval of our once cherished AAA credit rating and the repayment of record debt are seen by the State Opposition as the immediate economic challenges facing Queensland.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Trade & Investment Queensland & the Queensland Agent-General

The assistance provided by Trade & Investment Queensland in the preparation of the itinerary, assisting with contacts and meeting schedules, organisation of meetings, issue-briefings, transportation and on-the-ground assistance and advice was not only invaluable, but it was pivotal to the success of each meeting and to a smooth and faultless overall itinerary.

I thank the Manager of Trade & Investment Queensland Mr Rob Whiddon who, from the outset, provided professional and strategic advice on the opportunities presented for trade, cultural and governance development in each of the destinations.

Also from the Brisbane office of Trade & Investment Queensland I thank Julie Westley, Business Manager - Mission Planning and Coordination, for her assistance with itinerary and travel planning and coordination.

The work of Mr Tak Adachi, Commissioner (Japan), and his team which included Hideki Yamane and Robert Redsell was exceptional and greatly appreciated. The team demonstrated exceptional understanding, appreciation, cultivation and management of government and business relations in Japan.

I also thank the Japanese Consul-General for organising for my delegation to meet with Mr Osamu Fujimura, the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs.

From the London office I thank Queensland's Agent-General, Mr Andrew Craig, for the exceptional work and organisation he undertook on behalf of my delegation and for utilising his extensive network of government and business representatives.

Also from the London office, I express the delegation's thanks to Mr Albert Kello, Business Development Manager, who accompanied us to Russia where he was instrumental in organising meetings and deputations and providing briefings on strategic business and trade opportunities.

The success of Queensland's international relations and pursuit of opportunity depends on people who possess a personal commitment to their job and to the future of our state: that was a commitment in full evidence with each person from Trade & Investment Queensland who assisted my delegation.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Japan

Japan has a special place with the State Opposition given that it was our side of politics that opened Queensland's first trade office there in 1979. All three of Queensland's formal state-prefecture relationships were also signed under LNP governments:

• Queensland and Saitama Prefecture share a Sister State relationship that was established in 1984; • Queensland and Osaka Prefecture signed a Memorandum of Friendship Agreement in 1988; and • Queensland and Ehime Prefecture signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Economic Exchange in 1997.

In addition to the joint commitment Queensland and Japan have to the importance of cultural exchange and friendship in the region, I am also mindful that strong trade and investment relations with Japan are critical if Queensland is to restore its once cherished AAA credit-rating and if we are to repay record debt climbing to $85 billion.

Japan is Queensland's largest trading partner with total trade between the two markets totalling $19.9 billion in 2008-09: Queensland's exports to Japan alone totalled $16.5 billion in that same period.

Traditionally our exports to Japan have been resource based. However new and growing export and investment opportunities exist in new technologies, renewable energy, specialised foods and education exports.

From the Opposition's perspective, we are mindful that many Japanese companies have significant investment and property holdings in Queensland and are keen to ensure that a pro-business and pro-investment philosophy underpins the decision making processes of Members of Parliament.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 MONDAY, 19 JULY, 2010


Public holiday in Japan: all day in flight from Brisbane to Tokyo.

Met at airport by the Commissioner, Mr Tak Adachi, and briefed on forthcoming meetings.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 20 JULY, 2010


Meeting with Mr Osamu Fujimura State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry, Tokyo

Venue: State Secretary's Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Purpose ofmeeting:

• To re-iterate Queensland's valued trade, investment and cultural relationships with Japan;

• To highlight the State Opposition's shared commitment with the State Government to the pursuit of greater trade opportunities;

• To highlight that it was my side of politics in the Queensland State Parliament that pioneered all three state-prefecture agreements and to re-iterate our determination to establish greater cultural exchanges between Japan and Queensland along with the cities and towns of Queensland;

• To highlight that as a part of the 150th anniversary of our State Parliament, the importance of visiting Japan as a part of the Opposition Leader's Official Study Tour as the Japan­ Queensland relationship led that of all other states in Australia;

• To re-iterate and emphasise the close friendship and working relationship I have established with the Consul General for Japan and that it was at his personal invitation and suggestion that I visit Japan as a part of the tour;

• To build on the recent visit by the Speaker of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, Hon. John Mickel MP, and his pursuit for formal parliamentary exchanges between Japan and Queensland to help grow cultural and trade relationships;

• To re-iterate the bipartisan value Queensland places on Japanese investment in Queensland and to re-iterate that it was the vision of my side of politics that established the Queensland Trade Office in Japan and our long term commitment to this office and its' resourcing into the future.

• To impress upon Japan our valued export relationship and the superiority and reliability of Queensland's resource capacity and the quality of agricultural and seafood exports particularly, and the growing potential for education exports.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry expressed:

• Japan's appreciation ofthe strong and long-standing relationships with Queensland;

• Desire to see the to maintain a presence in Japan;

• Japanese Government to see more Australians choosing Japan as an overseas tourism destination as a part of greater cultural exchange and understanding;

• Compliments on the extensive Opposition Leader's travel itinerary for Japan and the allocation of almost half the time allocated for the overseas trip to pursuing and building and relationships with Japan;

• Acknowledgement that I had been to Japan as part of a political delegation prior to entering Parliament and that a return visit as Leader of the Opposition augured well for the future of Japan-Queensland relations;

• Support for greater political exchange between Japan and Queensland and assistance to facilitate such exchanges;

• Appreciation of reliability and quality of Japanese imports from Queensland.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 Tokyo

Meeting with Seishir Eta Vice-Speaker, House ofRepresentatives (national)

Venue: Vice Speaker's Office The House of Representatives 7-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Purpose of meeting (Similar objectives to previous meeting):

• To re-iterate Queensland's valued trade, investment and cultural relationships with Japan;

• To highlight the State Opposition's shared commitment with the State Government to the pursuit of greater trade opportunities;

• To gain a better understanding of the Japanese Parliament and the impartiality requirements of the Speaker and Vice Speaker to ensure healthy democracy;

• Responded to concerns that former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's apparent emphasis on new trade with China should not be mistaken as a dilution of the value or strength of relations between Japan and Queensland/Australia;

• To highlight that it was my side of politics in the Queensland State Parliament that pioneered all three state-prefecture agreements and to re-iterate our determination to establish greater cultural exchanges between Japan and Queensland along with the cities and towns of Queensland;

• To highlight that as a part of the 150th anniversary of our State Parliament, the importance of visiting Japan as a part of the Opposition Leader's Official Study Tour as the Japan-Queensland relationship led that of all other states in Australia;

• To build on the recent visit by the Speaker of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, Hon. John Mickel MP, and his pursuit for formal parliamentary exchanges between Japan and Queensland to help grow cultural and trade relationships;

• To re-iterate the bipartisan value Queensland places on Japanese investment in Queensland and to re-iterate that it was the vision of my side of politics that established the Queensland Trade Office in Japan and our long term commitment to this office and it's resourcing into the future.

• To impress upon Japan our valued export relationship and the superiority and reliability of Queensland's resource capacity and the quality of agricultural and seafood exports particularly, and the growing potential for education exports.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Vice-Speaker of the House of Representatives expressed:

• Thanks and appreciation on behalf of Japan for my choosing to visit Japan as one of three countries on the Overseas Study Tour;

• Interest in the sudden replacement of a Prime Minister without any forewarning;

• An interest in learning from Australia on how to deal with the 'Boat People' migration issue given Japan had experienced similar issues in recent years;

• That a 30% super profits tax on mining profits was a surprising taxation burden;

• Long-standing and genuine cultural and trade relations with Japan not be forgotten with an upturn in Australian interest in China;

• Support to provide assistance to facilitate greater political exchange between Japan and Queensland;

• Appreciation of the Queensland-Saitama sister-state relationship instigated and signed by my side of politics;

• Desire to attract more Australians to make Japan a holiday destination (with a personal desire to build greater sports tourism given his own position as Chairman of a major football team);

• Detailed background on the expectations of a Speaker and Vice Speaker and the safeguards to ensure political neutrality to ensure fair and robust debate.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 20 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Kiyoshi Ueda Governor Saitama Prefectural Government

Venue: Saitama Prefectural Government 3-15-1 Takasago, Urawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

Purpose of meeting:

• Emphasise the value of the Queensland-Saitama sister-prefecture relationship signed in 1984 by my side of politics;

• Acknowledge the value Queensland places on the over 1000 students from Sa itama Prefecture who visit Queensland each year;

• Commit an LNP Government to the support and further pursuit of international exchange with the Saitama Prefecture;

• Champion greater education exchange opportunities with Queensland (and emphasised that my own son was currently learning Japanese as a part of his school's exchange programs with Japan);

• Add support to a recent meeting the Governor had with the Speaker of the Queensland Parliament to establish a Queensland-Japan Parliamentary Association to further trade and cultural exchange opportunities;

• Endorse the value of the Queensland Trade & Investment Office to Japan, originally opened by my side of politics, and to ensure ongoing resourcing;

• Acknowledge that student exchange programs exist with 16 High Schools in Queensland and the importance and appreciation both sides of the Queensland Parliament place on the decision of the Saitama Prefecture to send more teachers to study English at Queensland TAFE colleges;

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 Governor expressed:

• Honor and value Saitama Prefecture places on the sister-state relationship with Queensland;

• Value that Japan places on Queensland hosting the largest number of Japanese language students of any state in Australia;

• Having the honor to meet with Premier Anna Bligh, former Premier Peter Beattie, Speaker John Mickel and now with the Leader of the Opposition; and views such an exchange as highlighting and cementing the long-term goals of both states to future valued relations;

• Appreciation of the efforts of the Speaker of the Queensland Parliament, Hon. John Mickel MP, in facilitating greater exchange and relations between Queensland and Saitama and emphasizes that he had conveyed an invitation for me to visit Saitama through the Speaker and applauds the speed with which such a meeting was organized and the commitment that demonstrates from Queensland;

• Interest in the State Government's 'Smart State' agenda and the opportunities that provides for Saitama including his desire to see more students from Saitama travel to Queensland to expand their education opportunities;

• Hope that an LNP government would continue to support international student exchange between Saitama and Queensland.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader at the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 20 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Kiyoshi Ueda Governor Saitama Prefectural Assembly

Venue: Saitama Prefectural Assembly 3-15-1 Takasago, Urawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

Purpose of meeting (similar to previous meeting):

• Emphasise the value of the Queensland-Saitama sister-prefecture relationship signed in 1984 by my side of politics;

• Acknowledge the value Queensland places on the over 1000 students from Saitama Prefecture who visit Queensland each year;

• Highlight that the Queensland-Saitama sister-state relationship was also critical to underpinning the importance Queensland views Japan as a close regional friend;

• Add support to a recent meeting the Speaker had with the Speaker of the Queensland Parliament to establish a Queensland-Japan Parliamentary Association to further trade and cultural exchange opportunities;

The Speaker expressed:

• Appreciation of my visit and the importance this emphasised on the trade and cultural opportunities between Queensland and Saitama as a part of the sister-state relationship;

• In his capacity as President of the Saitama Tourism Promotion Board had visited Queensland as part of a Parliamentary league for the promotion of tourism between Australia and Japan;

• Reiterated that the majority of international tourists to Saitama are from Korea and Taiwan and is keen to encourage greater tourism exchange with Australia and particularly Queensland;

• Concern at the cancelling of some direct flights between Queensland and Japan and the impact this had on tourism exchange and urged support for re-instatement of flight routes;

• That he had visited and studied agricultural production capacity and technology in Queensland and was keen to pursue opportunities for the application of agricultural science and technology to Japan.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY,20JUlY,2010

Host a networking event for Queensland alumni and/or former Japanese expatriates to Queensland in Trade and Investment Queensland's new office in Japan

Venue: Shiroyama Trust Tower 15F 4-3-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Purpose of Event:

It was a privilege to host this event in the newly established Tokyo office of Trade & Investment Queensland which also facilitates the Tourism Queensland operations.

The Trade Queensland Japan office has previously established an informal group to foster networks among Queensland universities/high school/college/TAFEs alumni/exchange students to encourage further education export with Japanese students.

Trade Queensland Japan is also in the process of setting up another informal group among former Japanese business expatriates to Queensland, to strengthen trade and investment ties with Japanese companies.

In addition to the exceptional work of all staff at the Queensland Office involved in bringing together this function, I think it also important to acknowledge another contribution. As many Members of Parliament appreciate, the work we do on behalf of our state is often greatly enhanced by the commitment of our spouses.

In Japan, and notably at this function, acknowledgment should also be given to the wife of the Commissioner, Mrs Terese Adachi, whose contribution and commitment to the promotion of Queensland and the fostering of stronger Queensland-Japan relations, cannot go without due acknowledgment and thanks.

The purpose of this event was not dissimilar to previous meetings, however it provided a broader audience and a less formal environment to champion the bipartisan commitment from the Opposition and the Government to Japan-Queensland relations at every level. The function provided an opportunity:

• To re-iterate Queensland's valued trade, investment and cultural relationships with Japan;

• To highlight the State Opposition's shared commitment with the State Government to the pursuit of greater trade opportunities;

• To highlight the value we place on the state-prefecture agreements, and the many town-to­ town and city-to-city relationships, that exist between Queensland and Japan; • To highlight that as a part of the 150th anniversary of our State Parliament, the importance of visiting Japan as a part of the Opposition Leader's Official Study Tour as the Japan-Queensland relationship led that of all other states in Australia;

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 • To build on the recent visit by the Speaker of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, Hon. John Mickel MP, and his pursuit for formal parliamentary exchanges between Japan and Queensland to help grow cultural and trade relationships;

• To re-iterate the bipartisan value Queensland places on Japanese investment in Queensland and to re-iterate that it was the vision of my side of politics that established the Queensland Trade Office in Japan and our long term commitment to this office and it's resourcing into the future.

• To impress upon Japan our valued export relationship and the superiority and reliability of Queensland's resource capacity and the quality of agricultural and seafood exports particularly, and the growing potential for education exports.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 VVEDNESDAY,21JULY,2010

Meeting with Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd.

Mr Tomoo (Tony) Okada General Manager Procurement & Trading Gas Resources Department

Mr Yutaka Kunigo Senior Executive Officer, CE of Energy Resources Division

Mr Yasunobu Ohno Manager, Procurement & Trading Gas Resources Department

Mr Kyoichiro Baba Assistant Manager, Procurement & Trading Gas Resources Department

Venue: Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. Hqs. 1-5-20 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Purpose ofmeeting:

• Demonstrate and reiterate bipartisan support and valuing of the confidence Tokyo Gas places in Queensland;

• Acknowledge that Tokyo Gas, the largest gas utility in Japan, recently made significant announcements about their investment in Queensland's LNG industry and is also interested in smart grid and other clean technology opportunities in Queensland;

• An opportunity to receive a briefing on their activities in the growing LNG and clean technology sectors;

• Emphasise the need to invest in meaningful community engagement and transparency on projects and reiterated that I has already had discussions with Tokyo Gas partner, British Gas about 'best practice' community engagement policies;

• Given that a large part of the discussions with Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. related to them providing me with a briefing on their commercial activities and their investment considerations in a competitive environment, I do not think it appropriate (nor do I think it is expected) for me to outline those issues in a publicly released report.

Overseas Study Taur: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 VVEDNESDAY, 21 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Yoshitaro Iwasaki President of Iwasaki Sangyo Co, LTD

Also attended by

Tsukasa Kaieda Director - General Manager, Global Business and Development Team

Mr Matsushita, Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry

Venue: "Ukai Tofu Restaurant" 4-4-13 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Purpose ofmeeting:

This was a wide-ranging meeting providing an opportunity for an exchange on both investment and political issues and the gaining of a better understanding of the workings of State Government in Queensland - this included an explanation on the different powers and responsibilities exercised by State Governments in Australia compared to Prefectural Governments in Japan.

The Iwasaki Sangyo Co. Ltd was the pioneer of investment in the Queensland tourism industry in Japan. The Iwasaki Sangyo Co. Ltd also holds significant holdings in Queensland - particularly in tourism ventures in Central Queensland including Yeppoon's Rydges Capricorn Resort.

One of the purposes of this meeting was to support President Iwasaki, who has strong political contacts in Kyushu, foster greater political friendship between Kyushu elected Japanese politicians and Queensland politicians to further trade, investment and cultural exchange opportunities.

I expressed to Mr Iwasaki the great respect his family has in Queensland - a relationship pioneered by his late Grandfather in the 1970s - and that we respect and value the ongoing commitment of the Iwasaki Sangyo Co. Ltd has to Queensland including its employment of some 300 staff and its generous contribution to cultural exchanges including the establishment of the Japanese Language Education Fund in Queensland and the Iwasaki Sangyo Japanese Travel Bursaries and Achievement Awards Program.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 THURSDAY, 22 JULY, 2010

Visit Settsu City in Osaka Prefecture Meeting with Mr. Kazumasa Moriyama, Mayor of Settsu City & Saburo Shimomura, Chairman Settsu Association for International Exchanges

Venue: Settsu Mayor's Office and City facilities 1-1-1 Mishima, Settsu City

Purpose a/meeting:

Acknowledge that Settsu City has adopted the Pathways Educational program from the University of Queensland at a public childcare centre;

Express the value in Settsu City having a sister city agreement with Bundaberg;

Emphasise that the program adopted by Settsu City, and its work with Trade Queensland Japan, is part of a broader plan to also roll-out further Queensland programs in the Japanese children's market.

The meeting with the Mayor was followed by a visit to a child care facility where the Queensland program is adopted;

At the childcare centre we met with the Director of Pathways Japan, Dr Yuki Matsumoto PhD in Psychology and Research Fellow, Centre for Education and Research on the science of Preventive Education, Naruto University of Education.

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Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 THURSDAY, 22 JULY, 2010

Courtesy call on Vice Governor of Osaka Mr Shinsaku Kimura

Venue: Vice Governor's Office Osaka Prefectural Government 2 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka

Purpose of meeting:

• To emphasise the importance and value the State Opposition and State Government place on trade, investment and cultural exchange opportunities with Osaka;

• To highlight that it was my side of politics that pioneered relations with Osaka through the signing of the sister state-prefecture relationship with Osaka in 1988

• Endorse the value of the Queensland Trade & Investment Office to Japan, originally opened by my side of politics, and to ensure ongoing resourcing;

• To re-iterate the bipartisan value Queensland places on Japanese investment in Queensland and to re-iterate that it was the vision of my side of politics that established the Queensland Trade Office in Japan and our long term commitment to this office and it's resourcing into the future.

• To impress upon Japan our valued export relationship and the superiority and reliability of Queensland's resource capacity and the quality of agricultural and seafood exports particularly, and the growing potential for education exports.

The Vice Governor:

• Acknowledged the importance of a State opposition Leader personally visiting Osaka an emphasising the importance with which Queensland viewed relations in a long-term bipartisan manner;

• Reiterated Osaka's long-term friendship and long-term commitment to Queensland;

• Expressed a desire to encourage more tourism between Osaka and Queensland;

• Expressed concern at the closure of some flight routes between Japan and Queensland and asked all effort be applied to their re-opening.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 Russia

The State Opposition believes that Russia, combined with many Eastern European nations, provides great trade and investment opportunities for Queensland now, and into the future. Russia offers enormous export opportunities not just for agricultural and mining products, but also for technologies, expertise and agribusiness.

As Russia is the largest food importer in the world and the largest meat importer ion the world, the opportunities for Queensland are boundless if trade, investment and cultural opportunities are developed.

With strategic representation, Queensland can also take advantage of an unprecedented boom in infrastructure investment in Russia in roads, rail, aviation, shipping, recycling and urban development.

The State Opposition is aware that the State Government has demonstrated Queensland's commitment to building strong long-term trade, investment and cultural ties with Russia highlighted through personal visits from the Premier, the Deputy Premier and the former Premier. It is hoped that the first ever visit by the State's Opposition Leader is a clear demonstration that development of long-term relations with Russia is both a very genuine and bipartisan desire of Queensland.

The State Opposition also views Russia as a significant source of inspiration and ideas for art and cultural tourism which I have an additional interest in, given that I am also Shadow Minister for the Arts.

It was timely to visit Russia in 2010 and to meet with industry and government representatives given that, in 2007, the State Government announced The Queensland Russia: Towards 2010 strategy, with the stated goals of:

Partnership in innovation to advance research and technological collaboration with Russian partners in global navigation satellite systems technologies, mining and energy related technologies including mine land rehabilitation and agricultural

technologies including livestock traceability, Regional Russia to promote Queensland as a partner of choice and investment and study destination with regional partners in Russia, Joint programs are being developed for research-based conferences and seminars in areas such as environmental

management and sustainable development.

Trade and Investment Growth Plan to diversify the range of services and goods being exported to Russia and increase the number of Queensland firms doing business there,

Russia is a market of over 140 million people and is making a rapid recovery from the GFC: in 2010 economic growth is expected to be at 5% while growth in trade specifically surged by 47% in the first five months of 2010.

The State Opposition shares the State Government's determination to also re-open Kangaroo meat exports to Russia and to build on the significant advances, and tap into the significant opportunities, already made or identified by Queensland in the pursuit of mining exports, red meat exports and livestock export and livestock management skills.

As State Opposition Leader I also gave bipartisan endorsement to the pending visit to Russia by Queensland's Minister for Primary Industries and view this as a valued and major step towards N N cementing Queensland's credentials and genuine long-term pursuit in working with Russia for OJ b..O agricultural advancement. (1j 0..

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 FRIDAY, 23 JULY, 2010

All day in flight

Tokyo-Helsinki-Saint Petersburg

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 SATURDAY, 24 JULY, 2010

Saint Petersburg


Meeting with Natalia Kolomiets, Head of Hermitage Museum, Foreign Relations Department followed by tour of Hermitage collection. Accompanied by Ekaterina Kolesnik, Office of the Hon Counsel Sebastian Fitzlyon

Purpose ofmeeting and tour:

• The purpose of this meeting and tour was in my capacity both as Leader of the Opposition and as Shadow Minister for the Arts;

• Russia is one of the world's leaders in Arts and Cultural tourism and also home to some of the world's most valuable art and cultural collections which are highly sought after for tour in foreign countries;

• Along with the State Government, the State Opposition has identified Russia as a long-term trading and cultural exchange partner with new and significant opportunities for both Queensland and Russia;

• One of the goals of this trip was to add value and build on the previous visit of the Premier and her Director-General, in 2009, and her commitment on behalf of Queenslanders to expanding cultural and art exchange between Russia and Queensland;

• This was an opportunity to demonstrate the bipartisan commitment of the Queensland Parliament to pursuing cultural and art exchange and to share the Premier's previously stated desire to pursue greater relations between the Hermitage and Queensland;

• The meetings and tour provided an opportunity to learn more about international exchange; protocols surrounding international tours of the collections; partnerships with international galleries and museums; organisation and capacity to meet mass volume visitations to collections; collection maintenance and security; school-focused education programs;

• Founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great (EIIL and open to the public from the 1850s, the Hermitage Museum holds one of the oldest and most sought after collections in the world;

• Noted that, as a part of the Hermitage Foreign relations department, the Queensland Premier herself had partaken in video footage of the Hermitage as a part of that museum's program to highlight international cooperation and exchange.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 SUNDAY, 25 JULY, 2010

Saint Petersburg


• Meeting with Mr Albert Kello (Business Development Director, Queensland Government Office, London) for briefing on trade and cultural issues for forthcoming meetings.

• Overviews contained elsewhere in report.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 MONDAY, 26JULY, 2010

Meeting at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

Mr Igor Maximtsev, Rector Professor Leonid Tarasevich, President Elena Tarasenko, Head of International Cooperation Department Tatyana Kuzmina, Centre for Intercultural Communication

Purpose ofmeeting:

• Highlight that the State Opposition shares the State Government's commitment to greater educational ties between Russia and Queensland;

• Noted that Saint Petersburg City and Queensland share roughly the same size populations;

• Welcomed and promoted the recent signing of the Agreement of Cooperation between the University of Queensland and the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

• Promote educational exchanges with Queensland universities, particularly based on mining, given that Saint Petersburg is identified as Russia's mining-based corporate capital. The educational and exchange opportunities in this field are enormous and of great benefit to Russia and Queensland jointly;

• Highlighted the friendship that exists between Saint Petersburg and Australia as a result of the Sister-City relationship with Melbourne;

The Rector:

• Expressed thanks to the Leader of the Opposition for choosing to visit the University and demonstrating a commitment to education exchange;

• Highlighted that the University had relations with 110 universities across the world and was keen to grow its' exchange and dialogue programs across Australia;

• Highlighted that the university demonstrated its commitment to international exchange and development by being the only university that requires students to undertake four years of foreign language training - double the mandated minimum of two years for other universities;

• The University's standing as being ranked NO.1 by the Ministry of Higher Education;

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 MONDAY, 26 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Ignor Lonsky Deputy Chairman Saint Petersburg Government Committee of External relations

Venue: Smolny, St Petersburg

Purpose of meeting:

• Highlight the bipartisan commitment to establishing stronger relations between Queensland and Russia;

• Noted that Saint Petersburg City and Queensland share roughly the same size populations;

• Welcomed and promoted the recent signing of the Agreement of Cooperation between the University of Queensland and the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance;

• Promoted the enormous opportunities for art and cultural exchange between Queensland and Saint Petersburg;

• Highlighted the strength of Queensland's capacity to deliver on mining and agricultural expertise and exports;

• Highlighted that Queensland's mining industry and mining technology is a world leader in carrying out mining activity with minimal environmental damage;

• Promoted relations at a city-to-city level between Saint Petersburg and Brisbane; and advised I was happy to assist in any liaison;

Deputy Chairman:

• Expressed the determination of the Saint Petersburg government to expand relations with Australia;

• Highlighted the great interest Saint Petersburg Government and industry has in the potential to work with educational institutions which focus on mining;

• Observed that Saint Petersburg had been the corporate mining capital of Russia since the Tsarist era;

• Would welcome greater assistance in bringing about greater cooperation between education institutions in Saint Petersburg and Queensland;

Overseas Study Tour: Leoder of the Opposition, 2010 MONDAY, 26 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Vladimir Kolesnikow Chairman, External Economic and Inter-regional Relations Committee;

Alia Vinnik, Deputy Director of Leningrad Chamber of Commerce.

Venue: Leningrad Region Government Offices Smolny, 67 Suvorovsky

Purpose of meeting:

• Highlight the bipartisan commitment to establishing stronger relations between Queensland and Russia;

• Noted that the Premier had visited with the Governor of the Leningrad Region and I hoped that the visit by the Leader of the Opposition underlined the bipartisan and very strong commitment of Queensland to pursuing trade and investment opportunities with the Leningrad Region;

• Noted the enormous economic reliance of the Leningrad Region on the mining industry;

• Promoted the enormous opportunities for art and cultural exchange between Queensland and the Leningrad Region;

• Championed the strength of Queensland's capacity to deliver on mining and agricultural expertise and exports;

• Highlighted that Queensland's mining industry and mining technology is a world leader in carrying out mining activity with minimal environmental damage.

The Chairman:

• Welcomed a visit by the Leader of the Opposition and said, coming so shortly after the Premier had visited, demonstrated great commitment on behalf of Queensland to pursuing strong relations between Leningrad region and Queensland;

• Advocated the desire of Leningrad region to jointly pursue many projects particularly in mining and education and tourism;

• Expressed interest in the development of better cruise ship tourism and highlighted that Saint Petersburg was home to five cruise ship terminals;

• Wants to pursue direct connections with people involved in the Arts in Queensland and Saint Petersburg. co N Q) bJ) PM Flight: Moscow to Saint Petersburg ro P-.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 27 JULY. 2010

Meeting with Mr Dan Tebbutt, Senior Trade Commissioner, Austrade.

Venue: National Hotel, Moscow

This meeting was an opportunity for Aus trade to:

• Provide me and my delegation with an overview of the trade and investment potential between Australia and Russia and the opportunities provided by a market of over 140 million that stretches from Europe to Asia;

• Brief me on the work and programs of Austrade in facilitating trade and industry dialogue between Russia and Australia;

• Update my delegation on Queensland companies currently trading with, or expressing an interest in trading with, Russia;

• Bring to my attention Queensland companies as examples of 'model companies' engaging in best business practice with Russia;

• Highlight the enormous potential particularly in the areas of red-meat, livestock, mining, natural gas and oil technologies (emphasised the level of untapped oil and gas reserves in Russia);

• Highlight Russia's desire to pursue underground coal gasification technologies and investment;

• Highlight Russia's enthusiasm to embrace energy efficient technologies given the country has amongst the worst levels of energy inefficiency in the world;

• Highlighted the enormous potential of an economy that is making a quick recovery from the GFC and already experiencing 5% economic growth in 2010;

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 27JULY, 2010

Meeting with Her Excellency Ms Margaret Twomey Australian Ambassador to Russia

Venue: Hotel National

This meeting was an opportunityfor Her Excellency to:

• Provide me and my delegation with an overview of the trade and investment potential not just with Russia, but with the growing markets in neighbouring eastern European and Central Asian countries;

• Update me on political developments in Russia and possible impacts on trade and investment opportunities;

• Give an overview of the services and assistance provided by the Australian Embassy;

• Update me on political developments and economic impacts in Central Asia and the role Australia plays in humanitarian efforts in parts of this region;

• Brief me on Russia's quick recovery from the GFC and the surge in trade opportunities;

• Highlight the enormous potential for cultural exchange between Australia and Russia;

• Highlight the determination of Russia to 'shake-off' any stereo-typical international perceptions that may remain from the Cold War;

• Emphasise the importance of Russia as Australia's fourth largest market for our beef and the opportunities for that market share to grow further with changes to Russia's beef quota system as it applies to Australia;

• Emphasise the opportunities for Queensland in the Russian market given Russia is the largest food importer in the world and largest meat importer in the world.

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Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 27 JULY, 2010

Meetings with Moscow City Government

Vladimir Lebedev, Deputy Head of Department for External Economic and International Relations, Moscow City Government. Anatoly Pivovarov, Head of Division (Balkans, Asia, Africa and Australia) (Note: Mr Patrick Farley, Second Secretary (Political/Economic, Australian Embassy, Moscow was also in attendance.

Venue: 13 Tverskaya Ulitsa, Moscow

The purpose o/this meeting was to:

• Highlight the strong bipartisan commitment both the State Opposition and State Government have with pursuing greater trade, investment and cultural relationships with Russia and Moscow particularly;

• Demonstrate, coming so soon after a similar visit by the Premier, that a visit by the Leader of the Opposition highlighted the genuine long-term view Queensland has of growing our relationships with Russia;

• Demonstrate cross-political support for the recent renewal of the Protocol of Cooperation between Queensland and the Moscow City Government

• Recognises the role the Moscow City Government has in maintaining the supply and regulating the price of meat and the enormous opportunities this brings for closer trade opportunities between Queensland and Moscow;

• Recognise the importance Moscow City Government has placed on the pursuit of Australian agricultural science and cattle breeding stocks and to promote the expertise of Queensland in this field;

• Emphasise that a future LNP government would increase funding for research in agriculture and the importance of this to Moscow which has a stand-alone Ministry for Food Supplies with particular interest in food security;

• Gives bipartisan support for a pending visit to Moscow by Queensland's Minister for Primary Industries (and receive an invitation for the Shadow Minister to also accompany the Minister);

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 Deputy Head of Department observed:

• Moscow City Government sees relations with Queensland as both strategic and long-term;

• Moscow City Government is looking forward to a pending visit by Queensland's Minister for Primary Industries and also issues an invitation for the Shadow Minister to accompany the Minister in the same spirit with which the State Opposition Leader has visited Moscow so shortly after the Premier;

• Food Security is a priority issue for the Moscow City Government and emphasises great interest in Queensland's agricultural technology, breeding stocks and red meat supplies.

• The importance of a standalone Ministry for Food Supplies and the role the Moscow Government has in ensuring reliable supplies;

• Appreciation that the Premier, former Premier and now Opposition Leader have all made direct visits to meet with the Moscow City Government.

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Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 27 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Damian Secen Managing Director, Head of Russia and the CIS, Macquarie Capital CIS Holdings Pty Ltd.

Venue: Hotel National

• This meeting was an opportunity for Mr Secen to brief my delegation on investment opportunities in Russia and the goals and opportunities the Macquarie Bank in partnership with the Renaissance Group sees in Russia.

• The Russian office is staffed by ten people who received additional support from offices in London and Korea

• Mr Secen emphasised that potential Australian investors benefitted from a good name and goodwill in Russia

• He emphasised that Russia also offered a stable political environment which had leant weight to the decision to establish a Moscow office.

• Mr Secen briefed the delegation on the specifics of some of the investments being pursued by Macquarie Bank in Australia.

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Overseas Study Tour: Leader ofthe Opposition, 2010 TUESDAY, 27 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Scott Cameron, Partner, Norton Rose

Venue: Meeting Room, Ground Floor, National Hotel (followed by dinner)

Purpose ofmeeting:

• This meeting was an opportunity for Mr Cameron to brief my delegation on investment opportunities in Russia and the strategic vision of Norton Rose in Russia;

• As a Queenslander himself, Mr Cameron was able to specifically identify issues and areas of interest to the Queensland market and Queensland investors;

• Norton Rose was the first UK based law firm to establish a Moscow office in 1991 and is well versed on opportunities in the Russian market particularly in the areas of infrastructure, property, mining, gas and oil industries along with agribusiness and telecommunications technology.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 VVEDNESDAY, 28JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Samvel Makaryan Vice-Chairman, Russian Academy of Business

Venue: National Hotel, Moscow

• This meeting provided an opportunity for Mr Makaryan to brief my delegation on business opportunities between Russia and Queensland;

• Mr Makaryan has extensive personal interest in, and a personal connection to, Queensland;

• This meeting explored the opportunities for Queensland business particularly those involved with agriculture, agribusiness, mining and education.

• This meeting explored the opportunities provided in the rapidly growing Russian market which in already experiencing 5% economic growth in 2010 - so soon after the GFC.

• Mr Makaryan emphasised that a visit by the Premier and now the Leader of the Opposition had highlighted the seriousness with which Queensland views greater trade, investment and cultural links with Russia.

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Overseas Study Tour: Leoder of the Opposition, 2010 WEDNESDAY, 28 JULY, 2010

Meeting with students and academics involved with the exchange program with University of Queensland.

Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Svetlana Ter-Minasova & students of the Australia Club.

Venue: Moscow State University

The purpose ofthis meeting was to:

• Highlight and celebrate the growing student exchange relationships between Russia and Queensland;

• Champion the role and dedication of the University of Queensland in pursuing student exchanges;

• Promote Queensland as a world class and most liveable destination for tertiary education;

• Promote cultural links between Queensland and Moscow through the student-based Australia Club at the Moscow University;

• Emphasise bipartisan commitment to education and cultural exchange in recognition that the current Premier, current deputy premier and now the Leader of the Opposition had all visited the Australia Club at the Moscow University;

• To display bipartisan support for the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the University of Queensland (Faculty of Arts) and the Moscow State University (Faculty of Foreign Languages);

• To meet with and promote the success of Nadia Kolesnik (Moscow University PHD student) who had recently completed a one-semester scholarship at the University of Queensland.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, of course, represents Australia's and Queensland's oldest trading partner with total Australian exports to the UK valued at over $9 billion.

However, the importance of the United Kingdom to Queensland is magnified by the fact it is home of the principles of governance, of Westminster democracy and of the values embraced by a modern Australia.

An important focus of this Overseas Study Tour was the site of the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics to be held in London. Trade & Investment Queensland:

"is reviewing major events in Europe to see what opportunities they offer to Queensland businesses. For example, the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics in London and the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014 present export opportunities in infrastructure and sports training."

The importance of this project to Queensland lies beyond the immediate investment and infrastructure opportunities presented by the Olympic Games themselves. The site represents a model for 'ahead a/time and under budget' infrastructure: a concept which has largely eluded the Queensland Government for over a decade.

The Olympic Games site and management also presents models and concepts for sports tourism, major events tourism, industrial land transformation, 'legacy' (usage of buildings and demounting buildings after the event) and eco-friendly design and construction.

London was also incorporated into the itinerary to study the Community Engagement programs of the Houses of Parliament: it is a matter of record that the State Opposition has consistently called for a return to the Westminster values and principles of democracy and has championed greater public awareness and interaction with our democratic institutions.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 THURSDAY, 29 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Agent-General & staff at Queensland House

Venue: Queensland House, 392 Strand, London

The purpose of meeting:

• Receive an extensive briefing from the Agent-General on economic and trade opportunities for Queensland in the United Kingdom, Russia and mainland Europe;

• Meet with staff from Queensland House and receive briefing on individual responsibilities and duties;

• Briefing on the services Queensland House provides Queensland businesses wanting to access, or expanding their access, to UK and European markets;

• Briefing on Tourism Queensland operations in the United Kingdom including growth in opportunities for Eco-Tourism, outback Tourism and Cultural tourism;

• Discussion on impacts on trade of the recent change on Government and any impacts on investor certainty resulting from a hung parliament;

•I re-iterated the importance with which the LNP views the unique status of our state having a specially designated and recognised Agent-General that has existed since 1868;

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 THURSDAY, 29 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Stephen Parish Group Chairman Norton Rose

Venue: Norton Rose, 3 More London Riverside

Purpose of meeting:

• Opportunity for Mr Parish to brief my delegation on the recent merger of Norton Rose Group with Deacons Australia;

• Briefing on the two-way business opportunities that exist between Australia and the United Kingdom;

• Briefing on the Norton Rose group's goals and objectives as a result of the merger;

• Briefing on the opportunities the Norton Rose group sees in Australia - generated domestically and within the Asia-Pacific region;

• Briefing on United Kingdom's economic status and political climate and impacts on trade and investment opportunities with Australia;

• The client base of Norton Rose is predominately Government bodies, financial institutions and international corporations.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 THURSDAY, 29 JULY, 2010

Meeting with Mr Jeremy Sinclair, M&C Saatchi

Venue: 36 Golden Square, London WlF gEE.

Purpose ofmeeting:

Given the LNPs commitment to cleaning-up government in Queensland as outlined in our Blue paper and our commitment to truth in Political Advertising laws, as evidenced by our Private Members Bill currently before the State Parliament, I had discussions with M&C Saatchi on the importance of Truth in Political Advertising laws and the success with which it adopted open and honest advertising campaigns in the recent general elections in Britain. It is important for Queensland voters that they are never again subjected to the lies told by this government about privatisation, jobs growth, fuel tax and electricity prices.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 FRIDAY, 30 JULY, 2010

Subsequent Meeting with Agent-General

Venue: Queensland House, 392 Strand, London

Purpose ofsubsequent meeting with Agent-General:

• Receive an extensive briefing on opportunities provided by the 2012 Olympic Games in London;

• Briefing on potential for Queensland Businesses from the 2012 Olympic Games and post­ Games opportunities;

• Meet with John Midew, Senior Trade Commissioner Austrade, on the pursuit of trade and investment opportunities in Russia and the United Kingdom;

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 FRIDAY, 30 JULY, 2010

Tour of the Palace of Westminster, Houses of Parliament & Discussion with Commonwealth Parliamentary Association pertaining to Community Engagement programs

Venue: Houses of Parliament, Palace of Westminster

• The purpose of this tour was to study the Houses of Parliament and to better acquaint with various Community Engagement programs aimed at bringing democracy closer to the community and highlighting its relevance to all constituents;

•I will raise issues, resulting from this tour, separately with the Speaker of the Queensland Parliament including:

o Greater community access to meet their MP while Parliament is in session; o Long-term investment in preserving and publicising the achievements and history of Parliament; o Greater historical recognition in public areas of MPs who made notable milestones: ie. first female MP/Minister/Party Leader etc which can be extended to Queensland to also include greater recognition of indigenous milestones in our State Parliament; o Interactive student based facilities; o Establishment of art and cultural funds to help preserve the history and generate new works for the enjoyment and appreciation of the public.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader of the Opposition, 2010 FRIDAY, 30 JULY, 2010

Briefing and tour of Olympic Games 2012 site. Alison Nimmo, Director of Design and Regeneration, ODA

Venue: 1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf

Purpose ofmeeting and visit:

The London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics is a $20 billion project of which about $9 billion has been earmarked for the construction of venues.

Responsibility and delivery of construction is through the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) which is a government organisation.

Currently, the ODA's monthly spend is 130 million pounds.

There exists enormous opportunity for Queensland suppliers of resources and services­ opportunities magnified for those involved in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. With Queensland also finalising a bid for the Gold Coast to host the Commonwealth Games, the Olympic Park in London provides an opportunity to learn from the world-leading green credentials:

• An abandoned and toxic industrial site has given way to the planting of more than 4,000 trees, 74000 plants and another 360,000 other forms of vegetations including bulbs and wetland plants; • More than 200 mainly dilapidated buildings have been demolished and over 20 million gallons of contaminated ground water has been treated which has led to the creation of wildlife and bird habitats in the precinct; • Recycling is a major component of the design of facilities - the roof trusses of the Olympic stadium made from disused gas pipes; building foundations from recycled landfill; natural ventilation in facilities such as the Velodrome; capturing of rainwater for irrigation and toilet facilities; • Approved suppliers of goods required to meet environmental standards ie. low-carbon concrete; and • Biomass boilers to supply energy to the Olympic Park.

Importantly, for the Queensland Government to learn from, the London 2012 Olympic park also represents a major infrastructure project being delivered ahead of time and under budget.

Overseas Study Tour: Leader oj the Opposition, 2010 OVERSEAS PROGRAMME



Time in bold indicates local time

Time Differences

Tokyo I hour behind Brisbane Helsinki 7 hours behind Brisbane Russia 6 hours behind Brisbane London 9 hours behind Brisbane Singapore 2 hours behind Brisbane

MONDAY, 19 JULY, 2010 PLEASE NOTE: This day is a Public Holiday in Japan

8,45am Depart Brisbane Airport Terminal I on QF 389 for Tokyo (flying time 9 hours 20 minutes)

5.05pm Arrive Tokyo Narita Airport Terminal 2 Met by Mr Tak Adachi, Queensland Commissioner, Japan (after customs)

Transfer to the hotel. A briefing will be provided on the way to the hotel Car: Arranged through Imperial Hotel Hire Car

Overnight: Imperial Hotel Tokyo 1-1-1, Uchisaiwai-cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8558 Ph: 0011 81-3-3504-1111 Fax: 001581-3-3581-9146

Page 1 All day Tokyo/SaitamalTokyo

Note: Mr Tak Adachi, Queensland Government Trade and Investment Commissioner, Japan will accompany you to all meetings in Japan

9:40am Depart Imperial Hotel for Ministry ofForeign Affairs by car 10.40am

lO:OOam -lO:30am Meeting with Mr Osamu Fujimura, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo

Venue: State Secretary's Office Ministry ofForeign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tel: +81-3-3580-3311

Interpreter: Ms. Karen Suzuki (Mobile: +80-1283-2746) She will meet the Queensland delegation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11.OOam-ll:30am Meeting with Vice-Speaker, House of Representatives, Mr. Seishir Eto at Vice-Speaker's office in the House of Representatives Bldg.

Venue: Vice Speaker's Office The House of Representatives 1-7-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tel: +81-3-3581-5111

Interpreter: Ms. Karen Suzuki (Mobile: +80-1283-2746) She will meet the Queensland delegation at the Vice Speaker's Office.

Lunch Own anangements

pm Travel to Saitama by car

l.OOpm - 1.30pm Meeting with Mr. Kiyoshi Ueda, Governor of Saitama Prefecture

Venue: Governor's Office Saitama Prefectural Government 3-15-1 Takasago, Urawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

Page 2 1:30pm - 2.00pm Meeting with Mr Itsuo Koyano, Chainnan of Saitama Prefectural Assembly

Venue: Chairman's Office Saitama Prefectural Assembly 3-15-1 Takasago, Urawa-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

2.00pm - 2.30pm Tour ofSaitama Assembly Hall

Contact: Ms. Ogawa, International Division, Saitama Prefectural Government +81-48-830-2713

Interpreter in Saitama: Ms. Karen Suzuki

2.30pm Further meeting with Mr Itsuo Koyana, Chairman of Saitama Prefectural Assembly

Travel to Tokyo by car Car: Arranged through Imperial Hotel Hire Car travel time: Ih 30mins

6.00pm - 8.00pm

Host a networking event for Queensland alumni and/or former Japanese expatriates to Queensland in Trade and Invest Queensland's new office in Japan

• Trade Queensland Japan office set up an informal group to foster networks among Queensland universities/high school/college/TAFEs alumni/exchange students to encourage further education export with Japanese students.

• Trade Queensland Japan is also in the process of setting up another informal group among former Japanese business expatriates to Queensland, to strengthen trade and investment ties with Japanese companies, such as Mitsui Itochu and Marubeni. The Opposition Leader can initiate the launch of this new executive group in Japan.

Venue: Shiroyama Trust Tower ISF 4-3-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel: +81-3-6841-0595

Overnight: Imperial Hotel Tokyo 1-1, Uchisaiwai-cho l-Chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8558 Ph: 0011 81-3-3504-1111 Fax: 001581-3-3581-9146 Page 3 All day TokyolKyoto

By lOam Check out of the hotel

11.00am -12noon Meeting with the Managing Director, Tokyo Gas

Interpreter: Ms. Karen Suzuki

Venue: Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. Hqs. 1-5-20 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel of Mr. Okada, General Manager; +81-3-5400-7667

NB. Mrs Langbroek was not present at this meeting

12.15pm - 2.00pm Meeting with Mr Iwasaki, President of Iwasaki Group and invited guests from the Japanese Assembly including Mr Matsushita, Vice Minister ofEconomy, Trade and Industry.

Venue: "Ukai Tofu Restaurant"-(Arranged) 4-4-13 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel: +81-3-3436-1028

2.30pm Travel to Kyoto by bullet train Travel time: 2h 30mins

5.00pm Arrive at Kyoto Car in Kyoto and Osaka: Arranged through Westin Miyako Hotel 6.00 pm 7:00pm Visit historical places in Kyoto to study the Japanese history after checking in Westin Miyako Hotel. Accompanied by Mr Tak Adachi, Queensland Government Trade & Investment Commissioner, Japan

Overnight Kyoto: Westin Miyako Hotel Keage Sanjo Higashiyamaku Kyoto 605-0052 Ph: 81 75771 7111 Fax: 81 75 771 7704 pm Overnight Kyoto

am Depart Westin Miyako Hotel for Settsu City (approx. 30 mins by car) - Settu City is located between Kyoto and Osaka cities Car in Kyoto and Osaka: Arranged through Westin Miyako Hotel Mr Tak Adachi, Queensland Government Trade & Investment Commissioner, Japan

Page 4 10.00am-ll:30am Visit Settsu City in Osaka Prefecture - a courtesy call on Mr. Kazumasa Moriyama, Mayor ofSettsu City and to see the roll-out of Queensland children's education system, Pathways, at a Japanese childcare centre.

Venue: Settsu Mayor's Office and City facilities 1-1-1 Mishima, Settsu City

10:00am - 10:20am Courtesy call on Mayor ofSettsu (Mr. Kazumasa Moriyama)

10:30am - 11 :30am Visit Settsu City Childcare Support Center (pre-school) Inspection of children's activities in "Fan Friends Program"

• Settsu City has a sister city agreement with Bundaberg (concluded in 1998) and is the first Japanese city government to adopt Pathways' educational program from the University of Queensland at a public childcare centre. • Trade Queensland Japan has been working with Pathways in its roll out in the Japanese children's market. Visiting a child care facility where the Queensland program is adopted would help promote this educational program. • The Director of Pathways Japan, Dr Yuki Matsumoto PhD in Psychology and Research Fellow, Centre for Education and Research on the science of Preventive Education, Naruto University ofEducation will also attend. Arranged: Ms. Sachiko Inamura, Director, Children Nurture Division, Health and Welfare Department, Settsu City Government Tel: +81-6-6383-1980 E-mail: [email protected]

Interpreter: Ms. Keiko Hashimoto (Mobile: +81-90-4309-9486) She will meet the Queensland delegation at Settsu City Hall Depart Settsu City for Osaka City Car in Osaka: Arranged through Westin Miyako Hotel Travel time: 30mins approx by car

Lunch Own arrangements

1.30pm-2.00pm Meeting with Vice Governor of Osaka, Mr Shinsaku Kimura (Governor Hashimoto not available)

Venue: Vice Governor's Office Osaka Prefectural Government 2 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka Tel of International Division: +81-6-6944-7534

By 3.00pm Depart Shin Osaka Station for Tokyo by bullet train

Page 5 By 4.00pm Travel time: (within 2.5 hours) Car: Arranged through Imperial Hotel Hire Car

By 6.00pm Check in at Imperial Hotel Overnight: Imperial Hotel Tokyo 1-1, Uchisaiwai-cho 1-Chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8558 Ph: 0011 81-3-3504-1111 Fax: 001581-3-3581-9146

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7.00 am Depart hotel for the airport by car Car arranged through the Imperial Hotel Accompanied to the airport by Mr Tak Adachi, Queensland Government Trade and Investment Commissioner, Japan

9.00 am Check in at airport

11.00am Depart Tokyo Narita Airport Terminal 2 Finnair Flight AY74 for Helsinki (flying time 10 hours 20 minutes)

3.20pm Arrive Helsinki Vantaa Airport Terminal 2

7.40pm Depart Helsinki Vantaa Airport Terminal 2 Finnair Flight AY6850 for St Petersburg (flying time 1 hour 5 minutes)

9.45pm Arrive St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport Terminal 2 - met by driver from Grand Hotel Europe (driver holding sign 'Jake Smith') Car BMW730Ld and the price is 3,500 roubles and will be charged to the room. Travel to hotel (approx 30 mins)

Overnight: Grand Hotel Europe Nevsky Prospekt Mikhailovskaya Ulitsa 1/7 191186 St Petersburg Ph: 0011 7-812-329-6000 Fax: 00157-812-329-6001

,,-,-,-.---,,-_.' -- .. '-'--. - .. SATURDAY, 24 JULY, 2010

All day St Petersburg

10.30am - 1.30pm Meet Ekaterina Kolesnik in hotel reception (Ekaterina is from the Office of the Hon Counsel Sebastian Fitzlyon). Accompanied by Ekaterina to the Hermitage;

Meeting with Natalia Kolomiets, Head of Hermitage Museum, Foreign Relations followed by tour ofHermitage collection. Page 6 Overnight: Grand Hotel Europe Nevsky Prospekt Mikhailovskaya Ulitsa 1/7 191186 St Petersburg Ph: 0011 7-812-329-6000 Fax: 00157-812-329-6001

Free Day St Petersburg

6pm Meeting with Mr Albert Kello (Business Development Director, Queensland Government Office, London) for briefing on trade and cultural issues for forthcoming meetings.

Overnight: Grand Hotel Europe Nevsky Prospekt Mikhailovskaya Ulitsa 1/7 191186 St Petersburg Ph: 0011 7-812-329-6000 Fax: 00157-812-329-6001

9.30am -10.00am Meeting at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with Rector, Mr Igor Maximtsev; President, Professor Leonid Tarasevich.

10.00am Travel by car to St Petersburg City Government offices, Smolny

10.30am -10.45am Meeting with Mr Ignor Lonsky, Deputy Chairman Saint Petersburg Government Committee for External Relations

Venue: Smolny, St Petersburg +7(812) 576 7688

10.45am -11.00am

By foot to Leningrad Region Government Offices, Smolny (67 Suvorovsky and about 200metre walk)

11.00am - 11.45am Meeting with Mr Vladimir Kolesnikow, Chairman, External Economic and Inter-regional Relations Committee. Alla Vinnik, Deputy Director of Leningrad Chamber of Commerce will also attend this meeting

11.45am - 12.15pm By car to hotel- checkout.

12.30pm Depart for Airport

Page 7 2.25pm Depart St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport S7 40 for Moscow (flying time 1 hour 30 minutes)

3.55pm Arrive Moscow Domodedovo Airport - met by car and driver (Albert Kello has arranged and the driver will be waiting in arrivals­ depending on traffic the trip can take one and a halfhours)

5.15pm Check-in Hotel

Overnight: The Hotel National 15/1, Mokhovaya Ulitsa Moscow 125009 Ph: 0011 7-495-258-7000 Fax: 00157-495-258-7100

__ TUESDAY,27JULY,2010

All day Moscow

8.30am - 9.30am 2.30pm - 3.30pm Breakfast meeting with Mr Dan Tebbutt, Senior Trade Commissioner, Austrade. Overview of Australian trade with Russia and opportunities for growth

Venue: Hotel National

9.30am -10.30am Meeting with Her Excellency Ms Margaret Twomey, Australian Ambassador to Russia

Venue: Hotel National

10.45am Travel to Moscow City Government Offices by car (7 minute walk but ifraining can take a car from Hotel Reception)

11.00am - 12 noon Meeting with Vladimir Lebedev, Deputy Head of Department for External Economic and International Relations, Moscow City Government. Mr Lebedev is our prime contact with the MCG and has visited Brisbane on a number ofoccasions. (confirmed)

Note: Mr Patrick Farley, Second Secretary (politicallEconomic, Australian Embassy, Moscow was also in attendance.

Venue: 13 Tverskaya Ulitsa, Moscow

12.30pm - 1.30pm

Lunch meeting with Mr Damian Secen, Managing Director, Head of Russia and the CIS, Macquarie Capital CIS Holdings Pty Ltd.

2pm Tour ofKremlin Page 8 4.30pm Meeting with Mr Scott Cameron, Partner, Norton Rose

Venue: Meeting Room, Ground Floor, National Hotel

Dinner With Mr and Mrs Scott Cameron, Norton Rose and Mr Albert Kello.

Overnight: The Hotel National 15/1, Mokhovaya Ulitsa Moscow 125009 Ph: 0011 7-495-258-7000 Fax: 00157-495-258-7100

WEDNESDAY, 28 JULY, 2010 .

9.30am - 10:30am Meeting with Mr Samvel Makaryan, Vice-Chairman, Russian Academy ofBusiness

Venue: Meeting Room, Ground Floor, National Hotel

10.30am -11.00am Travel to Moscow State University by car

11.00am -1:15pm Meeting with students and academics involved with the exchange program with University of Queensland.

Meeting with the Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Svetlana Ter-Minasova, Moscow State University

Speech to students ofthe Moscow University Australia Club;

1.15pm -1:45pm By car to hotel- check out and collect luggage

2.00pm Depart Hotel for airport

3:15pm Check-in

5.15pm Depart Moscow Domodedovo Airport British Airways BA873 for London (flying time 4 hours and 5 minutes)

6.20pm Arrive London Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 - met by Andrew Craig, Agent-General

Travel to the hotel by car

Overnight: St James Hotel and Club Page 9 7-8 Park Place London SWIA lLS Ph: 0011 44-20-7316 1600 Fax: 001544-20-7316 1602

All day London

8.45am Depart hotel by car 5.45pm

9.00am Visit to Queensland House and meet staff Venue: 392 Strand, London WC2R OLT, UK

11:00 Depart by taxi for Norton Rose

11:30am -12:30pm Meet with Mr Stephen Parish, Group Chairman, Norton Rose Venue: Norton Rose, 3 More London Riverside, SE1 2AQ

Lunch Own arrangements

3.00pm Meeting with Mr Jeremy Sinclair and Mr Bill Muirhead M&C Saatchi - Discussions on truth in political advertising laws Venue: 36 Golden Square, London WIF 9EE.

Dinner Own arrangements

Overnight: St James Hotel and Club 7-8 Park Place London SWIA lLS

.. FRIDAY,30JULY,2010 j

All day London

09:30am Queensland House - discussion with Austrade Representative and Agent-General on trade opportunities and potential markets

10:45am - 12:30 Houses of Parliament. Discussions with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and tour of Houses ofParliament

Discussions on Community Engagement

12:30pm Depart Westminster by car for Canary Wharf

1:30pm- Briefing and tour of Olympic site.

Page 10 3:30pm - Alison Nimmo, Director ofDesign and Regeneration, aDA

Venue: 1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf

Overnight: St James Hotel and Club 7-8 Park Place London SW1A 1LS Ph: 0011 44-20-73161600 Fax: 0015 44-20-7316 1602

9:00am Depart hotel by car for LHR

11.55am Depart London Singapore Airlines SQ317 for Singapore .~:~?Pt?~

9.55am Depart Singapore SQ245 for Brisbane 11.55am

7.30pm Arrive Brisbane

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